malvino chapter 1-5 (p1-14)

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Electronics book




Electronics Principle By Malvino



1)A rule that relates quantities.


2)Are formulas that a researcher creates and based on scientific observation.


3)It summarizes a relationship that already exists in nature.


4)A formula that we can get other formulas.


5)Sometimes called the first approximation, is the simplest approximation equivalent circuit for a device.

First Approximation

6)Adds one or more components to the ideal approximation.

Second Approximation

7)Produces a load that is constant.

Ideal dc Voltage Source

8)Produces a constant load current for different load resistances.

dc Current Source

9)A current source whose internal resistance is at least 100 times larger than the load resistance.

Stiff Current Source

10)A statement that we can prove mathematically.


11)Defined as the resistance that an ohmmeter measures across the load terminals.

Thevenin Resistance

12)Defined as the load current when the load resistor is shorted.

Norton Current IN

13)It states that for any theorem in electrical circuit analysis there is a dual (opposite) theorem in which.

Duality Principle

14)Means finding out why a circuit is not doing what is supposed to do.


15)Two facts about an open devices:

1. the current through an

open device is zero.

2. the voltage across it is unknown

16)Two facts about a shorted devices:

1. the voltage across a shorted device is zero.

2. the current through it is unknown



1)The reason why electrons are not pulled into the nucleus.


2)It controls the electrical properties of the atom.

Valence Orbit

3)An element with electrical properties between those of a conductor and those of an insulator.


4)An example of a semiconductor and has four electrons in the valence orbit.


5)Another example of semiconductor and became the most practical in most electronics applications.


6)An orderly pattern formed when silicon atoms combined their self to form a solid.


7)A bond between the opposite cores.

Covalent Bond

8)One way to increase conductivity of a semiconductor by adding impurity atoms.


9)A doped semiconductor.

Extrinsic Semiconductor

10)It is added to molten silicon to increase the number of free electrons.

Pentavalent Atom

11)Atom with five electrons in valence orbit and also called donor impurities.

Pentavalent Atom

12)Atom with three valence electrons and also called acceptor atom.


13)Silicon that has been doped with a pentavalent impurity.

N-Type Semiconductor

14)Silicon that has been doped with a trivalent impurity.

P-Type Semiconductor

15)It is the border where the p-type and n-type regions meet.


16)Another name for pn crystal.

Junction Diode

17)The pair of positive and negative ions at the junction.


18)Charge empty region.

Depletion Region

19)The electric field between the ions is equivalent to difference of potential.

Barrier Potential

20)It is when the negative source terminal is connected to the n-type material and the positive is connected to the p-type material.

Forward Bias

21)The negative battery terminal is connected to the p side and the positive battery terminal to the n side.

Reverse Bias

22)The reverse current caused by the thermally produced minority carriers.

Saturation Current

23)The temperature of the surrounding air.

Ambient Temperature

24)The departure of the electron creates a vacancy in the valance orbit.


25)The merging of a free electron and a hole.


26)The amount of time between the creation and disappearance of a free electrons.


27)It means that we cannot get more minority-carrier current than is produced by the thermal energy.


28)A small current flows on the surface of the crystal.

Surface-Leakage Current

29)The temperature inside a diode, right at the pn junction.

Junction Temperature

30)The nucleus of a copper atom contains how many protons?


31)The net charge of a neutral copper atom.


32)How many valence electrons does a silicon atom have?


33)How many protons does the nucleus of a silicon atom contain?




1)A device where the graph of its current versus voltage is a straight line.

Linear Device

2)A device where the graph of its current versus voltage is not straight line.

Nonlinear Device

3)In the forward region, the voltage at which the current starts to increase rapidly.

Knee Voltage

4)The knee voltage of a silicon diode.

0.7 V

5)The ohmic resistance of a semiconductor material.

Bulk Resistance

6)The maximum power the diode can safely dissipate without shortening its life or degrading its properties.

Power Rating

7)A diode acts like a switch that closes when forward-biased and opens when reverse-biased.

Ideal Diode

8)It is a region where either avalanche or zener effects occurs.

Breakdown Region

9)The maximum reverse voltage a diode can withstand before avalanche or the zener effect occurs.

Breakdown Voltage

10)The maximum rating specified in the data sheet.

Safety Factor

11)A tool used to find the exact value of a diode current and voltage.

Load Line

12)In load line, this point represents maximum current.


13)This point represents the minimum current minimum current.


14)It represents a simultaneous solution between the diode curve and load line.

Q Point

15)The knee voltage of a diode is approximately equal to the.

Barrier Potential



1)Electronic device that converts the ac input voltage to an almost perfect dc output voltage.

Power Supply Rectifiers

2)A rectifier with only one diode in series with the load resistor.

Half-Wave Rectifier

3)A transformer thatwill produce a secondary voltage that is higher than a primary.


4)A transformer that will produce a secondary voltage that is smaller than the primary.


5)A rectifier that is equivalent to two half-wave rectifiers.

Full-Wave Rectifier

6)Type of rectifier circuit that has four diode, two of which are conducting at the same time.

Bridge Rectifer

7)Used to filter the output of a rectifier.

Choke-Input Filter

8)It states that, if you have two or more sources, you can analyze the circuit for each source separately and then add the individual voltages to get the total voltage.

Super Position Theorem

9)The fluctuation in load voltage caused by the charging and the discharging of capacitor input filter.


10)A regulator that uses a transistor that switches between saturation and cut-off.

Switching Regulator

11)A filter that produce a dc output voltage equal to the peak value of the rectified voltage.

Capacitor-Input Filter

12)The maximum voltage across the non-conducting diode of a rectifier.

Peak Inverse Voltage

13)The initial rush of current when the power is turned on.

Surge Current

14)This device not only reduces the ripple, it also holds the output voltage constant.

IC Voltage Regulator

15)The diodes used in low-frequency power supplies.

Rectifier Diodes

16)This diodes are optimized for use at high frequencies and have power ratings less than 0.5W.

Small-Signal Diodes

17)A circuit that removes either positive or negative parts of a wave form.


18)The circuit removes all the positive parts of the input signal.

Positive Clipper

19)The series resistance must be 100 times greater than bulk resistance and 100 times smaller than the load resistance.

Stiff Clipper

20)The circuit removes all the negative parts of the input signal.

Negative Clipper

21)It means, applying an external voltage to change the reference level of a circuit.


22)The output signal when the input voltage is very large compared to the bias level.Square Wave

23)It adds a dc voltage to the signal.


24)The same as a rectifier with a capacitor input filter used for output voltage of the peak detector.

Peak Detector

25)Connecting two or more stages so that the output of one stage is the input to the next.

Cascaded Stage

26)A redesign of the peak-to-peak detector, it uses rectifier diodes instead of small-signal diodes.

Voltage Doubler



1)A diode designed to operate in reverse break over with a very stable voltage drop.

Zener Diode

2)Three regions where a zener diode can operate:




3)As long as the reverse current is less than _________ the diode is operating with the safe range.


4)Referred as bulk resistance in the reverse region.

Zener Resistance

5)Also called voltage regulator diode.

Zener Diode

6)Circuit used when you want a dc output voltage that is less than the output of a the power supply.

Zener Regulator

7)Sometimes called high-field emission, this occurs when the intensity of the electric field becomes high enough to dislodge valence electrons in reverse biased diode.

Zener Effect

8)The breakdown voltage of a zener diode.

Zener Voltage

9)It is defined as the change in breakdown voltage per degree of increase of temperature.

Temperature Coefficient

10)The zener regulation is approaching a dropout or failure condition when zener current is.

Near Zero

11)The power rating usually include in the data sheet where diode can handle without exceeding.Maximum Current

12)Also include in the data sheet tells you how much you have to reduce the power rating of a device.

Derating Factor

13)The technology that combines optics and electronics.


14)Resistor that prevents the current from exceeding the maximum current rating of the diode.

Current-Limiting Resistor

15)The brightness of an LED depends on the _________.


16)It contains seven rectangular LEDs.

Seven-Segment Display

17)The seven-segment indicator were all anode are connected together.

Common-Anode Type

18)The seven-segment indicator were all cathode are connected together.

Common-Cathode Type

19)A reversed-biased diode that is sensitive to incoming light.


20)A combination of LED and photo-diode, an input signal to the LED is converted to varying light which is detected by the photodiode.


21)Light that has many different phases.

Non-coherent Light

22)A diode that produce a coherent light.Laser Diode

23)This means that all the light wave is in-phase with each other.Coherent Light

24)Analogous to a stranded wire cable, except that the strands are thin flexible fibers of glass or plastic that transmit light beams instead of free electrons.

Fiber-Optic Cable

25)The temporary storage of free electrons in the upper energy band and holes n the lower energy band.

Charge Storage

26)The time it takes to turn off a forward-biased diode.

Reverse Recovery Time

27)A special-purpose diode with no depletion layer, extremely short reverse recovery time, and ability to rectify high-frequency signals.

Schottky Diode

28)A diode optimized for a reverse capacitance, the larger the reverse voltage, the smaller the capacitance.


29)The frequency of a lead-lag circuit or the frequency of an LC tank circuit where the voltage gain and phase shift are suitable for oscillation.

Resonant Frequency

30)A device acts like two back-to-back zener diodes, used across he primary winding of a power transformer to prevent line spikes from entering the equipment.


31)These device keep the current through them fixed when the voltage changes.

Current-Regulator Diodes

32)A diode conducts reverse current for a while and then suddenly snaps open.

Snap Diode

33)Multiple input frequency.


34)A diode that conducts better in the reverse than in the forward directions.

Back Diode

35)This type of diode exhibits a phenomenon known as negative resistance.

Tunnel Diode

36)This means that an increase in forward voltage produces a decrease in forward current.

Negative Resistance

37)The negative resistance of a tunnel diode is useful in high-frequency circuits called.
