managed services for b2b - liaison


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Managed Services for B2BExpEriEncE savings, grEatEr

flExibility and fastEr

on-boarding with liaison

Key Benefits

• Extended collaboration

with customers and

business partners

• Data validation and functional acknowledgement reconciliation – liaison confirms standard and custom schema-based xMl and flat files, format and data validation via configurable exception processes.

• State-of-the-art, cloud-based integration platform – liaison Managed services for b2b rely on a powerful, highly available cloud-based platform that provides immediate connectivity to our customers around the world.

• High availability and disaster recovery – our service and integration platform are supported by top-tier, fully redundant data centers. we offer disaster recovery, data archiving and backup to meet all customer requirements.

• Global support across all industries – liaison supports proprietary and standards-based message formats and communication. we offer in-stream translation between any structured data file format such as Edi, xMl or flat files and transmit over protocols such as as2, soap, ftp, ftp/s, sap/alE, MQ series, http/s, rnif and more.

• Advanced workflow and Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) – our workflow-based choreography includes exception management and user intervention, and our advanced dashboard provides detailed and strategic visibility.

• A full suite of message handling and archival services – we archive 120 days of message data online. Message handling services include advanced routing, choreography identification, advanced search identifier storage, storage/retrieval of key identifiers, unique identifier generation by customer pattern, message transformation (translation) and data transformation.

liaison’s b2b managed services are uniquely customer-focused. rather than dictate your processes, data formats and on-boarding times to fit our capabilities, we let you decide. as a result, liaison customers benefit from technology that is responsive to their business, not the other way around.

What you can expect from Liaison Managed Services for B2Bliaison Managed services for b2b are designed to enhance partner integration, process automation and end-to-end visibility. we support your revenue-critical b2b processes via a highly available cloud-based infrastructure. our flexible b2b managed service offering includes:

• B2B Integration to meet your needs – we can help you integrate with partners of all sizes, and can address specific business needs such as Edi, procurement automation, supply chain and inventory visibility and e-invoicing.

liaison Managed services for b2b (business to business) provide a cost-effective, flexible cloud-

based platform to support your business and trading partner integration requirements around the

world. collaboration, supply chains and trading partner networks can require complex coordination

across a growing number of message formats and transport options. as a result, many companies

are turning to liaison for trusted expertise in b2b integration data standards across Edi, xMl and

proprietary formats. our expert resources tailor fully managed integration services to meet your needs,

backed by industry-leading service level agreements (slas) and a state-of-the-art cloud-based platform.

• Improved process

automation and

end-to-end visibility

• Reduced B2B operating

costs as business

partners increase

liaison Managed services for b2b

Why Liaison Managed Services for B2B?built on a state-of-the-art integration platform, liaison’s b2b managed services stand apart from other offerings based on:


your business and your trading partners are unique. rather than dictate turn-around times for on-boarding new partners, liaison lets you specify the need for speed. strong expertise in data translation, message formats and standards enable us to on-board new partners and customers rapidly.


improved process automation directly affects the bottom line. the liaison Enterprise navigation system (lEns) affords powerful visibility with role-based, customizable dashboard views of your b2b integration traffic and the lifecycle of all your transactions. both strategic and technical users can use lEns to monitor transactions and processes, ensure data quality and compliance, and run reports.


liaison services north american customers with a 100 percent U.s. based pool of support and delivery resources. our experienced b2b professionals have practical, hands-on knowledge of a variety of data standards, trading partner requirements and b2b integration technologies to help you achieve easier, faster, more affordable and accurate b2b collaboration.



with strong expertise in data transformation and translation, liaison can complete your service implementation much faster than other providers. our unique, patent-pending data mapping technology not only makes translation much faster, it also makes your data maps portable to run on any platform. liaison can perform any-to-any data format translation and supports diverse standards such as ansi x.12, Edifact, tradacoms, rosettanet, ebxMl, odette, swift and vics.

StROnG, cuStOMER-cEntRIc


liaison’s slas are among the strongest in the industry with guaranteed monitoring, uptime and availability. our approach to service is entirely customer-centric and our slas can be customized to meet your business collaboration requirements. liaison offers global 24x7x365 customer support.

partner with us for better service and Managed services for b2b strives to enhance your trading partner collaboration with both suppliers and customers, so your internal resources can focus where you need them most. our approach combines a state-of-the-art integration platform with seasoned b2b specialists and customizable, flexible service options to meet your unique business needs.

We Know

B2B Integration

• More than 10 years of

proven B2B experience

• Ranked by Gartner as

one of the leading B2B

integration service


• $250 million investment in our state-of-the-art, cloud-based, global infrastructure

• More than 7,000

customers in 80 countries

• 24x7x365 support in 150


• Expertise in SAp, Oracle

and all popular ERp


• pre-existing connections

to 75,000 trading partners

• A2A integration expertise

with internal ERp

middleware connections

United Kingdom +44 (0) 1425 200620

Finland +358 (0)10 3060 900

The Netherlands +31 (0) 20 700 9350

Sweden +46 708102213

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