managing career with bepza1

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  • 8/16/2019 Managing Career With BEPZA1



    Focus on career, not merely the job" is the mantra for successful

    employers and employees. Managing Career with Bangladesh Export

    rocessing !one s #uthority $BE !#%, which pro&ides institutional support

    to the potential business entrepreneurs, is rather interesting. 'here was

    time when employment with a reputed go&ernment, semi(go&ernment and

    autonomous institution li)e BE !# actually meant life long employment.

    'he officials of BE !# ascended the hierarchy with age. 'he terms li)e

    career planning and career de&elopment in fact meant timely promotions.

    Career progression, largely was a function of experience in a job.

    Employees reciprocated the life long employment offer of organi*ation

    with total commitment for the organi*ation. 'hereafter it was simply a

    matter of time, performance and politically positioning oneself to be at the

    right place at right time to go up the ladder. 'here was hardly anything for

    indi&iduals to thin) beyond the job they were doing as career &ery nearly

    meant the job.

    +ow managing career in an organi*ation li)e BE !# has been dramatically

    changed. E&en when an indi&idual as maintenance engineer has post

    bloc) for further promotion, he may either earn an MB# or rele&ant degree

    from reputed educational institution for higher post in other cadre or

    change his jobs with &arious process industries and maintenance ser&ice

    pro&iders, he is still pursuing a career in maintenance management. n

    fact the career plans that an indi&idual nurtures in BE !# determine the

    )ind of jobs he ta)es up.

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    1.1: Scope of this document

    'his term paper describes the Managing Careers in Bangladesh Export

    rocessing !one s #uthority $BE !#% and also the job description of my


    1. : O!"ecti#es:

    'he objecti&es of this report are as follows-i% 'o get an idea about the career management in BE !#.

    ii% 'o find out who is responsible in managing career.

    iii% 'o identify se&eral suggestions that can help to manage career

    more effecti&ely.

    i&% 'o get idea why career de&elopment is &aluable to organi*ations.

    &% 'o pro&ide a practical example of career management.&i% 'o encourage moti&ation and commitment of employees, as well

    as creating a learning culture/ at BE !#

    1.$: Methodo%o&':

    used the following methods to get the data re0uired to use in this report.

    i% Text book : 1e ha&e collected the primary data about managingcareers from text boo)s.

    ii% BEPZA : #s being in&ol&ed in the Engineering 2ept. of #damjee

    E !, BE !#, we recei&ed the internal data from that office.

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    iii% Online Search - 1e ha&e collected more information about

    managing careers in the internet.

    1.(: )imit*tions:

    1e ha&e faced some obstacle in writing this report. 'he main limitations of

    this report are stated below-

    i%Time constraint:

    2ue to time constraint we could not go through more boo)s for

    ad&ance reading.

    ii%Confidentiality of BEPZA:

    1e could not mention the internal policy of BE !# due to

    confidentiality. 3o, we ha&e mentioned those data which are not so

    confidential for this organi*ation.

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    .1: ,h*t is * C*-ee-


    # career is a se0uence of jobs or positions occupied by an indi&idual

    during a course of time. Career is the speciali*ation in a profession which

    continues to progress in spite of changes in jobs.

    'herefore career includes-•

    attern of wor)(related experiences that span the course of aperson s life.

    • 4eflects any wor), paid or unpaid.

    • Broad definition helpful in today s wor) en&ironment where

    employees and organi*ations ha&e di&erse needs.

    Indi#idu*% #e-sus O-&*ni/*tion*% 0e-specti#e

    • Or ani!ational career "lannin - 2e&eloping career ladders,

    trac)ing careers, pro&iding opportunities for de&elopment.

    • #ndi$id%al career de$elo"ment - 5elping employees identify their

    goals and steps to achie&e them.

    C*-ee- De#e%opment #e-sus Emp%o'ee De#e%opment

    • Career de&elopment loo)s at the long(term career effecti&eness and

    success of organi*ational personnel.

    • Employee training and de&elopment focuses on performance in the

    immediate or intermediate time frames.

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    V*%ue fo- the O-&*ni/*tion

    • Ensures needed talent will be a&ailable.

    mpro&es the organi*ation6s ability to attract and retain talentedemployees.

    • Ensures that minorities and women get opportunities for growth and


    • 4educes employee frustration.

    • Enhances cultural di&ersity.

    • romotes organi*ational goodwill.

    V*%ue fo- the Indi#idu*%

    • ndi&iduals external career success is measured by criteria such as

    progression up the hierarchy, type of occupation, long(term

    commitment, and income.

    • #nternal career success is measured by the meaningfulness of one s

    wor) and achie&ement of personal life goals.

    Mento-in& and Co*chin&

    • Effecti&e coaches gi&e guidance through direction, ad&ice, criticism,

    and suggestion in an attempt to aid the employee s growth.

    • &entors are typically senior(le&el employees who-

    o support younger employees by &ouching for them

    o answering for them in the highest circles/

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    o trying out different fields

    o disco&ering li)es and disli)es

    o forming attitudes toward wor) and social relationship patterns


    • ncludes-

    o search for wor)

    o getting first job

    o getting e&idence of success/ or failure/

    • 'a)es time and energy to find a niche/ and to ma)e your mar)/.


    • Challenged to remain producti&e at wor).

    • Employee may-

    o continue to grow

    o plateau $stay competent but not ambitious%

    o deteriorate

    )*te c*-ee-

    • 3uccessful elder states persons/ can enjoy being respected for their

    judgment. 7ood resource for teaching others.

    • 'hose who ha&e declined may experience job insecurity.

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    • Platea%in is expected8 life off the job increases in importance.

    Dec%ine 3)*te St*&e4

    • May be most difficult for those who were most successful at earlier


    • 'oday s longer life spans and legal protections for older wor)ers

    open the possibility for continued wor) contributions, either paid or


    .$: Enh*ncin& You- C*-ee-

    'he indi&idual holds primary responsibility for his9her career. 3uggestions

    on how to do that are-

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    Export rocessing !ones. 'he primary objecti&es of an E ! are to pro&ide

    special areas where potential in&estors would find a congenial in&estment

    climate, free from cumbersome procedures.

    $. : M*"o- 5unctions of 6E07+:

    'he functions that are being performed by BE !# can be di&ided into four

    broad categories- $a% functions related to infrastructure, basic ser&ices

    $electricity, gas, water, telephone, ban)ing etc.% and customs related

    support8 $b% assistance in performing the procedures for setting up

    industries and also the setting up of principles for preferential industries8

    $c% underta)ing promotional steps to attract foreign, as well as local,

    in&estment8 and $d% to wor) with companies to reform and readjust the

    ser&ices as necessary.

    $.$: Responsi!i%it' of 6E07+ fo- c*-ee- de#e%opment:

    'he main responsibility is to build employee self(reliance and to help

    employees maintain their mar)etability through continual learning. #lso

    pro&ides support to the employees that include-

    Communic*tin& c%e*-%' 6E07+8s &o*%s: 'his better help the employees

    to de&elop personal plan to share in that future.

    C-e*tin& &-o9th oppo-tunities: 'he success stories of E !s formed to

    be closely associated with the physical facilities pro&ided by them to the

    potential in&estors. 'herefore employees of BE !# are always ha&ing the

    opportunities for new, interesting and professionally challenging wor)


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    Offe-in& fin*nci*% *ssist*nce: Besides house loan and car loan, BE !#

    also pro&ide financial assistance for medical treatment from BE !#

    1elfare Fund. BE !# also pro&ides loan against pro&ident fund. 'hese

    financial assistance help employees to sol&e &arious problems.

    0-o#idin& the time fo- emp%o'ees to %e*-n: BE !# arranges both local

    and foreign trainings either by own fund or using fund sanctioned by

    1orld Ban) under reimbursable project aid $4 #%. 'hese trainings are &ery

    useful for de&elopment of s)ills abilities and )nowledge of employees.

    $.(: Mento-in& *nd co*chin&:

    Mentoring and coaching align indi&iduals to the company &alues and

    pro&ide informal guidance about building career within the organi*ation.

    Mentors here are experienced cowor)ers and senior executi&es who

    &olunteer their time to help new employees at BE !#. Mentors are trained

    to pro&ide ad&ice, information, direction and support to employees.

    $. : Institution*% pe-fo-m*nce of 6E07+:

    =uality and capacity of bureaucracy is one of the )ey factors for

    determining institutional performance. Based on the wor) of E&ans and

    4auch $>???%, concerning the three )ey ingredients of effecti&e

    bureaucracy, BE !# 0ualifies on at least two of them- meritocratic

    recruitment and career stability.

    5owe&er, BE !# follows the regular promotional system, li)e the central

    bureaucratic system, which is not based on strict performance appraisal

    and in some cases is utterly anomalous. #lso, BE !# employees recei&e

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    regular go&ernment pay scale pac)age, which is less competiti&e than the

    pri&ate sector.

    @i)e other go&ernment organi*ation, Ann%al Confidential )e"ort *AC)+

    is the only means of e&aluating employees. # scanned format of +CR used

    for appraisal of employees is gi&en below.

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    3ince impro&ement in ser&ice 0uality has a considerable impact on future

    increases in foreign in&estment A which has ample benefits for local

    economies and also effects considerable increases in BE !# s earnings A

    the introduction of a competiti&e pac)age, lin)ed with effecti&e

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    performance appraisal, could increase the producti&ity of BE !#

    employees and therefore enhance the institutional performance noticeably.

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    SECTION ,M+N+;IN; C+REERS #- 6E07+

    $.1: M*n*&in& C*-ee-:Careers now are &ery different than they were in the last century.

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    romotion etc. 'hese training programs enrich the Dnowledge and s)ills of

    employees and de&elop leadership s)ills

    6e inno#*ti#e:

    nno&ation is about ma)ing changes and impro&ements to the way things

    are done. t s de&eloping a new idea or a new use for an old idea that will

    add &alue. t is a s)ill in&ol&ing acti&ely scouting the future generating

    new ideas, choosing the best, rapidly implementing them and then

    learning the lessons from successes and failures in order to begin again.

    Being inno&ati&e enables you to-

    • 'hin) outside the s0uare

    • +ot change, but create what isn t

    • Be more adaptable to the changing world

    • @earn to manage your own career

    nno&ation is a s)ill highly regarded by employers and if you can pro&eyou ha&e these s)ills it ma)es you more employable. E&eryone can

    de&elop and learn it.

    BE !# arranges nno&ation wor)shops for officials. E&ery year many

    people ta)e part these local or international wor)shops to de&elop their

    s)ills and abilities.

    M*n*&e c*-ee- ch*n&e:

    n the >st century, it is no longer the norm to choose an occupation, train

    and then wor) in it for the rest of one s life. 7lobal changes are constantly

    shaping wor), education, family and society and we as indi&iduals also

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    change as we de&elop. 3ometimes we choose to ma)e changes and other

    times, circumstances beyond our control change our situation.

    Many changes, particularly those that ha&e been imposed on us are not

    easy, but they can be rewarding. our attitude will determine how you

    experience the result of change.

    'o help you practice planned happenstance in the wor)place, here are

    some things you can do-

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    and fulfill your career goals at the same time as meeting the needs of your

    employer. Consider the following-

    • 3ee) out training and professional de&elopment opportunities with

    your current employer

    • Find a mentor, build your networ)s and listen to ad&ice

    • n partnership with your manager, change the content of your

    current job through reconfiguring responsibilities ( this will enable

    you to ta)e on new challenges, not necessarily for more income, but

    for satisfaction and expanding your portfolio of s)ills

    • @oo) for opportunities for promotion within the organi*ation

    #ssess your role and situation periodically. s this wor)ing for you @oo)

    out for critical signs along the way. #s) yourself the following 0uestions-

    • 2o my employer and &iew my performance in a positi&e way

    2o my &alues match this organi*ation and am happy with theirfuture direction

    • #re my s)ills and competencies being used to their best ad&antage

    BE !# pro&ides supports necessary for employees to de&elop their

    careers. Employees may utili*e these facilities without any barrier. 'o

    impro&e present s)ills or o&ercome negati&e impression regarding

    performance, the employees may search the route cause and discuss the

    matter with their cowor)ers and senior executi&es to o&ercome the

    problems. Besides, BE !# patroni*es &arious training programs which are

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    3ome of the challen in "ro/ects are as follows-

    -orthern Area Po$erty )ed%ction #nitiati$e *-A)#+ Pro/ect:

    $+#4 % roject is a pilot program to assess the applicability of certain

    alternati&e approaches to po&erty reduction and women empowerment to

    facilitate access to employment opportunities in the garment and other

    sectors for poor and &ulnerable women from lagging areas of Bangladesh.

    'he project is funded by the 1orld Ban). #s part of the project, it has

    been planned to construct 2ormitory and 'raining Centers $2'C% in

    designated areas close to 2ha)a E !, Darnaphuli E ! and shwardi E !

    areas. 'hese facilities in each location will be used by H;; women at a

    time. roper training will be imparted to facilitate entry in the rele&ant


    Central Effl%ent Treatment Plant at 0haka EPZ %nder PPP:

    2(1#'E4 C.E.'. . EC

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    ac0uired in a ta)eo&er. 5ope for the best but be prepared for the worst/

    may be clichJ, but it s still not bad ad&ice.

    BE !# pro&ides all necessary supports for those who are in&ol&ed in

    challenging projects to execute c ontin ency "lans to meet the crisis


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