managing machine learning

Managing Machine Learning David Murgatroyd - VP, Engineering @dmurga

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Page 1: Managing machine learning

Managing Machine LearningDavid Murgatroyd - VP, Engineering @dmurga

Page 2: Managing machine learning
Page 3: Managing machine learning


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Problem: I can’t fully specify the behavior I want.

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Problem: I can’t fully specify the behavior I want.Solution: Machine Learning

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Where does machine learning fit in the technology universe?


... a star of the Data Science orchestra. - John Mount, Win-Vector


... the new algorithms ... at the heart of most of what computer science does.

- Hal Daumé III, U. Maryland Professor

Last Resort

… for cases when the desired behavior cannot be effectively expressed in software logic without dependency on external data.

- D. Sculley et al., Google


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Where does machine learning fit in developing technology?


Stuff to do Demonstrable ValueStuff to do now

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How does machine learning affect value demonstration?

Distill business goal into a repeatable,

balanced metric.

Measure on the most representative data you

can get.

Distinguish intrinsic errors from

implementation bugs.

Let your customer override the model when

they absolutely must get some answer.


Demonstrable Value

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Distill business goal into a repeatable, balanced metric.


Demonstrable Value

Business goals in our example:

● fewer incorrect candidates sent to

analysts for review

● no increased volume of work for


● confidence to help analysts prioritize

Example metric: area under an error trade-off

curve based on confidence, constrained to

max volume. Sometimes called an ‘overall

evaluation criteria’ (OEC).

Note that the more skewed the OEC (e.g., if #

of positives varies by day and season) the

more samples are required to be sure of

statistical significance.

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Measure on the most representative data you can get.


Demonstrable Value

Considerations when selecting data:

● online v offline: A/B test in production with

feature flags (one or two variables at a time,

agile-y) vs. stable data set

● implicit v explicit: implicit can correlate

more with value but omits unseen states

● broad v targeted: if explicitly annotating

consider targeting based on diagnostic

value or where systems disagree

Resist the temptation to ‘clean’ data -- you may

kill it. Instead include normalization in your


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Distinguish intrinsic errors from implementation bugs.


Demonstrable Value


● Error: incorrect output from a model

despite the model being correctly


● Bug: incorrect implementation, doing

something other than what was


Useful to manage expectations about quality

and effort required to improve/fix.

Providing an explanation for output can help

make this distinction. Bug Error

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Let your customer override the model when they absolutely must get some answer.


Demonstrable Value

Varieties of overrides:

● Always give this answer.

● Never give this answer.

Can apply for sub-models or overall.

Beware of potential toward ‘whack a mole’.

Feel sad every time they use it.

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Where does machine learning fit in developing technology?


Stuff to do Demonstrable ValueStuff to do now

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How does machine learning affect team organization?


Machine Learning Expert

Spectrum of options between:

Integrate machine learning expertise in every

team that needs it.

Separate it in an independent, specialist


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Option 1: integrated teams with cross-team interest groups


Encourages alignment with

business goals.

Challenges machine learning

collaboration, depth and reuse.

Best for small, diverse products.

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Option 2: independent machine learning team delivering models


Encourages machine learning

collaboration, depth and reuse.

Challenges alignment with

business goals.

Best for products with large, complex model(s).

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How does machine learning affect iteration structure?


Pros for shorter:

● More simple experiments are better

than fewer complex ones

● The value of machine learning leads to

high cost of delay

Pros for longer:

● Innovation takes deep thinking

● More time to control technical debt


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Where does machine learning fit in developing technology?


Stuff to do Demonstrable ValueStuff to do now

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How does machine learning affect chunks of work?

Focus on experiments following the

scientific-method: hypothesis, measurement

and error analysis.

Continuously test for regression versus

expected measurements.

Decouple functional tests from model



Stuff to do now

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Focus on experiments with hypothesis, measurement and analysis.


Stuff to do now

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Continuously test for regression versus expected measurements.


Stuff to do now

With machine learning’s dependence on data

changing anything changes everything. This

makes it the “high-interest credit card of

technical debt”.

Determine what’s a significant change,

including looking at aggregate effect across

different data sets.

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Decouple functional tests from model variations.


Stuff to do now


Black-box style: enforce “can’t be wrong”

(“earmark”) input/output pairs. Might lead to

spurious test failures.

Clear-box style: use a mock implementation

of the model that produces expected answers.

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Decouple functional tests from model variations.


Stuff to do now


Black-box style: ensure “can’t be wrong”

(“earmark”) input/output pairs. Might lead to

spurious test failures.

Clear-box style: use a mock implementation

of the model that produces expected answers.

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Decouple functional tests from model variations.


Stuff to do now


Black-box style: ensure “can’t be wrong”

(“earmark”) input/output pairs. Might lead to

spurious test failures.

Clear-box style: use a mock implementation

of the model that produces expected answers.


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Where does machine learning fit in developing technology?


Stuff to do Demonstrable ValueStuff to do now

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How does machine learning affect prioritization?


Stuff to do

Do we need more training data?

Do we need a richer representation of our


Do we need a combination of models?

How much could improving a sub-component

of the model help?

What development milestones should we


Page 28: Managing machine learning

Do we need more training data?


Stuff to do

The learning curve implies adding training

data should bring down the test error closer

to the desired level.

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Do we need a richer representation of our data?


Stuff to do

The learning curve implies adding data won’t

help but a richer data representation may.

Could be more features identified by

someone with domain expertise analyzing

errors. Though remember more features

often means less speed.

Could require a new model if the domain

information identified is not representable in

the existing one.

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Do we need a combination of models?


Stuff to do

The learning curve implies the model is

overfitting the training set.

Consider training multiple models on random

subsets of the data and combine them at

runtime to decrease the variance while

retaining a low bias. Presuming you can spend

the compute.

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How much could improving a sub-component of the model help?


Stuff to do

Build an ‘oracle’ for the sub-component --

something that takes perfect output from


Annotate to get that perfect output on some

test data to feed the oracle.

Measure the overall system with the oracle

turned on.

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What development milestones should we target?


Stuff to do

Make it…

● Glued-together with some rules


● Function (Alpha)

● Measurable & inspectable (early Beta)

● Accurate, not slow, nice demo,

documented & configurable (late Beta)

● Simple & fast (GA)

● Handle new kinds of input (post-GA)

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Stuff to do Demonstrable ValueStuff to do now

Suggested questions:

Say more about integrating domain expertise?

Say more about online vs. offline testing?

How to manage acquiring data?

How to recruit machine learning folks?

What bad habits can ML enable?

Where can I try your stuff?

You hiring? Yes -


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Appendix @dmurga

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Manage Technical Debt


Data is even less visible than code -- blurs boundaries.

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Recruiting machine learning experts



◦ expertise in sequence models > in domain

◦ depth in specific model > breadth over many

where to find them

◦ local network: meet-ups, LinkedIn

◦ academic conferences

◦ communities (e.g., Kaggle, users of ML tools)

how to attract them

◦ explain purpose & uniqueness of the problem

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Online vs. offline evaluation


Online (e.g., A/B)

● Individual decisions need to not be mission critical● Enough use to get sufficient statistics in short time● Helps motivate aligning production and development environments● If the model is updated online, validate it against offline data periodically to

watch out for drift● Usually focused on extrinsic or distant measures


● Always have some of this to for long-term protection against regression● May be required for intrinsic measurement

Page 38: Managing machine learning


Epistemology Exact sciences

Experimental sciences

Engineering Art

Example ... Theoretical C.S. Physics Software Management

Deals with ... Theorems Theories Artifacts People

Truth is ... Forever Temporary “It works” In the eye of the beholder

Parts of machine learning fit all four...

Learning theory Model & measure

Systems Users

This is great, as long as we don’t confuse one kind of work for another.(This table is an expansion of one in Bottou’s ICML 2015 talk.)