manufacturing and international trade report - … and international trade report values in the...

Page 1 Manufacturing and International Trade Report Values in the Manufacturing and International Trade Report (MITR) are based on manufacturing data from the 2015 Annual Survey of Manufactures and administrative records from official U.S. import and export merchandise trade statistics. Manufacturing data for 2014 supersede the data that were previously published in the 2014 Manufacturing and International Trade Report. Data users who create their own estimates using data from this report should cite the Census Bureau as the source of the original data only. Data Comparability Import and export data are classified using 10-digit commodity codes based on the Harmonized System. For this release, a concordance is used to map these import and export commodity codes to 7-digit NAICS-based Product Class Codes that are used in the Economic Census and the Annual Survey of Manufactures. Where a commodity code could be mapped to more than one 7-digit NAICS-based Product Class Code, a forced concordance is used to map the commodity code to a higher-level aggregate NAICS-based Product Code, based primarily on product value and agreed upon by subject matter experts. The 2015 MITR Concordance file may be found at: MITR Concordance.xls For a given NAICS-based Product Code, the Value of Product Shipments may be lower than the Domestic Export Value of Goods. This may occur for several possible reasons, including the following. First, the Domestic Export Value of Goods is not limited to manufacturers and may include exports from individuals and other business establishments, such as retailers and wholesalers. Second, there may be a lag between when a given product was manufactured and when it was exported, which may occur when a finished good is exported from an establishment's inventories. Third, the Domestic Export Value of Goods is actually the value at the U.S. seaport, airport or border port of export, based on the transaction price, which includes inland freight, insurance, and other charges incurred in placing the merchandise alongside the carrier at the U.S. port of exportation. Fourth, if a foreign good was imported and improved in value, the finished good would be considered domestic when exported, and its value would represent the transaction value (not just the value of the domestic value added). Confidentiality The Census Bureau has suppressed some data in this release to protect confidentiality. Title 13 United States Code, Section 9, prohibits the Census Bureau from publishing results in which an individual's or business' data can be identified. For more information on how the Census Bureau protects the confidentiality of data, see the disclosure limitation topics listed below as appropriate. Disclosure Limitation Disclosure limitation is the process for protecting the confidentiality of data. A disclosure of data occurs when published statistical information identifies either an individual or business that has provided information under a pledge of confidentiality. The techniques used by the Census Bureau to protect confidentiality in tabulations vary, depending on the type of data. Data in this release that are withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual companies are denoted with a 'D'. When appropriate, these data may be included in higher level totals unless disclosure also exists at the 6-digit NAICS-based Product Code. Reliability of the Data The data presented in this report are subject to nonsampling error. Nonsampling error can be attributed to many sources that include inability to identify all cases in the population; definition and classification difficulties; differences in respondents' interpretation of questions; errors in recording or coding the data collected; and other errors of collection, response, coverage, processing, and estimation for missing or misreported data. These errors may occur for a sample survey or a census. Most of the important operational errors were detected and corrected during the course of reviewing data for reasonableness and consistency. Though nonsampling error is not measured directly, quality control procedures are employed throughout the survey process to minimize this type of error.

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Page 1

Manufacturing and International Trade Report

Values in the Manufacturing and International Trade Report (MITR) are based on manufacturing data from the 2015 Annual Survey of Manufactures and administrative records from official U.S. import and export merchandise trade statistics. Manufacturing data for 2014 supersede the data that were previously published in the 2014 Manufacturing and International Trade Report. Data users who create their own estimates using data from this report should cite the Census Bureau as the source of the original data only.

Data Comparability

Import and export data are classified using 10-digit commodity codes based on the Harmonized System. For this release, a concordance is used to map these import and export commodity codes to 7-digit NAICS-based Product Class Codes that are used in the Economic Census and the Annual Survey of Manufactures. Where a commodity code could be mapped to more than one 7-digit NAICS-based Product Class Code, a forced concordance is used to map the commodity code to a higher-level aggregate NAICS-based Product Code, based primarily on product value and agreed upon by subject matter experts. The 2015 MITR Concordance file may be found at: MITR Concordance.xls

For a given NAICS-based Product Code, the Value of Product Shipments may be lower than the Domestic Export Value of Goods. This may occur for several possible reasons, including the following. First, the Domestic Export Value of Goods is not limited to manufacturers and may include exports from individuals and other business establishments, such as retailers and wholesalers. Second, there may be a lag between when a given product was manufactured and when it was exported, which may occur when a finished good is exported from an establishment's inventories. Third, the Domestic Export Value of Goods is actually the value at the U.S. seaport, airport or border port of export, based on the transaction price, which includes inland freight, insurance, and other charges incurred in placing the merchandise alongside the carrier at the U.S. port of exportation. Fourth, if a foreign good was imported and improved in value, the finished good would be considered domestic when exported, and its value would represent the transaction value (not just the value of the domestic value added).


The Census Bureau has suppressed some data in this release to protect confidentiality. Title 13 United States Code, Section 9, prohibits the Census Bureau from publishing results in which an individual's or business' data can be identified. For more information on how the Census Bureau protects the confidentiality of data, see the disclosure limitation topics listed below as appropriate.

Disclosure Limitation

Disclosure limitation is the process for protecting the confidentiality of data. A disclosure of data occurs when published statistical information identifies either an individual or business that has provided information under a pledge of confidentiality. The techniques used by the Census Bureau to protect confidentiality in tabulations vary, depending on the type of data. Data in this release that are withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual companies are denoted with a 'D'. When appropriate, these data may be included in higher level totals unless disclosure also exists at the 6-digit NAICS-based Product Code.

Reliability of the Data

The data presented in this report are subject to nonsampling error. Nonsampling error can be attributed to many sources that include inability to identify all cases in the population; definition and classification difficulties; differences in respondents' interpretation of questions; errors in recording or coding the data collected; and other errors of collection, response, coverage, processing, and estimation for missing or misreported data. These errors may occur for a sample survey or a census. Most of the important operational errors were detected and corrected during the course of reviewing data for reasonableness and consistency. Though nonsampling error is not measured directly, quality control procedures are employed throughout the survey process to minimize this type of error.

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Reliability of the Data continued

The sample estimates presented in this report that are produced from the Annual Survey of Manufactures are subject to sampling error. Sampling error is the difference between estimates obtained from a sample and results theoretically obtainable from a comparable complete enumeration of the sampling frame. This error results because only a subset of the sampling frame is measured in a sample survey. For an estimate produced from the Annual Survey of Manufactures and displayed in this report, its relative standard error is displayed with the estimate and is defined as the standard error of the estimate divided by the estimate. The standard error is a measure of sampling variability that may be used to define a confidence interval about its corresponding estimate with a desired level of confidence. Only one of many possible samples was selected. If confidence intervals were constructed for each of these possible samples, then it would be expected that the percentage of confidence intervals containing the result of a complete enumeration would equal the percent of the level of confidence. For example, the interval defined by a margin of error of one standard error, in which the interval is constructed one standard error below the estimate to one standard error above the estimate, approximately yields a 68-percent confidence interval; the interval defined by a margin of error of two standard errors approximately yields a 95-percent confidence interval; and the interval defined by a margin of error of two and a half standard errors approximately yields a 99-percent confidence interval.

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Definitions of Terms


The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) provides a consistent industry classification system for economic analysis across the three North American Free Trade Agreement partners - Canada, Mexico and the United States. The structure of NAICS is hierarchical. The first two digits of the code designate the sector that represents one of 20 general categories of economic activities. The third digit designates the sub-sector, the fourth digit designates the industry group, the fifth digit designates the NAICS industry, and the sixth digit designates the national industry.

NAICS-based Product Class Codes

A detailed 7-digit NAICS-based Product Class Code combines a 6-digit NAICS-based product code with an additional seventh digit or letter that designates the product class used by the Census Bureau to identify manufactured products in the United States. An aggregate 6-digit NAICS-based Product Code consists of one or more 7-digit NAICS-based Product Class Codes.

Special NAICS-based Product Class Codes Ending in 'X' or 'XX'

The 7-digit NAICS-based Product Class Codes ending in 'X' or 'XX' represent the "undistributed" Schedule B exports and Harmonized Tariff System imports that cannot be mapped to any specific 7-digit codes, but are included in a higher level of aggregation at the 6-digit or 5-digit level. For example, commodity codes for sugar products do not differentiate between beet sugar and cane sugar. Therefore, these codes can only be mapped to the 5-digit NAICS-based product for sugar, represented by code 31131X.

Value of Product Shipments

Value of Product Shipments includes the total value of all products produced and shipped by all producers. For selected products, this can represent value of receipts, value of production, or value of work done. Industries that are published on these unique bases are separately identified in the product line description.

The manufacturing product data from the 2015 Annual Survey Manufactures that are included in the MITR can be found in Table AM1531VS101 at:

Export Values

Export values of goods are provided for both Domestic Exports and Total Exports. Total Exports is defined as the sum of Domestic and Foreign Exports. Definitions of these export values are available in the Guide to Foreign Trade Statistics, which can be found at:

Import Values

Import values of goods are provided for both General Imports and Consumption Imports. Definitions of these import values are available in the Guide to Foreign Trade Statistics, which can be found at:

Note: If the hyperlinks do not direct you to the source tables, copy and past addresses directly into your web browser.

SymbolsD: Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual companies; data are included in higher level totals where appropriate.N: Trade and/or manufacturing data are not available or the codes are not linked in the concordance.S: Withheld because estimate did not meet publication standards.A: Relative standard error is 100 percent or more.X: Not Applicables: Relative standard error is more than 40 percent and less than 100 percent (displayed as a superscript).

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Manufacturing and International Trade Report: 2015 and 2014(1)In thousands of dollars. Values are based on manufacturing data from the 2015 Annual Survey of

Manufactures and administrative records from official U.S. import and export merchandise trade statistics. (1) Data for 2014 supersede the data that were previously published in the 2014 Manufacturing and International Trade Report.

NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods311111 Dog and cat food 2015 22,409,854 1.0 1,287,219 1,280,631 737,563 737,563 311111 Dog and cat food 2014 21,325,012 1.5 1,318,559 1,300,649 666,767 666,767 3111111 Dog food 2015 15,077,243 1.4 N N N N 3111111 Dog food 2014 14,872,310 2.1 N N N N 3111114 Cat food 2015 6,723,397 0.8 N N N N 3111114 Cat food 2014 5,865,540 0.9 N N N N 311111W Dog and cat food, nsk, total 2015 609,214 0.5 N N N N 311111W Dog and cat food, nsk, total 2014 587,162 0.5 N N N N 311111X Undistributed dog and cat food 2015 N X 1,287,219 1,280,631 737,563 737,563 311111X Undistributed dog and cat food 2014 N X 1,318,559 1,300,649 666,767 666,767 311119 Other animal food 2015 32,846,154 0.8 1,517,848 1,511,357 632,924 632,886 311119 Other animal food 2014 33,981,853 0.7 1,646,795 1,632,818 594,610 597,859 3111191 Chicken and turkey feed, supplements, concentrates, and premixes 2015 11,760,287 1.0 N N N N 3111191 Chicken and turkey feed, supplements, concentrates, and premixes 2014 11,875,183 0.8 N N N N 3111195 Complete dairy cattle feed, supplements, concentrates, and premixes 2015 5,523,491 1.7 21,344 21,324 19,101 19,101 3111195 Complete dairy cattle feed, supplements, concentrates, and premixes 2014 6,319,284 1.4 32,603 32,603 17,685 17,685 311119B Complete swine feed, supplements, concentrates, and premixes 2015 3,752,964 4.4 N N 20,970 20,970 311119B Complete swine feed, supplements, concentrates, and premixes 2014 3,877,674 4.1 N N 13,467 13,467 311119H Complete beef cattle feed, supplements, concentrates, and premixes 2015 2,977,773 1.8 N N 63,086 63,086 311119H Complete beef cattle feed, supplements, concentrates, and premixes 2014 2,908,772 1.5 N N 94,898 94,898 311119M Other poultry and livestock feed 2015 2,968,697 1.8 N N N N 311119M Other poultry and livestock feed 2014 3,144,928 1.6 N N N N 311119P Other prepared animal feeds, including feeding materials and adjuncts 2015 2,307,849 4.8 60,505 60,501 13,488 13,488 311119P Other prepared animal feeds, including feeding materials and adjuncts 2014 2,468,082 4.3 66,811 66,811 14,502 14,502 311119R Specialty feeds 2015 2,303,020 3.2 95,566 94,298 4,711 4,711 311119R Specialty feeds 2014 2,141,735 2.5 107,714 106,049 4,697 4,697 311119W Other animal food, nsk, total 2015 1,252,071 1.4 N N N N 311119W Other animal food, nsk, total 2014 1,246,195 0.5 N N N N 311119X Undistributed other animal food 2015 N X 1,340,432 1,335,233 511,566 511,527 311119X Undistributed other animal food 2014 N X 1,439,666 1,427,353 449,358 452,608 311211 Flour milling products 2015 14,335,789 0.8 843,064 830,310 1,057,045 1,056,927 311211 Flour milling products 2014 15,560,537 0.7 867,600 859,169 1,061,248 1,061,042 3112111 Wheat flour (excluding flour mixes), made in flour mills 2015 9,312,723 0.6 N N 110,480 110,480 3112111 Wheat flour (excluding flour mixes), made in flour mills 2014 10,071,896 0.5 N N 100,861 100,861 3112114 Wheat mill products, excluding flour 2015 793,920 2.2 49,115 45,563 369,166 369,166 3112114 Wheat mill products, excluding flour 2014 875,663 2.0 55,576 54,059 404,559 404,559 3112117 Corn mill products 2015 2,060,385 0.1 440,055 439,720 90,276 90,276 3112117 Corn mill products 2014 2,320,652 0.4 450,647 450,009 86,761 86,761 311211A Prepared flour mixes, including refrigerated and frozen doughs and batters, made in flour m 2015 842,993 0.2 N N N N 311211A Prepared flour mixes, including refrigerated and frozen doughs and batters, made in flour m 2014 898,632 0.6 N N N N 311211B Other grain mill products 2015 1,177,644 4.7 182,067 173,929 394,329 394,213 311211B Other grain mill products 2014 1,242,383 4.3 183,018 177,950 387,605 387,435 311211W Flour milling products, nsk, total 2015 148,124 s 47.6 s N N N N 311211W Flour milling products, nsk, total 2014 151,310 s 46.6 s N N N N 311211X Undistributed flour milling products 2015 N X 171,826 171,097 92,792 92,790 311211X Undistributed flour milling products 2014 N X 178,357 177,150 81,460 81,424

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NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods311212 Rice milling products 2015 3,844,310 2.3 1,555,665 1,542,802 771,402 771,470 311212 Rice milling products 2014 4,036,861 2.5 1,480,539 1,466,530 798,550 798,526 3112120 Rice milling products 2015 3,844,310 2.3 1,555,665 1,542,802 771,402 771,470 3112120 Rice milling products 2014 4,036,861 2.5 1,480,539 1,466,530 798,550 798,526 311213 Malt 2015 1,384,172 6.7 206,699 203,834 272,121 272,121 311213 Malt 2014 1,290,565 0.1 236,273 233,699 281,757 281,757 3112130 Malt 2015 1,384,172 6.7 206,699 203,834 272,121 272,121 3112130 Malt 2014 1,290,565 0.1 236,273 233,699 281,757 281,757 311221 Wet corn milling products 2015 11,917,640 0.7 2,463,230 2,437,557 698,819 698,808 311221 Wet corn milling products 2014 12,944,164 0.8 2,769,557 2,745,474 699,356 699,309 3112211 Corn sweeteners, made by wet milling 2015 5,526,631 0.8 802,644 790,126 250,548 250,553 3112211 Corn sweeteners, made by wet milling 2014 5,885,965 1.2 879,052 868,053 259,259 259,259 3112214 Manufactured starch, made by wet milling 2015 2,420,101 2.8 475,753 462,633 411,701 411,712 3112214 Manufactured starch, made by wet milling 2014 2,420,641 2.9 549,244 536,844 399,749 399,749 3112218 Corn oil, made by wet milling 2015 1,255,178 0.3 457,435 457,400 17,640 17,613 3112218 Corn oil, made by wet milling 2014 1,285,286 0.3 401,027 400,989 18,406 18,359 311221A Wet process corn by-products, made by wet milling 2015 2,699,643 0.3 727,398 727,398 18,929 18,929 311221A Wet process corn by-products, made by wet milling 2014 3,330,374 0.3 940,233 939,585 21,940 21,940 311221W Wet corn milling products, nsk, total 2015 16,087 0.0 N N N N 311221W Wet corn milling products, nsk, total 2014 21,898 0.0 N N N N311224 Soybean and other oilseed products 2015 28,795,485 0.5 7,108,470 6,946,148 6,522,705 6,517,938 311224 Soybean and other oilseed products 2014 31,213,795 0.5 7,984,676 7,823,718 6,859,570 6,852,034 3112241 Soybean oil 2015 7,695,597 1.0 607,249 607,236 42,367 42,367 3112241 Soybean oil 2014 9,430,434 0.7 641,203 640,974 3,972 3,972 3112242 Crude cottonseed oil 2015 100,675 9.0 619 611 0 0 3112242 Crude cottonseed oil 2014 81,391 13.3 9,848 9,843 1,523 1,523 3112244 Soybean cake, meal, and other by-products 2015 18,189,662 0.7 5,830,569 5,817,363 326,177 326,046 3112244 Soybean cake, meal, and other by-products 2014 18,222,594 0.7 6,651,726 6,636,343 324,966 324,897 3112245 Cottonseed oil, once-refined (after alkali or caustic wash but before deodorizing or use in en 2015 69,199 0.0 15,182 15,182 5 5 3112245 Cottonseed oil, once-refined (after alkali or caustic wash but before deodorizing or use in en 2014 101,222 0.0 12,758 12,758 3,642 3,642 3112247 Cotton linters 2015 54,952 4.3 12,973 12,973 499 499 3112247 Cotton linters 2014 61,607 4.5 14,586 14,586 771 771 311224B Cottonseed cake, meal, hulls, and other by-products 2015 350,546 2.4 19,032 19,032 14,490 14,490 311224B Cottonseed cake, meal, hulls, and other by-products 2014 405,693 3.2 27,920 27,920 0 0 311224H Other crude and refined vegetable oils and other vegetable mill products 2015 2,261,181 1.7 603,226 454,994 6,130,208 6,125,573 311224H Other crude and refined vegetable oils and other vegetable mill products 2014 2,903,794 1.3 602,790 457,753 6,517,773 6,510,305 311224W Soybean and other oilseed products, nsk, total 2015 73,672 0.9 N N N N 311224W Soybean and other oilseed products, nsk, total 2014 7,059 9.4 N N N N 311224X Undistributed soybean and other oilseed products 2015 N X 19,617 18,753 8,956 8,956 311224X Undistributed soybean and other oilseed products 2014 N X 23,840 23,538 6,921 6,921 311225 Fats and oils refining and blending products 2015 14,749,132 0.5 766,641 732,233 310,876 310,509 311225 Fats and oils refining and blending products 2014 17,672,482 0.2 797,324 760,582 305,679 305,407 3112252 Shortening and cooking oils 2015 12,978,630 0.5 734,043 699,667 294,075 293,794 3112252 Shortening and cooking oils 2014 15,824,441 0.2 759,779 723,171 291,655 291,450 3112254 Margarine, butter blends, and butter substitutes 2015 1,706,631 0.8 32,597 32,565 16,800 16,715 3112254 Margarine, butter blends, and butter substitutes 2014 1,777,282 0.5 37,544 37,411 14,024 13,957 311225W Fats and oils refining and blending products, nsk, total 2015 63,871 0.3 N N N N 311225W Fats and oils refining and blending products, nsk, total 2014 70,759 0.2 N N N N311230 Breakfast cereal 2015 8,836,526 1.3 762,857 759,403 542,801 542,800 311230 Breakfast cereal 2014 9,124,375 0.9 733,538 727,113 586,276 586,304 3112300 Breakfast cereal 2015 8,836,526 1.3 762,857 759,403 542,801 542,800 3112300 Breakfast cereal 2014 9,124,375 0.9 733,538 727,113 586,276 586,304

Page 6

NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods311313 Beet sugar 2015 3,509,628 0.4 N N N N311313 Beet sugar 2014 3,716,232 0.1 N N N N 3113130 Beet sugar 2015 3,509,628 0.4 N N N N 3113130 Beet sugar 2014 3,716,232 0.1 N N N N311314 Cane sugar 2015 5,657,261 0.0 N N N N311314 Cane sugar 2014 5,356,415 0.0 N N N N 3113141 Raw cane sugar and sugarcane mill products and by-products 2015 2,586,402 0.0 N N N N 3113141 Raw cane sugar and sugarcane mill products and by-products 2014 2,496,876 0.0 N N N N 3113143 Refined granulated cane sugar and by-products 2015 3,065,804 0.0 N N N N 3113143 Refined granulated cane sugar and by-products 2014 2,853,027 0.0 N N N N 311314W Cane sugar, nsk, total 2015 5,055 0.0 N N N N 311314W Cane sugar, nsk, total 2014 6,512 0.0 N N N N31131X Sugar 2015 N X 374,115 350,831 1,956,678 1,947,375 31131X Sugar 2014 N X 404,234 380,595 1,823,129 1,809,876 31131XX Undistributed sugar 2015 N X 374,115 350,831 1,956,678 1,947,375 31131XX Undistributed sugar 2014 N X 404,234 380,595 1,823,129 1,809,876 311340 Nonchocolate confectionery 2015 10,102,972 0.7 707,941 671,197 1,906,585 1,904,818 311340 Nonchocolate confectionery 2014 9,012,663 0.7 712,926 669,033 1,976,105 1,974,187 3113401 Nonchocolate-type confectionery products, made and packaged for shipment not retailed at 2015 7,233,512 0.8 N N N N 3113401 Nonchocolate-type confectionery products, made and packaged for shipment not retailed at 2014 6,439,364 0.9 N N N N 3113402 Nonchocolate-type confectionery products made from purchased chocolate retailed at manu 2015 112,776 8.0 N N N N 3113402 Nonchocolate-type confectionery products made from purchased chocolate retailed at manu 2014 103,481 6.7 N N N N 3113404 Chewing gum, bubble gum, and chewing gum base 2015 2,135,140 0.1 41,488 39,411 112,721 112,646 3113404 Chewing gum, bubble gum, and chewing gum base 2014 1,854,673 0.1 38,421 35,945 118,819 118,728 3113407 Other confectionery-type products 2015 404,617 9.1 16,794 15,504 170,861 170,534 3113407 Other confectionery-type products 2014 406,263 8.4 15,023 13,828 158,700 158,397 311340W Nonchocolate confectionery, nsk, total 2015 216,928 0.1 N N N N 311340W Nonchocolate confectionery, nsk, total 2014 208,882 0.1 N N N N 311340X Undistributed nonchocolate confectionery 2015 N X 649,658 616,281 1,623,002 1,621,637 311340X Undistributed nonchocolate confectionery 2014 N X 659,481 619,259 1,698,584 1,697,060 311351 Chocolate and confectionery from cacao beans 2015 4,512,445 0.6 N N N N311351 Chocolate and confectionery from cacao beans 2014 4,536,994 0.6 N N N N 3113511 Chocolate coatings, made from cacao beans 2015 1,202,878 0.2 N N N N 3113511 Chocolate coatings, made from cacao beans 2014 1,183,808 0.2 N N N N 3113514 Chocolate and chocolate-type confectionery products, made from cacao beans 2015 1,599,564 1.0 N N N N 3113514 Chocolate and chocolate-type confectionery products, made from cacao beans 2014 1,603,719 1.0 N N N N 3113517 Other chocolate and cocoa products, made from cacao beans 2015 1,606,130 1.2 N N N N 3113517 Other chocolate and cocoa products, made from cacao beans 2014 1,645,936 1.3 N N N N 311351W Chocolate and confectionery from cacao beans, nsk, total 2015 103,873 9.9 N N N N 311351W Chocolate and confectionery from cacao beans, nsk, total 2014 103,531 9.8 N N N N311352 Confectionery from purchased chocolate 2015 11,465,979 1.4 N N N N311352 Confectionery from purchased chocolate 2014 10,388,323 1.5 N N N N 3113521 Chocolate and chocolate-type confectionery products, made from purchased chocolate not 2015 9,985,373 0.9 N N N N 3113521 Chocolate and chocolate-type confectionery products, made from purchased chocolate not 2014 9,187,513 1.1 N N N N 3113522 Chocolate and chocolate-type confectionery products, made from purchased chocolate reta 2015 954,529 13.4 N N N N 3113522 Chocolate and chocolate-type confectionery products, made from purchased chocolate reta 2014 809,991 13.2 N N N N 311352W Confectionery from purchased chocolate, nsk, total 2015 526,077 9.2 N N N N 311352W Confectionery from purchased chocolate, nsk, total 2014 390,819 10.3 N N N N31135X Chocolate and confectionery 2015 N X 1,900,234 1,738,764 3,436,307 3,430,321 31135X Chocolate and confectionery 2014 N X 1,974,556 1,785,832 3,421,515 3,414,994 31135XX Undistributed chocolate and confectionery 2015 N X 1,900,234 1,738,764 3,436,307 3,430,321 31135XX Undistributed chocolate and confectionery 2014 N X 1,974,556 1,785,832 3,421,515 3,414,994

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NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods311411 Frozen fruits, juices, and vegetables 2015 12,287,756 0.8 1,927,147 1,785,992 3,146,764 3,151,258 311411 Frozen fruits, juices, and vegetables 2014 11,868,345 0.7 1,992,507 1,868,374 3,031,170 3,072,923 3114111 Frozen fruits, juices, ades, drinks, and cocktails 2015 2,962,150 2.1 510,512 410,027 1,399,951 1,408,475 3114111 Frozen fruits, juices, ades, drinks, and cocktails 2014 2,726,531 1.8 556,011 467,598 1,332,628 1,377,131 3114114 Frozen vegetables 2015 9,126,983 0.8 1,416,635 1,375,964 1,746,813 1,742,782 3114114 Frozen vegetables 2014 8,939,403 0.8 1,436,496 1,400,775 1,698,541 1,695,791 311411W Frozen fruits, juices, and vegetables, nsk, total 2015 198,624 0.1 N N N N 311411W Frozen fruits, juices, and vegetables, nsk, total 2014 202,412 0.5 N N N N311412 Frozen specialty food 2015 19,607,777 1.6 177,308 176,878 189,239 189,239 311412 Frozen specialty food 2014 19,526,554 1.5 172,627 172,058 148,373 148,373 3114121 Frozen dinners (beef, pork, and poultry pies) and nationality foods 2015 16,326,436 1.8 177,308 176,878 189,239 189,239 3114121 Frozen dinners (beef, pork, and poultry pies) and nationality foods 2014 16,151,827 1.7 172,627 172,058 148,373 148,373 3114124 Other frozen specialties, such as dairy and nondairy whipped topping, waffles, soups, etc., e 2015 2,833,995 2.3 N N N N 3114124 Other frozen specialties, such as dairy and nondairy whipped topping, waffles, soups, etc., e 2014 2,953,154 2.7 N N N N 311412W Frozen specialty food, nsk, total 2015 447,346 0.1 N N N N 311412W Frozen specialty food, nsk, total 2014 421,572 0.1 N N N N311421 Fruit and vegetable canning products 2015 26,621,505 1.4 3,196,434 3,058,041 5,448,624 5,465,034 311421 Fruit and vegetable canning products 2014 25,984,124 1.3 3,161,893 3,044,896 5,177,498 5,170,831 3114211 Canned fruits, excluding baby foods 2015 3,414,765 2.1 791,175 749,964 1,938,130 1,935,465 3114211 Canned fruits, excluding baby foods 2014 3,404,230 2.3 735,759 697,852 1,759,930 1,757,168 3114215 Canned vegetables 2015 4,159,301 1.6 366,697 346,236 1,583,433 1,582,834 3114215 Canned vegetables 2014 4,146,339 2.0 354,380 335,072 1,552,954 1,552,828 311421A Canned vegetable juices 2015 767,706 5.0 63,711 63,228 41,359 41,354 311421A Canned vegetable juices 2014 784,721 4.4 75,873 74,311 33,567 33,564 311421D Canned catsup and other tomato-based sauces 2015 6,762,189 1.8 791,098 788,462 152,348 151,966 311421D Canned catsup and other tomato-based sauces 2014 6,612,675 1.5 764,892 763,108 150,244 150,140 311421G Canned jams, jellies, and preserves 2015 1,300,524 5.0 73,836 73,336 112,365 112,379 311421G Canned jams, jellies, and preserves 2014 924,048 5.3 60,731 60,112 116,918 116,663 311421K Canned and fresh fruit juices, nectars, and concentrates 2015 7,754,922 4.2 722,129 663,298 1,229,474 1,249,521 311421K Canned and fresh fruit juices, nectars, and concentrates 2014 7,729,408 3.7 762,053 721,815 1,223,795 1,220,379 311421P Pickles and other pickled products 2015 1,718,601 0.4 133,691 127,089 363,799 363,799 311421P Pickles and other pickled products 2014 1,704,431 0.4 141,058 134,874 338,593 338,591 311421W Fruit and vegetable canning products, nsk, total 2015 743,497 0.8 N N N N 311421W Fruit and vegetable canning products, nsk, total 2014 678,272 0.4 N N N N 311421X Undistributed fruit and vegetable canning products 2015 N X 254,093 246,425 27,713 27,713 311421X Undistributed fruit and vegetable canning products 2014 N X 267,144 257,749 1,494 1,494 311422 Specialty canning products 2015 7,194,491 0.1 309,911 308,032 142,954 142,765 311422 Specialty canning products 2014 7,298,590 0.1 320,620 318,407 177,138 176,902 3114222 Canned baby foods (excluding cereal and biscuits), and other canned specialty and nationa 2015 1,169,723 0.2 147,951 147,461 9,301 9,301 3114222 Canned baby foods (excluding cereal and biscuits), and other canned specialty and nationa 2014 1,103,930 0.1 157,277 156,826 13,309 13,309 3114224 Canned soups and stews, excluding frozen and seafood 2015 4,044,447 0.1 142,059 141,600 131,913 131,724 3114224 Canned soups and stews, excluding frozen and seafood 2014 4,410,974 0.1 142,950 142,263 161,815 161,579 3114227 Canned dry beans 2015 1,907,712 0.4 19,900 18,970 1,739 1,739 3114227 Canned dry beans 2014 1,716,529 0.6 20,392 19,317 2,014 2,014 311422W Specialty canning products, nsk, total 2015 72,609 0.1 N N N N 311422W Specialty canning products, nsk, total 2014 67,157 0.1 N N N N

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NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods311423 Dried and dehydrated food 2015 6,345,805 2.1 897,637 870,083 608,778 608,325 311423 Dried and dehydrated food 2014 5,984,669 1.8 961,667 931,649 546,817 545,158 3114231 Soup mixes (including oriental, dried and dehydrated, and freeze-dried) and bouillon 2015 716,972 3.2 N N N N 3114231 Soup mixes (including oriental, dried and dehydrated, and freeze-dried) and bouillon 2014 538,965 0.3 N N N N 3114235 Dried and dehydrated fruits and vegetables, including freeze-dried 2015 4,288,370 1.1 882,147 854,644 606,639 606,186 3114235 Dried and dehydrated fruits and vegetables, including freeze-dried 2014 4,014,647 0.7 949,896 920,268 544,346 542,687 3114237 Macaroni and noodle products, purchased, packaged with other ingredients excluding canne 2015 486,736 20.1 N N N N 3114237 Macaroni and noodle products, purchased, packaged with other ingredients excluding canne 2014 504,717 19.4 N N N N 3114238 Other purchased products packaged with dried and dehydrated ingredients 2015 702,259 10.3 N N N N 3114238 Other purchased products packaged with dried and dehydrated ingredients 2014 806,705 3.3 N N N N 311423W Dried and dehydrated food, nsk, total 2015 151,468 3.0 N N N N 311423W Dried and dehydrated food, nsk, total 2014 119,635 0.1 N N N N 311423X Undistributed dried and dehydrated food 2015 N X 15,490 15,439 2,139 2,139 311423X Undistributed dried and dehydrated food 2014 N X 11,770 11,380 2,471 2,471 311511 Fluid milk products 2015 33,998,142 0.9 239,791 239,274 42,057 36,431 311511 Fluid milk products 2014 37,422,524 0.7 239,329 237,876 49,283 44,038 3115111 Fluid milk and cream, bulk sales 2015 6,473,692 2.1 N N N N 3115111 Fluid milk and cream, bulk sales 2014 6,710,074 1.8 N N N N 3115115 Fluid milk and related products, packaged (including cartons, bottles, cans, and dispenser c 2015 14,064,049 1.8 N N 5,130 5,130 3115115 Fluid milk and related products, packaged (including cartons, bottles, cans, and dispenser c 2014 17,729,710 1.0 N N 4,150 4,150 3115117 Cottage cheese (including bakers', pot, and farmers' cheese) 2015 940,711 1.2 N N N N 3115117 Cottage cheese (including bakers', pot, and farmers' cheese) 2014 1,062,106 1.0 N N N N 311511A Yogurt, excluding frozen 2015 6,413,356 0.9 39,869 39,774 14,626 12,873 311511A Yogurt, excluding frozen 2014 6,201,464 0.9 40,377 40,175 24,604 22,944 311511D Perishable dairy product substitutes 2015 2,388,457 2.2 N N N N 311511D Perishable dairy product substitutes 2014 2,322,037 1.8 N N N N 311511G Other packaged milk products 2015 3,241,883 2.4 110,298 109,943 5,151 5,151 311511G Other packaged milk products 2014 2,955,693 4.4 114,050 112,891 4,252 4,252 311511W Fluid milk products, nsk, total 2015 475,994 1.6 N N N N 311511W Fluid milk products, nsk, total 2014 441,439 0.4 N N N N 311511X Undistributed fluid milk products 2015 N X 89,623 89,556 17,148 13,276 311511X Undistributed fluid milk products 2014 N X 84,901 84,810 16,275 12,691 311512 Creamery butter 2015 4,103,426 1.3 91,669 82,239 171,102 147,337 311512 Creamery butter 2014 4,442,069 1.4 285,855 280,430 104,225 90,912 3115120 Creamery butter 2015 4,103,426 1.3 91,669 82,239 171,102 147,337 3115120 Creamery butter 2014 4,442,069 1.4 285,855 280,430 104,225 90,912 311513 Cheese products 2015 40,207,913 0.6 1,398,943 1,393,782 1,299,483 1,290,924 311513 Cheese products 2014 44,413,887 0.4 1,728,559 1,719,921 1,282,851 1,275,408 3115131 Natural cheese (cheddar, Swiss, Italian, brick, cream, grated, dried, etc.), excluding cottage 2015 32,694,522 0.6 611,278 610,484 759,613 758,631 3115131 Natural cheese (cheddar, Swiss, Italian, brick, cream, grated, dried, etc.), excluding cottage 2014 35,719,974 0.4 908,644 908,116 751,258 745,678 3115134 Process cheese and related products 2015 6,182,656 1.3 81,942 81,819 31,721 31,637 3115134 Process cheese and related products 2014 7,162,261 0.9 90,714 88,692 36,210 36,210 3115137 Cheese substitutes and imitations 2015 333,679 4.3 N N 152 152 3115137 Cheese substitutes and imitations 2014 417,122 1.4 N N 188 188 311513A Raw liquid whey 2015 137,847 13.9 5,827 5,827 0 0 311513A Raw liquid whey 2014 226,431 5.3 17,823 17,823 474 474 311513W Cheese products, nsk, total 2015 859,208 0.1 N N N N 311513W Cheese products, nsk, total 2014 888,099 0.2 N N N N 311513X Undistributed cheese products 2015 N X 699,895 695,650 507,995 500,502 311513X Undistributed cheese products 2014 N X 711,377 705,289 494,720 492,857

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NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods311514 Dry, condensed, and evaporated dairy products 2015 20,409,975 0.5 3,483,585 3,465,599 1,400,925 1,395,047 311514 Dry, condensed, and evaporated dairy products 2014 23,002,618 1.1 4,870,378 4,823,220 1,463,837 1,456,448 3115141 Dry milk products and mixtures 2015 9,915,968 0.8 1,198 1,198 35,730 35,815 3115141 Dry milk products and mixtures 2014 12,044,574 0.6 1,237 1,069 35,130 35,028 3115145 Milk products, shipped in consumer-type cans, excluding substitutes 2015 4,927,063 0.5 N N 1,597 1,597 3115145 Milk products, shipped in consumer-type cans, excluding substitutes 2014 4,884,401 0.6 N N 1,874 1,874 3115147 Concentrated milk products, shipped in bulk (barrels, drums, and tanks) 2015 1,725,514 2.0 N N N N 3115147 Concentrated milk products, shipped in bulk (barrels, drums, and tanks) 2014 2,040,521 1.7 N N N N 311514A Ice cream mixes and related products 2015 1,047,096 3.8 N N N N 311514A Ice cream mixes and related products 2014 1,161,042 3.3 N N N N 311514D Dairy product substitutes 2015 2,412,776 2.5 239,112 238,635 33,301 33,301 311514D Dairy product substitutes 2014 2,514,244 9.0 270,219 269,588 33,754 33,754 311514W Dry, condensed, and evaporated dairy products, nsk, total 2015 381,557 0.0 N N N N 311514W Dry, condensed, and evaporated dairy products, nsk, total 2014 357,837 0.0 N N N N 311514X Undistributed dry, condensed, and evaporated dairy products 2015 N X 3,243,275 3,225,765 1,330,296 1,324,332 311514X Undistributed dry, condensed, and evaporated dairy products 2014 N X 4,598,920 4,552,561 1,393,078 1,385,791 311520 Ice cream and frozen desserts 2015 7,517,337 2.1 205,436 204,019 52,415 52,415 311520 Ice cream and frozen desserts 2014 7,983,923 0.9 195,576 194,268 52,730 52,730 3115200 Ice cream and frozen desserts 2015 7,517,337 2.1 205,436 204,019 52,415 52,415 3115200 Ice cream and frozen desserts 2014 7,983,923 0.9 195,576 194,268 52,730 52,730 311611 Animal (except poultry) slaughtering products 2015 97,084,333 0.8 14,546,602 14,460,772 10,026,131 10,008,706 311611 Animal (except poultry) slaughtering products 2014 100,656,571 0.6 17,027,972 16,918,819 9,129,106 9,128,787 3116111 Beef, not canned or made into sausage, made in slaughtering plants 2015 59,149,060 0.9 6,088,654 6,065,580 6,919,742 6,902,280 3116111 Beef, not canned or made into sausage, made in slaughtering plants 2014 59,082,957 0.4 6,930,844 6,894,023 5,832,276 5,832,099 3116114 Veal, not canned or made into sausage, made in slaughtering plants 2015 441,548 5.5 1,058 1,026 16,453 16,453 3116114 Veal, not canned or made into sausage, made in slaughtering plants 2014 456,688 5.4 949 921 13,666 13,666 3116117 Lamb and mutton, not canned or made into sausage, made in slaughtering plants 2015 434,061 15.3 18,372 13,038 677,642 677,642 3116117 Lamb and mutton, not canned or made into sausage, made in slaughtering plants 2014 468,295 16.0 24,508 18,911 682,119 682,119 311611A Pork, not canned or made into sausage, made in slaughtering plants 2015 20,408,193 0.3 5,372,910 5,366,034 1,631,909 1,631,865 311611A Pork, not canned or made into sausage, made in slaughtering plants 2014 23,763,299 0.4 6,488,770 6,471,695 1,773,162 1,773,104 311611D Lard, made in slaughtering plants 2015 530,995 0.0 42,624 42,350 9,094 9,094 311611D Lard, made in slaughtering plants 2014 657,064 0.0 63,853 62,976 12,284 12,284 311611G Pork, processed or cured, not canned or made into sausage, made in slaughtering plants 2015 4,248,435 2.7 202,683 199,518 148,133 148,133 311611G Pork, processed or cured, not canned or made into sausage, made in slaughtering plants 2014 3,969,740 3.1 182,529 177,568 149,925 149,925 311611J Sausage and similar products, excluding canned, made in slaughtering plants 2015 3,579,188 4.2 2,996 2,989 43,750 43,852 311611J Sausage and similar products, excluding canned, made in slaughtering plants 2014 3,522,641 3.9 2,550 2,550 41,049 40,965 311611M Canned meats (excluding dog, cat, and baby food), made in slaughtering plants 2015 D D N N 3,071 3,071 311611M Canned meats (excluding dog, cat, and baby food), made in slaughtering plants 2014 D D N N 3,536 3,536 311611P Hides, skins, and pelts, made in slaughtering plants 2015 2,292,303 1.2 1,900,237 1,895,377 43,733 43,733 311611P Hides, skins, and pelts, made in slaughtering plants 2014 2,663,273 0.5 2,374,028 2,370,285 53,872 53,872 311611R Miscellaneous by-products of slaughtering plants 2015 3,912,029 1.0 67,274 65,368 415,299 415,284 311611R Miscellaneous by-products of slaughtering plants 2014 3,930,930 1.0 60,042 58,250 444,619 444,619 311611W Animal (except poultry) slaughtering products, nsk, total 2015 D D N N N N 311611W Animal (except poultry) slaughtering products, nsk, total 2014 D D N N N N 311611X Undistributed animal (except poultry) slaughtering products 2015 N X 849,790 809,488 117,300 117,294 311611X Undistributed animal (except poultry) slaughtering products 2014 N X 899,893 861,637 122,593 122,593

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NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods311612 Meat processed from carcasses 2015 47,888,835 1.2 N N 72,074 72,074 311612 Meat processed from carcasses 2014 48,201,802 1.4 N N 70,829 70,829 3116121 Pork, processed or cured, not canned or made into sausage, made from purchased carcass 2015 11,777,154 2.8 N N N N 3116121 Pork, processed or cured, not canned or made into sausage, made from purchased carcass 2014 12,483,494 4.3 N N N N 3116124 Sausage and similar products, excluding canned, made from purchased carcasses 2015 9,273,833 1.5 N N N N 3116124 Sausage and similar products, excluding canned, made from purchased carcasses 2014 9,353,214 1.1 N N N N 3116127 Canned meats (excluding dog, cat, and baby food), made from purchased carcasses 2015 2,230,601 2.2 N N 0 0 3116127 Canned meats (excluding dog, cat, and baby food), made from purchased carcasses 2014 2,389,261 0.3 N N 0 0 311612A Other processed, frozen, or cooked meats, made from purchased carcasses 2015 23,421,280 2.0 N N 72,074 72,074 311612A Other processed, frozen, or cooked meats, made from purchased carcasses 2014 22,908,866 1.9 N N 70,829 70,829 311612W Meat processed from carcasses, nsk, total 2015 1,185,968 0.3 N N N N 311612W Meat processed from carcasses, nsk, total 2014 1,066,966 0.3 N N N N311613 Rendering and meat by-product processing products 2015 5,358,508 2.0 938,104 931,890 436,983 436,992 311613 Rendering and meat by-product processing products 2014 6,239,374 1.9 1,115,166 1,109,931 438,143 438,134 3116132 Lard, inedible tallow, and other greases, excluding wool grease 2015 1,612,429 2.8 300,314 300,303 40,104 40,104 3116132 Lard, inedible tallow, and other greases, excluding wool grease 2014 2,108,342 1.7 449,733 449,668 40,143 40,143 3116135 Animal and marine feed and fertilizer by-products (including foots) 2015 3,660,929 2.7 421,244 418,640 361,763 361,772 3116135 Animal and marine feed and fertilizer by-products (including foots) 2014 4,033,023 2.8 447,875 445,490 359,314 359,305 311613W Rendering and meat by-product processing products, nsk, total 2015 85,150 1.2 N N N N 311613W Rendering and meat by-product processing products, nsk, total 2014 98,010 0.8 N N N N 311613X Undistributed rendering and meat by-product processing products 2015 N X 216,544 212,946 35,115 35,115 311613X Undistributed rendering and meat by-product processing products 2014 N X 217,558 214,772 38,685 38,685 311615 Poultry processing products 2015 63,018,574 0.7 4,052,994 4,046,248 512,071 512,071 311615 Poultry processing products 2014 63,039,625 0.8 5,510,473 5,499,820 391,210 391,210 3116151 Young chickens (usually under 20 weeks of age), including bulk, chilled, frozen, whole, and 2015 32,811,486 1.0 2,936,060 2,933,282 195,338 195,338 3116151 Young chickens (usually under 20 weeks of age), including bulk, chilled, frozen, whole, and 2014 32,914,381 1.1 4,206,509 4,200,657 169,224 169,224 3116154 Hens and fowl, including frozen, whole, and parts 2015 1,720,373 12.5 74,496 74,094 3,000 3,000 3116154 Hens and fowl, including frozen, whole, and parts 2014 1,708,820 11.8 61,821 61,470 4,313 4,313 3116157 Turkeys, including frozen, whole, and parts 2015 5,992,482 1.6 442,605 441,818 92,895 92,895 3116157 Turkeys, including frozen, whole, and parts 2014 5,768,829 1.6 648,213 646,896 47,361 47,361 311615A Other poultry and small game, including frozen, whole, and parts 2015 587,861 3.4 17,281 15,401 15,346 15,346 311615A Other poultry and small game, including frozen, whole, and parts 2014 633,853 3.2 16,322 15,788 16,117 16,117 311615D Processed poultry and small game (excluding soups), containing 20 percent or more poultry 2015 20,864,723 1.2 N N 203,660 203,660 311615D Processed poultry and small game (excluding soups), containing 20 percent or more poultry 2014 21,051,909 1.1 N N 153,008 153,008 311615W Poultry processing products, nsk, total 2015 1,041,649 0.1 N N N N 311615W Poultry processing products, nsk, total 2014 961,834 0.1 N N N N 311615X Undistributed poultry processing products 2015 N X 582,550 581,651 1,829 1,829 311615X Undistributed poultry processing products 2014 N X 577,606 575,007 1,185 1,185 311710 Seafood products 2015 11,454,306 2.9 358,795 333,408 2,700,459 2,710,970 311710 Seafood products 2014 11,887,778 2.1 378,071 352,324 2,889,100 2,876,419 3117101 Prepared fresh fish and other fresh seafood 2015 2,688,241 11.0 N N N N 3117101 Prepared fresh fish and other fresh seafood 2014 2,685,315 7.4 N N N N 3117102 Prepared frozen fish 2015 3,581,322 3.4 N N N N 3117102 Prepared frozen fish 2014 3,899,948 3.1 N N N N 3117103 Prepared frozen shellfish 2015 2,423,672 2.2 N N N N 3117103 Prepared frozen shellfish 2014 2,501,291 2.0 N N N N 3117104 Other prepared fresh and frozen seafood 2015 1,135,300 4.4 N N N N 3117104 Other prepared fresh and frozen seafood 2014 1,093,436 4.2 N N N N 3117105 Seafood canning 2015 1,182,317 1.6 354,550 329,278 2,642,648 2,653,158 3117105 Seafood canning 2014 1,302,553 1.8 373,293 347,678 2,831,568 2,818,892 311710W Seafood products, nsk, total 2015 443,454 6.7 N N N N 311710W Seafood products, nsk, total 2014 405,237 7.3 N N N N 311710X Undistributed seafood products 2015 N X 4,245 4,130 57,811 57,811 311710X Undistributed seafood products 2014 N X 4,778 4,646 57,532 57,527

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NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods311811 Retail bakery products 2015 3,389,764 3.0 N N N N311811 Retail bakery products 2014 3,072,648 3.0 N N N N 3118110 Retail bakery products 2015 3,389,764 3.0 N N N N 3118110 Retail bakery products 2014 3,072,648 3.0 N N N N311812 Commercial bakery products 2015 29,952,883 1.2 N N N N311812 Commercial bakery products 2014 29,140,620 1.1 N N N N 3118121 Bread (white, wheat, rye, etc.), including frozen 2015 12,384,937 1.9 N N N N 3118121 Bread (white, wheat, rye, etc.), including frozen 2014 12,351,011 1.7 N N N N 3118125 Rolls, bread-type (including muffins, bagels, and croissants), including frozen 2015 8,791,891 2.1 N N N N 3118125 Rolls, bread-type (including muffins, bagels, and croissants), including frozen 2014 8,563,637 1.8 N N N N 3118127 Soft cakes, excluding frozen 2015 2,799,726 2.2 N N N N 3118127 Soft cakes, excluding frozen 2014 2,726,547 2.0 N N N N 311812A Pies (fruit, cream, and custard), excluding frozen 2015 278,302 7.0 N N N N 311812A Pies (fruit, cream, and custard), excluding frozen 2014 265,742 7.0 N N N N 311812D Other sweet goods, excluding frozen 2015 3,258,737 4.1 N N N N 311812D Other sweet goods, excluding frozen 2014 3,157,936 5.3 N N N N 311812W Commercial bakery products, nsk, total 2015 2,439,290 4.6 N N N N 311812W Commercial bakery products, nsk, total 2014 2,075,746 4.2 N N N N311813 Frozen cakes, pies, and other pastries 2015 5,751,945 1.6 N N N N311813 Frozen cakes, pies, and other pastries 2014 5,615,350 1.5 N N N N 3118130 Frozen cakes, pies, and other pastries 2015 5,751,945 1.6 N N N N 3118130 Frozen cakes, pies, and other pastries 2014 5,615,350 1.5 N N N N31181X Bread and bakery products 2015 N X 1,477,395 1,455,371 3,651,877 3,651,713 31181X Bread and bakery products 2014 N X 1,500,997 1,478,209 3,298,814 3,298,748 31181XX Undistributed bread and bakery products 2015 N X 1,477,395 1,455,371 3,651,877 3,651,713 31181XX Undistributed bread and bakery products 2014 N X 1,500,997 1,478,209 3,298,814 3,298,748 311821 Cookies and crackers 2015 11,028,323 2.9 N N N N311821 Cookies and crackers 2014 11,881,746 2.2 N N N N 3118212 Crackers, biscuits, and related products 2015 4,681,175 4.5 N N N N 3118212 Crackers, biscuits, and related products 2014 5,283,413 2.5 N N N N 3118214 Cookies, wafers, and ice cream cones and cups (excluding frozen) 2015 6,137,930 4.0 N N N N 3118214 Cookies, wafers, and ice cream cones and cups (excluding frozen) 2014 6,414,000 3.5 N N N N 311821W Cookies and crackers, nsk, total 2015 209,218 0.1 N N N N 311821W Cookies and crackers, nsk, total 2014 184,333 0.4 N N N N311824 Dry pasta, dough, and flour mixes from purchased flour 2015 12,111,490 1.4 640,540 633,219 862,549 862,525 311824 Dry pasta, dough, and flour mixes from purchased flour 2014 11,689,576 1.5 686,131 678,688 964,246 964,089 3118241 Prepared flour mixes, including refrigerated and frozen doughs and batters, made from purc 2015 8,272,204 1.2 500,438 498,443 339,766 339,736 3118241 Prepared flour mixes, including refrigerated and frozen doughs and batters, made from purc 2014 7,961,436 1.1 510,236 508,422 335,923 335,868 3118243 Dry macaroni, spaghetti and egg noodle products (excluding canned or frozen) 2015 3,673,701 3.9 140,102 134,776 522,783 522,789 3118243 Dry macaroni, spaghetti and egg noodle products (excluding canned or frozen) 2014 3,595,496 4.3 175,895 170,265 628,323 628,220 311824W Dry pasta, dough, and flour mixes from purchased flour, nsk, total 2015 165,585 0.2 N N N N 311824W Dry pasta, dough, and flour mixes from purchased flour, nsk, total 2014 132,644 0.2 N N N N311830 Tortillas 2015 3,613,035 3.5 N N N N311830 Tortillas 2014 3,466,071 3.0 N N N N 3118300 Tortillas, sold in bulk or packages, excluding frozen or canned 2015 3,613,035 3.5 N N N N 3118300 Tortillas, sold in bulk or packages, excluding frozen or canned 2014 3,466,071 3.0 N N N N311911 Roasted nuts and peanut butter 2015 13,823,911 0.7 1,038,319 1,018,927 450,049 449,828 311911 Roasted nuts and peanut butter 2014 12,996,988 0.6 757,561 744,635 390,460 390,376 3119111 Nuts and seeds (salted, roasted, cooked, or blanched) 2015 11,665,860 0.6 885,292 867,353 395,874 395,835 3119111 Nuts and seeds (salted, roasted, cooked, or blanched) 2014 10,861,766 0.6 611,970 600,020 338,455 338,371 3119114 Peanut butter 2015 1,789,181 2.9 153,027 151,573 54,174 53,992 3119114 Peanut butter 2014 1,846,222 1.4 145,590 144,614 52,004 52,004 311911W Roasted nuts and peanut butter, nsk, total 2015 368,871 0.1 N N N N 311911W Roasted nuts and peanut butter, nsk, total 2014 289,000 0.1 N N N N

Page 12

NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods311919 Other snack food 2015 22,266,343 1.9 589,400 585,807 280,880 280,883 311919 Other snack food 2014 22,079,319 1.4 602,443 598,327 249,775 249,782 3119191 Potato chips and sticks, plain and flavored 2015 8,914,628 4.5 197,442 197,334 67,447 67,447 3119191 Potato chips and sticks, plain and flavored 2014 9,025,635 3.0 196,898 194,704 54,641 54,641 3119194 Corn chips and related products 2015 6,992,534 1.2 391,957 388,473 213,433 213,436 3119194 Corn chips and related products 2014 6,759,427 1.2 405,545 403,622 195,133 195,140 3119197 Other chips, sticks (hard pretzels, bacon rinds, popcorn (excluding candied), etc.), excluding 2015 6,045,948 1.8 N N N N 3119197 Other chips, sticks (hard pretzels, bacon rinds, popcorn (excluding candied), etc.), excluding 2014 6,057,261 2.1 N N N N 311919W Other snack food, nsk, total 2015 313,234 0.3 N N N N 311919W Other snack food, nsk, total 2014 236,996 10.5 N N N N311920 Coffee and tea 2015 13,417,884 2.1 1,334,430 1,268,690 2,314,999 2,314,708 311920 Coffee and tea 2014 12,684,019 2.1 1,413,634 1,345,193 2,274,378 2,273,491 3119201 Roasted coffee 2015 10,814,825 2.5 765,400 743,851 767,844 767,877 3119201 Roasted coffee 2014 10,352,933 2.5 780,794 758,445 649,070 648,426 3119205 Coffee, concentrated (freeze-dried, spray-dried, frozen or liquid concentrated, mixtures, etc. 2015 706,116 7.9 163,471 153,683 406,048 406,048 3119205 Coffee, concentrated (freeze-dried, spray-dried, frozen or liquid concentrated, mixtures, etc. 2014 697,021 8.3 184,656 175,081 448,691 448,705 3119207 Tea in consumer packages 2015 1,457,084 1.9 400,954 369,695 725,220 725,220 3119207 Tea in consumer packages 2014 1,237,691 1.7 440,723 408,414 715,448 715,277 311920W Coffee and tea, nsk, total 2015 439,859 0.3 N N N N 311920W Coffee and tea, nsk, total 2014 396,374 0.3 N N N N 311920X Undistributed coffee and tea 2015 N X 4,604 1,459 415,885 415,561 311920X Undistributed coffee and tea 2014 N X 7,460 3,251 461,166 461,081 311930 Flavoring syrup and concentrates 2015 10,254,423 0.6 449,738 448,334 134,112 134,117 311930 Flavoring syrup and concentrates 2014 10,716,708 0.8 470,582 469,168 132,237 132,148 3119301 Liquid beverage bases, excluding use by soft drink bottlers 2015 841,708 1.7 N N N N 3119301 Liquid beverage bases, excluding use by soft drink bottlers 2014 830,605 4.2 N N N N 3119304 Liquid beverage bases, concentrates and syrups, for sale by soft drink bottlers to trade or no 2015 2,948,666 0.4 N N N N 3119304 Liquid beverage bases, concentrates and syrups, for sale by soft drink bottlers to trade or no 2014 3,060,724 0.6 N N N N 3119305 Soft drink flavoring syrup, sold in bulk 2015 978,524 2.5 N N N N 3119305 Soft drink flavoring syrup, sold in bulk 2014 961,484 3.0 N N N N 3119308 Other flavoring agents, excluding chocolate syrups 2015 5,384,375 0.9 N N N N 3119308 Other flavoring agents, excluding chocolate syrups 2014 5,773,768 1.2 N N N N 311930W Flavoring syrup and concentrates, nsk, total 2015 101,150 0.1 N N N N 311930W Flavoring syrup and concentrates, nsk, total 2014 90,128 0.1 N N N N 311930X Undistributed flavoring syrup and concentrates 2015 N X 449,738 448,334 134,112 134,117 311930X Undistributed flavoring syrup and concentrates 2014 N X 470,582 469,168 132,237 132,148 311941 Mayonnaise, dressings, and other prepared sauces 2015 9,851,360 0.7 1,004,551 993,083 741,775 741,565 311941 Mayonnaise, dressings, and other prepared sauces 2014 9,801,091 0.7 922,486 911,261 723,710 723,499 3119411 Vinegar and cider 2015 592,412 2.5 38,311 36,670 115,939 115,947 3119411 Vinegar and cider 2014 514,948 0.9 31,787 30,306 126,184 126,185 3119414 Prepared sauces (mustard, worcestershire, soy, horseradish, and sauces used as a condim 2015 3,163,232 1.1 599,217 591,544 575,817 575,599 3119414 Prepared sauces (mustard, worcestershire, soy, horseradish, and sauces used as a condim 2014 3,141,477 1.2 536,532 528,369 538,310 538,103 3119417 Mayonnaise, salad dressings, and sandwich spreads 2015 5,873,935 1.0 367,022 364,868 50,019 50,019 3119417 Mayonnaise, salad dressings, and sandwich spreads 2014 5,948,898 0.9 354,166 352,586 59,214 59,211 311941W Mayonnaise, dressings, and other prepared sauces, nsk, total 2015 221,781 0.5 N N N N 311941W Mayonnaise, dressings, and other prepared sauces, nsk, total 2014 195,768 8.5 N N N N

Page 13

NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods311942 Spices and extracts 2015 10,131,044 1.6 592,163 544,387 1,627,888 1,627,888 311942 Spices and extracts 2014 10,107,479 1.3 559,152 513,003 1,403,145 1,403,153 3119421 Table salt (evaporated), pepper (white and black), and other spices 2015 2,661,224 4.5 457,088 410,150 1,615,574 1,615,574 3119421 Table salt (evaporated), pepper (white and black), and other spices 2014 2,827,688 3.3 420,429 374,324 1,389,838 1,389,847 3119426 Flavoring extracts, emulsions, and other liquid flavors and food colorings (excluding synthet 2015 3,603,361 2.0 135,074 134,236 12,313 12,313 3119426 Flavoring extracts, emulsions, and other liquid flavors and food colorings (excluding synthet 2014 3,469,009 1.5 138,722 138,679 13,306 13,306 3119427 Dry mix food preparations 2015 3,689,839 2.4 N N N N 3119427 Dry mix food preparations 2014 3,658,702 1.9 N N N N 311942W Spices and extracts, nsk, total 2015 176,621 1.4 N N N N 311942W Spices and extracts, nsk, total 2014 152,080 2.6 N N N N311991 Perishable prepared food 2015 13,029,372 1.9 59,001 58,310 94,117 94,106 311991 Perishable prepared food 2014 11,577,911 1.5 54,239 53,362 86,130 86,130 3119910 Perishable prepared foods 2015 13,029,372 1.9 59,001 58,310 94,117 94,106 3119910 Perishable prepared foods 2014 11,577,911 1.5 54,239 53,362 86,130 86,130 311999 All other miscellaneous food 2015 13,137,652 1.8 4,689,963 4,605,549 3,254,114 3,236,833 311999 All other miscellaneous food 2014 12,815,585 1.7 4,822,186 4,728,464 3,644,014 3,649,709 3119991 Desserts, ready-to-mix 2015 931,745 4.8 N N N N 3119991 Desserts, ready-to-mix 2014 869,727 4.8 N N N N 3119994 Sweetening syrups and molasses 2015 710,238 5.7 N N 142 142 3119994 Sweetening syrups and molasses 2014 709,290 6.0 N N 232 232 3119997 Baking powder and yeast 2015 835,305 18.5 103,706 93,688 307,805 307,614 3119997 Baking powder and yeast 2014 584,695 2.7 114,527 103,554 287,899 287,691 311999B Purchased macaroni and noodle products, packaged with other purchased ingredients 2015 87,539 10.4 47,699 46,232 146,342 146,010 311999B Purchased macaroni and noodle products, packaged with other purchased ingredients 2014 120,524 7.6 658 601 36,447 36,447 311999G Processed eggs (dried, frozen, liquid, whole, etc.) 2015 4,097,442 2.0 94,758 93,848 61,333 53,951 311999G Processed eggs (dried, frozen, liquid, whole, etc.) 2014 3,808,907 1.6 138,849 138,139 29,910 29,910 311999J Flavoring powders, tablets, and paste (including dry mix cocktails) 2015 2,119,790 2.2 N N N N 311999J Flavoring powders, tablets, and paste (including dry mix cocktails) 2014 2,101,960 2.2 N N N N 311999P Other food preparations (such as canned pudding, frosting, coconut, honey, Chinese noodle 2015 3,806,136 3.7 4,443,798 4,371,781 2,738,491 2,729,115 311999P Other food preparations (such as canned pudding, frosting, coconut, honey, Chinese noodle 2014 4,123,404 4.6 4,568,151 4,486,169 3,289,524 3,295,427 311999W All other miscellaneous food, nsk, total 2015 549,458 1.6 N N N N 311999W All other miscellaneous food, nsk, total 2014 497,079 1.7 N N N N312111 Soft drinks 2015 38,647,525 0.6 1,113,342 1,107,119 2,642,339 2,642,368 312111 Soft drinks 2014 38,162,061 0.8 1,029,763 1,023,674 2,339,469 2,339,444 3121112 Soft drinks, bottled, canned, glass, plastic, carbonated 2015 26,283,180 0.8 140,857 139,691 1,941,496 1,941,560 3121112 Soft drinks, bottled, canned, glass, plastic, carbonated 2014 25,262,809 1.0 150,536 149,068 1,687,954 1,687,934 312111A Soft drinks, non-carbonated 2015 11,579,435 0.8 972,484 967,428 700,842 700,807 312111A Soft drinks, non-carbonated 2014 12,060,809 1.3 879,226 874,606 651,515 651,510 312111W Soft drinks, nsk, total 2015 784,911 4.5 N N N N 312111W Soft drinks, nsk, total 2014 838,443 4.2 N N N N312112 Bottled water 2015 6,727,050 1.2 59,525 52,562 328,579 328,441 312112 Bottled water 2014 6,791,859 1.2 68,107 61,498 309,551 309,436 3121120 Bottled water 2015 6,727,050 1.2 59,525 52,562 328,579 328,441 3121120 Bottled water 2014 6,791,859 1.2 68,107 61,498 309,551 309,436 312113 Ice 2015 708,907 3.7 71,152 70,387 123,749 123,749 312113 Ice 2014 695,171 5.0 66,218 65,518 118,712 118,688 3121130 Ice, manufactured (cubed, crushed, etc.), including can or block 2015 708,907 3.7 71,152 70,387 123,749 123,749 3121130 Ice, manufactured (cubed, crushed, etc.), including can or block 2014 695,171 5.0 66,218 65,518 118,712 118,688

Page 14

NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods312120 Brewery products 2015 30,325,474 0.8 3,607,549 3,603,649 4,642,091 4,619,980 312120 Brewery products 2014 30,295,691 0.7 3,511,433 3,507,470 4,266,921 4,240,914 3121201 Beer and ale, canned, case goods 2015 12,788,942 0.3 N N N N 3121201 Beer and ale, canned, case goods 2014 13,285,468 0.2 N N N N 3121204 Beer and ale, bottled, case goods, all sizes 2015 10,871,899 2.0 N N 3,272,760 3,260,339 3121204 Beer and ale, bottled, case goods, all sizes 2014 10,927,046 1.7 N N 3,080,337 3,067,629 3121207 Beer and ale, barrels and kegs 2015 3,038,469 2.9 N N N N 3121207 Beer and ale, barrels and kegs 2014 3,195,493 2.4 N N N N 3121209 All other malt beverages and brewing products 2015 452,188 4.5 2,990,815 2,990,613 92,127 92,063 3121209 All other malt beverages and brewing products 2014 434,573 4.6 2,969,965 2,969,813 113,247 113,179 312120W Brewery products, nsk, total 2015 3,173,977 0.2 N N N N 312120W Brewery products, nsk, total 2014 2,453,110 0.2 N N N N 312120X Undistributed brewery products 2015 N X 616,733 613,036 1,277,203 1,267,578 312120X Undistributed brewery products 2014 N X 541,467 537,657 1,073,336 1,060,105 312130 Winery products 2015 18,592,163 0.8 1,906,366 1,705,876 6,802,907 6,610,104 312130 Winery products 2014 16,982,421 0.8 1,787,778 1,586,784 6,647,877 6,427,080 3121300 Wines, brandy, and brandy spirits 2015 18,592,163 0.8 1,906,366 1,705,876 6,802,907 6,610,104 3121300 Wines, brandy, and brandy spirits 2014 16,982,421 0.8 1,787,778 1,586,784 6,647,877 6,427,080 312140 Distillery products 2015 16,341,055 2.2 1,806,160 1,514,601 6,088,238 5,772,455 312140 Distillery products 2014 14,678,987 1.2 1,829,055 1,512,255 6,027,304 5,680,366 3121402 Distilled liquor, excluding brandy, including distiller's dried grains 2015 6,716,042 1.3 N N N N 3121402 Distilled liquor, excluding brandy, including distiller's dried grains 2014 6,921,519 0.8 N N N N 3121404 Bottled liquor, excluding brandy 2015 9,102,517 3.8 42,810 42,287 N N 3121404 Bottled liquor, excluding brandy 2014 7,493,042 2.2 32,467 31,669 N N 312140W Distillery products, nsk, total 2015 522,496 0.1 N N N N 312140W Distillery products, nsk, total 2014 264,426 0.1 N N N N 312140X Undistributed distillery products 2015 N X 1,763,350 1,472,314 6,088,238 5,772,455 312140X Undistributed distillery products 2014 N X 1,796,587 1,480,585 6,027,304 5,680,366 312230 Tobacco products 2015 40,227,092 0.3 923,172 423,080 1,331,044 1,103,418 312230 Tobacco products 2014 36,051,828 0.3 667,652 426,980 1,226,814 972,588 3122301 Tobacco, unstemmed leaf, redried before packing 2015 761,219 0.0 N N N N 3122301 Tobacco, unstemmed leaf, redried before packing 2014 738,643 0.0 N N N N 3122303 Tobacco, stemmed 2015 735,531 1.4 N N N N 3122303 Tobacco, stemmed 2014 718,910 1.3 N N N N 3122305 Cigarettes, including nontobacco 2015 33,114,767 0.3 739,669 256,206 412,314 194,144 3122305 Cigarettes, including nontobacco 2014 29,273,678 0.4 505,610 273,914 403,730 157,644 3122306 Cigars 2015 790,066 6.9 27,608 24,976 832,855 828,670 3122306 Cigars 2014 801,628 6.4 39,179 36,305 740,502 737,564 3122307 Smoking and chewing tobacco 2015 4,468,812 0.4 66,670 52,956 47,841 46,675 3122307 Smoking and chewing tobacco 2014 4,199,304 0.2 51,666 45,727 45,970 43,886 3122309 Reconstituted tobacco, processed sheet and homogenized 2015 217,094 0.0 47,959 47,923 29,448 29,386 3122309 Reconstituted tobacco, processed sheet and homogenized 2014 241,613 0.0 55,753 55,732 29,965 29,487 312230W Tobacco products, nsk, total 2015 139,602 0.0 N N N N 312230W Tobacco products, nsk, total 2014 78,052 0.0 N N N N 312230X Undistributed tobacco products 2015 N X 41,264 41,017 8,585 4,542 312230X Undistributed tobacco products 2014 N X 15,443 15,300 6,644 4,004

Page 15

NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods313110 Fiber, yarn, and thread mill products 2015 7,854,645 1.1 2,220,198 2,130,366 782,663 781,994 313110 Fiber, yarn, and thread mill products 2014 8,077,020 1.1 2,260,859 2,220,662 781,529 780,856 3131101 Yarns, spun, carded, cotton 2015 2,136,364 1.6 1,099,639 1,062,827 82,078 81,607 3131101 Yarns, spun, carded, cotton 2014 2,152,347 1.5 1,044,095 1,037,136 87,979 87,519 3131103 Yarns, spun, combed, cotton 2015 229,633 7.7 221,640 221,384 70,191 70,191 3131103 Yarns, spun, combed, cotton 2014 234,772 6.0 336,284 335,252 80,740 80,608 3131105 Yarns, spun, rayon, acetate, and lyocell 2015 99,509 18.4 N N N N 3131105 Yarns, spun, rayon, acetate, and lyocell 2014 93,518 21.2 N N N N 3131107 Yarns, spun, noncellulosic fiber and other natural fibers 2015 1,599,379 3.8 544,102 536,169 393,049 392,844 3131107 Yarns, spun, noncellulosic fiber and other natural fibers 2014 1,677,636 3.6 521,201 514,686 382,818 382,748 3131109 Yarns, wool, including new, reused, and reprocessed 2015 171,042 0.1 6,703 5,241 79,889 79,889 3131109 Yarns, wool, including new, reused, and reprocessed 2014 173,482 0.1 8,237 7,723 75,595 75,595 313110B Scouring and combing mill products 2015 D D 25,368 8,754 39,265 39,265 313110B Scouring and combing mill products 2014 D D 19,741 11,667 43,134 43,134 313110D Yarns, novelty and plied, excluding wool, not spun or thrown at the same establishment 2015 22,353 s 41.3 s N N N N 313110D Yarns, novelty and plied, excluding wool, not spun or thrown at the same establishment 2014 65,023 13.6 N N N N 313110F Yarns, thrown, filament, excluding textured (report yarns that are both thrown and textured a 2015 471,504 0.2 N N N N 313110F Yarns, thrown, filament, excluding textured (report yarns that are both thrown and textured a 2014 436,131 0.3 N N N N 313110H Yarns, textured, crimped, and bulked, filament, including stretch, made from purchased filam 2015 2,564,388 1.8 N N N N 313110H Yarns, textured, crimped, and bulked, filament, including stretch, made from purchased filam 2014 2,687,684 1.6 N N N N 313110J Yarns, filament, commission receipts for throwing, texturing, or winding 2015 54,151 0.0 N N N N 313110J Yarns, filament, commission receipts for throwing, texturing, or winding 2014 57,931 0.0 N N N N 313110L Thread mills 2015 361,177 1.0 163,327 145,478 61,347 61,348 313110L Thread mills 2014 349,377 0.6 159,875 148,642 55,633 55,631 313110W Fiber, yarn, and thread mill products, nsk, total 2015 D D N N N N 313110W Fiber, yarn, and thread mill products, nsk, total 2014 D D N N N N 313110X Undistributed fiber, yarn, and thread mill products 2015 N X 159,415 150,510 56,840 56,846 313110X Undistributed fiber, yarn, and thread mill products 2014 N X 171,423 165,553 55,626 55,618

Page 16

NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods313210 Broadwoven fabric mill products 2015 4,145,832 1.7 2,043,115 1,845,555 3,236,695 3,188,973 313210 Broadwoven fabric mill products 2014 4,149,041 1.7 2,139,345 1,946,565 3,194,503 3,173,162 3132101 Broadwoven fabrics, cotton, plain weave (excluding pile), gray goods 2015 275,752 17.9 12,770 11,242 54,946 54,946 3132101 Broadwoven fabrics, cotton, plain weave (excluding pile), gray goods 2014 264,163 17.5 12,131 10,323 52,451 52,400 3132103 Broadwoven fabrics, cotton, twill weave (excluding pile), gray goods 2015 288,535 0.2 7,608 7,584 10,349 10,349 3132103 Broadwoven fabrics, cotton, twill weave (excluding pile), gray goods 2014 286,832 0.6 7,959 7,878 14,434 14,434 3132105 Broadwoven fabrics, cotton, all other weaves (excluding plain, twill, or pile), gray goods 2015 49,582 0.0 N N 15,584 15,584 3132105 Broadwoven fabrics, cotton, all other weaves (excluding plain, twill, or pile), gray goods 2014 50,197 0.0 N N 21,516 21,516 3132107 Broadwoven fabrics, cotton, pile, gray goods 2015 D D N N N N 3132107 Broadwoven fabrics, cotton, pile, gray goods 2014 D D N N N N 3132109 Broadwoven fabrics, cotton, finished in weaving mills 2015 60,715 11.9 480,398 442,912 604,869 601,965 3132109 Broadwoven fabrics, cotton, finished in weaving mills 2014 132,502 10.3 561,115 515,236 588,180 585,324 313210D Fabricated textile products, made in weaving mills 2015 185,341 21.0 N N 71,984 72,019 313210D Fabricated textile products, made in weaving mills 2014 144,690 25.0 N N 50,196 50,172 313210E Broadwoven fabrics, manmade fiber, 85 percent or more filament yarns (chiefly rayon, aceta 2015 D D N N 3,051 3,051 313210E Broadwoven fabrics, manmade fiber, 85 percent or more filament yarns (chiefly rayon, aceta 2014 80,947 0.0 N N 3,569 3,569 313210G Broadwoven fabrics, manmade fiber, 85 percent or more filament yarns (excluding rayon, ac 2015 1,044,951 1.2 N N N N 313210G Broadwoven fabrics, manmade fiber, 85 percent or more filament yarns (excluding rayon, ac 2014 1,058,963 1.1 N N N N 313210H Broadwoven fabrics, manmade fiber, plain weave (excluding pile), 85 percent or more spun 2015 327,887 1.2 N N 3,777 3,777 313210H Broadwoven fabrics, manmade fiber, plain weave (excluding pile), 85 percent or more spun 2014 330,688 1.0 N N 3,422 3,422 313210J Broadwoven fabrics, manmade fiber, twill weave (excluding pile), 85 percent or more spun y 2015 209,214 0.0 N N 6,238 6,238 313210J Broadwoven fabrics, manmade fiber, twill weave (excluding pile), 85 percent or more spun y 2014 181,002 0.3 N N 3,087 3,087 313210L Broadwoven fabrics, manmade fiber, all other weaves (excluding plain, twill, and pile), 85 pe 2015 143,183 15.4 N N N N 313210L Broadwoven fabrics, manmade fiber, all other weaves (excluding plain, twill, and pile), 85 pe 2014 135,860 16.2 N N N N 313210M Broadwoven fabrics, manmade and natural fibers, combinations of spun and filament yarns, 2015 148,686 1.7 2,553 2,425 50,048 50,048 313210M Broadwoven fabrics, manmade and natural fibers, combinations of spun and filament yarns, 2014 154,434 0.3 1,289 1,216 49,078 49,081 313210N Broadwoven fabrics, manmade and natural fibers, including silk (excluding cotton), all other 2015 7,736 0.0 2,759 1,966 877 877 313210N Broadwoven fabrics, manmade and natural fibers, including silk (excluding cotton), all other 2014 8,251 0.0 2,603 2,189 581 581 313210P Broadwoven fabrics, manmade and natural fibers, including silk (excluding cotton and wool) 2015 922,414 2.3 148,668 122,431 132,071 129,223 313210P Broadwoven fabrics, manmade and natural fibers, including silk (excluding cotton and wool) 2014 923,974 2.4 150,668 123,346 134,256 131,755 313210T Broadwoven fabrics, wool, gray goods 2015 D D N N N N 313210T Broadwoven fabrics, wool, gray goods 2014 47,411 0.0 N N N N 313210U Broadwoven fabrics, including felts, wool, finished in weaving mills 2015 D D N N N N 313210U Broadwoven fabrics, including felts, wool, finished in weaving mills 2014 D D N N N N 313210W Broadwoven fabric mill products, nsk, total 2015 176,036 0.3 N N N N 313210W Broadwoven fabric mill products, nsk, total 2014 164,204 0.1 N N N N 313210X Undistributed broadwoven fabric mill products 2015 N X 1,388,358 1,256,993 2,282,896 2,240,891 313210X Undistributed broadwoven fabric mill products 2014 N X 1,403,577 1,286,374 2,273,729 2,257,815 313220 Narrow fabric mill and Schiffli machine embroidery products 2015 1,028,260 3.2 915,391 807,241 893,944 887,326 313220 Narrow fabric mill and Schiffli machine embroidery products 2014 1,001,242 3.2 967,572 868,846 891,176 888,342 3132201 Narrow fabrics (12 inches or less in width), woven 2015 649,881 5.0 523,093 478,973 466,647 466,591 3132201 Narrow fabrics (12 inches or less in width), woven 2014 593,717 5.4 552,408 508,054 454,896 455,046 3132203 Narrow fabrics (12 inches or less in width), braided 2015 265,342 0.8 56,295 50,460 21,784 21,778 3132203 Narrow fabrics (12 inches or less in width), braided 2014 285,283 0.9 55,624 51,137 21,712 21,812 3132205 Covered rubber thread, made in narrow fabric mills 2015 D D 11,988 11,107 12,494 12,482 3132205 Covered rubber thread, made in narrow fabric mills 2014 D D 12,777 10,850 11,039 11,021 3132207 Schiffli machine embroideries 2015 38,774 4.7 N N N N 3132207 Schiffli machine embroideries 2014 42,872 4.5 N N N N 313220W Narrow fabric mill and Schiffli machine embroidery products, nsk, total 2015 D D N N N N 313220W Narrow fabric mill and Schiffli machine embroidery products, nsk, total 2014 D D N N N N 313220X Undistributed narrow fabric mill and Schiffli machine embroidery products 2015 N X 324,013 266,700 393,018 386,474 313220X Undistributed narrow fabric mill and Schiffli machine embroidery products 2014 N X 346,762 298,804 403,528 400,461

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NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods313230 Nonwoven fabric mill products 2015 7,459,032 1.8 2,064,739 1,915,486 1,332,038 1,328,504 313230 Nonwoven fabric mill products 2014 8,079,473 1.9 2,230,095 2,092,720 1,223,544 1,219,891 3132301 Nonwoven fabrics 2015 5,611,978 2.0 1,793,809 1,713,210 1,238,699 1,235,309 3132301 Nonwoven fabrics 2014 6,188,601 2.0 1,960,255 1,885,691 1,133,241 1,130,076 3132303 Fabricated nonwoven products 2015 1,284,570 5.5 147,996 81,645 11,144 11,144 3132303 Fabricated nonwoven products 2014 1,340,798 5.3 149,409 89,632 9,839 9,839 3132305 Pressed, punched, or needled felts (excluding hats) 2015 466,201 9.5 122,933 120,629 82,194 82,050 3132305 Pressed, punched, or needled felts (excluding hats) 2014 446,948 9.8 120,429 117,396 80,463 79,975 313230W Nonwoven fabric mill products, nsk, total 2015 96,283 0.0 N N N N 313230W Nonwoven fabric mill products, nsk, total 2014 103,125 0.7 N N N N313240 Knit fabric mill products 2015 1,277,279 2.2 1,089,785 1,021,707 1,111,269 1,091,997 313240 Knit fabric mill products 2014 1,425,710 1.7 1,088,760 1,030,648 1,099,377 1,085,402 3132401 Weft (circular) knit fabrics, greige goods (excluding hosiery) 2015 141,517 10.6 N N N N 3132401 Weft (circular) knit fabrics, greige goods (excluding hosiery) 2014 240,784 5.9 N N N N 3132403 Weft (circular) knit fabrics, knit and finished in the same establishment (excluding hosiery) 2015 385,203 2.1 N N N N 3132403 Weft (circular) knit fabrics, knit and finished in the same establishment (excluding hosiery) 2014 397,757 2.7 N N N N 3132405 Weft (circular) knit fabrics, nonapparel-type, knitting only or knitting and finishing (excluding 2015 38,390 0.0 N N N N 3132405 Weft (circular) knit fabrics, nonapparel-type, knitting only or knitting and finishing (excluding 2014 35,590 0.0 N N N N 3132407 Warp knit fabrics, greige goods 2015 162,159 1.2 N N N N 3132407 Warp knit fabrics, greige goods 2014 167,437 0.9 N N N N 3132409 Warp knit fabrics, knit and finished in same establishment 2015 412,544 3.4 N N N N 3132409 Warp knit fabrics, knit and finished in same establishment 2014 430,927 1.5 N N N N 313240B Lace and net goods, all leavers and Nottingham lace machine products, including bobbinets 2015 21,022 10.7 29,247 26,221 34,212 34,212 313240B Lace and net goods, all leavers and Nottingham lace machine products, including bobbinets 2014 19,312 11.7 29,971 27,375 36,957 36,957 313240D Warp knit fabrics, lace and net goods, contract and commission receipts for knitting only or k 2015 48,154 11.2 N N N N 313240D Warp knit fabrics, lace and net goods, contract and commission receipts for knitting only or k 2014 58,100 1.7 N N N N 313240F Other nonapparel warp knit end products (including knitted towels and washcloths), excludin 2015 12,070 0.0 N N N N 313240F Other nonapparel warp knit end products (including knitted towels and washcloths), excludin 2014 12,672 0.0 N N N N 313240W Knit fabric mill products, nsk, total 2015 56,221 28.5 N N N N 313240W Knit fabric mill products, nsk, total 2014 63,132 25.3 N N N N 313240X Undistributed knit fabric mill products 2015 N X 1,060,538 995,485 1,077,057 1,057,785 313240X Undistributed knit fabric mill products 2014 N X 1,058,789 1,003,273 1,062,420 1,048,444 313310 Textile and fabric finishing mill products 2015 5,610,100 2.8 N N N N313310 Textile and fabric finishing mill products 2014 5,488,270 2.6 N N N N 3133101 Broadwoven fabrics, cotton, finished in finishing mills 2015 724,511 6.8 N N N N 3133101 Broadwoven fabrics, cotton, finished in finishing mills 2014 667,726 5.2 N N N N 3133103 Broadwoven fabrics, cotton, print cloth, job or commission finishing 2015 471,533 6.9 N N N N 3133103 Broadwoven fabrics, cotton, print cloth, job or commission finishing 2014 500,014 6.2 N N N N 3133105 Broadwoven fabrics, manmade and natural fibers, including silk (excluding cotton and wool) 2015 1,112,329 5.7 N N N N 3133105 Broadwoven fabrics, manmade and natural fibers, including silk (excluding cotton and wool) 2014 1,123,920 3.7 N N N N 3133107 Broadwoven fabrics, job or commission finishing, all other fabrics (excluding cotton), includin 2015 854,252 7.4 N N N N 3133107 Broadwoven fabrics, job or commission finishing, all other fabrics (excluding cotton), includin 2014 863,841 7.2 N N N N 3133109 Broadwoven fabrics, finished, wool (including felts), not finished in weaving mills 2015 D D N N N N 3133109 Broadwoven fabrics, finished, wool (including felts), not finished in weaving mills 2014 D D N N N N 313310B Finished fabrics (excluding broadwoven) and other finished textiles 2015 1,826,785 5.8 N N N N 313310B Finished fabrics (excluding broadwoven) and other finished textiles 2014 1,724,613 5.9 N N N N 313310W Textile and fabric finishing mill products, nsk, total 2015 D D N N N N 313310W Textile and fabric finishing mill products, nsk, total 2014 D D N N N N

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NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods313320 Fabric coating mill products 2015 2,628,893 2.0 1,396,754 1,247,528 1,296,219 1,293,193 313320 Fabric coating mill products 2014 2,613,151 1.8 1,337,939 1,226,097 1,270,103 1,264,576 3133201 Vinyl coated fabrics, including expanded vinyl coated 2015 616,199 1.6 112,499 85,907 429,498 428,590 3133201 Vinyl coated fabrics, including expanded vinyl coated 2014 580,798 1.0 149,151 121,857 435,687 434,380 3133204 Rubber coated fabrics, garment and footwear 2015 181,543 13.0 287,772 251,347 189,945 189,262 3133204 Rubber coated fabrics, garment and footwear 2014 188,648 12.2 265,930 243,740 209,826 209,960 3133205 Coated or laminated fabrics and coated yarns, including impregnated fabrics 2015 1,749,962 2.6 554,862 487,671 436,309 436,689 3133205 Coated or laminated fabrics and coated yarns, including impregnated fabrics 2014 1,775,408 2.2 499,545 452,163 416,340 413,591 313320W Fabric coating mill products, nsk, total 2015 81,188 3.9 N N N N 313320W Fabric coating mill products, nsk, total 2014 68,297 4.6 N N N N 313320X Undistributed fabric coating mill products 2015 N X 441,620 422,602 240,465 238,651 313320X Undistributed fabric coating mill products 2014 N X 423,311 408,335 208,249 206,643 314110 Carpet and rug mill products 2015 9,901,652 1.2 1,032,245 975,085 2,467,613 2,454,867 314110 Carpet and rug mill products 2014 9,754,364 1.2 1,118,647 1,059,585 2,454,114 2,439,195 3141101 Carpet and rugs, woven, made or finished at this plant 2015 1,025,245 5.6 81,907 60,973 631,039 627,783 3141101 Carpet and rugs, woven, made or finished at this plant 2014 972,181 6.2 84,104 64,208 632,843 628,214 3141103 Carpet and rugs, tufted 2015 8,185,634 1.2 834,813 813,162 1,090,073 1,080,261 3141103 Carpet and rugs, tufted 2014 8,141,702 1.2 923,897 900,442 1,168,502 1,159,060 3141105 Other carpet, rugs, and mats 2015 453,778 2.3 115,523 100,949 727,040 727,343 3141105 Other carpet, rugs, and mats 2014 413,392 2.6 110,645 94,934 632,513 631,678 314110W Carpet and rug mill products, nsk, total 2015 236,996 0.1 N N N N 314110W Carpet and rug mill products, nsk, total 2014 227,088 0.1 N N N N 314110X Undistributed carpet and rug mill products 2015 N X N N 19,459 19,479 314110X Undistributed carpet and rug mill products 2014 N X N N 20,255 20,242 314120 Curtain and linen mill products 2015 4,390,238 3.6 766,239 606,050 11,683,947 11,641,578 314120 Curtain and linen mill products 2014 4,144,551 3.3 775,796 610,452 11,085,131 11,039,543 3141201 Curtains and draperies 2015 912,647 5.1 129,981 112,616 778,663 777,478 3141201 Curtains and draperies 2014 883,800 4.4 135,319 120,716 714,219 713,057 3141203 Bedspreads, made from purchased materials 2015 162,343 11.6 3,809 2,640 87,678 87,667 3141203 Bedspreads, made from purchased materials 2014 166,169 13.0 4,377 2,962 79,055 78,977 3141205 Sheets and pillowcases, made from purchased materials 2015 224,713 9.4 45,316 28,664 2,666,511 2,658,958 3141205 Sheets and pillowcases, made from purchased materials 2014 216,274 7.0 49,102 28,733 2,610,183 2,601,024 3141207 Towels and washcloths, made from purchased materials 2015 59,040 0.3 47,579 33,023 2,213,476 2,197,357 3141207 Towels and washcloths, made from purchased materials 2014 60,699 0.5 51,214 35,884 2,107,897 2,091,004 3141209 Other household furnishings, made from purchased materials 2015 2,714,560 5.2 307,350 257,586 4,133,965 4,121,866 3141209 Other household furnishings, made from purchased materials 2014 2,583,506 4.8 306,175 251,943 3,853,603 3,842,876 314120W Curtain and linen mill products, nsk, total 2015 316,935 12.7 N N N N 314120W Curtain and linen mill products, nsk, total 2014 234,104 17.1 N N N N 314120X Undistributed curtain and linen mill products 2015 N X 232,202 171,519 1,803,651 1,798,250 314120X Undistributed curtain and linen mill products 2014 N X 229,606 170,211 1,720,171 1,712,601 314910 Textile bag and canvas mill products 2015 3,433,442 5.7 232,562 205,906 1,920,584 1,916,367 314910 Textile bag and canvas mill products 2014 3,351,700 5.5 223,273 194,007 1,804,078 1,803,896 3149101 Textile bags 2015 558,625 8.7 101,704 86,679 1,288,589 1,287,314 3149101 Textile bags 2014 596,040 7.8 98,928 81,522 1,254,977 1,255,051 3149105 Canvas and related products 2015 2,698,330 7.0 125,288 114,301 581,277 578,457 3149105 Canvas and related products 2014 2,615,006 6.8 118,111 106,537 519,665 519,413 314910W Textile bag and canvas mill products, nsk, total 2015 176,486 7.6 N N N N 314910W Textile bag and canvas mill products, nsk, total 2014 140,654 4.9 N N N N 314910X Undistributed textile bag and canvas mill products 2015 N X 5,569 4,925 50,717 50,596 314910X Undistributed textile bag and canvas mill products 2014 N X 6,232 5,947 29,434 29,432

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NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods314994 Rope, cordage, twine, tire cord, and tire fabric mill products 2015 1,770,716 2.8 323,962 291,297 1,202,279 1,204,961 314994 Rope, cordage, twine, tire cord, and tire fabric mill products 2014 1,884,426 2.4 340,592 317,967 1,166,801 1,170,377 3149941 Cordage and twine, hard fiber 2015 151,053 15.8 5,780 4,702 83,367 83,302 3149941 Cordage and twine, hard fiber 2014 159,382 15.7 6,600 5,849 69,992 69,984 3149943 Cordage and twine, soft fiber, excluding cotton 2015 474,874 9.0 191,464 166,127 489,562 488,127 3149943 Cordage and twine, soft fiber, excluding cotton 2014 493,129 7.3 197,548 180,030 454,812 450,944 3149945 Cordage and twine, cotton 2015 37,314 11.4 N N 21,914 21,915 3149945 Cordage and twine, cotton 2014 32,131 3.5 N N 23,878 23,863 3149947 Tire cord and tire fabrics 2015 1,084,992 0.7 110,859 106,573 587,244 591,429 3149947 Tire cord and tire fabrics 2014 1,175,093 0.7 119,811 117,412 595,879 603,346 314994W Rope, cordage, twine, tire cord, and tire fabric mill products, nsk, total 2015 22,484 20.5 N N N N 314994W Rope, cordage, twine, tire cord, and tire fabric mill products, nsk, total 2014 24,692 18.7 N N N N 314994X Undistributed rope, cordage, twine, tire cord, and tire fabric mill products 2015 N X 15,858 13,893 20,190 20,186 314994X Undistributed rope, cordage, twine, tire cord, and tire fabric mill products 2014 N X 16,631 14,674 22,238 22,239 314999 All other miscellaneous textile product mill products 2015 5,322,483 3.7 888,318 713,443 3,508,410 3,488,770 314999 All other miscellaneous textile product mill products 2014 5,227,523 4.0 836,238 681,571 3,166,453 3,151,578 3149991 Recovered fibers, processed mill waste and related products 2015 184,370 11.8 21,669 20,886 63,684 63,684 3149991 Recovered fibers, processed mill waste and related products 2014 207,906 12.0 24,306 23,628 57,602 57,600 3149993 Paddings and upholstery filling, batting, and wadding (excluding foam rubber and plastics) 2015 215,126 12.5 135,142 124,488 179,155 178,990 3149993 Paddings and upholstery filling, batting, and wadding (excluding foam rubber and plastics) 2014 211,644 12.5 133,236 122,616 177,107 177,032 3149996 Embroideries (excluding Schiffli machine products) and embroidery contractors 2015 1,068,866 4.8 10,693 6,501 123,059 122,523 3149996 Embroideries (excluding Schiffli machine products) and embroidery contractors 2014 1,025,423 4.3 10,680 6,270 122,981 122,964 3149997 Trimmings and findings, excluding automobile and apparel 2015 24,506 6.1 21,151 19,499 25,743 25,743 3149997 Trimmings and findings, excluding automobile and apparel 2014 31,160 15.2 19,212 18,097 27,526 27,525 3149998 All other miscellaneous fabricated textile products 2015 2,983,938 5.7 699,662 542,066 3,116,767 3,097,828 3149998 All other miscellaneous fabricated textile products 2014 2,992,264 6.3 648,800 510,957 2,781,235 2,766,454 314999W All other miscellaneous textile product mill products, nsk, total 2015 845,678 8.6 N N N N 314999W All other miscellaneous textile product mill products, nsk, total 2014 759,127 9.2 N N N N315110 Hosiery and sock mill products 2015 937,815 1.9 241,412 201,709 2,448,648 2,444,194 315110 Hosiery and sock mill products 2014 961,901 1.8 242,039 196,593 2,291,745 2,280,722 3151101 Sheer hosiery, women's, misses', and girls', finished, full-length, knee-length, and below the 2015 49,562 16.1 N N N N 3151101 Sheer hosiery, women's, misses', and girls', finished, full-length, knee-length, and below the 2014 53,509 15.5 N N N N 3151103 Sheer pantyhose, including tights, women's, misses', and girls', finished, all needles 2015 103,179 12.6 43,319 40,020 262,963 262,959 3151103 Sheer pantyhose, including tights, women's, misses', and girls', finished, all needles 2014 114,581 12.0 52,664 49,232 291,718 291,636 3151105 Sheer hosiery, excluding socks, women's, misses', and girls', shipped in the greige 2015 12,605 2.9 N N N N 3151105 Sheer hosiery, excluding socks, women's, misses', and girls', shipped in the greige 2014 16,370 2.4 N N N N 3151107 Hosiery and socks, men's, finished, sizes 10 and up (excluding sheer) 2015 381,857 1.6 N N N N 3151107 Hosiery and socks, men's, finished, sizes 10 and up (excluding sheer) 2014 377,901 1.6 N N N N 3151109 Hosiery and socks, all other types, finished (excluding sheer) 2015 227,051 2.7 N N 79,938 79,937 3151109 Hosiery and socks, all other types, finished (excluding sheer) 2014 241,370 1.4 N N 72,123 71,912 315110B Socks and hosiery, excluding sheer, shipped in the greige 2015 97,866 2.1 N N N N 315110B Socks and hosiery, excluding sheer, shipped in the greige 2014 90,145 0.3 N N N N 315110W Hosiery and sock mill products, nsk, total 2015 65,695 0.2 N N N N 315110W Hosiery and sock mill products, nsk, total 2014 68,025 0.5 N N N N 315110X Undistributed hosiery and sock mill products 2015 N X 198,093 161,688 2,105,746 2,101,297 315110X Undistributed hosiery and sock mill products 2014 N X 189,374 147,361 1,927,902 1,917,172

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NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods315190 Other apparel knitting mill products 2015 287,515 3.2 190,871 145,708 878,225 874,214 315190 Other apparel knitting mill products 2014 276,887 3.5 166,119 118,908 800,075 797,842 3151901 Sweaters, men's and boys', made in knitting mills 2015 9,528 0.0 N N N N 3151901 Sweaters, men's and boys', made in knitting mills 2014 9,100 0.0 N N N N 3151903 Sweaters, women's, girls', and infants', made in knitting mills 2015 46,612 3.5 N N N N 3151903 Sweaters, women's, girls', and infants', made in knitting mills 2014 46,580 5.6 N N N N 3151905 Shirts, dress and sport (including polo shirts, tank tops, sweatshirts, t-shirts, and unisex swe 2015 26,596 3.7 N N N N 3151905 Shirts, dress and sport (including polo shirts, tank tops, sweatshirts, t-shirts, and unisex swe 2014 26,303 3.6 N N N N 3151907 Shirts and blouses (including polo shirts, tank tops, sweatshirts, and t-shirts), knit, women's, 2015 23,480 37.6 N N N N 3151907 Shirts and blouses (including polo shirts, tank tops, sweatshirts, and t-shirts), knit, women's, 2014 21,401 s 43.5 s N N N N 3151909 Outerwear (excluding sweaters, shirts, and blouses), knit, made in knitting mills 2015 17,412 0.0 N N N N 3151909 Outerwear (excluding sweaters, shirts, and blouses), knit, made in knitting mills 2014 14,589 0.0 N N N N 315190B Contract receipts for knitting only or knitting and finishing knitting mill apparel products, exclu 2015 30,034 0.0 N N N N 315190B Contract receipts for knitting only or knitting and finishing knitting mill apparel products, exclu 2014 28,513 0.0 N N N N 315190D Gloves and mittens, made in knitting mills 2015 16,618 1.3 N N N N 315190D Gloves and mittens, made in knitting mills 2014 17,181 0.8 N N N N 315190F Apparel products (excluding outerwear, gloves and mittens, underwear, and nightwear), oth 2015 70,894 0.2 190,871 145,708 878,225 874,214 315190F Apparel products (excluding outerwear, gloves and mittens, underwear, and nightwear), oth 2014 64,636 0.2 166,119 118,908 800,075 797,842 315190H Underwear, nightwear, and robes, men's and boys', knit, made in knitting mills 2015 D D N N N N 315190H Underwear, nightwear, and robes, men's and boys', knit, made in knitting mills 2014 D D N N N N 315190J Underwear and nightwear and robes, women's, girls', and infants', knit, made in knitting mills 2015 1,607 11.4 N N N N 315190J Underwear and nightwear and robes, women's, girls', and infants', knit, made in knitting mills 2014 1,658 11.1 N N N N 315190W Other apparel knitting mill products, nsk, total 2015 D D N N N N 315190W Other apparel knitting mill products, nsk, total 2014 D D N N N N315210 Cut and sew apparel contractors 2015 1,920,093 4.0 N N N N315210 Cut and sew apparel contractors 2014 1,895,005 3.7 N N N N 3152101 Contract receipts for men's and boys' (including unisex) tailored suits, coats, jackets, and ve 2015 126,109 4.2 N N N N 3152101 Contract receipts for men's and boys' (including unisex) tailored suits, coats, jackets, and ve 2014 107,472 4.5 N N N N 3152103 Contract receipts for men's and boys' (including unisex) shirts, excluding work shirts 2015 141,604 18.3 N N N N 3152103 Contract receipts for men's and boys' (including unisex) shirts, excluding work shirts 2014 130,594 18.9 N N N N 3152105 Contract receipts for men's and boys' underwear and nightwear, including robes 2015 5,134 s 55.1 s N N N N 3152105 Contract receipts for men's and boys' underwear and nightwear, including robes 2014 14,426 16.0 N N N N 3152107 Contract receipts for men's and boys' (including unisex) sweaters; pants; jeans; shorts; swea 2015 199,000 10.6 N N N N 3152107 Contract receipts for men's and boys' (including unisex) sweaters; pants; jeans; shorts; swea 2014 218,945 8.7 N N N N 3152109 Contract receipts for men's and boys', fur goods, leather- and sheep-lined apparel, team spo 2015 58,008 4.9 N N N N 3152109 Contract receipts for men's and boys', fur goods, leather- and sheep-lined apparel, team spo 2014 58,237 5.2 N N N N 315210B Contract receipts for women's, misses', girls', and infants' shirts and blouses 2015 272,312 10.6 N N N N 315210B Contract receipts for women's, misses', girls', and infants' shirts and blouses 2014 292,732 9.8 N N N N 315210D Contract receipts for women's, girls', and infants' dresses 2015 141,641 8.8 N N N N 315210D Contract receipts for women's, girls', and infants' dresses 2014 151,544 8.7 N N N N 315210F Contract receipts for women's, girls', and infants' skirts, tailored suits, coats, jackets, and ves 2015 83,054 19.1 N N N N 315210F Contract receipts for women's, girls', and infants' skirts, tailored suits, coats, jackets, and ves 2014 81,642 20.4 N N N N 315210H Contract receipts for women's, girls', and infants' nontailored coats, jackets, and vests; pants 2015 168,113 19.2 N N N N 315210H Contract receipts for women's, girls', and infants' nontailored coats, jackets, and vests; pants 2014 167,942 15.9 N N N N 315210J Contract receipts for women's, girls', and infants' underwear and nightwear, including robes 2015 9,300 17.6 N N N N 315210J Contract receipts for women's, girls', and infants' underwear and nightwear, including robes 2014 9,606 16.8 N N N N 315210L Contract receipts for women's, girls', and infants' fur goods, leather- and sheep-lined appare 2015 78,454 8.5 N N N N 315210L Contract receipts for women's, girls', and infants' fur goods, leather- and sheep-lined appare 2014 58,913 6.6 N N N N 315210W Cut and sew apparel contractors, nsk, total 2015 637,367 7.9 N N N N 315210W Cut and sew apparel contractors, nsk, total 2014 602,954 7.4 N N N N

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NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods315220 Men's and boys' cut and sew apparel 2015 1,595,603 3.4 1,867,557 918,791 31,537,154 31,281,415 315220 Men's and boys' cut and sew apparel 2014 1,540,016 2.7 1,787,988 878,159 30,231,886 30,047,759 3152201 Men's and boys' nightwear, robes, and knit underwear, made from purchased fabrics 2015 94,467 0.8 96,437 47,628 2,654,352 2,644,679 3152201 Men's and boys' nightwear, robes, and knit underwear, made from purchased fabrics 2014 99,940 0.8 111,908 56,149 2,537,909 2,535,003 3152203 Men's and boys' tailored suits, including dress uniforms (firefighter, military, police, etc.), mad 2015 207,186 3.6 82,547 71,860 546,850 543,315 3152203 Men's and boys' tailored suits, including dress uniforms (firefighter, military, police, etc.), mad 2014 194,836 4.7 96,646 85,873 615,542 610,450 3152205 Men's and boys' tailored overcoats, topcoats, car and suburban coats (including water-repel 2015 6,518 14.9 N N N N 3152205 Men's and boys' tailored overcoats, topcoats, car and suburban coats (including water-repel 2014 6,862 13.9 N N N N 3152207 Men's and boys' tailored dress and sport coats and vests, made from purchased fabrics 2015 68,868 3.9 23,791 14,850 786,937 783,704 3152207 Men's and boys' tailored dress and sport coats and vests, made from purchased fabrics 2014 65,302 3.7 22,623 12,984 805,228 805,323 3152209 Men's and boys' (including unisex) knit dress and sport shirts (including polo shirts, tank tops 2015 297,607 10.3 230,106 102,578 9,504,011 9,421,013 3152209 Men's and boys' (including unisex) knit dress and sport shirts (including polo shirts, tank tops 2014 278,525 9.5 197,399 87,197 9,033,062 8,907,598 315220B Men's and boys' woven dress and sport shirts, made from purchased fabrics 2015 130,682 2.6 51,657 23,874 3,804,203 3,778,222 315220B Men's and boys' woven dress and sport shirts, made from purchased fabrics 2014 133,994 2.2 46,675 22,043 3,792,799 3,783,210 315220D Men's and boys' separate dress and sport trousers, pants, and slacks (excluding jeans, jean 2015 84,422 7.4 N N 3,566,526 3,539,243 315220D Men's and boys' separate dress and sport trousers, pants, and slacks (excluding jeans, jean 2014 98,110 5.9 N N 3,458,135 3,467,888 315220F Men's and boys' jeans and jean-cut casual slacks, made from purchased fabrics 2015 42,172 16.8 N N 1,999,057 1,981,650 315220F Men's and boys' jeans and jean-cut casual slacks, made from purchased fabrics 2014 45,388 11.8 N N 2,045,838 2,045,441 315220H Men's and boys' work shirts, made from purchased fabrics 2015 47,744 13.4 N N N N 315220H Men's and boys' work shirts, made from purchased fabrics 2014 39,548 11.9 N N N N 315220J Men's and boys' workpants (excluding jeans), work jackets, coveralls, overalls, jumpsuits, an 2015 282,269 14.0 18,036 10,430 324,505 321,604 315220J Men's and boys' workpants (excluding jeans), work jackets, coveralls, overalls, jumpsuits, an 2014 242,609 10.2 13,474 7,227 335,496 332,642 315220L Men's and boys' nontailored coats, jackets, and vests, including down- and feather-filled (ex 2015 237,203 6.5 N N 221,903 218,319 315220L Men's and boys' nontailored coats, jackets, and vests, including down- and feather-filled (ex 2014 253,605 6.7 N N 224,918 223,727 315220N Men's and boys' shorts (including dress and athletic) and swimwear, made from purchased f 2015 12,049 21.4 65,767 32,340 2,465,625 2,443,493 315220N Men's and boys' shorts (including dress and athletic) and swimwear, made from purchased f 2014 13,289 18.5 60,863 31,166 2,315,733 2,310,730 315220P Men's and boys' sweaters, sweater vests, sweatpants, jogging and warm-up suits, playsuits, 2015 6,794 13.7 310,387 135,037 567,270 559,272 315220P Men's and boys' sweaters, sweater vests, sweatpants, jogging and warm-up suits, playsuits, 2014 8,429 13.2 303,394 138,058 536,180 533,818 315220W Men's and boys' cut and sew apparel, nsk, total 2015 77,622 2.8 N N N N 315220W Men's and boys' cut and sew apparel, nsk, total 2014 59,579 4.2 N N N N 315220X Undistributed men's and boys' cut and sew apparel 2015 N X 988,824 480,189 5,095,908 5,046,895 315220X Undistributed men's and boys' cut and sew apparel 2014 N X 935,002 437,459 4,531,042 4,491,925

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NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods315240 Women's, girls', and infants' cut and sew apparel 2015 3,584,527 3.7 2,662,496 1,298,394 47,139,957 46,859,531 315240 Women's, girls', and infants' cut and sew apparel 2014 3,590,548 3.0 2,715,493 1,422,519 45,605,917 45,530,321 3152401 Women's and girls' underwear, excluding foundation garments, made from purchased fabric 2015 37,410 6.5 155,389 43,099 1,836,619 1,818,139 3152401 Women's and girls' underwear, excluding foundation garments, made from purchased fabric 2014 36,727 5.8 148,237 43,065 1,662,565 1,668,060 3152403 Women's and girls' nightwear, excluding robes or dressing gowns intended to sell separately 2015 12,990 0.3 38,796 12,582 1,196,784 1,191,851 3152403 Women's and girls' nightwear, excluding robes or dressing gowns intended to sell separately 2014 13,154 0.2 43,026 13,875 1,153,684 1,150,123 3152405 Women's and girls' brassieres, bralettes, and bandeaux, made from purchased fabrics 2015 9,739 0.1 231,321 33,572 2,466,867 2,440,100 3152405 Women's and girls' brassieres, bralettes, and bandeaux, made from purchased fabrics 2014 8,750 0.1 213,724 40,564 2,228,435 2,235,530 3152407 Women's and girls' corsets (excluding surgical), girdles, and combinations, made from purch 2015 5,870 0.0 17,533 7,763 148,933 148,603 3152407 Women's and girls' corsets (excluding surgical), girdles, and combinations, made from purch 2014 5,251 0.0 16,383 6,556 122,040 121,856 3152409 Women's and girls' robes and dressing gowns, made from purchased fabrics 2015 1,600 0.1 4,072 2,462 101,721 100,744 3152409 Women's and girls' robes and dressing gowns, made from purchased fabrics 2014 1,694 0.0 4,357 2,734 98,478 96,848 315240B Women's and girls' knit shirts and blouses (including polo shirts, cowl neck shirts, tank tops, 2015 821,657 4.4 264,834 127,516 11,269,012 11,220,612 315240B Women's and girls' knit shirts and blouses (including polo shirts, cowl neck shirts, tank tops, 2014 841,465 3.5 281,627 138,807 11,440,472 11,414,358 315240D Women's and girls' woven shirts and blouses, made from purchased fabrics (excluding scre 2015 224,027 5.8 246,745 101,060 3,456,373 3,445,077 315240D Women's and girls' woven shirts and blouses, made from purchased fabrics (excluding scre 2014 247,640 4.4 208,247 125,023 3,227,997 3,223,690 315240F Women's and girls' dresses, made from purchased fabrics 2015 795,507 4.5 381,572 227,249 4,964,243 4,956,512 315240F Women's and girls' dresses, made from purchased fabrics 2014 884,107 3.9 416,867 253,134 4,791,972 4,777,616 315240G Women's and girls' tailored coats and capes, including water-repellent (excluding fur, leathe 2015 16,925 13.3 N N N N 315240G Women's and girls' tailored coats and capes, including water-repellent (excluding fur, leathe 2014 20,980 10.0 N N N N 315240H Women's and girls' tailored suits and pantsuits, including dress uniforms (firefighter, military, 2015 37,300 7.5 12,752 11,259 38,452 38,662 315240H Women's and girls' tailored suits and pantsuits, including dress uniforms (firefighter, military, 2014 35,020 7.3 12,264 9,643 52,434 52,247 315240J Women's and girls' skirts, made from purchased fabrics 2015 76,314 6.2 46,183 31,122 1,106,605 1,104,009 315240J Women's and girls' skirts, made from purchased fabrics 2014 79,390 5.3 52,681 34,519 1,099,281 1,097,354 315240K Women's and girls' tailored jackets and vests, excluding fur and leather, made from purchas 2015 36,421 4.2 45,539 35,601 588,639 586,225 315240K Women's and girls' tailored jackets and vests, excluding fur and leather, made from purchas 2014 33,750 4.1 47,229 33,445 652,995 650,759 315240L Women's and girls' sweaters, including sweater vests, made from purchased fabrics 2015 32,441 3.5 48,125 24,792 1,556,994 1,545,377 315240L Women's and girls' sweaters, including sweater vests, made from purchased fabrics 2014 33,004 4.2 41,608 23,652 1,677,430 1,675,185 315240M Women's and girls' shorts, including tennis skirts, made from purchased fabrics 2015 27,038 9.3 17,245 8,234 1,508,647 1,502,021 315240M Women's and girls' shorts, including tennis skirts, made from purchased fabrics 2014 24,336 10.5 20,388 10,429 1,446,550 1,445,278 315240N Women's and girls' slacks, jeans, and jean-cut casual slacks (excluding sweatpants), made 2015 465,362 3.9 211,893 150,082 3,893,584 3,872,535 315240N Women's and girls' slacks, jeans, and jean-cut casual slacks (excluding sweatpants), made 2014 435,253 2.4 220,224 153,914 3,559,896 3,552,957 315240P Women's and girls' sweatpants, bodysuits and bodyshirts, jogging and warm-up suits, plays 2015 56,548 6.8 22,394 889 192,949 191,193 315240P Women's and girls' sweatpants, bodysuits and bodyshirts, jogging and warm-up suits, plays 2014 59,139 6.9 23,333 2,273 156,078 155,503 315240R Women's and girls' swimwear, made from purchased fabrics 2015 235,968 5.7 62,031 26,204 893,826 887,016 315240R Women's and girls' swimwear, made from purchased fabrics 2014 240,570 5.4 61,534 30,212 846,077 841,365 315240T Women's and girls' nontailored coats, jackets, and vests (including water-repellent, down- a 2015 8,375 31.3 3,001 2,041 1,722,228 1,694,837 315240T Women's and girls' nontailored coats, jackets, and vests (including water-repellent, down- a 2014 10,299 25.8 4,698 3,194 1,544,026 1,525,735 315240U Women's and girls' washable service apparel (including nondisposable hospital patient wea 2015 33,263 s 69.0 s 3,011 2,207 267,874 265,022 315240U Women's and girls' washable service apparel (including nondisposable hospital patient wea 2014 45,357 s 52.4 s 2,451 1,854 227,813 226,857 315240V Infants' apparel, made from purchased fabrics 2015 63,408 10.9 71,089 44,895 2,429,530 2,423,535 315240V Infants' apparel, made from purchased fabrics 2014 67,904 10.2 62,557 38,453 2,346,663 2,342,809 315240W Women's, girls', and infants' cut and sew apparel, nsk, total 2015 586,365 19.9 N N N N 315240W Women's, girls', and infants' cut and sew apparel, nsk, total 2014 466,759 19.8 N N N N 315240X Undistributed women's, girls', and infants' cut and sew apparel 2015 N X 778,962 405,755 7,500,067 7,427,450 315240X Undistributed women's, girls', and infants' cut and sew apparel 2014 N X 834,048 457,162 7,271,021 7,276,180

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NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods315280 Other cut and sew apparel 2015 945,379 2.4 293,357 235,372 2,389,668 2,352,478 315280 Other cut and sew apparel 2014 900,213 2.0 328,573 262,474 2,375,639 2,345,114 3152801 Fur apparel, accessories, and trimmings (coats, capes, jackets, neck pieces, fur linings, etc. 2015 30,719 7.9 29,818 21,679 225,007 224,001 3152801 Fur apparel, accessories, and trimmings (coats, capes, jackets, neck pieces, fur linings, etc. 2014 29,801 7.7 31,621 23,604 217,659 217,654 3152803 Leather and sheep-lined apparel 2015 55,837 7.7 145,431 115,403 498,709 497,111 3152803 Leather and sheep-lined apparel 2014 58,094 0.7 151,467 114,540 546,581 541,361 3152805 Team sport uniforms, men's and boys', made from purchased fabrics 2015 131,118 6.1 N N 13,498 13,498 3152805 Team sport uniforms, men's and boys', made from purchased fabrics 2014 124,260 4.3 N N 12,052 12,040 3152807 Team sport uniforms, women's and girls', made from purchased fabrics 2015 70,765 9.4 N N 6,659 6,659 3152807 Team sport uniforms, women's and girls', made from purchased fabrics 2014 66,674 6.6 N N 8,008 8,008 3152809 Vestments and costumes, made from purchased materials 2015 555,080 3.5 N N N N 3152809 Vestments and costumes, made from purchased materials 2014 537,769 3.0 N N N N 315280A Apparel, plastic or rubber (50% or greater), including raincoats and rubber pants (excluding 2015 24,862 4.4 118,107 98,288 1,645,792 1,611,207 315280A Apparel, plastic or rubber (50% or greater), including raincoats and rubber pants (excluding 2014 25,157 3.8 145,484 124,329 1,591,338 1,566,049 315280W Other cut and sew apparel, nsk, total 2015 76,998 0.8 N N N N 315280W Other cut and sew apparel, nsk, total 2014 58,458 0.1 N N N N315990 Apparel accessories and other apparel 2015 806,449 3.9 443,115 303,021 5,499,830 5,461,156 315990 Apparel accessories and other apparel 2014 808,145 3.7 454,661 310,853 5,304,157 5,280,058 3159901 Hats and caps (fabric, straw, and felt), men's and boys' 2015 123,871 2.8 25,668 18,688 6,892 6,885 3159901 Hats and caps (fabric, straw, and felt), men's and boys' 2014 116,974 2.7 27,426 19,006 6,713 6,713 3159903 Hats and caps (fabric, straw, and felt), women's, girls', and infants' 2015 7,776 8.2 N N 45,982 45,960 3159903 Hats and caps (fabric, straw, and felt), women's, girls', and infants' 2014 7,460 7.4 N N 42,962 42,845 3159905 Hat bodies and fabric caps, excluding hat bodies finished into hats in the same establishme 2015 78,893 2.3 823 626 18,295 18,159 3159905 Hat bodies and fabric caps, excluding hat bodies finished into hats in the same establishme 2014 77,004 2.0 633 338 17,745 17,675 3159907 Gloves and mittens 2015 75,905 9.7 110,066 57,776 1,481,480 1,471,777 3159907 Gloves and mittens 2014 81,194 13.6 108,655 55,114 1,408,917 1,407,490 3159909 Men's and boys' neckwear, made from purchased materials 2015 116,710 0.2 11,467 8,495 244,363 242,711 3159909 Men's and boys' neckwear, made from purchased materials 2014 115,656 0.2 11,445 7,540 265,858 262,559 315990A Neckwear (scarves, dickies, etc.), women's and girls', made from purchased materials 2015 1,240 17.7 N N N N 315990A Neckwear (scarves, dickies, etc.), women's and girls', made from purchased materials 2014 1,218 18.7 N N N N 315990C Leather belts, made from purchased materials 2015 51,244 11.9 34,354 19,307 480,214 475,510 315990C Leather belts, made from purchased materials 2014 59,948 9.8 35,203 18,770 484,047 479,620 315990D Apparel accessories (including aprons, bibs, rainhats, and shower and bathing caps), plastic 2015 15,577 6.9 8,550 6,243 38,706 38,963 315990D Apparel accessories (including aprons, bibs, rainhats, and shower and bathing caps), plastic 2014 23,328 1.6 4,671 3,352 37,228 37,219 315990E Apparel accessories, all other types (non-leather belts, hose supporters, handkerchiefs, app 2015 220,788 6.7 98,506 76,135 499,626 493,241 315990E Apparel accessories, all other types (non-leather belts, hose supporters, handkerchiefs, app 2014 223,590 3.3 86,219 68,005 487,271 485,164 315990W Apparel accessories and other apparel, nsk, total 2015 114,447 22.4 N N N N 315990W Apparel accessories and other apparel, nsk, total 2014 101,774 25.2 N N N N 315990X Undistributed apparel accessories and other apparel 2015 N X 153,677 115,749 2,684,268 2,667,946 315990X Undistributed apparel accessories and other apparel 2014 N X 180,405 138,724 2,553,412 2,540,770 316110 Leather and hide tanning and finishing products 2015 1,729,417 0.1 1,306,592 1,169,975 794,691 718,823 316110 Leather and hide tanning and finishing products 2014 1,864,330 0.1 1,501,016 1,380,140 779,354 745,624 3161101 Leather, finished and unfinished 2015 1,502,187 0.1 1,285,531 1,151,775 759,427 683,577 3161101 Leather, finished and unfinished 2014 1,632,522 0.1 1,458,272 1,341,297 743,163 709,479 3161102 Tanning or finishing leather owned by others, and furs, dressed and dyed or bleached 2015 152,441 0.0 21,060 18,200 35,264 35,245 3161102 Tanning or finishing leather owned by others, and furs, dressed and dyed or bleached 2014 163,019 0.0 42,744 38,842 36,190 36,145 316110W Leather and hide tanning and finishing products, nsk, total 2015 74,789 0.0 N N N N 316110W Leather and hide tanning and finishing products, nsk, total 2014 68,789 0.0 N N N N

Page 24

NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods316210 Footwear 2015 1,649,883 0.6 1,198,843 593,579 26,982,900 26,572,227 316210 Footwear 2014 1,693,001 0.6 1,218,228 600,354 25,581,240 25,317,716 3162101 Rubber and plastics footwear 2015 440,865 0.0 384,435 168,326 11,554,756 11,376,287 3162101 Rubber and plastics footwear 2014 451,124 0.0 374,100 170,690 10,448,414 10,349,527 3162102 Men's footwear (size 6 and larger), excluding athletic 2015 764,455 0.0 N N N N 3162102 Men's footwear (size 6 and larger), excluding athletic 2014 780,951 0.0 N N N N 3162103 Women's footwear (size 4 and larger), excluding athletic 2015 347,018 0.0 N N N N 3162103 Women's footwear (size 4 and larger), excluding athletic 2014 359,772 0.0 N N N N 3162104 Other footwear, excluding rubber and plastic-soled footwear 2015 52,273 19.8 98,706 85,295 3,752,242 3,699,837 3162104 Other footwear, excluding rubber and plastic-soled footwear 2014 51,560 18.2 96,648 75,952 3,696,027 3,666,064 316210W Footwear, nsk, total 2015 45,272 0.0 N N N N 316210W Footwear, nsk, total 2014 49,594 4.1 N N N N 316210X Undistributed footwear 2015 N X 715,700 339,957 11,675,902 11,496,102 316210X Undistributed footwear 2014 N X 747,479 353,710 11,436,798 11,302,123 316992 Women's handbags and purses 2015 314,960 1.6 397,849 171,441 3,305,219 3,240,539 316992 Women's handbags and purses 2014 309,304 1.6 335,685 153,432 3,092,619 3,060,965 3169920 Women's and children's handbags and purses 2015 314,960 1.6 397,849 171,441 3,305,219 3,240,539 3169920 Women's and children's handbags and purses 2014 309,304 1.6 335,685 153,432 3,092,619 3,060,965 316998 All other leather goods and allied products 2015 986,032 3.0 1,822,030 1,105,280 9,755,602 9,511,340 316998 All other leather goods and allied products 2014 957,110 2.9 1,973,787 1,228,662 9,500,717 9,380,116 3169981 Luggage (including suitcases, travel bags, backpacks, and other types) 2015 271,120 7.1 670,370 345,021 6,213,299 6,128,166 3169981 Luggage (including suitcases, travel bags, backpacks, and other types) 2014 275,667 6.5 689,776 337,901 6,135,300 6,107,915 3169982 Personal leather goods (excluding women's handbags and purses) 2015 146,095 1.9 159,698 72,247 1,209,865 1,179,673 3169982 Personal leather goods (excluding women's handbags and purses) 2014 147,567 2.2 146,418 76,016 1,098,023 1,073,321 3169983 Boot and shoe cut stock and findings 2015 92,777 0.0 254,235 244,643 119,624 119,604 3169983 Boot and shoe cut stock and findings 2014 96,167 0.0 220,426 210,131 115,532 115,532 3169985 All other miscellaneous leather goods 2015 422,572 5.3 737,726 443,367 2,212,813 2,083,894 3169985 All other miscellaneous leather goods 2014 391,991 5.2 917,165 604,613 2,151,860 2,083,346 316998W All other leather goods and allied products, nsk, total 2015 53,468 5.1 N N N N 316998W All other leather goods and allied products, nsk, total 2014 45,719 6.3 N N N N321113 Sawmill products 2015 21,396,612 1.2 3,397,432 3,333,079 5,655,773 5,655,761 321113 Sawmill products 2014 22,137,004 0.9 3,760,201 3,683,032 5,924,551 5,924,519 3211131 Hardwood lumber, made in sawmills 2015 4,402,517 3.3 2,083,498 2,059,664 523,023 523,012 3211131 Hardwood lumber, made in sawmills 2014 4,509,559 3.1 2,362,902 2,335,897 513,277 513,247 3211133 Softwood lumber, made in sawmills 2015 11,490,898 1.7 914,189 877,312 4,861,205 4,861,205 3211133 Softwood lumber, made in sawmills 2014 12,120,594 1.0 1,073,794 1,025,673 5,164,381 5,164,379 3211135 Wood chips, excluding field chips 2015 2,639,611 2.0 285,621 285,541 4,960 4,960 3211135 Wood chips, excluding field chips 2014 2,526,258 2.0 255,383 255,295 5,272 5,272 3211137 Wood ties, siding, shingles, and shakes, and contract sawing of logs owned by others 2015 413,430 6.6 114,123 110,561 266,443 266,443 3211137 Wood ties, siding, shingles, and shakes, and contract sawing of logs owned by others 2014 389,489 5.6 68,120 66,166 241,430 241,430 321113W Sawmill products, nsk, total 2015 2,450,157 2.7 N N N N 321113W Sawmill products, nsk, total 2014 2,591,105 2.6 N N N N 321113X Undistributed sawmill products 2015 N X N N 140 140 321113X Undistributed sawmill products 2014 N X N N 189 189 321114 Wood preservation products 2015 6,507,301 1.9 296,857 296,484 118,260 118,260 321114 Wood preservation products 2014 5,482,314 1.5 278,681 278,057 124,832 124,832 3211141 Wood poles, piles, and posts owned and treated by the same establishment 2015 2,204,512 3.5 31,228 31,080 56,779 56,779 3211141 Wood poles, piles, and posts owned and treated by the same establishment 2014 1,647,211 3.5 36,839 36,597 72,357 72,357 3211145 Other wood products owned and treated by the same establishment 2015 3,202,920 2.9 158,827 158,827 6,264 6,264 3211145 Other wood products owned and treated by the same establishment 2014 2,800,998 1.9 141,076 141,026 3,076 3,076 3211149 Receipts for treating wood owned by others with arsenical chemicals, creosote, and other ch 2015 482,808 4.9 N N N N 3211149 Receipts for treating wood owned by others with arsenical chemicals, creosote, and other ch 2014 477,306 4.4 N N N N 321114W Wood preservation products, nsk, total 2015 617,061 3.3 N N N N 321114W Wood preservation products, nsk, total 2014 556,799 3.7 N N N N 321114X Undistributed wood preservation products 2015 N X 106,800 106,576 55,216 55,216 321114X Undistributed wood preservation products 2014 N X 100,765 100,433 49,399 49,399

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NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods321211 Hardwood veneer and plywood 2015 2,985,161 2.5 406,793 365,509 2,207,984 2,204,177 321211 Hardwood veneer and plywood 2014 2,954,196 2.4 422,625 381,981 1,988,850 1,986,481 3212111 Hardwood veneer, including veneer backed with paper, cloth, or other flexible material 2015 847,332 6.5 N N N N 3212111 Hardwood veneer, including veneer backed with paper, cloth, or other flexible material 2014 735,647 5.8 N N N N 3212113 Hardwood plywood, excluding prefinished hardwood plywood made from purchased hardwo 2015 638,882 5.6 N N N N 3212113 Hardwood plywood, excluding prefinished hardwood plywood made from purchased hardwo 2014 704,291 5.5 N N N N 3212115 Prefinished hardwood plywood made from purchased hardwood plywood 2015 194,448 1.1 N N N N 3212115 Prefinished hardwood plywood made from purchased hardwood plywood 2014 202,955 0.7 N N N N 3212117 Hardwood plywood-type products 2015 1,053,339 3.5 9,663 7,733 214,950 214,069 3212117 Hardwood plywood-type products 2014 1,065,478 3.6 14,120 11,943 182,725 182,725 321211W Hardwood veneer and plywood, nsk, total 2015 251,160 2.8 N N N N 321211W Hardwood veneer and plywood, nsk, total 2014 245,825 3.3 N N N N 321211X Undistributed hardwood veneer and plywood 2015 N X 397,130 357,776 1,993,034 1,990,108 321211X Undistributed hardwood veneer and plywood 2014 N X 408,505 370,038 1,806,124 1,803,756 321212 Softwood veneer and plywood 2015 4,378,679 0.7 266,253 256,680 631,127 626,220 321212 Softwood veneer and plywood 2014 4,383,595 0.8 329,146 311,038 504,299 501,499 3212121 Softwood veneer, including veneer backed with paper, cloth, or other flexible material 2015 1,133,393 2.7 N N N N 3212121 Softwood veneer, including veneer backed with paper, cloth, or other flexible material 2014 1,163,452 2.7 N N N N 3212124 Softwood plywood products (rough, sanded, and specialties) 2015 3,116,631 0.3 70,752 69,137 43,699 43,699 3212124 Softwood plywood products (rough, sanded, and specialties) 2014 3,088,264 0.4 80,079 78,270 47,578 47,578 321212W Softwood veneer and plywood, nsk, total 2015 128,655 2.6 N N N N 321212W Softwood veneer and plywood, nsk, total 2014 131,879 2.6 N N N N 321212X Undistributed softwood veneer and plywood 2015 N X 195,501 187,542 587,427 582,521 321212X Undistributed softwood veneer and plywood 2014 N X 249,067 232,768 456,720 453,920 321213 Engineered wood members (excluding trusses) 2015 2,001,974 14.4 215,326 208,962 682,908 684,045 321213 Engineered wood members (excluding trusses) 2014 1,920,527 15.0 241,146 235,261 633,452 633,311 3212130 Engineered wood members (excluding trusses) 2015 2,001,974 14.4 215,326 208,962 682,908 684,045 3212130 Engineered wood members (excluding trusses) 2014 1,920,527 15.0 241,146 235,261 633,452 633,311 321214 Trusses 2015 4,557,203 2.9 N N 16,032 16,032 321214 Trusses 2014 4,132,685 3.0 N N 11,283 11,283 3212140 Wood trusses 2015 4,557,203 2.9 N N 16,032 16,032 3212140 Wood trusses 2014 4,132,685 3.0 N N 11,283 11,283 321219 Reconstituted wood products 2015 6,715,869 1.9 399,506 380,025 2,243,767 2,240,915 321219 Reconstituted wood products 2014 6,648,427 1.8 443,785 419,709 2,177,823 2,178,884 3212191 Particleboard made from particleboard produced at the same location 2015 1,405,607 3.1 N N N N 3212191 Particleboard made from particleboard produced at the same location 2014 1,252,797 3.4 N N N N 3212192 Waferboard and oriented strandboard 2015 2,693,961 1.3 64,951 63,152 916,679 916,679 3212192 Waferboard and oriented strandboard 2014 2,689,453 0.2 81,653 79,051 908,389 908,389 3212193 Medium density fiberboard (MDF) made from MDF produced at the same location 2015 1,126,857 4.0 N N N N 3212193 Medium density fiberboard (MDF) made from MDF produced at the same location 2014 1,168,872 3.9 N N N N 3212195 Cellulosic fiberboard (insulating board) 2015 64,985 8.9 N N N N 3212195 Cellulosic fiberboard (insulating board) 2014 73,882 7.5 N N N N 3212196 Hardboard products 2015 588,311 9.8 N N N N 3212196 Hardboard products 2014 559,106 10.4 N N N N 3212198 Prefinished particleboard and medium density fiberboard (MDF) made from purchased parti 2015 605,784 14.8 N N N N 3212198 Prefinished particleboard and medium density fiberboard (MDF) made from purchased parti 2014 647,473 13.6 N N N N 321219W Reconstituted wood products, nsk, total 2015 230,362 4.4 N N N N 321219W Reconstituted wood products, nsk, total 2014 256,842 4.0 N N N N 321219X Undistributed reconstituted wood products 2015 N X 334,555 316,872 1,327,087 1,324,235 321219X Undistributed reconstituted wood products 2014 N X 362,131 340,657 1,269,434 1,270,495

Page 26

NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods321911 Wood windows and doors 2015 10,461,219 1.6 177,643 174,647 617,100 616,630 321911 Wood windows and doors 2014 9,681,509 1.5 206,502 203,566 594,419 594,032 3219111 Wood window units 2015 3,399,713 1.8 70,987 70,853 116,680 116,680 3219111 Wood window units 2014 3,064,751 1.6 74,443 74,247 113,251 113,251 3219113 Wood sash, excluding sash shipped in window units 2015 114,349 17.5 N N N N 3219113 Wood sash, excluding sash shipped in window units 2014 95,408 26.7 N N N N 3219115 Wood window and door frames, including door frames shipped in door units, excluding wind 2015 1,389,870 4.3 N N 37,824 37,824 3219115 Wood window and door frames, including door frames shipped in door units, excluding wind 2014 1,174,861 4.4 N N 39,460 39,460 3219117 Wood panel, flush, and molded face doors, interior and exterior, including doors with glazed 2015 2,855,161 3.8 106,655 103,794 462,596 462,126 3219117 Wood panel, flush, and molded face doors, interior and exterior, including doors with glazed 2014 2,681,345 3.0 132,058 129,319 441,708 441,320 3219119 Other wood doors, including garage, patio, bifold, cabinet, screen, storm, and louver 2015 1,645,011 3.7 N N N N 3219119 Other wood doors, including garage, patio, bifold, cabinet, screen, storm, and louver 2014 1,615,629 3.1 N N N N 321911W Wood windows and doors, nsk, total 2015 1,057,114 6.1 N N N N 321911W Wood windows and doors, nsk, total 2014 1,049,514 6.8 N N N N321912 Cut stock, resawing lumber, and planing 2015 5,594,080 2.4 N N N N321912 Cut stock, resawing lumber, and planing 2014 6,449,966 2.0 N N N N 3219121 Hardwood lumber, made from purchased lumber 2015 1,143,305 4.0 N N N N 3219121 Hardwood lumber, made from purchased lumber 2014 1,022,234 3.9 N N N N 3219123 Softwood lumber, made from purchased lumber 2015 1,384,435 6.0 N N N N 3219123 Softwood lumber, made from purchased lumber 2014 2,428,529 3.4 N N N N 3219126 Hardwood cut stock and dimension 2015 1,193,863 5.8 N N N N 3219126 Hardwood cut stock and dimension 2014 1,304,829 4.6 N N N N 3219128 Softwood cut stock and dimension 2015 823,153 4.4 N N N N 3219128 Softwood cut stock and dimension 2014 704,813 4.9 N N N N 3219129 Sawn wood fence stock, wood lath, and contract resawing and planing 2015 432,644 3.2 N N N N 3219129 Sawn wood fence stock, wood lath, and contract resawing and planing 2014 345,824 3.8 N N N N 321912W Cut stock, resawing lumber, and planing, nsk, total 2015 616,680 8.3 N N N N 321912W Cut stock, resawing lumber, and planing, nsk, total 2014 643,737 7.5 N N N N321918 Other millwork products (including flooring) 2015 6,856,051 3.1 230,081 205,552 1,506,265 1,505,030 321918 Other millwork products (including flooring) 2014 6,545,934 3.2 251,709 229,462 1,462,172 1,461,666 3219182 Wood moldings 2015 2,080,927 7.8 60,558 51,922 790,939 791,976 3219182 Wood moldings 2014 1,877,173 7.7 66,926 58,363 766,222 766,035 3219185 Other wood millwork products, including stairwork, exterior millwork, and softwood flooring 2015 1,343,923 3.8 N N N N 3219185 Other wood millwork products, including stairwork, exterior millwork, and softwood flooring 2014 1,291,069 5.5 N N N N 3219187 Hardwood flooring 2015 2,613,801 3.4 N N 6,628 6,628 3219187 Hardwood flooring 2014 2,543,559 4.0 N N 4,614 4,614 321918W Other millwork products (including flooring), nsk, total 2015 817,399 12.2 N N N N 321918W Other millwork products (including flooring), nsk, total 2014 834,134 11.3 N N N N 321918X Undistributed other millwork products (including flooring) 2015 N X 169,523 153,630 708,696 706,425 321918X Undistributed other millwork products (including flooring) 2014 N X 184,783 171,099 691,334 691,016 321920 Wood containers and pallets 2015 8,790,712 4.2 396,333 378,406 487,807 486,914 321920 Wood containers and pallets 2014 7,847,412 3.9 339,792 321,583 491,483 491,089 3219201 Nailed and lock-corner wood boxes 2015 589,459 8.4 N N N N 3219201 Nailed and lock-corner wood boxes 2014 483,759 6.9 N N N N 3219203 Wood box and crate shook 2015 394,046 10.0 N N 56,062 55,990 3219203 Wood box and crate shook 2014 381,094 16.1 N N 55,820 55,765 3219205 Wood pallets and pallet containers, wood and metal combination 2015 5,658,364 5.4 88,105 79,866 75,291 75,291 3219205 Wood pallets and pallet containers, wood and metal combination 2014 4,971,114 4.6 82,365 74,356 63,436 63,436 3219207 Other wood container parts and wood containers 2015 995,783 8.8 308,227 298,539 356,453 355,631 3219207 Other wood container parts and wood containers 2014 891,451 10.7 257,427 247,226 372,226 371,886 321920W Wood containers and pallets, nsk, total 2015 1,153,060 14.9 N N N N 321920W Wood containers and pallets, nsk, total 2014 1,119,993 14.9 N N N N

Page 27

NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods321991 Manufactured homes (mobile homes) 2015 4,200,789 2.9 33,926 33,889 1,540 1,540 321991 Manufactured homes (mobile homes) 2014 4,002,816 2.5 32,718 32,682 1,727 1,727 3219911 Manufactured homes (mobile homes) 2015 3,671,301 3.2 33,926 33,889 1,540 1,540 3219911 Manufactured homes (mobile homes) 2014 3,438,683 2.8 32,718 32,682 1,727 1,727 3219915 Nonresidential mobile buildings 2015 327,274 4.4 N N N N 3219915 Nonresidential mobile buildings 2014 358,208 4.0 N N N N 321991W Manufactured homes (mobile homes), nsk, total 2015 202,214 13.1 N N N N 321991W Manufactured homes (mobile homes), nsk, total 2014 205,925 3.7 N N N N321992 Prefabricated wood buildings 2015 2,856,887 10.3 111,459 110,823 99,278 98,336 321992 Prefabricated wood buildings 2014 2,668,541 5.7 204,033 202,642 93,192 93,042 3219921 Components for prefabricated stationary wood buildings (not sold as complete units) 2015 1,028,414 25.5 N N N N 3219921 Components for prefabricated stationary wood buildings (not sold as complete units) 2014 825,072 10.4 N N N N 3219923 Precut packages for prefabricated stationary wood buildings (complete units) 2015 334,987 8.5 N N N N 3219923 Precut packages for prefabricated stationary wood buildings (complete units) 2014 304,188 6.7 N N N N 3219925 Prefabricated stationary wood buildings shipped in panel form (complete units) 2015 277,253 10.7 N N N N 3219925 Prefabricated stationary wood buildings shipped in panel form (complete units) 2014 290,622 11.5 N N N N 3219927 Prefabricated stationary wood buildings shipped in three-dimensional assemblies 2015 650,490 5.2 N N N N 3219927 Prefabricated stationary wood buildings shipped in three-dimensional assemblies 2014 718,541 7.1 N N N N 321992W Prefabricated wood buildings, nsk, total 2015 565,743 21.3 N N N N 321992W Prefabricated wood buildings, nsk, total 2014 530,117 20.3 N N N N 321992X Undistributed prefabricated wood buildings 2015 N X 111,459 110,823 99,278 98,336 321992X Undistributed prefabricated wood buildings 2014 N X 204,033 202,642 93,192 93,042 321999 All other miscellaneous wood products 2015 5,873,515 1.7 1,136,483 1,069,025 2,852,943 2,845,188 321999 All other miscellaneous wood products 2014 5,876,034 1.5 992,316 929,813 2,637,391 2,630,335 3219990 All other miscellaneous wood products 2015 5,873,515 1.7 1,136,483 1,069,025 2,852,943 2,845,188 3219990 All other miscellaneous wood products 2014 5,876,034 1.5 992,316 929,813 2,637,391 2,630,335 322110 Pulp mill products 2015 7,569,269 0.1 5,698,912 5,466,949 3,220,865 3,220,865 322110 Pulp mill products 2014 7,833,530 0.1 5,869,569 5,592,261 3,506,835 3,506,835 3221104 Special alpha and dissolving woodpulp (sulfite and sulfate for chemical conversion, paperma 2015 6,897,108 0.0 5,429,159 5,199,271 3,167,099 3,167,099 3221104 Special alpha and dissolving woodpulp (sulfite and sulfate for chemical conversion, paperma 2014 7,045,937 0.0 5,573,876 5,300,634 3,448,340 3,448,340 3221107 All other miscellaneous pulp, other than wood, and pulp mill by-products 2015 657,325 0.1 228,335 226,663 14,653 14,653 3221107 All other miscellaneous pulp, other than wood, and pulp mill by-products 2014 772,796 0.1 253,719 250,193 18,580 18,580 322110W Pulp mill products, nsk, total 2015 14,836 0.0 N N N N 322110W Pulp mill products, nsk, total 2014 14,797 0.0 N N N N 322110X Undistributed pulp mill products 2015 N X 41,416 41,014 39,112 39,112 322110X Undistributed pulp mill products 2014 N X 41,973 41,433 39,913 39,913 322121 Paper (except newsprint) mill products 2015 40,582,956 0.2 2,588,402 2,456,510 3,684,189 3,687,571 322121 Paper (except newsprint) mill products 2014 42,239,192 0.2 2,870,473 2,743,104 3,752,173 3,760,246 3221216 Bleached bristols and clay-coated, uncoated freesheet, cotton fiber, special industrial, packa 2015 19,045,296 0.3 1,834,924 1,739,135 2,775,521 2,770,925 3221216 Bleached bristols and clay-coated, uncoated freesheet, cotton fiber, special industrial, packa 2014 19,483,305 0.3 2,088,242 1,999,397 2,892,719 2,892,564 322121E Construction paper 2015 137,495 3.0 2,203 2,082 5,440 5,440 322121E Construction paper 2014 131,030 3.1 3,226 3,131 3,892 3,892 322121K Disposable diapers and similar disposable products, made in paper mills 2015 D D 466 439 4,507 4,507 322121K Disposable diapers and similar disposable products, made in paper mills 2014 D D 796 607 4,096 4,096 322121N Sanitary tissue paper products, made in paper mills 2015 D D 261,187 255,829 431,190 431,136 322121N Sanitary tissue paper products, made in paper mills 2014 D D 206,800 199,745 397,912 397,881 322121W Paper (except newsprint) mill products, nsk, total 2015 155,723 0.0 N N N N 322121W Paper (except newsprint) mill products, nsk, total 2014 198,323 0.6 N N N N 322121X Undistributed paper (except newsprint) mill products 2015 N X 489,621 459,023 467,529 475,560 322121X Undistributed paper (except newsprint) mill products 2014 N X 571,406 540,221 453,553 461,811 322122 Newsprint mill products 2015 1,629,991 0.0 413,112 379,279 2,376,457 2,376,380 322122 Newsprint mill products 2014 1,797,447 0.0 511,622 462,403 2,990,854 2,990,854 3221221 Newsprint 2015 969,903 0.0 253,110 246,044 N N 3221221 Newsprint 2014 1,098,409 0.0 333,666 311,915 N N 3221223 Uncoated ground-wood paper (containing more than 10 percent mechanical fiber) 2015 660,088 0.0 160,002 133,234 2,376,457 2,376,380 3221223 Uncoated ground-wood paper (containing more than 10 percent mechanical fiber) 2014 699,038 0.0 177,955 150,488 2,990,854 2,990,854

Page 28

NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods322130 Paperboard mill products 2015 29,506,988 0.1 5,062,046 5,009,586 1,917,381 1,917,343 322130 Paperboard mill products 2014 29,913,599 0.1 5,254,159 5,163,455 1,950,500 1,950,477 3221301 Unbleached kraft packaging and industrial converting paperboard (80 percent or more virgin 2015 13,792,110 0.1 2,523,055 2,520,717 249,247 249,201 3221301 Unbleached kraft packaging and industrial converting paperboard (80 percent or more virgin 2014 13,713,896 0.1 2,635,118 2,625,629 226,334 226,334 3221303 Bleached packaging and industrial converting paperboard (80 percent or more virgin bleach 2015 4,715,206 0.1 1,213,456 1,209,937 233,030 233,030 3221303 Bleached packaging and industrial converting paperboard (80 percent or more virgin bleach 2014 4,901,343 0.2 1,301,945 1,298,507 249,254 249,254 3221305 Semi-chemical paperboard, including corrugating medium (75 percent or more virgin woodp 2015 2,509,936 0.0 271,925 271,913 63,299 63,299 3221305 Semi-chemical paperboard, including corrugating medium (75 percent or more virgin woodp 2014 2,585,226 0.0 235,568 235,501 68,054 68,054 3221307 Recycled paperboard 2015 8,390,130 0.1 286,003 283,394 240,049 240,049 3221307 Recycled paperboard 2014 8,610,034 0.1 296,221 294,613 217,580 217,580 3221309 Wet machine board, including binders' board and shoe board 2015 D D 204 204 543 543 3221309 Wet machine board, including binders' board and shoe board 2014 D D 497 497 365 365 322130W Paperboard mill products, nsk, total 2015 D D N N N N 322130W Paperboard mill products, nsk, total 2014 D D N N N N 322130X Undistributed paperboard mill products 2015 N X 767,401 723,419 1,131,210 1,131,219 322130X Undistributed paperboard mill products 2014 N X 784,808 708,706 1,188,911 1,188,888 322211 Corrugated and solid fiber boxes 2015 36,963,623 0.9 1,548,695 1,522,583 429,176 427,983 322211 Corrugated and solid fiber boxes 2014 36,588,641 0.9 1,576,090 1,550,090 377,560 377,355 3222110 Corrugated and solid fiber boxes, including pallets 2015 36,963,623 0.9 1,548,695 1,522,583 429,176 427,983 3222110 Corrugated and solid fiber boxes, including pallets 2014 36,588,641 0.9 1,576,090 1,550,090 377,560 377,355 322212 Folding paperboard boxes 2015 13,531,922 1.9 533,845 518,835 1,032,095 1,028,952 322212 Folding paperboard boxes 2014 13,811,816 1.0 520,906 505,123 981,593 980,571 3222120 Folding paperboard boxes, packaging, and packaging components 2015 13,531,922 1.9 533,845 518,835 1,032,095 1,028,952 3222120 Folding paperboard boxes, packaging, and packaging components 2014 13,811,816 1.0 520,906 505,123 981,593 980,571 322219 Other paperboard containers 2015 7,516,948 1.7 345,365 339,991 319,850 319,383 322219 Other paperboard containers 2014 7,344,173 1.5 337,855 332,184 291,986 291,439 3222191 Setup (rigid) paperboard boxes 2015 703,385 13.8 N N N N 3222191 Setup (rigid) paperboard boxes 2014 737,792 12.3 N N N N 3222192 Paperboard fiber drums with ends of any material 2015 297,360 5.6 N N N N 3222192 Paperboard fiber drums with ends of any material 2014 305,243 5.0 N N N N 3222193 Fiber cans, tubes, and similar fiber products 2015 1,684,470 3.7 20,251 19,964 9,123 9,123 3222193 Fiber cans, tubes, and similar fiber products 2014 1,648,057 2.3 22,532 22,278 9,054 9,054 3222194 Milk and milk-type paperboard cartons, including juice, beverage, and other products 2015 D D N N N N 3222194 Milk and milk-type paperboard cartons, including juice, beverage, and other products 2014 D D N N N N 3222195 Cups and liquid-tight paper and paperboard containers 2015 1,880,472 0.3 N N 162,173 162,170 3222195 Cups and liquid-tight paper and paperboard containers 2014 1,772,866 0.6 N N 147,362 147,357 3222196 Other sanitary paper and paperboard food containers, boards, and trays, excluding folding 2015 2,009,535 1.7 298,782 293,878 141,397 141,361 3222196 Other sanitary paper and paperboard food containers, boards, and trays, excluding folding 2014 1,939,705 1.8 291,080 285,726 129,032 128,899 322219W Other paperboard containers, nsk, total 2015 D D N N N N 322219W Other paperboard containers, nsk, total 2014 D D N N N N 322219X Undistributed other paperboard containers 2015 N X 26,331 26,148 7,155 6,726 322219X Undistributed other paperboard containers 2014 N X 24,242 24,180 6,537 6,127

Page 29

NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods322220 Paper bags and coated and treated paper 2015 21,229,008 1.6 5,158,175 4,939,109 3,500,584 3,470,003 322220 Paper bags and coated and treated paper 2014 20,428,182 1.6 5,023,979 4,820,069 3,373,638 3,356,205 3222201 Single-web paper, rolls and sheets, including waxed, for flexible packaging uses 2015 1,511,373 7.8 N N 14,559 14,559 3222201 Single-web paper, rolls and sheets, including waxed, for flexible packaging uses 2014 1,445,659 5.7 N N 13,763 13,763 3222203 Multiweb laminated rolls and sheets, excluding foil, for flexible packaging uses 2015 880,577 2.5 N N N N 3222203 Multiweb laminated rolls and sheets, excluding foil, for flexible packaging uses 2014 872,409 1.8 N N N N 3222204 Printing paper, coated at establishments other than where paper was produced 2015 1,408,440 4.4 N N N N 3222204 Printing paper, coated at establishments other than where paper was produced 2014 1,330,109 4.6 N N N N 3222205 Gummed products 2015 220,906 10.8 316,033 290,552 214,557 209,606 3222205 Gummed products 2014 207,716 11.0 288,204 270,110 197,954 191,822 3222206 Pressure-sensitive products 2015 6,806,593 1.8 3,018,954 2,874,215 1,239,821 1,223,228 3222206 Pressure-sensitive products 2014 6,265,946 1.8 2,940,762 2,801,209 1,253,806 1,243,698 3222207 Wallcoverings 2015 250,921 12.1 92,776 85,674 91,439 91,392 3222207 Wallcoverings 2014 297,701 9.9 115,419 107,729 86,834 86,813 3222208 Converted foil for nonpackaging applications 2015 490,116 23.2 N N N N 3222208 Converted foil for nonpackaging applications 2014 434,718 15.8 N N N N 3222209 Other coated and processed papers, excluding for packaging uses 2015 2,781,983 4.0 51,633 50,672 46,043 46,043 3222209 Other coated and processed papers, excluding for packaging uses 2014 2,684,264 3.9 54,299 53,381 42,492 42,492 322220A Gift wrap paper 2015 184,958 13.0 18,239 18,156 112,166 112,166 322220A Gift wrap paper 2014 186,598 11.1 18,084 18,062 107,302 107,298 322220B Specialty bags, pouches, and liners, coated and single-web paper 2015 307,933 3.8 N N N N 322220B Specialty bags, pouches, and liners, coated and single-web paper 2014 323,023 2.3 N N N N 322220C Specialty bags, pouches, and liners, multiweb laminations and foil, excluding film-film 2015 696,485 22.5 N N N N 322220C Specialty bags, pouches, and liners, multiweb laminations and foil, excluding film-film 2014 751,434 27.2 N N N N 322220D Uncoated single-web paper grocers' bags and sacks and variety and shopping bags 2015 1,124,889 2.2 N N N N 322220D Uncoated single-web paper grocers' bags and sacks and variety and shopping bags 2014 1,135,309 1.8 N N N N 322220E Shipping sacks and multiwall bags, all materials, excluding textiles 2015 1,133,905 3.4 91,297 81,492 182,166 182,116 322220E Shipping sacks and multiwall bags, all materials, excluding textiles 2014 1,098,146 3.0 82,470 73,264 166,254 166,167 322220F Laminated aluminum foil rolls and sheets for flexible packaging uses (converting and printing 2015 1,496,361 3.7 N N N N 322220F Laminated aluminum foil rolls and sheets for flexible packaging uses (converting and printing 2014 1,494,950 3.8 N N N N 322220G Pasted, lined, laminated, or surface-coated paperboard 2015 1,002,897 2.3 618,866 617,493 171,243 171,243 322220G Pasted, lined, laminated, or surface-coated paperboard 2014 1,058,367 1.4 631,227 630,912 147,764 147,764 322220W Paper bags and coated and treated paper, nsk, total 2015 930,671 16.3 N N N N 322220W Paper bags and coated and treated paper, nsk, total 2014 841,832 18.0 N N N N 322220X Undistributed paper bags and coated and treated paper 2015 N X 950,373 920,851 1,428,585 1,419,646 322220X Undistributed paper bags and coated and treated paper 2014 N X 893,511 865,398 1,357,465 1,356,384 322230 Stationery products 2015 6,007,197 2.0 95,357 84,671 379,443 378,889 322230 Stationery products 2014 6,074,558 1.8 86,940 76,943 405,339 412,175 3222301 Die-cut paper and paperboard office supplies 2015 740,735 5.4 N N N N 3222301 Die-cut paper and paperboard office supplies 2014 819,941 4.3 N N N N 3222303 Paper supplies for business machines and other miscellaneous unprinted paper office supp 2015 1,904,167 2.8 N N N N 3222303 Paper supplies for business machines and other miscellaneous unprinted paper office supp 2014 1,816,485 2.3 N N N N 3222305 Envelopes, commercial, all types and materials 2015 2,459,568 1.5 60,416 53,534 120,877 120,868 3222305 Envelopes, commercial, all types and materials 2014 2,497,997 1.3 58,602 53,071 141,816 141,830 3222307 Stationery 2015 269,521 6.6 8,153 7,172 13,234 13,141 3222307 Stationery 2014 283,500 6.0 8,102 6,744 14,112 14,017 3222309 Tablets, pads, and related products 2015 358,571 11.6 5,079 4,097 215,973 215,569 3222309 Tablets, pads, and related products 2014 404,457 6.3 5,446 4,055 215,916 222,886 322230W Stationery products, nsk, total 2015 274,636 30.2 N N N N 322230W Stationery products, nsk, total 2014 252,178 32.9 N N N N 322230X Undistributed stationery products 2015 N X 21,707 19,867 29,357 29,310 322230X Undistributed stationery products 2014 N X 14,789 13,071 33,493 33,440

Page 30

NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods322291 Sanitary paper products 2015 11,600,213 1.1 1,761,317 1,701,808 2,264,634 2,264,237 322291 Sanitary paper products 2014 11,495,385 1.1 1,841,429 1,791,029 2,156,638 2,156,280 3222912 Disposable diapers and similar disposable products, made from purchased sanitary paper s 2015 6,763,811 0.5 565,228 532,379 1,089,490 1,089,483 3222912 Disposable diapers and similar disposable products, made from purchased sanitary paper s 2014 6,746,103 0.4 613,153 585,616 1,031,086 1,031,022 3222915 Sanitary tissue paper products, made from purchased sanitary paper stock or wadding 2015 4,489,491 2.6 826,544 807,399 507,645 507,527 3222915 Sanitary tissue paper products, made from purchased sanitary paper stock or wadding 2014 4,360,155 2.6 808,142 792,473 475,042 474,875 322291W Sanitary paper products, nsk, total 2015 346,911 12.8 N N N N 322291W Sanitary paper products, nsk, total 2014 389,128 11.4 N N N N 322291X Undistributed sanitary paper products 2015 N X 369,545 362,029 667,498 667,225 322291X Undistributed sanitary paper products 2014 N X 420,133 412,938 650,508 650,382 322299 All other converted paper products 2015 4,608,381 3.4 1,003,480 902,009 1,209,479 1,208,080 322299 All other converted paper products 2014 4,465,402 3.8 1,018,580 926,053 1,141,796 1,140,087 3222991 Molded pulp goods, including egg cartons, florist pots, food trays, etc. 2015 665,439 5.4 56,071 51,837 164,265 164,459 3222991 Molded pulp goods, including egg cartons, florist pots, food trays, etc. 2014 606,091 5.6 58,018 54,953 137,598 137,654 3222993 Miscellaneous converted paper and paperboard products 2015 3,264,477 2.9 339,294 283,195 929,571 928,769 3222993 Miscellaneous converted paper and paperboard products 2014 3,211,148 3.5 325,258 272,204 892,973 892,780 322299W All other converted paper products, nsk, total 2015 678,465 17.9 N N N N 322299W All other converted paper products, nsk, total 2014 648,162 18.7 N N N N 322299X Undistributed all other converted paper products 2015 N X 608,114 566,976 115,641 114,851 322299X Undistributed all other converted paper products 2014 N X 635,304 598,896 111,224 109,653

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NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods323111 Commercial printing products (except screen and books) 2015 63,372,672 1.0 3,175,303 2,831,341 3,587,987 3,575,317 323111 Commercial printing products (except screen and books) 2014 62,346,595 0.9 3,421,919 3,093,140 3,395,701 3,390,364 3231111 Magazine and periodical printing (gravure), including magazine and comic supplements for 2015 443,913 1.1 N N 535 535 3231111 Magazine and periodical printing (gravure), including magazine and comic supplements for 2014 480,921 0.9 N N 43 43 3231112 Catalog and directory printing (gravure) 2015 677,770 1.4 N N N N 3231112 Catalog and directory printing (gravure) 2014 664,663 1.3 N N N N 3231113 Label and wrapper printing (gravure) 2015 837,607 4.2 N N N N 3231113 Label and wrapper printing (gravure) 2014 830,510 3.5 N N N N 3231114 Advertising printing (gravure) 2015 544,075 5.9 N N N N 3231114 Advertising printing (gravure) 2014 581,566 4.6 N N N N 3231116 Other commercial and general job printing (gravure), including customized stationery 2015 598,760 4.1 N N N N 3231116 Other commercial and general job printing (gravure), including customized stationery 2014 429,643 5.9 N N N N 3231118 Magazine and periodical printing (lithographic) 2015 4,392,653 1.7 622,997 614,994 32,246 32,246 3231118 Magazine and periodical printing (lithographic) 2014 4,365,873 1.6 808,491 799,560 43,834 43,793 323111A Label and wrapper printing (lithographic) 2015 2,562,922 3.8 N N 98,404 98,370 323111A Label and wrapper printing (lithographic) 2014 2,573,906 3.6 N N 96,135 96,107 323111B Catalog and directory printing (lithographic) 2015 3,344,271 2.0 86,548 82,509 31,342 30,995 323111B Catalog and directory printing (lithographic) 2014 3,333,236 2.0 100,422 94,654 33,436 33,119 323111C Financial and legal printing (lithographic) 2015 1,964,077 2.4 143,032 103,545 59,242 59,238 323111C Financial and legal printing (lithographic) 2014 2,031,117 3.4 168,440 119,811 79,596 79,596 323111D Advertising printing (lithographic) 2015 10,878,922 1.8 287,038 244,857 310,113 308,853 323111D Advertising printing (lithographic) 2014 10,914,831 1.5 287,087 262,414 308,641 308,311 323111E Other commercial and general job printing (lithographic) 2015 7,938,025 2.4 184,434 120,517 618,252 617,896 323111E Other commercial and general job printing (lithographic) 2014 7,695,321 2.3 182,268 117,554 602,800 602,537 323111F Label and wrapper printing (flexographic) 2015 6,240,790 3.8 N N N N 323111F Label and wrapper printing (flexographic) 2014 6,091,167 3.6 N N N N 323111G Commercial and general job printing other than label and wrapper printing (flexographic) 2015 1,601,988 4.4 N N N N 323111G Commercial and general job printing other than label and wrapper printing (flexographic) 2014 1,552,948 3.5 N N N N 323111H Quick printing 2015 883,990 7.3 N N N N 323111H Quick printing 2014 900,235 6.2 N N N N 323111J Digital printing 2015 8,944,105 2.9 N N N N 323111J Digital printing 2014 8,641,598 2.7 N N N N 323111K Unit set business forms, loose or bound, manifold books, and pegboard accounting systems 2015 691,186 7.2 N N N N 323111K Unit set business forms, loose or bound, manifold books, and pegboard accounting systems 2014 668,563 7.8 N N N N 323111L Continuous business forms, custom and stock 2015 977,169 10.8 N N N N 323111L Continuous business forms, custom and stock 2014 955,535 8.2 N N N N 323111M Checkbooks (including inserts and refills, but excluding those in continuous form and die-cu 2015 1,654,685 4.4 N N N N 323111M Checkbooks (including inserts and refills, but excluding those in continuous form and die-cu 2014 1,640,492 4.4 N N N N 323111N Blankbooks, excluding checkbooks and looseleaf types 2015 280,278 4.8 153,512 119,907 230,511 229,852 323111N Blankbooks, excluding checkbooks and looseleaf types 2014 304,400 4.1 149,223 115,389 221,289 220,681 323111P Looseleaf binders, devices, inserts, and forms, excluding school and commercial looseleaf f 2015 316,797 7.9 34,526 21,173 393,839 390,961 323111P Looseleaf binders, devices, inserts, and forms, excluding school and commercial looseleaf f 2014 311,591 7.5 33,377 30,581 384,763 383,815 323111R Label, wrapper, and advertising printing (letterpress) 2015 206,483 5.0 N N N N 323111R Label, wrapper, and advertising printing (letterpress) 2014 221,656 4.4 N N N N 323111T Other commercial and general job printing (letterpress) 2015 557,156 3.7 N N N N 323111T Other commercial and general job printing (letterpress) 2014 537,216 3.7 N N N N 323111U Engraving (printing) 2015 110,127 6.3 N N N N 323111U Engraving (printing) 2014 125,538 6.2 N N N N 323111V All other commercial and general job printing (excluding lithographic (offset), gravure, flexog 2015 309,590 12.3 N N N N 323111V All other commercial and general job printing (excluding lithographic (offset), gravure, flexog 2014 272,631 6.3 N N N N 323111W Commercial printing products (except screen and books), nsk, total 2015 6,415,333 5.2 N N N N 323111W Commercial printing products (except screen and books), nsk, total 2014 6,221,439 5.3 N N N N 323111X Undistributed commercial printing products (except screen and books) 2015 N X 1,663,213 1,523,835 1,813,498 1,806,366 323111X Undistributed commercial printing products (except screen and books) 2014 N X 1,692,607 1,553,172 1,625,159 1,622,357

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NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods323113 Commercial screen printing products 2015 7,039,092 2.8 N N N N323113 Commercial screen printing products 2014 7,121,973 2.4 N N N N 3231132 Label printing (screen) 2015 523,752 7.8 N N N N 3231132 Label printing (screen) 2014 524,675 7.5 N N N N 3231134 Screen printing on garments, apparel accessories, and other fabric articles, excluding labels 2015 3,517,348 4.2 N N N N 3231134 Screen printing on garments, apparel accessories, and other fabric articles, excluding labels 2014 3,591,386 3.2 N N N N 3231136 Screen printing (excluding on textiles, apparel, apparel accessories, and labels) 2015 1,850,710 4.6 N N N N 3231136 Screen printing (excluding on textiles, apparel, apparel accessories, and labels) 2014 1,888,716 4.2 N N N N 323113W Commercial screen printing products, nsk, total 2015 1,147,282 7.5 N N N N 323113W Commercial screen printing products, nsk, total 2014 1,117,195 7.7 N N N N323117 Book printing products 2015 4,202,242 2.1 2,406,181 2,145,479 1,948,235 1,918,447 323117 Book printing products 2014 4,241,322 1.9 2,503,394 2,265,838 1,881,608 1,869,617 3231171 Textbook printing and binding 2015 853,872 5.3 471,573 446,097 200,574 200,565 3231171 Textbook printing and binding 2014 846,504 5.2 490,468 468,371 199,171 199,165 3231173 Technical, scientific, and professional book printing and binding 2015 473,811 7.5 286,295 250,741 139,148 135,098 3231173 Technical, scientific, and professional book printing and binding 2014 403,982 4.7 282,976 248,466 156,804 153,194 3231175 Religious book printing and binding 2015 324,755 4.3 110,010 86,582 119,822 119,822 3231175 Religious book printing and binding 2014 302,023 4.1 104,045 87,882 123,947 123,947 3231177 General book (trade, etc.) printing and binding 2015 1,360,819 1.9 46,638 29,909 280,558 278,868 3231177 General book (trade, etc.) printing and binding 2014 1,374,874 2.5 46,536 32,264 266,194 266,238 3231179 Other book printing and binding 2015 618,609 5.7 15,759 14,752 7,452 7,452 3231179 Other book printing and binding 2014 703,872 3.5 16,834 16,011 8,755 8,755 323117A Books, printing only, not bound 2015 156,466 2.0 N N N N 323117A Books, printing only, not bound 2014 187,594 1.7 N N N N 323117C Pamphlets, printing only or printing and binding (excluding advertising pamphlets) 2015 178,211 13.3 12,976 9,474 9,575 9,564 323117C Pamphlets, printing only or printing and binding (excluding advertising pamphlets) 2014 190,069 13.8 13,727 10,926 9,439 9,435 323117W Book printing products, nsk, total 2015 235,698 17.0 N N N N 323117W Book printing products, nsk, total 2014 232,404 17.2 N N N N 323117X Undistributed book printing products 2015 N X 1,462,927 1,307,919 1,191,103 1,167,075 323117X Undistributed book printing products 2014 N X 1,548,806 1,401,915 1,117,295 1,108,882 323120 Printing support activity products 2015 3,758,052 3.8 115,254 111,078 38,171 38,183 323120 Printing support activity products 2014 3,975,044 3.2 116,513 113,242 51,021 51,014 3231201 Edition, library, and other hardcover binding of books printed elsewhere 2015 200,773 7.8 67,638 67,133 9,748 9,740 3231201 Edition, library, and other hardcover binding of books printed elsewhere 2014 195,292 5.5 69,465 69,162 21,638 21,638 3231203 Softcover, pamphlet, sample book, and other binding of books and materials printed elsewh 2015 474,796 19.1 N N N N 3231203 Softcover, pamphlet, sample book, and other binding of books and materials printed elsewh 2014 475,468 17.0 N N N N 3231205 Miscellaneous binding and postpress work, including collating, perforating, folding, gluing, di 2015 701,963 7.4 N N N N 3231205 Miscellaneous binding and postpress work, including collating, perforating, folding, gluing, di 2014 693,488 6.7 N N N N 3231207 Prepress services, excluding platemaking (including film, assembled flats, color separations 2015 1,176,868 3.3 N N 3,534 3,534 3231207 Prepress services, excluding platemaking (including film, assembled flats, color separations 2014 1,320,280 2.9 N N 2,561 2,561 3231209 Printing plates and cylinders, prepared for printing (excluding blank plates and blank cylinde 2015 884,742 5.1 N N 24,887 24,908 3231209 Printing plates and cylinders, prepared for printing (excluding blank plates and blank cylinde 2014 897,476 4.9 N N 26,821 26,815 323120W Printing support activity products, nsk, total 2015 318,910 23.4 N N N N 323120W Printing support activity products, nsk, total 2014 393,040 15.9 N N N N 323120X Undistributed printing support activity products 2015 N X 47,615 43,944 N N 323120X Undistributed printing support activity products 2014 N X 47,048 44,079 N N

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NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods324110 Petroleum refinery products 2015 437,725,182 0.1 77,446,490 77,003,402 52,413,504 67,347,685 324110 Petroleum refinery products 2014 696,392,326 0.1 116,806,955 115,656,841 81,604,922 112,193,114 3241101 Gasoline, including finished base stocks and blending agents 2015 224,496,878 0.0 16,265,090 16,253,602 14,063,293 13,855,606 3241101 Gasoline, including finished base stocks and blending agents 2014 338,676,202 0.0 22,567,637 22,544,373 18,327,508 18,025,362 3241104 Jet fuel, all types 2015 34,871,404 0.0 4,424,223 4,356,727 4,827,792 2,847,666 3241104 Jet fuel, all types 2014 57,850,973 0.0 6,989,928 6,842,655 6,436,569 3,381,131 3241107 Kerosene, excluding jet fuel 2015 2,238,011 0.1 537,327 537,307 112,825 119,052 3241107 Kerosene, excluding jet fuel 2014 4,165,078 0.1 654,514 654,459 81,780 81,780 324110A Light fuel oils 2015 117,964,544 0.2 34,832,903 34,768,690 10,416,048 13,699,947 324110A Light fuel oils 2014 201,627,769 0.1 55,031,046 54,648,084 16,039,969 20,031,632 324110D Heavy fuel oils, including grades No. 5, 6, heavy diesel-type, heavy gas-enrichment oils, etc 2015 12,311,572 0.1 5,655,629 5,519,613 15,887,961 17,946,140 324110D Heavy fuel oils, including grades No. 5, 6, heavy diesel-type, heavy gas-enrichment oils, etc 2014 17,330,932 0.1 11,716,783 11,281,405 28,761,056 35,233,009 324110G Petroleum lubricating oils and greases, made in a refinery 2015 4,226,479 0.3 4,915,106 4,827,002 2,130,979 4,213,644 324110G Petroleum lubricating oils and greases, made in a refinery 2014 6,198,241 0.2 5,958,061 5,853,871 3,061,069 6,409,329 324110J Unfinished oils and lubricating oil base stock 2015 14,403,638 0.1 35,893 35,818 11,131 11,131 324110J Unfinished oils and lubricating oil base stock 2014 24,481,647 0.1 60,760 60,678 22,803 22,803 324110M Asphalt 2015 5,983,289 1.2 N N N N 324110M Asphalt 2014 8,714,565 0.4 N N N N 324110P Liquefied refinery gases (aliphatics), made in a refinery 2015 10,382,297 0.0 356,956 352,556 1,688,587 2,527,953 324110P Liquefied refinery gases (aliphatics), made in a refinery 2014 21,027,178 0.0 624,075 623,660 2,697,761 4,604,743 324110T Other finished petroleum products, including waxes, made in a refinery 2015 9,946,297 0.2 7,452,936 7,424,525 1,742,399 10,066,940 324110T Other finished petroleum products, including waxes, made in a refinery 2014 15,301,666 0.2 9,956,323 9,916,215 3,048,154 20,257,607 324110W Petroleum refinery products, nsk, total 2015 900,773 2.2 N N N N 324110W Petroleum refinery products, nsk, total 2014 1,018,073 2.0 N N N N 324110X Undistributed petroleum refinery products 2015 N X 2,970,421 2,927,557 1,532,484 2,059,602 324110X Undistributed petroleum refinery products 2014 N X 3,247,823 3,231,436 3,128,249 4,145,713 324121 Asphalt paving mixtures and blocks 2015 12,898,234 1.9 104,208 103,907 53,426 53,426 324121 Asphalt paving mixtures and blocks 2014 12,556,861 1.8 184,878 183,878 183,248 183,248 3241210 Asphalt paving mixtures and blocks 2015 12,898,234 1.9 104,208 103,907 53,426 53,426 3241210 Asphalt paving mixtures and blocks 2014 12,556,861 1.8 184,878 183,878 183,248 183,248 324122 Asphalt shingle and coating materials 2015 8,607,731 1.6 413,351 412,872 240,511 240,581 324122 Asphalt shingle and coating materials 2014 9,028,695 1.4 340,443 339,671 137,503 137,489 3241221 Roofing asphalts and pitches, coatings, and cements 2015 2,327,674 4.4 N N N N 3241221 Roofing asphalts and pitches, coatings, and cements 2014 2,592,535 3.8 N N N N 3241222 Prepared asphalt and tar roofing and siding products, including saturated felts and boards fo 2015 6,019,949 1.4 N N N N 3241222 Prepared asphalt and tar roofing and siding products, including saturated felts and boards fo 2014 6,167,066 1.4 N N N N 324122W Asphalt shingles and coating materials, nsk, total 2015 260,109 0.3 N N N N 324122W Asphalt shingles and coating materials, nsk, total 2014 269,094 0.3 N N N N 324122X Undistributed asphalt shingle and coating materials 2015 N X 413,351 412,872 240,511 240,581 324122X Undistributed asphalt shingle and coating materials 2014 N X 340,443 339,671 137,503 137,489 324191 Petroleum lubricating oils and greases 2015 15,924,910 0.8 N N 34,841 34,838 324191 Petroleum lubricating oils and greases 2014 17,296,166 0.7 N N 37,030 37,031 3241910 Petroleum lubricating oils and greases, made from refined petroleum 2015 15,924,910 0.8 N N 34,841 34,838 3241910 Petroleum lubricating oils and greases, made from refined petroleum 2014 17,296,166 0.7 N N 37,030 37,031 324199 All other petroleum and coal products 2015 4,001,116 4.3 35,871 35,650 28,611 274,408 324199 All other petroleum and coal products 2014 4,382,223 1.3 49,765 49,470 19,913 561,463 3241991 Coke oven and blast furnace products, made in coke oven establishments 2015 2,176,685 3.2 N N N N 3241991 Coke oven and blast furnace products, made in coke oven establishments 2014 2,439,600 2.2 N N N N 3241992 All other petroleum and coal products (excluding coke oven products), made in coke oven e 2015 1,561,928 10.0 35,871 35,650 28,611 274,408 3241992 All other petroleum and coal products (excluding coke oven products), made in coke oven e 2014 1,675,520 0.5 49,765 49,470 19,913 561,463 324199W All other petroleum and coal products, nsk, total 2015 262,503 1.1 N N N N 324199W All other petroleum and coal products, nsk, total 2014 267,103 1.1 N N N N

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NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods325110 Petrochemicals 2015 50,473,687 0.1 1,520,724 1,486,513 1,391,752 4,620,334 325110 Petrochemicals 2014 71,752,071 0.1 4,213,875 4,180,102 3,158,865 12,118,253 3251101 Aromatics (benzene, toluene, xylene, etc.), made in petrochemical plants 2015 19,372,552 0.0 N N 15,077 15,077 3251101 Aromatics (benzene, toluene, xylene, etc.), made in petrochemical plants 2014 28,519,399 0.0 2,630,492 2,628,903 971,148 2,470,852 3251104 Liquefied refinery gases (aliphatics), made in petrochemical plants 2015 30,889,067 0.0 505,103 504,882 891,521 3,800,916 3251104 Liquefied refinery gases (aliphatics), made in petrochemical plants 2014 42,998,500 0.0 391,720 391,495 1,595,762 8,373,808 325110W Petrochemicals, nsk, total 2015 212,068 5.1 N N N N 325110W Petrochemicals, nsk, total 2014 234,172 5.8 N N N N 325110X Undistributed petrochemicals 2015 N X 1,015,621 981,630 485,153 804,340 325110X Undistributed petrochemicals 2014 N X 1,191,662 1,159,703 591,953 1,273,592 325120 Industrial gases 2015 6,597,961 1.8 604,324 589,081 278,661 278,971 325120 Industrial gases 2014 7,045,656 1.6 540,049 524,185 210,891 211,217 3251201 Acetylene 2015 D D N N N N 3251201 Acetylene 2014 D D N N N N 3251204 Carbon dioxide 2015 664,849 4.5 30,299 21,684 18,351 18,732 3251204 Carbon dioxide 2014 737,805 4.4 32,212 24,159 16,944 17,269 3251207 Nitrogen 2015 1,170,875 3.1 26,131 25,767 844 774 3251207 Nitrogen 2014 1,065,143 3.4 29,567 28,540 1,079 1,079 325120A Oxygen 2015 585,264 4.6 9,552 9,472 1,141 1,141 325120A Oxygen 2014 604,466 3.9 10,402 10,340 1,174 1,174 325120C Argon and hydrogen 2015 1,583,085 2.4 17,221 17,058 67,696 67,696 325120C Argon and hydrogen 2014 2,021,099 1.6 22,928 22,883 68,394 68,394 325120G Fluorocarbon gases 2015 872,482 1.3 28,185 27,864 21,829 21,828 325120G Fluorocarbon gases 2014 976,085 1.2 29,442 28,311 50,596 50,596 325120U Other industrial gases 2015 1,213,337 6.4 492,933 487,234 168,798 168,798 325120U Other industrial gases 2014 1,090,344 6.3 415,495 409,948 72,702 72,702 325120W Industrial gases, nsk, total 2015 D D N N N N 325120W Industrial gases, nsk, total 2014 D D N N N N325130 Synthetic dyes and pigments 2015 6,560,045 2.0 2,994,279 2,890,872 2,305,759 2,419,009 325130 Synthetic dyes and pigments 2014 7,138,891 1.5 3,293,337 3,187,800 2,445,507 2,639,994 3251301 Titanium dioxide, composite and pure 2015 3,776,861 1.8 1,466,750 1,455,937 549,007 546,707 3251301 Titanium dioxide, composite and pure 2014 4,379,477 0.3 1,800,936 1,785,325 629,008 627,250 3251302 Synthetic organic dyes 2015 682,495 5.9 N N 367,952 365,932 3251302 Synthetic organic dyes 2014 682,063 4.3 N N 356,786 354,030 3251303 Synthetic organic pigments, lakes, and toners 2015 1,180,957 6.9 35,957 34,716 476,277 473,362 3251303 Synthetic organic pigments, lakes, and toners 2014 1,149,063 6.2 31,633 30,748 537,338 533,895 3251304 Other white opaque pigments 2015 61,493 0.1 27,622 19,197 125,818 256,613 3251304 Other white opaque pigments 2014 62,994 0.1 23,865 15,632 163,362 368,960 3251307 Chrome colors and other inorganic pigments 2015 646,786 2.5 545,456 525,187 369,136 368,898 3251307 Chrome colors and other inorganic pigments 2014 667,568 3.6 543,234 523,271 373,419 373,346 325130W Synthetic dyes and pigments, nsk, total 2015 211,454 32.1 N N N N 325130W Synthetic dyes and pigments, nsk, total 2014 197,726 34.3 N N N N 325130X Undistributed synthetic dyes and pigments 2015 N X 918,492 855,833 417,567 407,495 325130X Undistributed synthetic dyes and pigments 2014 N X 893,668 832,823 385,591 382,510

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NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods325180 Other basic inorganic chemicals 2015 27,914,611 1.4 13,417,818 12,292,701 9,032,100 9,334,194 325180 Other basic inorganic chemicals 2014 28,510,721 1.2 13,098,176 12,736,854 9,957,771 10,496,739 3251801 Chlorine, compressed or liquefied 2015 1,323,084 5.7 8,989 8,919 32,110 32,148 3251801 Chlorine, compressed or liquefied 2014 1,101,591 6.5 7,256 7,203 33,245 33,245 3251802 Sulfuric acid 2015 1,290,827 4.6 30,750 30,654 200,553 207,765 3251802 Sulfuric acid 2014 1,331,284 2.9 21,856 21,806 177,615 190,015 3251803 Inorganic acids, excluding nitric, sulfuric, and phosphoric 2015 1,323,492 7.0 81,626 76,878 271,381 271,381 3251803 Inorganic acids, excluding nitric, sulfuric, and phosphoric 2014 1,408,504 5.7 86,018 82,151 324,169 324,169 3251804 Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) 2015 2,837,435 0.9 784,537 780,112 242,786 242,786 3251804 Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) 2014 3,147,992 0.1 819,367 810,858 281,750 281,750 3251805 Other inorganic aluminum compounds 2015 1,313,819 6.2 114,223 97,733 187,767 187,761 3251805 Other inorganic aluminum compounds 2014 1,516,931 5.0 118,557 99,147 205,811 205,811 3251806 Carbon black, all processes 2015 1,675,057 0.6 279,482 274,856 281,684 281,202 3251806 Carbon black, all processes 2014 2,045,705 0.7 341,415 336,983 381,890 382,010 3251807 Other alkalies 2015 2,398,628 0.1 159,042 156,367 59,527 59,527 3251807 Other alkalies 2014 2,105,876 0.1 153,072 151,022 57,394 57,394 325180A Potassium and sodium compounds, excluding bleaches, alkalies, and alum 2015 2,131,261 4.2 1,907,878 1,886,993 733,837 733,802 325180A Potassium and sodium compounds, excluding bleaches, alkalies, and alum 2014 2,294,768 4.0 1,967,208 1,947,456 740,483 740,376 325180D Chemical catalytic preparations, excluding silica gel catalyst 2015 3,364,923 7.6 4,318,968 4,248,609 1,132,908 1,126,904 325180D Chemical catalytic preparations, excluding silica gel catalyst 2014 3,216,548 4.9 4,073,637 4,008,917 1,231,998 1,227,749 325180H All other inorganic chemicals 2015 9,095,765 1.9 624,432 594,482 517,554 502,494 325180H All other inorganic chemicals 2014 9,136,034 1.7 755,197 741,127 560,519 549,751 325180W Other basic inorganic chemicals, nsk, total 2015 1,160,319 15.8 N N N N 325180W Other basic inorganic chemicals, nsk, total 2014 1,205,488 15.0 N N N N 325180X Undistributed other basic inorganic chemicals 2015 N X 5,107,885 4,137,094 5,371,987 5,688,418 325180X Undistributed other basic inorganic chemicals 2014 N X 4,754,589 4,530,179 5,962,894 6,504,466 325193 Ethyl alcohol 2015 25,338,392 2.4 1,751,887 1,751,343 561,352 561,352 325193 Ethyl alcohol 2014 32,958,913 0.8 2,062,692 2,062,087 620,052 620,052 3251930 Ethyl alcohol 2015 25,338,392 2.4 1,751,887 1,751,343 561,352 561,352 3251930 Ethyl alcohol 2014 32,958,913 0.8 2,062,692 2,062,087 620,052 620,052 325194 Cyclic crudes, intermediates, and gum and wood chemicals 2015 7,470,156 1.2 5,680,824 5,626,435 2,979,963 3,787,534 325194 Cyclic crudes, intermediates, and gum and wood chemicals 2014 8,693,896 1.0 5,032,069 4,996,407 2,867,189 3,596,761 3251941 Cyclic (coal tar) intermediates 2015 5,036,233 0.0 5,257,967 5,220,725 2,682,825 3,491,464 3251941 Cyclic (coal tar) intermediates 2014 6,189,804 0.0 4,544,931 4,524,585 2,561,336 3,292,269 3251942 Gum and wood chemicals, including wood distillation products 2015 1,666,004 5.4 374,809 358,528 287,403 287,067 3251942 Gum and wood chemicals, including wood distillation products 2014 1,770,037 4.8 434,559 419,684 292,704 292,600 3251944 Tar, tar crudes, and tar pitches 2015 649,397 0.0 N N N N 3251944 Tar, tar crudes, and tar pitches 2014 640,041 0.0 N N N N 325194W Cyclic crudes, intermediates, and gum and wood chemicals, nsk, total 2015 118,522 1.0 N N N N 325194W Cyclic crudes, intermediates, and gum and wood chemicals, nsk, total 2014 94,015 1.2 N N N N 325194X Undistributed cyclic crudes, intermediates, and gum and wood chemicals 2015 N X 48,047 47,181 9,734 9,002 325194X Undistributed cyclic crudes, intermediates, and gum and wood chemicals 2014 N X 52,577 52,137 13,147 11,891

Page 36

NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods325199 All other basic organic chemicals 2015 75,968,016 0.9 33,629,068 31,721,516 30,227,538 28,929,413 325199 All other basic organic chemicals 2014 87,225,042 0.7 36,262,058 34,943,154 33,755,280 32,874,061 3251991 Fatty acids (produced for sale as such) 2015 5,469,111 2.4 737,140 720,032 1,799,983 1,785,785 3251991 Fatty acids (produced for sale as such) 2014 6,122,052 1.2 859,552 843,359 1,579,936 1,569,672 3251994 Bulk pesticides and other bulk synthetic organic agricultural chemicals, excluding preparatio 2015 1,681,160 6.4 352,587 340,046 2,535,321 2,256,515 3251994 Bulk pesticides and other bulk synthetic organic agricultural chemicals, excluding preparatio 2014 1,540,976 3.0 362,973 351,529 2,896,746 2,819,531 3251997 Industrial organic flavor oil mixtures and blends 2015 148,881 6.3 2,251 2,251 2,579,191 2,554,278 3251997 Industrial organic flavor oil mixtures and blends 2014 209,037 4.5 2,540 2,537 2,313,283 2,297,174 325199A Reagent and high-purity grades of organic chemicals refined from purchased technical grad 2015 1,407,309 0.2 N N N N 325199A Reagent and high-purity grades of organic chemicals refined from purchased technical grad 2014 1,401,312 0.1 N N N N 325199E Natural organic chemicals 2015 2,365,618 14.5 873,381 847,955 1,322,563 1,320,803 325199E Natural organic chemicals 2014 2,566,177 13.9 1,138,478 1,111,044 1,469,002 1,468,238 325199G Synthetic organic alcohols, unmixed 2015 5,357,122 4.2 4,366,115 4,258,609 3,617,298 3,560,091 325199G Synthetic organic alcohols, unmixed 2014 7,496,343 1.2 4,808,340 4,708,126 4,879,444 4,809,782 325199H Synthetic organic chemicals for use as flavor and perfume materials, mixed and unmixed 2015 2,705,788 2.4 226,703 224,628 75,453 65,741 325199H Synthetic organic chemicals for use as flavor and perfume materials, mixed and unmixed 2014 2,579,728 2.6 260,660 259,355 73,575 65,518 325199K Synthetic organic rubber-processing chemicals 2015 446,865 5.4 N N 27,785 27,785 325199K Synthetic organic rubber-processing chemicals 2014 343,455 8.5 N N 30,343 30,343 325199N Synthetic organic plasticizers 2015 685,548 1.6 218,413 211,654 234,764 233,783 325199N Synthetic organic plasticizers 2014 795,130 1.2 259,041 253,946 256,678 254,485 325199R Other synthetic organic chemicals 2015 14,241,306 2.0 4,363,985 4,313,444 1,518,071 1,502,391 325199R Other synthetic organic chemicals 2014 16,690,096 1.7 5,408,927 5,369,604 1,709,433 1,694,265 325199T Miscellaneous end-use chemicals and chemical products, excluding urea 2015 22,738,984 1.5 360,124 301,123 N N 325199T Miscellaneous end-use chemicals and chemical products, excluding urea 2014 25,577,939 1.3 341,452 179,603 N N 325199V Miscellaneous cyclic and acyclic chemicals and chemical products, excluding fatty acid este 2015 16,683,053 0.7 3,295,417 3,214,049 1,868,571 1,851,798 325199V Miscellaneous cyclic and acyclic chemicals and chemical products, excluding fatty acid este 2014 19,694,918 0.7 3,514,469 3,430,088 2,129,155 2,118,213 325199W All other basic organic chemicals, nsk, total 2015 2,037,272 8.9 N N N N 325199W All other basic organic chemicals, nsk, total 2014 2,207,881 7.9 N N N N 325199X Undistributed all other basic organic chemicals 2015 N X 18,832,946 17,287,721 14,648,532 13,770,438 325199X Undistributed all other basic organic chemicals 2014 N X 19,305,621 18,433,958 16,417,677 15,746,836 325211 Plastics materials and resins 2015 78,903,074 1.2 28,826,278 28,068,083 12,814,676 12,722,829 325211 Plastics materials and resins 2014 90,563,885 1.2 31,347,981 30,584,878 13,847,348 13,728,732 3252111 Thermoplastic resins and plastics materials 2015 67,429,585 1.4 26,902,124 26,221,993 11,688,265 11,642,153 3252111 Thermoplastic resins and plastics materials 2014 77,760,836 1.4 29,332,308 28,640,609 12,673,994 12,582,977 3252114 Thermosetting resins and plastics materials 2015 9,864,489 1.3 1,423,454 1,367,007 1,126,410 1,080,675 3252114 Thermosetting resins and plastics materials 2014 11,138,528 1.0 1,483,209 1,431,249 1,173,353 1,145,755 325211W Plastics materials and resins, nsk, total 2015 1,609,000 9.8 N N N N 325211W Plastics materials and resins, nsk, total 2014 1,664,521 6.7 N N N N 325211X Undistributed plastics materials and resins 2015 N X 500,699 479,082 N N 325211X Undistributed plastics materials and resins 2014 N X 532,464 513,019 N N325212 Synthetic rubber 2015 7,726,024 1.0 5,219,280 5,028,107 2,720,071 2,746,154 325212 Synthetic rubber 2014 8,805,229 0.9 5,797,438 5,609,673 3,055,592 3,096,070 3252120 Synthetic rubber (vulcanizable elastomers) 2015 7,726,024 1.0 5,219,280 5,028,107 2,720,071 2,746,154 3252120 Synthetic rubber (vulcanizable elastomers) 2014 8,805,229 0.9 5,797,438 5,609,673 3,055,592 3,096,070

Page 37

NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods325220 Artificial and synthetic fibers and filaments 2015 8,535,014 1.2 2,473,321 2,395,696 2,514,049 2,469,825 325220 Artificial and synthetic fibers and filaments 2014 9,255,521 1.0 2,797,651 2,718,989 2,507,566 2,470,101 3252201 Nylon and other polyamide manufactured fibers 2015 3,578,760 1.4 566,445 525,688 580,681 580,153 3252201 Nylon and other polyamide manufactured fibers 2014 4,026,576 1.2 624,307 579,957 624,183 623,477 3252203 Rayon, acetate, and lyocell manufactured fibers 2015 2,388,663 0.4 150,108 143,485 213,814 213,814 3252203 Rayon, acetate, and lyocell manufactured fibers 2014 2,512,768 0.4 171,510 167,921 208,794 208,794 3252204 Polyolefin manufactured fibers 2015 528,325 0.0 N N N N 3252204 Polyolefin manufactured fibers 2014 574,797 0.0 N N N N 3252207 Polyester manufactured fibers 2015 1,213,187 5.6 369,640 351,664 1,072,359 1,071,680 3252207 Polyester manufactured fibers 2014 1,363,106 5.0 389,991 374,417 1,058,121 1,057,778 325220A Other manufactured noncellulosic fibers (excluding glass, carbon, and graphite) 2015 405,095 12.2 223,821 216,424 382,471 339,540 325220A Other manufactured noncellulosic fibers (excluding glass, carbon, and graphite) 2014 372,824 13.1 207,711 198,595 368,932 332,651 325220D Producer-textured manufactured noncellulosic fibers 2015 174,008 3.6 N N N N 325220D Producer-textured manufactured noncellulosic fibers 2014 166,824 2.1 N N N N 325220W Artificial and synthetic fibers and filaments, nsk, total 2015 246,975 0.0 N N N N 325220W Artificial and synthetic fibers and filaments, nsk, total 2014 238,627 0.0 N N N N 325220X Undistributed artificial and synthetic fibers and filaments 2015 N X 1,163,305 1,158,433 264,722 264,637 325220X Undistributed artificial and synthetic fibers and filaments 2014 N X 1,404,130 1,398,097 247,533 247,400 325311 Nitrogenous fertilizer 2015 8,493,909 0.5 805,745 730,521 6,148,510 6,148,460 325311 Nitrogenous fertilizer 2014 8,974,503 0.4 885,388 816,899 6,782,606 6,791,026 3253111 Synthetic ammonia, nitric acid, and ammonium compounds 2015 6,233,582 0.3 537,302 520,265 3,521,284 3,521,284 3253111 Synthetic ammonia, nitric acid, and ammonium compounds 2014 6,829,064 0.3 579,273 568,219 3,861,782 3,870,319 3253114 Urea 2015 1,195,147 0.4 181,334 124,497 2,495,369 2,495,318 3253114 Urea 2014 1,217,650 0.5 230,918 175,472 2,800,800 2,800,792 3253117 Fertilizer materials of organic origin, including activated sewage sludge, processed tankage, 2015 880,264 4.4 35,398 34,938 63,928 63,928 3253117 Fertilizer materials of organic origin, including activated sewage sludge, processed tankage, 2014 748,751 4.3 31,552 30,399 49,837 49,728 325311W Nitrogenous fertilizer, nsk, total 2015 184,916 1.3 N N N N 325311W Nitrogenous fertilizer, nsk, total 2014 179,037 1.4 N N N N 325311X Undistributed nitrogenous fertilizer 2015 N X 51,709 50,819 67,928 67,928 325311X Undistributed nitrogenous fertilizer 2014 N X 43,643 42,808 70,186 70,186 325312 Phosphatic fertilizer 2015 10,693,039 1.3 4,067,255 3,339,067 4,443,794 4,443,749 325312 Phosphatic fertilizer 2014 11,808,729 1.1 4,261,151 3,449,095 4,264,615 4,264,618 3253121 Phosphoric acid 2015 2,085,823 0.5 394,388 383,289 139,569 139,569 3253121 Phosphoric acid 2014 2,093,454 1.6 451,401 446,503 135,413 135,413 3253124 Superphosphates and other phosphatic fertilizer materials 2015 6,189,751 1.9 953,038 952,329 689,936 689,936 3253124 Superphosphates and other phosphatic fertilizer materials 2014 7,076,127 1.4 1,111,095 1,109,884 859,542 859,542 3253127 Mixed fertilizers, made in plants which manufacture fertilizer materials 2015 2,401,730 3.4 1,711,831 1,688,413 154,773 154,741 3253127 Mixed fertilizers, made in plants which manufacture fertilizer materials 2014 2,623,152 3.1 1,579,417 1,570,105 117,726 117,729 325312W Phosphatic fertilizer, nsk, total 2015 15,734 4.7 N N N N 325312W Phosphatic fertilizer, nsk, total 2014 15,996 2.1 N N N N 325312X Undistributed phosphatic fertilizer 2015 N X 1,007,996 315,034 3,459,516 3,459,503 325312X Undistributed phosphatic fertilizer 2014 N X 1,119,236 322,602 3,151,933 3,151,933 325314 Fertilizer (mixing only) 2015 4,906,623 3.4 N N N N325314 Fertilizer (mixing only) 2014 4,985,341 3.8 N N N N 3253140 Mixed fertilizers, mixing only 2015 4,906,623 3.4 N N N N 3253140 Mixed fertilizers, mixing only 2014 4,985,341 3.8 N N N N

Page 38

NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods325320 Pesticides and other agricultural chemicals 2015 15,291,291 0.7 3,469,813 3,250,145 1,082,303 1,358,288 325320 Pesticides and other agricultural chemicals 2014 15,885,783 0.7 4,048,005 3,721,022 955,798 1,220,223 3253201 Agricultural and commercial pesticides and chemicals 2015 12,389,040 0.6 N N N N 3253201 Agricultural and commercial pesticides and chemicals 2014 12,990,363 0.7 N N N N 3253204 Lawn and garden pesticides and chemicals 2015 782,975 1.1 N N N N 3253204 Lawn and garden pesticides and chemicals 2014 665,536 1.4 N N N N 3253207 Household and institutional pesticides and chemicals 2015 1,232,155 5.3 N N N N 3253207 Household and institutional pesticides and chemicals 2014 1,362,869 4.7 N N N N 325320W Pesticides and other agricultural chemicals, nsk, total 2015 887,121 0.6 N N N N 325320W Pesticides and other agricultural chemicals, nsk, total 2014 867,015 0.3 N N N N 325320X Undistributed pesticides and other agricultural chemicals 2015 N X 3,469,813 3,250,145 1,082,303 1,358,288 325320X Undistributed pesticides and other agricultural chemicals 2014 N X 4,048,005 3,721,022 955,798 1,220,223 325411 Medicinals and botanicals 2015 11,827,626 1.6 3,296,532 3,180,092 14,826,134 13,927,633 325411 Medicinals and botanicals 2014 11,218,911 1.0 3,179,925 3,047,174 12,199,181 11,679,494 3254110 Synthetic organic medicinal chemicals (all uses), medicinal and botanical drugs, chemicals, 2015 11,827,626 1.6 3,230,438 3,118,576 14,137,931 13,239,434 3254110 Synthetic organic medicinal chemicals (all uses), medicinal and botanical drugs, chemicals, 2014 11,218,911 1.0 3,113,066 2,982,499 11,637,975 11,118,289 325411X Undistributed medicinals and botanicals 2015 N X 66,094 61,516 688,203 688,199 325411X Undistributed medicinals and botanicals 2014 N X 66,859 64,674 561,205 561,205 325412 Pharmaceutical preparations 2015 153,661,122 0.6 30,884,362 29,071,479 74,578,051 75,468,317 325412 Pharmaceutical preparations 2014 137,663,150 0.7 30,206,758 28,657,197 64,652,984 64,357,156 3254121 Pharmaceutical preparations, affecting neoplasms, the endocrine system, and metabolic dis 2015 30,264,808 2.5 8,319,200 8,138,456 20,907,476 23,085,998 3254121 Pharmaceutical preparations, affecting neoplasms, the endocrine system, and metabolic dis 2014 26,100,741 2.9 7,339,076 7,213,042 18,796,088 19,562,847 3254124 Pharmaceutical preparations, acting on the central nervous system and the sense organs, fo 2015 32,079,614 0.8 4,943,368 4,859,188 10,580,491 10,687,068 3254124 Pharmaceutical preparations, acting on the central nervous system and the sense organs, fo 2014 27,965,753 0.7 4,777,272 4,682,809 8,008,514 8,058,931 3254127 Pharmaceutical preparations, acting on the cardiovascular system, for human use 2015 13,731,193 0.1 3,355,734 3,298,182 7,615,573 7,722,476 3254127 Pharmaceutical preparations, acting on the cardiovascular system, for human use 2014 13,807,389 0.1 3,141,158 3,023,473 8,034,956 7,949,642 325412A Pharmaceutical preparations, acting on the respiratory system, for human use 2015 14,078,084 0.1 1,123,951 1,110,578 4,356,883 4,238,181 325412A Pharmaceutical preparations, acting on the respiratory system, for human use 2014 13,704,731 0.1 1,216,351 1,175,853 4,072,544 4,105,241 325412D Pharmaceutical preparations, acting on the digestive or the genito-urinary systems, for huma 2015 5,232,220 0.3 269,249 174,734 6,751,608 4,533,313 325412D Pharmaceutical preparations, acting on the digestive or the genito-urinary systems, for huma 2014 5,286,390 0.4 251,617 159,993 5,513,013 4,212,612 325412G Pharmaceutical preparations, acting on skin, for human use 2015 4,157,359 2.0 75,996 74,923 596,428 595,606 325412G Pharmaceutical preparations, acting on skin, for human use 2014 2,770,503 2.4 72,501 71,492 458,316 457,860 325412L Pharmaceutical preparations, vitamin, nutrient, and hematinic preparations, for human use 2015 11,298,522 0.8 399,273 386,289 162,348 161,786 325412L Pharmaceutical preparations, vitamin, nutrient, and hematinic preparations, for human use 2014 10,664,518 0.7 454,121 447,623 265,708 265,854 325412P Pharmaceutical preparations, affecting parasitic and infective diseases, for human use (excl 2015 33,179,645 1.2 5,621,984 4,796,949 13,752,843 13,806,577 325412P Pharmaceutical preparations, affecting parasitic and infective diseases, for human use (excl 2014 28,032,059 1.5 5,150,598 4,457,147 11,138,991 11,133,471 325412T Pharmaceutical preparations for veterinary use (including medicinal premixes and medicate 2015 2,140,209 3.0 384,129 353,600 935,545 942,426 325412T Pharmaceutical preparations for veterinary use (including medicinal premixes and medicate 2014 2,328,095 8.5 369,802 364,716 808,772 821,868 325412V In vivo diagnostic substances 2015 1,317,981 15.1 N N N N 325412V In vivo diagnostic substances 2014 1,259,191 15.8 N N N N 325412W Pharmaceutical preparations, nsk, total 2015 6,181,488 3.4 N N N N 325412W Pharmaceutical preparations, nsk, total 2014 5,743,779 4.4 N N N N 325412X Undistributed pharmaceutical preparations 2015 N X 6,391,475 5,878,575 8,918,851 9,694,881 325412X Undistributed pharmaceutical preparations 2014 N X 7,434,258 7,061,045 7,556,076 7,788,826 325413 In-vitro diagnostic substances 2015 11,718,399 2.5 6,507,897 6,080,486 3,526,148 3,528,260 325413 In-vitro diagnostic substances 2014 11,179,746 0.7 6,351,864 5,995,504 3,343,388 3,327,706 3254130 In-vitro diagnostic substances 2015 11,718,399 2.5 6,507,897 6,080,486 3,526,148 3,528,260 3254130 In-vitro diagnostic substances 2014 11,179,746 0.7 6,351,864 5,995,504 3,343,388 3,327,706

Page 39

NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods325414 Biological products (except diagnostic) 2015 26,375,045 1.8 17,594,737 17,039,814 16,923,031 16,917,760 325414 Biological products (except diagnostic) 2014 23,075,260 0.9 14,775,034 14,209,601 13,373,874 13,329,395 3254141 Blood and blood derivatives, for human use 2015 5,847,705 6.0 13,812,371 13,287,612 11,415,918 11,410,648 3254141 Blood and blood derivatives, for human use 2014 5,297,493 2.1 11,504,502 10,985,932 9,759,297 9,714,805 3254144 Vaccines, toxoids, and antigens, excluding allergens, for human use 2015 7,960,722 0.0 2,926,207 2,910,587 5,467,353 5,467,353 3254144 Vaccines, toxoids, and antigens, excluding allergens, for human use 2014 6,986,726 0.0 2,436,613 2,406,267 3,556,893 3,556,906 3254147 Other biologics, excluding diagnostic, for human use 2015 6,511,701 4.0 50,441 49,842 28,989 28,989 3254147 Other biologics, excluding diagnostic, for human use 2014 5,573,061 2.9 49,568 49,147 52,053 52,053 325414A Biological products, excluding diagnostic, for veterinary, industrial, and all other miscellaneo 2015 5,436,309 2.8 805,717 791,772 10,770 10,770 325414A Biological products, excluding diagnostic, for veterinary, industrial, and all other miscellaneo 2014 4,671,567 0.9 784,348 768,254 5,629 5,629 325414W Biological products (except diagnostic), nsk, total 2015 618,608 14.9 N N N N 325414W Biological products (except diagnostic), nsk, total 2014 546,413 13.4 N N N N325510 Paints and coatings 2015 27,380,466 0.7 2,731,439 2,649,992 1,005,297 984,737 325510 Paints and coatings 2014 26,536,664 0.7 2,709,554 2,629,411 1,000,364 986,851 3255101 Architectural coatings 2015 11,285,801 1.1 2,550,425 2,474,188 956,879 947,863 3255101 Architectural coatings 2014 10,829,336 1.1 2,506,774 2,430,386 961,580 956,947 3255104 Product finishes for original equipment manufacturers (OEM), excluding marine coatings 2015 6,408,845 1.7 N N N N 3255104 Product finishes for original equipment manufacturers (OEM), excluding marine coatings 2014 6,488,813 1.4 N N N N 3255107 Special-purpose coatings including all marine coatings, industrial, construction and maintena 2015 6,336,901 1.7 N N N N 3255107 Special-purpose coatings including all marine coatings, industrial, construction and maintena 2014 6,055,204 1.8 N N N N 325510B Miscellaneous allied paint products, including paint and varnish removers, thinners, pigment 2015 1,479,328 3.1 181,013 175,803 48,418 36,874 325510B Miscellaneous allied paint products, including paint and varnish removers, thinners, pigment 2014 1,453,881 3.2 202,780 199,025 38,783 29,903 325510W Paints and coatings, nsk, total 2015 1,869,591 0.3 N N N N 325510W Paints and coatings, nsk, total 2014 1,709,430 0.7 N N N N325520 Adhesives 2015 12,526,227 2.3 2,339,443 2,265,273 670,953 664,361 325520 Adhesives 2014 12,536,137 2.1 2,340,277 2,269,335 662,489 658,304 3255201 Natural base glues and adhesives 2015 1,257,761 8.8 239,511 221,465 10,806 11,080 3255201 Natural base glues and adhesives 2014 1,158,730 7.2 239,256 225,093 9,069 9,009 3255204 Synthetic resin and rubber adhesives, including all types of bonding and laminating adhesive 2015 7,664,032 2.8 1,205,408 1,176,151 286,720 285,049 3255204 Synthetic resin and rubber adhesives, including all types of bonding and laminating adhesive 2014 7,578,518 2.6 1,208,422 1,172,982 282,275 281,559 3255207 Structural sealants (load-bearing) 2015 611,462 6.9 N N N N 3255207 Structural sealants (load-bearing) 2014 569,850 7.2 N N N N 325520A Nonstructural caulking compounds and sealants 2015 2,268,568 2.8 580,576 561,525 118,664 118,704 325520A Nonstructural caulking compounds and sealants 2014 2,366,853 2.3 563,426 549,836 117,906 118,026 325520W Adhesives, nsk, total 2015 724,404 18.3 N N N N 325520W Adhesives, nsk, total 2014 862,187 15.3 N N N N 325520X Undistributed adhesives 2015 N X 313,947 306,131 254,762 249,527 325520X Undistributed adhesives 2014 N X 329,172 321,422 253,238 249,708 325611 Soaps and other detergents 2015 23,547,476 0.5 1,557,802 1,512,855 1,008,145 1,007,873 325611 Soaps and other detergents 2014 22,125,675 0.5 1,586,543 1,538,954 1,067,416 1,066,848 3256111 Soaps and detergents, commercial, industrial, and institutional 2015 7,351,428 1.5 333,392 330,629 77,061 77,123 3256111 Soaps and detergents, commercial, industrial, and institutional 2014 6,793,272 1.4 359,003 355,848 76,493 76,464 3256114 Household detergents 2015 11,426,681 0.1 92,332 91,594 42,491 42,608 3256114 Household detergents 2014 10,967,448 0.1 107,625 106,956 45,606 45,393 3256117 Soaps, excluding specialty cleaners, household 2015 2,927,674 0.1 N N N N 3256117 Soaps, excluding specialty cleaners, household 2014 2,572,361 0.1 N N N N 325611A Glycerin, natural 2015 295,108 0.5 11,891 11,606 10,738 10,738 325611A Glycerin, natural 2014 312,104 7.1 16,039 15,842 22,141 22,141 325611D Toothpaste, including gels and toothpowder 2015 938,515 0.2 271,513 269,191 197,535 197,489 325611D Toothpaste, including gels and toothpowder 2014 893,493 0.2 241,336 238,805 188,904 188,887 325611W Soaps and other detergents, nsk, total 2015 608,070 10.8 N N N N 325611W Soaps and other detergents, nsk, total 2014 586,998 9.4 N N N N 325611X Undistributed soaps and other detergents 2015 N X 848,672 809,832 680,318 679,914 325611X Undistributed soaps and other detergents 2014 N X 862,538 821,501 734,270 733,962

Page 40

NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods325612 Polishes and other sanitation goods 2015 9,097,741 2.6 959,930 933,790 488,487 487,934 325612 Polishes and other sanitation goods 2014 8,962,148 2.4 1,012,586 993,790 481,109 480,894 3256121 Household bleaches (chlorine and nonchlorine) 2015 1,756,218 1.5 N N N N 3256121 Household bleaches (chlorine and nonchlorine) 2014 1,691,079 0.5 N N N N 3256125 Specialty cleaning and sanitation products 2015 5,995,117 3.9 158,866 151,923 87,614 87,483 3256125 Specialty cleaning and sanitation products 2014 5,974,392 3.5 146,441 143,203 89,392 89,378 3256127 Polishing preparations and related products 2015 1,023,437 4.1 801,064 781,867 400,872 400,451 3256127 Polishing preparations and related products 2014 989,556 4.6 866,144 850,587 391,716 391,516 325612W Polishes and other sanitation goods, nsk, total 2015 322,970 0.1 N N N N 325612W Polishes and other sanitation goods, nsk, total 2014 307,121 0.1 N N N N325613 Surface active agents 2015 7,181,347 0.4 5,150,360 5,048,729 1,840,921 1,833,554 325613 Surface active agents 2014 7,459,325 0.4 5,408,248 5,306,011 1,860,389 1,857,198 3256130 Surfactants, finishing agents, and assistants 2015 7,181,347 0.4 5,150,360 5,048,729 1,840,921 1,833,554 3256130 Surfactants, finishing agents, and assistants 2014 7,459,325 0.4 5,408,248 5,306,011 1,860,389 1,857,198 325620 Toilet preparations 2015 36,384,754 2.9 8,947,014 7,981,139 7,854,786 8,053,112 325620 Toilet preparations 2014 34,884,256 3.2 8,885,801 7,956,133 7,703,309 7,879,632 3256201 All shaving preparations 2015 307,888 1.3 95,829 93,893 51,594 51,667 3256201 All shaving preparations 2014 282,352 0.7 76,485 73,711 59,840 59,744 3256204 Perfumes, toilet waters, and colognes 2015 2,879,684 1.5 1,811,825 1,480,590 2,098,578 2,264,999 3256204 Perfumes, toilet waters, and colognes 2014 2,768,012 1.5 2,068,306 1,703,631 2,200,745 2,356,278 3256207 Hair preparations (including shampoos) 2015 7,932,935 9.9 1,366,437 1,264,537 1,145,803 1,147,199 3256207 Hair preparations (including shampoos) 2014 7,383,742 11.9 1,318,577 1,229,834 1,114,652 1,116,673 325620A Dentifrices, mouthwashes, gargles, and rinses 2015 3,644,573 2.2 282,251 262,360 222,661 222,635 325620A Dentifrices, mouthwashes, gargles, and rinses 2014 3,713,836 1.4 293,267 279,756 191,127 191,105 325620D Creams, lotions and oils, excluding shaving, hair, and deodorant 2015 7,307,089 2.8 243,614 239,713 178,152 176,507 325620D Creams, lotions and oils, excluding shaving, hair, and deodorant 2014 7,370,882 1.9 243,911 239,342 164,784 163,630 325620G Other cosmetics and toilet preparations 2015 12,806,779 1.6 4,573,771 4,076,296 4,007,713 4,039,449 325620G Other cosmetics and toilet preparations 2014 11,928,393 1.6 4,362,372 3,916,389 3,834,286 3,854,687 325620W Toilet preparations, nsk, total 2015 1,505,805 s 42.8 s N N N N 325620W Toilet preparations, nsk, total 2014 1,437,040 s 44.9 s N N N N 325620X Undistributed toilet preparations 2015 N X 573,283 563,747 150,282 150,653 325620X Undistributed toilet preparations 2014 N X 522,881 513,466 137,871 137,511 325910 Printing inks 2015 5,151,320 2.2 1,299,683 987,205 9,135,448 9,518,360 325910 Printing inks 2014 5,052,830 1.8 1,345,119 993,273 9,630,647 9,880,852 3259101 Letterpress printing inks 2015 300,912 6.3 77,055 64,722 8,157 8,144 3259101 Letterpress printing inks 2014 313,349 5.4 92,217 79,399 13,014 12,975 3259104 Lithographic and offset inks 2015 1,096,882 7.0 100,810 97,619 63,949 63,949 3259104 Lithographic and offset inks 2014 1,111,757 6.5 102,979 99,649 74,180 74,180 3259107 Gravure printing inks 2015 407,247 8.6 9,298 8,210 7,385 7,385 3259107 Gravure printing inks 2014 408,341 6.3 10,425 8,630 10,239 10,239 325910A Flexographic printing inks 2015 778,782 5.8 71,437 70,107 31,593 31,593 325910A Flexographic printing inks 2014 705,065 5.4 63,474 61,349 28,814 28,814 325910E Nonimpact/digital inks 2015 1,458,698 2.6 445,381 253,188 N N 325910E Nonimpact/digital inks 2014 1,405,675 0.3 484,707 238,844 N N 325910H All other printing inks 2015 533,389 5.3 N N N N 325910H All other printing inks 2014 542,947 4.3 N N N N 325910W Printing inks, nsk, total 2015 575,410 3.8 N N N N 325910W Printing inks, nsk, total 2014 565,696 3.2 N N N N 325910X Undistributed printing inks 2015 N X 595,699 493,355 9,024,363 9,407,288 325910X Undistributed printing inks 2014 N X 591,316 505,401 9,504,398 9,754,642 325920 Explosives 2015 1,918,179 3.2 770,926 715,439 406,895 432,267 325920 Explosives 2014 2,019,343 3.2 767,877 705,464 433,946 455,059 3259200 Explosives and blasting accessories 2015 1,918,179 3.2 770,926 715,439 406,895 432,267 3259200 Explosives and blasting accessories 2014 2,019,343 3.2 767,877 705,464 433,946 455,059

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NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods325991 Custom compounding of purchased resins 2015 10,284,063 0.4 N N N N325991 Custom compounding of purchased resins 2014 10,654,537 0.4 N N N N 3259910 Custom compounding of purchased resins and color concentrates 2015 10,284,063 0.4 N N N N 3259910 Custom compounding of purchased resins and color concentrates 2014 10,654,537 0.4 N N N N325992 Photographic film, paper, plates, and chemicals 2015 5,737,157 1.6 2,083,523 1,946,969 1,429,889 851,401 325992 Photographic film, paper, plates, and chemicals 2014 5,782,039 1.5 2,205,901 2,038,625 1,454,267 911,299 3259921 Photographic sensitized film, plates, paper, and cloth, silver-halide-type (excluding X-ray) 2015 2,148,372 1.7 187,989 180,742 49,119 53,748 3259921 Photographic sensitized film, plates, paper, and cloth, silver-halide-type (excluding X-ray) 2014 2,257,909 0.3 195,515 186,502 64,233 71,005 3259923 Sensitized photographic film, plates, paper, and cloth, other than silver-halide-type (including 2015 1,407,539 2.1 449,655 433,282 119,459 115,649 3259923 Sensitized photographic film, plates, paper, and cloth, other than silver-halide-type (including 2014 1,333,108 2.2 530,317 504,886 143,202 137,420 3259925 Prepared photographic chemicals 2015 1,913,552 3.6 577,238 517,598 709,998 287,732 3259925 Prepared photographic chemicals 2014 1,944,992 3.6 604,045 530,402 669,892 287,881 325992W Photographic film, paper, plates, and chemicals, nsk, total 2015 267,694 14.2 N N N N 325992W Photographic film, paper, plates, and chemicals, nsk, total 2014 246,029 14.1 N N N N 325992X Undistributed photographic film, paper, plates, and chemicals 2015 N X 868,640 815,345 551,311 394,271 325992X Undistributed photographic film, paper, plates, and chemicals 2014 N X 876,023 816,834 576,939 414,991 325998 All other miscellaneous chemical products and preparations 2015 20,152,410 2.2 5,492,790 5,375,044 3,578,803 3,535,314 325998 All other miscellaneous chemical products and preparations 2014 20,765,944 2.0 5,945,010 5,811,356 3,449,579 3,413,813 3259981 Evaporated salt (bulk, pressed blocks, and packaged), excluding table salt 2015 1,023,295 6.4 N N N N 3259981 Evaporated salt (bulk, pressed blocks, and packaged), excluding table salt 2014 989,042 6.1 N N N N 3259984 Matches 2015 31,396 2.0 1,334 1,271 4,080 4,068 3259984 Matches 2014 30,118 1.3 1,827 1,754 3,565 3,488 3259987 Gelatin, excluding ready-to-eat desserts 2015 754,352 0.2 214,175 201,505 357,787 342,987 3259987 Gelatin, excluding ready-to-eat desserts 2014 781,688 0.2 231,406 220,283 375,800 355,195 325998A Water treating compounds 2015 3,472,507 4.1 N N N N 325998A Water treating compounds 2014 3,295,745 1.1 N N N N 325998E Automotive chemicals 2015 1,873,366 3.8 N N N N 325998E Automotive chemicals 2014 2,023,993 3.3 N N N N 325998J All other chemical preparations, including essential oils 2015 10,281,063 3.3 5,277,280 5,172,267 3,216,934 3,188,258 325998J All other chemical preparations, including essential oils 2014 10,931,864 3.2 5,711,776 5,589,318 3,070,213 3,055,129 325998W All other miscellaneous chemical products and preparations, nsk, total 2015 2,716,432 8.1 N N N N 325998W All other miscellaneous chemical products and preparations, nsk, total 2014 2,713,495 8.1 N N N N326111 Plastics bags 2015 9,400,163 1.2 1,004,158 934,904 2,576,437 2,572,285 326111 Plastics bags 2014 9,620,466 1.0 987,819 931,180 2,453,740 2,450,384 3261111 Single-web film specialty bags, pouches, and liners 2015 8,021,772 1.2 N N N N 3261111 Single-web film specialty bags, pouches, and liners 2014 8,278,895 1.0 N N N N 3261113 Multiweb film/film combination specialty bags, pouches, and liners 2015 1,094,800 2.8 N N N N 3261113 Multiweb film/film combination specialty bags, pouches, and liners 2014 1,073,111 2.0 N N N N 326111W Plastics bags, nsk, total 2015 283,591 18.1 N N N N 326111W Plastics bags, nsk, total 2014 268,460 19.1 N N N N 326111X Undistributed plastics bags 2015 N X 1,004,158 934,904 2,576,437 2,572,285 326111X Undistributed plastics bags 2014 N X 987,819 931,180 2,453,740 2,450,384 326112 Plastics packaging film and sheet (including laminated) 2015 12,136,958 1.5 N N N N326112 Plastics packaging film and sheet (including laminated) 2014 12,560,191 1.0 N N N N 3261121 Single-web film, rolls, and sheets, including coextruded, for flexible packaging uses 2015 8,211,255 1.9 N N N N 3261121 Single-web film, rolls, and sheets, including coextruded, for flexible packaging uses 2014 8,764,051 1.1 N N N N 3261123 Film/film multiweb laminated rolls and sheets, excluding foil, for flexible packaging uses 2015 3,539,807 2.2 N N N N 3261123 Film/film multiweb laminated rolls and sheets, excluding foil, for flexible packaging uses 2014 3,482,382 2.4 N N N N 326112W Plastics packaging film and sheet (including laminated), nsk, total 2015 385,896 2.6 N N N N 326112W Plastics packaging film and sheet (including laminated), nsk, total 2014 313,758 3.2 N N N N326113 Unlaminated plastics film and sheet (except packaging) 2015 18,869,740 0.9 7,897,379 7,409,087 6,316,193 6,144,866 326113 Unlaminated plastics film and sheet (except packaging) 2014 19,839,650 0.8 7,913,670 7,483,143 6,315,323 6,173,061 3261130 Unlaminated plastics film and sheet, excluding packaging 2015 18,869,740 0.9 7,897,379 7,409,087 6,316,193 6,144,866 3261130 Unlaminated plastics film and sheet, excluding packaging 2014 19,839,650 0.8 7,913,670 7,483,143 6,315,323 6,173,061

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NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods326121 Unlaminated plastics profile shapes 2015 6,368,803 1.5 552,665 533,668 386,789 386,642 326121 Unlaminated plastics profile shapes 2014 6,351,860 1.3 551,528 534,585 340,368 340,363 3261210 Unlaminated plastics profile shapes 2015 6,368,803 1.5 552,665 533,668 386,789 386,642 3261210 Unlaminated plastics profile shapes 2014 6,351,860 1.3 551,528 534,585 340,368 340,363 326122 Plastics pipe and pipe fittings 2015 10,625,490 3.3 1,482,244 1,408,139 642,026 634,931 326122 Plastics pipe and pipe fittings 2014 11,047,718 3.5 1,519,384 1,443,735 618,373 614,382 3261221 Plastics pipe 2015 8,296,046 4.0 549,118 535,073 264,407 259,758 3261221 Plastics pipe 2014 8,737,325 4.2 596,572 583,339 258,865 256,758 3261223 Plastics pipe fittings and unions 2015 1,916,134 5.9 565,743 527,093 377,619 375,173 3261223 Plastics pipe fittings and unions 2014 1,866,552 6.2 572,698 535,209 359,507 357,623 326122W Plastics pipe and pipe fittings, nsk, total 2015 413,310 7.3 N N N N 326122W Plastics pipe and pipe fittings, nsk, total 2014 443,842 6.8 N N N N 326122X Undistributed plastics pipe and pipe fittings 2015 N X 367,382 345,972 N N 326122X Undistributed plastics pipe and pipe fittings 2014 N X 350,113 325,186 N N326130 Laminated plastics plates, sheet (except packaging), and shapes 2015 3,829,740 3.3 N N N N326130 Laminated plastics plates, sheet (except packaging), and shapes 2014 3,864,534 3.5 N N N N 3261300 Laminated plastics plates, sheet (excluding packaging), and shapes 2015 3,829,740 3.3 N N N N 3261300 Laminated plastics plates, sheet (excluding packaging), and shapes 2014 3,864,534 3.5 N N N N326140 Polystyrene foam products 2015 7,934,908 3.7 N N N N326140 Polystyrene foam products 2014 7,627,639 1.7 N N N N 3261401 Transportation polystyrene foam products (including seating, dash, and other interior-exterio 2015 646,863 6.9 N N N N 3261401 Transportation polystyrene foam products (including seating, dash, and other interior-exterio 2014 661,298 4.2 N N N N 3261402 Packaging, polystyrene foam products 2015 2,277,486 7.6 N N N N 3261402 Packaging, polystyrene foam products 2014 2,160,057 2.8 N N N N 3261403 Building and construction polystyrene foam products 2015 1,644,121 12.0 N N N N 3261403 Building and construction polystyrene foam products 2014 1,458,713 3.8 N N N N 3261405 Consumer and institutional polystyrene foam products 2015 2,762,378 3.2 N N N N 3261405 Consumer and institutional polystyrene foam products 2014 2,710,430 2.9 N N N N 3261407 Furniture, furnishings, and miscellaneous polystyrene foam products 2015 301,399 2.8 N N N N 3261407 Furniture, furnishings, and miscellaneous polystyrene foam products 2014 329,062 2.5 N N N N 326140W Polystyrene foam products, nsk, total 2015 302,661 24.2 N N N N 326140W Polystyrene foam products, nsk, total 2014 308,080 16.7 N N N N326150 Urethane and other foam products (except polystyrene) 2015 10,667,005 1.7 N N N N326150 Urethane and other foam products (except polystyrene) 2014 10,240,012 1.6 N N N N 3261501 Transportation polyurethane foam products 2015 1,410,493 5.3 N N N N 3261501 Transportation polyurethane foam products 2014 1,338,373 4.8 N N N N 3261502 Packaging polyurethane foam products 2015 467,461 5.1 N N N N 3261502 Packaging polyurethane foam products 2014 465,805 4.3 N N N N 3261503 Building and construction polyurethane foam products 2015 1,354,950 3.1 N N N N 3261503 Building and construction polyurethane foam products 2014 1,322,234 3.1 N N N N 3261504 Furniture and furnishings polyurethane foam products 2015 3,687,063 2.2 N N N N 3261504 Furniture and furnishings polyurethane foam products 2014 3,551,209 1.9 N N N N 3261505 Consumer and institutional polyurethane foam products 2015 1,167,846 4.8 N N N N 3261505 Consumer and institutional polyurethane foam products 2014 1,037,452 5.1 N N N N 3261506 All other miscellaneous polyurethane foam products 2015 750,878 13.0 N N N N 3261506 All other miscellaneous polyurethane foam products 2014 804,583 11.8 N N N N 3261509 Products made of foam other than polystyrene or polyurethane, including phenolics, vinyl an 2015 1,273,083 5.8 N N N N 3261509 Products made of foam other than polystyrene or polyurethane, including phenolics, vinyl an 2014 1,141,057 4.6 N N N N 326150W Urethane and other foam products (except polystyrene), nsk, total 2015 555,233 6.3 N N N N 326150W Urethane and other foam products (except polystyrene), nsk, total 2014 579,300 4.5 N N N N326160 Plastics bottles 2015 11,882,039 1.1 724,907 679,801 942,932 931,827 326160 Plastics bottles 2014 12,506,357 0.8 728,897 690,206 915,335 903,571 3261600 Plastics bottles 2015 11,882,039 1.1 724,907 679,801 942,932 931,827 3261600 Plastics bottles 2014 12,506,357 0.8 728,897 690,206 915,335 903,571

Page 43

NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods326191 Plastics plumbing fixtures 2015 3,783,394 2.1 91,086 84,517 187,167 186,633 326191 Plastics plumbing fixtures 2014 3,647,522 1.7 93,791 87,693 174,190 174,101 3261910 Plastics plumbing fixtures, lavatories, bathtubs (including wall surrounds when sold as units) 2015 3,783,394 2.1 91,086 84,517 187,167 186,633 3261910 Plastics plumbing fixtures, lavatories, bathtubs (including wall surrounds when sold as units) 2014 3,647,522 1.7 93,791 87,693 174,190 174,101 326199 All other plastics products 2015 89,726,417 1.8 11,032,664 9,783,640 18,563,824 18,330,967 326199 All other plastics products 2014 86,498,194 1.8 11,115,230 9,923,598 17,368,781 17,170,906 3261991 Transportation fabricated plastics products (excluding foam and reinforced plastics) 2015 19,789,009 1.5 93,998 90,020 48,074 43,480 3261991 Transportation fabricated plastics products (excluding foam and reinforced plastics) 2014 18,775,150 1.3 102,342 97,916 41,804 37,138 3261992 Electrical and electronic fabricated plastics (excluding foam and reinforced plastics) 2015 2,741,440 3.0 145,793 120,853 96,778 95,544 3261992 Electrical and electronic fabricated plastics (excluding foam and reinforced plastics) 2014 2,704,985 3.1 166,217 127,592 89,895 89,129 3261993 Industrial machinery plastics products, excluding foam (including gears, bearings, bushings, 2015 3,484,916 7.2 N N N N 3261993 Industrial machinery plastics products, excluding foam (including gears, bearings, bushings, 2014 3,347,179 7.3 N N N N 3261994 Plastics packaging (excluding film and sheet, foam, and bottles) 2015 16,158,155 7.5 3,486,929 3,230,293 3,441,269 3,360,308 3261994 Plastics packaging (excluding film and sheet, foam, and bottles) 2014 15,799,661 7.4 3,502,671 3,256,837 3,293,381 3,222,318 3261995 Plastics dinnerware, tableware, kitchenware, and oven-microwave ware (excluding foam and 2015 2,346,179 3.3 496,934 427,365 2,582,226 2,578,329 3261995 Plastics dinnerware, tableware, kitchenware, and oven-microwave ware (excluding foam and 2014 2,218,677 3.1 501,069 439,054 2,465,996 2,467,515 3261996 Consumer, institutional, and commercial fabricated plastics products (excluding foam and w 2015 19,253,835 3.8 1,502,218 1,294,748 4,299,262 4,299,419 3261996 Consumer, institutional, and commercial fabricated plastics products (excluding foam and w 2014 18,232,228 3.5 1,563,039 1,364,232 4,059,450 4,052,255 3261997 Plastics furniture components and furnishings (excluding foam and reinforced plastics) 2015 847,986 7.7 368,227 305,691 1,285,260 1,230,129 3261997 Plastics furniture components and furnishings (excluding foam and reinforced plastics) 2014 849,288 7.9 318,787 263,004 1,187,287 1,133,467 3261998 Building and construction fabricated plastics products (excluding foam, plumbing fixtures, ha 2015 10,934,446 1.6 837,145 792,292 1,040,682 1,039,572 3261998 Building and construction fabricated plastics products (excluding foam, plumbing fixtures, ha 2014 10,619,455 1.3 891,704 850,443 950,813 949,869 3261999 Plastics shoe products, including taps, soling slabs, and quarter linings 2015 D D N N N N 3261999 Plastics shoe products, including taps, soling slabs, and quarter linings 2014 D D N N N N 326199A All other reinforced and fiberglass plastics products 2015 4,329,629 3.7 183,213 157,709 170,778 170,474 326199A All other reinforced and fiberglass plastics products 2014 4,258,563 3.2 N N N N 326199C Resilient floor coverings 2015 1,797,937 2.0 179,945 141,302 1,296,290 1,300,070 326199C Resilient floor coverings 2014 1,757,671 1.9 205,129 164,476 1,141,638 1,140,227 326199W All other plastics products, nsk, total 2015 D D N N N N 326199W All other plastics products, nsk, total 2014 D D N N N N 326199X Undistributed all other plastics products 2015 N X 3,738,257 3,223,362 4,303,199 4,213,639 326199X Undistributed all other plastics products 2014 N X 3,864,269 3,360,039 4,138,512 4,078,984 326211 Tires (except retreading) 2015 17,163,161 0.5 5,350,633 4,534,846 14,281,259 14,181,434 326211 Tires (except retreading) 2014 16,952,558 0.5 5,905,783 5,212,414 14,737,025 14,696,994 3262111 Passenger car pneumatic tires (casings) 2015 9,684,180 0.0 1,968,068 1,489,393 7,574,030 7,480,600 3262111 Passenger car pneumatic tires (casings) 2014 9,154,211 0.0 2,253,003 1,814,140 7,685,156 7,652,939 3262113 Truck and bus (including off-the-highway) pneumatic tires 2015 4,181,318 0.1 2,253,699 2,079,921 4,168,726 4,161,565 3262113 Truck and bus (including off-the-highway) pneumatic tires 2014 4,364,436 0.1 2,500,947 2,388,588 4,332,947 4,328,050 3262117 Tractor and implement (farm and industrial) pneumatic tires 2015 603,233 0.0 160,679 144,350 287,505 300,941 3262117 Tractor and implement (farm and industrial) pneumatic tires 2014 760,591 0.0 206,864 195,590 364,049 359,879 3262119 Industrial and utility pneumatic tires (including garden) 2015 105,086 0.0 393,587 328,669 663,303 655,452 3262119 Industrial and utility pneumatic tires (including garden) 2014 112,713 0.0 385,993 315,126 780,644 780,061 326211B Other pneumatic tires and casing including motor bike, motorcycle, moped, bicycle, aircraft, 2015 452,209 2.2 160,954 126,383 349,654 356,646 326211B Other pneumatic tires and casing including motor bike, motorcycle, moped, bicycle, aircraft, 2014 514,930 2.5 167,565 137,974 317,244 316,152 326211D Solid and semipneumatic tires 2015 S A 23,760 19,010 213,030 212,747 326211D Solid and semipneumatic tires 2014 116,408 s 64.9 s 30,369 25,039 224,834 224,698 326211F Inner tubes 2015 52,383 2.9 16,438 13,433 108,298 107,120 326211F Inner tubes 2014 54,356 3.6 14,974 12,708 123,036 122,615 326211H Tread rubber, tire sundries, and repair materials 2015 1,585,768 0.2 89,894 83,907 84,430 84,428 326211H Tread rubber, tire sundries, and repair materials 2014 1,464,857 0.2 110,600 104,022 102,412 102,423 326211W Tires (except retreading), nsk, total 2015 424,164 0.1 N N N N 326211W Tires (except retreading), nsk, total 2014 410,056 0.1 N N N N 326211X Undistributed tires (except retreading) 2015 N X 283,551 249,778 832,280 821,930 326211X Undistributed tires (except retreading) 2014 N X 235,465 219,224 806,698 810,173

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NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods326212 Tire retreading 2015 1,544,069 3.1 31,953 25,580 18,667 18,667 326212 Tire retreading 2014 1,664,019 3.2 35,873 31,645 17,298 17,260 3262120 Tire rebuilding and retreading (excluding tire repairing, such as pluggings) 2015 1,544,069 3.1 31,953 25,580 18,667 18,667 3262120 Tire rebuilding and retreading (excluding tire repairing, such as pluggings) 2014 1,664,019 3.2 35,873 31,645 17,298 17,260 326220 Rubber and plastics hoses and belting 2015 5,185,892 2.4 2,625,058 2,378,160 3,185,845 3,106,968 326220 Rubber and plastics hoses and belting 2014 5,230,386 2.4 2,591,113 2,357,373 3,389,858 3,321,890 3262201 Flat rubber and plastics belts and belting 2015 1,474,702 6.7 178,304 163,618 265,862 265,793 3262201 Flat rubber and plastics belts and belting 2014 1,443,910 7.1 182,922 168,377 288,610 288,367 3262202 Rubber and plastics transmission belts and belting (excluding flat) 2015 599,878 9.7 249,864 201,885 341,094 336,425 3262202 Rubber and plastics transmission belts and belting (excluding flat) 2014 640,735 9.1 242,744 203,671 352,350 347,561 3262203 Rubber and plastics hose for on-and off-highway motor vehicles 2015 1,162,359 2.1 N N N N 3262203 Rubber and plastics hose for on-and off-highway motor vehicles 2014 1,133,013 2.0 N N N N 3262204 Industrial rubber and plastics hose without fittings (acid and chemical handling, food and bev 2015 755,972 4.4 N N N N 3262204 Industrial rubber and plastics hose without fittings (acid and chemical handling, food and bev 2014 789,085 4.0 N N N N 3262205 Rubber and plastics water hose (including fire, irrigation, water suction-discharge, and other 2015 273,334 3.1 N N N N 3262205 Rubber and plastics water hose (including fire, irrigation, water suction-discharge, and other 2014 284,708 3.0 N N N N 3262206 Rubber and plastics garden hose (with or without fittings) 2015 185,872 1.7 N N N N 3262206 Rubber and plastics garden hose (with or without fittings) 2014 175,911 1.6 N N N N 3262207 Rubber and plastics inner-tube-type air hose (excluding pneumatic power transfer) 2015 31,082 3.9 N N N N 3262207 Rubber and plastics inner-tube-type air hose (excluding pneumatic power transfer) 2014 29,182 4.2 N N N N 3262208 All other pneumatic and hydraulic hose, without fittings, made of rubber and plastics 2015 511,941 0.6 N N N N 3262208 All other pneumatic and hydraulic hose, without fittings, made of rubber and plastics 2014 567,268 2.4 N N N N 326220W Rubber and plastics hoses and belting, nsk, total 2015 190,751 5.9 N N N N 326220W Rubber and plastics hoses and belting, nsk, total 2014 166,573 4.0 N N N N 326220X Undistributed rubber and plastics hoses and belting 2015 N X 2,196,889 2,012,656 2,578,888 2,504,748 326220X Undistributed rubber and plastics hoses and belting 2014 N X 2,165,446 1,985,324 2,748,897 2,685,961 326291 Rubber products for mechanical use 2015 6,439,611 1.0 69,120 57,739 30,891 30,279 326291 Rubber products for mechanical use 2014 6,374,950 1.0 94,149 82,625 29,873 29,400 3262911 Molded rubber mechanical goods, automotive 2015 3,342,013 0.9 69,120 57,739 30,891 30,279 3262911 Molded rubber mechanical goods, automotive 2014 3,258,253 0.9 94,149 82,625 29,873 29,400 3262912 Molded rubber mechanical goods, transportation (excluding automotive) and off-highway ma 2015 896,823 3.0 N N N N 3262912 Molded rubber mechanical goods, transportation (excluding automotive) and off-highway ma 2014 908,548 3.3 N N N N 3262914 Extruded rubber mechanical goods, automotive, excluding tubing 2015 660,882 3.3 N N N N 3262914 Extruded rubber mechanical goods, automotive, excluding tubing 2014 669,289 3.8 N N N N 3262918 Lathe-cut rubber mechanical goods 2015 262,169 8.9 N N N N 3262918 Lathe-cut rubber mechanical goods 2014 267,998 8.6 N N N N 3262919 Other molded rubber mechanical goods (excluding tubing) 2015 664,031 3.9 N N N N 3262919 Other molded rubber mechanical goods (excluding tubing) 2014 661,818 3.9 N N N N 326291C Other extruded rubber mechanical goods (excluding automotive) (excluding tubing) 2015 258,364 7.1 N N N N 326291C Other extruded rubber mechanical goods (excluding automotive) (excluding tubing) 2014 272,632 6.6 N N N N 326291W Rubber products for mechanical use, nsk, total 2015 355,330 5.5 N N N N 326291W Rubber products for mechanical use, nsk, total 2014 336,412 4.5 N N N N

Page 45

NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods326299 All other rubber products 2015 10,296,116 0.9 2,411,923 2,228,113 3,225,718 3,198,594 326299 All other rubber products 2014 10,676,177 0.8 2,479,473 2,306,678 3,297,032 3,258,217 3262991 Rubber sponge, expanded and foam rubber products 2015 1,668,036 3.1 N N N N 3262991 Rubber sponge, expanded and foam rubber products 2014 1,733,646 2.9 N N N N 3262993 Rubber floor and wall coverings 2015 635,652 3.9 108,128 100,111 211,038 209,989 3262993 Rubber floor and wall coverings 2014 630,597 3.1 108,956 101,740 179,294 178,920 3262994 Shoe products, rubber, elastomer resin 2015 177,491 1.9 8,307 7,443 205,526 205,231 3262994 Shoe products, rubber, elastomer resin 2014 165,779 2.0 15,157 14,307 229,807 229,771 3262996 Rubber compounds or mixtures for sale or interplant transfer 2015 2,686,635 0.8 743,294 730,730 493,767 493,670 3262996 Rubber compounds or mixtures for sale or interplant transfer 2014 3,054,593 0.3 785,565 774,462 603,630 603,463 3262997 All other industrial rubber products 2015 2,642,642 1.4 N N N N 3262997 All other industrial rubber products 2014 2,760,039 1.1 N N N N 326299A Rubber druggist and medical sundries, excluding gloves 2015 579,574 1.9 50,341 43,626 40,424 40,414 326299A Rubber druggist and medical sundries, excluding gloves 2014 532,751 0.1 69,236 62,686 44,638 42,910 326299B All other miscellaneous rubber goods 2015 1,147,714 4.1 133,529 119,162 868,373 864,878 326299B All other miscellaneous rubber goods 2014 1,084,338 3.8 137,735 122,928 832,909 818,968 326299W All other rubber products, nsk, total 2015 758,372 5.8 N N N N 326299W All other rubber products, nsk, total 2014 714,434 6.1 N N N N 326299X Undistributed all other rubber products 2015 N X 1,368,321 1,227,039 1,406,588 1,384,409 326299X Undistributed all other rubber products 2014 N X 1,362,820 1,230,551 1,406,751 1,384,183 327110 Pottery, ceramics, and plumbing fixtures 2015 1,901,959 2.3 1,397,026 1,185,237 4,015,758 3,977,293 327110 Pottery, ceramics, and plumbing fixtures 2014 1,926,974 2.5 1,482,526 1,274,530 4,073,414 4,032,066 3271101 Vitreous plumbing fixtures 2015 570,211 1.1 137,459 91,764 1,123,666 1,123,827 3271101 Vitreous plumbing fixtures 2014 560,551 1.1 145,651 97,637 1,041,282 1,038,914 3271102 Vitreous china, porcelain, and earthenware (semivitreous) table and kitchenware (including 2015 249,437 6.4 36,827 29,172 400,845 379,416 3271102 Vitreous china, porcelain, and earthenware (semivitreous) table and kitchenware (including 2014 241,833 6.6 36,297 28,995 371,306 356,620 3271103 All other pottery products (including china decorated for the trade) 2015 184,246 13.2 813,126 715,351 1,912,287 1,904,622 3271103 All other pottery products (including china decorated for the trade) 2014 199,162 11.7 911,746 803,558 2,073,567 2,064,765 3271104 Porcelain, steatite, and other ceramic electrical products 2015 782,732 4.0 238,184 190,722 474,588 464,638 3271104 Porcelain, steatite, and other ceramic electrical products 2014 815,442 4.7 227,871 196,269 479,769 463,455 327110W Pottery, ceramics, and plumbing fixtures, nsk, total 2015 115,332 0.7 N N N N 327110W Pottery, ceramics, and plumbing fixtures, nsk, total 2014 109,986 0.7 N N N N 327110X Undistributed pottery, ceramics, and plumbing fixtures 2015 N X 171,428 158,225 104,370 104,788 327110X Undistributed pottery, ceramics, and plumbing fixtures 2014 N X 160,957 148,070 107,488 108,311 327120 Clay building materials and refractories 2015 5,253,141 2.8 844,990 792,024 2,385,168 2,383,292 327120 Clay building materials and refractories 2014 5,406,902 2.4 865,503 824,890 2,290,704 2,288,560 3271201 Brick and structural clay tile 2015 1,184,548 7.1 45,412 44,722 41,230 41,230 3271201 Brick and structural clay tile 2014 1,170,631 6.9 53,018 52,617 38,103 38,103 3271202 Clay floor and wall tile, glazed and unglazed (including quarry tile and ceramic mosaic tile) 2015 1,063,838 1.4 76,031 61,711 1,734,984 1,733,169 3271202 Clay floor and wall tile, glazed and unglazed (including quarry tile and ceramic mosaic tile) 2014 1,114,284 1.6 69,018 55,223 1,573,117 1,571,009 3271203 Vitrified clay sewer pipe and fittings 2015 25,773 2.8 N N N N 3271203 Vitrified clay sewer pipe and fittings 2014 25,388 3.8 N N N N 3271204 All other structural clay products (architectural terra cotta, drain tile, flue tile, roofing tile, cond 2015 111,696 17.0 1,624 1,514 1,272 1,272 3271204 All other structural clay products (architectural terra cotta, drain tile, flue tile, roofing tile, cond 2014 92,658 0.5 3,243 3,167 1,493 1,493 3271205 Clay refractories 2015 1,197,607 5.0 267,771 240,736 225,299 225,295 3271205 Clay refractories 2014 1,284,794 4.5 245,981 231,130 258,297 258,291 3271206 Nonclay refractories (excluding dead-burned magnesia) 2015 1,555,332 6.4 236,349 233,487 206,827 206,770 3271206 Nonclay refractories (excluding dead-burned magnesia) 2014 1,600,270 4.9 260,139 255,716 227,183 227,168 327120W Clay building materials and refractories, nsk, total 2015 114,348 5.8 N N N N 327120W Clay building materials and refractories, nsk, total 2014 118,877 5.7 N N N N 327120X Undistributed clay building materials and refractories 2015 N X 217,801 209,851 175,553 175,553 327120X Undistributed clay building materials and refractories 2014 N X 234,101 227,034 192,510 192,494

Page 46

NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods327211 Flat glass 2015 3,555,030 2.5 1,147,725 1,102,454 813,920 805,805 327211 Flat glass 2014 3,286,425 2.1 1,214,527 1,159,463 759,595 748,829 3272111 Flat glass (float, sheet, and plate process), made by flat glass producers 2015 2,564,685 3.4 450,843 449,350 111,769 111,769 3272111 Flat glass (float, sheet, and plate process), made by flat glass producers 2014 2,329,930 2.9 478,189 476,917 80,788 80,788 3272114 Other glass products, made by flat glass producers 2015 993,941 0.1 336,357 293,756 596,661 588,546 3272114 Other glass products, made by flat glass producers 2014 952,467 0.1 361,833 309,466 577,731 566,966 327211W Flat glass, nsk, total 2015 S S N N N N 327211W Flat glass, nsk, total 2014 4,028 0.0 N N N N 327211X Undistributed flat glass 2015 N X 360,524 359,348 105,489 105,489 327211X Undistributed flat glass 2014 N X 374,503 373,079 101,074 101,074 327212 Other pressed and blown glass and glassware 2015 3,492,080 3.5 1,643,821 1,481,401 2,614,232 2,585,570 327212 Other pressed and blown glass and glassware 2014 3,478,095 3.5 1,641,681 1,506,521 2,623,011 2,593,511 3272121 Glass fiber mat, textile-type, made by establishments producing glass 2015 1,531,769 4.2 426,850 411,577 635,152 635,020 3272121 Glass fiber mat, textile-type, made by establishments producing glass 2014 1,478,289 4.2 398,872 385,933 638,468 638,226 3272123 Machine-made pressed and blown table, kitchen, art, and novelty glassware, made by glass 2015 939,555 10.8 298,745 258,700 1,177,624 1,168,635 3272123 Machine-made pressed and blown table, kitchen, art, and novelty glassware, made by glass 2014 889,339 11.4 326,273 276,892 1,183,048 1,172,350 3272125 Machine-made pressed and blown lighting, automotive, and electronic glassware, made by g 2015 135,893 11.1 6,905 6,477 39,276 31,713 3272125 Machine-made pressed and blown lighting, automotive, and electronic glassware, made by g 2014 162,061 9.3 5,897 5,555 42,634 36,088 3272127 All other machine-made pressed and blown glassware (including technical and scientific gla 2015 590,607 3.0 710,602 624,157 486,379 475,604 3272127 All other machine-made pressed and blown glassware (including technical and scientific gla 2014 634,951 1.3 717,094 663,093 489,056 478,306 3272129 Handmade pressed and blown glassware, made by glass producers 2015 62,969 0.0 N N N N 3272129 Handmade pressed and blown glassware, made by glass producers 2014 65,229 0.0 N N N N 327212W Other pressed and blown glass and glassware, nsk, total 2015 231,287 0.4 N N N N 327212W Other pressed and blown glass and glassware, nsk, total 2014 248,226 0.4 N N N N 327212X Undistributed other pressed and blown glass and glassware 2015 N X 200,717 180,489 275,799 274,596 327212X Undistributed other pressed and blown glass and glassware 2014 N X 193,542 175,046 269,802 268,540 327213 Glass containers 2015 5,055,774 1.9 300,908 271,820 1,395,234 1,387,384 327213 Glass containers 2014 4,999,724 1.9 299,710 275,715 1,331,342 1,324,888 3272130 Glass containers 2015 5,055,774 1.9 300,908 271,820 1,395,234 1,387,384 3272130 Glass containers 2014 4,999,724 1.9 299,710 275,715 1,331,342 1,324,888 327215 Glass products made of purchased glass 2015 12,378,367 4.4 2,551,984 2,450,421 2,168,597 2,125,409 327215 Glass products made of purchased glass 2014 11,656,526 4.1 2,467,070 2,373,894 1,928,982 1,885,978 3272151 Machine-made pressed and blown table, kitchen, art, and novelty glassware, made from pur 2015 415,333 3.3 32,292 15,021 338,973 338,605 3272151 Machine-made pressed and blown table, kitchen, art, and novelty glassware, made from pur 2014 393,923 4.2 39,235 19,839 324,758 326,442 3272153 All other machine-made pressed and blown glassware (including lighting, automotive, electr 2015 1,426,841 7.6 47,470 41,818 30,359 30,317 3272153 All other machine-made pressed and blown glassware (including lighting, automotive, electr 2014 1,309,615 6.8 55,693 51,020 29,613 29,648 3272155 Handmade pressed and blown glassware, made from purchased glass 2015 76,541 0.2 N N N N 3272155 Handmade pressed and blown glassware, made from purchased glass 2014 74,983 0.2 N N N N 3272159 Mirrors (decorated and undecorated), made from purchased glass 2015 2,597,109 1.8 1,397,247 1,359,259 849,147 837,839 3272159 Mirrors (decorated and undecorated), made from purchased glass 2014 2,417,779 1.5 1,277,826 1,247,245 767,191 761,451 327215B Other glass products, made from purchased glass 2015 7,436,503 5.4 512,625 500,715 762,429 731,653 327215B Other glass products, made from purchased glass 2014 7,063,409 4.6 518,332 506,360 639,962 601,085 327215W Glass products made of purchased glass, nsk, total 2015 426,040 s 79.8 s N N N N 327215W Glass products made of purchased glass, nsk, total 2014 396,816 s 85.6 s N N N N 327215X Undistributed glass products made of purchased glass 2015 N X 562,347 533,606 187,687 186,992 327215X Undistributed glass products made of purchased glass 2014 N X 575,982 549,427 167,456 167,350 327310 Cement 2015 7,940,335 1.5 249,471 223,998 803,820 803,818 327310 Cement 2014 6,956,245 1.3 267,521 236,601 619,289 619,289 3273100 Cement, hydraulic (including cost of shipping containers) 2015 7,940,335 1.5 249,471 223,998 803,820 803,818 3273100 Cement, hydraulic (including cost of shipping containers) 2014 6,956,245 1.3 267,521 236,601 619,289 619,289 327320 Ready-mix concrete 2015 26,489,187 1.4 2,877 2,853 164 164 327320 Ready-mix concrete 2014 23,556,918 1.0 4,376 4,367 188 188 3273200 Ready-mix concrete 2015 26,489,187 1.4 2,877 2,853 164 164 3273200 Ready-mix concrete 2014 23,556,918 1.0 4,376 4,367 188 188

Page 47

NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods327331 Concrete block and brick 2015 3,578,834 2.4 46,310 45,768 32,227 32,227 327331 Concrete block and brick 2014 3,357,067 2.3 50,884 48,918 27,045 27,045 3273310 Concrete block and brick 2015 3,578,834 2.4 46,310 45,768 32,227 32,227 3273310 Concrete block and brick 2014 3,357,067 2.3 50,884 48,918 27,045 27,045 327332 Concrete pipe 2015 2,180,976 8.5 N N N N327332 Concrete pipe 2014 2,284,431 5.6 N N N N 3273320 Concrete pipe 2015 2,180,976 8.5 N N N N 3273320 Concrete pipe 2014 2,284,431 5.6 N N N N327390 Other concrete products 2015 10,474,775 1.5 241,174 225,887 883,057 883,443 327390 Other concrete products 2014 10,042,646 1.4 225,594 213,321 810,660 810,456 3273901 Precast concrete products 2015 7,367,448 1.8 5,571 5,344 N N 3273901 Precast concrete products 2014 7,008,053 1.7 6,221 6,023 N N 3273904 Prestressed concrete products 2015 2,332,737 3.2 N N N N 3273904 Prestressed concrete products 2014 2,284,455 3.0 N N N N 327390W Other concrete products, nsk, total 2015 774,591 6.9 N N N N 327390W Other concrete products, nsk, total 2014 750,138 5.8 N N N N 327390X Undistributed other concrete products 2015 N X 235,603 220,543 883,057 883,443 327390X Undistributed other concrete products 2014 N X 219,373 207,297 810,660 810,456 327410 Lime 2015 2,226,776 0.5 62,668 62,594 64,609 64,609 327410 Lime 2014 2,344,908 1.0 57,647 57,586 65,258 65,258 3274100 Lime 2015 2,226,776 0.5 62,668 62,594 64,609 64,609 3274100 Lime 2014 2,344,908 1.0 57,647 57,586 65,258 65,258 327420 Gypsum products 2015 5,146,405 0.8 252,522 248,781 99,141 99,141 327420 Gypsum products 2014 4,992,354 0.7 260,312 257,489 97,579 97,573 3274201 Gypsum building materials 2015 4,337,252 0.8 137,424 137,243 86,168 86,168 3274201 Gypsum building materials 2014 4,181,253 0.6 148,701 148,516 83,968 83,962 3274205 Other gypsum products 2015 651,713 3.9 73,005 69,871 5,760 5,760 3274205 Other gypsum products 2014 628,174 4.1 65,627 63,126 5,994 5,994 327420W Gypsum products, nsk, total 2015 157,440 0.0 N N N N 327420W Gypsum products, nsk, total 2014 182,928 0.0 N N N N 327420X Undistributed gypsum products 2015 N X 42,091 41,666 7,211 7,211 327420X Undistributed gypsum products 2014 N X 45,983 45,847 7,616 7,616 327910 Abrasive products 2015 4,779,263 3.5 1,039,657 904,703 1,419,599 1,415,408 327910 Abrasive products 2014 5,216,201 3.5 1,119,664 1,007,170 1,553,239 1,548,564 3279101 Nonmetallic sized grains, powders, and flour abrasives (including graded products only) 2015 792,518 6.6 95,146 88,418 211,612 211,612 3279101 Nonmetallic sized grains, powders, and flour abrasives (including graded products only) 2014 856,084 6.1 111,752 105,546 243,519 243,519 3279104 Nonmetallic abrasive products (including diamond abrasives) 2015 1,210,316 10.7 157,044 137,937 197,143 197,275 3279104 Nonmetallic abrasive products (including diamond abrasives) 2014 1,521,937 9.9 198,162 183,791 262,889 261,194 3279107 Nonmetallic coated abrasive products and buffing wheels, polishing wheels, and laps 2015 2,236,527 4.1 450,607 378,763 642,594 638,555 3279107 Nonmetallic coated abrasive products and buffing wheels, polishing wheels, and laps 2014 2,231,175 4.1 469,931 403,130 635,080 632,198 327910A Metal abrasives including steel and iron grid, shot, and sand, and other metal abrasives 2015 314,897 5.7 336,858 299,583 103,847 103,738 327910A Metal abrasives including steel and iron grid, shot, and sand, and other metal abrasives 2014 372,303 4.6 339,817 314,702 155,014 155,126 327910W Abrasive products, nsk, total 2015 225,006 0.1 N N N N 327910W Abrasive products, nsk, total 2014 234,703 0.1 N N N N 327910X Undistributed abrasive products 2015 N X N N 264,402 264,226 327910X Undistributed abrasive products 2014 N X N N 256,734 256,524

Page 48

NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods327991 Cut stone and stone products 2015 4,237,530 3.1 87,341 74,526 3,493,101 3,537,873 327991 Cut stone and stone products 2014 4,043,529 2.8 91,085 76,401 3,169,356 3,217,567 3279911 Dressed dimension granite (including gneiss, syenite, diorite, and cut granite) 2015 2,224,252 3.6 56,929 49,007 1,343,651 1,350,461 3279911 Dressed dimension granite (including gneiss, syenite, diorite, and cut granite) 2014 2,079,993 3.4 53,978 44,827 1,342,436 1,353,851 3279914 Dressed dimension limestone (including dolomite, travertine, calcareous, tufa, and cut limes 2015 406,999 6.6 6,052 5,632 391,227 389,055 3279914 Dressed dimension limestone (including dolomite, travertine, calcareous, tufa, and cut limes 2014 403,968 5.9 7,487 6,267 408,355 407,922 3279917 Dressed dimension marble and other stone 2015 936,176 8.1 21,714 17,312 1,719,991 1,760,124 3279917 Dressed dimension marble and other stone 2014 923,799 7.5 25,390 21,085 1,391,997 1,429,227 327991W Cut stone and stone products, nsk, total 2015 670,104 9.3 N N N N 327991W Cut stone and stone products, nsk, total 2014 635,769 8.0 N N N N 327991X Undistributed cut stone and stone products 2015 N X 2,644 2,574 38,231 38,231 327991X Undistributed cut stone and stone products 2014 N X 4,228 4,220 26,566 26,566 327992 Ground or treated minerals and earths 2015 3,739,772 3.2 282,317 261,976 392,313 391,455 327992 Ground or treated minerals and earths 2014 4,158,508 2.8 294,901 274,093 398,969 398,914 3279920 Treated minerals and earths 2015 3,739,772 3.2 282,317 261,976 392,313 391,455 3279920 Treated minerals and earths 2014 4,158,508 2.8 294,901 274,093 398,969 398,914 327993 Mineral wool 2015 5,758,993 1.3 1,004,870 967,310 761,418 759,924 327993 Mineral wool 2014 5,618,261 1.2 1,093,018 1,054,742 745,806 744,989 3279931 Mineral wool for thermal and acoustical envelope insulation (for homes, and commercial and 2015 4,290,069 1.4 175,508 171,565 4,961 4,961 3279931 Mineral wool for thermal and acoustical envelope insulation (for homes, and commercial and 2014 4,137,193 1.4 175,444 170,221 5,688 5,688 3279934 Mineral wool for industrial, equipment, and appliance insulation 2015 1,253,024 3.1 669,588 640,406 604,482 603,006 3279934 Mineral wool for industrial, equipment, and appliance insulation 2014 1,301,226 1.7 738,182 710,359 574,900 574,069 327993W Mineral wool, nsk, total 2015 215,899 14.0 N N N N 327993W Mineral wool, nsk, total 2014 179,842 14.5 N N N N 327993X Undistributed mineral wool 2015 N X 159,773 155,338 151,974 151,955 327993X Undistributed mineral wool 2014 N X 179,391 174,160 165,217 165,231 327999 All other nonmetallic mineral products 2015 4,304,747 2.1 621,672 603,891 541,132 540,665 327999 All other nonmetallic mineral products 2014 4,436,246 1.7 653,106 637,496 568,296 567,791 3279990 All other nonmetallic mineral products 2015 4,304,747 2.1 621,672 603,891 301,185 301,048 3279990 All other nonmetallic mineral products 2014 4,436,246 1.7 653,106 637,496 351,872 351,733 327999X Undistributed all other nonmetallic mineral products 2015 N X N N 239,946 239,616 327999X Undistributed all other nonmetallic mineral products 2014 N X N N 216,424 216,057

Page 49

NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods331110 Iron and steel mill products and ferroalloys 2015 84,649,951 0.5 13,758,995 12,808,203 33,252,860 33,165,451 331110 Iron and steel mill products and ferroalloys 2014 105,048,830 0.4 17,162,827 15,920,431 42,940,321 42,696,696 3311101 Coke oven and blast furnace products, made in steel mills 2015 2,122,893 0.9 278,556 258,286 1,366,257 1,366,257 3311101 Coke oven and blast furnace products, made in steel mills 2014 2,518,308 0.9 310,116 287,988 1,909,312 1,909,312 3311103 Steel ingots and semifinished shapes and forms, made in steel mills 2015 9,864,255 2.3 353,557 339,246 3,067,014 3,231,738 3311103 Steel ingots and semifinished shapes and forms, made in steel mills 2014 12,705,616 2.6 458,263 444,831 5,569,052 5,629,024 3311105 Hot rolled steel sheet and strip (including tin mill products, tinplate, blackplate, terneplate, an 2015 21,402,826 1.1 4,174,960 3,993,461 7,318,684 7,313,208 3311105 Hot rolled steel sheet and strip (including tin mill products, tinplate, blackplate, terneplate, an 2014 28,418,418 0.7 4,909,345 4,730,863 8,422,007 8,421,843 3311107 Hot rolled steel bars and bar shapes, plates, structural shapes, and piling (including concret 2015 23,685,643 0.7 2,269,817 2,165,746 5,164,138 5,164,423 3311107 Hot rolled steel bars and bar shapes, plates, structural shapes, and piling (including concret 2014 25,509,990 0.6 2,865,780 2,721,641 6,162,495 6,167,171 3311109 Steel wire, including galvanized and other coated wire, made in steel mills producing wire ro 2015 980,977 0.2 N N N N 3311109 Steel wire, including galvanized and other coated wire, made in steel mills producing wire ro 2014 1,221,752 0.2 N N N N 331110B Steel pipes and tubes, made in steel mills producing semifinished shapes or plate 2015 3,162,446 3.2 2,702,507 2,451,487 5,332,684 5,242,496 331110B Steel pipes and tubes, made in steel mills producing semifinished shapes or plate 2014 4,415,031 2.4 3,853,484 3,402,968 5,883,675 5,759,514 331110D Cold rolled steel sheet and strip, made in steel mills producing hot rolled sheet or strip 2015 15,647,556 0.0 1,271,130 1,198,153 2,467,703 2,467,045 331110D Cold rolled steel sheet and strip, made in steel mills producing hot rolled sheet or strip 2014 20,133,241 0.0 1,387,382 1,315,115 2,925,840 2,925,348 331110F Cold finished steel bars and bar shapes, made in steel mills producing hot rolled bars and b 2015 1,156,715 0.6 439,033 412,775 918,980 918,471 331110F Cold finished steel bars and bar shapes, made in steel mills producing hot rolled bars and b 2014 1,584,433 1.1 473,880 444,717 1,012,568 1,012,568 331110H Seamless rolled ring forgings, ferrous, made in steel mills 2015 D D N N N N 331110H Seamless rolled ring forgings, ferrous, made in steel mills 2014 D D N N N N 331110J Open die and smith forgings (hammer and press), ferrous, made in steel mills 2015 644,614 2.6 N N N N 331110J Open die and smith forgings (hammer and press), ferrous, made in steel mills 2014 671,123 1.3 N N N N 331110L Other steel mill products, including steel rails, excluding wire products 2015 2,631,678 0.0 835,356 778,051 2,095,937 2,092,074 331110L Other steel mill products, including steel rails, excluding wire products 2014 4,300,628 0.0 1,183,659 1,131,971 3,291,838 3,293,003 331110M Ferrosilicon, including briquettes, and other silicon alloys 2015 946,030 1.2 58,170 42,848 350,373 337,904 331110M Ferrosilicon, including briquettes, and other silicon alloys 2014 975,886 1.4 60,175 45,177 430,789 426,581 331110N All other ferroalloys, superalloys and ferrous materials, excluding pig iron 2015 805,277 5.5 141,141 69,788 2,346,255 2,210,102 331110N All other ferroalloys, superalloys and ferrous materials, excluding pig iron 2014 1,289,368 3.5 201,646 90,782 3,682,820 3,512,115 331110W Iron and steel mill products and ferroalloys, nsk, total 2015 D D N N N N 331110W Iron and steel mill products and ferroalloys, nsk, total 2014 D D N N N N 331110X Undistributed iron and steel mill products and ferroalloys 2015 N X 1,234,764 1,098,358 2,824,828 2,821,728 331110X Undistributed iron and steel mill products and ferroalloys 2014 N X 1,459,092 1,304,374 3,649,920 3,640,212 331210 Iron and steel pipes and tubes, made from purchased iron and steel 2015 9,916,141 1.2 2,331 1,706 69,239 69,239 331210 Iron and steel pipes and tubes, made from purchased iron and steel 2014 13,523,075 0.9 2,665 2,258 58,299 58,299 3312100 Iron and steel pipes and tubes, made from purchased iron and steel 2015 9,916,141 1.2 2,331 1,706 69,239 69,239 3312100 Iron and steel pipes and tubes, made from purchased iron and steel 2014 13,523,075 0.9 2,665 2,258 58,299 58,299 331221 Rolled steel shapes 2015 7,636,179 1.5 171,324 166,450 167,154 167,159 331221 Rolled steel shapes 2014 8,177,878 1.3 188,954 183,224 189,054 189,056 3312211 Cold rolled steel sheet and strip, made from purchased steel 2015 5,040,594 2.0 N N N N 3312211 Cold rolled steel sheet and strip, made from purchased steel 2014 5,241,888 1.1 N N N N 3312213 Cold finished steel bars and bar shapes, made from purchased steel 2015 1,357,351 3.9 N N N N 3312213 Cold finished steel bars and bar shapes, made from purchased steel 2014 1,676,593 4.9 N N N N 3312215 Iron and steel powders, paste, and flakes, made from purchased steel 2015 622,981 0.1 171,324 166,450 167,154 167,159 3312215 Iron and steel powders, paste, and flakes, made from purchased steel 2014 661,485 0.1 188,954 183,224 189,054 189,056 331221W Rolled steel shapes, nsk, total 2015 615,253 5.1 N N N N 331221W Rolled steel shapes, nsk, total 2014 597,911 5.1 N N N N

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NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods331222 Steel wire drawing products 2015 5,420,976 2.6 467,809 405,850 1,976,721 1,975,416 331222 Steel wire drawing products 2014 5,508,389 2.3 518,857 461,460 1,958,515 1,956,685 3312221 Noninsulated ferrous wire rope, cable, and fabricated wire rope assemblies (including lifting 2015 698,549 7.1 N N N N 3312221 Noninsulated ferrous wire rope, cable, and fabricated wire rope assemblies (including lifting 2014 701,606 3.3 N N N N 3312223 Steel nails, staples, tacks, spikes, and brads, made in plants that draw wire 2015 158,723 14.9 79,231 64,258 834,047 834,872 3312223 Steel nails, staples, tacks, spikes, and brads, made in plants that draw wire 2014 169,479 14.1 83,324 68,197 813,826 812,939 3312225 Steel wire, including galvanized and other coated wire, made in plants that draw wire 2015 2,764,149 3.5 388,578 341,592 1,088,985 1,089,390 3312225 Steel wire, including galvanized and other coated wire, made in plants that draw wire 2014 2,841,441 3.3 435,533 393,263 1,098,814 1,098,804 3312227 Steel fencing and fence gates, made in plants that draw wire 2015 520,551 6.4 N N 50,937 50,937 3312227 Steel fencing and fence gates, made in plants that draw wire 2014 498,020 6.4 N N 44,743 44,743 3312229 Ferrous wire cloth and other ferrous woven wire products, made in plants that draw wire 2015 123,582 3.2 N N N N 3312229 Ferrous wire cloth and other ferrous woven wire products, made in plants that draw wire 2014 128,080 4.0 N N N N 331222B Other ferrous wire products (excluding springs), made in plants that draw wire 2015 767,024 9.8 N N 2,751 215 331222B Other ferrous wire products (excluding springs), made in plants that draw wire 2014 774,165 9.7 N N 1,130 197 331222W Steel wire drawing products, nsk, total 2015 388,399 2.2 N N N N 331222W Steel wire drawing products, nsk, total 2014 395,598 2.4 N N N N331313 Refined alumina and primary aluminum 2015 5,636,950 0.2 1,870,118 1,564,866 7,762,036 7,891,428 331313 Refined alumina and primary aluminum 2014 5,376,041 0.2 2,063,145 1,798,167 7,717,488 8,201,766 3313131 Aluminum oxide, excluding natural alumina 2015 1,343,918 0.8 848,552 835,093 577,770 577,745 3313131 Aluminum oxide, excluding natural alumina 2014 802,314 1.6 894,502 885,294 587,441 587,441 3313133 Aluminum ingot, including billet, made in primary aluminum reduction plants 2015 4,277,306 0.0 1,021,566 729,773 7,184,266 7,313,682 3313133 Aluminum ingot, including billet, made in primary aluminum reduction plants 2014 4,550,156 0.0 1,168,643 912,873 7,130,047 7,614,324 331313W Refined alumina and primary aluminum, nsk, total 2015 15,726 0.1 N N N N 331313W Refined alumina and primary aluminum, nsk, total 2014 23,571 0.0 N N N N331314 Secondary smelted aluminum and alloys 2015 5,752,084 4.1 141,421 123,748 88,550 89,017 331314 Secondary smelted aluminum and alloys 2014 5,890,276 3.1 144,357 131,700 103,721 104,157 3313142 Aluminum ingot, including billet, made by secondary smelters 2015 4,940,377 4.7 121,311 104,817 17,261 17,729 3313142 Aluminum ingot, including billet, made by secondary smelters 2014 4,949,217 3.6 127,156 115,004 41,853 42,290 3313145 Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy powders, paste, and flakes from purchased aluminum 2015 712,463 2.2 20,109 18,931 71,288 71,288 3313145 Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy powders, paste, and flakes from purchased aluminum 2014 844,258 2.5 17,201 16,695 61,867 61,867 331314W Secondary smelted aluminum and alloys, nsk, total 2015 99,244 11.0 N N N N 331314W Secondary smelted aluminum and alloys, nsk, total 2014 96,801 11.3 N N N N331315 Aluminum sheet, plate, and foil 2015 15,017,341 0.3 4,030,090 3,850,010 3,382,272 3,326,201 331315 Aluminum sheet, plate, and foil 2014 16,443,067 0.2 4,123,565 3,967,783 2,905,380 2,862,174 3313151 Aluminum plate (thickness of 0.25 in. or more), including continuous cast 2015 1,750,742 0.0 N N N N 3313151 Aluminum plate (thickness of 0.25 in. or more), including continuous cast 2014 2,107,388 0.1 N N N N 3313153 Aluminum sheet and strip, including continuous cast 2015 11,381,614 0.3 N N N N 3313153 Aluminum sheet and strip, including continuous cast 2014 12,306,633 0.3 N N N N 3313155 Plain aluminum foil (less than .006 in. thick) 2015 1,603,901 0.0 248,427 196,355 569,298 521,989 3313155 Plain aluminum foil (less than .006 in. thick) 2014 1,784,201 0.0 251,751 203,740 540,067 505,430 3313157 Aluminum welded tube 2015 130,281 17.3 N N N N 3313157 Aluminum welded tube 2014 114,101 16.2 N N N N 331315W Aluminum sheet, plate, and foil, nsk, total 2015 150,803 0.9 N N N N 331315W Aluminum sheet, plate, and foil, nsk, total 2014 130,745 1.1 N N N N 331315X Undistributed aluminum sheet, plate, and foil 2015 N X 3,781,663 3,653,655 2,812,974 2,804,212 331315X Undistributed aluminum sheet, plate, and foil 2014 N X 3,871,814 3,764,043 2,365,313 2,356,744

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NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods331318 Other aluminum rolled, drawn, and extruded products 2015 10,252,257 1.0 1,516,029 1,417,920 1,581,866 1,567,227 331318 Other aluminum rolled, drawn, and extruded products 2014 10,180,679 1.0 1,586,964 1,473,070 1,594,193 1,578,852 3313181 Extruded aluminum rod, bar, and other extruded shapes 2015 7,954,948 1.1 930,215 863,912 810,144 804,547 3313181 Extruded aluminum rod, bar, and other extruded shapes 2014 7,641,478 1.1 938,976 855,961 737,470 730,515 3313183 Extruded and drawn aluminum tube 2015 756,115 5.8 278,169 268,562 166,746 156,688 3313183 Extruded and drawn aluminum tube 2014 843,232 5.4 298,021 285,241 159,072 151,410 3313185 Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy wire and cable (excluding covered or insulated), includi 2015 453,679 0.1 N N 4,530 4,530 3313185 Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy wire and cable (excluding covered or insulated), includi 2014 525,635 0.4 N N 5,048 5,048 3313187 Rolled aluminum rod and bar (including continuous cast), made in aluminum rolling mills and 2015 40,614 s 46.3 s N N N N 3313187 Rolled aluminum rod and bar (including continuous cast), made in aluminum rolling mills and 2014 79,928 23.5 N N N N 331318D Aluminum ingot, including billet, made in aluminum rolling mills and plants that draw wire from 2015 188,534 3.7 N N N N 331318D Aluminum ingot, including billet, made in aluminum rolling mills and plants that draw wire from 2014 149,644 15.5 N N N N 331318E Aluminum insulated wire and cable 2015 588,485 0.0 176,032 156,230 402,616 403,629 331318E Aluminum insulated wire and cable 2014 664,768 0.0 220,615 205,250 452,649 451,924 331318W Other aluminum rolled, drawn, and extruded products, nsk, total 2015 269,881 1.1 N N N N 331318W Other aluminum rolled, drawn, and extruded products, nsk, total 2014 275,995 0.8 N N N N 331318X Undistributed other aluminum rolled, drawn, and extruded products 2015 N X 131,612 129,215 197,828 197,831 331318X Undistributed other aluminum rolled, drawn, and extruded products 2014 N X 129,351 126,617 239,953 239,953 331410 Nonferrous metal (except aluminum) smelted and refined products 2015 9,763,063 1.3 24,556,413 22,726,890 27,606,655 27,854,842 331410 Nonferrous metal (except aluminum) smelted and refined products 2014 13,526,117 0.9 27,822,929 24,976,924 33,462,422 33,664,548 3314101 Primary smelting and refining of copper 2015 4,291,275 0.6 936,764 761,801 3,978,530 4,109,863 3314101 Primary smelting and refining of copper 2014 6,051,272 0.6 1,471,252 1,205,550 4,419,177 4,454,498 3314103 Primary smelting and refining of zinc 2015 391,362 16.5 140,092 114,302 969,172 1,164,633 3314103 Primary smelting and refining of zinc 2014 510,519 14.3 235,922 148,644 939,771 1,246,328 3314107 Primary precious metals and precious metal alloys 2015 1,841,111 4.1 21,471,250 19,915,547 16,870,553 16,870,553 3314107 Primary precious metals and precious metal alloys 2014 2,926,469 1.0 23,562,326 21,191,011 20,587,321 20,587,321 331410A All other miscellaneous primary nonferrous metals 2015 3,069,403 2.6 2,008,306 1,935,238 5,788,398 5,709,791 331410A All other miscellaneous primary nonferrous metals 2014 3,870,108 2.1 2,553,427 2,431,718 7,516,152 7,376,399 331410W Nonferrous metal (except aluminum) smelted and refined products, nsk, total 2015 169,911 0.1 N N N N 331410W Nonferrous metal (except aluminum) smelted and refined products, nsk, total 2014 167,748 0.0 N N N N331420 Copper rolled, drawn, extruded, and alloy products 2015 18,709,955 0.8 2,869,956 2,736,756 2,895,183 2,889,469 331420 Copper rolled, drawn, extruded, and alloy products 2014 21,962,189 0.7 3,242,545 3,084,101 3,643,416 3,636,315 3314201 Copper wire, bare and tinned (nonelectrical), made in rolling mills 2015 1,393,003 3.5 N N N N 3314201 Copper wire, bare and tinned (nonelectrical), made in rolling mills 2014 1,607,473 3.0 N N N N 3314202 Copper and copper-base alloy wire, strand, and cable, made in plants that draw wire 2015 2,110,480 4.8 N N N N 3314202 Copper and copper-base alloy wire, strand, and cable, made in plants that draw wire 2014 2,608,759 4.3 N N N N 3314203 Copper and copper-base alloy rod, bar, and shapes 2015 5,327,139 1.1 309,981 277,191 383,588 383,106 3314203 Copper and copper-base alloy rod, bar, and shapes 2014 6,192,911 0.9 360,162 324,330 509,551 508,601 3314204 Copper wire and cable, including apparatus wire, cord, and flexible cord sets, made in coppe 2015 3,652,185 0.1 N N N N 3314204 Copper wire and cable, including apparatus wire, cord, and flexible cord sets, made in coppe 2014 4,271,551 0.1 N N N N 3314205 Copper and copper-base alloy sheet, strip, and plate 2015 2,430,409 0.3 390,955 377,438 491,606 491,606 3314205 Copper and copper-base alloy sheet, strip, and plate 2014 2,701,746 0.1 463,680 449,168 555,345 555,237 3314206 Copper magnet wire made in plants that draw wire 2015 538,608 0.0 N N N N 3314206 Copper magnet wire made in plants that draw wire 2014 651,226 0.0 N N N N 3314207 Copper and copper-base alloy pipe and tube 2015 1,997,463 3.3 201,640 187,359 603,267 602,651 3314207 Copper and copper-base alloy pipe and tube 2014 2,354,547 2.9 223,859 206,536 748,743 748,161 3314208 Secondary smelting, refining, and alloying of copper 2015 1,017,529 0.0 N N N N 3314208 Secondary smelting, refining, and alloying of copper 2014 1,289,112 0.0 N N N N 331420W Copper rolled, drawn, extruded, and alloy products, nsk, total 2015 243,139 14.7 N N N N 331420W Copper rolled, drawn, extruded, and alloy products, nsk, total 2014 284,865 12.6 N N N N 331420X Undistributed copper rolled, drawn, extruded, and alloy products 2015 N X 1,967,378 1,894,766 1,416,720 1,412,104 331420X Undistributed copper rolled, drawn, extruded, and alloy products 2014 N X 2,194,842 2,104,064 1,829,775 1,824,315

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NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods331491 Nonferrous metal (except copper and aluminum) rolled, drawn, and extruded products 2015 7,289,355 1.6 4,740,116 4,430,492 4,140,288 4,109,310 331491 Nonferrous metal (except copper and aluminum) rolled, drawn, and extruded products 2014 7,827,568 1.4 5,145,402 4,807,243 4,372,214 4,373,438 3314912 Nickel and nickel-base alloy mill shapes 2015 2,269,491 3.5 1,316,872 1,260,377 528,290 528,810 3314912 Nickel and nickel-base alloy mill shapes 2014 2,586,286 3.2 1,220,402 1,166,526 545,455 545,115 3314913 Titanium and titanium-base alloy mill shapes 2015 2,322,931 1.3 1,371,598 1,331,001 321,384 316,704 3314913 Titanium and titanium-base alloy mill shapes 2014 2,623,018 0.9 1,393,729 1,358,294 320,258 332,716 331491A Precious metal mill shapes 2015 671,769 4.4 1,221,256 1,049,803 2,886,811 2,886,398 331491A Precious metal mill shapes 2014 741,100 4.0 1,656,242 1,468,070 3,006,244 3,005,753 331491D All other nonferrous metal mill shapes 2015 1,516,236 4.5 830,390 789,310 403,802 377,396 331491D All other nonferrous metal mill shapes 2014 1,403,847 4.0 875,027 814,352 500,256 489,852 331491F Apparatus wire and cord and flexible cord sets (excluding aluminum, copper, wiring harness 2015 211,596 1.9 N N N N 331491F Apparatus wire and cord and flexible cord sets (excluding aluminum, copper, wiring harness 2014 211,032 1.5 N N N N 331491H Magnet wire (excluding aluminum and copper), made in plants that draw wire 2015 12,450 s 43.2 s N N N N 331491H Magnet wire (excluding aluminum and copper), made in plants that draw wire 2014 12,559 s 42.9 s N N N N 331491W Nonferrous metal (except copper and aluminum) rolled, drawn, and extruded products, nsk, 2015 284,881 0.0 N N N N 331491W Nonferrous metal (except copper and aluminum) rolled, drawn, and extruded products, nsk, 2014 249,727 0.0 N N N N331492 Secondary smelted, refined, and alloy nonferrous metal (except copper and aluminum 2015 10,857,327 1.5 631,612 578,077 435,608 408,416 331492 Secondary smelted, refined, and alloy nonferrous metal (except copper and aluminum 2014 12,604,361 1.2 852,813 776,601 722,722 693,019 3314921 Other nonferrous metal powders, paste, and flakes 2015 3,036,329 3.5 631,612 578,077 435,608 408,416 3314921 Other nonferrous metal powders, paste, and flakes 2014 3,390,174 2.9 852,813 776,601 722,722 693,019 3314927 Secondary smelting, refining, and alloying of zinc 2015 460,721 7.3 N N N N 3314927 Secondary smelting, refining, and alloying of zinc 2014 546,228 6.0 N N N N 3314929 Secondary precious metals and precious metal alloys 2015 5,427,409 1.7 N N N N 3314929 Secondary precious metals and precious metal alloys 2014 6,253,949 0.3 N N N N 331492B All other miscellaneous secondary nonferrous metals 2015 1,652,424 5.1 N N N N 331492B All other miscellaneous secondary nonferrous metals 2014 2,108,478 5.4 N N N N 331492W Secondary smelted, refined, and alloy nonferrous metal (except copper and aluminum) prod 2015 280,444 0.1 N N N N 331492W Secondary smelted, refined, and alloy nonferrous metal (except copper and aluminum) prod 2014 305,531 0.1 N N N N331511 Iron foundry products 2015 9,339,733 0.5 794,308 734,036 1,146,079 1,143,112 331511 Iron foundry products 2014 10,255,183 0.4 1,049,070 984,855 1,122,939 1,120,568 3315111 Ductile iron pressure pipe and fittings 2015 1,527,607 1.8 43,446 37,195 80,379 80,359 3315111 Ductile iron pressure pipe and fittings 2014 1,778,890 1.0 48,582 40,534 77,313 77,315 3315113 Other ductile iron castings 2015 3,156,417 0.7 N N N N 3315113 Other ductile iron castings 2014 3,464,267 0.6 N N N N 3315115 Cast iron pressure pipe and fittings 2015 33,860 17.3 N N N N 3315115 Cast iron pressure pipe and fittings 2014 38,815 15.1 N N N N 3315117 Cast iron soil pipe and fittings, all sizes 2015 D D 7,306 6,622 18,721 18,721 3315117 Cast iron soil pipe and fittings, all sizes 2014 D D 17,080 16,482 26,928 26,928 3315119 Other gray iron castings 2015 3,824,132 0.4 13,142 11,110 62,752 62,752 3315119 Other gray iron castings 2014 4,167,606 0.4 21,926 21,827 47,579 47,579 331511A Standard malleable iron castings 2015 75,114 16.6 N N N N 331511A Standard malleable iron castings 2014 94,108 12.5 N N N N 331511C Pearlitic malleable iron castings 2015 D D N N N N 331511C Pearlitic malleable iron castings 2014 D D N N N N 331511E Molds and stools for heavy steel ingots 2015 127,474 12.1 2,677 2,479 2,330 2,274 331511E Molds and stools for heavy steel ingots 2014 153,999 8.1 4,629 3,847 3,328 3,288 331511W Iron foundry products, nsk, total 2015 D D N N N N 331511W Iron foundry products, nsk, total 2014 D D N N N N 331511X Undistributed iron foundry products 2015 N X 727,736 676,627 981,895 979,005 331511X Undistributed iron foundry products 2014 N X 956,852 902,163 967,789 965,456 331512 Steel investment castings 2015 4,015,259 1.9 N N N N331512 Steel investment castings 2014 3,879,854 1.1 N N N N 3315120 Steel investment castings 2015 4,015,259 1.9 N N N N 3315120 Steel investment castings 2014 3,879,854 1.1 N N N N

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ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods331513 Steel foundry products (except investment) 2015 3,738,591 1.9 7,414 5,314 210,715 208,348 331513 Steel foundry products (except investment) 2014 4,562,147 1.8 8,681 5,650 222,470 222,200 3315131 Carbon steel castings, excluding investment 2015 1,781,312 3.1 N N N N 3315131 Carbon steel castings, excluding investment 2014 2,093,085 3.1 N N N N 3315134 Alloy steel castings, excluding investment 2015 1,850,279 2.4 7,414 5,314 59,281 59,186 3315134 Alloy steel castings, excluding investment 2014 2,361,094 2.0 8,681 5,650 63,931 63,891 331513W Steel foundry products (except investment), nsk, total 2015 107,000 3.5 N N N N 331513W Steel foundry products (except investment), nsk, total 2014 107,968 4.4 N N N N 331513X Undistributed steel foundry products (except investment) 2015 N X N N 151,434 149,161 331513X Undistributed steel foundry products (except investment) 2014 N X N N 158,539 158,308 331523 Nonferrous metal die-casting foundry products 2015 8,368,823 2.4 162,621 149,529 212,299 211,964 331523 Nonferrous metal die-casting foundry products 2014 8,039,244 2.0 163,958 151,729 202,132 201,774 3315231 Aluminum die-castings 2015 6,128,341 2.9 162,621 149,529 212,299 211,964 3315231 Aluminum die-castings 2014 5,824,640 2.3 163,958 151,729 202,132 201,774 3315233 Nonferrous (excluding aluminum) die-castings 2015 2,067,797 4.5 N N N N 3315233 Nonferrous (excluding aluminum) die-castings 2014 2,051,777 4.0 N N N N 331523W Nonferrous metal die-casting foundry products, nsk, total 2015 172,686 0.1 N N N N 331523W Nonferrous metal die-casting foundry products, nsk, total 2014 162,826 1.0 N N N N331524 Aluminum foundry products (except die-casting) 2015 3,080,705 3.2 N N N N331524 Aluminum foundry products (except die-casting) 2014 2,865,859 2.1 N N N N 3315240 Aluminum foundry products (except die-casting) 2015 3,080,705 3.2 N N N N 3315240 Aluminum foundry products (except die-casting) 2014 2,865,859 2.1 N N N N331529 Other nonferrous metal foundry products (except die-casting) 2015 2,032,648 2.6 N N 11,414 9,805 331529 Other nonferrous metal foundry products (except die-casting) 2014 2,242,156 2.2 N N 10,412 8,939 3315291 Copper foundries (excluding die-casting) 2015 1,106,814 2.9 N N 11,414 9,805 3315291 Copper foundries (excluding die-casting) 2014 1,279,837 2.1 N N 10,412 8,939 3315293 Other nonferrous foundries (excluding die-casting) 2015 868,190 4.8 N N N N 3315293 Other nonferrous foundries (excluding die-casting) 2014 914,152 4.4 N N N N 331529W Other nonferrous metal foundry products (except die-casting), nsk, total 2015 57,644 0.7 N N N N 331529W Other nonferrous metal foundry products (except die-casting), nsk, total 2014 48,167 0.8 N N N N332111 Iron and steel forgings 2015 8,613,450 1.2 3,042 2,564 173,477 154,620 332111 Iron and steel forgings 2014 9,669,697 0.9 3,161 2,222 90,650 83,634 3321111 Hot impression die impact, press, and upset steel forgings 2015 6,078,926 1.2 N N N N 3321111 Hot impression die impact, press, and upset steel forgings 2014 6,944,993 1.0 N N N N 3321113 Cold impression die impact, press, and upset steel forgings 2015 520,589 2.8 N N N N 3321113 Cold impression die impact, press, and upset steel forgings 2014 613,043 2.5 N N N N 3321115 Seamless rolled ring forgings, ferrous, made from purchased iron and steel 2015 1,233,089 3.4 N N N N 3321115 Seamless rolled ring forgings, ferrous, made from purchased iron and steel 2014 1,288,257 1.0 N N N N 3321117 Open die and smith forgings (hammer and press), ferrous, made from purchased iron and s 2015 454,197 12.2 N N N N 3321117 Open die and smith forgings (hammer and press), ferrous, made from purchased iron and s 2014 501,371 10.5 N N N N 332111W Iron and steel forgings, nsk, total 2015 326,649 0.1 N N N N 332111W Iron and steel forgings, nsk, total 2014 322,033 0.2 N N N N 332111X Undistributed iron and steel forgings 2015 N X 3,042 2,564 173,477 154,620 332111X Undistributed iron and steel forgings 2014 N X 3,161 2,222 90,650 83,634 332112 Nonferrous forgings 2015 2,476,749 3.0 175,024 174,124 44,038 44,038 332112 Nonferrous forgings 2014 2,556,000 2.3 183,762 182,371 30,827 30,827 3321121 Hot impression die impact, press, and upset nonferrous forgings 2015 2,230,144 3.1 N N N N 3321121 Hot impression die impact, press, and upset nonferrous forgings 2014 2,261,030 2.3 N N N N 3321123 All other nonferrous forgings 2015 212,778 12.1 N N N N 3321123 All other nonferrous forgings 2014 264,504 9.7 N N N N 332112W Nonferrous forgings, nsk, total 2015 33,826 0.0 N N N N 332112W Nonferrous forgings, nsk, total 2014 30,466 0.0 N N N N 332112X Undistributed nonferrous forgings 2015 N X 175,024 174,124 44,038 44,038 332112X Undistributed nonferrous forgings 2014 N X 183,762 182,371 30,827 30,827

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NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods332114 Custom roll form products 2015 7,524,891 1.1 N N N N332114 Custom roll form products 2014 8,454,677 0.8 N N N N 3321140 Custom roll form products 2015 7,524,891 1.1 N N N N 3321140 Custom roll form products 2014 8,454,677 0.8 N N N N332117 Powder metallurgy parts 2015 2,009,139 1.5 N N N N332117 Powder metallurgy parts 2014 2,073,525 1.4 N N N N 3321170 Powder metallurgy parts 2015 2,009,139 1.5 N N N N 3321170 Powder metallurgy parts 2014 2,073,525 1.4 N N N N332119 Metal crowns, closures, and other metal stampings (except automotive) 2015 11,249,573 1.1 630,833 615,811 535,784 533,100 332119 Metal crowns, closures, and other metal stampings (except automotive) 2014 11,443,106 1.0 652,876 637,237 523,155 521,902 3321191 Crowns and closures 2015 1,539,297 1.8 630,833 615,811 535,784 533,100 3321191 Crowns and closures 2014 1,594,652 1.3 652,876 637,237 523,155 521,902 3321193 Job stampings, excluding automotive 2015 6,452,425 1.6 N N N N 3321193 Job stampings, excluding automotive 2014 6,561,559 1.4 N N N N 3321195 Metal spinning products, excluding cooking and kitchen utensils 2015 187,059 11.0 N N N N 3321195 Metal spinning products, excluding cooking and kitchen utensils 2014 175,447 11.2 N N N N 3321197 Stamped and pressed metal end products, including vitreous (porcelain) enameled products 2015 2,097,836 2.5 N N N N 3321197 Stamped and pressed metal end products, including vitreous (porcelain) enameled products 2014 2,135,812 2.3 N N N N 332119W Metal crowns, closures, and other metal stampings (except automotive), nsk, total 2015 972,956 4.0 N N N N 332119W Metal crowns, closures, and other metal stampings (except automotive), nsk, total 2014 975,636 3.8 N N N N332215 Metal kitchen cookware, utensils, cutlery, and flatware (except precious) 2015 3,346,136 0.5 926,205 714,198 4,567,347 4,542,863 332215 Metal kitchen cookware, utensils, cutlery, and flatware (except precious) 2014 3,119,465 0.5 871,497 664,048 4,154,885 4,137,962 3322151 Cutlery, scissors, shears, trimmers, and snips 2015 446,992 0.0 219,764 138,993 1,759,359 1,745,449 3322151 Cutlery, scissors, shears, trimmers, and snips 2014 422,296 0.0 207,279 126,017 1,637,107 1,626,473 3322153 Razor blades and razors, excluding electric 2015 D D 384,450 321,245 737,019 736,252 3322153 Razor blades and razors, excluding electric 2014 D D 340,828 286,461 630,777 630,335 3322155 Stamped and spun utensils, cooking and kitchen, aluminum 2015 468,771 1.2 118,964 105,971 979,907 975,745 3322155 Stamped and spun utensils, cooking and kitchen, aluminum 2014 434,776 1.0 117,887 101,341 864,196 860,454 3322157 Stamped and spun utensils, cooking and kitchen, excluding aluminum 2015 D D 203,027 147,987 1,091,060 1,085,415 3322157 Stamped and spun utensils, cooking and kitchen, excluding aluminum 2014 D D 205,501 150,227 1,022,804 1,020,698 332215W Metal kitchen cookware, utensils, cutlery, and flatware (except precious), nsk, total 2015 D D N N N N 332215W Metal kitchen cookware, utensils, cutlery, and flatware (except precious), nsk, total 2014 D D N N N N332216 Saw blades and handtools 2015 5,813,197 2.9 2,301,091 1,992,616 3,961,657 3,927,967 332216 Saw blades and handtools 2014 5,753,495 2.8 2,454,603 2,133,580 3,902,777 3,867,320 3322162 Mechanics' hand service tools 2015 1,631,671 2.7 359,952 302,742 852,196 837,368 3322162 Mechanics' hand service tools 2014 1,615,789 2.3 407,410 352,257 874,357 856,357 3322163 Edge tools, hand-operated 2015 594,592 8.1 436,164 378,078 373,098 368,831 3322163 Edge tools, hand-operated 2014 611,702 10.9 485,693 421,023 353,458 349,000 3322165 Dies and interchangeable cutting tools, for machines and power-driven handtools 2015 767,645 10.7 293,464 256,827 474,499 477,268 3322165 Dies and interchangeable cutting tools, for machines and power-driven handtools 2014 729,634 11.3 254,423 219,508 439,247 440,618 3322167 All other miscellaneous handtools 2015 958,606 5.5 489,196 421,466 729,976 728,110 3322167 All other miscellaneous handtools 2014 903,963 5.9 544,126 462,743 736,085 730,716 3322169 Precision measuring tools (inspection, quality control, tool room, and machinists') 2015 507,432 6.9 318,665 284,533 296,493 293,489 3322169 Precision measuring tools (inspection, quality control, tool room, and machinists') 2014 574,765 4.2 325,506 293,827 324,270 320,467 332216C Saw blades and handsaws 2015 834,532 5.3 306,308 270,063 750,532 736,477 332216C Saw blades and handsaws 2014 852,684 5.8 335,204 297,486 694,790 688,900 332216W Saw blades and handtools, nsk, total 2015 518,720 19.9 N N N N 332216W Saw blades and handtools, nsk, total 2014 464,957 18.7 N N N N 332216X Undistributed saw blades and handtools 2015 N X 97,338 78,904 484,860 486,420 332216X Undistributed saw blades and handtools 2014 N X 102,238 86,734 480,568 481,259

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NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods332311 Prefabricated metal buildings and components 2015 6,389,662 2.0 448,891 441,409 117,915 117,645 332311 Prefabricated metal buildings and components 2014 6,653,878 1.8 642,256 640,182 113,757 113,468 3323111 Prefabricated metal building and component systems (excluding farm service buildings, resi 2015 4,314,135 2.6 N N N N 3323111 Prefabricated metal building and component systems (excluding farm service buildings, resi 2014 4,625,499 2.2 N N N N 3323113 Other prefabricated and portable metal buildings and parts 2015 1,628,950 3.3 N N 29,694 29,694 3323113 Other prefabricated and portable metal buildings and parts 2014 1,634,538 3.3 N N 29,567 29,567 332311W Prefabricated metal buildings and components, nsk, total 2015 446,578 1.1 N N N N 332311W Prefabricated metal buildings and components, nsk, total 2014 393,841 1.5 N N N N 332311X Undistributed prefabricated metal buildings and components 2015 N X 448,891 441,409 88,221 87,951 332311X Undistributed prefabricated metal buildings and components 2014 N X 642,256 640,182 84,189 83,900 332312 Fabricated structural metal products 2015 29,061,976 1.0 1,277,020 1,220,385 3,520,255 3,476,389 332312 Fabricated structural metal products 2014 28,104,011 0.9 1,482,724 1,411,996 2,512,444 2,501,023 3323121 Fabricated structural metal bar joists and concrete reinforcing bars 2015 12,821,702 1.4 300,981 293,095 740,428 714,400 3323121 Fabricated structural metal bar joists and concrete reinforcing bars 2014 12,616,058 1.3 396,336 379,215 576,150 575,148 3323123 Fabricated structural metal for bridges 2015 1,759,345 2.7 125,292 118,475 28,934 28,934 3323123 Fabricated structural metal for bridges 2014 1,614,742 2.8 87,350 85,011 12,381 12,338 3323125 Other fabricated structural metal 2015 12,394,246 1.9 62,863 59,655 453,605 453,101 3323125 Other fabricated structural metal 2014 11,946,128 1.6 120,103 111,772 314,215 311,777 332312W Fabricated structural metal products, nsk, total 2015 2,086,682 1.8 N N N N 332312W Fabricated structural metal products, nsk, total 2014 1,927,082 1.9 N N N N 332312X Undistributed fabricated structural metal products 2015 N X 787,882 749,159 2,297,286 2,279,952 332312X Undistributed fabricated structural metal products 2014 N X 878,933 835,996 1,609,696 1,601,759 332313 Plate work 2015 6,301,869 1.7 107,400 106,103 24,846 24,810 332313 Plate work 2014 6,753,524 1.4 129,914 129,016 14,394 14,381 3323130 Fabricated plate work (stacks and weldments) 2015 6,301,869 1.7 107,400 106,103 24,846 24,810 3323130 Fabricated plate work (stacks and weldments) 2014 6,753,524 1.4 129,914 129,016 14,394 14,381 332321 Metal windows and doors 2015 10,367,680 2.6 433,159 423,781 820,870 818,743 332321 Metal windows and doors 2014 10,095,377 2.5 401,127 391,981 703,960 702,382 3323211 Metal doors (excluding storm doors) 2015 5,814,663 2.2 N N 483,017 481,102 3323211 Metal doors (excluding storm doors) 2014 5,618,226 2.2 N N 415,948 414,509 3323213 Metal windows (excluding storm sash) 2015 1,984,568 3.9 N N 285,638 285,441 3323213 Metal windows (excluding storm sash) 2014 1,871,195 3.1 N N 240,699 240,614 3323215 Metal molding and trim and store fronts 2015 890,986 23.4 N N N N 3323215 Metal molding and trim and store fronts 2014 975,335 20.9 N N N N 3323217 Metal combination screen, storm sash, and storm doors 2015 356,300 9.3 N N N N 3323217 Metal combination screen, storm sash, and storm doors 2014 338,870 8.1 N N N N 3323219 Metal window and door screens (excluding combination) and metal weather strip 2015 733,272 7.3 N N N N 3323219 Metal window and door screens (excluding combination) and metal weather strip 2014 753,961 5.3 N N N N 332321W Metal windows and doors, nsk, total 2015 587,890 5.3 N N N N 332321W Metal windows and doors, nsk, total 2014 537,790 5.3 N N N N 332321X Undistributed metal windows and doors 2015 N X 433,159 423,781 52,214 52,199 332321X Undistributed metal windows and doors 2014 N X 401,127 391,981 47,312 47,258

Page 56

NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods332322 Sheet metal work products 2015 20,233,423 2.5 245,145 229,840 55,480 54,989 332322 Sheet metal work products 2014 20,179,290 2.4 270,818 255,465 62,562 62,281 3323221 Sheet metal air-conditioning ducts and stove pipe 2015 2,634,980 4.2 N N N N 3323221 Sheet metal air-conditioning ducts and stove pipe 2014 2,512,406 3.8 N N N N 3323223 Sheet metal culverts, flumes, irrigation pipes, etc. 2015 1,202,929 6.8 N N N N 3323223 Sheet metal culverts, flumes, irrigation pipes, etc. 2014 1,208,811 3.8 N N N N 3323227 Sheet metal roofing and roof drainage equipment 2015 1,942,377 5.0 N N N N 3323227 Sheet metal roofing and roof drainage equipment 2014 1,934,071 4.7 N N N N 3323229 Sheet metal flooring and siding 2015 919,149 6.5 N N N N 3323229 Sheet metal flooring and siding 2014 899,153 6.4 N N N N 332322A Sheet metal awnings, canopies, cornices, and soffits 2015 741,725 7.4 N N N N 332322A Sheet metal awnings, canopies, cornices, and soffits 2014 698,940 6.9 N N N N 332322C Sheet metal electronic enclosures 2015 2,827,021 12.3 99,207 85,836 N N 332322C Sheet metal electronic enclosures 2014 2,863,602 11.9 102,260 88,061 N N 332322F Metal studs, nonload and load-bearing (iron, steel, and aluminum) 2015 833,057 2.9 N N N N 332322F Metal studs, nonload and load-bearing (iron, steel, and aluminum) 2014 770,090 2.9 N N N N 332322G Other sheet metal work 2015 7,382,349 3.4 N N N N 332322G Other sheet metal work 2014 7,394,707 3.4 N N N N 332322W Sheet metal work products, nsk, total 2015 1,749,837 11.5 N N N N 332322W Sheet metal work products, nsk, total 2014 1,897,510 10.1 N N N N 332322X Undistributed sheet metal work products 2015 N X 145,938 144,003 55,480 54,989 332322X Undistributed sheet metal work products 2014 N X 168,558 167,404 62,562 62,281 332323 Ornamental and architectural metal work products 2015 6,641,005 2.7 158,278 131,365 599,518 597,321 332323 Ornamental and architectural metal work products 2014 6,171,235 2.6 183,691 154,512 577,401 577,412 3323231 Metal grilles, registers, and air diffusers 2015 1,191,809 5.3 N N N N 3323231 Metal grilles, registers, and air diffusers 2014 915,202 5.7 N N N N 3323233 Ornamental and architectural metal work 2015 2,434,969 4.9 N N 53,682 53,682 3323233 Ornamental and architectural metal work 2014 2,331,425 4.6 N N 46,165 46,165 3323236 Open metal flooring, grating, and studs 2015 573,696 8.7 N N 41,574 39,490 3323236 Open metal flooring, grating, and studs 2014 519,363 8.4 N N 34,654 34,617 3323237 Metal scaffolding and shoring and forming for concrete work 2015 162,033 17.0 73,710 55,131 376,204 376,139 3323237 Metal scaffolding and shoring and forming for concrete work 2014 176,662 16.0 98,520 74,146 375,975 375,975 3323239 Other architectural and ornamental work 2015 1,454,935 4.4 N N N N 3323239 Other architectural and ornamental work 2014 1,471,939 4.0 N N N N 332323W Ornamental and architectural metal work products, nsk, total 2015 823,563 9.7 N N N N 332323W Ornamental and architectural metal work products, nsk, total 2014 756,643 10.1 N N N N 332323X Undistributed ornamental and architectural metal work products 2015 N X 84,567 76,234 128,057 128,009 332323X Undistributed ornamental and architectural metal work products 2014 N X 85,170 80,366 120,605 120,653 332410 Power boilers and heat exchangers 2015 6,541,069 1.3 2,038,540 1,911,823 2,397,856 2,395,121 332410 Power boilers and heat exchangers 2014 6,969,247 1.2 2,109,855 1,983,156 1,869,307 1,854,804 3324101 Fabricated heat exchangers and steam condensers (excluding nuclear applications) 2015 4,613,571 1.5 1,230,675 1,111,330 1,438,453 1,417,566 3324101 Fabricated heat exchangers and steam condensers (excluding nuclear applications) 2014 5,032,389 1.5 1,349,166 1,260,165 1,159,027 1,152,160 3324105 Steel power boilers (stationary and marine), parts and attachments (excluding nuclear applic 2015 1,159,747 3.8 353,377 348,997 609,566 608,099 3324105 Steel power boilers (stationary and marine), parts and attachments (excluding nuclear applic 2014 1,111,403 3.6 359,937 350,754 367,126 366,498 3324107 Nuclear reactor steam supply systems, heat exchangers and condensers, pressurizers, com 2015 600,028 1.1 266,522 264,952 119,380 142,334 3324107 Nuclear reactor steam supply systems, heat exchangers and condensers, pressurizers, com 2014 655,033 0.1 266,062 265,079 133,548 127,982 332410W Power boilers and heat exchangers, nsk, total 2015 167,724 1.6 N N N N 332410W Power boilers and heat exchangers, nsk, total 2014 170,423 1.4 N N N N 332410X Undistributed power boilers and heat exchangers 2015 N X 187,965 186,543 230,456 227,121 332410X Undistributed power boilers and heat exchangers 2014 N X 134,690 107,157 209,603 208,163

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NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods332420 Metal tanks (heavy gauge) 2015 8,717,873 1.7 1,491,475 1,380,444 1,388,524 1,369,131 332420 Metal tanks (heavy gauge) 2014 9,523,914 1.4 1,622,436 1,454,652 1,314,888 1,302,326 3324207 Gas cylinders 2015 597,278 9.4 N N N N 3324207 Gas cylinders 2014 650,051 7.8 N N N N 3324209 Metal tanks, completed at factory (standard line pressure) 2015 2,343,868 3.9 530,282 506,136 31,646 31,596 3324209 Metal tanks, completed at factory (standard line pressure) 2014 2,684,599 3.3 551,344 510,829 21,765 21,698 332420C Metal tanks, completed at factory (standard line nonpressure) 2015 1,066,929 2.7 N N N N 332420C Metal tanks, completed at factory (standard line nonpressure) 2014 1,110,101 2.1 N N N N 332420E Metal tanks and vessels, custom fabricated at the factory and field erected 2015 2,344,589 3.3 N N N N 332420E Metal tanks and vessels, custom fabricated at the factory and field erected 2014 2,643,932 2.5 N N N N 332420G Metal tanks and vessels, custom fabricated and field erected 2015 1,829,775 3.6 N N N N 332420G Metal tanks and vessels, custom fabricated and field erected 2014 1,929,495 2.4 N N N N 332420W Metal tanks (heavy gauge), nsk, total 2015 535,433 2.0 N N N N 332420W Metal tanks (heavy gauge), nsk, total 2014 505,736 2.1 N N N N 332420X Undistributed metal tanks (heavy gauge) 2015 N X 961,193 874,308 1,356,878 1,337,535 332420X Undistributed metal tanks (heavy gauge) 2014 N X 1,071,091 943,823 1,293,123 1,280,627 332431 Metal cans 2015 14,113,214 0.4 498,208 495,800 207,452 204,058 332431 Metal cans 2014 14,466,163 0.3 434,979 431,065 222,419 217,188 3324311 Steel cans and tinware products 2015 4,839,189 0.5 N N N N 3324311 Steel cans and tinware products 2014 5,114,994 0.4 N N N N 3324313 Aluminum cans and tinware end products, including lids, ends, and parts shipped separately 2015 9,165,427 0.5 373,220 371,671 137,017 133,624 3324313 Aluminum cans and tinware end products, including lids, ends, and parts shipped separately 2014 9,245,346 0.4 310,706 308,111 153,008 147,777 332431W Metal cans, nsk, total 2015 108,599 0.1 N N N N 332431W Metal cans, nsk, total 2014 105,823 0.0 N N N N 332431X Undistributed metal cans 2015 N X 124,988 124,129 70,434 70,434 332431X Undistributed metal cans 2014 N X 124,272 122,954 69,411 69,411 332439 Other metal containers 2015 3,275,931 2.5 514,401 466,884 868,072 863,402 332439 Other metal containers 2014 3,494,817 2.2 517,356 473,144 704,422 702,339 3324391 Steel pails (1- to 12-gallon capacity) and fabricated steel boxes 2015 391,522 6.9 N N N N 3324391 Steel pails (1- to 12-gallon capacity) and fabricated steel boxes 2014 288,769 4.1 N N N N 3324393 Steel shipping barrels and drums, more than 12-gallon capacity (excluding beer barrels) 2015 982,077 6.9 N N N N 3324393 Steel shipping barrels and drums, more than 12-gallon capacity (excluding beer barrels) 2014 1,087,418 6.2 N N N N 3324396 All other metal containers 2015 1,613,527 2.1 84,717 67,848 353,987 349,689 3324396 All other metal containers 2014 1,860,368 1.7 87,524 75,070 187,358 185,459 332439W Other metal containers, nsk, total 2015 288,805 2.6 N N N N 332439W Other metal containers, nsk, total 2014 258,261 2.8 N N N N 332439X Undistributed other metal containers 2015 N X 429,684 399,036 514,085 513,712 332439X Undistributed other metal containers 2014 N X 429,831 398,074 517,064 516,879 332510 Hardware 2015 7,879,102 1.4 2,990,856 2,553,604 7,286,477 7,106,706 332510 Hardware 2014 7,530,110 1.2 2,982,988 2,540,154 6,904,492 6,722,387 3325102 Furniture hardware (excluding cabinet hardware) 2015 505,391 3.9 178,368 132,270 794,767 793,438 3325102 Furniture hardware (excluding cabinet hardware) 2014 521,840 2.5 181,337 136,164 737,456 736,665 3325104 Builders' hardware 2015 3,594,974 2.4 459,992 368,208 2,150,076 2,133,347 3325104 Builders' hardware 2014 3,374,793 1.8 488,507 374,808 1,945,083 1,934,549 3325106 Motor vehicle hardware (lock units, door and window handles, window regulators, hinges, lic 2015 1,879,808 2.6 1,168,856 1,005,615 2,829,957 2,701,060 3325106 Motor vehicle hardware (lock units, door and window handles, window regulators, hinges, lic 2014 1,846,315 2.6 1,180,998 1,018,319 2,812,056 2,677,824 3325107 Other transportation equipment hardware (excluding motor vehicle hardware) 2015 683,033 4.1 375,182 351,074 304,941 293,783 3325107 Other transportation equipment hardware (excluding motor vehicle hardware) 2014 647,166 3.5 329,210 311,644 275,947 264,154 332510A All other miscellaneous hardware 2015 832,675 5.2 303,979 273,814 582,741 567,714 332510A All other miscellaneous hardware 2014 776,295 4.1 296,383 271,009 541,571 525,339 332510W Hardware, nsk, total 2015 383,221 2.8 N N N N 332510W Hardware, nsk, total 2014 363,701 3.0 N N N N 332510X Undistributed hardware 2015 N X 504,476 422,620 623,992 617,361 332510X Undistributed hardware 2014 N X 506,550 428,209 592,377 583,854

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NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods332613 Springs 2015 3,781,016 2.1 704,581 644,785 1,041,300 1,029,313 332613 Springs 2014 3,623,736 2.1 699,066 648,339 1,054,503 1,043,509 3326131 Hot formed steel springs, excluding wire 2015 640,884 5.2 53,839 43,851 583,905 583,446 3326131 Hot formed steel springs, excluding wire 2014 629,632 4.6 48,912 40,047 581,886 581,419 3326133 Cold formed steel springs, excluding wire 2015 651,055 6.3 N N N N 3326133 Cold formed steel springs, excluding wire 2014 613,653 5.6 N N N N 3326135 Precision mechanical wire springs 2015 1,067,024 4.9 7,970 7,675 3,027 3,034 3326135 Precision mechanical wire springs 2014 1,011,738 5.0 8,814 8,510 5,525 5,525 3326137 Other wire springs 2015 1,226,220 2.5 N N 8,024 8,024 3326137 Other wire springs 2014 1,174,118 2.7 N N 10,151 10,151 332613W Springs, nsk, total 2015 195,833 2.2 N N N N 332613W Springs, nsk, total 2014 194,595 2.2 N N N N 332613X Undistributed springs 2015 N X 642,771 593,259 446,343 434,807 332613X Undistributed springs 2014 N X 641,338 599,781 456,939 446,414 332618 Other fabricated wire products 2015 4,465,156 3.1 1,104,295 973,513 2,099,197 2,150,458 332618 Other fabricated wire products 2014 4,600,304 3.0 1,169,241 1,053,997 2,166,526 2,163,089 3326181 Noninsulated ferrous wire rope, cable, forms, and strand, made from purchased wire 2015 973,609 3.5 307,408 269,866 582,420 637,986 3326181 Noninsulated ferrous wire rope, cable, forms, and strand, made from purchased wire 2014 986,739 3.4 368,468 336,328 641,150 640,753 3326182 Other nonferrous fabricated wire products, made from purchased wire 2015 908,139 6.6 36,454 35,092 11,350 11,346 3326182 Other nonferrous fabricated wire products, made from purchased wire 2014 955,819 6.2 34,363 33,216 11,424 11,409 3326183 Ferrous wire cloth and other ferrous woven wire products, made from purchased wire 2015 437,607 6.4 59,671 54,865 107,901 107,898 3326183 Ferrous wire cloth and other ferrous woven wire products, made from purchased wire 2014 436,585 7.4 54,654 49,374 116,834 116,831 3326185 Nonferrous wire cloth and other nonferrous woven wire products, made from purchased wire 2015 111,276 20.3 29,978 24,353 2,550 2,550 3326185 Nonferrous wire cloth and other nonferrous woven wire products, made from purchased wire 2014 110,622 18.2 18,391 15,750 2,601 2,601 3326187 Steel fencing and fence gates, made from purchased wire 2015 219,223 4.4 N N N N 3326187 Steel fencing and fence gates, made from purchased wire 2014 212,957 4.7 N N N N 3326189 Steel nails, staples, tacks, spikes, and brads, made from purchased wire 2015 202,955 7.8 N N N N 3326189 Steel nails, staples, tacks, spikes, and brads, made from purchased wire 2014 195,379 6.7 N N N N 332618B Other ferrous fabricated wire products (excluding springs), made from purchased wire 2015 1,204,804 6.9 263,103 227,134 614,541 613,022 332618B Other ferrous fabricated wire products (excluding springs), made from purchased wire 2014 1,274,384 6.8 278,636 242,831 643,130 642,973 332618W Other fabricated wire products, nsk, total 2015 407,543 18.6 N N N N 332618W Other fabricated wire products, nsk, total 2014 427,818 17.7 N N N N 332618X Undistributed other fabricated wire products 2015 N X 407,678 362,200 780,433 777,653 332618X Undistributed other fabricated wire products 2014 N X 414,726 376,496 751,384 748,519 332710 Machine shops 2015 37,565,043 0.6 N N N N332710 Machine shops 2014 39,685,183 0.5 N N N N 3327100 Receipts for machine shop job work and job order repairs 2015 37,565,043 0.6 N N N N 3327100 Receipts for machine shop job work and job order repairs 2014 39,685,183 0.5 N N N N332721 Precision turned products 2015 17,555,259 1.4 N N N N332721 Precision turned products 2014 18,014,990 0.7 N N N N 3327211 Precision turned products, automotive 2015 4,781,742 4.2 N N N N 3327211 Precision turned products, automotive 2014 4,492,048 1.0 N N N N 3327213 Precision turned products (made on CNC equipment or screw machines), excluding automo 2015 11,776,578 1.1 N N N N 3327213 Precision turned products (made on CNC equipment or screw machines), excluding automo 2014 12,473,558 1.0 N N N N 332721W Precision turned products, nsk, total 2015 996,938 4.1 N N N N 332721W Precision turned products, nsk, total 2014 1,049,385 3.8 N N N N

Page 59

NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods332722 Bolts, nuts, screws, rivets, and washers 2015 9,440,663 0.7 4,170,601 3,603,436 5,323,809 5,190,134 332722 Bolts, nuts, screws, rivets, and washers 2014 9,620,906 0.6 4,198,142 3,674,759 5,214,609 5,100,762 3327221 Aircraft fasteners (including aerospace), excluding plastics (meets specifications for flying ve 2015 2,254,153 1.3 N N N N 3327221 Aircraft fasteners (including aerospace), excluding plastics (meets specifications for flying ve 2014 2,312,241 1.2 N N N N 3327223 Externally threaded metal fasteners (excluding aircraft types) 2015 3,693,357 0.8 N N 11,230 11,230 3327223 Externally threaded metal fasteners (excluding aircraft types) 2014 3,805,980 0.6 N N 11,714 11,714 3327225 Internally threaded metal fasteners (excluding aircraft types) 2015 1,285,142 1.8 N N N N 3327225 Internally threaded metal fasteners (excluding aircraft types) 2014 1,292,747 1.8 N N N N 3327227 Rivets, washers, and other nonthreaded metal fasteners (excluding aircraft types) 2015 663,587 5.4 N N N N 3327227 Rivets, washers, and other nonthreaded metal fasteners (excluding aircraft types) 2014 666,447 4.7 N N N N 332722A Products, made by cold-, warm-, or hot-heading processes (excluding fasteners) 2015 1,049,857 1.9 N N N N 332722A Products, made by cold-, warm-, or hot-heading processes (excluding fasteners) 2014 1,054,304 1.8 N N N N 332722W Bolts, nuts, screws, rivets, and washers, nsk, total 2015 494,567 5.6 N N N N 332722W Bolts, nuts, screws, rivets, and washers, nsk, total 2014 489,187 5.5 N N N N 332722X Undistributed bolts, nuts, screws, rivets, and washers 2015 N X 4,170,601 3,603,436 5,312,578 5,178,903 332722X Undistributed bolts, nuts, screws, rivets, and washers 2014 N X 4,198,142 3,674,759 5,202,895 5,089,048 332811 Metal heat treating 2015 6,599,728 1.1 N N N N332811 Metal heat treating 2014 7,015,123 0.8 N N N N 3328110 Heat treating of metal for the trade (heat treating, pickling, annealing, brazing, shot peening, 2015 6,599,728 1.1 N N N N 3328110 Heat treating of metal for the trade (heat treating, pickling, annealing, brazing, shot peening, 2014 7,015,123 0.8 N N N N332812 Metal coating, engraving (except jewelry and silverware), and allied services to manu 2015 13,062,341 1.2 N N N N332812 Metal coating, engraving (except jewelry and silverware), and allied services to manu 2014 13,653,490 0.9 N N N N 3328120 Metal coating, engraving (excluding jewelry and silverware), and allied services to manufact 2015 13,062,341 1.2 N N N N 3328120 Metal coating, engraving (excluding jewelry and silverware), and allied services to manufact 2014 13,653,490 0.9 N N N N332813 Electroplating, plating, polishing, anodizing, and coloring 2015 7,537,779 1.1 N N N N332813 Electroplating, plating, polishing, anodizing, and coloring 2014 7,562,621 0.8 N N N N 3328130 Electroplating, plating, polishing, anodizing, and coloring 2015 7,537,779 1.1 N N N N 3328130 Electroplating, plating, polishing, anodizing, and coloring 2014 7,562,621 0.8 N N N N332911 Industrial valves 2015 12,434,440 1.2 10,011,999 8,741,495 11,210,671 11,054,262 332911 Industrial valves 2014 12,728,341 1.1 10,407,195 9,088,304 11,681,408 11,488,303 3329111 Gates, globes, angles, straightway (Y-type) check, stop and check, cross, 3- and 4-way, etc. 2015 3,126,509 2.5 N N N N 3329111 Gates, globes, angles, straightway (Y-type) check, stop and check, cross, 3- and 4-way, etc. 2014 3,145,629 2.5 N N N N 3329113 Industrial valves for water works and municipal equipment (IBBM, AWWA, and UL) 2015 1,530,977 1.7 1,651,567 1,437,930 1,952,702 1,940,789 3329113 Industrial valves for water works and municipal equipment (IBBM, AWWA, and UL) 2014 1,498,090 1.7 1,834,042 1,602,939 2,116,386 2,105,141 3329115 Industrial ball valves (all metals, pressures, and types), including manual and power-operate 2015 1,905,061 2.2 N N N N 3329115 Industrial ball valves (all metals, pressures, and types), including manual and power-operate 2014 1,949,485 2.0 N N N N 3329117 Industrial butterfly valves (all metals, pressures, and types), including manual and power-op 2015 559,219 2.0 N N N N 3329117 Industrial butterfly valves (all metals, pressures, and types), including manual and power-op 2014 605,815 2.9 N N N N 3329119 Industrial plug valves (all metals, pressures, and types), including lubricated, cylindrical ecce 2015 567,722 9.8 N N N N 3329119 Industrial plug valves (all metals, pressures, and types), including lubricated, cylindrical ecce 2014 510,356 2.1 N N N N 332911B All other miscellaneous industrial valves 2015 2,190,155 3.6 1,305,216 1,219,190 522,602 520,399 332911B All other miscellaneous industrial valves 2014 2,351,775 3.6 1,329,455 1,255,388 564,704 560,361 332911D Nuclear valves (N-stamp only) 2015 311,195 0.1 N N N N 332911D Nuclear valves (N-stamp only) 2014 310,955 0.1 N N N N 332911F Automatic regulating and control valves and parts (excluding nuclear), power-operated, des 2015 1,459,930 3.5 755,683 650,725 825,328 818,453 332911F Automatic regulating and control valves and parts (excluding nuclear), power-operated, des 2014 1,564,220 3.1 709,682 598,746 864,026 850,055 332911H Solenoid-operated valves and parts, excluding nuclear and fluid power transfer 2015 468,641 7.5 1,010,859 822,876 1,497,113 1,489,900 332911H Solenoid-operated valves and parts, excluding nuclear and fluid power transfer 2014 463,613 7.3 962,815 757,004 1,535,651 1,513,311 332911W Industrial valves, nsk, total 2015 315,030 5.9 N N N N 332911W Industrial valves, nsk, total 2014 328,402 5.7 N N N N 332911X Undistributed industrial valves 2015 N X 5,288,672 4,610,773 6,412,923 6,284,719 332911X Undistributed industrial valves 2014 N X 5,571,199 4,874,227 6,600,640 6,459,432

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NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods332912 Fluid power valves and hose fittings 2015 8,826,441 0.9 1,755,169 1,558,212 2,152,507 2,025,831 332912 Fluid power valves and hose fittings 2014 9,081,665 0.7 1,836,864 1,587,228 2,090,855 1,986,806 3329121 Aerospace-type hydraulic fluid power valves 2015 958,008 2.8 N N N N 3329121 Aerospace-type hydraulic fluid power valves 2014 928,111 2.7 N N N N 3329123 Aerospace-type pneumatic fluid power valves 2015 760,141 1.6 N N N N 3329123 Aerospace-type pneumatic fluid power valves 2014 777,741 1.6 N N N N 3329125 Nonaerospace-type hydraulic directional control valves 2015 805,402 0.4 N N N N 3329125 Nonaerospace-type hydraulic directional control valves 2014 925,441 0.3 N N N N 3329127 Nonaerospace-type hydraulic valves, excluding directional control 2015 719,363 2.8 N N N N 3329127 Nonaerospace-type hydraulic valves, excluding directional control 2014 703,620 0.4 N N N N 3329129 Nonaerospace-type pneumatic directional control valves 2015 505,179 0.8 N N N N 3329129 Nonaerospace-type pneumatic directional control valves 2014 508,183 2.1 N N N N 332912B Nonaerospace-type pneumatic valves, excluding directional control 2015 239,824 3.2 N N N N 332912B Nonaerospace-type pneumatic valves, excluding directional control 2014 243,731 4.1 N N N N 332912D Parts for fluid power valves 2015 485,459 9.7 381,322 315,214 504,350 490,835 332912D Parts for fluid power valves 2014 471,291 5.0 363,244 255,416 636,165 625,513 332912F Aerospace-type hydraulic and pneumatic fluid power hose or tube end fittings and assemblie 2015 1,281,387 1.8 N N N N 332912F Aerospace-type hydraulic and pneumatic fluid power hose or tube end fittings and assemblie 2014 1,185,894 1.7 N N N N 332912H Nonaerospace-type flared (metal) fittings, couplings, and assemblies of tubing used in fluid p 2015 447,948 5.6 N N N N 332912H Nonaerospace-type flared (metal) fittings, couplings, and assemblies of tubing used in fluid p 2014 484,278 5.2 N N N N 332912J Nonaerospace-type flareless fittings and couplings, including nonmetal fittings, used in fluid 2015 789,455 0.6 N N N N 332912J Nonaerospace-type flareless fittings and couplings, including nonmetal fittings, used in fluid 2014 846,231 0.4 N N N N 332912L Nonaerospace-type hydraulic and pneumatic fittings and couplings for hose 2015 1,188,942 2.1 N N N N 332912L Nonaerospace-type hydraulic and pneumatic fittings and couplings for hose 2014 1,248,578 2.1 N N N N 332912N Nonaerospace-type hydraulic and pneumatic assemblies of hose 2015 317,232 3.1 N N N N 332912N Nonaerospace-type hydraulic and pneumatic assemblies of hose 2014 383,920 4.0 N N N N 332912W Fluid power valves and hose fittings, nsk, total 2015 328,101 7.7 N N N N 332912W Fluid power valves and hose fittings, nsk, total 2014 374,647 4.3 N N N N 332912X Undistributed fluid power valves and hose fittings 2015 N X 1,373,846 1,242,997 1,648,156 1,534,996 332912X Undistributed fluid power valves and hose fittings 2014 N X 1,473,619 1,331,812 1,454,689 1,361,292 332913 Plumbing fixture fittings and trim 2015 3,811,993 1.3 351,913 287,502 1,361,205 1,368,029 332913 Plumbing fixture fittings and trim 2014 3,411,391 1.4 347,351 293,760 1,359,012 1,351,682 3329132 Metallic and nonmetallic single lever plumbing fixture controls, two- and three-handle bath a 2015 1,398,173 0.9 N N 144,274 143,318 3329132 Metallic and nonmetallic single lever plumbing fixture controls, two- and three-handle bath a 2014 1,257,874 0.9 N N 153,922 151,509 3329134 Metallic and nonmetallic lavatory and sink fittings (excluding single control), including drains 2015 954,188 2.2 14,041 13,147 79,678 79,629 3329134 Metallic and nonmetallic lavatory and sink fittings (excluding single control), including drains 2014 823,522 2.6 16,352 15,322 83,655 83,460 3329136 Miscellaneous metallic and nonmetallic plumbing fixtures, fittings, and trim 2015 1,337,759 3.3 308,001 248,283 995,412 1,003,324 3329136 Miscellaneous metallic and nonmetallic plumbing fixtures, fittings, and trim 2014 1,219,737 3.5 300,083 250,467 983,635 979,403 332913W Plumbing fixture fittings and trim, nsk, total 2015 121,874 0.0 N N N N 332913W Plumbing fixture fittings and trim, nsk, total 2014 110,259 0.0 N N N N 332913X Undistributed plumbing fixture fittings and trim 2015 N X 29,871 26,071 141,838 141,756 332913X Undistributed plumbing fixture fittings and trim 2014 N X 30,915 27,970 137,798 137,308 332919 Other metal valves and pipe fittings 2015 4,168,764 2.6 2,336,754 2,096,400 2,747,454 2,734,639 332919 Other metal valves and pipe fittings 2014 4,761,271 2.7 2,629,234 2,325,428 3,042,063 3,031,320 3329191 Plumbing and heating valves and specialties, excluding plumbers' brass goods 2015 840,785 7.5 N N 250,400 250,309 3329191 Plumbing and heating valves and specialties, excluding plumbers' brass goods 2014 861,700 6.5 N N 361,778 361,588 3329194 Metal fittings, flanges, and unions for piping systems 2015 3,077,297 2.8 2,336,754 2,096,400 2,497,053 2,484,330 3329194 Metal fittings, flanges, and unions for piping systems 2014 3,626,505 3.2 2,629,234 2,325,428 2,680,284 2,669,732 332919W Other metal valves and pipe fittings, nsk, total 2015 250,682 0.3 N N N N 332919W Other metal valves and pipe fittings, nsk, total 2014 273,067 0.9 N N N N

Page 61

NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods332991 Ball and roller bearings 2015 6,756,870 3.5 3,081,800 2,533,423 4,016,232 3,787,916 332991 Ball and roller bearings 2014 6,847,072 3.0 3,151,237 2,613,293 4,150,040 3,928,395 3329911 Ball bearings, complete, unmounted 2015 2,201,739 1.8 549,570 427,008 1,186,887 1,085,821 3329911 Ball bearings, complete, unmounted 2014 2,400,245 1.6 556,651 432,274 1,225,850 1,123,117 3329913 Tapered roller bearings (including cups and cones), unmounted 2015 1,653,418 0.9 619,556 511,384 660,842 631,822 3329913 Tapered roller bearings (including cups and cones), unmounted 2014 1,480,639 1.0 650,464 544,560 645,627 610,153 3329915 Other roller bearings, unmounted 2015 1,185,686 1.7 450,821 374,983 704,991 663,939 3329915 Other roller bearings, unmounted 2014 1,223,976 1.5 424,476 349,114 747,970 706,296 3329917 Mounted bearings (excluding plain) 2015 659,088 0.0 152,931 135,183 42,382 41,410 3329917 Mounted bearings (excluding plain) 2014 722,576 0.0 144,936 132,693 40,448 39,819 3329919 Parts and components for ball and roller bearings (including balls and rollers), sold separate 2015 916,210 25.1 314,677 272,815 759,507 731,749 3329919 Parts and components for ball and roller bearings (including balls and rollers), sold separate 2014 931,956 21.3 340,425 299,570 823,428 805,505 332991W Ball and roller bearings, nsk, total 2015 140,729 2.8 N N N N 332991W Ball and roller bearings, nsk, total 2014 87,680 3.4 N N N N 332991X Undistributed ball and roller bearings 2015 N X 994,244 812,047 661,621 633,173 332991X Undistributed ball and roller bearings 2014 N X 1,034,283 855,080 666,715 643,503 332992 Small arms ammunition 2015 3,142,795 1.0 476,223 470,796 736,295 736,257 332992 Small arms ammunition 2014 3,446,536 0.4 381,131 373,588 860,434 860,441 3329920 Small arms ammunition 2015 3,142,795 1.0 476,223 470,796 736,295 736,257 3329920 Small arms ammunition 2014 3,446,536 0.4 381,131 373,588 860,434 860,441 332993 Ammunition (except small arms) 2015 1,352,672 3.8 691,043 679,087 111,601 111,548 332993 Ammunition (except small arms) 2014 1,364,321 2.8 672,445 669,401 135,021 102,404 3329930 Ammunition (excluding small arms), more than 30 mm, more than 1.18 in. 2015 1,352,672 3.8 691,043 679,087 111,601 111,548 3329930 Ammunition (excluding small arms), more than 30 mm, more than 1.18 in. 2014 1,364,321 2.8 672,445 669,401 135,021 102,404 332994 Small arms, ordnance, and ordnance accessories 2015 5,994,612 2.4 1,054,827 980,523 1,859,852 1,857,380 332994 Small arms, ordnance, and ordnance accessories 2014 5,901,767 2.4 1,216,794 1,109,970 1,890,073 1,892,649 3329941 Machine guns (30 mm or less, 1.18 in. or less) 2015 363,177 2.2 60,946 60,529 5,617 5,850 3329941 Machine guns (30 mm or less, 1.18 in. or less) 2014 460,396 9.4 182,366 180,841 2,941 1,901 3329944 Small arms (30 mm or less, 1.18 in. or less) 2015 4,448,120 2.9 445,828 410,656 1,069,588 1,065,694 3329944 Small arms (30 mm or less, 1.18 in. or less) 2014 4,285,580 2.7 505,250 457,861 1,174,427 1,176,533 3329945 Guns, howitzers, mortars, turrets, parts, and all other miscellaneous ordnance, accessories 2015 996,411 6.1 385,824 367,155 223,570 224,638 3329945 Guns, howitzers, mortars, turrets, parts, and all other miscellaneous ordnance, accessories 2014 990,246 6.1 350,813 318,880 165,429 168,417 332994W Small arms, ordnance, and ordnance accessories, nsk, total 2015 186,903 0.0 N N N N 332994W Small arms, ordnance, and ordnance accessories, nsk, total 2014 165,545 0.0 N N N N 332994X Undistributed small arms, ordnance, and ordnance accessories 2015 N X 162,228 142,182 561,076 561,198 332994X Undistributed small arms, ordnance, and ordnance accessories 2014 N X 178,364 152,386 547,275 545,797 332996 Fabricated pipe and pipe fittings 2015 7,297,901 1.5 N N N N332996 Fabricated pipe and pipe fittings 2014 7,721,376 1.0 N N N N 3329960 Fabricated pipe and pipe fittings made from purchased pipe 2015 7,297,901 1.5 N N N N 3329960 Fabricated pipe and pipe fittings made from purchased pipe 2014 7,721,376 1.0 N N N N

Page 62

NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods332999 All other miscellaneous fabricated metal products 2015 15,130,248 2.3 7,070,950 6,170,503 9,250,964 9,115,967 332999 All other miscellaneous fabricated metal products 2014 15,210,446 2.2 7,598,731 6,768,321 9,232,249 9,131,802 3329992 Converted unmounted aluminum foil packaging products 2015 463,021 11.0 417,639 373,626 648,086 597,829 3329992 Converted unmounted aluminum foil packaging products 2014 524,718 7.1 454,338 407,315 715,353 699,253 3329995 Miscellaneous machinery products 2015 679,198 11.0 204,109 187,161 148,448 141,939 3329995 Miscellaneous machinery products 2014 665,905 10.7 198,877 181,452 143,160 141,818 3329997 Fabricated metal collapsible tubes 2015 187,999 7.1 N N N N 3329997 Fabricated metal collapsible tubes 2014 176,241 6.6 N N N N 3329999 Flat metal strapping 2015 467,335 4.8 N N N N 3329999 Flat metal strapping 2014 451,763 4.6 N N N N 332999B Metal ladders 2015 237,592 7.3 32,377 25,154 246,976 246,788 332999B Metal ladders 2014 243,744 6.8 39,744 29,952 217,779 217,174 332999H All other miscellaneous fabricated metal products 2015 8,943,658 2.9 1,310,833 1,162,827 2,805,273 2,790,285 332999H All other miscellaneous fabricated metal products 2014 9,124,534 2.7 1,422,939 1,272,922 2,753,541 2,742,143 332999J Enameled iron and metal sanitary ware 2015 935,932 2.2 115,497 100,297 589,605 588,523 332999J Enameled iron and metal sanitary ware 2014 905,584 2.9 151,982 137,644 550,265 549,487 332999L Industrial patterns 2015 543,108 4.0 N N N N 332999L Industrial patterns 2014 557,504 3.5 N N N N 332999W All other miscellaneous fabricated metal products, nsk, total 2015 2,672,405 8.1 N N N N 332999W All other miscellaneous fabricated metal products, nsk, total 2014 2,560,452 8.4 N N N N 332999X Undistributed all other miscellaneous fabricated metal products 2015 N X 4,990,492 4,321,436 4,812,573 4,750,601 332999X Undistributed all other miscellaneous fabricated metal products 2014 N X 5,330,850 4,739,034 4,852,149 4,781,924 333111 Farm machinery and equipment 2015 31,045,342 1.7 7,332,184 6,643,770 7,975,020 8,061,484 333111 Farm machinery and equipment 2014 38,523,896 1.6 8,518,079 7,778,909 8,705,684 8,853,772 3331111 Farm-type, power take-off hp, wheel tractors (2- and 4-wheel drive), sold with or without atta 2015 10,838,043 3.8 1,595,964 1,399,339 2,990,564 3,163,297 3331111 Farm-type, power take-off hp, wheel tractors (2- and 4-wheel drive), sold with or without atta 2014 12,895,976 3.8 2,148,324 1,918,084 2,999,789 3,297,496 3331114 Farm dairy equipment, sprayers and dusters (excluding aerial types), farm blowers, and atta 2015 2,269,464 2.6 723,104 613,623 153,716 154,381 3331114 Farm dairy equipment, sprayers and dusters (excluding aerial types), farm blowers, and atta 2014 3,152,469 1.8 868,296 755,937 155,844 156,771 3331117 Planting, seeding, and fertilizing machinery and attachments, excluding turf machinery 2015 1,473,947 4.0 198,571 190,827 127,246 127,246 3331117 Planting, seeding, and fertilizing machinery and attachments, excluding turf machinery 2014 2,307,932 1.8 289,414 286,238 263,499 263,499 3331119 Harvesting machinery (excluding hay and straw) and attachments 2015 4,125,479 1.5 1,290,218 1,198,409 335,984 385,587 3331119 Harvesting machinery (excluding hay and straw) and attachments 2014 6,135,407 1.5 1,367,513 1,276,774 404,084 457,300 333111A Haying machinery and attachments 2015 1,672,586 1.7 190,850 172,459 194,502 194,546 333111A Haying machinery and attachments 2014 1,749,115 1.7 202,384 183,637 179,696 182,906 333111C Parts for farm machinery, for sale separately 2015 2,682,804 4.2 2,489,632 2,266,078 3,264,542 3,118,183 333111C Parts for farm machinery, for sale separately 2014 2,888,693 3.5 2,647,849 2,397,949 3,834,259 3,621,674 333111E Farm plows (including plowshares, primary tillage), harrows, rollers, pulverizers, cultivators a 2015 794,669 1.8 196,152 185,666 196,806 198,775 333111E Farm plows (including plowshares, primary tillage), harrows, rollers, pulverizers, cultivators a 2014 1,505,432 0.7 286,376 276,266 209,714 212,739 333111G All other farm machinery and equipment (excluding parts), including attachments 2015 3,090,169 2.6 476,185 452,769 483,652 483,567 333111G All other farm machinery and equipment (excluding parts), including attachments 2014 3,868,623 1.9 504,817 488,972 421,476 421,112 333111J Commercial turf and grounds care equipment, including parts and attachments 2015 2,981,058 5.2 151,529 146,237 194,812 194,812 333111J Commercial turf and grounds care equipment, including parts and attachments 2014 3,053,228 5.8 184,565 177,300 201,000 201,000 333111W Farm machinery and equipment, nsk, total 2015 1,117,125 22.7 N N N N 333111W Farm machinery and equipment, nsk, total 2014 967,020 26.4 N N N N 333111X Undistributed farm machinery and equipment 2015 N X 19,974 18,359 33,192 41,086 333111X Undistributed farm machinery and equipment 2014 N X 18,537 17,747 36,319 39,269

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NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods333112 Lawn and garden tractors and home lawn and garden equipment 2015 8,554,375 1.7 1,465,479 1,344,555 1,188,659 1,271,688 333112 Lawn and garden tractors and home lawn and garden equipment 2014 7,995,795 0.9 1,593,883 1,466,101 1,068,238 1,151,883 3331121 Consumer nonriding lawn, garden, and snow equipment 2015 3,726,097 3.8 468,850 392,028 783,437 874,594 3331121 Consumer nonriding lawn, garden, and snow equipment 2014 3,529,879 2.0 563,982 477,776 699,846 796,754 3331123 Consumer riding lawn, garden, and snow equipment 2015 2,534,554 1.0 656,887 636,968 4,208 4,208 3331123 Consumer riding lawn, garden, and snow equipment 2014 2,823,163 0.3 709,689 694,807 6,750 6,750 3331127 Parts and attachments for consumer lawn, garden, and snow equipment 2015 2,009,126 0.9 289,069 270,079 304,693 296,481 3331127 Parts and attachments for consumer lawn, garden, and snow equipment 2014 1,472,953 0.9 253,699 237,683 276,333 263,438 333112W Lawn and garden tractors and home lawn and garden equipment, nsk, total 2015 284,598 0.0 N N N N 333112W Lawn and garden tractors and home lawn and garden equipment, nsk, total 2014 169,799 0.0 N N N N 333112X Undistributed lawn and garden tractors and home lawn and garden equipment 2015 N X 50,671 45,479 96,320 96,403 333112X Undistributed lawn and garden tractors and home lawn and garden equipment 2014 N X 66,511 55,834 85,307 84,939 333120 Construction machinery 2015 29,395,846 1.2 14,007,012 11,944,971 17,874,922 17,924,330 333120 Construction machinery 2014 32,677,675 1.1 17,308,331 14,964,791 17,875,153 17,937,832 3331201 Power cranes, excavation loaders, dozers, construction tractors, off-highway trucks and trail 2015 21,499,226 1.3 9,511,867 8,200,321 12,100,309 12,237,063 3331201 Power cranes, excavation loaders, dozers, construction tractors, off-highway trucks and trail 2014 24,767,370 1.2 12,127,757 10,558,219 11,780,032 11,911,355 3331208 Other construction machinery and equipment (excluding parts) 2015 4,496,959 4.0 415,574 380,569 690,732 689,530 3331208 Other construction machinery and equipment (excluding parts) 2014 4,420,957 4.4 504,708 463,997 569,684 569,819 3331209 Parts for construction machinery and equipment, sold separately 2015 2,666,992 2.6 3,939,772 3,232,442 4,894,529 4,808,385 3331209 Parts for construction machinery and equipment, sold separately 2014 2,869,459 2.2 4,503,910 3,781,354 5,365,940 5,297,161 333120W Construction machinery, nsk, total 2015 732,668 13.3 N N N N 333120W Construction machinery, nsk, total 2014 619,889 15.9 N N N N 333120X Undistributed construction machinery 2015 N X 139,797 131,637 189,350 189,350 333120X Undistributed construction machinery 2014 N X 171,955 161,220 159,495 159,495 333131 Mining machinery and equipment 2015 4,363,970 3.0 2,627,422 2,378,858 1,242,925 1,249,179 333131 Mining machinery and equipment 2014 4,845,123 2.4 3,533,368 3,293,695 1,291,182 1,294,779 3331311 Underground mining machinery (excluding parts sold separately) 2015 1,757,854 5.8 N N N N 3331311 Underground mining machinery (excluding parts sold separately) 2014 1,969,663 5.0 N N N N 3331313 Mineral processing and beneficiation machinery (excluding parts sold separately) 2015 230,947 6.9 N N N N 3331313 Mineral processing and beneficiation machinery (excluding parts sold separately) 2014 152,271 6.3 N N N N 3331315 Crushing, pulverizing, and screening machinery (excluding parts sold separately and portab 2015 696,720 4.9 291,090 267,081 147,248 147,028 3331315 Crushing, pulverizing, and screening machinery (excluding parts sold separately and portab 2014 785,777 4.1 419,256 392,660 147,667 147,447 3331317 Drills and other mining machinery (excluding parts sold separately) 2015 268,508 5.9 710,849 642,202 365,354 371,675 3331317 Drills and other mining machinery (excluding parts sold separately) 2014 217,352 7.2 869,064 827,142 358,590 362,620 3331319 Parts and attachments for mining machinery and equipment (sold separately) 2015 1,227,948 5.8 1,176,296 1,090,767 591,791 591,975 3331319 Parts and attachments for mining machinery and equipment (sold separately) 2014 1,539,216 3.2 1,695,280 1,566,796 679,886 679,876 333131W Mining machinery and equipment, nsk, total 2015 181,993 0.5 N N N N 333131W Mining machinery and equipment, nsk, total 2014 180,844 0.8 N N N N 333131X Undistributed mining machinery and equipment 2015 N X 449,186 378,806 138,530 138,500 333131X Undistributed mining machinery and equipment 2014 N X 549,766 507,096 105,038 104,834 333132 Oil and gas field machinery and equipment 2015 18,029,317 3.0 5,990,361 5,730,198 1,205,779 1,197,945 333132 Oil and gas field machinery and equipment 2014 25,594,258 1.8 8,186,705 7,820,125 1,730,229 1,716,786 3331321 Rotary oil and gas field drilling machinery and equipment 2015 8,253,211 3.4 248,993 242,551 57,323 57,323 3331321 Rotary oil and gas field drilling machinery and equipment 2014 11,434,351 1.1 363,634 359,046 56,991 56,983 3331323 Other oil and gas field drilling machinery and equipment 2015 2,556,429 16.4 N N N N 3331323 Other oil and gas field drilling machinery and equipment 2014 3,108,201 12.0 N N N N 3331325 Oil and gas field production machinery and equipment (excluding pumps) 2015 5,640,057 2.4 N N N N 3331325 Oil and gas field production machinery and equipment (excluding pumps) 2014 7,877,029 2.7 N N N N 3331327 Portable drilling rigs and parts (above ground) 2015 697,879 5.5 N N N N 3331327 Portable drilling rigs and parts (above ground) 2014 1,676,385 2.1 N N N N 3331329 Oil and gas field derricks and well surveying machinery 2015 364,311 7.5 N N N N 3331329 Oil and gas field derricks and well surveying machinery 2014 622,597 3.6 N N N N 333132W Oil and gas field machinery and equipment, nsk, total 2015 517,429 18.1 N N N N 333132W Oil and gas field machinery and equipment, nsk, total 2014 875,695 10.5 N N N N 333132X Undistributed oil and gas field machinery and equipment 2015 N X 5,741,368 5,487,647 1,148,456 1,140,622 333132X Undistributed oil and gas field machinery and equipment 2014 N X 7,823,071 7,461,079 1,673,237 1,659,803

Page 64

NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods333241 Food product machinery 2015 4,669,532 3.7 1,216,849 1,133,720 1,378,873 1,379,145 333241 Food product machinery 2014 4,716,144 3.2 1,250,580 1,173,455 1,376,902 1,376,319 3332411 Dairy and milk products plant machinery and equipment (excluding bottling and packaging) 2015 775,128 8.5 40,176 39,304 21,007 21,007 3332411 Dairy and milk products plant machinery and equipment (excluding bottling and packaging) 2014 840,953 8.4 36,481 35,296 15,906 15,906 3332413 Commercial food products machinery (excluding packaging machinery and food cooking an 2015 1,531,172 4.8 385,386 357,221 463,330 463,278 3332413 Commercial food products machinery (excluding packaging machinery and food cooking an 2014 1,536,605 4.3 379,446 359,820 459,482 459,165 3332415 Industrial machinery and equipment for manufacturing or processing foods, beverages, and 2015 2,117,221 5.9 368,925 342,067 608,827 608,501 3332415 Industrial machinery and equipment for manufacturing or processing foods, beverages, and 2014 2,100,133 4.7 414,874 385,121 630,442 630,397 333241W Food product machiney, nsk, total 2015 246,011 27.0 N N N N 333241W Food product machiney, nsk, total 2014 238,452 27.8 N N N N 333241X Undistributed food product machinery 2015 N X 422,359 395,127 285,707 286,358 333241X Undistributed food product machinery 2014 N X 419,778 393,216 271,072 270,850 333242 Semiconductor machinery 2015 5,776,982 1.1 12,210,375 11,289,673 10,463,472 10,477,396 333242 Semiconductor machinery 2014 6,969,793 0.8 11,067,226 10,084,945 13,329,331 13,128,256 3332420 Semiconductor machinery (excluding furnaces and ovens, instruments, and photographics) 2015 5,776,982 1.1 12,210,375 11,289,673 10,463,472 10,477,396 3332420 Semiconductor machinery (excluding furnaces and ovens, instruments, and photographics) 2014 6,969,793 0.8 11,067,226 10,084,945 13,329,331 13,128,256 333243 Sawmill, woodworking, and paper machinery 2015 3,185,765 3.2 927,047 793,023 2,370,315 2,368,037 333243 Sawmill, woodworking, and paper machinery 2014 3,145,915 3.2 1,043,779 898,030 2,169,597 2,166,595 3332431 Woodworking machinery, including parts, attachments, and accessories, excluding for home 2015 752,453 8.5 145,313 114,402 745,227 742,923 3332431 Woodworking machinery, including parts, attachments, and accessories, excluding for home 2014 704,545 9.8 168,532 134,798 719,827 718,345 3332434 Woodworking machinery for home workshops, garages, and service shops (excluding chain 2015 32,287 3.1 23,878 5,187 284,347 284,810 3332434 Woodworking machinery for home workshops, garages, and service shops (excluding chain 2014 30,833 1.9 32,798 8,762 259,990 259,774 3332435 Paper industry machinery 2015 1,294,236 4.8 312,330 279,003 836,158 836,149 3332435 Paper industry machinery 2014 1,342,333 4.1 354,799 312,845 720,914 720,946 3332436 Parts and attachments for paper industry machinery (sold separately) 2015 824,076 4.8 445,524 394,429 504,582 504,154 3332436 Parts and attachments for paper industry machinery (sold separately) 2014 819,048 4.5 487,649 441,624 468,865 467,528 333243W Sawmill, woodworking, and paper machinery, nsk, total 2015 282,713 9.3 N N N N 333243W Sawmill, woodworking, and paper machinery, nsk, total 2014 249,156 10.4 N N N N333244 Printing machinery and equipment 2015 1,741,996 6.1 834,545 707,321 1,702,836 1,782,460 333244 Printing machinery and equipment 2014 1,738,272 5.5 919,015 765,822 1,708,114 1,776,113 3332442 Printing presses, all types 2015 506,662 12.0 490,925 432,265 681,736 681,631 3332442 Printing presses, all types 2014 567,915 7.9 548,321 466,268 658,260 658,151 3332447 Binding machinery and equipment (including paper cutting, collating, and gathering machine 2015 132,902 38.1 15,426 11,499 98,307 98,297 3332447 Binding machinery and equipment (including paper cutting, collating, and gathering machine 2014 141,376 33.6 25,390 19,408 89,871 89,871 333244A All other miscellaneous printing trades machinery, including typesetting machinery (excludin 2015 976,224 2.9 328,193 263,556 922,793 1,002,531 333244A All other miscellaneous printing trades machinery, including typesetting machinery (excludin 2014 906,934 3.0 345,303 280,144 959,983 1,028,090 333244W Printing machinery and equipment, nsk, total 2015 126,208 s 52.1 s N N N N 333244W Printing machinery and equipment, nsk, total 2014 122,048 s 52.6 s N N N N

Page 65

NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods333249 Other industrial machinery 2015 13,610,879 2.3 4,132,073 3,610,957 6,772,897 6,747,686 333249 Other industrial machinery 2014 13,033,846 2.5 4,486,075 3,998,160 6,071,901 6,062,616 3332491 Plastics-working machinery and equipment and parts, excluding patterns and molds 2015 2,476,459 5.1 1,428,538 1,217,683 2,529,935 2,518,327 3332491 Plastics-working machinery and equipment and parts, excluding patterns and molds 2014 2,472,078 5.4 1,540,602 1,329,613 2,333,722 2,328,889 3332493 Rubber-working machinery and equipment and parts, excluding tire molds 2015 380,862 3.8 232,226 191,860 559,523 559,386 3332493 Rubber-working machinery and equipment and parts, excluding tire molds 2014 400,725 3.6 251,690 221,948 447,842 447,558 3332495 Textile machinery, excluding parts, attachments, and accessories 2015 454,835 4.7 455,687 396,451 1,239,568 1,238,155 3332495 Textile machinery, excluding parts, attachments, and accessories 2014 406,470 4.9 510,600 442,329 1,222,751 1,222,719 3332497 Parts, attachments, and accessories for textile machinery 2015 196,674 3.7 180,771 148,480 248,944 248,906 3332497 Parts, attachments, and accessories for textile machinery 2014 180,782 2.3 186,407 156,878 246,890 246,829 3332499 Chemical manufacturing machinery, equipment, and parts 2015 1,385,731 7.8 N N N N 3332499 Chemical manufacturing machinery, equipment, and parts 2014 1,398,203 8.4 N N N N 333249A Foundry machinery and equipment, excluding patterns and molds 2015 460,335 8.4 159,196 153,389 159,942 152,883 333249A Foundry machinery and equipment, excluding patterns and molds 2014 516,198 6.9 146,651 142,314 136,862 136,856 333249C Printed circuit board manufacturing machinery and parts, accessories, and attachments exc 2015 484,673 3.1 N N N N 333249C Printed circuit board manufacturing machinery and parts, accessories, and attachments exc 2014 502,722 1.5 N N N N 333249F All other miscellaneous special industry machinery and equipment and parts 2015 6,048,014 3.4 1,619,687 1,457,530 1,645,035 1,640,242 333249F All other miscellaneous special industry machinery and equipment and parts 2014 5,829,613 3.7 1,803,827 1,663,146 1,274,656 1,271,190 333249W Other industrial machinery, nsk, total 2015 1,723,296 9.9 N N N N 333249W Other industrial machinery, nsk, total 2014 1,327,056 11.8 N N N N 333249X Undistributed other industrial machinery 2015 N X 55,965 45,559 389,947 389,784 333249X Undistributed other industrial machinery 2014 N X 46,297 41,930 409,176 408,571 333314 Optical instruments and lens 2015 4,371,315 3.0 4,399,523 3,604,672 4,983,395 4,986,848 333314 Optical instruments and lens 2014 4,043,932 3.0 4,448,884 3,594,511 5,052,670 4,998,329 3333141 Sighting, tracking, and fire-control equipment, optical-type 2015 2,481,076 2.9 N N 219,688 222,938 3333141 Sighting, tracking, and fire-control equipment, optical-type 2014 2,054,548 3.2 N N 187,227 186,257 3333143 All other miscellaneous optical instruments and lenses (including binoculars and astronomic 2015 1,762,800 6.3 4,399,523 3,604,672 4,763,707 4,763,909 3333143 All other miscellaneous optical instruments and lenses (including binoculars and astronomic 2014 1,880,126 5.3 4,448,884 3,594,511 4,865,442 4,812,071 333314W Optical instruments and lens, nsk, total 2015 127,440 2.6 N N N N 333314W Optical instruments and lens, nsk, total 2014 109,257 3.0 N N N N333316 Photographic and photocopying equipment 2015 1,652,855 5.4 2,259,514 1,787,666 1,372,139 1,430,306 333316 Photographic and photocopying equipment 2014 1,597,869 5.1 2,456,677 1,970,314 1,312,529 1,329,978 3333161 Still picture photographic equipment, excluding digital 2015 387,471 17.0 1,723,350 1,379,316 910,215 897,240 3333161 Still picture photographic equipment, excluding digital 2014 423,060 14.1 1,811,166 1,483,827 796,742 781,681 3333162 Digital cameras 2015 248,532 2.0 N N N N 3333162 Digital cameras 2014 179,539 2.8 N N N N 3333163 Photocopying equipment, including diffusion transfer, dye transfer, electrostatic, light and he 2015 396,188 0.0 306,769 216,654 201,681 270,685 3333163 Photocopying equipment, including diffusion transfer, dye transfer, electrostatic, light and he 2014 399,871 0.0 364,268 248,656 213,043 246,477 3333164 Motion picture and all other photographic and photocopying equipment 2015 437,705 13.4 229,394 191,696 260,243 262,379 3333164 Motion picture and all other photographic and photocopying equipment 2014 455,653 12.3 281,243 237,830 302,743 301,820 333316W Photographic and photocopying equipment, nsk, total 2015 182,959 2.0 N N N N 333316W Photographic and photocopying equipment, nsk, total 2014 139,746 2.4 N N N N

Page 66

NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods333318 Other commercial and service industry machinery 2015 17,851,096 2.6 2,696,719 2,321,440 3,412,235 3,405,476 333318 Other commercial and service industry machinery 2014 17,882,068 2.0 2,807,974 2,417,466 3,294,289 3,296,249 3333181 Automatic merchandising machines, coin-operated (vending) (excluding money changing m 2015 880,285 17.1 N N N N 3333181 Automatic merchandising machines, coin-operated (vending) (excluding money changing m 2014 333,154 10.4 N N N N 3333182 Automatic merchandising machines and parts, including coin-operated mechanisms, exclud 2015 401,490 5.4 N N N N 3333182 Automatic merchandising machines and parts, including coin-operated mechanisms, exclud 2014 426,926 5.6 N N N N 3333183 Currency handling machines and parts, including money changing and dispensing machines 2015 167,521 0.1 N N N N 3333183 Currency handling machines and parts, including money changing and dispensing machines 2014 162,008 0.1 N N N N 3333185 Commercial laundry, drycleaning, and pressing machines (including coin-operated, parts, at 2015 872,159 8.0 69,328 62,850 107,462 106,739 3333185 Commercial laundry, drycleaning, and pressing machines (including coin-operated, parts, at 2014 849,382 8.9 66,182 62,118 99,706 99,701 3333187 Mailing, letter handling, and addressing machines, excluding parts and attachments 2015 604,637 21.5 63,717 59,518 64,780 64,780 3333187 Mailing, letter handling, and addressing machines, excluding parts and attachments 2014 831,886 15.4 69,919 64,182 64,283 64,283 3333188 Other office machinery, excluding parts and attachments 2015 320,849 9.6 216,437 120,462 778,820 780,354 3333188 Other office machinery, excluding parts and attachments 2014 301,662 5.9 221,589 134,789 792,955 796,705 3333189 Parts and attachments for office machines 2015 58,198 8.4 361,397 256,314 546,347 541,613 3333189 Parts and attachments for office machines 2014 63,259 6.7 447,158 320,922 476,762 475,846 333318A Commercial cooking and food-warming equipment and parts and accessories 2015 3,083,530 5.0 927,075 860,563 673,063 669,098 333318A Commercial cooking and food-warming equipment and parts and accessories 2014 3,328,208 2.9 898,968 838,666 680,297 680,510 333318C Commercial and industrial vacuum cleaners (including parts and attachments) 2015 442,543 13.0 N N N N 333318C Commercial and industrial vacuum cleaners (including parts and attachments) 2014 468,140 11.7 N N N N 333318F Automotive maintenance equipment (excluding handtools) (sold separately) 2015 1,095,002 12.6 97,088 80,184 65,143 65,143 333318F Automotive maintenance equipment (excluding handtools) (sold separately) 2014 996,177 13.1 109,115 88,534 61,329 61,329 333318H Electronic teaching machines, teaching aids, trainers, and simulators (including kits) 2015 3,391,306 4.3 238,408 228,102 200,667 200,667 333318H Electronic teaching machines, teaching aids, trainers, and simulators (including kits) 2014 3,680,460 3.7 269,197 251,157 223,939 223,939 333318J Miscellaneous machinery products (including flexible metal hose and tubing, metal bellows, 2015 4,424,634 3.9 597,216 536,068 812,557 813,686 333318J Miscellaneous machinery products (including flexible metal hose and tubing, metal bellows, 2014 4,743,153 2.8 587,625 526,395 763,953 762,945 333318W Other commercial and service industry machinery, nsk, total 2015 2,108,941 13.0 N N N N 333318W Other commercial and service industry machinery, nsk, total 2014 1,697,653 11.7 N N N N 333318X Undistributed other commercial and service industry machinery 2015 N X 126,049 117,376 163,392 163,392 333318X Undistributed other commercial and service industry machinery 2014 N X 138,218 130,699 131,060 130,988 333413 Industrial and commercial fans and blowers and air purification equipment 2015 5,866,057 3.5 1,546,874 1,305,261 2,270,677 2,317,926 333413 Industrial and commercial fans and blowers and air purification equipment 2014 6,079,367 3.2 1,622,696 1,345,840 2,162,609 2,217,753 3334131 Industrial and commercial fans and blowers 2015 2,562,838 5.0 1,016,480 817,672 1,513,496 1,567,227 3334131 Industrial and commercial fans and blowers 2014 2,619,073 4.2 1,047,918 824,510 1,419,812 1,479,272 3334132 Dust collection and other air purification equipment for industrial gas cleaning systems 2015 1,423,745 6.8 150,962 146,109 87,544 80,434 3334132 Dust collection and other air purification equipment for industrial gas cleaning systems 2014 1,451,045 5.9 167,768 161,962 66,922 66,903 3334133 Dust collection and other air purification equipment for cleaning incoming air 2015 1,481,865 5.4 379,432 341,479 669,636 670,263 3334133 Dust collection and other air purification equipment for cleaning incoming air 2014 1,567,502 5.2 407,010 359,367 675,875 671,578 333413W Industrial and commercial fans and blowers and air purification equipment, nsk, total 2015 397,609 26.2 N N N N 333413W Industrial and commercial fans and blowers and air purification equipment, nsk, total 2014 441,747 23.6 N N N N333414 Heating equipment (except warm air furnaces) 2015 4,501,892 5.3 868,785 798,265 1,296,885 1,293,371 333414 Heating equipment (except warm air furnaces) 2014 4,418,150 4.9 901,390 840,102 1,301,647 1,300,023 3334141 Cast iron heating boilers, radiators, and convectors (excluding electric, automotive, and part 2015 592,047 6.2 844 804 7,849 7,849 3334141 Cast iron heating boilers, radiators, and convectors (excluding electric, automotive, and part 2014 636,005 4.8 1,705 1,663 6,417 6,417 3334143 Domestic heating stoves (excluding electric and parts) 2015 946,578 11.3 11,976 10,913 792,727 791,782 3334143 Domestic heating stoves (excluding electric and parts) 2014 835,483 11.1 12,922 12,581 778,399 777,286 3334145 Steel heating boilers (15 psi or less), and all other hot water heating boilers (excluding parts 2015 346,626 23.6 116,612 105,104 311,058 308,698 3334145 Steel heating boilers (15 psi or less), and all other hot water heating boilers (excluding parts 2014 368,881 19.7 127,292 115,163 335,933 335,544 3334147 Floor and wall furnaces, unit heaters, gas-fired infrared heaters, and mechanical stokers (inc 2015 522,066 9.4 534,751 483,151 58,101 57,951 3334147 Floor and wall furnaces, unit heaters, gas-fired infrared heaters, and mechanical stokers (inc 2014 528,326 8.1 543,129 501,678 52,973 52,967 333414A Other heating equipment, excluding industrial types (including parts for nonelectric heating e 2015 1,651,144 7.5 204,600 198,291 127,149 127,089 333414A Other heating equipment, excluding industrial types (including parts for nonelectric heating e 2014 1,598,820 7.4 216,340 209,015 127,923 127,807 333414W Heating equipment (except warm air furnaces), nsk, total 2015 443,432 31.0 N N N N 333414W Heating equipment (except warm air furnaces), nsk, total 2014 450,634 28.2 N N N N

Page 67

NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods333415 Air-conditioning and warm air heating equipment and commercial and industrial refrig 2015 31,575,743 1.8 5,781,764 5,121,948 9,734,997 9,651,170 333415 Air-conditioning and warm air heating equipment and commercial and industrial refrig 2014 29,827,461 1.6 5,564,046 5,018,748 9,674,371 9,612,976 3334152 Heat transfer equipment (excluding electrically operated dehumidifiers), mechanically refrige 2015 7,523,671 2.5 805,833 751,561 1,211,001 1,209,464 3334152 Heat transfer equipment (excluding electrically operated dehumidifiers), mechanically refrige 2014 6,913,271 2.1 731,990 671,549 969,323 969,383 3334153 Commercial refrigerators and related equipment 2015 3,985,620 2.3 342,356 325,775 696,272 697,077 3334153 Commercial refrigerators and related equipment 2014 3,693,276 1.4 385,310 367,153 676,895 676,307 3334155 Refrigeration condensing units, all refrigerants, excluding ammonia (complete) 2015 1,156,140 23.8 44,737 42,433 67,294 67,293 3334155 Refrigeration condensing units, all refrigerants, excluding ammonia (complete) 2014 1,055,359 25.6 41,398 39,072 47,958 47,958 3334156 Room air conditioners and dehumidifiers, excluding portable dehumidifiers 2015 699,019 14.2 62,326 55,732 130,009 129,865 3334156 Room air conditioners and dehumidifiers, excluding portable dehumidifiers 2014 649,135 15.9 74,715 69,735 106,590 106,356 3334159 All other miscellaneous refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment 2015 1,046,776 2.8 477,897 457,684 97,654 97,487 3334159 All other miscellaneous refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment 2014 1,037,152 2.4 482,839 467,002 83,058 82,717 333415A Compressors and compressor units, all refrigerants, excluding automotive 2015 2,698,911 2.2 889,599 774,884 1,892,792 1,841,395 333415A Compressors and compressor units, all refrigerants, excluding automotive 2014 2,665,277 2.3 803,990 706,127 1,835,658 1,801,874 333415C Warm air furnaces, including duct furnaces and humidifiers, and electric comfort heating 2015 2,314,211 8.4 N N N N 333415C Warm air furnaces, including duct furnaces and humidifiers, and electric comfort heating 2014 2,201,280 8.3 N N N N 333415D Parts and accessories for air-conditioning and heat transfer equipment 2015 1,718,035 3.8 1,366,535 1,127,840 2,288,971 2,243,961 333415D Parts and accessories for air-conditioning and heat transfer equipment 2014 1,659,559 3.9 1,342,939 1,179,216 2,690,492 2,676,268 333415E Unitary air conditioners, excluding air source heat pumps 2015 7,173,909 3.6 912,657 758,279 2,451,463 2,466,018 333415E Unitary air conditioners, excluding air source heat pumps 2014 6,611,466 1.5 921,861 779,653 2,551,834 2,540,395 333415F Air-source heat pumps, excluding room air conditioners 2015 1,394,399 7.0 N N N N 333415F Air-source heat pumps, excluding room air conditioners 2014 1,286,383 3.9 N N N N 333415G Ground and ground water source heat pumps (single and split systems) 2015 270,691 7.0 N N N N 333415G Ground and ground water source heat pumps (single and split systems) 2014 220,982 5.7 N N N N 333415W Air-conditioning and warm air heating equipment and commercial and industrial refrigeration 2015 1,594,361 17.6 N N N N 333415W Air-conditioning and warm air heating equipment and commercial and industrial refrigeration 2014 1,834,322 14.0 N N N N 333415X Undistributed air-conditioning and warm air heating equipment and commercial and industria 2015 N X 879,820 827,755 899,537 898,606 333415X Undistributed air-conditioning and warm air heating equipment and commercial and industria 2014 N X 779,000 739,237 712,560 711,713 333511 Industrial molds 2015 6,295,886 1.4 1,236,880 1,029,900 2,141,118 2,134,106 333511 Industrial molds 2014 6,231,331 1.1 1,110,793 921,995 1,985,220 1,982,987 3335110 Industrial molds and mold boxes 2015 6,295,886 1.4 1,236,880 1,029,900 2,141,118 2,134,106 3335110 Industrial molds and mold boxes 2014 6,231,331 1.1 1,110,793 921,995 1,985,220 1,982,987 333514 Special dies, tools, jigs, and fixtures 2015 8,797,554 1.2 411,265 370,782 789,822 803,319 333514 Special dies, tools, jigs, and fixtures 2014 8,510,039 1.1 400,492 361,451 806,682 798,291 3335140 Special dies, tools, jigs, and fixtures 2015 8,797,554 1.2 411,265 370,782 789,822 803,319 3335140 Special dies, tools, jigs, and fixtures 2014 8,510,039 1.1 400,492 361,451 806,682 798,291 333515 Cutting tools and machine tool accessories 2015 5,112,631 3.0 1,198,426 942,658 2,430,075 2,416,204 333515 Cutting tools and machine tool accessories 2014 5,105,711 2.6 1,291,361 1,000,836 2,565,307 2,550,328 3335151 Cutting tools for machine tools and metalworking machinery 2015 3,770,064 3.2 748,055 573,732 1,554,273 1,544,193 3335151 Cutting tools for machine tools and metalworking machinery 2014 3,758,191 2.7 833,176 629,041 1,668,835 1,655,244 3335153 Other attachments and accessories for machine tools and metalworking machinery 2015 630,937 7.8 394,543 320,240 875,801 872,010 3335153 Other attachments and accessories for machine tools and metalworking machinery 2014 613,720 8.3 401,260 324,885 896,472 895,084 333515W Cutting tools and machine tool accessories, nsk, total 2015 711,630 10.5 N N N N 333515W Cutting tools and machine tool accessories, nsk, total 2014 733,800 9.1 N N N N 333515X Undistributed cutting tools and machine tool accessories 2015 N X 55,828 48,684 N N 333515X Undistributed cutting tools and machine tool accessories 2014 N X 56,925 46,910 N N

Page 68

NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods333517 Machine tools 2015 6,901,268 1.5 4,135,521 3,399,951 7,219,254 7,138,828 333517 Machine tools 2014 7,121,462 1.3 4,378,364 3,614,629 7,361,940 7,347,539 3335171 Metal gear cutting machines 2015 602,074 2.5 35,871 34,968 120,026 120,076 3335171 Metal gear cutting machines 2014 578,391 4.8 55,684 43,395 116,216 116,322 3335172 Metal grinding, polishing, buffing, honing, and lapping machines, excluding gear-tooth grindi 2015 552,492 4.7 206,375 162,482 348,552 347,943 3335172 Metal grinding, polishing, buffing, honing, and lapping machines, excluding gear-tooth grindi 2014 525,861 4.6 254,089 210,456 427,288 427,167 3335173 Metal lathes (turning machines) numerically and nonnumerically controlled 2015 477,499 4.1 280,336 141,151 1,091,616 1,072,236 3335173 Metal lathes (turning machines) numerically and nonnumerically controlled 2014 537,809 3.0 270,706 148,353 1,162,243 1,168,491 3335174 Metal milling machines (excluding machining centers) 2015 107,016 4.5 51,870 38,458 199,138 199,124 3335174 Metal milling machines (excluding machining centers) 2014 119,549 3.9 70,250 51,771 155,029 155,029 3335175 Machine tools for home workshops, laboratories, garages, etc. (metalworking and primarily m 2015 111,679 10.2 449,128 374,230 605,023 592,379 3335175 Machine tools for home workshops, laboratories, garages, etc. (metalworking and primarily m 2014 120,576 7.7 487,637 417,778 589,043 582,240 3335176 Rebuilt metal-cutting machine tools, remanufactured metal-cutting machine tools, and parts 2015 517,068 7.1 684,394 565,953 744,802 741,659 3335176 Rebuilt metal-cutting machine tools, remanufactured metal-cutting machine tools, and parts 2014 542,249 3.4 715,064 599,039 731,420 730,845 3335177 Metal machining centers (multifunction numerically controlled machines) 2015 1,245,107 4.6 617,416 445,573 1,139,098 1,135,363 3335177 Metal machining centers (multifunction numerically controlled machines) 2014 1,360,269 3.5 743,399 548,779 1,322,453 1,315,130 3335178 Metal-station-type machines 2015 78,839 4.0 19,589 18,987 17,467 17,467 3335178 Metal-station-type machines 2014 85,050 4.2 20,263 19,057 8,113 8,113 3335179 Other metal cutting machine tools (excluding those designed primarily for home workshops, 2015 804,329 3.7 30,421 28,849 570,777 569,812 3335179 Other metal cutting machine tools (excluding those designed primarily for home workshops, 2014 846,600 3.4 29,459 27,677 585,568 584,977 333517A Metal boring machines and drilling machines (excluding machining centers) 2015 237,882 2.2 229,151 202,541 316,792 284,509 333517A Metal boring machines and drilling machines (excluding machining centers) 2014 192,132 1.8 202,459 177,953 276,272 276,293 333517B Metal punching and shearing machines (including power and manual) and bending and form 2015 537,875 7.3 365,445 316,204 572,566 567,353 333517B Metal punching and shearing machines (including power and manual) and bending and form 2014 589,422 4.8 413,618 347,444 591,080 591,070 333517C Metalworking presses (excluding forging and die-stamping presses) 2015 235,178 6.7 64,658 55,913 210,175 209,743 333517C Metalworking presses (excluding forging and die-stamping presses) 2014 231,159 8.8 44,770 35,602 247,267 246,764 333517D Other metal forming machine tools, including forging and die-stamping machines (excluding 2015 562,316 5.9 302,241 282,696 319,541 317,465 333517D Other metal forming machine tools, including forging and die-stamping machines (excluding 2014 546,845 6.7 310,417 293,169 314,121 310,850 333517E Parts for metal forming machine tools (sold separately) and rebuilt and remanufactured meta 2015 361,856 4.4 603,709 557,536 690,995 690,651 333517E Parts for metal forming machine tools (sold separately) and rebuilt and remanufactured meta 2014 353,882 3.8 608,373 556,144 654,631 653,055 333517W Machine tools, nsk, total 2015 470,060 4.6 N N N N 333517W Machine tools, nsk, total 2014 491,668 4.3 N N N N 333517X Undistributed machine tools 2015 N X 194,911 174,403 272,681 273,041 333517X Undistributed machine tools 2014 N X 152,168 138,005 181,188 181,187 333519 Rolling mill and other metalworking machinery 2015 3,221,162 3.1 447,103 352,678 682,158 680,774 333519 Rolling mill and other metalworking machinery 2014 3,099,928 3.5 374,191 349,216 639,663 638,455 3335191 Hot rolling mill machinery (including combination hot and cold) (excluding tube rolling) 2015 209,593 14.3 28,028 28,028 7,718 7,718 3335191 Hot rolling mill machinery (including combination hot and cold) (excluding tube rolling) 2014 235,789 12.7 36,487 35,830 13,007 13,007 3335193 Cold rolling mill machinery 2015 52,248 1.4 37,101 19,353 20,450 20,450 3335193 Cold rolling mill machinery 2014 58,480 1.2 16,695 15,863 45,137 45,137 3335197 Assembly machines, including parts and attachments for metalworking assembly machines 2015 1,893,094 3.9 19,417 18,387 71,043 71,043 3335197 Assembly machines, including parts and attachments for metalworking assembly machines 2014 1,667,109 4.0 11,676 10,756 85,432 85,432 3335198 Other rolling mill machinery (including tube mill machinery) and parts for all rolling mill machi 2015 273,947 9.8 127,605 91,361 187,263 187,202 3335198 Other rolling mill machinery (including tube mill machinery) and parts for all rolling mill machi 2014 316,296 9.0 103,378 100,140 203,837 203,772 3335199 Other metalworking machinery and parts and attachments for other metalworking machinery 2015 473,163 5.3 234,950 195,548 395,682 394,360 3335199 Other metalworking machinery and parts and attachments for other metalworking machinery 2014 474,321 4.8 205,953 186,624 292,249 291,105 333519W Rolling mill and other metalworking machinery, nsk, total 2015 319,116 15.3 N N N N 333519W Rolling mill and other metalworking machinery, nsk, total 2014 347,933 20.6 N N N N333611 Turbines and turbine generator set units 2015 16,046,104 0.6 10,293,853 9,680,555 4,305,499 4,311,283 333611 Turbines and turbine generator set units 2014 15,263,055 0.5 10,928,282 10,220,843 3,931,638 4,052,005 3336110 Turbines, turbine generators, and turbine generator sets (including parts) 2015 16,046,104 0.6 10,293,853 9,680,555 4,305,499 4,311,283 3336110 Turbines, turbine generators, and turbine generator sets (including parts) 2014 15,263,055 0.5 10,928,282 10,220,843 3,931,638 4,052,005

Page 69

NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods333612 Speed changers, industrial high-speed drives, and gears 2015 3,206,768 3.9 2,328,995 2,051,192 3,907,556 3,640,310 333612 Speed changers, industrial high-speed drives, and gears 2014 3,482,217 3.5 2,380,366 2,109,820 3,933,139 3,706,699 3336123 Gears 2015 1,387,301 3.7 977,026 841,249 1,931,393 1,801,870 3336123 Gears 2014 1,556,720 2.9 954,853 827,741 1,898,252 1,817,644 3336127 Speed changers and industrial high-speed drives 2015 1,633,700 7.0 1,351,968 1,209,942 1,976,163 1,838,440 3336127 Speed changers and industrial high-speed drives 2014 1,691,106 6.7 1,425,512 1,282,079 2,034,886 1,889,055 333612W Speed changers, industrial high-speed drives, and gears, nsk, total 2015 185,768 0.4 N N N N 333612W Speed changers, industrial high-speed drives, and gears, nsk, total 2014 234,391 0.4 N N N N333613 Mechanical power transmission equipment 2015 3,877,125 2.9 2,492,280 2,195,141 2,302,948 2,126,941 333613 Mechanical power transmission equipment 2014 4,050,735 1.7 2,594,769 2,305,278 2,272,750 2,089,882 3336131 Plain bearings and bushings (excluding engines) 2015 1,256,199 5.5 N N N N 3336131 Plain bearings and bushings (excluding engines) 2014 1,256,058 4.5 N N N N 3336133 Mechanical power transmission equipment and parts, excluding speed changers, drives, ge 2015 2,614,289 3.0 1,339,635 1,133,878 1,769,350 1,640,767 3336133 Mechanical power transmission equipment and parts, excluding speed changers, drives, ge 2014 2,751,409 1.5 1,439,024 1,227,384 1,756,409 1,601,151 333613W Mechanical power transmission equipment, nsk, total 2015 S A N N N N 333613W Mechanical power transmission equipment, nsk, total 2014 43,268 1.8 N N N N 333613X Undistributed mechanical power transmission equipment 2015 N X 1,152,645 1,061,262 533,597 486,173 333613X Undistributed mechanical power transmission equipment 2014 N X 1,155,745 1,077,893 516,341 488,730 333618 Other engine equipment 2015 27,455,200 0.7 12,104,017 11,107,847 13,693,314 12,382,581 333618 Other engine equipment 2014 29,744,741 0.5 14,317,877 13,450,725 13,912,448 12,711,814 3336181 Gasoline and gas-gasoline engines, excluding aircraft, automobile, highway truck, bus, tank 2015 4,756,941 2.4 N N N N 3336181 Gasoline and gas-gasoline engines, excluding aircraft, automobile, highway truck, bus, tank 2014 3,669,859 2.6 N N N N 3336183 Diesel, semidiesel, and dual-fuel engines, excluding automobile, highway truck, bus, and tan 2015 3,708,641 1.6 68,120 59,692 N N 3336183 Diesel, semidiesel, and dual-fuel engines, excluding automobile, highway truck, bus, and tan 2014 5,365,428 0.4 107,175 90,576 N N 3336185 Diesel, semidiesel, and dual-fuel engines for automobiles, highway trucks, and buses 2015 10,398,008 0.2 3,414,271 3,343,187 3,555,996 2,534,492 3336185 Diesel, semidiesel, and dual-fuel engines for automobiles, highway trucks, and buses 2014 11,297,135 0.3 4,694,109 4,631,683 3,629,281 2,790,097 3336189 Piston-type natural gas engines, including liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) engines, excluding 2015 1,101,615 0.0 2,724,966 2,478,166 7,066,221 6,746,330 3336189 Piston-type natural gas engines, including liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) engines, excluding 2014 1,293,120 0.0 3,487,823 3,350,803 7,326,652 6,999,816 333618B All other miscellaneous engine equipment 2015 1,654,016 6.5 1,277,149 1,147,912 1,779,193 1,790,402 333618B All other miscellaneous engine equipment 2014 1,416,764 5.3 1,138,528 1,067,169 1,741,610 1,742,162 333618F Parts and accessories for internal combustion engines, excluding aircraft and gas automotiv 2015 5,421,390 1.1 4,605,211 4,065,205 136,415 124,958 333618F Parts and accessories for internal combustion engines, excluding aircraft and gas automotiv 2014 6,267,231 0.8 4,876,993 4,297,508 101,880 97,651 333618W Other engine equipment, nsk, total 2015 414,588 8.6 N N N N 333618W Other engine equipment, nsk, total 2014 435,203 8.7 N N N N 333618X Undistributed other engine equipment 2015 N X 14,296 13,682 1,155,488 1,186,398 333618X Undistributed other engine equipment 2014 N X 13,247 12,984 1,113,023 1,082,086 333911 Pump and pumping equipment 2015 14,520,961 2.0 5,143,486 4,629,787 4,732,000 4,632,715 333911 Pump and pumping equipment 2014 15,579,673 1.9 5,935,686 5,350,706 5,324,764 5,232,952 3339112 Domestic water systems (pumps for farm and home use), excluding irrigation pumps 2015 1,613,426 6.4 9,451 9,316 10,262 10,262 3339112 Domestic water systems (pumps for farm and home use), excluding irrigation pumps 2014 1,747,473 5.9 8,658 8,438 8,065 8,065 3339113 Domestic sump pumps (1 hp or less), including value of drivers 2015 183,114 0.1 N N N N 3339113 Domestic sump pumps (1 hp or less), including value of drivers 2014 182,790 0.1 N N N N 3339114 Oil-well and oil-field pumps, including value of drivers (excluding boiler feed) 2015 2,591,499 3.1 666,455 654,580 305,739 305,739 3339114 Oil-well and oil-field pumps, including value of drivers (excluding boiler feed) 2014 2,992,921 2.9 983,813 935,528 698,495 698,490 3339116 Industrial pumps, including value of drivers (excluding hydraulic fluid power pumps, automot 2015 5,412,028 3.1 2,492,655 2,216,409 2,258,319 2,230,683 3339116 Industrial pumps, including value of drivers (excluding hydraulic fluid power pumps, automot 2014 5,644,395 2.6 2,803,297 2,493,129 2,185,700 2,174,293 3339117 Other pumps 2015 1,559,084 7.7 N N N N 3339117 Other pumps 2014 1,737,552 7.4 N N N N 3339118 Parts and attachments for pumps and pumping equipment, excluding hydraulic fluid power, 2015 2,054,937 2.9 1,435,989 1,270,210 1,699,864 1,635,276 3339118 Parts and attachments for pumps and pumping equipment, excluding hydraulic fluid power, 2014 2,201,015 2.6 1,632,267 1,461,927 2,017,666 1,960,210 333911W Pump and pumping equipment, nsk, total 2015 1,106,874 14.2 N N N N 333911W Pump and pumping equipment, nsk, total 2014 1,073,528 14.7 N N N N 333911X Undistributed pump and pumping equipment 2015 N X 538,934 479,270 457,815 450,753 333911X Undistributed pump and pumping equipment 2014 N X 507,648 451,682 414,836 391,892

Page 70

NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods333912 Air and gas compressors 2015 10,291,745 2.0 5,832,388 5,240,716 5,543,498 5,404,478 333912 Air and gas compressors 2014 10,650,108 2.1 6,821,403 6,197,181 5,700,087 5,590,417 3339121 Air and gas compressors and vacuum pumps, including value of drivers 2015 7,061,927 2.4 3,059,965 2,725,202 2,739,735 2,638,939 3339121 Air and gas compressors and vacuum pumps, including value of drivers 2014 7,334,139 2.5 3,819,221 3,457,365 2,835,011 2,762,715 3339125 Parts and attachments for air and gas compressors and vacuum pumps (excluding refrigera 2015 1,305,900 5.4 1,063,036 946,958 992,561 978,596 3339125 Parts and attachments for air and gas compressors and vacuum pumps (excluding refrigera 2014 1,384,272 8.3 1,215,274 1,096,386 1,014,659 1,007,862 3339127 Industrial spraying equipment and parts and attachments for industrial spraying equipment, 2015 1,452,741 2.2 1,709,386 1,568,555 1,811,201 1,786,941 3339127 Industrial spraying equipment and parts and attachments for industrial spraying equipment, 2014 1,427,948 2.0 1,786,907 1,643,429 1,850,416 1,819,839 333912W Air and gas compressors, nsk, total 2015 471,177 15.9 N N N N 333912W Air and gas compressors, nsk, total 2014 503,749 12.8 N N N N333913 Measuring and dispensing pumps 2015 1,430,024 1.9 433,469 411,987 162,844 162,777 333913 Measuring and dispensing pumps 2014 1,293,444 2.1 435,363 414,588 132,870 132,472 3339130 Measuring and dispensing pumps and parts and attachments 2015 1,430,024 1.9 433,469 411,987 162,844 162,777 3339130 Measuring and dispensing pumps and parts and attachments 2014 1,293,444 2.1 435,363 414,588 132,870 132,472 333921 Elevators and moving stairways 2015 2,511,708 3.4 422,917 397,068 535,493 540,460 333921 Elevators and moving stairways 2014 2,470,882 3.6 439,220 415,112 494,377 493,180 3339211 Elevators and moving stairways 2015 2,083,357 3.5 306,604 295,565 222,332 221,416 3339211 Elevators and moving stairways 2014 1,985,446 3.9 312,103 302,091 221,689 221,232 3339213 Parts and attachments for elevators and moving stairways (sold separately) 2015 360,002 12.5 116,313 101,502 313,160 319,043 3339213 Parts and attachments for elevators and moving stairways (sold separately) 2014 428,318 9.9 127,116 113,021 272,688 271,948 333921W Elevators and moving stairways, nsk, total 2015 68,348 1.8 N N N N 333921W Elevators and moving stairways, nsk, total 2014 57,118 2.2 N N N N333922 Conveyors and conveying equipment 2015 8,616,512 2.6 1,240,962 1,156,995 1,812,537 1,805,106 333922 Conveyors and conveying equipment 2014 8,269,977 2.5 1,267,022 1,187,448 1,582,100 1,581,715 3339221 Unit handling conveyors and conveying systems (excluding hoists and farm elevators) 2015 4,330,910 3.7 620,750 587,301 785,945 783,571 3339221 Unit handling conveyors and conveying systems (excluding hoists and farm elevators) 2014 3,941,910 3.0 684,759 642,553 726,725 726,460 3339223 Parts, attachments, and accessories for unit handling conveyors and conveying systems (so 2015 898,981 5.8 N N N N 3339223 Parts, attachments, and accessories for unit handling conveyors and conveying systems (so 2014 960,842 9.6 N N N N 3339228 Bulk material handling conveyors and conveying systems 2015 2,188,074 3.8 227,469 207,088 383,541 383,034 3339228 Bulk material handling conveyors and conveying systems 2014 2,147,307 3.6 221,093 207,082 293,526 293,483 3339229 Parts, attachments, and accessories for bulk material handling conveyors and conveying sy 2015 786,327 6.2 392,742 362,605 643,049 638,500 3339229 Parts, attachments, and accessories for bulk material handling conveyors and conveying sy 2014 824,479 5.7 361,168 337,812 561,848 561,771 333922W Conveyors and conveying equipment, nsk, total 2015 412,221 25.4 N N N N 333922W Conveyors and conveying equipment, nsk, total 2014 395,438 26.5 N N N N333923 Overhead traveling cranes, hoists, and monorail systems 2015 6,812,634 1.7 1,307,294 1,192,291 941,769 939,743 333923 Overhead traveling cranes, hoists, and monorail systems 2014 7,275,699 1.6 1,364,532 1,245,887 853,176 850,977 3339231 Hoists and parts and attachments for hoists (sold separately) 2015 747,834 4.8 210,169 151,399 315,940 315,767 3339231 Hoists and parts and attachments for hoists (sold separately) 2014 784,541 4.4 242,462 173,533 336,064 335,339 3339233 Overhead traveling cranes and monorail systems (excluding construction power cranes), an 2015 1,026,618 9.9 159,910 149,403 317,286 317,298 3339233 Overhead traveling cranes and monorail systems (excluding construction power cranes), an 2014 1,141,908 8.9 103,993 96,827 194,665 194,462 3339237 Winches, aerial work platforms, automotive wrecker hoists, and parts 2015 4,865,736 0.8 937,214 891,487 308,542 306,677 3339237 Winches, aerial work platforms, automotive wrecker hoists, and parts 2014 5,190,954 0.8 1,018,077 975,526 322,446 321,175 333923W Overhead traveling cranes, hoists, and monorail systems, nsk, total 2015 172,445 0.1 N N N N 333923W Overhead traveling cranes, hoists, and monorail systems, nsk, total 2014 158,296 0.6 N N N N333924 Industrial trucks, tractors, trailers, and stacker machinery 2015 8,895,674 0.6 2,951,583 2,718,672 3,928,613 4,090,757 333924 Industrial trucks, tractors, trailers, and stacker machinery 2014 9,029,402 0.6 3,126,369 2,880,433 3,976,905 4,142,673 3339242 Industrial trucks, tractors, mobile straddle carriers and cranes, and automatic stacking mach 2015 6,962,933 0.6 2,418,777 2,243,668 2,615,970 2,899,572 3339242 Industrial trucks, tractors, mobile straddle carriers and cranes, and automatic stacking mach 2014 6,964,187 0.6 2,507,379 2,311,571 2,601,044 2,888,497 3339243 Parts and attachments for industrial trucks and tractors (sold separately) 2015 1,831,812 1.3 532,805 475,004 1,312,643 1,191,185 3339243 Parts and attachments for industrial trucks and tractors (sold separately) 2014 1,965,204 1.2 618,990 568,862 1,375,861 1,254,175 333924W Industrial trucks, tractors, trailers, and stacker machinery, nsk, total 2015 100,929 7.9 N N N N 333924W Industrial trucks, tractors, trailers, and stacker machinery, nsk, total 2014 100,011 8.0 N N N N

Page 71

NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods333991 Power-driven handtools 2015 3,046,163 3.8 1,262,744 848,245 4,538,403 4,699,094 333991 Power-driven handtools 2014 3,039,091 3.8 1,398,528 1,005,486 4,065,774 4,269,919 3339911 Power-driven handtools, pneumatic, hydraulic, and power-actuated 2015 980,701 8.2 556,482 408,289 1,600,598 1,569,295 3339911 Power-driven handtools, pneumatic, hydraulic, and power-actuated 2014 963,632 8.6 622,393 467,520 1,481,206 1,449,421 3339913 Power-driven handtools, internal combustion engine driven (including parts) 2015 1,177,771 0.0 N N N N 3339913 Power-driven handtools, internal combustion engine driven (including parts) 2014 1,186,958 0.0 N N N N 3339917 Power-driven handtools, battery-powered (cordless), including parts 2015 270,715 11.4 206,233 185,047 274,936 440,545 3339917 Power-driven handtools, battery-powered (cordless), including parts 2014 374,796 7.0 286,331 264,665 287,457 493,176 3339919 Power-driven handtools, electric (excluding battery-powered), including parts 2015 405,502 6.0 258,057 94,785 2,531,036 2,557,597 3339919 Power-driven handtools, electric (excluding battery-powered), including parts 2014 481,336 6.1 232,459 101,635 2,147,615 2,177,865 333991W Power-driven handtools, nsk, total 2015 211,475 33.7 N N N N 333991W Power-driven handtools, nsk, total 2014 S A N N N N 333991X Undistributed power-driven handtools 2015 N X 241,971 160,122 131,832 131,656 333991X Undistributed power-driven handtools 2014 N X 257,344 171,664 149,495 149,455 333992 Welding and soldering equipment 2015 4,996,971 2.6 1,379,649 1,213,831 1,427,994 1,430,534 333992 Welding and soldering equipment 2014 5,235,422 2.3 1,608,893 1,366,176 1,309,328 1,280,013 3339921 Arc welding machines, components, and accessories, excluding electrodes and stud weldin 2015 1,747,712 4.3 180,142 168,140 144,686 145,151 3339921 Arc welding machines, components, and accessories, excluding electrodes and stud weldin 2014 1,955,447 2.5 237,830 225,800 130,338 129,808 3339923 Arc welding metal electrodes 2015 1,241,772 5.0 251,403 238,834 104,353 104,237 3339923 Arc welding metal electrodes 2014 1,315,777 4.7 288,347 272,474 118,754 118,786 3339927 Resistance welders, components, accessories, and electrodes 2015 819,333 2.6 59,641 54,460 65,062 64,979 3339927 Resistance welders, components, accessories, and electrodes 2014 794,383 1.4 66,587 60,416 56,737 56,523 3339929 Gas welding and cutting equipment, parts, attachments, and accessories 2015 378,824 12.7 122,167 103,361 83,447 83,212 3339929 Gas welding and cutting equipment, parts, attachments, and accessories 2014 407,276 15.1 145,107 126,485 74,520 74,520 333992A Other welding equipment, components, and accessories (excluding arc, resistance, and gas 2015 468,552 2.7 342,434 292,327 552,179 562,577 333992A Other welding equipment, components, and accessories (excluding arc, resistance, and gas 2014 446,263 3.7 438,460 310,599 486,735 479,480 333992W Welding and soldering equipment, nsk, total 2015 340,778 20.0 N N N N 333992W Welding and soldering equipment, nsk, total 2014 316,277 21.5 N N N N 333992X Undistributed welding and soldering equipment 2015 N X 423,859 356,707 478,265 470,377 333992X Undistributed welding and soldering equipment 2014 N X 432,560 370,400 442,241 420,894 333993 Packaging machinery 2015 5,469,287 2.6 1,116,310 921,717 2,524,491 2,526,746 333993 Packaging machinery 2014 5,179,169 2.2 1,081,997 932,988 2,636,522 2,633,201 3339931 Packing, packaging, and bottling machinery, excluding parts 2015 3,417,622 3.9 836,217 691,432 1,906,129 1,905,739 3339931 Packing, packaging, and bottling machinery, excluding parts 2014 3,321,052 3.2 802,031 698,638 1,975,992 1,972,672 3339935 Parts for packing, packaging, and bottling machinery 2015 1,694,260 2.6 280,093 230,284 618,361 621,007 3339935 Parts for packing, packaging, and bottling machinery 2014 1,522,745 2.9 279,965 234,349 660,530 660,529 333993W Packaging machinery, nsk, total 2015 357,405 3.8 N N N N 333993W Packaging machinery, nsk, total 2014 335,372 4.1 N N N N333994 Industrial process furnaces and ovens 2015 2,567,715 2.5 943,521 904,127 871,841 866,070 333994 Industrial process furnaces and ovens 2014 2,579,957 2.0 946,713 906,926 710,985 709,982 3339940 Industrial furnaces and ovens (excluding cremating ovens), and electric industrial heating eq 2015 2,567,715 2.5 943,521 904,127 871,841 866,070 3339940 Industrial furnaces and ovens (excluding cremating ovens), and electric industrial heating eq 2014 2,579,957 2.0 946,713 906,926 710,985 709,982 333995 Fluid power cylinders and actuators 2015 6,567,485 1.5 1,180,570 991,620 1,844,789 1,801,211 333995 Fluid power cylinders and actuators 2014 6,589,438 1.6 1,080,482 919,752 1,815,116 1,766,920 3339951 Nonaerospace-type hydraulic fluid power cylinders and actuators, linear and rotary 2015 2,466,437 3.3 760,608 653,917 1,167,907 1,147,096 3339951 Nonaerospace-type hydraulic fluid power cylinders and actuators, linear and rotary 2014 2,540,972 3.5 690,404 603,194 1,139,650 1,109,607 3339953 Nonaerospace-type pneumatic fluid power cylinders and actuators, linear and rotary 2015 773,206 3.4 N N 128,783 128,117 3339953 Nonaerospace-type pneumatic fluid power cylinders and actuators, linear and rotary 2014 793,510 3.7 N N 121,778 120,615 3339955 Parts for aerospace- and nonaerospace-type hydraulic and pneumatic fluid power cylinders 2015 650,733 5.3 275,770 232,625 258,602 240,329 3339955 Parts for aerospace- and nonaerospace-type hydraulic and pneumatic fluid power cylinders 2014 716,082 4.6 246,721 207,616 275,219 260,023 3339957 Aerospace-type fluid power cylinders and actuators, hydraulic and pneumatic 2015 2,524,290 1.2 144,191 105,077 289,495 285,668 3339957 Aerospace-type fluid power cylinders and actuators, hydraulic and pneumatic 2014 2,381,343 1.3 143,355 108,941 278,467 276,673 333995W Fluid power cylinders and actuators, nsk, total 2015 152,820 12.3 N N N N 333995W Fluid power cylinders and actuators, nsk, total 2014 157,532 11.9 N N N N

Page 72

NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods333996 Fluid power pumps and motors 2015 3,462,018 0.9 2,434,799 2,044,846 3,604,088 3,540,932 333996 Fluid power pumps and motors 2014 3,568,568 0.9 2,721,897 2,360,379 3,994,011 3,911,852 3339961 Nonaerospace-type reciprocating fluid power pumps 2015 1,217,973 1.2 52,349 48,208 38,779 36,752 3339961 Nonaerospace-type reciprocating fluid power pumps 2014 1,224,391 0.9 55,618 51,398 40,869 39,702 3339963 Nonaerospace-type rotary and other fluid power pumps 2015 509,648 3.7 1,054,427 868,512 1,767,610 1,719,432 3339963 Nonaerospace-type rotary and other fluid power pumps 2014 559,763 3.2 1,196,354 1,045,176 1,841,278 1,788,467 3339965 Nonaerospace-type fluid power motors 2015 608,089 0.4 671,752 557,507 690,072 684,482 3339965 Nonaerospace-type fluid power motors 2014 638,403 0.4 713,697 604,527 810,384 797,290 3339967 Aerospace-type fluid power pumps and motors 2015 495,075 0.2 N N N N 3339967 Aerospace-type fluid power pumps and motors 2014 485,168 0.4 N N N N 3339969 Parts for fluid power pumps, motors, and hydrostatic transmissions 2015 486,165 4.3 656,269 570,617 1,107,625 1,100,265 3339969 Parts for fluid power pumps, motors, and hydrostatic transmissions 2014 517,043 4.7 756,227 659,277 1,301,478 1,286,392 333996W Fluid power pumps and motors, nsk, total 2015 145,067 5.2 N N N N 333996W Fluid power pumps and motors, nsk, total 2014 143,800 5.5 N N N N333997 Scales and balances 2015 735,856 2.5 341,728 216,568 820,818 818,444 333997 Scales and balances 2014 743,563 3.4 379,784 239,395 766,166 758,316 3339972 Vehicle and industrial scales 2015 408,885 3.5 65,579 54,824 305,306 305,242 3339972 Vehicle and industrial scales 2014 383,662 3.7 73,347 61,675 304,295 300,275 3339974 Retail, commercial, household, mailing scales and balances 2015 120,570 7.0 166,486 68,191 331,291 328,980 3339974 Retail, commercial, household, mailing scales and balances 2014 117,519 7.9 193,911 87,002 291,398 289,874 3339976 Parts, attachments, and accessories for scales and balances 2015 191,491 3.7 109,662 93,552 184,220 184,221 3339976 Parts, attachments, and accessories for scales and balances 2014 226,959 8.0 112,524 90,717 170,472 168,166 333997W Scales and balances, nsk, total 2015 14,911 11.9 N N N N 333997W Scales and balances, nsk, total 2014 15,423 0.0 N N N N333999 All other miscellaneous general purpose machinery 2015 13,657,960 1.4 10,261,416 9,288,493 12,365,470 12,274,769 333999 All other miscellaneous general purpose machinery 2014 14,251,981 1.2 10,592,215 9,666,739 12,344,885 12,185,387 3339991 Filters, strainers, and parts and accessories, excluding fluid power systems (sold separately 2015 3,057,126 1.6 2,897,501 2,665,036 2,046,093 2,137,243 3339991 Filters, strainers, and parts and accessories, excluding fluid power systems (sold separately 2014 3,181,994 1.4 2,955,054 2,749,001 1,979,789 2,072,500 3339993 Filters for hydraulic fluid power systems, nonaerospace 2015 945,709 2.2 2,025,373 1,894,563 1,312,813 1,296,300 3339993 Filters for hydraulic fluid power systems, nonaerospace 2014 1,022,790 2.2 2,048,904 1,915,911 1,320,736 1,315,171 3339994 Filters for pneumatic fluid power systems, nonaerospace 2015 657,921 1.5 7,444 5,453 10,473 10,627 3339994 Filters for pneumatic fluid power systems, nonaerospace 2014 685,378 1.2 7,378 5,000 18,495 18,671 3339996 Filters for hydraulic and pneumatic fluid power systems, aerospace 2015 176,333 4.7 N N N N 3339996 Filters for hydraulic and pneumatic fluid power systems, aerospace 2014 181,576 3.4 N N N N 3339997 All other miscellaneous general industrial machinery 2015 6,397,786 2.4 5,331,096 4,723,440 4,787,167 4,688,857 3339997 All other miscellaneous general industrial machinery 2014 6,839,059 2.1 5,580,878 4,996,825 4,818,624 4,629,496 333999A All other miscellaneous machinery products, excluding electrical 2015 1,100,013 7.7 N N 4,208,922 4,141,741 333999A All other miscellaneous machinery products, excluding electrical 2014 1,059,170 3.6 N N 4,207,238 4,149,547 333999W All other miscellaneous general purpose machinery, nsk, total 2015 1,323,072 4.1 N N N N 333999W All other miscellaneous general purpose machinery, nsk, total 2014 1,282,014 4.2 N N N N334111 Electronic computers 2015 9,237,403 0.4 13,875,271 7,212,616 59,046,751 58,679,508 334111 Electronic computers 2014 8,918,416 0.4 14,685,313 7,527,916 58,823,447 58,807,042 3341111 Host computers, multiusers (mainframes, super computers, midrange servers, blade server 2015 5,899,397 0.1 8,195,528 5,611,449 19,803,855 19,790,214 3341111 Host computers, multiusers (mainframes, super computers, midrange servers, blade server 2014 5,463,577 0.1 8,136,761 5,627,123 16,712,218 16,714,680 3341117 Single user computers, microprocessor-based, capable of supporting attached peripherals ( 2015 2,360,729 0.6 5,679,743 1,601,166 39,242,896 38,889,294 3341117 Single user computers, microprocessor-based, capable of supporting attached peripherals ( 2014 2,531,070 0.4 6,548,551 1,900,793 42,111,229 42,092,362 334111D Other computers (array, analog, hybrid, and special-use computers) 2015 405,813 9.1 N N N N 334111D Other computers (array, analog, hybrid, and special-use computers) 2014 517,211 7.1 N N N N 334111W Electronic computers, nsk, total 2015 571,463 0.3 N N N N 334111W Electronic computers, nsk, total 2014 406,557 0.0 N N N N

Page 73

NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods334112 Computer storage devices 2015 7,441,161 1.1 5,416,194 1,768,274 11,125,826 11,088,246 334112 Computer storage devices 2014 8,138,001 1.0 6,002,603 2,057,655 11,483,126 11,464,288 3341121 Computer storage devices (excluding parts, attachments, and accessories) 2015 5,961,695 1.3 5,416,194 1,768,274 11,125,826 11,088,246 3341121 Computer storage devices (excluding parts, attachments, and accessories) 2014 6,359,281 1.2 6,002,603 2,057,655 11,483,126 11,464,288 3341124 Parts, attachments, and accessories for computer storage devices 2015 1,416,546 0.0 N N N N 3341124 Parts, attachments, and accessories for computer storage devices 2014 1,698,800 0.0 N N N N 334112W Computer storage devices, nsk, total 2015 62,920 0.0 N N N N 334112W Computer storage devices, nsk, total 2014 79,920 0.0 N N N N334118 Computer terminals and other computer peripheral equipment 2015 8,226,800 2.6 27,444,363 11,141,048 21,579,995 21,444,735 334118 Computer terminals and other computer peripheral equipment 2014 8,974,176 2.2 28,392,533 11,745,736 22,203,098 22,254,703 3341181 Computer terminals (excluding point-of-sale and funds-transfer devices, parts, attachments, 2015 703,618 14.6 N N N N 3341181 Computer terminals (excluding point-of-sale and funds-transfer devices, parts, attachments, 2014 579,153 14.9 N N N N 3341182 Parts, attachments, and accessories for computer terminals (excluding point-of-sale and fun 2015 76,716 0.0 N N N N 3341182 Parts, attachments, and accessories for computer terminals (excluding point-of-sale and fun 2014 70,071 0.0 N N N N 3341183 All other miscellaneous computer peripheral (input/output) equipment (excluding parts, attac 2015 4,388,617 3.8 24,683,149 9,816,382 20,864,190 20,729,624 3341183 All other miscellaneous computer peripheral (input/output) equipment (excluding parts, attac 2014 4,720,999 3.3 25,350,735 10,425,153 21,706,550 21,758,094 3341184 Parts, subassemblies, and accessories for computer peripheral equipment (excluding digita 2015 1,957,031 2.8 2,524,675 1,240,470 N N 3341184 Parts, subassemblies, and accessories for computer peripheral equipment (excluding digita 2014 2,411,874 2.0 2,839,391 1,254,344 N N 3341185 Point-of-sale terminals and fund-transfer devices 2015 462,700 15.9 236,538 84,195 715,804 715,111 3341185 Point-of-sale terminals and fund-transfer devices 2014 591,511 12.2 202,406 66,238 496,547 496,608 3341186 Parts and attachments for point-of-sale terminals and fund-transfer devices 2015 80,262 8.8 N N N N 3341186 Parts and attachments for point-of-sale terminals and fund-transfer devices 2014 97,211 7.2 N N N N 334118W Computer terminals and other computer peripheral equipment, nsk, total 2015 557,857 1.3 N N N N 334118W Computer terminals and other computer peripheral equipment, nsk, total 2014 503,358 1.6 N N N N334210 Telephone apparatus 2015 6,634,161 1.4 973,078 414,864 2,396,724 2,204,632 334210 Telephone apparatus 2014 6,534,670 1.5 864,253 405,226 1,994,672 1,993,582 3342101 Telephone switching and switchboard equipment 2015 1,391,708 0.9 N N N N 3342101 Telephone switching and switchboard equipment 2014 1,332,827 1.0 N N N N 3342104 Carrier line equipment (including local loop and long haul transmission) and non-consumer m 2015 1,949,405 1.6 N N N N 3342104 Carrier line equipment (including local loop and long haul transmission) and non-consumer m 2014 1,859,829 1.6 N N N N 3342107 Wireline voice and data network equipment 2015 2,228,014 3.6 973,078 414,864 2,396,724 2,204,632 3342107 Wireline voice and data network equipment 2014 2,530,127 3.7 864,253 405,226 1,994,672 1,993,582 334210W Telephone apparatus, nsk, total 2015 1,065,033 2.7 N N N N 334210W Telephone apparatus, nsk, total 2014 811,887 2.3 N N N N334220 Radio and television broadcasting and wireless communications equipment 2015 21,006,663 1.1 40,650,820 18,036,173 110,562,936 108,935,607 334220 Radio and television broadcasting and wireless communications equipment 2014 23,065,980 1.0 39,000,716 17,748,586 104,250,589 104,178,244 3342202 Broadcast, studio, and related electronic equipment 2015 1,917,797 4.4 27,318,274 12,677,783 57,535,667 56,886,892 3342202 Broadcast, studio, and related electronic equipment 2014 1,922,542 4.3 26,042,714 12,566,141 50,769,930 51,369,796 3342203 Wireless networking equipment 2015 1,442,204 3.4 9,874,942 2,522,559 52,658,119 51,710,671 3342203 Wireless networking equipment 2014 1,527,738 3.1 10,464,419 3,291,394 53,014,508 52,390,718 3342205 Radio station equipment 2015 8,734,054 0.4 2,247,814 2,242,727 77,617 52,776 3342205 Radio station equipment 2014 9,139,637 0.3 1,021,821 996,490 89,179 41,091 3342209 Other communications systems and equipment, including GPS 2015 7,627,168 2.1 N N N N 3342209 Other communications systems and equipment, including GPS 2014 9,141,630 1.6 N N N N 334220W Radio and television broadcasting and wireless communications equipment, nsk, total 2015 1,285,440 10.2 N N N N 334220W Radio and television broadcasting and wireless communications equipment, nsk, total 2014 1,334,434 9.8 N N N N 334220X Undistributed radio and television broadcasting and wireless communications equipment 2015 N X 1,209,789 593,103 291,531 285,266 334220X Undistributed radio and television broadcasting and wireless communications equipment 2014 N X 1,471,759 894,560 376,971 376,637

Page 74

NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods334290 Other communications equipment 2015 4,445,400 2.9 723,685 574,061 1,327,070 1,358,335 334290 Other communications equipment 2014 4,922,527 2.5 770,993 606,269 1,222,814 1,261,313 3342901 Alarm systems, including electric sirens and horns 2015 1,612,809 3.5 386,698 273,113 926,351 963,306 3342901 Alarm systems, including electric sirens and horns 2014 1,951,209 3.0 444,876 320,605 843,715 882,591 3342902 Vehicular and pedestrian traffic control equipment, including electric railway signals and atta 2015 1,823,217 3.6 336,987 300,947 375,222 375,217 3342902 Vehicular and pedestrian traffic control equipment, including electric railway signals and atta 2014 1,994,635 2.8 326,117 285,664 355,406 355,406 3342903 Intercommunications systems, including inductive paging systems (selective paging), exclud 2015 525,020 11.9 N N 25,497 19,812 3342903 Intercommunications systems, including inductive paging systems (selective paging), exclud 2014 449,531 14.2 N N 23,691 23,315 334290W Other communications equipment, nsk, total 2015 484,353 14.6 N N N N 334290W Other communications equipment, nsk, total 2014 527,153 12.1 N N N N334310 Audio and video equipment 2015 2,762,918 2.5 9,613,881 4,424,901 36,817,274 36,465,976 334310 Audio and video equipment 2014 2,714,613 2.1 9,771,247 4,230,286 36,170,584 35,881,511 3343101 Automotive audio equipment (excluding speakers) 2015 83,708 5.3 1,170,484 468,585 3,610,994 3,491,923 3343101 Automotive audio equipment (excluding speakers) 2014 84,517 5.3 1,102,568 446,267 3,589,608 3,528,547 3343102 Television receivers, including CRT, LCD, projection, plasma, LED, etc. 2015 156,219 6.9 4,135,019 1,740,942 21,400,099 21,318,896 3343102 Television receivers, including CRT, LCD, projection, plasma, LED, etc. 2014 144,620 6.8 3,836,131 1,172,579 20,506,797 20,448,921 3343104 Speakers, including loudspeaker systems and loudspeakers sold separately, and commerci 2015 1,076,056 1.4 2,041,067 1,055,626 4,088,941 4,000,113 3343104 Speakers, including loudspeaker systems and loudspeakers sold separately, and commerci 2014 1,035,934 1.4 2,176,856 1,175,193 3,944,374 3,863,727 3343105 Other consumer audio and video equipment, including audio and video recorders and playe 2015 927,318 4.0 2,267,310 1,159,746 7,717,238 7,655,043 3343105 Other consumer audio and video equipment, including audio and video recorders and playe 2014 927,794 3.9 2,655,690 1,436,247 8,129,803 8,040,314 334310W Audio and video equipment, nsk, total 2015 519,617 10.4 N N N N 334310W Audio and video equipment, nsk, total 2014 521,748 7.9 N N N N334412 Bare printed circuit boards 2015 4,187,692 2.3 1,724,781 1,215,378 2,049,769 2,029,228 334412 Bare printed circuit boards 2014 4,121,087 1.9 1,979,964 1,422,246 1,978,903 1,918,531 3344120 Bare printed circuit boards 2015 4,187,692 2.3 1,724,781 1,215,378 2,049,769 2,029,228 3344120 Bare printed circuit boards 2014 4,121,087 1.9 1,979,964 1,422,246 1,978,903 1,918,531 334413 Semiconductors and related devices 2015 46,074,331 1.0 41,806,342 28,384,054 41,679,508 41,591,451 334413 Semiconductors and related devices 2014 45,442,860 0.9 42,744,602 28,053,283 40,371,863 40,409,509 3344131 Integrated circuit packages 2015 31,013,918 0.7 32,723,357 21,940,636 28,878,966 28,843,465 3344131 Integrated circuit packages 2014 31,073,257 0.2 33,651,888 21,209,522 29,726,011 29,773,725 3344134 Transistors 2015 299,933 1.4 858,332 320,955 1,159,122 1,170,008 3344134 Transistors 2014 284,707 4.2 998,407 334,836 1,150,770 1,162,449 3344137 Diodes and rectifiers 2015 274,061 2.1 1,975,778 1,308,509 2,089,777 2,092,180 3344137 Diodes and rectifiers 2014 242,726 3.3 2,050,785 1,424,069 2,038,078 2,044,111 334413A Other semiconductor devices, including semiconductor parts such as chips, wafers, and hea 2015 13,048,732 1.7 4,453,525 3,273,219 8,483,198 8,415,557 334413A Other semiconductor devices, including semiconductor parts such as chips, wafers, and hea 2014 12,517,206 1.9 4,135,675 3,425,861 6,475,199 6,456,171 334413W Semiconductors and related devices, nsk, total 2015 1,437,687 22.9 N N N N 334413W Semiconductors and related devices, nsk, total 2014 1,324,964 26.5 N N N N 334413X Undistributed semiconductors and related devices 2015 N X 1,795,348 1,540,733 1,068,444 1,070,239 334413X Undistributed semiconductors and related devices 2014 N X 1,907,845 1,658,993 981,804 973,051 334416 Capacitors, resistors, coils, transformers, and other inductors 2015 3,346,030 2.3 3,481,377 2,003,688 4,536,488 4,543,734 334416 Capacitors, resistors, coils, transformers, and other inductors 2014 3,343,161 1.8 3,653,088 2,179,098 5,002,911 4,999,097 3344161 Capacitors for electronic circuitry 2015 1,009,579 6.1 1,465,447 803,963 1,666,480 1,688,897 3344161 Capacitors for electronic circuitry 2014 946,312 4.2 1,584,772 898,195 2,176,356 2,199,878 3344162 Resistors for electronic circuitry 2015 345,250 6.8 1,121,191 750,673 1,578,965 1,574,130 3344162 Resistors for electronic circuitry 2014 402,441 5.9 1,192,832 785,274 1,561,729 1,557,586 3344163 Electronic coils, transformers, and other inductors 2015 1,879,615 2.0 894,737 449,051 1,291,043 1,280,706 3344163 Electronic coils, transformers, and other inductors 2014 1,888,568 2.0 875,484 495,627 1,264,824 1,241,632 334416W Capacitors, resistors, coils, transformers, and other inductors, nsk, total 2015 111,585 0.4 N N N N 334416W Capacitors, resistors, coils, transformers, and other inductors, nsk, total 2014 105,838 0.4 N N N N334417 Electronic connectors 2015 5,447,011 1.4 2,631,794 1,764,765 2,354,514 2,364,834 334417 Electronic connectors 2014 5,156,934 1.2 2,312,220 1,541,163 2,344,424 2,328,370 3344170 Electronic connectors, including parts 2015 5,447,011 1.4 2,631,794 1,764,765 2,354,514 2,364,834 3344170 Electronic connectors, including parts 2014 5,156,934 1.2 2,312,220 1,541,163 2,344,424 2,328,370

Page 75

NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods334418 Printed circuit assemblies (electronic assemblies) 2015 16,837,620 1.8 872,498 328,248 15,195,514 15,183,400 334418 Printed circuit assemblies (electronic assemblies) 2014 15,820,199 1.6 935,524 328,298 15,673,322 15,670,414 3344184 External modems, consumer 2015 94,424 13.0 841,789 308,481 633,276 633,205 3344184 External modems, consumer 2014 180,357 1.5 902,358 305,249 990,171 990,208 334418B Printed circuit assemblies, loaded boards and modules (printed circuit boards with inserted e 2015 15,795,274 1.8 30,708 19,766 14,562,237 14,550,194 334418B Printed circuit assemblies, loaded boards and modules (printed circuit boards with inserted e 2014 14,775,806 1.7 33,166 23,049 14,683,150 14,680,205 334418W Printed circuit assemblies (electronic assemblies), nsk, total 2015 947,922 8.3 N N N N 334418W Printed circuit assemblies (electronic assemblies), nsk, total 2014 864,036 9.1 N N N N334419 Other electronic components 2015 11,795,221 1.6 3,130,185 1,911,024 6,291,437 6,234,275 334419 Other electronic components 2014 11,340,164 1.3 3,264,915 2,076,383 6,021,145 5,952,126 3344191 Crystals, filters, piezoelectric, and other related electronic devices (excluding microwave filte 2015 902,127 4.0 297,354 108,279 468,970 468,873 3344191 Crystals, filters, piezoelectric, and other related electronic devices (excluding microwave filte 2014 879,760 3.3 309,351 135,172 479,565 480,031 3344192 Electron tubes and parts, excluding glass blanks 2015 953,835 1.8 301,832 233,624 248,761 248,103 3344192 Electron tubes and parts, excluding glass blanks 2014 951,609 1.5 338,670 284,301 282,324 282,276 3344194 Transducers, including electrical-electronic input/output transducers 2015 927,032 6.5 N N N N 3344194 Transducers, including electrical-electronic input/output transducers 2014 943,368 7.6 N N N N 3344197 Switches, mechanical, for electronic circuitry 2015 992,841 2.9 N N N N 3344197 Switches, mechanical, for electronic circuitry 2014 996,620 7.0 N N N N 334419A Microwave components and devices, excluding antennae, tubes, and semiconductors 2015 1,666,024 2.3 N N N N 334419A Microwave components and devices, excluding antennae, tubes, and semiconductors 2014 1,706,872 1.5 N N N N 334419E All other miscellaneous electronic components 2015 5,272,857 2.9 2,530,998 1,569,120 5,573,706 5,517,297 334419E All other miscellaneous electronic components 2014 4,839,695 2.0 2,616,893 1,656,908 5,259,255 5,189,817 334419W Other electronic components, nsk, total 2015 1,080,504 4.9 N N N N 334419W Other electronic components, nsk, total 2014 1,022,241 4.5 N N N N334510 Electromedical and electrotherapeutic apparatus 2015 27,337,381 1.5 10,108,755 7,518,936 10,338,084 10,326,937 334510 Electromedical and electrotherapeutic apparatus 2014 26,403,548 1.8 10,587,866 8,303,333 10,403,753 10,386,676 3345101 Electromedical equipment (including diagnostic, therapeutic, and patient monitoring equipme 2015 24,226,934 1.7 9,780,104 7,432,089 8,759,718 8,748,572 3345101 Electromedical equipment (including diagnostic, therapeutic, and patient monitoring equipme 2014 23,420,451 2.0 10,296,607 8,206,687 8,955,589 8,938,270 3345103 Electronic hearing aids, complete units 2015 1,390,412 8.3 328,651 86,847 1,578,365 1,578,365 3345103 Electronic hearing aids, complete units 2014 1,352,496 2.1 291,259 96,646 1,448,164 1,448,406 334510W Electromedical and electrotherapeutic apparatus, nsk, total 2015 1,720,036 1.9 N N N N 334510W Electromedical and electrotherapeutic apparatus, nsk, total 2014 1,630,601 2.6 N N N N334511 Search, detection, navigation, guidance, aeronautical, and nautical systems and instr 2015 39,088,992 1.3 5,976,264 4,464,937 7,829,869 7,574,219 334511 Search, detection, navigation, guidance, aeronautical, and nautical systems and instr 2014 40,392,384 1.2 6,292,500 4,476,652 7,387,143 7,193,370 3345111 Aeronautical, nautical, and navigational instruments, not sending or receiving radio signals ( 2015 3,488,700 3.0 2,637,541 1,962,315 2,702,136 2,603,041 3345111 Aeronautical, nautical, and navigational instruments, not sending or receiving radio signals ( 2014 3,149,609 3.3 2,508,695 1,943,344 2,459,360 2,379,594 3345113 Search, detection, navigation, and guidance systems and equipment 2015 34,649,304 1.4 3,338,722 2,502,622 5,127,733 4,971,177 3345113 Search, detection, navigation, and guidance systems and equipment 2014 36,342,225 1.3 3,783,804 2,533,307 4,927,783 4,813,776 334511W Search, detection, navigation, guidance, aeronautical, and nautical systems and instruments 2015 950,989 7.1 N N N N 334511W Search, detection, navigation, guidance, aeronautical, and nautical systems and instruments 2014 900,550 7.5 N N N N334512 Automatic environmental controls for residential, commercial, and appliance use 2015 2,295,018 2.4 395,211 242,857 1,387,490 1,366,002 334512 Automatic environmental controls for residential, commercial, and appliance use 2014 2,546,672 1.6 435,926 283,003 1,413,142 1,404,264 3345120 Automatic environmental controls for monitoring residential, commercial, and appliance use 2015 2,295,018 2.4 395,211 242,857 1,387,490 1,366,002 3345120 Automatic environmental controls for monitoring residential, commercial, and appliance use 2014 2,546,672 1.6 435,926 283,003 1,413,142 1,404,264 334513 Instruments and related products for measuring, displaying, and controlling industria 2015 10,454,030 1.4 7,930,824 6,339,440 8,116,520 7,919,976 334513 Instruments and related products for measuring, displaying, and controlling industria 2014 10,897,216 1.2 8,327,889 6,729,456 8,059,481 7,883,031 3345130 Process control instruments 2015 10,454,030 1.4 7,930,824 6,339,440 8,116,520 7,919,976 3345130 Process control instruments 2014 10,897,216 1.2 8,327,889 6,729,456 8,059,481 7,883,031

Page 76

NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods334514 Totalizing fluid meters and counting devices 2015 4,928,121 0.9 756,477 569,344 2,615,820 2,563,714 334514 Totalizing fluid meters and counting devices 2014 4,982,441 1.0 842,316 601,137 2,511,575 2,433,400 3345141 Integrating and totalizing meters for gas and liquids 2015 2,615,186 0.7 300,124 257,959 481,563 481,422 3345141 Integrating and totalizing meters for gas and liquids 2014 2,646,755 0.9 316,576 273,712 471,683 471,681 3345143 Counting devices (excluding motor vehicle instruments) 2015 1,270,553 3.1 151,191 105,758 417,120 408,606 3345143 Counting devices (excluding motor vehicle instruments) 2014 1,274,968 3.2 203,268 104,870 425,054 384,377 3345147 Motor vehicle instruments 2015 896,303 1.2 305,161 205,626 1,717,137 1,673,685 3345147 Motor vehicle instruments 2014 906,440 1.2 322,471 222,554 1,614,837 1,577,341 334514W Totalizing fluid meters and counting devices, nsk, total 2015 146,080 0.0 N N N N 334514W Totalizing fluid meters and counting devices, nsk, total 2014 154,278 0.0 N N N N334515 Instruments for measuring and testing electricity and electrical signals 2015 10,459,215 1.4 8,528,038 6,751,194 6,590,315 6,534,833 334515 Instruments for measuring and testing electricity and electrical signals 2014 11,124,614 1.6 8,353,176 6,825,562 6,438,084 6,351,993 3345151 Electrical integrating instruments 2015 2,344,435 4.4 591,544 442,496 555,041 531,661 3345151 Electrical integrating instruments 2014 2,923,001 5.5 595,597 388,203 554,944 535,781 3345154 Test equipment for testing electrical, radio, and communication circuits, and motors (excludi 2015 7,259,388 1.2 7,936,493 6,308,698 6,035,274 6,003,171 3345154 Test equipment for testing electrical, radio, and communication circuits, and motors (excludi 2014 7,327,895 0.9 7,757,579 6,437,358 5,883,139 5,816,212 3345155 Other instruments to measure electricity 2015 450,809 6.6 N N N N 3345155 Other instruments to measure electricity 2014 467,007 5.1 N N N N 334515W Instruments for measuring and testing electricity and electrical signals, nsk, total 2015 404,585 9.3 N N N N 334515W Instruments for measuring and testing electricity and electrical signals, nsk, total 2014 406,710 5.8 N N N N334516 Analytical laboratory instruments 2015 16,252,510 2.7 5,857,990 5,000,173 6,078,823 6,035,236 334516 Analytical laboratory instruments 2014 15,821,274 2.6 6,001,879 5,134,759 6,015,066 5,973,706 3345160 Analytical and scientific instruments, excluding optical 2015 16,252,510 2.7 5,857,990 5,000,173 6,078,823 6,035,236 3345160 Analytical and scientific instruments, excluding optical 2014 15,821,274 2.6 6,001,879 5,134,759 6,015,066 5,973,706 334517 Irradiation apparatus 2015 8,591,290 0.9 4,086,740 3,614,746 3,786,393 3,785,977 334517 Irradiation apparatus 2014 8,342,754 0.9 3,868,611 3,397,569 3,762,299 3,760,302 3345170 Irradiation (ionizing radiation) equipment 2015 8,591,290 0.9 4,086,740 3,614,746 3,786,393 3,785,977 3345170 Irradiation (ionizing radiation) equipment 2014 8,342,754 0.9 3,868,611 3,397,569 3,762,299 3,760,302 334519 Other measuring and controlling devices 2015 10,247,973 1.7 7,377,194 5,589,895 7,418,115 7,160,135 334519 Other measuring and controlling devices 2014 11,194,617 1.7 8,244,022 6,369,462 7,381,204 7,112,845 3345191 Watches, clocks, and parts 2015 274,576 3.5 1,282,944 365,285 5,457,456 5,204,684 3345191 Watches, clocks, and parts 2014 264,013 2.8 1,290,227 349,013 5,199,850 4,935,534 3345192 Aircraft engine instruments (excluding flight) 2015 1,264,600 2.7 N N N N 3345192 Aircraft engine instruments (excluding flight) 2014 1,357,757 1.9 N N N N 3345194 Physical properties testing and inspection equipment and kinematic testing and measuring e 2015 3,221,423 2.9 3,309,076 2,945,257 189,672 189,241 3345194 Physical properties testing and inspection equipment and kinematic testing and measuring e 2014 3,345,132 4.5 3,450,309 3,078,142 194,213 193,978 3345195 Nuclear radiation detection and monitoring instruments 2015 961,237 5.9 489,060 442,527 231,287 231,317 3345195 Nuclear radiation detection and monitoring instruments 2014 1,011,153 2.1 577,569 535,642 242,075 242,075 3345197 Commercial, geophysical, meteorological, and general-purpose instruments and equipment 2015 2,702,395 3.2 1,432,636 1,216,830 875,735 871,214 3345197 Commercial, geophysical, meteorological, and general-purpose instruments and equipment 2014 3,087,592 2.2 1,793,922 1,525,457 970,689 967,336 3345199 Survey and drafting instruments and apparatus (including photogrammetric equipment) 2015 974,861 1.9 863,476 619,994 663,963 663,677 3345199 Survey and drafting instruments and apparatus (including photogrammetric equipment) 2014 1,107,078 0.3 1,131,993 881,205 774,375 773,919 334519W Other measuring and controlling devices, nsk, total 2015 848,880 10.3 N N N N 334519W Other measuring and controlling devices, nsk, total 2014 1,021,891 9.0 N N N N334613 Magnetic and optical recording media 2015 434,723 1.8 1,378,578 562,553 5,917,739 5,872,626 334613 Magnetic and optical recording media 2014 451,971 1.7 1,410,746 685,360 4,894,091 4,897,485 3346130 Magnetic and optical recording media 2015 434,723 1.8 1,378,578 562,553 5,917,739 5,872,626 3346130 Magnetic and optical recording media 2014 451,971 1.7 1,410,746 685,360 4,894,091 4,897,485 334614 Software and other prerecorded compact disc, tape, and record reproduction 2015 2,297,891 3.0 2,273,431 1,884,541 946,180 945,784 334614 Software and other prerecorded compact disc, tape, and record reproduction 2014 2,290,754 2.3 2,680,259 2,263,347 759,925 758,450 3346141 Software reproducing 2015 612,774 8.9 1,354,747 1,071,831 384,511 384,501 3346141 Software reproducing 2014 647,915 7.3 1,580,341 1,314,813 397,285 397,284 3346142 Reproduction of recording media 2015 1,595,096 2.5 918,684 812,710 561,669 561,282 3346142 Reproduction of recording media 2014 1,554,244 1.6 1,099,917 948,534 362,640 361,166 334614W Software and other prerecorded compact disc, tape, and record reproduction, nsk, total 2015 90,021 0.1 N N N N 334614W Software and other prerecorded compact disc, tape, and record reproduction, nsk, total 2014 88,596 0.0 N N N N

Page 77

NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods335110 Electric lamp bulbs and parts 2015 1,444,651 3.5 633,603 442,309 2,007,102 2,012,651 335110 Electric lamp bulbs and parts 2014 1,468,372 2.1 719,274 516,363 2,358,239 2,359,366 3351101 Electric lamp bulbs and tubes (including sealed beam lamp bulbs) 2015 660,832 6.8 568,621 383,364 1,932,919 1,942,567 3351101 Electric lamp bulbs and tubes (including sealed beam lamp bulbs) 2014 788,973 2.7 630,894 436,414 2,264,171 2,265,633 3351103 Electric lamp (bulbs and tubes) components (including bases, supports, lead-ins, filaments, 2015 715,992 3.1 64,981 58,945 74,183 70,084 3351103 Electric lamp (bulbs and tubes) components (including bases, supports, lead-ins, filaments, 2014 673,125 3.3 88,379 79,948 94,067 93,732 335110W Electric lamp bulbs and parts, nsk, total 2015 67,827 0.0 N N N N 335110W Electric lamp bulbs and parts, nsk, total 2014 6,274 0.0 N N N N335121 Residential electric lighting fixtures 2015 1,498,259 2.3 263,730 174,233 2,599,745 2,616,109 335121 Residential electric lighting fixtures 2014 1,427,371 2.4 247,710 174,103 2,282,030 2,282,428 3351211 Residential-type electric lighting fixtures (excluding portable), including parts and accessorie 2015 874,501 3.1 210,204 138,871 1,879,048 1,894,597 3351211 Residential-type electric lighting fixtures (excluding portable), including parts and accessorie 2014 760,754 3.6 194,146 138,970 1,618,777 1,620,150 3351214 Residential-type portable lighting fixtures, including parts and accessories 2015 472,640 4.5 53,525 35,361 720,697 721,512 3351214 Residential-type portable lighting fixtures, including parts and accessories 2014 533,947 4.1 53,563 35,132 663,253 662,278 335121W Residential electric lighting fixtures, nsk, total 2015 151,118 0.4 N N N N 335121W Residential electric lighting fixtures, nsk, total 2014 132,670 0.4 N N N N335122 Commercial, industrial, and institutional electric lighting fixtures 2015 5,051,715 2.1 383,065 241,236 1,933,156 1,932,414 335122 Commercial, industrial, and institutional electric lighting fixtures 2014 4,783,301 2.1 348,966 237,079 1,789,309 1,788,154 3351221 Commercial- and institutional-type electric lighting fixtures, including parts and accessories 2015 3,855,168 2.5 N N N N 3351221 Commercial- and institutional-type electric lighting fixtures, including parts and accessories 2014 3,713,709 2.4 N N N N 3351222 Industrial-type electric lighting fixtures, including parts and accessories 2015 953,333 4.8 N N N N 3351222 Industrial-type electric lighting fixtures, including parts and accessories 2014 852,758 5.6 N N N N 335122W Commercial, industrial, and institutional electric lighting fixtures, nsk, total 2015 243,214 2.5 N N N N 335122W Commercial, industrial, and institutional electric lighting fixtures, nsk, total 2014 216,834 1.5 N N N N 335122X Undistributed commercial, industrial, and institutional electric lighting fixtures 2015 N X 383,065 241,236 1,933,156 1,932,414 335122X Undistributed commercial, industrial, and institutional electric lighting fixtures 2014 N X 348,966 237,079 1,789,309 1,788,154 335129 Other lighting equipment 2015 3,979,313 2.1 1,578,012 1,183,795 7,797,996 7,807,170 335129 Other lighting equipment 2014 3,920,423 1.8 1,454,455 1,132,800 6,535,852 6,533,995 3351291 Outdoor lighting equipment (including parts and accessories) 2015 2,576,797 2.2 N N 61,473 61,508 3351291 Outdoor lighting equipment (including parts and accessories) 2014 2,465,685 1.5 N N 64,282 64,187 3351294 All other miscellaneous electric and nonelectric lighting equipment, including hand portable, 2015 1,190,676 5.3 619,889 466,273 3,350,423 3,355,349 3351294 All other miscellaneous electric and nonelectric lighting equipment, including hand portable, 2014 1,254,109 4.8 540,166 439,411 2,408,965 2,412,155 335129W Other lighting equipment, nsk, total 2015 211,841 3.1 N N N N 335129W Other lighting equipment, nsk, total 2014 200,629 2.3 N N N N 335129X Undistributed other lighting equipment 2015 N X 958,122 717,522 4,386,100 4,390,312 335129X Undistributed other lighting equipment 2014 N X 914,289 693,389 4,062,604 4,057,652 335210 Small electrical appliances 2015 3,374,633 0.5 5,799,255 4,812,826 12,223,413 12,159,122 335210 Small electrical appliances 2014 3,159,326 0.5 6,170,522 5,213,138 11,332,050 11,332,837 3352101 Electric fans, excluding industrial-type 2015 634,581 0.0 144,525 101,414 1,449,045 1,466,092 3352101 Electric fans, excluding industrial-type 2014 584,565 0.0 127,879 90,743 1,294,696 1,296,692 3352104 Small electric household appliances, excluding fans and wall and baseboard heating units fo 2015 1,770,256 1.0 3,335,046 2,710,316 7,724,531 7,651,952 3352104 Small electric household appliances, excluding fans and wall and baseboard heating units fo 2014 1,670,588 1.0 3,335,895 2,732,138 7,312,028 7,309,918 3352105 Parts and attachments for small household electric appliances, including fans 2015 144,071 0.4 1,972,391 1,754,531 657,454 650,580 3352105 Parts and attachments for small household electric appliances, including fans 2014 136,717 0.4 2,315,410 2,113,377 533,244 526,939 3352106 Household vacuum cleaners, floor waxing machines, floor polishing machines, and parts 2015 769,281 0.0 347,291 246,564 2,392,381 2,390,498 3352106 Household vacuum cleaners, floor waxing machines, floor polishing machines, and parts 2014 704,189 0.0 391,336 276,879 2,192,080 2,199,287 335210W Small electrical appliances, nsk, total 2015 56,444 0.0 N N N N 335210W Small electrical appliances, nsk, total 2014 63,267 0.0 N N N N

Page 78

NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods335221 Household cooking appliances 2015 4,766,775 0.8 735,628 666,532 4,526,262 4,529,320 335221 Household cooking appliances 2014 4,471,716 0.9 820,180 692,675 4,209,379 4,246,915 3352211 Electric (including microwave) household ranges, ovens, surface cooking units, and equipm 2015 2,614,230 1.5 391,867 355,566 2,364,427 2,369,223 3352211 Electric (including microwave) household ranges, ovens, surface cooking units, and equipm 2014 2,451,825 1.6 407,693 371,450 2,248,791 2,286,201 3352213 Gas household ranges, ovens, surface cooking units, and equipment, including parts and ac 2015 1,062,834 0.0 338,402 306,548 1,595,246 1,599,012 3352213 Gas household ranges, ovens, surface cooking units, and equipment, including parts and ac 2014 975,039 0.0 406,731 316,096 1,457,164 1,461,737 3352215 Other household ranges and cooking equipment 2015 1,055,504 0.1 5,358 4,418 187,977 185,928 3352215 Other household ranges and cooking equipment 2014 1,011,604 0.1 5,755 5,129 155,104 155,301 335221W Household cooking appliances, nsk, total 2015 34,207 0.0 N N N N 335221W Household cooking appliances, nsk, total 2014 33,248 0.0 N N N N 335221X Undistributed household cooking appliances 2015 N X N N 378,610 375,156 335221X Undistributed household cooking appliances 2014 N X N N 348,318 343,674 335222 Household refrigerators and home freezers 2015 4,094,852 0.3 1,016,559 889,516 6,016,082 6,023,505 335222 Household refrigerators and home freezers 2014 3,823,590 0.3 1,209,799 1,064,587 5,440,746 5,443,466 3352221 Household refrigerators, including combination refrigerator-freezers 2015 D D 391,177 321,585 4,837,270 4,846,954 3352221 Household refrigerators, including combination refrigerator-freezers 2014 D D 547,283 455,190 4,408,581 4,414,114 3352222 Household food freezers, complete units 2015 D D 163,364 155,114 251,710 252,864 3352222 Household food freezers, complete units 2014 D D 182,976 175,321 231,380 229,828 3352223 Parts and attachments for household refrigerators and freezers 2015 13,747 s 83.5 s 462,017 412,816 927,101 923,686 3352223 Parts and attachments for household refrigerators and freezers 2014 11,574 s 99.1 s 479,539 434,075 800,784 799,523 335222W Household refrigerators and home freezers, nsk, total 2015 1,307 0.0 N N N N 335222W Household refrigerators and home freezers, nsk, total 2014 752 0.0 N N N N335224 Household laundry equipment 2015 3,525,852 1.6 616,959 554,281 2,366,798 2,519,364 335224 Household laundry equipment 2014 3,496,810 1.4 678,843 603,946 2,116,152 2,312,581 3352240 Household laundry equipment 2015 3,525,852 1.6 616,959 554,281 2,366,798 2,519,364 3352240 Household laundry equipment 2014 3,496,810 1.4 678,843 603,946 2,116,152 2,312,581 335228 Other major household appliances 2015 4,869,278 0.2 953,299 864,307 2,066,274 2,058,971 335228 Other major household appliances 2014 4,610,248 0.2 967,927 870,698 1,941,100 1,956,074 3352281 Household water heaters, electric, for permanent installation 2015 828,222 0.0 418,831 369,793 1,272,993 1,262,984 3352281 Household water heaters, electric, for permanent installation 2014 898,357 0.0 424,605 368,597 1,211,914 1,212,014 3352283 Household water heaters, excluding electric 2015 1,429,224 0.0 4,165 3,569 10,634 10,616 3352283 Household water heaters, excluding electric 2014 1,253,434 0.0 6,469 4,471 8,347 8,347 3352285 All other miscellaneous household appliances 2015 2,589,928 0.3 530,302 490,944 782,646 785,370 3352285 All other miscellaneous household appliances 2014 2,436,582 0.4 536,852 497,628 720,838 735,711 335228W Other major household appliances, nsk, total 2015 21,904 0.0 N N N N 335228W Other major household appliances, nsk, total 2014 21,875 0.0 N N N N335311 Power, distribution, and specialty transformers 2015 5,077,221 2.0 866,339 654,465 2,896,673 2,831,435 335311 Power, distribution, and specialty transformers 2014 5,544,434 1.8 912,761 681,272 2,975,848 2,907,809 3353111 Power and distribution transformers, excluding parts 2015 4,160,632 1.8 N N N N 3353111 Power and distribution transformers, excluding parts 2014 4,479,410 1.6 N N N N 3353113 Specialty transformers, excluding fluorescent lamp ballast 2015 175,710 10.6 N N N N 3353113 Specialty transformers, excluding fluorescent lamp ballast 2014 230,129 5.9 N N N N 3353115 Fluorescent lamp ballasts 2015 34,952 23.1 221,734 101,749 527,466 524,371 3353115 Fluorescent lamp ballasts 2014 40,024 20.2 254,603 105,997 687,733 683,412 3353117 Commercial, institutional, and industrial general-purpose transformers, all voltages 2015 162,897 20.4 N N N N 3353117 Commercial, institutional, and industrial general-purpose transformers, all voltages 2014 207,507 16.5 N N N N 3353119 Power regulators, boosters, and other transformers and parts for all transformers 2015 270,889 13.6 101,354 88,973 400,929 342,092 3353119 Power regulators, boosters, and other transformers and parts for all transformers 2014 305,470 11.9 91,322 80,915 377,188 319,445 335311W Power, distribution, and specialty transformers, nsk, total 2015 272,141 15.9 N N N N 335311W Power, distribution, and specialty transformers, nsk, total 2014 281,894 15.4 N N N N 335311X Undistributed power, distribution, and specialty transformers 2015 N X 543,250 463,742 1,968,276 1,964,970 335311X Undistributed power, distribution, and specialty transformers 2014 N X 566,834 494,359 1,910,926 1,904,951

Page 79

NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods335312 Motors and generators 2015 9,358,530 1.2 7,664,002 6,122,277 11,809,255 11,251,067 335312 Motors and generators 2014 10,306,667 0.9 7,968,739 6,644,172 11,507,336 11,010,157 3353121 Fractional horsepower motors (rated at less than 746 watts) (excluding hermetics) 2015 1,695,280 2.8 N N N N 3353121 Fractional horsepower motors (rated at less than 746 watts) (excluding hermetics) 2014 1,831,345 2.6 N N N N 3353123 Integral horsepower motors and generators other than for land transportation equipment (ra 2015 2,053,190 1.9 N N N N 3353123 Integral horsepower motors and generators other than for land transportation equipment (ra 2014 2,213,278 1.7 N N N N 3353125 Land transportation motors, generators, and control equipment (excluding parts) 2015 464,497 4.7 N N N N 3353125 Land transportation motors, generators, and control equipment (excluding parts) 2014 441,483 4.9 N N N N 3353127 Prime mover generator sets, excluding steam and hydraulic turbine 2015 1,277,324 1.3 N N N N 3353127 Prime mover generator sets, excluding steam and hydraulic turbine 2014 1,605,633 1.0 N N N N 3353129 Fractional motor generator sets and other rotating equipment (including hermetics) 2015 1,285,234 5.5 N N N N 3353129 Fractional motor generator sets and other rotating equipment (including hermetics) 2014 1,433,246 3.0 N N N N 335312A Integral motor generator sets and other rotating equipment (including hermetics) 2015 1,128,912 1.1 N N N N 335312A Integral motor generator sets and other rotating equipment (including hermetics) 2014 1,208,282 1.0 N N N N 335312C Parts and supplies for motors, generators, generator sets, and other rotating equipment, exc 2015 870,802 1.4 1,619,555 1,323,754 1,996,105 1,872,859 335312C Parts and supplies for motors, generators, generator sets, and other rotating equipment, exc 2014 1,029,944 1.0 1,741,511 1,495,121 1,805,595 1,709,864 335312E Armature rewinding on a factory basis 2015 171,822 27.8 N N N N 335312E Armature rewinding on a factory basis 2014 139,715 33.1 N N N N 335312W Motors and generators, nsk, total 2015 411,470 0.4 N N N N 335312W Motors and generators, nsk, total 2014 403,742 0.4 N N N N 335312X Undistributed motors and generators 2015 N X 6,044,446 4,798,522 9,813,149 9,378,208 335312X Undistributed motors and generators 2014 N X 6,227,228 5,149,051 9,701,741 9,300,293 335313 Switchgear and switchboard apparatus 2015 10,784,587 1.7 6,027,092 4,274,976 11,291,283 10,961,747 335313 Switchgear and switchboard apparatus 2014 11,220,879 2.1 6,270,636 4,505,429 10,887,898 10,540,363 3353131 Power circuit breakers, all voltages 2015 2,304,049 3.2 123,144 116,010 153,436 195,196 3353131 Power circuit breakers, all voltages 2014 2,466,623 6.8 151,588 136,747 165,339 211,901 3353133 Low voltage panelboards and distribution boards and other switching and interrupting device 2015 2,441,186 2.4 647,493 497,563 1,046,074 1,040,132 3353133 Low voltage panelboards and distribution boards and other switching and interrupting device 2014 2,509,089 1.4 748,334 596,404 1,100,767 1,081,284 3353135 Fuses and fuse equipment less than 2300 volts (excluding power distribution cut-outs) 2015 283,002 3.5 259,519 115,702 294,990 294,176 3353135 Fuses and fuse equipment less than 2300 volts (excluding power distribution cut-outs) 2014 327,305 2.6 245,356 110,758 294,697 294,169 3353137 Molded case circuit breakers, 1000 volts or less 2015 620,100 1.2 441,449 346,628 867,264 866,115 3353137 Molded case circuit breakers, 1000 volts or less 2014 696,257 0.6 496,932 381,694 818,324 816,885 3353139 Duct, including plug-in units and accessories, 1000 volts or less 2015 354,810 2.6 30,108 27,503 10,238 10,221 3353139 Duct, including plug-in units and accessories, 1000 volts or less 2014 353,657 1.1 35,299 33,371 9,807 9,796 335313A Switchgear, excluding ducts and relays 2015 4,412,263 1.8 4,339,834 3,055,881 8,791,283 8,434,686 335313A Switchgear, excluding ducts and relays 2014 4,530,457 2.0 4,358,551 3,095,468 8,368,819 8,003,607 335313W Switchgear and switchboard apparatus, nsk, total 2015 369,177 37.4 N N N N 335313W Switchgear and switchboard apparatus, nsk, total 2014 337,490 s 41.1 s N N N N 335313X Undistributed switchgear and switchboard apparatus 2015 N X 185,543 115,686 127,995 121,218 335313X Undistributed switchgear and switchboard apparatus 2014 N X 234,574 150,984 130,141 122,718 335314 Relays and industrial controls 2015 9,569,452 2.6 5,928,842 4,300,747 5,206,387 4,875,343 335314 Relays and industrial controls 2014 9,842,281 2.6 5,711,700 4,195,704 5,282,300 4,977,728 3353141 Relays for electronic circuitry, industrial control overload, and switchgear-type 2015 1,536,919 4.8 704,709 441,204 758,399 725,217 3353141 Relays for electronic circuitry, industrial control overload, and switchgear-type 2014 1,463,591 4.9 715,031 454,044 783,268 747,923 3353143 Specific-purpose industrial controls 2015 2,310,257 8.1 N N N N 3353143 Specific-purpose industrial controls 2014 2,455,203 7.7 N N N N 3353146 General-purpose industrial controls 2015 4,627,599 3.0 1,969,981 1,520,219 3,397,851 3,152,031 3353146 General-purpose industrial controls 2014 4,806,061 2.9 1,894,262 1,464,318 3,407,351 3,162,144 3353147 Parts for industrial controls and motor-control accessories 2015 554,213 10.2 N N N N 3353147 Parts for industrial controls and motor-control accessories 2014 611,590 11.5 N N N N 335314W Relays and industrial controls, nsk, total 2015 540,463 3.4 N N N N 335314W Relays and industrial controls, nsk, total 2014 505,836 3.5 N N N N 335314X Undistributed relays and industrial controls 2015 N X 3,254,151 2,339,322 1,050,136 998,094 335314X Undistributed relays and industrial controls 2014 N X 3,102,405 2,277,341 1,091,680 1,067,660

Page 80

NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods335911 Storage batteries 2015 7,880,057 2.1 3,132,170 2,775,104 3,730,149 3,226,134 335911 Storage batteries 2014 7,819,057 1.4 2,944,106 2,599,895 4,527,408 3,898,993 3359111 Storage batteries, lead-acid-type, BCI dimensional size group 8D (1.5 cu ft (.042 cu m) and 2015 5,744,143 0.9 N N N N 3359111 Storage batteries, lead-acid-type, BCI dimensional size group 8D (1.5 cu ft (.042 cu m) and 2014 5,651,366 0.9 N N N N 3359114 Storage batteries, lead-acid-type, larger than BCI dimensional size group 8D (1.5 cu ft (.042 2015 1,212,632 11.6 N N N N 3359114 Storage batteries, lead-acid-type, larger than BCI dimensional size group 8D (1.5 cu ft (.042 2014 1,070,280 7.0 N N N N 3359118 Storage batteries (excluding lead acid) 2015 672,150 2.4 914,174 730,633 1,262,387 1,148,393 3359118 Storage batteries (excluding lead acid) 2014 812,891 2.3 886,407 721,050 2,248,674 1,904,758 3359119 Parts for all storage batteries, excluding cases and containers 2015 225,525 23.8 108,844 108,167 29,035 29,035 3359119 Parts for all storage batteries, excluding cases and containers 2014 268,739 8.8 112,950 110,672 40,358 40,358 335911W Storage batteries, nsk, total 2015 S A N N N N 335911W Storage batteries, nsk, total 2014 S A N N N N 335911X Undistributed storage batteries 2015 N X 2,109,151 1,936,303 2,438,726 2,048,704 335911X Undistributed storage batteries 2014 N X 1,944,747 1,768,172 2,238,375 1,953,875 335912 Primary batteries 2015 3,476,997 3.4 897,179 782,057 734,450 729,010 335912 Primary batteries 2014 3,466,672 7.3 880,507 755,890 746,536 743,916 3359120 Primary batteries 2015 3,476,997 3.4 897,179 782,057 734,450 729,010 3359120 Primary batteries 2014 3,466,672 7.3 880,507 755,890 746,536 743,916 335921 Fiber optic cable 2015 2,532,436 1.4 1,106,541 766,997 814,892 811,904 335921 Fiber optic cable 2014 2,222,700 0.9 1,016,914 673,596 735,078 733,818 3359210 Fiber optic cable 2015 2,532,436 1.4 1,106,541 766,997 814,892 811,904 3359210 Fiber optic cable 2014 2,222,700 0.9 1,016,914 673,596 735,078 733,818 335929 Other communication and energy wire 2015 11,943,889 1.0 6,213,840 4,883,413 4,607,764 4,508,393 335929 Other communication and energy wire 2014 12,255,611 1.1 6,406,151 5,249,246 7,677,540 7,549,319 3359291 Power wire and cable, made from nonferrous metals (purchased wire), for electric transmiss 2015 3,277,759 2.4 N N N N 3359291 Power wire and cable, made from nonferrous metals (purchased wire), for electric transmiss 2014 3,441,047 2.5 N N N N 335929A Electronic wire and cable, made from nonferrous metals (purchased wire) 2015 3,420,967 1.6 N N N N 335929A Electronic wire and cable, made from nonferrous metals (purchased wire) 2014 3,689,293 1.8 N N N N 335929B Telecom (low-voltage premise) wire and cable, made from nonferrous metals (purchased wi 2015 750,764 1.5 N N 2,005,824 1,984,979 335929B Telecom (low-voltage premise) wire and cable, made from nonferrous metals (purchased wi 2014 724,946 1.4 N N 1,956,109 1,941,458 335929D Building wire and cable, made of nonferrous metals (purchased wire), 601 volts or less, used 2015 2,630,612 1.1 N N N N 335929D Building wire and cable, made of nonferrous metals (purchased wire), 601 volts or less, used 2014 2,595,799 1.3 N N N N 335929F Other insulated wire and cable, including automotive, and control and signal wire and cable, 2015 1,466,985 4.5 N N N N 335929F Other insulated wire and cable, including automotive, and control and signal wire and cable, 2014 1,377,213 5.0 N N N N 335929W Other communication and energy wire, nsk, total 2015 396,802 0.1 N N N N 335929W Other communication and energy wire, nsk, total 2014 427,313 0.3 N N N N 335929X Undistributed other communication and energy wire 2015 N X 6,213,840 4,883,413 2,601,939 2,523,413 335929X Undistributed other communication and energy wire 2014 N X 6,406,151 5,249,246 5,721,430 5,607,860 335931 Current-carrying wiring devices 2015 7,613,522 1.5 6,628,880 4,996,638 5,553,181 5,448,684 335931 Current-carrying wiring devices 2014 7,511,647 1.5 6,628,593 5,049,098 5,522,489 5,407,349 3359315 Current-carrying switches for electrical circuitry (including vehicular switches) 2015 3,184,484 1.9 2,660,282 1,939,807 2,968,644 2,891,655 3359315 Current-carrying switches for electrical circuitry (including vehicular switches) 2014 3,041,408 1.9 2,672,998 1,958,120 2,958,289 2,883,424 3359319 Current-carrying wire connectors for electrical circuitry 2015 2,284,806 3.5 3,075,545 2,392,624 1,679,546 1,655,728 3359319 Current-carrying wire connectors for electrical circuitry 2014 2,275,123 3.5 3,026,732 2,380,409 1,643,928 1,609,663 335931A Current-carrying wiring devices, lampholders, power outlets, precious metal, attachments, p 2015 1,772,554 3.4 893,052 664,205 904,990 901,299 335931A Current-carrying wiring devices, lampholders, power outlets, precious metal, attachments, p 2014 1,840,960 2.3 928,862 710,568 920,271 914,261 335931W Current-carrying wiring devices, nsk, total 2015 371,677 1.3 N N N N 335931W Current-carrying wiring devices, nsk, total 2014 354,156 8.9 N N N N

Page 81

NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods335932 Noncurrent-carrying wiring devices 2015 4,962,153 1.3 228,446 191,662 149,360 145,357 335932 Noncurrent-carrying wiring devices 2014 5,142,571 1.1 398,975 339,080 347,125 339,711 3359321 Noncurrent-carrying pole and transmission line hardware 2015 1,328,284 2.8 N N N N 3359321 Noncurrent-carrying pole and transmission line hardware 2014 1,425,440 2.4 N N N N 3359323 Noncurrent-carrying electrical conduit and conduit fittings, including plastics conduit and con 2015 2,385,321 2.0 82,221 77,704 31,713 31,631 3359323 Noncurrent-carrying electrical conduit and conduit fittings, including plastics conduit and con 2014 2,417,419 1.7 88,519 81,083 37,017 36,580 3359326 Other noncurrent-carrying wiring devices and supplies (boxes, covers, bar hangers, etc.) 2015 1,169,858 1.7 146,224 113,957 117,647 113,725 3359326 Other noncurrent-carrying wiring devices and supplies (boxes, covers, bar hangers, etc.) 2014 1,229,378 1.5 310,455 257,997 310,107 303,130 335932W Noncurrent-carrying wiring devices, nsk, total 2015 78,689 13.3 N N N N 335932W Noncurrent-carrying wiring devices, nsk, total 2014 70,335 15.5 N N N N335991 Carbon and graphite products 2015 3,104,877 2.3 1,587,319 1,524,023 1,040,061 1,038,419 335991 Carbon and graphite products 2014 3,185,025 2.0 1,622,867 1,569,853 1,012,168 1,017,701 3359911 Carbon and graphite electrodes for electric furnaces and electrolytic cell use 2015 1,143,955 3.9 239,076 227,989 317,209 316,075 3359911 Carbon and graphite electrodes for electric furnaces and electrolytic cell use 2014 1,247,113 2.2 282,032 270,235 353,214 352,214 3359913 All other carbon and graphite products, including carbon and graphite fibers, brushes, brush 2015 1,873,248 3.0 1,331,596 1,279,814 714,113 713,606 3359913 All other carbon and graphite products, including carbon and graphite fibers, brushes, brush 2014 1,863,681 3.0 1,318,507 1,278,441 648,477 655,010 335991W Carbon and graphite products, nsk, total 2015 87,675 3.9 N N N N 335991W Carbon and graphite products, nsk, total 2014 74,232 4.7 N N N N 335991X Undistributed carbon and graphite products 2015 N X 16,646 16,219 8,737 8,737 335991X Undistributed carbon and graphite products 2014 N X 22,326 21,177 10,476 10,476 335999 All other miscellaneous electrical equipment and components 2015 10,346,666 0.9 7,998,204 5,433,409 14,059,535 13,794,622 335999 All other miscellaneous electrical equipment and components 2014 9,846,225 0.8 7,226,005 4,997,281 11,004,700 10,801,092 3359991 Capacitors for industrial use (excluding for electronic circuitry) 2015 844,435 2.4 N N N N 3359991 Capacitors for industrial use (excluding for electronic circuitry) 2014 827,429 2.7 N N N N 3359993 Rectifying apparatus 2015 1,447,171 2.8 971,705 542,745 1,810,981 1,776,547 3359993 Rectifying apparatus 2014 1,496,384 2.2 971,357 555,292 1,769,393 1,727,167 3359996 Other electrical equipment for industrial use, including industrial-use surge suppressors (exc 2015 1,808,738 1.8 1,387,031 604,884 2,453,666 2,422,167 3359996 Other electrical equipment for industrial use, including industrial-use surge suppressors (exc 2014 1,771,174 1.7 1,076,169 639,930 2,541,263 2,518,442 3359997 Laser sources, including nondiode and diode 2015 1,092,448 2.8 N N N N 3359997 Laser sources, including nondiode and diode 2014 1,037,225 2.5 N N N N 3359999 Laser systems and equipment, all other types 2015 1,288,478 2.1 N N N N 3359999 Laser systems and equipment, all other types 2014 1,041,366 2.5 N N N N 335999A Ultrasonic equipment, excluding medical and dental 2015 249,254 4.8 101,168 74,996 64,437 64,384 335999A Ultrasonic equipment, excluding medical and dental 2014 207,464 2.8 83,679 61,223 61,620 61,614 335999B Apparatus wire and cord and flexible cord sets (excluding wiring harnesses and fiber optic), 2015 214,730 1.7 N N N N 335999B Apparatus wire and cord and flexible cord sets (excluding wiring harnesses and fiber optic), 2014 247,400 1.4 N N N N 335999E All other miscellaneous electrical equipment and components (excluding for industrial use) 2015 378,581 7.9 122,416 77,617 153,371 148,887 335999E All other miscellaneous electrical equipment and components (excluding for industrial use) 2014 350,156 8.3 98,783 59,293 167,443 166,977 335999F All other miscellaneous electronic systems and equipment (including automatic garage door 2015 2,308,024 1.6 688,983 584,075 1,147,633 1,137,367 335999F All other miscellaneous electronic systems and equipment (including automatic garage door 2014 2,186,412 1.7 771,824 635,529 1,129,239 1,120,766 335999W All other miscellaneous electrical equipment and components, nsk, total 2015 714,808 3.7 N N N N 335999W All other miscellaneous electrical equipment and components, nsk, total 2014 681,215 4.1 N N N N 335999X Undistributed all other miscellaneous electrical equipment and components 2015 N X 4,726,898 3,549,090 8,429,444 8,245,266 335999X Undistributed all other miscellaneous electrical equipment and components 2014 N X 4,224,190 3,046,012 5,335,738 5,206,123 336111 Automobiles 2015 118,437,969 0.1 48,443,716 46,506,916 165,006,696 167,909,568 336111 Automobiles 2014 117,857,365 0.1 52,196,673 49,679,586 152,625,839 156,700,989 3361110 Automobiles 2015 118,437,969 0.1 48,443,716 46,506,916 165,006,696 167,909,568 3361110 Automobiles 2014 117,857,365 0.1 52,196,673 49,679,586 152,625,839 156,700,989 336112 Light truck and utility vehicles 2015 181,976,776 0.1 8,789,310 8,408,031 15,823,197 15,823,102 336112 Light truck and utility vehicles 2014 162,111,989 0.1 9,418,481 9,050,813 14,835,471 14,835,592 3361120 Light trucks and utility vehicles 2015 181,976,776 0.1 8,789,310 8,408,031 15,823,197 15,823,102 3361120 Light trucks and utility vehicles 2014 162,111,989 0.1 9,418,481 9,050,813 14,835,471 14,835,592

Page 82

NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods336120 Heavy duty trucks 2015 33,145,393 0.2 5,841,994 5,710,394 14,233,918 14,199,230 336120 Heavy duty trucks 2014 29,798,020 0.2 6,530,655 6,336,997 13,445,889 13,413,154 3361201 Trucks, truck tractors, and bus chassis (chassis of own manufacture) 14,001 to 33,000 lb 2015 3,080,423 2.1 3,097,506 3,048,261 12,832,417 12,797,729 3361201 Trucks, truck tractors, and bus chassis (chassis of own manufacture) 14,001 to 33,000 lb 2014 3,097,977 2.0 3,344,608 3,266,634 12,072,835 12,040,757 3361202 Trucks, truck tractors, and bus chassis (chassis of own manufacture) 33,001 lb or more 2015 23,607,416 0.0 1,441,786 1,381,796 362,834 362,834 3361202 Trucks, truck tractors, and bus chassis (chassis of own manufacture) 33,001 lb or more 2014 20,738,130 0.0 1,675,897 1,594,608 403,143 402,962 3361203 Buses, including military and firefighting vehicles (chassis of own manufacture) 2015 6,230,899 0.1 895,762 883,794 856,601 856,601 3361203 Buses, including military and firefighting vehicles (chassis of own manufacture) 2014 5,725,207 0.1 1,071,610 1,046,841 776,644 776,644 336120W Heavy duty trucks, nsk, total 2015 226,655 0.0 N N N N 336120W Heavy duty trucks, nsk, total 2014 236,706 0.0 N N N N 336120X Undistributed heavy duty trucks 2015 N X 406,937 396,541 182,063 182,063 336120X Undistributed heavy duty trucks 2014 N X 438,538 428,912 193,265 192,791 336211 Motor vehicle bodies 2015 12,781,552 1.7 9,858,549 8,486,098 914,958 909,073 336211 Motor vehicle bodies 2014 11,894,433 2.0 10,001,397 8,625,431 763,697 760,987 3362112 Bus bodies and truck cabs for sale separately 2015 2,539,412 3.2 51,743 33,105 599,361 597,943 3362112 Bus bodies and truck cabs for sale separately 2014 2,390,923 2.9 82,023 38,199 490,494 486,584 3362114 Van bodies for sale separately 2015 1,913,955 3.8 604,210 599,886 18,250 19,493 3362114 Van bodies for sale separately 2014 1,745,934 7.2 396,897 392,396 14,881 17,322 3362115 Other truck and vehicle bodies for sale separately (including dumptruck lifting mechanisms a 2015 3,516,772 3.2 1,421,086 903,251 27,141 27,986 3362115 Other truck and vehicle bodies for sale separately (including dumptruck lifting mechanisms a 2014 3,064,465 2.8 1,510,471 1,060,397 13,702 15,751 3362117 Buses and firefighting vehicles, complete, produced on purchased chassis 2015 1,455,690 5.3 N N 78 78 3362117 Buses and firefighting vehicles, complete, produced on purchased chassis 2014 1,438,880 7.0 N N 1,539 1,539 3362119 Other trucks, complete, produced on purchased chassis 2015 2,756,515 3.4 10,798 10,413 31,700 25,145 3362119 Other trucks, complete, produced on purchased chassis 2014 2,747,295 3.6 16,443 16,311 25,329 22,038 336211W Motor vehicle bodies, nsk, total 2015 599,208 13.3 N N N N 336211W Motor vehicle bodies, nsk, total 2014 506,935 15.9 N N N N 336211X Undistributed motor vehicle bodies 2015 N X 7,770,711 6,939,441 238,425 238,425 336211X Undistributed motor vehicle bodies 2014 N X 7,995,561 7,118,125 217,750 217,750 336212 Truck trailers 2015 9,825,162 1.1 1,256,905 1,222,829 1,850,312 1,849,804 336212 Truck trailers 2014 8,940,709 1.2 1,403,261 1,345,377 1,437,040 1,437,031 3362121 Truck trailers, with axle rating of 10,000 lb or more 2015 8,573,562 1.1 1,249,302 1,215,433 1,846,675 1,846,167 3362121 Truck trailers, with axle rating of 10,000 lb or more 2014 7,858,122 1.1 1,394,484 1,336,697 1,429,448 1,429,439 3362123 Truck trailers, with axle rating of less than 10,000 lb 2015 923,221 5.6 7,603 7,396 3,637 3,637 3362123 Truck trailers, with axle rating of less than 10,000 lb 2014 803,303 4.7 8,777 8,680 7,591 7,591 336212W Truck trailers, nsk, total 2015 328,378 12.3 N N N N 336212W Truck trailers, nsk, total 2014 279,283 16.7 N N N N336213 Motor homes 2015 4,523,468 1.3 291,892 284,694 243,494 372,040 336213 Motor homes 2014 4,235,940 1.6 428,949 420,535 211,081 308,658 3362130 Motor homes, produced on purchased chassis 2015 4,523,468 1.3 291,892 284,694 243,494 372,040 3362130 Motor homes, produced on purchased chassis 2014 4,235,940 1.6 428,949 420,535 211,081 308,658 336214 Travel trailers and campers 2015 13,273,710 1.6 1,233,400 1,228,817 503,267 503,210 336214 Travel trailers and campers 2014 13,011,720 2.5 1,637,616 1,634,597 494,588 494,551 3362141 Travel trailers 2015 8,132,612 0.8 N N N N 3362141 Travel trailers 2014 7,860,414 3.2 N N N N 3362143 Automobile and light truck trailers 2015 2,595,596 2.9 N N N N 3362143 Automobile and light truck trailers 2014 2,548,308 2.5 N N N N 3362145 Camping trailers, campers, pickup covers, and parts 2015 1,987,416 9.6 1,233,400 1,228,817 503,267 503,210 3362145 Camping trailers, campers, pickup covers, and parts 2014 2,056,115 9.1 1,637,616 1,634,597 494,588 494,551 336214W Travel trailers and campers, nsk, total 2015 558,086 4.7 N N N N 336214W Travel trailers and campers, nsk, total 2014 546,884 4.8 N N N N

Page 83

NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods336310 Motor vehicle gasoline engines and engine parts 2015 31,547,247 0.6 8,683,072 7,780,468 18,719,050 16,458,197 336310 Motor vehicle gasoline engines and engine parts 2014 29,658,806 0.5 8,706,403 7,718,534 18,746,388 16,393,058 3363101 Gasoline engines and gasoline engine parts for motor vehicles, new 2015 27,665,766 0.4 N N N N 3363101 Gasoline engines and gasoline engine parts for motor vehicles, new 2014 25,859,207 0.2 N N N N 3363103 Gasoline engines and engine parts for motor vehicles, rebuilt 2015 1,278,397 4.5 N N N N 3363103 Gasoline engines and engine parts for motor vehicles, rebuilt 2014 1,205,245 4.5 N N N N 3363105 Carburetors and parts, new and rebuilt (all types) 2015 247,352 9.8 N N N N 3363105 Carburetors and parts, new and rebuilt (all types) 2014 240,760 8.9 N N N N 3363107 Pistons, piston rings, and piston pins (engine) 2015 1,258,319 3.9 7,377,078 6,741,612 2,235,536 2,110,408 3363107 Pistons, piston rings, and piston pins (engine) 2014 1,278,766 3.0 7,292,888 6,557,334 2,200,999 2,101,234 3363109 Valves (engine intake and exhaust) 2015 602,039 2.1 N N N N 3363109 Valves (engine intake and exhaust) 2014 593,268 2.0 N N N N 336310W Motor vehicle gasoline engines and engine parts, nsk, total 2015 495,373 24.4 N N N N 336310W Motor vehicle gasoline engines and engine parts, nsk, total 2014 481,560 25.1 N N N N 336310X Undistributed motor vehicle gasoline engines and engine parts 2015 N X 1,305,993 1,038,855 16,483,513 14,347,789 336310X Undistributed motor vehicle gasoline engines and engine parts 2014 N X 1,413,515 1,161,200 16,545,389 14,291,824 336320 Motor vehicle electrical and electronic equipment 2015 22,503,960 0.7 6,584,124 4,365,715 20,122,515 19,677,752 336320 Motor vehicle electrical and electronic equipment 2014 21,827,084 0.5 6,520,793 4,340,954 19,018,051 18,638,117 3363201 Vehicular lighting equipment, electric (including parts and accessories) 2015 4,912,227 0.9 1,789,833 1,376,224 4,192,342 4,078,776 3363201 Vehicular lighting equipment, electric (including parts and accessories) 2014 4,578,445 0.3 1,597,250 1,234,513 3,796,747 3,699,889 3363202 Ignition harness and cable sets 2015 920,707 5.8 115,637 101,624 505,997 494,457 3363202 Ignition harness and cable sets 2014 977,455 5.2 114,174 101,868 553,354 545,643 3363203 Battery charging alternators, generators, and regulators 2015 2,065,472 3.5 933,442 662,249 1,367,791 1,319,108 3363203 Battery charging alternators, generators, and regulators 2014 2,001,910 2.3 919,901 665,364 1,283,190 1,239,198 3363205 Cranking motors (starters) 2015 3,053,910 0.4 643,162 477,556 1,124,210 1,069,655 3363205 Cranking motors (starters) 2014 2,961,018 0.4 611,530 465,132 1,095,344 1,052,364 3363207 Spark plugs (all types) 2015 205,862 2.8 260,795 181,003 495,071 490,807 3363207 Spark plugs (all types) 2014 210,865 2.7 249,646 175,972 527,702 524,908 3363209 All other miscellaneous complete engine electrical equipment 2015 1,325,012 4.8 2,336,002 1,220,569 11,320,043 11,134,643 3363209 All other miscellaneous complete engine electrical equipment 2014 1,234,407 4.3 2,467,784 1,322,264 10,651,845 10,487,093 336320A Parts for engine electrical and electronic equipment 2015 1,027,758 2.7 15,278 13,114 1,221 1,221 336320A Parts for engine electrical and electronic equipment 2014 1,079,533 0.8 20,333 17,447 1,158 1,158 336320D Motor vehicle electrical and electronic equipment 2015 8,408,827 0.8 489,971 333,372 1,115,836 1,089,082 336320D Motor vehicle electrical and electronic equipment 2014 8,199,941 0.8 540,172 358,390 1,108,707 1,087,861 336320W Motor vehicle electrical and electronic equipment, nsk, total 2015 584,187 8.5 N N N N 336320W Motor vehicle electrical and electronic equipment, nsk, total 2014 583,510 2.4 N N N N336330 Motor vehicle steering and suspension components (except springs) 2015 14,274,965 0.7 11,652,970 10,314,722 17,226,021 14,796,715 336330 Motor vehicle steering and suspension components (except springs) 2014 13,585,619 0.7 11,409,976 9,928,169 16,977,898 14,857,368 3363300 Motor vehicle steering and suspension components (excluding spring), new and rebuilt 2015 14,274,965 0.7 11,652,970 10,314,722 17,226,021 14,796,715 3363300 Motor vehicle steering and suspension components (excluding spring), new and rebuilt 2014 13,585,619 0.7 11,409,976 9,928,169 16,977,898 14,857,368 336340 Motor vehicle brake systems 2015 10,448,049 0.8 3,216,838 2,653,782 5,320,752 5,119,960 336340 Motor vehicle brake systems 2014 10,096,267 0.8 3,055,828 2,507,774 5,094,014 4,889,685 3363401 Motor vehicle brake parts and assemblies, new 2015 9,686,250 0.9 673,352 552,743 1,566,453 1,485,192 3363401 Motor vehicle brake parts and assemblies, new 2014 9,352,992 0.9 655,670 539,069 1,495,931 1,410,510 3363403 Motor vehicle brake parts and assemblies, rebuilt 2015 674,094 0.1 2,543,485 2,101,038 3,528,419 3,408,918 3363403 Motor vehicle brake parts and assemblies, rebuilt 2014 645,943 0.1 2,400,157 1,968,704 3,402,722 3,283,952 336340W Motor vehicle brake systems, nsk, total 2015 87,705 0.3 N N N N 336340W Motor vehicle brake systems, nsk, total 2014 97,332 0.3 N N N N 336340X Undistributed motor vehicle brake systems 2015 N X N N 225,879 225,849 336340X Undistributed motor vehicle brake systems 2014 N X N N 195,361 195,222

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NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods336350 Motor vehicle transmission and power train parts 2015 40,067,604 1.3 2,953,470 2,638,002 9,013,376 8,509,402 336350 Motor vehicle transmission and power train parts 2014 40,027,144 0.8 2,834,274 2,544,304 8,815,031 8,350,553 3363501 Motor vehicle drive train components, excluding wheels and brakes, new 2015 38,482,805 1.3 2,232,867 2,070,428 9,013,376 8,509,402 3363501 Motor vehicle drive train components, excluding wheels and brakes, new 2014 38,444,028 0.8 2,139,869 1,960,997 8,815,031 8,350,553 3363503 Motor vehicle drive train components, rebuilt 2015 1,062,669 1.2 720,602 567,574 N N 3363503 Motor vehicle drive train components, rebuilt 2014 1,076,055 1.2 694,404 583,307 N N 336350W Motor vehicle transmission and power train parts, nsk, total 2015 522,130 16.1 N N N N 336350W Motor vehicle transmission and power train parts, nsk, total 2014 507,060 16.6 N N N N336360 Motor vehicle seating and interior trim 2015 30,863,764 0.5 3,005,086 2,377,929 7,657,618 7,602,846 336360 Motor vehicle seating and interior trim 2014 29,017,789 0.5 2,539,401 1,982,130 7,166,735 7,116,205 3363601 Automobile trimmings 2015 9,253,747 1.3 N N N N 3363601 Automobile trimmings 2014 8,545,338 1.3 N N N N 3363602 Fabricated seat and safety belts, including shoulder harnesses (excluding leather) 2015 5,579,331 1.3 N N N N 3363602 Fabricated seat and safety belts, including shoulder harnesses (excluding leather) 2014 4,948,827 1.3 N N N N 3363603 Seats for public conveyance and aircraft 2015 11,560,876 0.6 617,461 599,040 766,851 766,868 3363603 Seats for public conveyance and aircraft 2014 11,239,829 0.7 547,844 534,206 742,658 742,622 3363605 Fabricated automobile seat covers and tire covers 2015 597,008 4.9 N N 123,351 119,571 3363605 Fabricated automobile seat covers and tire covers 2014 577,924 4.8 N N 110,744 108,648 3363607 Metal motor vehicle seat frames 2015 3,268,798 1.5 N N 47,136 47,136 3363607 Metal motor vehicle seat frames 2014 3,089,741 1.3 N N 26,414 26,413 336360W Motor vehicle seating and interior trim, nsk, total 2015 604,005 1.0 N N N N 336360W Motor vehicle seating and interior trim, nsk, total 2014 616,129 0.8 N N N N 336360X Undistributed motor vehicle seating and interior trim 2015 N X 2,387,624 1,778,889 6,720,278 6,669,270 336360X Undistributed motor vehicle seating and interior trim 2014 N X 1,991,557 1,447,924 6,286,917 6,238,521 336370 Motor vehicle metal stampings 2015 34,986,457 0.8 1,365,403 1,313,704 715,551 612,350 336370 Motor vehicle metal stampings 2014 32,362,622 0.9 1,523,414 1,490,280 611,510 599,225 3363700 Automotive job stampings (truck, bus, and passenger car) 2015 34,986,457 0.8 1,365,403 1,313,704 715,551 612,350 3363700 Automotive job stampings (truck, bus, and passenger car) 2014 32,362,622 0.9 1,523,414 1,490,280 611,510 599,225 336390 Other motor vehicle parts 2015 64,106,339 1.6 17,874,145 16,167,018 36,229,749 34,876,541 336390 Other motor vehicle parts 2014 61,824,442 1.4 16,412,432 14,614,583 34,005,200 32,920,013 3363901 Filters for internal combustion engines and motor vehicles, new 2015 3,860,074 2.7 1,469,754 1,299,761 1,146,881 1,111,266 3363901 Filters for internal combustion engines and motor vehicles, new 2014 3,715,568 1.6 1,452,494 1,290,541 1,146,218 1,112,494 3363902 Motor vehicle air-conditioning systems 2015 5,341,098 2.1 144,409 124,574 1,349,215 1,359,594 3363902 Motor vehicle air-conditioning systems 2014 5,179,832 1.8 103,966 82,859 1,296,145 1,297,207 3363903 Automotive air-conditioning compressors (open-type, with or without motor) 2015 1,399,312 1.0 577,767 485,314 1,097,806 1,163,492 3363903 Automotive air-conditioning compressors (open-type, with or without motor) 2014 1,398,263 1.0 544,139 460,252 1,050,504 1,094,538 3363904 Exhaust system parts, new 2015 14,377,754 6.4 1,626,368 1,578,597 2,342,266 2,271,034 3363904 Exhaust system parts, new 2014 14,253,728 5.3 1,478,749 1,425,688 2,292,617 2,215,271 3363905 Motor vehicle wheels, new 2015 3,034,341 3.4 N N 4,129,759 3,965,142 3363905 Motor vehicle wheels, new 2014 3,065,923 4.5 N N 3,695,570 3,633,235 3363906 Trailer hitches (for travel trailers, automobile trailers, and light-duty truck trailers) 2015 226,228 2.7 N N N N 3363906 Trailer hitches (for travel trailers, automobile trailers, and light-duty truck trailers) 2014 207,511 2.0 N N N N 3363909 All other motor vehicle parts and accessories, new and rebuilt 2015 33,998,576 1.3 14,055,845 12,678,771 26,163,821 25,006,010 3363909 All other motor vehicle parts and accessories, new and rebuilt 2014 32,278,087 1.1 12,833,083 11,355,242 24,524,144 23,567,265 336390W Other motor vehicle parts, nsk, total 2015 1,868,956 6.7 N N N N 336390W Other motor vehicle parts, nsk, total 2014 1,725,531 7.3 N N N N

Page 85

NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods336411 Aircraft 2015 123,786,705 0.2 67,020,073 64,576,180 18,266,927 18,266,927 336411 Aircraft 2014 123,037,951 0.1 63,341,148 60,070,501 16,780,646 16,780,646 3364112 Military aircraft (including all aircraft for U.S. military and any other aircraft built to military spe 2015 33,312,467 0.2 3,681,852 3,649,334 2,708 2,708 3364112 Military aircraft (including all aircraft for U.S. military and any other aircraft built to military spe 2014 35,641,765 0.1 5,106,443 5,050,344 51,313 51,313 3364113 Civilian aircraft 2015 75,818,872 0.2 63,289,874 60,882,139 18,236,841 18,236,841 3364113 Civilian aircraft 2014 71,486,561 0.1 58,187,356 54,976,307 16,708,700 16,708,700 3364115 Modification, conversion, and overhaul of previously accepted aircraft 2015 5,131,084 2.7 N N N N 3364115 Modification, conversion, and overhaul of previously accepted aircraft 2014 6,093,797 1.6 N N N N 3364117 All other aeronautical services on complete aircraft 2015 9,104,837 0.1 N N N N 3364117 All other aeronautical services on complete aircraft 2014 9,435,243 0.1 N N N N 336411W Aircraft, nsk, total 2015 419,445 0.0 N N N N 336411W Aircraft, nsk, total 2014 380,585 0.1 N N N N 336411X Undistributed aircraft 2015 N X 48,347 44,706 27,377 27,377 336411X Undistributed aircraft 2014 N X 47,348 43,849 20,632 20,632 336412 Aircraft engines and engine parts 2015 39,223,293 0.8 36,799,610 30,795,883 19,579,510 19,539,307 336412 Aircraft engines and engine parts 2014 38,964,360 0.8 35,079,375 29,872,615 19,010,282 19,098,817 3364121 Military aircraft engines (including other aircraft engines built to military specifications) 2015 4,884,360 1.3 784,058 713,468 120,973 120,859 3364121 Military aircraft engines (including other aircraft engines built to military specifications) 2014 5,056,285 1.2 1,020,566 979,305 129,921 127,384 3364123 Civilian aircraft engines 2015 7,178,636 2.4 13,334,144 12,163,188 298,367 298,372 3364123 Civilian aircraft engines 2014 7,591,391 2.1 13,230,766 12,174,524 108,436 108,281 3364125 Aeronautical services on aircraft engines 2015 5,728,451 2.4 N N N N 3364125 Aeronautical services on aircraft engines 2014 5,411,004 2.6 N N N N 3364127 Aircraft engine parts and accessories 2015 20,718,494 1.1 22,675,007 17,913,060 N N 3364127 Aircraft engine parts and accessories 2014 20,176,516 1.1 20,815,841 16,706,936 N N 336412W Aircraft engines and engine parts, nsk, total 2015 713,352 2.5 N N N N 336412W Aircraft engines and engine parts, nsk, total 2014 729,165 2.4 N N N N 336412X Undistributed aircraft engines and engine parts 2015 N X 6,400 6,166 19,160,169 19,120,074 336412X Undistributed aircraft engines and engine parts 2014 N X 12,200 11,849 18,771,924 18,863,151 336413 Other aircraft parts and auxiliary equipment 2015 40,627,789 1.8 24,082,313 22,402,025 16,462,580 16,469,900 336413 Other aircraft parts and auxiliary equipment 2014 42,285,635 1.8 24,444,704 22,708,361 17,157,523 17,198,368 3364131 Aircraft propellers and helicopter rotors 2015 2,587,743 5.3 1,011,478 959,186 195,316 195,926 3364131 Aircraft propellers and helicopter rotors 2014 2,432,137 5.7 1,009,579 955,045 228,816 229,058 3364133 Developing and making prototypes of aircraft parts (excluding engines) 2015 2,730,839 8.1 N N N N 3364133 Developing and making prototypes of aircraft parts (excluding engines) 2014 3,428,449 5.4 N N N N 3364136 Aircraft parts and auxiliary equipment, excluding hydraulic and pneumatic subassemblies an 2015 33,321,033 1.6 23,070,834 21,442,838 16,267,263 16,273,974 3364136 Aircraft parts and auxiliary equipment, excluding hydraulic and pneumatic subassemblies an 2014 34,448,171 1.8 23,435,125 21,753,315 16,928,706 16,969,309 336413W Other aircraft parts and auxiliary equipment, nsk, total 2015 1,988,175 20.0 N N N N 336413W Other aircraft parts and auxiliary equipment, nsk, total 2014 1,976,878 19.8 N N N N336414 Guided missiles and space vehicles 2015 22,201,356 5.3 1,316,593 1,316,593 5,378 5,378 336414 Guided missiles and space vehicles 2014 22,006,221 1.0 1,582,321 1,579,776 2,792 2,840 3364141 Complete guided missiles 2015 8,851,450 12.2 1,304,929 1,304,929 2,588 2,588 3364141 Complete guided missiles 2014 8,745,571 1.9 1,559,838 1,558,005 2,063 2,063 3364143 Developing and making prototypes of complete guided missiles 2015 2,019,571 18.7 N N N N 3364143 Developing and making prototypes of complete guided missiles 2014 2,214,474 5.6 N N N N 3364145 Other services on complete guided missiles 2015 D D N N N N 3364145 Other services on complete guided missiles 2014 D D N N N N 3364147 Complete space vehicles (excluding propulsion systems) 2015 7,715,593 0.0 11,664 11,664 2,789 2,789 3364147 Complete space vehicles (excluding propulsion systems) 2014 7,519,177 0.0 22,483 21,771 728 777 3364149 Developing and making prototypes of complete space vehicles 2015 D D N N N N 3364149 Developing and making prototypes of complete space vehicles 2014 D D N N N N 336414A All other services on complete space vehicles 2015 1,938,992 0.0 N N N N 336414A All other services on complete space vehicles 2014 1,966,326 0.0 N N N N 336414W Guided missiles and space vehicles, nsk, total 2015 D D N N N N 336414W Guided missiles and space vehicles, nsk, total 2014 D D N N N N

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NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods336415 Guided missile and space vehicle propulsion units and propulsion unit parts 2015 3,517,672 0.7 1,478,650 1,471,979 470,338 470,338 336415 Guided missile and space vehicle propulsion units and propulsion unit parts 2014 3,472,049 0.6 772,607 751,520 493,030 493,025 3364151 Complete missiles, space vehicle engines, and propulsion units 2015 2,001,124 0.2 45,980 45,980 201,776 201,776 3364151 Complete missiles, space vehicle engines, and propulsion units 2014 1,990,350 0.2 54,305 54,305 160,839 160,839 3364153 Developing and making prototypes of complete missiles, space vehicle engines, and propul 2015 D D N N N N 3364153 Developing and making prototypes of complete missiles, space vehicle engines, and propul 2014 D D N N N N 3364155 Other services on complete missiles, space vehicle engines, and propulsion units 2015 D D N N N N 3364155 Other services on complete missiles, space vehicle engines, and propulsion units 2014 D D N N N N 3364157 Missile and space vehicle engine and propulsion parts and accessories 2015 415,492 5.9 1,432,669 1,425,999 268,561 268,561 3364157 Missile and space vehicle engine and propulsion parts and accessories 2014 470,356 4.0 718,301 697,214 332,191 332,185 336415W Guided missile and space vehicle propulsion units and propulsion unit parts, nsk, total 2015 D D N N N N 336415W Guided missile and space vehicle propulsion units and propulsion unit parts, nsk, total 2014 D D N N N N336419 Other guided missile and space vehicle parts and auxiliary equipment 2015 2,760,089 3.5 399,081 395,381 132,293 132,293 336419 Other guided missile and space vehicle parts and auxiliary equipment 2014 2,957,979 4.5 373,726 371,141 89,870 89,870 3364191 Missile and space vehicle components, parts, and subassemblies 2015 2,342,815 3.9 399,081 395,381 132,293 132,293 3364191 Missile and space vehicle components, parts, and subassemblies 2014 2,545,605 5.2 373,726 371,141 89,870 89,870 3364193 Developing and making prototypes of missile and space vehicle parts and components 2015 340,314 8.4 N N N N 3364193 Developing and making prototypes of missile and space vehicle parts and components 2014 318,658 6.8 N N N N 336419W Other guided missile and space vehicle parts and auxiliary equipment, nsk, total 2015 76,960 15.8 N N N N 336419W Other guided missile and space vehicle parts and auxiliary equipment, nsk, total 2014 93,716 12.9 N N N N33641X Aerospace products and parts 2015 N X D D D D33641X Aerospace products and parts 2014 N X D D D D 33641XX Undistributed aerospace products and parts 2015 N X D D D D 33641XX Undistributed aerospace products and parts 2014 N X D D D D336510 Railroad rolling stock 2015 20,820,580 2.5 3,555,994 3,313,116 1,612,324 1,649,345 336510 Railroad rolling stock 2014 20,632,024 0.3 3,461,265 3,335,312 1,395,685 1,412,698 3365102 Locomotives, new and rebuilt, including parts (excluding engines) 2015 10,023,300 1.3 1,173,706 1,153,576 241,079 302,871 3365102 Locomotives, new and rebuilt, including parts (excluding engines) 2014 11,232,795 0.3 1,160,672 1,121,293 214,484 249,606 3365103 Train and train cars, freight and passenger, new, excluding parts 2015 6,923,362 7.3 531,711 391,128 95,157 95,136 3365103 Train and train cars, freight and passenger, new, excluding parts 2014 5,402,621 0.8 478,208 460,668 36,702 36,702 3365105 Cars (street, subway, trolley, and rapid transit), rebuilt (including parts) and railway maintena 2015 3,456,891 1.3 1,850,576 1,768,411 1,276,087 1,251,337 3365105 Cars (street, subway, trolley, and rapid transit), rebuilt (including parts) and railway maintena 2014 3,747,519 1.2 1,822,384 1,753,351 1,144,498 1,126,390 336510W Railroad rolling stock, nsk, total 2015 417,027 0.9 N N N N 336510W Railroad rolling stock, nsk, total 2014 249,089 1.4 N N N N336611 Ships and ship repair 2015 24,666,600 1.2 2,010,137 1,505,916 1,090,406 1,521,506 336611 Ships and ship repair 2014 24,675,747 1.3 2,081,889 1,904,870 380,710 660,778 3366111 Ships, barges, and platforms, nonpropelled, new construction 2015 2,780,365 0.8 89,859 85,431 134,784 344,953 3366111 Ships, barges, and platforms, nonpropelled, new construction 2014 3,507,694 1.9 176,168 154,576 62,294 62,289 3366113 Ships (including combat ships, troop transport vessels, fleet auxiliaries, and service craft), se 2015 12,466,945 1.3 260,290 260,290 0 80,007 3366113 Ships (including combat ships, troop transport vessels, fleet auxiliaries, and service craft), se 2014 11,587,200 1.3 297,162 297,162 36 70,338 3366116 Ships, self-propelled, nonmilitary, new construction 2015 2,477,620 3.0 1,448,652 951,047 889,709 1,012,544 3366116 Ships, self-propelled, nonmilitary, new construction 2014 2,330,353 3.2 1,347,692 1,203,034 267,680 455,742 3366118 Ship repair, military 2015 4,323,888 2.7 N N N N 3366118 Ship repair, military 2014 4,530,464 3.7 N N N N 336611A Ship repair, nonmilitary 2015 1,407,770 12.2 N N N N 336611A Ship repair, nonmilitary 2014 1,495,803 10.7 N N N N 336611W Ships and ship repair, nsk, total 2015 1,210,013 7.8 N N N N 336611W Ships and ship repair, nsk, total 2014 1,224,233 8.5 N N N N 336611X Undistributed ships and ship repair 2015 N X 211,335 209,147 65,912 84,000 336611X Undistributed ships and ship repair 2014 N X 260,866 250,097 50,697 72,407

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NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods336612 Boats 2015 8,787,291 2.2 979,329 896,217 1,555,427 1,555,427 336612 Boats 2014 7,855,658 1.2 1,167,598 1,100,567 956,213 956,199 3366121 Motorboats, outboard, including commercial and military (excluding sailboats and lifeboats) 2015 4,003,493 4.2 167,251 165,984 46,333 46,333 3366121 Motorboats, outboard, including commercial and military (excluding sailboats and lifeboats) 2014 3,438,416 1.5 213,760 211,352 38,023 38,023 3366123 Motorboats, inboard, cabin cruisers, including commercial and military (excluding sailboats a 2015 1,727,270 3.7 470,441 410,184 1,256,441 1,256,441 3366123 Motorboats, inboard, cabin cruisers, including commercial and military (excluding sailboats a 2014 1,580,470 3.3 539,450 496,466 680,190 680,190 3366125 Inboard-outdrive boats, including commercial and military (excluding sailboats and lifeboats) 2015 1,446,685 2.5 248,303 242,582 21,851 21,851 3366125 Inboard-outdrive boats, including commercial and military (excluding sailboats and lifeboats) 2014 1,323,152 2.8 306,053 298,403 16,101 16,101 3366128 Boats, all other types, excluding military and commercial 2015 575,589 10.2 93,334 77,466 230,799 230,799 3366128 Boats, all other types, excluding military and commercial 2014 574,615 5.7 108,333 94,345 221,898 221,884 336612W Boats, nsk, total 2015 1,034,255 4.1 N N N N 336612W Boats, nsk, total 2014 939,004 3.8 N N N N336991 Motorcycles, bicycles, and parts 2015 6,339,798 3.7 2,065,952 1,861,139 4,928,427 4,902,024 336991 Motorcycles, bicycles, and parts 2014 6,089,067 3.1 2,289,486 2,073,575 4,768,039 4,826,894 3369912 Cycles, including parts (excluding children's two-wheel sidewalk cycles with solid or semipne 2015 841,233 19.1 91,413 39,504 1,681,624 1,680,347 3369912 Cycles, including parts (excluding children's two-wheel sidewalk cycles with solid or semipne 2014 830,174 17.0 114,820 70,596 1,521,472 1,519,837 3369913 Motorcycles, including three-wheel, motorbikes, motor scooters, mopeds, and parts (includin 2015 4,908,494 2.8 1,687,901 1,583,373 2,788,503 2,765,265 3369913 Motorcycles, including three-wheel, motorbikes, motor scooters, mopeds, and parts (includin 2014 4,932,671 2.4 1,834,345 1,708,026 2,756,653 2,817,160 336991W Motorcycles, bicycles, and parts, nsk, total 2015 590,071 17.0 N N N N 336991W Motorcycles, bicycles, and parts, nsk, total 2014 326,222 0.0 N N N N 336991X Undistributed motorcycles, bicycles, and parts 2015 N X 286,636 238,260 458,299 456,411 336991X Undistributed motorcycles, bicycles, and parts 2014 N X 340,320 294,951 489,914 489,896 336992 Military armored vehicles, tanks, and tank components 2015 2,514,074 2.6 1,254,845 1,235,173 218,220 218,220 336992 Military armored vehicles, tanks, and tank components 2014 2,752,501 1.7 876,794 857,070 256,584 256,584 3369920 Military armored vehicles, tanks, and tank components 2015 2,514,074 2.6 1,254,845 1,235,173 218,220 218,220 3369920 Military armored vehicles, tanks, and tank components 2014 2,752,501 1.7 876,794 857,070 256,584 256,584 336999 All other transportation equipment 2015 8,557,623 1.0 745,166 716,169 1,260,680 1,300,775 336999 All other transportation equipment 2014 8,078,285 0.9 882,195 826,566 1,190,022 1,228,311 3369991 Self-propelled golf carts and industrial in-plant personnel carriers, including parts 2015 1,230,571 0.0 148,839 148,666 17,214 17,554 3369991 Self-propelled golf carts and industrial in-plant personnel carriers, including parts 2014 1,076,555 0.0 138,824 138,435 6,763 11,933 3369994 All-terrain vehicles and parts 2015 4,790,927 1.0 N N 293,600 334,454 3369994 All-terrain vehicles and parts 2014 4,551,010 0.5 N N 277,934 311,078 3369996 All other miscellaneous transportation equipment 2015 1,874,313 3.6 596,327 567,503 949,865 948,765 3369996 All other miscellaneous transportation equipment 2014 1,839,207 3.7 743,371 688,130 905,325 905,299 336999W All other transportation equipment, nsk, total 2015 661,811 1.0 N N N N 336999W All other transportation equipment, nsk, total 2014 611,514 0.0 N N N N337110 Wood kitchen cabinets and countertops 2015 13,886,065 1.9 104,864 100,626 1,073,038 1,073,883 337110 Wood kitchen cabinets and countertops 2014 12,432,955 1.8 113,586 107,974 886,332 883,420 3371101 Wood kitchen cabinets and related cabinetwork, stock line, for permanent installation 2015 5,608,245 2.6 104,864 100,626 1,073,038 1,073,883 3371101 Wood kitchen cabinets and related cabinetwork, stock line, for permanent installation 2014 4,934,866 2.7 113,586 107,974 886,332 883,420 3371104 Wood custom kitchen cabinets and related cabinetwork for permanent installation, excluding 2015 2,508,531 5.6 N N N N 3371104 Wood custom kitchen cabinets and related cabinetwork for permanent installation, excluding 2014 2,147,633 4.9 N N N N 3371107 Bathroom vanities and related cabinetwork for permanent installation, excluding those sold d 2015 1,024,203 2.5 N N N N 3371107 Bathroom vanities and related cabinetwork for permanent installation, excluding those sold d 2014 957,665 2.7 N N N N 337110B Wood kitchen cabinet and counter tops, wood and plastics laminated 2015 1,216,870 5.9 N N N N 337110B Wood kitchen cabinet and counter tops, wood and plastics laminated 2014 1,200,643 5.2 N N N N 337110F Wood bathroom vanity tops, wood and plastics laminated 2015 129,449 21.1 N N N N 337110F Wood bathroom vanity tops, wood and plastics laminated 2014 132,776 20.2 N N N N 337110H Wood kitchen cabinets, bathroom vanities, and related cabinetwork, custom, for permanent 2015 1,825,601 6.7 N N N N 337110H Wood kitchen cabinets, bathroom vanities, and related cabinetwork, custom, for permanent 2014 1,609,146 5.9 N N N N 337110W Wood kitchen cabinets and countertops, nsk, total 2015 1,573,166 4.8 N N N N 337110W Wood kitchen cabinets and countertops, nsk, total 2014 1,450,225 5.1 N N N N

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NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods337121 Upholstered household furniture 2015 10,276,057 1.8 636,245 539,424 4,281,550 4,282,056 337121 Upholstered household furniture 2014 9,485,079 1.5 639,895 539,198 3,731,664 3,730,801 3371211 Upholstered household furniture, excluding stock line dual-purpose sleep furniture 2015 8,811,035 2.1 585,658 509,095 4,041,034 4,042,275 3371211 Upholstered household furniture, excluding stock line dual-purpose sleep furniture 2014 8,266,090 1.7 592,983 507,994 3,533,325 3,532,434 3371214 Dual-purpose sleep furniture (including convertible sofas, jackknife sofa and chair beds, stud 2015 648,449 2.7 50,587 30,328 240,515 239,780 3371214 Dual-purpose sleep furniture (including convertible sofas, jackknife sofa and chair beds, stud 2014 518,567 3.3 46,911 31,203 198,338 198,366 337121W Upholstered household furniture, nsk, total 2015 816,572 3.1 N N N N 337121W Upholstered household furniture, nsk, total 2014 700,422 3.6 N N N N337122 Nonupholstered wood household furniture 2015 3,904,867 3.2 245,111 176,824 4,770,047 4,759,912 337122 Nonupholstered wood household furniture 2014 3,788,119 3.0 239,676 162,363 4,367,172 4,367,738 3371221 Nonupholstered wood den, library, family and living room furniture, excluding custom sold di 2015 986,279 6.9 N N N N 3371221 Nonupholstered wood den, library, family and living room furniture, excluding custom sold di 2014 908,498 7.3 N N N N 3371224 Nonupholstered wood dining room and kitchen furniture (excluding kitchen cabinets), exclud 2015 512,355 6.4 17,931 15,703 949,303 947,506 3371224 Nonupholstered wood dining room and kitchen furniture (excluding kitchen cabinets), exclud 2014 455,136 7.0 17,807 14,674 836,288 837,224 3371228 Nonupholstered wood bedroom furniture, excluding custom sold directly to the customer at r 2015 997,558 5.0 227,180 161,120 3,134,030 3,126,643 3371228 Nonupholstered wood bedroom furniture, excluding custom sold directly to the customer at r 2014 1,006,656 4.6 221,869 147,689 2,891,579 2,890,035 337122A Nonupholstered wood infants' and children's furniture, excluding custom sold directly to the c 2015 157,553 10.1 N N 203,738 203,657 337122A Nonupholstered wood infants' and children's furniture, excluding custom sold directly to the c 2014 151,602 10.0 N N 186,177 185,838 337122E Nonupholstered wood household furniture, other types (including outdoor, unpainted, and re 2015 359,584 10.2 N N 4,295 4,279 337122E Nonupholstered wood household furniture, other types (including outdoor, unpainted, and re 2014 352,340 10.0 N N 6,225 6,225 337122H Nonupholstered wood household furniture (excluding kitchen cabinets, bathroom vanities, a 2015 163,626 13.7 N N N N 337122H Nonupholstered wood household furniture (excluding kitchen cabinets, bathroom vanities, a 2014 162,155 13.2 N N N N 337122W Nonupholstered wood household furniture, nsk, total 2015 727,912 9.6 N N N N 337122W Nonupholstered wood household furniture, nsk, total 2014 751,734 8.3 N N N N 337122X Undistributed nonupholstered wood household furniture 2015 N X N N 478,679 477,825 337122X Undistributed nonupholstered wood household furniture 2014 N X N N 446,900 448,414 337124 Metal household furniture 2015 2,190,814 4.7 136,409 106,035 3,829,557 3,826,102 337124 Metal household furniture 2014 2,098,691 4.1 120,207 91,892 3,476,849 3,472,450 3371241 Metal household furniture, dining room and kitchen, including padded and plain seating, tab 2015 770,194 7.0 N N 693,402 693,505 3371241 Metal household furniture, dining room and kitchen, including padded and plain seating, tab 2014 711,539 6.2 N N 598,578 597,825 3371244 Metal household furniture, outdoor and casual (including beach, lawn, garden, and porch), n 2015 644,041 11.1 N N 1,086,834 1,085,008 3371244 Metal household furniture, outdoor and casual (including beach, lawn, garden, and porch), n 2014 639,688 8.4 N N 1,049,395 1,048,207 3371248 Metal household furniture, other types, nonupholstered 2015 675,550 4.1 N N 147,980 147,953 3371248 Metal household furniture, other types, nonupholstered 2014 652,529 4.0 N N 161,293 161,144 337124W Metal household furniture, nsk, total 2015 101,030 s 41.1 s N N N N 337124W Metal household furniture, nsk, total 2014 94,935 s 43.7 s N N N N 337124X Undistributed metal household furniture 2015 N X 136,409 106,035 1,901,340 1,899,634 337124X Undistributed metal household furniture 2014 N X 120,207 91,892 1,667,581 1,665,273 337125 Household furniture (except wood and metal) 2015 722,821 4.9 183,249 170,210 1,620,265 1,619,521 337125 Household furniture (except wood and metal) 2014 623,272 1.4 180,478 163,802 1,394,201 1,393,147 3371250 Household furniture (excluding wood and metal), nonupholstered 2015 722,821 4.9 183,249 170,210 1,620,265 1,619,521 3371250 Household furniture (excluding wood and metal), nonupholstered 2014 623,272 1.4 180,478 163,802 1,394,201 1,393,147 337127 Institutional furniture 2015 4,584,953 3.4 2,535,678 2,154,438 11,517,884 11,502,987 337127 Institutional furniture 2014 4,404,742 2.6 2,624,318 2,222,356 10,432,083 10,424,231 3371271 School furniture (excluding library), excluding stone and concrete 2015 1,018,744 4.3 N N 138,820 138,801 3371271 School furniture (excluding library), excluding stone and concrete 2014 967,335 4.0 N N 104,430 104,400 3371275 Public building and related furniture (excluding bar, bowling center, cafeteria, restaurant, and 2015 1,092,800 4.8 442,173 391,638 547,005 546,667 3371275 Public building and related furniture (excluding bar, bowling center, cafeteria, restaurant, and 2014 1,089,674 4.6 437,060 389,109 551,270 551,417 3371278 Public bar, bowling center, cafeteria, and restaurant furniture 2015 765,513 5.6 30,546 27,001 4,347 4,093 3371278 Public bar, bowling center, cafeteria, and restaurant furniture 2014 741,155 6.0 38,638 35,339 3,514 3,373 337127B Institutional furniture, other types 2015 1,404,637 9.5 359,340 314,980 844,060 843,274 337127B Institutional furniture, other types 2014 1,321,964 6.2 367,011 321,218 792,405 790,382 337127W Institutional furniture, nsk, total 2015 303,259 9.3 N N N N 337127W Institutional furniture, nsk, total 2014 284,614 9.9 N N N N 337127X Undistributed institutional furniture 2015 N X 1,703,617 1,420,818 9,983,649 9,970,150 337127X Undistributed institutional furniture 2014 N X 1,781,608 1,476,688 8,980,463 8,974,658

Page 89

NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods337211 Wood office furniture 2015 2,807,605 3.0 155,999 134,823 906,589 906,505 337211 Wood office furniture 2014 2,655,205 2.8 162,599 136,741 849,791 849,474 3372111 Wood office seating, including upholstered 2015 836,658 5.3 N N N N 3372111 Wood office seating, including upholstered 2014 818,353 4.2 N N N N 3372114 Wood office desks and desk extensions 2015 759,543 4.9 N N N N 3372114 Wood office desks and desk extensions 2014 692,833 5.2 N N N N 3372117 Wood office files, storage units, and tables 2015 720,506 6.6 N N N N 3372117 Wood office files, storage units, and tables 2014 655,983 5.9 N N N N 337211A Wood office furniture, other types (including panel and desking system accessories and com 2015 305,180 12.0 N N N N 337211A Wood office furniture, other types (including panel and desking system accessories and com 2014 317,651 11.8 N N N N 337211W Wood office furniture, nsk, total 2015 185,718 4.6 N N N N 337211W Wood office furniture, nsk, total 2014 170,385 5.0 N N N N 337211X Undistributed wood office furniture 2015 N X 155,999 134,823 906,589 906,505 337211X Undistributed wood office furniture 2014 N X 162,599 136,741 849,791 849,474 337212 Custom architectural woodwork and millwork 2015 6,729,155 2.3 N N 17,851 17,851 337212 Custom architectural woodwork and millwork 2014 6,092,775 2.3 N N 21,491 21,491 3372120 Custom architectural woodwork, millwork, and fixtures 2015 6,729,155 2.3 N N 17,851 17,851 3372120 Custom architectural woodwork, millwork, and fixtures 2014 6,092,775 2.3 N N 21,491 21,491 337214 Office furniture (except wood) 2015 7,565,582 1.3 202,538 179,344 500,752 500,527 337214 Office furniture (except wood) 2014 7,350,773 1.3 222,151 201,397 436,017 435,947 3372141 Office seating, including upholstered, excluding wood 2015 1,087,707 3.1 N N N N 3372141 Office seating, including upholstered, excluding wood 2014 1,054,909 3.6 N N N N 3372144 Office desks and desk extensions, excluding wood 2015 328,026 9.0 N N N N 3372144 Office desks and desk extensions, excluding wood 2014 267,126 10.6 N N N N 3372147 Office files, storage units, and tables, excluding wood 2015 1,328,713 4.2 54,374 49,452 143,357 143,339 3372147 Office files, storage units, and tables, excluding wood 2014 1,456,713 3.3 63,612 57,097 137,250 137,232 337214A Office furniture, other types (including panel and desking systems), excluding wood 2015 4,652,899 1.2 N N N N 337214A Office furniture, other types (including panel and desking systems), excluding wood 2014 4,389,776 1.1 N N N N 337214W Office furniture (except wood), nsk, total 2015 168,238 22.1 N N N N 337214W Office furniture (except wood), nsk, total 2014 182,250 22.3 N N N N 337214X Undistributed office furniture (except wood) 2015 N X 148,163 129,891 357,395 357,187 337214X Undistributed office furniture (except wood) 2014 N X 158,538 144,300 298,766 298,715 337215 Showcases, partitions, shelving, and lockers 2015 6,878,237 1.7 1,475,503 1,202,906 5,542,889 5,547,872 337215 Showcases, partitions, shelving, and lockers 2014 6,608,470 1.7 1,692,373 1,369,503 5,898,320 5,903,529 3372151 Lockers, partitions, and shelving (excluding custom), wood 2015 162,298 16.7 N N N N 3372151 Lockers, partitions, and shelving (excluding custom), wood 2014 132,748 16.8 N N N N 3372155 Fixtures (bank, office, and store), wood, excluding custom 2015 713,442 7.3 N N N N 3372155 Fixtures (bank, office, and store), wood, excluding custom 2014 725,676 6.7 N N N N 3372157 Partitions, prefabricated, assembled and knock-down, excluding wood 2015 603,337 2.7 N N N N 3372157 Partitions, prefabricated, assembled and knock-down, excluding wood 2014 577,556 3.5 N N N N 337215A Shelving and lockers, excluding wood 2015 1,018,833 4.0 N N N N 337215A Shelving and lockers, excluding wood 2014 970,560 4.0 N N N N 337215E Storage racks and accessories, excluding wood 2015 1,507,972 3.5 N N N N 337215E Storage racks and accessories, excluding wood 2014 1,504,225 3.2 N N N N 337215G Fixtures (bank, office, and store), excluding wood 2015 1,482,839 2.5 N N N N 337215G Fixtures (bank, office, and store), excluding wood 2014 1,412,342 2.7 N N N N 337215J Furniture frames, wood 2015 352,145 11.3 N N N N 337215J Furniture frames, wood 2014 331,816 12.3 N N N N 337215L Furniture dimensions, hardwood and softwood, and plastic and metal furniture parts and fram 2015 599,972 4.2 1,054,543 839,996 4,513,201 4,518,066 337215L Furniture dimensions, hardwood and softwood, and plastic and metal furniture parts and fram 2014 554,483 3.4 1,200,504 993,543 4,142,958 4,149,566 337215W Showcases, partitions, shelving, and lockers, nsk, total 2015 437,399 9.3 N N N N 337215W Showcases, partitions, shelving, and lockers, nsk, total 2014 399,063 10.2 N N N N 337215X Undistributed showcases, partitions, shelving, and lockers 2015 N X 420,959 362,910 1,029,687 1,029,806 337215X Undistributed showcases, partitions, shelving, and lockers 2014 N X 491,868 375,960 1,755,361 1,753,963

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NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods337910 Mattresses 2015 8,017,679 1.3 165,205 154,169 590,721 590,387 337910 Mattresses 2014 8,088,020 1.0 140,530 127,845 477,830 477,662 3379101 Mattresses, innerspring (including polyurethane, rubber topper pads, and mattresses sold a 2015 4,521,272 2.0 N N 10,174 10,093 3379101 Mattresses, innerspring (including polyurethane, rubber topper pads, and mattresses sold a 2014 4,705,866 1.4 N N 9,923 9,923 3379104 Mattresses, other types 2015 1,960,929 2.0 65,366 60,768 453,754 453,712 3379104 Mattresses, other types 2014 1,775,282 2.1 59,705 54,545 379,567 379,503 3379107 Foundations, excluding innerspring units and foundations incorporated into hybrid-type flota 2015 1,046,292 3.4 14,929 14,379 21,623 21,629 3379107 Foundations, excluding innerspring units and foundations incorporated into hybrid-type flota 2014 1,182,394 2.6 12,382 11,846 13,477 13,477 337910A Sleep system ensembles and mattresses, excluding conventional waterbeds 2015 256,971 0.1 N N N N 337910A Sleep system ensembles and mattresses, excluding conventional waterbeds 2014 226,739 0.0 N N N N 337910W Mattresses, nsk, total 2015 232,215 3.4 N N N N 337910W Mattresses, nsk, total 2014 197,740 4.0 N N N N 337910X Undistributed mattresses 2015 N X 84,909 79,022 105,168 104,951 337910X Undistributed mattresses 2014 N X 68,442 61,453 74,862 74,757 337920 Blinds and shades 2015 1,684,510 3.7 58,381 40,805 1,474,908 1,477,335 337920 Blinds and shades 2014 1,762,421 2.9 63,270 44,502 1,345,188 1,338,160 3379202 Window shades, including accessories and rollers 2015 918,004 5.1 N N N N 3379202 Window shades, including accessories and rollers 2014 1,029,985 3.4 N N N N 3379204 Venetian blinds, including components and parts 2015 295,543 5.1 24,714 19,578 649,567 651,911 3379204 Venetian blinds, including components and parts 2014 258,816 4.2 28,053 22,730 609,923 604,260 3379208 Blinds and shades, other types (including curtain and drapery fixtures, poles, and rods) 2015 385,772 5.3 N N N N 3379208 Blinds and shades, other types (including curtain and drapery fixtures, poles, and rods) 2014 401,593 3.7 N N N N 337920W Blinds and shades, nsk, total 2015 85,190 38.1 N N N N 337920W Blinds and shades, nsk, total 2014 72,027 s 45.1 s N N N N 337920X Undistributed blinds and shades 2015 N X 33,667 21,227 825,341 825,423 337920X Undistributed blinds and shades 2014 N X 35,216 21,771 735,264 733,900 339112 Surgical and medical instruments 2015 37,774,961 1.2 16,480,828 12,455,574 12,354,835 12,296,807 339112 Surgical and medical instruments 2014 37,550,584 1.1 16,344,961 12,592,578 11,373,973 11,335,312 3391120 Surgical and medical instruments 2015 37,774,961 1.2 9,434,573 7,637,694 6,947,440 6,905,523 3391120 Surgical and medical instruments 2014 37,550,584 1.1 9,437,537 7,840,953 6,151,993 6,143,773 339112X Undistributed surgical and medical instruments 2015 N X 7,046,254 4,817,880 5,407,394 5,391,284 339112X Undistributed surgical and medical instruments 2014 N X 6,907,424 4,751,624 5,221,980 5,191,538 339113 Surgical appliances and supplies 2015 31,056,632 2.0 11,287,768 9,598,500 13,638,150 13,665,770 339113 Surgical appliances and supplies 2014 31,329,102 1.9 10,987,870 9,325,534 12,840,182 12,877,618 3391132 Surgical appliances and supplies, including orthopedic, prosthetic, and therapeutic 2015 22,415,255 2.1 10,757,213 9,262,588 12,552,496 12,586,192 3391132 Surgical appliances and supplies, including orthopedic, prosthetic, and therapeutic 2014 22,870,580 2.0 10,478,219 9,017,177 11,821,297 11,861,135 3391134 Hospital beds and specialized hospital furniture 2015 1,912,392 7.3 149,499 123,831 263,650 263,650 3391134 Hospital beds and specialized hospital furniture 2014 1,817,597 6.2 154,511 124,223 225,851 225,851 3391136 Personal safety equipment and clothing, industrial and nonindustrial 2015 4,216,705 5.4 381,055 212,081 822,004 815,927 3391136 Personal safety equipment and clothing, industrial and nonindustrial 2014 4,121,574 4.1 355,139 184,133 793,033 790,631 339113W Surgical appliances and supplies, nsk, total 2015 2,512,280 13.0 N N N N 339113W Surgical appliances and supplies, nsk, total 2014 2,519,351 12.9 N N N N339114 Dental equipment and supplies 2015 4,090,619 2.3 1,363,573 1,242,588 1,309,981 1,308,957 339114 Dental equipment and supplies 2014 3,874,410 1.4 1,397,286 1,284,792 1,288,270 1,288,318 3391141 Dental equipment and supplies, professional 2015 3,151,745 2.7 1,363,573 1,242,588 1,309,981 1,308,957 3391141 Dental equipment and supplies, professional 2014 2,956,952 1.7 1,397,286 1,284,792 1,288,270 1,288,318 3391143 Dental equipment and supplies, laboratory 2015 617,273 4.1 N N N N 3391143 Dental equipment and supplies, laboratory 2014 642,713 3.7 N N N N 339114W Dental equipment and supplies, nsk, total 2015 321,601 8.6 N N N N 339114W Dental equipment and supplies, nsk, total 2014 274,744 0.7 N N N N

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NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods339115 Ophthalmic goods 2015 5,620,114 1.9 3,483,466 2,728,235 5,105,165 5,096,224 339115 Ophthalmic goods 2014 5,712,635 1.9 3,380,701 2,646,926 5,099,632 5,089,752 3391159 Ophthalmic fronts, temples, and focal and contact lenses 2015 3,364,118 2.4 1,497,642 1,043,039 2,530,442 2,529,006 3391159 Ophthalmic fronts, temples, and focal and contact lenses 2014 3,642,038 2.0 1,398,003 988,017 2,569,771 2,567,671 339115B Ophthalmic goods, other types, including prescription ground eyeglass lenses 2015 1,882,540 3.7 1,985,823 1,685,196 2,574,722 2,567,218 339115B Ophthalmic goods, other types, including prescription ground eyeglass lenses 2014 1,809,512 4.2 1,982,697 1,658,909 2,529,860 2,522,081 339115W Ophthalmic goods, nsk, total 2015 373,456 3.3 N N N N 339115W Ophthalmic goods, nsk, total 2014 261,085 2.7 N N N N339116 Dental laboratory products 2015 4,448,692 1.5 490,630 438,736 446,409 446,412 339116 Dental laboratory products 2014 4,354,588 1.3 538,226 493,814 417,757 417,760 3391160 Dental laboratory products 2015 4,448,692 1.5 490,630 438,736 446,409 446,412 3391160 Dental laboratory products 2014 4,354,588 1.3 538,226 493,814 417,757 417,760 339910 Jewelry and silverware 2015 6,680,928 1.5 31,791,835 8,708,904 38,366,987 38,064,255 339910 Jewelry and silverware 2014 7,029,475 1.4 35,347,857 8,221,314 39,247,221 39,105,750 3399101 Jewelry and personal goods, gold and platinum, including engraving, chasing, or etching (ex 2015 3,210,373 1.7 9,691,551 4,394,326 6,956,982 6,867,952 3399101 Jewelry and personal goods, gold and platinum, including engraving, chasing, or etching (ex 2014 3,575,278 1.6 10,539,800 4,842,607 6,558,911 6,494,277 3399102 Jewelry (excluding costume); all other precious metal and types; including silver and silver-c 2015 1,201,735 4.1 1,308,954 861,927 3,389,834 3,384,245 3399102 Jewelry (excluding costume); all other precious metal and types; including silver and silver-c 2014 1,205,481 4.1 1,253,461 824,117 3,446,417 3,439,028 3399103 Silverware and hollowware, including engraving, chasing, or etching, made of precious solid 2015 55,582 7.6 16,142 8,770 55,743 55,579 3399103 Silverware and hollowware, including engraving, chasing, or etching, made of precious solid 2014 56,022 7.7 17,748 9,377 57,148 56,922 3399104 Lapidary work, excluding for watch jewels 2015 471,746 0.1 20,270,349 3,042,561 25,403,303 25,212,235 3399104 Lapidary work, excluding for watch jewels 2014 476,567 0.1 23,071,336 2,182,981 26,533,208 26,498,579 3399105 Jewelers' findings and materials, precious metal (excluding gold, platinum, and silver plated 2015 135,697 8.5 N N 74,515 76,399 3399105 Jewelers' findings and materials, precious metal (excluding gold, platinum, and silver plated 2014 123,927 9.0 N N 62,781 62,210 3399106 Other jewelers' findings and materials, including gold, platinum, and silver plated to nonprec 2015 237,525 2.2 135,796 125,472 32,671 33,169 3399106 Other jewelers' findings and materials, including gold, platinum, and silver plated to nonprec 2014 257,493 1.9 82,563 78,275 35,570 35,403 3399107 Costume jewelry and novelty, including engraving, chasing, or etching, made of nonprecious 2015 584,839 7.2 369,040 275,845 2,449,284 2,430,023 3399107 Costume jewelry and novelty, including engraving, chasing, or etching, made of nonprecious 2014 600,466 6.1 382,946 283,955 2,547,440 2,513,584 339910W Jewelry and silverware, nsk, total 2015 783,431 6.6 N N N N 339910W Jewelry and silverware, nsk, total 2014 734,241 7.1 N N N N 339910X Undistributed jewelry and silverware 2015 N X N N 4,651 4,651 339910X Undistributed jewelry and silverware 2014 N X N N 5,744 5,744 339920 Sporting and athletic goods 2015 8,984,308 5.7 2,429,967 1,891,708 7,882,194 7,788,673 339920 Sporting and athletic goods 2014 8,986,250 4.9 2,546,808 1,998,424 7,299,447 7,259,870 3399201 Fishing tackle and equipment 2015 492,123 3.5 162,731 121,488 692,218 650,147 3399201 Fishing tackle and equipment 2014 508,189 3.1 174,631 132,015 615,478 614,189 3399203 Golf equipment (excluding apparel and shoes) 2015 2,349,568 0.7 361,290 285,052 981,214 952,238 3399203 Golf equipment (excluding apparel and shoes) 2014 2,516,173 0.6 417,846 333,352 1,006,808 982,831 3399205 Playground equipment 2015 678,511 5.0 N N N N 3399205 Playground equipment 2014 643,924 2.3 N N N N 3399207 Gymnasium and exercise equipment 2015 2,523,381 20.0 1,193,890 962,915 2,642,127 2,631,920 3399207 Gymnasium and exercise equipment 2014 2,401,778 18.3 1,204,980 992,130 2,375,885 2,367,984 339920A Other sporting and athletic goods 2015 2,395,621 3.2 712,054 522,251 3,566,633 3,554,366 339920A Other sporting and athletic goods 2014 2,376,752 2.5 749,350 540,926 3,301,275 3,294,864 339920W Sporting and athletic goods, nsk, total 2015 545,103 1.0 N N N N 339920W Sporting and athletic goods, nsk, total 2014 539,434 1.0 N N N N

Page 92

NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods339930 Dolls, toys, and games 2015 1,212,794 3.1 2,479,552 1,026,072 19,129,336 19,092,680 339930 Dolls, toys, and games 2014 1,201,734 3.1 2,783,708 1,104,759 17,582,750 17,570,535 3399301 Dolls, action figures, toy animals, and stuffed toys, including parts and accessories 2015 47,616 12.4 N N N N 3399301 Dolls, action figures, toy animals, and stuffed toys, including parts and accessories 2014 42,805 1.3 N N N N 3399302 Baby carriages and children's vehicles (including parts for children's vehicles sold separately 2015 63,785 2.2 1,090,259 479,742 298,834 298,542 3399302 Baby carriages and children's vehicles (including parts for children's vehicles sold separately 2014 58,478 0.3 1,074,938 479,532 296,702 296,123 3399306 Models (operating and static), craft kits and supplies, natural science kits and sets, and colle 2015 81,748 13.6 2,496 2,098 5,345 5,337 3399306 Models (operating and static), craft kits and supplies, natural science kits and sets, and colle 2014 87,470 12.1 2,898 2,178 5,657 5,644 3399307 Nonelectronic games and puzzles, including parts 2015 181,233 7.8 49,702 41,187 403,010 402,600 3399307 Nonelectronic games and puzzles, including parts 2014 215,450 8.7 45,532 38,831 348,573 348,140 3399308 Other nonelectronic, nonriding toys, including parts and pet toys 2015 278,075 10.6 N N 94,885 94,861 3399308 Other nonelectronic, nonriding toys, including parts and pet toys 2014 260,147 9.7 N N 82,588 82,586 3399309 Other electronic toys and games (including home video games), excluding cartridges, disks, 2015 279,347 4.3 1,337,093 503,043 4,903,300 4,895,213 3399309 Other electronic toys and games (including home video games), excluding cartridges, disks, 2014 276,653 5.8 1,660,339 584,217 4,774,343 4,774,641 339930W Dolls, toys, and games, nsk, total 2015 280,991 1.0 N N N N 339930W Dolls, toys, and games, nsk, total 2014 260,731 0.8 N N N N 339930X Undistributed dolls, toys, and games 2015 N X N N 13,423,961 13,396,124 339930X Undistributed dolls, toys, and games 2014 N X N N 12,074,885 12,063,399 339940 Office supplies (excluding paper) 2015 2,578,295 6.7 640,504 467,504 2,013,019 1,981,769 339940 Office supplies (excluding paper) 2014 2,511,657 6.5 650,021 490,350 1,952,409 1,913,584 3399401 Pens, mechanical pencils, markers, and associated parts 2015 534,919 1.1 256,877 138,084 1,057,101 1,030,279 3399401 Pens, mechanical pencils, markers, and associated parts 2014 520,308 1.1 243,972 141,178 1,044,698 1,011,142 3399402 Lead pencils, art goods, office supplies, and small office equipment, excluding paper 2015 1,033,536 13.8 124,550 97,976 788,906 784,459 3399402 Lead pencils, art goods, office supplies, and small office equipment, excluding paper 2014 1,058,084 13.5 126,451 97,412 728,633 723,461 3399403 Marking devices, including dies, hand stamps, embossing seals, letters, numerals, stamp pa 2015 359,918 8.0 29,295 26,897 66,629 66,530 3399403 Marking devices, including dies, hand stamps, embossing seals, letters, numerals, stamp pa 2014 355,749 8.8 26,611 23,914 61,787 61,807 3399404 Carbon paper and inked ribbons 2015 581,780 10.3 229,780 204,545 100,381 100,499 3399404 Carbon paper and inked ribbons 2014 506,156 2.4 252,987 227,844 117,290 117,173 339940W Office supplies (excluding paper), nsk, total 2015 S A N N N N 339940W Office supplies (excluding paper), nsk, total 2014 S A N N N N339950 Signs 2015 11,523,813 2.5 146,854 133,378 270,245 268,806 339950 Signs 2014 11,087,803 2.2 165,655 148,821 255,332 253,819 3399501 Electric signs and displays, including scoreboards and trade show exhibits 2015 4,626,928 3.7 65,586 58,552 172,593 172,555 3399501 Electric signs and displays, including scoreboards and trade show exhibits 2014 4,486,173 3.2 80,159 71,560 160,800 160,845 3399503 Nonelectric signs and displays, including trade show exhibits 2015 5,094,787 3.7 81,268 74,826 97,652 96,251 3399503 Nonelectric signs and displays, including trade show exhibits 2014 4,892,952 3.1 85,496 77,261 94,531 92,974 339950W Signs, nsk, total 2015 1,802,098 7.3 N N N N 339950W Signs, nsk, total 2014 1,708,678 7.6 N N N N339991 Gaskets, packing, and sealing devices 2015 6,123,256 1.8 3,191,941 2,773,379 3,076,651 2,992,080 339991 Gaskets, packing, and sealing devices 2014 6,277,497 1.5 3,312,639 2,925,781 3,057,323 2,982,886 3399911 Packing, compression-type 2015 368,510 2.0 N N N N 3399911 Packing, compression-type 2014 358,934 1.3 N N N N 3399913 Gaskets and gasketing, nonmetallic 2015 1,470,285 3.4 N N 305,749 296,804 3399913 Gaskets and gasketing, nonmetallic 2014 1,510,435 2.4 N N 320,441 310,702 3399915 Packing and seals, molded 2015 1,686,530 4.8 N N N N 3399915 Packing and seals, molded 2014 1,810,788 4.1 N N N N 3399917 Gaskets and seals, metallic and machined 2015 1,357,600 2.9 322,692 300,254 276,200 274,677 3399917 Gaskets and seals, metallic and machined 2014 1,364,201 2.6 340,405 318,868 285,090 281,555 3399918 Seals, axial, mechanical face, including parts 2015 421,696 2.2 331,615 296,680 192,424 189,134 3399918 Seals, axial, mechanical face, including parts 2014 402,424 2.5 321,479 286,673 207,671 202,774 3399919 Seals, rotary oil 2015 482,121 2.4 42,129 38,856 261,523 257,082 3399919 Seals, rotary oil 2014 504,383 2.4 118,253 114,997 271,457 268,183 339991W Gaskets, packing, and sealing devices, nsk, total 2015 336,514 8.1 N N N N 339991W Gaskets, packing, and sealing devices, nsk, total 2014 326,333 8.2 N N N N 339991X Undistributed gaskets, packing, and sealing devices 2015 N X 2,495,503 2,137,587 2,040,753 1,974,381 339991X Undistributed gaskets, packing, and sealing devices 2014 N X 2,532,500 2,205,242 1,972,663 1,919,669

Page 93

NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods339992 Musical instruments 2015 1,848,314 1.4 790,047 656,613 1,279,212 1,339,327 339992 Musical instruments 2014 1,812,785 1.2 840,305 703,628 1,299,608 1,328,512 3399921 Pianos, nonelectronic 2015 D D 23,372 17,320 118,651 117,500 3399921 Pianos, nonelectronic 2014 D D 23,920 16,059 131,002 128,601 3399923 Organs 2015 56,830 8.1 276 256 3,874 3,874 3399923 Organs 2014 56,118 6.5 2,741 2,370 4,814 4,814 3399925 Pianos (nonelectronic) and organs, parts, excluding benches 2015 18,951 0.7 14,217 13,728 12,859 12,859 3399925 Pianos (nonelectronic) and organs, parts, excluding benches 2014 19,570 1.5 13,562 12,881 12,387 12,384 3399927 Musical instruments, other types, including parts 2015 1,580,099 1.5 704,835 591,772 974,831 1,002,579 3399927 Musical instruments, other types, including parts 2014 1,548,717 1.4 744,946 634,482 969,685 983,751 339992W Musical instruments,nsk, total 2015 D D N N N N 339992W Musical instruments,nsk, total 2014 D D N N N N 339992X Undistributed musical instruments 2015 N X 47,346 33,535 168,994 202,512 339992X Undistributed musical instruments 2014 N X 55,136 37,835 181,719 198,961 339993 Fasteners, buttons, needles, and pins 2015 905,449 0.6 279,931 253,776 244,608 243,695 339993 Fasteners, buttons, needles, and pins 2014 878,265 0.5 289,489 261,539 236,269 235,597 3399931 Buttons and button parts, including button backs, blanks, and molds (excluding buttons and 2015 59,133 1.8 63,658 60,083 28,332 28,328 3399931 Buttons and button parts, including button backs, blanks, and molds (excluding buttons and 2014 57,324 0.8 50,259 45,905 28,179 28,179 3399933 Zippers and slide fasteners, excluding zippers and slide fasteners made of precious metals 2015 211,670 0.1 98,366 93,879 40,770 40,722 3399933 Zippers and slide fasteners, excluding zippers and slide fasteners made of precious metals 2014 197,404 0.5 109,431 106,692 39,125 39,110 3399935 Buckles, fasteners (excluding slide fasteners), needles, and pins, excluding those made of p 2015 611,446 0.9 117,906 99,813 175,506 174,645 3399935 Buckles, fasteners (excluding slide fasteners), needles, and pins, excluding those made of p 2014 600,889 0.7 129,798 108,941 168,965 168,307 339993W Fasteners, buttons, needles, and pins, nsk, total 2015 23,200 0.5 N N N N 339993W Fasteners, buttons, needles, and pins, nsk, total 2014 22,649 0.6 N N N N339994 Brooms, brushes, and mops 2015 2,344,534 3.9 428,425 313,857 1,680,538 1,676,274 339994 Brooms, brushes, and mops 2014 2,299,304 3.4 399,663 301,495 1,564,550 1,560,399 3399941 Brooms, mops, and dusters 2015 678,218 5.4 6,062 4,242 62,691 62,702 3399941 Brooms, mops, and dusters 2014 639,122 5.7 4,008 2,633 72,504 72,485 3399943 Brushes and holders, pads, roller frames and rollers (including replacement rollers), paint an 2015 373,836 7.5 30,025 25,688 153,208 154,025 3399943 Brushes and holders, pads, roller frames and rollers (including replacement rollers), paint an 2014 336,462 5.3 32,994 30,180 127,110 127,293 3399945 Brushes, other types 2015 1,215,062 6.4 212,931 129,787 777,335 772,487 3399945 Brushes, other types 2014 1,246,949 5.4 195,785 125,862 712,692 708,759 339994W Brooms, brushes, and mops, nsk, total 2015 77,417 1.1 N N N N 339994W Brooms, brushes, and mops, nsk, total 2014 76,770 1.2 N N N N 339994X Undistributed brooms, brushes, and mops 2015 N X 179,405 154,139 687,303 687,059 339994X Undistributed brooms, brushes, and mops 2014 N X 166,874 142,819 652,244 651,860 339995 Burial caskets 2015 632,227 1.8 N N 122,782 122,782 339995 Burial caskets 2014 663,536 1.5 N N 116,972 116,972 3399951 Burial caskets and coffins, completely lined and trimmed, adult sizes only, metal 2015 383,901 1.2 N N 62,946 62,946 3399951 Burial caskets and coffins, completely lined and trimmed, adult sizes only, metal 2014 399,328 1.1 N N 59,458 59,458 3399953 Burial caskets and coffins, completely lined and trimmed, adult sizes only, wood 2015 156,866 4.1 N N 59,835 59,835 3399953 Burial caskets and coffins, completely lined and trimmed, adult sizes only, wood 2014 174,943 3.4 N N 57,513 57,513 3399955 Burial caskets and coffins, other types (including burial boxes and vaults (excluding concrete 2015 73,750 10.8 N N N N 3399955 Burial caskets and coffins, other types (including burial boxes and vaults (excluding concrete 2014 71,683 9.8 N N N N 339995W Burial caskets, nsk, total 2015 17,710 2.2 N N N N 339995W Burial caskets, nsk, total 2014 17,582 2.2 N N N N

Page 94

NAICS-based Product Code Description Year Value of Product

ShipmentsRelative Standard

Error (%)Total Export Value

of GoodsDomestic Export Value of Goods

General Import Value of Goods

Consumption Import Value of

Goods339999 All other miscellaneous products 2015 12,818,160 2.3 2,966,508 2,583,611 8,467,342 8,460,939 339999 All other miscellaneous products 2014 12,038,602 2.2 2,927,793 2,563,077 8,004,196 7,995,544 3399991 Fire extinguishing equipment, hand-portable and fixed-system (excluding water sprinkler sys 2015 1,190,959 3.3 247,563 229,081 180,344 179,081 3399991 Fire extinguishing equipment, hand-portable and fixed-system (excluding water sprinkler sys 2014 1,120,785 3.1 195,412 185,877 202,930 201,889 3399993 Coin-operated amusement machines, excluding jukeboxes 2015 2,855,845 2.1 846,618 762,708 636,162 635,825 3399993 Coin-operated amusement machines, excluding jukeboxes 2014 2,791,212 1.8 911,030 829,154 646,480 646,402 3399995 Candles, including tapers 2015 1,593,722 8.0 364,373 352,971 391,920 391,496 3399995 Candles, including tapers 2014 1,735,989 3.8 292,223 280,947 392,610 392,013 3399997 Umbrellas and parasols, including parts 2015 100,457 0.0 29,285 21,368 530,492 528,691 3399997 Umbrellas and parasols, including parts 2014 91,290 0.0 27,486 18,742 490,861 491,358 3399999 Artificial trees, flowers, fruits, and wreaths, including feathers and plumes 2015 64,968 11.7 40,279 28,023 859,102 858,663 3399999 Artificial trees, flowers, fruits, and wreaths, including feathers and plumes 2014 67,357 6.5 41,390 28,933 805,453 804,952 339999E Mirror and picture frames and framed pictures 2015 537,415 5.6 42,644 33,139 449,868 449,118 339999E Mirror and picture frames and framed pictures 2014 593,724 3.9 41,092 31,169 437,865 436,660 339999K Other miscellaneous fabricated products 2015 2,433,046 6.4 1,395,742 1,156,318 5,419,451 5,418,063 339999K Other miscellaneous fabricated products 2014 2,421,594 5.7 1,419,157 1,188,251 5,027,994 5,022,267 339999W All other miscellaneous products, nsk, total 2015 4,041,747 5.2 N N N N 339999W All other miscellaneous products, nsk, total 2014 3,216,651 6.5 N N N N