march 17, 2019 · la...

March 17, 2019 Second Sunday of Lent St. Joseph Catholic Church, 7240 W. 57th St., Summit, Illinois This “Cloud” is the Shekinah, or “the Glory of the Lord.”

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Page 1: March 17, 2019 · La nube no era solo la presencia física del vapor de agua, sino la presencia de la

March 17, 2019

Second Sunday of Lent

St. Joseph Catholic Church, 7240 W. 57th St., Summit, Illinois

This “Cloud” is the Shekinah, or “the Glory of the Lord.”

Page 2: March 17, 2019 · La nube no era solo la presencia física del vapor de agua, sino la presencia de la

Hoy celebramos el segundo domingo de Cuaresma. En el segundo domingo de Cuaresma, siempre escuchamos la historia de la Transfiguración de Cristo en el Evangelio. Este año, año C en el Leccionario, escuchamos acerca de la Transfiguración de nuestro Señor del Evangelio de Lucas. Podemos preguntarnos, ¿por qué siempre escuchamos acerca de la Transfiguración de Cristo en el segundo domingo de Cuaresma? La Transfiguración es un punto de inflexión en la narrativa del Evangelio, en particular en el Evangelio de Lucas. Después de la Transfiguración en la cima del Monte Tabor, Jesús comienza su viaje a Jerusalén, hacia su pasión, muerte y resurrección. Este viaje de Cristo hacia Jerusalén aún está muy lejos (diez capítulos del Evangelio de Lucas). Nuestro Señor entra a Jerusalén en Lucas 19: 29-44, y comienza el ministerio de Su Templo en Lucas 19: 45-21: 38. Por lo tanto, la colocación de la Transfiguración de Cristo en el segundo

domingo de Cuaresma, al comienzo de la Cuaresma, se realiza a propósito, para imitar este viaje final de Jesús hacia Jerusalén y la Cruz, a medida que viajamos por las cuatro semanas restantes de Cuaresma hacia la pasión y muerte de Cristo con él. Leemos en el Evangelio de Lucas, que Jesús lleva a Pedro, Santiago y Juan a una montaña alta. Mientras estaba en la cima del monte Tabor, Jesús se transfiguró, se volvió de un blanco deslumbrante, y Moisés y Elías aparecieron y conversaron con él. Entonces, una nube luminosa vino y los rodeó. Pedro, Santiago y Juan se asustaron cuando entraron en la nube. En esta hermosa pintura, vemos el pasaje del Evangelio de hoy brillantemente ilustrado, con especial atención a la nube luminosa que apareció en la Transfiguración. ¿Qué es tan importante con la nube luminosa y por qué los apóstoles estaban asustados de la nube? La nube era más que una realidad física. La nube simboliza la gloria y la presencia de Dios. Esta "Nube" es la Shekinah, o "la Gloria del Señor". La Shekinah (Gloria del Señor) presente en una nube aparece muchas veces en el Antiguo Testamento. Dios marchó por delante de Israel durante el Éxodo como una columna de nube (Ex 14:19). A lo largo del viaje de Israel, la nube del Señor estuvo presente en el Tabernáculo de Dios (Ex 40:38). El día en que se erigió el Tabernáculo de Dios, una nube cubrió el Tabernáculo (Núm. 9:15). El Señor desciende en una columna de nube a la tienda de la reunión (Nú 12: 5). Una nube llenó la casa del Señor (Templo), porque la gloria del Señor llenó la casa del Señor (1 Reyes 8: 10-13). Leemos en los Salmos que las nubes gruesas del cielo son un dosel alrededor de Dios (Salmo 18:11) y la nube y la densa oscuridad rodean a Dios (Salmo 97: 2). No estamos familiarizados con este simbolismo de la nube y la gloria de Dios, ¡pero los apóstoles sí lo estaban! Ahora podemos entender por qué estaban asustados de la nube. La nube no era solo la presencia física del vapor de agua, sino la presencia de la Shekinah (Gloria de Dios). El Dios que una vez apareció en la nube cuando descendió sobre el propiciatorio del arca (Lev. 16: 2), ¡ahora descendió sobre la cima del Monte Tabor alrededor de Jesús en la Transfiguración una vez más! ¡Los apóstoles tuvieron miedo porque esta es la reacción natural de los humanos ante la gloriosa presencia de Dios! Los apóstoles mostraron temor y reverencia ante la presencia y la gloria de Dios en la nube, pero ¿qué hay de nosotros? ¿Mostramos temor y reverencia ante la presencia y gloria de Dios en la iglesia? El interior de una iglesia católica es un espacio sagrado; Es un espacio sagrado. Puede que no tengamos una nube (aunque eso es lo que simboliza el incienso) en nuestras iglesias, pero sí tenemos la Shekinah (Gloria de Dios) presente en nuestras iglesias. Dios en su santidad mora en el Santísimo Sacramento en el Tabernáculo. ¿Cómo nos comportamos en la presencia de Dios? Arrodillarse en la iglesia o en el hogar es una de las maneras en que podemos expresar nuestra profunda reverencia por la presencia de Dios. Al igual que los Apóstoles en la Transfiguración, arrodillarnos es nuestra última experiencia restante de reverencia y temor ante la presencia cercana de Dios para con nosotros. La Cuaresma es un buen momento para orar por el crecimiento de la gracia del temor y la reverencia de Dios en nuestras vidas. Algunos de ustedes pueden recordar al Padre. Bill Lisowski, quien ayudó con misas los fines de semana aquí hace 10-25 años. El lunes por la tarde me enteré de que murió el 7 de marzo a la edad de 95 años. Por favor, oren por el descanso del Padre en sus oraciones. Por favor, vengan a la presentación de la Pasión de Cristo el 30 de marzo: Pasión en el inglés a las 6 pm y Pasión en polaca a las 7:30 pm. Que la Santísima Virgen María, Madre de la Buena Ayuda, nos ayude con su cuidado materno, y que San José ore por nosotros.

Informes del Padre Bob

Page 3: March 17, 2019 · La nube no era solo la presencia física del vapor de agua, sino la presencia de la

Jak co roku, również i w dzisiejszą II Niedzielę Wielkiego Postu słuchamy ewangelijnej relacji o Przemienieniu Pańskim. Czemu w tym konkretnym dniu co roku powracamy do tego fragmentu Ewangelii? Przemienienie Pańskie stanowi w Ewangelii punkt zwrotny, szczególnie w Ewangelii według św. Łukasza. Po Przemienieniu na Górze Tabor, Jezus udaje się w podróż do Jerozolimy. Jej celem jest Jego Męka, Śmierć i Zmartwychwstanie. W Ewangelii Łukasza, jeszcze dziesięć rozdziałów dzieli nas od fragmentu dotyczącego podróży Pana do Jerozolimy. Triumfalny wjazd Jezusa do Świętego Miasta opisano w Łk 19:29-44, zaś o służbie w Świątyni dowiadujemy się z rozdziałów od Łk 19:29-45 do Łk 21:38. Połączenie Przemienienia

Pańskiego właśnie z II Niedzielą Wielkiego Postu jest celowe. Ma to być odzwierciedlenie ostatniej podróży Mesjasza do Jerozolimy oraz na Krzyż. My także podróżujemy wraz z Nim – przez pozostałe cztery tygodnie Wielkiego Postu, prowadzące do Jego Męki. Z Ewangelii św. Łukasza wiemy, że Jezus zabrał Piotra, Jakuba oraz Jana na szczyt Góry Tabor. Tam, Jezus został przemieniony i otrzymał olśniewająco białe szaty. Zjawili się Eliasz i Mojżesz i zaczęli z Nim rozmawiać. Potem, całą trójkę otoczył świetlisty obłok. Piotr, Jakub i Jan weszli w tę chmurę i przerazili się. Załączony obraz jest piękną interpretacją dzisiejszego czytania, w której szczególnie wiele uwagi poświęcono świetlistej chmurze, jaka ukazała się po Przemienieniu. Dlaczego świetlista chmura jest tu tak ważna? Dlaczego Apostołowie przestraszyli się jej? Owa „Chmura” (obłok) zwana jest Shekinah, albo inaczej: „Chwałą Pana”. W Starym Testamencie, Shekinah pod postacią obłoku pojawia się wielokrotnie. W czasie Wyjścia Izraelitów z Egiptu, Bóg szedł na czele wojsk izraelskich jako słup obłoku (por. Wj 14:19). W czasie całej wędrówki Izraelitów, Obłok Pana zakrywał Tabernakulum (por. Wj 40:38). W dniu, kiedy ustawiono przybytek, okrył go wraz z Namiotem Świadectwa obłok (por Lb 9:15). Pan przybywa do Namiotu Spotkania w słupie obłoku (por. Lb 12:5). Obłok wypełnił dom Pański (Świątynię) i Jego Chwała napełniła dom Pański (1 Krl 8:10-13). W Księdze Psalmów napisane jest, że gęste chmury niebios były niczym zasłona wokół Boga (por. Psalm 18:11), a otaczała Go ciemność (por. Psalm 97:2). Współcześni chrześcijanie nie znają tego symbolu obłoku, w przeciwieństwie do Apostołów! Teraz rozumiemy już, dlaczego chmura tak ich przeraziła. Obłok ten nie był jedynie zwykłą parą wodną, lecz fizyczną manifestacją Shekinah (Chwały Pana). Ten sam Bóg, Który niegdyś ukazał się w słupie ognia w przebłagalni na arce (por. Kpł 16:2), teraz otoczył Jezusa na szczycie Góry Tabor podczas Przemienienia! Apostołowie bali się, gdyż taka jest naturalna reakcja człowieka, przebywającego w chwalebnej obecności Boga! Będąc naocznymi świadkami Chwały Boga, Apostołowie okazali bojaźń i szacunek. A co z nami? Jak się zachowujemy w kościele podczas Mszy? Wnętrze kościoła to święta przestrzeń. Mimo, że nie ma tu obłoku (chociaż jego symbolem jest kadzidło), to jest obecna w kościele Shekinah (Chwała Pana). Bóg w Swej Chwale obecny jest w Najświętszym Sakramencie, który znajduje się w Tabernakulum. Jak zachowujemy się w obecności Boga? Możemy Mu okazać naszą głęboką część między innymi poprzez klękanie. Klękanie jest jedną z naszych ostatnich reakcji na uczucie bojaźni i czci, jakie budzi w nas bliska obecność Boga. W Wielkim Poście możemy modlić się o wzrost naszej bojaźni wobec Boga oraz czci do Niego. Być może część z Was pamięta jeszcze księdza Billa Lisowskiego, który jakieś 10-20 lat temu był kapłanem pomocniczym przy tutejszych weekendowych liturgiach. Kilka dni temu dowiedziałem się, że ksiądz Bill zmarł 7 marca w wieku 95 lat. Módlcie się proszę za spokój jego duszy. Zapraszam wszystkich na przedstawienie Męki Pańskiej, które odbędzie się 30 marca – o 6:00 wieczorem po angielsku, a o 7:30 po polsku. Matko Nieustającej Pomocy, miej nas zawsze w Swej opiece. Święty Józefie, módl się za nami. Vivat Iesus! Chwała Jezusowi!

Z biurka Ks. Proboszcza

Page 4: March 17, 2019 · La nube no era solo la presencia física del vapor de agua, sino la presencia de la

FR. BOB’S BRIEFS We are back where we started. Do you remember? Five weeks ago, we began reading through Jesus’

Bread of Life Discourse in the sixth chapter of the Gospel of John. At the beginning of John 6, we read, “Jesus went across the Sea of Galilee. A large crowd followed him because they saw the signs he was performing on the sick.” At that place and time, Jesus miraculously multiplied the five barley loaves and two fish to feed 5,000 people. For the past five weeks, we have heard how this large multitude of people has been constantly been hanging around Jesus. Now, this week, we hear how this vast crowd of people leaves Jesus and go away.

Many of Jesus' disciples who were listening said, "This saying is hard; who can accept it?"Since Jesus knew that his disciples were murmuring about this, he said to them, "Does this shock you? The words I have spoken to you are Spirit and life. But there are some of you who do not believe." As a result of this, many of his disciples returned to their former way of life and no longer accompanied him.” What a different scene it is today, compared to the scene from the previous four weeks. In the previous four weeks, we saw how thousands of people were all gathered around Jesus. Now, they all leave. Jesus is left by Himself by Sea of Galilee. We read in the Gospel of John today, “Jesus then said to the Twelve, "Do you also want to leave?" Simon Peter answered him, "Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and are convinced that you are the Holy One of God." In the beautiful, but poignant image, we see Jesus left alone, except by the Twelve, His only remaining friends. Jesus stands in the center, looking out at the sunset over the Sea of Galilee. Only the Twelve remain with Jesus. So, we are back where we started: Jesus alone with the Twelve at the edge of the Seas of Galilee. It is a sad and somber scene as Jesus and the Twelve look out over the Sea of Galilee by themselves. Where did everybody go? This scene from today’s Gospel is not just a picture isolated to the past. Does this scene not replay throughout the passage of time? Does this scene not replay in our own time and age? Where are all the people? Next time you are at church, look around. What do you see? I saw no more than 70 people at any of the Masses for the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary last week. The latest statistics show that 80-85% of Catholics do not go to Sunday Mass every week. Just like in today’s Gospel, everybody seems to have left Jesus. Only a few remain with our Lord. It is very ironic that people do not want communion with Jesus in this life, but they want communion with Jesus in heaven for eternal life. Explain to me how do people expect to have communion with God in heaven, if they do not have communion with God beginning here on earth? That’s the culmination and whole point of Jesus’ Bread of Life discourse that we have been hearing for the past five weeks. Jesus gives us His Flesh and Blood so that He can be in Communion with us. Our Lord desires to be one with, to be in union (com-munion) with you, me, and everybody. At Mass, you see the priest pour some water into the chalice filled with wine. When doing so, the priest prays: “By the mystery of this water and wine may we come to share in the divinity of Christ who humbled himself to share in our humanity.” St. Cyprian (210-258 AD) writes, “when the water is mingled in the cup with wine, the people are made one with Christ.”

However, for most people, we don’t want communion with God. We only follow after God, like the people in the Gospel, because we want God to give us things. God is like a type of Santa Claus, who is supposed to give me things in life. I read once somewhere that “God is not a ‘Cosmic Concierge’ who lives only to satisfy each and every one of our whims.” Yet, that is how we treat God too often in our life. “God give me this. God give me that.” We seek out God to get things from Him. Our God seeks us out to be close to us, to be in communion with us. The Latin root of communion is communio, meaning "fellowship, mutual participation, or association." The relationship that that Jesus is seeking with us is different than the relationship that we seek from Him. Jesus wants fellowship with us. Our Lord desires to share His Divine life and love with us. He asks the same question that He asked the Twelve earlier. "Do you also want to leave?" Do we stay with Jesus or do we leave Him?

Please pray for the safety of all who serve us in the military. May the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Good Help, help us with her maternal care, and may St. Joseph pray for us. Vivat Jesus! Live Jesus!

Today, we celebrate the Second Sunday of Lent. On the Second Sunday of Lent, we always hear the story of the Transfiguration of Christ in the Gospel. This year, Year C in the Lectionary, we hear about the Transfiguration of our Lord from the Gospel of Luke. We may ask ourselves, why do we always hear about the Transfiguration of Christ on the Second Sunday of Lent? The Transfiguration is a turning point in the Gospel narrative, particularly in the Gospel of Luke. Following the Transfiguration atop Mount Tabor, Jesus begins His journey to Jerusalem, towards His Passion, Death, and Resurrection. This journey of Christ towards Jerusalem is still a long way away (ten chapters in the Gospel of Luke). Our Lord enters Jerusalem in Luke

19:29-44, and begins His Temple ministry in Luke 19:45-21:38. So, the placement of the Transfiguration of Christ on the Second Sunday of Lent, at the beginning part of Lent, is done on purpose, to imitate this final journey of Jesus towards Jerusalem and the Cross, as we journey through the remaining four weeks of Lent towards the Passion and Death of Christ with Him. We read in the Gospel of Luke, that Jesus takes Peter, James, and John up a high mountain. While atop Mount Tabor, Jesus was transfigured, He became dazzling white, and Moses and Elijah appeared and conversed with Him. Then, a luminous cloud came and surrounded them. Peter, James, and John became frightened when they entered the cloud. In this beautiful painting, we see today’s Gospel passage brilliantly illustrated, with special attention to the luminous cloud that appeared at the Transfiguration.

What is so important with the luminous cloud, and why were the Apostles frightened of the cloud? The cloud was more than a physical reality. The cloud symbolizes the glory and presence of God. This “Cloud” is the Shekinah, or “the Glory of the Lord.” The Shekinah (Glory of the Lord) present in a cloud appears many times in the Old Testament. God marched ahead Israel during the Exodus as a pillar of cloud (Ex 14:19). Throughout Israel’s journey, the cloud of the Lord was present upon God’s Tabernacle (Ex 40:38). The day that God’s Tabernacle was erected, a cloud covered the Tabernacle (Num 9:15). The Lord comes down in a pillar of cloud to the meeting tent (Nu 12:5). A cloud filled the house of the Lord (Temple), for the glory of the Lord filled the house of the Lord (1 Kings 8:10-13). We read in the Psalms how thick clouds of the sky are a canopy around God (Psalm 18:11) and cloud and thick darkness surround God (Psalm 97:2). We are not familiar with this symbolism of the cloud, and the glory of God, but the Apostles were! Now we can understand why they were frightened of the cloud. The cloud was not just the physical presence of water vapor, but the presence of the Shekinah (Glory of God). The God who once appeared in the cloud when He descended upon the mercy seat of ark (Lev 16:2), now descended upon the top of Mount Tabor around Jesus at the Transfiguration once again! The Apostles were afraid because this is the natural reaction of humans to the glorious presence of God! The Apostles showed awe and reverence to the presence and glory of God in the cloud, but what about us? Do we show awe and reverence to the presence and glory of God in church? The inside of a Catholic Church is a holy space; it is a sacred space. We may not have a cloud (although that’s what incense symbolizes) in our churches, but we do have the Shekinah (Glory of God) present in our churches. God in His holiness dwells in the Blessed Sacrament in the Tabernacle. How do we behave in the presence of God? Kneeling in church or at home is one way by which we can express our profound reverence for God’s presence. Like the Apostles at the Transfiguration, kneeling is our last remaining experience of reverence and awe in God’s close presence to us. Lent is a good time to pray for the growth of the grace of awe and reverence of God in our lives. Some of you may remember Fr. Bill Lisowski, who helped with weekend Masses here 10-25 years ago. I learned Monday evening that he died on Mar. 7 at the age of 95. Please pray for the repose of Fr. Bill’s soul in your prayers. Please come to the Passion of the Christ performance on Mar. 30: English Passion at 6 pm and Polish Passion at 7:30 pm. May the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Good Help, help us with her maternal care, and may St. Joseph pray for us! Vivat Jesus! Live Jesus!

Fr. Bob’s Briefs

Page 5: March 17, 2019 · La nube no era solo la presencia física del vapor de agua, sino la presencia de la

Mount Tabor: Mountain of the Transfiguration – Holy Land

Page 6: March 17, 2019 · La nube no era solo la presencia física del vapor de agua, sino la presencia de la

We have some very exciting news to share regarding our sport teams. Soccer - In soccer our 3rd & 4th grade team defeated St. Bede to become the CHAMPIONS in the St. Gerald Indoor Soccer League.

Our First and Second grade team had a great season and but lost their semi-final game. They played for THIRD Place on Saturday. We will report the results next week. Volleyball – Our Varsity Team will be playing for the Championship on Tuesday, 3/19 at 5:00 p.m. at Hale. Our 3rd & 4th Grade Team have their semi-final game on Thursday, March 21st at 6:20 p.m. They play at Wentworth. Basketball – Our Varsity and 1st & 2nd Grade Teams have made the playoffs. Our Varsity Team will play on Monday, March 18th at Hale – the time is to be determined. Our 1st and 2nd Grade Team have a game today at St. Richard at 1:00 p.m. This will determine who they play for the Championship next week. I will report on the results of our Chess Tournament at Cardinal Bernardin next week. Tax Credit Rally – Several parents with their children and I attended the TCS Rally at St. Ages of Bohemia. In all over 300 people were at the rally. The Invest in Kids Program has come under attack with Governor Pritzker, stating his wishes to phase the program out over the next three years. The purpose of the rally was to show that it is needed and an important program. I believe the rally accomplished its goal. Registration 2018 – 2019 – Our open registration has begun. If you are interested in a Catholic Education for your children, please contact me at the school office, I would welcome the opportunity to discuss our school program. We have a number of assistance programs for families, to make tuition more affordable. If you do not have school aged children, please help us spread the good news about our school. If you are speaking to neighbors or co-workers who are interested in a Catholic Education for their children, please encourage them to speak with me. I will gladly give them a tour of our school and speak to them about our program. Have a great week God Bless. Lawrence Manetti, Principal

You’re A Winner! Congratulations! 52 Pick-Up News

March 17, 2019


Congratulations to the $125 winners of the 52 Pick-Up Raffle! Tickets are available. Come by and pick

one up from the rectory or school.

St. Joseph School: A Community of Faith, Knowledge and Service.

5641 S. 73rd Ave., Summit 708-458-2927

Mr. Lawrence Manetti, Principal










San José, ruega por nosotros! SW. Jozefie, modl sie za nami!

St. Joseph, Pray for Us!

Page 7: March 17, 2019 · La nube no era solo la presencia física del vapor de agua, sino la presencia de la

Saturday, March 30: St. Joseph Church

6:00pm English 7:30 pm Polish






The group will bein its guided tour of the historic

Basilica of St. Josaphat, The largest and most beautiful church in


After the tour at the basilica, lunch will be at the Old Town Serbian Gourmet Restaurant, the oldest Serbian Restaurant in Milwaukee,

serving up European Cuisine.

After lunch, it’s on to the Sprecher Brewing Co ., for a guided tour of the brewhouse and tastings of four of their 17 bers and limitless tasting of the three ciders and nine sodas.

The day ends with a trip to the National

Bobblehead Hall of Fame and Museum. It features the largest collection of


The bus leaves at 7:30 a.m. and returns at 5 p.m. to the Foran Funeral Home parking lot,

7300 W. Archer Ave. The cost is $65 per person, which includes tours and lunch.

Reservations are due by Tuesday, April 16 by calling 708-458-0208. Seating is limited.

Join the “Steppin’ Out” coordinators Dee

Kountis and Sharon Jeninga as they travel to

Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Rekolekcja Wielkopostna w języku polskim

Prowadzi Ks. Piotr Nowacki TChr

25, 26, 27 marca 2019

Msza Sw. z nauką 7:00 pm

(poniedzalek, wtorek, sroda)

Spowiedź 7:00-8:00 pm (poniedzalek i wtorek)


Page 8: March 17, 2019 · La nube no era solo la presencia física del vapor de agua, sino la presencia de la

Weekly Collection Report

Weekly Parish Budget $ 9,500.00 Sunday Collection March 10, 2019 $ 6,356.00 Thank you for your generosity Gracias por tu generosidad Bog zaplac za ofiary skladane na tace


Monday, March 18 8:30 a.m. †Ceil Osadnik/Richard & Mauritta Porento Tuesday, March 19 - St. Joseph Day 8:30 a.m. †Clem Hojnacki/Jackie Hojnacki Wednesday, March 20 8:30 a.m. †James Heelan/3rd Anniversary/Family Thursday, March 21 8:30 a.m. NO MASS Friday, March 22 8:30 a.m. †Antanina Sukackas/Sue Klemchuck 5:30 p.m. Stations of the Cross - English 6:30 p.m. Stations of the Cross - Spanish 7:30 p.m. Stations of the Cross - Polish Saturday, March 23 8:30 a.m. †Joseph Kurcz/Patricia Kirk

5:00 p.m. †Peggy Neligan †Elmer Keller/The Keller Family †Frank Kuncic/Wife †Stephen Platos/1st Anniversary/Family Sunday, March 24 7:30 a.m. †Joseph and Margaret Powers Kurcz †Patrick Jude Kurcz and Joseph P. Kurcz †Genevieve Sabatini/Children †Genevieve & Frank Sabatini/Sabatini Family For Intentions Known to God 9:30 a.m. †Carmella Valaskovic/Dale & Alice Valaskovic St. Joseph Parishioners 11:00 a.m. †Aurora Calderon-Diaz/Calderon Family Rodriguez Family 12:30 p.m. †Stanislaw Staszel

COMMUNION MINISTERS Saturday, March 23, 2019 5:00 PM. J. Bambera, D. Kroll, Sunday, March 24, 2019 7:30 AM Sr. Agatha, R. Kosowski 9:30 AM S. Maloy, J. Sheehan, D. Yanez, G. Zaja 11:00 AM Cynthia Duque, Hermila Duque, Victor Duque, Lety Jimenez ********************************************************** ALTAR SERVERS Saturday, March 23, 2019 5:00 p.m. Vanessa Chavez, Arianna Mendoza, Francisco Romero Sunday, March 24, 2019 7:30 a.m. Jesus Gore-Freire, Gabriel Govea, Arianna Perez, Angelina Rivera 9:30 a.m. Citlali Herrera, Joaquin Hong, Alondra Padilla, Adel Salim 11:00 AM Nick Alvarez, Noe Cortez, Reyna Cortez ********************************************************** LECTORS Saturday, March 23, 2019 5:00 PM T. Norris Sunday, March 24, 2019 7:30 AM E. Dominguez 9:30 AM J. Davis 11:00 AM Juanita Castro - First Reading Ricardo Castro - Second Reading

The Rosary is recited every Saturday after 8:30 a.m. Mass.

All are invited to participate.

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7240 W. 57th Street Summit, IL 60501

(708) 458-0501 [email protected]


9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday

BULLETIN DEADLINE: 2:00 p.m. Wednesday

2 Weeks Prior

PARISH STAFF Pastor: Rev. Robert Stuglik

Weekend celebrant: Rev. Joseph Stobba, OSA Parish Secretary/Bulletin Editor: Mrs. Joan Hadac

Adult Choir Director/Organist: Mrs. Darlene Donarski Pianist/Children’s Choir: Mrs. Anna Dron Ray Polish Choir Director: Mr. Aleksander Jazowski

Facilities Director: Mr. Vincent Slisz


Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM. ENGLISH 11:00AM SPANISH 12:30 PM POLISH


Saturday 4:00 - 4:30 PM

WEEKDAY MASSES 8:30 AM Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday

(8:30 AM Wednesday—School Mass During School Year) Thursday—No Mass is Celebrated

ST. JOSEPH SCHOOL School Principal: Mr. Lawrence Manetti Business Manager: Mrs. Kim Osowiec 5641 S. 73rd Ave. (708) 458 - 2927, then search for St. Joseph School Pk-8-Summit (Official page) ST. JOSEPH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Coordinator: Mrs. Penny Davis (708) 458-2927 HENRYK SIENKIEWICZ POLISH SCHOOL 5641 S. 73rd Ave. 708-415-0458 MINISTERS OF CARE: If you are homebound, and would like to receive Holy Communion, please call the parish office to make arrangements.

Alicia Anderson Jack Bicigo Ann Bolek Kimberly Boll Bruce Bryers—US Military Amal Centers Judy Centers Rita Dombrowski Allyse Donarski Jim Donarski Susan Dotson Robert Erklin Helen Frank Alice Gomorczyk Dan and Ann Green Silvia C. Herrera Rich S. Jandura Denise M. Jandura Chester Janeczko Millie Jercha Donald Johnstone Doug Kudwa Ted Kuldanek Hank Lampke Geri Lauer Steven H. Lubawski Susanna Lubawski Robert J. Mercurio Margaret Metoyer Dolores Michaels

Janet Nelson Ed and Alice Nowak Cassandra K. Peterson Iris Eliza Peterson Leonardo Alexandros Peterson Robert Regep Paul Rinaldi Carmen Rodriguez Bridget Rollins Eileen Sheedy Abigail M. Swaekauski Aurora Rose Swaekauski Kathy A. Swaekauski Scarlette Grace Swaekauski Tim R. Swaekauski Pat Tichacek Josephine Tipner Arlene Wilder Pamela Wojdyla Patrick J. Woods Sheryl M. Woods *Most Recently Added Please call the rectory if you would like someone added to the prayer list. 708-458-0501. Thank You.

BAPTISMS Baptisms are held on the second Sunday of the month at 2 p.m. in English and on the third Saturday of the month in Spanish at 12 p.m. (noon). There are no Baptisms during Lent. Todos los bautizos en español se llevarán a cabo el tercer sábado del mes. No hay Bautizos durante la cuaresma.