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Being a Good Social Citizen: Engaging and Building a Community through Twitter and LinkedIn (and a bit on Email Marketing) Mark Graban

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Being a Good Social Citizen: Engaging and Building a Community

through Twitter and LinkedIn(and a bit on Email Marketing)

Mark Graban

To Access Slides

• I’ve scheduled a tweet with a link on my feed:

– @MarkGraban

– #BigGiveSA

What Are Your Goals?

• Why use Twitter?

• Why use LinkedIn?

Creating Twitter Headers

Twitter HeadersiPhone iPad

Twitter Headers –

Great Examples

Be Careful With Mobile

80% of Twitter users are accessing via mobile60% of online traffic (in general) is mobile/tablet?

For KaiNexus it’s 75/20/5 desktop/mobile/tablet

The Sharing Economy

• Share what you say, what you do, what you read/watch– OK to show

personality, “behind the scenes”

The Sharing Economy

• Make it easy for people to social share from your websites

What to Share

• Don’t make every tweet a call for donations or volunteers

• Don’t be repetitive

• Don’t make it all about you

How Much Self Promotion?• 4:1:1

– 4 items of content from others

– “1 retweet for every self-serving update”

• 555+– 5 updates about you and your content

– 5 updates about others

– 5 responses

– + miscellaneous (like #FF)

• Rule of Thirds– 1/3 about you and your content

– 1/3 sharing content about others

– 1/3 personal interactions “to build your brand”

• 20 to 1 Rule?– Marketing “deposits to withdrawals”

Share About Others

• Share stories about other organizations (pay it forward)

• Share news stories that are relevant and interesting

• Batz:– Share content from other

patient safety organizations– Share news stories about

healthcare quality, etc.

Other Things to Avoid(My Opinion)

• Don’t use services that auto-tweet spam

• Don’t beg for RTs (Please RT!)

– These tweets don’t get more RTs (look and see)

Other Things to Avoid(My Opinion)

• Don’t use too many hashtags in a tweet

• If you’re the only one using a hashtag, should you be using it?

Other Things to Avoid(My Opinion)

• There’s no need to thank everybody for a RT

– If you do, use an “@” at the start

Other Things to Avoid(My Opinion)

• Don’t only RT tweets about yourself or your org.

• Don’t RT every single mention of you or your org.

Good Interactions

• Do look at your “mentions” and respond to people as appropriate

• If you put a reply with a “.” or character in front of it, it shows in your main feed


• Better to use the “native” RT functionality, not the old approach?


• New “RT with comments” (“Quote Tweet”)

Link Shortening

• Used to be a good idea… not any more

Twitter Native Link Shortening

Saving Time With Twitter - Lists

Saving Time With Twitter - Lists

Saving Time – SocialOomph

Saving Time – SocialOomph

Scheduling Tweets –

Scheduling Tweets –

Scheduling Tweets –

Best & Worst Times to Share

Using Images

Great Examples

Using Images from the Internet• It’s best and safest to use your own images• An image being online does NOT mean it’s fair game for use

(even by a non-profit)• “Fair Use”?

– “for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research…”

– “Assume every image you find is copyrighted”• Posting a copyright notice is NOT required

– “Attribution does not make it right”

Free / Cheap Image SourcesFree / Cheap

• Morguefile– All images are free

• Flickr– Some images are free

• Canva– Lots of good images for $1


• iStockPhoto

• Getty Images

• “Stock photo” sites


• Free to use

• Don’t need to attribute

• Quality can be spotty

“hospital patient”


• Can be better quality

• Not all images are usable

• Need to check out “Creative Commons” license details

“hospital patient”


• Need to check out “Creative Commons” license details

“hospital patient”


• A bit of a “hack” to use them for stock photos

• Can be better quality

• Images are $1 each


LinkedIn Tips

• Regular LinkedIn accounts are for individuals

• You can and should set up a “company page”

Company Page

• “Update” = a tweet, basically

Personal LinkedIn Updates & Posts

Like a tweet Like a blog post

LinkedIn Posts

• Use a compelling image

• Don’t publish a short update

• Write a catchy headline

• Appear in people’s feed or “LinkedIn Pulse”

“Catchy” (Viral?) Headlines

9 Headlines That Will Make You Want to Click and (Maybe) Read

• 12 Things Truly Confident People Do Differently• Work-Life Balance is Bogus!• How a Bad Hire Taught Me This Crucial Lesson• Everyone Told Me Not to Become a Heart Surgeon. I Did It

Anyway.• 6 Authentic Leadership Tips For Overcoming Your Fears• What Is the Secret to Employee Engagement?• The One Sentence Innovative Leaders Should Fear• Whatever You Do, Don’t Innovate • Dear Recruiter, we are not potatoes.

7 Headlines You’re Likely To Ignore• Words of Power• Sustainability and Soul in Higher Education• The Digital Money Age• Being Kind vs. Being a Pushover• Internship recruitment processes hurt students and

companies• Expect MOOCs to Get More Personal• Raising a World Changer

Headline Tips from Hubspot• Spend more time on headlines than you think (half the time it takes

to write the article)• 6 words or max 65 characters• Ask a question• “Use interesting adjectives”

– Effortless, incredible, essential, unique, fun

• Use negative wording – No, without, stop

• Use numbers (use the digits)• Be specific (not “What We Know and What We Don’t Know”)

Their Formula

Don’t Do This on LinkedIn

• A sure path to annoying people:1. Ask them to connect

2. Immediately try to sell them something

• Don’t “spam” people– Through messages

– Through their email addresses

Say No to SPAM

• “Unsolicited Commercial Email”

• “CAN-SPAM Act of 2003”

• Don’t buy email addresses

• “There are no restrictions against a company emailing existing customers or anyone who has inquired about its products or services, even if these individuals have not given permission, as these messages are classified as "relationship" messages under CAN-SPAM.”

Email Marketing• This is legal and can be good• People who have opted in to receive emails

– Good idea even with an existing business relationship

• Use good email marketing practices– CAN-SPAM Act Law says:

• A visible and operable unsubscribe mechanism is present in all emails

• Consumer opt-out requests are honored within 10 business days• No deceptive subject lines, etc.• Include a physical mailing address

– Better: An EASY unsubscribe (single click)

LinkedIn Groups• Join relevant Groups• Participate in discussions

(leave thoughtful comments that add to the discussion)– Don’t be promotional…

you’ll get noticed by having good things to say

• Don’t “spam” the groups (post links sparingly)

Q&A / Contact Info•


[email protected]

• Twitter @MarkGraban