market, - evols at university of hawaii at manoa: homewill be issued on april lotu. 32 ol...

f T e 8. ,15 r- - 4 ty Vol. XIV. No 2221. HONOLULU, II. I., THURSDAY GYEINCi, APRfL 11, 1889. 60 OCNTO 8UH8QUIPTIOH PER MONTH THE DAILY BUIvLETIN la priuted und published at tho oflloe, ljueun Street, Honolulu, II. every .iftornoon (Sundays excepted). Subscription, - 50 cents per Month. AilJrois all Communications DaiIjV LiUM.F.riN. AdvurtUomcuts, tc ensure lnBortion, should be h.iudod ' before one o'clock p. M WALTER HILL Hdilor and Proprietor Bulletin Steam Printing-Office- . Nowripipor, 1,ook '""' Job Printing of all kinds done on the most favorublo te'lllS. Uoll rolei)honc No. 250 Telephone No. 250 THE DAILY BULLETIN Weekly Summary. An interesting and comprehensive publication, coutains 33 columns of ruudiug matter on local topics, and a complete resume of Honolulu and Island News. It is tho best paper Dubllshed in the Kingdom to, send to friends abroad. HubMcriptlou: Island : : : U 00 year Foruisu : : : 5 00 " Commission Mei'onants. UAOICE'iSLD Sc Co. 1L General Commission Agents. Honolulu Q. W. MAC2ABXANE & Co. IMPORTKUa AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Honolulu. H. 1. Queen street, - - 1048 GONSALVES & CO., Wholesalo Grocers & Wine Merchants Beaver Block, Honolulu. BREWER 6t COMPANY, c (Limited) guneual mewcantile and Commission Aukhtb. list of okfickh8 : P. C. Jonus, Jr. .. .President & Manager J. U. Uauteu. .. ..Treasurer & Secretary DiUKCTOiia: Hon. C. R. Bisuor. S. C. Allen, H. Watkkuouse. ddSly T. WATBRHOUSB, JOHN Importer aud Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen st., Honolulu. 1 S. N. Caatlo.-- J. B. Athcrton-- G. P. Castle ASTLjIB to OOOKB, G Shipping and Commission Merchants. Importers aud Dealers in General;haudise, No. 80 King st., Honolulu. 1 Glaus SpreckoU. Wm. G. Irwin. Irwin & company, Wa. Sugui Factors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 & CO., WILDER Dealers ia Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Sal', and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts., Honolulu. ! S. GRINBAUM & CO., M. rmimrt.nrfl of General Mer chandise and Commission Merchants, Honolulu, una 124 Culifomiit street, Ban Francisco, Cal. K.Lewors, F.J.Lowrey C. M. Cooko. Si OOOKB, (succeseors to Luwers & Dickson,) Importers and in Lumber and all kinds ol Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu H. G. CRABBE, DEALER IN Wand GRAIN, 81 King Street, opposite tho Old Station House. Mutual OColepUoiio No. 4--. 87 tf MRS. M. B. CAMPBELL, LreMinalcljJK, A:o., ito., Has commenced the business of Dress- making, Cutting and Fitting, a, her resi- dence, No 73 Berctaula btreet, opposite tho Hotel, The patronage of the ladles is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. sopt-OM- O L.USO HAWAIIANO. persons who want to communl ALL with tho Pojtugucso, either for business, or for piocuring workmen, Bervauts or any other helps, will find It iho most proiltablo way to advertise in the L.usa Jfawaiiauo, tlio now organ of the Portuguese colony, which is pub-- ' 1 ished on Hotel streot, and only charges reasonable rates for advertisements, ProfosslonalB. T M. MONSARRAT, V . Attorney at Law & Notary Public Merchant Street, Honolulu. If Alfred Magoon, J . ATTORNEY AT LAW. 173 42 Merchant street. Honolulu, lv STEM CANDY FACT0R1 F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. 71 Hotel St. -- restar Telephone 74. (Mrs. L. G. Pray, Genuine Massage Roman Baths ISO Fort Street. Chinese Church. Yard. dcc-7-8- HOLLISTER & CO., Druggists & Tobacconists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 109 Fo- -t Street, : William's Block, 210 Honolulu, H. I. II. M. BKNBOK. O. W. SMITH. BENSON. SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 1 13 & 110 Fort Street, - Honolulu Depot for Boericke & Soechlk'B HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES, Ricksecker's Perfumes and Toilet Requisites, i2 WENNER & GO. Alunufacturlnt; JewcllerH, NO. 03 FOBT bTREET. Constantly on hand i large assortmen of every description of Jewelry, Watches Gold and Silver Plated Ware, &c. 958 ly Thomas Lindsay, Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker Kukui Jewelry a Specially. King. Street, Honolulu, II. I. Next door to tho Hawaiian Tram-wa- y Company's Olllce. CST" Particular attention paid to all kinds of repairs. jan-lfl-6- 9 Sanders' Baggage Express Co. ?:.ncuat?edre,rs'1 proprio,ors- - Office, 84 King str et, Telephono No. 8G. Residence IclcpboneNo 20J. Gon'l ExiircsslnB & DraylnB Piano and Furniture moving a specialty. Wagons meet all incoming steamers. 1uly-2- 5 ly PASTURE for HORSE Halekou, Kancohc, Koolaupoko, AT bD3 acres of good pasture land, all enclosed plenty of water. Apply to Charles I. Hiram, at the King'b Stableb, Honolulu, or at Halekou. feb 28 89-l- Hustace & Robertson, r V"' DBAYMKN. A LL orders for Cartage promptly at-i- . tended to. Particular attention paid to tho Storing & Shipping of goods in transit to tho other Islands. Also, Black and White Sand in quantities to suit at lowest prices, Office, adjoining B. P. Adams & Co.'s auction room. 082 ly Mutual Telephono No. 1. Richard Cayford, VETERINARY Hoeing- - IT'org-e- , 7l & 81 ItluK Street. Shooing, from SI. 50. Horses and Cattle Treated foi all Diseases. Resldenco: Chaniberlnln House, next Kawalahao Church. I. O. BOX 41)8. BeUTelenUonogjfdgJei8M BEAfER, SALOON Tho Best Lunoh in Town, Tea and Coffee at 111 Hours The Finest Brand of Ciprs,Jlt Tota on Hand. II. J. KLTK, Proprietor. rXlJJ2 illllir Metropolitan Meat Company 81 KING bTREET, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager Wholesale & Eotail Butchers ANr NAVY CONTRACTOBS. 1717 ly Choicest Mutton ! Beef, Pork, JTisli, Vcget.lles, Sc, &c. Always on hand at the HONOLULU MARKET (Successors to Wm. McCandless), No. U 0.ucen Ht., : : Finn, aiarket, Honolulu, II. I. CgTFamily and Shipping Oulcrs care- - fully attended to. Live Stock furnished to vessels at Bhort notice. my 17-8- 8 JOS. T1MKER, MUTCHJER. City Market, Nuuanu Street. Beef, Hl Veal, Lamb, Mutton, & Fork. ALSO Cambridge Pork Sausages ! Fresh Every Day. CSTHis noted Sausages are made by the every best machinery, and all orders entrusted to his care will bo delivered with promptness and dispatch, and his prices are as low as anywhere in the city. ST Try his Bologna Sauaages."B oct-f- i 83 New Zealand Mullet (Star Biand.) In 4 doz. Cases of 1 lb. Tins. Fresh Supplies by each New Zea-lau- d Steamer. For Sale by J. E. Brown & Co., 187 Sole Agents. Qf The Inter-Islan- d Steam Navigation Co., Limited, Keep constantly on hand for sale Steam Family and Blacktmith Coal and a general assortment of 415. Bar Iron. FRANCE. Continental and Colonial AGENCY. 36 B,ue do Dunkerque, - - Paris. jfixecutes Indents for every description of French, Bolgian, Swis, German, and Euglish Goods, at tho best Manufacturers' Lowest Prices. Commission, Two-and.- a Half per cent. All Tiado and Cash Discounts allowed to Clients. Original Invoices forwarded whomequested. Remittances, through a London or Paris Banker, payable on delivery of Shipping documents; or, direct) tho manager. Tho Agency Represents, Buys, and Bells, for Home and Coloulul Firms. Picro Goods, Cashmeres, Cambrics, Silks, Velvetb, Lawns, Chintzes, Muslins, Carpets, uiotns, Millinery, Laces, Gloves, Fringes, Parasols, Haberdashery, Cold and BUvit Lace, Flannelc, Feathers, Pearls, Boots and Shoes, Gla--B- , and China.waro, Oloeks, Watchos, Jowellry, Fancy Goods. Electro-plat- e, Musical Instrument Fans, Ecclesiastical aud Optical Goods, Mirrors, Toyi. Perfumery, Wines, &c, Oilman's Stores, Books ArtUtlo Furnltuio, Stationery, CUromos, Machinery. &c, &c. 180 ly S, To Arrive ! Per Steamer EW DRESS ! New Ribbons ! New Trimmings ! NEW MILLlNERr GOODS! Latest Style in -- FOR, POPULAR - MILLINERY - HOUSE, 104 Fort Street, Honolulu. TV. S. SOEIis, - a THE DALY BOOK and Book and -- ou'rioaE- Description Be 1 Columns o Arrive ! MATERIALS "Umatilla" Hats & Bonnets THE - - Proprietor. BULLETIN B neral Printim TUo Beat Paper to Scad Abroad. JOB Every of Executed with Neatness and Dlsnatcht The "Dail Bulletin Weekly Summary," Will be Issued on April lOtu. 32 ol Interesting News. d- - mmwBiiiiuiww Royal Insurance Company. Accumulation ol Funds, $28,G02,205.00 Fire risks taken at current rates and settlement made in Honolulu. JOHN S. WALKER, Agent. July 2(V88-l- y Union Flro A. 31nrliie Insurance Company of N. Z. Capital, $10,000,000; Unlimited Liability. Fire and Marine risks tnki'n at current rates and settlement made in Honolulu. JOHN S. WALKER, Agent. july 2(!88-l- y ITJKT- - Insurance Co. of San Francisco. Marine risks on Hulls, Cargoes, Freights and Commissions at current rates. JOHN S. WALKER, Agent july 2WJ8-l- y ai33GXEBTJIlO General Insurance Company. Marine risks or Hulls, Cargoes, Freight and Commissions at current rates. JOHN. S. WALKER, Agent july 20 83-l- y A. II. KASEMANN, Book-binde- r, Fapcr-rnlo- r & Blank-boo- k Manufacturer. No. 18 Eaahumanu btreet. Up stairs. y -- r? Honolulu iron Works, s3giagStcam engines, sugar mills, boil- ers, coolers ; iron, brass and lead cast- ings; machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exe- cuted at short notice. 1 Alex. T3S?4pyr Elohr, Lock & Gunsmith. Bethel St., next to General Post Office, Honolulu. ' All kinds of Safes &. Soalos repaired. AIho, Mowing aiachlncu at rcaion-util- e rated. Bdl Tel. 421. (oct25 68-l- P. O. B. 490 WALKER & KEDWARD, Contrnotors fc Builders. Brick, Stone and Wooden Buildings; es- timates given. Jobbing promptlv att- ended to. 70 King btreet. Bell Telo-pho- N . 2. P. O. Box, 423. ap y LUCAS, Contractor TsL and Builder, Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, hspla, Honolulu. Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Ulinds, SaBhes, Doors, and all kinds of V7ood-wor- k finish. Turning, Scioll aud Band Sawing. All kinds ol Sawing and Plan- ing, Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly attunded to and work guaranteed. Orders from the other solloited NTERPRIS PLAHLNQ Mill. Alalica, near Jneon St. Telephono (55. SUGAR PLANT! FOR SALE Tho Entiro Plant of the ill 1 Is otlercd For Sale. Tho Machinery is in perfect working order and couBist of One 26x48 Mill with Engine, Trash-carrie- r, Etc, complete, 1 Pair of Boilers Cx20, 1 Doublo Effect G and 7 feet Pans, 1 Vacuum Pan G foot with Blake Pump, 3 Weston Centrifugals and Engine, Together with the usual assortment of Clariflers, Glean'g Pans, Coolers And other Machinery usually found in a well appointed mill. Also, a number of & Cane Carts & Gen'l Plantation Impliments. Delivery will bo given after noxt crop lias been harvested, buy about July 1, 1SS9. tSJTFor further particulars apply to JOHN HIND, Manager Star Mill, Kolmla, Hawaii. msy-Sl-8- 3 FIKE, LIFE, and MARINE INSURANCE. Hartford Firo Insurance Co. Assets, $5,288,000 Commercial Insurance Co. (Fire and Marino) Assets, $450,000 Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation (Firo and Marine) Capitol, paid up, $2,000,000 South British Fire and Marino Ins. Co Capital, $10,000,000 iVow York Life Insurance Co. Assets, $85,000,000 C.O.BERGER HONOLULU. General Agent, Uaw'n Islands. 1053 ly J3Q OIXABLE Life Assurance. Society, Or tho UnltoO. StateH. THE LEADING COMPANY. Nflw Businoss in 1887 - $138,023,105 Application refused for - 23,729,917 Total Income 23,240,849 Surplus 4 per cent 18,104,255 Gain In Aueii during year 8,868,432 Etc., Etc., Etc., In tho above and most iuiport&nt point the Equitable heads the list of Life Cainpcnits. A. J. CARTWRIGHT, Cleaeral Agent for Hawaiian Inland. June CASTLE & COOKE, Lifo, Fire & Marino Ineur'ce Agents. ' AOENT8 KOII Tho New Kngland MUTUAI LIFE NS. COMP Yf of Boston. Too iEtna Tire Insurance Co. of Hartford, Conn. The Union JPIre and Marine Insurance Co., of Ban Francisco, Cala. 101 ly Prussian National Insurance Como'v bstjlbijsued 1845, Capital,. 9,000,000 RcichimarJo THE undersigned, having been up. .a. iiu,u,u.Lbu,ui lilcuuuvUVuuipUiy tui uu uuniwui 1BIUUUH. IB DrCDimiTO ovuk-ji- t '!, agniusL x'iro, on liUMUingB, Furniture, Mcrohundlsc, Produco, Sugar Mills etc., on tho most Favorable Ternia Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payable Honolulu. H. RIEMEN8CHNEIDEH, Jly-8- 7 ly at Wilder & Co'fl. Pioneer Shirt Factory Of Honolulu, No. 17 Emma St The undersigned I'eirs to inform tho public of these Islands that bo is making SliIr-t- ly Monniironiout I Directions for will be given on application. White Shirts, Overshlrts & Sight Gowns A ut guarantee by making a rumple Shirt to every order. Island order solicited Bell Telephone 410 ICQly A. M. HELMS. & ti. Jw Vn

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Page 1: Market, - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: HomeWill be Issued on April lOtu. 32 ol Interesting News. d--mmwBiiiiuiww Royal Insurance Company. Accumulation ol Funds, $28,G02,205.00




r- -






la priuted und published at tho oflloe,

ljueun Street, Honolulu, II. every

.iftornoon (Sundays excepted).

Subscription, - 50 cents per Month.

AilJrois all Communications DaiIjVLiUM.F.riN.

AdvurtUomcuts, tc ensure lnBortion,should be h.iudod ' before one o'clockp. M

WALTER HILL Hdilor and Proprietor

Bulletin Steam Printing-Office- .

Nowripipor, 1,ook '""' Job Printing of

all kinds done on the most favorublote'lllS.Uoll rolei)honc No. 250 Telephone No. 250


Weekly Summary.An interesting and comprehensive

publication, coutains 33 columns ofruudiug matter on local topics, and acomplete resume of Honolulu and IslandNews. It is tho best paper Dubllshed

in the Kingdom to, send to friendsabroad.

HubMcriptlou:Island : : : U 00 yearForuisu : : : 5 00 "

Commission Mei'onants.

UAOICE'iSLD Sc Co.1LGeneral Commission Agents.




Honolulu. H. 1.Queen street, - -1048


Wholesalo Grocers & Wine Merchants

Beaver Block, Honolulu.

BREWER 6t COMPANY,c (Limited)guneual mewcantile and

Commission Aukhtb.

list of okfickh8 :

P. C. Jonus, Jr. . . .President & ManagerJ. U. Uauteu. . . ..Treasurer & Secretary


Hon. C. R. Bisuor. S. C. Allen,H. Watkkuouse.


T. WATBRHOUSB,JOHN Importer aud Dealer in GeneralMerchandise, Queen st., Honolulu. 1

S. N. Caatlo.-- J. B. Athcrton-- G. P. CastleASTLjIB to OOOKB,G Shipping and Commission

Merchants. Importers aud Dealers inGeneral;haudise, No. 80 King st.,Honolulu. 1

Glaus SpreckoU. Wm. G. Irwin.

Irwin & company,Wa.Sugui Factors and CommissionAgents, Honolulu. 1

& CO.,WILDER Dealers ia Lumber, Paints,Oils, Nails, Sal', and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts.,Honolulu. !

S. GRINBAUM & CO.,M. rmimrt.nrfl of General Merchandise and Commission Merchants,Honolulu, una

124 Culifomiit street,Ban Francisco, Cal.

K.Lewors, F.J.Lowrey C. M. Cooko.

Si OOOKB,(succeseors to Luwers & Dickson,)

Importers and in Lumber and allkinds ol Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu



81 King Street, opposite tho Old StationHouse.

Mutual OColepUoiio No. 4--.

87 tf


LreMinalcljJK, A:o., ito.,Has commenced the business of Dress-

making, Cutting and Fitting, a, her resi-

dence, No 73 Berctaula btreet, oppositetho Hotel, The patronage of the ladlesis respectfully solicited. Satisfactionguaranteed. sopt-OM-

O L.USO HAWAIIANO.persons who want to communl

ALL with tho Pojtugucso, eitherfor business, or for piocuring workmen,Bervauts or any other helps, will find Itiho most proiltablo way to advertise inthe L.usa Jfawaiiauo, tlio now organ ofthe Portuguese colony, which is pub-- '1 ished on Hotel streot, and only chargesreasonable rates for advertisements,


T M. MONSARRAT,V . Attorney at Law & Notary Public

Merchant Street, Honolulu. If

Alfred Magoon,J . ATTORNEY AT LAW.

173 42 Merchant street. Honolulu, lv


F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,Pastry Cook and Baker.

71 Hotel St. --restar Telephone 74.

(Mrs. L. G. Pray,

Genuine Massage Roman Baths

ISO Fort Street. Chinese Church. Yard.dcc-7-8-


Druggists & Tobacconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

109 Fo- -t Street, : William's Block,210 Honolulu, H. I.



Manufacturing and Dispensing

Pharmacists,1 13 & 110 Fort Street, - Honolulu

Depot for Boericke & Soechlk'B

HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES,Ricksecker's Perfumes and Toilet

Requisites, i2

WENNER & GO.Alunufacturlnt; JewcllerH,

NO. 03 FOBT bTREET.Constantly on hand i large assortmen

of every description of Jewelry, WatchesGold and Silver Plated Ware, &c.

958 ly

Thomas Lindsay,

Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker

Kukui Jewelry a Specially.

King. Street, Honolulu, II. I.Next door to tho Hawaiian Tram-wa- y

Company's Olllce.

CST" Particular attention paid to allkinds of repairs. jan-lfl-6- 9

Sanders' Baggage Express Co.

?:.ncuat?edre,rs'1 proprio,ors- -

Office, 84 King str et, Telephono No. 8G.

Residence IclcpboneNo 20J.Gon'l ExiircsslnB & DraylnBPiano and Furniture moving a specialty.

Wagons meet all incoming steamers.1uly-2- 5 ly

PASTURE for HORSEHalekou, Kancohc, Koolaupoko,AT bD3 acres of good pasture land, all

enclosed plenty of water. Apply toCharles I. Hiram, at the King'b Stableb,Honolulu, or at Halekou. feb 28 89-l-

Hustace & Robertson,r V"'

DBAYMKN.A LL orders for Cartage promptly at-i-.

tended to. Particular attentionpaid to tho

Storing & Shippingof goods in transit to tho other Islands.

Also, Black and White Sand

in quantities to suit at lowest prices,

Office, adjoining B. P. Adams & Co.'s

auction room.082 ly Mutual Telephono No. 1.

Richard Cayford,VETERINARY

Hoeing- - IT'org-e- ,

7l & 81 ItluK Street.

Shooing, from SI.50.

Horses and Cattle Treated foi

all Diseases.

Resldenco: Chaniberlnln House, nextKawalahao Church.

I. O. BOX 41)8.



Tho Best Lunoh in Town,

Tea and Coffee at 111 Hours

The Finest Brand of

Ciprs,Jlt Totaon Hand.

II. J. KLTK, Proprietor.rXlJJ2

illllir Metropolitan

Meat Company81 KING bTREET,

G. J. WALLER, - - ManagerWholesale & Eotail Butchers



Choicest Mutton !

Beef, Pork,JTisli, Vcget.lles, Sc, &c.

Always on hand at the

HONOLULU MARKET(Successors to Wm. McCandless),

No. U 0.ucen Ht., : : Finn, aiarket,Honolulu, II. I.

CgTFamily and Shipping Oulcrs care- -

fully attended to. Live Stock furnishedto vessels at Bhort notice. my 17-8- 8


City Market,Nuuanu Street.

Beef, Hl Veal,Lamb, Mutton, & Fork.


Cambridge Pork Sausages !

Fresh Every Day.

CSTHis noted Sausages are made bythe every best machinery, and all ordersentrusted to his care will bo deliveredwith promptness and dispatch, and hisprices are as low as anywhere in thecity.

ST Try his Bologna Sauaages."Boct-f- i 83

New Zealand Mullet(Star Biand.)

In 4 doz. Cases of 1 lb. Tins.Fresh Supplies by each New Zea-lau- d

Steamer. For Sale by

J. E. Brown & Co.,187 Sole Agents. Qf

The Inter-Islan- d SteamNavigation Co., Limited,

Keep constantly on hand for sale

Steam Family and Blacktmith Coaland a general assortment of

415. Bar Iron.

FRANCE.Continental and Colonial

AGENCY.36 B,ue do Dunkerque, - - Paris.

jfixecutes Indents for every descriptionof French, Bolgian,Swis, German, and Euglish Goods, attho best Manufacturers' Lowest Prices.

Commission, Two-and.- a Half per cent.All Tiado and Cash Discounts allowedto Clients. Original Invoices forwardedwhomequested.

Remittances, through a London orParis Banker, payable on delivery ofShipping documents; or, direct) thomanager.

Tho Agency Represents, Buys, andBells, for Home and Coloulul Firms.

Picro Goods, Cashmeres, Cambrics,Silks, Velvetb, Lawns, Chintzes,Muslins, Carpets, uiotns,Millinery, Laces, Gloves,Fringes, Parasols, Haberdashery,Cold and BUvit Lace,Flannelc, Feathers, Pearls,Boots and Shoes, Gla--B- , andChina.waro, Oloeks, Watchos,Jowellry, Fancy Goods.Electro-plat- e, Musical InstrumentFans, Ecclesiastical audOptical Goods, Mirrors, Toyi.Perfumery, Wines, &c,Oilman's Stores, Books ArtUtloFurnltuio, Stationery,CUromos, Machinery. &c, &c.

180 ly S,

To Arrive !

Per Steamer


New Ribbons ! New Trimmings !


Latest Style in-- FOR,


104 Fort Street, Honolulu.

TV. S. SOEIis, -


BOOK and

Book and




1 Columns

o Arrive !



Hats & BonnetsTHE -

- Proprietor.



neral Printim

TUo Beat Paper to Scad Abroad.


Every of

Executed with Neatness and Dlsnatcht

The "Dail Bulletin Weekly Summary,"

Will be Issued on April lOtu.

32 ol Interesting News.



Royal Insurance Company.

Accumulation ol Funds, $28,G02,205.00

Fire risks taken at current rates andsettlement made in Honolulu.

JOHN S. WALKER, Agent.July 2(V88-l- y

Union Flro A. 31nrliie

Insurance Company of N. Z.

Capital, $10,000,000; Unlimited Liability.

Fire and Marine risks tnki'n at currentrates and settlement made in Honolulu.

JOHN S. WALKER, Agent.july 2(!88-l- y


Insurance Co. of San Francisco.

Marine risks on Hulls, Cargoes, Freightsand Commissions at current rates.

JOHN S. WALKER, Agentjuly 2WJ8-l- y

ai33GXEBTJIlOGeneral Insurance Company.

Marine risks or Hulls, Cargoes, Freightand Commissions at current rates.

JOHN. S. WALKER, Agentjuly 20 83-l- y

A. II. KASEMANN,Book-binde- r, Fapcr-rnlo- r & Blank-boo- k


No. 18 Eaahumanu btreet. Up stairs.y

-- r? Honolulu iron Works,s3giagStcam engines, sugar mills, boil-

ers, coolers ; iron, brass and lead cast-ings; machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exe-cuted at short notice. 1

Alex. T3S?4pyr Elohr,Lock & Gunsmith.

Bethel St., next to General PostOffice, Honolulu. '

All kinds of Safes &. Soalos repaired.AIho, Mowing aiachlncu at rcaion-util- e

rated.Bdl Tel. 421. (oct25 68-l- P. O. B. 490


Contrnotors fc Builders.Brick, Stone and Wooden Buildings; es-

timates given. Jobbing promptlv att-

ended to. 70 King btreet. Bell Telo-pho-

N . 2. P. O. Box, 423. ap y

LUCAS,Contractor TsLand Builder,

Honolulu Steam Planing Mills,, Honolulu.

Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,Brackets, Window Frames, Ulinds,

SaBhes, Doors, and all kinds of V7ood-wor- k

finish. Turning, Scioll aud BandSawing. All kinds ol Sawing and Plan-ing, Morticing and Tenanting.

Orders promptly attunded to and workguaranteed. Orders from the other



Alalica, near Jneon St.Telephono (55.


Tho Entiro Plant of the


Is otlercd For Sale. Tho Machineryis in perfect working order

and couBist of

One 26x48 Mill with Engine,Trash-carrie- r, Etc, complete,1 Pair of Boilers Cx20,1 Doublo Effect G and 7 feet Pans,1 Vacuum Pan G foot with Blake Pump,3 Weston Centrifugals and Engine,

Together with the usual assortment of

Clariflers, Glean'g Pans, Coolers

And other Machinery usually foundin a well appointed mill.

Also, a number of


Cane Carts & Gen'l PlantationImpliments.

Delivery will bo given after noxt croplias been harvested, buy about July 1,1SS9.

tSJTFor further particulars apply to

JOHN HIND,Manager Star Mill, Kolmla, Hawaii.

msy-Sl-8- 3


MARINEINSURANCE.Hartford Firo Insurance Co.

Assets, $5,288,000

Commercial Insurance Co.

(Fire and Marino)

Assets, $450,000Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation

(Firo and Marine)

Capitol, paid up, $2,000,000

South British Fire and Marino Ins. Co

Capital, $10,000,000iVow York Life Insurance Co.

Assets, $85,000,000


General Agent, Uaw'n Islands.

1053 ly


Life Assurance. Society,

Or tho UnltoO. StateH.


Nflw Businoss in 1887 - $138,023,105Application refused for - 23,729,917Total Income 23,240,849Surplus 4 per cent 18,104,255

Gain In Aueii during year 8,868,432Etc., Etc., Etc.,

In tho above and most iuiport&nt pointthe Equitable heads the list of

Life Cainpcnits.

A. J. CARTWRIGHT,Cleaeral Agent for Hawaiian



CASTLE & COOKE,Lifo, Fire & Marino Ineur'ce Agents.



of Boston.

Too iEtna Tire Insurance Co.of Hartford, Conn.

The Union JPIre andMarine Insurance Co.,

of Ban Francisco, Cala.101 ly

Prussian NationalInsurance Como'v

bstjlbijsued 1845,Capital,. 9,000,000 RcichimarJo

THE undersigned, having been up..a. iiu,u,u.Lbu,ui lilcuuuvUVuuipUiy

tui uu uuniwui 1BIUUUH. IB DrCDimiTOovuk-ji- t '!, agniusL x'iro, on liUMUingB,Furniture, Mcrohundlsc, Produco, SugarMills etc., on tho most Favorable Ternia

Losses Promptly Adjusted and PayableHonolulu.

H. RIEMEN8CHNEIDEH,Jly-8- 7 ly at Wilder & Co'fl.

Pioneer Shirt FactoryOf Honolulu, No. 17 Emma StThe undersigned I'eirs to inform tho

public of these Islands that bo is makingSliIr-t- ly Monniironiout I

Directions for willbe given on application.

White Shirts, Overshlrts & Sight Gowns

A ut guarantee by making a rumpleShirt to every order.

Island order solicited Bell Telephone 410


&ti. Jw Vn

Page 2: Market, - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: HomeWill be Issued on April lOtu. 32 ol Interesting News. d--mmwBiiiiuiww Royal Insurance Company. Accumulation ol Funds, $28,G02,205.00


-- .



Mice to the Delinquent Tax-Payer- s.

On nml after tlio 8lli ofApiil, nil Tuxes will be payable nttbe Tax Assessor's Otllce iu tbe Kivpuaiwa Building.

No ten per cent vliargo will bemade, . unless n warrant has beenissued or a suit commenced againsttho person or firm wishing to pay.

C. A. BROWN,Assessor and Collector of Taxes fur

the Island of Oalnt.218 Iw 83 It

Dei'Autsiext or Fikaxce, )

Honolulu, April 1, 1889.J

The following persons have beenappointed Assessors and Collectoisof Taxes for tho respective TaxationDivisions of tho Kingdom, in accord-

ance with an Act to amend and regu-

late the Lav, relating to tho appoint-ment and tenuro of ofllee of TaxAssessor and Tax Collector, and theAssessment and Collection of Taxes,upproved the 21st day of August,A. I). 1S88:

C. A. BROWN, 1st Division, Islandof Oahu.

II. G. TREADWAY, 2nd Division,Islands of Maui, Molokai, and Lanai.


sion, Island of Hawaii.JOSEPH K. FARLEY, 1th Divi-tiio- n,

Islands of Kauai and Niihau.W. L. GREEN,

Minister of Finance.Appiovcd:

Jona. Austin,Minister of Foreign Affairs.

L. A. Thuhston,Minister of Interior.

C. AV. Asiiford,Attorney-Genera- l.

212 lm 82 It

iailu fWlTitftttPledged to ticither Sect nor Party,But established for the benefit of all.



linrroit Brr.uvnx: Your editor-ial on "The Punchbowl Trench" inyesterday's issue was good enough,that is to say in a general way only.I fully agree with you that "thistrench will be a blessing to manysettlers on the hillsides or on theplains." As I understood the wa-

ters heretofore seeking their waythrough numerous gulches, valleysand ancient watercourses will nowbe diverted into Makiki (Pawaa)stream. So far, so good, as far asthe blessed arc concerned.

But how is poor Pilgarlic going tofare? The artificial' diverted wa-

ters will, during heary rains, comeupon me, and there is no provisionmade to let off the water, conse-quently it means wreck and ruin tomy property when the time comes.For the last 13 yoars I have livedhappily with my family at Pawaa,and I have fondly hoped that'somefuture day I might die there. Imay be perhaps a little behind timetimes in regard to engineering,but Ifully belieTe that I stand everychance of Borne night being carriedout to sea while contained in the onestory frame shingled dwelling situ-ate on the northwestern corner ofKing and Punahou streets, Honolulu, H. I. A. Jaegeh.



The special Berlin correspondentof "La Liberte," of Paris, of March7, 1889, says that "The message ofPresident Harrison has received thegeneral approval of the GermanPress, as being very proper, con-

sidering the absence of any Ameri-can coaling station in Samoa. Theyrecite the concession which has al-

ready been given of the harbor ofPago-Pag- o to the United States, andintimate that England, United Statesand Germany will hold a conventionof division, under which the UnitedStates will receive the HawaiianIslands."

In reference to the passage of themessage touching upon the Panamaquestion they admit that no protestcould possibly be made to the verystrong language of tho President.


This evening a memorial servicefor those who lost their lives in thorectnt naval disaster will bo held inthe Central Union Church at 7:30o'clock. The Revs. Dr. BeckwithDr. Hvdo and W. C. Merritt willtake part in the service and specialinusio will be rendered.

Mrs. Frank Leslie reaches . herdesk at 8 o'clock iu the morning andusually remains at it until nearly G.

She told a Chicago reporter theother day that her average amountof sleep was not more than fivohours out of tho twenty-fou- r.

THE BEST PAPER to subscribeis tho "Dally Bulletin." 50

cents per month.

iwifMMiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiriiiiiiiriiiiiiiiMiiiii ritir tiii n iiinrr "BEa WlERflRBAI5. A.

Special Service at St.Andrew's Cathedral.


VovTItOHP liiint niNiiniiia. Tlu M.Decorations. An KUniiienl

Sermon. The liuilri- -

ins Crowded.

On Wednesday afternoon at threeo'clock a memorial service was heldby tho second congregation of St.Andrew's Cathedral, for those wholost their lives in the lccent navaldisaster at Samoa, and more particu-larly for Capt. C. M. Schoonmakerand Paymaster V. II. Arms of theVnndalin, who were regular attend-ants at the services of the abovecongregation duriug the stay of thatvessel in Honolulu. Mr. Arms forover n year was a valued member ofthe choir, scarcely ever missing aservice or rehearsal. Both gentle-men had a very large circle offriends in this community who deep-ly regret their untimely end. Ashort biographical sketch of thosegentlemen may not be out of place.


Cant. Cornelius M. Schoonmakerwas a native of New York, and wasborn April 2, 1839. lie was ap-

pointed to the naval academy fromhis native State,Scptcmber28, 185-1- ,

and graduated as midshipman, June9, lool). At the beginning pi theyear 1SG0 he was attached to thesteam frigate Minnesota, serving inher until August 1, 18G1, when hewas commissioned a Lieutenant andshortly afterward was transferredto the steam gunboat Sagamore.The vessel belonged to the EastGulf Squadron, but in the followingyear Lieutenant Schoonmaker wasagain transferred, this tune to thesteam gunboat Octorara, of theAVest Indies Squadron. He remain-ed with her during the years 'G3and 'G'l, participating with abilityand distinction in the battle of Mo-

bile bay and the capturo of FortMorgan. In 18G5 he served on thesteamer Augusta. December 21thof the same year he was commis-sioned Lieutenant-Command- er andmade executive oflicer of the Juan-it- a

of the South Atlantic Squadron,remaining with her until 18G7, whenhe was ordered to the Piscataqifa ofthe Asiatic Squadron, upon whichvessel he served for two years. OnFebruary 14, 1873,hc was promotedto the rank of Commander, and onOctober 7, 188G, reached the rankof Captain. In April of last yearhe relieved Uapt. 11. L. llowison inthe command of the Yandalia. Dur-ing the long period through whichhe served his country, CaptainSchoonmaker saw fifteen yoars ofsea service, a vast amount of shoreduty, distinguishing himself in thelatter by his zeal and ability asmuch as he had done by his valorand good judgment when alloat. Heleaves a wife and several children,whose home is in the East.


Paymaster Frank II. Arms was anold and honored officer of the U. He was born in Connecticut,and entered the naval service, April11, 18G-1- , as Acting Assistant Pay-master, lie became Passed Assist-ant Paymaster, July 23, 18GG, andon October 14, 1871, was promotedto Paymaster. He had been on dutyon the Yandalia since Ma', 1887.He leaves a widow and family whoreside at New London, Conn.


The interior of the Cathedral wasvery tastily decorated with thechoicest of flowers, and witli ferns,palms and evergreens. On the altartable were two large bouquets ofwhite flowers, while on either sideof the altar stood immense pottedferns and palms. Ln the centre ofthe chancel hung a magnificent floralanchor of white oleanders and evcr-greeu- s.

On the desk of the litanystand was a bank of maiden hairferns with the letters S. and A.(standing for Schoonmaker andArms) in gardenias and heliotrope,while on the kneeling cushion wasthe word "Yandalia" artisticallywrought in tube roses and helio-

trope. Around the neck of theeagle on the lectern was a wreath,and smilax was twined around thestand, clear to the ground. Ou thefront of the pulpit was aa immensewreath of white oleanders with theletters U. S. N. of roses and helio-trope in the centre. Two beautifulbouquets stood on the pulpit desk.In different parts of the Cathedral,in prominent places, were exquisitefloral designs, such as anchors, asickle and crosses. The whole effectof the decorations was exceedinglystriking.


At 3 o'clock the hour set for thoservice the Cathedral was crowdedin every part by persons of allnationalities. A large number ofextra chairs had been provided,Among those present were noticed :

II. R. II. Princess Kaiulani, 11. H.Prince Kawananakoa representingHis Majesty the King, and attendedby Mr. J. W. Robertson,

; Hon. J. O. Dominis,Hon. A. S. Cleghorn, His Honor theChief Justice and Mrs. Judd, Hon.C. 11. Bishop, His Ex. Jono. AustinMinister of Foreign Affairs, HisExcellency Geo. W. Merrill, U. S.Minister Resident and' Mrs. Merrill,Major J. II. Wodehouse.H. B. M.'s.Commissioner, Mona. G. G. B.d'Anglade, French Commissioner,Senhor A. do Souza Cauavarro,



Portuguese Commissioner, Mr. F.Schacfcr, Consul for Italy and

Mrs. Schaefer, Mr. T. R. Walker,British Vice-Cons- ul and Mrs. Wal-ker, Mr. II. F. Glade, Consul forGermany, Mr. II. W. Schmidt, Con-sul for Sweden nnd Norway, dipt.

G. Green, officers, sailors andmarhips of the U. S. S. Alert, Capt.

T. Nicolls, ofllcers, sailors andmarines of II. B. M. S. Cormorant,Rev. E. G. Bcckwith, D. D., Hon.11. A. Wideinnnn, Hon. M. P. Ro-

binson, Capt. II. V. Mist, R. N.und Mrs. Mist, Hon. II. M. andMrs. Whitney, Prof. M. M. Scott,Mr. J. II. Soper, Marshal, and Mrs.Sopor, Mrs. Lieut. Moore, Hon. W.F. and Mrs. Allen, Mr. E. W. andMrs. Jordan, Mrs. A. Willis, theSisters and pupils of St. AndrewsPriory, Mrs. S. M. Damon, Mrs. S.Parker, Miss Jiuld, Mrs. ,1. O. Car-

ter, Mrs. Roht. hewers, Mrs. Capt.Fuller, Mrs. A. T. Atkinson, Mrs.Barnard, Mrs. A. Mackintosh, Mrs.G. C. Boardman, Mrs. P. Jones,Miss Dickson, Mrs. J. V. Robert-son, Miss Widemann, Messrs. TomMav, S. N. Bouton, J. G. Spencer,II. Renjes, Julius Hoting and manyothers.


The service opened with a funeralmarch, In Memoriam, played on theorgan by Mr. Wray Taylor, duringwhich the clergy entered the Cathe-

dral and took their seats. Thenwas sung the following beautifuland appropriate hymn :

Fierce r.igid the tempest o'er the deep,Watch did Thine anxious .crvnnts Keep,But Thou wast wrapped In gnilce-- s

leep,Calm and still.

"Savo, Lord, we perish,"' was their cry,"O save ns iu our agony!"Thy Word above the storm rose high.

"Peace, be still.5'

The wild winds hushed; the angry deepSank, like a little child, to sleep;The sullen billows ceased to leap.

At Thy Will.

So, when our life is clouded o'er,And storm winds drift us from the

shore,Sav, let wc sink to rise no more.

"Peace, he still."

The versiclcs were intoned by theRev. Alex. Mackintosh, followed bythe singing of the twenty-thii- d

psalm, "The Lord is My Shepherd"to a single chant. The properpsalms 4G, 93 and 130 were readalternately by the Rev. Alex. Mack-intosh and the congregation. TheBishop read the first lesson, the 40thChapter of Isaiah. Then was sungPsalm 90 "Lord, thou has been ourrefuge" to a minor chant. Rev.Herbert II. Gowen read the secondlesson, the first eighteen verses ofthe 22d Chapter of Revelations,after which the choir sang the NuncDimittis. Tho apostles creed andversiclcs were intoned by Rev. Alex.Mackintosh following which the Rev.George Wallace offered up severalspecial prayers having reference tothose in the navies of the UnitedStates, England and Germany ; thewinds and seas; the good examplesof those who, having finished theircourse in laith, do now rest fromtheir labors ; for those who havebeen visited by trouble and distress,and the shortness and uncertaintj'of human life. Hymn 221, "Letall the saints in concert sing" wasnext sung.


The sermon an eloquent and im-

pressive one, was preached by theRev. George Wallace, B. D., fromthe 95th Psalm, part of the fifthverse, "The sea is his, and he madeit." The discourse was most atten-tively listened to by the large con-

gregation. Many persons were deep-ly affected, when allusion was madeto the sad disaster and it conse-quences. Mr. Wallace after refer-ence to the calamity and applyingthe lessons of the sad occasion wenton to say :

Our gathering here to-da- y, dearfriends, is witness to the con-

straining bonds of that humanbrotherhood which is possible be-

cause Christ is the Savior and Lordof men. Some of us are English-men, some Americans, some Ger-mans, of some of us these sea girtisles are the native land, but thereruns in our veins that blood ofwhich the Great Father of spiritshath made all men that dwell on tbeface of the earth. We meet underpeculiarly touching circumstances,to show our fellowship with a sor-

row which has brought desolation towidely separated homes, to testifyto our admiration of the heroic menwho at the post of duty found theirhonored graves besides their wreck-ed and sinking ships. Wc are hereto thank God that they died likebrave man fighting the tempest,since it was God's will, rather thanin the bloody contest of red-hand-

battle which might have involvedbrothren of the great family of na-

tions in a struggle of which Godalone could count the cost in livesand tears ; to thank the God ofPeace that the cheers which rent theair on that fatal day were not thocheers of victors over the sinkingship of the enemy, but cheers ofthanksgiving from generous heaitsthat a noble vessel Hying anotherflag had forged her waj' with torribletoil from the jaws of death awaitingfor themselves. Wc bless God thatthere has gone out into all the woildtho story of many deeds of heroismto savo lives rather than to destroythem. The souls of our brethrenare in the merciful keeping of Himwho inspires all valor and manhood.Their work is accomplished, theyhave done well their part to keep upthe succession of tho noble dead,and inspire us to be better men.But we come to mourn as well.

Our prayers, our thoughts of lovoand cheer arc in the wave of sym-

pathy that flows around tho world.It sends its gentle Hood of tender-ness into a desolate home on thebanks of tho noble Hudson ; itspreads softly but swiftly to anotherupon the New England shore ; its.soothing current tarries here andthere as it crosses tho continent; itrolls over two mighty oceans andglides into the homes, the cities andvillages of tho fatherland, overnorthern Europe, Great Britain andIreland's emerald fields. It bidsmany mourners, wives and mothers,children, brothers, sisters, andfflfends, to sorrow not as withouthope for them that shall come homefrom the sea no more, until themorning of the Everlasting Day,when the great ocean shall givo upits dead, and there slinll bo nolonger the separating sea.

Our thoughts linger lovingly uponthe noble and couftcous Christiangentlemen who were but recentlygoing in and out among us, andwere our frequent fellow-worshippe- rs

in this house of God. Wcdoubt not that thoy found tho an-

guish of death soothed by highthoughts ol Gpil aiiu immortality,and died well as by the grace ofGod they had well learned to lire.It was the devout habit of two oftliem'to kneel here frequently atthe sacrament of the Holy Supperof our Lord, and to them wc mayfeel assured it lias been given todrink of the river of life and to catof the hidden manna in the Paradiseof God.

And the sea which took themfrom us is God's sea, aud He madeit. God manifest in one llesh liewalked upon its waters and calmedthem at His will. It is ever an em-

blem of the Infinite One, in itspower in storm, its smile in peace,its unceasing motion as though asoul were in it, in its voice thatrises and falls in everlasting psalm.With equal softness its wave washesan island or a continent, flows in thegulf stream or nestles in the cleftof a rock, or murmurs its sweetmusic around the fisherman's boator the royal barge of a Ctusar, so flowsthe Divine love around the wholeworld of souls, forgetting neitherthe glad hour when we rejoice northe sad hour when we die.


At Hie close of the sermon thohymn "Ten thousand times tenthousand" was sung with fine effectby the ohoir. This hymn was aspecial favorite with PaymasterArms, and one that was frequentlysung in the Cathedral at his request.The Bishop pronounced the bene-diction, after which the large con-

gregation left the Cathedral whileHandel's Dead March in Saul wasplayed on the organ.


The floral decorations were thework of Mrs. J. W. Robertson, Mrs.Pierre Jones, Mrs. G. C. Boardman,Mrs. E. P. Low, Mrs. Robt. Low-

ers, Mrs. J. II. Boyd, Miss IlessieDickson and James V. McGuirc.

The detachments of marines andsailors from the U. S. S. Alert andII. B. M. S. Cormorant matched tonether from the boat landing to theCathedral and presented a very fineappearance. On reaching the fiontof the building they parted, theAlerts entering Hie Cathedral by thesouth door, the Cormorants by thenorth door.

The decorations were photograph-ed at the close of the service byMessrs J. F. Boyd and J. Bowers,photographers, who recently arrivedfrom San Francisco.

A platoon of police were in at-

tendance at the service."

G, A, R. Notice,

IlKADQUAinr.its, Gr.o. AY . DkLoniFost, No. .15, Di:it. or Oam- -I'oitNiA, G. A. R. (

Honolulu, April n, issn. J

rpiIE Post will meet at theirJ, quartets, ICinjr street, at 7o'clock THURSDAY i m., thollili inst., to march in u body toCentral Union (Jhurch, there totake part iu the Memorial Ser-vic-

for the Dead, at Apia,Kamoa. All visiting Comradesinvited. By ouler of

F. TURR1LL,I'ost Commander.

Volnev V. Asiikoiid,Adjutant. 221 It

Hawaiian Tramways Co,


ON ai AFTER FRIDAY,The 12th inst., theio will he a

Half Hourly Senlce To and From

Walklkl, as follows:

Sundny from 'J:T0 a. m. to 10:00 p. m.

Saturday from 0:00 a. m. to 9:00n. in.; 2:80 p. m. to 10:00 p. m.

Other day from 0:00 n. m. to 9:00a. m. j p. m. to 0.00 p. m.

The Com will leave Palarna at thehour and half hour, Fort street 8 min-utes later, Ritlo Itiinjje at 27 minutes and57 minutes past tho hour and from Wai.kiki at 7 minutes and ii7 minutes pastthe hour.

Resides tha School Cars to Oahu Col.lege there will be a cenncction uvcrytwo hours from tho Rlllo Range as follows: lit 0:27 n. m., 11:27 a. in, 1:37p.m., 0:27p.m., 5:27 p. m. and 7:27p. m.

qQy-- A Complete Time Table Is iupreparation showing when the Cars willpass each of the crossing stations, andmay ho procured on Friday from theCompany's office. 231 8t


Auction Salos by James F. Morgan.


On Saturday, April 13,AT 1 O'CLOCK NOOSf,

At my Salesroom, Queen slrcct, I willsell nt Public Auction,

6 Shares of British Club Stock,

Par Value $r0 Knch.


,TAS. F. MORGAN,211) It Auctioneer.

Auction Sales by Lewis J, Levey.



BY virtue 01 a power of sale containedin a certain mortgage deed given

by .1. K. Spalding, of Honolulu, to T. It.Foster, of said Honolulu, dated February20, 1832, and recorded in tho Registry ofDeeds, in Liber Ti, ou pages U75 and;!7u, nml in pursuance ol notice ol inten-tion to foreclose heretofore published,there will be sold nt Public Auction byLewis .1 Levey, Auctioneer, at his Sides,rooms, Queen street, Honolulu,


All and singular the Premises conveyedby said mortgage deed, namely:

All that Certain Piece & Parcel of Land

Situate on Lililm street, at Kuka.niikn, Knnn, Oahu,

Being the same Premises described iu aceitain deed ftom Kelilkui to Maluai,lec'jnled iu Liber 51, on pages 477 and478, .and being part of the hind

in Royal Patent No !)3, KulcanaNo. 1U7. Together with all the

Buildings and Improvements Thereon,

And all the rights and privileges to thesame appertaining.

T. It. FOSTER, Mortgagee.Honolulu, March 30, lfsS9.

LEWIS J. LEVEY,2'20 3t Auctioneer.

By ordei of J. W. Kalun, Adminis-trator of the Estu'e of J. L. Kapakahi,of Lnluiinn, Mnui, decease, I will tellnt Public Auction, at the Governmentfound, Wniluku, Maui,

On Thursday, April 25,AT 11 O'CLOCK A. 3J.,The following animals:


8 Hawaiian Bred Horses.

1 Tame BLUIEJ !


T. W. EVEltETT,Auctioneer.

Wniluku, Maui, April 8, 18r9. 210 td


rpO purchase Governmeut Bonds toJL the amount of $5,000. Apply to

218 lw H. A. V1DEMANN.


A YOUNG Woman wishes a positionas peamsties in private family.

Please iddress ''Seamstress," 1. O. Box405. 218 tf


TO do housework in a private familyby a enpiblo Swedish Girl who

lias pooil recommendations fiom formeramplovers. Apply at


Hawaiian Tramways Co.,HONOLULU.

WANTED, a Shoeing and GeneralReply stating salary re.

quired and giving references to formeremployors on or before April 22nd.

219 :tt

Road Carts For Sale.A T SAN FRANCISCO

xjL prices, an invoiceof lino light Road Carlo,

just received fiom Chicago, at thoHAWAIIAN CAR. M'F'G CO.,

219 lw Queen street.

NOTICE.A SI intend to close out my business

XX on April 25th, I eve notice thatnil watched and jewelry, left over threemonths for repairs, will bo gold at aur.Hon, if not claimed ou that date. All'outstanding accouuts not paid on April30th, will he placed iu the hands of acollector.220 td MAX EOKART.


NOTICE is hereby given that my wife,having left my bed and

board, I will not be lesponslblo fordebts conti acted by her.

OHAS. KROEGER.Spreckelsville, April 1, 1889. 218 lw


TO all whom It may concern: I, thoundersigned, hereby give notico

that my wife, Mrs. Emma Alohiu, hasleft my bed and board, without any juttcause or provocation. I have takengood care of her and our children,clothed them, but it wasnot of any use,she wns bound to go astray and leaveme. Theieiore, I heioby caution everybtoro owner of oveiy nationalities inIbis Kingdom, not to trust her on myaccount. Any debts contracted by her,I will not be responsible for the 'same.If she employs any atlorney, 1 will notpay his fees. All debts contracted by herwill bo on your own shoulders.

Signed ALOIAU.luvpus, Kauai, April 0, 1889. 220 tf



All Goods at Greatly Reduced Prices !



Remnants in All Departments.

Just Received a


Clias. J. Fisliel's New Stock ofwill be opened up in a few clays'.

Due notice of opening will be given in thispaper.


ipojxrr sxx&jbisx,--o-


&At Lower Prices than ever


Just Received

NoveltieH and ITiiiicy GJootlN, In Ltvi-js- c "Vavicity.

NOTICE.partnership heretofore rxlstinq

between M. N. Samlets anl F. I.Cutter under the name of Sander's Co. has bieti dissolved. The busi-ncs- s

will be carried on by AI. N. Sandersns heretofore. 1 1. Cutter is not autho-rized to collect any monies due the linn,either on the express business or for thecartage of rubbish.200 lm M. N. SANDERS.

REAL. ESTATE FOll SALE.VALUABLE Lot at theA corner of Fort nnd

School streets, over ( of anacre with one Cottage. Applv to2Utf J. I. "VIVAS.


on Punchbowl streetnear the Mormon Chinch, n

fine health locality, quiet neighborhood.Inquire of A. VOGEL,180 tf At Ed. HonVhlneger & Co.'s.



Apply at "( liamlier- -

lain House," King Mriet, oppnsittcminary. 184 tf

Carriage For Sale Clioap.NUW Cutuiidtr Car.

riage just finishedand handsomely trimmed

in first class btyle must be immediatelysold to closo nn assignment, can be seenat W. II. Page's carriage nianufactury,No. 128 Fort street.


Cottage For Sale Cheap.j .STORY Cottage, nearly1 new, containing parlor.

dining-room- , 4 bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom und water-close- t, veran-das, stable, wogon.slied, chicken houseand yard, llower garden, etc. I,ot 05x100 lcet, and leased lot ndjoiuini; 7Dx7'ifeet. Situate at Kapalama, mauka sideof King street. A ply at


Furnished Lodging House.established in a dc.

nimble locality in Hono-lulu- ,

with unexpired lease of3i. years at low rental is offered, (onaccouf.t of without bonus, toparty liuylne the furniture at a lairvaluation, 'iherc are 2il rooms on thoiremi?cs well furnished, yielding ahandsome levenue. Apply at



FOR SANThe Al Steamship

A,"Will lcavo Honolulu for the above

port on

April 12th,A-'X-

" NOONFor Freight or Passage, apply to

WM. O. IRWIN & CO., Arjents.318 lw

Fresh Lot of





Lamps, Chandeliers Lanterns,



Steamship Comp'y










before. New invoice of


ALL persons luvlng claims againstW. I.. Viid'-iiliur- will please

present them to C'harks Creighton on orbefore June 30, 18fc9. 198 1m


Febuuirv lit, 18b9. J

WE hciewlth ceilify that Mcssis.Doild & Miller arc our duly nu. and only agents for the Ha.wiiilnn Islands for the sale of our LagorBeer in kegs.

JOHN WIELAND BREWING CO.,100 tf John U. Wicland Bios.

Removal of Barber Shop.

M. P. .1ARDISI has lcmoved hisshop from Kintr street to McCar

thy's Billiard Parlors, Fort street, wheielie is picparsd to save with the bestcare and neatness the avocation of hisart. Solicits the kind pationuge of all.



A II. ROW AT, Veterinary Surgeon,ollleo and pharmacy at Hawaiian

Hotel Stables, corner Hotel and Richardsticets. Scientific treatment in all dis-eases of domestic animals Orders forplantation and ranch stock promptlyattended to. Mutual Tekphone !!D4,P. O. Box :S2fi. mk.18.S9

Ckil) House Mm Room

Lincoln Block fe King Street.

Having secured the services of a

FirHt CIumh CookAnd made many other changes in tho

management wo aie now pre- -

pared to put up tho

Best Bill of Fare in Honolulu,108 3m

Real Balbriggaii Hosiery

Caution to Purchasers.

All Hosiery exported from Dnlbriggan,Ireland, by Smyth & Co. (.L'd), 1ms iIiIbTiado Mark on each article.

2 $& 1

Hy an Act of Parliament lately passedIt is made a felony to ubc tho word Hal.hriggan on goods not manufacturedthere, either by stamping on goods,wrapper, label or ticket, unless theplace wheie manufactured is also statedin equally largo letters ns tho wordBalbtiggan.

SMYTH & CO. (LM),The Original Balbriggaii Hosiers,

Per W. O. Sproull.

I have now on hand a Largo Assort-ment of

ents Half-hos-e,

In all colors nnd style,Bpccially made to my older aud pattern.

201 tf w. O. SPKOUIA.

frVtUdsh3 - y .'Jir, at , .'.-,- r- ., rJC.&' ''tm:

r .


Page 3: Market, - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: HomeWill be Issued on April lOtu. 32 ol Interesting News. d--mmwBiiiiuiww Royal Insurance Company. Accumulation ol Funds, $28,G02,205.00








rr ii h

HailK iuTTnfinTHURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1889.

AKMVALS.Apr 11-f- cchr

lillioliho from LnhalnuSclir Kitullhia from KuuniStinr ltou fiom Unuiakmi


Stinr Jus Mnkee for Knpaii nt 5 u mSJcbr ICa Molfor UawiiH


Stinr 0 R Bishop for Wnlnnae, Waliiluaand Kooluu at J a m

Slinr Iwnlatil for l.ahalna and Huiiia-kt- m

at 10 a mS S I'liintllla, Holme, for San Fran-

cisco at noon


From Kapaa, per sttnr Jas Makcc,April 10 Uol Z S Spalding, W lHali-tle- ll,

O II Fnlreliild, and W deck.From Wnhiluit, per stinr C It UMiop,

April 10 J Holt and family and 10others

Fiom San Francisco, per bktncPlanter, Apill 10 Mr Warble.

For Walalua and Walunae, per stinrKaala, per stinr Kuala, April 10 MrlSnekliol, Mr Anderson, Major Wrotigh-to- n,

l)i K W Haines, and 10 others.


Stinr O H lllshop 570 bgs sugar, 210)";s rice, !)2 bnclis bananas, and 75pkjjs siuls.

Stinr I.ehua 2500 fogs sugar.Stmr Jas Makec 15U0 fogs; sugar.fcclir ICauikeaouli 2100 bgs sugar.


The stmr V G Hall will bo duefrom the Volcano and way





Where the hurt or injury inflictedis of a severe or dangerous charac-ter, and the efficient cause of death,although there be a predisposingcondition of the body, without whichit would not have been fatal, it is,nevertheless, a killing by means ofsuch hurt or injury. Rex vs. Grcon-wel- l,

1 Haw. 83.


The husband is liable for all tortsof the wife committed during cover-ture. Apong vj. Maiks et al. 1


Every restraint upon a man'sliberty," is, in the eye of the law animprisonment, wherever may be theplace, or whatever may be the man-

ner in which the restraint is effect-ed.

Whenever any person is detainedwith or without the process ot law,unless for treason or felony, plainlyand specifically expressed in thewarrant of commitment, or unlesssuch person be a convict, or legallycharced in execution, he is entitledto his writ of habeas corpus. In reCambridge, 1 Haw. 192. See "Ha-beas Corpus."


An action cannot be sustainedagainst one only of several jointcontractors. Macfarlane vs. Gil-mor- e,


A land commission kuleana award,held good as against a Royal Patentof anterior date, which expresslyreserved the rights of native ten-

ants. Kekiekie vs. Dennis, 1 Haw.42.

The court refused to go behind anaward and receive evidence of itshaying been obtained b' fraud.Kukiiahu vs. Gill. 1 Haw. M.


When a foreigner, who lists com-

mitted larceny abroad, comes intothis country, and brings the stolenproperty with him, he may be tried,convicted, and punished in the samemanner as if the larcony had beencommitted here. Rox vs. Parish etal. 1 Haw. 30.


A vessel was libeled and it wasprayed that tho share of the minor-ity owners might be attached toanswer a judgment against them,and that the majority owners shouldbe required to give security for thereturn of the vessel. The court re-

fused, on motion, to dismiss thelibel. Moll ct al. vs. schoonerVaquero. 1 Haw. 277.

LIEN ON SHIP.The court adopted the rule of

maritime law of Continental Europe,giving u material man a lien on thoship, without any distinction be-

tween, foreign and domestic ships.No lion, however, is implied wherethe material man contracts with theowner In person.

A material man, having acceptedthe promissory note of tho owner, in.settlement of his account, nml re-

ceived a part payment of tho note,he was held to have waived his lienou the ship, by giving n personalcredit to the owner. Moll et al. vs.bark George, 1 Havy. 174.


A ship's log book cannot bo re-

ceived in evidence, in favor of thoperson concerned in making it, orother, except in cases provided bystatute j though it may bo usedagainst any person to whom it maybu brought home, as concernedeither in writing or directing whatshould be contained in it. Cobb vs.Makee et al. 1 Haw. 51.


No Debating Club this evening.

Tun S. S. Umatilla sails at noonfor San Francisco.

Am. the evidence for llio prosecu-tion in the Wninlitii inuidei ease isin. The defence is now on.

Tnr.saloof tho Club stockshares, by Jlr. Morgan, has beenpostponed to Katiuday the l.llli, atnoon.

Hi: sine and send u bulletin Week-ly Summitry to your friends abroad.For sale at the bookstoiea and thisofflce.

The King gave a bieukfast at thePalace this nioining to sevcial gen-tlemen who leave on the steamer to-


The Hawaiian Tramways Com-pany have un important notice else-where respecting the running of carson and after

The rcgisteied mail by the S, S.Umatilla eloseb at tho Post Olllee io-

dicmorrow moining at 10 o'clock,letter mail at 11 o'clock.

Am. members of Geo. V. DeLongPost aio requested to meet at theirhall this evening, at 7 o'clock, for thepurpose of attending the nieinoiialbei vice.

The demand for last evening'sBulletin was hugely beyond thesupply. The article "Tho Vandalia'sFate," will appear in the Weeklyedition.

Tin: "Paradise of tho Pacific" forApril is out. It contains a splendidview of Honolulu and interestingniattci pertaining to the islands, justwhat your friends abroad want.

Pout Surveyor F. Turrill with hisassistants found sevonty tins of opiumin the lazaret of the barkentincPlanter yesterday afternoon. Theopium was hidden under a layer ofsalt.

Tin: officers of the Honolulu Riflesarc requested to meet at 7 o'clock,this evening, at the G. A. It. ball,King street, in fatigue uniform forthe purpose of attending tho nieinoi-ial bervicc.

In the Supreme Court this morn-ing, before tho Chief Justice, Hon.A. S. Clcghorn on his own petition,was appointed guaidiait of II. It. II.Victoiia Kuiulani Cleghom, uudcr a$2,500 bond.

The officers of the Pacific Hard-ware Company for the ensuing yeararo:13. P. Dillingham Pies id outJas.G. Spencer. Manager it SecrotarjF. L. Winter TieasiuerW. F. Allen AuditorSamuel Nott :i Diiectois.A. 1j. Smith. . . .

EVENTS THIS EVENIHC.Memorial service at Cential Union

Church, at 7:30.Japanese Constitutional celebra-

tion at Immigration depot at 5.Meeting Pioneer Club at usual

time and place.


A rumor seems to have been cur-rent on the streets this morning thatthe Umatilla would not sail untilSaturday. We are informed by theagents, Messrs. W. G. Irwin & Co.,that she will sail as advertised, to-

morrow, Friday the 12th, at noon.

THE BEAR GOT THE BEST OF IT.Yesterday afternoon whilst the

great red bear and his owner wereengaged in a friendly wrestling tus-sle, before an admiring crowd atHarry Byng's yard, tho bear, con-

trary to all ring rules fouled his op-

ponent, and falling upon him brokelite right ankle. The injured manwas taken to the Queen's Hospital.Ho is doing well this morning.


The following tenders were re-

ceived yesterday for constructingthe Punchbowl hill road:Walker & Kedward $0,400IlanPui et al 7,200Antone Pereira et al G,900LauTong G.C25J. N. a G,4l)0Ahi&Co 0,350John It. Silva 5,900Kwong Fat 5,898J. K. Maluo 5,500L. P. Hanson 5,000U.K. Knla 4,900

The last named was accepted.- nasntu-juiuijuil- j

BOOKED TO LEAVE.By tho steamship Umatilla: P.

J, Lowrey, wife and children, Col. .

S. Spalding, wife and family, F. S,Dodge, wifo unci 2 childieu. II. W.Dimond, Miss Annie Haltitcad, J. F.Gates and wifo, Mrs. L. U. Young, A.Itudcliffo, Mrs. Geo. II. Luce, I). Fos-

ter, Mis. Itussell Whiting and child,11. F. Dillingham, Miss K. White,Geo. Abeel, Gcorgo W. Smith, W. H.Chickoring, wifo and child, Ctipt. doCourcy, Mis. O. U. Wells and 3 chil-dieu, Mrs. A. T. Simmons, W. It.Castlo, Mrs. J. J. Knitpp, J. N. S.Williams, D. T. Iteamor, C,W. Ham and wife, M. l.ouisson, G.W. Gniiinis, J. T. Liebo and sister, J.T. Waterlioueo Jr., Hon. C. It.Uishop, J. M. ltothschild, A.O'Tr.iskal. Fieomcm, F. 1). Powrall,C. Thrower, .Miss S. K. Gray, J. Mc-

Donnell, M. A. Silva, Mrs. Lawrenceand child, Air. Noalla,wifo and 2 chil-dren, Lieut, anil Mrs. Itipley, E. D,Ponsford, V. Howard, Mrs. Mooroand mnid, Geo. A. Biown, Mrs. Cam-pobell- o,

J. Ii. Greig, Miss Greig, T.K. Wall, 11. O. Meyers, F. Sinclairand wifo, It. J, Sa.xe, 11. Haitloy,Mrs,and Miss Fiitli, M. Itudolpb andwifo, Miss Coohb, F. lieasly, wifo andchildren.




A Bulletin reporter dropped intothe olllcc of the Honolulu IronWoiks this morning, to got a littleinformation from the manager, Hon.Alex. Young, who returned from thoConst on the Umatilla. That gen-tlom-

was found at his desk look-

ing a perfect pietuio of health andas Young as ever. His trip hascvidcutly been a successful one forno sooner had the repoiter sat downthan the manager's talking batterywas quickly opened and he gave a fullaccount of the ttip, Mr. Younglell here February 12th on the Aus-

tralia. Upon arriving at the Coasthe of course first went to Oaklandto visit his family, found them allwell and advancing rapidly in theirstudies. The following conversationthen took place.

Did you visit the beet factory atWiitsoiivillc, Mr. Young''

Oh, yes. and enjoyed it vcrymuch. 1 was very pleased with theequipment of machinery, and theperfection of arrangements to dothe work expedilously and economi-cally. Mr. Waters the superintend-ent, bhowed me all over the factory.Theie is no doubt this industry willincrease in the near future, but notwith great rapidity. It' is withoutdoubt, a success, as long as thofarmers can make it pay. and itdoes not cost too much for trans-portation. Once thoroughly oigan-ize- d

outside it will be a success inCalifornia. Mr. Burr formerly ofthe American Itefiuery, with others,have bought the Alvarado beetfactory. The- - will put in new im-

proved machinery and carry on thowork on a more extensive scale andunder more systematic management.Mr. Burr is sanguine of the successin making beet sugar a profitableenterprise.

What was the real object of yourvisit to Watsonville?

Well, to see the place ; and then1 wanted to find out whether therewould he an opportunity of introduc-ing my method of exhaust steam andvapor superheaters, operated by theheat of the spent gasses on theweight of the chimney, for the pur-pose of economizing fuel. This me-thod is patented in the UnitedStates and many European coun-tries. Mr. Burr, Mr. Waters, andalso the new superintendent of theAmerican refinery were much takenwith the method, and predict a greatfuture for its application in all thesugar factories and refineries of theworld.

You brought news of a big rise insuu;ar.

Yes, we did. There was a steadyprogressiveness in the price of sugar,with indications of a further liso.I should not be surprised if it reach-ed 7 cents by the end of this month.Probably the steamer due on Satur-day will bring news of a rise ofor 1-- 8.

From you have seen andheard while on the Coast, have youany feais with regard to the futureprosperity of sugar in Hawaii?

I believe that we have seen theworst of it in sugar for some timeto come. It is the opinion of thoseinterested and who make a study ofthe tariff question, that nothing willbe done in that direction in the nearfuture to interfere with our inter-ests. It is pretty generally believedthat the bounty system will not beadopted, it being supposed thatsuch procedure would lead to nu-merous complications in otherbrunches of industries in the States.Neither do I believe that the tariffon sugar will be materially reducedby the next Coiigre&s. With regardto the surplus, which has provedsuch a nightmare to some people,there are strong indications that thepresent administration will use it inpublic works, enlarging the navy,etc.

What have you to say of the fu-ture of the Honolulu Iron Works?

As of the future I know little,but of the present the prospects arevi ry good. We have now in handall the work possible to tuke care offor tho balance of tho present year,together with the repairs which ofcourse must be promptly utteudedto. The present efficient force willhave to be augmented considerablyin order to get through with con-

tracts in time. I have taken tliowork in close competition with for-

eign manufacture! s, but it is our in-

tention to adopt every new and use-

ful labor-savin- g machine withinreach. We have ordered from oneof the largest concerns in the Easta steam boiler rivetting machino andplats planer, which will enable usto get out larger boiler contracts onmuch shorter time and atless expense than heretofore.Labor here, both skilled and unskilled, is much higher than thatpaid by any of our foreign competi-tors. The high price paid for laborhas been against us in competingwith foreign manufacturers, whoselabor is not so expensive. Whilstwe are endeavoring to reduce priceswe are dstoriniiied that the charac-ter of our woik, us heretofore, ahullbe of the highest class.

Will you mention some of thework iu hand?

For Honoiuu, Hawaii, we nregoing to complete a set of new ondimproved works, including a 30xG0live-to- n roller mill with Putnam en-

gine, vacuum pau, triple effect,Young's patent supci heaters andall modei u improvements. ForWailuku, we have also to make a30xG0 five-to- n roller mill with Put- -

I engine, 1 patent vacuum

cloancr, Young's patent superheaters,2 pair steel boilers and stack. Thepresent double effect will ho converted into a tiiple effect. Then forthe I'apaikoti plantation, now knownas the Ilonomu Sugar Co., wo havea 30xG0 live-to- n roller mill withPutimm engine, 1 pair compoundballets, Young's patent superheat-ers, stack, 1 double effect l! and7 feet cells with iron stage andpumps complete, 1 vacuum pan10x14 feet with iron stage midpumps, and other minor inntters.This vacuum pan will be twice aslarge as any made on the islands.

Did you meet many island peopleon the Coast.

Quite a number. I had a Icngtalk with Cnl. Spreckels. Mr. P. C.Jones was there in excellent spiiits(nou alcoholic). He and Mrs. Joneshave gone for a ramble throughOregon and Washington Territory.

After thanking Mr. Young for hisvaluable information, the leportcrwas about to leave the olllee, whenhe uoarly stumbled over the delicateframe of Secretary Atwater, whosaid in u hurry "Please slate that Igrant licenses to marry. Price SI."

finSedepartment.Bureau ok Customs, )

Honolulu, II. I., April 8, 1889. jHis Excellency W. L. Green, Min-

ister of Finance,aS'iV: I have the honor to submit

to Your Excellency the table of theprincipal domestic exports of theHawaiian Islands, for the quarterending March 31st, 1889.

Also, a comparative table of ex-ports for the three months, 1889,compaied with corresponding period,1888. 1 have the honor to be, Sir,

Your most obedient Servant,A. S. Ci.koiiorn,

Collector-Genera- l.

Quantities and Values of tho Princi-pal Domestic Exports, Hawaiian Isl-ands, for the Quartor ending March31, 1889, by Customs Districts.


! : I! : ! ? : : i i ': i

' "7PWT1ST. .

o c. co vi i a to c ti o r-hochiom'jjuoc 3," d

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" .-- 1 -- IOVIO.UQOOOOCI04-J. CI QO O O O O O -- I CI -- I I

Domestic Exports, Hawaiian Islands,

Three Months, 1889, Comparedwith Corresponding Period, 1888.

O- - : 3 5. "S3 J' C X'Z'- - &

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A'oicm tinrff r thin head art chaiged 10 centVtr line for thtfirtt Iniertlon, ami J cents )tr lineevery athlititnal insertion,

MESSRS. DODD & MILLERu rcioivert ox Unmtilln

iiuoihui lot or Unit ''t'lUL-AnKiirHIA- .

UQKlt IJB1.II" in kens which ihcynro olTcrhij; to lhclr cintnmcr. 'J 18 1 w

TVT ASON A Hiiiiilin (iignti, it line In.1)X Hliiinicul lor vliurch m loduoroom, cull nml 11 ul the tu-l- o l)uI nritnp'ii, Hiiwiitimi Ni-w- s Co I!I7 1m

PIANOS and OrKiuii for sale on theiiibttdment pliin, or cliuiip

tor r..ish nt t'liu .tiiaic Department, u

News Co. 107 1m

PERSONS e 'uU'iutiliitiugor tirgnu, cun suve

liiiini-- hi lite MuMr Dopoi Uliflil, IN-v.u-

in ( Co. ft liu

Occiig SteamslLiD Cohidt.



to Honolulu,

i.i:avi: i,i:avi:San Francisco Honolulu

Friday, 12 noon: Friday, 12 noon:

April 20. Apiil 12.Mav 2-- lny 10.June 21. June 7.July 19. July n.August II!. AiiKU-- t 2.September 1,'t. AuKust :io.Octobur 11. Supteiiibcr 27.

October 25.

218 tf


AQUAUTK1U.Y (livitlcnd of Tlireoper bhsire, will bo

paid to the Btockholilers of Wilder'srttciunfhip Co . nt tin ir olllee, ou bATUR.DAY, the liitu instant.

s. b. nosi:,Senretiirv.

Ilonnlulu, April 10, 1889. 220 lit


.JJVa.A A UOlJiJB with aiiiraunmlra& -- """II in m wbh kit.eSSiESS i hen nl Imth-noi- iiltiiuhed,on Aluki-- 'Ip't'i, ippnslte Dr.

A, pi' t .lolio Cook, on pre-mises, or at Oil- - uMU r. 219 t( tunpniaiy absence from

tin- - Kingdom Mr P Peek willattend to any mutter nmncdei with myliusiuuis JIOKHIS JUDA.

Honolulu, April 4, 1839. S at


rjMlE Sui Fong Company having thisX d.iy purchuscd the "Cosmopolitan"Hestimrant from Mr. Jun Hpo. will here-aftr- r

carry it on us a first clas eatinghouse, 'the proprietors will spare nopains to m ike the place attractive andsatisfactory to customers.


Honolulu, April 9, 1889. 219 lw


NOTICE is heieliy given that Jimhaving this day sold out bis

intcicst in the "Cosmopolitan" Itcstau-ran- l,

lately carried ou by him onBethel street, adjoining the premisesof Messrs Castlo & Cooke, to the SulKong Company, f i om and after the 9thInst., said linn will collect all accountsand pay all hills couueoted with saidbusiness and the said Jim lieu will col-lect alt outstanding accounts. .Inn licealone being auli oiied to lecelpt forMine, and will pay all claims againstthe to the above mentioneddate. Jl 'X II Ki:.

Honolulu, April k, ISh'.i. l18 lw

Reward !

of Filiy ($r,0 Dollarswill bepiuillK Mr. . YV Wilcox,

Sherill' of Kauai, for the aiiot of JouYoyo, u Ulack Poitiigucsu, for themurder of Knohike (U), nt Koloa,Kauai, on April 1. ISij't.

INO. H. SOPIJH,Jlnislml of the Kingdom.

Honolulu, Apiil 0, I8S9. 2 7 tf

Scotch Oatmeal.

0'JT'S Genuine Midlothian O ilmealSC in 14 lb, tins. For sale bvJ. 10. IJJtOWX .V.( O.,

178 tf 28 Mrrehaul Hi eel.

Fresh Frozen

fcic vSm mn(On Ii;. -

JUST RECEIVEDPer S. S. Umatilla,

At The Beaver SaloonII. J. XOIri), Proprietor.

21a at


lVr "U. X. WIl.COX."A Fresh Supply of the

Celebrated Genuine BavarianBeer

III Quints ii l'llltl.

F. A. SCHAEFER & Oo.219 lY

ice ! Notice !

By the S. S. Umatilla, Mr. Ehrlich, of theTemple of Fashion, will return to Honoluluwith a largo and varied stock of Dry Goods,Ladies' & Gents' Furnishing Goods, Chil-

dren's Clothing, Ladies', Gents', Misses' &

Children's Boots, Shoes, Etc., which werespectfully solicit the public to inspect.

S. EHRLICH, Temple of Fashion.


75 & 77 Fort St EGAN & CO Honolulu, H. I.0


Frencu, Eoilisl oil American Dry ant Fancy Go !

jVIho, JTiiio CiiNtom-nind- o Clotliiufj1,Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, &c

nich-5-8- 9

JBell Telephone, CO "fl B3T


Ho. 24 Merchant Street, Near Fort Street.


--Have on hand anil For Sulc a Full Assortment of--

All Brands of American Whiskies,BOURBON, EYE and MONONGAHELA,

,ln IJulk or Case;

fcSOOTTOIJI. twid IltIS JB. WIlISISZTrT,In Glass and Stone Jars;

FRENCH J33E8,A.TIIE:S,Very Fine & Very Cheap Qualities, as are wanted;

CSIUS, in Large & Small Bottles;(White or Black), alijo, STONE JUGS;

OUl Tom Gin. 13ewt iiraiid in the Market;EUROPEAN SHERRIES and PORT !

In Hulk and Case. All Brands of


Slutiuil Telephone, HT X



Hotel-31 -87

American Lager Beer, English Ale & Porter, German Beer, Etc.,

In Pints and Quarts;

Finest Brands of Champagnes,In PintB and Quarts.

Bitters, Liquors Absinthe,Apollimu'i Wattsr, Kuminels,


Zinfhmlul, Mulagii, Tokay, Madeira,Port, Sherry, Riesling, Hocks, Etc., Ete.


fig-- All of whioh will ho sold AT LOWEST RATES by





American & European Drugs & Chemicalsl?lotojxrn.plilo MuterlulM,

Perfumery Toilet Articles I0--

Agontu for P. Lortllard & Co.' Tobaocoa, tfe W. B. Kimball & Co.'b

Tobacco and Cigarettes.Aerated Water Works






i Jt)JS'm

Page 4: Market, - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: HomeWill be Issued on April lOtu. 32 ol Interesting News. d--mmwBiiiiuiww Royal Insurance Company. Accumulation ol Funds, $28,G02,205.00


? i

t '





Groceries, Provisions and Feed,EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS.

Now Goods re olvcd by every Packot from llio Eastern Slntcs and EuropeFrorh California Pioducoby evety Steamer. All orders faithfully attended totind Goods delivered to any part ot tlio city free of charge. Island orders toli.oltcd. Satisfactiou guaranteed. Post Office Box 145. Telephone No. UJ nor-18- 5

I'elephouu 240.- - -- ao


Frown Oysters and Fresh California Fruils, Fish, Games and Vegetables on ICE by eachsteamer ot tho 0. S. S. Co. A complcto lino ol Crosso & Blackwoll's and

J. T. Morton's English Canned Goods always on hand.

fc IV 3E "W O- - ORidges' Infant Food, French Mushrooms in glass, Gliuardclll in tins, GroundChocolate, Crosse At Rlnckwcll Fresli Fruit Jams in glass, Smiled Olives inglass, Walnuts, Almonds, Filhcrt, 1'cacan & Urnzll Nuts, Foiled Bausage,

Cream Chccso, Easlorn Cheese, Oregon Cream Cheese, Young American Cheese,Swiss Chccso, Edam Cheese, Topo Can Creamery Butter in 3lb tins,

Kegs Gcrmam Salt Pickles, Pctaluma Tabic Fruits in glass jars, Finest DclicsaTable Raisins, Crystal Wave Mackerel in Dlb tins, Kegs Sauerkraut, AmciieanCranberry Sauce, Capo Code Cranberries 21b Blocks Codfish, Anderson Cele-brated Mince Meat in glass jars, Jacob Dold's Buffalo Hams, Whittakers StarHams, Old Reliable Ham & Bacon, fresh lot of Garden Seeds, Cicily Lemons,Apples, Yellow Turnips, Parsnips, New Potatoes & Onions, Cal. Roll Butter,


ap-1- 6 Island Orders Solicited.





Kit Salmon Bellies, Block Codfish, Smoked Beef, Buffalo Ham &Bacon, Boxes Smoked Herring, Tins Norwegian Salt Herring,Mild Cal. Cheese, Atraores Mince Meat, Green Tin tic Soup,Terrapin Soup, Sugar Raisins, Cunants, "Walnuts, Almonds,Dried Peaches, Prunes, Dates, Honey, Cercolinc Flakes,

CAPE COD OKAIVJBJErfcRIESsTomato Ketchup, Cases Sugar Corn, Cases Sugar Peas, JerseyBlue Potatoes, Ruta Bagas Turnips, Calafornia Onions, Crackers,all kinds Choice Teas, Fresh Apples, Saloon Pilot and MediumBread, Wheat, Flour, Butter, Plum Pudding, etc., etc., etc.

And a General Assortment of Canned Meats, Frnits and Other Groceries.

mh-9-J Leave your orders, or ring up 119. -- J 86

Telephones, No. 175.



" BE PATIENTna you will liavo patient children." Don't frot

about our liouao tluiuluf do It v, Itu

Married Ufo U inado up of maiiy trlalg andtroubles, not tho loat or wlilcli In bow to ktep yourtiouoo cle&u and ucat, tUrouo is boon towomen. With it ebo can clean her liousoin lialftho tltno and with half tho trouble 'time, troubloend money can bo tsvcd by UBiuu Batouo. 'itadiyour children bow to use it. too If you donX youwill muled their cducuUon, If you do, tbty willblow sou when they bceomo whej for balnnUut;ht them tho uso of Hirouo. ng, W.

-- -- P. O. Rox 297.




Cal. Mild







Cor. Edinburgh & Queen Sts.

MiM Street



"Weekly Summary."

32 Columns of Original Matter.

Is now issued and will bo found tobo an interesting and.comprehensivenumber, containing 32 columns of

reading matter on local topics, anda completo resiyno of Honolulu andisland nows. There is no better paperpublished in tho Kingdom to send to

friends abroad.


Island S4 00 yearForeign (mailed) 5 00 year

To bo had from

Hawaiian Nows Co, Merchantstreet j

A. M. Howett, Merchant street ;

"V. II. Graenhalgh, Fort street ;

Bulletin Office, Qneen street.

Granite, Iron and Tin WareChandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,

WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,House Keeping Goods,






this is Jubilee year il tends toAS make one look back and thinkof the flight of time, and in this way

I am lcmind'cd that I am one of thedermis in the sale of your valua-

ble and successful medicine. I

have sold it fiom the very ilrst, andhave bent it into every country inFinland and many parts of Scotland. Well do I remember thefhst circular you sent out some nineor ten years ago. You had come to

England fiom America to introduceMother Seigcl's Curative Syrup,and 1 was struck by a paiagraph in

which you used these words:"Being a stranger in a strago land,1 do not wish the people to feel that1 want to take the least advantageover them. I feel that I have aremedy that will cure disease, andI have so much confidence in it thatI authorise mv aucnts to refund themoney n people snouiti say tuaithey have not benefitted by its use."I felt at once that you would neversay that unless the medicine hadmerit, and I applied fot the agency,a step which I now look back upon

with pride and satisfaction.Ever since that time I have found

it by far the best lcmcdy for Indigestion and Dyspepsia I have" met

with, and I have sold thousands ofbottles. It has never failed in any

case where there were any of thefollowing symptoms: Nervous orsick headache, sourness of the sto-

mach, lising of the food after eat

ing, a sense of fulness and heavi-

ness, dizziness, bad breath, slimeand mucus on tho gums and teeth,constipation, and yellowness of theeyes and skin, dull and sleepy sen-

sations, ringing in the ears, heart-

burn, loss of appetite, and, in short,wherever there are signs that thesystems is clogged, and the blood isout of order. Upon repeated in- -

quiucs, covering a great variety oiailments, my customers have alwaysanswered, "I am better," or "I amperfectly well." What I have sel-

dom or never seen before in thecase of any medicine is that peopletell each other of its virtues, andthose who have been cured say tothe suffering: "Go and get MotherSeigcl's Curative Syrup, it willmake you well." Out of the hun-dreds of ciucs I will name one ortwo that happen to come into mymind.

Two old gentlemen, whose namesthey would not like mo to give you,had been martyrs to Indigestionand Dyspepsia for maivy years.They had tiicd all kinds of medi-cine without relief. One of themwas so bad he could not bear aglass of ale. Both were advised touse the Syrup and both recovered,and were as hale and hearty as menin the piime of life.

A remarkable case is that of ahouse painter named Jeffries, wholived at Penshurst, in Kent. Hisbusiness obliged him to expose him-

self a great deal to wind and weath-er, and he was seized with rheuma-tism, and his joints soon swelled upwith dropsy, and were very stiffand painful. Nothing that the doc-

tors could do seemed to reach theseat of the trouble. It so crippledhim that he could do hardly anywoik, and for the whole of the win-

ter of 1878 and '70, lie had to giveup and take to his bed. He hadbeen aflhcted in this sorry way forthree years, and was getting wornout and discouraged. Besides, hohad spent over 13 for what hecalled "doctor's stuff" without theleast benefit. In the Spring heheard of what Mother Seigcl's Cura-tive Syrup lias done for others andbought a 2s. Cd. bottle of me. Ina few days he sent mo word he wasmuch better before he had finishedthe bottle. lie then sent to me fora 4s. Od. bottle, and as I was goingthat way I carried it down to himmyself. On getting to his housewhat was my astonishment and ur.prise to find him out in the gardenweeding an onion bed. I couldhardly believe my own eyes, andsaid:

"You ought not to be out here,man, it may be the death of 3011,after being laid up all winter withrheumatism and dropsy."

Ilia reply was: "There is nodanger. The weather is fine, andMother Seigcl's Curative Syrup hasdono for mo in a few days what thedoctors could not do in three years.I think I shall get well now."

Ho kept on with the Syrup, andm Unco weeks ho was at work again,and has had no return of tho trou-blo for now nearly ten years. Anymedicine that can do this should boknown all over tho world.

Yours faithfully,(Signed) Rui'i:iiT Graham,

Of Graham & Son.Holloway IIouso, Sunbury,

Middlesex,Juno 2Hh, 1887.

Tho abovo wonderful euro ofRheumatism was the result of theremarkable power of Mother Soigel'sCurative Syrup to cleanse tho bloodof the poisonous humours that atisofrom Indigestion and Dyspepsia.

Mother Seigcl's Curative Syrupis for sale by all chemists and mc-dici-

vendors, and by the proprie-tors, A. J. White, Limited, 35,Farringdon Road, London", Eng.

Jan. 13-88-







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Valuable PropertiesArc offered for icnt or lensu for

a. term of yonrs, viz:Tho "Bcckloy Homestead," situate in

Knlihl Wnonn, together with about ten(10) acres of kula'lnnd, all enclosed.

Ono Lot of ten (10) acres, more orless, linlf of which !b the best of taroland with (in abumlnnt nnd never fail,inn supply of water adjoins the fore,o'nlnif tliu tnro and kula will bo rentedscpai.itely if desired.

Ono Lot of rico land, twenty-tw- (22)acres, more or less, with buildings, etc.,situate in Knlihl AVnena, easy access tothe public road. Hare opportunity fora small fanner.

Ouo Lot, about niao nnd a half (9)acres, situate on tho mnuka sido of Kingstreet, two miles west of town, sultablofor pasture.

Two Cottages in Lillha street, a littleabovo King street.

CSrThcsc Properties if not disposedof shortly on private terms, will boleased at public miction sometime InMay next.

Also several Cottages, pleasantly nntlconveniently situatcu, to rentoniavoi.ablo terms.

BSfFull particulars given on application at215 l'it GULIOK'S AGENCY.

I. O. l!ox .irl. --cess- Hell Tele. iil.

Hawaiian Business Agency.

Corner Fort & Merchant Streets,Honolulu, II. I.

GENERAL AGENTS,AccouiitnntM & Collectors

von rnn

Hawaiian Bcil Telephone Co.

Managor of Advertising DepartmentFOll THE


Collections will receive special atten-tio- h

and returns promptly made.Real Estate bought, bold and leased.Taxes Paid and property saftly insured;Houses, Cottages, Rooms and Offices,

leased and rented, and rents collected.Firo and Life Insuranco effected in ilrst-clas- s

Insurance Companies.Conveyancing a Specialty Records

searched and correct Abstracts of Titlefurnished.

Legal Documents and Papers of everydescription carefully draw n and hand,somcly engrossed.

Copying and Translating in all languagesin general use in this Kingdom.

Custom House Business transacted withaccuracy and dispatch.

Loans negotiated at favorable rates.Gold, Silver and Certificates bought and

sold.Advertisements and Subscriptions soli-

cited for publishers.Skilled and Unskilled Labor furnished.Any Article pmchased or sold.Inlcr-lslan- d Orders will receive parti-cula- r

attention.To Let, Furnished and Unfurnished Cot-

tages in desirable localities at leasonablerentals.

Several Valuable Properties in andaround the city now for sale and leasoon easy teims.

BSyAU business entrusted to our carewill receive prompt and faithful atten-tion at moderate charges Feb-4-8- 9


MRS. MONROE, ladies' nurse, hasremoved to jno. 3, nukui lane.

Feb.14-8- 9


MRS. STEVENSON, accoucheuseladies' nurse. Testimonials

of 22 years experience at Queen Char-lott- o

Lying-in-IIospita- l, London. Otherislands not objected to. Residence,"Jordan House," School street. P. O.Box 475; Mutual Tele. 373. 170 3m

Anderson &Lundy,Dentists.

Artificial Teeth from one to an entireset inserted on gold, silver, alluminumand rubber bases. Crown and BridgeWork a specialty, To persons wearingrubber plates which are a constantsource of irrltntloH to the mouth andthroat, wo would recommend our Pro-phylactic Metal Plate. All operationsperformed with tho latestimprovements in dental science. TeethExtracted without pain by tho use ofNitrous Oxido Gas.

208 Hotel street, at Dr. Grossman'sold stand. Fcb-20-8- 0

FELIX OLLERT,Artistic Engraver on Wood.

(Late of Harper Bros., N. Y.)

Contracts Executed on Moderate Torms.JfjQySpccimens of work at ofllcc.tBa

DIPLOMA.Aht Deit., IlAiirau Bnos., )

New York, April, 1887. )

Mr. Felix Ollcrt was for several yearsemployed in this establishment, andfound a compttent engraver and iu allrespects a reltahlo and upright person,

J, G. SMITIIWIOK,Supt. Eng. Dept., Harper Bi09., N. Y.

flgy-Oid- received nt J. E. Brown& Co.'b, 28 Merchant ttieet. 100 lm

David DaytonWill piactico in tho lower courts of thoKingdom as attorney, attend to collecting in all its branches, renting of housesand any other business entrusted to him.

Ofllcc 91 King Htrcet Upstairs.Fob.D-8- 9

THE0. P. SEVER1N,Photographer ,

PICTURES IN ANY STYLESPrinting Dono for Amntonro,

Cabinots $6 a Doz. Work Guaranteed.

86T" Entrance on Foit Street. TgH122 If

Whale Boats,

IN answer to several enqulilcs con-cerning Whale Boat Fiames, wo

have now in com so of constiuetlou,a Whale Boat Frames 74 feet by !)2 feetlong. These frames arc bent In onepiece of oak, and bold to shape, thuslequlrlup; little tact to set thein up andbuild. The full frame for such boats,including cants, 45 sections in number,is sold at $28; with large stems on keel,and ready to plank $40. They aio notintended to bo clinker built, nor as thofiall impoited whale boats pi oper, butare intended for lough use and durabi-lity, yet light withal, for Ashing andtrading pm poses. Wo have exportedthuso irnuics nnd intend doing so, andninkothis offer to amateurs and othei 3

dcsiious of trjlng their hand, withplenty of lelsuio and small cash to makea business. Will bend fi nines to anygiven model fiom 5 to 25 tons. Also onhand for sale Surf and Pleasure Boats.Stems, Knees nnd Tlmbeis. MutualTelephone No 325.

DOWEIt & SON.70 tf Boat Builders.

J.Hopp&Bo.,74 King st. 74 King st.

Importers of

Rattan & Reed Furniture.

Pianos &r FurnitureMoved with Care.

Matting and Carpets Laid,

CORNICE POLES.Fine Upholstering & Bedding

A Speciality.

CHAIRS TO RENT.apr-1-0 83

Steam Works, Sunny South,

Tolo.: Bell 186.

Depot, 28 Merchant Street,

Tele.: Bell 172, Mutual 360.



aiodcru Machinery.

Patent Olnss Valve Mottles


The only apparatus using Purified Car--'bonlc Acid Gin, making

high class

Tahiti Lomonado,

Apollinaris Water,

Cream Soda,

Ginger Ale,

Hop Ale,

Gronadino, Etc.,

And Pure, Strong EfTcrvc&cing

SODA WATER.Note Empty Bottles to be returned

prior to new orders being executed.

S6y-0rdc- rs delivered to any part ofthe city. Island orders solicited. 88 tf

Australian Mail Service.

FOlt SAW FRANCISCO,Tho now and lino Al steel steamship

"Alameda,"Of tho Oceanic Stenmsliip Company, wil

bo duo at Honolulu lrom Bydnoyand Auckland on or about

April 6, '89.And will leave for the above port withmails and passengers on or about thatdate.

For freight or passage, having SU.PERIOB ACCOMMODATIONS, apply

WE O. IRWIN & CO., AtjontB

For Sydney and Auckland,

The new and line Al Btcol BtcMOdhlo

"Zealandia."Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will

be duo at Honolulu from SanFrancisco on or about

April 13, '89.And will have prompt dispatch withmails and passengers for tho uLove ports

For ireight or passage, having 8UPE1UOK ACCOMMODATIONS, applyto37 WE G. IEWIN & CO.. Agents

The Best Company


Life Insurance Go.OJP ISJEW YOKK.

Richard A. McCurdy, President.

The Largest Company in the World

Tho Oldest Company in the U. S.

It Gives tho Most Liberal PoliciesAND

Pays tho Largest Dividends.

Claims paid to policy holders in theHawaiian Iblnnds, during the

past tun years,

Over : $100,000 OO.

Bgy For rates, apply to

S. B. HOSE,General Agent, Honolulu, Hawaiian

Islands oct-- 9 88-l- y

. E. BROWN & CO.,

S8 Merchant St., Honolulu, U.I.


Conveyancers & General Agents


Sole Agents for the Burlington RouteAcross America, and to the Azores.

Solo Agents for Pitt & Scott's ForeignPaicels Express & General ShippingAgency.

Sole Agents for Sunny South AeratedWaters.

Sole Agents for Masefleld Bros.' NewZealand Mullet and Canned Goods.

Special Agents for Leading New Zcaland and Australian Mercantile Firms.

Special Agents for the California LandAssociation.

Special Agents for the Honolulu BusiJness Directory.

Also, Other Special Agencies.

B Customs' Entries Passed. Propertics Managed. Assignees and Audi,tors' Work done promptly. HousesLeased and Rents Collected.

New Business SolicitedBell Telo. No. 172 Mutual Tolo. No. 360.Dec-- 5 Post Olfico Box 4G9. 8S-l- y

Honolulu LibraryMV

Reading Room Association,

Cor. Hotel 4t Alnlceu Streets.Open every Day and Evening,

Tho Library consists at the piesenttime of over Five Thousand Voluntas.

Tho Itcadlug Kooin Is supplied withabout llfty of tho leading newspapersand peilodiculs.

A Parlor Is provided for conversationnd games.Terms of membership, fifty cents a

month, payable qimiterly in advance.No formality requited lit joining exceptsigning tho roll.

bttangers fromfoielgn countries andvlsitois fiom tho other islands are wel-come to the looms at all times as guests.

This Association having no regularmeans of suppott except tho dues ofmembers, it Is expected that residentof Honolulu who desho to avail them-selves of its privileges, and all who feolan intciestlu maintaining an Institutionof this Kiud, will put down their natnosaud becomo regular conttibutois.

d. u. uAJi-nviuuiiT- , pica,,f;' DW'ii vicc-n- es dent,II. A. PAHMELEE, Secretary, 'A. I... SMITIT. 'Prsncnri,.O. T. RO!lfiWt?H t t '

Chairman Hall and Llliraiy'cohimltteo.

HEONLY READABLEPER in the Kingdoin'!rho

Daily Bulletin." 50 cents per month.

--"r. A,. ,VMi VjttU&fe. A Vlif- - fegk " &&&' ti Z m & -- V Sfakjktie f" ii:mJM;&L .rMC,l.i, $hfc. i

