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Q is a popular music magazine published monthly in the United Kingdom.

Founders Mark Ellen and David Hepworth were dismayed by the music press of the time, which they felt was ignoring a generation of older music buyers who were buying CDs — then still a new technology.

Much of the magazine is devoted to interviews with popular musical artists. It is well known for compiling lists. It has created many, ranging from "The 100 Greatest albums" to the "100 Greatest '100 Greatest' Lists".

Q was first published by the EMAP media group in October 1986, setting itself apart from much of the other music press with monthly production and higher standards of photography and printing. In the early years, the magazine was sub-titled "The modern guide to music and more".

According to valid statistics*, the majority of Q’s readers are male, with the percentage for men being 66.2%. The statistics also show that 83.8% of the readers are 15-44 years of age.

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Reader Profile for Q Magazine

• The majority of Q's readers are male, with a percentage of 66.2% they overrule the amount of women readers.• The average reader falls between the age range of 15-

44 years old.• This shows that because this magazine appeals to

people of such a big age group that they have the ability to cater for everyone's needs.

• They Target people who enjoy music from popular artists like Adele, Beyonce and classic artists like Madonna and John Lennon.

• Q’s readers prize its lavish photography, in-depth reporting and sense of humour.

• Q’s audience is younger and more affluent than any other music monthly.

• 97% of readers rate Q as a quality magazine. In research it outperforms competitors on measures such as best

interviews, writing and awards winning photography.

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The UK’s Fastest Growing Music Magazine

CLASSIC ROCK is the definitive, high-voltage Rock ‘n’ Roll brand, going behind the scenes to bring you news, views, in-depth features

and exclusive interviews with the biggest names in rock – past, present and future; tour dates, retrospectives, the hottest

newcomers, backstage gossip and the biggest rock reviews section on the planet.

Read by a loyal following of 35+ Affluent Informed Influential Men, many of whom are entering a life

stage when they are regaining their wallets, freedom and teen


Consumers of classic rockClassic Rock is influential: 96% have taken a

positive action as a result of seeing ads/articles in the magazine

Classic Rock is a British magazine dedicated to rock music, published by TeamRock

Although firmly focusing on key bands from the 1960s through early 1990s, it also includes articles and reviews of contemporary and upcoming artists it deems worthy of note.

key facts Circulation: 71,242

Readership**: 149,608Launched: 1998 Frequency: 13 pa

Price: £4.99

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Reader Profile for Classic Rock

The majority or Classic Rock readers are white males aged 14-30+.The key thing that the readers of Classic Rock are Men that love the genre of music which is rock, And that they are men who aren't afraid to splash

a bit of cash, so therefore are middle class. We know this fact because this magazine is one of the more expensive magazines on the market. Costing

£4.99, it is published monthly so even though they are aiming for the middle class audience they are still getting the working classes money

because it isn't published every week so they can afford to spend £4.99 a month on something they enjoy.

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Mojo is an educator, a living archive and a trusted source of musical excellence. Mojo provides its audience with an authentic, independent, and emotional connection to the music. Its also the last word on whats good, for

music that is timeless, and where to go next. Mojo is loved by its readers, the music industry, and by musicians alike, because it engages them on the

subject they love the most.

An editorially themed cover mounted CD. A 30 page plus reviews section known as Filter,

which brings you the best in music that month.

Mojo goes in deeper than any other magazine and creates an experience that is immersive, and

that the readers can luxuriate in. From The Beatles to Battles, and The Ramones to

Radiohead. Classic, sitting comfortably with cutting edge, and quality being the one constant


MOJO is the world’s largest UK music magazine

CirCulation91,678* readership


Mean age37*

MOJO is THE MUSIC EXPERT – a magazine of high brand

values and integrity. A carefully crafted musical archive covering the very best of

music across genres. From classic and modern rock, folk, soul, country to reggae, electronic and experimental. It prefers to

celebrate quality over popularity – music that will stand the test of time.

MOJO Do something called The MOJO Honours List is

which is an annual awards ceremony.

MOJO is a popular music magazine published initially by Emap, and since January 2008 by Bauer, monthly in the United Kingdom.

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Reader Profile for MOJO

MOJO is a rock music lovers, which target a specific audience that love a specific genre of Rock. The targeted

age would be from mid 30’s and over. The gender audience is more likely to be made up of the majority of

men readers due to the stereotypes behind music tastes.

Circulation- 91,678*Readership-218,000ABC1 Profile- 66%

Mean Age-37 years

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Male: 74% Female 26%

Median age: 23 Student 42% ABC1: 68%

Circulation: 33,875 Readership: 325,000

NMEKey stats

Not surprisingly NME readers are completely obsessed by music. Reader research has

demonstrated that they rely on the editorial and the ads to keep them up to date

with new music. This knowledge then makes them the authority in music in their peer group.

New Musical Express (NME) is a British music journalism magazine published since 1949. It is largely associated with rock, alternative and indie music. It was the first British paper to include a singles chart, in the edition of 14 November 1952. In the 1970s it became the best-selling British music newspaper.

An online version of NME,, was launched in 1996. It became the world's biggest standalone music site, with over seven million users per month.

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Reader Profile for NME

The average reader of NME are in there early 2os.69% Of the readers of the magazine are males with 52% working

full-time and 29% still studying. The total readership spends around roughly £326 million on audio equipment per year, typically going to

live music events and other live shows as part of their spare time, this means that the readers of MNE magazine are into music and are willing to spend their money on things they enjoy. The readers also find clothes and their image as important. 71% of the readers think

it is important to look well dressed and 45% spend a lot of money on clothes.

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Masthead- The big white letter Q contrast well with the Bold red background colour. This is there

branding logo.It stands out on the music stand. So customers know exactly were the magazine is,

and it draws in more readers.

Main image-This is the main focus of the front cover. It is the artist himself which advertises the magazine that they get the hottest most up to date artists.

Most front Covers of Q magazine are Medium close up.Which

shows off which artist is the main story.

Cloud scheme-The magazine Q mostly consist of the colours red, black and white. This is their signature colour scheme.It has a

splash of baby blue as a background of some the cover lines. The colour pink of the T-shirt is subtle and is in contrast withe the hole

image. The red bold colour stands out. The colours compliment each other and it gives a calm cool professional feel. This colour

scheme is mature ad fits there target market.

Feature Headline- His name is the Feature headline, this

clearly tells the reader it is clearly about Tinie Tempah. This is effective because people who want to know

about the artist can clearly see which artist it is about.

The font used is as if he has signed the magazine. This is effective because it

gives the reader a personal connection to the magazine and makes the reader

feel special.

Headline-This outlines that it is a special addition, this makes this copy

collectable item for fans. Also using this technique makes this issue

more desirable and important for people who collect the magazines.

pug-By saying 1 of 25 to collect this entices customers to collect and buy all of the copy. This selling

techniques helps to sell as many as possible. Making it a collectable

item and adding more value to the magazine.

Price-Not having the price of the magazine on the front cover is important because the target market they are going for is middle class. These are people with money and

don't look for the cheapest magazine. This adds a bit of class to the magazine. By not advertising the price they are focusing on people who have expensive taste and

most likely have a more of professional career and who have a passion for music. This makes the magazine stand out has upper class magazine and makes the

customer feels like the magazine producers take pride and quality of the magazine as a priorate.

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Main Image-The main image you can clearly

see is the biggest one.Matt Bellamy which is the lead singer of muse. This advertises

the band and because the picture is bigger it shows that he is more important than the other


Logo-The logo Q is running threw

though hole magazine even on the content page. This is to remind the reader that the

magazine they are enjoying is Q magazine and to go and by more.

This branding technique helps them to get the magazine well known and keeps the readers informed thats it is one of the

biggest and best music magazines.

Layout- The layout is simple but effective. It doesn't have too much

information, so it doesn't become confusing and boring. It is easy to navigate and see which pages are were. The three pictures give the reader a feeling of how the magazine is what it is going to be

like. On the picture it tells the reader what page it is going to be on and were to read that story. This gives the reader a taster of what

they are going to find and read about.

Picture-The proportion of text to photo is 75% picture to 25% texts. This shows that

the information is condensed and confined. This shows that they have

put the main key facts on the page to make it less confusing for the readers. This shows that the photos are more important than the information they take a more of a hierarchy than the

information. However the pictures still have numbers on showing what pages the certain pictures are on. Because it is a contents page it needs to be quick

and easy to navigate.

Column-The content page of the

writing is set out in a column this makes it quick and easier to access were everything is.

The page numbers are big and bold thus also making it easier and quicker for the readers to

access were everything is.

Masthead-This is important because it acts as a title for the content page. Using the word “Contents” page in it shows that this page is clearly the

content page, this also tells the reader that the will find the information of the page numbers.

Colour scheme-The colour scheme is simple, thus

making it effective because the bold bright red colour is in contrast to the black and the white of the rest of the colours. Thus making it easier of the reader to read. The white colour also

stands out just a much as the red and compliment each other because they don't overpower one another

and doesn't make the reader confused.

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Graphic art-The big J is the beginning of the artists name

Jay-Z. The size of the letter is dominants because it is the biggest letter on he page. This shows

how important it is. The colour red runs threw out the magazine it stands out and catches the

readers eye, This makes the reader drawn in so it will makes them also focus on the information.

Photo-The huge medium close up of the artist shows thats it is all about him. Because it takes up one half of the double

spread shows the importance of it and shows that the picture has the hierarchy of the double spread. There is a

splash of red colour across half of his face. This keeps the scheme of the colour red that is shown threw out.

Letter form-There are two letter forms on this page

capital T and capital H. The importance of this is to suck the reader in and makes the reader

read all the text.

Columns-The text is set out in clear columns this makes the

magazine neat and easy to read. The readers are not confused and can easily understand the text. The

layout is simple which gives a professional feeling, that they are wanting to make it good for the reader to read

it quickly.

Typography-The style that it is written in is formal and clear this gives of a professional

feeling. The leading between the text is quite small this shows that there is a lot of information, it could make it complicated however because they have made it clear and simple it doesn’t make it complicated. This shows that the

article writer knows his/hers stuff about the artists. They have picked out main facts which they think the readers want to know, which makes it feel

less packed and easier to navigate around.

Hierarchy- There are many pieces of

word that take a hierarchy in the article for example the the Colour of the artist name “JAY- Z” is red and the rest of the

main texts is black. Thus making the words standing

out and draws the attention of the readers so they make sure that the readers know wear to look and which information to

focus on. This also reminds the reader that the article is

about Jay - Z making it important that the readers

know exactly who he is. Another example is that of the “RAPRADAR” this is bigger and a different font and colour to

the rest of the words. This catches the readers eye and makes sure that they know exactly what it means. This

technique is a way of informing the readers what is

most important.

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Headline-This outlines what the this particular magazine issue is going to be about. The best music relating to the rock

music. This therefore tells the readers clearly if you buy this

specific issue what they will find. The bold gold lettering gives a special

addition feeling, that this magazine is a very unique copy. By saying

“best of 2012” it entices you in and it gives the reader the feeling that the magazine know what they are

talking about and give an over view of the year. Which is different to

certain other issues.

Masthead-The small bold coloured white word “classic” is in contrast to the big bold also

white coloured word “rock”. The size difference is effective here because it makes the reader focus on the Big word “rock” and then they read it and realise that the title of the magazine isn't ROCK its classic rock. This makes the reader have to think and focus on the wording of the title which therefore once they

have put the words together they read the other things that are in the magazine. It brings the reader in and gets them interested to think about what

the magazine is about. Which they clearly see if they read the other words surrounding the title. Which makes the reader read on drawing in the


Colour scheme -The colour scheme is dark. This gives off a dark rock

feeling. This is in contrast to the dark heavy genre of rock. It also gives the feeling that the band is dark which you

can clearly see they are a rock band.

Main image-The main image is a medium shot ,the picture is clearly the

band this is important because it

shows off the band as its self which will draw in there fans.

Which creates more readership.Feature headline-

The feature headline is a question. This therefore make the reader think about what is asked which they can interact with there friends and discuss it. This also makes the

reader to buy the magazine to see what the magazine says. Also it stats the band Rush which the question asking about, this will

make the fans of the band buy the magazine. The colour of the word that tells which band it

is , is red this is in contrast to the white coloured bold words. This stands out so if the

readers forgot the name of the band they know exactly which band it is.

Barcode and price-The barcode is shown clearly on the front

cover this makes kit easier to buy and scan the item yourself. This is important if you

are at a local store and are self scanning it. The pricing is not shown on the front cover

because it adds a level of class and sophistication the target market they are

going for is middle class, people with money. The people buying it don't care

particularly about the price but about the quality. Doing this the customers that are loyal and buy all the copies know exactly

the pricing which shows that they are loyal customers because they pay attention to

every detail.

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Logo-This advertises the magazine, It is on the front cover as well

as the content page. This therefore reminds the reader what magazine it is. The logo is coloured red this stands out

clearly on the page which keeps the branding as well know as possible and get

more customers reading the magazine.

Picture-There are four pictures on the

content page. There is not one main image that stands

out, they are all equal images, This therefore means that they are all as important as each other. on the picture it says the page number, this informs the reader what page

to look at to get the information about the

pictures shown.

Column-The way in which the text is

layout, its laid out in a column form. This therefor

makes it easier for the reader to understand and navigate

around. It also makes it easier for the reader to find the

specific thing they are looking for.

Masthead-The masthead is like a title for the content page. This at the top of the page, thus making it one

of the first things the reader should read.

Proportion of texts to picture-The picture is about 80% whilst

the text is about 20% this shows that the magazine have

chosen to make the content page have as little texts as possible, keeping it simple

getting straight to the point. This therefore makes it a lot

quicker for the reader to navigate around the magazine and find help the reader to find

the specific articles they want to read. This further more makes it less crowded and cramped with

to much information. It also gives the reader the feeling that

maybe the pictures are more important this therefore gives a

fun vibe.

White space- The white space is in the background of the text and behind the masthead. This is effective because it makes the reader focus more on the information more. It doesn't distract the reader and from the text. Which is important

because the text and the picture are more important. This therefore gives a break from the text and picture, this further more doesn't distract the reader

with text, and makes them focus on the most important bits.

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Picture-The proportion of the photo to text is about 75%

to 25%. This shows that the picture clearly takes a hierarchy and is more important than the text. This also shows that the publishers want the

readers to focus on the photo more than the text. This is a good way to draw the readers in because certain readers don't want to be hit with a lot of


White space-The white space is effective here because it makes the reader focus more on the information more. It doesn't

distract the reader and from the text. Which is important because the text and the picture are more important. This therefore gives a break from the text and picture, this further more doesn't overwhelm the reader with

text, and confuses them.Hierarchy-

The word “Slave” is bigger than the other words in the title. This therefore makes the reader focus on the word “Slave”. They

know that the article will involve something

about slavery in another context which is important because they are prepared for

what they are going to read about. Also this gives the reader a

choice if they want to read the article or not.

The word is bigger making it more

important than the other words and

catches the readers eye, and sucks them in so that they will read all

the information.

Letter form-There is on letter form. The importance of this is to

suck the reader in and makes the reader read all the text. This draws the reader in and attract the reader to read the article. On the page it catches your eye and makes you focus on this. It also tells the reader were the beginning of the article starts so they can read

from the beginning.

Typography-The style of the writing

concise and straight forward this therefore gives off a professional feeling. The

leading between the text is quite small this shows that there is a lot of information, it could make it complicated however because they have made it clear and simple it

doesn’t make it complicated. This furthermore shows that

the article writer is clever with words and condensing

information. They have picked out main key facts

which they think the readers want to know, and which

facts they don’t. This therefore makes it feel less

packed and easier to navigate around.

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Masthead-The big bold title NME stands out clearly on the front cover. The bold red colour is eye catchy, it draws the reader in. The

colour red is a stereotypical boys colour. Which is in contrast to the main image of

the male band The Wombats. Sub Image-This advertises what is inside the magazine. This therefore

informs the reader which interests the reader and excites them to buy the

magazine. It also acts as a plug this also gives extra

information which is important so they know exactly what

they are going to read when they open the article.

Main image-This is a medium shot. The picture is of the band the

wombats. They are being goofy which shows that they are a fun

loving band and don't care to much about what people care.

This is shown by one of the band members pulling the other

persons hair.

Top Stuff-This shows what extra thing you are getting from the

magazine. It adds as a plug it draw and get the readers in. The bright colour yellow is eye catchy and you are

automatically drawn to reading it to find out about the magazine. Having certain word in bold makes these more important and of a hierarchy this therefore is put there to

show the readers to focus on the words.

Colour scheme- The colour scheme is bright

and colourful, the bright yellow catches the readers eye and

sucks them in, it also is a sunny exciting colour. This

therefore makes the magazine have a fun wacky feeling.

Which excites the readers to buy the magazine and read every page. It doesn't make

the reader feel bored and dull. The yellow colour is in contrast

to the bold red colour that flows threw out.

Barcode-The barcode serves a simple but important function. It is used on the front cover in order for the customers to

purchase the media product.

Pull quote-This is pulled from an article that is in the magazine. It gives the reader a feeling of what the articles will be about. It is important

because it serves the purpose of drawing the reader in and making the reader feel interested and excited about the article. This

therefore entices the reader to buy the magazine. It has to be catchy and clever other wise if it is boring it will not catch the readers eye

and serve its purpose.

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Layout of the index-The layout of the index is in column,

this makes it easy and makes it quick for the reader to read and

understand. This therefore make it easier of the reader to locate certain

pages they want to read, this furthermore makes it less confusion

and boring. Making the index easy to navigate around makes the reader feel less stresses and more relaxed which will make the reader want to by the magazine again and keep

coming back for more.

Masthead-The masthead is still on the content page. This is the logo of NME. The colour red is running threw the magazine. This reminds the reader that they are still

reading NME magazine. The word “THIS WEEK’ is in block capital letters standing out on the page, drawing the readers attention. Using the capital

letters show this is important and that we should be drawn to it because the information is important.

Letter form-There is a letter on the content

page. This captures the attention of the reader. Thus trying to get the reader to read the information. The letter is also in black bold

which is a good technique to use because it also adds

another level of grabbing the readers attention.

Promotion-Even on the content page they are reinforce subscription to the magazine. This makes the reader

think about if they are enjoying the magazine they should subscribe. They are also making it easy to subscribe by saying “go to”, this is an email address making it easier for the reader to access how to subscribe. Thus putting this on the content page this is the last page they are going to read making the reader to feel like they should. This also is making the magazine becoming more popular and getting more customers. The magazine don't miss an opportunity of

attracting more customers and promoting the magazine, making the brand more well known.

Picture and text proportion- The text to picture is a higher

proportion. It is about 75% text and 25% picture. This

therefore reinforces that the content page is all about the

getting across the information to the readers so

they know exactly were to find a piece of texts. Colour scheme-

The red colour scheme runs threw out into the content page, The colour red is bold and stands

out on the page.This is in contrast to the black that also runs threw the content page.

This compliments the colour red because they don't out shine each other thus not confusing the reader and giving them a

head ache.

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Picture-The proportion of the picture to the text is 50 % 50%.

This shows that the text is just as important as the picture. They both share a role in giving information

and entertainment. Which is important by drawing the readers in and making it easier for them to

understand.Letter form-

The letter form is the same colour as the word on the other side of the double

spread this contrast well. It also keeps the feeling that the text is just as important

as the picture. They are both equal and one is not over shadowing the other.

The letter A being big stand out on the page and tells the reader clearly the text

starts there. It also is bigger than the other letter form

showing this is more important because it serves as a more important part.

Column-The layout of the text is set out in column. This makes it easier for the reader to navigate and

understand the text. This therefore makes the

reader feel they can read it at there level and not

that they don't get confused about what

they are reading.

Colour-The colour orange is a subtle shade, this is gives a calm

and relaxing vibe. This therefore is different to other magazines because they are so bright and colourful which

sometimes over powers the page. This gives of a professional feeling. This therefore draws the more of a

middle class audience. This is also in contrast to the light shade of brown that the man in the picture is wearing. This

therefore makes it classic, and an elegant look.

Layout-The layout of the

double spread is very simple design of 3x3 grid. It is split up like

this because it make it easier for the reader to see the overview of the

hole double spread.

Letter form-The letter form on this page is a big capital letter F this start the

sentence of the next paragraph. This is important because it draws the reader in to read the next sentence. This breaks up

the paragraph this further more makes it easier for the reader to understand and read it, it doesn't overwhelm them with to much

information in one go.

Hierarchy-The words are bold and larger than the rest of then texts. This takes

more of an empowering role,

showing this important to the double spread page. It acts as a title to the double spread

page. Telling the audience what some of the texts is going to be


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What the magazines have in common ?

Cover page-What all the magazine have in common is they all promote their brand in a clear way. They make there

brand clearly visible by the readers by making the colours stand out clearly for example the cover page of the NME music magazine they made all the surrounding texts the colour yellow and made the Branding

name NME the colour red. By making it a different colour it stand out on the page and makes it more visible to the readers, which benefits the magazine because the consistent readers of the magazine can

easily identify the brand of the magazine on a shop shelf which means they will buy the same NME magazine. This also means if a reader is enjoying the magazine but don't know what magazine it is they will be able to easily find out which one therefore in the future buying the same magazine creating more

profits for the magazine companies. The font also plays an important role in making it stand out by creating a fun font it is memorable and by making the font size bigger it is seen more easily.

Contents page-All the contents page have in common is that there is no pieces of the page not covered up by

something. The page is full of texts which is important because it shows the reader what is in side the magazine. By having a lot of texts on the page it shows the reader that there is a lot of things to read inside. This means the readers will feel happier buying the magazine because they will feel that

by looking at the contents page there is a lot to read in the magazines and they will get there moneys worth. They also don't just use texts on the page they all use at least a few photos of the

bands or what is going to be featured inside the magazine. By doing this it also brakes up the amount of texts because to much texts can be bordering on the line of boring, so by using pictures it gives a fun feel to the magazine. It also means that the readers will be able to directly see what the main story that is going to feature in the magazine, by just looking at the picture, therefore meaning they don't have to read all the texts. This furthermore caters for all the readers by having texts for

the people who like to have a lot of information and like to read to find out whats in the magazine or for the people who like to look at the pictures to find out whats going to be in the magazine.

Double page spreads-What all the magazine have in common is that they all of a letter form. This is the first letter of the

first word in the first sentence which leads into the paragraph. This shows the reader clearly were the paragraph starts and draws the reader in to read the texts. Because the letter is bold and bigger it

has a hierarchy over the other texts, because they need the first sentence to be the most interesting and the most informative. In the NME double page spread the colour of the letters is in contrast to the

rest of the colour scheme which is subtle. By having the fonts different and the colour different this shows the importance of typography. Because there is a to of texts on the page it is important to make the writing fun and stylish which will entice the reader to read on and creates and overall

feeling of fun. Finally it also takes up the room of the blank spaces which can be important because it shows that there is no space not being used, it also looks like there is more on the page than there

actually is.