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Post on 14-Nov-2015




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Marketing management is the art and science of choosing target markets and getting, keep- ing, and growing customers through creating, communicating, and delivering superior customer value.

Today shortage of good is not the problem, main problem is shortage of customers.

Hypercompetition is created because of competition and to attract customers, firms are lowering the price of their products which results in lower margins, lower prots, some failing companies, and more mergers and acquisitions.

Marketing is understood as a way of getting rid from the product.

Infact marketing is supported by the manufacturing.

Marketing and selling are two different concepts.

Marketing starts before a product exists whereas selling starts when the product is in hand.

some businessman give much importance to marketingand consider it as a core business element.

But still there are some business leaders who do not want to waste time on marketing or they think they are already very successful so they do not marketing.

Marketing's job is to convert people's changing needs into profitable opportunities.

the goal of marketers is to build a mutually protable long-term relationship with its customers, not just sell a product.

for this business have to know about its customers well enough to so that it can deliver revelent offers on time

organizing function of marketing as a department is good because it brings together a number of skilled people with specic abilities for understanding, serving, and satisfying customers.

but on the other hand its is bad because other departments believe that all marketing is done in one department.

marketing is not restricted to a department infact it is a larger systematic process of figuring out

a. what to make

b. how to bring it to the customers attention and easy access to keep the customer wanting to buy more from you

marketing takes a day to learn but a lifetime to be a master.

marketing wil be around forever but not will be the way we learned it.