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  • 8/9/2019 Markham Vale 13Apr10


    Helping People Make Better Places

  • 8/9/2019 Markham Vale 13Apr10


    The immediate public art vision for Markham Vale is to propose 6 deliverable pilot projects,

    linked to short, medium and long term stages. It is suggested that in time, this commissioning

    strategy expands from more physical Public Art to also include something more participatoryand events-led Art in Public.

    Public Art commissions can be:

    Permanent or semi-permanent

    Made as place specific or brought in as pre-existing studio based work;

    Long-term or time-limited;

    Made in reference to a small commissioning group or by wider consultation.

    Art in Public can also involve:

    Street theatre, performance, spectacle, cultural festivals and live events;

    Other Music, dance, theatre, literature events;

    Processions and Carnivals;

    Temporary installation, altering or animation of a physical space;

    Community based activity which embraces a place-specific and place-making ambition.

    Public Art Vision

  • 8/9/2019 Markham Vale 13Apr10


    As such, in the short term stage (2010 to 2013) 6 initial pilot commissions are suggested as

    being split between public art and art in public - namely:

    Public Art Commissions

    Eco Gateway Commission J29A iconic flagship linked to environmental centre & marketing

    Mining Memorial Memorial walk linking series of sensitive interpretation spaces & seating

    Staveley Basin Community performance space as part of new canal basin

    Art in Public Commissions

    Peripatetic Recurring residency to develop a string of shelters and sites

    Networks & Trails Recurring residency to explore new trails and networks

    Community Arts & Placemaking Recurring residency to develop community arts and


    Short Term 6 Commissions

  • 8/9/2019 Markham Vale 13Apr10


    This proposal is for the long term establishment of a major landmark public art gateway that

    links to the overall sustainable and ecological ambitions of Markham Vale and acts as a highly

    visible iconic symbol from the M1, as well as on marketing, media and PR releases. The long

    term aim would be to secure funding to realise a quality commission that utilises both high

    tech interactive new media and as such linked to all environmental issues including some

    form of visible electronic sensor and webcam connected wirelessly within the Environmental

    Centre lobby.

    01 Eco Gateway Commission Core Concept

    Image: Litmus by Jason Bruges Studio

  • 8/9/2019 Markham Vale 13Apr10


    The immediate focus however, would be on developing the brief with a number of

    stakeholders (including Highways Agency) and then soliciting a feasibility from a limited

    number of artists to develop detailed designs and to then prepare funding applications. Key

    components envisaged are:

    Bold / Tall / Visible icon

    Electronically linked to Environment Centre and other sites and future phasesBREEAM Good rating minimum

    Kinetic Sci-Art engineering

    Methane / solar / wind / heat pump powered

    Recycled materials utilised

    Located near landfill

    Product R&D and design and associated PR linked to Markham Vale - including use of

    marketing colours and logo

    01 Eco Gateway Commission Visualised Components

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    01 Eco Commission Suggested Precedents / Artists

    Litmus by Jason Bruges


    Four landmark

    sculptures that work like

    giant litmus papers to

    respond to a variety of

    environmental stimuli.

    Commissioned by the

    London Borough of


    Field of Play by Tim


    A live interactive light

    drawing work using

    CCTV and video

    processing technology

    the piece tracks the

    publics movements within

    Millennium square in


  • 8/9/2019 Markham Vale 13Apr10


    01 Eco Commission Suggested Precedents / Artists

    Threshold Horsecross

    concert hall by Alexander


    Software and artists add

    a layer of interactivity to

    the public areas and

    enable the building to

    change its look and feel

    at the touch of a button or

    a sensor.

    Weather Flower

    by Tonkin Liu

    A wind-powered


    lighting artwork

    for Widnes

    Waterfront EDZ

    site on the banks

    of the River


    Shoal by Nayan Kulkarni

    Interactive light work for

    new buildings in the St

    Davids regeneration.

    Kulkarni has developed

    software control that

    utilises shoaling

    algorithms to respond to

    local sound and weather


  • 8/9/2019 Markham Vale 13Apr10


    01 Eco Gateway Commission Expenditure & Income

    Outgoings / Expenditure Based on assumptions of a 3-stage project development

    (Enabling, Fund Raising and Delivery), with estimated (minimum) core costs of circa 320k:

    Enabling Stage @ 16,000(6 months Target Completion by November 2010)

    Shortlisted Artist Fees 6,000 (4 x 1.5k)

    Design Feasibility / Detail Design Fees 10,000

    Fund Raising Stage @ 10,000 (12 months Target Completion by March 2011)

    Funding Applications 10,000 (by others, or possibly in-house as in-kind contribution)

    Delivery Stage @ 294,000(24 months Target Completion by 2011 / 2012)

    Capital Costs - 180,000

    Artist / Professional Fees (25% of capital costs with Detail Design Fee) - 35,000

    Capital Contingency - 43,000

    Delivery Stage Management Fee Budget - (10% of capital costs) - 18,000

    Maintenance - (10% of capital costs) - 18,000

  • 8/9/2019 Markham Vale 13Apr10


    01 Eco Gateway Commission Expenditure & Income

    Income / Funding Based on assumptions as a starting point, and a target 320k budget

    the following funding strands are anticipated comprising target income of:

    Core Funding - 50,000 (21k used to seed fund artist commissioning, feasibility and funding


    Henry Boot Developments - target 50,000

    EMDA funding application target 110,000

    Landfill Credit / LEADER Approach application target 110,000

  • 8/9/2019 Markham Vale 13Apr10


    Stage 1 artist shortlisting and detail design and Stage 2 capital funding applications can be

    carried out in well under 12 months if enabling budgets and the will are in place. This will then

    provide a high profile marketing and fund raising platform. Capital funding securement,

    production design and stakeholder negotiations and fabrication / installation are all then likely

    to take between 12 and 24 months (based on precedents elsewhere in the UK) and this will

    likely take the project beyond Markham Vale Works Phase 1d and into the next Phase

    sequence (2011/12 and/or 2012/13).

    01 Eco Gateway Commission Programme

  • 8/9/2019 Markham Vale 13Apr10


    The proposal is for the long term creation of a landscaped walk as 'linear' visitor destination

    that both acts as a sensitive, reflective and discrete memorial (particularly the 1938 and 1973

    Markham Colliery disasters); but also a National memorial for Deep Mining, as well as a

    forward-looking celebration to the vibrancy of this ex-mining community, and its future

    potential to come. Rather than a small insignificant memorial, this is seen as a series of

    landmark commissions that collectively add up to greater than the sum of its parts. As with

    other projects, the ethos of the commission would link to the overall sustainable and

    ecological ambitions of Markham Vale.

    02 Mining Memorial Core Concept

    Image: Camel Trail by Mor Design

  • 8/9/2019 Markham Vale 13Apr10


    The long term aim would be to secure an uplift to the existing landscaping funding to realise

    a quality commission that links a linear trail with public art memorial seating with

    interpretation. This should be protected from the noise of the motorway and logically linked

    at one part with the Environmental Centre. The immediate focus, would be on developing the

    brief based on the earlier rounds of consultation and design considerations, and in running

    immediate artist commissioning to help tease this out. Key components envisaged are:

    Highly evocative and moving mining disaster memorial

    Linear public art landscape walk and seating (hard and soft landscaping) with arts


    Parallel community media art project to inform interpretation (local aural history etc)

    Quiet contemplative areas created, and linked to seating areas for business park users

    Main memorial area adjacent to water feature and link across to elevated North Tip walk

    02 Mining Memorial Visualised Components

  • 8/9/2019 Markham Vale 13Apr10


    02 Mining Memorial Suggested Precedents / Artists

    Camel Trail Seating by

    Mor Design


    artistic seating with

    integrated artwork for

    the Camel Trail that

    runs along 11 miles of

    disused railway beside

    the River Camel

    Whitehaven Millennium

    Benches by Stephen


    A series of Millennium

    benches as part of the

    regeneration of

    Whitehaven port in

    Cumbria, custom designed

    with maritime theme and

    embedded text

    Grainger Town seating

    by Insite Design

    Poet Julia Darling and

    glass artist Cate

    Watkinson collaborated

    with Insite Design to

    create unique seating to

    Grainger Town

  • 8/9/2019 Markham Vale 13Apr10


    02 Mining Memorial Suggested Precedents / Artists

    Sonic Postcards by various

    Sonic Postcards are innovative

    education programme whichencourages pupils to explore their

    local sound environments and

    create sound postcards

    Soundpool by Janek Schaefer

    Interactive audio soundscape to

    25m Bradford mirrorpool

    fountain. Permanent installationproduced in conjunction with AV

    specialists TMC and fountain

    specialist Fountain Workshops

  • 8/9/2019 Markham Vale 13Apr10


    Stage 1 artist shortlisting within 6 months. Stage 2 detail design and further capital funding

    applications can be carried out in under 6 months if enabling budgets and the will are in

    place. Capital funding securement, production design and stakeholder negotiations and

    fabrication / installation are realistically likely to take between 12 and 24 months (subject to

    funding approvals and based on size of the commission, and precedents elsewhere).

    02 Mining Memorial Programme

  • 8/9/2019 Markham Vale 13Apr10


    Outgoings / Expenditure Suggested as based on assumptions of a 3-stage programme,

    with estimated (minimum) core costs of circa 207k anticipated comprising estimated

    expenditure of:

    Enabling/ Engagement Stage @ 20,000(6 months Target Completion)

    Shortlisted Artist Fees 2,000 (4 x 0.5k)

    Artist / Professional Fees - 12,000

    Community Engagement Installations & Events - 4,000

    Contingency - 2,000


    NOTE: This media commission phase is essentially the Community Arts & Placemakingproject for the first year of a 3-year proposed programme

    Design Development Stage @ 32,000(6 months Target Completion)

    Shortlisted Lead Artist Fees 8,000 (4 x 2k)

    Detail Design Fees 10,000

    Community Engagement Installations & Events - 4,000

    Funding Applications 10,000 (by others, or possibly in-house as in-kind contribution)

    Delivery Stage @ 155,000(12 - 24 months Target Completion)

    Capital Build - 100,000 (as uplift to existing landscaping)

    Artist & Professional Fees (25% of capital costs with Detail Design Fee) - 15,000

    Capital Contingency - 20,000

    Delivery Stage Management Fee Budget - (10% of capital costs) - 10,000

    Maintenance - (10% of capital costs) - 10,000

    02 Mining Memorial Expenditure & Income

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    Income / Funding Based on assumptions as a starting point, and a target 207k budget

    the following funding strands are anticipated comprising target income of:

    Core Funding - 107,000 (52k used to seed fund enabling commissioning, and design

    development programme, detail design & funding application)

    Landfill Credit / LEADER Approach application target 50,000

    Other funding (ie. Coalfield Regeneration Trust) target 50,000

    02 Mining Memorial Expenditure & Income

  • 8/9/2019 Markham Vale 13Apr10


    The ultimate proposal is for the long term establishment of public art installation or gateway

    at Staveley Town Basin (possible linked to a wider/strategic series) that can act as a staging

    area or backdrop to community cultural and festival programmes, and can provide linkage

    both into ongoing regeneration projects (under development or still at a conceptual stage);

    and to wider environmental and ecological programmes.

    03 Staveley Basin Core Concept

    Image: Stravanger Amphitheatre by Acconci Studio

  • 8/9/2019 Markham Vale 13Apr10


    The immediate focus however, would be on creating an artist residency to work in Staveley.

    It is proposed that a prime project like the Chesterfield Canal Basin can provide linkages

    both into the town centre and Heart of Staveley, as well as beyond to other networks and

    trails and the performing and participatory arts focus to enable better place making.

    Components envisaged are:

    Sculptural land art performance space and/or amphitheatre at BasinIntegrated to a trail connecting the town to the canal basin and beyond to wider trails

    Possible wider link to community cinema notion identified for Regal Cinema site

    Possible link to other Staveley public art gateway commission ideas - by others, as part of

    future Masterplan delivery

    A strong ecological theme and brief running through this programme

    03 Staveley Basin Visualised Components

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    03 Staveley Basin Suggested Precedents / Artists

    Arena by Rita McBride

    Arena is a public sculpture

    designed by New York artist RitaMcBride. It is made of white Ferro

    cement and stands over 15 feet

    (4.6 m) high overlooking the River

    Irwell. It is part of the Irwell

    Sculpture Trail.

    Amphitheatre by Acconci Studio

    The Acconci Studio in New York

    has won the competition for thecommission of the Amphitheatre at

    the New Concert Hall in Stavanger

    competing against other noted

    and internationally-known artists.

  • 8/9/2019 Markham Vale 13Apr10


    03 Staveley Basin Suggested Precedents / Artists

    Garden for Cosmic

    Speculation by Charles


    The unique landart ofCharles Jencks Portrack

    garden at his house in

    Dumfries carries forward

    the ancient principles of

    making gardens imitate


    Aquarena by

    William Pye


    design combines

    water sculpture

    and a highly




    Our Space by Will Nash

    The Our Space public art

    project was

    commissioned byWillingdon Community

    School to transform a

    disused courtyard

    through consultation and

    engagement with the

    local community

  • 8/9/2019 Markham Vale 13Apr10


    Outgoings / Expenditure Suggested as based on assumptions of a 2-stage funded

    feasibility and delivery, with estimated (minimum) core costs of circa 90k anticipated

    comprising estimated expenditure (and excluding any associated future artistic running or

    programming costs) of:

    Engagement Stage @ 10,000(15 months Target Completion by Apr 2011)

    Shortlisted Artist Fees 2,000 (4 x 0.5k)

    Design Feasibility / Detail Design Fees 2,500

    Community Engagement Programme - 3,000

    Funding Applications 2,500 (by others, or possibly in-house as in-kind contribution)

    Enabling Stage @ 80,000(26 months Target Completion by Feb 2012)

    Capital Costs - 50,000

    Artist / Professional Fees (25% of capital costs with Detail Design Fee) - 10,000

    Capital Contingency - 10,000

    Delivery Stage Management Fee Budget - (10% of capital costs) - 5,000

    Maintenance - (10% of capital costs) - 5,000

    03 Staveley Basin Expenditure & Income

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    Income / Funding Based on assumptions as a starting point, and a target 90k budget the

    following funding strands are anticipated comprising target income of:

    Core Funding - 20,000 (10k used to seed fund artist commissioning, feasibility and fundingapplication)

    Landfill Credit / LEADER Approach application target 30,000

    Project Funding / Section 106 target 30,000

    In-Kind - target 10,000 civil engineering, services construction materials and labour

    03 Staveley Basin Expenditure & Income

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    03 Staveley Basin Programme

    Initial artist shortlisting and detail design and further capital funding applications can be carried

    out in well under 15 months if enabling budgets and the will are in place - and needs to be in

    place immediately to run parallel with actual design development process that precedes site

    delivery. Capital funding securement, production design and stakeholder negotiations and

    fabrication / installation will all be subject to the final Phase VI project programme and brief.

  • 8/9/2019 Markham Vale 13Apr10


    Closely linked to the Routes & Trails project, the eventual proposal is for the medium termestablishment of an annually recurring artist residency programme that in time (and with

    resources) could look to move around various places in the Markham Vale area over a

    number of phases and evolve from just temporary commissioning into permanent as well.

    Outputs of these residencies would be the creation of a series of works (possibly self-build

    projects in a range of media, and with assistance from community groups) with the focus on

    the community, place and environmental ambition of Markham Vale.

    04 Peripatetic Core Concept

    Images L to R: Singing Ringing Tree by Tonkin Liu & Caravan Gallery by Jan Williams and Chris Teasdale

  • 8/9/2019 Markham Vale 13Apr10


    Artists will be targeted from a range of art forms. Construction of works (where applicable)

    might look to use recycled / natural materials & landscape. The creation of permanent

    shelters could be a recurring output - but this would need to be budgeted for as a capital

    project, and subject to fund raising. The parallel Networks & Trails project would be linked into


    For the short term it is suggested that the first phase look to commission a one-off caravan-

    based summer studio residency (with permission) at the Caravan Club Site at Pools BrookCountry Park. Components envisaged are:

    Relocatable transient nomadic pods or shelters

    Eco self-build art projects

    Temporary Artist Residency / Hermitages

    Artistic brief linked to Ecology Plans of Derbyshire County Council

    04 Peripatetic Visualised Components

  • 8/9/2019 Markham Vale 13Apr10


    04 Peripatetic Suggested Precedents / Artists (Short-Term Temporary Residencies Begin)

    Caravan Gallery Jan

    Williams and Chris Teasdale

    The Caravan Gallery is a

    mobile exhibition venue and

    visual arts project run by

    artists who are on a mission

    to record the ordinary and

    extraordinary details of life in

    21st century Britain.

    The Wonderful North - Bryan and Laura Davies

    An mobile new media residency celebrating all that

    is, well, wonderful about the North of England! Thewebsite presented an online Expo with pavilions

    showcasing the objects, places and people

    encountered during a month long exploration of the

    North in a camper van.

  • 8/9/2019 Markham Vale 13Apr10


    04 Peripatetic Suggested Precedents / Artists (Medium-Term Permanent Projects Begin)

    Singing Ringing Tree

    (Panopticon) Tonkin Liu

    Series of landmarks, designed

    to attract visitors into thecountryside to enjoy the

    landscapes and attractions in

    Lancashire. Each is situated on

    a high-point site commanding

    spectacular views. All are within

    easy reach of the M65

    Kielder Observatory Charles

    Barclay Architects

    The art and architecture programme

    at Kielder has been running for

    over fifteen years. There are now

    over 20 pieces to see, set in an area

    of 16 square miles, making the Park

    the largest outdoor public art gallery

    in the UK

  • 8/9/2019 Markham Vale 13Apr10


    04 Peripatetic Suggested Precedents / Artists (Long-Term Residency Programme Begins)

    Cove Park - Eileen and Peter


    International centre in

    Scotland for the arts andcreative industries. Annual

    programme of residencies

    enables national and

    international artists, of all art

    forms, undertake research

    and develop new projects

    SALT Residency Programme

    Each residency offers one week's

    accommodation, access to studio facilities

    and a considered period of time to developnew work. The studio is offering space to

    enable artists to dedicate time to the

    exploration and development of their


  • 8/9/2019 Markham Vale 13Apr10


    04 Peripatetic Programme

    Annual artist shortlisting, commissioning, evaluation and further funding applications can be

    carried out in well under 10 months if budgets and the will are in place.

    It is suggested that this project runs back-to-back with the commissions for both the Routes &

    Trails and Community Arts & Placemaking programmes. For all projects, there will be the

    possibility of involving the local community through a targeted local host including for

    example local schools, and special need groups, including adults with severe learning


  • 8/9/2019 Markham Vale 13Apr10


    Outgoings / Expenditure Running back-to-back with Routes & Trails and Community Arts

    & Placemaking suggested as based on assumptions of estimated (minimum) core costs of

    circa 30k (10k per annum recurring over 3 years) anticipated comprising estimatedexpenditure of:

    Stage 1/2/3 Delivery @ 10,000 pa over 3 years (10 & 22 & 34 months Target approx

    October of each year)

    Shortlisted Artist Fees 2,000 (4 x 0.5k)

    Artist / Professional Fees - 5,000

    Capital Contingency - 1,000Caravan / Studio Hire - 2,000

    Income / Funding Based on assumptions as a starting point, and a target 10k per annum

    over 3 years, no funding strands are anticipated for the first 3-year stages of this particular

    project. Establishment of the actual budget availability and evaluation of this project will then

    determine a future funding plan target.

    04 Peripatetic Expenditure & Income

  • 8/9/2019 Markham Vale 13Apr10


    Closely linked to the Peripatetic project the eventual proposal here is for the medium term

    establishment of a recurring artist residencies that could look to explore the various

    connective routs and transport means that link the various places in the Markham Vale area.

    Outputs of these residencies would be the creation of a series of temporary / ethereal works

    with the focus on the community, place-specific and environmental ambitions of Markham

    Vale generally.

    05 Networks & Trails Core Concept

    Images L to R: Geocaching & Looking for the Black Redstart by Claire Thornton

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    Artists will be targeted from a range of art form and media, ranging from environmental artists

    to new media and film makers. Artists will always will be encouraged to explore issues to do

    with sustainable community and/or environmental and Health & Wellbeing issues. The parallel

    Peripatetic project, with its creation of permanent or temporary shelters scattered along the

    various routes and trails would be linked into this. Key components envisaged are:

    Trails, networks and wayfinding

    New media geocaching and pod cast interactives

    Sustainable transport links (bus company sponsor?)

    Links to Transpennine Trail

    Links to Derbyshire County Council Countryside Service & Ecology Plans

    Links to Chesterfield Canal Partnership

    05 Networks & Trails Visualised Components

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    05 Networks & Trails Suggested Precedents / Artists (Short-Term Residencies)

    Kentish Walk Hamish


    A group art walk in

    Canterbury led by the artist

    followed a circle around

    Canterbury's original city

    walls. The only stipulations

    to was that the walk be

    done in silence, single file,

    and 4 metres apart.

    Social Fabric 71 - Jayne

    Murray & Alisha Miller

    Artist led project with

    Travel West Midlands

    redesigned the seating

    fabric on the 71 route.

    Worked with passengers

    who use the bus to build up

    a broader picture of the

    social fabric of the area.

    Looking for the Black

    Redstart Claire Thornton

    Public wildlife ramble along

    metro nature corridor. A

    series of activities and art

    works incorporating public

    performance was

    supported by Centro (the

    West Midlands Public

    Transport Executive)

  • 8/9/2019 Markham Vale 13Apr10


    05 Networks & Trails Suggested Precedents / Artists (Short-Term Residencies)

    Forest of Dean Sculpture

    Trust Soundwalks

    Duncan Speakman

    MP3 narrative walks,developed by artist with

    local children and linked to

    a Geocaching route to

    locate a cache. This walk

    used clues near sculptures

    to harvest the co-ordinates.

    Ticket Texts Tim Etchells

    A series of Ticket Text

    commissions as part of the

    NEs Nexus Art on

    Transport programme

  • 8/9/2019 Markham Vale 13Apr10


    Outgoings / Expenditure Running back-to-back with Peripatetic and Community Arts &

    Placemaking suggested as based on assumptions of estimated (minimum) core costs of

    circa 30k (10k per annum recurring over 3 years) anticipated comprising estimatedexpenditure of:

    Stage 1/2/3 Delivery @ 10,000 pa over 3 years (12 & 24 & 36 months Target approx

    December of each year)

    Shortlisted Artist Fees 2,000 (4 x 0.5k)

    Artist / Professional Fees - 5,000

    Capital Contingency - 1,000Caravan / Studio Hire - 2,000

    Income / Funding Based on assumptions as a starting point, and a target 10k per annum

    over 3 years, no funding strands are anticipated for the first 3-year stages of this particular

    project. Establishment of the actual budget availability and evaluation of this project will then

    determine a future funding plan target.

    05 Networks & Trails Expenditure & Income

  • 8/9/2019 Markham Vale 13Apr10


    05 Networks & Trails Programme

    Annual artist shortlisting, commissioning, evaluation and further funding applications can be

    carried out in well under 12 months if budgets and the will are in place.

    It is suggested that this project runs back-to-back with the commissions for both the

    Peripatetic and Community Arts & Placemaking programmes. For all projects, there will be the

    possibility of involving the local community through a targeted local host.

  • 8/9/2019 Markham Vale 13Apr10


    The eventual proposal is for the long term establishment of an ongoing and facilitatedcommunity cultural and festival programme that in time (and with resources) could look to link

    various communities (that is, communities of place as well as of interest) of the North East

    Derbyshire, Chesterfield and Bolsover districts in the Markham Vale area over a number of

    phases. Outputs of such a programme would be the creation of a series of individual works

    and rolling residencies that in time begin to develop into a more permanent and regular


    06 Community Arts & Placemaking Core Concept

    Image: Wonderwood by Amenity Space

  • 8/9/2019 Markham Vale 13Apr10


    The immediate focus however, would be on enabling a network of communities, community

    venues and cultural events, through the facilitation of Action Research via artist and creative

    commissions. Linked to this would be briefs to explore physical public spaces; the performing

    and participatory arts focus; as well as explorations into the use of social networking medias

    to enable better place making. Key components envisaged are:

    Improvements to community public space with consideration of cultural performacesInitiation of new cultural programmes

    Rural Touring / Community networks expansion

    Website and friends of facebook / blog equivalent

    Community medias explored through web podcasts, video and web TV/radio

    Other Wayfinding, mapping and placemaking residencies commissionedLinks to Performing Arts Centre in Springwell Community School

    06 Community Arts & Placemaking Visualised Components

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    06 Community Arts & Placemaking Suggested Precedents / Artists

    Regents Park The Treehouse Gallery

    The Treehouse Gallery was an

    innovative public project featuring afree daily program of events, arts,

    musicology and activities in Regent's

    Park to re-imagine one of the great

    outdoor public spaces of the city

    Wonderwood Amenity Space

    Collaboration with Yorkshire Culture

    Company for temporary installation onderelict site in Holbeck Urban Village

  • 8/9/2019 Markham Vale 13Apr10


    06 Community Arts & Placemaking Suggested Precedents / Artists

    Level Screen by First Movement

    Level Screen is an innovative new mobile

    product which enables people miles apart

    to meet, connect and interact in a virtual

    space by utilising digital technology. Runby First Movement which works with

    learning disabled people and promotes

    their unique creativity by placing them in a

    situation where their work takes place

    alongside other creative people.

    Spaceshaper by CABE

    Pat Gilbey is one of a number of

    licenced CABE Spaceshaper

    facilitator and Creative Arts

    Professionals. An experiencedstoryteller, Pat uses stories to

    provide environments which

    enable groups to explore issues.

  • 8/9/2019 Markham Vale 13Apr10


    Outgoings / Expenditure Running back-to-back with Peripatetic and Routes & Trails,

    suggested as based on assumptions of estimated (minimum) core costs of circa 40k (20k

    per annum recurring over 2 years *) anticipated comprising estimated expenditure of:

    Stage 2/3 * Delivery @ 20,000 pa over 2 years (19 & 31 months Target approx July of

    each year)

    Shortlisted Artist Fees 2,000 (4 x 0.5k)

    Artist / Professional Fees - 12,000

    Community Engagement & Installations - 4,000

    Contingency - 2,000

    *NOTE: 1 per year anticipated for Years 2 and 3, but Year 1 merging with Mining Memorial

    project commission)

    Income / Funding Based on assumptions as a starting point, and a target 40k for 2 years

    * budget the following funding strands are anticipated comprising target income of:

    Core Funding - 10,000 (used as match fund)Other funding (ie. Arts Council England) target 30,000

    06 Community Arts & Placemaking Expenditure & Income

  • 8/9/2019 Markham Vale 13Apr10


    06 Community Arts & Placemaking Programme

    Phase 2 artist shortlisting and funding applications can be carried out in well under 15 months

    if budgets and the will are in place. The programme might look to develop a longer term

    funding application on the back of the initially evaluated programme of Action Research.

    It is suggested that this project runs back-to-back with the commissions for both the

    Peripatetic as well as the Routes & Trails programmes. For all projects, there will be the

    possibility of involving the local community through a targeted local host.

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    Beam is proposing different approaches to the management of the proposals

    included in this presentation and the corresponding report:

    1. For the two larger commissions (01 Eco Gateway and 02 Mining Memorial), we are

    suggesting Beam manages the initial stages of the process, and oversees the later

    fundraising and delivery stages. Budget lines are included within our proposals for

    undertaking the significant fund raising needed and management of the delivery stages.

    2. For the work in Staveley (03 Town Basin Arena), we are suggesting Beam undertakes a

    consultant role, working with and advising all the key stakeholders. There is some activity

    Beam will lead on for the group of stakeholders, but it will do so with the support of


    3. For the smaller temporary commissions (04 Peripatetic, 05 Routes & Trails and 06

    Community Art and Placemaking), we are suggesting Beam manages the complete

    processes that will occur each year of the programme.

    Management Proposal

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    Helping People Make Better Places