mary visits elizabeth luke 1:39-56…mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation....

1 Unto Us: Mary visits Elizabeth Luke 1:39-56 Introduction I love Christmas songs. I love how they are played throughout our culture, and I love the rich meaning of so many of the Christmas songs that are played and sung. I love them so much I have done entire Christmas series around the Christmas songs so that we would spend time thinking about the songs we sing this time of year. This morning we are going to look at the first Christmas song, composed by Mary during her visit with her relative Elizabeth as they visited together for several months. Transition: The first thing I want you to see and be encouraged by is there is often… I. Comfort in Community. Luke 1:39

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Page 1: Mary visits Elizabeth Luke 1:39-56…mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation. (ESV) An appropriate fear of the Lord is grounded in understanding: 1. His Power


Unto Us:

Mary visits Elizabeth

Luke 1:39-56


I love Christmas songs. I love how they are

played throughout our culture, and I love the

rich meaning of so many of the Christmas

songs that are played and sung. I love them

so much I have done entire Christmas series

around the Christmas songs so that we

would spend time thinking about the songs

we sing this time of year.

This morning we are going to look at the

first Christmas song, composed by Mary

during her visit with her relative Elizabeth

as they visited together for several months.

Transition: The first thing I want you to

see and be encouraged by is there is often…

I. Comfort in Community.

Luke 1:39

Page 2: Mary visits Elizabeth Luke 1:39-56…mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation. (ESV) An appropriate fear of the Lord is grounded in understanding: 1. His Power


In those days Mary arose and went with

haste into the hill country, to a town in

Judah, (ESV)

A. As we discussed last week, being

with child and only being betrothed

was not a blessing, but rather a

potential life-threatening scandal.

B. It would be natural for Mary to go

and be in community with those that

knew the truth about her pregnancy

and would share in the enthusiasm of

her coming child.

BTW: Notice in healthy community there

is no place for jealousy. Elizabeth is in no

way jealous of Mary’s baby, and his

promised position. Healthy community has

the ability to rejoice with those that may

have the things we want. Healthy

community is grounded in contentment,

where each of us is contented with the

allotment that the Lord has given us.

Elizabeth is thrilled for Mary and thrilled for

the different position in which God has

Page 3: Mary visits Elizabeth Luke 1:39-56…mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation. (ESV) An appropriate fear of the Lord is grounded in understanding: 1. His Power


placed her and her baby. Rejoice with those

who rejoice.

C. In the same way we are created for


D. As Christians we need community,

not just corporate worship.

E. Not just sitting in rows or joining

online. We need genuine


F. God has made us as Christians to be

in like-minded Christian community

to celebrate together the miracle of

God’s supernatural intervention into

our world to save our souls from sin.

G. To encourage our faith together and

see that we are not alone in our

spiritual journey together.

H. To pull our time, talent, treasure

together for the good of spreading

the name and fame of Jesus Christ.

Transition: Mary found safety in

community. Secondly, we see joy of the…

Page 4: Mary visits Elizabeth Luke 1:39-56…mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation. (ESV) An appropriate fear of the Lord is grounded in understanding: 1. His Power


II. Leaping baby.

Luke 1:40-45

and she entered the house of Zechariah and

greeted Elizabeth. 41 And when Elizabeth

heard the greeting of Mary, the baby leaped

in her womb. And Elizabeth was filled with

the Holy Spirit, 42 and she exclaimed with a

loud cry, “Blessed are you among women,

and blessed is the fruit of your womb! 43 And why is this granted to me that the

mother of my Lord should come to me? 44 For behold, when the sound of your

greeting came to my ears, the baby in my

womb leaped for joy. 45 And blessed is she

who believed that there would be a

fulfillment of what was spoken to her from

the Lord.” (ESV)

A. Divine understanding of who was in

Mary’s womb.

1. You see throughout this passage

this divine understanding of both

women, and maybe baby John in

Page 5: Mary visits Elizabeth Luke 1:39-56…mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation. (ESV) An appropriate fear of the Lord is grounded in understanding: 1. His Power


the womb, of who this baby is and


2. That this was indeed the Christ,

the Messiah, the promised one, to

take away the sins of the world.

3. This kind of understanding is and

has always been the supernatural

work of the Holy Spirit.

4. John 3, Jesus teaches we cannot

even see the kingdom of God

unless we are first born again.

5. If you are a Christian today, it is

because the Holy Spirit has

opened the eyes of your heart to

see and know that Jesus, is more

than a good teacher, more than a


6. That indeed Jesus is the son of



B. Respond to this news in worship. (V


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1. The baby in the womb responded

the way we should respond to such


2. Leaping with joy.

3. Understanding that God is

intervening by His mercy and

grace at great cost to Him to save

us from our sin and give us life

abundant and life eternal.

4. Our corporate worship gathering

should be with anticipation,

excitement, joy and awe. Leaping

at the news, singing with

enthusiasm of the incredibly good

news of Jesus Christ.

Finally, we see this message is….

C. Received in faith. (V 45)

1. There is blessing to those that

hear this message and believe in


2. With tender and humble hearts

receiving the gospel message of

Jesus Christ (Explain the gospel)

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Finally, this morning we will look at the

great Christmas song ever composed (Not

White Christmas)

III. Song of Praise.

Mary’s song reminded that…

A. Mary too needed saving.

Luke 1:46-48

And Mary said, “My soul magnifies the

Lord, 47 and my spirit rejoices in God my

Savior, 48 for he has looked on the humble

estate of his servant. For behold, from now

on all generations will call me blessed;


1. While Mary is grateful for God

remembering her and using her

for His purposes and allowing

her to have a spiritual legacy.

2. Mary still acknowledges her

need for saving.

3. She acknowledges her need to

be saved from sin.

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4. We see this in Isaiah 6, when

the prophet encounters just the

tip of God’s robe, and he is

struck with God’s holiness, and

he is struck with his own

sinfulness, and he is struck with

his need for saving.

5. There is none in scripture that

God uses greatly that have not

come to grips with their own

sinfulness and their own need

for saving.

6. While Mary will always be

remembered as a humble

servant to the Lord – she is not

to be worshiped, she is not

without sin, and like all of us, is

in desperate need of saving.

Secondly this song gives us good handles

on having an

B. Appropriate fear of the Lord.

Luke 1: 49-50

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for he who is mighty has done great things

for me, and holy is his name. 50 And his

mercy is for those who fear him from

generation to generation. (ESV)

An appropriate fear of the Lord is

grounded in understanding:

1. His Power – He is God, and

you are not.

2. His Holiness – without sin, and

unlike you.

3. His Mercy – Your need for His

mercy, received with humility

and thanksgiving.

Main Point: This is the heart posture of the

appropriate fear of the Lord. This is the

heart posture of one ready to receive the

gospel. This is appropriate understanding

and humility needed to receive Jesus Christ

as savior.

Transition: Third thing we see in Mary’s

song is how often…

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C. God’s mercy favors the unfavorable.

Luke 1:51-54

He has shown strength with his arm; he has

scattered the proud in the thoughts of their

hearts; 52 he has brought down the mighty

from their thrones and exalted those of

humble estate; 53 he has filled the hungry

with good things, and the rich he has sent

away empty. 54 He has helped his servant

Israel, in remembrance of his mercy, (ESV)

1. The things the world honors,

God does not honor.

2. The things the world cherishes

God does not cherish.

3. The way the world operates,

God does not operate.

4. God does things the opposite

the way the World does them.

5. The Apostle Paul remind the

Corinthian church of this, which

in turn reminds us…

1 Corinthians 1:26-29

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For consider your calling, brothers: not

many of you were wise according to worldly

standards, not many were powerful, not

many were of noble birth. 27 But God chose

what is foolish in the world to shame the

wise; God chose what is weak in the world

to shame the strong; 28 God chose what is

low and despised in the world, even things

that are not, to bring to nothing things that

are, 29 so that no human being might boast in

the presence of God. (ESV)

6. It is ordinary for God to use

those that the world often


7. That is really good news for all

of us, that God is kind,

merciful, and loves to confound

the wise (By worldly standards)

with that which the world might

call foolish.

8. Mary knew this, she called

herself a “Slave girl” in verse

48, and was shocked that God

would use the likes of her.

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Finally, we see that the…

D. Birth of Jesus is a fulfilment of the

promises made to Abraham.

Luke 1:55

as he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and

to his offspring forever.” (ESV)

1. Mary knew her Bible.

2. She knew the promises to

Abraham would be fulfilled in

the Messiah.

3. She understood the covenants

made to Abraham and David,

fulfilled in the coming Messiah.


Story of Zacchaeus – The wee little man

becomes a Christian. He was once a

wretched, two-timing, double crossing, tax

collecting, thief. Everyone in his world

knew him to be such. But now he is a

Christian. He repents of sin before God and

the overflow is love and concern for those

he stole from.

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Luke 19:8

And Zacchaeus stood and said to the Lord,

“Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give

to the poor. And if I have defrauded anyone

of anything, I restore it fourfold.” (ESV)

Main Point: Understanding the law.

Leviticus 6:5 – Anything stolen should be

repaid plus 20% - Zacchaeus went over and

above the law of God. (If I stole $100, I will

repay $400) Exodus 22:1 – says to repay 5

oxen for every one stolen and 4 sheep for

every sheep stolen.

1. Zacchaeus saw himself as a thief.

2. The conviction of the Holy Spirit

helped Zacchaeus see his sin for

what it really was – as ugly and as

sinful as it really was.

3. In contrast to the Rich Young

Ruler that saw himself as keeping

all the rules, fully!!

And what does Jesus say to his repentance:

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Luke 19:9

And Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has

come to this house, since he also is a son of

Abraham. (ESV)

Remember the song you learned in Sunday

School as a kid – Father Abraham had many


Jesus is the fulfillment of the long awaited,

long ago prophesied coming Messiah,

fulfilling the promise to Abraham (Genesis

15), that in faith, the children of faith in God

would be innumerable, more than the star in

the heavens on the grains of sand on the


Jesus, as Mary knew, is the fulfillment of

every page of the OT, restoring the broken

and lost to be children of God by grace

through faith – you can be one today.


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Small Group Questions for 12-13-2020

By Nate Weis

Community: What’s your favorite Christmas song?

Read Luke 1:39-56 and answer the following questions.

• What is the significance of John the Baptist leaping for joy in his mother’s womb?

This wasn’t the ordinary kicking that babies do in the womb–This was a supernatural joy

produced by the Holy Spirit in this child that pointed to the identity of Jesus. Even in the womb,

John the Baptist was fulfilling his role of being the prophet that pointed to the Messiah (Luke

1:14-17). This was a supernatural sign that the baby in Mary’s womb was the “Lord” as

Elizabeth acknowledged (Luke 1:43).

BTW- This passage gives us a glimpse into how God views unborn babies. John the Baptist,

who is in Elizabeth’s womb, is twice here called a “baby.” He is capable of “leaping for joy” and

being filled with the Holy Spirit. This points to the dignity and humanity of the unborn very

clearly and highlights the importance for the church to speak up on behalf of the rights of the

unborn today.

• Mary responds with a famous song of worship. How would you define worship?

It is imperative that we have a biblical definition of worship. First of all, worship is not

fundamentally a genre of music, the singing time of church services, or anything related to

music. Music is a way that we worship, but music and worship are not synonymous. Worship is

both a lifestyle and an activity that we do. On the one hand, worship is a lifestyle (Romans 12:1-

2). It’s less of an activity that we do but a way that we live. Worship is a display of worth. We

worship what we value supremely. By living all of our lives for the glory of God, we are

worshipping Him.

But on the other hand, there is a specific activity that can be called worship. I appreciate

Bruce Leafblad’s definition of worship: “True worship happens when we set our mind’s

attention and heart’s affection on the Lord, praising Him for who He is and for what He has

done.” True worship is God-focused, focused on what is most pleasing to Him. It is Christ-

centered, because Jesus Christ is the only mediator between God and man (1 Tim. 2:5). It is

Spirit-led, because it is only in the power of the Holy Spirit that our ignorant minds and cold

hearts can experience God’s love (Romans 5:5, 2 Cor. 4:4-6). It is based on God’s Word, the

ultimate standard of faith and practice (2 Tim. 3:16-17). Worship happens when we set our

hearts and minds on God, through Christ, in the power of the Spirit, doing activities that He has

prescribed in His Word (such as prayer, singing, reading Scripture, ordinances, etc.). Worship

can be private when we are alone with God, and also corporate when we gather together with

other believers (Hebrews 10:25).

• What can we learn about a proper heart posture of worship from this song?

Page 16: Mary visits Elizabeth Luke 1:39-56…mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation. (ESV) An appropriate fear of the Lord is grounded in understanding: 1. His Power

It is internal. It is her “soul” that exalts the Lord and her “spirit” that rejoices in God.

When we think of worship, we often go to external forms (music, church buildings, etc). But

worship begins in the heart (John 4:24). God’s criticism of Israel is that “these people honor me

with their lips, but their hearts are far from me” (Isaiah 29:13). True worship is not first and

foremost about what you do but the heart with which you do it.

It is passionate. Mary is “exalting” and “rejoicing.” The Greek word for “exalt” is

megalunei, and you should recognize the prefix “mega.” She is “super-exalting” the Lord. She is

excited and passionate about praising God. It is flowing out of her and can’t be contained. What

would it look like if we were more passionate about worshipping God than anything else in our


It is personal. Mary worships God for what He has done for her personally, not just what

He has done for the world generally. She rejoices that “he has looked on the humble estate of his

servant. For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed; for he who is mighty has

done great things for me.” Mary is amazed that God would do this for a teenage girl living in the

middle of nowhere. Who is she that God would use her to bear His Son, the Savior? And she

prophesied that we’d be talking about it today– “all generations.” She was praising God for what

He’d done for her. True worship is personal. Praise God for the specific ways He has saved you,

sanctified you, been faithful to you, blessed you and your family, etc.

• What does Mary’s song teach us about the God that we worship?

God is holy. She sang “holy is His name” (cf. 1st Samuel 2:2). When we realize how holy

God is and how holy we aren’t, it leads us to bow before Him in reverent worship. A great text to

meditate on the holiness of God with your group would be Isaiah 6.

God is mighty. Mary said, “for he who is mighty has done great things for me” and “He

has shown strength with his arm.” She’s praising God for His incredible power that is on display

by accomplishing in both her and Elizabeth what is biologically impossible for humans.

God is merciful. She said, “his mercy is for those who fear him from generation to

generation.” And this song concludes by saying, “He has helped his servant Israel, in

remembrance of his mercy, as he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to his offspring forever.”

We worship God because He is holy and powerful, but if He were those things but not merciful,

we’d be worshipping Him out of fear and dread rather than in faith and love. It is by God’s

mercy that we are able to have a relationship with Him.

• How can you use this advent season as an opportunity to grow as a worshipper?

Page 17: Mary visits Elizabeth Luke 1:39-56…mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation. (ESV) An appropriate fear of the Lord is grounded in understanding: 1. His Power

Small Group Questions Mary Visits Elizabeth

Luke 1:39-56 December 13, 2020

*You do NOT have to answer or discuss every question. Feel free to just pick a few. These are meant to guide you in truth. If you are having trouble answering a question, ask your small group leader to help you. They are committed to helping you develop as an authentic follower of Christ.

The COMMUNITY QUESTION: 1. What is your favorite Christmas song?


Here are some suggested sites in order to dive deeper into God's Word:,,,,,, 1. Read Luke 1:39-56 and answer the following questions.

What is the significance of John the Baptist leaping for joy in his mother’s womb?

2. Mary responds with a famous song of worship. How would you define worship?

3. What can we learn about a proper heart posture of worship from this song?

4. What does Mary’s song teach us about the God that we worship? 5. How can you use this advent season as an opportunity to grow as

a worshipper?

Page 18: Mary visits Elizabeth Luke 1:39-56…mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation. (ESV) An appropriate fear of the Lord is grounded in understanding: 1. His Power

PHONE(S) AmandaLeichWilsonbmnlllllllicksdidddhididddhididd dhilllllll

EMAIL(S) AmandalLeichWilsonbmnlllllllicksdidddhid idddhididddhilllllllPLEASE DO NOT ADD ME TO YOUR MAILING LISTI ’M A FIRST T IME GUEST

NAME(S) AmandaLeichWilsomnbmninhicks lll l lMR. MS . MR. & MRS .

8 A .M. 9 :30 A .M. 1 1 : 15 A .M.SERVICE ATTENDED:

STREET ADDRESS AmandaLeichWilsomnbicksdidddhididddhididddhillllll

C O N N E C T C A R DPlease respond with any new or changed information.

for the week of D E C E M B E R 1 3 T H 2 0 2 0 at Coastal Yorktown


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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Women’s Christmas Event / December 19 / 8am

Come to Coastal Yorktown & help us wrap presents for the Angel Tree gift distribution! For more info, sign up on your Connect Card or [email protected].

Christmas Eve Service / December 24 / 1, 3, & 5pm .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Join us at Coastal Yorktown for a Family Candlelight Service. Childcare provided for children 3 years or younger. Pick up invite cards at the Welcome Desk & invite your neighbors!

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Food & Gift Mission / December 19 / 8:30am

This Saturday is one of the busiest days of the year for the Food Mission & Coastal needs your help to bless those in need. In addition to food, Coastal’s Gift Mission is distributing gifts from the Angel Tree. Come join in the fun & bless our neighbors with Christmas cheer!




Kids SingThe Christmas Project


Food MissionWomen’s Christmas Event


Peninsula Rescue MissionMen’s Breakfast

Page 19: Mary visits Elizabeth Luke 1:39-56…mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation. (ESV) An appropriate fear of the Lord is grounded in understanding: 1. His Power

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Coastal Yorktown | December 13th 2020


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I’d like to know more about accepting a relationship with Jesus.


Luke 1 : 39-56



I’d like to know more about membership at Coastal.

I. C O M F O R T in C O M M U N I T Y .

II. L E A P I N G B A B Y .

A. D I V I N E U N D E R S T A N D I N G of who was in Mary's womb.

B. R E S P O N D to this news in W O R S H I P .

C. R E C E I V E D in F A I T H .

III. S O N G of P R A I S E .

A. Mary too N E E D E D S A V I N G .

B. Appropriate fear of the Lord.

1. His P O W E R .

2. His H O L I N E S S .

3. His M E R C Y .

C. God's mercy F A V O R S the U N F A V O R A B L E .

D. Birth of Jesus is a fulfi llment of the P R O M I S E Smade to A B R A H A M .

I’m interested in serving with Women of Coastal at Food Mission.