marymount college burleigh waters 4 week 07.pdf · marymount college burleigh waters ... please...

D E U S M E U S E T O M N IA lifelong life-giving learning MARYMOUNT COLLEGE BURLEIGH WATERS Marymount College 261-285 Burleigh Connection Rd Burleigh Waters QLD Australia 4220 Postal Address: PO Box 2144 Burleigh BC Phone: 07 5586 1000 Fax: 07 5576 2511 Email: [email protected] Week 7- Term 4 - 2013 DIARY DATES Tuesday 19/11-29/11 Year 11 Exam Block Monday 25th November Book Return Day - Year 10 Wednesday 27th November Year 8 Laptop Return Day Thursday 28th November 5:30pm Year 10 Twilight Cruise Friday 29th November Year 10 & 11 Last Day Monday 2nd December Year 9 Book Returns Year 9 Advent Liturgy & BBQ Tuesday 3rd December Year 8 2014 Orientaon Day 8:30am - 2:45pm Year 8 Southport Spit Excursion Year 9 Fingal Beach Excursion Year 8 & 9 Sports Uniform Wednesday 4th December Year 8 Book Returns Year 8 Advent Liturgy & BBQ Year 9 Acvies & Swimming Year 8 & 9 Sports Uniform Thursday 5th December Year 8 & 9 Dreamworld Excursion (Free Dress) CONTENTS Diary Dates 1 Administraon Team 2 Campus Minister 3 Mathemacs 4 Sport News 5 Dance Showcase 6 Careers & Voc Ed 7 Year 12 Graduaon Dinner Almost 600 people – parents, students and staff, aended the Senior Graduaon Dinner at Southport Sharks last Thursday evening. Following the events, exams and emoons of the past three weeks, this night was relaxed and enjoyed by all. Formalies involved short speeches from Mrs Pauline Cook represenng parents, Mr Cornor on behalf of staff, the College Captains, Dominic and Monnie and myself. Mr Connor, as MC, ensured these formalies moved in a mely way so that guests were free to enjoy their evening as the band played on. We thank our Seniors and their families for their loyalty and contribuon to the College over five years and we pray for their success, future happiness and long life in their journey from this me and place. Marymount College Yearbook 2013 Congratulaons to all involved with the preparaon of the annual Yearbook that is being distributed following its release at the Graduaon Dinner. Again, a fine publicaon, with wonderful photographs and many stories of 2013. We thank Irene Sco, Karen Harrison, Claire Schofield, Catherine Murtagh, Pointon Design, Steve O’Keefe, Joanne Nairn, the many student and staff contribuons and Style Print for their good work. Your Financial Support Thanks The humanitarian disaster of massive proporons which hit the Philippines last week as a result of Typhoon Haiyan has leſt an esmated 9.3 million people affected. As the worst typhoon on record, aid agencies are responding quickly and in whatever way they can. My thanks to those in our community of schools and office who have proacvely begun acvies to raise money or in some way provide relief and ease the suffering of millions of people. The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference has mandated Caritas Australia as the agency for Catholic communies to support when emergencies like this occur. Caritas Australia has launched the Typhoon Haiyan Appeal so that Caritas and its partners can connue to provide the emergency relief these people so desperately need. The Caritas relief effort is underway with local partners responding to the communies’ immediate needs: food, water and shelter. The Caritas Australia website has educaon and prayer resources to help raise awareness about the situaon and its emergency appeal to assist those affected. To donate to Caritas Australia’s Typhoon Haiyan Appeal visit the website. Impressive VET Data This year 27 students across Year 11 & 12 completed Structured Work Placements, i.e. placements that comprise learning that are part of an accredited VET in Schools Program. A further 253 students across Year 10 to 12 completed Work Experience, i.e. sampling work, work shadowing and research work experience. Fiſty eight new School Based Apprenceships or Traineeships (SATs) were signed up in the course of the year and at one stage, the Careers and VET Office were administering 113 SATS this year. Year 8 Orientaon Day - Tuesday 3rd December The Orientaon Day program is a school day at Marymount College for Year 8, 2014. They are invited to aend the College from 8.30am in the Doyle Centre. We will dismiss them from the Doyle Centre at 2.45pm. We expect students to wear their primary school uniform. The students are divided into small groups and take a tour of the College. They parcularly enjoy the rotaon through a number of lessons that follow recess. Aſter lunch there are photos to be taken and interschool sport selecons to be made, before finishing with the College Video for 2013. Please take special note of the Diary Dates on the leſt of this page as there are many events taking place in the last weeks of term. Chris Noonan Principal

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lifelong life-giving learning


Marymount College261-285 Burleigh Connection Rd

Burleigh WatersQLD Australia 4220

Postal Address:PO Box 2144Burleigh BC

Phone: 07 5586 1000

Fax: 07 5576 2511

Email: [email protected]

Week 7- Term 4 - 2013

Diary Datestuesday 19/11-29/11

Year 11 Exam BlockMonday 25th NovemberBook Return Day - Year 10

Wednesday 27th NovemberYear 8 Laptop Return Daythursday 28th November

5:30pm Year 10 Twilight CruiseFriday 29th NovemberYear 10 & 11 Last Day

Monday 2nd DecemberYear 9 Book Returns

Year 9 Advent Liturgy & BBQtuesday 3rd December

Year 8 2014 Orientation Day8:30am - 2:45pm

Year 8 Southport Spit ExcursionYear 9 Fingal Beach Excursion

Year 8 & 9 Sports UniformWednesday 4th December

Year 8 Book Returns Year 8 Advent Liturgy & BBQYear 9 Activities & Swimming

Year 8 & 9 Sports Uniformthursday 5th DecemberYear 8 & 9 Dreamworld Excursion (Free Dress)

coNteNtsDiary Dates 1

Administration Team 2

Campus Minister 3

Mathematics 4

Sport News 5

Dance Showcase 6

Careers & Voc Ed 7

Year 12 Graduation Dinner

Almost 600 people – parents, students and staff, attended the Senior Graduation Dinner at Southport Sharks last Thursday evening. Following the events, exams and emotions of the past three weeks, this night was relaxed and enjoyed by all. Formalities involved short speeches from Mrs Pauline Cook representing parents, Mr Cornor on behalf of staff, the College Captains, Dominic and Monnie and myself. Mr Connor, as MC, ensured these formalities moved in a timely way so that guests were free to enjoy their evening as the band played on. We thank our Seniors and their families for their loyalty and contribution to the College over five years and we pray for their success, future happiness and long life in their journey from this time and place.

Marymount college yearbook 2013

Congratulations to all involved with the preparation of the annual Yearbook that is being distributed following its release at the Graduation Dinner. Again, a fine publication, with wonderful photographs and many stories of 2013. We thank Irene Scott, Karen Harrison, Claire Schofield, Catherine Murtagh, Pointon Design, Steve O’Keefe, Joanne Nairn, the many student and staff contributions and Style Print for their good work.

your Financial support thanks

The humanitarian disaster of massive proportions which hit the Philippines last week as a result of Typhoon Haiyan has left an estimated 9.3 million people affected. As the worst typhoon on record, aid agencies are responding quickly and in whatever way they can. My thanks to those in our community of schools and office who have proactively begun activities to raise money or in some way provide relief and ease the suffering of millions of people.

The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference has mandated Caritas Australia as the agency for Catholic communities to support when emergencies like this occur. Caritas Australia has launched the Typhoon Haiyan Appeal so that Caritas and its partners can continue to provide the emergency relief these people so desperately need. The Caritas relief effort is underway with local partners responding to the communities’ immediate needs: food, water and shelter.

The Caritas Australia website has education and

prayer resources to help raise awareness about the situation and its emergency appeal to assist those affected. To donate to Caritas Australia’s Typhoon Haiyan Appeal visit the website.

impressive Vet Data

This year 27 students across Year 11 & 12 completed Structured Work Placements, i.e. placements that comprise learning that are part of an accredited VET in Schools Program. A further 253 students across Year 10 to 12 completed Work Experience, i.e. sampling work, work shadowing and research work experience. Fifty eight new School Based Apprenticeships or Traineeships (SATs) were signed up in the course of the year and at one stage, the Careers and VET Office were administering 113 SATS this year.

Year 8 Orientation Day - Tuesday 3rd December

The Orientation Day program is a school day at Marymount College for Year 8, 2014. They are invited to attend the College from 8.30am in the Doyle Centre. We will dismiss them from the Doyle Centre at 2.45pm. We expect students to wear their primary school uniform.

The students are divided into small groups and take a tour of the College. They particularly enjoy the rotation through a number of lessons that follow recess. After lunch there are photos to be taken and interschool sport selections to be made, before finishing with the College Video for 2013.

Please take special note of the Diary Dates on the left of this page as there are many events taking place in the last weeks of term.

Chris NoonanPrincipal


assistaNt PriNciPal aDMiNistratioN jUNior cUrricUlUM

Letters have been sent home to parents of Year 8 and Year 9 students this week, regarding the various activites which are arranged for the last week of school.

Copies of these letters are available by following the links below, or can be obtained from SAO.

Year 8 Laptop Letter Year 8 Letter Year 9 Letter

Please return your permission slips to your Pastoral teacher, and pay your Dreamworld money to the Bookshop as soon as possible.

Any outstanding assessments may impact your being able to participate in these activities.

Limited opportunities still exist for students to make subject changes in some subjects for Year 9 and 10 2014. Those students who have submitted forms have now had their changes actioned. Students on waiting lists will be contacted next week.

Please contact Mrs Hansen if you have any concerns regarding your child’s electives for next year.

Marie HansenAssistant Principal Administration Junior Curriculum

aDMiNistratioN teaMassistaNt PriNciPal religioUs eDUcatioN

In these last days of the 2013 school year when things are being “tied up” Junior Religious Education classes have begun their work on Advent which of course, is about the beginning of a new Church year ( Year A). They learn about the meaning of Advent as a time of “waiting” for the Messiah, read the scripture stories of these days, explore the variety of ways this time is traditionally celebrated in different places, make Advent wreaths and calendars and prepare for their end of year liturgies within the year groups...clearing the decks so to speak for the “waiting” until Christmas and the celebration of the birth of Jesus.

It is hoped that the Youth Mass to be held on Sunday evening at 5.30, on the Feast of Christ the King will be well attended.

The 2014 student leaders will be attending their overnight Leadership Camp on 2-3 December which allows them a wonderful opportunity to consider what their roles will involve and to do some planning as to how they will be as leaders. The Opening Liturgy and Social Justice will be high on their agenda as well as all the other aspects and demands of student leadership.

Year 10 student Alivia Hawkenis the author and illustrator of the little book included in this newsletter. Students have been exploring a unit on the Parables of Jesus in a contemporary context and Alivia’s work is a sample of the beautiful work which has been done by many. The aim was to create a story, inspired by the parables and suitable for younger children and this little book has done just that.

Dolores MaitlandAssistant Principal Religious Education

assistaNt PriNciPal Pastoral

Black leather shoesAs stated in Record Books and clearly explained in Newsletters throughout the year, the policy on shoes for Marymount College states: “black leather, lace-up traditional style shoes are allowed. Black joggers sold as school shoes or shoes with pointed toes or buckles are not part of the uniform.

Please be aware that when buying shoes for your child over the Christmas holiday for 2014, that students who do not adhere to the Uniform Policy will not be allowed to attend school. Plenty of information has been given in Newsletters and through conversations with students at school to ensure that all students should have the correct school shoes to start the 2014 school year.

Please see the attached images, which give a clear indication as to what is deemed acceptable and what is not.

Geoff Browneassistant Principal Pastoral


Not accePtaBle


Mass tiMesinfant saviour - Burleigh Heads

Sat. 6:15pm - Sun. 7:00amcalvary - Miami

Sat. 5:00pm - Sun. 8:30amour lady of the Way - Palm Beach

Sat. 6:00pm - Sun. 7:00amst Benedict’s - Mudgeeraba

Sun. 8:30amFr. Martin Doyle Centre - Burleigh Waters

Sun. 10:00am - 5:30pm


Bounce Dance are holding a dance camp in the first week of school holidays Monday 16th December to Friday 20th December.

For more information please visit or call Michelle on 0425 BOUNCE (0425 268 623).


ParisH yoUtH Mass NoVeMBer 24tH

Help needed for band and choir this Sunday at the Youth Mass.

Any musician or singer- please bring your instrument/voice and meet at 4.30 pm in the Doyle Centre on Sunday to rehearse music for the Mass that starts at 5.30pm.

Please join us at the 5.30pm Doyle Centre mass on November 24 as the school year draws to a close, to celebrate the feast of Christ the King and the Youth of our Parish.

Everyone is welcome to join us after mass for pizza, conversation and basketball! See the flyer attached to this newsletter.

We look forward to seeing you there!

From the Doyle Centre Mass Community

caMPUs MiNister

This summer holidays do something different and join me and other young people at two great events.

ignite school of Music

Are you a musician, want to learn more about music?

Ignite School of Music is a five day program with hands on training and formation in contemporary Catholic worship, run by Ignite Conference band, Emmanuel Worship. School of Music runs with the goal to inspire, equip and raise a new generation of worship leaders and musicians for the church of the 21st century.

ignite summer camp

Each year, two hundred teenagers and youth leaders come together for four huge days of inspiring speakers, outdoor games, loads of time making new friends and heaps of time to connect with Jesus,

and discover more about their faith and explore what it all means.

This isn’t a bible camp where you have to be perfect, or super holy, or know everything…or even know anything – this is about you kicking off the year on a massive high, and finding your place in God’s love. We don’t do judgment or fake masks, we’re all about the love.

So let go of Facebook for four days, grab your besties, or get ready to make some new ones (and you definitely will), and come chill with us on beautiful Mt Tamborine for Summer Camp 2014 – we cannot wait to meet you!

Find out more information go to and see Eliza Kerklaan your Campus Minister.

Eliza Kerklaancampus Minister


Griffith University Dental student available to tutor primary and high school level sciences $25 per hour - flexible hours and

locations. Blue card holder Call 0478184934 or email [email protected]

Ex-Marymount School Captain, available to tutor in English or History. Anna McGrath 0451 006 951

Notice FroM DePartMeNt oF traNsPort aND MaiN roaDs

gold coast Public transport changes are coming

From 20 January 2014, if you or your child catch an urban bus route or Queensland Rail train to school on the Gold Coast you may be impacted by upcoming changes to public transport network.

To find out if your service is changing, visit

Detailed information booklets will be distributed to all Gold Coast households prior to these changes.

Handheld timetables will be provided closer to the introduction of the network change in January and will be accessible online from the TransLink website.

it is important to note that these changes are for urban bus routes operating on the Gold Coast.

• Dedicated school services, operated by Surfside Buslines will still service local schools.

Information on school service timetables and routes can be accessed online at

O my God, I love You with all my heart, with all my soul and

with all my strength. Lord, increase our love. Help us to love

one another.

The Australian Curriculum has developed very well at the College this year and we are very proud of the way in which both staff and students have coped with the greater depth of learning required. As always, some have adapted better than others but it has been obvious that we have the potential to improve our learning outcomes. We have produced exemplary assessment tasks and have been asked to share these with other schools in the South Brisbane area. Staff are keen to develop specific learning strategies for the students and this will be a focus for us in 2014.

Lunchtime tutoring, which was on a Wednesday this year, has been another successful activity and we are encouraged by the many students who take advantage of this service.

The opportunity to catch up on missed or misunderstood work and / or to enhance their learning is something we endeavor to cultivate in all students. It is also a great time for students to check their progress with assignment work and collaborate with their peers.

Mathematics Competitions in which we participated during 2013 included the Canterbury College Challenge, ICAS Mathematics Competition and Maths Day of Excellence.

caNterBUry college cHalleNge

On 25 July, a group of Marymount students attended the annual Canterbury College Maths’ Team competition. Over 60 teams from schools in the Brisbane and Gold Coast region competed from State, Catholic and Independent schools.

The competition was run in two events, the team event and the relay event. The first event was the team event. This involved five students in each team working together and answering as many of the given questions as possible.

The second event was the relay event. This involved each team member to pair up with another member of their own team. In these pairs we had to answer the questions given to us, but only the pair could answer the question. We couldn’t get help from our team. Once the question was answered correctly the next pair answered at new question.

After the events had finished, the marking starting. It was a tense wait, but the results were finally in. Unfortunately, we didn’t place in the top ten teams, but we knew that we gave it our best shot. It was a great experience and a very enjoyable day filled with some tough and challenging competition. All students who competed received a Participation Certificate for their efforts.

Special thanks to Mr Spilsted and Mrs Sheehan for coaching us in the lead up to the competition and to Mrs Dempsey for driving us and assisting Mrs Sheehan to supervise us on the day. Thank you to the Year 9 and 10 students who participated including, Tyler Cook, Arisa

Atanyakul, Joel Marriott, Jack Webber, Taya Oxenham, Jack Nelson, Lillian Cararra, Savana Brunton, Alivia Hawken and Hannah Sholl. Thank you also to the Year 8 students who participated including, Tyler Visser, Cody Leis, Callum Bellis, Cooper Miskell, Luke Harrison, Connor Marriott, Eshwin Rangesh, Georgia Gamble, Caitlin Hore, Lahni Biggins, Rachael O’Connor and Erin Wilson.

It was a fantastic experience and I encourage all students to sign up for next year’s competition.

Jack Nelson and Taya Oxenham Year 10 participants

icas MatHs coMPetitioN

The ICAS Maths Competition was completed by 278 students from Years 8 to 10. Students from the College received 9 Distinction, 61 Credit and 208 Participation certificates. The students receiving Distinction certificates include: Nicholas Galvin, Alexandra Harris, Caitlin Hore, Reece Jackson, Norbert Csiki-Bege, Brigid McElroy, Darcy Reynolds, Alivia Hawken and Taya Oxenham. Congratulations to these students on being placed in the top 10% of students in the State. We are very proud of every student who attempted and completed this Competition.


5 MatHs excelleNce Day

On 14 October a selected group of students from Marymount Primary, Marymount College and St Augustine’s Primary attended the annual Maths Excellence Day, which was to be held at St Augustine’s Primary School. I was lucky enough to be selected as one of the participants. The teacher in charge of the day was Mr Alan Dick. Mr Dick is the head of Maths at St Augustine’s Primary School and was my Maths teacher in Year 7. Along with Mr Dick there were three other teachers - Mrs Gooding (from St Augustine’s Primary

School), Mrs Blackburn (Marymount College Maths Coordinator) and Miss Napper (Student Teacher at Marymount College).

The day consisted of three activities: Maths team challenge, Maths relay and a design challenge. The challenge was quite tricky as some of the problems were challenging. Luckily, we were in teams which really made solving the problems a whole lot easier. The second event for the day was the relay. I really enjoyed this activity as it was fast paced and we had to answer questions one after another. I feel that our team worked really well in this section of the day. The last event of the day was the design challenge where we had to design a grade seven/ eight lunch area. I enjoyed this activity the most as we could use our imagination to put anything in the area as long as it was not over the budget of $10 000.

Overall I feel that the day was a success as it was a great way to enjoy Maths and work with the other schools. I had a great time and I’m sure my mates would agree with me. I hope that this event continues as it really shows how Maths can be a fun subject at school.

Eshwin RangeshYear 8 student reporter and participant

iNsigHt FroM a year 11 stUDeNt

As a Year 11 Maths B student, I can confidently say that 2013 has been an extremely productive and successful year for the Mathematics department.

Coming from a slightly more general, yet nevertheless thorough approach of the junior school to the more extensive curriculum offered in senior school I have found Mathematics to be a subject that proves to be both challenging and rewarding at the same time. This year we covered a range of topics and completed assessments that tested our knowledge and understanding (KAPS) and modelling and problem solving (MAPS) at the end of each term.

Though at first the thought of facing a 3-hour test in exam block of each term was quite daunting, the constant guidance from each and every one of our wonderful Maths teachers helped us through it. “I was quite nervous starting Maths B because I had heard it was pretty hard, but the teachers are really understanding and helpful, they don’t go too fast!” said Rachel Janes, a Year 11 Maths B student.

Weekly maths tutoring on a Wednesday at lunchtime also demonstrated just how lucky we are to have such dedicated staff at Marymount. “It was so helpful, if I didn’t understand something completely in class or just wanted to go and get some help with my homework or assignments, I could go ask Mrs Dempsey at Maths tutoring,” agrees Nikara Rangesh, a Year 11 Maths C and B student.

For some, Maths is a passion, but for others it may not be their strongest area. Being able to choose which Maths you want to take is being able to choose which levels of Maths you would like to study in Years 11 and 12 and is beneficial because it allows students to work to the best of their ability and decide how far they would like to challenge themselves. Personally, I believe that thanks to my wonderful teachers, my studies of Maths this year have definitely helped me improve and prepare myself for another interesting and educational year in 2014!

Maddie DickYear 11 reporter and participant

sPort NeWsSport choices for Semester 1 2014 are open to all Year 8 – 11 students. As of Monday this week 599 students had not selected their sport. All students in Years 8 – 12 will be involved in interschool sport in Semester 1. Students will be playing in the age group they turn in 2014.

The following interschool sports are available:

BOYS GIRLSAFL FutsalBasketball NetballSoccer Oz TagTouch Softball – Junior (13/14yr) onlyVolleyball Tennis

All students need to please follow these instructions to select their sport of choice for semester 1 2014:

Log into the college intranet using your school network username and password:• From within the school – http://sburinet/intranet• From outside the school – Marymount website www.marymount. and choose School Portals under Quick Links on the right hand side, then click on College Intranet.

1. Click the icon.2. Choose a sport and click Add.3. If you are happy with the displayed Existing Selections, click Quit.

All Year 7 students attending the orientation day on Tuesday 8 December will be selecting their sport during the day.

Term 4 recreational sport concludes next Thursday 28 November. All students in Years 8 – 10 are expected to be actively involved in one of our activities offered.

The South Coast Regional Triathlon trial is being held on Sunday 12 January 2014. Any student turning 13 – 19 years old in 2014 and who would like to enter the trial needs to see Mr Balym for details. Entries close on Friday 6 December.

Well done NorbertNorbi Csiki-Bege received 4 academic awards at the College Annual Awards Night. He’s also showing great promise as a basket ball player. A rep player in a Champion Gold Coast Team earlier this year, Norbi was further rewarded recently with selection for the Gold Coast under 18 division 1 team. (He is just 14). He also represented Marymount in the South Coast Team at the State Championships in Toowoomba where the team finished second. Norbi has recently been selected for the 2014 South Queensland Under 18 Squad! A wonderful year of hard work and success that we failed to fully appreciate when recognising such achievements at our Annual Awards. Congratulations Norbi.

Trent BalymHead of sport

Our Dance Showcase was a fitting finale to another exciting year of dance at Marymount College. 2013 has seen our dancers perform a range of styles and genres, from funk to lyrical, jazz to contemporary, hip hop to musical theatre.

Studying Dance at Marymount is a wonderful way for students to experience both the theoretical and practical components of such dance styles, leading to a deeper understanding and appreciation of all things dance.

The annual Dance Showcase gives our students a chance to share their talent and skills to an appreciative audience of family, friends, fellow students and staff as well as other members of the Marymount community. Year 11 student, Caitlin O’Connor, was our compere for the night and did a terrific job of announcing each routine and keeping the audience entertained while the dancers made quick costume changes backstage.

The Extension Dance Team kicked off the night with Closet Freak, a jazz routine that has become a crowd favourite with its lighting effects, intense choreography and impressive tricks. The Year 9 Dance class then brought a change of pace with their contemporary style assessment piece to Ocean Sized Love. Several other routines showcasing Ms Press’ emotive contemporary style included Year 10s The Day You Went Away, Year 11s assessment piece Carol of the Bells, Year 12s Precognition choreographed by Meg Smits and the Extension Dance Team’s Step By Step.

For those preferring a faster pace, the Year 9, 11 and 12 Dance classes rocked the stage with their energetic funk and hip hop routines. These

routines have many intricate actions that take the performers hours to perfect, and it is a sign of their talent that they then make these moves seem effortless onstage. The Year 10s brought back memories with Hi-5’s Feel The Beat, while a bubbly Year 9 trio reminded us that A Little Party ‘never killed nobody’.

Several stylish, musical theatre routines also featured in the line-up. These included All About The Green from our amazing musical The Wedding Singer, the award-winning junior group, Don’t Say Yes, featuring Tom Weatherall, and our Year 12s showing their love of dance with a classy performance of Dancin’ Fool. The finale brought all dancers back on stage to take their bows and Get Ridiculous in a fun routine choreographed by the Year 12s.

The Showcase was a wonderful tribute to the hard work and dedication of Ms Press and her entire Dance team. It was a lovely way to farewell the Year 12s and a great chance to see them dance for us, one last time.

Thank you to all the dancers who took part in the Showcase, our expert tech crew, our compere and our wonderful audience. And of course, a big thank you to Ms Press for her patience and perseverance, her composure in the midst of chaos, and her endless words of encouragement. You have made 2013 unforgettable!

Amy Weatherall Year 11 student reporter and participant

DaNce sHoWcase

careers & VocatioNal eDUcatioN7



Applications for the January 2014 Student for a Semester Program are now open, and will close on Friday, 6th December. Students can complete an application online and gain a true experience of university life, before leaving High School.

•Applications for the program are open to current Year 10 and 11 students who will be going into Year 11 and 12 in 2014.

•The online application form can be found at

•The fee for this program is $238.

School Endorsement of student’s ability to maintain within top 30% academically of cohort is required. It is also recommended that Student for a Semester is undertaken second semester Year 11 or first semester Year 12.

UNiVersity iNForMatioN sessioNs

Once the OP results are released on Saturday, 14th December, Griffith University, QUT and UQ each have information sessions which provide the opportunity to speak with staff about study options and possible pathways into courses. This is particularly helpful if students are concerned that their OP is unlikely to be enough for acceptance into your ideal course. These sessions are run after OPs have been released and before the final date for changes to QTAC preferences and are especially useful to finalise tertiary applications. Dates for these events follow. Full details can be found on each university website:

•Griffith University – Options Information Sessions: Tuesday, 17th December, Gold Coast Campus, Building G17 Theatre 3/4,. 3pm-6pm.

•QUT – Real Decisions, Tuesday, 17 December, Gardens Point Campus, 10am-2pm.

•UQ – Wednesday, 18th December, UQ Centre, St Lucia. 4pm-7pm.


Our Year 12 students have been a distracted this week, but they may wish to take note of the following dates:

•Monday, 16th December – Due date for documentation for QTAC Major Offer Round.

•Wednesday, 8th January – Final QTAC changes.

•Thursday, 16th January – QTAC Major Offer Round.


Make new friends! Fun & exciting workplace! Work in Food & Beverage! Free Theme Park Tickets! Earn $$$. To apply visit: Applications close on Wednesday, 27th November 2013.

casUal HoliDay WorK at st Barts WareHoUse

St Barts is a luxe bohemian lifestyle store selling furniture, homewards, fashion and accessories. They are offering a position at their Burleigh Warehouse (situated across the road from Marymount College, behind Amart Sports).

The position is casual up until Christmas Eve.

The successful applicant will be involved in Stock Control and duties will include unpacking boxes of stock, tagging and labelling products, putting stock together for dispatch to the stores, cleaning up and tidying the warehouse plus other general duties. Immediate start! To apply and for further details, contact Fiona Allan on P: 55768888 or E: [email protected].

arcHitectUal DesigN WorKsHoP

A two-day workshop for school students interested in studying architecture.

The University of Queensland

21-22 January 2014

Studio Mitt is a collaborative architectural practice actively involved in architectural design education within South-East Queensland universities. This two-day workshop provides an opportunity for secondary school students to learn more about studying architecture at a tertiary level. Visit for further details.

scHool BaseD traiNeesHiP PositioNs VacaNt

A number of new positions are currently being made available including:

•Cert III Hospitality (Crema Espresso – Robina Town Shopping Centre)

•Cert III Hospitality (Hard Rock Café – Surfers Paradise)

•Cert III Hospitality (The Coffee Club – Burleigh Heads)

•Cert III Commercial Cookery (The Lake Bar and Café – Varsity Lakes)

•Cert III Business (Baskin Robbins – Mermaid Beach)

Please contact the Marymount College Careers Office for further details and to apply.

WaitiNg For NeWs

Ryan Grant is curently in Perth attending the finals of the School Based Apprenticeship Awards. The winner will be announced tonight and we will cover this in the next newsletter.

Best of Luck Ryan!

Burleigh Ph 5520 7711

Maths tuition &

English tuition

Burleigh Ph 5520 7711























No contracts. Low fees. Open 24/7.Jetts Burleigh HeadsT. 5535 9446 E. [email protected]

1300 JETTS 247 |

*Offer is available at the club stated until 12/31/2013. Weekly membership of $11.95 is based on recurring fortnightly direct debit in advance. Additionally, a one-off “Club Access Fee” of $103 applies and is payable upon joining. The minimum amount payable per member is up to $126.90. Terms and conditions apply and are available at



NeWsletter sPoNsors

6:30 - 9:00PM


Showcasing the best of




Media Awards Night Media Awards Night ALL