mass intentions st. clare ·...

Mass Intentions St. Clare Church A Stewardship Parish 821 Prosperity Farms Road North Palm Beach, FL 33408 Parish Office 622–7477 School Office 622–7171 December 1, 2013 Vol. 56 No. 49 First Sunday of Adent Rev. William D. O’Shea Pastor Rev. David C. Downey Parochial Vicar Deacon Al Wesley 11/30 8:00AM Jack Miller Karen Cavenaugh 5:30PM Frank Derossi Family 12/01 7:30AM Dot Furey The Flanagan Family 9:00AM Mary Ann Simon Fred & Mickey Cavlovic 10:30AM In Thanksgiving The Jordan Family 12:00Noon All People of the Parish 5:30PM Frank Nickler Family 12/02 8:00AM Ursulo Caballero, Sr. Beth Caballero 12/03 8:00AM Francis Krizan Family 12/04 8:00AM Dot Furey Dan & Mary Jo Higgins Family 12/05 8:00AM Dot Furey Bob Betteker 12/06 8:00AM Jack Downey Kay & Kathy Duke 12/07 8:00am Robert Frantz & Dec’d Frantz Family Members 5:30PM Tom Feeley Ann & John Fennell 12/08 7:30AM Dec’d Members of Hoch & Lazarus Families 9:00AM Natalie & Christopher O’Neill Parents & Sisters 10:30AM Arthur Kolakowski Polack Family 12:00Noon All People of the Parish 5:30PM Mary Ann Simon Zora Buranosky Sunday Masses 7:30, 9:00, 10:30, 12 Noon & 5:30 P.M. Daily Masses 8:00 A.M. Saturday & Vigil 8:00 A.M. and 5:30 P.M. Confessions Saturday 4:00 to 5:00 P.M. and after the 5:30 P.M. Mass. First Friday before the 8:00 A.M. Mass. Baptism Please contact Parish Office 2–3 months before birth of child. Marriage At least 4 – 6 months before date of marriage. Parish office hours are from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. All business calls are handled during this time. Sick calls anytime. RCIA Monday 7:00 Library CCD Tuesday 7:00 School Bible Study Thursday 7:00 Library ST. CLARE SCHOOL NEWS Students Support Typhoon Victims- On November 20th, students participated in a “Dress for a Cause Day”. Students contributed at least $2.00 and then were not required to wear their uniforms. The students raised $850.00. Food Drive for Hope Rural School- The students and faculty collected rice, beans, vegetable oil and maseca for the families as part of the Thanksgiving food drive for Hope Rural School in Pahokee. A group of middle school students traveled to Pahokee to deliver items as part of their service hours. HELP WANTED - The school is currently seeking to hire a staff member responsible for working in the school clinic. If you or someone you know are interested in the job, please email resume to Mrs. Lopez at [email protected]

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Page 1: Mass Intentions St. Clare · Mass Intentions St. Clare Church 821 Prosperity Farms Road A Stewardship Parish North

Mass Intentions St. Clare

A Stewardship Parish821 Prosperity Farms RoadNorth Palm Beach, FL 33408

Parish Office 622–7477School Office 622–7171

December 1, 2013 Vol. 56 No. 49 First Sunday of Adent

Rev. William D. O’SheaPastor

Rev. David C. DowneyParochial Vicar

Deacon Al Wesley

11/30 8:00AM Jack Miller Karen Cavenaugh

5:30PM Frank Derossi Family

12/01 7:30AM Dot Furey The Flanagan Family

9:00AM Mary Ann Simon Fred & Mickey Cavlovic

10:30AM In Thanksgiving The Jordan Family

12:00Noon All People of the Parish

5:30PM Frank Nickler Family

12/02 8:00AM Ursulo Caballero, Sr. Beth Caballero

12/03 8:00AM Francis Krizan Family

12/04 8:00AM Dot Furey Dan & Mary Jo Higgins Family

12/05 8:00AM Dot Furey Bob Betteker

12/06 8:00AM Jack Downey Kay & Kathy Duke

12/07 8:00am Robert Frantz & Dec’d Frantz Family Members

5:30PM Tom Feeley Ann & John Fennell

12/08 7:30AM Dec’d Members of Hoch & Lazarus Families

9:00AM Natalie & Christopher O’Neill Parents & Sisters

10:30AM Arthur Kolakowski Polack Family

12:00Noon All People of the Parish

5:30PM Mary Ann Simon Zora Buranosky Sunday Masses 7:30, 9:00, 10:30, 12 Noon & 5:30 p.m.

Daily Masses 8:00 a.m.

Saturday & Vigil 8:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.

Confessions Saturday 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. and after the 5:30 p.m. Mass.

First Friday before the 8:00 a.m. Mass.

Baptism Please contact Parish Office 2–3 months before birth of child.

Marriage At least 4 – 6 months before date of marriage.

Parish office hours are from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.All business calls are handled during this time. Sick calls anytime.

RCIA Monday 7:00 LibraryCCD Tuesday 7:00 SchoolBible Study Thursday 7:00 Library


Students Support Typhoon Victims- On November 20th, students participated in a “Dress for a Cause Day”. Students contributed at least $2.00 and then were not required to wear their uniforms. The students raised $850.00.

Food Drive for Hope Rural School- The students and faculty collected rice, beans, vegetable oil and maseca for the families as part of the Thanksgiving food drive for Hope Rural School in Pahokee. A group of middle school students traveled to Pahokee to deliver items as part of their service hours.

HELP WANTED - The school is currently seeking to hire a staff member responsible for working in the school clinic. If you or someone you know are interested in the job, please email resume to Mrs. Lopez at [email protected]

Page 2: Mass Intentions St. Clare · Mass Intentions St. Clare Church 821 Prosperity Farms Road A Stewardship Parish North

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Most Reverend Gerald M. Barbarito Bishop of Palm Beach

YOUR PRAYERS ARE REQUESTED FOR all the hospitalized and homebound in our Christian community.

BEHOLD OUR ADVENT TREE in the front of the church! This green tree is a symbol of life. It will turn white with bows as we bring gifts for the local needy children. Carefully read the directions on your child’s card as there are different needs for several projects. Please return your gift by NOON MASS, SUNDAY DECEMBER 15TH. (PLEASE BE SURE TO ATTACH THE NAME CARD TO YOUR GIFT) After placing your wrapped gift under the Advent Tree, you may put a white bow on the tree. What a beautiful demonstration of sharing God’s love this Christmas! God Bless You! For more info please call 889-6846.

THANK YOU to all our parishioners and visitors for your generosity for the special collection we had for the victims of the typhoon in the Philippines. Our collection was over $9,500.00. Please continue to keep the affected people in your prayers.

DID YOU NOTICE THEM? Thanks to the generosity of Deacon Al Wesley, and in honor of his 30th Anniversary of Ordination to the Diaconate, our Parish church has a new Sanctuary Lamp and Stand, and a New Paschal Candle and Stand, matching our Altar Candlesticks. When his Brother Knights of Columbus wanted to host a dinner for Deacon Al’s milestone anniversary a few months back. He requested the celebration be kept simple and that instead the money be used to obtain something needed for the church. After consultation and the blessing from Fr. O’Shea, and the research, investigation and “wheeling and dealing” done by Fr. Downey, the two new matching items were located with the assistance of Ryan McConnell of Moroney’s Church Supply. The Paschal Candle burns liquid paraffin, approved for church use, which eliminates the danger of hot wax spilling.

The Parish Family of St. Clare is grateful to you Deacon Al, and to your brother Knights, who cooperated with your generous request. WE thank you. Ad multos annos!

ST. CLARE COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN will host the annual parish Christmas Dinner Party on Friday, December 6th at the North Palm Beach Country Club. $30.00 per person which includes hors d’oeuvers at 6:30pm followed by a full buffet dinner including dessert and coffee. Valet parking and a cash bar. Door prizes and music: SINGING BY LOU GALTERIO FROM 6:45-7:15PM. Reserve ASAP and by December 1st. No tickets at the door. Tickets are available in the parish office, Monday-Friday 8:30-5:00pm. For more information, contact Florence Stevens at 622-7174. Come and enjoy a great evening and Christmas cheer.

THANK YOU TO EVERYONE who donated blood last week at our Parish Blood Drive. This time of the year there seems to be a greater need with all our northern visitors. Thank you again for saving a life.

THE WIDOW AND WIDOWERS Christmas Luncheon will be held on Sunday, December 8th at Mangrove Bay on US#1 in Jupiter. We will play Santa Claus so please bring a new unwrapped toy (boy or girl) for the Marines Toys for Tots program. Price fixe is $18.00 inc. gratuity. Reservations are required. Please call Gloria at 622-3789.


Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ:

I heartily encourage you to participate in the annual collection to benefit the Retirement Fund for Religious that will take place in the parishes of the Diocese of Palm Beach on December 7th and 8th. This collection benefits some 34,000 senior sisters, brothers and religious order priests in our nation. As I reflect on the service of our women and men religious, I recall the words of Jesus Christ in the Gospel of Saint John: “Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am, there also will my servant be” (Jn. 12:26).

These men and women faithfully dedicated their lives in service to God, to His Church and to us. Their selfless example of faith, hope and love has inspired and influenced countless members of the faithful to follow Jesus Christ. At Pope Francis’ daily Mass at the Domus Sanctae Marthae on October 18, 2013, he referred to the retirement homes for religious priests and sisters as: “sanctuaries of apostolic life and holiness.”

Most religious sisters, brothers and priests worked for years for small stipends, motivated by their zeal to spread the love and mercy of God. With the ever-rising cost of health care the increase in the number of those needing care, many religious communities now struggle to provide for their senior members. The Retirement Fund for Religious offers vital financial assistance to help defray the costs for prescription medications, nursing care, and more.

The annual collection is an opportunity for each of us to say thank you for their faithful service to God and His Church. Please join me in supporting the Retirement Fund for Religious and in praying for God’s continued blessing on our nation’s elderly sisters, brothers and religious order priests.

With gratitude and every prayerful wish, I am