math faculty web designhwolkowi/images.d/mathclfdesign… · introduction • this document aims to...

Math Faculty Web Design version 4 -- CLF Use and Customization Guide presented by: Gary Ridley, WWW Guru November 15, 2005

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Page 1: Math Faculty Web Designhwolkowi/images.d/MathCLFDesign… · Introduction • This document aims to provide a tutorial on the Math Common Look and Feel (CLF) design that has been

Math Faculty Web Designversion 4 -- CLF

Use and Customization Guidepresented by: Gary Ridley, WWW Guru

November 15, 2005

Page 2: Math Faculty Web Designhwolkowi/images.d/MathCLFDesign… · Introduction • This document aims to provide a tutorial on the Math Common Look and Feel (CLF) design that has been


• This document aims to provide a tutorial on the Math Common Look and Feel (CLF) design that has beenadopted by the Math Faculty. It will introduce the design, what it is and then show how to use and customizeit’s elements. This document is not exhaustive but should give all users a very good grounding in the CLFdesign.

• The new Math design is based upon and adapted from the XHTML templates and CSS distributed byCommunications and Public Affairs (Jesse Rogers).

Page 3: Math Faculty Web Designhwolkowi/images.d/MathCLFDesign… · Introduction • This document aims to provide a tutorial on the Math Common Look and Feel (CLF) design that has been

First Blush ...

• The goals of the new design (as I understand them) are

• To bring a tighter uniformity to University web pages (CLF)

• To provide better accessibility and compliance to the WCAG recommendations

• To provide for more and better separation of content and design

• To provide a flexible platform that allows for different page layouts in one package

• To ensure that code on web pages is (more often) valid and well formed and standards compliant

• The design adaptation

• The XHTML and CSS provided by CPA is in the form of Dreamweaver template files

• The Math Faculty infrastructure does not at present use such templates and can not support themwithin the current code designs

• An adaptation was made of the XHTML and CSS provided so that the same CSS and functionalitycould be supported within the current Math Faculty infrastructure.

• The XHTML was split into XHTML fragment files that implement the same functionality as provided bythe CPA Dreamweaver templates

• New CSS files were created from the original CSS files used by the CPA XHTML template. TheseCSS files provide all of the necessary CSS for 4 (currently) page layouts that conform to the CPA CLFguidelines.

• The impact of implementing the new design within the Math Faculty website should be minimal

Page 4: Math Faculty Web Designhwolkowi/images.d/MathCLFDesign… · Introduction • This document aims to provide a tutorial on the Math Common Look and Feel (CLF) design that has been

A bit of Review ...

• Recall that the previous design used Apachedirectives to perform “server side include”functions

• Three such directives would cause a page to be“wrapped” with the navigational structures...

• <!--#includevirtual="/templates/ChooseHeadStuff.shtml"-->

• <!--#includevirtual="/templates/ChooseBodyPrefix.shtml"-->

• <!--#includevirtual="/templates/ChooseBodySuffix.shtml"-->

• There were also a number of additional directivesavailable to provide customization to your webpages.

Page 5: Math Faculty Web Designhwolkowi/images.d/MathCLFDesign… · Introduction • This document aims to provide a tutorial on the Math Common Look and Feel (CLF) design that has been

A bit of Review (cont’d) ...

• Additional directives

• <!--#set var="_CORNER_IMAGE_"value="pathToFile" -->

• <!--#set var="_PAGE_AUTHOR_" value="pathToFile"-->

• <!--#include virtual="/pathTo/MenubarMB.shtml" -->

• As well as directives for the top and side menubarswhich were used for a few departments

• In the new design some of these become unused,while others have been redesigned in use and function

• There are also some new customizations available todesigners as a result of the new template structure

Page 6: Math Faculty Web Designhwolkowi/images.d/MathCLFDesign… · Introduction • This document aims to provide a tutorial on the Math Common Look and Feel (CLF) design that has been

A bit of review ... (cont’d)

• The original infrastructure was provided to content creators via several templates (in HTML and XHTMLformat) that were implemented as web page files with the required directives already in place.

• Content creators were not required to craft the SSI directives and rarely needed to modify any of them,except to change the path to a signature or image file.

• What changes in this model when moving to the new design?

• nothing.

• What is required to be done by content creators to ensure that existing web pages display correctly inthe new design?

• nothing. (with one slight caveat)

• The caveat ...

• Some existing web pages because of their layout may not display appealingly even tough they do displaycorrectly.

• The gotcha’s

• tables with fixed or absolute widths in pixels (px)

• pages that are divided width wise into several columns, because page width was previouslyunlimited

• pages with largish images that may not (at present) fit the fixed width design

• bad (non-valid, non-well formed or just plain illegal) code

Page 7: Math Faculty Web Designhwolkowi/images.d/MathCLFDesign… · Introduction • This document aims to provide a tutorial on the Math Common Look and Feel (CLF) design that has been

The new design - A common look and feel

• The new design is to implement the CLF as definedby Communications and Public Affairs

• Four views will available to content creators

• 2 column Home page view

• 3 column Home page view

• 2 column Content Page View

• 3 column Content Page View

•All “mandatory” elements will appear on every Mathweb page. (suitable to the layout used)

•Some “mandatory” elements may be customizable butall will have default views

• Outside of the Math Faculty

• uses CPA distributed XHTML and CSS

• Within the Math Faculty

• All “wrapped” pages use the Math Facultyadaptation of the CPA CSS and custom craftedXHTML.

Home page layout

2 Column Content layout

3 Column Content Layout

Page 8: Math Faculty Web Designhwolkowi/images.d/MathCLFDesign… · Introduction • This document aims to provide a tutorial on the Math Common Look and Feel (CLF) design that has been

Mandatory elements

• The new CLF design has several mandatory elements

• UW logo/Crest and link

• Search area

• Department/Unit title

• Collage image (home pages only)

• Left hand navigation

• Footer section with

• Department/unit address and UW campus location

• Campaign Waterloo logo

• 3 key links ( Contact us | Web Feedback | Faculty of …)

• These elements are illustrated and highlighted on the next few pages

• All of the mandatory elements will be incorporated into any new math template

• Some such as collage image and department/unit title may be customizable but will be providedwith defaults that are displayed when no customization is provided.

• Optional elements

• Left side menu addition (Departmental menu)

• Right side menu addition (3 column layouts)

Page 9: Math Faculty Web Designhwolkowi/images.d/MathCLFDesign… · Introduction • This document aims to provide a tutorial on the Math Common Look and Feel (CLF) design that has been

Level 1: Home page mandatory elements

UW Logo/Crest

Primary Nav.(default: Math)

Collage image(default: Math)

3 key links

Department/unit address

(default: Math)

Search area

Department/unit name

Campaign logo

Page 10: Math Faculty Web Designhwolkowi/images.d/MathCLFDesign… · Introduction • This document aims to provide a tutorial on the Math Common Look and Feel (CLF) design that has been

Mandatory elements - 2 column page

UW Logo/Crest

Primary Nav.(default: Math)

3 key links

Department/unit address

(default: Math)

Search area

Department/unit name

Campaign logo

Page 11: Math Faculty Web Designhwolkowi/images.d/MathCLFDesign… · Introduction • This document aims to provide a tutorial on the Math Common Look and Feel (CLF) design that has been

Mandatory elements - 3 column page

UW Logo/Crest

Primary Nav.(default: Math)

3 key links

Department/unit address

(default: Math)

Search area

Department/unit name

Campaign logo

Second Navigation

Page 12: Math Faculty Web Designhwolkowi/images.d/MathCLFDesign… · Introduction • This document aims to provide a tutorial on the Math Common Look and Feel (CLF) design that has been

The new math template

• Like the old math template, the new template divides the web pageinto “regions” that allow customization of the web page appearance.(next three pages)

• Once again this is achieved with Apache directives.

• Not all of the available directives translate to a “region” on the webpage however. Some affect the web page as a contiguous unit,changing the basic layout of the web page.

• Some of the directives used previously have been reused in the newtemplate, such as the second menubar (now second navigation)directives.

• Some of the old directives have been made redundant and are nowun-used. These should in time be “cleaned” from your web page files.

• The Apache directives are now contained in an external file called thecfg or config file.

• These cfg files will typically be named for the unit and the layout suchas … cfgPureMathNav.shtml

• All of the cfg files and their support files are in the /templates directorytree.

• By comparison the new “templates”, Math starter files are muchsimplified with just three required and one optional directive.

Page 13: Math Faculty Web Designhwolkowi/images.d/MathCLFDesign… · Introduction • This document aims to provide a tutorial on the Math Common Look and Feel (CLF) design that has been

New web page regions for “home” pages

* 3 Column layouts are also available forhome pages.

** Region 3 no longer places the signature files.This region now contains the “Last Modified” andcompliance info. It is place at the bottom of the webpage, below all content..

Page 14: Math Faculty Web Designhwolkowi/images.d/MathCLFDesign… · Introduction • This document aims to provide a tutorial on the Math Common Look and Feel (CLF) design that has been

New web page regions for 2 column layout

** Region 3 no longer places the signature files.This region now contains the “Last Modified” andcompliance info. It is place at the bottom of the webpage, below all content..

Page 15: Math Faculty Web Designhwolkowi/images.d/MathCLFDesign… · Introduction • This document aims to provide a tutorial on the Math Common Look and Feel (CLF) design that has been

New web page regions for 3 column layout

** Region 3 no longer places the signature files.This region now contains the “Last Modified” andcompliance info. It is place at the bottom of the webpage, below all content..

Page 16: Math Faculty Web Designhwolkowi/images.d/MathCLFDesign… · Introduction • This document aims to provide a tutorial on the Math Common Look and Feel (CLF) design that has been

The cfg Files

• The layout of Math web pages is controlled byApache directives and fine tuned by the cfgfiles.

• These cfg files are typically named for thedepartment or unit to which they apply and thelayout they create such as …

• cfgPureMathNav.shtml

• The contents of one such files appears at theright.

• Each file contains a number of directives, eachdirective controlling one element on the MathStandard web page.

• Some of these directives can also be placedinto individual web pages for more granularcontrol of the customization.

• All of the cfg files are stored in the/templates/cfgFiles directory tree in a sub-directory named for the department or unitsuch as …

• /templates/cfgFiles/CompMath

• We will look at each directive individually

Page 17: Math Faculty Web Designhwolkowi/images.d/MathCLFDesign… · Introduction • This document aims to provide a tutorial on the Math Common Look and Feel (CLF) design that has been

The directive List …












• _PAGE_AUTHOR_ (deprecated)


Page 18: Math Faculty Web Designhwolkowi/images.d/MathCLFDesign… · Introduction • This document aims to provide a tutorial on the Math Common Look and Feel (CLF) design that has been

Directives in detail - Wordmark URL

• _WORDMARK_URL_ (region 2)

• The _WORDMARK_URL_ variable is used in conjunction with the _WORDMARK_ variable.

• These two control the appearance and behavior of the department/unit identifier in region 2

• If _WORDMARK_URL_ is not set, a default of “” is provided

• _WORDMARK_URL_ can contain any legitimate web page URL and is intended to be a link back to the home page ofthe department identified by _WORDMARK_.

• to set this variable, change the “value” such as ...

• <!--#set var="_WORDMARK_URL_" value="" -->

• Note: Both the _WORDMARK_URL_ and _WORDMARK_ directive lines can be used in individual pages to provide uniqueidentifiers and URLs for singular pages.

• Place the lines after the <body> and before the <chooseBodyPrefix …> line.

Page 19: Math Faculty Web Designhwolkowi/images.d/MathCLFDesign… · Introduction • This document aims to provide a tutorial on the Math Common Look and Feel (CLF) design that has been

Directives in detail - Wordmark image

• _WORDMARK_ (region 2)

• The _WORDMARK_ variable is used to change the department identifier image

• If this is not set, a default of “Faculty of Mathematics” as a png is placed.

• The variable must contain a valid unix path and filename for an image

• The image size is approx. 317px x 50px

• The width may vary as required

• The height can not be changed

• Image format may be GIF, JPG or PNG (PNG preferred)

• to set this variable, change the “value” such as ...

• <!--#set var="_WORD_MARK_" value="/templates/images/busmath/busMathWordMark.png" -->

• Examples

Page 20: Math Faculty Web Designhwolkowi/images.d/MathCLFDesign… · Introduction • This document aims to provide a tutorial on the Math Common Look and Feel (CLF) design that has been

Directives in detail - Home Pages

• Two directive variables directly affect home pages, _HOME_PAGE_ and _COLLAGE_

• _HOME_PAGE_ (region 7)

• This variable simply contains text, the word “yes”

• It is “set” by activating or de-activating the directive line

• When activated, the web page is displayed as a home page, complete with banner image

• Activation simply involves adding or deleting the pound sign ( # )

• active: <!--#set var="_HOME_PAGE_" value="yes" -->

• inactive: <!-- set var="_HOME_PAGE_" value="yes" -->

• Note: This variable is no longer necessary. It has been superceded by the _PAGE_STYLE_ variable. However isis good practice to set it to “yes” for all home pages and will be set as such by Math Standard starter pages.

Page 21: Math Faculty Web Designhwolkowi/images.d/MathCLFDesign… · Introduction • This document aims to provide a tutorial on the Math Common Look and Feel (CLF) design that has been

Directives in detail - Collage

• _COLLAGE_ (region 7)

• This is the second control for Math home pages

• _COLLAGE_ controls the display of the home page banner

• The variable must contain a valid unix path and filename for a banner image

• if it is not set (but _HOMEPAGE_ is) a default banner image is displayed

• The banner image is normally prepared by Graphics Services

• Banners can be static images in GIF, PNG or JPG format

• Other formats such as Flash may also be possible

• Typically the banner size is 716px x 122px

• Variations in length can be accommodated

• No variation in height is allowed

• The images are stored in the /templates/images directory tree in a sub-directory named for the department orunit such as …

• /templates/images/pureMath

• Example

• <!--#set var="_COLLAGE_" value="/templates/images/busmath/busMathBanner.jpg" -->

• Some examples are visible on the following slide.

Page 22: Math Faculty Web Designhwolkowi/images.d/MathCLFDesign… · Introduction • This document aims to provide a tutorial on the Math Common Look and Feel (CLF) design that has been

Directives in detail - Collage examples

Page 23: Math Faculty Web Designhwolkowi/images.d/MathCLFDesign… · Introduction • This document aims to provide a tutorial on the Math Common Look and Feel (CLF) design that has been

Directives in detail - Left Side Primary Menus

• There are three distinct menu areas available to designers (left, dept, secondary)

• Only the left side primary menu is mandatory and must appear on every page

• The left menu can be customized to the department by providing an alternative to the default

• <!--#set var="_LEFT_NAV_" value="/templates/includeFiles/pureMath/pureMathLeftNav.shtml" -->

• Notice that the menu files are stored in the /templates/includeFiles directory tree, in adepartment/unit named sub-directory

• The menu file is an XHTML fragment, containing the menu list items

• If no alternative left menu is provided, then the default Math left side menu is displayed.

• Example:

Page 24: Math Faculty Web Designhwolkowi/images.d/MathCLFDesign… · Introduction • This document aims to provide a tutorial on the Math Common Look and Feel (CLF) design that has been

Directives in detail - Left Side Secondary Menus

• The second of three menus, appears below the left side primary menus

• Similar in structure to the primary menus

• This menu is “set” by the following line …

• <!--#set var="_DEPT_NAV_" value="/templates/includeFiles/pureMath/pureMathDeptNav.shtml" -->

• Notice that the menu files are stored in the /templates/includeFiles directory tree, in a department/unit named sub-directory

• Like all of the menu files, this is an XHTML fragment containing the menu lists, or other content to be placed in thisarea. (It need not be a menu)

• Example;

Page 25: Math Faculty Web Designhwolkowi/images.d/MathCLFDesign… · Introduction • This document aims to provide a tutorial on the Math Common Look and Feel (CLF) design that has been

Directives in detail - Right Side Secondary Menus

• This is the third of three available menu area and appears on the right in the three column layouts.

• Similar in structure to the primary menus

• This menu is “set” by the following line …

• <!--#set var="_SECOND_NAV_" value="/templates/includeFiles/pureMath/pureMathRightNav.shtml" -->

• Notice that the menu files are stored in the /templates/includeFiles directory tree, in a department/unit named sub-directory

• Like all of the menu files, this is an XHTML fragment containing the menu lists, or other content to be placed in thisarea. (It need not be a menu)

• Example;

Page 26: Math Faculty Web Designhwolkowi/images.d/MathCLFDesign… · Introduction • This document aims to provide a tutorial on the Math Common Look and Feel (CLF) design that has been

Directives in detail - _CONTENT_TITLE_


• _CONTENT_TITLE_ refers to the text that describes the content of the web page

• This text will appear in the blue header bar on two and three column layouts (region 5)

• The _CONTENT_TITLE_ variable should hold a short line of text.

• If _CONTENT_TITLE_ is not set, no default is provided and no text is displayed.

• The variable is “set” by changing the value, such as

• <!--#set var="_CONTENT_TITLE_" value="Current Students" -->

• Note: This directive line can be used in individual pages to provide contextual headings for singularpages.

• Place the lines after the <body> and before the <chooseBodyPrefix …> line.

• Examples:

Page 27: Math Faculty Web Designhwolkowi/images.d/MathCLFDesign… · Introduction • This document aims to provide a tutorial on the Math Common Look and Feel (CLF) design that has been

Directives in detail - _PAGE_AUTHOR_


• _PAGE_AUTHOR_ was previously used to set a custom signature at the bottom of aweb page.

• This method is no longer used

• Feedback and author information is now placed by the contact footer

• Region 3 where the signature files previously displayed has been reformatted todisplay the “Last Modified” and compliance information.

• Region 3 has been moved to the bottom of the web page below all content.

• Example:

Page 28: Math Faculty Web Designhwolkowi/images.d/MathCLFDesign… · Introduction • This document aims to provide a tutorial on the Math Common Look and Feel (CLF) design that has been

Directives in detail - _CUSTOM_STYLES_

• The _CUSTOM_STYLES_ directive allows the designer to attach an additional stylesheet (CSS file) to the webpage or set of web pages.

• This customized CSS file will allow designers greater latitude with fonts, colors, font styling and decorations.

• Some things that can be customized by additional or alternative CSS:

• Font family

• Font color

• Font styles and weight

• Content bar color

• List and table stylings

• Header stylings

• The directive for the attachment of a custom CSS file can be applied to individual pages as well by placing thedirective line in the <head> of the document before the <choose head> line.

• The directive line must contain a valid path to a CSS file.

• <!--#set var="_CUSTOM_STYLES_" value="/coreTemplates/includeFiles/MathCore/mathHome.css" -->

Page 29: Math Faculty Web Designhwolkowi/images.d/MathCLFDesign… · Introduction • This document aims to provide a tutorial on the Math Common Look and Feel (CLF) design that has been

Directives in detail - _UNIT_ADDRESS_

• The _UNIT_ADDRESS_ directive allows departments and units to change the address block from the standard MathFaculty address to one applicable to the department or unit.

• The directive points to a file to be included into the web page instead of the standard address.

• The file like so many is an XHTML fragment stored in the /templates/includeFiles directory in a sub-directory namedfor the department or unit.

• Here is an example of a completed directive;

• <!--#set var="_UNIT_ADDRESS_" value="/templates/includeFiles/CompMath/CompMathAddress.shtml" -->

• Example address file:

Page 30: Math Faculty Web Designhwolkowi/images.d/MathCLFDesign… · Introduction • This document aims to provide a tutorial on the Math Common Look and Feel (CLF) design that has been

Directives in detail - _CONTACT_FOOTER_

• The _CONTACT_FOOTER_ directive allows departments and units to change thecontact and feedback information from the default Math Faculty contact and feedbackinfo.

• The directive points to a file to be included into the web page instead of the standardcontact file.

• The file like so many is an XHTML fragment stored in the /templates/includeFilesdirectory in a sub-directory named for the department or unit.

• Here is an example of a completed directive;

• <!--#set var="_UNIT_ADDRESS_"value="/templates/includeFiles/CompMath/CompMathContact.shtml" -->

• Example address file:

Page 31: Math Faculty Web Designhwolkowi/images.d/MathCLFDesign… · Introduction • This document aims to provide a tutorial on the Math Common Look and Feel (CLF) design that has been

Directives in detail - _PAGE_STYLE_

• The _PAGE_STYLE_ directive is preset in the Math Standard starter files and CFGfiles provided to designers.

• This directive determines the page layout and at present provides one of fouravailable layouts:

• Two column home page

• Three column home page

• Two column content

• Three column content

• No editing by designers is required for this directive, it should be left as set in anygiven cfg file.

Page 32: Math Faculty Web Designhwolkowi/images.d/MathCLFDesign… · Introduction • This document aims to provide a tutorial on the Math Common Look and Feel (CLF) design that has been

Directives in detail - No longer used

• As mentioned previously some directives that had been is use on some web pages are nowredundant and no longer required.

• The most common and most often used of these was the corner graphic directive

• <!--#set var="_CORNER_IMAGE_" value="/path/imgCornerGraphic.gif" -->

• Rendered obsolete since there is no corner graphic in the new design

• These should be removed once the new design goes live

• Other (less widely used) directives that are now redundant and should be removed

• Top menubar directive

• <!--#set var="_TOP_BAR_" value="/path/fileTopbar.shtml" -->

• Side menubar directive

• <!--#set var="_SIDE_BAR_" value="/path/fileSideBar.shtml" -->

• Additional side menu directive

• <!--#include virtual="/path/fileSideMenu.html" -->

Page 33: Math Faculty Web Designhwolkowi/images.d/MathCLFDesign… · Introduction • This document aims to provide a tutorial on the Math Common Look and Feel (CLF) design that has been

Example Pages

Page 34: Math Faculty Web Designhwolkowi/images.d/MathCLFDesign… · Introduction • This document aims to provide a tutorial on the Math Common Look and Feel (CLF) design that has been

Two column home page

Page 35: Math Faculty Web Designhwolkowi/images.d/MathCLFDesign… · Introduction • This document aims to provide a tutorial on the Math Common Look and Feel (CLF) design that has been

Three column home page

Page 36: Math Faculty Web Designhwolkowi/images.d/MathCLFDesign… · Introduction • This document aims to provide a tutorial on the Math Common Look and Feel (CLF) design that has been

Two column content page

Page 37: Math Faculty Web Designhwolkowi/images.d/MathCLFDesign… · Introduction • This document aims to provide a tutorial on the Math Common Look and Feel (CLF) design that has been

Three column content page