maximising potential from china - report overview

International Students: Maximising the Potential From China Illustrations & Table of Contents October 2010

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International Students:Maximising the Potential From China

Illustrations & Table of Contents

October 2010

Page 2: Maximising Potential From China - Report Overview

• EVOLUTION has conducted qualitative research amongst Chinese students already

abroad and undertaken a comprehensive survey of 1,000 mainland Chinese

residents aged 16-40 years who are currently considering a post-graduate degree


• This robust research provides you both an actionable segmentation framework to

identify the differing needs of students from China interested in overseas

postgraduate courses

• In addition to the core report, Evolution offers customised tabular output and

bespoke interpretation and consultancy services


Our Segmentation report allows senior management to gauge the attractiveness of student segments and begin to

develop winning marketing strategies

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• Our segmentation team has over 50 years of experience delivering actionable segmentation to both corporate and non-corporate clients

– Their outputs provide a basis for developing effective strategy and

better targeting marketing resources

• This actionable segmentation report includes ...

– Identification of key segments of Chinese students interested in

(and qualified for) postgraduate education abroad

– Detailed profiles of each segment using our proprietary frameworks

– Day-in-the-life stories to bring each segment to life

– Robust supporting data dashboards synthesising key data into easy

to digest format

– Segmentation framework to facilitate targeting and focused

marketing activity

– Summary of strategic implications

Delivering an Actionable Segmentation

[email protected] / +44 (0) 208 906 6775

Available as 150 slide PowerPoint presentation with executive summary in Word

Launch Date: 18th October 2010

£3,500 (excluding VAT)

Page 4: Maximising Potential From China - Report Overview

Table of Contents


Introduction to the International Student Market

Survey Approach and Survey Sample Profile

Overview of Initial Overseas Postgraduate Choices Process

• Initial overseas postgraduate triggers

• Country consideration sets

Unconstrained & Constrained Needs for University/ Course selection

• Methodology

• Results

Financial considerations


Segmentation Approach

Segmentation Results

• 7 segment summary profiles

• Segment comparisons

• Private consulting/ advisory firm usage, role and satisfaction

Trigger and Information Search

• Process Satisfaction & Suggestions for Improvement


Segment 1 Profile

Segment 2 Profile

Segment 3 Profile

Segment 4 Profile

Segment 5 Profile

Segment 6 Profile

Segment 7 Profile


• Authors

• About Evolution

• Terms & Conditions

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Chart/Table Title

“China Postgrad Opportunity” Survey Sample Profile [Age, Marital Status, Gender, Living Arrangements, Children]

PGB9: Reasons for considering an overseas postgraduate course [Overall, male, female]

PGB1: Preferred postgraduate course location [Overall, male, female]

PGB32: Approach when selecting region, country, university, course [Overall, male, female]

PGB11: Countries considered [Overall, male, female]

PGB11a: 1st choice country

PGB11b: 2nd choice country

PGB11/a/b: Of countries considered, the % that are 1st choice, 2nd choice, other

PGB11a/b: Top 3 associations with 5 most commonly considered countries [Australia, USA, UK, France, Canada]

PGB20: Attractive university features

PGMAX: Most & Least likely factors considered when choosing postgraduate university/ course

PGB11a/b & PGMAX: UK associations & Most Important university/ course choice factors

PGB23: Reasons for not applying to some/ all universities considered

PGB34: Impact of financial considerations on postgraduate choices

PGB35: Sources of funding for postgraduate study

PGA1 - PGA10: Net agreement to a series of attitude statements

Segment Comparison Dashboard

PGMAX: Constrained Needs: Segment Comparison

Example included in this summary

List of Chart & Tables (1 of 3)

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Chart/Table Title

PGMAX: 3 most important factors when choosing course/ university – by segment

PGMAX: 3 least important factors when choosing course/ university – by segment

PGMAX: Mean Statement mentions comparison – by segment

GEN1: Current education status – by segment

GEN2: Current education level – by segment

PGB1: Overseas vs. Local postgraduate consideration – by segment

PGB1A: Type of postgraduate being considered – by segment

GEN7: Educational assessments taken

PGB5:Use of private consulting/advisory firm– by segment

AGT2: Source of private consulting/ advisory firm– by segment

AGT1: Agent role – by segment

AGT3: Level of satisfaction with agent

PGB9: Most important trigger in considering overseas postgraduate degree

PGB4: How first heard about postgraduate study overseas

PGB13: Initial research sources for postgraduate studies overseas

PGB17: Areas where more information desired

PGB29: Satisfaction with enquiry and application process

PGB31: Potential areas of improvement to the process

PGB36: Main challenges in searching for and planning overseas study

List of Chart & Tables (2 of 3)

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Segment ......

Segment ‘day-in-the-life’ story

Segment ‘3D’ profile

Setting: Age, Marital Status, Gender, Living Arrangements, Children

Education: Current status, Current Level, Type of postgrad course considered

Trigger & Information Search: Most important factor in considering overseas postgraduate; First source of information about overseas opportunities; Initial research sources

Country Preferences: Considered, 1st choice, 2nd choice

Unconstrained Needs: Stated features of preferred universities

Constrained Needs: Trade-off exercise results to make university/ course choices

Courses & Applications: Courses applied to, Application Results

For each of the 7 segments we include ......

Selected slides from segment 3 are included in this summary

List of Chart & Tables (3 of 3)

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Survey Sample Profile

Source: Evolution Research: “China PostGrad Opportunity”, June 2010

SCR3: Age (n=1000) DEM2: Marital Status (n=1000)

DEM2A: Living Arrangements (n=1000)

SCR4: Gender (n=1000)

DEM3: Children living at home (n=333)

77% of do not have any children


Mean 25.8

Median 25.0

Mode 24.0


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On average potential students are considering 1.9 countries, with English speaking countries dominating

PGB11: Which countries are you considering/ would you consider when thinking about postgraduate studies overseas?

Top 10 Countries (based on total sample)

Source: Evolution Research: “China PostGrad Opportunity”, June 20109

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There is some variation in perceptions of universities across the “top 5” countries, although academic reputation is a

common perception

Australia (n=268)


UK (n=113)

France (n=107)

Canada (n=73)

1st • Better academic reputations (76%)

• Better academic reputations (63%)

• Better academic reputations (57%)

• More likely to meet entry requirements (58%)

• More oppt’y to integrate with people from other cultures (49%)

2nd • More likely to meet entry requirements (70%)

• More universities higher up league tables (60%)

• Excellent university facilities (50%)

• More universities higher up league tables (52%)

• Excellent university facilities (47%)

3rd • More universities higher up league tables (63%)

• More likely to meet entry requirements (48%)

• More universities higher up league tables (47%)

• Parents more likely to approve (44%)

• Better academic reputations (46%)

PGB11a/b: Thinking about universities in your first or second choice country, which factors do you believe best characterise universities in [country]?

Source: Evolution Research: “China PostGrad Opportunity”, June 201010

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Synopsis: Segment 3

Currently working while studying part-time. With his employer’s support, he wants to get a post-graduate degree abroad - from a recognised university - to boost his career and salary


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Segment Profiles


Segment profiles include a ‘day-in-the-life’

story. This is a synopsis of key data presented

in an easy-to-digest format, and as such are

usually the ‘point-of-entry’ for people

getting to grips with each segment

Our segment ‘3D’ is an organising framework

that encapsulates the ‘who’; ‘what’; ‘when’,

‘where’ and ‘why’ of the segment. Only by

understanding students setting, desired

benefits and attitudes, or beliefs, can you

effectively intervene to change key


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Data Dashboards


Each of the profiles is supported by 7 ‘data dashboards’ – graphically representing key data in the same format across all segments



Triggers/Sources of Information

Countries Considered

Trade-Off Analysis


Courses & Application

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Report Authors

[email protected]

A Director of Evolution, Jen has over 10 years marketing strategy consulting experience, and over 15 years

experience in finding and using customer insights. Jen was formerly an associate partner with M2C, Monitor

Company's marketing strategy practice, and most recently led Bain & Company's Client Development

group. She has a wealth of experience working across geographies, industries, and product categories,

developing actionable insights for her clients, and also creating award winning capability building

programmes. While a relatively new passion, over the past 3 years she has worked with UK educational

charities and institutions on a number of research and strategic initiatives .

[email protected]

A Director of Evolution, Dr David Smith's career has combined running different businesses with close

involvement with, and a passion for, the education sector. He founded and became CEO of a UK top 10

business research consultancy. He is also a Professor at the University of Hertfordshire Business School.

Prior to creating his first business, David was Course Director for the BA Business Studies Degree at the

London South Bank University. He has also held part-time, and occasional, teaching posts at leading UK

universities, and lectured at various universities around the world. David holds a PhD in Psychology from

the University of London.

Jennifer Del Carlo

David Smith

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For more information or to buy this report, please contact our sales team ...

– Call: +44 (0) 208 906 6775

– Email: [email protected]

Visit our website at ...

Page 16: Maximising Potential From China - Report Overview

Making Key Insight Accessible

In a world of budget constraint, getting the information you need to make

informed business choices is becoming harder, but arguably more important.

Evolution offers education decision makers access to the latest, actionable,

insight frameworks and strategic thinking, forming the basis of effective

growth strategies

Sharing the Cost of Knowledge

Behind any major proprietary consulting project, is a wealth of actionable

knowledge that requires significant budget to generate. Our syndicated model

brings you consulting knowledge and insight at a fraction of the usual cost.

This insight lays the foundation for your own customised, proprietary, strategies

... The ‘how to win’ for your organisation

Creating Marketing Excellence

Our clients build on these syndicated knowledge and insight frameworks - as

well as drawing on our strategy development and planning expertise - to create

their own, bespoke, marketing programs, delivering market leading growth and

marketing excellence

Evolution: An Introduction


Page 17: Maximising Potential From China - Report Overview

Our work includes ...

• Syndicated strategy


• Strategy development

workshops and

working sessions

• Country level briefing


• Customised research


• Capability building and


Our team of experienced international consultants delivers

high value ‘consulting’ outputs at a fraction of the budget

usually associated with these types of projects.

Our core outputs are modular reports and presentations

designed to provide senior decision makers with the insight

and knowledge to make effective business choices

Far more than ‘just data’ - our focus on driving to real insight enables HEIs to make business

choices more effectively, and to directly link research results to their strategy.

In addition to these foundation elements, we offer strategy development workshops,

enabling HEIs to craft effective, proprietary, strategy; customised research solutions to focus

on areas of specific interest for individual HEIs; and capability building and training to

ensure the HEI’s decision making teams have the skills and capabilities to develop ‘winning


Evolution: Our Services