may 2012

Helping You Create Abundance In Your Relationships, Finances, Health, Career, and Inner Life Visit us on Independently owned and published in the Pacific Northwest Release Your Inner MAYhem! 2 MAY 2012 VOL.8 NO 1 FREE Happy Birthday New Spirit! 3 How We Die Matters 8 The Keepers of Ancient Wisdom 13 L ightning in a Bottl e an interview with MARK NEPO By Krysta Gibson We are Not once but twice, Mark Nepo has been interviewed by Oprah. When asked how this happened, Mark explained that one of Oprah’s staff was attending a yoga class and a friend gave her The Book of Awakening (Conari Press). The staff person gifted the book to Oprah on her birthday. Oprah began reading from the book daily and decided she had to interview Mark. He is not a new author; he has 13 books and eight audio projects under his publishing belt. Mark is a poet and philosopher who has taught in the area of spiritual- ity and poetry for over 35 years. Twenty-five years ago, Mark experienced a huge change when he had cancer. Krysta: Who were you before your illness and how do you feel this journey into and out of cancer made you who you are now? Mark: That feels like a lifetime ago. I was 36 and now I am 61. It was a very intense three-year period. My world view was similar before the cancer, but I was a very driven person, wanting to help and to do good, hopefully to write and teach in a meaningful way – want- ing to make change. And I discov- ered humbly that life was changing me. I was living more in my head even though what I was thinking about was heart-centered. In the way that snow melts into the ground, this experience melted into the ground of me and I woke up living from my heart. From then on, my mind had served my heart and not the other way around. I was raised Jewish by atheistic-agnostic parents. During this journey, I had peo- ple from all walks and all faiths try to help. A Jewish priest who I was friends with wanted to lay hands on me – I didn’t ask ques- tions about how – I just said when and where and how often do you want to do it? I didn’t argue. Being blessed to still be here, I woke up on the other side of the experience knowing what worked and what didn’t. Now I believe in everything. I have always been a student of all traditions, trying to find the common center from which these myriad difference evolve and where do we meet in the middle. Krysta: On your website, you say, “Health resides in restoring direct experience... I discovered that living is the original art...” What do you mean? Mark: Each of us is born with an incorruptible spot of grace. Plato said we were born whole but we need each other to be complete. Grace, Atman, the ineffable, the mystery, the sanctity – different traditions call it different names – the experience of life is we fall down, we get dirty, we get bruised – we can’t see, we see again – we come in and out of clarity and confusion, but always there is this incorruptible spot of grace and it is our home – it’s where our soul speaks to us – it’s our nest. We journey out and we journey back. In my view and experience we are moved by wounds, by hurts, by trying to learn new things. By the collision even in honest relationships we’re moved away from direct living. Our fear and our pain makes us put a distance to it. The only thing that can restore us is moving back. Living is the original art. As a young man I wanted to be a poet and I learned along the way that I already was a poet. I just didn’t know the language of my own wisdom. I wanted to be loved and after all the various relationships I went through, I finally realized I am love. I carry love. Krysta: What if someone reading to this is in pain, ill, or feeling betrayed by life? How can they use these ideas in their life now, today. Mark: The first thing is to hold nothing back. It’s natural when we’re in pain or hurting or worried to pull back. But just as we Mark Nepo, shown with his friend Mira, says he woke up on the other side of his cancer experi- ence knowing what worked and what didn’t. “Now I be- lieve in everything. I have always been a student of all traditions, trying to find the common center from which these myriad differ- ence evolve and where do we meet in the middle.” “Living is the original art. As a young man I wanted to be a poet and I learned along the way that I already was a poet. I just didn’t know the language of my own wisdom. I wanted to be loved and after all the various relationships I went through, I finally realized I am love. I carry love.” Continued on Page 2 Do’s And Don’ts with Kids and Dogs 5 Are Your Allergies Getting You Down? 9

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Welcome to the MAY 2012 issue of New Spirit Journal, Seattle's favorite newspaper for spiritual independents. "Helping you create abundance in your relationships, finances, health, career, and inner life."


Page 1: MAY 2012

Helping You Create Abundance In Your Relationships, Finances, Health, Career, and Inner Life

Visit us on

Independently owned and published in the Pacific Northwest

ReleaseYour InnerMAYhem!


MAY 2012 VOL.8 NO 1



New Spirit!


HowWe DieMatters


The Keepersof Ancient



Lightning in a Bottlean interview with MARK NEPO

By Krysta Gibson

We are

Not once but twice, Mark Nepo has been interviewed by Oprah. When asked how this happened, Mark explained that one of Oprah’s staff was attending a yoga class and a friend gave her The Book of Awakening (Conari Press). The staff person gifted the book to Oprah on her birthday. Oprah began reading from the book daily and decided she had to interview Mark. He is not a new author; he has 13 books and eight audio projects under his publishing belt. Mark is a poet and philosopher who has taught in the area of spiritual-ity and poetry for over 35 years. Twenty-five years ago, Mark experienced a huge change when he had cancer. Krysta: Who were you before your illness and how do you feel this journey into and out of cancer made you who you are now? Mark: That feels like a lifetime ago. I was 36 and now I am 61. It was a very intense three-year period. My world view was similar before the cancer, but I was a very driven person, wanting to help and to do good, hopefully to write and teach in a meaningful way – want-ing to make change. And I discov-ered humbly that life was changing me. I was living more in my head even though what I was thinking about was heart-centered. In the way that snow melts into the ground, this experience melted into the ground of me and I woke up living from my heart. From then on, my mind had served my heart and not the other way around. I was raised Jewish by atheistic-agnostic parents.

During this journey, I had peo-ple from all walks and all faiths try to help. A Jewish priest who I was friends with wanted to lay hands on me – I didn’t ask ques-tions about how – I just said when and where and how often do you want to do it? I didn’t argue. Being blessed to still be here, I woke up on the other side of the experience knowing what worked and what didn’t. Now I believe in everything. I have always been a student of all traditions, trying to find the common center from which these myriad difference evolve and where do we meet in the middle. Krysta: On your website, you say, “Health resides in restoring direct experience... I discovered that living is the original art...” What do you mean?

Mark: Each of us is born with an incorruptible spot of grace. Plato said we were born whole but we need each other to be complete. Grace, Atman, the ineffable, the mystery, the sanctity – different traditions call it different names – the experience of life is we fall down, we get dirty, we get bruised – we can’t see, we see again – we come in and out of clarity and confusion, but always there is this incorruptible spot of grace and

it is our home – it’s where our soul speaks to us – it’s our nest. We journey out and we journey back. In my view and experience we are moved by wounds, by hurts, by trying to learn new things. By the collision even in honest relationships we’re moved away from direct living. Our fear and our pain makes us put a distance to it. The only thing that can restore us is moving back. Living is the original art. As a young man I wanted to be a poet and I learned along the way that I already was a poet. I just didn’t know the language of my own wisdom. I wanted to be loved and after all the various relationships I went through, I finally realized I am

love. I carry love. Krysta: What if someone reading to this is in pain, ill, or feeling betrayed by life? How can they use these ideas in their life now, today. Mark: The first thing is to hold nothing back. It’s natural when we’re in pain or hurting or worried to pull back. But just as we

Mark Nepo, shown with his friend Mira, says he woke up on the other side of his cancer experi-ence knowing what worked and what didn’t. “Now I be-lieve in everything. I have always been a student of all traditions, trying to find the common center from which these myriad differ-ence evolve and where do we meet in the middle.”

“Living is the original art. As a young man I wanted to be a poet and I learned along the way that I already was a poet. I just didn’t know the language of my own wisdom. I wanted to be loved and after all the various relationships I went through, I finally realized I am love. I carry love.”

Continued on Page 2

Do’s And Don’ts with

Kids and Dogs


Are YourAllergies Getting

You Down?


Page 2: MAY 2012

2 MAY 2012NEW Spirit JOURNAL

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May is a simple word that is full of complexities. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary online lists many uses of this small word. I will elaborate on some of them. First, it indicates a choice to act or not. “You may or may not be happy when I tell you this.” Second, it is used to allow or give permission. For example, “Yes, you may be happy in this very moment.” Third, it is used to indicate a possibility. “You may be the happiest person in the world at this present moment.”

Fourth, it is used to express a wish or desire. “May you be happy in each present moment.” We are living in very different energy and difficult circumstances today. It is mayhem out there and for many of us mayhem inside as well. We are in need of may. First, there are choices. You may or may not

choose to jump on bandwagons, join causes. You may watch the news or you may turn it off. You are free to choose. You may choose to be happy or sad, but you also may choose how long you

inhale and exhale, our pupils expand and constrict, the human heart does the same thing. We get stuck when we constrict and hold back. The greatest thing we can do to be closer to our own lives and to the fresh-ness of living is to open up again. Even though your pain is saying, “Pull in,” quietly relax and open again. The things that can restore us have to get in, too. This is what the wisdom of an open heart is all about. All the spiritual traditions speak of this but I love the Tibetan tradition: “A spiri-tual warrior always has a crack in his heart because that is how the mysteries can get in.” If we close up, we also close off what can restore us. So being present, holding nothing back, and listening and asking ques-tions. I have found that life is alive and we are requested to have a friendship with it, to have a conversation with life and that conversation is restorative and healing and always nearby. Krysta: How does someone start convers-ing with life? Is this a mental attitude or do you mean through activities like journal-ing? Mark: More than a mental attitude, it’s a heart attitude. One of the most challeng-ing ways is to slow down enough to relax our heart and feel what is nearest. It could be the sun reflecting off of broken glass in an alley. It could be the shine on a crow. It

could be snow on a lamp post. The resource of life is everywhere, even in the smallest of things and we’re never very far from it. I have been learning from this poem of mine for years: The mystery is that whoever shows up when we dare to give has exactly what we need hidden in their trouble. Krysta: What you’re saying is that on a spiritual journey we don’t arrive, we have this ebb and flow, and accepting this brings great wisdom to our lives. Mark: I have been humbled by what has happened in my life. By our very nature, we are a human paradox. We are a human being. The being is infinite and the human is very finite. We walk around like lightening in a bottle. We are love. But in an everyday setting we have to make choices. We have limits. We can love everyone and we can’t love everyone. Part of the mystery is how we negotiate that.

Mark Nepo will be at East West Bookshop in Seattle May 23,, (206) 523-3726. On May 25-27 he is giving a weekend retreat “Staying Awake: The Ordinary Art” at Hollyhock Retreat Center, Cortes Island, British Columbia,, 800-933-6339 x232.Mark’s website is Listen to the entire interview with Mark Nepo at

MARK NEPO: Lighting in a BottleContinued from Page 1

want to be that way. Second, allow and give yourself permission. The world may be crazy around you, but it is OK to turn inward for a while and be in a peaceful spot. You may cry. You may laugh. Look at the spring flowers, smell the fresh air and give yourself permission... yes, you may be happy in this very moment. Third, anything is possible. There are all sorts of dire predictions for our times. It is possible that the world might end at any time.

Release Your Inner MAYhem!It is also possible that the world as we know it might end and we may be headed for wonderful change. It may be the best thing that ever happens. You may get that desired job... you may win the lottery... and you may be the happiest person in the world at this moment. Fourth, state your wishes and desires. You can do this with affirmations for yourself and others. May the right job come your way. May the sun shine on a special day. May you stay forever young (thank you, Bob Dylan). May you find something to be happy about in each given moment. So release your inner

mayhem this month. Look for and know that there are possibilities. Make choices and don’t look back. Put your wishes and desires out there. Give yourself permission to be happy. All things are possible in the merry merry month of May.

Linda Zeppa is a writer and an educator. She offers classes, workshops, and private sessions in writing, creativity, and intuitive development. See her website at for further information or contact her at [email protected].

By Linda Zeppa

As a writer and intuitive, I am intrigued with words. Words flow through us constantly, wandering and weaving, staying and leaving. Every once in a while, one just sticks to me, and I am urged to write about it...words about a word! That word today is may.

May is the fifth month of the year. The origin of the word is Maia, which was the name of the Roman goddess of growth and fertility. It is the Latin word for increase or growth. Perfect for a spring month.

Page 3: MAY 2012

manifest the miracles and unseen helping hands that Joseph Campbell talks about. It is very easy to stay stuck doing the more insignificant things in life while ignoring our larger callings. It is easy to start down a path and give up when it becomes difficult. It is easy not to plan or prepare for the journey and then abandon the trip when we don’t end up where we were headed. And it is easy to sit and dream and talk without ever taking a step in the direction of our calling. There’s nothing more delightful than finding and following your true path in life. I should say paths since for many people one path leads to another and to another, especially in today’s world. This delight is what makes the challenges small. Thank you for the support you have given New Spirit Journal, at whatever the level. This publication would not exist without our gracious advertisers so please support and acknowledge them whenever possible. If you pick up your free copy at a business, please thank them for carrying New Spirit Journal. If you enjoy the articles, send the author an e-mail and let them know you were touched by their writing. Thank you for reading and supporting New Spirit Journal!

Has it really been eight years since the birth of New Spirit Journal? Yes! And in that period of time we have gone from zero readers to 55,000, from zero distribution locations to 650, from not knowing how to build websites to having a thriving web design business, and from one book published to four (two in Spanish) and several CDs and MP3 programs, retreats, classes, and a mentoring business. More important than all of those numbers (which are quite impressive, if you don’t mind my saying so, since we began all of this right before the Great Recession began and right before many print publications ceased to exist), is that we are touching lives. Just the other day, I was at East West Bookshop looking at their used book section when a woman named Jennifer said I looked familiar but she couldn’t place me. This happens a lot since people see my photo in the newspaper every month and think they know me. I told her my name and she knew who I was and began to tell me how much my monthly articles in the paper and my weekly inspirational e-mails mean to her. That just makes my heart sing. Thank you. New Spirit Journal was started because people asked for it. You, the readers and advertisers, brought this business forth because you wanted what it offers you: information and inspiration that helps you live a more spiritual and happier life. We were busy doing other work when you called this being forth. We heard the call and we answered it, and we never looked back, at least not seriously so.

Has this been an easy road? No. Sometimes it has been incredibly difficult and the path has been covered in huge boulders, muddy sinkholes, and shrieking naysayers who would have us stop. The path has also been filled with astounding moments of grace, joy, and deep soul-level satisfaction. The latter has been more than enough to help us fly over the boulders and sinkholes while waving at the naysayers as we floated past! Some people have said that when you are doing your life’s work the way is easy, that doors open and all you have to do is walk through. When I read the lives of saints and geniuses (and I’m not calling myself either of those), I see lives of struggle and difficulties. I also see lives of determination and fortitude. The determination and fortitude are what bring forth the seeming miracles that others see and then say, “See how easy it is!” Truth is, everything is easy once it is behind you. What about you? Do you have a calling waiting to be answered? What’s holding you back? Based on my own experience as well as that of others, here are some ideas that might help you push off the dock and get out into open seas. 1. Get clear on your true life calling. 2. Commit to following it, no matter what. 3. Make a plan to get from where you are to where you want to be. 4. Begin. Take the first step no matter how small it is. Continue doing number four. This is what will open the doors and

3MAY 2012 NEW Spirit JOURNAL

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Living The Good Life

by Krysta Gibson

Krysta Gibson is publisher of New Spirit Journal. You can learn about her books, programs, classes, and blog at You can join her e-mail list at She is a guest on the Conscious Talk radio program the third Thursday of each month, 7-8 a.m., live on KKNW AM, or streaming live and archived at You can reach her at [email protected]. New Spirit Journal is on Facebook. Visit and “Like” us there for inspiration and information all month long.

Happy Birthday New Spirit Journal!

Page 4: MAY 2012

4 MAY 2012NEW Spirit JOURNAL

Kathryn Lafond – IntuitiveEnergy Healing

Spiritual GuidanceSoul Messages

Health Coaching206-842-5330, 206-941-6714

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By Patricia Kelley

One of the most important things you can do is to adapt an attitude that change is good, even when it looks bad from your view. Change is good. It is a building block of expanding life. In fact, we exist because of evolutionary growth and the change it drives. Mega change has landed on our planet and in our lives at a velocity we’ve never before witnessed or experienced. Expect the unexpected at a rate that we’ve never seen before. The era of predictable jobs or pensions, being good at just one thing, trusting the education we thought would be our ticket to the great life, living in one place, paying off a mortgage and the rest of the things that we thought were a “shoo-in” are no longer guaranteed to anyone. We are, as a collective global human community, moving into and through a shift of cosmic proportions and outcomes. These can and will rock our worlds, if we’re not prepared or we’re unwilling to turn, bend,

We’re witnessing the Internet play its most powerful role in bringing the world together, removing the veil of separateness. The Egyptian uprising was organized on Facebook and the Egyptians’ world changed in a matter of weeks, after years of oppression. Twitter has been a place to report atrocities, government crime and oppression, as well as successes

and positive news. The oppressed people of the world have had enough. We are all connected and, finally, the world is starting to understand and grasp this. Thanks to the people of all nations. How do we accept and even embrace what is happening in our individual lives? It doesn’t matter if you’re doing well through this time of profound change or if you’re one of millions whose life has been turned upside down by the shaking of the financial structure, job loss, political upheaval, or other. The key to moving through inevitable change individually and as a collective is to allow this accelerated, destined evolutionary change while you remain in a state of non-resistance.

This doesn’t mean you don’t do things that will turn things around, protect or provide for you and your family, or take part in “sacred activism” for the betterment of our world. It simply means to accept “what is” without allowing yourself to believe that anything or anyone is against you. It simply “is what it is.” From this place of non-resistance, you are empowered as a change-maker. New ideas will come to you to help yourself, your business, your family or the global community, when your heart is open and receptive to guidance. There are several practices that will benefit everyone in this period of profound change and shift. Meditation, balanced nutrition, exercise, and volunteering all serve to balance and heal. It’s healing and uplifting to be in service to others. It takes our mind off of our personal issues and connects us to the greater good. Be kind to yourself and others as we move through this enormously challenging time. It’s worth it.

Patricia Kelley is expert Big Changes coach, speaker, Conscious Communications wizard and author of the forthcoming book, When Change Knocks: Open the Door – Find Peace, Power, Purpose and Prosperity Through Chaos and Change. [email protected].

Mega Change: Navigating Predictable Unpredictability

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flex, and allow change to flow into and through our lives. And now, at this tipping point in history, we are moving into a time that is asking us to become all we can be instead of taking all that we can take. As one leading expert scientist says, “We are using up the equivalent of one and a half planets and we’re living on just one.” Even though a cataclysmic outcome is the prediction if we don’t change the course of history, the other story is one of greater peace, renewed communities, community-grown food and supply chains, greater health, more prosperity for everyone, gender equality, and a growing unity among nations. A sense of wholeness and “enoughness.” The estimates on the amount of time our global community has to reach the tipping point that will turn things around range from four to 30 years. We can do this. We must. Look at the life-altering, history-making uprisings in the Arab world we’ve witnessed this past year. And the powerful and growing phenomenon of the Occupy Wall Street movement. We’ve witnessed only the beginning of this. This is the momentum of global change energy that is sweeping politics, human rights, animal rights, financial services, ecology, and so much more.


Listen to Mychael & The Masters on theDr. Pat Show, 1150AM on May 10, 10 am.

Visit our website for the links to Part I and II,Feb. 1, 2012; Apportation event now showing onSeattle Community Media & Puget Sound Access.

Mychael Shane, Spiritual Visionary & TransphysicalPhenomena Medium and Founder of The Ascension Foundation

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experience their healing, teaching, andunconditional love. Visit our website for

classes, events, and healing sessions.

• May 4:3-8pm, Vashon Island, First Friday Art Walk, Mychael will do Channeled Readings at VIA• May 5:1pm, Red Light Mediumship Training, SPECIAL CLASS (Mychael’s Training), $25• May 6: 11am, Circle of Life Healing Service, Mychael will do Billets• May 9 & 23: 6:30pm, Goddess Circle, Karin Couture & Debye Peters, $20• May 11: 6:30pm, Kuthumi, Map to Finding True Love, $40• May 13: 3pm, Cosmic Connection, Sylvie O’Brien & Debbie Tietjen, $15• May 24: 7pm, Lecture on Resolving Emotional Blocks & Debris in Our Life Today, Donation

• May 25: Apportation Event for Children, Parents, & Adults from the Angelic & Elementals, $40• May 18: Intro. Class to Crystal Light Energy Healing, sample for Energy Workers, $20• May 31: Red Light Mediumship Training, SPECIAL TRAINING, Students Training, $75 (sliding scale)

Page 5: MAY 2012

5MAY 2012 NEW Spirit JOURNAL

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Intuitive consultations • Space clearingsAlchemical energy • Creative consultations

After visiting a new friend recently, I realized that I could not conclude this series about children and our animal friends without covering a few more bases. What I watched going on in this household between and a young boy and the mom’s new chihuahua is a perfect place to begin. The family has two dogs already and lots of cats, so this boy is not unfamiliar with them. He is about eight years old, very smart, and I will call him Tim. The other dogs are a very large yellow lab and a small fluffy model. They had lost another smaller dog recently and the mom wanted a little dog she could carry around with her. She adopted a teenage chihuahua. She was carrying the dog in her arms when I arrived at their house. As far as chihuahuas go, this guy was a very sweet and friendly one. As many of you may know or have experienced firsthand, these little dogs can be very feisty with strangers, especially when their owner is holding them. They are often spoiled and will bite if approached by anyone other than their person. Not this little guy. He was delighted to see me. When I reached out to pet him, he wiggled his tail and licked my hand. What a sweetheart. I am always very impressed with a friendly and social chihuahua. Imagine my upset when later during my visit, Tim entered the room, went straight to his mom and started teasing the little dog. It was not nice teasing (if there is such a thing), either. He was poking at the dog’s

face with his fingers and moving in very close to the dog’s face while snarling and snapping at it. Understandably, the little dog growled and snapped back at the boy. Tim laughed and jumped back out of the way. He continued to do this over and over again, obviously having a great game and “showing off” for me. Mom allowed this and did nothing! A few times the dog actually caught the boy’s finger in his mouth. Fortunately, the dog did not bite down so he did not hurt the boy. That was a big part of the problem. After Tim left the room, as you might imagine, I was all over mom about what I had witnessed. I told her how lucky she was to have acquired a chihuahua with such a divine temperament. Then I explained what damage she was doing by allowing her son to behave that way with the dog. Honestly, she did not know that they were doing anything wrong. Her excuse was that since the dog did not hurt the boy, that is was an okay “game” for them to play. I had to help her understand that the dog, at some point, may lose its patience and get serious about stopping Tim from abusing him. That is what the boy was doing. I could feel the boy’s energy and intent and he was not benevolent. I felt he was jealous of all the attention his mom gives to her animals. And, heaven forbid that he would ever think it okay to do the same thing with a dog he didn’t know, belonging to someone else. He could get seriously hurt in that case. I also explained another very important concept. Dogs generalize and assume. By letting her boy treat the dog this way, the dog was learning that children are mean to dogs. He might choose to take it from his boy but he would not allow other kids

to have a chance to do the same thing to him. So when Tim started having his friends come over to play, the dog would assume that given the chance, the friends would tease him too. When you are in a dog suit and feel a possible threat, the best defense in a good offense. So the chihuahua would take the offensive and bite the friends before they could get close to him. I let her know in no uncertain terms that things needed

to change immediately before too much damage is done. I reminded her how I taught the boy to be gentle with and how to play with her kittens instead of harassing them. Tim needed to know that he was the ambassador for children and especially his friends. That he must teach the dog how wonderful kids are. I gave her much of the information I have shared in this series and recommended she get the books for kids about teaching tricks and obedience to dogs that I mentioned here last month. Hopefully, when I next visit, there will be a

very different relationship blooming between dog and boy. Along these same lines, it is very important to know the difference between good games and bad games when playing with puppies and dogs. The games to avoid are roughhousing and play-fighting, as well as tug-o-war. These games pit human against dog and teach the dog it is okay to fight with humans. Not good behavior to have them generalize to other situations. Especially if these games are rough in nature, the dog may assume all men or all kids or whatever play this way. Many dogs will not want to take a chance with people they do not know and they will become what I call “defensively aggressive.” If you are the adult in the household with dogs and children please take the high road. It does not work any better with kids than it does with dogs when you say, “Do as say, not as I do.” Both are monkey-see, monkey-do models and you must set the appropriate example for them to follow.

Martha Norwalk is an animal behavior therapist and host of Martha Norwalk’s Animal World, Sunday mornings, from 9 a.m. to noon on Alternative Talk AM 1150. She can be reached at Martha’s Canine, Feline and All Creature Counseling at (360) 217-7258 or For a free, no obligation telephone evaluation or to make an appointment for Martha to work with you and your animal friend, give her a call.

Do’s and Don’ts with Dogs and Kids

Our Animal Friends

by Martha Norwalk

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Page 6: MAY 2012

6 MAY 2012NEW Spirit JOURNAL

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By Rebecca B. Cooper

This is your livelihood calling. I know many job seekers, displaced or disillusioned people who have found that their livelihoods were crumbling down around them as the world endures a sea change and industries break apart to create new and sometimes unfamiliar solutions. Think of it as moving from winter to spring. You have a choice to focus on what’s dead or dying, or on what’s emerging. If you look beneath the limbs of the bare old trees, you will see an abundance of new business opportunities sprouting up. Some of the new trends are a love for all things local (lower carbon footprint) as well as an incredible ease in communicating with people all over the globe (social networking and blogging). Where and on what scale you play is up to you. And it doesn’t require that you start a company.

What is your work to do?

Everyone has something to give, and the world, your employer, your community, or where you volunteer your time can benefit from it. Kahlil Gibran said, “Work is love made visible.” What lights you up? What comes easily (naturally) to you? Self-knowledge is your starting place. Instead of asking “What does the world need?” ask yourself, “What would I like to give?” Think of it as a potluck dinner; you want to bring your specialty, that dish that always gets rave reviews, and is easy for you to make because you’ve done it so often.

Start small. You don’t have to build a whole career

Your Livelihood: “What You Have, We Want”right out of the gate; take baby steps. It might be something you begin in your spare time, or have had in the back of your mind for years, or something that inspired you as you volunteered somewhere. Just start moving in the general direction of your dreams. The

path will continue to reveal itself. Once you commit to a direction, and keep your eyes open, you’ll be amazed at the people, the support, and even the funding that begin to show up.

Listen to the whispers.

The universe is always whispering to you; pay attention. At night, before you go to sleep, ask, “Show me what is mine to do.” And the first thing in the morning, journal about any dreams or images that come to you as you awaken. It’s important to capture these first thoughts before

they fly away, so have a notebook and pen nearby. You don’t have to write pages, just capture the things that bubbled up when you relaxed your conscious mind. If you have a

Rebecca Cooper suggests that Instead of asking “What does the world need?” ask yourself, “What would I like to give?”

meditation practice, you can ask the same question, and then place it on a leaf and let it float down the river. When your meditation practice ends, jot down any thoughts or images that occur to you. Like looking into muddy water, soon it will begin to settle and you will see what is deep within you, seeking to be expressed.

Today is the perfect time to make your love visible. As Langston Hughes said, “A dream deferred is a dream denied.” Get to work!

Rebecca Cooper is an author, livelihood coach, and creator of Fl!p Your Thinking – Flash Cards for the Soul and iPhone Apps. Visit her at

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7MAY 2012 NEW Spirit JOURNAL

Be sure to visit where you will find free audio interviews to listen to or download, articles

not in the print edition, and interesting videos.

By Ragini Elizabeth Michaels

Kermit the Frog thinks being green is challenging. He’d be stupefied if he had to meet the challenge of being both divine and human. Do you just have to connect with your divine self? Or do you need to heal your human self so that connection can happen? Is meditation the answer, or therapy? Can you just relax and work with manifesting the embrace via positive thoughts and visualization? Or, do you have to work incredibly hard and take it very, very seriously? It gets confusing when it comes down to actually embracing your dual identity composed of these two seemingly opposite dimensions. And how does it look when you finally embrace both aspects? What changes can you expect in the real world of day-in-day-out activity? Does it mean you’ll always smile and never feel down; always be loving and accepting and never again get angry or judgmental? Will your heart stay perpetually open and never close up even the tiniest bit? If these unwanted things occur, does it mean you’ve failed? You may consciously scoff and say these concerns are silly. But your unconscious mind has other ideas. The challenge of embracing your dual identity creates confusion and unrealistic expectations. It conjures up notions of perfection, perpetual bliss, and the end of all conflict. So when a negative thought pops up... or a judgment, comparison, doubt, or moment of paralyzing fear, your unconscious mind gets stressed, frustrated, and anxious. That’s when your self-esteem can take a nosedive into the toilet. Then, along comes the fear that you’ll never satisfy the longing to live your spiritual values in daily life. If this scenario seems familiar, then you’ll want to know where this confusion is coming from and what you can do to change it. The art of embracing both your human and divine dimensions is a little more complex than you might think. First, your conscious understanding of this task isn’t nearly as important as how your unconscious mind understands it. Second, it’s always your unconscious mind that’s directing the show; and your unconscious mind isn’t clear on how to accomplish this assignment. Here’s why. Your human self and your divine self are two different dimensions unfolding simultaneously. But your unconscious mind doesn’t quite know what to do with this because the directions for how to navigate each dimension are completely opposite. The confusion and uncertainty about the right thing to do stem from some specific paradoxical guidelines. Here’s one example: Human Dimension: Keep moving and go

after what you want. Divine Dimension: Stay still and be grateful for what is. Can you see your unconscious mind’s dilemma? Because there are only two options, it has to choose one or the other. It has to be either for your humanity or your divinity. How does it choose which is the best action? How can you perform two completely opposing actions at the same time? Well, you can’t... unless your unconscious mind understands the magic of paradox.

When your unconscious mind learns how to embrace these kinds of paradoxical guidelines, you will know how to navigate the twists and turns of living in two different dimensions at the same time, while keeping your dual identity balanced and in partnership. When you don’t know how to live with the paradoxical nature of being both divine and human, certain misconceptions form. For example: In order to be happy, all I have to do is avoid the bad stuff and go after the good stuff with gusto, including how I think and feel. All of my problems, inside and outside, are fixable and can be eliminated, if only I just meditate enough, be more positive, get more therapy, get my partner to change, or... I can only have peace of mind when I remove all tension from my life and am fully relaxed. The key to navigating this core dilemma of being both divine and human is learning how to embrace and live with paradox. This means a new relationship with opposites, and the dilemmas and predicaments they create, and of course, with duality itself. So how do you begin creating this new relationship? Help out your unconscious mind by becoming incredibly aware that you are swimming in a sea of opposites, every day. How? Make a list of all the polar opposites you find yourself meeting

It’s Not Easy Being Divine and Human!

Ragini Micaaels says learning how to live in the paradoxical world of duality is a true act of love and compassion for your body/mind, for duality is their home.

Continued on Page 9

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8 MAY 2012NEW Spirit JOURNAL


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By Lani Leary

I believe that how we die matters. It matters to the person who is dying; to those of us as survivors who are left behind to grieve; and it matters to the next generation who need to learn what it means to be part of humanity. I believe that no one has to die alone. Each of us can make a difference. I have worked for more than 25 years with thousands of patients, and have been with more than 500 people as they died. They taught me about dying and how to make a difference. What they taught me allowed me to help my father die. A few years ago I held my father in my arms as he died. On that last morning as he lay in my arms, he pulled out the oxygen tube and said, “No more.” He asked me to turn off the oxygen machine, and so I did because I was there to support his choices and protect his wishes. As I held him, I whispered to him that I loved him, and told him it was okay for him to go, to let go, and that we would all be okay. His death was peaceful. His death was just the way he wanted, gentle and with no fanfare. I was able to be fully present with my father, and with hundreds of others as they died. But it wasn’t always that way. I wasn’t always comfortable or confident and I didn’t always know what to do or what to say. When I was 13 years old my mother died. I did not help. In my family, no one talked about her illness and so I did not have

language or information about death and dying. No one talked about what she needed or wanted. It felt like there was an elephant in the living room and no one wanted to acknowledge it. And so I felt totally unprepared, sideswiped by her condition and my paralysis. One morning she was very sick, and I did the only thing I knew to do, and I took my two younger brothers down the road to play so she could sleep. When I returned home later that afternoon, she was gone. Her bed was empty. There was a note saying she had gone to the hospital. She never came home. I never saw her again. I never got to say good-bye. In order to cope, I vowed that I would never again be unprepared, unwilling, or unable to help another loved one who was dying. So I studied everything I could; I earned advanced degrees in counseling and psychology, and specialized in thanatology, the study of death and dying. I worked in hospitals and six hospices across the country, gaining experience with different kinds of illnesses, deaths, and needs. Knowing how to respond and how to be with the dying will matter to you because someone you love is going to die. Only 10% of our loved ones will die suddenly, but 90% will die from an illness or age-related circumstances. This means that we have time now to learn the attitudes, information, and skills in order to make a difference. Of all the things that the dying fear, it is not their physical pain; with the advances in hospice care and palliative medicine physical suffering can always be alleviated. No one has to die in pain. It is not the reality of death itself that is most distressing. Most come to a level of acceptance when the quality of their life

cannot be restored. Here’s what may surprise you: The dying are more afraid of dying alone than of physical pain or imminent death. They are afraid of the emotional suffering of no longer feeling connected to their loved ones and feeling emotionally or physically abandoned. And we are the ones who can help them not to feel alone. An entire medical team may surround them, but we are the ones who will make a difference. The following are three powerful interventions that the dying have told me are their greatest needs: First, the dying need you to listen. They have a life of stories and it may mean you may listen to the same story 100 times. Listen in order to help them finish business, review, and make meaning of their life, and work through their feelings. I’ve heard so many tell me that the hardest part of dying is their feeling that they are “dying in isolation; that no one wants to know what they are thinking and feeling.” We need to talk about the elephant in the room. Second, the dying need you to touch them. Touch is a powerful way to communicate without words, to connect, to show compassion. At the end of life, the dying often feel they are decaying, undesirable, and untouchable. They want

to feel accepted despite the way they might look. They want to know you see them as the same person you always loved. And third, the dying need you to help them finish business and to give them permission to go. They need to know from you that their death does not mean they have abandoned you or that they have failed. You can say, “I love you,” “It’s okay to go,” and, “I will be okay.” There is a ripple effect to caring and being of service. When you do what matters, when you make a difference, you change the experience for the person who is dying, and you change your experience with grief. You will also change the next generation’s anxieties, fears, and myths about dying. You will teach them by demonstrating how to be compassionate and caring. And when it is your time to die, that next generation will be there to care for you right up to your last breath, because you taught them how. I know you can make a difference, and I trust that you will.

Lani Leary is the author of No One Has to Die Alone, published by Beyond Words. She will be at East West Bookshop May 24, or call (206) 523-3726.

How We Die Matters “As I held my dying father, I whispered to him that I loved him, and told him it was okay for him to go, to let go, and that we would all be okay. His death was just the way he wanted, gentle and with no fanfare.”

For information about Good Company, call

Now you can participate in the monthly Good Company Club marketing support call being sponsored by Marty Marsh, marketing coach, author and speaker ( Join in this call either by telephone or computer and network with other Soul Proprietors. For details and to sign up for the free calls, go to

GOOD COMPANY: A relaxed networking lunch where we gather to share great food and even greater company. We visit, network, and make referrals. Find out why some people say this is their favorite networking group! Sponsored by Krysta Gibson and Rhonda Dicksion of New Spirit Journal

Join us for lunch and good company!A Monthly Gathering of People Of Positive InfluencePeople of Positive Influence (PPIs) are those who are living their lives in such a way as to be a positive influence on the world around them. It doesn’t matter what kind of work you do or where you do it. If you are helping to make the world a better place, if you are reading New Spirit Journal,you are a PPI! Join us for a monthly network gathering.

• Everett: First Tues.: May 1, 11:30-1 p.m. Alfy’s Pizza, 2317 Broadway, Everett - Salad bar and lunch specials. You don’t have to eat to join us but if you don’t eat, please do not bring in any outside food or drinks with you, at Alfy’s request.

• Monroe: Third Tues.: May 15, June 19 Golden City Buffetm 1407 W. Main St. (W. Main & 179th), Monroe, WA 98272 360-805-0888 (for directions only) (Please no outside food or drinks.)

Page 9: MAY 2012

9MAY 2012 NEW Spirit JOURNAL •

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Understand your animal friends

Martha Norwalk is an animal behavior therapist with over 35 years of professional experience and service. She also hosts her own radio show, Martha Norwalk’s Animal World, Sunday mornings on Alternative Talk AM 1150. She is available for private sessions, either in your home or over the phone. With her holistic approach, Martha can help you understand your animal friends and solve any behavior, training or healing issues that they might be having. Martha’s rates are surprisingly affordable so call now for a free/no obligation telephone evaluation.

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Outdoor air contains chemicals such as carbon monoxide from cars and polyaromatic hydrocarbons from autos, cigarette smoke, and grilling meat. Spring cleaning and getting your winter clothes dry cleaned and put away may contribute to indoor air pollution. Your dry cleaning is releasing a common dry cleaning solvent, trichloroethylene. Keep your dry cleaning in your car overnight. It is essential to be proactive with allergies to avoid secondary health concerns such as sinus infections, asthma, ear infections, and bronchitis. The primary issue for anyone who has significant allergies is to decrease your

toxic load. This includes identifying and eliminating food allergies, keeping track of pollen counts and air quality, avoiding the outdoors on windy days, and minimizing your exposure to known allergens. Allergies stimulate mast cells and basophils, a type of white blood cell. Mast cells are full of histamine granules and line the connective tissue of the lungs, inner eyelids, ears, nose, throat, skin and blood vessels. When an allergen called an antigen in the blood contacts mast cells, there is a burst of histamine and allergic mediators which are released into the blood stream. It is the histamine and allergic mediators that trigger the allergic reaction.

What can you do to treat your allergies?

Stay hydrated. Keep your membranes moist, and this will decrease irritation. Drink half your weight in ounces and avoid coffee. Support your immune system. I recommend zinc, vitamin A, and vitamin D. Vitamin D is an immune modulator. There are some natural formulas that are beneficial for allergies. High dose vitamin C is a mainstay in alleviating symptoms. It is a natural antihistamine. Flavonoids are important anti-allergy compounds. My three favorite flavonoids are

quercetin, hesperidan, and luteolin. Flavonoids are ubiquitous in fruits and vegetables, providing much of the color. Quercetin has been shown to inhibit histamine release and is typically a part of many natural allergy formulations. In addition to stabilizing mast cells, quercetin is anti-inflammatory. Hesperidin is a citrus bioflavonoid found predominantly in citrus fruits. It works synergistically with vitamin C, quercetin, and also bromelain, which is anti-inflammatory and increases the absorption of hesperidin. Luteolin can be found celery, green peppers, carrots, olive oil, and some herbs including rosemary, oregano, thyme, and peppermint. Luteolin has been shown to decrease histamine release from mast cells and chemical mediators associated with allergies.

Botanicals and Allergies Nettle leaf is one of the most utilized botanicals to decrease the symptoms of seasonal allergies, particularly allergic rhinitis. It is postulated that this is due to its antihistamine activity. Nettle leaf contains high amounts of vitamins and minerals, which in turn support the immune system. As a food, nettles is often added to soups. Euphrasia is an excellent herb when

Are Your Allergies Getting You Down?

in the course of a day. Here are some I’m sure you’ll recognize: wet/dry, open/closed, up/down, happy/sad, success/failure, asleep/awake, love/hate, accept/reject, kind/cruel, high/low, anger/compassion, mine/yours, co-operate/compete, sound/silence, hard/soft, freedom/responsibility, yes/no, high road/low road, spend/save, alone/together, connected/separate, narrow/wide, single/many, etc. You’ll soon verify for yourself that opposites really do make up the fabric of daily life; and that your unconscious mind doesn’t really have a great strategy for how to easily and comfortably navigate their presence. Non-duality receives a lot of attention, how to perceive it and honor its truth. And...

Divine and HumanContinued from Page 7

learning how to live in the paradoxical world of duality is a true act of love and compassion for your body/mind, for duality is their home. Freeing your unconscious mind to embrace paradox invites a new depth of communion between your humanity and your divinity, and allows you to navigate both worlds with grace and presence. If you want to fully live your spiritual values in everyday life, embracing paradox is the key, and increasing your awareness of opposites is the first step.

For the next step, visit to see Ragini’s newest book Unflappable – 6 Steps To Staying Happy, Centered, and Peaceful No Matter What and her new online trainings in this original work based on the psychology of the mystics. (425) 462-4369.

All’sWellHealth for Body, Mind, Spiritby Moira Fitzpatrick, PhD, ND

Are you sneezing or experiencing congestion, swollen and itchy eyes, itchy ears, prolific mucous secretions and rashes? Allergy season may be intensified for many people and is likely to extend through the summer. Many are struggling with allergies to pollen, trees and grass. As we enter into summer there will be more particulate matter in the air creating smog and consequently lung irritation for many.

Continued on Page 10

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10 MAY 2012NEW Spirit JOURNAL

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there is redness, swelling, inflammation, and watery discharge affecting the eyes and nasal passages. I will often use it with yarrow.

What can I do preventatively? Identify and avoid food allergies and food sensitivities. A food allergy occurs when the immune system treats a food as a harmful substance. The most common food allergies in adults include shellfish, peanuts, fish, and eggs. The most common food allergies in children are milk, eggs, and peanuts. A food sensitivity is a non-allergic immune response to foods. A severe form of food sensitivity is Celiac disease, whereby a sensitivity to gluten triggers an immune response causing inflammation along the lining of the small intestine. This inflammation results in the destruction of microvilli which decreases nutritional intake. Leaky gut is a condition that occurs when inflammation causes the tight junctions

between the cells of the GI membrane to widen and become permeable to undigested compounds, toxins and bacteria. The immune system reacts to these undigested protein compounds. The result is a viscous cycle of inflammation and loss of intestinal permeability. Leaky gut can be caused by food intolerances, stress, hormone imbalances, alcohol. Good GI function is essential for the elimination of toxins that have been processed by the liver. The liver eliminates toxins by a two-step process known as phase I and phase II detoxification. When either GI function or the liver is compromised, then toxins move into circulation and deposit in various tissues of the body. This can lead to digestive disturbances, immune compromise, fatigue, mood changes and other reactions. A functional digestive system helps to decrease your toxic load and make it easier for your immune system to deal with seasonal allergies. There are certain probiotics that are thought to be synergistic with flavonoids

Allergies Getting You Down?Continued from Page 9

By Ariele M. Huff

Words of remorse and forgiveness have in common with those expressing gratitude and affection that they don’t sound sincere unless they are. Insincere apologies, absolutions, appreciation, or vows of love feel deceptive,

suggest a hidden agenda to manipulate or placate. Since such inner states cannot be forced, are there ways to bring them about? Thanks for asking. The TV program My Name is Earl demonstrates the necessary ingredients for generating all of the above. In case you are non-

TV, Earl is a petty criminal, his past strewn with misdeeds. The day he wins the lottery and is struck in a hit-and-run, Earl adopts a belief in karma. Erecting a list of his hurtful actions, he sets out to right his wrongs, learning along the way how to apologize and how to help victims of his behaviors to forgive him. He succeeds over and over and here’s why. • Taking responsibility: He thoroughly, without reservation, believes he made errors, some with far-reaching effects. He, therefore, is taking responsibility for his actions, not expecting the other person to share his guilt, even in situations where a case could be made for that. • Apologizing: He starts his conversations with an apology, direct and clear. The genuineness of the apology is established when he explains that his

motivation for correcting things is based on his beliefs, rather than a desire to change the other person’s feelings or thoughts. Again, this approach frees the other person from any obligation. So far, Earl is making it obvious that this is a struggle with himself and his own spiritual needs. • Pleading for an opportunity to make amends: His next move is to ask humbly for help ameliorating the situation. He never asks for forgiveness. It isn’t his goal or his expectation. His objective is mending the fence, not gratitude, affection, or forgiveness. And, he sometimes doesn’t get any of those. • Partnering to discover remedies: Next, he listens carefully to the story from the other side. Frequently, he hasn’t known the full impact or direction of what his actions set in motion. At this stage, Earl helps in the analysis and looks for a summary of the damage that leads to a mutual awareness of whatever might rectify the loss or losses. Surprises can happen. The loss may be simple with a straightforward solution. More often, it is multilayered and has become larger than might be expected. Occasionally, re-analysis bringing a different solution is required, taking Earl down some convoluted paths. However, his devotion to a meaningful solution doesn’t waver. • Atonement: The next phase takes most



to decrease allergic rhinitis. When you are looking for a probiotic, look for a formula that contains Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus acidophilus, casei, and plantarum. Remember, you want to keep your total toxin load down. Avoid chemical exposures including paint, exhaust, dry cleaning, fragrances, etc. Avoid all food sensitivities and foods with high insecticide residue. Insecticide covered foods include apples, green peppers, celery, cherries, grapes, nectarines, peaches, pears, potatoes, raspberries, spinach, and strawberries. These foods must be organic. Seek the support of a healthcare provider and start allergy supplements before your symptoms begin.

Moira Fitzpatrick is a naturopathic physician and licensed clinical psychologist, who practices in the Northgate area of Seattle. She practices functional medicine, is a primary care provider and specializes in the unique health concerns of women. Dr. Fitzpatrick can be reached at (206) 525-5576,

of the show. Earl dedicates his money and time, however much is required (maybe all of it) to the task at hand. He suffers hardships and privations with little grumbling, all to attain his desired end, balancing his karma. He does not consider himself done until the other person is satisfied. Names and incidents don’t come off his list until he is told he can remove them. • Proof that the debt has been expunged: Come only from the person transgressed against, not from Earl. Usually, proof arrives as changes in the person’s relationships, finances, point of view, health, or some other aspect of life. At this point, the subject of Earl’s efforts may ask to cross his/her name off the list. Rarely, Earl will check in to see if he is done or needs to do more. No pressure or time limit is placed on completion of the atonement phase. No concerns of Earl’s (emotional, physical, financial, etc) are produced as reasons for completion. • Endings: Most often see the victim transformed, living a better life, happier, relieved, even grateful or loving. Sometimes the change has positive results in Earl’s life too. Commonly, the show concludes with Earl smiling and walking away from a person he is likely never to see again. Once or twice, situations have been irresolvable, despite all efforts, either due to obstacles or the person’s nature. When this becomes clear, the karma-linked partners may mutually decide “it’s good enough.” In at least one episode, Earl had to become matter-of-fact about failure. He’d done his best with the purest of intentions and had failed to achieve a cure. He then goes forward, continuing his search to improve his karma with no regrets or resentment toward the other person involved. He’d done his best and that was enough. Philosophically, he opined that “sometimes that’s just how things are.”

Ariele Huff teaches writing classes at Greenwood and Edmonds senior centers, North Seattle Community College, and online. Contact her for a brochure at [email protected].

Page 11: MAY 2012

The third of the seven major chakras running along the spine is the lumbar chakra, located near the navel and solar plexus. The third chakra is about power – personal power – and it’s associated with the fire element. Engaging third chakra fire energy ignites will and determination while promoting positive qualities like self-trust, self-respect, self-love, self-confidence, enthusiasm, and courage. Allowing your fire to smolder, on the other hand, promotes negative traits, such as self-pity, low self-esteem, victim mentality, self-doubt, and self-judgment. Negative traits like these are paralyzing because they disconnect us from our inner knowing, the ability to trust our gut. Feeling indecisive, confused, frustrated, and even angry makes you stuck. A strong sense of self – personal power again – is essential for tuning into your inner wisdom and developing intuition.

yoga teacher or look online for a routine. The practice is physically stimulating and awakens your inner fire. Do several rounds each morning (facing east if possible). • Do it anyway. The only way to bust through fear is to sweat bullets and do it anyway. Choose one small thing you tend to resist – like making the bed – and do it every morning for a month. Feel victorious for conquering the dread and doing it anyway. Exaggerate your enthusiasm. Feel it. Apply this triumphant feeling of success as you imagine doing something harder, like public speaking or taking on a leadership role. Make a list of your accomplishments – big and small – and review it often. Give yourself three atta girls/boys every day!

What Does It Feel Like When You’re in Your Power Place?

Being in your power place is about owning your personal power and accepting and celebrating you, all of you. It’s hearing your own voice and smiling. It’s looking in the mirror and loving what you see. It’s living in alignment with your inner wisdom while claiming your place in this world. It’s about believing in you. “Life is like riding a bicycle, in order to keep your balance, you must keep moving.” –Albert Einstein

Ruth Stender is a certified meditation and yoga teacher offering private and group classes. She is completing her first book which teaches how to balance mind, body, and spirit using the chakras, breath work, and easy-to-use self-healing techniques. Ruth offers services at The Pujari Center, East West Bookshop and Swedish Medical Center., (206) 708.-3277.

11MAY 2012 NEW Spirit JOURNAL

New Spirit Journal14911 Chain Lake Rd., #431, Monroe, WA 799-7753 • (425) 356-7237Publisher and Co-editor: Krysta [email protected] and Co-editor: Rhonda [email protected]

All content ©2012 by New Spirit JournalISSN: 1930-370X

Columnists:Krysta Gibson, Moira Fitzpatrick, Ph.D., N.D., Martha Norwalk, Ruth Stender

New Spirit Journal is a monthly publication dedicated to self-empowerment, joyful co-creation, and thoughtful Earth stewardship so that everyone can reach his or her maximum potential.

Readers are responsible for their own decisions when reading the publication, contacting advertisers, or otherwise pursuing their path through life.

Advertisers are responsible for the claims they make and are expected tooperate in good faith, tell the truth about their work or products, and treat their clients and customers fairly.

Articles are due by the first Friday of the month.

Ads are due by the second Friday of the month.

New Spirit Journal is distributed the last week of each month for the following month. Advertising rates and writer’s guidelines are available upon request or can be viewed at www.newspiritjournal. com. Sample copies will be sent for $2. Visa and Mastercard are accepted. Subscriptions are available for $21.70/one-year bulk rate. Washington State sales tax is included.


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it takes even when – especially when – you don’t feel like it. When you trust yourself to do the best you can with what you have in any given moment, that’s confidence. Here are a few tools to build self-confidence: • Take personal responsibility. Other people’s actions can make you feel like the victim; powerless. But it’s not their behavior that puts you in the role of victim; it’s how you react that steals your power. Stop blaming others or expecting them to behave a certain way. What others do, don’t do, say, or don’t say is not about you. • De-clutter inside and out. Having a desk so full you can’t see the surface blocks creativity and sucks enthusiasm from your space. Or maybe it’s your computer desktop, refrigerator, closet, car, garage, or all of the above. Clearing out clutter is kindling for the soul. It sets you on fire. Engage a friend to get you motivated, or, if it’s in the budget, hire a professional organizer or feng shui consultant. • Push your limits. Paralympics athlete and bilateral amputee Aimee Mullins says, “Until we’re tested we don’t know what we’re made of.” Maybe you’ve wanted try rock climbing, swimming, kick-boxing, dancing, a triathlon, or something that feels out of reach. Do something to test your mental and physical limits. Regardless of the outcome, the mere act of “going for it” takes courage, and courage builds confidence. • Know thyself. Get to know your strengths and weaknesses by taking a personality or enneagram test. Study people who inspire you. Even pay attention to who or what irritates you. All feedback is an opportunity to get to know yourself on a deeper level. Self-awareness is power. Abraham Lincoln said, “I don’t think much of a man who is not wiser today than he was yesterday.” • Trust your gut. Keep an intuition journal. Track intuitive hits, vibes, feelings, dreams. Recall times when you wish you’d listened to your gut. What would be different if you had? Follow gut feelings and journal about the outcomes. • Sun salutations. The third chakra is your internal sun. Sun salutations involve a flow of several yoga poses. Seek out a

Ckakra Talk

by Ruth Stender

Personal Power: The Key Aspect of the Lumbar Chakra

Because I already know you are filled with innate natural

perfection. I know you can live

a life you love.

BodyTherapy & Life CoachingWilliam Wittmann, LMP, M.Ed. 206.328.2073

Why You Lose Your Personal Power Falling into the victim role is the main way we lose power. When you fall into the victim mentality, you stop trusting yourself and allow others to choose for you. When you feel disempowered, you attract other power-suckers into your life. Here are some common scenarios that rob energy from the third chakra: • Saying yes when you mean no. • Living a cluttered life with piles of things to file, read, pay, and respond to. • Blaming others or complaining about their impact on you and/or your unhappiness. • Indecision and second-guessing yourself because you no longer have faith in your own instincts or ability to trust your gut. • Self-sabotaging by not “showing up” and honoring commitments you’ve made to yourself or others. • Comparing yourself to others, which results in developing an attitude of “what’s the point,” making you lose motivation and even stop loving yourself. Because of its location in the gut, blocked energy in the third chakra can cause illness related to the stomach, pancreas, gallbladder, liver, and lumbar spine. Depression, lack of confidence, eating disorders, or feeling overly sensitive to the behaviors of others also indicates a deficient third chakra.

How to Reclaim Your Power Self-confidence is not about what you have – fancy titles, cars, or large salary – but knowing you can show up for yourself. Self-confidence is trusting yourself to move your life in a positive direction. Self-confidence is drawing on that inner fire to do whatever

Page 12: MAY 2012

12 MAY 2012NEW Spirit JOURNAL

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Presented by THE ASCENDED MASTERS, is coming toThe Ascension Foundation Healing and Educational CenterFirst Floor of The Crystal Voyage Building, 2601 D St.,Suite 406, Tacoma, WA 98521

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• Simply Curious - a different, often empowering experience.• Purposeful - Gain insight into present day issues.• Therapeutic - May help resolve current problems.

• You’re in the Starring Role - What Could Be More Fun?

By Jacob Caldwell

Spirituality almost seems like a new concept that has entered the world and the definition of what it is may still be unclear. Religion is easy: if I attend a place at a certain time, say that I am one of them, and say the things that I should say, go to a couple of popular holiday celebrations, then I could say I am religious. I think in this current time and space this way of thinking has led many people away from religions and God. It has been hijacked by fear and obligation with little meaning behind, “Why am I doing this and what is it for?”

As a medical intuitive I am focused on guiding people to the next step in their lives or specific guidance to why one is “stuck.” In my sessions, I have always been able to

why we are here and all the answers that we need comes from the male connection. Stress and anxiety come from thinking that everything is up to you and that you have to do everything yourself. This statement is stressful because without proper guidance, how do you know which way to go? Hence the anxiety. If we do not start out by being connected with our original divine plan then we are merely guessing about what we are supposed to do. In this present dimension of space and time there is only so much of it and subconsciously we know there is a deadline and if we are falling behind... this is stress. If we connect to the outer edges of our aura that is above us, just like the plants turn their leaves to the sun, we can then connect with our male energies and read our own plans that we set out to do. When we manifest things, we need to start here with the male connection. Later, when it is time to make firm decisions, it will be easier to decide which way to go. We have already decided what we came here to do. So ask: “I want my divine plan, please give

Spirituality: How and Why We Connect it to me in a way I can understand.” Breathe in the energy like a plant drinks in the sun. The female connection is about the limiting rules of the body. Through this connection we learn the limits of our energies and what makes us sick and how plants and nature can make us better. Nature is already perfect and shows us all we need to know. However, humans have the gift of ego so we sometimes create things for our own pride. One of the limits is personal energy. When we give too much of ourselves away to others, this leaves ourselves depleted. We are meant to inspire others to heal themselves. When we are continually giving ourselves to others when they can easily be taught to do it themselves, this leads to failure for both parties. Fibromyalgia and cancer are examples of improper energetic use. These people are too giving or suppressing themselves for their own protection and the illusion that they are helping others. We must teach others to fish, not continually fish for them. When we lose our connection with the female connection we lose our touch with the world and cause our own disease. Like the roots of a plant it drinks in the water and minerals from the earth.. Do this exercise as well to connect with the female. The child connection begins when the male and female connection are complete and energetically equal. If we have trouble with connecting to our spiritual plan or health, we take it out on our relationships. We create drama-trauma to manipulate others out of their energy because we do not trust that we can energetically feed ourselves. Manipulating others is a form of stealing energy because we do not trust connecting to a larger source. By being balanced in our male and female connections relating to others through our child connection will bring about peaceful interactions with each other. Often our anxiety and trauma is self-created and if we can see a bigger plan then usually our little problems can go away. When we can get outside of ourselves and make a connection to the other side of something, we have bridged the gap and connected two worlds. Then we have created our own spirituality.

Jacob Caldwell is a medical intuitive and massage therapist. He has an office in the Ballard neighborhood of Seattle. Let Jacob help you turn your pain into guidance. Receive a free detoxing foot bath with any session.,, Tweet @JacobHealer, E-mail [email protected], (206)571-4267.

give guidance to a person. There is always a reason why one is stuck. A lot of it is due to how people are not connected to one another and themselves, which leads to a lot of indecision and anxiety. In my sessions, I have observed how the chakras are emanating from the spine and endocrine system. In another dimension are the three connections which connect the chakras to the universe around us. These three connections are what is going to connect us spiritually to all the aspects of the universe.

First, from above is the male connection which feeds

purpose and The path for your life. Second, from below

is the female connection that holds the rules of the

physical body for whatever planet you are on. When

these two connections are in balance, they form the third,

the child connection, which is the earthly dimension where

all us humans dwell and interact.

When we are in balance and are clear, this is where our lives become easy and blissful. Disconnecting from these connections is how we get lost and sick. A measure of how connected you are is answering this: “How satisfying is your life, the quality of your health, and abundance?” I have found that anxiety and stress are the biggest symptoms of disconnection from the male connection. The purpose of

Page 13: MAY 2012

13MAY 2012 NEW Spirit JOURNAL

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By Kelly Probst

African and Asian elephants existing today are the sole remnants of a remarkable evolutionary emanation. These majestic, ancient, and spiritually complex mammals have evolved over millions of years and possess much of life’s evolutionary and bio-genetic information, making them the keepers of original wisdom; they hold the memory of ancient migratory routes, many of life’s first medicinal and herbal plant life and a record of environmental adaptation. Within the very cells of this magnificent being the vibratory patterns of the big bang and our planet’s biodiversity pulsate; a history that mankind can only wonder and speculate about. Hailed as more human-like than any other large mammal that traverses this planet the elephant is the epitome of intelligence, emotional depth, sensitivity, empathy, and self-reflection. Decades of research and scientific observation has shown that elephants maintain complex levels of consciousness and intelligence. Elephants are self-aware, contemplative, and reflect upon themselves, others, and events. Elephant social structure and familial bonds are similar, if not deeper, than that of human beings. Family bond members and larger clans are the foundation of elephant life where mutual respect, reciprocity and admiration knit all members into an interdependent web. There are deeply stirring accounts of near

spiritual proportion involving elephants: the tender fondling of bones once belonging to a family member, organized periods of mourning and celebration. The well being of each bond member is considered by all and a symbiotic relationship is natural and instinctive. It is truly a beautiful sight to see the great depth of emotion and devotion these gentle giants feel for their family, bond members, and larger clans. World renown elephant expert and founder of the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, Dr. Dame Daphne Sheldrick reflects, “they also have many additional attributes we humans lack: incredible long range infra-sound, communicating in voices we never hear, such sophisticated hearing that even a footfall is heard far away, and, of course they have a memory that far surpasses ours and spans a lifetime. They grieve deeply for lost loved ones, even shedding tears and suffering depression. “They have a sense of compassion that projects beyond their own kind and sometimes extends to others in distress. They help one another in adversity, miss an absent loved one, and when you know them really well, you can see that they even smile when having fun and are happy.” Tragically, the world may lose all of this. With the resurgence of the illegal ivory trade throughout the African continent, the burgeoning tourism industry throughout Asia, and an unsustainable population of seven billion humans, elephants are in crisis. Though listed as an endangered species, African and Asian elephants continue their march toward extinction. Writing in the Journal of Conservation Biology, Dr. Sam Wasser of the University of Washington and fellow researchers agree that, “Without public pressure

to ensure a strengthening of anti-poaching and trade measures, most remaining large groups of elephants will be extinct by 2020.” So, what can you and I do to ensure the survival of such an iconic and remarkable animal? First, we can learn more about these fascinating beings and what they are facing. We can share our concerns and feelings of compassion with our family and friends who may not know elephants are endangered and facing extinction. We can teach our children about elephants through illustrations, books, and the internet. We can donate to elephant conservation groups and non-profit organizations dedicated to elephant preservation and banning all ivory

trade. We can get involved in local issues involving elephants in captivity (several Washington groups are advocating on behalf of the three elephants at Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle and lobbying for laws that protect elephants in circuses throughout the United States), we can hold them in our hearts, sending compassion and respect their way. Please contact Elephant Advocacy, for further information. This is a Sequim-based team dedicated to raising public awareness, educating and inspiring people to become involved in elephant issues. Listen to an interview with Kelly at

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Researchers warn that by 2020 most remaining large groups of the world’s elephants will be extinct. Bull elephant Photo courtesy of African Wildlife Photographer Federico Veronesi at

Page 14: MAY 2012

14 MAY 2012NEW Spirit JOURNAL

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AstrologyTRANSVERSE ASTROLOGY. Harnessing the Timewave at the Pulse Horizon. Natals, Progressions, Life Purpose, Uranian. e-mail to [email protected]

CounselingSOUL JOURNEY TO RESOLVE painful memories, childhood, past lives, dreams/nightmares. Learn lucid dreaming, in-crease creativity. Thirty years experience, author of Embracing Your Subconscious. Free phone consultation. Contact Jenny Davidow, MA, DCH, (206) 395-8149.

Events, Classes,& WorkshopsMAY 1GOOD COMPANY NETWORKING LUNCH. Join us for lunch and network-ing. Cost is the price of your lunch. Everett location: First Tuesday of the month:11:30-1 p.m. Alfy’s Pizza, 2317 Broadway, Everett. Salad bar and lunch specials. You don’t have to eat to join us but please do not bring in any outside food or drinks with you, at Alfy’s request. No reservations required. 425-356-7237.

MAY 15GOOD COMPANY NETWORKING LUNCH! Join us for lunch and network-ing. Cost is the price of your lunch. 11:30-1:00, GOLDEN CITY BUFFET, 1407 West Main Street, Monroe, WA 98272. Chinese buffett and lunch specials. You don’t have to eat to join us but if you don’t eat, please do not bring in any outside food or drinks with you. No reservations required. More infomation can be found at 425-356-7237.

MAY 5TH AND 6TH AND JUNE 2ND AND 3RD; WANDERER’S PATH REIKI CLASSES, Usui Reiki I, II, III,, [email protected], 360-610-0150

SAT., MAY 19, 10 AM-5 PM DREAM WISDOM WORKSHOP – Understand the brilliant wisdom of your subconscious! Discover dream messages, connect practical insights to your life. Resolve inner conflict creatively. Increase confidence and self-acceptance. $120/$99 in adv., Seattle. Contact Jenny Davidow, M.A., (206) 395-8149.

Life Coaching BRENDA MILLER, RADICAL AWARENESS® COACH, assists people to feel fulfilled and at peace as they journey toward peak performance, bet-ter relationships, job satisfaction, and forgiveness of self and others. Call to discover what’s possible: 206-529-8282.

Life Coaching

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UNITED CENTERS FOR SPIRITUAL LIVING based on the teachings of Ernest Holmes. Offers classes, workshops, ser-vices, and fellowship focused on positive living within a spiritual framework . 720-496-1370.

WICCA: Aquarian Tabernacle Church, open to all. Free monthly Lunar celebra-tions, classes, other events. For more information call 360-793-1945.

UNITY is an open-minded, accepting spiritual community that honors all paths to God and helps people discover and live their spiritual potential and pur-pose. A positive alternative to negative religion, Unity seeks to apply the teach-ings of Jesus as well as other spiritual masters. 800-248-6489.

CENTERS OF LIGHT teaches Christian mysticism and finding truth through experiences, not dogma. One-on-one teacher/student relationships offer the personal counseling and love that is rarely found elsewhere. Spiritual communities support each other with integrity, honesty and joy.

THE THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY encour-ages open-minded inquiry into world religions, philosophy, science, and the arts in order to understand the wisdom of the ages, respect the unity of all life, and help people explore spiritual self-transformation. Offerings includes classes, workshops, and bookstores named Quest Bookshop. 630-668-1571.

FIRST SPIRITUALIST CHURCH OF PUYALLUP Sunday Service 11am ,314 second ST SE Puyallup WA 98372 253-845-4444 All are Welcome, A Spiritual Pick me up every Sunday. Come as you Are. Just Behind City Hall in Downtown Puyallup or on facebook at puyallup spiritualist church

ANANDA CHURCH OF SELF-REALIZATION founded by Swami Kriyananda, direct disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda ia a movement based on the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda that helps you bring God into your life through meditation and spiri-tual living. Offers classes, services, Living Wisdom Schools, and spiritual communi-ties in the United States, India, and Italy. Call 530-478-7560.

SELF-REALIZATION FELLOWSHIP founded by Paramahansa Yogananda and based on the teachings he brought to the West from India in the early 20th century. Centers offer services, classes, and fellowship teaching that the pur-pose of life is the evolution, through self-effort, of man’s limited mortal consciousness into God Consciousness. www.yogananda-srf-org. 323-225-2471.

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TESTED AND CERTIFIED PSYCHIC can give you answers and help you find the solutions that inspire your soul’s journey. Appts by phone, skype, in person. 206-455-0411

Churches &Spiritual Homes“AMPLIFYING DIVINE LIGHT IN ALL” CHURCH, Kirkland,WA. Independent “micro-church.” Eclectic and open. Co-creating our ideal lives and world, peacefully. E.T.’s welcome. Rev. Alia Aurami, 425-466-4001.

WE WELCOME ALL TO OUR MEDITATIONS held at Bellevue Unity the 2nd and 4th Thursdays each month 1:00-2:00 P.M. We use music- tones to strengthen our spiritual awareness. Free. 16330 Northeast 4th Street, Bellevue. Call 425-898-7861 for more information.

CHURCH OF SPIRITUAL TRUTH. Sunday Services 11:00 a.m. CAMP EDGEWOOD NSAC - 1228 26th Avenue Ct., Milton, WA 98354. Everyone welcome. 253-927-2050.

CHURCH OF DIVINE MAN is a non-profit organization focused on spiritual freedom. The emphasis is on teaching spiritual techniques to allow spirit to awaken and create consciously in the physical world. These techniques and teachings are based upon ancient wisdom and presented in a modern-day format. Take charge of your spiritual creativity by meditating with purpose. or call 425-258-1449.

Energy WorkMARY ZIEGLER, Reiki master, acutonics /vibrational healing and shamanic practice in Steilacoom. Remove old energy blocks and create clear energetic pathways. phone: 253-318-4568

Events, Classes,& WorkshopsTHREE SPRING EVENTS, ONE HEALING MESSAGE. Learn to rise above fear and find peace through the difficult transitions of illness, death, and grief. Drawing from her experience sitting with over 500 people as they died, Dr. Lani Leary shares her unique perspective at four Pacific Northwest readings of No One Has to Die Alone. Learn more at


humanitarian & spiritual leaderMay 31-June 3

Hyatt Regency Bellevue

Psychic Fair

Training MAY 5TH AND 6TH AND JUNE 2ND AND 3RD; WANDERER’S PATH REIKI CLASSES, Usui Reiki I, II, III,, [email protected], 360-610-0150

HEAL YOUR LIFE® TRAINING. Become a licensed Heal Your Life® work-shop leader in the philosophy of Louise Hay. Complete manuals and materials provided. Sept 16-23, San Diego. Register by June 22nd and save.

Visit our online events calendar newspiritjournal


Ongoing Events,Classes, GroupsSPIRITUAL HEALING CLINIC, FREE. Observe, receive, practice. All energy healing methods. First Sundays. Kirkland, WA. “Amplifying Divine Light in All”Church, (425)466-4001.

THE COSMIC CONNECTION is a channeled meditation and healing group. You are all welcome in joining this powerful ongoing experience. For further details visit our website for locations.


FREE SAHAJ MARG MEDITATION for human perfection through yogic transmission. Ph (206) 522-2502.

REIKI TRAINING AND CIRCLE. Free Reiki Circle 2nd Sunday of every month. Level I & II Classes plus 3-month Master and one-year Master Teacher Training programs. Free Mini-sessions. Northwest Reiki Center (425) 736-6980.

MOVING INTO PRESENCE NOW! Ongoing Nia, 5 Stages of Self Healing, Contemplative Dance, Breema, and Martial Movement classes in Greenwood. Practices to attune mind, emotions, and spirit to the body, enhancing awareness and vitality. Every body welcome. 206-876-0896

USE YOUR INTUITION TO know and heal yourself. Learn a conscious active form of meditation you can do anywhere. Take the Level 1 class or continue to take all 8.

Page 15: MAY 2012

15MAY 2012 NEW Spirit JOURNAL

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Join us on Monday, May 21 for an interview with Ed Begley Jr., actor, author, and environmentalist. Begley has appeared in hundreds of films, television shows, and stage performances. He’s received six Emmy Award nominations for his work on St. Elsewhere, and his reality show about green living, Living With Ed. His work as earned him a number of awards from some of the most prestigious environmental groups in the nation. His presentation is sponsored by Evirolet. He will also be a featured speaker at the Mother Earth News Fair June 2-3 at the Puyallup Fairgrounds.

In the second half of our show on May, 21, we’ll be talking with Joel Salatin, a self-described environmentalist-capitalist-lunatic farmer, or as The New York Times calls him, “the high priest of the pasture.” Profiled in Michael Pollan’s book, The Omnivore’s Dilemma, Salatin employs an innova-tive farming system that has gained attention from around the country. He’s penned more than a half dozen books, including, Everything I Want to Do Is

Illegal and The Sheer Ecstasy of Being a Lunatic Farmer. He will be a featured speaker at the Mother Earth News Fair June 2-3 at the Puyallup Fairgrounds. MOTHER EARTH NEWS FAIR: Join us June 2-3 at the Puyallup Fairgrounds for fun, entertainment, organic local food and beverages, as well as outdoor gardening and livestock demonstrations, regional and national vendors that feature sustainable lifestyle products and services, and an amazing array of speakers and authors.

By William Wittmann, M.Ed., L.M.P.

Would you believe the happiest people in the world if they revealed their prescription for happiness? Most Americans don’t. Because you read New Spirit Journal, you already know more money and longer work weeks lead nowhere. The happiest people in the world take six weeks of vacation per year. On average Americans take eight to 16 days/year. To be happier, figure out how to get six weeks off. Then take them. I give myself 10 weeks of sabbatical a year and eschew vacations. I established this practice because I did believe the research, and I was tired of burning out as a body therapist and life coach. Why no vacations? Simple. Vacations place too much demand on you to have fun, too many things to accomplish in the limited time, too many expectations to achieve something that will make the Joneses wince. Sabbaticals, on the other hand, invite you to connect with Spirit. Sabbaticals allow for rest and renewal. Can you live creatively when you work 60-hour weeks year-round? Most can’t. Just as the land must remain fallow every seven years, your mind and soul need rest. Here’s a tip: Because much of the value of time off comes from your creating plans and the pleasure in your anticipation, take one-week or two-week breaks instead of one longer sabbatical. This can double the happiness benefits of your time off. Obviously, do what works for you. Some people live scheduled lives when they work. Others have a more varied life. Some like to keep things open. Some like structure. Let your sabbatical reflect this desire for openness or structure. Choose what will generate the most pleasure and least stress. I like to take walkabouts. On a walkabout, you move into nature and follow your heart’s calling. For me, this means getting in a car and driving with no particular aim except to discover the sacred in some way. Predictably, this puts me into wild places, often in national parks. These walkabouts have led me magical places which have now become destinations

for pilgrimage. Bandon, Ore. came to me this way. The Redwoods of Northern California called me. I heard and drove south. On

the way, I discovered Bandon: extraordinary sea stacks, living

monoliths on the Pacific coast, that conversed

with me for days. It became a destination for pilgrimage and a spiritual home for our daughter, Sasha. Avebury, a massive stone circle in England, became another such destination and the spiritual home for my beloved, Suzanne. Kona, Hawaii became such a place for our daughter, Zoe and her husband, Kevin. Recently, a walkabout through eastern Washington led me to Swakane Canyon on the Columbia River, just north of Wenatchee, Wash. It has become one of my spiritual homes. I have drawn and painted it. I created a short video of it. As I write this, I’m heading off on a walkabout that will include a pilgrimage to the canyon. In contrast to having no plans, I like to eat breakfast in a nice place at the same time in the morning, and take naps at the same time every afternoon. And

get up at first light for a walkabout, watching and

participating in the unfolding magic of life. Over the years, I have arrived at what works for me. Whatever style of time off works for you, believe the experts, claim your six weeks and create time off that works for you. Walk in beauty.

William Wittmann, M.Ed., LMP practices in Seattle where he provides cranial sacral therapies, mentoring, and journey work. You can reach him at (206) 328-2073,, Listen to the New Spirit Journal interview with William at You can watch some pilgrimage videos here:

Happiness Guru’s Rx: Six Weeks

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16 MAY 2012NEW Spirit JOURNAL

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Acutonics for Dogs & Cats Sound Healing for Animal Healthby Judith Ponton, DC, Mac, Lac, & Paul Ponton, Mac, Lac, Devachan Press, LLC

“Acutonics provides a noninvasive and nontoxic energetic approach based on centuries-old sound-healing wisdom and the proven methods of Oriental medicine,” say the authors of this book who are acupuncturists and certified Acutonics practitioners and teachers, with Jude also being a chiropractor. Acutonic tuning forks have been used to assist humans with health and energetic issues for years and now we have a guide to help us use them with our animal friends. Filled with stories and examples, this book explains what energy (or qi) is, acupuncture points of dogs and cats, and an explanation of what qi deficiency in different areas looks like. Specific information is given about how to use tuning forks and how to introduce them to your companion animals. Although the authors readily say they are not veterinarians, they are able to give a very

easy to understand explanation of the various energy systems and how issues can manifest and be worked with in dogs and cats. Photos and diagrams are very helpful in putting the information to good use. This is a thorough handbook, well-written and documented, while also being well within the reach of the lay person’s understanding.

The Heroic Path to Self-Forgiveness Change Your Story, Change Your Lifeby Marion Moss Hubbard, Ph.D., Orion Publishing Company

This is definitely a workbook and one which could ultimately bring you great joy and peace. The idea of the book is to help people make peace with their past by being able to forgive themselves. This is a huge journey and one which the author describes as “heroic.” Truly it is that! The book gives an excellent explanation of the path of self-forgiveness and gently but firmly walks through the necessary steps to being willing to forgive and then to actually do it. Various techniques such as voice dialog are revealed while exercises called “Wounding Arrow,” “Sort The Laundry,” and “Clear The Fog” are offered. Marion has walked this path herself and generously shares her stories and experiences that underlie so much of this process. With a Ph.D. in transpersonal psychology, Marion has worked with individuals and organizations for years, and is in the perfect place to share great wisdom in this book. If you think you’re ready for the step of self-forgiveness, get this book and work it through. It could change your life!

Project Happiness (62-minute movie)Beyond Words Publishing

Follow four teens from Santa Cruz, Calif. as they meet their peers in Nigeria and India and have the opportunity to meet the Dalai Lama and ask him about happiness. The teens also speak with Richard Gere and George Lucas as well as other people, asking what makes people happy. This is an impactful movie to watch and would be especially good for teens and young adults. Statistics show that more teens are depressed than ever before and many don’t know what happiness is or how to experience it. Full of great insights, the movie could be very motivating as well as reassuring to people of all ages.

The Pyramids’ Mysteries ResolvedScientific Solutions to Earth’s Magnetic Field and Climate Changeby Christian Bernard Magnongui

Anyone interested in the pyramids – who built them and why, why are they all over the world – would find this book interesting. Much of the basis of the book came to the author in dreams. He then set about to do research to further flesh out what he was given in the dream state. There are many references to other books and websites so that the reader can follow the trail discovered by the author.

Life Choices The Teachings of Abortionby Linda Weber, Sentient Publications

With the renewed resurgence in the efforts of some far-right conservatives to make abortion illegal again, this book is being published at the perfect time. Linda Weber has been a psychotherapist and spiritual counselor for women for 40 years. She became an active feminist in 1970 and was one of the country’s first abortion counselors. Weber has walked through the process of abortion with many women and has witnessed many stories. Through walking her own spiritual path as well as by being a student of history and social sciences, Weber is able to put the choice of having an abortion into a broader context, a spiritual context of compassion and understanding. Every woman who has had an abortion; every man who participated in the decision; counselors, doctors, those who are pro-choice and those who are not, need to read this book. I have never seen this issue addressed in such a deep, holistic, loving, and compassionate manner. Oh, that those who would condemn women who make this choice should read and understand this book.

101 Relationships Myths How To Stop Them From Sabotaging Your Happinessby Tim Ray, Findhorn Press

Everybody is in one or more relationships. From parents and siblings, to bosses and life partners, our lives are filled with relationships of one kind or another. We’ve been told a lot of things about relationships and we believe a lot of things. For instance, do you believe a relationship can work only if you compromise? Or that if your partner loved you he or she would do what you want them to do? What if the concept that men and women think differently is wrong? What if we are more alike than we’re different? How would this change your life? Tim Ray is a relationship columnist and blogger who has written a clearly thought-out book that is also humorous and encouraging. Whether or not you’re in a close relationship right now, and whether or not it is working for you, this book will be very helpful in understanding better how relationships do and don’t work. Many myths are destroyed in this book and rightly so.

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