may 2015 kol tikvah

May 2015 • Volume 29 • Issue 5 A Reform Congregation Embracing Our Jewish Tradition News & Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah Shavuot Celebration Saturday, May 23 Family Potluck Dairy Dinner followed by a Multi-Generational Shavuot Service 6 pm - Potluck Dairy Dinner 7 pm - Shavuot Service 8 pm - Tikkun Leil Shavuot See page 11 for details Set a Reminder!! Annual Congregational Meeting Sunday, May 17th 9:30 am Be Part of the Process RSVP at under Sign up for Events

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Temple Beth Tikvah May 2015 newsletter


Page 1: May 2015 Kol Tikvah

May 2015 • Volume 29 • Issue 5 A Reform Congregation Embracing Our Jewish Tradition

News & Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Shavuot Celebration Saturday, May 23

Family Potluck Dairy Dinner followed by a Multi-Generational Shavuot Service

6 pm - Potluck Dairy Dinner 7 pm - Shavuot Service

8 pm - Tikkun Leil Shavuot

See page 11 for details

Set a Reminder!!

Annual Congregational


Sunday, May 17th

9:30 am

Be Part of the Process


under Sign up for Events

Page 2: May 2015 Kol Tikvah


News & Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Counting of the Omer and Farewell As I write this message, I am reminded of the

teachings of our mystics as they help us find

meaning in a tradition referred to as the

Counting of the Omer. The term omer means

"barley sheaf" and refers to the offering

brought to the Holy Temple in Jerusalem on the second day

of Passover. According to the Bible (Leviticus 22:15): “You

shall count for yourselves from the day after the day of rest,

from the day you brought the Omer of the wave offering;

seven complete weeks there shall be, until the day after the

seventh week shall you number fifty days....”

We are instructed to count seven weeks from the day of the

offering (the second day of Passover) and on the 50th day,

the Festival of Shavuot (also known as the Feast of Weeks)

begins. Since the destruction of the Temple, the Omer

sacrifice is no longer offered, but it is still a mitzvah to count

the 50 days between Passover and Shavuot.

A fundamental aspect of this tradition is gratitude to God.

We are thankful for the harvest and our ability to harvest as

free men and women, not the slaves we read about in the

Passover Haggadah.

But if we dig deeper, we focus on the counting every

evening (the beginning of a new day in the Hebrew

calendar). Perhaps the Counting of the Omer challenges us

to make our days count! A great Reform rabbi and social

justice activist, Rabbi Everett Gendler, teaches that the verse

Limnot yameinu kein hoda (Ps 90:12) means: “make our

days count by saying yes to each one of them.”

Another teaching is from our mystics. They teach that if we

can create a practice of awareness for each day, then we

would be able to build ourselves up from one day to the

next. They teach us that there are 49 gates our people needed

to pass through in order to shed the layers of impurity that

they had accumulated as slaves in Egypt. As each gate

closed behind them, a new gate of possibility, potential and

opportunity opened in front. As they passed each gate, they

achieved an increased level of purity.

Each gate made them more ready to accept the Torah at

Sinai. As they journeyed forward, they prepared themselves

for their encounter with Torah. At the end of their 49 days of

mindfulness, they believed that we were prepared to receive

the Torah that God has given.

One of my teachers taught: Counting the Omer is a 49-day

mindfulness practice aimed at helping us pay attention to the

movement of our lives, to notice the subtle shifts, the big

changes, the yearnings, the strivings, the disappointments,

the hopes and the fears. It is an opportunity for deep

introspection, a call to notice our inclinations, our default

responses, our reactions to shifting emotions and

circumstances. The Counting of the Omer seeks to cleanse

and renew our nefesh, ruach and neshamah (layers of body,

mind and soul) so we can respond to the circumstances of

our lives with compassion and wisdom.

As I walk through my own gateways of my Jewish journey, I

reflect on what I have learned and what I have received. I

feel like I have had many moments at Sinai, receiving God’s

truths – from my congregants at Beth Tikvah, from my

previous congregation in Bridgeport, from different

institutions as an intern, youth advisor, songleader, religious

school teacher, fundraiser, Israel activist, among other roles.

I am grateful for these gifts and I hope and pray that I have

shared some of my own along the way.

But it is time to move through my next gate, to my next

stage, ever striving to encounter God’s truths and Sinai and

then continue toward the Promised Land. The same is true

for this sacred congregation.

I am grateful for all that you have shared and I am grateful

for the opportunity to lead, teach, challenge, and engage you

in your own sacred journeys.

I am so very grateful to my wife and children. Without their

love and ongoing support, I could not do what I do believe I

am called to do. They have always been like oxygen to me. I

don’t forget that they compromise a lot to have a rabbi as a

husband and father. It is a gift they continuously give.

I am grateful to the Kadosh Baruch Hu, the Holy One of

Blessing, the ultimate source of all wisdom and from where

compassion flows. I try to walk in God’s ways every day,

prepared for meaningful encounters and hopeful that I will

live up to my role as a partner in continuing the work of

Creation. I feel blessed for the opportunity to do so with

every breath. I hope that I have cared for God’s people as I

should. And I hope that my efforts may in some small way

reflect God’s infinite love for us, for the people of Israel,

and all of God’s children.

My friends at Temple Beth Tikvah, I hope your journey will

continue to be sweet, filled with meaning and joy. I hope

you continue to grow as individuals and will continue to

grow as a sacred community with your next rabbi. It has

been a privilege and a pleasure.

Shalom berakhah ve-tovah – wishing you peace, blessing

and all good things to come your way.

Rabbi Fred Greene

Page 3: May 2015 Kol Tikvah


News & Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah



Both my parents were raised in Savannah, GA and their families belonged to the historic Reform

congregation “Mikveh Israel.” When they were growing up it was not the custom to observe becoming Bar Mitzvah (all the more so, Bat Mitzvah) in the way that we do now. Instead, all of the emphasis was placed on the more-or-less invented life cycle of Confirmation.

When my father, Milton Kassel, was twelve years old, his grandfather Jacob Kassel, on his deathbed, made my father promise to go over to the Orthodox synagogue and “have” his Bar Mitzvah. His grandfather died and less than

ten months later my father observed his becoming Bar Mitzvah at the Orthodox synagogue.

My father has enjoyed telling us the story of working with Cantor Gefen to learn his Torah portion. Believe it or not, my father is mostly tone deaf and the tutoring was a labored process during which Cantor Gefen often threw up his hands in the air, exclaiming NISHT DO GEDACHT – which my father understood as “G-d forbid!”. But when my father would tell the story the Yiddish expression sounded like “nish doggy dot”, of which I could make NO sense. I was certain my father did not remember the phrase correctly.

One night this past April, my father was telling the story to my son Jacob Kassel (named after his great-great grandfather) and my Jacob decided to look up the phrase on “Google Translate.”

And there it was:


It shouldn’t happen! G-d forbid!

(Lit., May we be saved from it [sad event])

We’ve come a long way since then – both Reform Judaism and the Kassel family! And now, after years and years of

tutoring other people’s children in preparation for their Bar/Bat Mitzvah service, it’s my turn to be the parent! I so

look forward to celebrating this day with family, friends and the Temple Beth Tikvah community and I like to think that our ancestors will be with us in spirit as well.

Cantor Nancy Kassel








MAY 29th at 8:00 PM MAY 30th at 10:00 AM


Please RSVP at or click here

Page 4: May 2015 Kol Tikvah


News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

I can’t believe it’s already May. Where have all the months

gone? But, I do want to briefly reflect back on April. On April

4th, over 110 congregants, family members and friends joined

us for a renewal of our Congregational Seder, led by Cantor

Nancy Kassel. Jeff Willard and Steve Mahan co-chaired the

event. They made sure all the small details were covered. It

was a warm and meaningful evening, and I anticipate it being

an annual event. It was the perfect way to celebrate Passover as

a community.

It hasn’t been a dull year by any stretch. This month our

congregation comes together to honor Rabbi Greene and say

goodbye at a special Shabbat service on May 15th. A few days

later on May 17th we will hold our TBT annual meeting. For

many years the biggest challenge was making sure we had a

quorum to enable us to properly conduct our synagogue

business. The difficulty in getting 15% to attend the annual

meeting has been indicative of the feeling by some that

someone else will always be there to take care of things. As I

have said before, that has been disappointing. The annual

meeting is a unique opportunity to see how the synagogue is

run, how much it costs to run and maintain our facilities and

who’s in charge of running it. After having done this for a few

years now, I can assure you that the synagogue absolutely will

not run on its own.

The annual meeting is vital as we discuss our financial position

and results for the year and adopt our budget for the next fiscal

year. Several new members of our Board will be installed and

other very important matters related to the running of the

synagogue will be discussed. Please join us for all these

matters and also to pay a special tribute to our teachers who are

congregants. Show a favorite teacher your love and support by

being in attendance. You can RSVP at

2015-2016 will be a year of transition as we

begin our journey with our new Senior Rabbi,

Rabbi Shuval-Weiner. Although change has

its challenges, I am excited to see where this year takes us as a

congregation. Your Board has worked very hard to position

ourselves to get off on the right financial foot for this new

chapter in our history.

Speaking of financial feet, I want to put in a final plug for our

annual campaign. So far, about 180 families have participated.

I know our community can do more. Without a successful

annual campaign, the Board struggles to balance our budget.

Our facility continues to soak up any headway we seem to

make as repairs continue to be needed. If you haven’t already,

please consider making a meaningful gift this month to the

campaign. Our next major project this summer will be cleaning

and sealing another large portion of our building stucco on the

school side. We are only able to afford to do this desperately

needed work in phases.

As the school year ends this month and your summer plans

begin to take shape, please remember that your lay leaders are

always working to make TBT a better and more vibrant

community. If you are in town this summer, please join us for

services. On a personal note, I continue to be moved and

motivated by so many dedicated congregants. The group of

volunteers and lay leaders could stand to be larger and if it

were, we certainly could move mountains.


Ron Swichkow

Another wonderful school year is coming to a close. It seems just like yesterday that we were welcoming back old students and

comforting new ones. Now, all of the children walk down the hallways with their heads held high and smiles beaming from their

cute faces. The children of the ECEC spent their school year immersed in Jewish learning, making friends and having fun.

I would like to thank the ECEC teachers: Sheri Baker, Lisa Garris, Alicia Hirsch, Lisa Laudicina, Rhonda Povlot, Martyne Seid-

band, Linda Siegel, Ellisa Vitulli, Rachel Wilson and Robyn Shippel for their hard work and dedication. These ladies are the back-

bone of the school, and we are so lucky to have them all as part of our family. Thank you all for another successful school year!

I would also like to thank Jill Mattos and the Board of Education, as well as Ron Swichkow and the Board of Trustees for their hard

work and support. These leaders are invaluable to our school and their time and dedication are greatly appreciated.

I would like to thank Rabbi Greene and Cantor Kassel for their support, participation and guidance that they provide us all through-

out the year.

Finally, I would like to thank the ECEC’s Parents Group and all of our ECEC families for their dedication, loyalty and support of

our school. The ECEC is so lucky to have such warm and wonderful parents and families, and we thank you for sharing your most

precious treasure with us.

We are still accepting registration for both summer camp and the 2015-2016 school year!

If you or someone you know would like to come see all of the great things going in our school, please do not hesitate to contact me

678-350-0076 or [email protected].

Jenifer Friedman

From the President

Early Childhood Education Center

Page 5: May 2015 Kol Tikvah


News & Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

We have had some very busy days in March and April at the school.

Our Madrichim were in charge of putting together our Purim celebration. What a

wonderful job they did. Zac Povlot took the lead and organized the Purim Spiel.

Thanks to Zac and all the aides who participated. Lots of students, teachers and

Madrichim came to school dressed in costume. Prizes were awarded for a variety

of categories. We sang songs, had an adloyadah (parade), ate hamentashen and

made a lot of noise. It was a very festive

day at the school.

The 4th grade class went on a field trip to the

Purple Hippo Art Studio. The students

spent the morning drawing and painting

their own versions of the Chagall Windows.

The kids had a great time and came away with some amazing artwork.

We had a celebratory ice cream party for the entire 4th and 5th grades. All the stu-

dents passed their reading tests with flying colors. Great job students, keep up the

good work!

The students had a wonderful experi-

ence on the 29th of March. The children

participated in an interactive Seder.

They spent the morning going to differ-

ent stations and doing a variety of


The students made charoses, recited

the brachot (prayers) over Passover

foods, sang Passover songs, recited the

4 questions, created Passover projects

and played Passover games. Please ask

your children what they learned and what they can lead as an activity at their family


SOJOURN presented a workshop to our 7th grade class. The workshop focused on stereotypes, self worth, self esteem

and tolerance. They also focused on anti-bullying to stand up to bully type situations. This all tied into the current unit

about the Holocaust and anti-Semitism. It was so wonderful to see so many parents participating with their children. It

was truly a great experience.

For the past several years we have brought in Devorah Lowenstein from The Atlanta Educators. She has led 4 training

sessions for our Madrichim. The classes range in topics and have included: Working with Special Needs Students, Cur-

riculum Supplements and Basic Skills. The training sessions have been wonderful and the students have walked away

from the classes with some great information.

Were are looking forward to the end of April when we will hold our annual Yom Hashoah(Holocaust Remembrance

Day), Yom Hazikaron(Israel Memorial Day) and Yom Ha’atzmaut(Israel Independence Day) assemblies.


Hassia Levin

Religious School

Page 6: May 2015 Kol Tikvah


Youth Group

HOTTY (9-12th Grade)

In April, 38 HOTTYites headed to Charlotte, NC for the last Kallah of the year, Spring Kallah. We had a blast! We also had our Screen on the Green event and


Congratulations to our 2015-2016 HOTTY Board:

President– Emily Restler

Programming VP– Daniel Marks

Religious & Cultural VP– Drew Baker

Social Action VP– Robby Scott

Membership VP– Maddie Schwartz

We are SO PROUD of everyone who ran for a position. We’re lucky to have so

many awesome HOTTYites who want to be leaders in our youth group!

Our last HOTTY event for the year is on May 9th. There is a lot happening at this event: We’re installing the new HOTTY Board, sending our Seniors off with some roasting & toasting, and handing out some fun awards. Hope you can join


Join the HOTTY Facebook Page ( to

stay up-to-date on what's happening and to RSVP for HOTTY events!

JYG (7-8th Grade)

Check out some pictures from NFTY-SAR Hatikvah Kallah that happened in


Save-the-date for our final JYG event of the year on May 17th. We’re getting ready for summer and having lunch and a pool party at the Strauss house! More details will be coming soon. Hope you can join us. And, 6th graders – you

are all invited to join us for this event.

Join the JYG Facebook Page ( to stay up-to-date on what's happening with JYG, RSVP and arrange carpools for events!

5th & 6th Grade Our last Club 56 scheduled event got rained out so we went to see the movie

“Home” at Aurora Cineplex instead.

Join the 5th & 6th Grade Facebook Page to stay up-to-date on what's happening, RSVP and arrange carpools for events!

Want more info about the youth groups at TBT? Contact us at: [email protected] or call us:

Bobbee (303) 981-2356 & Adam (404) 971-4687

Upcoming Events: May 9 – HOTTY Installations, Senior Sendoff & Final Banquet

May 17 – JYG Pool Party


It’s not too late to attend a Jewish camp in Atlanta this summer! There are sev-eral great options for your kids. Need help figuring out which one is the best for your kid? Ask Adam and Bobbee! We’re happy to help you find the right pro-gram for your child for this summer. Here is a list of Rabbi Greene’s favorite summer camps:




Page 7: May 2015 Kol Tikvah


News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

B’nai Mitzvah

Adam Boehm will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on May 9, 2015. He is the son of Jennifer and Todd

Boehm and younger brother to Riley. Adam is a seventh grader at Dodgen Middle School where he is an honor

student. He enjoys acting, making original videos, and hanging with friends and family. Adam has been a Madrich

at religious school. which he will continue next year along with youth group and Kesher. Adam is also looking

forward to his second summer at URJ’s 6 Points Sci-Tech camp.

Coleman Harrison Wiatric will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on May 9, 2015. Coleman is the son

of Scott and Marsha Wiatric and the brother to Emma. He is the grandson of Elaine Wiatric and the late Jerome

Wiatric of North Miami Beach, Florida, and Nicholas and Madeline Dragich of Washington, Pennsylvania. He is

in the 7th grade at Hightower Trail Middle School and is an outstanding student. Coleman is also a gifted athlete. He

plays travel baseball which is his favorite sport. He gets his basketball genes from his mother and his water skiing

genes from his dad. Coleman’s mitzvah project is serving food to others who are less fortunate. He volunteered and

donated his money to The Atlanta Community Food Bank. Coleman has worked hard to prepare for this special day

and we are very proud of him!!!

Matthew Steven Zukowski will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on May 2, 2015. Matthew is the son of

Suzanne and Russ Zukowski, brother of David Zukowski, and grandson of Ann and Larry Winitsky of Voorhees, New

Jersey, Gina Wolf of Alpharetta, Georgia, the late Carlos Zukowski and Terri Union of Fayetteville, North Carolina.

Matthew is a 7th grade honor student at Crabapple Middle School. He enjoys playing soccer and basketball, making

origami, and participating in the drama club and the jazz band at school.

Marla A. McCord will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on May 16, 2015. Marla is the daughter of

Renee Rappaport McCord and Bruce McCord of Woodstock, Georgia, and sister to Jamie P. McCord, 10. Marla is

in the 7th grade at Mill Creek Middle School (MCMS) where she is a cheerleader for the all the basketball teams, is

a member of the Junior Beta Club, plays the cello in the MCMS 7th grade orchestra and sings with the MCMS

chorus. Marla loves reading, drawing, roller-blading, playing with her cat and going to the beach. As preparation

for her Bat Mitzvah, Marla has been involved monthly with Project Open Hand which allows people to continue

living at home by getting fresh, nutritious meals delivered to them and she looks forward to continuing with this.

She is excited to share this milestone with family and friends

Matthew Aaron Gergans will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on May 16, 2015. He is the son of

Michele and Steven Gergans and older brother of Lindsey. Matthew is a 7th grader at Elkins Pointe Middle School.

He is in his second year of learning Japanese and loves it. Matthew is active in karate and he enjoys playing video

games and hanging out with his friends during his free time.

Jacob Solomon Kassel will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on May 30, 2015. Jacob is the son of our

cantor, Nancy Kassel, and grandson of Milton and Valerie Kassel of Atlanta. A 7th grader at Atlanta Jewish

Academy, Jacob is an avid soccer player, looking forward to playing in this summer’s Maccabi games in

Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Over the years Jacob has enjoyed performing a variety of Mitzvot at Temple Beth Tikvah

such as Family Promise, and working with young children in the ECEC, Shabbat Experience and Religious School,

as well as numerous volunteer opportunities in the greater community.

Lexi and Spencer Cooper will be called to the Torah as B’nai Mitzvah on May 16, 2015 in Big

Canoe in Jasper, Georgia. They are the children of Lawrence and Lauren Cooper of Johns Creek, and the

grandchildren of Lynn and Mitch Wieskopf of Duluth, and Elaine Cooper of Tamarac, Florida, and the late

Neil Cooper. Lexi Jacqueline is a rising 10th grader. She is a dancer and swimmer. She enjoys music, dance ,

and spending time with her family and friends. She is very involved with HOTTY and NFTY. Spencer Adam

is a rising 8th grader. He is a swimmer and plays tennis. He enjoys playing basketball and tennis, and anything

that involves sports. Spencer loves hanging out with his friends, and spending time with family. They both

love their time in Big Canoe, in the North Georgia Mountains, swimming, hiking, paddle boarding, and

kayaking. Lexi and Spencer love anything Disney! Lexi and Spencer are so excited to share this special milestone with their friends and

family, and both look forward to continuing their Jewish education next year in Kesher and Confirmation.

Page 8: May 2015 Kol Tikvah


News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Fundraising News

Andy and Julie Aaronson

Jonathan and Allison Agin

Barry and Shari Alhadeff

Pam Alterman

Steven and Teri Astren

Brian and Sheri Baker

Steven and Sheila Barid

Dale and Wendy Bearman

Jonathan and Barbara Berger

Leonard Berger

Harris and Suellen Bergman

Michael and Jeannine Bernstein

Jerry Bilsky and Judy Tolkan

Peter Birnbaum Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation

David and Robin Bledsoe

Todd and Jennifer Boehm

Michael and Heather Braun

Adam and Adrienne Bruckman

Jamie Burak

Paul and Cherie Cervasio

Lois Clymin

David and Roberta Coad

Michael D. and Lisa R. Cohen

Michael and Marlene Cohn

Steve and Arlene Cohn

Community Foundation for Palm

Beach and Martin Counties

Mark and Stephanie Craig

Renee Davis

Gordon and Hollis Decker

Craig and Susan Derene

Mitchell and Dyann Diamond

Kristopher and Paige Dobbins

Joseph and Waynah Dunn

Rodney and Erika Eberhardt

Audrey Eisen

Alan and Pam Epstein

Elliot and Donna Feller

Steven and Amy Fine

Rory and Jenifer Friedman

Steve and RoseAnn Gerson

Ed and Cindy Getty

Arthur Gittelman and Marcia Pearl

Cary Goldenthal and Lori Shapiro

Neil and Jennifer Goldstein

Robert and Cindy Goldstein

Harlan & Ivie Graiser

Rabbi Fred and Deborah Greene

Anne Grossman

Burton and Sara Grossman

Andrew and Karen Gutman

Scott and Nancy Harris

Peter and Tracy Hartog

Yitzhak and Ronit Hermoni

David and Ellen Herold

Mitchell and Julie Hilsen

Jamie and Katie Jaffe

David and Beth Janes

Peter and Sharon Jedel

Daniel and Stephanie Joseph

Morris and Anna Kagan

Doug and Donna Kallman

Cantor Nancy Kassel

Valerie Kassel Jr

Howard and Linda Katz

Jerry and Marcy Kaufman

Jeffrey and Beth Kess

Sharon Khoury

Jared and Rachel King

Jeff and Cindy Klein

Marc and Deborah Klein

Peter Klokow and Ellen Frank

Stanley and Bobbie Kopkin

Steven and Helen Kraus

Ned and Lisa Kreiss

Robert and Karen Kremer Kenneth Lawler Jr and Ginger Glazer

Fred and Patricia Landsberg

Melvin and Vivian Lapes

Scott and Sheryl Lasky

Hal and Jill Leitman

Ron and Lindsay Levin

Ronald and Jennifer Levine

Emily Lewit

Gary and Michal Loventhal

William and Rita Loventhal

Hadley and Lisa Lowy

Gilbert and Ellen Ludwig

Murray and Sonia Lynn

Joel and Aviva Margolies

Jonathan and Joan Marks

Jason and Maggie McAuliffe

David McClung

Thomas and Marsha McMurrain

Howard and Helaine Medoff

Gary and Peggy Mendelson

Ric and Barrie Mershon

Martin and Charlene Milstein

Ilene Monat

Mark and Jennifer Mosbacher

Robert Moss

Jay and Anita Myer

Robert and Marcy Nader

Ted and Melanie Nathan

Bernie and Gail Natter

North Georgia Pain Clinic, PC

Ryan and Rachel Palazzo

Larry and Jackie Pepper

Gary and Sheyla Peterson

Jason and Melanie Pickett

Shirley Plotkin

Scott and Rhonda Povlot

Marla Ramaglia

Joel and Valerie Rapowitz

Herbert and Bunny Renkin

Betty Rickles

Robert and Ellen Rickles

Barry & Robin Riegelhaupt

Howard & Barbara Rosenberg

Joel and Judy Rosenberg

Harvey and Natine Rosenzweig

Irving and Doris Rosing

Paul and Julie Rubin

Tod and Leslie Rubin

Mark and Gail Rudel

Andrew and Barbara Sacks

Robert and Donna Schacher

Joel and Kathleen Schoenblum

Gary and Debra Schwartz

William and Terry Schwartz

Rhonda Schweber

Sanford and Gail Seidman

Ira and Brenda Share

Stacy and Alicia Sher

Walter and Esther Shultz

Carol Shutzberg

David and Elisa Siegel

Sandy and Nancy Simon

Lawrence and Anne Skal

Kenneth and Helene Skolky

Sharon Snowiss

Stuart and Frances Solomon

Howard and Cynthia Steinberg

Steven and Linda Steinberg

Aaron and Sheila Stieglitz

Mathew and Dani Stordy

Barry & Denise Straus

Ronald and Leslie Swichkow

Donald and Marilyn Tam

Rosalind Taranto

Lloyd and Gail Tate

Steven and Abbe Tobin

David & Christine Toltzis Bruce and Mariann Mamberg Turiansky

Mark and Sally Vosk

Bruce and Carol Waldman

Bruce and Bonnie Walkes

June Wallach

Ronald and Sheri Weiner

Clifford and Loretta Weiss

Mark and Debbie Weiss Douglas Wexler and Jane Greenberger

Bram and Dana Wieskopf

Jeff Willard and Steve Mahan Mark Williams and Michelle Easton

Thomas and Susan Williams

Todd and Rachel Wilson

Scott and Susan Wynne

Andrew and Ilana Zalkin

Ruth Zeidman

Seth and Ellen Zimmer

(donations received through March 2015)

Shalom! I read an article recently that kind of summed up the role/need of fundraising in Temple life. Basically, ever since

the time of Moses, Jews have been trying to maintain a balanced budget. Whether we like it or not, financial resources are a

necessity of religious life. To paraphrase the Torah, “Man does not live by bread alone.” The sages of the Talmud had a

saying for this: Im ein kemach ein Torah, literally, “Without dough there is no Jewish life.” But the question remains: how

do we do this jewishly and according to the highest standards of the Torah? Is there a right way to give and collect funds? Is

there a religious and a righteous way for congregations to meet their fiscal needs? What higher values ought to inform the

way we go about raising funds and maintaining a congregation? The article goes into further details describing a "10 Com-

mandments of Temple Fundraising" I won't bore you with all the details but here are a few to reflect upon as our year enters

the last few months and we try to accomplish the goals we set in the beginning of the year:

1. Thou shalt give!

2. Synagogue members should support their own congregation.

3. Thou shalt contribute honestly.


Jonathan Agin, TBT Fundraising Chairman

Page 9: May 2015 Kol Tikvah


News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

May 2015

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 6:00 pm Confirmation

Group Picture 6:15 pm - 7:30 pm

Confirmation Dinner 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Confirmation &

Shabbat Service


9:00 am - 10:00 am Bagels, Learning &

Torah 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Shabbat Service - Zukowski Bar



9:30 am Religious School -

Last Day 10:00 am Prospective

Member Coffee


7:15 pm Families



9:30 am Tai Chi

6 7 LAG B'OMER 8 12:00 pm ECEC Mom's Tea and Shabbat 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Shabbat Service


9:00 am Bagels, Learning &

Torah 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Shabbat Service - Boehm/Wiatric

B'nai Mitzvah 5:00 pm HOTTY - Installations/Senior


10 Mother's Day 11

12:00 pm Senior

Luncheon 7:15 pm Families



9:30 am Tai Chi 12:00 pm ECEC Madrigot Graduation

13 14 12:00 pm ECEC Pre-K Celebration 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Sisterhood - Social

Event at Red Sky

Tapas & Bar 7:00 pm Breast

Cancer Support


15 ECEC Last Day 7:30 pm Ruach

Shabbat Service w/

Farewell to Rabbi



9:00 am - 10:00 am Bagels, Learning &

Torah 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Shabbat Service - McCord/Gergans

B’nai Mitzvah


9:30 am Annual Congregational


12:30 pm - 3:00 pm JYG - Pool Party


7:15 pm Families



9:30 am Tai Chi 7:30 pm Board of

Trustees Meeting

20 21

NFTY Camp Jenny


NFTY Camp Jenny 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Shabbat Service


NFTY Camp Jenny

9:00 am - 10:00 am Bagels, Learning &

Torah 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Shabbat Service 6:00 pm Shavuot

Family Dairy

Potluck Dinner

7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Shavuot Multi-


Service 8:00 pm Tikkun

Leil Shavuot


NFTY Camp Jenny 10:00 am Shavuot Service and Yizkor

25 Memorial Day

NFTY Camp Jenny

TBT Offices Closed 7:15 pm Families Anonymous


9:30 am Tai Chi 7:30 pm - 10:00 pm Officers Meeting

27 28 29

8:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Shabbat Service


9:00 am - 10:00 am Bagels, Learning &

Torah 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Shabbat Service - Kassel

Bar Mitzvah


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News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

TBT Seniors Luncheon

Monday, May 11 at 12 PM

Rabbi Fred Greene

will be our speaker

RSVP to Natine at [email protected]

Create Community in a Chavurah

"The members of our Chavurah are like extended

family. I can't imagine holidays without

them!" (comment from TBT Chavurah member)

What's a Chavurah?

It's a group of people who share common interests and

meet regularly to celebrate Jewish holidays, share

simchas, attend TBT events, and participate in any

activities that interest them. Being part of a Chavurah

can enhance your experience at TBT by helping you

develop a strong sense of community and deeper

connections within the congregation.

What does a Chavurah do?

You choose the activities you'll participate in and how

often and where you meet. We can help you design a

calendar of programs based on your group's interests.

How do I join a Chavurah?

Just fill out the application and we'll help you find like

-minded families or individuals to form a group. Drop

by the TBT office to pick one up, or visit to


Questions? Please contact Dalia Faupel at

[email protected]

Happy May! Sisterhood has such great energy and really has ful-

filled a major goal of planning diverse, unique and “eye catching”

events this year! A big THANK YOU goes out to all our committee

women for planning these marvelous programs. Creativity and

commitment to nurturing new Sisterhood bonds has grown so

nicely. Kudos abound to such great Sisterhood leaders!

Knit and Nosh is a growing women’s community outreach project

led by Terry Carasick. We are in the process of knitting or cro-

cheting scarves for homeless men and women in the metro Atlan-

ta area and will be ready to distribute our wares by 12/15. Our

last meeting 4/19/15 was so productive and a big thank you is in

order for Terry!

A big thank you also is in order to Leslie Swichkow for planning

our Sunday morning Mah Jongg in April. As always, all are

welcome to this growing regular event as we have different levels

of expertise from the beginning level to the advanced. Teachers

are always needed for this popular happening so please share

your knowledge with upcoming Mah Jongg Sundays and thank

you to those that have taught during the year!

Our May social event will be held at Red Sky Tapas and Bar,

Thursday, 5/14/15 at 6:30 p.m. Please plan on attending and

partaking of tapas, nonalcoholic and/or alcoholic drinks, and good

company as we strive to expand our Sisterhood participation to

all ages and interests for the women of TBT!

Robin Bledsoe Sisterhood Chair


Your synagogue community wants to be a

Caring Community/Kehillat Chesed

If you have recently experienced a loss, are facing a crisis or are celebrating a simcha, please let our office know as soon as possible.

Our clergy and friends strive to be a source of support as best as they can. If you know of one of our fellow congregants who has experienced a loss or can use a hand, please contact the office at 770.642.0434.

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Please RSVP to [email protected] and indicate your first and second choices as to what you would like to contribute. You will receive an email confirmation. RSVP is for dinner only. Please feel free to attend any or all events.

Please join us for a multi generational celebration of Shavuot

Saturday, May 23, 2015 6:00 PM Shavuot Dairy Pot Luck Dinner 7:00 PM Multi-Generational Shavuot Service 8:15 PM Tikkun Leyl Shavuot - A Shavuot Study Session

Temple Beth Tikvah

Annual Congregational Meeting & Brunch

Be A Part of the Process!

Sunday, May 17th @ 9:30 a.m.

Presentation and election of the slate of Officers and Trustees.

Presentation & acceptance of the 2015-2016 Budget & Constitutional Amendments

Hear a review of the past year and a preview of capital projects for the next year

Enjoy a light brunch and the voices of our Adult and Youth Choirs.

For your convenience we are also providing free babysitting and elementary age

kids will have programming with Senior Youth Group members.

Please RSVP online at at sign up for events

Rethinking Shavuot – Join Rabbi Greene to explore how the Book of Ruth can help us focus on the importance of living in community, the power of small acts of kindness in building trust, and the necessity of imagining a different future. And if that is not enough, we will share some of our favorite cheesecakes!

Choices: Dairy Main Dish for 8 Side Dish for 8 Salad for 8

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News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Annual Campaign

Sandy and Nancy Simon in memory of Howard Paul

Lawrence and Anne Skal in memory of Isabelle Edelman

Building Fund

Addie Myers in memory of Norman Bachman

Campership/Israel Fund

Hadley and Lisa Lowy in memory of Nadia Cooper

Nadine Duhaney

Todd and Rachel Wilson in memory of Helen Skyer

Cantor Kassel’s Discretionary Fund

Shirley Plotkin in memory of Ida Plotkin

Jane Greenberger in memory of Margaret Zolla

Ed and Shirley Schiffer in appreciation of Cantor Kassel

performing in the cantorial concert at their synagogue

Rosalind Taranto in memory of Warren Pomerance

Steven and Janice Liederman in memory of

Harry Liederman

Steven and Sheila Barid in memory of Richard Barid

Hadley and Lisa Lowy in appreciation of Cantor Kassel

Morray and Susan Scheinfeld in appreciation of

Cantor Kassel

Susan Scheinfeld in appreciation of Cantor Kassel

Steven and Janice Liederman in memory of

Pauline Liederman

Carol Shutzberg in memory of Morris "Moe" Shutzberg

Scott and Marci Weiss in honor and appreciation of

Cantor Kassel

Mark and Debbie Weiss in memory of Rose Weiss

Ilene Monat in memory of Daniel Kaufman

Peter and Helene Levinson in memory of Carole Friedman

Caring/Kehillat Chesed Fund

David and Ellen Herold in memory of Bernard Bickwit

Nancy Miller in appreciation of friendship with Kara, Bart,

Jeremy, Ilana and Tori Segal

Sherwin and Judee Levinson in memory of

Maryetta Aronow

Elaine Korman in memory of Phyllis Israeloff

Douglas Wexler and Jane Greenberger in memory of

Miriam Belger

Walter and Esther Shultz in memory of Miriam Belger

Harvey and Natine Rosenzweig in honor of Daniel Ellison’s

double Bar Mitzvah

Dale and Wendy Bearman in memory of Miriam Belger

Endowment Campaign

Hadley and Lisa Lowy in memory of Marilyn Narduzzi

General Fund

ATID Class of 2014-15 in honor of Harlan Graiser and

Seth Zimmer for their incredible leadership during the

2014-15 ATID program

Larry & Jackie Pepper in memory of Louise Herndon

Shirley Crawford

Harlan and Ivie Graiser in memory of Florence Ackerman

Berger Auerbach, Isaac Ackerman, and Charles Moore,

brother-in-law of Steve Mahan

William and Marjory Segal in memory of Edward Segal

Robert and Myra Idol in memory of Esta Schaier

Harry and Bettye Baer in honor of Dale Bearman's recovery

Prayerbook Fund

Melvin and Tobi Levine in memory of Sarah Stansky

Rabbi Greene’s Discretionary Fund

Robert and Adele Toltzis in memory of Arthur Toltzis and in

memory of Anita Seidman, mother of Sandy Seidman

Ron and Ellie Katz in honor of Rabbi Greene

Phyllis Madans in memory of Ira Madans and

Samuel Grosswald

Hadley and Lisa Lowy in appreciation of Rabbi Greene

Dick Grosswald and Norma Rosen Grosswald in honor of

Rabbi Greene

Nadine Duhaney in honor of Rabbi Greene

Howard and Cynthia Steinberg in memory of John and

Harold Steinberg

Nancy Broudy in memory of Dorothy Rothman

Rabbi Tam’s Discretionary Fund

Renee Davis in memory of Sy Davis

William and Marjory Segal in memory of Miriam Belger

Barry and Dore Kaiser in memory of Arlene Kaiser

Barry and Dore Kaiser

Bernard and Rita Tuvlin in memory of Mathew Tuvlin

Religious School Fund

Bruce and Bonnie Walkes in memory of Miriam Belger

Bernice Bickwit in memory of Nathan Resnick

Tikkun Olam Fund

Jeffrey Willard in memory of Gertrude Willard

Torah Fund

Richard Quintana and Bernice Isaac in appreciation of

Rabbi Fred Greene and Cantor Nancy Kassel

Youth Group Fund

Marc and Julie Perlson in honor of Cantor Kassel

(donations received through 4/17)


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News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah


In Memorium

Temple Beth Tikvah acknowledges with sorrow

the passing of:

Harriet Hatoff

Grandmother of Laura Gordon

Eve Hilsen

Grandmother of Mitch Hilsen

Gerald Berkowitz

Husband of Carol Berkowitz

Lowell Herman

Father of Deborah Greene

Shirley Friedman Lipsitz

Mother of Julie Aaronson

May God console you among all the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.

Thank You to our Amazing Office Volunteers!

Marcia Pearl

Ellen Levitz

Lois Malkin

Ellen Frank

Marsha McMurrain

Marla Ramaglia

Erica Stein

June Wallach

Gil Ludwig

Richard & Ian Staviss

Marsha Mathis


Steve and RoseAnn Gerson on

the birth of granddaughter,

Arden Florence Uffalussy.

Proud parents are Jennifer and

Matt Uffalussy.

Rob Cherof on his engagement to Jessica Ravitz.

An April 2016 wedding is planned.

Honor a person or event

with a leaf on our tree of

life. You can purchase a

leaf as an individual or as

a group.!

Page 14: May 2015 Kol Tikvah


News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Synagogue Information

Synagogue Office - 770-642-0434

Fax Number - 770-642-0647

School Office (Perri) - 770-642-4168

Preschool (Jenifer) - 678-350-0076

Assistant to Clergy - Michelle Leder

Financial Secretary - Jenny Korsen

Admin. Assistant - Lisa Singer

Office Manager - Becky Sullivan

Adult Education Cindy Getty [email protected] Budget & Finance Karen Korshak [email protected]

Camp/Israel Scholarship Marcia Haber [email protected] Chavurot Dalia Faupel [email protected] College Outreach Lynda Bennett [email protected] Ginger Glazer [email protected] Communications

Mark Rudel [email protected] Family Promise Randy and Amy Siegal [email protected] Brian and Jennifer Steinberg [email protected] Tony Rosenberg [email protected]

Fundraising Jonathan Agin [email protected] House Ted Nathan [email protected]

Human Resources Seth Zimmer [email protected] Israel Gene Carasick [email protected] Kehillat Chesed (Caring) Leslie Swichkow [email protected] Library Ilana Zalkin [email protected]

Membership Recruitment & Retention Jill Leitman [email protected] Marcia Pearl [email protected] Men’s Club Mark Greenspan [email protected] Peter Hartog [email protected]

Nominating Committee Todd Boehm [email protected] Ritual Esther Shultz [email protected]

Security Jay Sausmer [email protected] Seniors Natine Rosenzweig [email protected] Sisterhood Robin Bledsoe [email protected] Social Action Darrin Cohen [email protected]

Website Development Scott Povlot [email protected] Youth Group Debra Schwartz [email protected] Michal Loventhal [email protected]

Get Involved! TBT Committees and Chairpersons

Planning a simcha or group gathering?

The Tam-Blank Social Hall is the Place to Be.

For more information on renting our Social Hall,

contact the synagogue office at 770-642-0434.

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News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Page 16: May 2015 Kol Tikvah


Fred Greene


Donald A. Tam

Rabbi Emeritus

Nancy Kassel


Hassia Levin

Education Director

Jenifer Friedman

ECEC Director

Ron Swichkow


Todd Boehm

Vice President

Harlan Graiser

Vice President

Denise Straus

Vice President

Andy Gutman


Michael Braun


Jill Mattos


Board of Education