may 2015 monthly newsletter

608 SOUTH COLLEGE ROAD WILMINGTON NC 28403 (910) 392-4444 FAX (910) 392-4905 May 2015 Feast of Holy Pentecost May 31

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St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, Wilmington NC, May 2015 Monthly Newsletter


Page 1: May 2015 Monthly Newsletter

608 SOUTH COLLEGE ROAD WILMINGTON NC 28403 (910) 392-4444 FAX (910) 392-4905

May 2015

Feast of Holy Pentecost

May 31

Page 2: May 2015 Monthly Newsletter

St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church May 2015


Fr. Jon Emanuelson

Parish Priest

Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 9AM – 2PM

Office Phone: 910-392-4444 Office Fax: 910-392-4905

Fr. Jon’s Mobile Number: 910-685-0080

Office Email: [email protected]

Fr. Jon’s Email: [email protected]

Church Website:

Find us on Facebook:



Angelique Skandalakis, Parish Office Administrator


Officers Members

Barbara Reynolds, President John Burgee Debra Rallis

Evangelos Fragos, Vice President Peter Manolukas Nick Saffo

Irene Sotiriou Vogiatzis, Secretary Peter Malahias Maria Stasios

Tina Bostic, Treasurer Emanuel Miliotis

Religious Education…Richard Reynolds, Ministry Chair Communications - Technology Ministries…

Adult Education…Richard Reynolds Alexandros Theodoropolos, Ministry Group Leader

Youth Catechism…Courtney Malahias, Director Webmaster… Alexandros Theodoropolos

Bookstore/Library…Mary Ann Wall Publications…Angelique Skandalakis, Stella McTaggart

Oratorical Festival…Courtney Malahias Technology… Alexandros Theodoropolos

Media/Community Relations…Beth Burgee, Debra

Hellenic Culture…Kitsa Wiersteiner, Ministry Chair Rallis, Alexandros Theodoropolos

Hellenic School…Anestis Logothetis, Acting Director

Romiosini Dance Group… Zaharoula Katsikis Parish Family Life…**Volunteer Needed**

Zoyra Dance Group… Zaharoula Katsikis Parish Family Night…**Volunteer Needed**

Choral…Dr. Michael Rallis Men’s Group…Richard Reynolds

Special Activities… Kitsa Wiersteiner Women’s Group…**Volunteer Needed**

Forever Young…Stella Vallianos

Youth Diakonia…Koula Katsikis, Ministry Chair LOVE…Stella McTaggart

GOYA…Mary Beth Miliotis, Tina Bostic, Dr. David

Snow, Irene Vogiatzis Outreach & Evangelism…Diane McGowan

HOPE/JOY… Joyce Patsalos, Renée Psilos, Sophia OCF…Fr. Jon, Alexandros Theodoropolos

Brewer, Connie Ronner, Jaime Saffo Hospitality…Ed and Kathleen Mayorga

Community Service…Christina Mount

Liturgical Life… Dr. Michael Rallis, Ministry Chair Parish Care…Pat Poulos, Tina Stamatakis

Liturgical Music… Dr. Michael Rallis

Acolytes…Doug Brown Philoptochos…Thalia Kefalas, Chapter President

Neokoros/Sexton…**Volunteer Needed**

Stewardship…Debra Rallis

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St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church May 2015


From the Desk of Father Jon

Christ is risen! Χριστός Ανέντη!

These words should be on our lips constantly. When we answer the phone, when we greet each other,

when we gather at our family dinner table, let us all proclaim the resurrection of Christ. May we chant the

Paschal Troparion when rise in the morning, as a prayer before meals, before we go to bed in the evening for

all 40 days of the Resurrection, right up until Ascension!

The truth of the resurrection of Jesus Christ is what gives us so much to look forward to. Because Je-

sus is the resurrection and the life, He has conquered sin and death. It is just as He said in the gospel of John,

“In the world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” John 16:33. The

power of our Lord over sin and death gives us strength and hope for life eternal with God.

We many opportunities to share our Orthodox Faith with those around us. We can much testimony of

the difference that God makes in our lives. We have a multitude of witnesses that came before us – the Saints

– that speak well about the real life in Christ. Our Orthodox Church offers us so many blessings through the

worship, the Mysteries, the Icons, the Scriptures, the Fasts, the Feasts, the prayers!

Opportunity Realized!

Our St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church Festival is one the greatest opportunities to reach out to the

community and especially to those with no spiritual home. In just a few weeks, we will embark on our annual

event with new zeal! Let everyone wear the button that invites the people to join us for our Church tours. Let

everyone ask all those we see, “Have you been on a church tour yet?”

I believe there are so many souls in our community that have yet to hear the truth of the gospel in our

Orthodox Christian Church, that we could easily fill our church in the next few years with visitors, inquirers,

new members. So that those who show up late will have to stand because there are no seats left. The Lord

Himself commanded His servants in the parable of the wedding feast to go out to the highways and byways

and invite the people until His house is full! May His command find true life in us! How can we know the

joy of the resurrection and not share it?

Lastly, most of the time I do not have a favorable opinion about films that speak about our Christian

faith. I am truly happy to recommend one that I saw recently titled, “Do You Believe?” It is a wonderful

film, full of great lessons (and no foul language). It resonates the message of the gospel so strongly, you will

be moved to tears. I pray you will all have the opportunity to see this film. It is more than worth the price of

admission and you will feel uplifted after seeing it!

Truly He is risen!

Love, Fr. Jon

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St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church May 2015


From the Parish Council President

Barbara Reynolds

Xristos Anesti, Christ is Risen!

It was wonderful to see our church filled for the beautiful Pascha services. I hope everyone felt as spiritually

uplifted as I did. It was so moving to hear the beautiful words and chanting of the services. The flowers on the

icons and the Kouvouklion were beautiful. It all came together as a truly meaningful and spiritual experience. I

would like to thank all the “servants” that made the services so beautiful and the Agape picnic so delicious and

fun. I would also like to thank Fr. Eugene and Deacon Tom and Alex Kamilaris who helped Fr. Jon with the

services and the retreat for the youth. It was such a blessing to have them with us all week. Looking forward I

hope to continue to see our church full of Orthodox worshipers.

The St. Nicholas Greek Festival is coming up on May 15 – 17. We need volunteers to help the week before and

the weekend of the Festival. If you are not sure where your help is needed please contact a member of the festi-

val committee or a parish council member. This is a chance for us to share our faith, our love, our culture and

our great Greek food with the community of Wilmington. See you all there.

In His service

June 7 - Graduation for Hellenic School and

Church School



July 12-18 - St. Stephen’s Summer Camp


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St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church May 2015


Stewardship Debra Rallis



Give without show – “Let not your left hand know

what your right hand is doing.” (Matt. 6:3)

Give with regularity in proportion – “Upon the first

day of the week let everyone of you lay by him in

store, as God has prospered him.” (I Cor. 16:2)

Give liberally – “He who sows sparingly will also

reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also

reap bountifully.” (II Cor. 9:6)

Give cheerfully – “Let everyone give as his heart tells

him, neither grudgingly, nor under compulsion, for

God loves the man that gives cheerfully.” ((II Cor.


Please complete your stewardship commitment card.

The stewardship card provides us the information we

need about the time, talent and treasures you are able

to offer St. Nicholas. The Parish Council can then

determine what we can offer from our various minis-

tries throughout this year. Thank you for taking the

time to complete one of these cards. They can be

found at the entrance to the church.

Stewardship Committee

Bookstore Mary Ann Wall

The bookstore/library will have an open house this

month after the Festival. No firm date has been set

but I hope all parishioner will COME SEE. Thank

you. In Christ’s Service, Mary Ann Wall.

2015 STEWARDSHIP 4/5/2015

Total Stewards 95

Total $ Pledged $186,763

2015 Budget (goal) $240,000

Avg $ pledge per steward $1,987

% Parish participation to date 47%

% of total goal 78%

Total Giving to date $69,690

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St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church May 2015


Hellenic Culture and Greek School Kitsa Wiersteiner

The Hellenic Culture ministry would like to thank all

the people who contributed to the beautiful Greek In-

dependence Day program. Special thanks goes to our

speaker, Dr. Anesti Logothetis, our Hellenic school


The teachers, parents, and the Hellenic Special Activi-

ties members Dr. Ron Demas, Dr. & Mrs. Emmanuel

Koklanaris, and Manny Lionikis assisted the children

with their poems. We are proud of our children who

worked so hard with their poems, singing, and danc-

ing. Zaharoula has done an outstanding job with Zoyra

and Romiosini dancers. Her enthusiasm is matched

with Nota Dukas's dedication in sewing the beautiful,

authentic Greek costumes. Many thanks to both of

them. A big thank you to the Hellenic school parents,

and especially to Kim Dandulakis for decorating the

Hellenic Center.

Moreover, many thanks to Chris's Restaurant for the

delicious fasting meal. Many thanks to Peter Malahias

and Vasili Vogiatzis for assisting Chris and his family

in the kitchen. We would also like to thank Alexan-

dros Theodoropoulos for his technical assistance and

for operating the sound system. Thank you to every-

one who brought desserts, fruits, and drinks. There are

too many to mention by name. Many thanks to Kathy

Dimopoulos for making the program and flyer. We

would also like to thank Barbara Harris for photo-

graphing this event and to Ben Harris for videotaping

it. Ben and Barbara also built the Κρυφο Σχολειο

"Secret School" scenery.

Most importantly, we want to thank our community

for being present and showing your support for the

efforts of our children.

We apologize if we forgot to acknowledge anyone

who helped with this celebration.

Please note, there will be no Greek School on May 15

because of the Festival. Graduation for Greek School

will be on Sunday, June 7 along with the Sunday

School graduation.

Youth Catechism Courtney Malahias

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only

Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish

but have eternal life.” John 3:16

Christos Anesti!

As our ecclesiastical year is coming to an end, I would

like to take this opportunity to thank our wonderful,

dedicated teachers.

1 Corinthians 15:58 “Therefore, my dear brothers and

sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give

yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you

know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.”

Stella McTaggart,Jack Poulos, Pam and Cameron Cal-

houn, Angelique Skandalakis, Alexandros The-

odoropoulos, Alexia Porzio, Renee Theophilas, Mary

Ann Vavalette, Eleni Papamihiel, Lucy Pekatos,

Melissa Kirkby, Koula Katsikis, Tina Gill, Presbytera

Barbara Emanuelson, Erica Yucius, Manny Miliotis,

Jimmie Stasios and Alex Pathenos…...THANK YOU!

You definitely put the U in CH RCH!!!!

It takes a special person to teach and each of you are

very special to our church.

Next time you see them, say thank you and give them

a hug!

Graduation Sunday is fast approaching! The date is

June7th! If you have a senior, please come see me.

We will be sending an email soon with what is needed

to honor your child’s accomplishment.

Thank you for all you do and for a fabulous year!

Grateful to be in His service,

Courtney Malahias

The Hellenic Culture

Special Activities Committee Kitsa Wiersteiner

On Saturday March 28th, 2015, the Hellenic Culture

Special Activities Committee presented a screening of

the documentary, “The Journey: The Greek American

Dream,” produced and directed by Maria Iliou.

This was a very successful event with approximately

forty people in attendance. The documentary, which

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St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church May 2015


contains a wealth of previously unseen archival pho-

tographs and film footage from over fifty public and

private American collections, told the fascinating his-

tory of Greek immigrants in search of the American



Koula Katsikis, Mary Beth Miliotis, Tina Bostic, David Snow,

Irene Vogiatzis

All Goyans needed to help during our Greek Festival.

Make sure to log in your hours daily with Ms Koula.

Help needed in the drive thru - just ask where help is

needed - we need YOU! Help is also needed to set

up the week before the festival. If you are dancing,

this counts as volunteer hours too. If you need letters

for volunteer hours worked for school, please see

Angelique Skandalakis in the Church Office. The

festival this year is May 15,16 and 17.

LOVE Stella McTaggart

Χριστοs Ανεστι!

For the month of May LOVE invites all of our fami-

lies to join us for Divine Liturgy on Thursday, May

21 followed by playtime at a local park afterwards.

Orthros begins at 8am and Liturgy begins after that

(approximately 9am). This will be the perfect event

as most preschools are out of school and this is before

the long Memorial Day weekend.

LOVE tries to meet at least once per month with both

the child(ren) and at least one adult participating in

the event. Caretakers could be moms, dads, grand-

parents, aunts, uncles, and nannies, really anyone

who wants to come to the events. So please join us

this month!! If you have any questions, please don’t

hesitate to contact any member of LOVE for more


Community News


Our Greek Festival will be May 15th - 17th

Please come out and help the week before and during

the festival. We need help everywhere: from the food

line, to the drive thru, the gates, to pastries and sal-

ads. Food Handling Volunteers: Please remember to

bring and wear a hat!!

We need people to do cooking demonstrations -

Please sign up!

Monetary donations towards festival expenses are

greatly appreciated. Please be aware, we use food dis-

tributors to order food and paper products; however,

if you would like to designate a certain item for your

donation such as tomatoes, onions, tzatziki sauce,

dolmathes, rice, potatoes, napkins, silverware, etc.

please let us know how much money you would like

to donate so we can order these items directly from

the distributors. For any donation, please contact the

office at 910-392-4444 or Fr. Jon.

This is our festival to benefit our church - we need all

hands on deck to make 2015 a success!

Thank you in advance for all your help.

From the Festival Committee


We have started a Hellenic Center Beautification

Fund Drive to update our Hellenic Center. You will

notice that the Hellenic Center and the hallways have

been painted. Our other wish list items are listed be-

low. Donations of any amount will be greatly appreci-

ated. Please note “Hellenic Center” on your check. If

you want your donation to go to a specific item

please note it on your check. Otherwise once we col-

lect enough our next big project will be to replace the

floor and carpet.


Flooring (approx cost $16,000)

New Banquet Chairs (approx cost $6,000)

New Ceiling Tile

New Bar Cabinetry

Granite Countertop For Bar Area

Plantation Shutters for Four Windows - DONATED


We were notified by the STOP HUNGER NOW or-

ganization that the meals from our Parish's December

meal-packaging event have been shipped in a con-

tainer with 218,120 meals from SHN's Eastern North

Carolina warehouse. The meals will be received by

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St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church May 2015


SHN's in-country partner, Convoy of Hope, in Haiti.

Thank you for your financial contributions and volun-

teer support during our Parish's SHN meal-packaging

event that helped make this shipment possible!

Irene Sotiriou Vogiatzis

Jimmie Stasios


For all the people celebrating their birthday, anniver-

sary, and name day in the month of May, may you

have many happy years! Many Happy Years!

On April 19 we held a 40 day blessing for Zoe

Mayorga, daughter of Sia Mayorga. Na sas zisi!

Congratulations to Maia Porzio who won 1st place in

the state of North Carolina PTA Reflections contest

for photography. The theme this year was "the world

would be a better place if"... And Maia's response was

"if we looked up". She will be moving on to the na-

tional competition next. See her entry above.

Sympathies and Memorials

It was with great sadness that we were informed that

Mr. Gus Stefanadis, age of 84, Fell Asleep in the Lord

in Clearwater FL, in the evening of Thursday, March

19th, 2015. He was surrounded by his devoted wife

of 55 plus years, Sonja (Sophia), and family. We

would like to extent our deepest condolences to his


As many of you know, Gus Stefanadis grew-up in

Wilmington and attended St. Nicholas when this was

located down at the intersection of 2nd & Orange

Streets. He was a very dedicated and long-time mem-

ber of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church in Clear-

water FL, and served his beloved parish tirelessly in

many capacities. Gus was also much admired, respect-

ed, and loved as a family man, loyal AHEPAN, and

committed Pan-Icarian. Please find Mr. Stefanadis's

full obituary at



6167-440e-a917-d8083783f008 .

Please keep his wife Sonja (Sofia) and the rest of his

immediate and extended family in your thoughts and

prayers during this difficult period ...ΑΙΩΝΙΑ ΤΟΥ Η

ΜΝΗΜΗ - Everlasting be his memory!





We extend our deepest sympathy to the family of

Gregory Dandulakis on the passing of his father,

Stavros, in Athens on March 23. May his memory

be eternal!

We extend our deepest sympathy to the family of

Katina Greeves. Katina passed away on Saturday,

March 28, 2015. God rest her soul and may her

memory be eternal!

On March 29 we held a 2-year memorial for Ange-

line B. Saffo, mother of Kay Skandalakis and Peter

Saffo. May her memory be eternal!

On April 19 we held a 6-month Trisagion prayer

for Despina “Bebe” Pamfelis Saffo. May her

memory be eternal!

With the Saints, give rest to the souls of Your servants, where there is no pain, sorrow, or suffering, but life


Page 9: May 2015 Monthly Newsletter

St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church May 2015


Angeledes, Angelo & Evelyn

Andrews, Chris

Batis, John & Emily

Batounis, John & Nancy

Berrehamn, Meleshaw & Gebremskal

Bostic, Michael & Tina

Brilakis, Antony & Shirley

Brown, Doug & Argie

Calhoun, Cameron & Pam

Cranidiotis, Chris & Joy Faulk

Dandulakis, Gregory & Kimberly

Demas, Ronald & Sharon

Dentiste, Angela

Diakogiannis, Ifigenia

Diakogiannis, Yianni

Dimopoulos, Pete & Katherine

Dimopoulos, George

Dimopoulos, Maria

Dimopoulos, Vasilios

Dodge, Nicholas & Khristina

Dukas, Nota

Emanuelson, Fr. Jon & Presbytera Barbara

Flowers, Larry & Helen

Fokakis, George

Fragakis, John & Sophia

Franck, John Argie

Frankos, Dr. Mary

Gerry, Despina

Habash, Nick & Elizabeth

Haralambous, Irene

Harrell, Stephanie

Jefferies, Phil & Irene

Kaprantzas, Christos & Eleni

Karonis, Yianni & Evyenia

Katris, Gus

Kefalas, Thalia

King, Lee & Doris

Kirkby, Matthew & Melissa

Koklanaris, Emmanuel & Lambra

Kratsa, Perry Caleb & Anita Nagy

Kruczko, Serge Mark & Ashlee

Lazaridis, Nick & Nena

Lionikis, Emmanuel & Athanasia

Logothetis, Anestis & Constance

Maggio, Evelyn

Malahais, Peter & Courtney

Manolukas, John

Manolukas, Dr. Peter & Joan

Markatos, Aristea

Marmaras, Mary

Maroudis, Xenophon

Mayorga, Ed & Kathleen

Mayorga, Sia

McGowan, Calvin & Diane

McTaggart, Micaiah & Stella

Miliotis, Emanuel & Mary Beth

Nashed, Neemat

Papakidis, Maria

Papanicolaou, Lambros & Niki

Papanikolau, Efstratios & Sandra

Patsalos, Nick & Joyce

Pekatos, Spero & Lucy

Pinkston, Anne

Pittman, Brian & Benjalee

Rallis, Michael & Debra Bakalis Rallis

Reynolds, Rick & Barbara

Ronner, Tom & Connie

Saffo, Doky & Despina

Saffo, Marian & Marika

Saffo, Nick & Tia

Saffo, Peter & Kimberly

Saffo, Tony & Jamie

Schaefer, Robert & Rena

Skandalakis, Angelique

Skandalakis, Kay

Skinner-Darby, Patricia

Sljaka, Sophia

Snow, David & Daphne

Souflas, Thomas & Linda

Spyropoulos, Maria

Stasios, James & Maria

Theophilos, Plato & Renee

Triantafillopoulas, Konstantinos & Debbie

Tsingelis, Chris & Angie

Tsingelis, Konstandinos

Vallianos, Stella

Vogiatzis, Ioannis & Barbara

Vogiatzis, Vasilios & Sotirou, Irene

Voneiff, George & Irene

Wall, Mary Ann

Whitley, John & Helen

Wickersham, Donald Ross

Wiersteiner, Sam & Kyriaki

Zezefellis, Effie

Zondos, Angela

Stewards who have completed a 2015 Stewardship Pledge Card

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Holy Week


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608 S. College Road, Wilmington, NC 28403


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