may 2019 the pastor s ponderings · may 2019 the pastor’s ponderings pastor david’s cell...

May 2019 The Pastors Ponderings Pastor Davids cell phone—765-330-4170 and email address—[email protected] Zions 2019 Council Members Elder & President ........................................ Jody Stanley Elder & Vice-President ................................... Larry Hile Secretary ................................................ Sandy Langdon Deacons .....................................................Mike Clamme Tim Stanley Drew Walker Trustees ........................................................ Neil Stroble Max Langdon Scott Clamme Treasurer ................................................... Libby Stroble Financial Secretaries ...................................... Julie Prout Debbie Walker I was going to write a foolish article about mothers and Moth- ers Day. I was going to talk about how it is good to honor mothers on Mothers Day in worship, but that we should also remember those who have difficult relation- ships with their mothers, or those who have lost their children, or those who cannot or do not wish to be mothers. I was going to talk about how Mothers Day means something different to me since we are expecting. I was going to talk about my own experiences as a child. But Im not going to write that article. God knows that Ive mansplainedenough things. I dont need to mansplain mothering as well. Instead, Im going to be thankful for my mother (Hi Mom!) and the many other non-biological mothers that Ive had. Im going to remember in prayer those who have lost their mothers or their children; those who are es- tranged from their mothers or their children; those who cannot be mothers. Im going to be thankful for the mothers who raise children in a fractured and frightening world. No judgment on goodor badmothering here. Not from me, when I dont know the least thing about it. Just prayer and gratitude. Love to you all, Pr. David Blackford County Prayer Walk "The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea, I have a good- ly heritage" (Psalm 16:6, KJV). There will be a Prayer Walk for Blackford County on Saturday, May 4th, beginning at 9 a.m at the 4-H building. The idea with a prayer walk is to surround the county in prayer as we walk along its boundaries. Zion's mile is on SR 167, between 300 S and 400 S. Two peo- ple from Zion have the opportunity to walk this mile and pray. Let Pastor David know if you want to be part of this ministry. Coffee Hour for A Better Way Zion's Mission and Ministry Team is hosting a Coffee Hour and Breakfast to raise funds for A Better Way on Sunday, May 5th at 9 a.m. A Better Way, based in Muncie, is an agency that provides shelter and services for victims of sexual violence and domestic assault. They provide a wide range of services, including counseling, support groups, a walk-in Rape Crisis Center, transitional housing, and 24-hour crisis and suicide hotlines. Andrea Carie, a Victim Advocate, will speak at the breakfast. Please come, eat, learn, and give generously!

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Page 1: May 2019 The Pastor s Ponderings · May 2019 The Pastor’s Ponderings Pastor David’s cell phone—765-330-4170 and email address— Zion’s 2019 Council Members

May 2019

The Pastor’s Ponderings

Pastor David’s cell phone—765-330-4170 and email address—[email protected]

Zion’s 2019 Council Members

Elder & President ........................................ Jody Stanley

Elder & Vice-President ................................... Larry Hile

Secretary ................................................ Sandy Langdon

Deacons .....................................................Mike Clamme

Tim Stanley

Drew Walker

Trustees ........................................................ Neil Stroble

Max Langdon

Scott Clamme

Treasurer ................................................... Libby Stroble

Financial Secretaries ...................................... Julie Prout

Debbie Walker

I was going to write a foolish

article about mothers and Moth-

er’s Day.

I was going to talk about

how it is good to honor mothers

on Mother’s Day in worship, but

that we should also remember

those who have difficult relation-

ships with their mothers, or those

who have lost their children, or

those who cannot or do not wish

to be mothers.

I was going to talk about how Mother’s Day means

something different to me since we are expecting.

I was going to talk about my own experiences as a


But I’m not going to write that article.

God knows that I’ve “mansplained” enough things.

I don’t need to mansplain mothering as well.

Instead, I’m going to be thankful for my mother (Hi

Mom!) and the many other non-biological mothers that

I’ve had.

I’m going to remember in prayer those who have

lost their mothers or their children; those who are es-

tranged from their mothers or their children; those who

cannot be mothers.

I’m going to be thankful for the mothers who raise

children in a fractured and frightening world.

No judgment on “good” or “bad” mothering here.

Not from me, when I don’t know the least thing about it.

Just prayer and gratitude.

Love to you all,

Pr. David

Blackford County Prayer Walk

"The lines are fallen unto me in

pleasant places; yea, I have a good-

ly heritage" (Psalm 16:6, KJV).

There will be a Prayer Walk for

Blackford County on Saturday, May

4th, beginning at 9 a.m at the 4-H

building. The idea with a prayer walk is to surround the

county in prayer as we walk along its boundaries. Zion's

mile is on SR 167, between 300 S and 400 S. Two peo-

ple from Zion have the opportunity to walk this mile and

pray. Let Pastor David know if you want to be part of

this ministry.

Coffee Hour for A Better Way

Zion's Mission and Ministry Team is hosting a Coffee

Hour and Breakfast to raise funds for A Better Way on

Sunday, May 5th at 9 a.m. A Better Way, based in

Muncie, is an agency that provides shelter and services

for victims of sexual violence and domestic assault. They

provide a wide range of services, including counseling,

support groups, a walk-in Rape Crisis Center, transitional

housing, and 24-hour crisis and suicide hotlines. Andrea

Carie, a Victim Advocate, will speak at the breakfast.

Please come, eat, learn, and give generously!

Page 2: May 2019 The Pastor s Ponderings · May 2019 The Pastor’s Ponderings Pastor David’s cell phone—765-330-4170 and email address— Zion’s 2019 Council Members

May 2019

Easter 3 - May 5th

1st Reading - Acts 9:1-20

Psalm 30

2nd Reading - Revelation 5:11-14

Gospel - John 21:1-19

Easter 4 - May 12th

1st Reading - Acts 9:36-43

Psalm 23

2nd Reading - Revelation 7:9-17

Gospel - John 10:22-30

Easter 5 - May 19th

1st Reading - Acts 11:1-18

Psalm 148

2nd Reading - Revelation 21:1-6

Gospel - John 13:31-35

Easter 6 - May 26th

1st Reading - Acts 16:9-15

Psalm 67

2nd Reading - Revelation 21:10, 22—22:5

Gospel - John 14:23-29

May Lectionary Readings

May Birthdays

Carolyn Hughes 5-1

Teresa Banter 5-1

Larry Langdon 5-2

Nolan Willman 5-4

Dick Smith 5-5

Dorothy Hale 5-14

Zackary Monce 5-14

Carolyn Smith 5-18

Joretta Hiday 5-19

Michael Habegger 5-20

Chris Walker 5-22

Bill Thomas 5-23

Welcome to Zion’s Newest Member

Barbara Schoel

We are delighted to welcome Barbara Schoel as a

member of Zion. Barbara, a cradle Lutheran, was bap-

tized and confirmed in Fort Wayne. She was previously

a member at Christ Lutheran Church in Boyne City,

Michigan, but moved to Hartford City to be closer to her


Barbara Schoel, Pr. David Fleener and Sarah Fleener

Pastor David's Recital!

On Sunday, May 26th at 3 p.m., Pastor David will

sing a recital with Margaret Hammond accompanying on

piano and organ (There may also be some special musi-

cal guests!). They will perform works by George F. Han-

del, J.S. Bach, Aaron Copland, and Richard Rodgers. A

freewill offering will be collected to support the Black-

ford County Community Choir. There will also be a re-

ception afterward in the Fellowship Hall! Invite your

friends and neighbors! Come enjoy a lovely spring after-

noon of music.

Baby Shower

Ladies, you are invited to at-

tend a Baby Shower for Sarah

Fleener at Zion on Saturday, May

18th, at 1:00 p.m. in the fellow-

ship hall. Sarah is registered at


Page 3: May 2019 The Pastor s Ponderings · May 2019 The Pastor’s Ponderings Pastor David’s cell phone—765-330-4170 and email address— Zion’s 2019 Council Members

May 2019

March Council Minutes

Congregation Council met on March

14, 2019.

President Jody Stanley opened the

March 14 council meeting.

Present: Pastor David Fleener, Jody

Stanley, Tim Stanley, Drew Walker,

Max Langdon, Scott Clamme, Julie

Prout and Debbie Walker.

Absent: Larry Hile, Sandy Langdon, Libby Stroble,

Mike Clamme and Neil Stroble

Devotions: Max Langdon gave the devotions.

Secretary’s Report: The secretary's report from Feb-

ruary was approved with a motion from Scott Clamme

and seconded by Drew Walker.

Correspondence: A letter was received from the

Hartford City Fire Department requesting a donation for

the safety program presented to elementary school chil-

dren. Scott Clammed moved to donate $62.50 from the

general fund for this project. Debbie Walker seconded

the motion and the motion passed.

New items: New items added to the agenda were pa-

ternity leave for Pastor David, questions concerning im-

plementing the new constitution and voting members for

the synod convention.

Pastor’s Report: Pastoral Care in February

Pastor's totals for February: 5 shut-in visits, 5 sick/

hospital visits, 1 pastoral visit, 9 home/hospital commun-


Soul Care Team totals for February: 1 shut-in visit, 1

sick/hospital visit

Deacons’ Fund use in February: Check #1064 - $140

to Hartford City Water

Christian Education: The Confirmation Class has

continued to study the New Testament. We’ve done an

overview of the types of writings found in the New Tes-

tament and where/when they were written. We’ve also

studied what the Church believes about the person of

Jesus (100% human, 100% divine, joined together in one

Christ, a.k.a. “hypostatic union”). We’ve also practiced

lectio divina prayer again, as well as prayer with icons.

We had a movie night on February 10th, on which we

watched a performance of Mark’s Gospel, and a bowl-

ing/pizza night on February 24th.

Upcoming sessions:

March 17th – Acts of the Apostles

April 7th – Paul, his theology, and the Early Church

April 14th – The Letter to the Galatians

May ? – Revelation, part 1

May ? – Revelation, part 2

Late May/early June – Final test and review

Confirmation Day – June 9th

The Judges study concluded on Tuesday, March 12th.

No other Tuesday night Bible studies are currently sched-


Other Events in February:

4, 11, 18, 25 – Joe and Jesus at Common Grounds

5-9 – Final Spiritual Companionship Program session

12, 19, 26 – Judges study

12 – ECIC Ministerial meeting at Trinity, Union City

13 – Gave invocation for State of the City address

14, 21, 28 – Mentoring at Southside

20 – Meeting with Ben Hodgin

20 – Mission and Ministry meeting

27 – Worship, Music, and Memorials meeting

Upcoming Events:

Remember that every Wednesday night in Lent, we

have Evening Prayer at 7 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. We

are focusing on often-overlooked men of faith.

The ELCA strongly recommends that rostered leaders

attend a Boundaries Workshop every three years. It’s

been three years since my last workshop, so I will attend

one in Louisville, KY on Thursday, March 21st.

Every year, the bishop holds chrism liturgies across

the synod at which rostered leaders renew their vows to

the church and oils for baptism and healing are blessed. I

will attend the one offered on Tuesday, April 16th at St.

Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church in South


That week is also Holy Week. Worship services are

as follows:

Maundy Thursday (April 18th) – 7 p.m.

Good Friday (April 19th) – 3 p.m. at Zion, 6:30 p.m.

at Grace UMC

Easter Sunday (April 21st) – 10:30 a.m.

Committee Reports: There were no reports from the

Parish Education or Land Use committees. The Worship/

Music/Memorial committee met on February 27th and

chose hymns through Easter Sunday. The Mission and

Ministry committee met on February 20th and March 3rd.

(continued on following page)

Page 4: May 2019 The Pastor s Ponderings · May 2019 The Pastor’s Ponderings Pastor David’s cell phone—765-330-4170 and email address— Zion’s 2019 Council Members

Council Reports: There were no reports from the el-

ders, trustee, or financial secretaries. The deacons report

was presented.

Treasurer’s Report: The treasure report ending

March 7 was presented. There is $8,506.55 in the gen-

eral checking fund and $474.29 in the deacon checking


Drew Walker moved to accept all reports and Scott

Clamme seconded the motion. The motion passed.

Old Business: There was discussion concerning Pas-

tor David's request for paternity leave. No decision has

been made at this time.

It was discussed if there would be a special election

to implement the new constitution. This will be decided

when more information is secured.

May 2019

March Council Minutes continued

Shay Clamme, Mike Clamme and Sarah Fleener will

be the voting delegates at the IK Synod convention.

New Business: Debbie Walker asked for a week off

in the next couple months. She wasn't sure of the exact

time. She will have the bulletin prepared before she

leaves. It was agreed that she could take this time off.

Pastor David asked to take April 1st-2nd, April 24th-

27th and May 6th-12th as vacation days. This was ap-


The meeting was closed by all praying the Lord's


The next meeting is April 11 and Scott Clamme will

have devotions.

Respectfully submitted, Max Langdon,

Acting Recording Secretary and

Sandy Langdon, Recording Secretary

Page 5: May 2019 The Pastor s Ponderings · May 2019 The Pastor’s Ponderings Pastor David’s cell phone—765-330-4170 and email address— Zion’s 2019 Council Members
Page 6: May 2019 The Pastor s Ponderings · May 2019 The Pastor’s Ponderings Pastor David’s cell phone—765-330-4170 and email address— Zion’s 2019 Council Members

The Zion Herald May 2019

“Happy are those whose strength is in God, in whose heart are the highways to Zion.” (Psalm 84:5)

Sunday School at 9:15 a.m. with Worship at 10:30 a.m.

Zion Lutheran Church

308 S. Monroe Street

Hartford City, IN 47348

David Fleener, Pastor

Church Office: 765-348-3157

[email protected]

[email protected]

Serving the Lord in Gladness

May 2019 Lay Ministry Servers




Assisting Ministers

May 5 Larry and Virginia Langdon—Gene and Aneta Gardner

May 12 Max and Sandy Langdon—Eldon and Ann Willmann

May 19 Claretta Dutro—Cindy Knote

May 26 Eldon and Ann Willmann—Barb Hardwick

May 5 Tim Stanley, Drew Walker, Eldon Willmann and Bill Hiday

May 12 Tim Stanley, Drew Walker, Eldon Willmann and Bill Hiday

May 19 Tim Stanley, Drew Walker, Eldon Willmann and Bill Hiday

May 26 Tim Stanley, Drew Walker, Eldon Willmann and Bill Hiday

May 5 Ryne Clamme

and Kaylin Clamme

May 12 Keaton Walker

May 19 Ryne Clamme

and Keaton Walker

May 26 Kaylin Clamme

May 5 Mark Prout

May 12 Jody Stanley - worship


May 19 Sarah Fleener

May 26 Michelle Walker


May 5 Virginia Langdon

May 12 Sandy Langdon

May 19 Cindy Knote

May 26 Carolyn Goetz