"may's pdxmindshare presentation with dawn "zigzag" montefusco"


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How to Get Your Business

Groove Back.

Presented by

Dawn “Zigzag” Montefusco

Writer / Speaker/ Coach



Get Into Your Groove

2: To have passion about doing something and feel motivated to get it done.

- Urban Dictionary

1: A verb meaning to smoothly interact, maintain or improve relations

with business associates, a person or a situation.

Everything is a business

From Elle Luna’s book, The Crossroads of Should and Must.

Everything effects your business.

Everything effects how you do business.

Everything is connected to your groove.

How do you feel when you lose your groove?

Signs of Lost Groove:

lack of energy

angry / bitter


isolating yourself

drinking too much

unusual weight gain

physical accidents

frequent illness

Why? What Happened?


• Should

• Should

• Should

• Should

• Should

• Should

• Should

• Should

• Should

• Should

• Should

• Should

• Should

• Should

• I suck

• It’s too hard

• I have too much to do

• There isn’t enough time

• I’m too old

• Maybe it’s not for me

• …………. ——> endless….

As an adult, we talk to ourselves

at the rate of nearly 100-350

words a minute,

or 50,000 thoughts a day.

80% of the time we are thinking the same thoughts

from the previous day……

James Jensen, author of Beyond the Power of Your Subconscious Mind

Be Yourself.

Be The You That Got Buried

Underneath “Shoulds”

and other people’s stories.

“How dare you settle for less when the world has

made it so easy for you to be remarkable.”

- Seth Godin

“Don’t compare yourself with anyone in the world.

If you do so, you are insulting yourself.”

- Bill Gates



With repeated and directed attention towards your desired change

you can rewire your brain.

“If you don’t have ten minutes you don’t have a life.” - Tony Robbins

Slow Down.

Wash, Rinse, Repeat

• Write down your vision.

• Be relentless in your desire to change.

• Create a daily routine and practice it over and over and over again.

Once is not enough.

• Surround yourself with people who support your vision.

What do you want to improve or make better in your life?

What do you have to change to get it?

What might you have to give up?

What habits do you need to create to be the best you?

What new stories do you want to tell yourself to rewire your


Who do you know that supports your vision?


Improve Your Groove

With Powerful Questions

Thank you.



“Be Yourself. The world worships

the original.” - Ingrid Bergman