measurement of volume & pipetting. definitions volume: the space a substance occupies. graduated...

Measurement of Volume & Pipetting

Upload: kathryn-floyd

Post on 13-Dec-2015




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Measurement of Volume & Pipetting


Volume: the space a substance occupies.

Graduated cylinders: cylindrical vessel that can house a higher volume.

Volumetric flasks: glassware used to measure a specific volume.

Burettes: long tubes with a stopper (valve).

Pipettes: apparatus that allows liquid to be drawn.

Pipette-aids: devices used to assist the pipette to draw the liquid.

Micropipetting: devices used to measure and draw smaller volumes.

Meniscus: curvature on the surface of a liquid in confined spaces. Measure at the base of the meniscus.

Types of Pipettes Pipette Aid

Single Channel Pipettes

Multi-channel pipette

Anatomy of a Pipette

Pipette Rules


1. Never submerge your pipette in liquids.

2. Never go beyond the maximum or minimum volume.

3. Never share pipettes that are designated to your station .

4. Never try to repair your pipette, ask help from a lab manager or PI.

5. Never invert your pipette with liquids in a tip.

Tip Volumes

Single & Multi Channel Pipette TipsP20:2µL-20µLP100:10µL-100µLP200:20µL-200µLP1000:100µL–1000µLP50 Multi: 5µL-50µL P100 Multi: 50µL–100µL P100 Multi: 50µL-300µL

Serological Pipette Tips1mL- 50mLsVolume designated by color as show at the top of the serological tips.

Pipetting Web Links

How to Use a Pipette Pipette Techniques

Pipette User Guide

Measuring Volume With Glassware