media magazine analysis

Cover Analysis The cover is very simple and minimalistic however I really like it because there is not too much going on and therefore it’s not overcrowded and you appreciate the cover much more. The font used for the masthead is a heavy sans serif which draws your eye to the title because its bold and its white therefore, it stands out very well on the blue background. Something I really like is the fact that there is a clear colour scheme because the colour of her eyes and the background match, her dress and the font colours match and her hair and her

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Post on 24-May-2015




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Page 1: Media magazine analysis

Cover AnalysisThe cover is very simple and minimalistic however I really like it because there is not too much going on and therefore it’s not overcrowded and you appreciate the cover much more. The font used for the masthead is a heavy sans serif which draws your eye to the title because its bold and its white therefore, it stands out very well on the blue background.Something I really like is the fact that there is a clear colour scheme because the colour of her eyes and the background match, her dress and the font colours match and her hair and her lip colours match. Specifically the white stands out the most and because of the matching colour scheme it shows that there doesn’t have to be lots of writing to entice a reader.

Page 2: Media magazine analysis

There is only one kicker on the page and it says ‘heavenly’. This kicker probably isn’t describing the contents in the magazine instead I think it is describing the picture because in the picture the woman is looking up as if she is looking up to the sky making it seem ‘heavenly’. This shows that there is not much contents shown on the front page, all we know is that there is probably something about the woman in the magazine and I think they have done the front cover well to make you want to look what’s inside, instead of being told to much from the front cover.

The only other thing that is on the front cover is the barcode which is situated at the bottom right of the magazine, this works well with the eye flow on the front cover since you start by reading the masthead then to the picture then to the kicker and then the barcode ends it, therefore the front cover has been designed very well since you look specifically at each thing and there’s not loads of other information in the way of an easy, simple eye flow. There is no selling line, the price line is on the barcode and it costs £3.50.

Page 3: Media magazine analysis

Image AnalysisThe models gaze is not eye contact instead she is looking above, therefore you would feel that you may not be connected with the magazine however I think the use of no eye contact is effective because her gaze seems quite intriguing since she is not looking directly at you like most models on magazines therefore it makes it quite different. I think her gaze also shows how it is a music magazine and not a glossy magazine like Grazia which would contain gossip and fashion instead its something more personal since you can find new artists and artists you’ve never heard of before instead of general celebrity talk you see on the TV therefore the gaze also shows the difference this magazine has compared to the popular glossies.

The lighting in the image is mainly the shade of light reflected on her face making that the main focus of the magazine and darker in the areas eye flow does not usually see when first looking at the magazine. The angle is a medium shot so we focus on the shoulders and above making her face the main focus of the picture, therefore this tells us she is important and maybe there will be more of her in the magazine.