media question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? When creating my magazine I have been able to improve my knowledge in a variety of different programmes and software's so that my product is made to the best of its ability. These next slides will explain what I have used to make my magazine and how I have used it.

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Post on 18-Dec-2014




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Page 1: Media question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

When creating my magazine I have been able to improve my knowledge in a variety of different programmes and software's so that my product is

made to the best of its ability.

These next slides will explain what I have used to make my magazine and how I have used it.

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I have used blogger to document the process of making my product as it gives a clear guide to all of my posts for my coursework. I feel that this website is easy to work to find posts I may need that I have done in the past, with the archive column. During my time using this website I have learnt how to make my posts more exciting by inserting slideshares, prezzies and even videos.

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I used photoshop to create my front cover, contents page and image double spread. I also used this software to edit all of my images so that they looked professional and suitable to appear in a magazine. Before starting my media coursework I had experience with photoshop when doing GCSE work however I think I have broadened my knowledge since then as I’m aware of different editing tools to make my photos the best to their ability. The next slide will show my images before editing and after editing with Photoshop.

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I have used microsoft publisher to create my double page spread with interview. I decided to use this instead of photoshop because it is easier to handle great quantities of text. For example, I was able to carefully group my columns together so that all the text was in a correct order. Before doing this I wasn’t aware that you could change the widths of columns and group them together so my knowledge of publisher has definitely improved.

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The website dafont I had never heard of before staring my media coursework. This website played a large role in creating my magazine as I was able to extract different fonts that I felt would be suitable for my target audience of more mature readers. The fonts I decided on I was able to download onto the computer and use on both photoshop and publisher. I therefore wasn’t limited to just default fonts and I think I made my magazine a lot more exciting than it would be without my chosen fonts.

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I used firefox as my main search engine for the research into my magazine. I was able to access many different sources that included existing magazines and statistics about them so I was able to base my magazine on one that is in the world today.

I was also able to access google images when researching for my photoshoots and target audience. I found different existing photoshoots that have been used in music magazines so that I could get inspiration for my own.

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Like I am currently doing, I have used slideshare to present a lot of my research and documenting the updates of my magazine. By using this website I have learnt another skill as I wasn’t aware the site existed before starting my media coursework. I really like this wesbite as I am able to document large amounts of text in only a small blog post.

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Prezi is also a new website to me that I was able to use for noting down my research. I quickly grasped how to use this website and was able to create different mindmaps with my ideas on. I used this to write down all the possible names of my magazine so that I could go back to it when deciding to see which one stood out to me most.

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Having used youtube in the past I was instantly able to upload videos I had done for my blog onto the website. I was then also able to insert these videos onto blogger so that they are easy to view.

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In my photoshoot, I used a Nikon DSLR. In the past I have used a number of different cameras however this one was brand new to me. I was able to use this camera in the studio with the lighting to get a professional effect. I also learnt how to use zoom and flash to get different effects. For my concert photos I used an iphone 4s which isn’t the best quality however was suitable for the context.