media studies a2 evaluation question 3

MEDIA STUDIES A2 Evaluation Question 3

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Evaluation Question 3

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Question 3

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

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Question 3 (Introduction)

Our audience feedback consisted of answers from many different people from various age groups, locations and different genders.

This was so that we could get a feedback sample that could be generalised to a wider population, even though our target audience was mainly 25-39 year olds.

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Question 3 (Introduction)

There were a few different types of ways we received audience feedback, for example we used interviews and questionnaires.

When we asked the questions we received mainly positive feedback on our 3 products (Trailer, Poster & Magazine Cover).

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Question 3 (Prologue)

The main thing we were happy about was the fact everyone could identify that our genre was a thriller. We were told that we had been including many conventions frequently seen in thriller films, this was why it was so easily identifiable.

Also the title of our film ‘Ransom’ is an appropriate name for a thriller film as the narrative is one that is fitting with the thriller genre.

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Question 3 (Trailer)

A popular camera shot that we used in our trailer was the one filmed from the perspective of someone in the back seat of the car. This was because the point of view shot made the audience feel as if they were actually in the car themselves, but the camera wasn’t too shaky that they couldn’t see what was going on.

“The balance was just right.” was a response in one of our interviews.

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Question 3 (Trailer)

Something else the audiences liked was how we used adult actors, as this made our production seem a lot more professional and believable.

We could also relate to our target audiences due to the fact we used actors from within that age range (25-39).

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Question 3 (Trailer)

We were complimented on our use of diegetic and non-diegetic sound, our foley sound of the punch was seen as realistic when we asked if the audience thought the punch was believable.

Our background track was said to build suspense throughout the whole trailer, which was what we intended it to do.

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Question 3 (Trailer)

The feedback pointed out how our trailer had a bit too much of a narrative, and usually trailers are more mixed up to confuse viewers and make them want to view the film.

Ours wasn’t mixed up and sort of followed chronological order; so to solve this problem we changed the order of clips that came up in our trailer. This presented a more confusing trailer to audiences when they were shown.

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Question 3 (Trailer)

The main thing reported back to us was how the lighting was very bright in the room our protagonist was being held for ransom in, and it was recommended we re-film these clips.

However due to time slot arrangement difficulties, we were unable to re-film them. This proved to be a blessing in disguise as we figured out we could make it look darker by putting a black and white filter over the clip during editing. This not only made it darker but made the shot look as if it was being filmed by a CCTV camera, which proved to be extremely effective in creating tension.

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Question 3 (Poster)

The audience feedback told us our poster was effective in making the audience question why the man was being held for ransom.

They also then complimented the use of mis-en-scene as our prop of the bag over our protagonists head was very conventional in the thriller genre, showing that our character had been captured.

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Question 3 (Poster)

The audience thought our poster was very clearly presented, our title and information was appropriately placed and the fonts and colours used was very fitting to the thriller genre.

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Question 3 (Poster)

Our audience believed we should move our BBFC rating more towards the bottom of our poster as it wasn’t the most important of information, so we complied.

We were also recommended to include our production logo to promote our own company.

One more thing we were told to do was make the website text bigger to catch more peoples eye. This made sense as the internet seems to be an ever-growing media outlet, and we could use it to promote our product.

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Question 3 (Magazine Cover) Our audience liked our use of

graphics (such as the half moon) on our magazine cover, saying they worked well with our colour schemes and connected to the thriller genre.

Another thing the audience liked was how our poster linked with our magazine cover, including similar quotes and ratings.

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Question 3 (Magazine Cover) Feedback showed the audience liked

the originality of our film magazine. We were complimented on the

masthead of our magazine cover ‘Overwatch’, it was said that it was a good name for a film magazine, but it was mentioned how we should make the masthead bigger.

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Question 3 (Magazine Cover) The last thing we were advised to

include in our magazine cover was barcodes, prices and an issue number. This is because it would make our magazine seem more official and believable.