medicine osces - organized

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  • 8/15/2019 Medicine OSCEs - Organized



    • Introduce yourself 

    • Always confirm age, occupation

    • Allow patient to state their chief complaint

    •Always ask about: pmh, meds, allergies, smoking, alcohol, family history

    Don’t forget to drape


    1. htn2. calf claudication

    . rd degree heart block 

    !. post "I mgmt#. chest pain

    $. palpitations%arrythmia

    &'A"I(& 2) *.+ &"A-& I/0 0*&/&(3I+(&: DD', I(4&3/I5A/I+(3, 0A/ /+ D+ I *+6 I(4&3/I5A/I+(3 A&


    &'A"I(& "A( I/0 7A- 7-A6DI7A/I+(

    &: I(/&&/ &85, I38 A7/+3, I(4&3/I5A/I+(3

    709 "ed. ) yo lady collapses at mall, -+7, brought to & by ambulance, granddaughter with

    her to answer ;uestions. 9 )%!), 0 !). "anage.

     Findings: patient complained of shortness of breath, heart pounding, dizziness justbefore fainting. Has history of hypertension, no other cardiac history. EKG shows third

    degree heart bloc. Granddaughter mentions that she!s on digo"in, but the nurse

    wouldn!t gi#e me the le#el. $ou!re supposed to treat this as an acute coronary%&'() station.

    57 yo man one month post MI


    < chest pain < +=3/, pleuritic, same type as before>

    < e?ercise tolerance and 773%(*0A class @based on B 2 blocks on flat surfaceC

    < palpitations, 3+9, orthopnea, (D, diaphoresis, (?%4?

    < cardioascular risk factors < D", 0/(, smoking, pre "I, fam h? "I, incr. chol also

    ask re: obesity, sedentary lifestyle, depression

    < medications < compliance with meds, difficulty in taking meds>

  • 8/15/2019 Medicine OSCEs - Organized


  • 8/15/2019 Medicine OSCEs - Organized


    • Associated 3ymptoms

    •  (, 4, diaphoresis, palpitations, dyspnea, orthopnea, (D

    • 7AD isk factors

    • 3moking, D", 0/(, hyperlipidemia, fam h? @first degree relatie H male## yo, female$) yoC

    • "0• Also, preious cardiac disease

    • "eds

    #oman $ith acute MI complains o% chest pain


    • chest pain

    • associated symptoms: nausea, omiting, 3+9, diaphoresis

    •  preious history of chest pain

    • cardiac risk factors

    •  past medical history

    • family medical history

    • medications, allergies

    • social: smoking, alcohol

    hysical &?am

    • general appearance

    • itals

    • chest e?am

    • cardiac e?am


    • 797, lytes, 96(, 7r, A3/, -D0, 9ili, /, //

    • 78%78

    • 7 B1) min of chest compressions within weeks

    •  pregnancy

    Indications for Angioplasty

    • trend toward lower mortality, less reinfarction, fewer strokes when compared to


  • 8/15/2019 Medicine OSCEs - Organized


    • as effectie but not superior to thrombolysis plus A3A

    • considered for those in which contraindications e?ist for thrombolysis

    • emergent in all patients with shock 

    &' yo $ith palpitations! irre"ular rhythm and %ati"ue ( h)


  • 8/15/2019 Medicine OSCEs - Organized



    1. 3+9 and sputum

    2. hi with 3+9

    . pneumonia!. & post s?

    #. 7oumadin mgmt

    $. deeloped hemoptysis, on coumadin for afib, wants another doctor @cleoC

    K. resp e?am H emphysema, consolidation, dec lung olume

    /A8& 0I3/+* +" "A( I/0 3+9 A(D 36/6"

    &: & ', I(4&3/I5A/I+(3, AD4I7& &: &4&(/I+(

    A. 0I4 patient with increasing e?ercise intolerance and dyspnea, now dyspneic at rest.

    hysical e?am.9: interpret 7'ay, Dd?, ?

    neumonia "ed

    !. !2 year old male presents with cough, temp and pleuritic pain on right side of chest.Do focused physical.

    indings: itals stable e?cept high temp. Decreased breath sounds on right, no tenderness

    to palpation.=uestions: interpret 7' @"- consolidationC. hat is diagnosis and what is etiology

    @7A, 3. pneumoniaeC> rite a script.

    ) " presents with cough, sputum, pleuritic chest pain. Do physical e)am+&: @1C Interpret 7' @"- infiltrateC

    @2C hat is the diagnosis @7AC@C hat is the most likely pathogen @). pneumoniaeC

    emale $ years old ! days post 5I surgery with 1# minutes of 3+9. hysical e?am.

    oman in $)Es discharged ! days ago from hospital with &. as on # mg of coumadin

    +D, discharged with I( of 2.). I( today 1.). 7ounsel and manage.

    #$ " presents with hemoptysis. +n coumadin for A fib. 0as long standing hemoptysis

     but now worse. &?

  • 8/15/2019 Medicine OSCEs - Organized


    .7 yo man to e e)mained %or decreased lun" volume in le%t hemithora) ( %ocus

    posterior chest

    Physical E)amination -

    Inspection < resp. distress @>parido?icalC, cyanosis, indrawing, tracheal tug, chestmoement @symmetryC, use of accessory muscles

    alpation < tactile fremitus

  • 8/15/2019 Medicine OSCEs - Organized


    •  (eck H accessory muscles

    • 7hest H A dia., deformities, indrawing, assymetry

    • esp rate and pattern

    • 0ands H clubbing @not seen in emphysemaC, nicotine stains

    •  alpation

    • /rachea H position and mobility

    • 7hest e?cursion

    • Diaphragmatic e?cursion

    • /actile fremitus

    •  ercussion

    • -ungs H hyperresonant> H compare sides

    • -oss of cardiac dullness

    •  &uscultation

    • 9reath sounds

    • 4ocal resonance

    • &/: normal indiiduals can empty their chest from full inspiration in ! seconds or less. /he end

     point of &/ is detected by auscultating oer the trachea in the suprasternal notch. rolongation

    of the &/ to more than $ seconds indicates airflow obstruction

    • Don’t’ forget middle lobe, anterior and posterior chest

    *espiratory e)am – consolidation

    3ee L$ aboe for more complete e?am

    3alient features:

    • urulent sputum

    • /achypnea

    • educed moement of affected side

    • /rachea central

    • Impaired percussion note

    • 9ronchial breath sounds• crackles

     ost*e"am probe: " ((( cracles

    • 7ongestie heart failure

    • +bstructie lung disease

    • Interstitial fibrosis

    • neumonia

    • Atelectasis

    • ulmonary embolus

    • 9ronchogenic carcinoma

    • 9ronchitis

    • 9ronchiectasis

    •  (on

  • 8/15/2019 Medicine OSCEs - Organized


    • Inspect: cyanosis, accessory muscle use, A diameter 

    • alpate: tracheal deiation, respiratory e?cursion

    • ercussion: diaphragmatic e?cursion, lung areas

    • Auscultate

    • 3pecial tests: tactile fremitus, whisper pectorilo;uy, egophony


    • crackles at bases: atelectasis, pneumonia, upper border of effusion, pulmonary edema

    •  pneumonia < community ac;uired

    • not seere, $# years: ). pneumoniae, /ycoplasma, 'hlamydia

    • treatment: macrolides, or tetracycline%do?ycycline

    • not seere, B $# years M%< comorbid: &bo#e 0 H. flu, Klebsiella, )taph,


    • treatment: e?tended gm negatie coerage N cefuro?ime,


    • treat i. until afebrile !

  • 8/15/2019 Medicine OSCEs - Organized


  • 8/15/2019 Medicine OSCEs - Organized


    • 5eneral appearance

    • 4itals

    • 7(3 status: alert or decreasing -+7

    • Abdomen: M *ECTA1 for melena, +9 positie blood

    • 3igns of chronic lier disease

    2. yo man re3uires a 1iver E)amination

    E)amination o% the liver-

    6pon inspection

  • 8/15/2019 Medicine OSCEs - Organized


    • Icterus, cyanosis, parotid enlargement, fetor hepaticus

    • 'hest 

    • 3pider nei, loss of a?illary hair, gynecomastia

    •  &bdomen

    • 3plenomegaly, ascites, hepatomegaly, caput medusae

    • G2 

    • /esticular atrophy, loss of pubic hair 

    •  (eg edema

    Melena – history

    • 3ee upper 5I bleed

    .5 year old $ith ado cramps and diarrhea %or $ee6s ( History


    history of diarrhea:

    ;uantify: olume, fre;uency @is it really diarrhea> defn: increase in fluidity and%fre;uencyC

    ;uality: colour, consistency, presence of melena, hematocheFia @blood N catharticC

    associated symptoms: tenesmus, relief with defecation, urgency, nausea%omiting

    history of cramps: +=3/

    +nset: sudden s gradual

    osition: where are the crampsroocating%alleiating factors: foods, @chocolate, peppermint, caffeineC, alcohol, drugs,

    stress, actiity, etc.

    =uality: what do the cramps feel like @true crampy pain s sharp%dull, etcC

    adiation of pain3ymptoms associated: feer, myalgias, weight loss, chills @and those aboeC

    /emporal profile: progression of symptoms with time

    risk factors for infectious: daycare worker%children at daycare, outbreaks

    ! mechanisms of diarrheaabnormal intestinal motility

    increased permeability causing fluid%electrolyte secretion

    impaired intestinal absorptionintraluminal nonadsorbable osmotically actie solutes

    &tiology of Acute diarrhea:Infectious

     bacterial @salmonella, shigella, campylobacter, ibrio cholerae, enteropathogenic &coli,

    7.diff, yersinia, 4ibrio parahemolyticusC4iral @enteroirus, hepatitis

  • 8/15/2019 Medicine OSCEs - Organized


    rotoFoal @giardia lamblia, entamoeba histolytica, cryptosporidium, Isospora belli,

     blastocystis hominisC


     bacterial to?in @food poisoningC: staph, clostridia, &.coli, pseudomonas

    chemical poisons: lead, mercury, mushrooms, arsenicDietary

    irritating foods, alcohol, drugs, nonabsorbable sugar substitutes @sorbitol, mannitolC

    "iscellaneousappendicitis, dierticulitis, 5I hemorrhage, pseudomembranous colitis, fecal impaction,

    ischemic colitis, 03, 3teens

  • 8/15/2019 Medicine OSCEs - Organized


  • 8/15/2019 Medicine OSCEs - Organized



    1. oliguria H renal failure

    .5 yo %emale $ith h) o% oli"uria ( ie *enal 4ailure

    /hink pre

  • 8/15/2019 Medicine OSCEs - Organized


    • oor cardiac output @70, tamponade, "I, &C

    • 3?:>D+&, orthopnea, (D, ankle edema

    • recipitants: "I, 0/(, alular heart disease, congenital heart disease, pericardial disease,

    cardiomyopathy, &, fluid oerload, sodium retention, salt oerload, dysrhythmia, beta

     blocker, renal disease, anemia, feer and infection, pregnancy, noncompliance with meds or


    • isk: 7AD, 0/(, cardiomyopathy• 3hock%sepsis H feer, chills, focus of infection

    • enal

    • 5lomerular nephritides

    • /ubular interstitial H pyelo, hypercalcemia

    • A/( H recent surgery

    •  (ephroto?ic agents H antibiotics, contrast dye, anaesthetics, (3AIDs, chemo

    • 4ascular problems H emboli, renal essel thrombosis

    • ost

  • 8/15/2019 Medicine OSCEs - Organized



    1. purpura%epista?is

    2. low blood counts M peripheral neuropathy

    . haemolytic transfusion reaction%error !. lymph node e?am, lymphoma

    #. asymptomatic anemia

    $. spleen e?am, read peripheral smears and protein electrophoresis

    &'A"I(& *+6(5 +"A( I/0 66A A(D &I3/A'I3

    &: 0', D', I(4&3/I5A/I+(3

     (euro%heme topic:

    $) yo m came to "D a few days ago (. *our office partner did a

    797 "74 12), anemic, low 97, low plts. /ake a releant h?. +%&: eripheralneuropathy, probs walking at night. /ingling. 3ome mental symptoms.

     (o consitutional illnesses as far as I can remember. (o &/+0. ritten: gie most likelyd?, gie 2 other possibilities for the neuropathy @I said peripheral neuropathy 2ndary to

    lymphoma, gastric, causing b12 deficiency, or D"C. 5ie 2 tests you want. t tells youhe is a bus drier and he has forgotten to make 2 pickups this week. 0ow do you counsel


    0emolytic transfusion reaction % error 

    Head and 9ec6 E)am / E)amine 1ymph 9odes aove the diaphra"m

    E)amination o% 19;s aove diaphra"m

    < e?amine the following

  • 8/15/2019 Medicine OSCEs - Organized


    II < two or more -(Es on the same side of the diaphragm

    III < -( on both sides of the diaphragm, spleen may be inoled

    I4 < diffuse inolement of e?tra

  • 8/15/2019 Medicine OSCEs - Organized


    chemical agent @drugC

    infection @malaria, septicemiaC

    neoplasm @especially lymphomaCconnectie tissue disease @lupusC


    immuniFation @newborn, transfusionC


    ID: age, se?, occupation

    0I: how was anemia picked up @i.e. why had 797 doneC

  • 8/15/2019 Medicine OSCEs - Organized


    microcytic anemia: with target cells suggests thalassemia

    hemolytic anemia: macrocytes and microspherocytes with polychromasia @more purpleC

    sickle cellaplastic anemia @marrow full of fat cellsJlooks emptyC

    hypersegmented "(s @B!

  • 8/15/2019 Medicine OSCEs - Organized



    1. back pain

    2. Goint pain


  • 8/15/2019 Medicine OSCEs - Organized



  • 8/15/2019 Medicine OSCEs - Organized


    • +": actie, passie, against resistance @ to detect lesions in tendons and to measure powerC

    • 3upporting 3tructures: look for instability

    • Also: neuro, power, ascular, skin lesions

    55 year old $oman $ith 8oint pain ( history

     Goint pain: location, onset%duration, swelling, function of Goint, AD-s• characteristics: morning stiffness, worse after rest%actiity

    • course: hae you eer had it before @chronic%subacute%acuteC

    •  pattern of Goint inolement: other Goints

    • e?tra articular features: skin, eyes, bowel, kidney, lung inolement, urethritis,

    cericitis, 3I Goints, enthesitis

    • constitutional symptoms

    •  past medical history

    • family history @arthritis, collagen ascular diseasesC

    • medications, allergies

    social history: smoking, alcohol, se?ual historyPEP

    • comment on ?

  • 8/15/2019 Medicine OSCEs - Organized


    • course: hae you eer had it before @chronic%subacute%acuteC

    •  pattern of Goint inolement: other Goints

    • e?tra articular features: skin, eyes, bowel, kidney, lung inolement, urethritis,

    cericitis, 3I Goints, enthesitis

    • constitutional symptoms

    • se?ual history

    •  past medical history

    • family history @arthritis, collagen ascular diseasesC

    • medications, allergies

    • social history: smoking, alcohol


    • ?ray: periarticular osteopenia, erosions

    • management of A

    •  patient education, e?ercise, /, +/

    • symptomatic treatment: (3AIDs, corticosteroids @intraarticular%systemicC

    • D"ADs

    • 0ydro?ychloro;uine @antimalarialC: dose !)) mg%day

    • si? month trial

    • hyperpigmentation, myopathy, rash, diarrhea, retinal to?icity

    •  baseline +phthalmologic e?am ; months

    • "ethotre?ate @folic acid antagonistC

    • starting dose K.#mg%week p.o., inGection, increased to


    • response within $