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By a Friend of Medjugorje

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Page 1: Medjugorje, Mirjana, · time an extraordinary position. However, this position the six visionaries hold will be recognized not just

By a Friend of Medjugorje

Page 2: Medjugorje, Mirjana, · time an extraordinary position. However, this position the six visionaries hold will be recognized not just

Medjugorje, Mirjana, A Mystery is Revealed


A Friend of Medjugorje

feature article of the April through November 1996 edition of the Caritas of Birmingham newsletter


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©SJP International Copyright. All rights reserved including international rights. No part of this booklet may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from Caritas who is licensed to use the material. Caritas of Birmingham, 100 Our Lady Queen of Peace Drive, Sterrett, Alabama 35147 USA. None of the mailing lists of Caritas or its entities, including electronic mailing lists, etc., are for sale, nor is permission given to use them in anyway, by anyone. There are no exceptions. All civil, criminal and interstate violations of law apply.

By no means is Caritas intending to pre-empt the Church on the validity of the Apparitions. They are private revelation awaiting the Church’s judgment. Because the Queen of Peace Apparitions are ongoing and not yet over, the Church has yet to rule on their authenticity. Caritas of Birmingham, the Community of Caritas and all associated with it, realize and accept that the final authority regarding the Queen of Peace Medjugorje Apparitions rests with the Holy See in Rome. We at Caritas, willingly submit to that judgment. Caritas of Birmingham and its mission is not connected to the Diocese of Birmingham, Alabama. The Diocese of Birmingham’s official position on Caritas is neutral and holds us as Catholics in good standing.

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The author of this book is also the author of the books Words From Heaven®, How to Change Your Husband

™, I See Far

™, Look

What Happened While You Were Sleeping™ and other publications

such as the Words of the Harvesters and the Caritas of Birmingham Newsletter. He has written more on Medjugorje than anyone in the world, producing life-changing writings and spiritual direction to countless numbers across the world, of all nationalities. He wishes to be known only as “A Friend of Medjugorje.” The author is not one looking in from the outside regarding Medjugorje, but one who is close to the events - many times, right in the middle of the events about which he has written; a first-hand witness.

Originally writing to only a few individuals in 1987, readership has grown to over 250,000 in the United States, with additional readers in over one hundred thirty foreign countries, who follow the spiritual insights and direction given through these writings.

The author, when asked why he signs only as “A Friend of Medjugorje,” stated:

“I have never had an ambition or desire to write. I do so only because God has shown me, through prayer, that He desires this of me. So from the begin-ning, when I was writing to only a few people, I prayed to God and promised I would not sign anything; that the writings would have to carry them-selves and not be built on a personality. I prayed


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that if it was God’s desire for these writings to be inspired and known, then He could do it by His Will and grace and that my will be abandoned to it.

“The Father has made these writings known and continues to spread them to the ends of the earth. These were Our Lord’s last words before ascend-ing: “Be a witness to the ends of the earth.” These writings give testimony to that desire of Our Lord to be a witness with one’s life. It is not impor-tant to be known. It is important to do God’s Will.”

For those who require “ownership” of these writings by the author in seeing his name printed on this work in order to give it more credibility, we state that we cannot reconcile the fact that these writings are producing hundreds of thousands of conversions, if not millions through grace, and are requested worldwide from every corner of the earth. The author, there-fore, will not take credit for a work that, by proof of the impact these writings have to lead hearts to conversion, have been Spirit–inspired with numbers increasing yearly, sweeping as a wave across the ocean. Indeed in this case, crossing every ocean of the earth. Our Lady gave this author a direct message for him through the visionary, Marija, of Medjugorje, in which Our Lady said to him to witness not with words but through humility. It is for this reason that he wishes to remain simply “A Friend of Medjugorje.”

— Caritas of Birmingham

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MedjugorjeThe Story in Brief

THE VILLAGE SEES THE LIGHT is the title of a story which “Reader’s Digest” published in February 1986. It was the first major news on a mass public scale that told of the Virgin Mary visiting the tiny village of Medjugorje, Bosnia-Hercegovina. At that time this village was populated by 400 families.

It was June 24, 1981, the Feast of John the Baptist, the proclaimer of the coming Messiah. In the evening, around 5:00 p.m., the Virgin Mary appeared to two young people, Mirjana Dragicevic* and Ivanka Ivankovic*. A little later, around 6:40 p.m. the same day, four more young people, Milka Pavlovic*, the little sister of Marija, Ivan Ivankovic, Vicka Ivankovic*, and Ivan Dragicevic saw the Virgin Mary. June 25, 1981, was the first day the six visionaries, Ivanka Ivankovic,*, Mirjana Dragicevic*, Vicka Ivankovic,* Marija Pavlovic*, Ivan Dragicevic and Jakov Colo saw Our Lady, or the “Gospa,” on the hill. These six have become known as and remain “the visionaries.” These visionar-ies are not related to one another. Three of the six visionaries no longer see Our Lady on a daily basis. As of July 2009, the Virgin is still appearing everyday to the remaining three visionaries; that’s well over 12,820 apparitions. The supernatural event has survived all efforts of the Communists to put a stop to it,

* Names at the time of the apparitions, they are now married with last names changed.

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many scientific studies, and even the condemnation by the local bishop; yet, the apparitions have survived, giving strong evidence that this is from God because nothing and no one has been able to stop it. For over twenty-eight years, the apparitions have proved themselves over and over and now credibility is so favorable around the world that the burden of proof that this is authentic has shifted from those who believe to the burden of proof that it is not happening by those opposed to it. Those against the apparitions are being crushed by the fruits of Medjugorje — millions and millions of conversions which are so powerful that they are changing and will continue to change the whole face of the earth.

See for more information.

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Medjugorje, Mirjana, A Mystery is Revealed!

The making of this booklet began when some of the

community of Caritas was is Medjugorje in March of 1996 and

discovered a few of the items in which you will be reading. We

went back to verify in June, July, and August of that same year

to make sure we had everything OK and that we understood

it correctly. We have learned from the past that anything that

has to do with Our Lady is opposed by satan, especially Her

messages. We announced in the Spring of 1996 to those who

regularly receive information from us that we had something of

a special nature, not the secrets but something connected to the

secrets, from Mirjana. We knew that we must be thorough and

wait as long as necessary before we published this document in

order to verify accurately what was written. Hence, four trips to

Medjugorje and much prayer by the community accompanies

these pages. These pages unveil something Our Lady is doing

through Mirjana which will impact the whole world. While we

believe it will be accomplished in a low key way, without trumpet

and fireworks, it will have an affect upon all men. You can rest

assure that however quiet and low key it may be, with it affecting

all of mankind, satan will be loud and boisterous in opposing it—

even the unveiling of it through these writings of which purpose

is to incite prayer to help bring it about. Approach and read the

following with hope for the world and with prayer. Please pause

and pray to the Holy Spirit before proceeding.


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On November 15, 1981, Our Lady told the visionaries:

“The world is on the point of receiving great

favors from Me and My Son…”

What sort of wonder do we behold?! The visionaries

are the closest source to Our Lady’s plans in Medjugorje. They

are not to be discounted as unimportant, as some suggest. They

have suffered in ways that many will never know. It is they who

should be listened to in trying to understand Our Lady’s plans.

The visionaries of Medjugorje carry with them an importance

greater than the presidents or kings of the earth. Our Lady said:

December 31, 1985

“…You will not have peace through the presi-

dents but through prayer.”

How important is peace to man? Peace is the ultimate

in life. Everybody seeks it. The world today tries to find it

through money, materialism, consumerism, pleasures, plastic

surgery, and a host of other erred paths. The human heart

yearns for peace. We must have peace to be able to love, and

we must love to be able to forgive. Our Lady says:

January 25, 1996

“…The fruit of peace is love and the fruit of

love is forgiveness…”


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Who is teaching us about peace? Who delivers this

knowledge about how it is obtained? Kings? Presidents? No,

it is not these, but the visionaries! They hold for our particular

time an extraordinary position. However, this position the six

visionaries hold will be recognized not just for this particular

time but for all ages. Presidents come and go. Their memory

fades quickly and, after a generation, they are forgotten except

to be recorded by a little ink on paper—not much of a tribute

to those who were held in such esteem while they were alive.

In man’s history, those who lived on after their death

were those who were carried in the hearts of future genera-

tions. It is this “written text,” impressed upon the hearts they

leave behind, that their good continues into each successive

generation. They transcended time, from one generation to

the next, impacting and altering society by changing each gen-

eration. These people lived their lives by high moral virtues

or were saints of the Church. The Hitler’s or the Tito’s, who

in their day had great power, lived in the hearts of their com-

rades, but theirs was an elusive power, without permanence,

and it is gone. Ivanka was told by Our Lady:

May 7, 1985

“…No one in the world has had the grace which

you, your brothers, and sisters have received…”

(referring to the six visionaries)


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It is not our words, but Our Lady’s words, which place

the visionaries in this position. Her stating that “no one in the

world” (6.5 billion people) shows that the place they hold is

graced to such a degree that it is unparallel since the death of

the last apostle. It is they who have walked with the Mother

of Jesus, the Queen of Heaven, for twenty-eight* years daily.

When one reflects upon this, it then becomes easy to under-

stand their positions. No popes, no previous visionaries, etc.

have had this degree of grace. The last to experience a grace

of this magnitude were the apostles and even they were not

gifted with seeing a resurrected, transfigured, glorified body

on a daily basis. When Peter and the others saw Jesus trans-

figured, along with Moses and Elijah, only one time, he want-

ed to build three temples in commemoration of the one holy

event! What importance should be placed on six visionaries

who see daily what Peter saw on Mt. Tabor only once? Our

Lady Herself makes the tie and strong point when, during an

apparition on Cross Mountain, She said on June 24, 1986:

“You are on a Tabor…”

These thoughts pondered and reflected upon will show you

a glimpse of the magnitude of what it is that not only the

visionaries are graced with, but the whole world. Therefore,

the visionaries are very important. What they tell us is not

* This was originally written in 1996. We only updated the year in our reprinting. Often many of these writings are foreseen, even prophetic, by realizing when it was originally written - which the update could make you think it was written in hindsight rather than foresight.


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the “news of the day,” but rather the news of our age and “the

way” for ages to come. And yet, so many neither recognize

the visionaries, nor respect them for that which they have

been chosen. Instead, many occupy or give their ear to useless

news and enchantments of the world.

On March 18, 1996, Mirjana received a title directly

from Our Lady which should give her greater respect and

attention. She was referred to by Our Lady as “my servant.”

In the past, Our Lady has never used a title such as this in any

public message given to any one of the six visionaries, nor has

it been Her custom to patronize them with useless words or

exaggerations. What Our Lady said, She meant. Our Lady

is known as a servant, so much so that She obtained and now

holds Her position in Heaven and upon the earth through Her

earthly life of obedience and service. Our Lady comes down

now on a daily basis in a simple grey dress. This is significant

because grey is the typical color of servitude. She comes

down on feast days radiant and in splendid gold to signify Her

Queenship, which comes through Her obedience as a servant

and as the Mother of Our Lord.

We cannot peer into the hearts of men, and many times

when we try, our judgements are wrong. We can, however,

know something of other’s hearts when evidence speaks. Our

Lady said something profound regarding Mirjana’s heart by

calling her “servant.” Only a Pharisaical mind would deny


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Our Lady’s words which made a clear statement, a point that

the Mother Servant while on earth, and now the Queen of

Heaven, purposely gave with intent to Mirjana. Our Lady

wants us to listen to the visionaries. She wants their voices

increased. Their mission carries more importance than the

kings of the earth. The words they delivered, Our Lady has

said, come directly from God.

December 31, 1981

“…I have been conveying the message of God

to the world…”

With all these thoughts about the position the visionar-

ies hold and the importance of their words, we reveal to you

something from Mirjana of an extraordinary nature and of

greatness. It is something which we cannot fathom, connected

to the secrets, a cause of great wonder! Our Lady’s words of

November 15, 1981, which began this booklet, are beginning

to be understood and brought into the fullness of reality and

life during our time! Repeating Our Lady’s words stated in

the beginning:

“The world is on the point of receiving great

favors from Me and my Son…”


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What Mirjana Revealed

At this place in these writings, it would be of great benefit to pause

and pray to the Holy Spirit for that which God wants to reveal to you.

To understand the importance of what we’ve learned

from Mirjana directly in June of 1996, it is first important to

go back into history to those who once held positions such as

Mirjana. While these individuals we will write about are great

saints of the Church, we maintain that Mirjana’s position and

what she reveals will be of far greater importance in man’s

history.* These chosen individuals of the past have lived for

centuries in the Church and in our hearts, having an impact

through the passage of time to now, centuries later.

Are we establishing Mirjana as a saint? No, that is for

the Church to establish, and Mirjana’s life will have to prove

such merit. It is important and somewhat frightening to note

that even a visionary can go to hell. Judas’ life, though not

a visionary, proves that. However, there is evidence in indi-

vidual lives which show the path on which they are headed.

* This statement may sound like an exaggeration and may be difficult to grasp, yet it is Our Lady who says “I will give messages as never before.” “I will no longer appear on this earth.” “I’m calling the world to conversion for the last time.” “This time is a particular time.” When one reviews all of the messages of Medjugorje and understands them in a biblical context which is being fulfilled, one will understand that this is the time of the Woman of Revelation, the time awaited by St. Louis De Montfort, which all Marian apparitions in history have led up to. To understand more of this extraordinary moment in history, order “Medjugorje, The Fulfillment of All Marian Apparitions” (bk1007) by a Friend of Medjugorje. Call or write Caritas of Bir-mingham, 100 Our Lady Queen of Peace Drive, Sterrett, AL 35147 USA. 205-672-2000, ext. 315, twenty-four hours a day.


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Our Lady calling Mirjana “servant” after 14 years of her being

intimately tied to Our Lady is a strong positive sign of Mir-

jana’s path as well as the position in which the Church eventu-

ally will place her.

What was it like living during a time when chosen indi-

viduals were given instructions by Our Lady to inform others

of God’s favors to the world? Reviewing their lives will help

bring into focus the magnitude of the gift God the Father

offers us through Mary to be spread by Mirjana. Indeed, the

world is on the verge of great favors.

In 1170 A.D., St. Dominic was born. He became a

priest and spent much time in church weeping for the sins of

others. The Albigensian* heresy had grown and was threaten-

ing the Church. St. Dominic was greatly concerned by the ac-

tivity of women in the propagation of Albigensianism and the

fact that many girls were exposed to evil influences in their

homes and others were being sent to Albigensian convents to

be educated. The pulpits became infected, so Dominic put to-

gether a band of preachers through which he earnestly desired

to revive an apostolic spirit in priests, many of whom were

the subject of great scandal to the people. Priests themselves

were a great source for the overflow of vice and heresy. It was

* The Albigensian heresy flourished in southern France in the twelfth and thirteenth cen-turies. Its followers asserted that both good and evil co-existed in God. They espoused suicide to free the “good” soul from the “evil” body while they rejected matrimonial rela-tions which would produce more “evil” bodies to trap “good” souls. They also denied the humanity of Christ and the resurrection of the body.


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in these circumstances that St. Dominic received instructions

directly from Our Lady of a prayer which was adopted (not

without the resistance of some) by the Universal Church as

the very alphabet of prayer, the Rosary. While writers of late

give details of how it was received and taught, there exists no

evidence which confirms these stories, for nothing was pre-

served by any writers who lived during the time of St. Domi-

nic. No one knows the words She spoke or how long it took

to gather together the Joyful, Sorrowful, and Glorious Myster-

ies. What we do know is that Dominic was taught about each

mystery, instructed in its use and was the first to use it. How

long he was instructed by Our Lady is not known. However,

once released, miracle after miracle flooded out. According

to history, the first recorded time the Rosary was used was the

year 1213. On September 10, the King of Aragon suddenly

appeared before the walls of Muret, in France. There were

demands he had made, to which the Catholic chieftain would

not comply. St. Dominic had arrived. The Catholic chieftain’s

soldiers within the walls, amounted to only 800 horses and

men. The enemy, under the King of Aragon, numbered at

least 40,000 men; some historical accounts report even more.

One thing was for certain, those soldiers and townsmen within

the walls of Muret knew they faced certain death. They sent

out bishops to propose peace, but they were received by the

King’s army with contempt and sarcasm. Upon the bishops’

return, the small band of 800 soldiers prepared for sure death


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against the onslaught of 40,000 men. They spent the night

fortified by prayer. They all prayed a new prayer that St.

Dominic had taught them and then received the Sacrament

of Confession. Their battling so mighty an army seemed little

less than madness. In the book The Life of St. Dominic, it

states in regard to the townsmen:

“Then going into the church they prayed raising

their hands to Heaven beseeching God for His

servants who were exposed to death for His sake.

Their groans and cries seemed more like howls

than prayers.” (so distraught were they.)

While the townsmen cried out in prayer one might

have seen (behind the walls of Muret) knights who were going

“to lay down their lives as a sacrifice of the faith.” They laid

their swords on the altar to commend their cause to God and

took back their swords as no longer theirs, but God’s. Never-

theless they knew they rode to death. It is not certain Domi-

nic was present, either before the battle or during it, but his

fervent preaching of the Rosary assured that the men prayed

it devoutly. Suddenly the King of Aragon attacked. Surpris-

ingly, within the walls the 800 men opened the gates to meet

them rather than defend the walls. The townsmen, sending

their knights to certain death, lay prostrate on the pavement,

which they bathed with their tears. They poured out their

souls to God. A priest, Fr. Benard, writes to the townsmen

after the knights rode out:


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“The knights rode upon the great number of op-

ponents, then retreated away from the enemy, but

then suddenly reigned their horses back around to

charge at them again! The 800 men broke through

as swift as lightning with a supernatural energy.

The townsmen heard the clashes and hastened to

the walls where they viewed companies of the en-

emy plunging into the water and drowned by their

armor. Others were trampled to death by their

own comrades in a panic of confusion which esca-

lated into further confusion and more deaths while

the knights penetrated to the center where the King

of Aragon was with his nobles. He was slain and

the 40,000 plus army scattered in fear. Twenty

thousand of the enemy perished, while only eight

of the Knights of Muret lost their lives.”

The Life of St. Dominic traditionally quotes the Knights

as ascribing their victory to the particular assistance of Mary to

whom they had united to invoke in the prayers of the Rosary.

This great battle is as prophesy for our time. We now

have Our Lady and Her sign of the Church in Medjugorje. St.

James Church in Medjugorje is the birthplace of reviving the

Rosary in our present time for the whole world to do spiritual

battle against evil. Remarkably, St. James is prophetic because

in the year 1213, the same year of the Battle of Muret, a chapel


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was built to Our Lady as a memorial for the victory won over all

odds because of the new prayer, the Rosary. Within this church

is painted a picture of St. Dominic holding a Crucifix in one hand

and a Rosary in the other. Some tradition has it, that St. Dominic

stood in one of the towers of the wall during the battle. What

was the name of the chapel built to commemorate the battle of

Muret’s victory? The Church of St. James at Muret.

Is it by coincidence that God’s miracles tie so propheti-

cally together through history? The first time that the Rosary

was propagated, defeating evil, a church to Our Lady named St.

James was built to commemorate the victory of that first use of

the Rosary. In turn, in Medjugorje, a church was built that was

larger than reason and logic would tell the villagers to build.

This church was to promote and renew the Rosary to defeat evil

throughout the world and is also named St. James. God clothes

His wonders and the threads which tie events of history just

enough to block the world from seeing, but unveiled enough to

be discovered through prayer by the believer or the elect.*

What Mirjana revealed in June of 1996 is veiled from

the world. Could it be that a grace will be given to those of

* “By the elect” meaning you the reader who prays, understands, and believes. This is said not in pride of the elect but to show that the world’s pride blinds. The world is not able to see that which through prayer and humility God-fearing people see. The world daily announces secular information about news past, present, and future, all of which have no hint of show-ing it is God who controls past, present, and future. They, therefore, are blind and cannot discover the mysteries of God. Secular society would see no significance of the two churches, their names and their use to propagate and promote the Rosary or to renew it. This is the case with thousands of other signs God uses to speak to us and show true history and His guidance of it.


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the world, non-believers, which will enable them to see what

Our Lady’s children see when they pray to understand? Still,

a few more points must be made in order for one to see clear-

ly that the world is on the point of receiving great favors from

Heaven. Our Lady said in Medjugorje:

January 25, 1991

“…If you wish to, grasp for the Rosary. Already

the Rosary alone can do miracles in the world

and in your lives…”

From the Rosary’s first application, history has proven the

above message given to us in the present. Pope Pius IX stated:

“Among all the devotions approved by the

Church, none has been favored by so many mira-

cles as the devotions of the most Holy Rosary.”

The book, Secrets of the Rosary, tells of a convent in

which the nuns were very lax, proud, and thought of nothing

but worldly pleasures. A priest who was given charge of their

direction was grieved at their state and knew they would rebel

at any hint of being reformed. He prayed and gave them all a

beautiful Rosary and implored them to say it faithfully every

day. If they did, he promised that he would not try to make

them alter their lives. The nuns agreed to this pact and prom-

ised to pray the Rosary. Little by little they began to give up


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their empty and worldly pursuits, letting silence and reflection

come into their lives. In less than one year they all asked the

priest that the convent be reformed.

This is the grace of the Rosary. St. Dominic met with

this success in destroying the Albigensian heresy of his day

by simply getting people to pray the Rosary. Our Lady of

Medjugorje said:

February 9, 1984

“Pray, pray! How many persons have followed

other beliefs or sects and have abandoned Jesus

Christ! They create their own gods; they adore

idols. How that hurts Me! If they could be con-

verted! How unbelievers are in large numbers!

That will change only if you help me with your


St. Dominic’s time was just as Our Lady describes

above. The Rosary killed the inordinate desire of pursuing

errors and attacks on Christian life during his day, just as the

convent went from rebelliousness to desiring reform by sim-

ply being encouraged to pray the Rosary. The mystery of the

Rosary works this way:

“As the mysteries of faith are gradually brought

back to the minds and hearts of people, the mys-

teries of falsehood disappear.”


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The key to change is not arguing with people or religious

and showing them why they are wrong. It is simply to get them

to pray as Our Lady says in the February 9, 1984 message:

“…That will change (creating own gods, false

idols) only if you help me with your prayers…”

Blessed Alan says Our Lady told St. Dominic that:

“…many priests preach thunderously against

the worst kind of sin. They fail, because a sick

person cannot be given bitter medicine until he’s

prepared by being in the right frame of mind

to benefit from it. Priests first must enkindle

a love of prayer, especially the love of my Ro-

sary. Do not be surprised that your sermons (of

priests) fail to bear the results you had hoped

for. You are trying to cultivate a piece of ground

which has not had any rain. When the Almighty

planned to renew the face of the earth, He started

by sending down rain from Heaven and that was

Gabriel’s salutation to me (Hail Mary). In this

way God renewed the world over. When priests

give a sermon, urge people to pray my Rosary

and your words will bear much fruit for souls.”

It’s indeed strange and profound to understand that

the “Hail Mary” is so powerful as a prayer. We realize this by


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the fact that the first Hail Mary said was by an angel, and it

did bring down “rain” from Heaven—the “reign” of the Sav-

ior! Was this not a prelude to how powerful the Rosary would

be, a prayer which is filled with Hail Mary’s!

Our Lady says in Medjugorje:

June 25, 1985

“I urge you to ask everyone to pray the Ro-

sary. With the Rosary you will overcome all the

troubles which satan is trying to inflict on the

Catholic Church. Let all priests pray the Ro-

sary. Give time to the Rosary.”

Just as St. Dominic stands through this time of history

and his life is noted for exposing and spreading the Rosary, so

too, St. Simon Stock (1165-1265) was given the Scapular and

its devotion. Millions have since worn it, as did Pope John

Paul II who stated:

“I’ve worn a Scapular since I was a child.”

What favors the world has received through the Scapular!

St. Simon was instructed by Our Lady to spread the wearing of

it. He is known in Church history and in the hearts of genera-

tions of people as the one whose instructions from Our Lady

have had a profound impact in altering the world and its devo-

tion. Pope John Paul II is recognized even by non-believers as


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a “great changer of history.” Could anyone who had known St.

Simon Stock centuries ago grasp that his mission of spreading the

Scapular and the graces attached to it would “contribute” to a

massive world-wide impact seven centuries later through a Pope

(John Paul II) who is considered a living prophet?

A quiet nun in France in 1830 was told by Our Lady:

“My child, the good God wishes to charge you

with a mission. You will suffer many trials on

account of it, but you will overcome them with

the thought that it is for the glory of God. You

will be contradicted, but you will have grace—

do not fear. You will see certain things. You

will be inspired in your prayers. My child, times

are very bad. Calamities are going to fall upon

France.* The whole world will be in an upheav-

al due to all sorts of troubles…”

Our Lady went on to say how pleasing it was to pray

to Her and how generous She would be to those who would.

The quiet nun is known as St. Catherine Laboure. Our Lady

* Few realized that in Paris about this time, in a small house, men were meeting whose purpose was to form a philosophy in which they professed that MAN, not religion, determined what was good or bad, that religion had no right to impose its moral values upon others. Each individual should decide himself upon what values he should hold. They termed this new thinking, Liberalism. Liberalism’s birth is traced to these men. Also, Freemasonry was established in 1738 as we know it today, but in France men with a similar philosophy joined with the Masons to overturn every altar where Christ was adored. This was just prior to the French Revolution. Our Lady’s words to St. Catherine are much more clearly understood when one understands these facts.


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also gave St. Catherine a prophesy that She would one day

be known as “Queen of the World.” She then showed to St.

Catherine the Miraculous Medal and told her to have a medal

made according to this model. Everybody who wears it will

receive great graces by wearing it around the neck. St. Cath-

erine’s confessor was the only one who knew of these events.

The other nuns in the convent did not view her as extraordi-

nary and certainly not a saint. Yet her mission was to alter

the world. Her confessor finally told the Bishop, and after

two years, the confessor had some medals struck. They were

distributed with no knowledge to the receiver as to the origins

of the medal in order to see what would happen. Soon more

requests came for the medals because the people themselves

experienced miracles from it. It was the people who termed

it the “Miracle Medal” or “Miraculous Medal.” So numerous

and sensational were the cures and miracles that six million

medals were made in the first four years in Paris alone and

twelve other cities were also manufacturing them by the mil-

lions. Yet it was only after Catherine’s death that her fellow

sisters learned of the great grace she, along with them, had

received in their convent.

Dominic, Simon, and Catherine were the announcers to

the world of the Rosary, Scapular, and the Miraculous Medal.

How few during their lifetime understood the significance

these three and their missions would have upon the whole

of mankind and its future? Is something of a similar nature


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happening to Mirjana? Perhaps Mirjana’s gift will be the

instrument responsible for fulfilling St. Catherine Laboure’s

prophesy that all mankind would some day honor Our Lady

as “Queen of the World.” Pope Pius XII gave Our Lady this

title in 1954, but the world has not recognized or accepted this.

Perhaps through this gift that Mirjana has received, this accep-

tance will finally happen.

The Rosary, Scapular, and Miraculous Medal swept

throughout the world like lightning. Their impact was made

upon one individual at a time, but with such impact as to

change the heart profoundly. These changed individuals

shared their hearts with others who, in turn, were moved to

pray the Rosary or wear the Scapular or Miraculous Medal.

When the spring at Lourdes opened up and the first miracu-

lous healing occurred, there was no need to advertise it. It

spread by the momentum of the contagious joy it brought to

each heart, and from that heart, the next heart was touched.

It spread from individual to family, from neighbor to village,

from nation to the world. Nothing can stop gifts such as the

Rosary, Scapular, and Miraculous Medal once God desires

to release and spread them. The people confirm it and peace

spreads. Our presidents and kings continually speak of peace,

ordering it by speeches and signing documents. However,

peace does not come from the top but from the bottom. The

people must decide for it in their hearts. Their hearts must be

changed by grace. Then and only then can peace truly reign.


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Peace cannot reign if man is not at peace with God. Peace

with God cannot come until people accept Him and His pre-

cepts. Our Lady said on July 30, 1987:

“…some don’t even want to hear about Jesus,

but they still want peace and satisfaction!…”

So in our history, God has granted gifts such as the

Rosary, Scapular, and the Miraculous Medal as sources of

great grace to call His children back in harmony with Him.

Currently in the world, situations exist in society that make

it virtually impossible to move man into harmony with God

without divine intervention. Mirjana has said for years we

must pray for non-believers. Yet, if you speak to most people,

they believe in God or some sort of Supreme Being. Mirjana

has said it is not that they are non-believers. It is that, in real-

ity, they do not know the love of God. An alternative rock

band gives this point clear meaning by the lyrics they wrote

in a song which is addressed to God. A friend who knew the

brothers said that they were good boys, but their parents lived

divorce in their home. The brother who wrote the lyrics used

to stare out at Timber Creek asking God to keep their Mom

and Dad together. Their parents ultimately divorced and the

brothers felt so let down that they wrote the following:


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Timber Creek

Always look up to the sky and I often wonder why…

Why You’re evil in disguise.

Why we’re dropping here like flies

Try to look into Your eyes, but You just don’t have the time.

Do You love to see us cry….

Cause You’re indifferent to our lives.

What’s the point in being here at all….falling down

All my hopes are like the leaves

They fall….falling down.

What’s the point in being here at all….falling down.

Staring out at Timber Creek enthralled.

Looking out at all of us, won’t You tell me

What You’re thinking God?

It’s killing me…

Laughing out at all of us, used to think You were

My friend, but You’re the enemy.

It is frightening to read such words directed toward

God. But can we say this is a result of hatred toward God, or

rather is it a result of not being able to experience God’s love?

Much of this comes through the parents. Is not the father the

first representative of God the Father to the children? Does

not God’s love flow through the mother to her children? It is


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a shocking thought today that we are hearing a term for the

present generation who are being referred to as Generation

X. Generation X are people who have no hope that anything

will change. Everything is dark, and there is a real frustration

with God, because if He is there, why isn’t He doing some-

thing? Their homes are broken; through this, there is a barrier

preventing them from experiencing God’s love. How many

children, through no fault of their own, are devastated by sins

of their parents or society? Innocence is destroyed. Young

lives are scarred beyond grief, leaving hearts to harden into

stone. Children are wounded so deeply that they grow into

adults never having experienced anything connected to the

love of God. Souls cry out to God while looking out at their

Timber Creeks hoping, praying for a miracle that will never

come because sins of others prevent it. Can they be blamed?

Find a child whose world is crashing down through the

break-up of his parents. You won’t have to look far. You can

find them even in your church membership. Stare into the

eyes of a 3 year-old child. Look at the purity of his eyes. Peer

into them as one looks into the depth of a fresh clear blue

stream. View the innocence of the angels in Heaven, while

peering into eyes of the angels of the earth. Hold it in your

heart and watch what happens over the next months and years

as the family divides and goes separate ways. You will see the

clear fresh stream become polluted, soiled to a point where

you yourself will not want to love so vile a creature. These are


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the souls who are making up part of Generation X. But it’s

not just Generation X. The world is now full of people whose

hearts are broken through sorrow, and calcified by sin. No

longer knowing or experiencing God’s love, they become non-

believers, people who are to be pitied and prayed for.

It is certainly repulsive to read the words of the song

“Timber Creek,” and it is easy to disdain the members of the

band. However, knowing their tragedy, and how the song was

birthed bring forth pity. We must realize all non-believers

have had their tragedy, and if we knew in depth why, we would

pity, rather than disdain them. Our Lady knows the stories

behind all non-believers, and She does not disdain them. She

knows each of them and has peered into their eyes when in-

nocence still dwelt there. She knows what soiled them and

that in many cases it was through no fault of their own. Our

Lady’s messages are constantly calling us, Her children, to

holiness and not to persist in sin. We know better. We know

Her love. We know the Father. We are more responsible.

Much mercy is offered to the sinner who does not know God’s

love. Jesus showed this in His answers to the Pharisees and

His firmness in holding them highly accountable. He showed

His infinite mercy with sinners such as the adulteress who the

Pharisees wanted to stone. So it is today in the world.

The world is on the point of receiving great favors from

God, dispensed through Our Lady, spread by Mirjana. Be-


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cause of His great mercy, would God not want to give His love

and allow those who do not yet know it a chance to experi-

ence it? Society has blocked it. The modern family structure,

or rather lack of family, parents, etc., has blocked it, along with

a host of other factors built into society by satan to prevent

souls from coming to experience the love of God. God’s

justice in this life is experienced only through His mercy. His

mercy, on the other side of death, will be experienced only

through His justice.* So how is it that justice would not be

dealt out in this life through mercy to all non-believers?

Should not justice be served to children who do not want their

parents divorced and who, because of that divorce, turn away

from God Himself? Would not merciful justice give them the

grace of experiencing God’s love in order for them to have

the opportunity of conversion, that perhaps parents blocked?

Yes, every individual is accountable for their own sins and so

will children of broken homes be held accountable for per-

sisting in sin, once they’ve been shown the truth. However,

* The author explains the above as Our Lady revealed it to him. God’s justice for us here upon the earth is never given in a vengeful way. It is given in a merciful way in order to turn us always toward Him. Justice served in this life, whether because of our sins, persecution, severe trial, etc., is through mercy to help us in our walk toward God or to even bring us back to Him. So it can then be said that we never truly experience God’s justice in this life in that His justice is through mercy. After death, we will experience God’s justice, and we, for the first time, will fully understand His mercy. In our first judgement will be seen how many times and how much mercy was given to us in our life. If one was to err through no fault of his own then mercy will be granted through justice. Thereby, justice is served. So it can then be said we will not experience God’s mercy in the next life except through justice. God is both merciful and just. God’s mercy dominates justice in this life while God’s justice dominates mercy in the next at first judgement.


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justice, given through God’s mercy, will give them a chance to

experience God’s love in order for them to change the life of

sin they were led into. How is this to happen to people who

are unreachable? Will it be through a gift Mirjana already has

and is waiting to give the world, to the whole world of non-be-

lievers—a gift such as St. Dominic receiving the Rosary or St.

Simon Stock, the Scapular? Will it be through this that Our

Lady will be titled “Queen of the World” as is prophesied?

This gift is what these writings hopefully have prepared

your heart for. It is of an extraordinary nature and a gift which,

like the Rosary, Scapular, and Miraculous Medal, will have

global consequences. Dominic, Simon, and Catherine did not

fully grasp the significance their mission would have through

the centuries, nor did those who knew or were associated with

them. Human nature prevents us from grasping the depth of

God’s plans even when we know them and even have a vision

of them. But Mirjana’s apparition is much more than a vision,

in that Our Lady is with her during the apparition in the real-

ity that Jesus was during the Transfiguration. Our Lady is not

as a vapor or ghostly figure but physically present in a glorified

body. Yet can Mirjana, or any one associated with her, fully see

the greatness of the impact Our Lady’s mission will have on the

future of the whole world and its conversion?

Exactly what is it that Mirjana has? Many already

know that Mirjana has told us for some time she prays for


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those who do not know the love of God, or non-believers. She

does this on the second of each month with Our Lady. What

we have not known or fully understood is that there is a great

significance to this event.

Mirjana begins preparing at 5 a.m. for her innerlocu-

tion with Our Lady. She doesn’t know exactly when Our Lady

will come. When She does come to her interiorly, it can last

two or three hours.* Mirjana said that Vicka also prays with

Our Lady for non-believers. Mirjana speaks only in her name

and not Vicka’s.

The following was Mirjana’s discussion in March 1996:

Mirjana said that Our Lady and she pray for those who

do not know the love of God. When asked what is it like to

pray with Our Lady, she said, “No words can relate what it is

like. It is beautiful.” Mirjana was asked:

Q. “What do you say to Our Lady on the second of each


A. “I only pray. Only a couple of times have I been al-

lowed to ask a question.”

Q. “What do you pray with Our Lady? A Rosary?”

* When Our Lady first began to pray with Mirjana on the second of the month, Mirjana had innerlocutions as described above. Now, Mirjana has apparitions each month.


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A. “No. Our Lady never prays to Herself.”

Q. “Then what kind of prayers do you pray?”

A: “Special prayers.”

Q: “Special prayers? What are they?

A: “They are connected to the secrets!”

Q: “So Mirjana, these prayers are connected to the secrets?”

A: “Yes.”

Q: “And when you pray the special prayers, are they for

other purposes also?”

A: “They are prayed for non-believers or people who do

not know the love of God.”

Q: “Can you tell us these prayers, so that we can pray


A: “No, because they are connected to the secrets.”

Q: “What can you tell us about these prayers?”

A: “I can tell you they are something like the Rosary, but

it is not the Rosary. I say that because the prayers are

continuous like the Rosary. (She circles her hand in

describing this special prayer.) But it is not the Rosary.”


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Q: “When can we have these prayers?”

A: “When Our Lady allows me to reveal them.”

Q: “How long have you been praying these special prayers

for non-believers?”

A: “Since 1987.”

How wonderful it is that God is on the verge of grant-

ing to us a great gift, even if it is still years away! Reviewing

the introduction of the Rosary, can we reason that Our Lady

just gave some short instruction and said, “Here, Dominic use

this and watch for miracles?” In Isaiah, it says; “Come rea-

son with me says the Lord.” It is reason which speaks to us

that Dominic was instructed over some period of time how to

use the Rosary. Gathering the Joyful, Sorrowful, and Glori-

ous Mysteries into a prayer of approximately one hour most

likely involved several instructions of a repetitive nature. We

now see in 28* years of Medjugorje, messages from Our Lady

to us, which have the same theme of repetition, in order for

them to be ingrained in our hearts. Research shows that we

must hear something sixteen times for it to become part of

us. St. Louis De Montfort wrote that St. Dominic was inspired

by the Holy Ghost, instructed by the Blessed Virgin Mary, as

well as by his own experience. So what of the fact that Our

* Refer to footnote on page 10.


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Lady doesn’t pray to Herself in regard to Her teaching Domi-

nic? Mirjana once asked Our Lady if she could pray the Hail

Holy Queen (Salve Regina) to Her and Our Lady said yes. It

would be very reasonable that St. Dominic would pray the

Rosary to Our Lady while She appeared to him—even if She

remained silent. Perhaps afterwards, or even during it, She

instructed him. After this period of preparation to Dominic,

it then swept across all of the land—bringing with it countless

miracles. It can now be said that Mirjana has been inspired

by Our Lady, instructed by Her, and since 1987 had her own

experience with these special prayers.

In the beginning days, Marija Lunetti said that at first

the visionaries thought the apparitions were for them, then

they realized they were for the parish, then they realized they

were for the world. Since 1987, Vicka and Mirjana are the

only two human beings praying these prayers taught by Our

Lady. It is their mission for now. But soon a time will come

for Her children to join in, as it was for the parish. Then we,

later perhaps with the visionaries, will realize, in reality, it

is for the non-believers of the whole world. What purpose

can it be, except to lead to conversion many of Her children

throughout the world? Our Lady has been praying these

prayers the second of each month in order to carry them be-

fore God’s throne to ask Him for a massive grace of unparal-

leled proportion. Asking that a powerful grace be attached to

these new prayers, Our Lady wishes to release these prayers


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for Her children, so a world-wide opportunity of sweeping

conversion will take place in the hearts of all those who do not

know the love of God!!

By reviewing the lives and missions of St. Dominic, St.

Simon Stock, and St. Catherine, can we not see and under-

stand that the world is on the point of receiving great favors of

which Our Lady spoke? Vicka, for the last two years has re-

peatedly said Our Lady has a special plan, a special intention

She asks us all to pray for. Is this new prayer for the world the

special intention? That Our Lady, Mirjana, and Vicka have

been praying these prayers since 1987 is a good indication

it is. These prayers, that are mounting before God’s Throne,

will bring graces which will burst forth upon the world (as the

Rosary, Scapular, and Miraculous Medal did.) The result will

be hundreds of thousands, or even millions, coming to know

the love of God!

Our Lady told Mirjana:

August 18, 1982

“…The more you believe firmly, the more you

pray and fast for the same intention, the greater

is the grace and the mercy of God.”

Is it possible that such massive conversions would bring

about a collapse of evil? The Holy Father has stated that


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he hopes or believes we are on the eve of a springtime* for

Christianity, and that, as communism suddenly collapsed, he

sees the collapse of evil coming somehow in the same way.**

Will the event that brings it about be the devotion Mirjana is

to spread, even as the Rosary was in St. Dominic’s time that

brought about the collapse of the dreadful Albigensian her-


The world does not deserve such a grace of conver-

sion. Our Lady revealed on October 1, 1981 that those who

are not aware of the gift of Her appearance, as well as we who

are, are not deserving of such a grace. Yet in God’s mercy we

are granted gifts which are so great Our Lady says that if we

comprehended them we would pray without ceasing.

November 8, 1984

“…If you only knew how great are the graces

God is granting you, you would be praying with-

out ceasing…”

Will not mercy be meted out in justice to all those little

children in whom Our Lady can see what we cannot? What

we could see in children at the age of three, we can no longer

see, when these children are grown and have become pervert-

* Since this writing was first published, Our Lady said on October 25, 2000: “…a time of spring…” The Holy Father also has stated a springtime for Christians “is” on the way.

** From a publication called Inside the Vatican, December 1994.


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ed, criminal, and godless. Only Our Lady can trace the loss

of the pure, beautiful innocence of each child that once could

be seen any time one peered through the depth of their eyes,

the window of their souls that reveals their purity. All this is

enough for us to break out in prayer…

Come Mary, come tomorrow again and again.

We will pray with you. Bring back our loved

ones who have left the Church, those who have

left God. We will join you on the second of each

month. We will pray for greater graces to be at-

tached to your intention. We will pray that the

dam of love, of God’s mercy, will break forth, that

your new prayer be released soon. We will pray

that it will flow out as a river to all the nations, that

as the rivers fill the oceans, your love of God will

fill the earth. We wait. We anticipate that great

day, and we call you as you have called us, to add

our prayers, fasting, and sacrifices to Mirjana’s in

order that you may obtain all your wishes for the

world. O loving Mother, thank you for the gift

that the world is on the brink of receiving!

We live in extraordinary times. Mirjana has begun

to ask for all of us to join her in prayer the second of each

month. Prayer groups should meet and begin praying for

non-believers on the second of each month. Priests should


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have special masses on that day. At the very least, cenacles of

prayers should be started by individuals or families on every

second of the month.

Our Lady told the village of Medjugorje through Ivanka:

April 5, 1985

“You, the members of this parish, have a large

and heavy cross to bear; but do not be afraid to

carry it. My Son is here to help you.”

Our Lady in Her life experienced the great joy and

consolation of the birth of the Savior, but also the great sor-

row and desolation of experiencing His death. One saint said

if Our Lady was knocking on the door of his room he would

hesitate about opening it, because he knew with the great joy

of seeing Her would come an equal amount of sorrow. Mir-

jana also carries a heavy cross. She has been given a great

consolation and joy by seeing Our Lady, but it must be equally

true that she experiences sorrow and difficulties.

Our Lady told Mirjana:

December 25, 1982

“…Mirjana, I have chosen you; I have confided

in you everything that is essential. I have shown

you many terrible things. You must now bear


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it all with courage. Think of Me and think of

the tears I must shed for that. You must remain


Mirjana indeed had such a difficult cross and burden,

that even three years later, Our Lady again gave her words to

strengthen her:

March 18, 1985

“….I have entrusted to you a heavy burden and

I suffer for your difficulties…”

When one’s life is dedicated to a purpose, it often brings

many burdens. It is consoling to know that bearing the difficul-

ties is bringing forth fruit. Therefore, start adoration, prayer

groups, whatever you are inspired on the second of each month

for non-believers, and when you go to Medjugorje with your

group and see Mirjana, let her know you are praying with her

on the second of each month. Encourage others to do so, or

even write us and we’ll tell her for you or forward your let-

ter. She cannot respond to any requests, nor will we send any

letters in which you discuss your problems or prayer inten-

tions. Her time does not permit such, because Mirjana is first

a wife and mother. Your letters will help her see that you are

joining her and Our Lady in prayer. You then can become a

source of strength for her to carry her burdens. Knowing your

effort will be an encouragement, contemplate and reread all


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the preceding. Don’t let a “glorious moment of history” pass

you by because of a lack of reflection. You will receive a gift of

great peace knowing what is to come before it happens. This

was the same experience given to the prophets. As Our Lady’s

children, you are placed in the position of the prophets. It is a

great privilege, and it is opened to any who desire it. Pray on

the second of each month and reflect. May God bless you.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Our Lady’s words of April 25, 1991

“…I do not desire your life to pass by in words,

but that you glorify God with deeds…”

Our Lady calls you. Be an organizer for the second of the

month. Pray to be inspired what to do and be faithful. It will

produce results. We have seen thousands of letters from people

who began faithfully praying on the second of each month, the

many who went to Adoration Chapels to match the time of

Mirjana’s apparition time in Medjugorje. While Our Lady was

upon the earth, they could offer their sacrifice for waking dur-

ing the night to go pray. Priests have opened up their churches

during the night in order for their people to be in prayer at the

same moment Our Lady appeared to Mirjana. Some have con-

tinued for years as the following letter shows deeds not words.


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To All At Caritas, May 1999

Keep up all that you are doing, you continue to bless all of

us who are trying to live the messages of Our Lady. On

May 2, 1999 at 5:00 a.m. EST, there were seven of us before

the Tabernacle in our church praying for all unbelievers

as Our Lady asked. This time I was led to read the prayer

for the Year of the Father by John Paul II to close the hour.

I experienced a beautiful anointing that I shared with the

others. It started as I read - “make it a time of favor for

us, the year of a great return to the Father’s house, where,

full of love, you await your straying children to embrace

them in your forgiveness and welcome them to your table

in their festive garments.” I had a sense of the Lord say-

ing, “You have been faithful to this time of prayer since the

beginning of the year of the Son (1997), through the Year

of the Holy Spirit, now into the Year of the Father, you have

no comprehension how many souls you will be responsible

for coming into or returning to the Catholic Church in the

Jubilee year. Continue on.” All we could do was weep and

rest in His grace poured out through Our Lady. We are

nothing special (the little group). It is all grace. Praise be

Jesus and Mary - now and forever.

In the Hearts of Jesus and Mary,

Great Falls, Virginia


Page 44: Medjugorje, Mirjana, · time an extraordinary position. However, this position the six visionaries hold will be recognized not just



Caritas of Birmingham is an organization committed to being a voice for Our Lady. Those individuals on our mailing list receive up-to-date information on all the messages and hap-penings in Medjugorje. Our material is read by well over 250,000 people throughout the United States and has spread to over 130 countries around the world.

If you would like to receive information about our mission or want to be placed on our mailing list and receive vital and crucial information concerning Our Lady and the apparitions in Medjugorje. Please write to:

Caritas of Birmingham100 Our Lady Queen of Peace Drive

Sterrett, AL 35147 USAor call

205-672-2000 Check us out at:

Daily updates about Medjugorje


Page 45: Medjugorje, Mirjana, · time an extraordinary position. However, this position the six visionaries hold will be recognized not just

Our mission house in Medjugorje distributes our materials to all who come from around the world. You will benefit on your pilgrimage by the spiritual material, advice, and guidance that will be available to you.

You stay in the middle of the village by St. James Church, yet on the trail to Apparition Hill a best location! On top of that, pilgrimages are scheduled around special apparitions or being in the village when the monthly message to the world is given.

BVM/Caritas Pilgrimages has remained loyal and centered exclusively on Medjugorje, and pilgrimages only to this holy village. Focus and prayer life has given us a deep understanding about Our Lady’s apparitions.

Why pilgrimage with BVM/Caritas? �e experience of over trips to Medjugorje!

Combined experience of over years!

By the testimonies of our pilgrims, it is repeatedly stated that Caritas is the most spiritual!

Lowest Fares of anybody for a full-hosted pilgrimage!

Non-smoking trips (many who smoke and travel with us, offer it up as a sacrifice and receive many graces).

�e Community of Caritas lives in Medjugorje which gives us an in-depth, behind-the-scenes understanding of Medjugorje.

Sites are prayed at, shown and explained (such as the site where Jakov and Vicka were physically and bodily taken to Heaven from Earth by Our Lady).

�e only interest we have is spiritual profit. None of us are paid to guide you. We do it in response to Our Lady’s message in which She requested to “…sacrifice your lives for the salvation of the world…” (February , )

If you could combine every single event for the past twenty-eight years

that occurred in Washington D.C., New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Paris, London and every other place in the world, it would be dwarfed by the event of one single day in Medjugorje. Our Lady, Mary, Mother of Christ, comes to the Earth, blesses the whole world with Her presence and speaks to us with words conveyed directly from God. Wouldn’t you like to be part of one of the most important events in the history of Creation?

�is year, why not visit the village

�ink about it.

that is changing the entire world?

Please call BVM/Caritas Pilgrimages for more details

on your full package: --, ext. hr.

Check out & click pilgrimages on the home page.Growing everyday as the most extensive Medjugorje website in the world.

Medjugorje PilgrimagesBvm / Caritas


Page 46: Medjugorje, Mirjana, · time an extraordinary position. However, this position the six visionaries hold will be recognized not just

Our mission house in Medjugorje distributes our materials to all who come from around the world. You will benefit on your pilgrimage by the spiritual material, advice, and guidance that will be available to you.

You stay in the middle of the village by St. James Church, yet on the trail to Apparition Hill a best location! On top of that, pilgrimages are scheduled around special apparitions or being in the village when the monthly message to the world is given.

BVM/Caritas Pilgrimages has remained loyal and centered exclusively on Medjugorje, and pilgrimages only to this holy village. Focus and prayer life has given us a deep understanding about Our Lady’s apparitions.

Why pilgrimage with BVM/Caritas? �e experience of over trips to Medjugorje!

Combined experience of over years!

By the testimonies of our pilgrims, it is repeatedly stated that Caritas is the most spiritual!

Lowest Fares of anybody for a full-hosted pilgrimage!

Non-smoking trips (many who smoke and travel with us, offer it up as a sacrifice and receive many graces).

�e Community of Caritas lives in Medjugorje which gives us an in-depth, behind-the-scenes understanding of Medjugorje.

Sites are prayed at, shown and explained (such as the site where Jakov and Vicka were physically and bodily taken to Heaven from Earth by Our Lady).

�e only interest we have is spiritual profit. None of us are paid to guide you. We do it in response to Our Lady’s message in which She requested to “…sacrifice your lives for the salvation of the world…” (February , )

If you could combine every single event for the past twenty-eight years

that occurred in Washington D.C., New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Paris, London and every other place in the world, it would be dwarfed by the event of one single day in Medjugorje. Our Lady, Mary, Mother of Christ, comes to the Earth, blesses the whole world with Her presence and speaks to us with words conveyed directly from God. Wouldn’t you like to be part of one of the most important events in the history of Creation?

�is year, why not visit the village

�ink about it.

that is changing the entire world?

Please call BVM/Caritas Pilgrimages for more details

on your full package: --, ext. hr.

Check out & click pilgrimages on the home page.Growing everyday as the most extensive Medjugorje website in the world.

Medjugorje PilgrimagesBvm / Caritas


Page 47: Medjugorje, Mirjana, · time an extraordinary position. However, this position the six visionaries hold will be recognized not just

Other Titles About Our Lady’s Messages!If you would like more copies of this booklet for distribution at your church, prayer group, or for family or friends, etc…please contact your local bookstore, call Caritas of Birmingham–24 hours a day, or fill out the order form at the end of this booklet.

Other titles in this series by A Friend of Medjugorje:

bk1001 Whose Opinion is Right?bk1002 Twenty Years of Apparitionsbk1003 American History You Never Learnedbk1004 Changing Historybk1005 Patriotic Rosary (1=free, 10=90¢ea, 25=75¢ea, 50=60¢ea, 100=40¢ea, 1,000=30¢ea)

bk1006 August 5th, What Are You Doing for Her Birthday?bk1007 Medjugorje—The Fulfillment of all Marian Apparitionsbk1008 A New Ark?bk1009 As Go God’s People, So Goes the Worldbk1010 Medjugorje, Mirjana, A Mystery Revealedbk1011 A Time for Decisionbk1012 satan Wants to Destroy Medjugorjebk1013 Fastingbk1014 Modestybk1015 In Front of the Crucifix with Our Ladybk1016 Treasure Chestbk1017 Entering A New Timebk1018 Understanding Our Lady’s Messages Title list cont. on next page

See order form in back of booklet for pricing

Ostali naslovi o Gospinim porukama! (Tiskano na hrvatskom)

bk1051 Razumijevanje Gospinih poruka (prevedeno na hrvatski)bk1052 Međugorje: Ispunjenje svih Marijinih ukazanja (prevedeno na hrvatski) bk1053 Nova arka (prevedeno na hrvatski) bk1054 Kriza–disciplina (prevedeno na hrvatski)bk1055 Međugorje, Mirjana, otkrivena tajna (prevedeno na hrvatski)bk1056 Čednost (prevedeno na hrvatski)bk1057 Gospin recept za pobjedu: Molite, molite, molite! (prevedeno na hrvatski)bk1058 sotona želi uništiti Međugorje (prevedeno na hrvatski)bk1059 Pogled na 2000 godina kršćanske povijesti (prevedeno na hrvatski)bk1060 Vrijeme odluke (prevedeno na hrvatski)bk1061 5. kolovoza: Što činiš za Njezin rođendan? (prevedeno na hrvatski)bk1062 Ulazak u novo vrijeme (prevedeno na hrvatski) bk1063 S Gospom pred raspelom (prevedeno na hrvatski)bk1064 Pripremanje za oluju (prevedeno na hrvatski)bk1065 Ne volim svoj križ (prevedeno na hrvatski)

Da biste nabavili još primjeraka knjige, posjetite Misijsku kuću Caritasa u Međugorju.(Upute su na unutarnjoj stranici zadnje korice ove knjižice)


Page 48: Medjugorje, Mirjana, · time an extraordinary position. However, this position the six visionaries hold will be recognized not just

Other titles by A Friend of Medjugorje continued

bk1019 A Blessing to Help Save the Worldbk1020 Fallen Field Angelbk1021 Don’t Tell Me What to Do!bk1022 Spanning 2000 Years of Historybk1023 When You Decide for Changebk1024 Have You Become Complacent or Fallen Asleep?bk1025 I Don’t Like My Crossbk1026 What Do We Do Now?bk1027 Thy Will Be Done? And Hand to the Plowbk1028 Our Lady’s 7 Steps to…Set the Captives Freebk1029 Who’s Driving?bk1030 “I Don’t Have to Go to Medjugorje.” Reasons Why One Must Go to Medjugorjebk1031 The Seven Novenas in Preparation for the Five Days of Prayer for the Reconciling of Ourselves, Our Families, and Our Nation Back to God

bk1033 Calling on Heaven (Caritas’ prayers)

bk1036 Our Lady’s Formula for Victory: “Pray, Pray, Pray”bk1037 A Miracle from the Field for Our Nationbk1038 Crisis-Disciplinebk1039 Quietismbk1040 Wedding Bookletbk1041 Why So Many Disasters?bk1042 How the Early Church Learned…bk1043 Be Strong! Do Not Relax!bk1044 Some Remarkable things About Our Lady’s Messagesbk1045 You Have Been Calledbk1046 Surrender Your Problems to Mebk1047 Two Americasbk1048 Ready“ing” for the Stormbk1049 Judge with Right Judgementbk1050 Confession of a Big Sinbk1051 Razumijevanje Gospinih poruka (prevedeno na hrvatski)bk1052 Međugorje: Ispunjenje svih Marijinih ukazanja (prevedeno na hrvatski) bk1053 Nova arka (prevedeno na hrvatski) bk1054 Kriza–disciplina (prevedeno na hrvatski)bk1055 Međugorje, Mirjana, otkrivena tajna (prevedeno na hrvatski)bk1056 Čednost (prevedeno na hrvatski)bk1057 Gospin recept za pobjedu: Molite, molite, molite! (prevedeno na hrvatski)bk1058 sotona želi uništiti Međugorje (prevedeno na hrvatski)bk1059 Pogled na 2000 godina kršćanske povijesti (prevedeno na hrvatski)bk1060 Vrijeme odluke (prevedeno na hrvatski)bk1061 5. kolovoza: Što činiš za Njezin rođendan? (prevedeno na hrvatski)bk1062 Ulazak u novo vrijeme (prevedeno na hrvatski) bk1063 S Gospom pred raspelom (prevedeno na hrvatski)bk1064 Pripremanje za oluju (prevedeno na hrvatski)bk1065 Ne volim svoj križ (prevedeno na hrvatski)

Volume orders can be made up of different booklets.More booklets are being produced monthly at Caritas of Birmingham, call 205-672-2000 for new titles.

Suggested Donation1 Copy Free (pay only S&H)10 Copies $4.00 (40¢ ea.)25 Copies $8.75 (35¢ ea.)50 Copies $15.00 (30¢ ea.)100 Copies $25.00 (25¢ ea.)1000 Copies $150.00 (15¢ ea.)


Page 49: Medjugorje, Mirjana, · time an extraordinary position. However, this position the six visionaries hold will be recognized not just







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Page 50: Medjugorje, Mirjana, · time an extraordinary position. However, this position the six visionaries hold will be recognized not just

St. JamesChurch


Caritas Mission House


Apparition Hill(Podbrdo)


Apparition Trail


Don’t Miss a Visit to the Caritas Mission HouseApparition Hill, Cross Mountain, the Visionaries, St. James Church, and Caritas Mission House, these are the five “must do’s” to have a complete Medjugorje pilgrimage. Throughout the years, pilgrims from every nation have made the Caritas of Birmingham Mission House in Medjugorje a part of their pilgrimage. Countless numbers have relayed to us it is there, in the Mission House, where they came to understand more fully Our Lady’s messages and plans for the world. It is why people, who have returned home from their pilgrimages, have told others going to Medjugorje to go to the Caritas Mission House, stating that the Caritas Mission House was a high point of their pilgrimage and a “must do” to make a pilgrimage to Medjugorje a complete and more profound experience.

Look for the St. Michael statue.Caritas of Birmingham Mission House is operated by the Community of Caritas.The Mother house is located at: 100 Our Lady Queen of Peace Drive • Sterrett, Alabama 35147 USA

“The Mission House was the only meeting place in Med-jugorje to learn more about and discuss the Messages.”



“Following Caritas’ mission for several years and observing their work in spreading Our Lady of Medjugorje’s messages, it’s no wonder to me as to how they became the largest Medjugorje Center in the world.”


“I found peace and love in the Mission House.”

PilgrimSouth Africa

“After coming in the Caritas Mission House, I decided not to leave my husband and seek to bring prayer and healing into my family.”

PilgrimIreland Extensive up-to-date information on Medjugorje as it happens.

Page 51: Medjugorje, Mirjana, · time an extraordinary position. However, this position the six visionaries hold will be recognized not just

Our Lady has said if we want to understand the reason for Her coming as well as to know how God deals with His people, we should read Sacred Scripture everyday. She also has said to read the lives of the saints. What we learn by being obedient to Our Lady’s advice is that God never abandons His people but always gives grace to help us return to the way of salvation.

Within these pages you will discover the con-tinuation of God’s mercy for His people… but now it is “we” who are being written into that history. It is “our” lives that God’s tender heart is directed towards. And it is Our Lady whom He has sent to be the Herald of His mercy to “our” world, not just for the present children, but for children in all future generations as well.

Within the event of Medjugorje there are still many mysteries left to be revealed. One of these mysteries deals directly with “new” prayers which Our Lady has taught to Mirjana and Vicka for the con-version of many souls. How privileged we are to be the “witnesses” of these extraordinary events in these extraordinary times.

100 Our Lady Queen of Peace Drive • Sterrett, AL 35147 USA205-672-2000 USA

Printed by Caritas of Birmingham. Made available to you by our Field all your Medjugorje information