meet 'aging population'. a mega trend. inquentia trend report 2016

Copyright Inquentia Group AB Meet Aging Population. A Mega Trend. Inquentia Trend Report 2016.

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Page 1: Meet 'Aging Population'. A Mega Trend. Inquentia Trend Report 2016

Copyright Inquentia Group AB

Meet Aging Population. A Mega Trend. Inquentia Trend Report 2016.

Page 2: Meet 'Aging Population'. A Mega Trend. Inquentia Trend Report 2016

This report is part of a series of trend reports on Mega Trends. As preparation we have performed substantial desk research covering a large number of reports and publications, often with a 15-20 year outlook. Most reports have been published by official global institutions and institutes over the last five years. We have chosen to present relevant key trends that seem consistent across a large amount of sources. This report will give you a glimpse of the Mega Trend Aging Population.

Meet Aging Population.

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Page 3: Meet 'Aging Population'. A Mega Trend. Inquentia Trend Report 2016

Looking into the future is always a challenge. Tomorrow is built today. Still we know from history that the future is far too complex to predict. Mega Trends can however be a helpful guide on the way.

A Mega Trend is a global, sustained and macro economic force of development that impacts business, economy, society, cultures and personal lives, and thereby defining the world of our future. Aging Population is such a Mega Trend.

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Page 4: Meet 'Aging Population'. A Mega Trend. Inquentia Trend Report 2016

1. Digital Society.

2. Aging Population.

3. Urbanization.

4. Global Growth.

5. Sustainability.

Aging Population is one of five Global Mega Trends presented in this report series: Copyright Inquentia Group AB

Page 5: Meet 'Aging Population'. A Mega Trend. Inquentia Trend Report 2016

Global Mega Trend

Aging Population. The world is growing older. A proportionally smaller workforce supports more seniors, who are more active and engaged as workers and consumers. Copyright Inquentia Group AB

Page 6: Meet 'Aging Population'. A Mega Trend. Inquentia Trend Report 2016

Global Mega Trend

Aging Population. In short:?

•  The world is growing older.

•  Aging pressuring public spend.

•  Seniors becoming more active workers and consumers. Copyright Inquentia Group AB

Page 7: Meet 'Aging Population'. A Mega Trend. Inquentia Trend Report 2016

•  The world is growing older.

More of us live longer: Western and developing economies alike face acute adjustment.

•  Aging pressuring public spend.

Less working age people to support more seniors result in dramatic welfare spend.

•  Seniors becoming more active workers and consumers.

The seniors of tomorrow are more physically, professionally and economically engaged.

Aging Population explained. What does it mean… Copyright Inquentia Group AB

Page 8: Meet 'Aging Population'. A Mega Trend. Inquentia Trend Report 2016

20% In 2013, government spend on pensions, healthcare, and long-term care together accounted for nearly 20% of EU GDP.

13% …and 13% of the world will be 65 years or older.

5.1yr 2030 the global average age will be 5.1 years higher than today…

53% A French study estimates that 53% of economic demand in 2015 will come from the senior population.

22% Workers aged 55 or over will make up 22% of the global workforce by 2030.

2:1 By 2060 there will be two working age people for every senior in Europe: today, there are four.

5x Age-related spending in developed nations will quintuple government debt to 190% percent in 2050.

$15trn The global spending power of the 60+ segment is expected to reach $15 trillion by 2020.

Aging Population in figures.

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Page 9: Meet 'Aging Population'. A Mega Trend. Inquentia Trend Report 2016

Sources: Aging Population.

1. Roland Berger Strategy Consultants. Trend Compendium 2030. 2011. 2. Richard Dobbs, James Manyika, Jonathan Woetzel. No Ordinary Disruption: The Four Global Forces Breaking All the Trends. May 2015. 3. KPMG. Future State 2030: The global megatrends shaping governments. February 2014. 4. RAND Corporation. Hoorens Stijn et al. Europe's Societal Challenges: An analysis of global societal trends to 2030 and their impact on the EU. Santa Monica, United States 2013. 5. Standard & Poor's Ratings Services. Global Aging 2013: Rising To The Challenge. March, 2013. 6. EPRS. David Eatock. European Parliament briefing. The Silver Economy. July 2015. 7. CSIRO. Stefan Hajkowicz, Hannah Cook, Anna Littleboy. Our Future World: Global megatrends that will change the way we live. Brisbane, Australia, September 2012. 8. Deloitte. Resetting Horizons - Human Capital Trends 2013. 2013. 9. SHRM Foundation. The Aging Workforce. Alexandria, VA, United States, June 2014. 10. United Nations. Fertility Levels and Trends as Assessed in the 2012 Revision of World Population Prospects. New York, 2013. 11. The Boston Consulting Group and Telenor Group. The Socio-Economic Impact of Mobile Health. April 2012. 12. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. Mark Hart, Jonathan Levie, Karen Bonner, Cord-Christian Drews. United Kingdom 2014 Monitoring Report. 2014. 13. World Economic Forum. John R. Beard et al. Global Population Ageing: Peril or Promise. Geneva, 2011. 14. World Economic Forum, Mercer and OECD. Chiemi Hayashi et al, eds. Transforming Pensions and Healthcare in a Rapidly Ageing World: Opportunities and Collaborative Strategies. 2009. 15. United Nations. Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division. World Population Ageing 2013. New York, 2013. 16. Pew Research Center. Rakesh Kochhar. 10 Projections for the global population in 2050. February, 2014. 17. World Health Organization. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. National Institute on Aging. Global Health and Aging. October 2011. 18. National Institute on Aging and U.S. Census Bureau. An Aging World: 2008. Washington, DC, United States, 2009. 19. Standard & Poor's Ratings Services. Global Aging 2013: Rising To The Challenge. March, 2013. 20. Global AgeWatch Index 2014. Population Ageing Maps. Copyright Inquentia Group AB

Page 10: Meet 'Aging Population'. A Mega Trend. Inquentia Trend Report 2016

Copyright Inquentia Group AB

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