meeting being held telephonically pm · meeting being held telephonically call in number:...

MEETING BEING HELD TELEPHONICALLY Call In Number: 312-626-6799 Meeting ID: 579 506 9590 May 20, 2020 2:00 PM The Central Jersey JIF will conduct its May 20, 2020 meeting telephonically, in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act, N.J.S.A. 10:4-6 et seq. and in consideration of Executive Order No. 103, issued by Governor Murphy on March 9, 2020, declaring a State of Emergency and a Public Health Emergency in the State of New Jersey.

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MEETING BEING HELD TELEPHONICALLYCall In Number: 312-626-6799 Meeting ID: 579 506 9590 May 20, 20202:00 PM

The Central Jersey JIF will conduct its May 20, 2020 meeting telephonically, in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act, N.J.S.A. 10:4-6 et seq. and in consideration of Executive Order No. 103, issued by Governor Murphy on March 9, 2020, declaring a State of Emergency and a Public Health Emergency in the State of New Jersey.

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In accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act, notice of the meeting was provided by: 1. Sending sufficient notice to the Fund’s designated newspaper, the Home News Tribune; 2. Filing Advanced written notice of this meeting with each member municipality; and 3. Posting notice of this meeting on the Public Bulletin Board of all member municipalities.


April 15, 2020 Open …. ............................................................................... …….Appendix I


EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR/ADMINISTRATOR – PERMA Risk Management Services .Executive Director's Report ............................................................................................. Page 1 TREASURER – Richard Lorentzen

.Monthly Voucher List - Resolution No. 22-20 ................................................ ……… Page 21

.Treasurers Report……………………………………………………………...…….Page 23

CLAIMS SERVICE – Qual Lynx .Monthly Report ............................................................................................................. . Page 26

MANAGED CARE – Qual Care .Monthly Report ............................................................................................................. . Page 28

UNDERWRITING MANAGER – Conner Strong & Buckelew

.Monthly Certificate Holding Reports ............................................................................ Page 33

MARKETING MANAGER – Reliance Insurance Group

SAFETY DIRECTOR – J.A. Montgomery Risk Control .Monthly Report ............................................................................................................... Page 36 EXECUTIVE SESSION – (If needed) FOR CERTAIN SPECIFIED PURPOSES FOR


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Central Jersey Joint Insurance Fund 9 Campus Drive – Suite 216

Parsippany, NJ 07054

Date: May 20, 2020 Memo to: Fund Commissioners Central Jersey Joint Insurance Fund From: PERMA Risk Management Services Subject: Executive Director's Report

Rules and Contracts Committee: The Committee met on May 1st via conference call to discuss two

items: (1) possible extension of the due date of the next assessment bill deadline and (2) review the Cyber Committee’s recommendation for cyber security options for the Fund. Attached are the meeting takeaways on Page 3. The Committee is suggesting that the cyber taskforce review funding options for training, etc. and make a recommendation to the board of commissioners to be considered for the 2021 budget. The Committee is in favor of implementing one of the recommendations that completion of the MEL’s “Minimum Technology Standards Checklist” would be a requirement for members. The Committee is also recommending the 2nd assessment installment be split with 50% due July 31 and 50% due October 31. Consent Motion:

Motion to require Fund Members to submit the MEL’s “Minimum Technology Standards Checklist”

Motion to approve splitting the 2nd assessment installment into two 50% payments due at July 31st and October 31st

MEL Meeting: The MEL Board of Fund Commissioners conducted a special meeting on May 1st to introduce the 2021 budget. The public hearing has been scheduled for June 3, 2020. The purpose of this meeting is to introduce the 2021 Rate Table on first reading (reflects a rate freeze) and to schedule the public hearing for the June 3, 2020 meeting. Taking action in June will facilitate the local JIFs in planning for their budgets this Fall. Attached on Page 4 is Commissioner Northgrave’ report on the meeting.

ASSEMBLY BILL 3971/SENATE BILL 2475: The MEL Legislative Committee reviewed Assemblymen Benson and Coughlin bill A-3971 and Senator Singleton bill S-2475 and is strongly supporting its adoption. The companion bills authorize local units to issue “coronavirus relief bonds” to allow them to borrow money, with a ten-year payback period, to cover shortfalls and unanticipated costs that are a direct result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The MEL is expected to adopt the attached Resolution supporting these bills at its June 3rd meeting.

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The MEL Legislative Committee is asking local affiliated JIFs and their member entities to consider adopting a resolution supporting these bill as well. Attached on Page 7 is Resolution 23- 20 supporting the legislation.

Motion to adopt Resolution 23-20 supporting Assembly Bill 3971 and Senate Bill 2475

Elected Officials On-Line Training Course: The deadline for completion of this year’s elected officials training program has been extended until June 1st. The course focuses on Preventing Child Abuse and Protecting Public Entities from the liabilities imposed by new legislation concerning sexual molestation. Instructions appear on Page 8.

Employment Practices Training: Attached on Page 9 & 10 is a memorandum outlining this year’s Employment Practices Liability Program, including manual/handbook updates and training requirements. The MEL contracted with a law firm to conduct a comprehensive review of the model personnel manual and EPL handbook. The rewrite of the model personnel manual and EPL handbook is nearing completion. As a result, the compliance deadline for all elements of the compliance program have been pushed back to June of 2021.

Employees and Volunteers protecting Children Training: The MEL developed a new training

on program on protecting children which is already on the Learning Management System. Attached on Page 11 are the directions to take the course. Please visit the MEL’s webpage – to read more on this topic, which includes this training, model documents and a resource guide.

EJIF Inspection Program: In an effort to continue inspection services to EJIF members during the current health crisis, the EJIF authorized its Environmental Engineer to provide remote support services. The outline of the services from First Environmental appears on Pages 12 & 13.

Power of Collaboration: Attached on Page 14 is the latest in the series of “Power of

Collaboration” ad that will appear in the League of Municipalities magazine. The ad highlights the resources, financial strength and collaborative power of the MEL to assist its members during a public health crisis.

Financial Disclosures: Commissioners should complete the online filing of the Financial Disclosure forms inclusive of the MEL/EJIF/RCF Commissioner and any municipal related positions that require filing. The 2020 roster has been updated and we emailed fund commissioners with instructions to file. The due date has been extended until July 31st .

Pro Forma Monitoring Reports:

Financial Fast Track Handout Fixed Income Summary & Rate Comparison Page 15 Pure Loss Ratio Report Page 16 Claims Activity Report Page 17 Lost Time Accident Frequency Reports Page 18 EPL/POL Status Page 19 Regulatory Checklist Page 20

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Date: May 1, 2020 To: Fund Commissioners Central Jersey Joint Insurance Fund From: Commissioner William Northgrave Subject: MEL Report

2021 Rate Table: The MEL Board of Fund Commissioners met on May 1 for the purpose of introducing the 2021 Rate Table on first reading and to schedule the public hearing for the June 3, 2020 meeting. Taking action in June will facilitate the local JIFs in planning for their budgets this Fall. There is no increase in the MEL’s Budget.

COVID-19 Special Subcommittee: In March, the Board of Fund Commissioners authorized the formation of a committee to review claims and consider inquiries as respects COVID-19. Board of Fund Commissioner adopted the Charter for COVID-19 Special Subcommittee Committee’s first meeting scheduled for May 1, 2020 at 11AM.

Power of Collaboration: The MEL’s latest Ad “Power of Collaboration” series that will appear in the League of Municipalities magazine highlights the resources, financial strength and collaborative power of the MEL to assist its members during a public health crisis.

EJIF Inspection Program: In an effort to continue inspection services to EJIF members during the current health crisis, enclosed on Page for information only is a proposal submitted by Environmental Engineer for remote support services.

March Month-End 4-year Lost Time Accident Frequency: Enclosed is a report noting the month-end LTAF rate as of March for a 4-year period.

Committee Meetings: The Model Personnel Committee is scheduled to Meet on May 4th, the Claims Review Committee on May 6th, the Legislative Committee will meet May 7th, the Safety & Education and the Coverage Committee will both meet on May 8th. Premium Payment Grace Period – Executive Director submitted a copy of the Governor’s order requiring insurance carriers to provide for a 90-day grace period to make premium payment. Fund Attorney confirmed that the MEL JIF is not an insurance carrier and not subject to requirement. Executive Director noted the MEL JIF issues a bill to its members with quarterly due dates. Third quarter is due July 31st and 4th quarter is due January 31st of the following year.

Municipal Excess Liability Joint Insurance Fund

9 Campus Drive – Suite 216 Parsippany, NJ 07054 Tel (201) 881-7632 Fax (201) 881-7633

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WHEREAS, municipalities and counties throughout New Jersey are facing unprecedented financial challenges, including significant loss of revenue and unanticipated spending, due to the ongoing COVID-19 State of Emergency and Public Health Emergency; and

WHEREAS, without relief, local government may have to significantly reduce services and layoff personnel; and

WHEREAS, in response to these conditions, Assemblymen Benson and Coughlin introduced A-3971 and Senator Singleton introduced S-2475, which authorizes local units to issue “coronavirus relief bonds” to allow them to borrow money, with a ten-year payback period, to cover shortfalls and unanticipated costs that are a direct result of the COVID-19 pandemic; and

WHEREAS, such bonds will provide local units with the flexibility to ensure continuation of essential services.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Central Jersey Joint Insurance Fund that it hereby affirms its support for the enactment of A-3971 and S-2475.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk shall be directed to transmit a copy of this Resolution to the Governor, Senate President, Assembly Speaker and the legislative delegation of the ______ district.

Adopted this __________ day of _______________, 2020.

_____________________________________ Chairperson Attest:____________________________________ Dated: ________________

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Central Joint Insurance Fund Annual Regulatory Filing Check List

Year 2020 as of May 1, 2020

Item Filing Status

Budget Filed

Actuarial Certification To be Filed

Reinsurance Policies To be Filed Fund Commissioners Filed

Fund Officers Filed

Renewal Resolutions Filed

Withdrawals None

New Members E. Brunswick & Dunellen

2020 Risk Management Plan Filed

2020 Cash Management Plan Filed 2020 Risk Manager Contracts In process of


2020 Certification of Professional Contracts Filed

Unaudited Financials To be Filed

State Comptroller Audit Filing To be Filed

Annual Audit To be Filed

Ethics Filing On Line Filing

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WHEREAS, the Treasurer has certified that funding is available to pay the following bills: BE IT RESOLVED that the Central Jersey Joint Insurance Fund’s Executive Board, hereby authorizes the Fund Treasurer to issue warrants in payment of the following claims; and FURTHER, that this authorization shall be made a permanent part of the records of the Fund.

FUND YEAR 2019Check Number Vendor Name Comment Invoice Amount

001842001842 BROWN & BROWN METRO, LLC RMC BALANCE 2019 1,047.00


Total Payments FY 2019 1,047.00

FUND YEAR 2020Check Number Vendor Name Comment Invoice Amount

001843001843 QUAL-LYNX MANAGED CARE FEE 5/20 16,617.00

16,617.00001844001844 ACRISURE, LLC MARKETING MANAGER 5/20 11,827.83

11,827.83001845001845 QUAL-LYNX TPA 5/20 47,834.75

47,834.75001846001846 J. A. MONTGOMERY RISK CONTROL SAFETY DIRECTOR 5/20 13,415.33001846 J. A. MONTGOMERY RISK CONTROL RTK INV & LABELING 5/20 37,277.10


52,526.75001848001848 THE ACTUARIAL ADVANTAGE ACTUARY FEE 5/20 3,141.92


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_____________________________________ Chairperson Attest: ____________________________________ Dated: _________________________ I hereby certify the availability of sufficient unencumbered funds in the proper accounts to fully pay the above claims. ____________________________________ Treasurer


75.00001850001850 RICHARD LORENTZEN ACTUARY FEE 5/20 1,629.00

1,629.00001851001851 BOB SMITH & ASSOCIATES LITIGATION FEE 4/20 2,574.00001851 BOB SMITH & ASSOCIATES ATTORNEY FEE 4/20 4,117.67001851 BOB SMITH & ASSOCIATES LITIGATION FEE 3/20 2,363.00

9,054.67001852001852 HOME NEWS TRIBUNE AD FOR APRIL MTG 4.7.20 58.22

58.22001853001853 ALLSTATE INFORMATION MANAGEMNT ARC & STOR 3.31.20 39.92

39.92001854001854 BROWN & BROWN METRO, LLC BELMAR - 1ST HALF RMC 2020 24,251.33


Total Payments FY 2020 217,748.82


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William Northgrave, Township of Edison Present Daniel Frankel, Borough of Sayreville Present Nancy Costa, Township of Hillsborough Present Timothy Dacey, Piscataway Present Robert Vornlocker, Township of Franklin Present Michael Gross, City of South Amboy Present Melissa Perilstein, Borough of Metuchen Present Marcia Karrow, Borough of Middlesex Present Joseph Criscuolo, Township of East Brunswick Present Casey Wagner, Township of Woodbridge Present William Robins, Borough of Dunellen Absent Edward Kirschenbaum, Borough of Belmar Absent


Jeremy Solomon, Bob Smith & Associates Richard Lorentzen, Treasurer Donna Setzer, Qual Lynx Kathy Kissane, Qual Lynx Robin Racioppi, North American Insurance Management Amy Pieroni, North American Insurance Management Lindsay Travali, North American Insurance Management Paul Shives, JA Montgomery Risk Control Michael Brosnan, JA Montgomery Risk Control Joseph Hrubash, Perma Brad Stokes, Perma Karen Read, Perma Edward Cooney, Conner Strong & Buckelew Dom Cinelli, Brown & Brown Robyn Walcoff, PERMA Caty Lamb, Qual Lynx Tom Narolewski, Assured Partners

MINUTES: March 18, 2020 Minutes

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Motion to approve minutes for March 18, 2020

Moved: Commissioner Gross Second: Commissioner Karrow Vote: 8 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Abstentions (Costa, Perilstein)

CORRESPONDENCE: None The Fund Attorney suggested that one commissioner makes all the motions and then another commissioner seconds all the motions, in order to streamline the meeting. The Chairman confirmed the Commissioners agreed with that process. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT COVID 19: Executive Director reported that enclosed in the agenda were copies of two MEL notices distributed to members advising on a MEL special committee formed to resolve matters related to coronavirus, workers’ compensation claims related to coronavirus and member municipal bond issuance. Executive Director also noted that the MEL’s Safety Director has been posting informative materials and links concerning COVID 19 to the MEL webpage MEL’s Joint Cash Management Investment Program: Executive Director reported that after several years of legislative initiatives, the MEL established a Joint Cash Management and Investment (JCMI) pool. This program permits the JCMI to participate in the purchase of debt securities issued by highly rated municipalities. Mr. Hrubash also noted that the Residual Claims Fund and the Environmental Joint Insurance Fund executed agreements to participate at their March 27th meetings. At this time, the JCMI is also extending invitations to local affiliated Joint Insurance Funds. The JCMI Operations Committee has provided a list of questions and answers that Fund Commissioners may review, which is included in the agenda. Also included in the agenda was Resolution 19-20 authorizing the Central JIF’s participation in the program. Chairman Northgrave advised he had seen the JCMI at work first hand with an Edison transaction and although the JCMI didn’t get the deal, the MEL’s participation kept the bid competitive. Mr. Hrubash advised the governor’s office reached out to Mr. John Rheinhart who is the Chair of JCMI, regarding the COVD-19 situation and towns cash flow issues and so the JCMI stepped in and their first success was Ringwood which is in the Morris JIF. The RMC publicly thanked the JCMI for winning that bid at their local JIF meeting.

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Commissioner Criscuolo asked what amounts the JCMI were willing to finance. He has a few short term notes totaling about $4 million and then for the Board of Education another $8 or $12 million. Mr. Hrubash advised he would get that information over to Commissioner Criscuolo. Mr. Hrubash did advise all the bids have been short term 12 month notes in amounts between $1.5 to $6 million. Mr. Stokes advised there is a Q&A section in the agenda that may answer some of the Commissioners questions.

Motion to adopt Resolution 19-20 to authorize Central Jersey JIF’s participation in the Municipal Excess Liability Fund Joint Cash Management and Investment Program (JCMI).

Moved: Commissioner Frankel Second: Commissioner Costa Vote: 10 Ayes, 0 Nays

Mr. Hrubash noted enclosed in the agenda was the application that must be completed and submitted to the JCMI for membership. JIF Coverage Policy Endorsements: Executive Director reported that attached are coverage endorsements recently approved by the MEL along with a memorandum describing each one and that he was asking for approval today to adopt the endorsements to be added to the JIF crime and casualty policies. This will allow us to distribute the 2020 member manuals in a timely manner. The MEL’s Coverage Committee recommended several endorsements be added to the JIF’s Crime and Casualty Documents. The MEL Board of Fund Commissioners accepted these recommendations and expects to follow form with the excess. The Underwriting Manager explained the endorsements and asked for approval.

Motion to Accept the Recommendation of the MEL Commissioners and Coverage Committee approving the General Liability Policy Endorsements

Moved: Commissioner Frankel Second: Commissioner Costa Vote: 10 Ayes, 0 Nays

The Underwriting Manager explained the crime policy endorsements and asked for approval.

Motion to Accept the Recommendation of the MEL Commissioners and Coverage Committee approving the Crime Policy Endorsements

Moved: Commissioner Frankel Second: Commissioner Costa Vote: 10 Ayes, 0 Nays

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MEL Cyber Educational Series Case Study: In response to the Executive Director, the MEL Underwriter advised his office will be releasing Educational Case Studies via the app, local agendas and email to all Fund Commissioners and RMCs. Enclosed in the agenda was the first case study to be presented and also included was an Email Do’s and Don’ts. Commissioner Wagner advised Lou Romero had submitted a proposal for Cyber Services that needed to be reviewed by the Cyber Committee. A Cyber Committee call was scheduled for Friday and a report will be given at the next JIF meeting. The Executive Director further reported the following: MEL, RCF, EJIF March 27, 2020 Meetings: Due to the current public health emergency, the MEL decided to forego the annual reporting of MEL sub-committees; however, each fund held their respective meetings via teleconference. Enclosed in Appendix II were copies of Commissioner Northgrave’s reports of the meetings. 2020 MEL, MR HIF & NJCE Educational Seminar: The 10th annual seminar scheduled for Friday, May 1, 2020 has been postponed and will be rescheduled at a later date. Elected Officials Training Course: This year’s elected officials training program focuses on Preventing Child Abuse and Protecting Public Entities from the liabilities imposed by new legislation concerning sexual molestation. Instructor-led sessions have been placed on hold. Instructions for the on-line course were included in the agenda. Employment Practices Training: Included in the agenda was a memorandum outlining this year’s Employment Practices Liability Program, including manual/handbook updates and training requirements. The MEL contracted with a law firm to conduct a comprehensive review of the model personnel manual/handbook. As a result, the compliance deadline for all elements of the compliance program have been pushed back to June of 2021. League Magazine Ad: The latest in the series of “Power of Collaboration” ads in the LOM publication highlights the benefits of online training. 2020 Financial Disclosures: The Division of Local Government Services distributed a notice that online filings could begin on Monday March 30th for JIF Commissioners, as well as, any other municipal related positions that require filing. Emails were sent to Fund Commissioners and Professionals; please note the deadline to file is April 30th and the Local Finance Board has issued violations in the past for not filing.

Pro-Forma Monitoring Reports: Monthly report submitted to Fund Commissioners including Monthly Fast-track Accident Frequency, Fast-Track Financial report, Claim Activity Report, Interest Rate Summary Comparison, Monthly Loss Ratio by fund year and line of coverage and the Monthly and Annual Regulatory Checklist. The Executive Director reported the financial fast track for January 31, 2020 showed a surplus of $8.9 million. He also reviewed the Dividend line and the RCF Surplus Trigger Assessment line now included on the Fast Track. The expected loss

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ratio is performing exceptionally well for previous years. The Central LTAF is 0.81, and our three-year average is 1.40 which is outstanding. In 1991, when tracking the LTAF started, the average was 5.74. The Executive Director then asked if there were any questions and concluded his report.

Reports Made Part of Minutes. TREASURER: The Treasurer, Mr. Richard Lorentzen, presented the Bill’s List.


2019 $ 9,860.00 2020 $ 963,116.35



Moved: Commissioner Frankel Second: Commissioner Costa Vote: 10 Ayes, 0 Nays

Voucher Lists, Treasurer Report & Investment Portfolio Reports Made Part of Minutes.

The Executive Director then asked the Treasurer when the next installment was due from the members of the Central JIF. The Treasurer advised they are typically due July 15th. The Executive Director suggested they may want to consider delaying the 2nd installment due to the current pandemic, in the event towns are experiencing cash flow issues. Chairman Northgrave thought that was an excellent consideration. The Treasurer advised the fund has enough liquidity that if the Commissioners wanted to delay the installment it would not be an issue. A delay in the second installment will be discussed at the Rules and Contracts committee and the committee will make its recommendation to the Board at the May Central JIF meeting. Mr. Criscuolo advised he is more concerned with his August collection as opposed to May’s collection, because 70% of his May collection is already in escrow with the bank. He advised the committee take that into consideration as well as if there is a 90-day stay on mortgage payments and those three months get tacked on to the end of their loans how that may affect tax collection.

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Chairman Northgrave suggested the Treasurer work with the Executive Director and supply some options for the Rules and Contracts committee to consider. CLAIMS:

CLAIMS – Claims Manager, Kathy Kissane, reviewed the reports included in the agenda and then reported the Claims Committee reviewed the PARs prior to the JIF meeting. The Claims Manager also advised the emergency management guidelines were distributed to all the members a few weeks ago, and they are available if you need them or have questions, please reach out.

PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION REQUESTS: Executive Committee reviewed payment authorization requests presented by Claims Service in April. Claims Review Committee reviewed and recommended as submitted. Commissioner Karrow advised she did not receive an invitation to the Claims Committee meeting that took place before the JIF Meeting. The Executive Director apologized and confirmed that would be corrected going forward.



MANAGED CARE – Donna Setzer reported a total of 353 bills totaling $450,891.73 came in, $132,556.91 was paid yielding a savings of $318,334.82 or 71% with a network penetration of 99%. Ms. Setzer advised she is working very closely with the nurse that is handling the Central JIF on calls that come in for possible COVID-19 exposures, as well as following up and getting detailed information to the adjusters. They have also worked with their providers regarding billing for any telemedicine which is going very well.


The Underwriting Manager advised the Cyber Task Force released an update about the COVID-19 incidences, specifically phishing attacks and advised members be extra vigilant.

LIST OF CERTIFICATES ISSUED – There were 32 certificates issued from 1/22/2020 to 2/22/2020.

List of Certificates made part of the minutes.

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MARKETING MANAGER: Ms. Amy Pieroni advised they had inquiries regarding membership for 2021 from two municipalities through their RMCs. This was in the early stages, but will keep the executive committee apprised of their progress.

SAFETY DIRECTOR: - Paul Shives advised the Safety Director’s report was included in the agenda. The report included a list of loss control activities for the month of March. Also included were a listing of the Safety Directors Bulletins and Announcements. Mr. Shives advised JAM had issued 12 separate bulletins on guidance for specific issues regarding COVID-19, which are all available on the MEL website. His agenda included MSI classes that are scheduled to reopen May 17th, but he believes this date will be pushed back due to the pandemic, to at least June 1st. They are working on contingency plans to get this training set up. There are currently three online trainings available. Members could get ahead on their training for those employees involved in summer programs and also review the Protection and Safe Treatment of Minors. They have also found a platform to stream training. They plan to roll that out shortly, about 150 programs to start. That will be available through the learning management system. He asked if there were any questions and then concluded his report. OLD BUSINESS: NONE NEW BUSINESS: Commissioner Crisculo advised last year a lot of members

supported Mayor Cohen’s charity fund and once again he is reaching out and thanking them, he has provided meals to both St. Peter’s Hospital and to Robert Wood Hospital and contributed to various food banks. He wanted to thank all the members and participants who supported the charity.

PUBLIC COMMENT: Dom Cinelli, thanked JA Montgomery, specifically Don Ruprecht,

and for their quick response on a potential liability issue they had with one of their members.


Moved: Commissioner Frankel Second: Commissioner Costa Vote: 10 Ayes, 0 Nays

Meeting adjournment at 2:53 p.m. Prepared by Rachel Chwastek, Assisting Secretary for _______________________________ Nancy Costa, Secretary