meeting of the board of directors of...

Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Woodsworth College Students Association Wednesday June 15 th , 2016 119 St. George Street 1. Agenda 2. Previous Executive Meeting Minutes 3. Previous Board of Directors Meeting Minutes 4. Board Reports 5. Appendix

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Page 1: Meeting of the Board of Directors of…Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Woodsworth College Students

Meeting of the Board of Directors of the

Woodsworth College Students Association

Wednesday June 15th, 2016

119 St. George Street

1. Agenda

2. Previous Executive Meeting Minutes

3. Previous Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

4. Board Reports

5. Appendix

Page 2: Meeting of the Board of Directors of…Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Woodsworth College Students


1. Call to Order

Moved: Seconded:

2. Approval of the Agenda

Moved: Seconded:

3. Approval of the Previous Executive Meeting Minutes

Moved: Seconded:

4. Approval of the Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Moved: Seconded:

5. Approval of the Board Reports

Moved: Seconded:

6. Policy Review Committee

BIRT the WCSA BoD appoint ________, ________, ________, ________ to the Policy Review

Committee to be chaired by Khan.

Moved: Khan Seconded:

7. Student Societies Complaint and Resolution Council (SSCRC)

Moved: Khan Seconded:

8. Other Business

9. Adjournment

Page 3: Meeting of the Board of Directors of…Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Woodsworth College Students

Previous Executive Meeting Minutes

Meeting of the Executive of the

Woodsworth College Students’ Association

Friday, May 20th 2016

119 St. George Street

In Attendance:

Novera Khan (President)

Radha Lamba (Vice-President of Internal Affairs)

Dylan Forgas (Vice-President of Financial Affairs)

Ryan Jeong (Vice-President of External Affairs)

Miranda Li (Vice-President of Athletic Affairs)

Kristine Medrero (Vice-President of Social Affairs)


Sarah Bear (Vice-President of Public Relations)

1. Call to Order 6:52pm

2. Updates

Li: I have put in my PR Requests for Intramural advertising. The intramural games start

at the beginning of June. In terms of the Blues Jays game, a BBQ before going to game

will no longer happen as the timing of the game throws this off. However, there is a

possibility of another outdoor event with Frisbees in the Woodsworth Quad. This is

something that Russell and I are beginning to work on.

Lamba: A reminder that we have a Board Meeting tomorrow. Preliminary budgets have

been sent to Dylan and will hopefully be approved tomorrow at the meeting. The office

has opened this week and is running well but a little slow.

Forgas: I have received 3 preliminary budgets that will be presented to the Board at

tomorrow’s meeting. Currently, Rohan is working on the town hall events for next year.

The Orientation budget is now final and needs to be approved at the meeting tomorrow as


Jeong: I have mainly been in contact with the HOWL which is a newspaper that is run by

Woodsworth students. The HOWL maintained a presence during the year even though it

was low on staff. Currently the HOWL is looking into appointing a new Editor in Chief

by August. The present Editor in Chief, Kevin Dudeguy, wants to bring more focus to the

HOWL in terms of opportunities and resources. To create this more incising incentive, I

am planning on submitting a CCR request for the future. The current Editor in Chief is

working on PR materials to send to Sarah. Aside from the HOWL, I am in contact with

Page 4: Meeting of the Board of Directors of…Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Woodsworth College Students

LAUT and they will send a budget in shortly. I am still trying to reach some club

presidents to be updated on transitional matters.

Medrero: I have been continuously working on Orientation aspects, snapchat filter and

the orientation budget. Past the orientation aspect, I have been working on the social

portfolio budget and future events Sam and I want to host.

Khan: I am still trying to get in contact with the Equity Chair but she still has not

responded. I am hoping to get in touch with some members of the Equity Committee and

upon their advice, decide how to hire or appoint our Equity Cahir. In terms of the budget

retreat, a poll will be sent soon to the Board to set a date for June.

Bear: Sent a report via email to the President, Novera Khan. I have been working on

posters for intramurals and blue jays game which will be ready for circulation soon.

3. Welcome Days Collaboration

Khan: The Dean’s and Registrar’s office suggested that instead of hosting any events or

information sessions, WCSA should perhaps bring cupcakes or something of the sort to

the Welcome Day lunch and promote the organization and its members. They’ll be

running on a tight schedule and additional programming is not possible.

Medrero: I believe this would be a good idea to promote WCSA but cost may be an issue.

Forgas: It would be better if during the Welcome Days, WCSA had its own area for

students to interact with us.

Khan: WCSA does have a separate area allocated to them to sell WCSA Wear, but the

idea is to go around interact with incoming students as WCSA representatives.

Lamba: I believe it is not the best idea for WCSA to donate cupcakes because we will be

present to promote WCSA at lunch regardless.

Jeong: I agree. We can save the funds for future programming. We can put out the

WCSA banner and make sure we interact with the students.

4. Bright Future Conference

Jeong: There is a conference coming up soon (June 18th). It is a day-long professional

workshop to discuss medical aspects for Tunisian mothers. The event coordinators have

asked if we could promote this event.

Khan: Since WCSA is not hosting or collaborating with the Bright Future team for this

conference, I don’t think it would be fair to promote this event since we don’t promote

any other events of the same nature.

5. Collaboration with APUS for Toronto Pride Picnic

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Jeong: APUS wants to collaborate with WCSA for their Toronto Pride Picnic event. The

only issue with this is that WINC is already involved and collaborating with them. I have

been given no estimates regarding funding yet but I was told that if monetary

contributions aren’t possible then physical help/presence would be appreciated as well.

Medrero: What does volunteering for this event entail?

Jeong: I believe it would involve helping out with set up, clean up, etc. No specifics have

been provided thus far.

Forgas: Since WINC is already contributing, they could just represent Woodsworth.

Lamba: The reason we have sub-groups and clubs is to represent Woodsworth in these

specific areas since WCSA cannot be everywhere. Thus WINC can represent

Woodsworth at this event.

Khan: If WINC is representing Woodsworth would we be willing to expand the WINC

budget to help APUS at the event?

Forgas: I would personally also be more comfortable if they could give us a breakdown

of the budget before we provided any additional monetary help to them.

Jeong: I have a meeting scheduled with them next week. I can bring up these concerns to

them and let you know what they say.

6. Other Business

Forgas: Kristine, if the snapchat filter for Orientation Week is more than $100, it is not

possible for us to fund it.

Medrero: I will keep you updated and ensure that we do not go over the max budget of

the $100 budget for the snapchat filter.

7. Adjournment 7:25pm

8. Appendix

i. Bright Future Conference Poster

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Page 7: Meeting of the Board of Directors of…Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Woodsworth College Students

Meeting of the Executive of the

Woodsworth College Students’ Association

Friday, May 27th 2016

119 St. George Street

In Attendance:

Novera Khan (President)

Radha Lamba (Vice-President of Internal Affairs)

Dylan Forgas (Vice-President of Financial Affairs)

Ryan Jeong (Vice-President of External Affairs)

Miranda Li (Vice-President of Athletic Affairs)

Kristine Medrero (Vice-President of Social Affairs)

Sarah Bear (Vice-President of Public Relations)

9. Call to Order 6:40pm

10. Updates

Li: I have been emailing the coordinator for intramurals but unfortunately, we do not have the

minimum requirement of 8 to make teams. However, the coordinator said that the students signed

up can join other teams so I will be coordinating that. Alyy has been keeping up with a high park

run idea and as it may be a safety concern during Orientation Week, we are thinking of

alternatives so if you can think of any other alternatives, let Alyy or myself know.

Medrero: I have been working on orientation and have been in communication with the OCs for

finalizing things. Unfortunately, the snapchat filter is not happening.

Bear: I have created a promo for athletics, I will update our website by Sunday. I will also be

helping our Upper Year Directors with the Princeton review contract.

Lamba: I have been working with the office, helping OCs with questions and concerns etc. I have

also asked the Deans Office to write a letter for WCSA recognizing us as a non-profit

organization. The office is still slow because of the low traffic of students in Woodsworth and on-


Jeong: I had a meeting with APUS and we spoke regarding the logistics of their pride event. It

was agreed that WINC would represent Woodsworth and I will keep everyone updated on the

process. The venue will most likely be in the Woodsworth courtyard and most of the funds will

be spent on food. I am still in contact with clubs and will be giving unresponsive presidents of

club a notice of their replacement.

Forgas: I met with Liza to discuss the tax exempt status. We talked about the event Rohan and I

are planning for some advice/helpful input. In other news, the DJ for Orientation week is paid for.

I am in the midst of setting up a meeting with BMO for switch of bank accounts.

Khan: I am working on planning the Budget Retreat. It will most likely take place on June 18th. I

will discuss any workshops or training that we need to host for the directors further in the


11. Dean of Students Recommendation

Page 8: Meeting of the Board of Directors of…Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Woodsworth College Students

Forgas: I spoke to Liza as I mentioned earlier. I talked about how the budget should look and her

advice regarding our surplus budget. For emergency funds, Liza said it was a good idea to add

10% of whichever specific budget and keep that extra 10% as emergency funds. Liza mentioned

how we should set up a ‘Wish List’ initiative for things that would benefit Woodsworth students.

A lot of the time the budget was way more than it needed to and those funds were kept

untouched. Liza proposed that at the end of the year, we could use the surplus to buy things from

the wish list.

Lamba: These are great recommendations. It eliminates confusion and helps the student populace.

Li: Is it transferrable from year to year?

Forgas: The wish list surplus funds would not be transferable because last year’s budget cannot

carry over.

Khan: Can the whole board make suggestions or is this limited to the Executives? What is the

process of communicating the items for the wish list to you?

Forgas: The board can contribute and execs can decide at the end of the year. A google doc of

sorts can be set up for this.

12. Budget Retreat Workshops

Khan: In previous years, they had workshops on PR, how to book events, the important clauses in

our constitution etc. While I suggest we leave the elaborate workshops for the Fall Retreat, we

should still impart important information to the Directors at the summer budget retreat. Does any

portfolio want to host have a specific workshop?

Medrero: I definitely think it is more useful to have mini, meaningful workshops now and

elaborate workshops later.

Bear: Maybe we can combine information regarding events spaces, PR requests, and Robarts

rules to make a condensed workshop.

Khan: Sounds good! I am thinking of allocating a maximum of 30 minutes for all these

workshops and allocating the rest of the meeting to creating/finalizing budgets.

13. Other Business

Lamba: What is the OC Honorarium going under?

Forgas: Under Orientation.

Li: Should we sell jays tickets on a first come first serve or do a raffle?

Personally, I think first come first serve is better.

Lamba: Are you looking to sell them solely online or in office or both?

Li: I feel like online might be an issue.

Lamba: Check your transition report first to decide if it will be online and in office or just in


Khan: Would everyone be okay if we make our exec meetings bi-weekly for the month of June?

Whole board was in consensus of this change.

Khan: Executive meeting will now be bi-weekly on Fridays at 6:30pm.

Page 9: Meeting of the Board of Directors of…Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Woodsworth College Students

14. Adjournment 7:03pm

Meeting of the Executive of the

Woodsworth College Students’ Association

Friday June 10th, 2016

119 St. George Street

In Attendance:

Novera Khan (President)

Radha Lamba (Vice-President of Internal Affairs)

Miranda Li (Vice-President of Athletic Affairs)

Kristine Sarah Medrero (Vice-President of Social Affairs)

Ryan Minki Jeong (Vice-President of External Affairs)

Sarah Bear (Vice-President of Public Relations)

Dylan Forgas (Vice-President of Financial Affairs)


1. Call to Order

2. Updates

3. WCSA/WRC Orientation Collaboration

4. Budget Retreat Logistics

5. Other Business

6. Adjournment

1. Call to Order 6:34 pm

2. Updates

Jeong: The External Preliminary budget was recently approved by VP Finance for the Budget Retreat.

Significant budget allocated to new clubs item because we’re anticipating the implementation of

many new clubs. Additionally, there is a need tot amend necessary lines on clubs and affiliated clubs’

by-laws since no definition of terms have been outlines. I have set up a meeting with WINDS and

Page 22 to discuss future projection of club activities and explanation about by-laws. I have received

no response from last year’s WPS president. The WPS interim president will thus be appointed soon,

on recommendation by WPS’s vice president and members.

Medrero: I recently had a meeting with WRC president Danielle who asked about potential

collaboration with WCSA for Orientation Week. I have also talked to Dylan about the Social Budget.

Li: I had a discussion regarding the Athletics budget with Dylan. All Jays tickets have been sold out

for tomorrow’s game. There was some confusion regarding differentiating between Woodsworth and

non-Woodsworth tickets therefore I’d like to change the method of ticket distribution and verify

Page 10: Meeting of the Board of Directors of…Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Woodsworth College Students

student numbers before distributing tickets. The Athletics and Social portfolio might potentially

collaborate for super bowl and pub-crawl. I also found the yoga instructor for move U for Orientation.

Lamba: Board meeting time and dates has been selected; next week is our meeting for June. Trying to

figure out issues with phone bills and debit machine. Should be fixed by next Monday. I also sat

down with Dylan to discuss the Internal Budget.

Bear: Spoke to Dylan about budget and orientation materials recently. We will be purchasing pens to

promote WCSA. The website has been updated with pictures and blurbs for the Board of Directors.

Khan: I attended Convocation this morning as part of the Academic Procession. The plaques outside

Room 105 have been updated. The date for the Budget Retreat has been finalized. It will take place

on June 18th from 4-6PM followed by dinner for the attendees.

Forgas: I have been having meetings with all directors and executives for discussions about budget

and have been preparing them for the Budget Retreat.

3. WCSA/WRC Collaboration

Medrero: The President of WRC requested that we help out with the BBQ and other Orientation

programming being hosted by the WRC for residence students. Danielle is looking into setting up a

table specifically for WCSA to promote the organization and encouraged us to sell WCSA Wear. If

any of you are willing to volunteer to help with set up, making food, and directing people, please let

me know! As well, she also asked if we could help out with their ‘House Cup’ event during the first

day of Orientation as well?

Khan: Please also bring this up at the Board of Directors Meeting to see if any directors would be able

to volunteer as well.

Forgas: Should we be running games despite events running for orientation?

Medrero: Yes, it’s fine because it is part of orientation.

Khan: Is BBQ for Chestnut and UC students as well or just Woodsworth Residences students?

Medrero: Students who paid for residence will be paying for the BBQ so majority of people who will

be eating will be students at Woodsworth residence.

Bear: We should really try to contact Chestnut students and plan something for them as well if we’re

putting so much effort into integrating all students.

Khan: We don’t have jurisdiction over what groups of students the Woodsworth Residence decides to

serve but it’d be great if Kristine could take this up with the OC’s to discuss how we can include

Woodsworth students at UC and Chestnut as well.

Li: I can find out the move-in date for Chestnut students to see what works best for them!

Forgas: That would be great!

Lamba: We also really need to focus on following through with what we promise to do for the WRC.

We don’t want any bad impressions.

Page 11: Meeting of the Board of Directors of…Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Woodsworth College Students

4. Board Retreat Logistics

Khan: As I mentioned before, the retreat will take place on June 18th from 4-6PM. I will post a poll on

Facebook to decide where to take the Board for dinner after. How are we doing in terms of hosting


Lamba: I can go over the Robarts Rules and other communication guidelines. If it’s okay with Sarah

and Kristine, they can cover information regarding event spaces and PR requests. I will set up a

Google Doc and we can prepare one presentation collectively.

Khan: We also need to figure out if we’re willing to subsidize the dinner for the Board members and

how much money we’re allocating for this retreat.

Forgas: $200 should be fine. We can allocate $20 for snacks for the meeting itself and $175 for the

dinner. I also want to make sure that we confirm how many people are coming to the meeting because

we want to divide funds according to number of people.

5. Other Business

Khan: Just so all of you know, Kruger floors are being refurnished and both Kruger and Mini-Kruger

will be closed from June 20th to July 4th.

Forgas: I will not be in Toronto from Friday, June 24th to Sunday, June 26th and thus can not make it

to the next Executive Meeting.

6. Adjournment 7:01pm

Page 12: Meeting of the Board of Directors of…Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Woodsworth College Students

Previous Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Meeting of the Board of Directors of the

Woodsworth College Students’ Association

Saturday May 21st, 2016

119 St. George Street

In Attendance:

Novera Khan (President)

Radha Lamba (Vice-President of Internal Affairs)

Dylan Forgas (Vice-President of Financial Affairs)

Miranda Li (Vice-President of Athletic Affairs)

Kristine Sarah Medrero (Vice-President of Social Affairs)

Ryan Minki Jeong (Vice-President of External Affairs)

Russell Canceran (Associate Director of Athletics)

Ashley Elle (Upper-Year Director)

Erica Jeong (Professional Development Director)

Haya Adil Sheikh (Off-Campus Students Director)


Brad Dalgleish (Honorary Academic Bridging Director)

Alyy Patel (Orientation Coordinator)

Eric Schwenger (Chair)

Danika Baljak (Secretary)


Sarah Bear (Vice-President of Public Relations)

Valerie Dos Santos (Off-Campus Students Director)

Samantha Davis (Associate Director of Social Affairs)

Akshika Dave (Full-Time Students Director)

Justin Zelnicker (Full-Time Students Director)

Bhavroop Kaur Riar (Upper-Year Director)

Rohan Shah (Associate Director of Financial Affairs)

Page 13: Meeting of the Board of Directors of…Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Woodsworth College Students

Julia Standish (Associate Director of Public Relations)

1. Call to Order 11:16a Moved: Khan Seconded: Lamba

2. Approval of Agenda Moved: Khan Seconded: Lamba

Motion passes.

3. Approval of the Previous Executive Meeting Minutes Moved: Khan Seconded: Lamba

Motion passes.

4. Approval of the Board of Directors Meeting Minutes Moved: Khan Seconded: Lamba

Motion passes.

5. Approval of Board Reports Khan: It has been a busy time for WCSA, organizing the office, execs have been meeting

weekly. I have attended SGRT meetings for the 2016-2017. For those who are not aware,

the SGRT is a round table conference with 7 sub-committees. All are free to attend. I

have also been busy with WCSA’s involvement in the Woodsworth Welcome Days that

are on May 28 and June 11. For WCSA, we also have been busy hiring. In terms of

orientation, that is running smoothly. If anyone has any comments, questions or concerns

please contact myself at [email protected].

Lamba: This month, I have been busy with summer hiring. The office is now open for

regular summer hours. The hiring process was fairly straight forward. Eric and Danika

were hired as Chair and Secretary respectively.

Forgas: I have been working with OCs on a final budget for orientation. Rohan and I

have begun working on an event for students to give feedback on how money is being

spent by WCSA. Preliminary budgets are coming. I have been simplifying the banking

processes to help WCSA. I have also begun the process of the activation of WCSA credit


Medrero: I have been working closely with OCs on orientation process. In addition, I

have also been working with Sam on what events to have. We intend on having pub

crawl and other like events for examples.

Jeong, R: I have been working on logistical matters in terms of our clubs. I am working

on budgets with these external clubs and working on better relationships with our

Page 14: Meeting of the Board of Directors of…Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Woodsworth College Students

external WCSA clubs. I have also been working with the Howl particularly this month. In

June, I will be focusing more clearly on better the relationship with other WCSA clubs.

Li: The Blue Jays tickets are in. We have 49 tickets and the game is on June 11th at 1p.

Tickets will go on sale beginning of June. There will be no BBQ for that game but

another event will occur which Russell and I are planning.

Jeong, E: I am in the planning process of opening up new events for the professional

development portfolio. Based on feedback, I am looking to develop a new speaker series

during fall and winter series. In addition, this year I am changing up the target of the

conference as we have often aimed to high and I want to be realistic. Thus, my target is

30 people.

Canceran: I have been working on events and in particular, the Blue Jays game that is


Sheikh: Valerie and I have been working on our budget. We have also been

brainstorming new events for the off-campus portfolio. In addition, we have been sending

emails to booking places for the year.

Elle: We have had a slower month. Bhavroop is currently out of the country without

much internet access but when she gets back more will be done. However, we are in the

process of renewing Woodsworth’s contract for with the Princeton Review for the LSAT.

We will have more updates next month.

Patel: The OEC team is in the process of booking of events, venues, etc. We have begun

a series based on adventures with Shaver for promotion. We are pushing orientation be

called orientation and not frosh. We gained knowledge that frosh dates back to being a

derogatory term. In addition, we have confirmed an order on shirts, sunglasses and

lanyards. As well, incoming following students have started following Woodsworth

Orientation on multiple social media platforms.

Moved: Khan Seconded: Lamba Motion passes.

6. Chair of the Board of Directors BIRT the WCSA BoD ratifies the hiring of Eric Schwenger to the role of Chair.

Lamba: The hiring committee and I believe that Eric is more than qualified for the

position of Chair of the Board.

Moved: Lamba Seconded: Khan

Motion passes.

7. Secretary of the Board of Directors BIRT the WCSA BoD ratifies the hiring of Danika Baljak to the role of Secretary.

Lamba: Hiring committee and I believe that Danika will be a good fit of Secretary for the


Moved: Lamba Seconded: Khan

Page 15: Meeting of the Board of Directors of…Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Woodsworth College Students

Motion passes.

8. Summer Office Staff BIRT the WCSA BoD ratifies the hiring of Ilham Islow to the role of Summer Office Staff.

Moved: Lamba Seconded: Khan

Motion passes.

9. Elections and Referenda Committee BIRT the WCSA BoD appoint Lamba, Medrero, Forgas, Sheikh to the Elections and

Referenda Committee to be chaired by Khan.

Moved: Khan Seconded: Lamba

Motion passes.

10. Executive Review Committee BIRT the WCSA BoD appoint Erica Jeong and Elle to the Executive Review Committee to be

chaired by Canceran.

Moved: Khan Seconded: Lamba

Motion passes.

11. External Committee BIRT the WCSA BoD appoint Khan, Lamba, Li, Medrero to the External Committee to be chaired

by Ryan Jeong.

Moved: Khan Seconded: Lamba

12. Social Committee BIRT the WCSA BoD appoint Lamba and Li to the Social Committee to be chaired by Kristine

Sarah Medrero. Moved: Khan Seconded: Lamba

Motion passes.

13. Editorial Review Committee BIRT the WCSA BoD appoint Erica Jeong and Khan to the Editorial Review Committee to be

chaired by Ryan Jeong.

Moved: Khan Seconded: Lamba

Motion passes.

14. Athletics Committee BIRT the WCSA BoD appoint Ryan Jeong and Canceran to the Athletics Committee to be chaired

by Miranda Li.

Moved: Khan Seconded: Lamba

Motion passes.

15. PR Committee Motion that the WCSA BoD create an ad-hoc PR Committee for the Summer.

Moved: Bear Seconded: Lamba

Motion passes.

Page 16: Meeting of the Board of Directors of…Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Woodsworth College Students

16. Internal Budget BIRT the WCSA BoD approve $5750 for the Internal Budget, in accordance with the attached

proposal for expenses until the official budget is passed.

Lamba: This budget is for necessary office supplies, the office staff’s wage and the

secretary’s honorarium.

Moved: Lamba Seconded: Forgas

Motion passes.

17. Athletics Budget BIRT the WCSA BoD approve $460 for the Athletics Budget, in accordance with the attached

proposal for expenses until the official budget is passed.

Li: This budget is for refundable for intramural costs and non-refundable outdoor events

to come.

Moved: Li Seconded: Forgas

Motion passes.

18. PR Budget BIRT the WCSA BoD approve $160 for the PR Budget, in accordance with the attached proposal

for expenses until the official budget is passed.

Moved: Bear Seconded: Forgas

Forgas: This budget is for necessary PR supplies and allows Sarah to do her job.

Motion passes.

19. Honorary Academic Bridging Status BIRT the WCSA BoD grants Brad Dalgleish Honorary Academic Bridging Director Status until

the Fall 2016 by-elections.

Dalgleish: This position would allow me to help students, to be there for bridging

students, and allow students have a successful transition.

Khan: Brad would act as an ex-officio member but allowed to contribute to the discussion

and hold office hours.

Moved: Khan Seconded: Lamba

Motion passes.

20. BMO Investment Account

BIRT the WCSA BoD grant that the signing officers change the account to an interest account.

Forgas: Currently we hold 2 accounts at BMO. We have one account that is larger that

holds student fees but is not collecting any interest. Our other account is the one which

we use for day to day funds and transactions. By switching the type of account the larger

account is currently in, to an account that will add interest so that this account is getting

more funds. Through my research, this will not be a gamble the original funds are

guaranteed, no lock ins, and no downsides. Moved: Forgas Seconded: Khan

Motion passes.

21. Approval of the Orientation Week Budget Motion that the WCSA BoD approve the 2016 Orientation Budget as presented in the appendix.

Page 17: Meeting of the Board of Directors of…Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Woodsworth College Students

Patel: All events have been budgeted for and this budget needs to be passed so that the

OCs can pay for things. Also the Deans office has helped with some costs.

Forgas: This is the best budget possible and that this budget reflects a good mix between

being cost effective and meets the needs of the incoming students.

Moved: Medrero Seconded: Forgas

Motion passes.

22. Other Business Khan: There will be an one day workshop for the budget retreat for the summer. It will be

happening in the first 2 weeks of June. A full weekend retreat will occur when the whole

board is present. Please send a budget report well before the budget retreat, this part is

extremely important.

23. Adjournment Moved: Medrero Seconded: Ryan Jeong

Motion passes.

Adjourned at 11:50am.

Page 18: Meeting of the Board of Directors of…Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Woodsworth College Students

Board Reports


Hey there Woodsworth!

Whether you’re busy with summer courses and jobs, or vacationing in a sunny place far away from

Toronto, I hope you’re continuing to have a great summer!

During May and June, the Board helped the Dean’s Office in welcoming our incoming students during

the Woodsworth College Welcome Days. We had a wonderful time interacting with our Wolfpack and

can’t wait to meet them during Orientation and at our many other events during the year! Additionally,

the Board will be having their Budget Retreat on the 18th of June, where they will prepare their budgets

for the services and events they hope to offer to the Woodsworth Community during the year.

This month, myself and other members of the SGRT will also be discussing the implementation of and

the need for further consultation for the Student Societies Complaint and Resolution Council (SSCRC)

and the Sexual Violence Policy at the University of Toronto with the Vice Provost.

Lastly, congratulations to all of you who graduated this month! Thank you for being a part of our family

and for all your contributions to the College! It was an absolute pleasure for WCSA to represent you and

we wish you the best of luck for your future endeavors!

Lots of love,


Vice-President of Internal Affairs

Hello Woodsworth!

I hope you are having a wonderful summer. On behalf of WCSA, I would like to take a moment and

congratulate everyone who graduated this summer and wish you all the best in the future!

As for the Internal portfolio, it has been quite busy with Orientation Week approaching, formulation of

the budget for the year and preparations for training during the board budget retreat.The office has been

actively open and day to day activities are being carried out. Over the past month, I have mostly been

looking into the renewal of office supplies, accounts and any equipments.



Vice-President of Financial Affairs

No Report Submitted.

Vice-President of Social Affairs

Page 19: Meeting of the Board of Directors of…Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Woodsworth College Students

No Report Submitted.

Vice-President of External Affairs

No Report Submitted.

Vice-President of Athletic Affairs

No Report Submitted.

Vice-President of Public Relations

No Report Submitted.

Associate Director of Athletic Affairs

No Report Submitted.

Associate Director of Financial Affairs

No Report Submitted.

Associate Director of Public Relations

No Report Submitted.

Associate Director of Social Affairs

No Report Submitted.

Professional Development Director

No Report Submitted.

Off-Campus Students’ Directors

Hey Woodsworth!

The Off-Campus portfolio is working hard this month to plan the “Pancakes with WCSA” event that will

be taking place during Orientation Week. We have confirmed with Orientation Coordinators Alyy and

Amanda that Off-Campus will be able to cover the costs for this event and are finalizing our budget. We

Page 20: Meeting of the Board of Directors of…Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Woodsworth College Students

will be emailing WCSA board of directors to sign up for the event and help us serve pancakes to the

students. This will be a great opportunity for students to learn more about WCSA and meet the board of

directors. We hope to make Orientation Week more commuter friendly and look forward to working with

the Orientation Coordinators over the next few months.

We are also in the midst of planning the Off-Campus budget for the 2016-2017 year. This month we

worked on making a preliminary budget of how much we will be spending on events that will be held

during the start of the school year (i.e. Pancakes with WCSA) and other major events under our portfolio

(i.e. WCSA Wednesdays, Commuter Appreciation Week). We are also scheduled to meet with VP

Finance in order to get feedback on our proposed budget.

Finally, we completed the request forms to book places for events that we have finished planning. This

included booking Kruger Hall for WCSA Wednesdays during the year. We will be sending out the email


Thank you,

Valerie and Haya

Full-Time Students’ Directors

No Report Submitted.

Upper Year Students’ Directors

No Report Submitted.

Orientation Coordinators

No Report Submitted.

WOLF Coordinators

No Report Submitted.

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