members present: sign-in sheet attached€¦ · gypsy wanna – che wellness coordinator: jodi...

First 1000 Days Interagency Forum Meeting Minutes Woodrow Wilson Keeble Memorial Health Care Center Main Conference Room February 21 st , 2019 “Leadership…will be selected January of each year” Facilitator: Sara DeCoteau Co-Facilitator: Winona Nicolar Recorder: Open Timekeeper: Melissa Fries Monitor: Audrey German Website Administrator: Gypsy Wanna Visit our website: Members Present: Sign-in sheet attached Next Meeting: March 21 st , 2019 Topic Discussion Follow-up Opening Remarks & Introductions Sara DeCoteau opened the meeting with announcements. Sara reviewed the January minutes and highlighted some key areas. No corrections or edits were noted. Those in attendance around the table and those calling in via phone introduced themselves and the programs or agencies they represented. Review and Approval of January 2018 Meeting Minutes Motion to approve the minutes by Lori Sampson; 2 nd by Melissa Fries Minutes approved. Annual Election of Officers At the past meeting a copy of the First 1000 Days leadership roles and their responsibilities was shared and election of officers was held. Sara DeCoteau asked the membership for a volunteer to be Recorder for the group. No volunteers or nominations were made at this time. Please contact Sara if you are interested in serving in this leadership role for the remaining 2019 meetings. Volunteer willing to record meeting minutes for 2019 is to please contact Sara D. Infant and Early Childhood Community Needs and Readiness Assessment Mapping Event Results-Review and comments on information compiled from the 1/15/19 event held at the Veteran’s Memorial Youth Center Facilitated by Kathy Cruse, Executive Director, South Dakota Head Start Association Mapping is a required activity for the Community Needs and Readiness Assessment process associated with start-up implementation of both the T-MIECHV and LAUNCH grants. A fortunate break between winter storms allowed Kathy Cruse to travel from Pierre. Despite a weather-related late start and uncertainty how it would affect meeting attendance, turnout was excellent as the team reviewed and reflected on outcomes of the infant and early childhood mapping work completed at the Veteran Memorial Youth Center January 15 th , where there were 31 persons in attendance, including parents. Please complete the community resource mapping surveys if you have not already done so

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Page 1: Members Present: Sign-in sheet attached€¦ · Gypsy Wanna – CHE Wellness Coordinator: Jodi Lutjens – IHS Public Health Nurse Reminder: Suggested that programs, particularly

First 1000 Days Interagency Forum Meeting Minutes Woodrow Wilson Keeble Memorial Health Care Center Main Conference Room

February 21st, 2019

“Leadership…will be selected January of each year”

Facilitator: Sara DeCoteau Co-Facilitator: Winona Nicolar Recorder: Open

Timekeeper: Melissa Fries Monitor: Audrey German Website Administrator: Gypsy Wanna

Visit our website:

Members Present: Sign-in sheet attached

Next Meeting: March 21st, 2019

Topic Discussion Follow-up


Remarks &


Sara DeCoteau opened the meeting with announcements. Sara reviewed

the January minutes and highlighted some key areas. No corrections or

edits were noted.

Those in attendance around the table and those calling in via phone

introduced themselves and the programs or agencies they represented.

Review and

Approval of

January 2018



Motion to approve the minutes by Lori Sampson; 2nd by Melissa Fries

Minutes approved.

Annual Election

of Officers

At the past meeting a copy of the First 1000 Days leadership roles and

their responsibilities was shared and election of officers was held.

Sara DeCoteau asked the membership for a volunteer to be Recorder for

the group. No volunteers or nominations were made at this time. Please

contact Sara if you are interested in serving in this leadership role for

the remaining 2019 meetings.


willing to

record meeting

minutes for

2019 is to

please contact

Sara D.

Infant and Early



Needs and



Mapping Event Results-Review and comments on information compiled

from the 1/15/19 event held at the Veteran’s Memorial Youth Center –

Facilitated by Kathy Cruse, Executive Director, South Dakota Head

Start Association

Mapping is a required activity for the Community Needs and

Readiness Assessment process associated with start-up implementation

of both the T-MIECHV and LAUNCH grants. A fortunate break

between winter storms allowed Kathy Cruse to travel from

Pierre. Despite a weather-related late start and uncertainty how it would

affect meeting attendance, turnout was excellent as the team reviewed

and reflected on outcomes of the infant and early childhood mapping

work completed at the Veteran Memorial Youth Center January 15th,

where there were 31 persons in attendance, including parents.

Please complete

the community



surveys if you

have not

already done so

Page 2: Members Present: Sign-in sheet attached€¦ · Gypsy Wanna – CHE Wellness Coordinator: Jodi Lutjens – IHS Public Health Nurse Reminder: Suggested that programs, particularly

First 1000 Days Interagency Team Meeting Minutes - Page 2 of 5

Results of the survey monkey, soliciting feedback from service

providers / First 1,000 Days Initiative participants, were reviewed and

discussed. This activity demonstrated that service provider / participant

perceptions about the primary function of other programs in this

community was not always accurate. The need for definition of

functions was identified. For example, attendees were giving “new

meaning” to the term special needs! Programs not identified at the

original mapping event were added, as were several program

functions. Attendees had the opportunity to add their programs under

functions on flip chart sheets posted around the Main Conference

Room. There will also be further opportunities to review and provide

input on the draft. The survey monkey is still open, and Kathy sill send

out another round to give providers / participants further opportunity for


The follow-up session with parents at the Early Childhood

Intervention Program Parent Training meeting was canceled yesterday,

due to weather; however, Charnelle Gill is working to collect paper

surveys from the parents to get their input.

The survey indicated Forum members believe the collaboration

spectrum has shifted a tick or two to the right from where people felt it

was five years ago in 2014 when this Forum was established. (In 2014,

respondents felt it was between a two and a three.) Also most

respondents felt that collaboration, even integration, of services was

important and do-able. The overall story for this mapping activity is

caring and providers who want to get information out to the


Ideas to make relationships stronger included getting more and better

participation in Forum meetings; more marketing and public relations

for the programs; asking for more community input; MOUs and MOAs

between programs; defining what primary service functions like special

needs, education, and health mean; and updating the directory.

It was suggested that the Forum may want to do program overviews

again, as when the Team first organized, where one program presents

per meeting. Since it doesn’t seem possible to do both a program

interview and a trauma-informed self-learning session in the scheduled

meeting time, it was suggested the two might be alternated. For the

directory, it was suggested that programs that are grant-funded be

differentiated from those funded long-term. A public forum with

presentations about the services provided by various programs was

proposed. This discussion was punctuated by a services referral request

to a grant program yet in its developmental year and not operational,

underscoring the need to improve our working knowledge of each

other. (However, we did find an existing program appropriate to

receive that services referral!)

It was suggested that, to move the needle on the collaboration

spectrum towards services integration, the internal client information




Program will

collect paper

surveys from


Page 3: Members Present: Sign-in sheet attached€¦ · Gypsy Wanna – CHE Wellness Coordinator: Jodi Lutjens – IHS Public Health Nurse Reminder: Suggested that programs, particularly

First 1000 Days Interagency Team Meeting Minutes - Page 3 of 5

management processes of each program need to be better understood

and used, including referrals, Releases of Information, and electronic

health record systems. Role playing from the parents’ perspectives was



Updates and


These announcements were shared during the meeting or by email


Via Phone:

Christy Hacker – GPTCHB MCH Director:

Terry Rattler - Tribal MIECHV Program Manager:

Dr Gail Mason-SWO Behavioral Health & Native Connections


Shobi Zetina-Project Director: SWO Youth and Family Tree:

She emailed out a copy of the SWO Behavioral Health Community

Resources poster

Kari Ewalt-FACE Parent Educator:

Jenilea Steffens -Program Manager Rosebud Project LAUNCH


Sara DeCoteau – Health Administration

Chanda Joseph– SWO Tribal Secretary’s Executive Assistant:

Melissa Favila – Tribal Opioid Response Project Nurse Care

Connector: Reminder: Melissa will be working with tribal members

diagnosed with an opioid use disorder. Medicated Assisted Therapy

programs and coordinating care with providers and supporting in

recovery. TOR has a film Addiction that programs can borrow to

learn about the opioid epidemic, what harm reduction is, and about

overdose reversal agents. Addiction can also be accessed at the

following link:

Mary Locke –Community Coordinator for LAUNCH

Shelly Freese – Bright Start Coordinator: Bright Start is currently

participating in a Mental Health Consultation monthly group call

with four other sites across the country through June. Sara Johnson

is currently over full caseload with 24 clients on the program. Shelly

will be attending the MIECHV all Grantee meeting in two weeks.

Chantell Krandall–Site Manager SWO Early Head Start:

For Early Head Start: New Students will be starting- some still

must go through the orientation before they can start. A few current

students transferred to older rooms & 2 three-year olds fully

transferred to the big Head Start. Currently fully staffed if the

teacher on maternity leave returns, still could use subs. 1 child

on I.F.S.P. for speech- Another child is in the process of being on an

IFSP, he is almost 2 and cannot walk. Starting a new baby

curriculum by Dr. Becky Bailey. It’s a 5-step process during a circle

time. The concept is whatever emotions or feelings a child gives the

Page 4: Members Present: Sign-in sheet attached€¦ · Gypsy Wanna – CHE Wellness Coordinator: Jodi Lutjens – IHS Public Health Nurse Reminder: Suggested that programs, particularly

First 1000 Days Interagency Team Meeting Minutes - Page 4 of 5

doll is what he/she feels within themselves. It’s a type of behavior

management circle time.

For Head Start: Short staffed- need a teacher and some teacher's

aide. Starting a social emotional curriculum in the graduating room.

It’s called Second Step. Sarita Eastman comes and does this

curriculum on Tuesdays and does student support where she meets

one-on-one with behavior children.

Denise Redhorse- IHS Case Manager:

Lori Sampson – SWO Assistant Health Coordinator

Case management has developed new brochures; The brochures

we have are for Case Management, Care Coordinators and the

Primary Care Providers.

Case Managers focus: Inpatient and ER visits.

Care Coordinators focus: More clinic focused. Pre-visit planning

follow up visit, telephone calls, getting records etc.

Sandi Bernard – CHE Wellness Educator:

Linda Obago-Nicolar – CHE Tobacco Prevention Specialist

Melissa Fries – Coteau Des Prairies Hospital Case Manager

Brook Wagner - RN IHS Care Coordinator

Gypsy Wanna – CHE Wellness Coordinator:

Jodi Lutjens – IHS Public Health Nurse

Reminder: Suggested that programs, particularly new ones, develop

brochures with a tear-off sheet included to expedite the referral

process. How this would work is that if one program thinks their

participant might benefit from another program, the provider would

ask their permission to refer them. The participant would fill out

their information. The provider would keep the tear-off portion and

send it as a referral to the other program. The participant would

walk away with information about the program they are being

referred to and an expectation that that program will contact them.

Terra Haug – ECIP Administrative Assistant: Early Childhood

Intervention Program Parent Training (postponed from February 20

due to weather-related closure) is re-scheduled to March 13th for the

First Tooth, First Exam Event. ECIP requests that programs send 50

copies of their brochures or program information to be included in

new participant packets.

April Eastman- LAUNCH Director: They have hired Shannon

White as the Lead Evaluator/Data Specialist and Mary Locke, as the

Community Coordinator.

Patsey Seaboy- Healthy Start

Bridgette Neilan-TOR/Tribal Health Admin/Project Manager/Data


Lori S. will

share copies of

new brochures

about clinic

teams, case-

managers and



Programs will


including tear-

off referral

sheet in


Programs to

send 50 copies

of their

brochures to

ECIP for




Informed Care


“Still Face Experiment” by Dr. Edward Tronick tabled to future meeting

due to time and robust discussion about the Needs and Readiness

Assessment. :


this Trauma-

Page 5: Members Present: Sign-in sheet attached€¦ · Gypsy Wanna – CHE Wellness Coordinator: Jodi Lutjens – IHS Public Health Nurse Reminder: Suggested that programs, particularly

First 1000 Days Interagency Team Meeting Minutes - Page 5 of 5

Recorded by: Shelly Freese & Sara DeCoteau

Informed Care


Next Meeting The next meeting, scheduled March 21st, at the Woodrow Wilson

Keeble Memorial Health Care Center Main Conference Room 10AM

The meeting will include time for progress updates from the work

groups set up at the Epi Aid on Substance Use During Pregnancy

Stakeholders’ Meeting held August 2018. A survey monkey link has

been sent out to collect input from Leads and members of these work

groups. Results will also be reviewed at the March meeting. Epi Aid

Stakeholders’ Work Group 6-Month Check-up:

The report of the August 2018 Epi-aid Stakeholders’ meeting may be

accessed at the following link:


Sara D proposed showing the film Addiction as the trauma-informed

lesson. It is about the opioid epidemic, harm reduction, and emphasizes

addiction as a medical (not criminal) issue. The film is one hour, plus

there will be a guided discussion.

Lunch & Learn Confirmed: Over the noon hour we will view the film

Addiction as our trauma-informed care lesson. A healthy lunch will be

served by SWO Diabetes Center catering

Epi-Aid Work

Group Leads

and Teams are

requested to

respond to


Monkey, as

well as prepare

update for and

attend next



Participants are

asked to arrange

their schedules

in order to stay

for the Lunch &

Learn over the

noon hour 3/21.

Page 6: Members Present: Sign-in sheet attached€¦ · Gypsy Wanna – CHE Wellness Coordinator: Jodi Lutjens – IHS Public Health Nurse Reminder: Suggested that programs, particularly
Page 7: Members Present: Sign-in sheet attached€¦ · Gypsy Wanna – CHE Wellness Coordinator: Jodi Lutjens – IHS Public Health Nurse Reminder: Suggested that programs, particularly