mercy osazenaye risk, express yourself 23

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  • 8/3/2019 Mercy Osazenaye Risk, Express Yourself 23



    MP 425/02


    REF July 1998 was possibly the hottest month in world history. 1998 as a whole may have been the

    hottest year. Heat waves caused havoc in many areas of the northern hemisphere. In Eliot, in Israel,

    for example, temperatures rose to almost 50 degrees Centigrade, while water consumption in the

    country went up by 40% Texas, in the United States, experienced temperatures not far short of this.

    For the first eight months of the years, each month topped the record for that month. A short while

    later, however, in some of the areas affected by the heat waves, snow fell in places that never seen

    it before.

    Are temperature shifts like this the result of human interference with the worlds climate?

    We cant be sure, but we have to possibility they might be, together with the increased numbers ofhurricanes, typhoons and storms that have been noted in recent years.

    As a consequence of global industrial development, we may have altered the worlds climate, and

    damaged a great deal more of our earthly habitat besides. We dont know what further changes will

    result, or the dangers they wil l bring in their train.

    The theme of my study of my researches today is RISK. I hope to persuade you that this apparently

    simple notion unlocks some of the most basic characteristics of the world in which we now live.

    At first sight, the concept of risk might seem to have no specific relevance to our times, as comparedto previous ages. After all, havent people always had to face their fair share of risks? Life for the

    majority in the European Middle Ages was nasty, brutish and short as it is for many in poorer areas

    of the world now.

    But here we come across something really interesting. Apart from some marginal contexts, in the

    middle Ages there was no concept of risk. Nor, so far as l has been able to find out, was there in

    most other traditional cultures. The idea of risk appears to have taken hold in the 16th

    and 17th

    centuries, and was first coined by Western explorers as they set off on their voyages across the

    world. The word risk seems to have come into English through Spanish or Portuguese, where it wasused to refer to sailing into uncharted waters.

    Originally, in other words, it had an orientation to space. Later, it became transferred to time, as

    used in banking and investment to mean calculation of the probable consequences of investment

    decisions for borrowers and lenders. It subsequently came to refer to a wide range of other

    situations of uncertainty.

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    The notion of risk. I should point out, is inseparable from the ideas of probability and uncertainty. A

    person cant be said to be running a risk where an outcome is 100% certain.

    There is an old joke that makes this point rather neatly. A man jumps from the top of a hundred-

    story skyscraper. As he be passed each floor each floor, or his way down, the people inside hear him

    saying: so far so good, so far so good, He act as thought he is making a risk calculation, but the

    outcome is in fact determined. Traditional cultures didnt have a concept of risk because they didnt

    need one. Risk isnt the same as hazard or danger.

    Risk refers to hazards that are actively assessed in relation to future possibilities. It only comes into

    wide usage in a society that is future-oriented which sees the future precisely as a territory to be

    conquered or colonised. Risk presumes a society that actively tries to break away from its past the

    prime characteristic indeed of modern industrial civilisation.

    All previous cultures, including the great early civilisation of the world, such as Rome, or traditional

    China, have lived primarily in the past. They have used the ideas of fate, lack or the will of the godswhere we now tend to substitute risk. In traditional culture, if someone meets with an accident, or

    conversely, prospers well, it is just one of those things, or it is what the gods and spirits intended.

    Some cultures have denied the ides of chances happenings altogether. The Asante, as African tribe,

    believe that when a misfortune befalls someone it is the result of sorcery. If an individual falls ill, for

    example, it is because an enemy has been practising black magic.

    Yet acceptance of risk is also the condition of excitement and adventure think of the pleasures

    some people get from the risk of gambling, driving fast, sexual adventurism, or the plunge of a

    fairground rollercoaster. Moreover, a positive embrace of risk is the very source of that energy

    which creates wealth in a modern economy.

    The two aspects of risk its negative and positive sides appear from the early days of modern

    industrial society. Risk is the mobilising dynamic of a society bent on change that wants to

    determine its own future rather than leaving it to religion, tradition, or the vagaries of nature.

    Modern capitalism differs from all previous forms of economic system in terms of its attitudes

    towards the future. Previous types of market enterprise were irregular or partial. The activities of

    merchants and traders for example, never made much dent in the basic structure of traditional

    civilisations, which all remained heavily agricultural and rural.

    Modern capitalism embeds itself into the future by calculating future profit and loss, and therefore

    risk, as a continuous process. This wasnt possible until the invention of double entry bookkeeping

    in the 15th Century in Europe, which made it possible to track in a precise way how money can be

    invested to made more money. Many risks, of course, such as those affecting health, we do wish to

    reduce as far as possible. This is why from its origins; the notion of risk is accompanied by the rise of

    insurance. We shouldnt think only of private or commercial insurance here. The welfare state,

    whose development can be traced back to the Elizabethan poor laws in England, is essentially a risk

    management system. It is designed to protect against hazards that were once treated as at the

    disposition of the gods sickness, disablement, jobs and old age.

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    Insurance is the baseline against which people are prepared to take risks; it is the basis of security

    where fate has been ousted by an active engagement with the future. Like the idea of risk, modern

    forms of insurance began with seafaring. The earliest marine insurance were written in the 16th

    Century, a London company first underwrote an overseas risk in 1782 Lloyds of London took a

    leading position in the energing insurance industry, which it has sustained for two centuries.

    Insurance is only conceivable where we believed in a humanly engineered future. It is one of themeans of doing that engineering. Insurance is about providing security, but it is actually parasitic

    upon risk and peoples attitudes towards it. Those who provide insurance, whether in the shape of

    private insurance or state welfare systems, are essentially simply redistributing risk. If someone

    takes out fire insurance against his or her house burning down, the risk doesnt go away. The

    householder trades off the risk to the insurer in exchange for payment. The trading and offloading

    of risk isnt just a casual feature of a capitalist economy. Capitalism unthinkable and unworkable

    without it.

    For those reasons, the idea of risk has always been involved in modernity, but l was to argue that in

    the current period risk assumes a new and peculiar importance. Risk was supposed to be a way of

    regulating the future, of normalising it and bringing it under our dominion. Things havent turnedout that way. Our very attempts to control the future tend to rebound upon us. Forcing us to look

    for different ways of renting to uncertainty.

    The best way to explain what is going on is to make a distinction between two types of risk.

    One l shall call external risk. External risk experienced as coming from the outside, from the fixities

    of traditions of nature. I want to distinguish this from manufactured risk, by which l mean risk

    created by the very impact of our developing knowledge upon the world.

    Manufactured risk refers to risk situations which we have very little historical experience forconfronting. Most environmental risk, such as these connected with global warning, fail into this

    category. They are directly influenced by to intensifying globalisation l discussed in my study


    The best way l can clarify my distinction between the two kinds of risk is as follows. In all traditional

    cultures, one could say, and in industrial society right up to the threshold of the present day, human

    beings worried about the risks coming from external nature from bad harvests, floods, plagues or

    famines. At a certain point, however very recently in historical terms we started worrying less

    about what nature can do to us, and more about what we have done to nature. This marks the

    transition from the predominance of external risk to that of manufactured risk.

    Who are the we here, doing the worrying? Well l thinks now it is all of us, regardless of whether we

    are in the richer or poorer areas of the world. At the same time, it is obvious that there is a division

    that by and large separates the affluent regions from the rest. Many more traditional risks, of the

    sort just mentioned such as the risk of famine when the harvest is bad still exist in proper

    countries overlapping with the new risks.

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    Our society lives after the end of nature. The end of nature doesnt mean, obviously, that the

    physical world or physical processes cease to exist. It refers to the fact there are few aspects of our

    surrounding material environment that havent been in some way affected by human intervention.

    Much of what used to be natural isnt completely natural any more, although we cant always be

    sure where the one stops and the other begins. Last year there were big floods in Central China,

    (Tsunami crisis)(climate change) in which many people lost their lives. The flooding of the major

    rivers has been a recurrent part of Chinese history. Were these particular floods more of the same,

    or were they influenced by global climate change? No one knowns, but there are some unseal

    features of the floods that suggest their causes were not wholly natural.

    Manufactured risk doesnt only concern nature or what used to be nature. It penetrates unto other

    areas of life too. Take, for example, marriage and the family, now undergoing profound changes in

    the industrial countries and to some extent world-wide. Two or three generations ago, when people

    got married, they knew what it was they were doing Marriage, largely fixed by tradition and custom,was akin to a state of nature as of course remains true in many countries. Where traditional cultures

    are dissolving, however, when people marry, or from relationships, there is an important sense in

    which they dont know what they are doing, because the institutions of marriages and the family

    have changed so much. Here individuals are striking out afresh, like pioneers. It is inevitable in such

    situations, whether they know it or not, that people start thinking more in terms of risk. They have

    to confront personal futures that are much more open than in the past, with all the opportunities

    and hazards this brings.

    As manufactured risk expands, there is a new riskiness to risk. The rise of the ideas of risk.

    As l pointed out earlier, was closely tied to the possibility of calculation. Most forms of insurance arebased directly upon these connections. Every time someone steps into a car, for instance, one can

    calculate that persons chances of being involved in an accident. This is actuarial prediction there is

    a long time series to go on. Situations of manufactured risk arent like this. We simply dont know

    what the level of risk is, and in many cases we wont know for sure until it is too late. Not long ago

    was the 10th anniversary of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear station in Ukraine. No one knows

    what its long terms consequences will be. There might or might not be a stored up disaster to

    health due to happen some while from now. Exactly the same is true of the BSE episode in the UK

    the outbreak of so called mad cow disease, samolinal as well in terms of its implications for human.

    At the moment, we cant be sure whether at some point many more people than at present will fall


    Or consider where we stand with world climate change. Most scientists well versed in the field

    believed that global warming is occurring and that measures should be taken against it.

    Yet only about 25 or so years ago, orthodox scientific opinion was that the world was in a phase of

    global cooling is now brought into play to bolster that of global warning heat waves, cold spells,

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    unusual types of weather. Is global warming occurring, and does it have human origins? Probably

    but we wont, and cant, be completely sure until it is too late.

    Is these circumstances, there is a new climate of politics, marked by a push and-pull between

    accusations of scaremongering on the one hand, and of cover-ups on the other. If anyone

    government official, scientific expect or researcher takes a given risk seriously, he or she must

    proclaim it. It must be widely publicised because people must be persuaded that the risk is real a

    fuss must be about it. Yet if a fuss is indeed created and the risk turns out to be minimal, those

    involved will be accused of scaremongering.

    Supposed, on the other hand, that the authorities initially decide that the risk is not very great, as

    the British government did in the case of contaminated beef. In this instance, the government first

    of all said: weve got the backing of scientists here, there isnt a significant risk, and we can continue

    eating beef without any worries. In such situations, if events turn out otherwise as in fact they did

    did the authorities will be accused of a cover up as indeed they were?

    PM, things are even more complex than these examples suggest. Paradoxically, scaremongering

    may be necessary to reduce risks we face yet if it is successful, it appears as just that,

    scaremongering. The case of AIDS is an example. Governments and experts made great public play

    with the risks associated with unsafe sex, to get people to change their sexual behaviour. Partly as a

    consequence, in the developed countries, AIDS did not spread as much as was originally predicted.

    Then the response was where you scaring everyone like that? Yet as we know from its continuing

    global spread they were and are entirely right to do so. A good evident is we should think properly

    before made a moved; putting people you do not know about in your home, an even some people

    go beyond folder , get involved with relationship with, world is so complicated than what will now;

    just look after yourself is mostly important. Interfering is too much, cold war, pull and push, war

    that everybody enchanter with under; is enough, is just not everything you has to telling out. Ref

    bible said, your followed friend has just a dust on is/her eyes; and you has a fat speck in your own

    eyes, you are not even tries to removed it, is the other person you are telling the whole community

    to come and help! What about you? God said the day of judgement is coming, l will starting my

    judgment from the front, from those who knowing me more than anybody. My leader pastor

    daddy Ayodeji, founder of Adura Gbemi parish in Hackney Celestial Church of Christ is always

    perished that everybody should be read, because the day is coming when two people will be going

    and only one will be taken, what is your opinion that day; you will said, l was there when l destroyed

    somebody house because of hate and jealously, l was part taken on this power atrocity; let

    everybody watch out.

    This sort of paradox becomes routine in contemporary society, but there is no easily available way of

    dealing wish it. For as l mentioned earlier, in most situations of manufactured risk, even whether

    there are risks at all is likely to be disputed. We cannot know beforehand when we are actually

    scaremongering and when we are not.

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    The more science and technology intrude into our lives, and do so on a global level the less this

    perspective holds. Most of us including government authorities and politicians have, and have to

    have, a much more active or engaged relationship with science and technology than used to be the


    Consider, for instance, and red wine. As with other alcoholic drinks, red wine was once thought

    harmful to health. Research then indicated that drinking red wine in reasonable quantities protects

    against heart disease. Subsequently it was found that any form of alcohol will do, but it is only

    protective for people above age 40.

    QUESTION who knows what the next set of findings will show?

    Some say that the most effective way to cope with the rise of manufactured risk is to limit

    responsibility by adopting the so-called precautionary principle. The notion of the precautionary

    principle first emerged in Germany about 15 years ago, in the context of the ecological debates that

    were carried on there. At its simplest, it proposes that action on environmental issues and byinference other forms of risk should be taken even though there is insecure scientific evidence about

    them. Thus in the 1980s, in several Continental countries, programmes were initiated to counter

    acid rain, whereas in Britain lack of conclusive evidence was used to justify inactivity about this and

    other pollution problems too.

    Yet the precautionary principle isnt always helpful or even applicable as a means of coping with

    problems of risk and responsibility. The precept of staying close to nature, or of limiting innovation

    rather than embracing it, cant always apply. The reason is that the balance of benefits and dangers

    from scientific and technological advance, and other forms of social change too, is imponderable.

    We may need quite often to be bold rather than cautions in supporting scientific innovation or other

    forms of change. After all, one root of the term risk in the original Portuguese means to dare. Takeas an example the controversy over genetically modified crops are already growing on 35 million

    hectares of land across the world and areas 12 times the size the size of Britain. Most are being

    grown in North America and China Crops include soya, Maize, Cotton and Potatoes.

    No more obvious situation could be found where nature is no longer nature. The risks, involved a

    number of unknowns or, if l can put it this way, known unknowns, because the world has a

    pronounced tendency to surprise us. There may be other consequences that no one has yet

    anticipated. One type of risk is that the crops may carry medium or long term healthy hazards.

    After all, a good deal of gene technology is essentially new, different from older methods of cross-


    Another possibility is that genes incorporated into crops, to increase resistance to posts might

    spread to other plants creating singer weeds. This in turn could pose a threat to biodiversity in

    the environment.

    Since presence to grow, and consume, genetically modified crops is partly driven by sheer

    commercial interests, wouldnt it be sensible to impose a global ban on them? But even supposing

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    such a ban was feasible; things as ever are so simple. The intensive agriculture widely practised

    today is not indefinitely to the environment. We cant go back to more traditional modes of farming

    and still hope to feed the worlds population.

    Bioengineered crops could reduce the use of chemical pollutions, and hence resolve this problem.

    Whichever way you look at it, we are caught up in risk, management. With the spread ofmanufactured risk, governments cant pretend such management isnt their business. And they

    need to collaborate, since very few new-style risks, have anything to do with the borders of nations.

    But neither, as ordinary individuals, can we ignore these news risks or wait for definitive science

    evidence to arrive. As consumers, each of us has to decide, whether to try to avoid genetically

    modified products or not. These risks, and the dilemmas surrounding them, have entered deeply

    into our everyday lives.

    Let me move towards some conclusions and at the same time try to make sure my arguments are

    clear. Our age is not more dangers have shifted. We live in a world where hazards created by

    ourselves areas, or more, threatening than those that come from the outside. Some of these aregenuinely catastrophic, such as global ecological risk, nuclear proliferation, or the meltdown of the

    world economy. Others affect us as individuals much more directly, for instance, those involved in

    diet, medicine, or even marriage.

    An era such as ours will inevitably breed religious revivalism and diverse New Age philosophies,

    which turn against is scientific, outlook. Some ecological thinkers have becomes hostile to science,

    and even to rational thought more generally, because of ecological risks. This isnt an attitude that

    makes much sense. We wouldnt even know about these risks without scientific analysis. However,

    our relationship to science, for reasons already given, wont and cant be the same as in previous


    We do not currently possess institutions which allow us to monitor technological change nationally

    or globally/ the BSE debacle in Britain and elsewhere, might have been avoided if a public dialogue

    bad already been established about technological change and its problematic consequences. More

    public means of engaging with science and technology wouldnt do away with the quandary of

    scaremongering versus cover ups, but it might allow us to reduce some of its more of its more

    damaging consequences.

    Finally, there can be no question of merely taking a negative attitude upwards risk. Risk alwaysneeds to be disciplined, but active risk-taking is a core element of a dynamic economy and an

    innovative society. What more appropriate place could there be to emphasise this than hers in Hong


    I saw the Labour Candidate for North West Norfolk. He describes ex-pm as worst ever. (Mr

    Manish Sood. He said, again that Gordon Browns policies have all been A 22 Total Disaster.

    Mercy Osazenaye said is true, if you people vote for him, it will just be like lost your vote.

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    1. If they vote for Gordon Brown, is a Big Risk. Children in the communities are not safe.2. Property is not safe is coming for it. Elderly will suffer. You have to sell your property to

    financial your elderly care. This is not fair.

    3. It will bring war to the communities. Because is happen to me, ex- PM and Alastair Darlingconspiracy together and taken my two property away from me. I knew that some people

    too join toghter to carry it out; destroyed the property, make it derelict; taken all whatinside away and make a very big hole in the middle; the new window was removed; all the

    wall paper was removed; all my suit case was force to open, Damien Green has my computer

    and my Printer; My Five Baby book was taken away, My certificate 8 was taken away; a giant

    Television ; and giant deep freezer was taken away ; l now that Nigerian people take that

    away to sell grocery; God will punished, anybody who make my life and my children life

    miserable, he will intervene, my God is lord of Avenger it will fight for me; two teenager was

    cut, Ockendone police station said no prison; l know that there just there in a wrong this;

    somebody starting this. Nail Paterson came with mark Spellman, when l reported to

    Gordon Brown that time, l did not know is plan for me. Mark Spellman said, mercy what

    the people done to you is terrible, all of them, the hand in all your children; nobody should

    be threaten like that; John Yates too said the same thing, that how people her so hatless,

    they should put inside the prison, how can somebody diner and he/she can be able to

    practices; there all liar and dishonesty, no kind, there all practices autocracy power, is

    shamble and very bad. 0n 25/1/2011 DEBATE THE PROPERTY MARKET, Richard as

    avechincle to you, some of it, is private tenant, lack of first buyer, l thing is just mercy get

    issue in many place. l fear without cheep house, it we be very difficult mostly for new

    buyer, and young family. MARK JONES said, could you tell me a SPD or SDO. You said lab

    party dealing with it. RICHARD HARRINTON said, thanks for the intervention, is not real

    important. Some are empty property; some are not suppose to be there. STEWART

    JACKSON Cons aid, the situation will facing in lab time is great, and is disaster of convention

    is stroke, it cannot be Wright, l feel the problem is looking at order side, mortgage is the own

    thing, they failed. I am a Christian will need to repent. I think back local council should,

    built new home, PM/Assist should do something, we need to revisit, is not just Essex to

    London, we need to now is geographic, high speed rail, is bureaucracy and local govt is

    ludiculou power. What they do and how they do it, why is it even happening, is failed

    project. It is crazy thing, it should not repeated again, another one is curriculum and EU is

    too difficult to put together Empty property, we has to tackle it, we need to look at area, of

    DEFRA EU and local govt as well. Legal treasure, is very difficult to do, now is has be moved

    to the children residential Germany, and some country found it easy. It very difficult to put

    her in the pinhole or Basket. PETER ALDOUS CON said, found the food level, high value

    area. The regional has role to play, it does not has many franchiser, in the Britain, and there

    is a many thing to deal with. MARK PAWSEY CON said, failure to bring forward new homeis the most important. Within planning, some conservative, pannick, they do not want or

    like changing, mostly what about children school. Throw thing to one person, in the

    position, what council does is bad. Council said, if we agree for new home, they we take

    council tax for 6 years. We need a very good developer, many we be mobile, mostly of

    them come from outside London. STEWART JACKSON CON said, the person in housing

    benefit, is good to share equality. MARK PAWSEY con said, that is what l said is derecolum,

    govt can deal with private home, so the empty property, on housing to used, devolution as

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    the economic return, it we be better. ALISON SEEBECK LAB said, strangle thing, local

    housing is not do what we employed them for, this is Discrimination they should be sack,

    because will lost out going CBI, govt is not do enough for the house, financial, we built a lot

    of house according, govt told us they develop we be arrange, agurment, govt moving too

    fast, without looking for evident. Private home pressure to build home the model failed to

    house, they borrowed money, from banks, govt notice No 10 notice, mortgaging goinghigher, a lot of MP, arranging mortgage. What can us going to do, pressure going higher.


    Convention, my comment. The own plan is shamble and failure, is crunch to the floor.

    Mention is made for the house building is lost, four years every singly year coalition. The

    power found is destroyed under the house; the new home owner is not enough, when

    avoidance home be building. So the home should be building ruddy side. Should be build a

    new home take account of new home, eventually 2m we are ran out. GRAHAM JONE LAB

    said, a lot of empty property, we should raved it. GRANT SHAPPS HOUSING MINISTER

    said, yes, a lot of empty property are everywhere in the country. If you want to see the root

    of this trouble is 1990. The person who under this is Bank. A lady, who refers me to FSA, is

    a member from many larger organisations, the planning is over, the local govt said, it should

    be place with local council; we place her in wrong place scandal that is default, what can

    people working together, the whole range is shamble.

    4. Ex-PM, asked me to sign for the teenager, so they can get job, training and education.Nothing was paid for this, instead the payment was direct to another person, and God will

    intervene. Ian Duncan-Smith too said the same; instead of paid me salary, he used me to

    paid people; l doing the research, l getting nothing back, they making money; l has nothing;

    for almost three years l signing on, l can count how many time l get the job seeker

    allowance. My elder son too was refused claim, and my daughter, since two year shegetting Notting; only the one that is in the secondary school, is the one Thurrock council

    shaking up and down they want to know the time he finished so he can to be in the same

    boat, PM, George Osborne, where is the fairness, l did not see any; you said that you will

    help the parent, to get out of poverty; but instead the people who working in the council

    pinching the money from the family or parent; l got five children there all big; but l did not

    get my children money somebody else is taken it; council owned me 25,000, and council

    owned my elder daughter 13,000 and my elder son 10,000, but nobody talk about, apart

    for the missing money, in about 2009, the cheque council send to 17 the Willow, when they

    know l now more living there. PM, George Osborne, Liam Fox please l want investigation,

    about this, enough is enough, they take my property, money, and my job as well; course a

    cold war George Osborne remember the job you gave me recently, that l should be help the

    community, there just too grudge; they take it, but they cannot do it properly; what about

    me and my children; everyone of them, has house, during the time of Gordon Brown, he

    asked them to sell the property if any one of them want to put her/his parent in the

    residential home/children home, nobody want to do that; apart me; they used me, the

    property l rent was using as residential home/children home without let me know; God will

    intervene; and you people are talking about Gaddafi that is mistreated is people badly what

    about what you people done to me and my children; a lot of people there real wicked than

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    gaddafi, the day of judgement is coming; recently Mr Abbi the owner of where l living too,

    conspiracy with council again and with Germany residential home without l know, with kind

    of life is this; l got five children in this property, with l need to protect, Mr Abbi living in

    Chelmsford he can used is house to do it; l tried to move away to another property, the

    property is belong to his wife Mrs Abiodun Jayiesimi, she was so upset that why do l want to

    moved away, l just understand know why because she want to looking after my children butwhy?, it wont happen, if Abiodun Jayeisime has two property, without has any job, l two l

    deserved to has ten property, this is Discriminate, l must get injections from the court about

    this. Evidence. Another evident Mr Abbi calls me Chicken and Lamb Diner; is will not

    happen, is for him not for me. I done a good job, l am not supposed to be a Lamb Diner;

    My husband said, nobody used my children or my wife for ritual; Is abomination. My

    husband is a Justice of Peace (JP)/the law and UN said if any adult threaten a child badly it

    should reported it. Prince was pick up by police, because his by himself on the Hogge Lane

    Thurrock, he did nothing wrong, he was arrested, taken to the Grays police station, he was

    wear red jumper, two police came to my house, one man one woman, searching my son

    room, and sitting room, solicitor was call, after interview; prince still go back to the cell for

    some hours; after they taken the picture, DNA, and Finger Print they asked me to come with

    him on 23/4/2011, when will get there on that Saturday, the police said will should come

    back next month 21/5/2011; ref to what ED Miliban said in the house of common, this is

    very wrong, wrong on picking him up; wrong on arresting him; wrong on putting him in cell;

    wrong on taken is DNA; wrong on Finger print; wrong on taken him Picture; wrong on

    wearing red jumper for him; wrong on just disturb him that day; wrong of disturbing me as

    Prince mummy; wrong of come searching my home without my son, do Notting wrong;

    everything is wrong- wrong- wrong. An explicit commitment to respect for the voice of the

    child does, however, represent a significant shift away from a more traditional

    understanding of their status in society and indeed within the family, and it can therefore

    provoke concerns about its implications for adult/child relations. The language of childrens

    rights can become synonymous with a fear of children acting as autonomous individuals

    without discipline, control or responsibility. It is important therefore to clarify the nature of

    childrens rights as defined by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and in particular

    the meaning and implication of Article 12. Most parents would accept without question a

    range of fundamental rights for children. There would be little disagreement, for example,

    that children have the right to life, to the best possible Health, to free education on the basis

    of equality of opportunity, to play and recreation, to freedom from discrimination, to a

    standard of living adequate for their proper development. In other words, children rights to

    survival and development are not contentious. There might be disagreement over the level

    of provision necessary to fulfil the obligation to children associated with those rights, or

    indeed, over where responsibility for such provision lies, but the principles are not inquestion. Similarly, in the field of childrens rights to protection, there would be general

    agreement that children have the right to protection from sexual exploitation, from

    abduction and from violence and abuse. Again there might be considerable dispute over

    the nature of protection necessary and indeed what constitutes violence in respect of

    children, but the principle that children are entitled to protection from a range of

    experiences that could be harmful to them is not challenged. Ref Tony Blair former ex-

    prime minister say tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime accompanied by the no

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    mores excuses philosophy. Tough is a carefully chosen keyword word in New Labours

    vocabulary and in the political identity of Blair (Fairclouhg, 2000, page 216). In using the

    words, New Labour seeks to associate itself with populist sentiment, certainly where

    juvenile justice is concerned, and to endorse the widespread view. 0N 27/1/2011 THERE

    IS A DEBATE ON MILITARY COVENANT, l was listen, for those who put the life on the front

    line we need to protecting them and working after them. It was formally codified as acovenant. In 2000 and is a custom or convention rather than a law. Memories, respect

    between military and community, we has the role of putting the life in the front. Over the

    next four years the defence budget will rise in cash terms. By 2014 the MOD budget will be

    33.5bn in big time page, education throughout her life; she should go to

    university/language/illegalise around, number of different. The model we be model to the

    order, she we be given a role as army, it peace maker. They should look after families,

    argue from beginnings to the end, personal, MP please sunlight to this please, new post,

    reviewed to secretary of state is a proper gift, and l cannot garrant the role in arm. She gets

    rallies the women, courage, sincerity and honesty. Convention means a meeting

    arranged for some particular purpose, gathering assembly. The Democracy and Republican

    parties hold, convention every four years to choose candidates for president. Businessman

    and product. In a nation of joiners. Convention has become an American social institution.

    RAF personnel will reduce by 50,000 to around 33,000. LORD GLENARTHUR

    CONSERVATIVE said, the model regular recognise of credit benefit, (2) report to the people,

    it should help GP, day digital, cannot remember my colleague support, report a required

    some people they do not know the way MOD work, they should work on it. It surprise me

    to get somebody who can do this job, expert, she is not ordinary defences, she now

    everything, we want her to be encouraged to do more. LORD LEE OF TRAFFOR LIBERAL

    Democracy said, she has be welcome to the military, she help in everywhere, question we

    has is necessary, health care, internet to Afghanistan, providing Scholarship to those

    children who helping us (Army) Daily travel, allowance, get you home year allowance, in

    future, 18 years, saga allowance, will be reduce to 10 secretary of state said, annual, child

    acre MOD facing caring out, Germany Family member, 59m accommodation. This should

    be done by government mostly money for the troupe. LORD RAMSNOTHAM

    CROSSBENCHER said, debt of the life put the life on the line. People are not forgetting the

    army people Prof Armstrong said, they should be looking after. Oversee is not happen govt

    should be deliver it, house should be Swap. This morning they delivering mental, deliving

    offender. They give it to charity. It is a mutual bound between the cabinet, demonstrate

    about to who we be a victim govt pay minimums wages. I very command the ma and

    women when l see her money is reduce. I see it coming commanding, control please,

    please do not tamper with her money. She has a lot to do for us. RT REV ANTHONY




    wicking the moral, is to left the ministry personal it take long to get some people, salary, as

    more, is part of covenant with them, to support the young one, noble lord casing, window-

    windows, to this care slice the money, is not good. LORD SHEIKH CON said, important

    convent, she has suffer all along, the people, who cut, unhappy covenant is a failure, the

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    world debate, degree is stratagem, this is much change, in the other to, l want the govt to

    make the change, 36m for the defence, they should not demolished the soldier and

    security. Only 32% fall for her to produce the report to govt. She is great balancing, the tax,

    damage the covenant is bad, l now govt has be working hard in the story to paid her back, all

    thing she lost. They to be a special arrangement for this for mercy children, home here and

    abroad for life. She was born in the family. 200m, this people is the last to do that to GDPis higher 2%, world, Air craft, with her little, she used her money to buy shoe, cloth for

    herself, be a line, level of the scarifies, the peace, home, abroad, if the government is not do

    this is bad, charity we happen that govt promise to do that last week a prof call me and said,

    a soldier just came from the war, commit suicide and killed himself. When my father died

    my mother still enjoyed the for life money she must be continue do what she do NHS.

    Sometime they do not know what to do the army are do the best. LORD MARLESFORD

    CONSERVATIVE said, for those who have opportunity to serve. I was so glad the PM, is very

    good, the ministry covenant, people in the family, matter then Education on. LORD

    GUTHRIE OF CRAIGIEBANE CROSSBENCHES said, mercy suffer for a year, she lost her two

    property, money, a lot of terrible thing do happen to her, she lost all are thing inside the

    property when the cold war was going on, is not good it make her qualified as a defence

    army. She be longing used to this is not just perfect to this, some people who gaping to

    another job, has to be training. You need job, not recognition, they suffer, before they get

    the money, some equipment. Mod the Treasurer, some are not now the way services are, if

    there not in services will damage it. LORD ROSSER OPPOSITION SPOKESMAN said, some

    people used structure to describe God that say take care of your friend. We build the

    military defence who labour party destroyed. We have long battle at head, or the military

    covenant Govt progress on the covenant. In pressure progress, govt check up, command

    paper independent command labour, which will be do that one and cover the defences

    welfare is in trouble, stratagem, and they. Say is the place to safe, her support the family.

    The scrap the coronel office and issue of pension, and army, the reduction. The injure of

    the army make the think, govt do something they expect to carry out determination, army

    force continue to be fantasies. LORD ASTOR OF HELER DEFENCE SPOKESMAN said, l also

    congratulate my friend. We give army what they want, today security a good. I pledged

    that all military covenant should be threaten fairly. This covenant to be right, she we

    provide, the new covenant, secretary should provide, a new covenant to the parliament will

    changed the.... it is the right of the govt to support and take good care of the family that, the

    children putting the life in the front. She will go to University, PM, should now is the policy,

    community covenant, army force, soldier, recommendation, Dr Marios, identification of

    mental health. Forces, in her life financial are make it force, for the house high quality, this

    project, it not something to the quickly, it we take eight month she is recognised, Whitehall,

    the families support, the armies families in the communities. Benefit supports the families.I say to the government well-done. Allowance, a strong economic, is reducement. I will

    give Lord they need to respect her. MERCY OSAZENAYE said, will should respected each

    other, because l am a women; l was born inside this uniform, and grow up inside it; l now

    the right and wrong; my husband was born inside this uniform too, and grow up inside as

    well, and still has the big role to play inside it. You can see how l was be threaten, l will

    never forget, this is not fair God give us Ten Commandment, that is what l followed; Mr

    Abbey want to used my children for residential home without l now, this is real bad, that is

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    why he asked me to followed him and her wife to Thurrock council, when will left he asked

    estate agent to go to my house to take photography, so he can used it for humanitarian, it

    will not happen, they should used another family, l will take them to court, and everything

    will be revelled; l will go to BBC, tell them everything. Mr wife has been going to Germany

    for holiday with her children last year she went to Germany with her two little son, one is

    five and other one is seven, she told me that is just two pound to go to Germany; so why meI am not getting any free ticket, money, house apart for what l got Mr Abbi taken away with

    his boss, God will fight for me; and even l am a member he has no right to do what he doing

    to me; Mr Abbi and her wife are not respect me; this is not good. When Germany coming

    for the money l want it to be written done, l am not received any money, or house or given

    any job, from Mr Abbi so when the time come, he should not come to me. Because when

    they give you money they will come for it and thing you used the money for, there come to

    collect it. Mr. Abbi is a Black Gadaffi, the way he threaten me is bad, they should not

    allowed him to practices anymore; Liam Fox, l support you, l want you to deal with this case,

    when a bad thing happen in our back yard, and will are not sort it out, when is turn big it will

    very dangerous to sort out. 25 years in Britain, l am a British citizen, Lord Clinton Davies

    done my oath integrated for me, why? Thurrock Council saying my daughter Diana

    Osazenaye is undefined, l find the mean in dictionary is not defined or explained, l do not

    understand what they mean by that please, PM, George Osborne and Liam Fox, l want you

    to challenged Thurrock Council about this language, and about my position in council; Mr

    Abbey want more money for rent, her the property is belong to her wife, she got two

    property, Mr Abbey has almost 6o property, do they paid for the tax, they must not get

    away. It has to be equal.

    5. Robin Hood. Burcreaucracy is taken over the school. Education is used for practices, allsort of thing. John Major said school should be used for studies, not practices all sort of

    bad thing, they should let the children learn properly. Not using them as a foot ball game

    6. I done a lot of thing for him; he paid me noting, with no appreciate/apart used me for MPExpenses; credit crunch; l dont have any credit card, but l suffer for this horrible crisis; when

    some people borrowed a lot of money from bank, when they cannot paid it back, they

    declared bankrupt; there still working free; why me Gordon Brown; why me Alastair Darling;

    why are you so crawl to me, why you are hate me so much; l now you apologised but is not

    enough, l want all what you taken from me back, l want compensate, l want a apologise

    letter; because what you done should not be repeating again; but you legacies is not end, Mr

    Abbi is do it for you the more all this bad treated is there, l will be remember; 13 years with

    Labour Party, this is my num l used to vote for you and Harriet Harharm , No

    DupX655737109780; and this is my NO in Labour party A830563; but is over now, the last

    election l did not vote for Labour Party, l vote for Conservative, is too much hunt, the way all

    of you treated is not fairly was used clear Deficit, l left, labour party, he cutting the deficit,but is too hard. He had taken my two properties away from me because there looking for

    money to do politician, they forget themselves, that there millionaire, and they should tax

    themselves. George Osborne too does desame, but along the line he change and double

    my money but council want to take the money away from me too. Liam Fox Defensive

    Secretary want you to challenged by dealing with the people who make my life and my

    children life difficult; l help you, you must help me too, l must not suffer in vain. All what

    they taken away from me l want it back, and it must not repeat again.

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    7. If you want your children to be well educated, you should vote for David Cameron, as a PM.Will need changing of government. During the time Gordon Brown was a PM, the children

    is not go to school, no job for them. Instead they place them in different placing e.g.

    Institution, prison and Care without done nothing wrong. Let us try another, person, vote

    for Trust Party not lair one. Because our children is future of our life.


    God said thou shall not Steal, another person wife/husband. But God created Adam andEve to help him, so he will not be alone. Will do not heard that he created two Adam.

    I am a social worker, politician, teacher, police, civil servant and journalists. A good parent, l

    loves my children. Labour Party pushes me from one place to another. I tired of them, l

    need to move on. Express yourself. (Madonna song). . PM, how can will survival with

    push and pull every time. To god be the glory; Mr Jackson said, they should all repent; is good

    to have opened minded.


    Civil servant


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