metrics maze case study

S Metrics Maze Case Study By: Brittany Walker For: Lindsey fair On: November 27,2012

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Metrics Maze Case StudyBy: Brittany Walker

For: Lindsey fairOn: November 27,2012

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Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment analysis allows us to track peoples attitudes and feelings on the internet.

As you can see IMCSLC does not have a negative feedback. Just because the data says that there is no negative feedback does not mean that is true. This can be due to the fact that program can not pick up on sarcasm etc.

IMCSLC has a passion percentage of 42% which is not bad but it could be better. A passion percentage of 42 means that almost half of the amount of people who mention “imcslc” will continue to mention it.

This is a good thing for the IMCSLC brand because they are continuously mentioning the brand and gaining reach.

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Influencer Analysis

#imcslc- By tweet archivist the top three influencers are Jim Elyot who is a proffesor in the program, Andy Laframboise and Hailey Murphy who are both third year students in the program. I believe that the way this tool gathers its information is by the amount of times each user mentions the hash tag for imcslc. This means that we can spread the imcslc hash tag by retweeting the people who use the hash tag the most, and mentioning them in our tweets.

@imcslc- By twitalyzer the top three influencers are Ela Dean, Lindsey Fair who is a professor in the program and Trends Talk which is an event on by the students. It looks as if the way that this tool gets its analytics is by which users have mentioned @imcslc. We can use this information to engage with those users by checking who the top influencers are either weekly or bi-weekly.

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Influencer Analysis Chart

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Volume Analysis

#imcslc and @imcslc from Tweet Archivist

From Nov. 26/12 to Dec. 1/12

It appears that #imcslc is used on average about 10-15 times a day. This is a good start but could be better. We can encourage everyone to start using the hashtag to gain more reach and a higher volume. By doing this more people will become aware of our brand and what we are all about.

It appears that @imcslc is mentioned on average around 5 times a day. What I have also notices is that the volume of tweets during the week is much higher then the weekends. To improve this we should try to get everyone to use @imcslc on the weekends as well as during the week.

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Volume Analysis Charts

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Content Analysis #imcslc

Tweet Archivist- The most popular words or phrases used are chalkaboutit, mobile, and trendstalk.

Social Mention- The most popular words or phrases used are imcslc, greg, and days.

All of these key words are good for the brand imcslc. Chalkaboutit and trends talk are both events that have been run and organized by students of the IMC program. Mobile is one of the new social media classes that is in the third year of the program. This will let everyone know that IMC at SLC is up to date with technology. They keyword greg is for the greg award which is a well known awards ceremony held by the IMC program at SLC. This shows everyone that we do work for real clients that may be used professionally.

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Content Analysis @imcslc

Tweet Archivist- The most popular words or phrases used are TrendsTalk, video and presenters.

Social Mention- The most popular words or phrases used are imc, greg and days.

Most of these key words are very similar to the #imcslc keywords other then video and presenters. Video is a course that is in the second year of the IMC program that teaches our students how to create and produce videos. This shows that IMC is a program that includes all aspects of the advertising business.

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Content Analysis Charts#imclsc @imcslc

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Benchmark Analysis

I have found that when searching Advertising in Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube for other colleges such as Durham, St. Clair and Georgian that there is not much information about the program. When looking for a school to apply at you would want to know what the program is all about and if it is the right school and program for you.

The fact that SLC has a lot of information on many various social media platforms gives the program an advantage. If we keep going at the rate that we are going SLC could be one of the most recognized schools for the Advertising and Marketing Communications Management program.