metropolitan governance & urban-rural relationships in the lille region

Metropolitan Metropolitan governance governance & urban- & urban- rural relationships in rural relationships in the Lille region the Lille region

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Page 1: Metropolitan governance & urban-rural relationships in the Lille region

Metropolitan governance Metropolitan governance & urban-rural relationships in& urban-rural relationships in

the Lille regionthe Lille region

Page 2: Metropolitan governance & urban-rural relationships in the Lille region

The Lille urban regionThe Lille urban region

A polycentric &A polycentric &crossborder areacrossborder area







Page 3: Metropolitan governance & urban-rural relationships in the Lille region

Strong increase of commuting flows 1999 – 2006

The « metropolisation » processThe « metropolisation » process

population: + 2 % max

jobs: + 10 % max

commuting flows:+ 20 to 25 %

Page 4: Metropolitan governance & urban-rural relationships in the Lille region

3 scales for 3 scales for metropolitan metropolitan governancegovernancearrangementsarrangements

metropolitan governancemetropolitan governance

A complex A complex institutional institutional landscape:landscape:

2 countries2 countries3 regions3 regions2 departements2 departements2 provinces2 provinces

Page 5: Metropolitan governance & urban-rural relationships in the Lille region

• 85 municipalities

• 1.2 M. inhabitants

on 660 km²

• Half of communes with less than 5 000 inhabitants

• > 40% of the total population in 4 cities (Lille, Roubaix, Tourcoing, Villeneuve d’Ascq)

Metropolitan governance: communauté urbaineMetropolitan governance: communauté urbaine

Page 6: Metropolitan governance & urban-rural relationships in the Lille region

a formal body (établissement public de coopération intercommunale) inforced by law in 1966

• in charge of « organising its territory by providing services and facilities »

• « historic » competences: roads, waste, water & sewerage, transport, land-use planning, urban development

• new competences: housing, economic development, green and natural spaces, environment, sport, culture, research

a council of 170 members, elected for 6 years within the local councils

Metropolitan governance: communauté urbaineMetropolitan governance: communauté urbaine

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EGTC Eurometropole Lille-Kortrijk-Tournai

2 M inhab.2 M inhab.3500 km²3500 km²

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EGTC Eurometropole Lille-Kortrijk-Tournai

Creation of the EGTC on January 22nd 2008

Adhesions• Members (14) :

– 10 Belgian partners: Federal gvt, 2 regions, French commmunity, 2 provinces, 4 intercommunales– 4 French ones: National gvt, Region, departement, LMCU

Statutory arrangements• A general assembly: 84 members• A board: 32 members• An executive committee: 1 chair, 3 vice-chair• An operationnal instrument: the cross-border agency

Operating principles • Double parity

- between France and Belgium - then within Belgium, between French and Dutch-speaking regions

• Application of the French / Dutch bilingualism

Tasks (no transfer of competences)

• ensuring concertation, dialogue and promoting political debate• producing cross-border consistency throughout the entire territory• facilitating, managing and realising projects• facilitating the daily life of the inhabitants

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The Lille metropolitan areaThe Lille metropolitan area

3.8 M inhab.3.8 M inhab.7200 km²7200 km²

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Association Aire métropolitaine de Lille

Creation December 3rd 2007

Adhesions• Members (15): the French partners• «Observers»: the Belgian partners

Statutory arrangements• A general assembly: 1 representative by partner; the only decision-making body• A board: a chair, a vice-chair and a treasurer• A technical committee, made of officers from the different partners• A permanent team of 3 officers, the Agence and « Mission Bassin Minier » as technical supports

Objectives• Building together a space for co-operation

able to play at the European level a role in keeping with its actual importance.

• Developing the city region as a dynamic and competitive area in the heart of Europewhich bears witness of the values of solidarity, respect towards cultural diversity and responsibility towards the environment.

• Implementing concrete projects aiming at improving the quality of life as well as at increasing the economic opportunities in order to reinforce the city-region’s attractiveness

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Schéma directeurmain objectives:

rebuilding the city on

the city

limiting the urban


preserving agriculture

developing natural &

recreational spaces

Rural / urban spaces in the metropolitan areaRural / urban spaces in the metropolitan area

Page 12: Metropolitan governance & urban-rural relationships in the Lille region

o annual crops: 80 % of agricultural lando meadows: 18 % of agricultural lando 47 500 ha: 54 % of the total land surface

Importance of the agricultural land

o diminushing number of farmso decrease of jobso reduction of agricultural land: - 280 ha/year

• an « agricultural metropolitan area »

• an activity in strong mutation

Rural / urban spaces in the metropolitan areaRural / urban spaces in the metropolitan area

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A need to protect & develop natural and recreational areas

o protection of biodiversity & water resource

o mixing production and leisure activitieso « farm to table » distribution channelso development of organic farming

current opportunities to develop

partnerships with agriculture

Rural / urban spaces in the metropolitan areaRural / urban spaces in the metropolitan area

Page 14: Metropolitan governance & urban-rural relationships in the Lille region

Lille is actually just one of many examples of metropolitan area governance in European cities

as proved by the outcomes of the Eurocities Metropolitan areas W. G.

WG metropolitan areas member cities

Page 15: Metropolitan governance & urban-rural relationships in the Lille region

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