
Kazdyn’s Multi- Genre Research Project

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Post on 26-Mar-2016




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Multi genre research piece


Kazdyn’s Multi-Genre Research Project

Biography of KazdynMy name is Kazdyn Pierce-Blanchard. Lover of life, Hater of none, The one and the only. I have been described as humerous, out of the box and one of a kind. I focus my life on essentials which are family, friends and God. I am a freshman at Benton High school and am proud to be a cardinal. I am sophomore class president next year and i love music, dancing, animals and attractive women ;) Thats all, now go read these amazing creations by the one and only Kazdyn.

I call it being Kazdyn


! ! ! ! 10 quotes i live by“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go...”

― Dr. Seuss

“Live right now. Yeah, just be yourself. It doesn't matter if it's good enough for someone else.”-Jimmy Eat World

 “Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance. As king, you need to understand that balance, and respect all the creatures from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope.”-Mufasa

“Stupid people are dangerous.”

― Suzanne Collins, The Hunger Games

“Oh, I get by with a lile help from my friends, Mm, Gonna try with a lile help from my friends”


“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” ― Dr. Seuss

“Don't you realize? The next time you see sky, it'll be over another town. The next time you take a test, it'll be in some other school. Our parents, they want the best of stuff for us. But

right now, they got to do what's right for them. Because it's their time. Their time! Up there! Down here, it's our time. It's our time down here.”

-Mikey, Goonies

If I lay here, If I just lay here, Would you lie with me, And just forget the world?

-Snow Patrol

Before God we are all equally wise - and equally foolish.-Albert Einstein

“I never try to be something I'm not,”- Eli Manning

P O L A N D : C O U N T RY O F M Y A N C E S T O R S

Poland is the country that my ancestors came from back in the

late 1800’s. My great-great grandfather who passed a long time ago came to America as a

teenager around the 1880’s . Poland is a very mountainous

region that is located in central Europe.


Poland is a European country that is bordered by many counties including the Czech Republic, Ukraine and Slovakia. It is located in central Europe and it’s capitol is Warsaw. 38, 187, 488 is the

most current record of Polands population. They are know for their art, music and cuisine.


M A N Y FA M O U S C O M P O S E R S W E R E B O R N I N P O L A N D S U C H A S S T A R Y S A Ç Z . N O W P O L A N D I S K N O W N F O R T H E I R T R A D I T I O N A L F O L K M U S I C A N D J A Z Z . !

Famous Composer, Fredryk Chopin Famous Jazz, Tomasz Stanko


P O L A N D C U I S I N E U S E S R I C H M E A T S , W I N T E R V E G E T A B L E S A N D M A N Y S P I C E S . T H E Y A R E R I C H A N D H E A R T Y A N D T A K E L O N G T I M E S T O P R E P A R E . T H E Y A R E K N O W N E S P E C I A L L Y F O R T H E I R S O U P S!

Traditional Polish meal Kotlet and potatoes


T H E C L I M A T E O F P O L A N D I S V E R Y WA R M S U M M E R S A N D V E R Y F R I G I D C O L D W I N T E R S M U C H L I K E C E N T R A L U N I T E D S T A T E S .!

A daytime summer scene in Poland

Sunset in Poland

Polands natural wilderness

Born in 1800’s

Came from PolandFrom Latvia

IrishInspired my mom to

open her dance


Greatest grandma ever

Worked here at Benton

Only child Legally my dad for 4 years

Coolest kid ever Red haired little


Older sister

85 years old and still kickin’

Died in 03 on halloween

Multi Millionare Uncle

My great-grandma is one of the most influential people in my life. The hardships that she’s faced growing up have been nothing short of a miracle. Now, at 85 she stands tall as the problems keep coming, she dodges every one coming out stronger afterwards. She was born on the Fourth of July, a true firecracker. She came into a family that was already jam packed with kids. At the age of two, her mother passed in a traumatic car accident. She was whisked away to live with her aunt who had a tremendous dislike for her for no apparent reason. She was raised being treated like dirt, pushed around and disrespected. She says seldom about her childhood except her singing. She loved to sing she said. She won dozens of competitions with her talents. As she grew older she married an attorney named Don Pierce. She gave birth to four young boys and her husband went away to World War ll as she raised them. She watched with amazement as the boys grew up and started lives of their own. One in particular had a child that is my mom. My mom’s best friend was her grandma. They went everywhere together and made amazing memories. Somewhere along the ride, I came along. When I was three, her husband died on a Halloween afternoon, his life consumed by cancer. She spiraled into depression. She loved him to the ends of the Earth and now he was gone. But she pulled through. Her boys grew up and couldn’t have been more different. There’s a drunk, a multi millionaire, a cookie salesman, and an architect. My first words were boo-boo, the words she used to recite as she rocked me. Her nickname stuck and from then on she was dubbed “Boo-Boo.” As she grew old, her and I grew closer. I remember looking out the window on Saturday mornings when I was four waiting for her car to pull up the drive and her to step out and smile at me. We played for hours upon end as I dressed her up, rode on her back, and played toys with her. As the years went by, we only got closer. At the age of 80 she still went to the casino and gambled. She drove everywhere and took me anywhere I wanted to go. Recently however, she was diagnosed with the horrible disease known as Alzheimer’s. As she pulls through everyday she struggles because her brain itself is deteriorating, memories and names become suddenly difficult to remember, things told to her seconds ago slip beneath the surface of her thoughts and are lost forever. She gives blank stares and calls fifteen times to ask the same question. The thought of one day looking at her and her not knowing my name brings me to tears. I look her in her soft, loving brown eyes and know that no matter what happens to her, I will always be here with all my love to give to her and I will take care of her until the day I cant any longer. Whether it is right next to me or right above me in heaven, I know she’ll be here for me forever. She’ll watch as I get married, have kids of my own, and grow old. She’ll have a special place in my heart that can never be taken by anyone. She is the most amazing woman I have ever met and I love her with every fiber of my being. I thank God everyday she’s here with me. My inspiration, my heart, my Boo-Boo.



Pierce Motto translated means...“I EXTEND MY RIGHT HAND TO


The name Pierce derives from the Greek word Petros which means Rock

This name was given to Simon by Jesus to symbolize steadiness in faith

There are over sixteen spellings of the name Pierce

WANTED for being too cool

If you see this man run quickly, he will overshadow you with his charm and extreme coolness

You might find him...

• At a concert

• Near a music store

• In a zoo

• Buying shoes in a local mall

• Conversing with attractive women

• At a local amusement park

His partners in crime include...

• His crafty and cool best friends Elijah and Trevor

• His three legged dog Klover who was once attacked by a hawk

• His criminal mastermind little sister Krimzyn

• His annoying cat which he doesn’t like whatsoever Turkey

Partners In Crime

Dad’s Meatloaf RecipeIngredients-

•1 Pkg Lipton Onion Soup Mix

• 4 Ground Beef

• 3-4 Eggs

•1 Ten Oz Can Tomato Sauce

•1 Pkg Ritz Crackers

•Serves 7-8

• Mix meat, soup mix, eggs, crackers and 1/3 can of sauce together in a large bowl

• Form meatloaf in dish

• Pour 1/3 tomato sauce on top

• Bake at 350 degrees for 30-35 minutes

• Pour remaining sauce on top

• Serve


Dad- Meatloaf Recipe

Grandma Paula-Family Tree

Mom-Family Tree -travel brochure

Grandma Boo-Boo- Personal Essay