mh j bazaar · 2015. 7. 13. · volume42. harkm,crittendencowty,kentvcky,friday.nov.21,1919....

Volume 42. HarkM, Crittenden Cowty, Kentvcky, Friday. Nov. 21, 1919. Number 17. * » iHlHimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMMiniiiiiniiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiMiiniiiic j p^l^in^ £q BAZAAR I The ladies of the ('hristian Church I will hold their Bazaar at SOWDERS' ICE CREAM PARLOR Wednesday, Nov. 25th from 2 to 10 p. m. All kinds of fancy work, children's rompen, gingham aprons, paint, varnish, hicks, etc. The place to du your Christmas shopping niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiniii iiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiR ISEE A Most Worthy Cause We Must Help. Thf fii.'i s: more ciiUi'tHl The Bank The Kentucky rhildrt-ns Home Society. Louiiville, Ky., which . ' has taken a number of our Crit- .tuation is jfrowinK ^^^jp^ .i^siitute children. has outgrown ita present quarters and has boufcht a farm ten miles at Jeffersontown wii> l.. .t, .| Tuesday niifht '"'1" ' ""ntry where it will build and alHiut JIuhihi wuh taken, \mw. K. v J K i'mi- and Dr. Kin»; \mI1 make addresses on the Nt'w Era movcmt ni at Chapel liill Dec. 4, ut niKiit. and at Crayne, Dec. 6. at night. (itii. (' KakiT n tmiircl T ic-- day from I'uducali wIutc- Ik- had been on federal grand jury. The srhnol children of the state who havi' vrood lioincs atid their frientls, urca-Hked to furnish the necesHary money as a memorial for ttic hi>ni»'l('s> IwixsanH Kirls of th>' slati'. Crilt< inlen ('ounty 1^ ask> >i to raise $15(NI ot the ;(;iUU.(MlO necessary. This amount has been apportioned to the var- Those who ' iMtcd at the Set- tles home Snnilas were Mrs. L. L. Price and daughters, Lena and Ethelyne, Rudell Price and Miss Lemah F'-ankiin. Cloyd Gillesi and wife were guests Wedneftday of last week of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Clark near Marion. Florence Price returned Tues- day after spending a week visit- ing relatives near Repton and at Marion. Mesdames Fannie Settles and daughter, Maude Love, were re- cent guests at the home of J. H. Price and wife. Mis.s Ruth Lynn visited her aunt, Ada Ferryman, Tuesday. Mrs. Lena Franklin was the Second. Evalyn Utterback, De- guest of her aunt, Marv BiKham, clamation. "Maud Muller." from Sunday until Wednesday School; Lamb. Chapel Hill. Third. Dora Roberts, Ueclatn- Cloyd (iilless and wife left Sat- ation, "Plain Bob." School iiurday for their home in Dun- Sugar Grove, ning. Mo., after visiting his l-ourth. Lucile Travi.s, Oeclam- mother and oth<'r relatives here ation, "Grisby Station, " for the past fe \ weeks. School; Copperas Spring. | j ^ ^ .^^ler went to Decision of Judges while son^, Harnionv to preach Saturday •Glory. Glory, to Kentucky and Sunday. He sent Rev. U. Contest Sugar Grove. March. Dorothy Dean, by which contflstanti inarched to places. Song. "America the Beautiful" hy Choir. Scripture KeadinK and ( onmients Supt. Paris. Prayer. Bro. T. C. Newman. Song. "Flag of the FVee," by Choir. A Collection was taken for the benefit of tite cause while "America" was sung by the by Choir. Judges appointed. F. H. Hill- yard. Bro. T. C. Newman and E. D. Stone. First Speaker. Nellie Walker, Declamation, "Cood Night Papa. " School ; Olive liranch. PRETTY WEDDING AT niimmilHIIIIIIMnHlllllHiiMtit !-it:ii METHODIST CHl'RCH f :iiii:!liilHllHIIHIIIHHmHIMINI One of the prettiest weddings of the season took place at !):.30 o'clock Saturday morning. Nov- vemtjer 15th at the Methoclist church, when .Susie liowers BMton, only daughter uf Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Bo.ston. of this city, lu'canie the bride of Mr. Archibald Herbert Rodgers of Paducah. The chunh wa.-^ heautifully and elaborately decorated with white and yellow chrysanthe- mum-. Miuthern smilax and au- tumn leaves. The ceremony was performed || ^- . l.y Rev. H. R. Short, using the S WIAKIUN, NT. beautiful ring. ceremony. || Telephone 32 Do Not Experiment With Your Insurance If you have property to insure, place it in an old reliable agency that has stood the test here in Marion for seventeen years. Make Assurance Doubly Sure by placing your business with Bourland & Haynes INSURANCE AGENCY | niK A(iKN( Y THAT SERVICE BUILT = was sung by Choir. First to Dora Roberts of Sugar F'residt nt Wilson vetunl the jou- ^c'hooIk of tlx t'ouiity and bill resutring pre war rhle niuk-.earh teacher notified of the dis- ing power to commerce oummis- 1 trict quoto. sion. Kvery distrii-t can easily raise It is predicte.1 that •*u>{hi will I ito quoto if the teacher and pupils be ioki at 25 cents per pound. | Many miners in East Kentucky ^^.^^ ^ ^.^ and \Sest \.um,a h^.e K'nt ^^^^^^ ^^y^ back to work, and the ^olalm superintendent Paris who had been on guard have re- ^. ,j ^j, his teach- ers sooner G. Hughes to preach for us at .Union. an<l had him to announce Grove. Second, Nellie Wal- 1 ^^gt he would be sure to be here ker of Olive Branch. j n^j^t Saturday and Sunday which I will get busy at once, and every- iIhkIv help. Tins should he done turned to ( amp Taylor. HukIi .McK)'). a veteran of the confederacy was in .Marion Wed- nesday. The Marion (iraded and High 8ch(M)l will raist their apportion- ment in January. L I. Ilii«lir:. ir iiriwcl ironi' Thi« drive is hacked liy Stote EvaiLivide wiieie he hiw been , Su|)i. V O. (iilbei t. CJov. J. D visiting his sun. Educational talks by J. B. Mc| Neely, Rev. T. C. Newman. E. D. Stone and A. A. De- boe. Much DMMge Done By High Water. Frank and Warren Guess, John Chittenden. A. Tinsley. Charles Taylor, Niles Minner, William and Carl Croft, John Wright. Bob Dowell. Ed Hump- phrey; Charles Donakey. Wat- son and Harris. Something like 90000 bushels of com between Weston and Tolu have been de- stroyed by the overflow of the Ohio river. SHADY (iROVE Mrs. G. C. Collins of Wheat- croft WH guest of Hey Stallions will he the fourth Saturday and Sunday. Evciybody come and Before the wedding a musi- j ^|,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,||,,,,,,,,,,,,,,||,||,||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||,|,||||||||||||||||||^^^^^ tl pronram of unusual heautv Circuit Court. TRIHfNK Black and Gov-Elect Morrow all j Sunday. lof whom are urging the people to j^^ (,„(j \\ \\ Tudorand carry the drive to success. Every q^.j.^ Birchtield was in Evans- teacher doin^' their p.n t w ill iiave yi||^ |gg( week. •Mrs. Virgil .M«.ne returned i the lasting gratitude of hundreds , u n ... i t,,,. hia from Bddyvilb Tuesday where I „f hornless children who will find ! '^' ^'^ ""''^i^'^'' " iSrhSl si,eh«.ll,eenviMtmK-her father ,,„i ,,„ ;..,„.,„ m the years' f"'"^^ f^^JJ^'^^^^^^^ U t. G.«sgo«, who IS .11 locomeand many of them will I ""y- ^^e consideration *as $6000 from blood poison. | gn from Crittenden county. { Prank Easley was in Marion Saturday. Willie Coleman and Charley Guess left Sunday for Bowling Green to enter schoo. R R. Tudor and I.exie Kasley was III .Marion Saturday. Rev. F. D. .Stone and wife of .Morgantleld are visiting iheir if \,ui like a good show full of moiher, Mrs. M. M. .Mone. (H'pa'id lots of fun. dont miss Joe Lemon and Collie Gilbert i the Colore*! Minstrel at Strand svhohav iiin a ho.pital in Theatre Wednesday night. Evansville are doing well and .Mrs. J. G. Rochester left Mon- are expected so)n. . dny f„r |/)uisv<lle. Owensboro and .Na.Hhvili.' I'.eioiv leturmnK' attended church hwe Sunday. MiSH Dvvkvy I'tiMell. teacher home she will visit her daughter, of Barnett sch'Nil. spent Satur-'Miss Nannie, who is stationed day an<l .<>iii<l.i . iti< lit i |iai at I he Hostess House, Paris ls« enu, Mr. ami .Mr.s, \V. K. Pov\ell. land. S. ( . hear our pastor preach one of his good sermons Aunt Nina Williams came to C. C. Bebout's Friday and will make that her home this winter. Fred Love and Clarence Set- tles are building the new school house near Sikiam church. Aunt Mary Franklin is visit- ing this week w ith her daughter. Mrs. Ada Watpon, Mrs. Delia LaRue and Miss lieecie LiaRue were in Marion shopping one day last week. Misses Sallie Sullenger and Liemah Franklin spent Saturday at the Crittenden Springs, the guests of Mesdames flildah Morrell and Mildred Settles, Mrs. Clark Wayland and chil- dren came from their home near Sheridan. Sunday, to see Mrs. Minnie Beliout, who has been real sick the past few weeks. Annie Hoazrfian, of Salem, vis- ited Wednesday of last week with her grandmother. Mrs, P. J. Gilless. Mrs. Hugh Norris siient Wed- nesday of last week with Mrs. H. B. Watson. Florence Price was the guest Saturday of aunt Dean Franklin. and effect was rendered, amon^ the numbers of which were' "UPaloma." "Call Me Thine Convened on last Monday Own" and "Believe Me il' Those niorniii^r. Judge Carl Mender- Endearing Charms" on the harp ! son on the bench. Attorneysl hy Mrs. S. M. .lenkins; "Adaii- Chas. Fer(?uson and John A. te ' in (i, "Melody in F" and Moore to represent the Common- Gip Watkins and wife went to Traumri," on the organ by | wealth. , Hopkinsville Monday. Miss Ciwendolen Haynes, .Juil;;c Henderson ^ave vijrer-' The Dixie Spar & Lead Co. The bridal party marched to ous insirucliono to the grand , shipped two car loads of spar the altar while the sweet strains j jurors, calling special attention | this week of Lohengrin's weddint? n arch to the illicit sale of all intoxi- Rev. J. M. Hicks was in Ma- came from the organ. During cants, iramlilmg, dice, play iuKfor rion Monday and subscribed for the ceremony Miss Haynes I prizes, whether on the trround j the Press, softly played "Hecause " or in the parlor. He rushes i ^^^^.^ ^^^^ Miss Carolyn Pitts of ^ '•^^k-^" IJ' tij"'™ !> WM here Monday at- burg. Miss., former college chum and rncm-mate t' the bride was maid of honor and Mr. Percy Lund of Chicago the !/'• t man. Others accompany- ing the bridal parly to the altar irett was tried and convicted for wire Mrs. Maurie N. Boston, bigamy and sent to the pen for gressive farmer of Mattoon was sister-in-law ..f the t.ride .md 'three years. shakin>r hands here Monday. Ted Boston, brother of the: Dewey Davenport charged Mr. J. A. Wood of Snider, hride. jwith assault and battery pled 1 Qk la., was in Marion Monday. Little Miss Virginia Tavlor. as guilty and was fine.! "'i He is visiting his mother in the Hower girl, and Master Johni W; Ki.Brttt «»r«fticienn Jailur. Piney section, Richard Boston as ring bearer | i^pp,,;, g jigg^ ^oart room* and made (juite a charming couple. tries to make every body com- The hride was charmingly at- f(„.tal.l,.. ired in a traveling suit of held making it hard on ^l e trans- ^^^^.^ gressor. but easy on the lawi abiding citizen. I Bowling Green is to have . . , , another National Bank with a Two cases have been tned hy stock of 1125000. the I iimiiii nwealth. J. B. Bar-, Mr. Gus Summerville a pro- Mr. and Mrs, .lohn McConnell Henry Lynn, wife and two daughters were visitors Snnday of Mr and Mrs. Nathan Perry- man. The paotracted meeting is „^ .n piogreai here, ^^i'^*^^^^,,,, r.A^,, c,royo church, spent Fox delivers some splendid ser UIIIIIIIUNNNIIHIMHIUIMIUHHIWINNinilllUUNNINIHIIIIIUnHIHIIIIIHUHNHI U REDUCED PRICES Pressing Cleaning Repairing SUITS, sponged and pressed OVKRCOATS, . PANTS, " " . LADIES' LON(; COATS . " COAT suns . SKIRTS . . .50 .50 .25 .50 .75 .35 Send your work lo the old reliable preMlnt ilMp. WtivaruileelothreyottMllifAelioB. J.G. HUNTER (Successor t«) fciasley Hunter) Telephone 303 Soulh Side Square mons, ( larn't Towery of Providence was here Sunday. Uncle Gus Lacy fell off a = wagon load of shock fodder and E is in a serious condition. 1 1 Frank iiuyd was in Princeton I Friday. si t). F. Towery is confined to gjhis nxiin with a had cold. I An airplane passeil over here I Friday. il Judge Jas A. Mooie and his njtwo lawyer sons happened in the f Press otiice together one day last £ Week. Judge Moore is the ef- ficent city attorney. A. C. is a prominent lawyer, not only of this bar, but of western Ken- tucky, John A. is our alert county attorney and a successful farmer. Mrs.C. B. Hint and Mrs. W. E. Belt were in to 8ei> the Press force last Friday. Come again. Mrs, A. A. Deboe and wife were In Marion Betuiday shop* ping. Mrs. George Drury of Cald- well county was In Marion Bat* Saturday night and Sunday with her mother. Mrs. Antonia Priee. Miss Adeline Carter attended the Rudgers-Boston wedding at Marion Saturday. Miss Sallie Sullenger was the guest Saturday night of Miss Leecie LaKue. Mrs. Florence Harpending and son, Hnyden, attended services at Union Saturday and were vis- itors at the home of her sister, Mrs. Ada Ferryman. Mr. Stenibridge. Miss Nation, Mr. Sleamaker and Miss Vada ("ain. motored over from Tolu Sunday to hear Will Cannan talk at Union church. They were guisis for dinner of Mr. and Mrs. (.'ecil Lialtue. Almost all our young people were with them toenioy Mr. and Mrt. La- Rue's hospitality. 1 mousi' l.niwn and carried a beautiful botjuet of bride's ri>si'.s. Miss Pitts and Mrs. B si Mil carrieil yellow and white chry.Miiithemums. Immediately after the cere- mony the hride and gr«)om left their honeymoon, which will be spent in the south. They dr 've to Crayne. thus e.-w-aping a deluge of rice and old shoes w, III. 11' 111 vain for them at the .Marion .station. Mrs. Rodgers was Uirn and raised in Marion and has as many friends as she has aquain- tances. being a decided favorite among the young people. She wa.'" ediiiiiti'd in the Marion schools and at Ward-Belmont, in Nashville and Woman's Col- h'ge. Montgomery. Ala. .Mr. Rodgers is a nephew of Thos. H. Cochran, of this city, and spent some of his childhood 111 .Marion uiid is well aeiiiem- bered by his boyhood acquain- tance He 1^ MOW in liiisiness in I'aducah, where the couple will make their home. Rochester A McCarthy sold this week a farm in Livingston county forieOOO, and the Reed Attorney lia D.Smith of i Wilbom f*rm in this county for Hopkinsville is attending court 113600. -Nothing is more unoenfort- Uome Boy Marrie.s able than troublesome kidneys. 1 * Use Solvax and begin to get the Lex.nKton t-rl. ^ j^,,,^^^^^^^^ g^,^ The following announcement | Haynes A Tkyhir. was received by ffiends here; Mr. C. W. Biady. wife, bebe this week: .jg^p^ left Marion WedoM- Mrs. F. B. Beckett annotinces j^,,. ^j^^^ ^^^^^^ y,^^ the marriage of her 'laughter, K^^y ^,j„ ^p^^^ ^^^^ ^ Hazel Virginia, to William Henry I i„ Rochester on Saturday, the hf- The Rev. James F. Price is aow nnaking a tour of the churehee, organising themeadar the New Era movement TInr Iwve already made their sab> iscriptions to the New Era move* Carnahan. wife. I ^^^^^^ organising them tor spiritual and missio- nary work. He visited Dawson. Providence, Shiloh and Sturgis last week in the Presbytery of Princeton. This week he will visit the following churches In the Presbytery of Logan. Chaly- beate Springs. Pine Grove, Smith's Grove, Rustellville and Pleasant Hill. He will preach ' next Sunday at Dixon, Ky. teenth of November 1919, Louis- ville. Ky. At home after the first of De- cember in Marion Mr. W two sons Clara Carnahan left Marion on the 8th, for Ljh Angeles. Cal- ifornia .Mr. Carnahan and fam- ily will make California their future home. Mrs. Clara Car- nahan will return to Kentucky next Spring. Rev. W. T. Oakley and Virgil St«>ne are in a good meeting at Wheatcroft. Miss Sarah Blue of Morgan field was the guest of Miss Vir ginia Blue last week. F. W. Wastjer, Kvansville sup- ply man, was in town a few days last week. Mrs. J. \V. and daugh- ters Miss Virginia and Mrs. J. H. Recque and their visitor. Mrs. Krausse of St. Louis. s|»eiit Thursday in M»»rgantield. Just received car load Jersey heifers, heavy springers. They are all for sale. Call at our farm and see them if interested. Prices are right, l. K ( rider Cream- ery Co. Fredonia, Ky. '2t. Bankers Life Company Dn MtiMi, hm Mrs. Frank Newcoin and son Billie left Wednesday for Hend- erson, where they will make their future home, with Mr. in For Sale Cheap 100 acres Fredonia Valley land St Livingston tank. AIMn culti- vation. Splendid limestone land ' N,!^veom who ii good iinproveinenU, 2 miles from I Henderson county. Fredonia. train stops on farm. 1 One half cash, balance in X or Vernie Summers one of our 10 years at 6'A. Must sell before lUp-to-daU teechwrs was In the November nth. Call or wriu|PrsMoaoe Saturday on busi- ledA. BtnaMt, Kutlawa. Ky. Issues the ''Bankers Insurance Contract. The lateit and best Life Insurance contract known. For full particulars see C G. THOMPSON, Agent Marion, Ky. Oflke in Concrete Bldg.

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Page 1: mH j BAZAAR · 2015. 7. 13. · Volume42. HarkM,CrittendenCowty,Kentvcky,Friday.Nov.21,1919. Number17. iHlHimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMMiniiiiiniiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiMiiniiiic

Volume 42. HarkM, Crittenden Cowty, Kentvcky, Friday. Nov. 21, 1919. Number 17.





p^l^in^ £q


The ladies of the ('hristian Church I

will hold their Bazaar at


Wednesday, Nov. 25thfrom 2 to 10 p. m.

All kinds of fancy work, children's rompen,

gingham aprons, paint, varnish, hicks, etc.

The place to du your Christmas shopping

niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiniii iiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiR

ISEEA Most Worthy Cause

We Must Help.

Thf fii.'i s:

more ciiUi'tHl

The Bank

The Kentucky rhildrt-ns HomeSociety. Louiiville, Ky., which


' has taken a number of our Crit-.tuation is jfrowinK

^^^jp^ .i^siitute children.

has outgrown ita present quarters

and has boufcht a farm ten milesat Jeffersontown

wii> l.. .t, .| Tuesday niifht '"'1" ' ""ntry where it will build

and alHiut JIuhihi wuh taken, \mw.

K. v J K i'mi- and Dr.

Kin»; \mI1 make addresses on

the Nt'w Era movcmt ni at

Chapel liill Dec. 4, ut niKiit.

and at Crayne, Dec. 6. at night.

(itii. (' KakiT n tmiircl T ic--

day from I'uducali wIutc- Ik-

had been on federal grand jury.

The srhnol children of the state

who havi' vrood lioincs atid their

frientls, urca-Hked to furnish the

necesHary money as a memorial

for ttic hi>ni»'l('s> IwixsanH Kirls

of th>' slati'. Crilt< inlen ('ounty

1^ ask> >i to raise $15(NI ot the

;(;iUU.(MlO necessary. This amount

has been apportioned to the var-

Those who ' iMtcd at the Set-

tles home Snnilas were Mrs. L.

L. Price and daughters, Lena

and Ethelyne, Rudell Price and

Miss Lemah F'-ankiin.

Cloyd Gillesi and wife were

guests Wedneftday of last week

of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Clark

near Marion.

Florence Price returned Tues-

day after spending a week visit-

ing relatives near Repton and

at Marion.

Mesdames Fannie Settles and

daughter, Maude Love, were re-

cent guests at the home of J. H.

Price and wife.

Mis.s Ruth Lynn visited her

aunt, Ada Ferryman, Tuesday.

Mrs. Lena Franklin was the

Second. Evalyn Utterback, De- guest of her aunt, Marv BiKham,

clamation. "Maud Muller." from Sunday until Wednesday

School; Lamb. Chapel Hill.

Third. Dora Roberts, Ueclatn- Cloyd (iilless and wife left Sat-

ation, "Plain Bob." School iiurday for their home in Dun-

Sugar Grove, ning. Mo., after visiting his

l-ourth. Lucile Travi.s, Oeclam- mother and oth<'r relatives here

ation, "Grisby Station, " for the past fe \ weeks.

School; Copperas Spring.| j ^ ^ .^^ler went to

Decision of Judges while son^,Harnionv to preach Saturday

•Glory. Glory, to Kentucky and Sunday. He sent Rev. U.


Sugar Grove.

March. Dorothy Dean, bywhich contflstanti inarched

to places.

Song. "America the Beautiful"

hy Choir.

Scripture KeadinK and ( onmients

Supt. Paris.

Prayer. Bro. T. C. Newman.

Song. "Flag of the FVee,"

by Choir.

A Collection was taken for the

benefit of tite cause while

"America" was sung by the

by Choir.

Judges appointed. F. H. Hill-

yard. Bro. T. C. Newmanand E. D. Stone.

First Speaker. Nellie Walker,

Declamation, "Cood Night

Papa. " School ; Olive liranch.

PRETTY WEDDING AT niimmilHIIIIIIMnHlllllHiiMtit !-it:ii



One of the prettiest weddings

of the season took place at !):.30

o'clock Saturday morning. Nov-

vemtjer 15th at the Methoclist

church, when .Susie liowers

BMton, only daughter uf Mr.

and Mrs. J. N. Bo.ston. of this

city, lu'canie the bride of Mr.

Archibald Herbert Rodgers of


The chunh wa.-^ heautifully

and elaborately decorated with

white and yellow chrysanthe-

mum-. Miuthern smilax and au-

tumn leaves.

The ceremony was performed|| ^-


l.y Rev. H. R. Short, using the S WIAKIUN, NT.

beautiful ring. ceremony. || Telephone 32

Do Not Experiment

With Your Insurance

If you have property to insure, place it in

an old reliable agency that has stood the

test here in Marion for seventeen years.

Make Assurance Doubly Sure

by placing your business with




was sung by Choir.

First to Dora Roberts of Sugar

F'residt nt Wilson vetunl the jou- ^c'hooIk of tlx t'ouiity and

bill resutring pre war rhle niuk-.earh teacher notified of the dis-

ing power to commerce oummis-1 trict quoto.

sion. Kvery distrii-t can easily raise

It is predicte.1 that •*u>{hi will Iito quoto if the teacher and pupils

be ioki at 25 cents per pound.|

Many miners in East Kentucky^^.^^ ^ ^.^

and \Sest \.um,a h^.e K'nt^^^^^^ ^^y^

back to work, and the ^olalmsuperintendent Paris

who had been on guard have re-^. ,j ^j, his teach-

ers sooner

G. Hughes to preach for us at

.Union. an<l had him to announceGrove. Second, Nellie Wal-

1 ^^gt he would be sure to be hereker of Olive Branch.

j n^j^t Saturday and Sunday which

I will get busy at once, and every-

iIhkIv help. Tins should he done

turned to ( amp Taylor.

HukIi .McK)'). a veteran of the

confederacy was in .Marion Wed-


The Marion (iraded and High

8ch(M)l will raist their apportion-

ment in January.

L I. Ilii«lir:. ir iiriwcl ironi' Thi« drive is hacked liy Stote

EvaiLivide wiieie he hiw been ,

Su|)i. V O. (iilbei t. CJov. J. Dvisiting his sun.

Educational talks by J. B. Mc|

Neely, Rev. T. C. Newman.

E. D. Stone and A. A. De-


Much DMMge Done

By High Water.

Frank and Warren Guess,

John Chittenden. A. Tinsley.

Charles Taylor, Niles Minner,

William and Carl Croft, John

Wright. Bob Dowell. Ed Hump-

phrey; Charles Donakey. Wat-

son and Harris. Something like

90000 bushels of com between

Weston and Tolu have been de-

stroyed by the overflow of the

Ohio river.


Mrs. G. C. Collins of Wheat-

croft WH guest of Hey Stallions

will he the fourth Saturday and

Sunday. Evciybody come and

Before the wedding a musi-j^|,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,||,,,,,,,,,,,,,,||,||,||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||,|,||||||||||||||||||^^^^^

tl pronram of unusual heautv I

Circuit Court.


Black and Gov-Elect Morrow allj


lof whom are urging the people to j^^ (,„(j \\ \\ Tudorand

carry the drive to success. Every q^.j.^ Birchtield was in Evans-

teacher doin^' their p.n t w ill iiaveyi||^ |gg( week.

•Mrs. Virgil .M«.ne returned i the lasting gratitude of hundreds, u n ... i t,,,. hia

from Bddyvilb Tuesday where I „f hornless children who will find !

'^' ^'^ ""''^i^'^'' " iSrhSlsi,eh«.ll,eenviMtmK-her father ,,„i ,,„ ;..,„.,„ m the years'

f"'"^^ f^^JJ^'^^^^^^^

U t. G.«sgo«, who IS .11 locomeand many of them will I

""y- ^^e consideration *as $6000

from blood poison.|gn from Crittenden county. {

Prank Easley was in Marion


Willie Coleman and Charley

Guess left Sunday for Bowling

Green to enter schoo.

R R. Tudor and I.exie Kasley

was III .Marion Saturday.

Rev. F. D. .Stone and wife of

.Morgantleld are visiting iheir if \,ui like a good show full of

moiher, Mrs. M. M. .Mone. (H'pa'id lots of fun. dont miss

Joe Lemon and Collie Gilbert i

the Colore*! Minstrel at Strand

svhohav iiin a ho.pital in Theatre Wednesday night.

Evansville are doing well and.Mrs. J. G. Rochester left Mon-

are expected so)n. . dny f„r |/)uisv<lle. Owensboro

and .Na.Hhvili.' I'.eioiv leturmnK' attended church hwe Sunday.

MiSH Dvvkvy I'tiMell. teacher home she will visit her daughter,

of Barnett sch'Nil. spent Satur-'Miss Nannie, who is stationed

day an<l .<>iii<l.i . iti< lit i |iai at I he Hostess House, Paris ls«

enu, Mr. ami .Mr.s, \V. K. Pov\ell. land. S. ( .

hear our pastor preach one of

his good sermons

Aunt Nina Williams came to

C. C. Bebout's Friday and will

make that her home this winter.

Fred Love and Clarence Set-

tles are building the new school

house near Sikiam church.

Aunt Mary Franklin is visit-

ing this week w ith her daughter.

Mrs. Ada Watpon,

Mrs. Delia LaRue and Miss

lieecie LiaRue were in Marion

shopping one day last week.

Misses Sallie Sullenger and

Liemah Franklin spent Saturday

at the Crittenden Springs, the

guests of Mesdames flildah

Morrell and Mildred Settles,

Mrs. Clark Wayland and chil-

dren came from their home near

Sheridan. Sunday, to see Mrs.

Minnie Beliout, who has been

real sick the past few weeks.

Annie Hoazrfian, of Salem, vis-

ited Wednesday of last week

with her grandmother. Mrs, P.

J. Gilless.

Mrs. Hugh Norris siient Wed-

nesday of last week with Mrs.

H. B. Watson.

Florence Price was the guest

Saturday of aunt Dean Franklin.

and effect was rendered, amon^

the numbers of which were'

"UPaloma." "Call Me Thine Convened on last Monday

Own" and "Believe Me il' Those niorniii^r. Judge Carl Mender-

Endearing Charms" on the harp ! son on the bench. Attorneysl

hy Mrs. S. M. .lenkins; "Adaii- Chas. Fer(?uson and John A. i


in (i, "Melody in F" and iMoore to represent the Common- Gip Watkins and wife went to

Traumri," on the organ by|


Hopkinsville Monday.

Miss Ciwendolen Haynes, .Juil;;c Henderson ^ave vijrer-' The Dixie Spar & Lead Co.

The bridal party marched to ous insirucliono to the grand , shipped two car loads of spar

the altar while the sweet strainsj

jurors, calling special attention|this week

of Lohengrin's weddint? n arch to the illicit sale of all intoxi- Rev. J. M. Hicks was in Ma-

came from the organ. During cants, iramlilmg, dice, play iuKfor rion Monday and subscribed for

the ceremony Miss Haynes I prizes, whether on the trroundj the Press,

softly played "Hecause " or in the parlor. He rushesi ^^^^.^ ^^^^

Miss Carolyn Pitts of ^ '•^^k-^"IJ' tij"'™ !> WM here Monday at-

burg. Miss., former college

chum and rncm-mate t' the

bride was maid of honor and

Mr. Percy Lund of Chicago the

!/'• t man. Others accompany-

ing the bridal parly to the altar irett was tried and convicted for

wire Mrs. Maurie N. Boston, bigamy and sent to the pen for gressive farmer of Mattoon was

sister-in-law ..f the t.ride .md 'three years. shakin>r hands here Monday.

Ted Boston, brother of the: Dewey Davenport charged Mr. J. A. Wood of Snider,

hride. jwith assault and battery pled 1 Qk la., was in Marion Monday.

Little Miss Virginia Tavlor. as guilty and was fine.! "'i He is visiting his mother in the

Hower girl, and Master Johni W; Ki.Brttt «»r«fticienn Jailur. Piney section,

Richard Boston as ring bearer| i^pp,,;, g jigg^ ^oart room* and

made (juite a charming couple., tries to make every body com-

The hride was charmingly at-f(„.tal.l,..

ired in a traveling suit of held

making it hard on ^l e trans-^^^^.^

gressor. but easy on the lawi

abiding citizen. IBowling Green is to have

„ . . , , another National Bank with aTwo cases have been tned hy

stock of 1125000.the I iimiiii nwealth. J. B. Bar-,

Mr. Gus Summerville a pro-

Mr. and Mrs, .lohn McConnell

Henry Lynn, wife and two

daughters were visitors Snnday

of Mr and Mrs. Nathan Perry-

man.The paotracted meeting is

„^.n piogreai here, ^^i'^*^^^^,,,,

r.A^,, c,royo church, spentFox delivers some splendid ser


REDUCED PRICESPressing Cleaning


SUITS, sponged and pressed


PANTS, " ".


" COAT suns .








Send your work lo the old reliable preMlnt

ilMp. WtivaruileelothreyottMllifAelioB.

J.G. HUNTER(Successor t«) fciasley Hunter)

Telephone 303 Soulh Side Square


( larn't Towery of Providence

was here Sunday.

Uncle Gus Lacy fell off a

= wagon load of shock fodder and

E is in a serious condition.

1 1 Frank iiuyd was in Princeton


si t). F. Towery is confined to

gjhis nxiin with a had cold.

IAn airplane passeil over here


il Judge Jas A. Mooie and his

njtwo lawyer sons happened in the

f Press otiice together one day last

£ Week. Judge Moore is the ef-

ficent city attorney. A. C. is a

prominent lawyer, not only of

this bar, but of western Ken-

tucky, John A. is our alert

county attorney and a successful


Mrs.C. B. Hint and Mrs. W.

E. Belt were in to 8ei> the Press

force last Friday. Come again.

Mrs, A. A. Deboe and wife

were In Marion Betuiday shop*


Mrs. George Drury of Cald-

well county was In Marion Bat*

Saturday night and Sunday with

her mother. Mrs. Antonia Priee.

Miss Adeline Carter attended

the Rudgers-Boston wedding at

Marion Saturday.

Miss Sallie Sullenger was the

guest Saturday night of Miss

Leecie LaKue.

Mrs. Florence Harpending and

son, Hnyden, attended services

at Union Saturday and were vis-

itors at the home of her sister,

Mrs. Ada Ferryman.

Mr. Stenibridge. Miss Nation,

Mr. Sleamaker and Miss Vada

("ain. motored over from Tolu

Sunday to hear Will Cannan

talk at Union church. They

were guisis for dinner of Mr.

and Mrs. (.'ecil Lialtue. Almost

all our young people were with

them toenioy Mr. and Mrt. La-

Rue's hospitality.


mousi' l.niwn and carried a

beautiful botjuet of bride's

ri>si'.s. Miss Pitts and Mrs.

B si Mil carrieil yellow and white


Immediately after the cere-

mony the hride and gr«)om left their honeymoon, which will

be spent in the south. They

dr 've to Crayne. thus e.-w-aping

a deluge of rice and old shoes

w, III. 11' 111 vain for them at the

.Marion .station.

Mrs. Rodgers was Uirn and

raised in Marion and has as

many friends as she has aquain-

tances. being a decided favorite

among the young people. She

wa.'" ediiiiiti'd in the Marion

schools and at Ward-Belmont,

in Nashville and Woman's Col-

h'ge. Montgomery. Ala.

.Mr. Rodgers is a nephew of

Thos. H. Cochran, of this city,

and spent some of his childhood

111 .Marion uiid is well aeiiiem-

bered by his boyhood acquain-

tance He 1^ MOW in liiisiness

in I'aducah, where the couple

will make their home.

Rochester A McCarthy sold

this week a farm in Livingston

county forieOOO, and the Reed

Attorney lia D.Smith of i Wilbom f*rm in this county for

Hopkinsville is attending court 113600.

— -Nothing is more unoenfort-

Uome Boy Marrie.s able than troublesome kidneys.

1 • * Use Solvax and begin to get theLex.nKton t-rl.


j^,,,^^^^^^^^ g^,^

The following announcement|Haynes A Tkyhir.

was received by ffiends here;Mr. C. W. Biady. wife, bebe

this week: .jg^p^ left Marion WedoM-Mrs. F. B. Beckett annotinces

j^,,. ^j^^^ ^^^^^^ y,^^the marriage of her 'laughter, K^^y

^,j„ ^p^^^ ^^^^ ^Hazel Virginia, to William Henry I


Rochester on Saturday, the hf-

The Rev. James F. Price is

aow nnaking a tour of the

churehee, organising themeadar

the New Era movement TInr

Iwve already made their sab>

iscriptions to the New Era move*Carnahan. wife. I

^^^^^^ organising

them tor spiritual and missio-

nary work. He visited Dawson.

Providence, Shiloh and Sturgis

last week in the Presbytery of

Princeton. This week he will

visit the following churches In

the Presbytery of Logan. Chaly-

beate Springs. Pine Grove,

Smith's Grove, Rustellville and

Pleasant Hill. He will preach

' next Sunday at Dixon, Ky.

teenth of November 1919, Louis-

ville. Ky.

At home after the first of De-

cember in Marion—

Mr. Wtwo sons

Clara Carnahan left Marion on

the 8th, for Ljh Angeles. Cal-

ifornia .Mr. Carnahan and fam-

ily will make California their

future home. Mrs. Clara Car-

nahan will return to Kentucky

next Spring.

Rev. W. T. Oakley and Virgil

St«>ne are in a good meeting at


Miss Sarah Blue of Morgan

field was the guest of Miss Vir

ginia Blue last week.

F. W. Wastjer, Kvansville sup-

ply man, was in town a few days

last week.

Mrs. J. \V. and daugh-

ters Miss Virginia and Mrs. J.

H. Recque and their visitor. Mrs.

Krausse of St. Louis. s|»eiit

Thursday in M»»rgantield.

Just received car load Jersey

heifers, heavy springers. They

are all for sale. Call at our farm

and see them if interested. Prices

are right, l. K ( rider Cream-

ery Co. Fredonia, Ky. '2t.

Bankers Life Company

Dn MtiMi, hm

Mrs. Frank Newcoin and son

Billie left Wednesday for Hend-

erson, where they will make

their future home, with Mr.


For Sale Cheap100 acres Fredonia Valley land

St Livingston tank. AIMn culti-

vation. Splendid limestone land' N,!^veom who ii

good iinproveinenU, 2 miles from I Henderson county.

Fredonia. train stops on farm.1

One half cash, balance in X or Vernie Summers one of our

10 years at 6'A. Must sell before lUp-to-daU teechwrs was In the

November nth. Call or wriu|PrsMoaoe Saturday on busi-

ledA. BtnaMt, Kutlawa. Ky.

Issues the ''Bankers

Insurance Contract.

The lateit and best Life Insurance

contract known.

For full particulars see


Marion, Ky. Oflke in Concrete Bldg.

Page 2: mH j BAZAAR · 2015. 7. 13. · Volume42. HarkM,CrittendenCowty,Kentvcky,Friday.Nov.21,1919. Number17. iHlHimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMMiniiiiiniiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiMiiniiiic


He not only inspired his party

Markm. Ky., Nov. 21, 1919. but demonstrated hit ability as a


Zu*^ D We salute you. Governor-electEditor* and Pubhshera. i _ ' . .•. ^ .

. _ jas our Governor and will stand

Entered » «econd-cia»» matter Feb. by you in every effort t .> makeruary 9th. 1878. at th» noroffire »t a better and yreater Kentui'ky.Marian, Kentui'l<y, ur. i 'r the Act of


CongrvM of Mar< t:



THROUGH TRIALAfter you eat—always take



$1.50 per year cash in advance.

EDWIN P. MOUROWThe candidate for Governor on

the Republican ticket achieved a

most wonderful victory in our

late election.

CASTORIAFor Infants and Children

InUm ForOv»r30YftarsAtwmyi beats


Slgnatan ot

"I'm »>7 lint I l\» l Yolinjr

And Strong;, Since L sing

Trutona," Stephens



Louisville, Ky., Nov. 14.-

"I'm sixty-seven years old but'

regardless i.f nr. a^;e I tV.!

yi.iinj; and strong today, since

taking: I'rutona." Joseph Steph-

ens, a Louisville carpenter who

IniUnll) r»li»vr. HMTtbum. Bk>*l»d(_F#«lmi. S!. p« iBdiirr*!!. I . f.»] •uijniia r*-PMliDc, all Ui«uian> mii«rt«« c«u««a I

Acid-StomachEATOMCi. Ilwlailniiwdi. Trniof

HiKji iron>1rr<ullr hnwettd IV«rliv«lrantat^ t < i i r « • 'I r« ' - vl rx<n«yOail anJ s t < ti... t..l.. > .11 » I

HA\ Ni S TAVLOKAturioii, K}.


:— — _ H |B

Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured


Hismajority over J. 1). Black, th> jii.a..j ton a ih« aar Thtr. u hvts at 3411 West Kentnckv '^t'only on« way to tare catarrhal dfafneaa

aiunai i.coi rv^.ll^ul^^ oi..Eld that !• by a ^..nititiitiunal rrm«4i Said reCentH'


Democratic candidate. wasaKoui

4000C', in a Democratic State.I'atarrLal P«afn«M is cauaad b) an ID'

flamvJ conditiub of tb« mucoua linint oftha EualtcbUn Tub*. WhM thl* tub* I*

ftp nifldp l.Sd snpeche« in thp influnad rou hav* t rumbua« Mund or im-ne msut: ia\i speetiies in me p„,„, h«rinf. and whtn u •miniycloaad. Dcafoaaa If tbr raaultinflammation can t>* r*Juc»J i

raatorej t:. iti n rma; ..unianu.n, b»arinswill I* Jritro)til rurr\«r Many casta ofd*a'r r.t art ^.ius» I *. catarrh, which is

an i:.*4nif 1 .or. ir.rn cf th* muc -'js aur-facta Halls t^'atarrh Mtdiclnt acta thruth* blood on Ibt muccjs s..rracrs of ibr•rattm.W* will gtrt Ont RuBdrad Dollar* tor

*Bir esM of Calarrbal 0*a(a*M tkat aaaaoib* etmd by Hair* Caurrb H*4Ma*. Ofeoian tr**. All Drvitlita Tte.

r. 3. CBE.VET A CO.. T*t*«a, a

State and won votes each tin.e.

His strong personality and su-

perior eloquence as wtll a.s con-

stant jironiise that he would I

clean iiouse won the day.

This gives him a wonderful:

opportunity after having gained

Strouse §Bros.livansvllle, Ini

2- 1




You have found that everything youhuy c sts more than it formerly did.

It a;iplie.-' to e\ery riecfssity of life aswell as the things y.>u wear.

You will tind that clothes cost too

much to attempt to let the price markdecide what what you shall buy. It is

all right to experiment if you care to

when things are normal, but now therisk is too great.

There is no risk when you buy HighArt clothes. The High Art guaranteeis just as broad as it ever was. HighArt pricings are just as fair in everyway as they were 5, or 10, or 50 yearsago. You will find you still get themost for your money here.

"I had a bad cough," Mr.

._ Stephens said in describing hisVait** thtl.,, .„ ••ii .1

nd this tub' Cdse. 1 'iini ).' ti;i ^t \i rt' win-

ter of ltUMyl8 1 moved fromthe country into town and con-


tracted a I'ad cold at that time.

1 didn't dare to e.\ert myself as

I would invariably suffer a se-

vere coughing spfll if I did. I

think I ustd eveiy cough syrupI could tind and I tried several

other means hut I didn't get re-

lief from the cotivih until I l>e-

gan using Trutona.

"My friends told me I looked

wTetched and I certainly felt

tl.a; ..a;, hd'orc I began taking

Trutona. 1 came home fromthe south, where I had been

working, iiresunialil-. t 'die. Imt

now I feel like a ditferent man.The severe cough has practically I

disappeared now. .As I said.

I'm feeling young and strong at


the age of sixty-seven.

Here is another of thousandsof cases where Trutona lias

brought lonL' tiefdod relief after

other medicines had failed. Theperfect tonic is almost unfailing

in its successful treatment of


stomach, liver and bov\el trou-

jbles. nervousness, sleeplessness,

loss of appetite and the like. Asa reconstuc'ive tonic, systempurifier and body invigorant,

jTrutona is equally as efficient

' Trutona is now bein|5: intro-

duced and explained in Marion

' at Jas. H. Orme's. Adv.

I i:ai*!t. Pm.

Reas. ' 2—Becni - it taffl74MM"—ao ;,.•„ . I i> ' »(|| e(Ibebar-ri I nM>cli«rkkfa

Wicaa nctM.


V>k I's

I ''.\pl.tln


Cigarettes made to

meet your taste!

Oimels are oflered you as a cigarette entirely

out ol the Drdinary -u flavor and smoothness

never before attained. To best realize their qual

ity cowparf Camols with any dgantte in

(hv Mor/i/ at any price!

Camels flavor is so retreshmg, so enticing, it wlU

win you at once—it is so new and unusual. That's

what Camels expert blend of choice Turkish and

choice Domestic tobacco yives you! You'll prefer

this blend to either Idndoftobaccosmoked straight


As you smoke Camels, you'll note absence ot

any unpleasant cinHretty aftertaste or any un-

pleasant cigaretty odor. And, youll be delighted

to discover that you can smoke Camels Ubarally

without tiring your taatel

Take Ciimels at any anRlf-thfv stirrlv supply

cigarette contentment beyond anyttiinj; you ever

experienced. They're a eiiarette revelation


You di) not miss coupias, preniiiimsw gifts.

You'll prctcr Cainels quality'

Fred Durham of Slurgis wasin Marion Tuesday on business.

Dr. Inrelkeld of Dawson,Springs is visiting relatives ini

the city.

Parcel rasHi^piion Mail Orticrc

V#e Hefund



LIbaral aaaartmaaland full v»liM« pa'.t

Friday, November 28thone-half mile southwest of

BLACKFORD, the Ben Thurman farm,

I will offer for sale to the highest and best bidder the fol-

lowing described property to-wit:

One horse, one mare, one cow, one male

calf, two hogs, farming tools, household

and kitchen furniture, if not sold before./*

Terms of lale: Five dollarsand under, cash in hand; over

five dollars note on twelve months' time. .


We have an up-to-date

line of


A complete line of

HOUDAY GOODSWagons, Trains, Autos, Dolls,

Rockers and Tops of

all kinds.

Dunn & Gregory

Fredonia, Ky.

.Mrs. Imuh Koltinske> wa- m .Mis- h\ Clement of Korda

Kvansville H few (lavs this w« ek \:> rt\ i> u<«iting friends here

shopping. this week.

Al> Henrv wn.s in Whestcmft <iut>«' Ahle i>f .Smithland was

Tuesday on business here this week attending court.

BEN H. THURMAN,Blackford, Kentucky.

Real Estate Bargains I

'Mt'i acres in Marion, eight!

room brick house, electric lights,


four barns, two wells, twoj

springs and cistern. Nic-t

property on the market in Ma-

rion. The price $12,000.00 will

<ell it quick.I

IKi acns smen mile- from

Marion, near Levias, 'i niile|

fmm church and good school, i

four roiPiii house, two barns,

good sprmg in center ol farm, i

Price $6,000.00,

KJ'j acres three miles north of

Marion, well watered, three

room house, barn. Price $2r).00


Also other tine properties. If

you don't see what you want

here, see me. W. £. Uklt,

Marion, Ky.

Presley Henry, who has been

working at Akron., Ohio, camehome Sunday to remain until his

foot, which WM seriously hurt

in a stn i'i csrsceidant. ptrmiti

bia return.



Kev. H. K. Short. Pastor

Ui.'JO a. m.—Sunday .Sch<Mil.

11:00 a. m—Sermon

6:00 p. m. -Epworth Lesgue

Complete Line of

Hot Water Bottles and

Fountain Syringes

Remember We (!arr\ All Sizes of

Window Glass and All Colors

of Diamond Dyes

Our New Stock of Wall

Paper Has Arrived


"All thst the Names Implies."


Rev. J. B. Trotter, Pastor.

!•:.'{<• ;i. m Sunday .School.

1 1 :00 a. m.—Sermon by iwstur.

6:00 p. m.—B. Y. P. U.

7:00 p. m. -Sermon by putor.

First Presbyterian

Rev. H. V. Escott, Pastor.

a. m. .Siind.iy .S«-liiio|.

1 1 ;00 a. ni.—Sermon by pustur,

7K)0 p. m.—Sermon by pastor.

CasiberisBd Presbyterian

Rev. T. Newman. Pastor

»:3(i a. m.. Sunday School.

11:00 s. m., Sermon by Pastor7:00 p. m., SinaoB by Pittor.

A Good Restaurant

-is an asset to any dty. This

Restaarant n a good one.

Don't take our word-come and

see for yourself.

Givens' RestaurantNMtiiSidkSfMr*

Page 3: mH j BAZAAR · 2015. 7. 13. · Volume42. HarkM,CrittendenCowty,Kentvcky,Friday.Nov.21,1919. Number17. iHlHimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMMiniiiiiniiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiMiiniiiic

Mr, and Mis. K. E. James, of

Akrw. Ohio, left for their homeFVIdty «fter t two weeks' visit

!ii rr thi'ir parents.

Mrs V. L Stone and little


dauKhier. Clara, an* in Wluat-croft this week attenditiK the

revival meetinK.

Farm Home Insurance

Our Specialty

Thduiili we can take rare of ynu

onan> kindul FiKEIiNSlKANCL


Miss Nelle Walker (',. W. Lamb

W. T. Perkint of Bowling I

(Jreen was in Marion last week.


Mrs. V V. Charles atU'iiiU'd

the funeral of her cousin. Ku-

l>erta (!lifton of Kuttawa last

week. She came home by wayof Paducah.

Mrs. Gus Taylor attended the

II. arnc-Akin wedding in Prince-

ton last wffk.

Mrs. laura VVriKhi and

datiKhter, Miss Kate, are Kuests

of relatives in Princeton.


m Wtth Headache

or NervooiincBa?

Don't you know eye trouble

causes these very things?

Dr. Gilchrist

I A. Hu^rhes was in Morvran-

Held un bu.siness Monday



Jesse L LaskyPresents

^^Sessue Hayakawa'*

Mrs Wtn Marnt'lt and her

daughter. Mrs. .McDonald, were

in Evansville last week shoppinK-

-No need suffering any more

with . atan li, Haynes & Taylor

k'uarantee thai if a Hyomei out-

lit does not relieve you, they will

pay for il themselves.

Misses Mcrtic Tr;i\is and M.\ -

rile Walker were in Fredonia

shopping Monday. i

Ml- Waiter .McConnell and

.Mrs. W. F. Wheeler went to

i'redonia Monday to do some


if you aiT tiiT\ciu> listless and

weak, tr.\ taking' a couple of

Hitfertone Tal.lets three times

and u day. Haynes & Taylor offers

' them on a Kuarantee to brace you

uii or nionev back.

Mrs. K. (

was in the city Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Dana

spent the week-end in Prince

toil w itli friends.

.Mr. and Mrs. .J. L. Paris were

in F^varisville Tuesday and Wed-


Lniiriie .McCarthy of Mlackford

wasiti town 'i'uesdav on husitiess.

Mrs. K. M. Crider ..f Black-

ford was the ifucst Tuesday of

her cousin Miss Irene Travis.

Mrs. W. Stewart of Stur^is

was the guest of friends here


1... A. ('rider and wife are in

Deanwood. Miss., visiting his



brother. J. W. Crider.

Reeder. of Mexico Kd .McKce and his rnothi-r left

Tue.sday ffor jFla., where they

Wood spend the winter.

For a succession of good laughs

V(j to the Colored .Minstrels at

Miss Annice Boston spent thei'^'^and Tbeatre next Wednesday

the! night.

Nell Be sine and sec the Colored

,Minstrel composed of 12 people

at Strand Theatre next Wednes-


Kuest of

'rr a\ IS.

Mr. C.

in Henderson,

her sister, Mrs.

SATURDAY, NOV. 22Jesse L Lasky


"Cecil B. DeMiUeVProduction

"OLD WIVES FOR NEW"Dm-; \,.or husband ever wish you were young again? Will

the love of l)ecenil)er bo the same sweet love of May? What do

the years that are passing and the silver threads that ard coming

mean to you?

This picture mav mean a life of happiness for you.

Don't miss it



Gladys Brockwell


"Mlin & JEFF

Thusrday Nov. 27Special Feature

Charles ChaplinIn hi8 second million dollar picture



AlhrMrMi amult onth* Hum. REX BEACITO

mendous drama

The Brand

W. Gi»dlove returned

to Hopkinsville. Tuesday, afterJ

^ay night

having spent several days hprp|


with Mrs. (ioodlove.

Mr. Willie Binkley of Morgan-

Held is in town this week on


Mr. and Mr.s. Isaac Ddlard. uf

Repton, spent the week-end

with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

A. II. Travis. i

Mrs. Raymond Guess, of Pre-


donia, spent the week-end with!

her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. S.


Mrs. J. L. Lane arrived .Sundayi

from Talladega. Ala., and will

spend the wmler here With Mr.

Lane, who is in the Fluor Spar


Kx-Mayor G. W. Stone has

moved into his new residence on

Elm Street.

J. W. Tosh. wife, and little

son, Johnny Kay, were In the

Press ollice Wediiesdax He is

a industrious farmer of the

Piney section.

V. L. Drennan was m the

Press oiliee on business Wednes-


Ted Brown and family of Ma-

ti«m. B. F. Drennan and family

of Deanwood and Mollis Tudd of

Enon were guests of Dr. W. C.

Kemp and family at Dixon Sun-


- Mi-()-Na Stomach Tablets re-

lieve biliousness, dizziness and

indigestion, or money back. Ask

Haynes & Taylor.

Miss Marjorie Beavers, of

Frances, was in Marion .shop-

ping Monday.

Miss Tom Searcy left for

Nashville Monday, where she

will spend the winter with her

sister. Mrs. J. J. Jackson.I

Mrs. A. M. HackettleftThurs-|

day for her home in l.ivermore,,

K.\ . after spending two months

{ here with her sister. Mrs. W. N.


Miss Carrie ,\in8worth. of Ca-

sad. was in town shopping Mon-


.let Nunn, of Sullivan, was

the guest of his father, Eli

Nunn, Sunday.

Dr. .1. K. Cilchnst spent Sun-

day in Dawson Spring's.

Mrs. Klla 0"Brient returned

to her home in Nashville Mon-

day after n visit here with her

brother, Ur. 0. C. Cook, and


Winfred Kunyan W«nt to

Princeton Saturduy and brought

home home a new Dodge ear.

Mrs. Tom Waller, of Moiya"

field, attended the Kwlger-Bos-

ton weihliiiK: last Saturday.

R. F. Haynes was in liouis-

ville this week tn busihess.

Kd PeiT\ of f{.-ptot, V, as in

the city Wednesdax shoupii.u.

Rev. T. C. Newman left Tues-

day for Ix>ui8ville to he absent

several davs

Mr. Joe (i. Hranlly a pros|jei-

ous farmer of Nunns Sta. was

attending court Monday.

.Miss Krma Perrv left for

VVashiaKlon. D. C., .^'at unlay

where she will resume her work

after a two weeks' visi here

with her mother. Mas. George


G. M. (iunibert refereed thei

football game between the Louis-

ville Male High School and

Owensboro High .School, which

was played in Owensboro last


Rev, Robt Johnson anii .son,|

Keen, have purchased The Miror, I

a |)aper publihsed in Elizabeth-


town. Ky.. from Mr. C. .M. ;

Yates. Mr. Yates is retained


as business mana^ri'r. Here's to <

you, father and son. for a suc-

sessful career.|


A voting horse, will work any-

where. Price reasonable.

l7-2t' Mi!S. S. K .M \iiTi\.

liO i-AK BACK'


Engliih Towns That Have Bmii tiu»llthad for OwturiM, and Almeal

Iqualty Ois FamiUM.

A itoij eomiDR fron tb« pictui^

ctque ritlagF of Lyntou in Devon-

ihire. Kti;.'laiid, of a r(>M'!iTit of

three icore aud tea who infoniieiJ a

visitor that his father mtf "\i|>-tain

patting grandfatliiT to bed," recalls

another intere^^tiMK example of De-

TOiiiau links with anolliiT -I'titury.

Thf hainict of Wreyland on tin- little

stream Itiiowu as the \Vre> i> <kiii-

posed of but aiz houaea. Four of

these come within the wide sweep

of tieaiitiful Devonshire Im, Nciij*

conitiian li'd by an emiueiice in the

distrut Each of the four was the

manor of a Ssioo thane in the days

of Edward the Confesior, and eadi

wa« inrii ribed in the Domesday book

of William I^the first Vluclei,

now Wooley; the aecond, Polebroch,

now Pullabrook; the third Hanoe*

more, now Hswkesmere, and ths

fourth Kilaiisford, now Elufor 1 Vo

cnrdiiii! to a book recently pniilishe'l

by the owner of one of thf houaee

it I- not only the homeateads that

possess so ranarkaUe a tradition,

miico there are families in the ham-

let of no leas hiatoric intereot than

the houaas in whiA they dvalL

\LI.0110L I'EH (XNT'



CASTORIAFor Infants and Children.

Mothers Know That

Genuine Castoria





neither Opium, Morphinenor


Punpkm SmJ


(;onst nation andDwrrhoM

ivvcrishness and


Facsimile Si<nstsrerf

•ffli Bears the



f Wrapper.



For Over

Thirty Years


Mrs, Aubrey Cannan, who has

been visitii'u lici

Ash( r w h • lui!'

lioiiie in Bowliny (!reen. return

ed home Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rodgera

father. .lohn 1 have returned to their home in

ill at his j Owensboro after attending the

wedding of their son, which

took place here Saturday.


Mrs. Fred Hopper of Memphis

is the irnest of her parents, T.

,1. Yandcil and wife.

Mrs. John Martin of Sullivan

was the jyuest Tuesday of her

sister. Mrs. John Pickens.



. SkinAffectionsThese lire usually mure

than "skin deep." 8uf-

fen>ni fruni akin affections

hnve fuiiiid the longed-for

relief in

"The Wdterw.iy to Htsllh*

.•\n .\iiu i 1. ..11 Mi ilu MiH- Will'. 111. till. I .11 tl""

siiiiiii;, willioia aiu comliii-

miin or lorlilyiiiK. Xol a

drastic cathartic but a mildalterative and rcconstmctive.

HAPPY CHILDHOODChildhood days are happy days to the robustchild; they are intended to be days of growth.

mimwmbrings to a child that 5s not thnving, nowsr t'-,;vt si ifaiivj

strerjth—sub tai.c'j ihat determines ftrowlh. . roff'*

is concentrated tonic-nourishment \vhich is readi^ aMon^lated and transmuted into strength.

Give Scott's EmuUhn to growing children often»Jhc cxcliuivt irn<l>> of cod-liwr r it imcd In Saatt'i rwhliii It Itac famoo*8. » B. PnccM," matft In .\'.-» .iy and rciinni in our Mm Ametkm

MbeialotlM. II it • iiur«uin '.t pnHtr e-.l paliUbUtr auwiusMd.Scot; .'t M 'iTuf . It' ' ' •;.



Holiday Shopping



"1 know a woman who iifvi-r talks

about Hiiybody «\»e and «lio does

Dot even liatan to ii<-aiidal whea oth-

ers KiTo Qtteranos of it"j

"Poor thing I Was she timtyi

and dombf*

All aViar.l III • K >l I it 'l I- "f \'

frMSM Khindllir dayo. Id N IIKAi H S

HMSt vnHSMal drama of Hi" *vif<>» Kny

Mf and aolaMs eaat. ii p h ii<'>iiw\i< rripasr». Kr«l Major and Bent-

s... ihrfr./.-.. NnrthlandlntheI

Cadiz. Kv.. s|H'nt

.Ji^r^li.' S.'i.'tKV''""''"'" "»""

iMrs. )L W. Crider of kutUwa


When a I nub is amputai<it n{*-

eial attention baa to be paul to the

nenres, Vot these, m Dr. K>ln>d MComar pointed out in his raoent

Hsnreiaa lecttirs ia lioodon, have

III!' ptN'iiliar (mmer of ri'i^'MPrstirin.

Thcv will invade all conliffuous

Structure, auoh u bones, TeseeU and

mnsdss, ia a wild growth betwsas

the rails

Till' pmn i-oiiM^qiient on an ampu-

tation IS iliir to the riittiiiK of tho

iifr\>'>, It^ awaj in a trv days.

But if the wound be infected tht iB>

fktioB sprsodi I* the nsrvss sal

prtxliK-ea neuritia

IXhioT Corasr Mid th» dividfd

nerves muat be ent short, thnr

mouths must bt dossd and infrotion

muat bs avoided b| akstaiaiag (Ma

64 Doses $1.00 \

huidUag aad maaipaiatioa.

Dose: Tablespoonful ia

a glass ol water

l'ri'«» rilicti li> physi'

>UM> lor nuitlHulivMi,

iiiiliiiiilioii. rlicmii.nic

, alli < lioM-. Iiifili l>loi)J

Ipti'oiirr anil lurdrninKllir arlrtic«

(In pr r .< t t|>lija

tun 111 •) « '»r

.IrnRKMi r'ftr

25 and 35 cents.lis the guaat of bar psrtnta,

and IteJoa Moon.

variety and quality of the

Holiday Goods we display this year

is fairly complete considering the

difficulty of obtaining such merchan-

dise this year. Will be most pleased

to see you in Fredonia and in our


Our 8tock.s in the followinK lines are alway coni'

pli'U' and up-to-the-minute:


Farm Implementa



Tht DtvontanMinfral tpfing Co

! Im t»r|"ttaif ! ^

JOYFUL EATimIMass |«wM U dliesMa srtlh.

eat the i>inaalh ct palalul ad*».the icy la lilMa airt ol bedi eatin«

and bvii*

RIMOIDSra irondcrliil in ihi 'i V to il.r

tomach UoubMPImuhI to lako^feMaf pnmwH wia



Page 4: mH j BAZAAR · 2015. 7. 13. · Volume42. HarkM,CrittendenCowty,Kentvcky,Friday.Nov.21,1919. Number17. iHlHimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMMiniiiiiniiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiMiiniiiic