mi voice summer 2008

inside features AGM results p2 | Christmas appeal p3 | ilikeyou portraits p6 | clout! p10 | our annual winners p11 Registered with the Department of Human Services Print Post Approved 350190 / 00023 ISSN 0816 7877 summer 2008 issue112 mi voice Open Mind Fiesta p6-7

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Mi Voice Summer 2008


Page 1: Mi Voice Summer 2008

inside features AGM results p2 | Christmas appeal p3 | ilikeyou portraits p6 | clout! p10 | our annual winners p11

Registered with the Department of Human Services Print Post Approved 350190 / 00023 ISSN 0816 7877

summer 2008

issue 112


Open Mind Fiesta p6-7

Page 2: Mi Voice Summer 2008

The Hon. Robert Knowles AO

from our president


The legal status of MI Fellowship changed in 2001

from an incorporated association to a company

limited by guarantee. This change was prompted by

legal advice that our size and functions had outgrown

the legal protections offered by the association

status and that protection of member assets and

regulatory compliance were better covered through

company limited by guarantee status. Consequently

the constitution changed to reflect the new status

and postal voting was introduced.

This was the first year since 2001 that we had more

candidates than director positions, prompting the postal

vote. We thought it prudent to appoint an external

returning officer to conduct the ballot. The outcome

of the vote is that Elaine Price, Louise Milne-Roch,

Jennifer King and Theo Krambias have been appointed

directors for the next three years.

In feedback about the election some of you told us that

you did not know the directors, so we have decided to

fix that by profiling a director in each newsletter starting

with Theo Krambias.

New to the board

Theo is new to the board, however he has a long-

standing relationship with MI Fellowship. He brings to

the board a range of skills in property development,

which will be a considerable asset to us as we continue

to advocate for housing. Our services are run from both

rented and MI Fellowship facilities and we are running

out of space in many of these locations; his skills will be

most useful in planning a way forward.

I am pleased to report the results of the election and outcomes

of this year’s annual general meeting.


summer 2008 mivoice

Cover photograph by www.urbanartistry.com.au (9416 5076)

Office bearers

I also let the meeting know that the constitution requires

that the new board meets before the AGM to elect the

office bearers, and I am pleased to tell you that I was

elected president for the next year; Louise Milne-Roch,

deputy president; Jenny King, treasurer, and Dianne

Brown, secretary. These office holders were then elected

to chair the board committees: executive, appointments

and governance, finance audit and resource

management and directions committees in the order they

are presented here.

Special business

The proposed change to the constitution was passed

and now allows directors an open ended term of office,

in line with good governance. At this meeting we

were privileged to give awards to seven people. John

McGrath, Member of the Order of Australia, received the

Blickle Award. I encourage you to read about the award

winners and their contributions on page 11.

Gill Callister executive director of the Department of

Human Services Mental Health and Drugs Division was

our guest speaker. It was very encouraging to hear her

say that there was a clear intention to redevelop and

invest in mental health in Victoria. The new policy for

Victoria ‘Because Mental Health Matters’ is in its final

draft and is expected to be available late this year or

early next year. We will keep you informed on these

developments. Gill also let us know that the consultation

for the review of the Mental Health Act would start in

January/ February 2009. As soon as we have details

available we will put these on our website. I encourage

you to participate in our consultation by contacting

Stacia Beazley to register your interest.

contents from our chief executive p3 | new respite options p4 | mental health week p5 | open mind fiesta p6 | people and their stories p8 | news bites p9 | clout! p10 | MI Fellowship award winners p11

Page 3: Mi Voice Summer 2008

3mivoice summer 2008

from our chief executive

A series of analyses published recently

in Victoria chronicle the main ways in

which people with mental illness are

excluded in our society. Some of this

evidence is shown on this page.

Social exclusion affects not just quality of life

now for people with mental illness, it also

affects long-term health and social outcomes.

It’s for good reason that social inclusion is a

key objective of government policy makers.

Ahead of its time, MI Fellowship has been

working to reverse the social exclusion of

people with mental illness over many years

and across a broad range of fronts that are

well documented in this year’s annual report.

Social inclusion is the theme of this issue

of MI Voice as we report on the special public

activities of Mental Health Week and Open

Mind Fiesta. These events bring people

with mental illness into the forefront of our

community and provide many opportunities

to challenge stigma and demonstrate inclusion.

We have also been active recently in our

advocacy to Government about other crucial

areas: housing and homelessness, mental

health services, carer services, and most

recently pensions income. These factors

are significant in themselves, however their

combined effect can dramatically compound

the problems of social exclusion.

Our submission to the federal pensions review

argued that the basic income provided by the

disability support pension is unrealistically

low, and that two critical issues which make

things worse are poor housing affordability

and inflexible arrangements for transfer from

pension to work and back again. We argued

that the disability support pension should

provide a comprehensive safety net that allows

people to keep stable and secure housing at

times when they are unable to work. We also

argued for improved flexibility and financial

security around workforce participation for

pensioners with mental illness.

MI Fellowship’s Christmas appeal in 2008

aims to raise funds for projects and services

that address the complex causes behind

social exclusion. We will focus on projects

that support people to live independently and

to link up with their local communities, to

take up opportunities to study or to re-enter

the workforce, to make and to keep friends.

The truism ‘nothing succeeds like success’

applies to the process of social inclusion:

once a person gains a foothold in one area of

life, this success can be generalised to other

domains. Strength builds upon strength.

We look forward to your support in our

continuing work to bring about social

inclusion for people with mental illness, their

families and friends. Best wishes for a safe

and happy Christmas and New Year 2009.

Twenty-five years on from de-institutionalisation, people with mental illness

are still living outside and below the standards of mainstream Australian life.

Elizabeth Crowther

Why social inclusion matters

• 85% of people with serious

mental illness are reliant on

government pensions as their

main source of income.

Most of these pensioners

have limited savings

• 27% of people with

psychiatric disability are buying

their own home, compared to

the Australian average of 70%

• 42% of people with mental

illness live in marginal housing

circumstances, including

homelessness or insecure

and substandard housing

• Workforce non-participation

among people with psychotic

disorders in Australia is more

than 72%

• Social isolation is a common

experience for people with

serious mental illness:

> Nearly half of those with

serious mental illness

report they do not share

meals with others, and

40% report that they

watch television alone;

39% report having

no ‘best friend’ and nearly

half feel that they need

good friends in their lives.

Page 4: Mi Voice Summer 2008


> Two-day retreats for:

• Carers (incorporating Well Ways Snapshot

– a MI Fellowship education program)

• Persons with a mental illness

• Couples, where one/both people

have a mental illness


> In-home support for the person with a mental illness:

• Planned and time limited

• To allow the carer to attend a retreat if required

• Rapid response respite (within 24 hours) should a

situation arise where unplanned support is needed

> Regular, time limited and goal oriented social groups for the

person with a mental illness (some after hours)

> Other options are being developed in response to the needs

of each region and feedback from carer organisations.

summer 2008

Mi Respite Options, an exciting new initiative of Mental Illness Fellowship Victoria, is being developed in Gippsland,

Southern Metro, Barwon, Eastern Metropolitan Melbourne, Western Melbourne and East and West Hume, with

funding from the Commonwealth Government. These respite programs take a whole family approach to providing

flexible and responsive respite options focusing on the needs of carers or people with a mental illness. These

programs are aimed primarily, but not exclusively, at older carers to give them a break from their caring role.

gtake a break – new respite options


A number of programs are currently being offered including:

For more information or to register for mi respite options, contact:

MI Fellowship 8486 4200 for your regional respite coordinator’s details.

christmas spending boostAs part of the Government’s package to stimulate the economy, carers and disability support pensioners can count on a lump sum payment in December.

Pensioners and carer payment recipients will receive

one-off payments of $1400 to singles and $2100 to

couples. People who are receiving carer allowances

will get $1000 for each person being cared for.

The payments will be made automatically through

Centrelink in the fortnight beginning December 8.

The cash boost is intended to provide additional

support between now and next financial year when

long-term reform to the pension system is promised

(see page 3).

FFtwo day


one day break

little break

You’ll find more information more often. The website is the perfect 24 hour a day introduction to the services we offer. You can download fact sheets, review past annual reports, make a generous donation and see photos from recent events. Meet some of the people who are

touched by mental illness as carers, employers, professionals and people. Subscribe to our free private e-newsletter mi voice which will keep you in touch with us in between magazines.

Visit our bright and bold new website at www.mifellowship.org

Page 5: Mi Voice Summer 2008


Mental Health Week activities involved our people around the state.

Barwon region

The Barwon Heads charity golf day to support MI

Fellowship Victoria was a huge success, raising $4663.27.

Laura Collister and Georgina Alley headed down to

the Barwon Heads Golf Club to support the event on

October 13. This is the third year the event has been held.

The day’s activities included an 18-hole Stableford teams

event, a silent auction conducted by Dennis Ekstedt,

and a number of raffles donated by local businesses.

Laura spoke about the work of the Fellowship, and the

education programs which would be strengthened by

the funds raised. Special thanks to Katrina Jeremiah,

committee president, Lyn Fraser, committee member

and all the other committee members who have worked

so hard to raise money for the Mental Illness Fellowship,

Barwon region.

Hume region

Mental Health Week in Hume was marked by the

important move of the PARC (Prevention and Recovery

Care) unit and the Shepparton SRRP (Specialist

Residential Rehabilitation Program) into a new shared

home in Ambermere, an historic property in the heart

of Shepparton. The vision for a combined facility

has been a long time in the making and signifies a

breakthrough in progress towards integrated models

of care and partnership, in this case between clinical

services from Goulburn Valley Area Mental Health Service

and community services provided by MI Fellowship.

During October, Hume MI Fellowship also achieved

some fabulous collaborative community education in

partnership with other PDRS agencies. Between them,

these services delivered talks aimed at reducing stigma

and dispelling myths about mental illness at seven

secondary schools in Shepparton, Broadford, Rutherglen,

Mooroopna and Tallangatta in the far north east.

getting into the swing

The fourth annual Mental Health Week art show “Beautiful

Hands, Brilliant Minds” was perhaps the most successful to

date. There were more than 90 entries on show, including works

from MI Fellowship Warragul day program, GARSS (Gippsland

Accommodation and Rehabilitation Support Service), Headspace

and mental health related agencies. The prestigious People’s

Choice award (2nd place) went to a member of the Warragul

day program with a clean sweep for Warragul day program of

the three Judges Choice awards. The mayor of Baw Baw shire,

Councillor Dick Van Lewyn attended the awards and commented

on the wonderful talent evident in all of the artists whose work

was on display. More than 70 people enjoyed the musical

contribution of Andrew from Warragul day program and the

GARSS band It’s only Paranoia.

East North West region (Mitcham)

The Eastern Region marked the week with a variety of different

events. The Mens group headed out to Ruffy Lake Park and

enjoyed a barbeque lunch followed by a stroll around the lake.

Later in the week, some members also enjoyed lunch out at a

Chinese Restaurant. The Womens Group, not to be outdone, also

enjoyed a café outing, as well as trying their hand at 10 pin bowling.

In addition to this, many participoaants enrolled in new courses

at learning centres through the Linking People Locally program.

summer 2008

Southern Metropolitan and Gippsland region

Congratulations to the Frankston walking group (pictured above)

on their effort in the Melbourne Marathon Active Feet 5.5km.

Andrew, Geraint, Pam, Emma, Aaron and Kim (worker), finished

in around one hour, 16 minutes. The group walk for an hour every

Thursday around the Seaford Wetlands come rain, hail or shine

and their commitment to fitness certainly paid off. Special thanks

to Emma, aged eight, and Aaron, six, for joining in.

christmas spending boost

social inclusion

Page 6: Mi Voice Summer 2008

Mother Nature continued her unofficial sponsorship of Open Mind Fiesta by delivering another warm, blue sky spring day tailor made for an afternoon of music, belly dancing, barbecuing, fairy flossing, bargain hunting, face painting and sideshow attractions that drew a crowd of 35,000 people to Station Street Fairfield.

As always, threaded into the frivolity was a serious

message: one in five people have a mental illness and

these people are a lot like the rest of us. That message

was carried in many ways – hundreds of MI Fellowship

staff, volunteers and traders proudly wore t-shirts

emblazoned with the confronting statement:

“1 million Victorians have a mental illness” on the front.

And “people like us,” on the back.

a big day for6

mivoice social inclusionsummer 2008

This year’s Open Mind Fiesta was bigger than ever with more than 35,000 people joining in the fun.

We are dedicated to reducing the stigma surrounding mental illness whenever and however we can. One of the more creative stigma-

busting initiatives we’ve embarked

on, ilikeyou, was a unique project that

paired people with a mental illness

with secondary school students.

ilikeyou, which was supported by the

Grollo Foundation, asked students

to take a photographic portrait of

their partner that captured something

about them in a positive way.

The hope was that both groups would

learn something about each other and

themselves. Advocacy manager Ruth

Barr and project worker Meg Chester

co-ordinated the project.

The inspiration came from the belief

that direct contact between people

with and people without a mental illness

is the best way to break down barriers.

It’s the view of US-based Patrick

Corrigan, who delivered the 2007

Bruce Woodcock memorial lecture.

Thus 27 students from schools

including Thornbury High School,

Wanganui Park Secondary College

Shepparton, Footscray City

College and Fitzroy High School

were given the opportunity to learn

about mental illness while developing

their photographic skills.

The exhibition of their work was

launched with the support of state

member for Northcote Fiona

Richardson at newNorth gallery


Open Mind Fiesta photography by www.urbanartistry.com.au (9416 5076)Among the crowd was a band of “living books” – people

with a mental illness who volunteered to make themselves

available to passers by to answer questions they might

have about living with a mental illness.

The idea goes to the heart of what OMF is all about

– breaking down stigma through direct contact.

For some members of the public it was their first chance

to have a discussion with a person with a mental illness.

“I’ve never really understood what bipolar was all about,”

said Jen a mother from Northcote. “Now at least I’ve got

a handle on it.”

With the ongoing support of sponsors, traders, local council,

hundreds of volunteers and staff – there was opportunity

for people like Jen to realise that people with a mental

illness are people like us.

mental health week

Page 7: Mi Voice Summer 2008

7mivoice summer 2008

open minds“I’ve never really understood what bipolar was all about,” said Jen a mother from Northcote. “Now at least I’ve got a handle on it.”

View other entries in the gallery section at www.mifellowship.org.au (see People and their stories, page 8)

Open Mind Fiesta photography by www.urbanartistry.com.au (9416 5076)

1. Judge's Choice Award.

Rachel, Footscray City College

for her portrait of Phil.

2. People’s Choice Award.

Sophie, Fitzroy High School

for her portrait of Arthur.

1 2

in Fairfield, which generously opened

its exhibition space to support the

project. Works were later displayed at

the Open Mind Day Fiesta at which the

overall and people’s choice winners

were announced. The winning pair

shared $500 and the pair behind the

people’s choice award shared in $300.

One young photographer wrote:

“I feel more compassion towards

people with a mental illness.

I’ve also learned that mental illness

in a person should be embraced, as

like everything else it contributes to

the person they are.”

Page 8: Mi Voice Summer 2008

Ben Rinaudo grew up in Africa, going to school

in Niger and Nigeria. Since returning to Australia

to live he has travelled independently and with

his family to Kenya, South Africa and Lesotho

with aid organisations. In 2005 he presented his

honours thesis to the UN World Congress on

Family Law and Children’s Rights in South Africa

on the subject of “The liberation of women in cult

slavery in Ghana”. This is Ben’s story of dealing

with mental illness.

You often hear about people developing a mental illness

when they are teenagers. It was much later than that for me.

I’d just gotten back from spending 12 months working

in Kiribati as an Australian Youth Ambassador for

Development and had decided to study for my honours

degree in international and community development.

It wasn’t too serious at first. I had some symptoms

of anxiety and depression but nothing that I couldn’t

handle. Some days were good days and some were

bad days. And then there were mainly bad days.

I had a lot of trouble getting to sleep at night. Study was

getting harder and harder and I just couldn’t concentrate

the way that I used to be able to.

It was around that time that I started acting unpredictably

and not like myself at all. Usually, I’m a pretty quiet guy,

almost shy, but during this period there were times when

I was the complete opposite of that and became an extrovert.

At the start of 2007, everything came to a head for me.

I had started to have hallucinations and symptoms of

paranoia. Eventually I had a bit of a breakdown and wound

up being hospitalised in a psychiatric ward.

That was more than 18 months ago now. Recovery hasn’t

been an easy process at all, it’s been slow and frustrating

and there were definitely times I felt like giving up but, looking

back now, I can see how far I’ve come.

And life’s a lot better now. I am studying, have started my own

gardening business, am tutoring English to a refugee family

and am a community educator for the Mental Illness Fellowship.

Recently, I’ve started to share my experiences with other

people. I’ve worked with student photographers as part of

the ‘ilikeyou’ project and was at the Open Mind Fiesta where

I took part in the Living Books program. This has been really

important to me as I think we all need to treat mental illness

just like any other illness and accept people with a mental

illness as part of the community.

It has been really important to focus on getting better, be

prepared to take baby steps and allow my family and friends

to help me. I am not completely well yet but I plan to keep

working towards wellness.

people and their stories8



mi voice update – email newsletterStay in touch with the latest news and events in mental health. Register your details at www.mifellowship.org. It’s free, private and you can unsubscribe at any time.2

summer 2008

date for your diary in 2008 Volunteer thank you party

– Wednesday 3 December | Find out more about all activities

by calling 03 8486 4200 or visit www.mifellowship.org

Ben with his dog

photographed by

Tananda from the

ilikeyou portrait exhibition

Page 9: Mi Voice Summer 2008

people and their stories 9mivoice summer 2008

Check it out SEW’s annual golf day resulted in

a big cheque with a beautiful set of

numbers. Thanks to SEW-Eurodrive

for the $165,000 raised in the 11th

annual charity event for MI Fellowship.

This work of art has a special place in

the Fairfield office reception.

Following the release of our participant handbooks

earlier this year, we have now developed a family and

friends handbook. The handbook is designed to be an

introductory document for family and friends of people

with mental illness, where they can find information on

• MI Fellowship services on offer

• what their rights and responsibilities are

• privacy information

• our complaints process

• and other organisations that they can

go to for further information and support.

This booklet, along with the

existing participant handbook,

is now available in all

MI Fellowships programs.

news bites

Don’t put up with pests

Advanced Pest Management is offering MI Fellowship

members a 10 per cent discount on pest control services.

Advanced Pest Management has been operating for

six years and the manager/owners have a combined

experience of 36 years in the industry.

They have worked in a voluntary capacity for the

Fellowship servicing any venue requiring attention.

All pests are dealt with efficiently. The list includes ants,

spiders, cockroaches, silverfish, fleas, rats, mice, termites

and bird control.


Phone: 1300 784 370

date for your diary in 2008 Volunteer thank you party

– Wednesday 3 December | Find out more about all activities

by calling 03 8486 4200 or visit www.mifellowship.orgwww.mifellowship.org

Xnew handbook for family and friends

Page 10: Mi Voice Summer 2008


Consumer Action Law Centre (CALC) is an independent,

not-for-profit, campaign focused, casework and

policy organisation. CALC provides free legal advice

and representation to vulnerable and disadvantaged

consumers across Victoria, and is the largest specialist

consumer legal practice in Australia. CALC is also a

nationally recognised and influential policy and research

body, pursuing a law reform agenda across a range of

important consumer issues at a government level, in the media,

and in the community directly.

The website www.consumeraction.org.au provides a wealth

of information including more than 30 fact sheets covering debt

and financial management.

To get free advice or to arrange a free appointment with an

adviser call 1300 881 020 or email your question to CALC at

[email protected]

10 mivoice

clout!As a result of our membership renewal drive you are one

of more than 1200 active members whose voice and

participation in activities contribute to the services and

advocacy that MI Fellowship provides throughout Victoria.

By now you should have received your copy of the annual

report. However, if you didn’t and would like one mailed to you

please get in touch with us or download an electronic copy

from the website.

A special thank you to all members who volunteered their

time at the 2008 Open Mind Fiesta. More than 300 volunteers

gave their time and energy towards a fantastic day full of

community spirit.

On the advocacy front we will be submitting to the Victorian

inquiry into provision of supported accommodation for people

with mental illness, and to the review of the Mental Health

Act – contact the advocacy team for more information or to

contribute your views.

May I also take this opportunity to wish you all the best for

the festive season and I look forward to being back in touch

in the new year.


To send feedback to Stacia Beazley call 8486 4250 To renew your membership or update your details with Hayley Dodd call 8486 4220 or contact [email protected]

service profile: Consumer Action Law Centre

The lowdown on managing credit Members at the forum on managing credit picked up useful

financial tips and strategies.

Presenters Celia Tikotin from the Consumer Action Law Centre

and Steve Cowell from State Trustees talked about managing

credit card debt, how to deal with pushy debt collectors and

options for debt prevention and ongoing financial management.

Did you know

• pensions are protected by law. A debt collector cannot demand repayments if the pension is the only source of income.

• you have many rights even if you have outstanding debts. There are laws protecting you and controlling the behaviour of debt collectors and lenders.

• an administration order can be sought to authorise a person who cares for someone with a mental illness, to better manage their funds. A legally appointed administrator has the role of protecting an individual’s assets, enabling collection of income and other entitlements and distributing this income for general expenses.

If you missed this forum free advice can be sought from the

Consumer Action Law Centre (see below) or contact State

Trustees at www.statetrustees.com.au

summer 2008

for membersclout! news

Welcome to the final issue of clout! for the year.

The past three months have been buzzing with activity

with our membership renewal drive, the annual general

meeting, the production of a great annual report and a

very successful Open Mind Fiesta.

2009 Members’ forum series – call for topics of interest

Member forums are driven by the voices of members like

you who advise us of topics that are of concern or interest

in your experience of mental illness.

We will soon be setting dates for the 2009 forums and would

love to hear from you with suggestions for topics to be covered.

To send through a topic for consideration either contact

Stacia or Hayley via phone or e-mail using the contact

details provided below.

Page 11: Mi Voice Summer 2008


Mental Illness Fellowship Victoria has awarded

its highest individual accolade to a man who

turned personal tragedy into a crusade for better

understanding of mental health issues.

John McGrath, the former National Party MP, inaugural

chairman of the Mental Health Council of Australia

and chairman of the Victorian Ministerial Advisory

Committee on mental health, is the latest recipient

of the Fellowship’s Blickle award.

The Blickle award is only awarded to those people

who have made a sustained impact on the development

of the field of mental health outside of the Mental

Illness Fellowship.

In June this year John McGrath was made a Member

of the Order of Australia for service to the community

through a range of mental health organisations, to the

Victorian Parliament and to the National Party.

His dedication to the field stems from his sons Shane and

Darren being diagnosed with a mental illness. Shane was

just 28 when he committed suicide on April 16, 1993.

He has spoken of the “cloak of secrecy” that families

feel forced to hide behind because of community

misunderstanding and lack of appropriate and balanced

education on mental health issues.

“If we are going to achieve a situation where people with

a health problem get treated equally and adequately,

whether that problem is physical or mental, then we

need to educate service providers as well as the wider

community that mental health services need to reach

acceptable standards,” he once wrote.

“I am inspired by the life experience of my two sons and

the thousands of courageous people I have met who

deal with their particular mental illness on a daily basis.”

Volunteer of the yearAward winner Frances McCredie is a diligent and spirited

volunteer who has contributed for many years in roles at

the Northcote and Kew opportunity shops, as well as in

admin work at Fairfield Place. On top of all that, Frances

organises a fortnightly micro-community get together for

11 others in her residential apartment block, cooking a

community meal. She also visits the gym and attends art

classes at her local community house.

The Mental Illness Fellowship awardThis year’s Mental Illness Fellowship Award, given to a

participant or carer for their contribution to participants

and carers in MI Fellowship programs, goes to David

Richards. David first got involved with MI Fellowship as

an Open Mind Fiesta volunteer and has since gone on to

lend his business skills and experience to the Flat Bottle

Company and, now, to mi cleaning. David has actively

implemented the vision of increasing the community

participation of people with mental illness by providing

them with employment opportunities.

Mental Illness Fellowship community awardTwo of the nominees were so close this year the judges

awarded them both.

Cameron and Sebastian Mangiameli, owners of a motel

in Shepparton have hosted training, workshops and

overnight stays for MI Fellowship staff and established a

traineeship to employ a person with a mental illness in their

business and provided encouragement and support to

other people with a mental illness looking for employment.

Sue and Bryan Drummond, have donated their holiday

house in Jan Juc (‘Pete’s Place’) for more than 10 years

without charge, so that people with mental illness may

enjoy respite by the beach with their families. They

have been extremely flexible and generous, enabling

MI Fellowship to access the property with a level of

informality that is important for the participants.

Doris Wisniewski 2007 student of the year awards Once again, Doris Wisniewski herself presented the

Certificate of General Education for Adult Student

of the Year award, which was named in honour of

her lifelong commitment to education and learning.

Award winning students Phillip Connolly and Paul

DiSipio were recognised for a range of skills including

their commitment to improving their academic skills,

their willingness to motivate and help other students and

their drive to plan for future education and employment.

mivoice summer 2008

and the winners are...

Page 12: Mi Voice Summer 2008


Chief Executive : : Elizabeth CrowtherEditorial : : Hootville CommunicationsDesign : : Room44, Lisa MinichielloPrinting : : Bambra PressMI Voice is for members and aims to keep them informed

of the latest information on mental illness and our advocacy work.

It is also our opportunity to keep potential and existing supporters

and donors informed of the Mental Illness Fellowship’s activities

and the difference their contribution makes.

MI Voice is the quarterly publication of the Mental Illness

Fellowship Victoria, Fairfield Place 276 Heidelberg Road,

Fairfield, Victoria, Australia, 3078.

Telephone : : 03 8486 4200Email : : [email protected] : : www.mifellowship.orgMental Illness Fellowship retains the right to edit articles. Please note that the opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the Editor or the Mental Illness Fellowship Victoria.

© Mental Illness Fellowship Victoria. All rights reserved.ACN 093 357 165 ABN 93 093 357 165 ISSN 0816 7877

board of directorsPresident : : The Hon. Robert Knowles

Vice President : : Ms Louise Milne-Roch

Secretary : : Mrs Diane Brown

Treasurer : : Ms Jenny King

Directors : : Mr Darrel Drieberg, Mr Nathan Shafir, Prof Christos Pantelis, Mrs Elaine Price, Ms Lyn Allison, Ms Lesley Miles, Mr Paul Montgomery, Mr Theo Krambias

Please use this form to change your address details, become a Member of the Mental Illness Fellowship or to show your support for our work.

Please accept my Membership fee of: (please tick)

Ordinary $22.00 Concession $16.50 Volunteer $11.00

Person in same household – Ordinary $11.00 Concession $5.50

I would like to make a donation of: $ to the work of Mental Illness Fellowship

I authorise a single deduction from my credit card:

Bankcard MasterCard Visa

Or I enclose my cheque/money order of $ (marked Not Negotiable and payable to Mental Illness Fellowship Victoria)

Credit card Number:

Expiry Date:

Name on card:


Mr/Mrs/Ms First Name:



Post code:

Day Phone:

Questions about donations for membership?

Please contact us on 03 8486 4200 or via [email protected]

Please tick here if:

You do not wish to receive further information about Mental Illness Fellowship Victoria or

If you are under 18

I would like some more information about:

Volunteering – Your donation of time and talent.

Pledging a monthly contribution – Giving families a chance. And a future.

Bequests – Remember the Mental Illness Fellowship in your will.


• For credit card donations call 03 8486 4200 and quote MIV08, or complete this form and either post or fax your credit card details.

• For cheques and money orders post this form to: Mental Illness Fellowship Victoria PO Box 359, Clifton Hill, Victoria 3068 Fax: 03 8486 4265

please cut along dotted line !

thank you to our supporters

Our stock, Monza recycled, is environmentally aware.

summer 2008


Fairfield’s Open Mind Fiesta attracted huge crowds and the local paper

The Northcote Leader was there capturing the atmosphere.