michael fowkes stuggle and survival 1

2010 FALL HIST 140 HISTORY/AMERICAS THRU 1800 71226 (2107-71226 Portuguese Empire in the Americas

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Diego Vasicuio was a Native Priest.

From the beginning of the colonial period the Spanish attempted to convert the Indians of Peru into sincere.

Preconqest religious beliefs and ceremonies had survived at the community level with relatively little modification due to Diego Vasicuio and hundreds like him.

Diego prayers were always public and always the same traditional prayers

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Struggle and Survival

Catarina De Monte Sinay Nun and Entrepreneur.

On a August morning in 1758 Catariina de Monte Sinay called for the convents scribe to dictate her last will and testament.

Fabrics, furniture, tools, manufactures, and foodstuffs were important into Bahia from Lisbon.

She owned five residential buildings.

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Struggle and survival

Hernando de Valencia Tax Promoter

Sixty years old when he set out from Madrid to Lima at the end of May 1631

His professional activities centered on which made him less of an accountant and more of a go between in their dispensation.

Valencia was offered money by parties interested in arbirios in peru

Valencia was thrown in jail in May 1635

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History of Portugal

Signs of military declin began with two disastrous battles, the Battle of Alcacer Quibir, and Spainsabortive attempt to conquer England.

Roman invasion of Iberian Peninsula occurred in 219 B.C

The Roman conquest of what is now part of modern day Portugal took several decades.

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Viceroyalty of Peru

Created in 1542 the Viceroyalty of Peru.

The first Juesuit reduction to convert the Indigenous population was founded in 1609.

Poruguese authorities in what was effectively a low level war of territorial conuest

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Portuguese Empire

The Portuguese Colonial Empire was the first global empire in history.

It is also the longest lived of the modern European colonial empires.

Portuguese sailors began exploring the coast of Africa in 1419.

Between 1580 and 1640 Portugal became the junior partner to Spain in the union of the two countries crowns.