michigan' b a n attendance of 5 s Ä new c0:ed...

THE WEATHER SlioHm this afternoon, [' Wilder tonight. Wednesday i. eleffrln* und eohler. N’S LOAN ,D FORMED HONORARIES jH h et) Organizations Sign Rill Mil lo F.st ablish Fund for hu Women. , , TWENTY-FIRST YEAR Michigan' Koremoot Collegiate Semi-Weekly^ 1930 TUESDAY, FEB. 25 N u m b e r Ilf! NEW Y. W. C. A. OFFICERS NAMED FOR NEXT YEAR eut meeting of tin* i v, Allowing nominations next year - officers: I* lie; Shas*-berger and Jar e-president, Dçfoiby An Miri ; id Ande if' P’i RTED BY DONATIONS *i to Make Annual Contribu- i r t i * 11* to Create Princi|».".l for New Fund. an ALL-AG BANQUET SET FOR TONIGHT Interesting Program Arranged for Annual Event ItTbe Staged in Union Building. 1930 SOPH PROM WILL SURPASS FORMER EVENTS Largest Underclass Formal lo be Held in Union Friday Night UNUSUAL DECORATIONS g Clarence Lee’s Band to Play for ■ Affair; Co-eds Have Spe- " M ' rial Permission. ,, ,kl B a n ATTENDANCE OF 5 S Ä NEW C0:ED DORM tempt to obtmn j> Il state college rat V» ¡nr after ;.uns»*t Baldwin dire. mission for io .station to Hill be made >f the Mxten- tinen and I B I ! r who i-r* Sunday interview the Nati ma have not ires taken • oTití t roni elisi nu < Hissed » ) mue on if «• w tvelengUi now i une .) iíthPFF at «»liege « 1 mu -gioM- d during t ti- ll. and Pr« • broad ed. Tli MUSIC SCHOOL RISES SINCE ’27 Group Enrollment Triples in Tliri-e Years Under Prof. Lewis. Clear'; immediately, so m at won EACH COURSE SHOWS CAIN — " ^ " r J a ^ S S T *"* SENIOR CO-EDS used*. ot au pm MU l>e tld are T l; i ire , pre A f bump tonight i The ammu l Kopie P popiiiivr anid laraest un* liege «.fiai iield in tile Union b: evening aii h o’clock I,«ee‘s exrli;isive colored Detroit .«* the band More thati 175 eitiiple- for what piròn iis* ut o«- liant Miplu llckets been place(1 ill ! lie \ai thè Union «1» Bmoki' Hluapi are rapid the High#t sale « ver •• ■ili-« a m p u - ltn-m.il ri. to all foil r «la- se- .«tu open till l:ite this W«‘pk De. o rati« by Helen I format will be Friday '111epee rip ».vit I ■ tfre 1 a chAtie* • wl tu fnctoi ' o return Thu M l* ’ NIGHT PROWLER BOTHERS CO-EDS Woman's Building Visitor Causes I'oliie Call Early Monday Morning. tpe Woman's building earlv iutnal prowler who lifid ffjjfrfetelied Staff Also. H* etifniny. t«» Hits campt hards, head of the Mieli le«e Institute <tl Music. the usle departmetd has nearly attendance, as well as greatly the importance of the tench-. A tptal ot 340 Indents e. at trolled hi .State’s most widely department as compared ere m I|l20 beMfe UV* present PLAN LUNCHEON All Senior Girls Invited to Bridge- Luncheon at Union on March 1st. IS ASSURED WITH ACTIONBY BOARD $400,000 Structure Is Authorised end Committees Are Appointed. TO BE LOCATED ON CAMPUS Will Afiommodate 180 Women; Detroit Firms to Handle Construction. muai y plan a M iMMMM i i ■d Friday \«l •ultore defili : of the tjf.ru« anee and b tat«* board thorized the. Hi appointed commUtees •ok tin group enrmlinent .it pu riment i alsim •nr in :<7|i and t;t <fi I!» ,o-eds will I r.H^ts «I a The projert. which for two vrar.M «et i ....u pending a parity of the l.iKlee-Utni liettn. whirl i i lM'lne >pon- dormitory at iHii wouhmii rhe site se- sored by thti sehit»' • b ihv uv. a forili oi leeled is the area bet V(•«•!! the nèitf entertainment and get -t.ti>.-» iter for all U H weather bnif « .«i the musie ill its (It-ed memlx-i», in thè Union éehter fin the south it* t Michigan buiidiiig *»n ¡'«atuulav. ¿Manli 1 at 1 ;t\:nu*‘ Borirmi- t* analysis «>f oclnek the sub-soil has berti i.l. a m l t lie Lunclu'on will It«' rrve<l in thè resulta are futirta' 1aetiltV i InbUMim "it liIte ! 1 lÌ'ÙCl flit'il’ ol 1he tinalK «• plan " ' • .n i in* ha rids 1 he Union ot (Xaetlv 1 u’rliM'k ami will of a ! > r > D e t r o i t business coll- be SioWed by .in afl<■moi m * ti bridge cent th** ñame ol wiit«-iii was withheld tnvs The party by the members pf <ti*» board A tettul Is ah limovation on tdie pur' ot tlus' i.ssee will Is* float «»fi : a » ia* .itnoutlt \ears "senior <la-s. am 1 ii is tMipOd by "I Mu1 fund which wi i im- retired by "ÿpr pre t«l Ai/nbetii ' Í A /1< '1 ;» « i ■ . I 3 Kn!» lit It I lie eliei Ifehii Tdaj" “kJ Jfeollo' ppb« • II i mi i»* At»u- jrtx id Wo -, M p ADDITIONS MADE TO M. S. C. STAFF State Board Appoints Many New Members ill Meeting Friday. IS llttuii the tilos« li-f ol all fill -esente•d The first \«'tir. 1027, in t l nir.se i tad .m enrollment *»f 10. m sp ' tia» tart that in the previous yr »m* w. •rr enrolled at all In 1028 inred t. Kirills ITTIrolled lit .'H wa khi doubled the next M-ar to Utrmrittts of M 'i‘ tr eour*e last \« ad an • tu-.liment ilit OfFlv ;■> . but '1 i tight h i cled h.’. DRAMA SOCIETY HAS SECOND HIT "The Clean-Up" Tfy Same Author us "The Palsy" is lo he Nest Theta Alpha Phi Play. making 'l'ite uri hi Lei*tu ri tug worked out Maleoiim u a ilici' will !««• erected in The addition <i to 11it* dormttuti<" eliev "dal toits to of Ireshn •.c .iv named in Praia Whitney Watkins. J \ I, Tlntrlv The perwmi thus upportlhg, are also be- Detroit arm. m The bouse sew building ott • am pus a .Page which i here during will : umlsh a larger imt- •ds are ildm commit • comm are l. MeCoU and C of the finance r W H Ber- md Mrs Iton* ..o««- -OK .I by the «•om- ito Th! AWARD PRIZES IN ALL-AG CONTESTS Knur Divisions tloid Short Course Competition Thursday, March 6. enotntiKtl nere«, of BtJr The Patsy staged Uiat ipiii Tlwta Alliba Phi drátpat »7 in 1928 a the Olee i doubliiii' ir It) ]«' II and <1 ixinv pia.ol r>gin arranger ¿irne t ledy, SitiHik Kit op HARD SCHEDULE FOR DEBATERS Western Slate Normal and Albinn to Be Met by Spartan Orators. CONTINUE ELIMINATIONS !N INTER GROUP LEAGUES MU ETA OMICRON HELD FORMAL INITIATION SUN. CHING POPULAR, TATISTICS PROVE One Hundred Senior* Have d ic e Teaching in Nearby High Schools i botad »I initia un nf iver hiruband A nu'P' fa M* u«ion take on Western Hti ¡un i ' mpl ira lavi in a following evening .? tv«*v intrlguing tur 'tu* • return engugenie« Henne«t will plav Ute In built cftses m kmaster thè wnuid-te’ will uphold the aft !» p a r i ot ber husbflnd «tuestion “ lîeitolved IV Moore. aiul thnt nf the world nhould tu v, hy crittenden *n»e plrtr dtearmamcn t m e I-'ourth Wanl forres us are n e« and Muw rim ar, will poses The affini Etisie beth pu i d ol .Joseph i » di te* presented dui - Hiiberman :il - eek ut Man li me ini :to : Marrh 12 ulthough The clt oat»' at M» aen' .s ha ve noi yet l»een sored by Ben ITtei resent term a in ire praii ice te i choojs undn nient between s and Haslet t Ì8 students from tl pa it ment, ir» fi -n vi.sian, and the tei lysieítl educati m lite-ral arts diviato ■lAual "n e m lung lnstttutio mpeetlve tear! expert guidant ning. It lias a HI t h e SChOOl : <scellent trau ear hers. ANDEM IS S. C. U. SPEAKER AT CHURCH WAFFLE FEED STUDENT-FACULTY GROUP TO HOLD MEETING IN MARCH POTATO GROWERS RECEIVE ADVANCE ON STORED CROP ZOOLOGY CLUB MEETING SET FOR THURS. EVENING >r Andem. exi Michigan Ha uizcnshiti Friend IHipula oled 't the ONVENIENT AMPUS A LENDAR Campus Finds Monday Morning Quizxes TakeJoy Out of Week-Fnds SENIOR H. E. CO EDS ENTERTAIN WEEKLY Practice flous* Inmates Give Series of Dinners (o Prominent Womea. and Mr and Mr i March 2 tai ve proved e held under • A ahd are civ acquaint faculty and constructive h Mr and Mrs W W .lobu- li It Hunt Michigan chief obj© Mcndon i v ited t he deba Lins rounding high •>' At Leslie Frid« team will attemfi ot Albion m retu min telerei! by tht the month f >i audience vote • team, with <• Thursday • in* spartanu mal. and the <o I,eslie for Albion it and White e side of the he nations of plan of. com- mit m g such police pur- team is corir- :J1 ; Morris ward Terrill. nidon i being spon- i ..m superintendent •vho graduated from 1929 One of the tiding the debate at ■est high school de- Hi tiding territory in It M H C a s n |)os- f»etc rson has in- «»•ams frodl the *»ur- vote 'it Ijc present nlglit I he spartan I,* take the scalp* i ;oi the defeat ad- st* early in cession an Albion « he Me State Ranks High in Bird Work /Is 2JiBl are Banded in Year victors by a majority With iinly three Iettermen back nround w Uh Which to mould the 1930 Mtrliigan baseoa ii nine. Coach Rav Fteher hw, a big J**» on his i tanda. Ten îettermen wer«» i". « i last ear it grad- i a Lion (’’apt Harv ey Straub. Myron irid Tru' iknwski ur p the three "M7 Aimicrs « hat will '«■> bm k • his spring. Fri AL PERMISSION—One. The n 1 h«»ir following conclusion lege ran Edna St Vincent Milluv « rented une efo M< Pay - - Co-ed swimming meet TESIJAY. FEB 28— X ¡al hour. Union ballroom i Lambda Tau ulty dming room na st. Vincent Ml t high school iSDAV. FEB 27- W. 8 Council meeting. Scabbard and Blade dinner md program. Union to find blank. 2-n wholesale over M erally "quizzy' ati After a hectic wee pastime has not morning, o; rts -.f paper -in p chair* and a a»sphere in «he r-* -end when one * >been study, ther« s little procedure banquet, no equal for tr dispelling whatever of the rosy do iv Ka-,«- may remain and bring mg 1ne back reality with a distinct’ thudt In a round, unmistakcable hand. 'I prole&sor writes out a :*et ot questioi that make one rather ill Were thf written in the archaic Egypt ta: they could be no less comprehensible minor- orable pint and {he r< kV FEB. 2*— The studious ones, much Varsity tennis tryouts. Assem- ity. seize their pens with b ly room of armory write furiously. phiJinore party, fonnal, Un-i One now begins to understand »he _ lotj. |advantages of week-end preparation Three ^ The nonplussed majority »omplete l>affled. look doubtfully and questioi mgly at equally baffled friend.* / -verpowenng air "f gloom l«tnw have ettled t»Ti the «la».* everyoi «••■Mi. unk ;i impenertable dejettio _-<,me make t /eeble effort to recall fl «abject matter «ili** or two receive ; inspirai ion and write madly before rade*-, others rattle paper*, wriggle u comfortably, and stare out Through it t. oc1upying Johnson Ruth ila non Finch Heien Bennett Bernice Parson rave a dinner man State Boa t»er, and tier gi Dr Mane l> Conrad will be ■> . hic.ti the girl economics pra« t rughi Mias Be of trio house He •«¡i* on -I the Battle Cre Bat»le Creek tn « w k .J the zoology 1 Handing in Mu iga Nature »um last tub ouse inc nev. Ruth (lettel. Mru<*y garet Woodworth Professor Stack in ronpenilion with ¡idme s»ftiiler and the .tate department of conservation .«At week the girls and the M H <: rootogy department Mrs Dora Stock- does much <•f the bird tiariding <tf the Agriculture mem- state, and he is a well informed l**c- <1 «tighter Hirer on this subject :.d Dean Elisabeth Professor Stack, head of the Bird ...red ft dinner Banding department of M. S (' and , - • h.- «worwl horn« (or (our y-nn wcreOry of ih* Ininrul ** M « < b.ndin« «.tiun mu th* ving to- Bird Banding twaiciation. has be«*n larges» that banded over n thousand bird* During tn*- '.*’»«r 2381 birds were (land- ed d i the M B C station It.«* Inland Hird Handing associa- tion wax organized for the purpo«* of assisting and * 'x»i'erai»!tg with the U s Biological :ii\ev ;*i Wafthington; D C ITte greatest Bird Banding «Jistrict. M the w»»rld which is located between the Appalur.hin and the Rocky moun- •ains contain 874 banders Frederwk (* Lincoln, who ha* visited not only all *the larger msttutions <»f banding but all me private units n.*. wed wtien Itere in October. 1920. said AT THE UNION THE I NION BARRER HHOF ouse are .• O ra m in Du* Ü oncer ned. as far ’ rap* ement of tht st ' ident and i-yf clean and well. You w ill barber shop a- mi euptnt harge complimented on his fine work in this ^ ________ thi. pc.uon by Paul Badmtton. ¿hiel ot P«“' n " ' r:* »'»» »Pf»fnt«t <u»i»iant In «he bi Union tor faculty lighted find the pleasant place to have your barber work done. Remember the special prices in Beauty Shop on Mnntiav nnd Tuesday each week 1/ mdow oi he instructor, inex- month arc Fate pace* upan and down Feige, Ftorru cheerfully unaware that be .'■'ranees Dav»*. Ruth Tnfltnpwn i«rponsibl« for th« bay s calamity Miidríd AruJcr^in "*"• •*"— ‘*™ *’ ~ 7 ut a quarlarly DfiUattn ol which two o«ckll«. clean, -,i and prea««d wtÜTiwhW « « TWIOTUtlXS t»y ri«an«r. (Phnn# 5-JSHi. Stt M. A. C. A».co|H«a ha«« alraady twwn f*u«<t Oran- Maraurrt Vh- asauctauon Laat y«ar throuah tha «d 'W otm .B u llM ln at lh «N ^ h w ^ t- Huhbant, Hein, l inn. «fTort« of Prof siaclc and a group of «"> I K.* u h r vtirri Banditili with Francis H Alien oi Cornell ana *t a i loiî: r a nk«d 13th Dr W,n*;r M Tailor of Harvard Thi. | BVr COUPON BOOKS

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S lioH m this afternoon, [' Wilder tonight. Wednesday i. eleffrln* und eohler.


jH h e t) Organizations Sign Rill Mil l o F.st ablish Fund for hu

Women. , ,

T W E N T Y - F I R S T


Michigan' K o re m o o t C o l le g ia t e S em i-W e e k ly ^

1930TUESDAY, FEB. 25N u m b e r Ilf!


eut m eetin g o f tin* i v , A llow ing nom in ations next year - o fficers : I*lie; Shas*-berger and Jar

e-p res iden t, D ç fo ib y

An M ir i ;

id Andeif' P’i

RTED BY DONATIONS*i to Make Annual Contribu­

i r t i* 11* to Create Princi|».".l for New Fund.



Interesting Program Arranged for Annual Event ItTbe Staged in

Union Building.


Largest Underclass Formal lo beHeld in Union Friday t»


UNUSUAL DECORATIONS gClarence Lee’s Band to Play for ■

A ffair; Co-eds Have Spe- " M'rial Permission. ,, ,kl

B a n ATTENDANCE OF 5 S Ä NEW C0:ED DORMtem pt to obtm n j> Il s ta te co llege rat V» ¡nr a fte r ;.uns»*t

B a ld w in dire.

mission for io .station to Hill be made >f the Mxten ­

tinen and I B I ! r w h o i-r* Sunday in terv iew the Nati


have notires taken •

oTití t roni

elisi nu < Hissed »

) mue on if «•

w tvelengUi now i une

.) iíthPFF at «»liege « 1mu -gioM- d du rin g t ti­ll. an d Pr«

• broad

ed. T l i


Group Enrollment Triples in Tliri-e Years Under Prof.

Lewis.C le a r '; im m e d ia te ly , so m a t w on


^ " r J a ^ S S T * "* SENIOR CO-EDS

used*. ot

a u pm

MU l>e

tld are T l ; i ire

, pre

A f bumpton ight i

T h e am mu l K op ie Ppopiiiivr anid laraest un*

liege «.fia iiield in tile U n ion b:even in g aii h o ’clockI,«ee‘s exrli;isive coloredD etro it .«* th e bandM ore that i 175 eitiiple-fo r w hat piròn iis* ut o«-liant Miplu

l lc k e t sbeen place (1 ill ! lie \ai

thè Un ion «1»Bm oki' Hluapi a re rap idth e H ig h # t sale « ver ••■ili-« am pu ­ ltn-m.il ri.to a ll foil r «la - se- .«tuopen till l: ite th is W«‘pk

De. o rati«by H elen I

fo r m a twill be Friday

' 1 11 epee

r ip ».vit I ■ tfre1 a chAtie* • wltu fnctoi 'o return Thu

Ml* ’


Woman's Building Visitor Causes I'oliie Call Early Monday


tpe W om an 's build ing earlv

iu tn a l p row ler w h o lifid ffjjfrfetelied

Staff Also.

H* etifniny. t«» H its cam pt hards, head o f th e M ieli

le «e In s titu te <tl Music. the usle departm etd has nearly

a ttendance, as well as greatly

th e im portan ce o f th e tench-.A tptal ot 340 Indents e. at

trolled h i .State’s most widely departm ent as com pared

ere m I|l20 b eM fe UV* present

PLAN LUNCHEONAll Senior Girls Invited to Bridge-

Luncheon at Union on March 1st.

IS ASSURED WITH ACTIONBY BOARD$400,000 Structure Is Authorised

end Committees Are Appointed.

TO BE LOCATED ON CAMPUSWill Afiommodate 180 Women;

Detroit Firms to Handle Construction.

m uai y plana MiMMMMi i

■d F rid ay \«l •ultore defili : o f th e tjf.ru« anee and b

tat«* board thorized th e .Hi appoin ted


•ok tingroup enrm linent

.it pu r im en t i alsim •nr in :<7|i and t;t <fi


,o -ed s w ill I r.H^ts «I aT h e p ro je rt. which

fo r tw o vrar.M «eti ....u pending

a pa r ity o f thel.iK lee-Utni liettn. w h irl i i lM'lne >pon- dorm itory at iHii wouhmii rh e site se-

sored by thti seh it»' • bihv uv. a fo r ili o i leeled is th e area bet V(•«•!! th e nèitfentertainment and get -t.ti>.-» iter fo r all U H w eath er bnif « .«i th e musieill its (It-ed m em lx-i», in th è Un ion éeh ter fin th e south it* t Michiganbuiidiiig *»n ¡'«atuulav. ¿Manli 1 at 1 ;t\:nu*‘ Borirmi- t* analysis «>f

oc lnek th e sub-soil has berti i.l. a ml t lie

Lunclu 'on w ill It«' rrve<l in th è resulta are fu tir ta '1 aetiltV i InbUMim " it liIte ! 1 lÌ'ÙCl flit'il’ ol 1 he tinalK «• p lan " ' • . n i in* ha rids1 he Un ion ot (X aetlv 1 u’rliM'k am i w ill o f a ! > r > D e t r o i t business c o ll­

be S ioW ed by .in afl< ■moi m * ti bridge cen t th** ñam e o l wiit«-iii was w ithheldtnvs T h e party by the m em bers p f <ti*» board A tettul

Is ah lim ovation on td ie pur' ot t lu s ' i.ssee w ill Is* float «»fi : a » ia* .itnoutlt

\ e a r s "sen ior < la-s. am 1 ii is tMipOd by " I Mu1 fund which wi i im- retired by

"ÿ p r pre t«l A i/ n b e t i i ' Í A /1< ' 1 ; » « i ■. I

3 Kn!» lit It

I lie e l ie i

Ifehii Tdaj" “kJ •

Jfeollo'ppb« • II i

mi i»* At»u-


id W o -, M p


State Board Appoints Many New Members ill Meeting


IS llttu ii the tilos « l i - f ol all fill

-esente •d The first \«'tir. 1027, in t lnir.se i tad .m enrollment *»f 10. m sp' tia» tart that in th e previous yr»m* w. •rr enrolled at a ll In 1028

in red t. K irills ITTIrolled lit .'H wakhi doubled t he next M-ar to

Utrmrittts of M 'i ‘ tr eour*e last \«ad an • tu-.lim ent ilit OfFlv ;■>. but '1

i tight h i cled h.’.


"The Clean-Up" Tfy Same Author us "The Palsy" is lo he Nest

Theta Alpha Phi Play.

m aking 'l'ite uri hi Lei* tu ri

tug w orked out ’M a le o i i m u a i l i c i ' will !««• e rected in

T h e add ition <ito 11 it* dormttuti<"


"d a l toits to of Ireshn

•.c .iv nam ed in Pra ia W h itn ey W a tk ins. J \ I, Tlntrlv T h e perwm i

thus upportlhg, are also be- Detroit arm. m T h e bouse

sew building ott • am pus

a .P age which i here during

will : um lsh a la rg e r im t-•ds are

ildm • commit • com m are l.

MeCoU and C o f th e finance r W H Ber-

md Mrs I ton*

..o««- -O K .I by th e «•om­




Knur Divisions tloid Short Course Competition Thursday,

March 6.

enotntiK tl n e r e « , o f BtJr T h e Patsy staged Uiat ip i i i T lw ta A lliba Ph i drátpat

»7 in 1928

a the Oleei d o u b li i i i ' ir It) ] « ' I I and <1

ixinv pia.ol

r>gin a rranger¿irne t ledy,

SitiHik Kit op


Western Slate Normal and Albinn to Be Met by Spartan





One Hundred Senior* Have d i c e Teaching in Nearby

High Schools

i botad » I in it ia

un nf iver hiruband A

nu 'P ' fa M* u«ion take on W estern Hti

¡un i ' mpl ira lavi in a fo llo w in g even in g .?

tv«*v in trlgu in g tur 'tu* • return engugen ie«

Henne«t w ill p lav Ute In built cftses m

km aster th è w nuid-te ’ w ill uphold the aft

!» pari o t ber husbflnd «tuestion “ lîe itolved

IV M oore. aiul thnt nf the w orld nhould tu

v, hy c r it te n d e n *n»e p lrtr d tearm am cn

t m e I-'ourth W a n l fo rres us are n e «

and Muw r im a r , w ill poses T h e a ff in i

Etisie beth pu i d ol .Joseph ‘

i » di te* p resented dui - H iib erm an :il -eek ut M a n li m e in i :to

: M a rrh 12 u lthough T h e clt oat»' at M»aen' .s ha ve noi yet l»een sored by Ben IT te i

resent term a in ir e p r a i i ice te i

choo js un dn nient between

s an d Haslet t Ì8 students from tl pa it ment, ir» f i -n vi.sian, and th e tei lysieítl educati m lite-ral a rts d iviato

■lAual "n e m lung lnstttu tio mpeetlve tear! expert gu idant n ing. It lias a HI th e SChOOl : < s ce llen t trau ea r hers.





>r A ndem . exi M ich igan Ha

uizcnshitiF riend


oled 't



Campus Finds Monday Morning Quizxes Take Joy Out of Week-Fnds

S E N IO R H . E . C O E D S E N T E R T A I N W E E K L Y

Practice flous* Inmates Give Series of Dinners (o Prominent


and Mr and Mr

i M arch 2 tai ve p roved e held under • A ah d are c iv acquaint

fa cu lty and con structive

h M r and M rs W W .lo b u ­

l i It Hunt

M ich iganch ie f obj© M cndon i

v ited t he deba Lins rou n din g h igh •>'

At L es lie F rid « team w ill a t te mfi ot A lb ion m retu m in te lere i! by tht th e m onth f >i aud ience vote

• team , w ith <• Thursday• in* spartanu m al. and the <o I,eslie fo r A lb ion

it and W h ite e side o f the he na tions of p lan of. com ­mit m g such

police pur- team is corir-

:J1 ; M orris ward T e rr ill.

nidon i be ing spon-i ..m superin tendent •vho g raduated from

1929 O ne o f the tiding the debate at ■est h igh school de- Hi tid ing te rrito ry in It M H C a s n |)os-

f»etc rson has in - «»•ams fro d l the *»ur- vote 'it Ijc present

n lg lit I he spartan I,* take th e scalp*

i ;oi th e d e fea t ad- st* early in cess ion an A lb ion « he

M e

State Ranks High in Bird Work /Is 2JiBl are Banded in Year

v ic to rs by a m ajority

W ith iin ly three Ietterm en backnround w Uh Which to m ould th e 1930M trliigan baseoa ii nine. Coach RavFteher hw , a b ig J**» on his i tanda. Tenîe tterm en wer«» i". « i last ear it grad-i a Lion (’’ap t H arv ey Straub. Myronir id T ru ' ik n w s k i urp the th ree "M 7A im ic r s « hat w ill '«■> bm k • his spring.

F r i A L P E R M IS S IO N — O n e . T h e n1 h « » ir fo llo w in g conclusion lege ran Edna St V incent M illuv « rented

une e fo


P a y - - Co-ed sw im m ing meet

TESIJAY. FEB 28—X ¡al hour. Un ion ballroomi Lam bda Tau u lty d m in g room

n a s t . V in c e n t M l t h igh school

iSDAV. FEB 27-W . 8 C ouncil m eeting.

S c a b b a r d and B lade d inn er m d program . Un ion

to fin d blank. 2-n w holesa le o v e r M e ra lly "q u izzy ' a ti A fte r a hectic wee p astim e has not

m orning, o; r t s -.f paper - in p cha ir* and a a»sphere in «he r-* -end when on e * > • been study, ther«s little procedurebanquet, no equal fo r tr

d ispe llin g w h a tever of the rosy d o iv Ka-,«- m ay rem a in and bring m g 1 ne back

r ea lity w ith a d is tin c t’ thudtIn a round, unm istakcable hand. 'I

prole&sor w rites out a :*et ot questio i th a t m ake one rather i ll W ere th f w ritten in th e archaic Egypt ta: th ey cou ld be no less com prehensib le

m in or- orable p in t and {h e r<

k V F E B . 2*— Th e s tu d io u s ones, m uchVarsity te n n is tryouts. A s s e m - ity. seize t h e i r pens with

b ly r o o m o f a r m o r y w r i t e fu r io u s ly .phiJinore p a r t y , fonnal, U n - i O n e n o w b e g in s to understand »he _

lo tj. | a d v a n ta g e s o f w eek-en d p r e p a r a t io n T h ree

T h e nonplussed m a jo r ity »om p le te l>affled. look d ou b tfu lly and questioi m g ly at equ a lly ba ffled friend.* / -verpow en n g a ir " f g loom l« t n w have e tt le d t»Ti th e «la ».* everyo i «••■Mi. unk ;i im pen ertab le d e je t t io

_-<,me m ake t /eeble e ffo r t to reca ll fl «ab jec t m atter «ili** or tw o rece ive ; inspirai ion and w rite m ad ly before rade*-, others ra ttle paper*, w rigg le u com fortab ly, and stare out

Th rou gh it

■ t. o c1 upying Johnson R u th i la n o n F inch H e ien B en nett B ern ice Parson ra v e a d inn er m an S ta te Boa t»er, and tier gi

D r M a n e l> C onrad w ill be ■>. hic.ti th e girl econom ics pra« t rughi Mias Be o f trio house

H e • «¡i*

on - I th e B a ttle C re B a t»le C reek tn

« w k .J the zoology

1 H anding in Mu igaN ature

»um lasttub

ouse incnev. R u th (le t te l . Mru<*ygaret W oodw orth P ro fessor S tack in ron p en ilion w ith ¡id m e s »ftiile r and th e .ta te d epa rtm ent of con servation .«At week th e g irls and th e M H <: rootogy departm ent M rs D ora S tock - does m uch <•f the b ird tiariding <tf the A g ricu ltu re m em - state, and he is a well in fo rm ed l**c-

<1 «t ig h te r H irer on th is subject:.d D ean E lisabeth P ro fessor S ta c k , head o f th e B ird...red a« ft d inn er B and ing departm ent o f M. S ( ' and , -

• h.- «w orw l horn« (o r (ou r y -n n w c r e O r y o f ih * Ininrul * * M « < b .n d in « « . t i u n m u th *v ing to - B ird B and ing tw a icia tion . h a s be«*n larges»

th a t banded over n thousand bird* During tn*- '.*’»«r 2381 birds were (land­ed d i the M B C station

It.«* In lan d Hird H anding associa­tion wax organ ized fo r th e p u rpo «* o f assisting and * 'x » i'e ra i»!tg w ith th e U s B io log ica l :ii\ev ;*i W a fth ington ; D C ITte grea tes t B ird B and ing «Jistrict. M th e w»»rld wh ich is located betw een th e Appalur.hin an d th e R ocky m oun- •ains con ta in 874 banders

F rederw k (* L inco ln , w h o h a * vis ited not on ly a ll *the larger m sttutions <»f banding but a ll m e p riva te un its n.*. wed wtien Itere in O ctober. 1920. said




ouse are .• O ra m

in Du* Ü on cer ned.

as fa r ’ r a p *

e m en t o f t h t st ' id e n t a n d

i-yf c l e a n a n d well. Y o u w i l l

b a rb e r s h o p a -

m i eu p tn tha rge com p lim en ted on his fine work in th is ^ ________

thi. p c .u o n by Pau l Badmtton. ¿hiel o t P « “ ' n " ' r:* » ' » » »Pf»fnt«t <u»i»iant

In «he b i Un ion tor facu lty l ig h te d find the pleasant p la c e t o h a v e you r barber w o rk d o n e .

Rem em ber the s p e c ia l prices in B e a u ty S h o p o n Mnntiav n n d T u e s d a y e a c h week

1/mdow oi

he instructor, inex- month arc Fate pace* upan and down Feige, Ftorru cheerfully unaware that be .'■'ranees Dav»*. Ruth Tnfltnpwn

i«rponsibl« for th« bay s calamity M iidríd A ru J cr^ in " * " • • * "— ‘ *™ * ’ ~ 7 ut a quarlarly DfiUattn o l which two

o «ck ll« . c le a n ,-,i and prea««d w t Ü T i w h W « « T W I O T U t l X S t » y r i «a n « r . (Phnn# 5-JSHi. Stt M. A. C . A ».c o | H «a h a «« alraady twwn f * u «< t

Oran- Maraurrt V h - asauctauon Laat y«ar throuah tha « d 'W o t m .B u l lM ln at l h « N ^ h w ^ t -Huhbant, H e in , l inn . «fTort« of Prof siaclc and a group of « " > I

K.* u h r vtirri Banditili with Francis H Alien oi Cornell ana* t a i loiî: r a nk«d 13th Dr W ,n*;r M T a ilo r of Harvard T h i. |


h p l % « T U R M V C H I U A N

fPfchigan State NewsM ill l l l i f (» ir r «w U r 4urlni Oh* n.ll»ir »» »r hr Ihr studsntt ot Mlcblitn Rltl« Pilli— Knttnd m Mrron<J rts*« Rmllrr nt Ihr |m«Ui(Hrf, Kut lilliiln i, Mkhl(in.U m É M I t a n K la tr N m « of

TVIrphoiV i l l i t i i i r N m i'iil Ariv. Av.. Inc., M X K lf th Avi'.. N rw York Oltjt,

irnhlM , ln « ., <0 K .M«m., 410 North N i t k ln *

K4lt<iri«li a p p r ir irn in th r JV.ft hienn H lite N rw n a r r w ritten by tin* wlilor*(n>rlii«f •nil hi* M f i i i i n ’ *. who a r r *iiM|rnt*. T h ry tmn no wny In* in irrb rrtod M

rr»»rrwofi»iv |h r <>fT tria l viewpoint o f th r r i llliK r or o f th r CO llttf i i l l l r la l l . -

KolHo-ripi ion. I I IWl th r Bohool Year.

T A I I. H T U '

R I I IT O I IM f , S T A F F N a i i a i ln i Ed itor

I « fit Ddiliir

A»*i*1ant Kd ilnrv

Un r r j . P oh lea (.ililfoiit ßpUtfiiM«

M a ir i ((o rn ine Katherine LyiicJL.

Kohrrt C, Uraliani Ir.-i,.- Mi K m - P r a r l Par r I«


Roy Bami-'n

Jo h n II..

An.ly !<!

RPH IN RH M S T A P F (Inaine** M a n a i ir

Aao M an l M anayrra

f'a llartbm a

Circu lation M anayrr

Advertising U n yra ii W illiam V

Eclectic (louas

Kappa Dalta Rovaa

Ph i H r It a Houat

(515 Form t

ly.-m, G«». Thi.maa.

E L E C T IO N S A N D C O M M O N S E N S E —On T h u rsd a y . M arch ti, the fr « ‘shm an. MOj^omoi*«*, and ju n ior

c l « maps w i l l havt* »In- n jip o r lu n ily to n om ina te «‘a n d id a tc s t <» rep- resent th e ir c lasses on the Student U m incil and the U n ion B oard * H a ve thoBe d e s s e s cnnsitjc fcd the jo b that th ey have op the ir hands?

T h e desYiny and the a c t iv ity o f the S tudent Council, anti Ihe u n ion B oa rd dep end s upon the typ e and c h a ra c te r o f the men and w om en w h o a re e lec ted to serve on those o rg a n iz a t io n s W il l th ey tie a c t iv e o r w il l they Ik * d o rm a n t? W ill they serve the best in te res ts o f tin c o lle g e o r w ill th ey fu n c tion fo r som e p o lit ic a l c liq u e?

T o tht* m em bers ot tin studen t body fa l ls the resp on s ib ility o| d e c id in g w hat the Student U ouncil and the U n ion Board w ill be. I t is fo r th e ir ow n in te res ts and the w e lfa r e o f the student g ro u p that they shou ld con s id er the m erits o f th e ir can d id a tes b e fo r e th ey put them in o ffic e ra th e r than a fte rw a rd s . W ill the studen t hod\ choose men w ith “ go t th e re ," w ith in itia t ive , w ith im p a r t ia l s t r a ig h t fo rw a rd ideas, oi* w ill they be govern ed by p o lit ic s , b ias, o r w i l l fu l d is in terest in the s e le c t in g o f men t " se rve in h igh cam pus o ffic e ?

It the Mtenibef." o f the th ree lo w e r H asses fa il to g iv e this m a tte r o f n om ina tion s th e ir c a re fu l con s id era tion , i f they do not a ll take part in tin* n am in g o f can d ida tes , i f they do not act in an u nselfish and u n p re ju d iced m anner in p ick in g th e ir men. (h en w e cannot ex p e r t the grou p s in p o w er to fu n ction as rep re ­sen ta tiv e . c o -op e ra tiv e , w id e -a w a k e o rgan iza tion s .

— —■

T H E W O M E W S I O \ \ E l M l —W o m en 's o rga n iza t io n s on the cam pus took upon tjjichi a

W o r th w h ile and se rv icea b le w ork ill recen tly es tab lish in g a c o l­le g e w om en ’s loan fund on the cam pus under the con tro l o f the

be lieve that I lie u n d ertak in g is w orth - it g iv es the w om en ’s o rga n i/ a lion s som e w ill t!ud<m ittrdIv ob tain fa r m ore liene-

n re e o n ir ilu llin g In a w orthw h ile p ro jec t lie cam pus, than those w ho

B y Z I L f ’H A L E W I S

W E ON KS DAY Ed nu St Vincent M il- luy 'nt Kunt.ni Hir/h Schont at 8 o'clock

The Lnn.sln« «lebut of the Vlolincelltht. **■* Alexander Schuster, a member of the mu‘Je faculty, with the Minneapolis Symphony orchestra firmly established this amiable Russian In the Rood grace* of the concert-Koers. and further en ­deared him to his enthusiastic pupil* While Mr .Schuster has been in Amer­ica only since last fall, and his com­mand Of the EngliHh lantuinge is pro­portionate he i*. such a splendid artist and is so apt with illustrations which in themselves solve the students' prob­lem*. without, the use of words, that iie has attracted four or five chamber music organizations HI* own Quar­tette experience has shown him the mistaken tht pupil.* are apt to make

A t the conclusion of the comer Henri VerbruKPhen, conductor of the Minneapolis b y m p h o n y orchestra, praised the music faculty, and "VspPCl- ally Its able director, Prof Lewis Richards .Verbrugghen expressed the highest opinion that this school will be­come one of fiie finest in the country, since it has already attracted several world-famous artists to its .staff Tn conclusion he urged that the com­munity give its support to the fo rth ­coming project of providing suitable erjuipmen' and buildings

Mr Verhrugghen based these re­marks upon a thorough survey of the equipment, classrooms and practice- building* of the Music Department Which he made during the afternoon of the concert At that time he heard two vlolih solos, the Tsrhaikovsky Con­certo. played by Izlri .Solomon, and a Schumann Aria, played by Evelyn FineBoth violinists were accompanied at the piano by Archie Black


Students Ukmit ih r Sanitary Man- necring course offered by the Civil En­gineering department ere now masing

study o f the sewage disposal which- is joiptlv owned by the co ft» and thr city ol tost l . i » t P r o f « * « Theroux is directing tn* * l,f *

Next term, some of the ratifient wu take the design of a secondary



Winter Park. Pla - s ambitions to emulate th* ancestor* in literature, thorne Deming. of Red*! great grandson o f Nn’ thorne. is enrolled this y man at Rollins colleg* Fla. Young Doming sa tractod to Hollins by *1 it.H course* in English .■

time ’a

immunity nr


v»s*ponéd to Sunday <• } a t four o’clock. M

me I urged to aliene

S K M O H ( O K I.SI * ! . A N 1.1 N T H K O N

I; desk before noon <f initiation v asked •

The co-ed committee in charge oi ■n* senior bridge-luncheon is headed b\ Nina Evans, and working with her art Dorothy’ Jeh'.en Margaret^ Patterson


O L C o r r t f t n v T M o ,

and hopes some day to ditlonal Hawthorne ma

Demina - parents ar* thom e and Wtlllma Ch His mother I* a dftui Hawthorn* who t» .*

[or I

Hart, Schaffner & Marx to Off er Prize for Best Economic Essay

Robert i l ia im m a student undei Louis Graveure, gave two recital.’ ni Eaton Rapid» and at Blanton Mich Iasi week Hi* program, in which h* wn* accnmpnnied by Mi*-1- Betty Uat- dan Consisted of two group*

Temple Beits Woodford-FindenMight a pood Worlri O ’MarnNiehavo Mah»-ZuccaThé Sleigh KountzFrinì s’ Soni; Dietkeuui

Lat (in

I .H i WottllM- t tic

'H o‘ Rose* softly hloiiin

and ''V illanelle '. Deli- ■ompaiiisi I Mildred

Pipei ( '-Imi;mg L Spoh Asquu Her .Tame:

Don- posthunious gav* several piano -elei nuns at the Matinee Musicale W edneadav a ftom oort

sitiixn Rubenxtein played the BachArt'-M tm the Blindas evening service at ill*- Congregational Church Mr Rub­en «le i n is » eelllsl from New Ynrk • ml ¡indies with Alexander schiuder

man Profeaaor .

Harvard Hniver i Bur* on VVasiilng C M itch e il, C ol» been enab led *f *>f Hart Bchaffru* to offer ui I9.J0 ! udies o i f*s?.a v

to certain ehias ' .There are two

A and i: Ctaadents of ih e tTpi without t es* i lei I*o n ly t h o w w h o aare sent in. .ire Àmerieau college Contesi is to arm study of topics and industry an*

respond to ihe sei held each year by * year cfas* I ’ 1* *l>< chairman of the mi**ec rim* a lan sQTiior co-eds will fa ir on Saturday


IConimued from pay !■

irne J l l i ;in Ban Frai

uncle Fred Hawthorne I -, ‘ the New York Her; his aunt, Hilriegrade .Sm Francisco, is a dist

Young Deming’s in .tre not confined to ll this year'» regular * ep* college fre.shman foo»b Loom I Prefiaratorv s*

An F., ■ 4 dm


ai numbers; others

T in ear's banque

men* will *on! The dairy t

>• farm crop* depart ed stork .a lad I nun i‘rushed i<- the iior'i*

Mm « ia to ( fa

ft* t f o a III* t i r i l t i n r i l y

Y\.lo t

nil.whiltfp ftn itv 111 lie I itili 'I'll Ht in rcn liz iBK that th and lu'tnp Ol stime t v « I x c r v in « . i b o rrow from tht* lu m i *

\YV « Is * . p ra iM c th r u m lfiM a k m pwhich an- supportili*; i*o n t i iv 11»-«»«I rt'proscuifa li p r o j t ’f t a m i in • «utt* " i v'. p T o tm itu m liu l a l l a rt \

\ \ i u a i *i i th u s « * « i r k m ith ey <i" hot m ake th e ir I By su. d o m e I-heir pu ri than a ht'lp tn mans vu­oti t tht- u ill-po\v«*r I " pa s t ip u la te s I hat it sh a ll' I W e indeed imp«* that that w ord

Frum a business standpu iid w ith ou t in terest \\.‘ tan Hp|»l iza tm ns svtm «trew up lit*' ctm ditjuns t r y in g t " U ijp w om en studen ts w ho n ecess ity l'or th e ir trivtiiK son ie lh in if m ore , even though I In- in terest r a le h tw ic e befor«* in eu rrm K a debt lo t w In

si im 1 1 rum

iiosru foi îhe naine of tin flying rotati Imi lui- been developed (tu auhHiuitif - a lly piloting airplanes fh e roboi ;ee|ts a plain m balance latentllv and mi :/<>iiiiiii\ n o d et in t r o is * im - d i r e c t io nif f l ig h t th r o u g h H ie f i td d p i

In conetusion . S p ir it w hich h im I in the in stipa l i«;r ic e to th e ir te l le v

I hai I In- «u yan iza t ions h ide in th e ir m e ipbersh ip n ea rly the mi th i-eatnpus. It is « representative* at mu is try iiip lo reap p ra is e lo r its otm* to take pa ri.im ti' ol' otm th ìna», how ever. Th a i •> ton Kencrm is n o r ton easy to ubtain-

wutild hfitum * a d etr im en t ra th erw ho had Ihe tlesire 1o horrow W ith-

I hi’ a r i crea tina ' ih e loan fu n d J<* fo r w o r th y W om en student s. vo r thy W ill not be s ligh ted , so, Mi- do not iie linve in loans I H ie the a lt itu d e o f the o raan - uns fo r loans, in that th ey are »ho n«M*d lu 'ip, hut t i l re is no

I pot luna- A n d t urt her m a ll, a person w ill th ink he has to pay in terest.

il liai

ve have not Hina hut eom niem lu t ion fo r the I these w om en > o rp a n iza tnuis to jo in t*»aether und prom nU na *'l a p ro je c t w h ich is o f serv- s t t id e n ts on i i i f c a m p u s

K x p o iifa t we a re p u b lish in g an a rlich * he I n ive rs ity as in fo rm a tion t«> th«* new m in der t«» the o ld and We hope that a ll icp t tin in in the serum s liaht in w hich ea rs have fo s te red am ! ohey«’d them .• tra d it io n s a re riot a liocesa ily , nor per*s fa r hottk-learn iua is concern ed . But

> than c la ss room s— .there 's an trn- as St H O O L S P IR I T w h ich cannot tim e honored custom s and p rac tices n th rou gh tlie y e a rs until th ey h ave

11 adit i

T H A lH T n m s —In th is isMit •

on the t ra iiilio n - stu d en t- am i a- B o ile rm a k e r - w i th e s tu den ts ot \

In a p rac tic a l haps even a luxur> as then* is m o re tn a m m detinabj«* son ie th in y km ex is t w ith ou t the S tlppol w h ich h ave been eat t ied

- Iw com e tra d it ion s .A n in s titu tion withuul

m ill w hich m echan ica l I > jfi'im l c o l le g e d e g re e am i a ku ow ledg a g r is t m ill a re rm ig ty cut ami la r g e ex ten t.

N o one re ce ives any m a ten ,ii ga in out o f the w ea r in g o f g r e e d caps by fresh m en , o r th«' s iu o in g o f m ustaches by um ierclass- men «*1* fr o m any o f the m any loca l trad ition s , but every«»ue •fTecB nf d oes re ce ive a ^ e a l t h ot sp ir itu a l ga in and school spirit. T rad it io n s an* not the resu lt o f studen t o r fa c i l i t y le g is la tio n b u t an * th e p rodu ct o f t im e am i custom . A s such they a re . not to be disregarded by tiiose w ho a re not accustom ed to them and p e rh a p s c o n s id e r th em an in fr in gem en t on th e ir p r iv ile g e s W H E N A T P U R D U E D O A S T H E B o l l .K H M A K E H S 1)0.

— P u rd u e E xponen t.

W ith fche end o f Feb ruary close upon us, w e take it upon our- ae lvea to rem ind students thaLthere are but three fu ll weeks for chuM W ork and study before term exams. Neglect of Iiooks is liab le to decrease the S p r in g term enrollment.


W e web* in te rested in re a d ­ing in the F eb ru a ry I I ed it ion o l the P u rd u e E xponen t that tHey w e re in a u g u ra tin g th e ir first U n ion T ea D ance on the day fo l lo w in g the ed it io n . T h e tea dances a re being c a rr ie d on at that In s titu tion fo r the p e r i­od o f a m on th as an e x p e r i­ment

F rom our b r ie f e x p er ien c e w ith tea dances at th is co lleg «\ w e b e lie ve that it is a good th ing fo r stu den ts to in* o ffe r e d a ch a lice on ce o r tw ic e a w eek t<* re f ax from the s tra in id' s tu d ­ies and to m ix to g e th e r in som e sort o f a soc ia l g rou p . In fac t, we ra th er a g re e w ith that part o f the e d ito r ia l in the P u rd u e p a p er in rega rd to U n ion tea dances, "T h a t is an o th e r step tow a rd th e b rea k in g dow n o f the socia l s t iffn ess o f the a ve r - j a g e techn ical s tu d en ts ."

fjnmniert ini ;crtmpu* Jan •«» 2.*»Min »-.• m <l ■ ni !>»• <

i-pntiwii’p •>’ hof Mtflinau 1 ( i thimrri a tohilproblrniN • ' ilOf 1In«

R .1 enrv Himffrst Hort <..MaimRrinri.' !})»■

Paul Muif.l id Htroll, itavf d< •slRUIUK Al-'.stntf s io -now willi the orul

Silicici.*kit .tic nbrviri; *'?"

Ktllglc an»- ' ,, jM...> .Mili .li - C0|>fenxr imi;lliin i.


n o g r a n d i m i i;


Barratt Shoe RepairingSHINE - LACKS

ll.tsrnirttl «U fash ion simp lo | % Granii River

Shaffer's Bakeryh »r D l.I.II IO I s p i k .s a n i i

CREAM 1*1! EFH209 M A 5 Avenue

i> is l i t t le mure than a g r is t out nun and w om en w ith a I '’facts . A n d Ih e p rod u cts q f ck po lish am i re finem en t to a M i c h i g a n

S t a t eB a n k

t l | Abbot Road


We serve Sodas and

Sundaes that please

particular people . .

B Y R N E Sf

D e p e n d a b l e D r u g s

12.‘i East Grand Kivcr(\ e x t Odor to Stole Cafe)

I n the race fo io r tu n c , the m i « rc e ic t t ttam in * , physica l and m enial, w in. "The ,en- ior m»»t likely to succeed" i* chn«en h ccau .c he has auperinr strength oi and body.

lame and w ith the


S h re d d e d W heat is th e (avonte h rcakfa.i of many .am ous captains of industry - -the ideal food lor conquer« or*, l l fives in one simple

T h e M a n M o s t L ik e ly T o S u c c e e dd e le c t a b le di«h a ii o f * ‘~ n c c c *% a ry fn o ti elem cn* ' an d R ives them in the nwwt

e a s ily digested fo rm . Plenty o h b r e n t«io» fo r a cfe tr w»* tcm and an a le r t m ind l.et a how l o f Shredded YY he u

with p le n ty of Rood rich milk s ta rt y o u on e su cc e ssfu l dty —e v e r y d a y .


jrd and Blade, Senior IFormals Enliven Winter Season


IV a r- : - ..a, i an«l Bladh j»a n



has been w aning .since tht* .|-H«ip and was rm ived last week-end with the

•n Friday, and the Senior formal on arties rival the H op in interest and

Blade party was a pieturesrpje af- i transform ed with m ilitary settinpv dress nf the men. Th is formed a

colorfu l dresses for the vrirls. M any Senior formal on the fo llow ing even- i ballroom also. About lifty couples maj dinner dance F riday night, and a Bhf. and Phi ( ’hi A lpha fraterni- d inner dances last week-end, The

••• was h«*M on Saturday.

Thr following group appointments have been given out lor Sunday. March 2 by W illiam Pra ’ t. activity editor of the Wolverine The alt tin«*» will be held at U 'C Iea:'s studio. usual

The Wolverine announres that this Is the last series of appointments that will be given out for societies and urge« that the various groups cooperate by. being on time for their sittings If each society is at the studio at least ten minutes before tune, each picture fan be taken with a minimum of con­fusion and delay

Following is the schedule for .Sunday ii* LeClear s

10 00 Phi Chi Alpha JO 30 Trimoira It oo -U n ion Literary 11:30 Brahbard and Blade

Odr K II nd A lice Reek.

V - I ' . l *


Ft hi >; Thus

'«»rial »*r|pjkbeen a brilliant party in the

¡lege and thli

»fla ir,direr*

Behold• a new and inoderh Homer > n our mldat! Fred H vk Jovial Unior

no exf’t'ptTon 1 f.0J) fe^eiinir the flres of inspiratior iniorefl or- flamme m hl« blue-confed omom s»t

bren , Iinu -ed ;rif,w ., tf, ,m jyprwriter. and in ura»> no tirne a< all produeed the fol* g pacan of ¡»rnisr ¡i mn .terpierr crtptlv» verie whieh ¡s destlned tr

im *n m ip re»ive ns» 0i engagememi t,n,in m nifttorv a.\ long n*- hl*tor> about the efty The bullroom will be | r>xists < lnhoratrlv drroratiwi portfayl futuri*tlr theme Attrartlve ¡j coin ptimes with mrta! eorner? braring the .ral ni the dass f»f t iwn will b*- tdven a* the favor- .«11 fhlft p »rty will rank inuii i formal* and will be largelv atten

coming 'teck-rAid I party will be held while th» Alpha »

u-'ktn j in to •and'l M irh ifl

fur« v - , A lso üAil in n rr .*m a.ng periodi

»trinaiI h r

a m maH otel

v i udì*bgina


ir's note The jmrrn ¡s divided ¡tarts one dated before the

I game and the other after nmmon u-nh 'he Trmd«*rn nwn-

written without capital* and


Here's Perfect HEATINC UNITS p la c e d in

Newspaper Staff AG H*0* n,IST FL00R

V ihos & d id « has to A *

s i a n o v i h z f j p r . c i e — ~

i / d o e s n b ^

ÎÀ Ô o ti^ T


City Editor -8hape.ipearc I Shipping Conrad Masefield

Markets Norris Advice to the Lovelorn Oeorge War Correspondent«—Caesar, i

Xenophon Bridge expert Bref Har*»* Sports Ike Walton Editorial* K D F South

Horatio A lger Marie Correlli Copy How Shellev Kean, dolumnut Solomon Sunday Erlitor Jule* Verne Eeaturef Baron Munrhnrwn

racrio Rabelais. Q Henry Copy Editor Pater Bennett <

College steam-Utter* havr bren ou-v ilurtng thr past few days installine; ;* et df four heatlng unii* ir. the first

Iloor corridore o f Ag hall The ncv. unit* are combm-atlon stearrt

and elecirio thè hea* beine fumisiied r»v '< ¡ir 'ii'u iaM ng fhrough a of' ;! -imilar Ut ari automobile rad:a*or

O li POR \ ROOF O M ttlFNI X f I U M ' Mf %l I I H I « <» I I»

marriage license printed. Jeglon.

Others for no ver*, good keep their names'uu* : sometime granted b Daily tllini

i ;

W. A. A. TEAMS FORMED FOR CLASS TOURNAMENTS A t I h e S t a l e T h u r s d a y

volley ball and

ini after- Mar« h



the letter* T 7 N II ee near B lanchard t

The uark «rad* ¡all* g re«,

the tree 50 year* » « ' i OKlalvnnu 1 > i ] »M tö W ö Ö Ö ìlp iU ttl| T d l l î

Fa r m e r MF.RCHANi b a n q u e t j b e a u t y ( u h u r e i n

D A T E I S C H A N G E D T O M A R 1 ! A l l I t s H r a i u h e s

tier-:. , t. , M , ' ■’ - f . ! i \ I M W « I l *| I \ | *

M U H M f \ 0\| «»I ' « R U N<>»tf y I I - I 4 M *U \# . H IM *

* * T h e H o le . L u v a r J C j . k o b i n s t . r

» O I Ü . IN W \ 1.1.' T d f ’ R N D A V

I'tw <eam ' hn .¡rr in g :


H m stiort Cmime CoinmpnoTM.«nt .«ran *... '» held Fridav after -on.

March 7 ' '* M L Nr«u. pr*' irient": : the Michigan .State Farm bureau.

• h** • o m m e tu •**.-.• r ' .*n*f: e*>: wiu ik , Ahort cour banquet ¡n




F O R M A L " M A K E I T T H E



F R I D A Y N I G H T , F e b , 2 8 -I ’ i f k e t s a l 1 i i i o n D e s k a n d S m n k e S h o o

U N I O N K I . I X i . 9 : 0 0 P . M .

h e C a m p u s P r e s sI V O K I*«il» \ I I I»*

Ulti W. «îrand River Ave.


,der,i cr.uid reali*. t./> umud t/> wea f a.s ! he m en 'h a f ar** go ing »ve !o wear the propnaed uniion .wirf la* fci.rd ■■4' consulted a liftr he deta ils * ' The ou tfit I f « chan:

UAt lie m ade ^iwi win» quiwt»*;: at** whv IK»’ niMKc as !<o|>i)iar xuublc with the gTeate»»t number »

A tte n tio nStudents

The Lansing Citfe

b m m mrm ■

H. S. Marshall ;J E W E L E R I

■ * §


H !I .A "T L A N ^ fV «. v|l« II I

Near IVnlnfficr m


\Hartrty and (Sift &hnji |

»17 Km * O n a i River Ave. |


F A I L U R Emany times depends <m your appearance. Why take the risk of failing? Keep your clot bes c lea n and wt II pressed.

I n c l u d e Y o u r

L i n e n T o » »

OoHegt Dry Stagers E a s lL a tsia g L tM d ry

: w »M M Km »

PhoM 2-2S3S



L I F E ’ S T O O S H O R TIo u asii* on the meduMrc.

Knj<»> the exeeilenee of ,t laMteful me«»l* \

— for mntjinre. \

D I N I N G R O O M \.N|I i O F F K E S H O P \

Hntrl ©LbsGEO. L'. CROCKER, Manager

M I c a i O A * » t i l l W ■ W ■



A B Button 359Utld A P ia tt

r i a l l y t o p \ w M

Tft CTATI? 9® FroA*« t«i» fimi w«u«pini t«y I U J 1 A 1 L , J ^ - L O s | u m p | ( | U „ 2 0 S c e « t i « IN TRACK MEET Over Cicvoload

H i l l l d i l r Nearly Toko» Mroiorc ef Sperim i in Mediacre

of Play. Geli Away la Fail Start by an IK Point Lead; Final

Score 66-43.

Team s.

"W hetl Hit* lloekey Season *'• II Thu us. W in*» Bnmbull w

Mere It Freezes” . Sit Vs . Mentor.

1 1 ie- h parimi lirshmm. basketballf* c lentn dropped h heart-breaker to theGame rn d ay western Rtate Teachers college frwli

In in Kltlfiitoiwoo- here Haiunhtv lifter-CONCLUDES HOME SEASON ^ .rZ Z Z 'X r^ Z , : , : TWO ASSIGNMENTS ahead

e,,,,, I, ('„| | p rlffi yearling eager* I Im-

Overconfidence of Locali N e c c i- la lei Uiing Firil Siring


HIHsriftle college turni h« <i 'in ' rd strong i)|)|K»ltl(Hi lot th<* Hptmfll cngers in tlw ir It mil hom** ran » oi ti"KPliMill plaved tu III«1 gynushltii I-min evening unti Coach Byo P Vhii ai sty tie's ttnintel was pushed hard *»• ' " ' t 1 ti 34 to 3« victory ov»u ' i f Hni'iPK

Htate showed pom Ini»n ¡" 'ti ih'Unit’s plfivrtl llir I • ke‘» li.i il illplayed by any this Hi’ii'iiii ili*bniketrrrs were «In im n lv over colili- d e n t a n d played « > m «it ' ** indtoerem gallic The Baptist» v i " «ally • for fills opcnlilK and la id t )v lend un til the filmi IO m initir> ■ ! play

Htnie reserves a*-" 1 ill'*d tn*rtn » the start " I tin* game »md Hillsdnli i.Mintl the s h o c k Iron)» • ' '• opjHtnenl mid had shot into m sewn point leai early in tlie an me <'•■** 11 Van Alslvn lost Utili* time in sending reaulitrinto fiction and before the end "* *h'(trai half all of the h' ' ntrtiRH m«t

Q P ^ S v ^ ' % 'X / {■ 5 \ - 1 V Spa

Utili the exception in the game. imi ib ibd hi to 14 nt halt turn

it was un altered tine seiiud State ai ih« rioI mm tod Hand y Bam*sIcoi»1with Fred Den Merde i forward position

The Spar tans fhmih function, due large h n* It« iier Cl rove It«- .« i • • only m entivi of tin ' ptnvuut true 1«« fotnt points I** a*«ip hu h -M Close liehind him W Is- dule ace. w it h 14 polii*

It was the final horn» Si.itc seniori' Capino X tie n lien Herder It and Duke Hchuu <'■'!> kethnil uniform* f»»i t>Fust tans mg Dot) 1 n broken nose and h t suitM M III*. AN 'tin


C t n I; John K o b s t* iok a d v a n ta g e • ■: m « unmbbonahie »a rm weal her iwst Friday a n d to o k In* S p a r t a n b a s e b u il candi­date« o u u u d e lor a v o r fc o u t H e h a *

h o ld in g w o rk 'tu t * in D e m o n s t r a ­tion h a i l for s e v e r a l w e e k s a n d w a s only t o o g h d t o ta k e a d v a n ta g e of t h e e s - t i a o r d in a r y w e a t h e r a * h r h a s b e e n u t o i l t o h a v in g football w e a t h e r a t t h e a t a r i o f t h e b a s e b a l l s ea so n