middle eastern current events

Middle Eastern Current Events By: Bryan Bond

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Middle Eastern Current Events. By: Bryan Bond. Tunisia. 10/24/12 is the one year anniversary for Tunisia’s first democratic election. Algeria. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Middle Eastern Current Events

By: Bryan Bond

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Tunisia• 10/24/12 is the one year anniversary for Tunisia’s first democratic election.

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Algeria• Is currently facing threats from Islamic terrorist infiltrating the country disguised as

a result of Algeria’s Mali campaign. Has increased security on its borders.

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Egypt• Revolution taking place in Egypt in an attempt to change the current structure and

leadership of perceived oppressive government.

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Libya• Gaddafi has been killed and the country is having its first democratic election.

Recently, tensions with the US have been high after the storming of an embassy resulting in the death of US Ambassador Stevens.

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Saudi Arabia• Currently a hotbed for terrorist cells as a result of the influence of Osama bin


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Jordan• Is experiencing security undermining by terrorist cells as a result of having a

western-sponsored monarch that is a proponent of free trade.

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Yemen• A hotbed of terrorist activity that is known to sponsor several terrorist training

camps and being the point of origin of the infamous “Underwear Bomber”.

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Syria• Currently experiencing a civil war as a result of government loyalist fighting with

revolutionary rebels hell-bent on changing governmental structure.