mil f, 'thedaily bulletin · f, 'thedaily bulletin jjj vol, ii. o. 475. honolulu, ii. i.,...

f, 'THE DAILY BULLETIN jjj Vol, II. o. 475. HONOLULU, II. I., TIIUHSQAY, AUGUST !), 1883. 60 OE8NuTBa8cPRK0oNNTH v f ill ) 'W I v$ , j2 ft'"1'1" IU e. I'll 1 V fc THE DAILY BULLETIN STEAM PRINTING OFFICE. WALTER HILL, Proprietor. Is published every morning and circu. luted throughout tho town by curriers, and forwurded to the other Islands by every opportunity. Subscription, - 50 cents per Month. a. Caiibon Kenyon, Editor. All business communications to be ad. dreiscd, Manager Daily Bulletin, Post Ofllco Box No. 14. Tclephouo 250. Odlce, . . - - quron Street, Opposite West's Carriage Fuctory. J. O. CbKviott, Manager 8. M. CAHTEU. 8. F. OHA1IAM. S. M. CARTER & 00. 8 Kins Street, Honolulu, II. I. Retail Dealers in Fire Wood, Goal and Feed. "WTE would notify tho public, and ,1 V House keepers in particular, that wc keep on .hand and for salc in quan- tities to suit purchasers and at LOWEST BATES, fuel, as follows : Hard and Soft Woods, Cut any lengths; Charcoal, N.S.W. Newcastle Coals, Scotch Coals, and the Celebrated Wellington Mine Departure Bay Coals; Also, Blacksmith's Coal. Tho above can be ordered by telephone or. otherwise, a,nd immediate delivery guaranteed. . , GIVE US A. CAUL. I , Telephone, No. 187. WE ALSO KEEP IN STOCK JfcEay ancl Oats, California and New Zealand; Barley, Whole and Ground; Wheat, Corn Whole and Cracked ; Bran, Middlings, and other Feed. ESTOrder the above through Telephone No. 187, and we warrant quick tlclivr ., and full "weight. Orders from the other Islands solicited. to all parts of the city. Remember, S3 Kins street, 880 Cgr And Telephone No. 187. PLANTATION GOODS. Simple Belting, Helvetia Laces, Tuck Packing, Sug-i- r Coolers, Chirifiers, Fire Clay, Hemp Packing, with or without India Rubber, , "Babbit Motal, Barbed Fence Wire, Mining Steels, Hoes, Pickaxes,. Cane Knives, with or without hooks, Hand ind Smith Hammers, Shovels, Axes, t Jackscrews, Vices, '"' Bteam-pip- e Brushes, Patent Bteam-pip- e Covering, Lubricating Oil, . Cement, Steel 'Bails. Suuar and Coal Bags, Twine, &c, &c. For sale by H. HACKFELD & Co. Oct.' 19th ' GEORGE LUCAS, v and Builder,' Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla-und- o, Honolulu. Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, ' Sashcsr Doors, .and all kinds of Wood- work lulsh. Turning, Scroll and Band Sawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-fn- g, Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly attended to and wprk guar mteed.' Ordern from the other is solicited THE OLD CORNER Efatablitfhed, 1858. llAnr Buos., : : Proprietors. M EAL8 Served up In flrut-clas- s stylo nt all hours Open from 2 a. m. to 10 p, m. Always on hand Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes &c., Ac. Also, Iced Drinks ! f ' 7fi Job Printing EVERY DESCRIPTION oxecut OF d(. vith neatness and dl,.)iitcli al Tiik Daily Bulletin Office, Queen st. B. F. EELERS & Co., DRY GOODS IMPORTERS, All tho Latest Novelties in Fanoy Goods Receivod by every steamer EOR T S TREE T BREAKING HORSES IN GENUINE STYLE. WALLACE JACKSON the thorough experienc. cd korso breaker, wishes S.tho public to know that uo is tuny prepared to tnko charge of stock, and guarantees to break them thoroughly on his Bunch, and attend carefully to feeding and doctoring horses. Ho has now in his charge such celebrated steeds as Black Thorn and other thoroughbreds, and has the exclusive churgc of all of Mr. James Campbell's stock. Orders ldft at the Pantheon Stables, or at the mommoth stables on Mr. James Campbell's property nt Kaplolani Park, vill meet with promptness. 295 ly JOHN N0TT, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Worker, Plumber, Gas Fitter, &c. Stoves and Ranges of all kinds. Plumbers' stock and metals, House Furnishing Goods, 77 Chandeliers, Lamps, &c. A NEW DEPARTURE ! WILLIAM MILLER 0Llinet;m alter And Upholsterer, No. 63 Hotel street, Opposite International Hotel, Between Nuuanu and Fort streets. A CARD TO TH 3 PUBLIC. K0HM Beg to intimate to their friends and the public geneially, that they are now pie-pare- to execute orders for Plain and. Decorative Painting: & Paperhaiiging in the best and newest st3'les. Orders mriv be left at bis residence1, No 01) Hotel street, or by letter tit P. O Box, No. 411. 401 ly A. A, MONTANA, PHOTOGRAPHER, Corner Fort & King Sts. Desires to inform hismnncrous friends and the public generally that he has Eeduced the Prices of Photographs, which for Style, Quality and Finish cannot bo excelled, From Locket to Life Size In every Style. A splendid assortment of NEW PHOTO FRAMES tn Silk, Satin, Plush, Leather, &c., &c, of the latest styles. Also, a very lurgo collection of Island Views, Including the Volcano, Lava Flows, Sugar Mills and Plantations, Groups of Hnwullans, in ancient and modern costumes. No". 78 Fort Street, 453 ly Opposite E. O. Hnll & 'Jon'n ' FOR SALE, u No. 2 Warehouse Feed Mill Grinds from 3 to 10 tons per day. Also, pulleys, belts, otc, all in good orders, can bo run by stparn or horse power, just the article for a plantation. ALSO, HAY, OATS, CORN, Wheat, Bran, Barley, Whole and Ground, Mixed Feed, etc. AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST fin . LAlNE Co.. 84 Fort st. QWUXAHTICS ! INSTRUCTIONS In Gymnastics U X bo given to Ladies and Children Evcsry Saturday Moiuiiii"- - From 9 to tl o'clock, in mldiUnn tn tho Evening Claso. H. H. DOLE, 380 President Athletic Association K J. LYON8. " L. J. LKV12Y. LYONS a LEVEY, Auctioneers and General Commission Merchants, Beaver Block, Queen St., Honolulu. Sales of Furniture, Stock, Ileal Estute and General Merchandise promptly at- tended to. Sole Agents for American and Euro- pean merchandise. 318 H. S. TREULOAN, TAILOR, 204 FORT ST. XT MEAD, XX CARPENTER &"BUILDER. No. 12 King St., near the linage. All kinds of Ice Chests, Refrigerator?, Hath Tubs, &c, &c, made and repaired at moder.ito chirgc. 305 ly Robert Unor, (! M. Cooke, I EWERS St OOOKE, J (successors to Lewers & Dickson,) Importers ami Dealers in Lumber and all kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street. Honolulu ' & CO., WILDER f. Dealers in Lumber, Paint", Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts., Honolulu. ,. 1 & PHILLIPS, Practical Plutnbeis, Gas Fitters and Copper-smith- s, No. 71 King dt., Honolulu.. US? Ilouse'aml Ship Job Work promptly executed. 17 1HR. GEttTZ. KJ No. 80 Fort street, Honolul, Impor' or and Dealer in Gent's, Ladles' and Children's boots, . ,.. shoes and .slippers. " - - IAWRENCE Si FREETH, CONTRACTORS. Plans and Estimates furbished for works of i;ontruction. Civil Engineering & Surveying Office, cor. Halekauwila and Kilauca sts., next door to Widcmann's brick warehouse. 308 P. O. Box, 101. ly G. II. ROBERTSON, Drayman best teams in town. Telnhon6 V" i5. 15 ifi-f- r Honolulu Iron Works, ungiiie, sugar mill; boile- r.-,, coolers; iron, brass and lead cas- ting; machinery of every description made to order. Paiticularattentiou paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exe- cuted at short notice. i W3L McCANITJESS, No. 6 Queen street Fish Market, Dealer in choicest Ilcttf, Veal, aiutton, Fish, Ac, Ac. Family and Shipping Orders carefully attended to. Live stock furnished to vessels at short notice, and Vegetables of all kind supplied to order. 340 ly C. D. GEMSCU. W. J. FAGKHHOOS. GEMSOH & ETFAGBEROOS Practical Watchmakers and Jewelers, No. 88 Kiug Street, : : : Honolulu, opposite J T. Waterhouse's. Watches ol all kinds repaired in a satislac. tory manner, aud at jikasoxaiiIjK piu:i:m. Island orders, attended to with )rompt- - nets, and all woru done by us guar-42- 8 antood to give satisfaction. 0m A. KRAFT, J EWELER, JjSoPTICI AN, Dealer in Hawaiian Curiosities. Store in the "Hawaiian Gazette" build-4- 4 ing, opposite tho Bauk. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED a lot of very line Gent's Saddles, And alo, 'oio Very Fancy Ladies' Side Saddles. 24S A. S. Cloglinvn ?. Wilson Brothers, I I ySEiratfKlii i 71 JW 'l ! aENERAL BLAOlWMiTlifi. Horso Shooing a specialty A first-cla- ss man being specially engaged for that work. Bhip and Wagon work faithfully attended to. Sho)) on tint Esplanade, op. ITnnpcrVJIM KEROSSETE OIL! 150 FlroTct, Has arrived, wwhloh e ll nt the loweU j ncu, in quuiililius to suit purchasers. 3o A, H. CU'gliorn & Co. Commission Morchants. C Brewer (Luuiiuii; & company, Gkkekal Mkkcaktim: and Commission Auknts. LIST OV OKKICEHS: P. C. Jones, Jr. .. .President & Mauager J. O. CAitrint Treasurer & Secretary DiKEorons: Hon. C. R. Bisuoi'. II in. II. A. P. C.uiTKit M6Jy Geo. V. Macfarlane II. R. Macfarlane. G. W. MACFARLANE & Co. IMPORTERS, OOAIMISSION MER- CHANTS AND Sufar Factors t Fire-Proo- f Building, - 52 Queen stiect, Honolulu. II. I. AUii.vis for Tho Waikapu Sugar Plantation, Maui, The Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii, Tho Ileei.t Sugar Plantation, O.ihu, Uuelo Sugar ALill, Maui, lltielo Sugar Plantation Maui, Puuloa Sheep Ranch Co., Hawaii." J. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow and Port able Tramway Works, Leeds, Mirrlces, Watson &Co's Sugar Machin cry, Glasgow, Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Packets. 185 Olnns'si'reckcls. Wm. O. Irwin. TIT G. IRWIN & COMPANY, tt Sugar Factors and Commission Aire 'is, Honolulu. 1 HHAOKFELD & COMPANY, Commission Agents, Queen street, Honolulu. 1 A S. CLEGHORN & CO. jL Importers aud Commission Merchants, dealers in General Merchan- dise, Queen and Kaahumanu sis., Hono-lulu- . 78 DIAS & GONSALVES, ' No. 6T liuiel Slteet, Honolulu, Imporlcis and Dealers in-Dr- y aud Fancy Goods, Inlaid Work, Embroidery, 289 &c., &c, &c JOHN T. WATERH.OUSE, Importer aud Dealer in General Meichandise, Queen st., Honolulu'. 1 MS. GRINBAUM & CO., Importers of General Mer chandise and Commission MercluitilH, Honolulu. g l MS. GRINBAUM & CO., Commission Merchants, 121Califoiniu Htivet, I Wan Friiiu'laco, Cui. BROWN & CO., Wholesale Wine and Spirit MeichanK No. 14 Merchant st., Honolulu. 330 1 T. LENEHAN & CO., - Importers and Commission Merchants, Nuuanu st., Honolulu. 1 S. N. CaMle. J. B. Af..crtou. CASTLE it OOOKE, ,' Shipping and Commission Merchants. Importers and Dealers in General Merchandise, No. 80 King st., Honolulu. i WINQ WO CHAN & CO., Importers and General beaters In Knglish. American and Chiueso Pio-vision- s, Plantation Tea and General Supplies. Also, white and colored con-tra- ct nmttiiu?, all qualities and prices. ttQf" No. 23 Nuuanu Street, opposite Mr. Afong's. 81 A. U. ELLIS, OTOCK BROKER, will buy or soli O Plantation Stock, Bonds, aud Other Marketable Securities. Attheir market value for cash. 215 Otlico with K. P. Adams. Auct'r. JIUTSON, ACCOUNTANT. at G. II, llobortson's ollloe, Queen street, 8J4 W. E. HERR8CK 1IA8 KEMOVliD HIS Turning Establishment From 110 Fort street, TO I5T3XHEL STRKFTX, opposite. U(P BeUel, nwet door to DulgWs muchine simp and Brjin's Fur mture Factory, where ho will ornithine to supply his customers with all kinds of Wood iuul Ivory Turning. Thankful for nasi favor ho hor- -. for a continuance of (ho wuny. .J"p0 ,j PIONEER STEAM CANDY FACTORY AND BAKERY. F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. No. 71 ITotol Ht. Tlph '! 74 Unll I'i'oi'juhhich ! "VTEW DKSIGNt, jun received from 1 Ban Fraucisso, at The Daily Bul- letin onico Professionals. SARAH B. PEIRCE, M. D., and Childien's Physician Office mid residence, No. 5 School street, (between Foil and Emma). Office hours 10:110 to ll:a0a. m. l&O to 3:30 p. tn. 24!) Telephone, No. 201. DR. THAOHER, DENTIST, 101 Fort street (up stairs.) Cliatges lower than any other dentist In Honolulu, whether traveling dentist or otherwise. Salifactlon guaranteed. 303 DR. Emerson, Residence and consultation roomo ut No. 2 Kukul st., comer of Fort. Telephone No. 140. 59 2m A. Rosa, ATTORNEY AT LAW, . Ami Nnlnrv Pntilli. Office with the Attorney General, Aliio' lani Hale, Honolulu. 34a ly W AUSTIN WHITING, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Agent to take acknowledgments of instruments. Kaahumanu st., Honolulu. 209 SB. Dole, Lawyer and Notary .Public, D No. 15 Kaahumanu Francis M. Hatch, Attorney at Law, -- 3 J5 Kaahumanu st F. BICKERTON, ) Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Money to lend on Mortgages of Free, holds. Office. No. 34 Merchant st. 1 BROWN, Attorner and Counsellor nt Law-Nota- ry Public, and Agent for taking Ac- knowledgments of Instruments for tho Island ol Oahu. No. 8 Kaahumanu st Honolulu. j JM. MONSARRAT, ATTORNEY AT LAW and Notary Public Real Estate in any imit of the Kingdom bought, sold and leased, on commission. Loans negotii ted. L.-j- iU Documents Drawn. No. 27 MiTclmul st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands 195 C, O. BERQER, KAAlItlMAND BTllEKT. General Agent for The N. Y. Life Insurance Company, The City of London Fire In. Co (limit' d Macncale & Urban Safes, The Celebiated Springfield Gas Machlno, ,, Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co.. . . 238 QHARLES T. GULIOK, NOTARY PUBLIC, Agent to take Acknowledgments Labor Contracts, AND GENERAL BUSINESS AGENT. Office, in Makce's Block, corner Queen and Kaahumanu struts, Honolulu. 2L J. WILLIAMS & Co. 120 Fort Street, Honolulu Portrait and Landscape Xliotg-rplie- r lbO ly WILLIAM AULD, to tuko Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor for tho District of Kona, Island of Oahu, at the office of the Honolulu Waterworks, foot of Nuu- anu street. iq, f WILLIAM WOND, to take Ackuowlcdc. ments to Contracts for Labor. Office Station House. 351 ly JOHN A. HA8SINQER, Ageutto take Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor. Interior Office. Honolulu. AKANA, Chinese and Hawaiian Translator and Interpreter, No. 48 King street, Honolulu. Translations of cither of the above languages mado with accuracy and dis- patch, and on reasonable terms. 209 FIRE WOOD! FOR SALE, A.t BHai-lcef- c Xfcates Apply to S. M. CARTER, I" P. M..H. S. Wharf. Notice, HAVING been appointed Guardian Mahuka, minor, son of thu late M Mahuka, deceased, and attorney In tact for Luukia (w.) widow of said M. Mahuka, deceased; all persons are hereby requested to settle nil matters pertaining to the estate of said M. Ma. hiika, deceased, with tho undersigned and they arc hoioby notilled thaf Mr, bimoii K. Kaai has 110 authotftv what, uver in tho matter. A. '(OS V Guardian of M. Mahuka, minor Vncl attniney in fuel for l.uukia (w.) widow of the late M. MahuU.i, deceased. Honolulu, May 15, 1B8U. 4Q.J am Mil i,il,i. f- - tf

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Page 1: Mil f, 'THEDAILY BULLETIN · f, 'THEDAILY BULLETIN jjj Vol, II. o. 475. HONOLULU, II. I., TIIUHSQAY, AUGUST!), 1883. 60 OE8NuTBa8cPRK0oNNTH v f ill) 'W I v$, j2 ft'"1'1" IU e. I'll








, j2 ft'"1'1"

IU e.I'll 1

V fc


WALTER HILL, Proprietor.

Is published every morning and circu.luted throughout tho town by curriers,and forwurded to the other Islands byevery opportunity.Subscription, - 50 cents per Month.

a. Caiibon Kenyon, Editor.All business communications to be ad.

dreiscd, Manager Daily Bulletin, PostOfllco Box No. 14. Tclephouo 250.

Odlce, . . - - quron Street,Opposite West's Carriage Fuctory.

J. O. CbKviott, Manager

8. M. CAHTEU. 8. F. OHA1IAM.

S. M. CARTER & 00.8 Kins Street, Honolulu, II. I.

Retail Dealers in

Fire Wood,Goal and Feed.

"WTE would notify tho public, and,1 V House keepers in particular, that

wc keep on .hand and for salc in quan-tities to suit purchasers and at LOWESTBATES, fuel, as follows :

Hard and Soft Woods,Cut any lengths;

Charcoal, N.S.W. Newcastle Coals,Scotch Coals, and the

Celebrated Wellington MineDeparture Bay Coals;

Also, Blacksmith's Coal.Tho above can be ordered by telephone

or. otherwise, a,nd immediate deliveryguaranteed. . ,


, Telephone, No. 187.


JfcEay ancl Oats,California and New Zealand;

Barley, Whole and Ground;Wheat, Corn Whole and Cracked ;

Bran, Middlings, and other Feed.

ESTOrder the above through

Telephone No. 187,and we warrant quick tlclivr ., and full

"weight. Orders from the otherIslands solicited.

to all parts of the city.

Remember, S3 Kins street,880 Cgr And Telephone No. 187.


Helvetia Laces,Tuck Packing,

Sug-i- r Coolers,Chirifiers,

Fire Clay,

Hemp Packing, with or without IndiaRubber, ,

"Babbit Motal,Barbed Fence Wire,

Mining Steels,Hoes, Pickaxes,.

Cane Knives, with or without hooks,Hand ind Smith Hammers,

Shovels, Axes,t

Jackscrews, Vices,'"' Bteam-pip- e Brushes,

Patent Bteam-pip- e Covering,Lubricating Oil, .

Cement, Steel 'Bails.Suuar and Coal Bags,

Twine, &c, &c.

For sale by

H. HACKFELD & Co.Oct.' 19th '


and Builder,'Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla-und- o,

Honolulu.Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,

Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,' Sashcsr Doors, .and all kinds of Wood-work lulsh. Turning, Scroll and BandSawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-fn- g,

Morticing and Tenanting.Orders promptly attended to and wprk

guar mteed.' Ordern from the other is


THE OLD CORNEREfatablitfhed, 1858.

llAnr Buos., : : Proprietors.

M EAL8Served up In flrut-clas- s stylo nt all hours

Open from 2 a. m. to 10 p, m.

Always on hand

Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes&c., Ac. Also,

Iced Drinks !f ' 7fi

Job PrintingEVERY DESCRIPTION oxecutOF d(. vith neatness and dl,.)iitcli al

Tiik Daily Bulletin Office, Queen st.

B. F. EELERS & Co.,

DRY GOODS IMPORTERS,All tho Latest Novelties in Fanoy Goods Receivod by every steamer EOR T STREET


WALLACE JACKSONthe thorough korso breaker, wishes

S.tho public to know thatuo is tuny prepared to

tnko charge of stock, and guaranteesto break them thoroughly on his Bunch,and attend carefully to feeding anddoctoring horses. Ho has now in hischarge such celebrated steeds as BlackThorn and other thoroughbreds, and hasthe exclusive churgc of all of Mr. JamesCampbell's stock.

Orders ldft at the Pantheon Stables,or at the mommoth stables on Mr. JamesCampbell's property nt Kaplolani Park,vill meet with promptness. 295 ly

JOHN N0TT,Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Worker,

Plumber, Gas Fitter, &c.

Stoves and Rangesof all kinds.

Plumbers' stock and metals,

House Furnishing Goods,

77 Chandeliers, Lamps, &c.



0Llinet;m alter

And Upholsterer,No. 63 Hotel street,

Opposite International Hotel,Between Nuuanu and Fort streets.


K0HMBeg to intimate to their friends and the

public geneially, that they are now pie-pare-

to execute orders for

Plain and. DecorativePainting: & Paperhaiiging

in the best and newest st3'les.Orders mriv be left at bis residence1,

No 01) Hotel street, or by letter tit P. OBox, No. 411. 401 ly


Corner Fort & King Sts.Desires to inform hismnncrous friends

and the public generally that he has

Eeduced the Pricesof Photographs, which for Style, Qualityand Finish cannot bo excelled,

From Locket to Life SizeIn every Style.

A splendid assortment of

NEW PHOTO FRAMEStn Silk, Satin, Plush, Leather, &c., &c,of the latest styles. Also, a very lurgocollection of

Island Views,Including the Volcano, Lava Flows,

Sugar Mills and Plantations,Groups of Hnwullans, in ancient

and modern costumes.

No". 78 Fort Street,453 ly Opposite E. O. Hnll & 'Jon'n

'FOR SALE, u No. 2

Warehouse Feed MillGrinds from 3 to 10 tons per day.

Also, pulleys, belts, otc, all in goodorders, can bo run by stparn or horsepower, just the article for a plantation.


HAY, OATS, CORN,Wheat, Bran, Barley, Whole and

Ground, Mixed Feed, etc.AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST

fin . LAlNE Co.. 84 Fort st.

QWUXAHTICS !INSTRUCTIONS In Gymnastics UX bo given to Ladies and ChildrenEvcsry Saturday Moiuiiii"--

From 9 to tl o'clock, in mldiUnn tn thoEvening Claso. H. H. DOLE,380 President Athletic Association


J. LYON8." L. J. LKV12Y.

LYONS a LEVEY,Auctioneers and General

Commission Merchants,Beaver Block, Queen St., Honolulu.

Sales of Furniture, Stock, Ileal Estuteand General Merchandise promptly at-tended to.

Sole Agents for American and Euro-pean merchandise. 318


204 FORT ST.


No. 12 King St., near the linage.All kinds of Ice Chests, Refrigerator?,Hath Tubs, &c, &c, made and repairedat moder.ito chirgc. 305 ly

Robert Unor, (! M. Cooke,

I EWERS St OOOKE,J (successors to Lewers & Dickson,)

Importers ami Dealers in Lumber and allkinds ot Building Materials, Fort street.Honolulu '

& CO.,WILDER f.Dealers in Lumber, Paint",Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts.,Honolulu. ,. 1

& PHILLIPS,Practical Plutnbeis, Gas Fitters

and Copper-smith- s, No. 71 King dt.,Honolulu.. US? Ilouse'aml Ship JobWork promptly executed. 17

1HR. GEttTZ.KJ No. 80 Fort street, Honolul,Impor' or and Dealer in Gent's, Ladles'and Children's boots,

. , and .slippers.

" - -


Plans and Estimates furbished for worksof i;ontruction. Civil Engineering &Surveying Office, cor. Halekauwila andKilauca sts., next door to Widcmann'sbrick warehouse.308 P. O. Box, 101. ly

G. II. ROBERTSON,Drayman best teams

in town. Telnhon6 V" i5. 15

ifi-f- r Honolulu Iron Works,ungiiie, sugar mill; boile-

r.-,, coolers; iron, brass and lead cas-ting; machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Paiticularattentiou paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exe-cuted at short notice. i

W3L McCANITJESS,No. 6 Queen street Fish Market,

Dealer in choicestIlcttf, Veal, aiutton, Fish, Ac, Ac.

Family and Shipping Orders carefullyattended to. Live stock furnished tovessels at short notice, and Vegetablesof all kind supplied to order. 340 ly



Practical Watchmakersand Jewelers,

No. 88 Kiug Street, : : : Honolulu,opposite J T. Waterhouse's.

Watches ol all kinds repaired in a satislac.tory manner, aud at

jikasoxaiiIjK piu:i:m.Island orders, attended to with )rompt- -

nets, and all woru done by us guar-42- 8

antood to give satisfaction. 0m


Dealer in Hawaiian Curiosities.Store in the "Hawaiian Gazette" build-4- 4

ing, opposite tho Bauk.

WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED alot of very line

Gent's Saddles,And alo, 'oio

Very Fancy Ladies' Side Saddles.24S A. S. Cloglinvn ?.

Wilson Brothers,

I I ySEiratfKlii i

71 JW 'l !

aENERAL BLAOlWMiTlifi.Horso Shooing a specialty

A first-cla- ss man being specially engagedfor that work.

Bhip and Wagon work faithfullyattended to.

Sho)) on tint Esplanade, op. ITnnpcrVJIM


Has arrived, wwhloh e ll nt the loweUj ncu, in quuiililius to suit purchasers.3o A, H. CU'gliorn & Co.

Commission Morchants.

C Brewer(Luuiiuii;

& company,

Gkkekal Mkkcaktim: andCommission Auknts.


P. C. Jones, Jr. . . .President & MauagerJ. O. CAitrint Treasurer & Secretary

DiKEorons:Hon. C. R. Bisuoi'. II in. II. A. P. C.uiTKit

M6JyGeo. V. Macfarlane II. R. Macfarlane.



Sufar Factors tFire-Proo- f Building, - 52 Queen stiect,

Honolulu. II. I.AUii.vis for

Tho Waikapu Sugar Plantation, Maui,The Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii,Tho Ileei.t Sugar Plantation, O.ihu,Uuelo Sugar ALill, Maui,lltielo Sugar Plantation Maui,Puuloa Sheep Ranch Co., Hawaii."J. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow and Port

able Tramway Works, Leeds,Mirrlces, Watson &Co's Sugar Machin

cry, Glasgow,Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Packets.


Olnns'si'reckcls. Wm. O. Irwin.

TIT G. IRWIN & COMPANY,tt Sugar Factors and Commission

Aire 'is, Honolulu. 1

HHAOKFELD & COMPANY,Commission Agents,

Queen street, Honolulu. 1

A S. CLEGHORN & CO.jL Importers aud CommissionMerchants, dealers in General Merchan-dise, Queen and Kaahumanu sis., Hono-lulu- .



No. 6T liuiel Slteet, Honolulu,Imporlcis and Dealers in-Dr- y aud Fancy

Goods, Inlaid Work, Embroidery,289 &c., &c, &c

JOHN T. WATERH.OUSE,Importer aud Dealer in General

Meichandise, Queen st., Honolulu'. 1

MS. GRINBAUM & CO.,Importers of General Mer

chandise and Commission MercluitilH,Honolulu. g l

MS. GRINBAUM & CO.,Commission Merchants,

121Califoiniu Htivet,I Wan Friiiu'laco, Cui.

BROWN & CO.,Wholesale Wine and Spirit

MeichanK No. 14 Merchant st.,Honolulu. 330

1 T. LENEHAN & CO.,- Importers and Commission

Merchants, Nuuanu st., Honolulu. 1

S. N. CaMle. J. B. Af..crtou.

CASTLE it OOOKE,,' Shipping and Commission

Merchants. Importers and Dealers inGeneral Merchandise, No. 80 King st.,Honolulu. i

WINQ WO CHAN & CO.,Importers and General beaters

In Knglish. American and Chiueso Pio-vision- s,

Plantation Tea and GeneralSupplies. Also, white and colored con-tra- ct

nmttiiu?, all qualities and prices.ttQf" No. 23 Nuuanu Street, opposite

Mr. Afong's. 81

A. U. ELLIS,OTOCK BROKER, will buy or soliO Plantation Stock, Bonds, aud

Other Marketable Securities.Attheir market value for cash.215 Otlico with K. P. Adams. Auct'r.

JIUTSON, G. II, llobortson's

ollloe, Queen street, 8J4


Turning EstablishmentFrom 110 Fort street,

TO I5T3XHEL STRKFTX,opposite. U(P BeUel, nwet door to

DulgWs muchine simp and Brjin's Furmture Factory, where ho will ornithineto supply his customers with all kinds ofWood iuul Ivory Turning.Thankful for nasi favor ho hor- -. fora continuance of (ho wuny. .J"p0 ,j



F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,Pastry Cook and Baker.

No. 71 ITotol Ht. Tlph '! 74

Unll I'i'oi'juhhich !

"VTEW DKSIGNt, jun received from1 Ban Fraucisso, at The Daily Bul-letin onico


SARAH B. PEIRCE, M. D.,and Childien's Physician

Office mid residence, No. 5 School street,(between Foil and Emma).

Office hours 10:110 to ll:a0a. m.l&O to 3:30 p. tn.

24!) Telephone, No. 201.


101 Fort street (up stairs.)Cliatges lower than any other dentist

In Honolulu, whether traveling dentistor otherwise. Salifactlon guaranteed.


DR. Emerson,Residence and consultation roomo

ut No. 2 Kukul st., comer of Fort.Telephone No. 140. 59 2m


Ami Nnlnrv Pntilli.Office with the Attorney General, Aliio'lani Hale, Honolulu. 34a ly

W AUSTIN WHITING,Attorney and Counsellor at Law.

Agent to take acknowledgments ofinstruments.

Kaahumanu st., Honolulu. 209

SB. Dole,Lawyer and Notary .Public,

D No. 15 Kaahumanu

Francis M. Hatch,Attorney at Law,

-- 3 J5 Kaahumanu st

F. BICKERTON,) Attorney and Counsellor at Law.

Money to lend on Mortgages of Free,holds. Office. No. 34 Merchant st. 1

BROWN,Attorner and Counsellor nt Law-Nota- ry

Public, and Agent for taking Ac-knowledgments of Instruments for thoIsland ol Oahu. No. 8 Kaahumanu stHonolulu. j


and Notary Public Real Estate in anyimit of the Kingdom bought, sold andleased, on commission. Loans negotiited. L.-j- iU Documents Drawn. No. 27MiTclmul st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands 195


KAAlItlMAND BTllEKT.General Agent for

The N. Y. Life Insurance Company,The City of London Fire In. Co (limit' dMacncale & Urban Safes,The Celebiated Springfield Gas Machlno, ,,Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co..

. . 238


NOTARY PUBLIC,Agent to take Acknowledgments


Office, in Makce's Block, corner Queenand Kaahumanu struts, Honolulu. 2L

J. WILLIAMS & Co.120 Fort Street, Honolulu

Portrait and LandscapeXliotg-rplie- r

lbO ly

WILLIAM AULD,to tuko Acknowledgments

to Contracts for Labor for tho Districtof Kona, Island of Oahu, at the office ofthe Honolulu Waterworks, foot of Nuu-anu street. iq, f

WILLIAM WOND,to take Ackuowlcdc.

ments to Contracts for Labor.Office Station House. 351 ly

JOHN A. HA8SINQER,Ageutto take Acknowledgments

to Contracts for Labor. Interior Office.Honolulu.

AKANA,Chinese and Hawaiian Translator

and Interpreter,No. 48 King street, Honolulu.

Translations of cither of the abovelanguages mado with accuracy and dis-patch, and on reasonable terms. 209


A.t BHai-lcef- c XfcatesApply to


I" P. M..H. S. Wharf.

Notice,HAVING been appointed Guardian

Mahuka, minor, son of thulate M Mahuka, deceased, and attorneyIn tact for Luukia (w.) widow of saidM. Mahuka, deceased; all persons arehereby requested to settle nil matterspertaining to the estate of said M. Ma.hiika, deceased, with tho undersignedand they arc hoioby notilled thaf Mr,bimoii K. Kaai has 110 authotftv what,uver in tho matter. A. '(OS V

Guardian of M. Mahuka, minor Vnclattniney in fuel for l.uukia (w.) widowof the late M. MahuU.i, deceased.

Honolulu, May 15, 1B8U. 4Q.J am

Mil i,il,i.

f- -


Page 2: Mil f, 'THEDAILY BULLETIN · f, 'THEDAILY BULLETIN jjj Vol, II. o. 475. HONOLULU, II. I., TIIUHSQAY, AUGUST!), 1883. 60 OE8NuTBa8cPRK0oNNTH v f ill) 'W I v$, j2 ft'"1'1" IU e. I'll



rtfr"Vr-- 'J 'JW '5 " T ' TW" r "'' ? t.


..ii"-- ; ""

fyw kHq IjutWin,

THURSDAY, AUG. 0, 1883.


Kcgulnr Cash Sale nt Saks l.oom,of Lyons & Levey at 10 o'clock.

EVENING.Knights Templar., 7:30. is


In all new countiics or districtsthere is at first hardly any compe-

tition in many of the lines of business but us thingb settle down and itis seen what is" needed by the conn-tr- y

others begin in those lines..i

In almost all oases it causes a

little irritation, at first, to find thatsome one else wishes to share theprofits of a trade hitherto carried onby one alone, but, gradually it isfound that competition means an

increase of businessthat bothparties, old and new, gain by it, as,the greater the facilities, the morebusiness will be done.

Sometimes, however, either one ofthe two wishes to oust the otherentirely and thus obtain a monopolyof the business. Now, unless a

monopoly is in the hands of theGovernment, and thus under thecontrol of the people generally, ithas been found to be injuiious tothe public and even to the mono-

polist.The best condition that a country,

an industry, a business, or a politi-

cal party, can be in, is to have a

strong opposition. "Competition is

the life of trade."



Wednesday, Aug. 8 Ku, assaultand battery forfeited 10 bail ; We-Inul- a,

and Kalawela, adultery. Afterhearing some evidence a uul. prut.was entered ; Ah Sing, assault andbattery remanded to 10th; Aku,common nuisance in keeping abawdy house remanded to !)th ; A.B. Kerr, using threatening languageto J. E. Wiseman, remanded to9ih.


Since the departure of the steamersMniiposa and Likclikc on Tuesday last,everything is very quiet along the cityfiont. The Canopus and Ilesper arcdischarging coal; the Emerald and Re-

vere discharging lumber; the Discoverywaiting for sugar; and the Iecfoo isbeing repaired.


Grand opening of FJne Goods at theLouvre of Brussels on Saturday.

-- -.Algakoba Lodge, I. O. G. T. will

gie a tocinl on Monday evening, welearn.

Mu. W. Y. Homer has been electedPresident of the Kiluueii Sugar Com-pnn-

vice Mr. W. H. Schmidt resigned.

At the Regular sale of Lyons & Leveyto-da- A ill be offered a lot of choiceLeghorn Fowls, Gold "Watches, and alarge variety of useful and ornamentalgocdi.

Fomsoine time little or nothing hasbeen said about leprosy. One prominentman, however, took his wife and familyawav to the States by the Maiiposa toleave them there, for that reason. ,

. .

By the mall from the States Messrs.Dillingham & Co,, have received advicesthat a Patent h is been granted on theirDillingham double mould-boar- d plough.A supply of this excellent implementwiil shortly be received.

Mussrs. Kennedy & Co.. the grocersof iJotel street, have proved their capa-bilities for doing business on a largescale in supplying the Itlujlo while shewas in port and afterwards fitting herout for the voyage home.

On the Lady Lampson are somo novelfor Messrs. ". F.

Dillingham & Co. When they arrive ItIi intended to make a trial of the

qualities of the Haguecite lined safes and then try the fire- -

extinguishers in putting out the flumes."

We learn that the Hon. S. G. Wilderreturns positively, on the next steamer.Ills friends und the public generallywill bo glad to welcome him bade inrenewed health nud vigor. We shallprobably then learn Fomething aloatthe new steamer and other details holias been attending to in the States.

.....-- - ..-- ..

It is ,st ited round town that there if adllllculty In collecting accounts againstthe Government. Post-poneincn- ts andevery formal piece of m isused as an instrument to defer paymentsOne firm tdoue has bills of 2)000, which

ought to bo a tutting sum tb a governitcut with an liioine as large as thisjnc lias, which it would to collect.


On Monday nlghl Messrs Barnes andMi Oiuullcss stunk a line How of watern a now well they have been boring for

Mr. Goo Kim in the ilco Hats at Wai!;ikl. The depth is COS feet and thevat or rises 21 inches above the top ofho pipe whlrli is an eight inch one. It

thus larger than the Thomas' Squareveil.

Tn nun was quite a circus on boardthe Iwalaul yesterday afternooncaused by a bull, as he was beinghauled on board, ho broke loose andafter ho was onboard he got loose again.Each time there was a general scatteruul a climbing of ropes. The sight was

joyous one to those who were out ofthe road.

.Base-ba- ll is the absorbing topic of

conversation amongst the youths. Tothe uninitiated the terms picsnntconsider.iblc niysteiy but there is such arelish displayed in talking of homorunt," "that splendid pitcher,"' etc.,that it Is refreshing to listen to theaident devotees. Another match isbeing arranged for next Saturday.

Tun coinage question is fctlll agitatingthe minds of the business men of thecommunity. Shall we have a Millionof dollars in silver put in circulationhere? If theyaic, will it not depreciatein value so that the market prices ofmod, clothing, etc., will rise wry muchwhile incomes remain at a ! taud-still- ?

It is a serious moment. for the countryif the questions be answered the altlrma- -

tive.. .

Tub example of England is fre-

quently held up hero as a model onwhich tlti Government ought to be run.When a Ministry has lot the con-ildcnc- c

of the people it ought to be d

and replaced by nuo'.Iicr that hasthe confidence of the people. Peopleforget though that they can force thatresult here, cnuallv as in England. InEngland it is not merely the rcmou-strnne- e

of the Press or the piivatcadvice of individuals or deputationsthat changes an administration. It isits defeat in Parliament with the knowledge tb it if it does not resign no sup-plie- s

will be granted. If in the ne.iLegislature supplies aie refused 'until anew Ministiy is appointed and thenonly passed for a year, it would be inaccordance with English custom.


The Navtical Magazine remarksthat we know, or should have learntfrom the vast experience of the lastten or twenty years an experience,pei haps, as gloomy and as unsatis-factory as it has been rash that themajority .of .''cargo steamers," as atpresent constructed and sent to sea,have alieady long since reachedthe limit of safety in loading, if,indeed, many of them have not gotmuch beyond it. If this,bp not so,how arc we to account for the greatnumber of such vessels which an-

nually disappear? There is, surely,unmistakable evidence to prove thatsomething is wrong somewhere, formany of them are comparatively newships. After two long centuries ofexperience of all kinds of ships, andover all - seas, a vanished school ofable and sagacious seamen laid itdown that a good ship fairly loaded:and ably comriuuided, will li"e inany storm excepting, perhaps cyc-

lones and hurricanes, and the acci-

dents which they engender; shepositively cannot possibly sink, butis as certain to ride over those greatrolling mountains of seething wateras a well-bui- lt church is of standingon its foundation. It is a great mis-

take to suppose, as some shipbuildersreally do, that because a ship is bigno heavy seas will ever run onboard ; in consequence of thisfallacy, they take all manner ofliberties in designs and construction.It is dillicult to believe there aresuch opinions in such quarters, yetit is so, notwithstanding. There is,doubtleS, less science imported intoshipbuilding now than in formertimes, when iron for such work wasa novelty, and when the worthyblacksmith, though occupying anindisputable position, played onlysecond fiddle in the symphony butthe merest wetter suotllcl under-stand that the long, low steamerswhich are now turned out of ourbuilding yards, are the wettest, andin too ninny oases, the most dan-

gerous ships which ever put to sea.A great ocean wave, howevor highor fasl it may run, will' lift up,bodily, any smail ship or boat; butnot so aome 100-fooi- or ; and, as amatter of course, if it cannot lift,must run over some part of her.Allowing such a wave to run at 35miles an hour, and a great part ofits crest, suy 25 tons of water, tooverwhelm her decks, we have ntonce ft force equal to the charge of alocomotive against everything in theshape of an obstruction to its course,Yet it is common to see such shipsputting to sen with all kinds of twin- -

nerv and feeble fittings such asobtained in high-side- d ships of fiftyyears bnck, feeble, it should be said,in rotation to the amount of free-board, or had weather to he encoun-tered ; atid afterwards, doleful nocounts in the newspapers, about'tcnillo weather and fearful da--

'ftttrttri k

The use of electricity as u motoris developing, though not very ra-

pidly. It appears from a lecture byProfessor. Ayi Ion, delivered at theKoyal Institution on 15th Match,that on the Portrush Railway to theGiant's Causeway, in Ireland, ntramcar diiven by electricity iuiissteadily at 10 miles an hours, "anilbut that the speed is limited by Actof Parliament, could easily do 25miles. "Wo took 0 tons the otherday," writes the chairman, "up anincline of 1 in 15." A heavy tramcarhas been tried on the tramway toActon, and worked admirably, draw-ing an omnibus holding 40 people,at six miles an hour, for an outlayof 0s. 8d. a day, against 28s. re-

quired for the necessary horsepower. Tnis tramcar is driven byIaiirc aceumulntois placed underthe scat, as is also an electric launch,which now does 15 miles an hour,with tide, upon the Thames. Pro-fessor Ayi ton also shows an electrictricycle which runs 8 miles in thehour, with "an ordinary driver's,weight, and

'can run for two hom;s

without being recharged. The ac-

cumulator is being rapidly improved,and the practical point now is tosecure an. ultimate chaiging forcewhich shall be cheap. This must bea natural rush of water, and will befound at last either in some tidalriver like the Severn, or in the tideitself. In .Canton Vaud, a heavywaterfall is to bo utilised, so as todistribute light at ii cheap ' ratethroughout the Canton. If we couldonce use the tide, it would be pos-sible even now to distribute motiveforce stored in accumulators at a

price with which no other motorcould coinpnre. Spectator.

Auction Sales by Lyons & Levey. '

This Day, Thursday,An". Dili, at 10 o'clock a. m . .at Sales


Regular Cash SaleOF

Dry?,Goocl's, GroceriesCrockery, 'Tin Ware,

Furniture,Wallhanf Gold Watches,

Sacks No. 1 Sugar,

Choice Leghorn Poultry,2 Native bred Horses, i

1 C iliforriia bred Horse.Lyons & Levey, Au'"iV.

Notice.AT a Special Meeting of the Share-

holders of thelCihiuea Sugar Co.,held at Honolulu on the Oth of August,1883, Mr. Wm. Y. limner was electedPresident, vice W. II. Echini It re.-igne-d.

H. F. GLADE, faecretnry.Honolulu, Aug. 7, 1883; 475 lw

Cottage to at Waikiki. f

"HE undersigned . i 1 let his tur.Dished OoTTAGt; nt Waikiki.

Apply at FRANK BROWN Jo Co's,Merchant Street.475 lw W.P.TOLER.


TRY STORE a single man whospeaks nutive, and know?, the dry food-busine- ss

Apply at. this office. 473 Ht



Cor. Alakca & King bts. '


Saturday, August 11th.New Goods,

Lutcst Novollics,Direct Impoj lutions.

Finc Clothing,

Silks and Satins,Real Laces,

"'j Hats, Corsets,

'' ,. - Taney .Go als.,The public aro nil respectfully invited

to call and examine our stock. , '


475 lw , Cor. Alukeii &Kiug Si?.

Just Arrived!Ex "Canopus,"


Westphalia. Hams I

For Sale by




Just Received Hydraulic

Suitable for Stock Ranches where water is required to be raised from' gulchesto pasture lands for watering stock. Full paiticulars and estimates furnished.

Refrigerators, Brooms of superior, quality, .

Magneso-Calcit- e Fire Proof Safes & BoxesAbsolutely fire-proo-

Lubricating Oils of evory, doscripllon'at lowest markot rales.T?!.tn Mr. tit T).i.i.ii II tAl.1n.. t.t. 4 ll.n ,1.!.. f.M Tit lO 1,1,1..

.New Goods constantly arriving.""Full lines of Plows and Agriculluial Instruments, ;. ;

Full assortment of Agate Iron Ware,

Illustrated Catalogues on application.



A. M. Mollis'.i i

NOW HEADY TO SHOWthe public the Finest and Bept SelectedSteele ever exhibited in this K'ngdom,ata,tn Low PriceJ. Read thefollowing, mil und bccomlnced.

For want of spa' e quote but few of'he One Thou Mind Bargains now onhmid.Pure Silk Moire-- , all --.hade" 1 :o

worth 3 00t?urc Brocade-- , lending Fhuli"- - 0 GO

vnrlli 1 'i'iFine Siting -.; 1 00Fine Figured Sateon...'...,...... 0 50

wnfth 1 . . . 0 75Calico choice patterns, 15 yards for 1 00

Tremendous B irgains inHosiery and Undarwear.

Real Lisle Thread Hoe, all sh ide 0 50B il. Uose, silk cl leged, f. f 0 :t5Fanry col. hoc, lrom. . . 0 15Ladies Embr. OUniU- - 0 50Ladici'bkirtB, ivi-.- iufile.& tuk 1 00Ladies' night gowns, good quality. 1 00

Aho, an immense assortm nt of LaceGoods, Fichus, Gloves, Mitts, &c.











Differential Pulley Blocks, Carriage Lamps.


104 Fort Street.

IN GENT'S GOODSI have a full line of

Fine unlaundered shirts $1 00Fine percale shirts from TOOFine undershirts, from 0 25F.u cyjialf hose, from : .0 15Fancy half hose, full finish from.. 0 35Fl c brcc ided suspenders, from... 2 .rO

Fine Byciole shins, from 1.00Fine G. Silk handkerchief", fiom,. 0 75FineG limbing suits from 75Fine Silk Alpaca Coats 8 50

suiis, for painters 1 25

A full assortment of Tie-- , Scarfs,Neckwear, &c.

A NEW ADDITION!I have also a Idc I to my establishment


rived from the Coast, who will trim-hat- s

to order, and also wait upon thewants of my customers in the LadiesDepartment. " 460

Fori Street.


JOSEPH E. WISEMAN,XSeal Estat JSrolccr,

Ci. stem Iloiissc Broker, s ,'Employment A.2eiit, and

General Business ikg-en- t,

Office, 27 Morel ant street, - . - Hawaiian Gazette Block.By reiuest. I lunc addol to ray busiue.s that of a CUSTOM II )USE BROKER

ind vi.l hereaft-- r attend to making entries at fie Custom House of goods throaghPower of Attorney from merchmts. Our business community will find this dcpartn.eut a icat source of convenience.

ETln ONLY racogaized Real E3fcate Brokr in this Kingdom,--!Land and property for sale in nil parts of Honolulu and the various to l,a e and rent .in Honolulu and suburbs.Rooms to rent, en suite or single, throughout Honolulu.Books and Accounts .kept.i Bills collected. Legal papers of every description

drawn. Agent for Vickery's Monthly Fireside Magazine and Visitor, with18 Chroraos ; subscription $1.25 per year. Agent for flic Best Life

Insurance Company in the World.USTClmrgcs always moderate. No. 172.







A Supply of New Goods,Coal, Iron, Oak, Ash, Spoken, Pirns,

Fellooa', Hubs, Shafts', &c, of the best' quality,Sold at the lowest pi ices.

CUT-TODE- R CARRIAGES,Pjhcetons, Buggies, Wagons, &c, &c,

with the latest improvements."Blaolcuialllilns fc "Vootl-vorl- done or every description l'

Having the best MKcujca I am enabled to o work

Cheaper and bettor than any other firm in tliis city.New wor'c and Repairing done with coihpleto satisfaction, or no charge mede.

4ti0 ,' ,



fi ,,,

v I



ui '

Page 3: Mil f, 'THEDAILY BULLETIN · f, 'THEDAILY BULLETIN jjj Vol, II. o. 475. HONOLULU, II. I., TIIUHSQAY, AUGUST!), 1883. 60 OE8NuTBa8cPRK0oNNTH v f ill) 'W I v$, j2 ft'"1'1" IU e. I'll








TELEPHONIC.Diimintl Head, A ig. 0, 0:'J0 a.m

Fresh North K. wind.Nothing in sight.

arrivals.Aug 8 .'.,.Sohr Liholiho from KolonAttir 9

Sdir Ncttio M. rriell frrm LnhainnSchr Jqtniu Ifjiin Wniiuiue ,

Sohr'Mnlolo from ILikalnii'


Stmr Ivyntynr for windward portsSi'hr Ilulutikul.t fin'IIilo '

Schr Kiuiiki'iumli for llrnokan

VESSELS LEAVING THIS DAYSchr "Mririon for Kukiiihnolc

PASSENGhHS.For windward ports, per Iwnlani,

Am 8th Mrs Oeding and' sonMisses Laild, W Goodalu S ParkerL Draw, G Ros;, A D Courtney,EL G Steel; W "Corn Well, nnd 75,deck.

VESSELS IN PORTGr bk Cnhotni., Snlihnimuycr.Hklno Wll Dim aid, II millet .UUtue Discovery, PcrrinianH't Mospcr, llyuerHk Emerald. CarterJ : Unvote. IIIivls

VESSELS EXPECTED.Nla Numc Kinin ' rStmr fily of f . Y. fin Sydney, Aug --'7Stmr Australia, fin S P. Sept 5II I. K. M's SkoJieli'ir

. U. S. S. Pensacola . ,Hk. Lul'i Laiiirkoit fin SF.Ilk. fiMnoru from S. F.Bii u.iz.itlun, fin IJ omen Nov.Bk Kill (i fm Bremen . Nov. 2Bk Ioliml fm Cardiff Dec. S

Ilk Viies Wilnn. fm Newcastle Nov. 8Hk C.instine, fm Newcastle Oct. luBk Stviratun, fm New Y irk


Bk Henry .J times, fm Ne-- York- - Rep' '

Bk 1 le of Anglcsea, fm Liverpnol Sf-p- t 4Bk Millsgate, fm Liverpo il - Si-p- I."B' 1 e'tcruno fm Liverpool duBk Chastca,.fm LiverpoolBk SV. Ridfont, fm Newcastle ' dueBk Bell, Isle fm NewcastleBk E ncrald fm Pt. Sanlilo dueBk M irtliu Davies fm Boston Nov.Bktne Hiilav, fm NewcasMo dueBktne Emma Clandina fin S. F.Bktue Monitor fm HumboldtSchr Rosario from S FSohr Reporter from S. F.Schr Twilight from S. F.

Wanted, by. a Lady,JUST ARRIVED from Sydney, a

of usefulnc43 and trust. Ncompetent "ns'Tuachen or Housekeeper.Excellent references from the Rev. N, D.

mill (iMmr .nil.i7.inv of SvrinflV.Addiess-.MISS.- r.

400 lw- .. .,Care

J,of Key. G.. Wallace,,,.

Notice.During my absence, from this King,

Mr.' A Wcnner will transactall my business under full power ofattorney.474 Un Wm. WEXNER.

Notice.DRAFT for $"100, of Kiiloa Sugar Co ,

1514, dated June 1, 188a, on H:Hackfeld & Co., favor of W.C.King,an 1 endorsed by T. J, King, is lost; payment has been storpud. .

473 3t T. J. KING.

Notice.DURING my absence from this King,

son, Eowahd A. McIneukv, will tranhact all business ' for meunder my full, power of attorney.

A'i. A.ll'l.J.l UJ,., X

Honolulu, Aug. C, 188a 472

Notice. .

MY ABSENCE from thUKingdom, Mr. Geo. Engelhardt

will have charge of my business, andact for mc under full power of attorney.17a lw ... SAM. NOTT.

JSotice.ALL accounts' remaining uwcttlcl

:i months and over will beplaced in the hands of a collector withomfurthoriotlec. Interest of 1 per rentper- - month and expenses for.collectingwill bo added to the bills.

A. M. MELLIS,471 lw 10 1 Fort -- trcot.

, NOTICE.YOUR IIOR8E IS SICK or LAME,IF or any way n it of order, call on A

T. BVKE I, at Cipt. J. C. Clancy's stnbles, corner of Queen & Punchbowl sts

EST Breaking horse to saddle or carriagc a specialty. Satisfaction gunranteed or no charge 430 ly

JLost, Stolen or Strayed.SMALL rBAY MARE with threeONE spots on her body, whore the

saddle is placed, and one white spot oifher forehead. Branded P on left hip.A suitable reward will be paid on return,iug to this ofllce. 401 tf

10 Itewartl.08T on Saturday nig it on Hitcl st.I'J A double-Englis- Thelitis Kug,

a dyed sheepskin loot' ruir, and an embroideri-- d dust-wra- TJio above re.ward will be palu'on retarding same to4(50 (i. W. MaCFAULAXE & Co.

To &et.A HOUSE on Emma street,

JnL"lnN containing 7 rooms, kjlohon,bat nautrv. servant's

room, carriage'houho, stabling, and fowlJiouhe, Inquire at 70 Fortttroot or 51Emma streft. , iM,

To Rent or Iiense.ONE COrrAGE, on King St.,'on lu mini: 7 rooms, with ftan.ling and ovory oouvenlonco,

about 1 mile from town. Artesian water laid on. Rent moderate


443 liu ' At E. O. Hull & Son's


" Vc desire 16 call the attention of thepublic lo the

AMval of our Now GoodsJ list arrived

Per S'.camcr " Hankow," from London,


Ship "Shandon," from Glasgow,

All ot which are

iTow on Exhibition--A.L oiu? Sales JECoom.

Comprising the following:

A Tiiblc Ccntro'piccc,

A Pair of 'Magnificent Vase3,.



Dry Goods,


Finest Linen Handkerchiefs,

An Elegant Assortment of,

Celebrated Portrait A'bu.ns,

Cabinet Portraits,

Music Boxes,

Picnic Ba?ket3,

Flower Bowls,

Duplex Lamps;

Stationery, .

Carpets and Rug3,

China and Glassware,

Breakfast, Dinner,

And Tea Sets,

&c, &c, &c., &c, &c.


V'1 CO.


Special Notice.HUM OF E. O. HALL & SONTHE trnnsfcred their entire in-

terest in their bu-iue- ss to the NewCorporation of "E O. IJull & Son,Limited," deirc to make immediatesettlement of all ouMan.ling account- ;

and would kindly request that- - till s

knowing tllemsehc to be in theirlebt, would make a lenient beforeVugust :Ut,. as after that dno all ae.:o0iit d will be placed in thehands of a collector. 40 lwTHE CITY SHOEING SHOP,

No. 10 Forf Street,Opposite Pantheon Stables.

S. I Shaw, proprietor.

FULLY ESTABLISHED; with thepractical mechanics in the

Kingdom. Special attention piid todiseased hoofs and crippled horses. Thenew improved and benelicial foot tukapplied in doctoring horses the onlyshop in the city using them. All workguaranteed and done promptly on

terms. 418 ly

Q b

m ZP- -


o w w

rrj' 2

ft S IB - ?r

For Sale.FINE 11 E It Iv SMII It 3

PIGS for breeding, fro n4 to $0. Apply at M

Dowsett's Corral, near tlioPound, 4(50 lm

" IfJW" "

Ocsanio Steamship Comp'y

f'fe;FO S,VNFRAN01SULrtftife The M.ignillceiil

New Iron S. S. Mariposa,Howard. Commander,

Will sail for above tort.SEPT. 7nt.

Passage in this lniignillcent Mcamshimay .,e secured in aitv. n e by applyinto

Wm. G. Iiiwin & Co., Agent

SS ship Company.Kuic oAN b'RANOI&UO

The Spletnlid Steauuhip

City of New York,Cobb, - Commander,

Will leave Honolulu for San Friincircion or about Aug. 27.

FOI? SYDNEY via AUCKLANDThe Splendid Steamship

Australia,Carglll, . Commander,

On or about Sept. ',For freight or passage apply to tin

undersigned agents,

We are now prepared to issue ticketsto San Francisco and return for $125tho Bound Trip.

II. II VCKl'KM) it Co.

aSv l'"Olt SAN FUANCISl'f

SCSSi- - The cll'iptsi bktneDiscovery,

l' 'iTinian, , - - .Ma er,Will n.ivu quick dispati'li for the i m

port. For froUlit or paistigo. ap.Ji.v tu11. Uaokkui.u Ac Co.. .V-- j 'ii


The clipper bktne"W. H. Dimond,

Houdlctt, - - Master,Will have quick dispatch for the aboveport. For freight or passage apply to

Wm. U. Inwix ij Co., .v.gents.i


Steam Navigation Company'slilNE OP STEAMERS. ,

Th.e Iwalani,oates, - - Commander

Runs-regularl- y to Kqna and Kau, aper ioi lowing lime lauiu:

Leaves Honolulu at 4 p.m. onFriday, .Inly,. 0 Friday., i Aug. 15--

TueVdnyr July 17' T iL"Jdiiy, Aug 2f- -

Friday, .tiny f Friibi3:, Sejit r.

Tucaday, Aug 7 Tuesrlrtv. Sent IfFridav, Sept, 28.,

AumvES at Honolulu:Saturday, July 14 Siturday, A'lg 2'Wed. July'2." Wed. I Sept 'Saturday, A.ig 4 "Snturlay, Sept 1

Wed. Aig 11 V. Sept 2t

The C. R. Bishop,cameiion-- , - Commander,, v Leaves Honolulu every Monday

at 5 p.m., for Nawiliwili, Ivoloa, Eleele.and Waimea, Kauai. Returning, leaver-Nawiliwil- i

every Friday evoning.

The James Makee,mcdonald, -

' Commander,Leaves Honolulu

every Thursday, at 5 p.m. for Kaplin andReturning leaves Kapim

every Tuesday evening.

its. Steamer Likelike,King, - jMuster.

Luave.s Honolulu each Tuesday at4 p.m., tDiicliiug at ri'xiina, Maa-lae- a

Bay, Makciia, Mahikoni,Laiipahnehoe and Hllo.

Itoturniiig, v III touch at all tinat oi- - ports, arriving at Honolulueach Sunday a.m. I

THE KAST 8AILINO . .2jJiU? Schooner Ehu'iai

will run regularlyTO .v.uALUA EVERY MONDAY,

Returning "on Tliursday, weatherpermitting.

For freight or passage apply to theCaptain on board, or to

161 ' A. F. Cooke, Agent.

A. FRANK C00KF,Ofllce, corner Nuuanu and Queen streets,

Honolulu, II. I.,Agent for the following Pacliots:Wallele, & Wiiioli,Waiehu, W Wnlmaju.Malolo, $jim'l Kaluna.Muna, JaSffiJs Julia,

Xa Mol, and Ehukai.Red Flag, with White Ball.


JT2t SABiK,A T A 11AUGAIX, a complstc, tine,

N.J3W OUTFITvon A . -

- Firrft-Gla- ss Restaurant,ConsUtingof

Crockorywato, Umkiii0' Utensils,Ki.lvos nnd Fork',

Extra Flno White Linen Table C o ha,Together with

Everything NeededIn a tlrM o' is-- i c-- iiili i1 m r. Ha igcHoller, and all nppll u cj. u ed in a Restmiraut. A rdv to

Z. Y. SQUIKIH, Americiin House,40S tf " M.uinakea street




Ladies and Gent's

Gold and Silver Watches

Just to hand.

Every Watch warranted as.represented.



Facsimile of Silver Cao-- .

f 18 k iNo

Actual weightof :...

Gross Wgt

VXwtisifloBtttlfu ttatlhp acconsiTvinarAV nHCluinpcU"1lhourTRAoc Mark


Pioneer Carcag) Ma,:ufact33y,

75, 77 and 81

King St.











M. Mclnorny,Arjentfor this KinydomN. B. Bewaro of imita-

tions, as I liavo discoveredwatches

in!! tlic. name of "Vntclius," arc of

jranufactnre, nnd are soldgenuine Wnltlmm watches.

' " ,i 'it Piepfi

H.75, 77 81

SD Ivinj? St.iaTSgaMWwWaB

lb rei'jw mi


Great Bargains.

.U tUU tllkl V MjU 11 I II

Groat American OlotM i Huse


All orders for Whccl-vehicle- s of every description filled with promptness anddispatch. Firt-cla- s Mechanic" employed all the year round.

8- - FINE CARRIAGE WORK A SPECIALTY, --mNothing too. hot o- - for u . CARS, OMNIBUdSES. PLANTA.

WAGONS, & OX CARTS, m de to or repaired.Horse Shoeing' Department

s under the (supervision of a prafticil mini a nieehanic to none. Wohave no uc for soaking scalds or lot tubs. All work guaranteed.

modcrmc. WHITMAN & WRIGHT,40S ly 7. 77 and King



25 per cent Cheaper atPALMER & TEACHER'S

TVow .Oi'Bttg- - Store,ANY STORE IN


LOW PRICES MUST RULE.ItnvuiiiH ! liarguiiiN ! Bargain; !

At the Great American Clothing HouseAs wo need room, v : aic now ofTering one of the largest and ho t.

ed of Yo.ith's, r.nd Children's at ridiculously low

' Gent's Complete Busines3 at $10, worth $16.50.Spring Cheviot in II stylos "i $15, wo th .

A assnrtnient of the Iate4 style of 1 Suit-i- , at $18, worth 25,, lino I SniH. i i lar jo variety, at red iced

Gout's I) rk Diagonal from $lft'up.An ininii me nsort iniul of Ulne Flannel S liln, from $10 up.Very Hue Yacht Cloth Suit-i- , in all andThe latest stylo in Gent's Dress Suits constantly on hand.Gent's Lightweight Overcoats, at low prices.

Great Reduction in our Boy's Clothing Department.l")0 Linen Suits, at worth

Want's Fju'msliinj; Iiiavtmeiit Bargain.G nt's White Shirts fr w $l--- " np; lino Pore lie ShirU, latest styles, $1 3 un.1 i m.o'i 'tr.i he ivy II mo, at "St cents a pair.

0 lo.en Finer Hose, in all at 3 cents a pair.7" atl'Jl- - emit a pair.

dozen Gommur MJrl'io Uulordiirh, full IlnUhed, wort'i .1,,0,Novelties In Gent's Neckwear, at lo.v prices..

Tho hand. ProuoU Panann U Us tit &.Macltln w Hats in town, pss- - s in icar h i, tounlitios. latent w;.., (V, ,f'0 il Jo , ,,, b ? n"r" u i --u lUi'u will '... !... !.... uic-'.i- m A':15)!im

Hut Dopsirtmontbtyloa constantly onat ipl. Cheapen valuestylos, and pd ,os,

soonm r h tor riWcnvarI

S. 03 & Gi,

several silver bear?Wultluim

which .Swissas




UlO Ii


toli-i.-- TRAMT10N MULli order, altolcd


81 Street.


finest,stocks Men's, Roy's Clothing


350 Suits,Suits,

large SsoinhYe'ry French Womc p.ijcs.

H'orMi'd Suits,

shades prices.

Boy's School $1.75: $2.5!).


P.moy Hose,patent ntSl:Lttcot

I'lliHt W'ito


MAX ECKARTRegno notify hi customer nil public of Honolulu,

and the Inlands geuea'ly,TTliii.1: lie i Ueatly Kow

im cvi'r to supply tholr needs luAVTOIIia-- ; AND JEWELRY,

and, having etig gl a Competent Assit-t- a it from thoStates, ih aide to attend to aiy anu u it of

Wtitfili 111 (I l.'i li ir ft ml 1)nintiS.i..ttlllllllllll UH'I IVUjItt I I JUU

New Stylo3 in Jowelry, Am. Waltham Watohes, all styles,151 SolldjSiher AVure. Everything of the Best,

Page 4: Mil f, 'THEDAILY BULLETIN · f, 'THEDAILY BULLETIN jjj Vol, II. o. 475. HONOLULU, II. I., TIIUHSQAY, AUGUST!), 1883. 60 OE8NuTBa8cPRK0oNNTH v f ill) 'W I v$, j2 ft'"1'1" IU e. I'll

EHHBHBlflifv'""1 JHR9MflKk.1


ft- -,


if- -



f sV3 - f V J f T . J T f--- WljtP"


WlMWII ''NOAV lfc 13


Second-Han- d and in Good Order.Open t ml Top luggicB,Double Seated Carriages commonly

used for expresses,Double II u lies', nnd Saddles,Saddle Horse1, nnd horsc3 sultublu for

pliiutution uoik,Also, one Billiard Table.

For Sale nt the472 PANTHEON STABLES.


THE undersigned 1ms, by request ofmerchants in Honolulu,

attached to his General Ofllcc Businessthat of

Custom House Broker.The continual increase of commerce tothese Island fully warrants this under-taking, and my intention is to make thisdepartment a specially in my ucncniiBusiness. I have arranged legal Powerof AMoincy blank's to transact businessfor the entry of goodB at the Uust"inHouse, and will alio pay and dischargefreight and duty expense, and, if required, deliver from the consignees.

Merchants will And that the time cm.ployed by them and their employees inmaking out duplicate invoices and at-

tending to thu entries will be a savingto their business interests by placing inthe Broker's hands all such business.

The merchants of Honolulu, I feelconfident, have full confidence in myintegrity and reliability, and that thisnew undertaking will be highly appre-ciated, I have not tltc slightest doubt.

Very Respectfully,J. E. WISEMAN,Custom Houe Broker,

And General Business Agent.GSTTelcpbone 172. 477 lw


W.C- - ASHLEY,Custom House Broker

lias opened an agency forCustom House Brokerage,

Real Estate Transactions,Employment Service,

And General Business,

At J. IV. ItolierlHOH & Co'h. Station-ery, Stoic,Merchant street (near the Post Office.)

Books and Accounts neatly kept nndadjusted.

Bills collected.Legal Documents of every description

drawn up.Anything in the way of business care-

fully and promptly attended to.P. O. Box 484; telephone i.. 470


IES VIOLIN and theSPECIAL'I oftheVorCE.Piano-- ) Tuned, Repaired and Polished.Orders received o ily at the Furniture

and Piano Store oft:. E. Villi:tms, 111Fort Street Telephone 70; or at myresidence. Please send orders one daybefore the work is'requircd to be done.


Water Notice.WING to the scaicity of water, me

hours for irrigation will bo

liimitetl to 4 hours per tinyfrom 6 to 8 a. m. and from 4 to G p.m.until further notice.

CIIAS. B. WILSON,Approved: Sup't "Waterworks.

Jno.E. Burnt, Minister of Interior.May 5th, lb83. 304





402 2w

True to the Test !


a. 9. Bkugkii, Esq., Agent,

Macneaio & Urban Safes,Honolulu.

)i:aii Sin, I take great pleasure toinform you 'that the No. 3 Mncnealc &"Urban Fireproof Safe purchased someVearfa ago has parsed through tho disas-trous lire of last night to my entire n.

I opened the same on thecombination (tips and handle havingmelted oil), without any ifflculty, andfound contents in pertect order,

1 ours very truly, L. WAY.Honolulu, Juno 28, 18B:.

A. Xjili-gr-o AH01.tmClltof these Justly Celebrated Safes

CONSTANTLY ON HANDOld Safes taken lu Exchange.

O. O. BEKGEIt,General Agent Hawaiian Islands.

448 tf

Furniwliert Kooiiihrrn.LET, coiner of Qumii and Punch.

bowl streets.457 tf Apply on tho PiemiBcs,



J3bls Mess Beef,

Blls Prime Mess Pork,

Bbls Salmon,

Half l)l)ls Salmon, '

Kits Salmon Bellies,

Hf bbls extra Family Beef,

Gases Fairbank's Lard,

3, 5, and 10 lb cans,

Butter in Glass Jars, 41b.

Butter in kegs,

ItollCH & CO.August 1st, 1883.




We have just recoived

The Finest AssortmentOF


Embio'dcry,Bcots and Shoes,

Walking Canes,

Fancy Baskets, &c.



To enumerate them all would take toomuch space, but this will give you anidea:

Chairs, Table w, Sofas,DOSA-DO- S SEATS,

Layettes, Work Tables,Embroidered Bedspreads,

Guitar?, Toilet Sets, &c,

Cull mid Sec rJDliem.


4!01m Hotel Street.


ROPE MARKET!Yes, and we sell

.A.W JLov UM tlio Ijo-wch- L !

and don't anybody forget it.

We sell New Bedford Eope, and anyretailer knows how it will hold out iunet weight-W-

also have the mo?t varied assort- -

ment of

SHIP CHANDLERYkept by any house this side of the RockyMountains, sucfi as

Hei.p and Manila Cordage, all sizcB,Artciian Well Boring Hopes,Manila Iliiwsorn, Wiro Rope,Cotton and Hemp Duck and Twine,Galvanized Maiinc Hardware,

PAINTS AND OILS,Pure Copper Sheathing, 14, 10 & 18 ozYellow Metal aud Nails, 14 to 28 oz.Copper Paint (Tarr & Wonsin's)Whale Boats, Boat Stocks,Gal. Boat Nails, all kinds and sizes,Aud 1001 other tilings too numerous

to mention Also, agents for

Ferry Davis' 1'ain Killer,Brand & Pierce's Bomb Guns and

Bomb Lances, &c, &c,All of which we will sell at the

Lowest Rates.300 ly A. W. l'ciice & 0.

Found,gi ATURDAY, a Biacelet. Tho

; owner c 11 havo the same on ownership and 'paying o.peuses.Apply tit this office. 400

Just Becsived,Ex " Discovery,"

CROWN FLOUR,In if and Barrels,

The best for Family and Baking pur-pose- r,

for sale hi quantities

to suit by


"Try tho Fragranco of Iho Wood, Nicotian,"

Choice Havana CigarsOf the Finest Brands

And JEfost Iflnvors,As follows:

Manuel Garcia, Figaro,Margarita, La Corona,"

Flon do Cuba, Coney Island,MAY NOW BE HAD FROM

H. J. NOLTE,Beaver Saloon, Fort street.

EST'Other goods as before.

The Delmonioo Restaurant

next door to Castle & Cooke,on King street.

Meals Cooked to OrderAT LLA IIOUHB.

LTJlSCEtES & SUPPERS25 to 50 cents.

Board, per week, upstairs, : : fG.OOin advance.

R. VON OEHLHAFFEN & Co.,430 lm Proprietors.



BEVERAGE,According (o the highest and be t medi- -

cal testlmi.ny.Manufactory, : : : No. 13 Lili'ia St

P. O. Box, 379. Telephone, 284.

J5gyA 1 orders receive piompt attention.

KENNEDY & Co.,Jobbing and Retail


Campbell's Fire-Proo- f Buildings

No. 67 Hotel Street.P. O. Boz No. 207.

204 ly Ring up Telephone No. 240.


A Large AssortmentOF TUB


Fine Wall PapersAND

BORDERS!Just received, and for sale by

WHDER & CO.Bg&, Call aud examine. 147

" Variety the Spice plstfe."

SPERM OIL!We have On hand

Put up in 5 gall, tins

and cases of 10 galls.EACH, OF

Clear and Pure Sperm OilTaken by the " Orca," "Louisa," and

"Mary & Helen," which will bo



Castle & Cooke.





40 More Cases just arrived- - ex u Mariposa,"No High Rent! No Baits t No Trash to Give Awayt but good, solid

G-ent'- s Furnishing Goods!Clothing, Straw and Folt Hats, Caps, Boots,

Shoos, Slippers, Trunks, Bags, Valisos, &o., &c,AT PRICES THAT AVIIiL 3IAIC33 YOU 1T.T313X HJV.fPV

We have tho largest stock on tho Isl nids, in all grades, from the Cheapest tothe Best; all fresh and well selected, from our buyers in New York and San Fiau.

Our goods sell too quickly to get old. If yon want Fresh Styles and NewGoods, go direct to the

ONE PRICE MECHANICS' BAZARCorner of Fort and Merchant Streets, Honolulu.

S. W. LEDERER, Managor. .(252) J. L. ROSENBERG

S3-COO- D NEWSIESThe New Firm of Lycan & Johnson

Have wittily 3Voav GJ-ood-

and all articles sold by them arc at new prices.

Pianos, Organs, Furniture, & Sewing Machinessold on the installment plan, and rented at very reasonable rates, Jallowlng themoney paid, as rent, to be applied as purchase money. They make a

Specialty of Furnishing Housesor rooms completely, in any style that may be desired. They manufacture PictureFrames, and have in stock

Over One Thousand different Styles of Mouldingfor frames nnd window or door cornices.

They have brass poles and rings, walnut and ebony finished poles and rings,and can manufacture Lambrequins and house dranerv to trtcasc all tastes. Intheir Fancv Goods Department you can

totypes, beautiful Water Colors, Vases,Tea Scti. Screens, Va. PI iq-10- Fans,Maiolico ever 3een in this mirket.

.A. fine asoitiMieii.t of Toys.

UNION FEED COMPANYHave .Received per " Chius Spreckels" & " W. G. Irwin,"

1000 BALES OF CHOICE NEW HAY,500 bags Oats, 600 bags Barley,

800 bags of Bran,All of which will bo sold at bottom prices- -

GcoJs de'ivcrcd.



find Steel Engravings,Album, Goods consisting&c, &c. most

Telephone No. 175.

enabled tho andiuo


All orders promptly attended to.102 3m

ENTERPRISE FEED CO.Corner of Queen and Edinburg Streets.

Telephone, SSOH. JT. AG-NE- W

BEGS to inform his friends and the public generally that he has OPENEDat the above stand, and has made complete arrangements for a con

supply of

- Fresh Goods of the very best qualitywhich will offer for sale

THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES.lie hopes, g his best attention td please the public, to merit a part of theiA large stock of

Wheat and Oat'Hay, and Ground Barley,

now on hand.



California and Oregon Oats, Bran,Middlings, &c,Ordcrs'solicited and satisfaction guaranteed, or no pay asked

H. J. AGXEW, Proprietor. 349

J. M. OAT, Jr., & CO.Have just received ex Suez,

A new lot of Blank Books, Blotting TabletsLotto und IVoto Papers,

lulcw, Mucilage, Gold Peuw, &e.ALSO, A BMAT.L ASBOIITSIENT OK

Pl&qxiesj for House Ieeo:rting-- .

Red Rubber Stamp Agency.02TA11 orders filled promptly.JEJ

253 Gazette Block, No. 35 Merchant Street,


Subscription DepartmentWE are prepared to receivo further ordors for any Paper 'Magazine publish

ed In California, tho Kabtern Stales, Canada, and Europe.At present time wo receive by every mail one hundred and fifty

different- - Papers and Magazines, published in tho English, French, German, andScandinavian Languages,ivs our suopcripuou usi is large, weiazinen at a low rato of RiibFcnntinn

Water Notice.Office Sup't Water Works, .

Honolulu, July 3, 1882.

ALL persons having Water Privilegesnotified that their Water Hates

aro payable semiannually, in advance,at tlio office of the Superintendent ofWater Works, foot of XTuuanu btrect,upon tlio 1st dav of January and July ofeach year. ClIAS. B. WILSON,

Sup't Water Works.S. K. Kaai, Minister of Interior. 204



Oil Paintings,Japanese of

Some of the choice

are to furnish Papers







the over

WATER NOTICE.tpO ensuro water for privileges con--

necled with tlio Upper Nuuanu"Valley Jlcsorvoir, arrangements havebeen made bo that water will be avail-able for those between tho hours of C to 0 a. m.; and for thoso on thoPunchbowl line, from Judd Hill to Ka-piola- ni

street, between the hours of ,i p,m. to 7 p. in., until fuithe- - notice.

OIIA8. B. WILSON.8jP'i MVatcr WorJw

Honolulu, Juno 13th, 1883. .J2