milli in trobule

Linda Susan Meie r. A MILLIONAIRE IN TROUBLE, Original title: The Tycoon's Double Trouble SUSAN MEIER A millionaire in trouble (Single parents) Plot: The billionaire widower Tro and Cramer had returned as u hometown after swearing he would never marry. However, s twin daughters us desperately needed ma mind one figure triplet, and the old love Troy in the insti tute, Sadie Evans, enca jaba perfectly in that role. But convincing Sadie Evida atr accept his proposal would cost to go it was not for sale: her broken heart. Troy Cramer was a ravishingly attractive man ... And a millionaire jerk the introvert Troy to Sadie had met once had with poured into a tycoon who pen saba tod or you could buy, including ell a. Sadie knew that under his cool facade hiding a co Golden Ratio, but could with go to Troy returned to believe in love? Love demanded a high price

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  • Linda Susan Meie r.


    Original title: The Tycoon's Double Trouble


    A millionaire in trouble

    (Single parents)


    The billionaire widower Tro and Cramer had returned as u hometown after swearing he would never

    marry. However, s twin daughters us desperately needed ma mind one figure triplet, and the old love

    Troy in the insti tute, Sadie Evans, enca jaba perfectly in that role. But convincing Sadie Evida atr

    accept his proposal would cost to go it was not for sale: her broken heart. Troy Cramer was a ravishingly

    attractive man ...

    And a millionaire jerk the introvert Troy to Sadie had met once had with poured into a tycoon who pen

    saba tod or you could buy, including ell a. Sadie knew that under his cool facade hiding a co Golden

    Ratio, but could with go to Troy returned to believe in love?

    Love demanded a high price

  • Chapter 1

    TROY Cramer got out of the car and once on the sidewalk, saw something happening on the other side of

    the street.

    A woman police were arresting a guy who had run a shop in Wilburn, Pennsylvania. Would noted the

    guardaespal give her daughters eight years, Bruce Oliven

    When noticed the policewoman who was, he stayed with his mouth open. It was nothing more and

    nothing less than Sadie Evans, the girl's guide pa school. He still had black hair, aque Llos wonderful

    green eyes and a body sculp ral, but instead of choosing a profession related to beauty, as everyone had

    expected, was a policeman.

    As he watched, the boy got zafar she is in and run, but Sadie chased and finished trapping a few meters

    from Troy.

    - Come on, Mark he told the adolescent. Sa bes well that you have to stop by hook or by crook, and I

    think it is better for good.

    - I'm not going to jail!

    'Who told you to go to jail? Mark stopped struggling and looked. Isn't going to go to jail?

    - No, in theory it is the first offense you make, so you will not go to jail, but will impo ner punishment.

    Vickroy Lacy told me vie tions to steal almost every day. You know perfectly well that you just bought

    the store to Brennan and can not afford these gas cough. She said she has spoken with you but you have

    not paid attention and that's why I had to call.

    -Estupendo Taunted the boy.

    -The Police chief will take care of you while I talk to Lacy for claiming the complaint. Since this is the

    first time to be in interpose charges against you, you can only put a fine, you will not go to jail, but will

    notify your parents. I hope you do not ever steal.

    Troy looked stunned.

    What do you think, Mark? Promise me you're not going to do it again.

    Mark took a breath. Troy held her breath. Mark

    It was bigger and stronger than Sadie and things po Dian get ugly. When Troy was about to come to his

    aid, Mark relented.

    'All right,' said the teenager.

    Sadie gave the boy while Troy was my paring it with open mouth. Sadie was the prettiest girl in school,

    the head cheerleader. Nun ca really liked studying, but it was ton ta.

  • On one occasion, he argued professor of art that the peach and coral were not igua them and did so with

    the help of two lipsticks. Moreover, their fashion shows gave sufficient di nero as for the cheerleading

    squad Tuvie ra new uniforms every year.

    However, instead of having made model or have a cosmetics company, was police.

    - Dad!

    His daughter Ginger him out of his thoughts.

    - Tell me, my life, 'Troy said the girl with blue eyes.

    - You said we were going to go find Grandmother and at the mall.

    - And that's exactly what we do, Rosemary Troy replied looking at his other daughter, his identical twin


    Ginger and Rosemary. Those two girls he has bian changed life. The death of the mother of Ginger

    and Rosemary, Angelina, happened a year and a half earlier had changed. Are guide missing her


    -What Happens is that you first have to get money from the bank.

    'Why do not you at the ATM? -obje t Ginger.

    Because I want a word with the will Lord Johnson.

    - Oh, Daddy!

    Honey, what I have to do. I have to open some accounts here because I need mu cho money to establish

    my company 'I expli ed his daughter referring to his company informati ca, Sunbright Software


    - Papaaaa! They -protestaron twin simultaneously.

    Troy looked at Bruce, a tall, strong boy twenty-five years and was unfazed before the shouts. Troy knew

    why. Since her mother has Deaths BIA had spoiled their daughters everything that had loved and Bruce

    had become accustomed.

    Although Bruce was very polite and said nothing, Troy had long had realized that he was accustomed to

    their daughters that they could do whatever they wanted, what was becoming two monsters.

    Partly why he had returned to his hometown. Also because it was much safer and quieter than Los

    Angeles. Moreover, Wilburn, Pennsylvania, with a population of four thousand five hundred inhabitants,

    people were much more normal and Troy hoped that what they infect girls.

    Let's make a deal. I will not open accounts now. I'm going to limit you to tell Mr. Johnson will be back

    within a couple of hours. That means that your visit to the center co mercial have to be shorter than


    Ginger and Rosemary sighed in disgust crossed his arms and looked away. Troy implored strength, but

    when reminded Sadie Evans crossing his arms just like his daughter laughed.

  • The truth was that I had two small Sadies potential. What at first it was funny like parecrselo stopped

    when realized he was going to have to endure that he comportamien to for at least ten years since when

    he had gone away, just after ter undermine the school, Sadie remained well.

    Somewhere between eighteen and vein tiocho years had worked a miracle in it, but it certainly was not

    before dioecious cho. That meant that Troy had before it a very difficult decade.

    - Come on, the sooner we finish in the bank before we go to the mall at -Les telling girls to get off the

    coach said.

    -What Roll Ginger growled.

    Troy looked at Bruce again, but the boy said nothing. At the end of the day, it was not his job.

    However, Troy knew I had to do something with their daughters or would end his patience.

    Troy entered the bank accompanied by or small and announced that he wanted to see Mr. Johnson.

    - Troy! - said Ray Johnson out of his office to recibirlo-. What are you, son?

    - Very well, Mr. Johnson. You remember my daughters?

    'Of course I replied Ray caress Ginger dole cheek.

    Troy prayed that the girl did not bite him and when he saw that Ray was still five of two smiled with


    'How are you, girls?

    - Very well, Mr. Johnson -contestaron twin unison.

    - I have come to ask you if you had some time this afternoon to open up a few accounts because I want to

    move my Wilburn company said Troy.

    'Of course Ray replied stating that happen to his office -. We can open them imme ately.

    Rosemary looked at his father inequvo way ca and Troy felt his pulse quicken. Aque ment was

    becoming ridiculous. He understood that did pout and complain, but it looks ran as if they were to

    punish it was too.

    He had to do something if I wanted things to be worse.

    I'd rather leave it for later, back in a couple of hours.

    As you want it answered while Ray cashier, Amelia, returning with money that Troy had asked him to


    - Thank she told him with a big smile.

    - From nothing, 'said the girl smiling tam all right.

    Troy barely noticed. Well, yeah noticed, but did not put much attention as Sa die.

    Of course Sadie was different. She had always liked. Actually, everyone liked the chi cos. Reacting to

    her smile, her hair or sen audio- green eyes was instinctive.

  • When they left the bank, Bruce, who had been watching out, he joined them and away ron toward the

    parking lot.

    - Why do you look at me like that? Troy she asked her daughter.

    'So what?

    - Do not play dumb. You know perfectly well that you have regarded me pulling my anger.

    It's that we're tired of waiting, Dad - explained Ginger saving his sister.

    Same as always. It was two against one, and most of the time earned them. Obviamen will not help

    that Troy was very gentle with the girls. Were much like his late wife, and yet, they were growing

    without your wonderful ma dre.

    Troy missed her terribly to Angelina and knew that probably was destined to spend the rest of his life

    alone. That meant that girls would not be near any woman who cui give and give you an example.

    When they reached the parking lot, Troy saw the police chief that took Mark, and Sadie, who was talking

    with two teenagers. There sa BIA why, but it was obvious that the girls trusted her.

    - Dad!

    Pardon he apologized realizing he was staring at Sadie again.

    He could not help it. He remembered when he was exac ly like its twin, but now it was ma hard and


    Almost immediately, Troy came up with an idea. I had to talk to her because, perhaps, was ra women

    to their daughters could emulate.


    - Dad!

    Troy did not answer their daughters, but l pulled and mobile phone pocket and dialed.

    - Mom? said when her mother replied. I'm in the bank and emerged me one thing. Would you mind

    taking the girls you to the mall and I did not go with you? Great. This We in the parking lot. See you

    in five mi utes.

    - Are not you going to come? Bruce asked.

    I have to do a thing, you go with them, please.

    Wonderful, sighed the bodyguard.

    - Are not you coming with us? Ginger protested.

    No, but do not worry. I'll give Grandma money and credit cards, but you know anything snakeskin, boas

    or makeup.

    - Dad!

    Not tempt the fate replied Troy look Dolas harshly.

  • Sadie Evans did not pay much attention when that handsome man came toward her. With only thing he

    noticed was that it was very handsome. Brown hair falling over his forehead, had blue eyes and angular


    He had a lean, muscular body, the type of physique that almost all women seemed perfect. It would have

    to be blind not to notice his presence.

    - What happened with Mark? asked the stranger.

    So Sadie realized it was no coincidence that they were walking in the same di direction.


    - Yes, the kid you ever stopped for shoplifting.

    - I can not talk about it.

    - I do not want you to tell me anything about the crime. What I want to know is how you did what

    you've cho, how did you learn to speak so well with teenagers. I saw that Mark was trying to esca

    parse and you've talked to him and I'd like you to tell me how you do it.

    Sadie looked at him, but he kept walking. - What do you want to know?

    - I'm curious Troy replied looking amused. Do not you remember me, right?

    Sadie looked at him intently. No, she did not remember him. He thought there must have ever seen

    before because it was impossible to forget those amazing blue eyes.

    Had he known, surely remember him. Which meant that the man was lying. Surely, to pry some


    Sadie'm sorry he apologized shrug -. I do not remember you.

    'Do not you remember that we were receiving in au ence for the kind of study?

    It made Sadie was stopped in his tracks and looked at it again. Only someone who had gone to school

    with her would have known that.

    - Am Troy Troy Cramer He laughed. Sadie looked at him open-mouthed. I've changed, huh?

    "You do not know how much" thought Sadie.

    They say that men do not mature until we have twenty years and I guess I am the perfect case of that


    'Of course,' said Sadie. Sorry, but you are very different.

    'I'll take that as a compliment.

    - Without wishing to offend you, you should. That laughed at Troy and the sound of her laughter he got

    into the body of Sadie and resonated in the pe cho. Besides being incredibly handsome, had a sexy


    "And fantastic eyes," thought Sadie without po der stop looking.

  • Were so dark and perfect that Sadie could not believe that at the time the school gave the escon behind

    glasses bottle ass.

    And what a mouth! Her fleshy and juicy, soft and pink lips ...

    Sadie felt a tingle in my stomach and realized that she was attracted to Troy Cra mer, the mad

    computers, which all had foretold to be a millionaire before the age of twenty-five.

    In that sense, the boy had achieved the goal for some time. He recalled that his mother had told him the

    other day at dinner that had become a millionaire with his computer company, but when his wife died,

    had left Los Angeles to raise their daughters at one o'clock ment quieter.

    His mother had told him it was not f easy to see because wearing business from home and worked

    between 0:16 hours a day.

    That meant that Troy Cramer was rich, gua po, was available and certainly feel very lonely.

    Sadie coughed.

    Do not want to be seen drooling at the solte ro golden city. The Sadie who had been

    would have loved before, but not new. The new Sadie would not let her worth depended on their beauty

    and dating the most coveted boy.

    No, the new Sadie wanted me to respect for their knowledge and skills. So the new Sadie walk away

    from him.

    I have to go, but glad to see you. I'll see you next time I come to town.

    The truth was that he had no intention of seeing if he could help, but it was not a matter of showing rude.

    'Do not you live in Wilburn?

    - Yes, I live here Sadie replied standing and smiling shyly. I forget constant mind because I just moved

    to Pittsburgh just a week ago.


    The tone in which he had told told Sa die that Troy was glad of it. Troy smiled and Sa die shivered in

    the back, but decided to ignore: was crazy to feel attracted to him.

    Having something to Troy Cramer would be like going back to school again, the whole city would have

    blar it. If that happened, the respect that pre tended earn doing a good job as a member of the local

    police never cum plira.

    Would be the beautiful Sadie and socket to which he was not h aba happened is nothing better than cribir

    in the school yearbook that was getting married with someone who has more money and much smaller

    than Prince Charles ears.

    No, that's nothing; did not want to that for anything.

    'I like the way you conducted the arrest of Mark. It made me feel safe.

    That laugh made Sadie.

  • -Thank You very much. You're very funny.

    'That's why he was famous at school.

    I remember Sadie admitted remembering that Troy was sweet, considerate and fun.

    No belonged to the same gang, but they had agreed in biology class with fifteen years.

    'You were famous for how beautiful you were.

    - Effectively Sadie replied.

    Since many years not seen, did not say that such comments being brought out of their boxes today.

    -Like You, I've changed.

    - I find you just as beautiful as then.

    Sadie realized it was better to leave before finishing getting angry with him for aque Llos innocent


    Thank you, you are also very handsome, so we're just trying to go said.

    No, we are not equal 'said Troy impi dindoselo-. My transformation has been only physically, but

    you've changed. Your transforms tion has been personal and emotional and I guess you had to work

    hard to get it.

    Sadie stopped short and stared. He had greatly surprised that this man had noticed something that his

    family was barely conscious, but decided not to overemphasized.

    - Supe choose a good path in life, Troy. No need to call the Pope to ca me nonice thereby.

    Not going to call the Pope, but I wanted pro get a job.

    - Can I offer you a job because I've matured? Sadie asked skeptically laughing.

    Exactly. You see, I have twin daughters eight years that were shattered when he died his mother 'I said

    Troy. After a year, I realized I needed a quieter environment for them and came to live here.

    Very well said Sadie politely even though I had no idea where he was going to take that confession.

    -What is certain is that come to us to live here has not been enough Troy continued watching his alre

    dedor-. Could not we talk in a more intimate place?

    'No,' Sadie saw the perfect opportunity to leave. Indeed, Troy, is to rush. I do not know what job I want

    to propose, but I'm too busy police and not think I'll have time to do anything else.

    - Not even if you do not even pay one hundred thousand US dollars?

    Rich, handsome and insane.

    - Why were you going to pay a hundred thousand dollars? What should I do?

    -Ensearles My daughters how to be a woman.

    Sadie felt him on guard, but with continued controlled and did not explode.

    - What do you mean exactly?

  • - My daughters need a woman to the show to be more feminine because there are things that I can not

    teach, but I would like you to teach in a good atmosphere. I do not want to grow up believing they can go

    around wearing feather boas and snakeskin pants because the girls of movies do. I do not want matching

    ca transparent masses. I want someone to teach to dress, to differentiate between what is feminine and

    what is crap. I do not know how, but I have money, so I am prepared to pay one hundred thousand US

    dollars for you to do it yourself.

    By understanding your proposal, Sadie sighed ali Viada.

    Troy, you're in luck.

    Troy smiled happy making Sadie vol see to feel attracted to him. However, consi controlled led again

    because she wanted to be a police agent respected and not the mistress of a millionaire.

    The truth is that if Troy had not been so to money, be flirting with him like crazy. But did. Surely, had

    more money than she imagined. That meant not Bia approach him.

    - Do you accept?

    No, but it sure my sister Hannah is interested. She teaches elementary and locks ja with my Aunt Sadie

    in the nursery, and as instructions tora a program for single parents Sadie replied with a shrug. Your

    case is a bit special, but it sure can help you with your daughters.

    - Your sister is a teacher?

    Sadie nodded.

    No, I do not think good idea. It's too obvious and girls would notice right away. Ne cesito someone


    Look, Troy, is admirable what I want jor your daughters, but that is why I do not agree.

    You're wrong. I want the teach because you are fabulous, you are a role model. Maybe others do not

    realize, but I know how much it's costing you change because both -contes t Troy staring intently. For


    He was about to convince because nobody seemed to understand how difficult it had been to go from

    being a girl who only cared about nail polish and fix her hair a mature woman.

    Many people, moreover, believed that this was not going to last long.

    The only one who seemed to understand it was precisamen like him, a person who was completely out

    of reach.

    Sadie sighed.

    - Thanks, 'he said sincerely. I believe you and I appreciate it, but I still have many things to prove he

    added, handing a card from the day care center. My Aunt Sadie is sick and my sister Caro is taking care

    of the store estuary, and this time my parents are responsible two of the interviews with stakeholders.

    If Hannah can not help you, it will Caro. Which One He wants the two will help you with your hi jas.

  • With that, he turned and went into the building of the police station before you die Troy ra time to react.

    He stared at the card and decided he was going to see the Evans to hire one of his daughters, but he

    would not be neither Hannah nor Caro.

    Sadie and I wanted to get Sadie hire.

  • C hapter 2

    VERY funny! - Sadie snapped the ma Next ana Troy breaking into his mansion. I do not know what

    I'll do, if send you for being so arrogant or stop by so bornar my father!

    - You can not stop me. I have not done anything ile gal.

    Troy crossed his arms and was glad Sadie is tar angry with him because he was really handsome in his

    sportswear. Had the sweaty hair and re again, so probably just exercise and was about to change.

    It was hard to believe that someone so cute and so in teligente was so stubborn.

    - I just made a deal.

    'What you have done is give a man who has a sick sister hundred thousand dollars to one of his daughters

    works for you. Do not you pa seems dodgy? - Sadie protested at him as if he had gone mad. It's almost


    Your father told me that your Aunt Sadie needed the money to reform the nursery and I need someone to

    help me with the twins. In my world, that's a business. You got what I ne cesito and I'm willing to pay

    for it.

    Very well, 'said Sadie.

    At that moment, he realized that it was impossible to fall in love with a man so arrogant and pushy, so

    the main obstcu him to accept the job was gone.

    'I'll help, but unique and exclusi Aunt Sadie because you need the money, so do not think you've won.

    Also, you'll have to meet certain standards.

    - What kind of rules?

    Not you say " What kind of rules? "As if you had negotiated because it is not. The reality is that either

    fulfill my rules or you are looking to another per sona.

    Confused by his anger, Troy frowned.

    You're a picky eater in the mornings.

    - Yeah, and you result disgusting when you go around buying people with money, so this We at par.

    The rules are simple and put them for good reason. I'm a cop, Troy. He had a good job in Pittsburgh, but

    I did not engage in Wilburn until I helped in the investigation of Rory Brennan and showed him the chief

    of police and the council that it was competent. You will understand that I want to keep my job.

    - The contract I propose is not perm you, so you will not leave the police.

    Not I'll just have to do it if the gene I lost my respect.

    - People are not going to lose respect for that work for me.

    - Oh, no? Do you think that if people find out that I'm working for you not going to say that what

    interests me is to marry you for your money?

  • - I guess I forgot how quickly learns here everyone around, but what has not forgotten me is what you

    wrote in the yearbook. I do not remember the words exac tas, but it was something like that wanted to

    marry someone with smaller Prince Charles ears, but a bigger bank account.

    Sadie sighed.

    Thanks for reminding me, but it's going to take that remind anyone else because, apparently, no one

    around here has forgotten. The pri mere week I spent at work was dreadful. People who barely knew

    was pulling my leg with that. They no longer do so solely because they have seen that I am a competent

    police officer.

    - I Understand.

    - I'm glad because if you want it worked for you, it will have to be secret.

    Troy shrugged. -very Well.

    - And we will not have any contact. Do not you come near me or I'll come to you so that when you're

    done, no one can think that worked for you because looking husband. Me da Rs instructions through

    any member of your service.

    - Would not you rather we put motes us and we will send emails we Encrypt States?

    Sadie sighed.

    I do not want you to make things difficult, but you must understand that it is very important to me my

    reputation, as important as it is to you care of your daughters.

    'I understand perfectly, Sadie. As I said to make you laugh Troy laughed.

    Well you have not succeeded.

    'I'm always funny. The truth is that you better give me the computers he admitted Troy oping

    agreement with handshake. You take care of my daughters and I promise not to flirt with you. I tell my

    employees that do not co menten nothing to work here and in return I'll enter gladly hundred thousand

    dollars in the account of your aunt to repair the nursery.

    Sadie took his hand and, at the same instant where their skin touched, felt an incredible sexual desire.

    She ignored him: he had no choice.

    If he could think when I had to smile Guien front, the story spread like wildfire and sure that everyone

    would remember that damn phrase yearbook.

    By the mere fact of being home of Troy was playing its reputation and, moreover, is not taba even sure

    she could do as she asked.

    -Still have not told me what will consis tir my work.

    - I just want my daughters to be with tigo. You know, you talk to them about anything that allows you

    to subtly indicate what kind of clothes should wear, how to makeup and what to do with the kids. I do not

    want to throw them sermons or that scold, want you to be nice to them, but to give them good example.

  • - Well Sadie replied squeezing her hand. Done deal.

    I try I did.

    - How long do you want to do this? Sadie asked.

    - They start school within three weeks and not think you're going to need more than a couple of hours a

    day for two weeks, but we can leave the third case.

    - I think good idea Sadie answered my rando to nervously around. And where are your daughters?

    - Arriba. I'll ...

    Not Sadie interrupted him shaking his head. You go to another wing of the mansion or Don from want,

    for example to play golf. Thus, not ten dremos contact. To come in from your service to accompany me

    to look for girls.

    Very well, but the truth is I did not expect to come this morning and not have them eat State anything.

    Do not worry, do not be nervous. Children do not give me as well as Hannah or Caro, but I have my

    experience. What we'll do is we're going to be every day in the pool to make it easier.

    Very well, 'said Troy - . There swimsuits in the locker room to the pool.

    - I brought mine Sadie replied with termination.

    Troy realized that Sadie was true mind set to have no contact with him and aque ment caused a

    surprising disappointment.

    However, it was not difficult to understand why. During all the years the school had like him do that

    girl and see nothing, I had the same thing happened again.

    It was gorgeous, cheerful and sensual. If I were looking for a relationship, she would be the first on the

    list, but the truth was that Troy did not want a re tion. Not because I did not want was a mu jer in his

    life, but because his life was strange and di fcil.

    He had bodyguards around the house dressed attendants and lived with them twenty four hours a day.

    Angelina could not stand and lose their space had cost him his life.

    Troy did not intend to make another woman went through the same thing, especially one woman inde

    slope and Sadie. Confinement kills estuary. As much as he liked, was not going after her, so Sadie's

    suggestion struck him perfect.

    'I'll tell Bruce that will accompany the girls bedroom.

    -very Well.

    Troy walked down the hallway happy with if situation. Sadie was the perfect woman to teach their

    daughters that anything they did in adolescence could chase the rest of their vi das in a small town.

    It was the perfect candidate because, after all, she had suffered in their own flesh with that stupid phrase


  • Troy Bruce told him what to do and went to shower. By the time he dressed and went, Sadie and the

    twins went to the pool.

    From his office, he spied the unseen. The girls wore white shirts, like Sa die, and wore sunglasses all.

    They seemed mode the.

    He noted that Sadie said something to the girls, who seemed highly concentrated der tie, and bursts into

    laughter rum.

    When Sadie took off his shirt, Troy felt his heart stop. Do not you have equivo ed? What if you take a


    He wiped his mouth and his pulse quickened. The pa dre within him froze in fear, but the man in him

    froze desire I knew I could be about to see something is pectacular.

    Sadie Evans in thong.

    It would be amazing.

    If not because there were two innocent girls next to her was n his daughters, he would rodi Llas and pray

    to make it so.

    She held her breath.

    - You know that there are countries where the Snoop nes the hang?

    Troy had to make an effort not to wince at the voice of Jake.

    He replied 'I'm snooping turning has cia it - . I have hired Sadie Evans to teach them things girls and

    women, as is his first day, I want to make sure all is well.

    Jake sat.

    - Surely the fact that it is the first time we go to see Sadie in swimsuit has nothing to do with you're stuck

    with glue ment to the window.

    I'm not glued to the window she defended Troy. They are my daughters and I care about them.

    Sure. I also said Jake leaning a little to the right to also look out the window.

    When he heard that Jake laughed, Troy thought he had gotten in trouble.

    What's so funny?

    - I still can not believe you have me against state for your business - Jake smiled.

    - I'm desperate. No time to coordinate nza dumb myself, and you were opment dispo. In all the years we

    have been investing together you've shown me you're a good lock jador.

    - I am delighted that you've given me. We're a good team said Jake away from the window.

    Apparently, Jake had lost interest in Sadie. The truth is that it was taking too long to undress and stay in a

    swimsuit, but Troy did not lose hope.

  • - The truth is I do not know if I'll be able CUSTOM garme of VICE esidencia and fi nancial department

    while 'I was explaining Jake.

    Troy was with the conversation ears and eyes in the body of Sadie. Finally, there were leaves do fall shirt

    and Troy had stayed with his mouth open.

    He wore a black bikini than any other woman would have been conservative, but not in it.

    Leave the shutter open was a mistake.

    - It occurred to me that could hire bai larinas as secretaries and will name with adviser delegated

    to Bruce.


    Troy just heard Jake was pending because Sadie and the twins, who seemed very comfortable in his


    Jake, are the new vice president, so make the changes you think necessary.

    'I'm glad you told me that because tam also had me or currido that every Thursday we will have a party of

    beer and bikinis and every Friday night we will dress like the actors in Emergency and we will go by

    hospitals to see if they let us put hand to patients.

    At that time, Sadie was pulling water head. Troy let out the air that has been holding Bia.

    'I think a great idea. Surely should have been implemented years ago.

    Jake burst out laughing.

    Troy, you better stop looking at Sadie Evans and listen to me or you will miss something important.

    'I've heard perfectly lied Troy.

    - You just told me to hire dancers as secretaries who organize parties on Thursdays beer and bikinis and

    Fridays we disguise medical mos.

    - What the hell are you saying?

    - What I'm saying is that you're not paying attention to me. I have too much work and need someone to

    help me. I do not mean a secretary, but another economist and it occurred to me that we could hire Luke


    - Sadie's brother? Exactly. -very Well.

    'I recommend you do not m ires his little sister in her presence like you're doing aho ra or you will look a


    I Understood.

    -very Well.

    But I do not want you to immediately contrasts mind.

    - Why?

    - Sadie only going to be with girls two or three weeks.

  • - And you can not control such a short time? - Jake sighed.

    'I do not say so myself, but for her. You see, are given great kids ...

    And that swimsuit-what's left of wonder in terrumpi Jake standing up and sticking to the window. OMG.

    Troy felt like punching him, but stopped himself.

    - No children, but look how well you are given. 'Of course.

    - Yes, she is at ease with the girls, but I suspect it's because she is alone and nobody is watching.

    - No one is watching? Jake scoffed raising an eyebrow.

    Well, I mean she does not know that we are watching. The truth is that, since it comes from a family in

    which everyone has rela tion to children's share, but has not studied peda gogy is given very well. So I do

    not want anyone to see her family working on this. I do not want to put nervous.

    What about your money not nervous? -pregun t Jake going to the chair again.

    I think I hate my money.


    - Yes, I know it does not sound like it, but it has changed. By the way, I promised that no one would find

    out that it was working for me, so I can not tell anyone.

    Very well, 'said Jake shrugged.

    Besides, we have reached agreement mainte ner distances so that no one can think that he has accepted

    this job to try to catch me.

    - Now I get it answered Jake -. So the spies, because you think she ever would link you because still

    fighting the fame he had in college she added thoughtfully. How was it that wrote in the yearbook?

    - Do not know what the ears of Prince Charles.

    - Yes, exactly. He said he was marrying the Guien that have smaller ears than he, but more money.

    -Os I have learned all memory or what?

    Not has been necessary because the phrase was funny and has run us all recorded Jake replied. In any

    case, you have the smallest Prince Charles ears and, from what I've heard of the royal family, also more

    money, so you have a problem.

    Not if Sadie has changed.

    Jake crossed his arms and leaned back in if lla.

    I see that you take for granted.

    Hearing the serious tone of Jake, Troy realized they had spent a conversation on bro ma to something

    much more serious.

    - Should not it?

    - It has completely changed.

    - But ...

  • But ... Troy, you know that I know to be Diploma tico.

    - Then spit it out.

    - Very well. There goes. I know you do not want to be another woman in your life because you blame

    your wife that died for how you lived. I understand, but if you've hired a woman because you think it is

    impossible to have a relationship with you because he has his reasons for not doing so, you will not do

    well. Sadie is so determined to show everyone that has changed that would like bai Laras naked before

    her. Do not even look.

    - Then everything will be fine. Jake shook his head.

    No. The truth is that you might change your mind. If you really do not want anything with it, there should

    be here. Like too much and could do something crazy.

    That's just silly. Will I ever seen losing control with a woman?

    -Do Not.

    Then shut up. Everything will be fine Troy persisted even though he knew his friend might have a point.

    Sadie liked very much. She had always liked. Still, there was a strong man, and when I decided

    something, it stood firm. It was perfectly capable of controlled Sadie, especially since there was left no


    Sadie left the enchanted pool of life.

    Troy had promised him that his treatment'll Stay ceria secret, so I had no problem in being with her

    daughters and enjoy your maravi llosa pool.

    Faced two weeks to talk with or cam- around a bit and advice on irlas deter mined topics. For example, he

    had chosen a bathing regular dor, but attractive to make them understand that it was not necessary to go

    topless to be fine.

    'I've had enough announced.

    - But we want to keep swimming! - Protested the twins.

    Well follow swimming. I'm going to sit on the curb and I look from there Sadie replied drying her hair

    with a towel.

    That seemed to please girls, so Sadie sat on the curb and put her feet in the water, admiring the impressive

    house, which was surrounded by trees and tennis courts. There was also a wardrobe, a bar next to pee

    office and a guest house.

    -This Is the paradise said sincerely.

    Rosemary ignored him, but Ginger looked around confused. Obviously, usually gives that luxury, gave no

    importance and no enten day why Sadie was so impressed.

    Sadie decided it was a good time to start a conversation.

    - Do you want to start school? Not much, 'said Ginger. 'And that?

  • Dad has made us to enroll in Briarhills Rosemary replied.

    - A private school?

    Both nodded together.

    Hate-what Ginger said.

    That could explain the progressive com bad behavior of Troy had spoken.

    - Why do not you like this school?

    - Because it's a crap replied Rose mary.

    - Rosemary! - Sadie exclaimed vocabulary-shocked by that. That's not right.

    - My sister has interjected reason Gin germ. This school is a hogwash.

    Not referred me to school but that word.

    I know it is fashionable, but is not suitable for a girl of eight years.

    'Everyone says Rosemary insisted.

    - Still not adequately answered Sadie dn dose realized he was going to have to tell Troy that in person.

    He thought it would not be long and hopefully not have to spend much time with him.

    - And where is that school?

    -In Filly.

    - How Come?

    -In Philadelphia replied Ginger pronounced do every syllable as if Sadie was stupid.

    That behavior bothered sobremane ra, but Sadie is remembered he was not there to impose discipline, but

    simply to guide and talk.

    - Are you there inside?

    No, we flew there.

    - Do all day? Sadie asked surprised da.

    Ginger looked at her like she was crazy.

    - Just an hour.

    But we must go back to the airport and ...

    We have private off track at home and at school also he explained Rosemary - . It took only what takes


    - But you have to get on a plane every day!

    Ginger rolled his eyes. You know what a helicopter?

    Sadie realized it was going to be harder than I thought and decided that it should have a long talk with


    - Are you going by helicopter every day?

    - Yes, and we have to wear the ugliest uniforms you've seen in your life.

  • - Sure it's no big deal. And not a club.

    It was obvious from how they talked Troy girls who had to be current and one of two things: either the

    loco was made, or expect her to fix it, which meant he had cheated.

    That's enraged.

    - I'll talk to your father he announced putting his shirt.

    - Can not answered Rosemary. You have to stay with us, we can not be alone in the pool.


    - Never mind 'said Ginger -. Nothing happens. Joe will take care of us.

    - Who is Joe? wanted to know Sadie looking around.

    -The Gardener replied Rosemary - . Joe! he shouted.

    Then appeared a man in going queros and cotton shirt and a belt like the one with Bruce, the bodyguard -

    cocinero- driver, which hung a phone and a gun.

    Another bodyguard.

    Hello, -the girls greeted the so Joe. What happen?

    - Sadie have to go talk to Dad - Rosemary replied in adult- tone. We need monitoring.

    Then you called the right man replied Joe approaching Sadie and offering his hand. Hi, I'm Joe Montelli,

    the gardener.

    Sadie watched his belt and looked him in the eyes.

    - Hi, I'm Sadie, the ... She broke off not knowing how to describe the relationship he had with the girls.

    He felt a deep sadness to understand that despite that these girls had all the money in the world, they were

    unbearable because they had receiv due no discipline and did not know how to treat others with respect.

    Sadie knew it was very sad when you fall ill others for something that you were not aware. There was no

    excuse for her father to allow them to behave well. Those girls did not need classes to become women but

    for po der live.

    His father should take care of that and Sadie was willing to give him a good scolding and remind their


    - I am a friend of the girls answered dn dose noticed that Ginger and Rosemary ban requires just that, a


    Er obvious q ue to anyone who depended labor mind Troy was going to open your eyes to a topic

    thorny, but she was determined to tell the truth.

    I need to talk to you Sadie said in strating in the office of Troy.

    Troy looked up from the computer and realized that Jake was right. He would not be as easy as he thought

    control the attraction he felt for Sadie.

  • At that moment, he decided that all I could do was get her what despre ciara and it was easy to do. It was

    obvious that Sadie hated being told what he had to do, so I had to do was get a little heavy for him to flee.

    - Are not we supposed to talk through Bruce? he asked as casually from which he was able.

    - We have a problem too serious to communicate through other perso nas. Have you talked with your

    daughters recently?

    - Yes, that's why I hired Troy replied seeing interrupted by the phone. Sorry, but is the direct line to my

    accountant and I have to answer by picking up the handset, he apologized non. Hey, Jim, what about the

    baby? No, all feno menal. The truth is that things could not be better. Wilburn bring the company has

    been is tupenda decision ...

    Sadie looked out the window to not look like he was listening to a conversation tion of others.

    But not only that. The truth was not that Troy would look when he saw that he was intelligent, strong and

    powerful, plus sexy. If to this is added her beautiful blue eyes and brown hair teenager before him a man

    irresisti ble.

    Worse, though she treated her coldly, now that I hear talking to a friend Troy looked the same as she

    remembered from school gio. Affectionate, funny and good.

    Sadie did not want anyone to remind him that the man was good. Had that was recorded to go in the mind

    that he had bribed his father had forced her to work for him. Good men do not bribed others and also a

    good man would be better father than Troy was.

    - Forgive he apologized when he ended the conversation telef nica-. The truth is that not ten go a while


    At that time, Jake Malloy entered the des pacho.

    - Hello, Sadie!

    - Hey, Jake replied Sadie accepting his embrace.

    I'm glad to see you. Troy has already gave me cho you've come to help with the girls.

    - Yes, it is. I ...

    Perfect, he interrupted Jake -. We are all delighted to have you here. No issues for me. Now you told

    Troy that your secret is safe with migo. By the way, I need a minute with the boss - told usurping tenfold.

    With each passing second, Sadie became more furious. Beginning to understand that the workdays of

    Troy were draconian and that explained why he had no time to properly educate their daughters mind.

    However, there was no excuse. He was the father and I nia responsibilities. It could not continue to ignore

    their daughters simply because it was very busy and did not realize that he was ignoring.

    Neither Troy nor Jake realized he was going, confirming its conclusions and put even more nervous.

    He imagined Troy daughters sitting patiently, waiting for his father to finish something and getting tired

    and going just as she had done it. Sure the inte rrumpa constantly, never listened, they did not have

  • anyone to tell their dreams and fears, and they even have days when they could not even say hello to your


    Sadie felt his blood boil in veins to realize that those girls were sien do completely ignored and,

    moreover, then blamed them for misbehaving.

    Although I had to go at midnight to talk to him, Troy Cramer's going to listen.

  • Chapter 3

    It was not yet midnight, but the stars and looked at the sky when Sadie left the city toward the house of

    Troy Cramer. They had been two emergency during tur not and had not been able to stop by home cam

    clothes take apart so wearing the unifor me police. But the worst was not that.

    I was out of town at full speed at eleven at night and if anyone saw it, was to ask why; especially since it

    was not in a patrol car but in the particular yours.

    If anyone saw her taking the path leading to the mansion ba Troy, his career was ending da. Nobody

    would take a serious agent of the law and would be forced to return to Pittsburgh.

    But the girls in need. He had been pen pressing on them and remembering details of things he had

    witnessed in his house and had concluded that there were three problems: they had too much power; there

    was no woman near them; his father was too busy to give you account.

    When he reached the gate, he pulled the bo ton intercom and Bruce replied.

    - Who is it?

    Bruce, I am, Sadie. I have to talk to Mr. Cramer.

    - You know you were coming?

    As know-what would you say.

    I see you're angry observed the guar daespaldas opening the door.

    It took two minutes to travel the long road leading to the house and when he got Troy was waiting at the


    - What happen? he asked concerned about receiving your visit to those ungodly hour.

    - As I told you this morning replied Sa going to die hall. We need to talk.

    - About Girls? -Yup.

    - But we said we were going to co municate through Bruce.

    - Yes, but there are things I have to say I gave you directly. I told you this morning, but that you will get

    forgotten because you were busy.

    Troy had not forgotten. He had hoped he got tired of waiting and go talk to Bruce, not because they would

    not attend to, but because they feared not being able to be controlled in its pre sence.

    Even now gave him a beat cora zon at how beautiful she was with the police uniform.

    Definitely the best thing was that comuni caran by Bruce and if to get you to pretend nia was inaccessible,

    it would have been SLORC.

    - I'm sorry disruptions, but so are my days.

    Say-what very proud that all mun do need your attention, but the truth is that your busy days are to blame

    for your daughters misbehave.

  • That made Troy laughed. Working from home will be allowed twenty-four hours a day with his daughters

    and he would not allow Sadie told that girls were not met.

    You think my children misbehave because I have too much work?

    -Your Daughters misbehave because they do not pay enough attention and the attention you pay to them

    is not adequate Sadie exclaimed angrily realizing that his words had echoed in the empty lobby. Could we

    talk in a more intimate place?

    Do you prefer you my office or pool?

    Sadie replied -Pool going there. Just outside the garden, she turned to him and looked furious.

    - We can hear the girls from here? - He asked, pointing to the windows of the second floor.

    - All rooms have soundproofed windows.

    Non-how. And Bruce?

    He's in his room.

    - How will you be in your room if you opened my gate?

    She has a monitor in his room.

    -which Means working the clock.

    It's his job. That's how he wants and will not change Troy replied defensively. If you're mad because you

    think that the condi tions Bruce labor are not the best, do your giero you to leave now because the

    contract I have with it is not open to discussion.

    - I care very little agreement you have with Bruce. For me, as if you have to deliver her firstborn, but

    what I do mind is that you are raising two girls on a unique and former world exclusively for men.

    - How Come? Troy said surprised.

    Look around you, Troy. There is not one woman in five miles around. Have co cinero, gardener, partner,

    cleaners. Not even have a secretary.

    - Do you have something against men? - Troy smiled.

    - Troy! You have two young daughters. Two daughters. Speak badly because I hear you say so, behave in

    an authoritarian manner because you are the boss and, by association, they. Ginger and Rosemary are

    used to tell Joe and Bruce, two men a hundred kilos, what to do and they are quick to obey. And did you

    catch that are not normal?

    Troy understood what he was Sadie dicien do and sat confused in a hammock.

    -I Do not know.

    - Why you mounted your life as well?

    'I have not mounted and has just went out so I do Troy replied looking into her eyes -. When I hired men

    working for me, I was not thinking specifically of service personnel, but how to integrate guardaespal das

    in our normal life.

  • 'And you did not think to integrate a woman?

    'I've hired you ...

    - De temporarily! he replied with frustration Sadie -. What are you looking? he added after a few seconds

    of silence.

    - Would you mind leaving the gun on the table? -Do Not.

    - Please. You seem a little angry and did not want to tempt fate.

    - No I'll shoot! Sadie exclaimed in exasperation. But on the other hand, I wonder if you deserve it. For the

    Love of God, Troy, why did not you ever noticed that there is not a single woman near your daughters?

    - Probably just because there are women who tra me down. My most employees are female and, indeed,

    soil daily vi deoconferencia maintain them. My secretary, who works in California and you have to touch

    paper also is a woman and it is as if we were together eight hours a day. Just turn off the video when I go

    to make a lla private mada, as when a boss face closes the office door. I had not realized that there are no

    women in my house because there are many at work, and would be much better if you left the gun on the


    Sadie sighed. -Technology.

    Not despise. Thanks to her I conse guido everything you see.

    - Yes, and it has led you to not see something fun damental when educate your daughters.

    - Not exactly 'said Troy realizing that making was angry with him probably would have been like an idiot

    and it was not.

    Did not know everything about how educating girls, but was willing to learn. I wanted to have two good

    daughters and wanted to be a good father. So he had just hired Sadie.

    'I realized that something was wrong and why you against tea. You may not know exactly mind what had

    to be done, but I knew something was wrong.


    Do not say "and" as if you took me for a fool. That's not helpful. I prefer to sug ras what to do to fix


    Very well said Sadie moving slightly in appearance your neck and shoulders.

    - Does it hurt your neck?

    - Yes, it's been a long night. There have been two accidents on my shift.

    Troy felt guilty. Because of her, Sadie will nia two jobs and looked exhausted. To make matters worse, he

    had to go home at eleven at night because when he had tried to talk to him he has Bia ignored.

    And all because he could not control his attraction to her.

    -I'm Sorry. I had not realized that by working for me, you have two jobs.

    'It's all,' said Sadie shrug.

  • A Troy seemed much passing. The proof was that Sadie was at home at that hour because he had, which

    was stupid. He was a grown man who had never had pro problem in control.

    Sure, if he wanted to, could. Could ignore the sexual desire that this woman aroused in him. I had to start

    behaving like a normal person with her, or Sadie was going to start believing that their daughters did not

    care because I was not able to raise them well.

    She spread her legs to let her into the hammock and banged on the cushion.

    - Come on, give very good massages.

    - Yeah, Sadie laughed.

    'I mean it. Spend all day locked Jando front of a computer makes you hurt your back as well as in the

    office of California tene we physiotherapist. He taught me a few tricks.

    - For real?

    Troy smiled. The fact that man could not have a relationship did not mean he could not be friends.

    Furthermore, it was true that gave ma a great sages.

    'Really he assured her. Come over.

    Sadie sighed.

    - No I'll do anything.

    - You Sure ...

    -for Real. You hate me and hate my money and I have very clear, so I will not try anything with you

    because I want you to hit me a shot - Troy smiled -. You're safe with me.

    Sadie approached the chair and sat down, but got too close to him.

    Troy put his hands on her shoulders and massaged. After a few seconds, did the same with arms. His skin

    like velvet, but Troy ignored the reaction that caused him.

    First, because he wanted to win the confidence of Sadie, but also because it was a Shipyard Horse. He

    must not forget.

    Quieter, made him the exercises Eduar do had taught her and released her neck muscles.

    'Now you can go back to talking about my hi jas. We had left me you were going to do a couple of things

    to try to fix the mess that I inadvertently turned their lives.

    - Are you really interested in my suggestions?

    'I love the suggestions.

    - Well, because ... Sadie stopped to feel his hands on the trapecio- muscle. My God, what a pleasure.

    Hearing her sigh with pleasure, Troy moved a little more delighted to be controlled and Ser ner a normal

    relationship with her. The posture in which they were was somewhat sensual, but said he could not afford

    nothing happened between them.

  • - Keep talking to my daughters.

    -Today Have told me to go to school two days helicopter and that school is a hogwash.

    Troy frowned.

    - Do not like school?

    - That they will like or do not like school is not the issue, 'said Sadie looking askance.

    - Oh, no? Troy said stopping the massage. No, the problem is that the vocabulary used routinely, and it's

    not like girls small.

    Troy had noticed how her daughters spoke, but it seemed much worse than they disliked school.

    Do not you think important that they do not like the school?

    'Of course I replied Sadie mien Troy resumed after the massage chair, but that's another problem. For me,

    the priority is their vocabulary because if not changed, will give like school do not like. What will happen

    is that they are not going to like any school.

    -you Are right. I have to talk to them.

    I do not want you to talk to them but has ble with Jake, Joe and Bruce.

    - What they have to do all this? - Troy asked realizing that Sadie has Bia stressed again. Obviously, I was

    not giving the best massage of his life. It is better without clothes.

    Sadie turned and looked surprised.

    - I will not remove my shirt. Not take it off, but levntatela.

    - Not a bit!

    Besides that you do not like, you have a ratatouille 's, so I'm not going to do anything. They explain to me

    why Jake, Joe and Bruce are a threat to or cam-.

    Sadie sighed and lifted his shirt.

    Not know Joe and Bruce, but I know very well because Jake is one of the best ami gos my brother and I

    know how it bla. I can imagine that the girls copied.

    It's true that sometimes speaks ill Jake said Troy stroking her back and trying contro Larsen.

    - What sighed like Sadie. I wish I die and ran a massage every night.

    He was more than willing to do it, but said nothing.

    - I know that Jake does not speak very well, but I've never heard cursing in front of girls.

    I'm sure it does, but still hear him do when talking to you or others.

    You're right, I had not occurred.

    -Imagnate Face your daughters principal if it occurs to them say that their school is a hogwash.

    - A mess Troy replied realizing that Sadie was referring to something more- be sought. The vocabulary of

    my daughters is just the tip of the iceberg, right?

    -I'm Sorry.

  • 'What else should I do?

    - The first is that you hire a woman. Troy continued with the massage, thinking that he had done. Whether

    it was a woman in the lives of their daughters. It. Sadie. Unfortunately, sa BIA was not going to stay long.

    If you marry him, I could touch her whenever he wanted ...

    He stopped thinking about that immediately. How could he have thought that? It was ridicu it! They

    barely knew. What happened was that, when touched, had felt attracted to her. Should control their


    He tried to concentrate on the description rse Sa die was doing about the woman who should hire and jobs

    that could be created towards treating it. It was so into the conversation forgot that on that back was a

    Suje oped.

    When his fingers found the lace, winced and felt each and every cell of your body back to life with

    renewed strength.

    I do not think much it costs to hire a woman -di jo distancing some die- Sa. In my company, the director

    of resources hu hands are female and will be the first to trasla be here from California. You will live here

    until we mounted offices.

    Sadie replied -Estupendo shortening the dis tance between them so that the massage continued, without

    realizing the dilemma of Troy.

    Best did not want to have to explain him tions but on the other hand, it bothered him that he was not

    feeling anything, I would not experi mented any sexual reaction to him. This was almost like an insult

    then, finally, after all, was not so ugly. She'd said it.

    Troy told himself to stop thinking about aque ll or immediatel e. It was absurd that would gus Tarle Sadie,

    so lay back again, but found the back of the chair.

    'What else should we do? he asked sesperado to stop thinking about her, he is taba massaging the back

    and that between her legs.

    Troy, we should speak of a million things, but I want you to understand well you have to talk to Jake, Joe

    and Bruce -insis ti Sadie.

    Well, that was fine. Think of three hom bres made the libido is down on the floor.

    - Yes, I promise I'll talk to them -Undertook Troy continuing the massage.

    - What taste.

    'Of course' said Troy.

    Instantly, Sadie became perplexed at him. He had already said, there was nothing to do. It has Ba to

    pretend. Troy did not move as she looked at him.

    How beautiful it was! That hair, those eyes and those lips ...

  • Inadvertently, Troy leaned forward and kissed her. His lips were soft and warm, tempted res and sensual.

    He could have kissed her life, but she felt the sting in between leg him back to reality.

    He had promised he was safe with him! I did not want another woman in his life and it was obvious that

    Sadie did not need him in his.

    - Do not happen again said putting on foot.

    Sadie also rose, but instead of being confused as Troy was angry.

    - Of course not!

    At that time, Bruce opened the door and stopped.

    Excuse me, boss, but you have a call.

    - Thanks, Bruce replied Troy entering the room without looking at Sadie. Join the seo rita Evans at the


  • Chapter 4

    A l get home, Sadie climbed into bed and spent half the night wondering, why had affected him the kiss

    of Troy.

    When his lips had met, he had felt an intense shock, but that did not make sense because the man does not

    like ba.

    He had begun to work for him to win di nero for Aunt Sadie, but had soon buy dido their daughters

    needed her and she had taken that seriously. So I could not believe that stupid kiss had decentralized.

    It annoyed with herself, she fell asleep.

    The next morning she was still angry. It was obvious that no one understood the life of the daughters of

    Troy. Everyone thought they had it all because I saw pathN surrounded by luxury and money, but those

    not cam- not lived well.

    Even though his life depended on it, Sadie was willing to help.

    For comments he made him in the coffee tery which always breakfasted, he realized that they had seen

    going home from Troy night against rior. The waitress was assumed that was departing do with him and

    although Sadie was determined to deny it, no one believed her.

    He came out furious, but he said he im carrying a damn what anyone thought of her. What im portant was

    to help Ginger and Rosemary.

    As I went home to Troy, analyzed again why he had kissed her. It could be two ra zones.

    The first, like it, but told her she was safe with him, so it was not very pro bable.

    The second, which had kissed her for not Guir talking about their daughters, to end the awkward


    The more he thought, the more he got angry. Had been incredibly selfish of Troy has ber wanted to end

    the conversation.

    Should help their daughters. It was his father. He must face the fact that there were things in his life that

    he would have to change.

    Aware that they were going to fight, fell from co che haci and walked to the house, but when no one


    He went to the kitchen, where he met Bruce making an apple pie.

    Hello, Bruce. And Troy?

    'Mr Cramer has gone to California this morning.


  • - Gone to California this morning repeated Bruce. It's what's good about having a private jet, you can go

    to and from anywhere anytime.

    Sure Sadie said trying to control.

    As she had suspected, Troy was avoiding. We must have looked like I had already heard enough last night

    and since he had no intention of changing their lifestyle, did not want to talk about it.

    Why? He himself had told him, how do I could not do something, hired someone to do it. It was probably

    decided not to interfere between her and the girls to force thus to solve the problems of their daughters by


    He drummed his fingers on the counter as he watched Bruce peeled the manza nas. Troy must believe

    that he had won, but was not aware that the rules had changed because Sadie does not care ba everyone

    know he was working do for him.

    That gave him an incredible advantage that Troy had no idea.

    Still, he decided to give it one last chance. If Bruce adequately answered the question I was going to do,

    Troy would be saved.

    Have you spoken with you before you go?

    -of Course. She said I have to have cer three hundred forty-seven things and gone.

    --No He say anything about girls?

    - Only if one of them starts to wash a boa, throw it in the trash.

    - Did not she tell you that you are careful with your vocabulary before them?

    Bruce paled.

    -Do Not.


    Am I doing something wrong?

    Sadie shook his head completely cepcionada with Troy. He had not even kept his promise.

    - Yesterday morning I realized that girls do not speak very well and I asked Troy to speak with you, Jake

    and Joe to make you understand that you must be very careful with your vocabulary even when girls are

    not the same room because you never know if they are listening from the next.

    -you Are right.

    - Thanks Sadie said looking at his alrede dorsal. By the way, where are the girls?

    Upstairs. Are you going to be at the pool?

    No, am I going to take to the field.

    -Al Field?

    Do not worry, I just am going to take my aunt's nursery.

    I do not know if ...

  • Not yours, but mine is a decision. These girls need to be with other children and not just adul cough, so

    today will be spending the day with children their age.

    But Troy never ...

    Precisely why I interrupted him Sadie.

    Bruce was quick to unbutton her apron and take it off.

    I'm going with you.

    -Do Not.

    Bruce d ected apron on encimer ay he covered the bowl where she had peeled apples.

    I have to, Sadie. My job is to pro tect girls and if you insist on interfering, will become out on the street.

    Sadie realized that the bodyguard was serious and certainly did not want to leave that house until Troy

    daughters were well. For them, I was willing to give.

    - Can you play baseball?

    - Does the center is a safe place?

    - It is surrounded by a fence three meters and turn the fence is surrounded by trees. The gate is locked and

    no one enters without permission. It's like the gates of this house, but something different.

    Then I loved to play baseball. -Great.

    Girls shorts and cami put mushrooms hastily dropped the cotton is caleras, but Sadie's stopped and told

    them they were due to desmaquillarse. But ... protested Ginger. -Vais To know my mother and she will

    not gus as women wearing too much makeup he interrupted Sadie.

    But ...

    My mother prefers natural beauty -insis ti Sadie.

    'Certainly, that to you will not need because you are precious jabbed Bruce realizing the shots-where they

    were going. Why do not you teach him Sadie's mother how beautiful you are?

    Rosemary nodded and went upstairs. Ginger sighed and followed. When they returned, with his face

    washed, girls appeared eight years.

    - What is given to you play baseball? -Les pre GUNTO Sadie once in the car.

    - I do not like too replied Ginger staring out the window.

    Rosemary looked at her sister a second and said the same.

    - Me neither.

    - Why do you not speak each for itself?


    No, do not do it. We copiis said Sadie turns ndose and watching them while Bruce condu CIA.

    Rosemary wanted ed desmaquillarse but you Ginger, no. Still, you did.

  • Ue -Porq you would have annoyed if I had not done.

    - Yes, but you have not asked me my but you have copied your sister. And you, Rosemary has di cho you

    did not like baseball too because your herman to said the same thing he told them do look back to the

    forehead. You're going to have to learn to think for yourselves.

    The girls said nothing more during the rest of the way; were apparently pondering his advice. Cu ando

    reached the ci ty, Sa die Bruce told him how to get to daycare. After parking, Bruce opened the door and

    got out.

    - Why did you do that? or 'I asked Sadie.

    -El What?

    - Lower them into the arms of the car. Because it's my job.

    - I understand Sadie replied by showing the way to the gate.

    His mad re opened the door and Sadie led the troops to the front porch two antas pl which served as a

    nursery. As they entered, they heard the cries of babies.

    All Calls iatamente, Rosemary pier grabbed his right na Ginger left as if they were living in it.

    - They're just babies! Sadie laughed going to the huge room full of toys-. You have nothing to fear.

    Ginger Sadie looked with wide eyes.

    - They scream a lot.

    - Probably because they are hungry.

    Or because they have some problems in the pa sig- - Bruce said jokingly.

    - Yuck! they said the twins in unison. Come, let us encourage them -the Sadie. Rosemary did not seem

    interested at all, but Ginger avan Z to a crib and my rando stayed baby was inside.

    - How small is! he exclaimed.

    -Verdad It cute? It's called Jack replied the girl trying Sadie approaches ra some more.

    Ginger did not approach until the baby of six months will not smile and made a sound as if he had pleased


    - He likes Sadie 'I said.

    - Hello, Jack Ginger anonadada- she greeted him. It's so cute! he added, looking at Sadie.

    - Yes, it is.

    -Lo I can take arms? At the time, appeared Lilly Evans, Sadie's mother.

    - Weighs a little, so what you could do is put it on the floor on a blanket with jugue tes to make you feel

    at your side and play with him - he suggested.

    Ginger looked at her with eyes wide

    -for Real?

  • - Po r Lilly replied course and took Jack in his arms. Come here, gorgeous.

    The baby happy and excited Ginger smiled as he followed the mother d e Sadie

    - And you, Rosemary? Sadie said Heading the other twin, who was staring out the window.

    Mary Rose was staring at a gru po children who were playing in the DOLLY SODS d

    Want to go out?

    Rosemary looked at Bruce and swallowed,

    - Can I?

    Sadie felt his heart skipped a beat. Those girls had just eight years and you were bound to get permission

    to play.

    Bruce replied course I do. He will be here with Jack and Sadie you and I are going out - added entrusting

    the other in a gesture of complicity.

    Bru ce accompanied Rosemary and joined the party isbol quickly b. Sadie felt ali Viada and headed for

    his mother, which expli ed the situation.

    That night, Sadie took off his uniform was usual to go home to Troy clothing. I knew that was going to

    scold you for not brought to the house paigns and, perhaps, reached SACKED tender

    When he arrived, the girls were still des piertas, waiting. After a while, they were all three in the yard,

    heard the wheels of your car.

    - It's here! Ginger yelled running down the hall with Rosemary behind her.

    Bruce followed them. He had told Troy by phone who had been in the nursery and Sadie knew from his

    reaction that Troy had not done much grace. Therefore, as expected pu siera foot home he said he wanted

    to talk to her exactly what she longed to do.

    While waiting in the lobby to Troy opened the door, told mentally. "Three, two, one." At that moment, the

    door opened, but did not appear Troy but Joni Somers, a schoolmate of Sadie.

    - Joni cried girls.

    - Hello, girls!

    - Joni! Sadie exclaimed in surprise.

    - Hello, Sadie! Joni replied leaving the ma leta wearing on the floor and taking Sadie hands -. My God,

    ten years since we saw it!

    - Yes Sadie said confused.

    Joni was really pretty. She was taller and thinner than at school and more sofis ticada. She was dressed in

    black and wore his blond hair in a perfect bun.

    You're wonderful.

    Joni laughed.

  • - However, as always, the beauty of dancing you.

    At that time, Troy entered the lobby and hugged her daughters. He wore a black suit, white shirt and blue

    silk tie. It was as elegant as Joni, with the well-buttoned jacket and tie in place.

    Sadie was in jeans and shirt.

    I do not think today is just beautiful.

    That made Joni laugh.

    'Never mind what you put, you are always assured him squeezing her lovely fingers -. How nice to see


    'And you, Joni Sadie replied.

    - Jo said Ginger behind!.

    - It's after midnight and I just go to bed, 'said Troy.

    -it's Okay. Good nights des He then asked the twins.

    - Sorry if I missed something, but what are you doing here? Sadie asked Joni smiling confusing.

    Joni is my human resources director - said Troy as his daughters climbed the scale scraper. It's going to be

    to live here until cuentre a house for her. Exactly what you and I wanted to girls, right?

    Sadie brow furrowed in confusion. The fact that Troy himself had gone to California to ace erate

    formalities moving Joni wanted to cir who had heard the night before.

    He had ignored, which meant that he cared for her daughters. No ignored them, quite the opposite. He

    was following his advice to the letter.

    So how on Earth do had he kissed her?

    Troy smiled at Joni and Joni smiled at Troy. Sadie felt sick. He did not appreciate that Joni live with


    'I was moving next month, but Troy was presented this morning in Los Angeles and made me an offer I

    could not refuse - Joni explained smiling at Troy again.

    Sadie felt jealousy seized her. Damn! Why did she feel jealous? The last man in the world I wanted to

    have something with Troy Cramer was because after all, what conse guide all based on money, not spend

    enough time with their daughters to understand their pro problems and was about to throw anger by you

    being removed from home.

    Of course, it was not the nice guy that Sadie remembered from school. The fact that he had carried Joni

    do to live with him to give them an example not excused because if he intended to go out with her, could

    be detrimental to Ginger and Rosemary.

    What kind of deal?

    'I doubled my salary.

    What a wonderful furious Sadie smiled.

  • Again, arranging everything with money.

    'You told me that girls needed a Girl jer and you've brought.

    Sadie was about to say "What about me that I am? A cabinet? "But held his tongue.

    He took a steadying breath and reminded herself that was there temporarily and that girls need to ban

    somebody permanently in their lives. Joni had changed much since college, so Sadie thought was a good

    choice and if Troy wanted to date her, was in his perfect law.

    Sadie threw her shoulders back, she forced herself not to feel jealous and smiled brightly.

    In that case, I'll go so you can install said heading for the door.

    - Troy said that nothing taking her bra zones. You and I need to talk.

  • Chapter 5

    M HILE Troy followed the corridor has cia his office, Sadie felt like the pa Tibullus, but kept his head

    and rguida with dignity.

    It was a police officer and was not going to allow qu ea crazy computers intimidate her. For c hen Troy

    closed the door after entering office, labia consented almost convince herself.

    The trouble was that Troy Cramer did not appear in ab solute a crackpot computers but a hom bre

    incredibly sexy.

    - How could you possibly get the girls home without my permission? he asked angrily.

    - I was doing my job! she defended Sadie.

    - Your job is to be a good example for them to stop makeup and lle var feather boas! Troy exclaimed.

    - Have you noticed how they were dressed now? 'she asked.

    - Yes, with shirts and shorts, with it Testo confusing.

    And not a drop of makeup.

    - Yes he conceded Troy sitting.

    - And do not miss. -Do Not?

    'No,' said Sadie. Do you know why?

    Troy made him an impatient gesture to be explain.

    Not without makeup are rare because they have been all day with other children. Bruce and I we took

    them to day care of my family about eight o'clock and Rosemary has spent all day playing baseball.

    -for Real?

    - For real. And Ginger has helped my mother with babies.

    Ginger -A you like babies? Troy asked delighted. 'I fascinate.

    - A mother also liked a lot. Sadie realized that I was curious

    Mother of girls.

    Then I guess I was very happy when she had twins.

    Troy smiled.

    - Yes, it was eventful. It was very good mother while she lived.

    -The Miss her very much, right?

    Troy sighed, leaned back and looked up at the ceiling.

    'Do you even imagine how much.

    - Tell me about her Sadie replied sitting opposite him.

    I had never seen him so relaxed, Jake around, no phones ringing ... now I resembled the lovely boy at


  • - It's a complicated story Troy said after a few seconds of silence.

    I'd love to hear Sadie replied dndo will realize that you probably could do talk about it.

    She watched as Troy fiddling with a pen and wondering if she should tell her. Sadie prayed that he did

    because he saw the pain in his eyes and knew he was going to do well.

    Not much to tell, except that ...

    He broke off as the door opened.

    Hello, I hope not interrupt.

    No, no, 'said Troy goes rushing to him vantarse for Joni -. All right?

    - Yes, all right Joni smiled.

    Sadie tried not to give much importance to have cho that Joni was radiant whenever Troy approached her.

    - Simply, I was looking for.

    Now it ended with Sadie and I'm tigo Troy replied kissing her cheek.

    Sadie could not help feeling jealous again. The truth was that not only liked him physically and that

    confused her even more. Suddenly, it occurred to him that the man was good by nature.

    So why do with it what was not? Was he trying not to see how it really was? Why?

    Bruce should be in the kitchen. Tell you something for dinner and accompany you to the salon. I'm going


    Sadie became jealous, but Troy Cramer said he needed a mother to her daughters and certainly a

    companion for him.

    Sadie was not going to be any of those things. Although you would not care what anyone thought of her

    in the city, the police did not marry billionaires.

    Maybe Troy acted as he did because she had also realized that and did not want Sadie became illusions. It

    must be that he had noticed before that she was crazy that something happened between them because his

    never get anywhere.

    - The truth is that Troy and I can keep talking announced tomorrow rising.

    Troy looked confused, but she had to mado a decision.

    - I have to go home. Tomorrow I have to get up early because I have day shift.

    - I thought you worked for Troy commented Joni -. Do you have another job?

    - Sadie is very Orgu Troy police answered lloso.

    'Are you police? Joni cried.

    - Yes answered Sadie. I understand your surprise, but I love my job, assured his anti College-gua

    companion. See you tomorrow - he said looking at Troy.

    - Yes, but I would tell you something before you left Troy replied. Joni, go to the kitchen to get to Bruce

    and now we are.

  • - Very good smiled Joni -. We have to be to talk about girl stuff he added, looking at Sadie.

    Very well Sadie smiled though, if that talk about girl stuff included that with tara his relationship with

    Troy, did not care much gra cyano. Call Me.

    - I'll see you around here Joni replied from the door reminding her that she lived there. In that house. With


    Sure Sadie said on jealousy again.

    - Sit 'I said Troy once alone. -what's The matter? You've become very serious.

    you You see, I've done something that ... What have you done?

    - I called the head Marshall and I told him to buy a new patrol car if you took two weeks of vacation.

    -How? ,

    -The Police get a car you need, the girls spend precious time conti go and everyone wins.

    - This is insane! How can you live like this? -I Do not understand.

    - For starters, have you forgotten that I did not want anyone to know that I worked an do for you!

    Troy opened his eyes and then closed them.

    - Oh, Sadie, sorry. I do not know what to say. Please go head so much that sometimes I ol vidan few.

    Do not worry, this morning I have let them do it very clear to them that were in the cafeteria that was

    working here, so I guess these hours will know all the people and, frankly, I no longer care.

    - For real?

    - Yes, really. I've noticed that they are much more important than your daughters that teased me because

    they think I'm sa liendo you. That leads me to recall that has ciendo things like what you did with my

    boss, all you teach your daughters is that everything is arranged with money, everything you can buy and

    I know that's not true. The rich are not always happy.

    - No, but we're good cars and well dressed.

    - Very funny laughed Sadie. Troy sighed Sadie, sorry, really. I've only tried so lucionar p roblem for

    everyone is to have a taste.

    'I rather think I've tried to solve r be a problem for you at ease.

    -What truth is I do not think all this histori to have anything to do with what I want.

    That's the most reasonable thing you've said since q ue I started working for you. My work does not insist

    on me worry for you or your life but From your daughters. Les shopping around and that's your problem.

    Q ue what makes life be interested nte is having to make sacrifices to get ci certa things and your ijas h do

    not know what that is either going jo I gave him toward the door. We see we porq ue morning I want to

    help your daughters and po rque what piens on me in the city and not me im porta. I am free, but not you.

    You're stuck po r your money. Get everything you want is not whether compa good and I feel sorry, but

    sorrier give your daughters.

  • Sadie was angry with him.

    It made qu e Troy felt terribly unhappy, not because he needed their approval but p ecause he was abie rto

    eyes and made him turn com that was not as good a father as he believed.

    I was so surprised that morning sig s uiente canceled all work commitments and, went to the pool with the

    firm intention to learn from her what she needed to educate their daughters really well.

    Troy opened the doors leading to the patio and saw three enchanted playing in the pool. He noted with

    satisfaction that their daughters not ban lying in a hammock in the sun like little divas.

    - Would you care to bathe me with you?

    - Dad! cried the delighted children. Troy left the towel on a chair and threw it

    water without dilaci ON. When he stuck his head, Rose mary and Ginger were waiting.

    'Do not you have to work? asked Gin ger throwing water in his face.

    - Yes and no devolvindosela- Troy replied. Yes, I have to work, but no, I do not want to work.

    - I'll race you! Rosemary challenged co-what menzando to swim.

    Ginger and Troy followed immediately given twenty seconds advantage, despite which he reached the

    other side of the pool long before them. Time they arrived, Troy was leaning against the curb examining

    his fingernails as if he there twenty years.


    - What? Was not it a career? I won.

    - Because you have the much longer arms! - Would I're saying that I should have

    given advantage? To me give me ashamed to ask such a thing.

    Well not me approaching him Sadie said -.P ara win you have to be very sure forces him one, but also n

    must know themselves ebilidades d. If you need convenience, you ask. No q ue be afraid to ask for help.

    That comment left Troy so confused that and turned to her.

    - Since when are you going around asking the t ype of things?

    - Since r ent in the police academy - c ontest Sadie sitting on a tumbona-. For s er police there that r

    smart in that he had no p roblem, but had no idea the defense person, so I gave him pe to the best of my

    group I and nseara.

    'I can not believe Troy laughed. Why do you think funny? Ros Emary asked confused.

    - Do not stop ce funny, I laugh because I p t seems very smart of Sadie have bed that -Les Troy explained

    his daughters.

    He then turned to Sadie Hope u get dence na smile of appreciation, but with a look ncontr e ective exp.

    Q ue was obvious he wanted more.

    - In a way I do the same said T roy -. Experts contract and accept their advice.

    - Is that what you're doing to me? - P regunt Sadie looking into his eyes.

  • - Yes, 'said Troy making her understand that e Staba willing to teach him how ass relationship with his


    Then I advise you to have in mind that life is not all work. It should also be ju gar.

    Troy nodded as he understood that Sadie is ba saying that just played with her daughters and that was

    what I had to do. Perfect because in any case, he had reached the same conclu sion.

    Why do not you go for a ball and played dodgeball? -Les proposed to girls.

    'They can play dodgeball three per people replied Ginger.

    Want to play? she asked Troy to Sadie.

    No, I have to go get to work.

    But ...

    - Yes, I know you've talked to my boss to give me vacation, but I promised that Jimmy would turn so he

    could go to the dentist. Starting tomorrow, I'm all yours.

    That innocent comment made Troy without tiera great excitement. He looked at Sadie's eyes, but she

    quickly look away. Of course, it was a very difficult to understand women.

    Troy was sure that she was attracted to him, but he would not admit it. The truth was that it was well

    better because he did not want to drag a per person as vital and joyful as Sadie such a closed and guarded

    like his world.

    This woman really liked, but preci cisely why could not make it go through if situation as.- Until

    tomorrow then.

    - Goodbye, Sadie!

    - Goodbye, Sadie!

    Although their hij as they fell well Sadie, no pa recan s upset with his departure because his father is taba

    with them. Troy felt an immense love for the twin s. They had ed forgotten how much I Erian and what

    you know rse loved by them did it ntirse strong and needy.

    Goodbye, Sadie said Troy delighted that-go alone with her daughters.

    Suddenly, he realized what he was doing Sadie. The stab at making good girls but also for his sake alone

    not only po r.

    Sadie smiled v iendo Troy understood. It is of spidi him and went to the door ba communicates with the

    interior of the house.