milt shook endorses rape - google groups

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  • 7/30/2019 Milt Shook Endorses Rape - Google Groups


    4/26/13 11:Milt Shook Endorses Rape - Google Groups

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    Google Groups

    Milt Shook Endorses Rape

    Per Jul 16, 1996 3:00 A

    Posted in group:

    Subject: Re: Burn a few jewsFrom: Milt Shook Date: 1996/06/12Message-Id: References: Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCIIOrganization: The University of ArizonaMime-Version: 1.0Newsgroups:alt.activism,alt.conspiracy,alt.politics.nationalism.white,alt.politics.white-Power,,alt.revisionism,alt.skinheadsNntp-Posting-User: mshook

    On Wed, 12 Jun 1996, James l. ebbs wrote:

    > Why dont we instead of burning just the nigger churches put a few jews in> there, you kikes ought to be used to fire by now.>> James L. Ebbs> [email protected]> [email protected]> [email protected]

    >Milt Shook writes:I just want to put it out in public that this idiot has personallythreatened my life. Of course, he said "watch your back", which shows thementality of this jerk. But I just wanted to tell everyone, so that, ifanything happened to me, they could see to it that this ignorant crackerrots in a jail, and make sure that he rooms with a very large blackJewish homosexual, who will love him with all his might...