mind mapping for participation and collaboration


Upload: pamelacole

Post on 01-Nov-2014




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I've been revisiting mind mapping while trying to find ways to communicate complex subjects more easily. After Daniel Pink wrote "A Whole New Mind", people started talking right-brain thinking again and mind mapping offers a set of tools that has a good fit with a right-brain approach.


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Linear Thinking•Only operates in one-way or two-way direction•Difficulty to indicate multiple options or multiple courses of action•Can funnel thinking toward a solution before investigating all the causal forces•Outline

Visual Thinking•Nonlinear structure matches complexity of real world situations•Can display multiple relationships between entities•Can drill down where interested or collapse to top level view for the big picture•Hypertext linked “Map”


Different Approaches

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Linear Thinking

•linear thinkers have a tendency to perform tasks in a sequential manner. •execution of a plan of sequences where one thing leads to another. •can limit a person when there is a gap in the sequence and the person cannot seem to find the thread that allows for the next step. •Thought process would be to learn by looking backward or understanding from past lessons with a sense of making decisions based on past results. •Generally linear thinkers prefer to have a guide or a clear path of action.

Non Linear Thinking

• nonlinear thinkers are sometimes referred to as "thinking outside the box". •a tendency to sample many subjects, roam or explore their environment and learn by comparison. •logic is more like chess than checkers•Generally nonlinear thinkers enjoy or anticipate the unknown and discover their world by asking questions.


Different Approaches

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Linear Learning

•learn concepts in a graduated or building block method. •Simple concepts are mastered first •more complex concepts based on the first stage or block of information are introduced next

Non linear Learning

•Learn concepts individually•combine the knowledge of the concepts as an entire package. •subjects do not necessarily have a sequence, but there can be a relational understanding between the subjects


Different Approaches

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© 2007 PsychTech, Inc. DiSC® and DiSC® Indra™ are registered trademarks of Inscape Publishing, Inc. 5

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Personal Productivity Corporate Productivity


Productivity Solutions

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© 2007 PsychTech, Inc. DiSC® and DiSC® Indra™ are registered trademarks of Inscape Publishing, Inc. 7

Explore Solutions

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© 2007 PsychTech, Inc. DiSC® and DiSC® Indra™ are registered trademarks of Inscape Publishing, Inc. 8

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© 2007 PsychTech, Inc. DiSC® and DiSC® Indra™ are registered trademarks of Inscape Publishing, Inc. 9

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© 2007 PsychTech, Inc. DiSC® and DiSC® Indra™ are registered trademarks of Inscape Publishing, Inc.

Collaborate in real time over the Web • Now you can leverage MindManager in a

secure, online environment—allowing you to collaborate around maps with anyone from virtually anywhere.

• With MindManager and Mindjet Connect, multiple team members can access and update the same map and see instantaneous progress. Good stuff multiplies: ideas, knowledge, energy, productivity—you name it.


Do more together—with MindManager + Mindjet Connect:Accelerate your team's productivity with the feature rich capabilities of MindManager for Windows (v7.2 or higher) in combination with the collaboration features in Mindjet Connect.Display data, ideas and information in a visually intuitive environment that makes it easy for team members to quickly grasp and simultaneously contribute in real time.

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© 2007 PsychTech, Inc. DiSC® and DiSC® Indra™ are registered trademarks of Inscape Publishing, Inc.

Work without boundaries:• Colleagues and clients in locations across the

country and around the globe can collaborate with maps in a secure workspace on the Web.

• Virtual teams can interact through live chat and other online tools.

See instantaneous results:• Gather input, make changes and garner

approval from multiple stakeholders, all in the same meeting.

• Resolve issues quickly, get answers instantly and watch results multiply right before your eyes.


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See For Yourself
