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Page 1: Mines ParisTech - An ELITE InDUSTRIAL PARTnERSHIP · more information about mInES ParisTech and admission at ConTACTS Corporate Relations — Solenne Couraye du Parc Tel : +33 1 40



Page 2: Mines ParisTech - An ELITE InDUSTRIAL PARTnERSHIP · more information about mInES ParisTech and admission at ConTACTS Corporate Relations — Solenne Couraye du Parc Tel : +33 1 40

With this industrial partnership, be part of MINESParisTech’s international development

Two years to choose and to be chosen !

Thanks to this programme, you will establish strong links between your company and our students through:

n Placements (one per year, lasting at least 3 months). This internship can be specially tailored to your needs

n The student will give the fullest consideration and priority to any proposal made by the company after graduation (employment, research placement …)

A tax - Exempt sponsoring

n Thanks to the tax rebate, the cost of the programme is only €5,000 per year per student!

The partner company provides funding for the student’s studies and life costs (€25,000 for 2 years). The funding is operated by the School Foundation FI3M which allows a tax rebate of 60% of the sum allocated.This grant covers: * life costs * tuition & registration fees * health insurance * intensive French language programme


As a French company operating worldwide you may be looking for foreign engineers who have been trained in France to ultimately contribute to run your subsidiaries.At MINES ParisTech we are fully aware of this growing de-mand. This is why we have strongly developed our interna-tional dimension, partly by recruiting foreign students in target countries designated by our partners.In order to provide you with French - speaking high-le-vel executive engineers, we select the best students with a Bachelor’s degree from the best universities worldwide and integrate them within our Master Degree in Science & Executive Engineering programme in Paris.

Five reasons to join this programme

1A custom-built and �exible programme

2A strict selection of international students with a high potential…

3… educated within the top-level training of MINES ParisTech

4A simpli�ed and less costly recruitment process

5 Two years to be known by future graduates

n This grant covers:

life costs - tuition & registration fees - health insurance - intensive French language programme

Page 3: Mines ParisTech - An ELITE InDUSTRIAL PARTnERSHIP · more information about mInES ParisTech and admission at ConTACTS Corporate Relations — Solenne Couraye du Parc Tel : +33 1 40

EUROPEAustria: MUL (Leoben), TUW (Vienne) n Belgium: ULB (Brussels), Liege Univ, KUL (Louvain)n Bulgaria: UTS (So�a) n Czech Republic: CVUT (Prague) n Germany: Kassel Universität, TUM (Munich), TUB (Berlin) n Greece: NTUA (Athens), Komotini Univ of Trace n Hungary: BUTE (Budapest), Debrecen Univ n Italy: Politecnico di Milano, Padova Univ, Palermo Univ n Netherland: Vrije Univ (Amsterdam), TU (Delft) n Norway: NTNU (Trondheim) n Poland: AGH (Cracow), Jagellion, Univ Technologic (Warsaw) n Portugal: IST (Lisbon) n Romania: Univ Technica (Iasi), Univ Politechnica (Timisoara) n Russia: Bauman (Moscow), SBPSTU (St Petersburg), NSU (Novossibirsk), BSU (Ufa)n Spain: UPC-ETSEB (Barcelona), UPM ETSIM – ETSIT (Madrid), Oviedo Univ n Sweden: Chalmers (Goteborg), STH (Stockholm) n Switzerland: EPFL (Lausanne), Neuchatel Univ n Ukraine: Kiev Polytechnic Institute n UK: Imperial College (London), Loughborough Univ, Univ of Northumbria

MIDDLE EASTIsrael: Tel Aviv Technion n Lebanon: Beirut Univ Libanaise, Université Saint Joseph n Egypt: Cairo Univ

ASIAChina: Tsinghua Beida (Beijing), Jiao Tong SJTU (Shanghai), Fudan, Tongji, Nankin Univ, SEU n Hong Kong: HKU HKUST n India: IIT (Delhi), IIT (Kanpur), IIT (Bombay), Chennai Univ n Malaysia: Kuala Lumpur Multimedia Univ, Penang Univ Sains Malaysia n Singapore: NUS, NTU n South Korea: SNU (Seoul), KAIST (Daejon), POSTECH (Pohang) n Thailand: King Mong-kut’s Institute of technology (Bangkok), Chulalongkorn Univ n Viet Nam: National Univ (Hanoi), HCMC National UnivTaïwan: National Taïwan University

NORTH AMERICACanada: EPM (Montreal) n Mexico: UDC (Guadalajara), UNAM, UANL, UGTO (Mexico), TEC (Monterrey), UCOL (Colima),University of Ottawa nUSA: MIT (Cambridge), Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta), Berkeley, Caltech (Pasadena)

SOUTH AMERICAArgentina: ITBA (Buenos Aires) n Brazil: Campinas Unicamp, EP Sao Paulo Univ, UFRJ (Rio de Janeiro) n Chile: USACH PUC (Santiago), PUCV (Valparaiso), Conception Univ n Venezuela: Univ Central de Caracas

AFRICAMorocco: ENIM (Rabat) n Senegal: Univ of Dakar n Tunisia: ENIT (Tunis)

OCEANIAAustralia: Univ of Melbourne, UQ (Brisbane), UNSW (Sydney)

The programme schedule


Selection of students by faculty members (exams & interviews) Autumn N-1

The company interviews the students January - May N

Sponsoring partnership signed May - June N

Payment of the annual grant by the company June N

Arrival of the students in France to attend a 2 months intensive course in French Summer N

Integration at MINES ParisTech for 2 years September N

More than 100 partner - Universities worldwide

Taiwan: National Taiwan Universityn

Page 4: Mines ParisTech - An ELITE InDUSTRIAL PARTnERSHIP · more information about mInES ParisTech and admission at ConTACTS Corporate Relations — Solenne Couraye du Parc Tel : +33 1 40

more information about mInES ParisTech and admission atwww.mines-paristech.eu


Corporate Relations — Solenne Couraye du Parc Tel : +33 1 40 51 90 15 [email protected]

International Relations — Vincent BrenierTel : +33 1 40 51 91 46 [email protected]

Industrial Sponsoring — Johanna DucretTel : +33 1 40 51 94 15 [email protected]

mInES ParisTech - 60, boulevard Saint-Michel - 75006 Paris - FRANCE - tel: 0033 1 40 51 90 00