ministry expansion capital campaign

MINISTRY EXPANSION 2015 CAPITAL CAMPAIGN Clarkston United Methodist Church but you are citizens with the saints and also members of the household of God, built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the cornerstone. In him the whole structure is joined together and grows into a holy temple in the Lord; in whom you also are built together spiritually into a dwelling-place for God. EPHESIANS 2: 19-22 So then you are no longer strangers, Grounded in Gratitude Revealed in Prayer Lived in Faith

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Clarkston United Methodist Church 2015 Capital Campaign


Page 1: Ministry Expansion Capital Campaign


Clarkston United Methodist Church but you are citizens with the saints and also members of the household of God, built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the cornerstone. In him the whole structure is joined together and grows into a holy temple in the Lord; in whom you also are built together spiritually into a dwelling-place for God.

— EPHESIANS 2: 19-22

So then you are no longer strangers,

Grounded in Gratitude • Revealed in Prayer • Lived in Faith

Page 2: Ministry Expansion Capital Campaign

Rev. Richard L. Dake Senior Pastor

I am excited for you to receive this Detailed Brochure, where you will find information about the growth of our ministry and the development in our building expansion.

Hours and effort have been poured into developing our building plans to address current needs and future possibil-ities. Weekly, we struggle to have enough space to properly host the ministry we currently offer. This building program will create enhanced space for fellowship, studies, and activities where youth, children and adults can thrive. It also opens up our ministry in multiple ways that will serve the larger community and fulfill our vision of “Vitally connecting

People with People and People to God”.

In addition to creating new space for ministry, we have from the beginning, intended this effort to also touch lives, deepen faith and allow our congrega-tion to experience spiritual renewal. The Prayer Ministry that undergirds ourCapital Campaign effort is already blessing lives. Each of us has had a chance to ask deeper questions about how we can serve and what the Lord wants to do through us.

I hope you will be inspired and blessed by the information you receive in this brochure. Over the next six weeks, we will enter into many conversations, decisions and commitments. My prayer is that at the end of our work, wewill create two new spaces: one defined by walls, and the other by the depth of faith that has matured in each of us.

To God be the Glory,

Dear Friends in this Holy Work,

Grounded in Gratitude • Revealed in Prayer • Lived in Faith

1900-1950 Original Building

1950 Building Committee decides to move to Waldon Rd

1954 Ground breaking

1970’s First expansion: Fellowship Hall and Education wing

Late 1980’s Second expansion: Youth lounge, Music rooms and Parlor

1961 First phase of new church

2015 Proposed building enhancements


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Improved Space for Children, Youth & Adult Programming

Today, there is insufficient space for Youth Group Meetings. High School and Middle School youth are unable to gather together in our antiquated accommodations. In the future, the High School will use a portion of the existing Fellowship Hall, with suitable amenities and décor, with access to the Community Center for fun and fellowship.

The second story elementary education wing is not barrier free, lacks suitable space and needs a secure check-in area. In the future, an elevator will reach the second level, which will be reconfigured with updated, flexible space, which can double as adult classrooms during the week. There will also be barrier free access to additional classroom space for expanded adult classes throughout. An expanded Nursery will be added near the sanctuary with secure check-in for infant and toddler safety.

Our objective is to modernize our existing footprint providing increased, flexible space to accommodate our program and ministry expansion. Our leadership team and 100 congregational advisors reached a collective agreement on the ministry priorities and areas of focus. We will utilize space in a more flexible man-ner, modernize our restroomsand provide barrier free accessibility throughout the entire facility.

Updated Hospitality and Welcome AreaA new Narthex near the

sanctuary will provide an improved hospitality experience. This space will house the Welcome Center and offer coffee service for post worship fellowship. During the week, this gathering area can serve a variety of uses. This space will be accessible via the expanded covered drop off. The sanctuary will have direct access via a ramp.

Multi-purpose Community Activity CenterNew construction behind

the existing Fellowship Hall, will accom-modate 350 people, allowing for larger church and community gatherings, with updated restrooms and parking lot access. This space can be used for meals, sporting activities, mission events, Youth Group, Alternative Christmas Gift Fairs, future contempo-rary worship, and a variety of meaningful programs for all ages.

Dedicated Mission areaThis area will enhance storage & staging for our staff,

volunteers and participants. There will be easy access from the parking lot.

Barrier FreeImprovements will eliminate steps into and within the

facility. The addition of a second elevator will allow access to the 2nd floor education wing. Restrooms will be updated and hallways widened throughout the facility.

FlexibilityThe entire design will be flexible and multi-purpose

with the availability to accommodate current and future programs. Select rooms will be able to right size according to program needs.

- New HVAC throughout the entire facility including the sanctuary

- Improved lighting in the sanctuary chancel

- Restructured space in the music room to increase rehearsal space with updated staff workspace and secure instrument storage

Grounded in Gratitude • Revealed in Prayer • Lived in Faith


Additional updates include:

- Increased storage throughout the facility

- Enlarged pantry to service the Community Activity Center

- Interior hallway to the chancel for worship participant access with an expanded doorway

- Updated offices, with a welcoming reception area

- Technology enhancements in classrooms for effective learning

Professional ExpertiseSA+A Architects Lake Orion, Michigan - Design leadership and has extensive work modernizing historic churches

Horizons Stewardship Financial feasibility and stewardship leadership for a successful CapitalCampaign

Frank Rewold & Sons Overall site and construction manager, once the build phase is underway

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Grounded in Gratitude • Revealed in Prayer • Lived in Faith

FLOOR PLANS - MINISTRY POSSIBILITIESFor more detailed drawings of potential plans, please visit

The current architecture design estimate is $6.5M Renovated Space - 28,000 Square Feet New Construction - 32,000 Square Feet









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Grounded in Gratitude • Revealed in Prayer • Lived in Faith


We are honored to serve as co-chairs of the Capital Campaign alongside Dave and Mary Kanous and the talented leadership team who all work tirelessly to make our Campaign Statement “Honoring our Past - Building for the Future” a reality.

Ric has been a member of this church since he was baptized in the old church on Buffalo Street, and Carola joined 25 years ago shortly after immigrating from Germany. Continuing a multi-generational connection since Ric’s grandparents attended this church, it fills us with joy that our two daughters, now in college and beyond, grew up in this church. Having experienced Sunday School, VBS, music, youth groups and mission outreach programs allows them today to build their future with confidence on the solid foundation of their faith.

With this background, we feel strongly about Honoring the Past, but with even more urgency about Building for the Future. Like the faith community that built this current church 50 years ago, we know that it is our obligation to prepare to serve the members in years to come and provide the appropriate building to house life-changing ministries for all who enter our doors.

We hope that you will be called to pray the Campaign Prayer “Lord, what do you want to do through me” and be led to support this campaign with your individual prayers and pledges.


Ric and Carola Huttenlocher Capital Campaign Co-Chairs

Dear Friends in Christ, What is the anticipated Project Cost?Current plans estimate the project cost to be approximately $6.5M. The financial model indicates we can raise between $2.5 million - $3.5 million. Our goal now is to continually pray “What does the Lord want to do through us individually and corporately?”

How will we pay for this?While we hope that our campaign will raise a majority of the total project cost, we will likely need a bank loan to bridge funding as the pledges come in. We may also require a loan to finance the remaining amount. If needed, we would introduce a 2nd campaign in 3 years to raise the funds to fully repay the loans.

What happens at the conclusion of the campaign?We will know the financial commitment for the next 3 years. Then and only then, will we be able to determine how to proceed in support of the ministry expansion.

How much should my Gift be?Each situation is different. We suggest you turn to God for guidance and ask “Lord what do you want to do Through Me,” use the daily Devotional Guide for personal reflection, and consider your prayerful gift.

When are the commitment cards and payment due?The Capital Campaign will run from May 1, 2015-May 1, 2018. We ask for your commit-ment cards by Sunday, March 29. Options include weekly, monthly, annually or a one-time gift. This is a personal decision and eachhousehold makes a selection which best suits its financial situation.

Has consideration been given to the operating costs for the new space?As our ministry expands, the financial sup-port required to run the church will increase. As we continue to give in gratitude for what God has given us, we believe that we will be able to meet the needs of this expandedministry, as demonstrated by the increased responses received for the 2015 pledges.

Are we retiring the old debt first?CUMC currently has a mortgage totaling $600k which has been paid via earnings from our endowment. This will be refinanced and rolled into the new mortgage amount.

Can I give in ways other than cash?Options and suggested non-cash donations will be provided with the Commitment Card literature.

GIVING UPDATEWe celebrate that we have already received Advance Commitments in support of the Capital Campaign totaling nearly $1.5M!

We rejoice in these generous commitments and hope you will prayerfully consider how you can support this exciting time in the life of our church.

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Grounded in Gratitude • Revealed in Prayer • Lived in Faith

Dear Friends,Our church is a community — a community of faith, grounded in the teachings of Christ. We are blessed by those who planted the seeds for this church long ago, in a small farming community.

Clarkston has grown much since then, and many have passed through our doors, seeking a deeper relationship with God. Throughout our history, this community of believers has returned their blessings to those in need in so many ways: teaching a child about God, lifting hearts in worship, feeding the hungry, comforting the suffering soul, building friendships, and strengthening families.

Today our steeple stands tall, and calls those who would look to the Father. It seems throughout time, CUMC has always been a place to come, to be warmly greeted, to gather, to learn, and to grow in faith. Over fifty years ago, our fathers,

mothers, and grandparents determined through prayer, that for the Word to grow in the community, our Church must grow in ministry.

Today, we face that same decision. How do we live out Christ’s commission? Indeed, Lord, what do you want to do through me?

In all human endeavors, we find strength in each other; it is clear that is God’s intent. We ask you to join us, in a very personal commitment and sacrifice; a sacrifice that will

serve the needs of this congregation and this community of believers. We ask in the hope that we will complete this work, with the same joy and passion, of those who made our current Church possible.

Our campaign is Grounded in Gratitude, Revealed in Prayer and Lived in Faith. We hope you will share in our many blessings by supporting our Ministry Expan-sion. We anticipate our future together and look forward to seeing how God works in our midst, helping to establish a tool for future ministry.

Blessings & Gratitude -

Dave & Mary KanousCapital Campaign Co-Chairs

Why expand now?CUMC studied potential expansion for several years. Following workshops, discernment, prioritization setting and financial feasibility analysis, we approved moving forward to design space to address our growing ministry. It is time to update existing areas and add new space to build a strong foundation to meet today’s programming needs.

When do we plan to break ground?The results of the capital campaign will determine the schedule. Once we know our financial position, we will be able to determine the specific timing. Major activities include securing proper bank loans, Clarkston Village reviews and permits, congregational and Crossroads District approvals.

Who will build the expansion?Frank Rewold & Sons has been retained as the Construction Manager. Rewold will complete the detailed design with SAA and oversee the specific trade specialists to coordinate construction and provide budget oversight with the Finance team.

How long will it take to build?Construction for the project can be completed within 12-18 months.

Do we have appropriate approvals to proceed?SAA will schedule the Site Approvals with the Village in the March/April timeframe. Crossroads District approval will be scheduled as well as a Charge Conference and Clarkston UMC Church Conference approvals.

What is the overall size for the renovation and construction?The proposed plan is to renovate 28,000 square feet of the existing building. New construction consists of 32,000 square feet.

How were the expansion areas identified?A church-wide group of 100+ participants prioritized the needs of the church and reached 100% consensus on the ministry priorities.

Do we have ample parking?We are working on ways to increase the parking while maintaining necessary green space. Creative ideas include options such as shuttle service for large events.


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Grounded in Gratitude • Revealed in Prayer • Lived in Faith

GROUNDED IN GRATITUDEClarkston United Methodist Church needs your involvement in daily prayer and devotions for our staff, the Campaign Leaders, and committee members. Pray for God’s unending blessings upon the church and our community, so that we may continue to Vitally Connect People to People and People to God today and in the years ahead. We celebrate all we have and ask God’s blessing upon each and every one of us during this time of discernment, reflection and decision.

REVEALED IN PRAYEREach member of our church family has been asked to pray “Lord, what do you want to do through me?” Prayerfully consider how your time and talents will help support our ministry expansion and programs. Take a class, sing in choir, attend a Bible study, volunteer for a mission event. Get involved and see how God works in and around us each and every day.

LIVED IN FAITHIn addition to your prayers and participation in the various worship and celebration events, consider what you are able to commit to in this Capital Campaign. How might your contribution aid in our getting one step closer to starting the expansion effort, which will change lives---each and every day. Your generosity is so valued.

Our Ministry Expansion Journey is ....


MARCH APRIL MAY-SUMMER FALL EARLY 2016• Capital Campaign Kick-off• Prayer• Worship• District Review

• Worship• Prayer• Celebration• Campaign Results

• Congregational Meetings• Ministry Expansion Finalization• Site Approval• Loan Finalization• Construction Bid/Award/Permits

• Potential Shovel in Ground, Weather Dependent

DON’T MISS THESE KEY DATES:March 15, 12:15pm

Town Hall Informational Session/Q&A Fellowship Hall

March 22, 2015 - Celebration Event Post Worship Fun, Fellowship, Festivities

March 25, 5:15pm Town Hall Informational Session/Q&A

Fellowship Hall

March 26, 11am Town Hall Informational Session/Q&A


March 26, 6:15pm Town Hall Informational Session/Q&A

Fellowship Hall

March 29, 2015 - Commitment Sunday Palm Sunday & bring your commitment card

April 26, 2015 - Announcement Sunday Congregational update - Capital Campaign results

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Grounded in Gratitude • Revealed in Prayer • Lived in Faith

Future Ministry Possibilities• Increased Mission space provides the

ability to offer a Clothes Closet for men, women, and children to better serve those in need in our community.

• Community Volleyball or Basketball leagues- Inter generational

• Family Events - Church-wide Mission events with space to build and/or assemble items, packages for those home and abroad.

• Community Outreach - Emergency Disaster space for those displaced during a storm or power outage.

• Crossroads District Meetings- A chance to showcase our facility with the wider church leadership teams.

• Church-Wide Dinners/Gatherings - A single location to gather as a church family for food, fun, and fellowship.

• Youth Rallies - The ability to host a variety of Children’s and Youth events.

• Week-long Summer Camps or Evening Vacation Bible School

• Senior Programs - Health Seminars, Retirement Planning workshops, Bible studies, Speaker Series

• Music Events - The ability to host Hand-bell Festivals, Contemporary Worship, Choral Concerts and a variety of large musical events.

DREAM WITH US - Make a Difference in the Lives of our Church Family and Community

Helping us to “Connect People to People & People to God.”

Lord, what doyou

me?want to do through

CLARKSTON UNITED METHODIST CHURCH6600 Waldon Rd • Clarkston, MI 48346 • (248) [email protected]