minor project robotics.docx

 ROBOTICS  ASHISH SINGH ABHISHEK PANDAY AJAY RAJ SINGH  Email id : [email protected],abhishekam!"[email protected], a#a!a#si$gh.sa%[email protected]  Co$%ac% $o: "5&"'0(&10,""&1077''),"17"7"1571  STUDENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING  VINDHYA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE SAT NA  *BSTR*CT+Robo%ics is %he ba$ch o scie$ce -hich is deals -i%h co$s%c%io$ ,o/ea%io $ ,desig$ a$d a//lica%io$ o obo% is k$o-$ as obo%ics. The -od obo%ic s has bee$ comes om %he 2eek -od obo%, -hich had bee$ i$%odce %o %he /eo/le b! C3ech -i%e ale Ca/ek i$ i%s /la! R..R. 6Rossms $iesal Robo %s8, -hich /emiee si$ce 1"(1. 9Rob o% -od has bee$ deie om %he -od 9obo%a , -hich sage %o se$d b! oced labo .These %ech$i;es deal -i%h a%oma %ic machi$e -hich is i$ /lace o hma$ , o e+assemble hma $. I$ mos% o %ime lead+acid ba%%eies ae sed i$ /lace o /o-e soce. <o%s o /ese$% %ime obo%s ae i$dced %hogh $a%e co$%ib%e i$ %he ba$ch o bio+i$s/ied obo%ics. =meos ba%%e! ma! be se like a$ /o-e soce i$ o de %o obo%. These ae hai$g limi %s -hich is s%a%i$g om lead acid ba%%e ies -hich is ac%all! sae a$d lo$ g shel lies b% %hese ae e! hea! %o sile cadmim ba%%eies %ha% ae %oo mch smalle i$ olme a$d ae ce$%l! mch moe e>/e$sie. ?a$! *c%a%o ae as a mscles o a obo%, %he com/o$e$% -hich cha$ge s%oed e$eg! i$%o moeme$% . This is im/o%a$% o obo%s %o /eom %hei %ask, a$d do some%hi$g -he$ cha$ge i$ %he e$io$me$%s %o eala%e %he si%able es/o$d obo%ics is a sho/l! i$ceasi$g 3o$e, as -e co$%i$e %o ;es%, oma%io$, A bild $e- obo%s %ha% sees diee$%, aim e>/eima$%all! i domes%ical l! commecial o mili%a! . ?a$! obo %s do -ok -hich is good o hma$ e>a m/le disi$g bomb e>/loe shi/-ecks a$d mi$es. I=TROC TIO=+The Ro bo %i cs is a$ i$%e lo- o scie$ce sag e %he kee/ / og ess o mecha$ical e$gi$eei$g, ma%eial scie$ce, se$so abica%io$, ma$ac%i$g %ech$i;es, a$d

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Email id : [email protected],abhishekam!"[email protected],a#a!a#si$gh.sa%[email protected]

  Co$%ac% $o: "5&"'0(&10,""&1077''),"17"7"1571



 *BSTR*CT+Robo%ics is %he ba$ch o scie$ce -hich is deals -i%h co$s%c%io$ ,o/ea%io$

,desig$ a$d a//lica%io$ o obo% is k$o-$ as obo%ics. The -od obo%ics has bee$ comes om

%he 2eek -od obo%, -hich had bee$ i$%odce %o %he /eo/le b! C3ech -i%e ale Ca/ek i$

i%s /la! R..R. 6Rossms $iesal Robo%s8, -hich /emiee si$ce 1"(1. 9Robo% -od has

bee$ deie om %he -od 9obo%a , -hich sage %o se$d b! oced labo .These %ech$i;es

deal -i%h a%oma%ic machi$e -hich is i$ /lace o hma$, o e+assemble hma$. I$ mos% o 

%ime lead+acid ba%%eies ae sed i$ /lace o /o-e soce. <o%s o /ese$% %ime obo%s ae

i$dced %hogh $a%e co$%ib%e i$ %he ba$ch o bio+i$s/ied obo%ics. =meos ba%%e! ma!

be se like a$ /o-e soce i$ ode %o obo%. These ae hai$g limi%s -hich is s%a%i$g om

lead acid ba%%eies -hich is ac%all! sae a$d lo$g shel lies b% %hese ae e! hea! %o sile 

cadmim ba%%eies %ha% ae %oo mch smalle i$ olme a$d ae ce$%l! mch moe e>/e$sie.

?a$! *c%a%o ae as a mscles o a obo%, %he com/o$e$% -hich cha$ge s%oed e$eg! i$%o

moeme$%. This is im/o%a$% o obo%s %o /eom %hei %ask, a$d do some%hi$g -he$ cha$ge i$

%he e$io$me$%s %o eala%e %he si%able es/o$d obo%ics is a sho/l! i$ceasi$g 3o$e, as -e

co$%i$e %o ;es%, oma%io$, A bild $e- obo%s %ha% sees diee$%, aim e>/eima$%all! i 

domes%icall! commecial o mili%a!. ?a$! obo%s do -ok -hich is good o hma$ e>am/le

disi$g bomb e>/loe shi/-ecks a$d mi$es.

I=TROCTIO=+The Robo%ics is a$ i$%elo- o scie$ce sage %he kee/ /ogess o 

mecha$ical e$gi$eei$g, ma%eial scie$ce, se$so abica%io$, ma$ac%i$g %ech$i;es, a$d

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ada$ce algoi%hm. *-ai% a %ael o obo%ics i$ lies/a$.Robo%s ca$ do ma$! #obs i$ seco$ds

-hich #ob is diicl% o hma$ o %aki$g a lo% o %ime hma$ o %his #ob.

Robo%ics is %he s%d! o scie$ce, desig$es, abica%io$s, %heo!, a$d a//lica%io$ o obo%s. I$

diee$% ield co$%ib%es %he ma%hema%ics, %he %ech$olog!, a$d %he /a%s, obo%ics has cea%e%he magical e$d /odc%s. The sal a//lica%io$ o obo% dii$g go-%h o obo%ics a$d dii$g

ada$ceme$% i$ diee$% scie$ce is %$. Ca%e also eseache i$ obo%ics k$o-ledge lo% o 

o$l! obo%ics.




SES+Fobs -hich is $o% /ossible o hma$ o $o% so eas! o hma$ o i% ca$ also be sa! as

-hich is da$geos o hma$.

  eco$%ami$a%i$g obo%

Gee obo% Clea$i$g %he mai$ cicla%i$g /m/ i$ %he $clea /o-e /la$% -hich is da$geoso hma$ i he %!.


a. <E22E ROBOT

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SES+Re/ea%ed #obs -hich is $i$%ees%ed ,ll s%essed o labo i$%e$sie o hma$.

  Heldi$g obo%



 b. =?*==E *ERI*< EGIC<E

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SES+?e$ial %ask o %ask like sea$% %ha% hma$ do$% -a$% %o do.

The scb ma%e obo%

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iscssio$: I$ /o/osi$g %his lesso$ o aim is %o selec% a//o/ia%e %ech$i;e o ma$ac%i$g

e$io$me$%, a$d -hich ae k$o-$ %o /eom -ell %hee. He ae seeki$g a bes% middle go$d

be%-ee$ ma$ac%i$g a$d obo%ic %ech$ologies. Ra%he %ha$ a//l!i$g com/le>, ge$eal//ose %ech$ologies %o ma$ac%i$g, -e hae o$d %ha% %he se$sos a$d ac%a%os alead!

sed %hei goad abili%! a% e>al%ed e>ibili%! as sage a% a modla /a%h b! si%able se% o les %o

be ollo-ed i$ calcla%io$s. The! hai$g %he mei%s is:

Reliabili%! . RISC se$se oga$ a$d ac%a%o has e- com/o$e$% he$ce li%%le ma! be -o$g. The!

ae also modla, so ailed com/o$e$%s ca$ be e/laced om s%a$dad s%ock.

So%-ae Sim/lici%!+The side+e is co$%ol had-ae a$d co$e%s i% i$%o %he sim/le. This eases

lea$i$g, edces se%+/ %ime, a$d ma#o /a% em/ha%icall!, acili%a%es.

Eas! Se%+/ a$d Reco$gabili%!. iscssed ealie . *lso had-ae a$d so%-ae sim/lici%!, a

o%come o sage i$s%me$%s ac%a%os as %he -ok cell s%c%e sec%io$, -hich elimi$a%es

mch o all o %he i$i%ial caliba%io$

<o- cos%. The had-ae chage is eide$%l! i$eio, b% i$i%ial had-ae o%la! i$ o%e$%imes a

co$cise o/i$io$ a% %he goss %he dismal o a cea%io$. B% %he o$goi$g sai$gs becase o %he

/oi$%s aboe ae likel! %o be mch moe sig$

ROBOT CO=STRCTIO=: He begi$ b! assembli$g %-o /a% *s o %he s%a$dad seomo%o 

I2 *

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backe% %oge%he 6see ig. B8. * o-ad backe% is made %o assemble a% %he s%aigh% o %-o

/o%io$ /s 6look ig. C8. The i$boad e>/a$sio$ b! o-ad %able

 is %he coe;al -id%h o %he C? camea, almos% (.1(5 i$. The

o-ad %able hae a /oe a $igh %he o-ad i$ ode %o %he sha% b! o-ad -heel. Thee

ae holes $ea %he %o/ o$% o %he backe% also, $o% sho-$ i$ %he ige.

  ig B ig C

=e>% -e assemble o %-o seomo%os a$d o$% -heel o$%o %he base assembl! 6see ig.

8.The -heels o %he seomo%os ae %he same %!/e o -heels .

The o$% $iesal ml%idiec%io$al -heel is %he sameo$e sed i$ %he Ba%%e$beg ehicles.

T-o small <sha/ed mo$%i$g eas ae made %o a%%ach %he C? camea %o %he o$% o %he ba

cke%. He co$s%c% %his cici% a% a DIC E>/eime$%es Boad. I cha$ged

%he %all o$ %he boad om 4.0 ?G3 %o 1' ?G3 . Do-e o %he cici% ma! ha//e$

/oced b! a$ o%e /o-e s//l! o a$ o$boad ba%%e! /o-e s//l!.The i$ished obo% is sho-$ i$ ig. .


Da%s lis%: C? camea

6(8 Seomo%os 6GS4(58

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6(8 Da% * seomo%o backe%s


DIC E>/eime$%es Boad

6(8 Seomo%o -heels

DIC 1'&4, (0 ?G3



6(8 ((/


6(8 ))0

, 1J H

esis%os 4


, 1J H

esis%o 4

?l%idiec%io$al -heel

 *lmi$m shee% me%al, sha%, /las%ic sce-s, a$d $%s.



Today’s human are progresses in science which is not less from any surprise. Before hundred 

year from today think that is very conflict that without any contact and any picture we

communicate and look anyone but today time this is possible only because of science. Human

are not stop here, human are want more, they make robot also called robot .Many definition of 

robot but in simple language robot is a mechanical human made from metal which is work when

instructed by computer.

Reali%! -he$ hma$ %! %o /ogess a lo% o /oblems comes i$ hma$ -a!s hee his $eed %ha%

hel/e -hich is -ok i$ %ha% i$s%c%io$ a$d kee/ %he -ok eas!, %ha%s %hi$k esl% is obo%.

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is% scie$%is% o obo% is kael ka/ok -hich is e>/eime$% is%l! ,i% hae a co$ide$ce %o do %ha%

he$ce he is sccess.

Toda! ma$! co$%ies hae i$%e$a%io$al da$ge he$ce obo% is e! im/o%a$% i$ %ha% %ime b%

/oblem occs -he$ obo% i$ %he -o$g ha$d. Robo% is do -ok i$ mi$imm %ime -he$i$s%c%io$ is /eec%.

Scie$%is% has oga$i3ed a mecha$ical hma$ dama -hich is s/ised %he -hole -old.

I$ *%e 1"'0 Fa# deol a$d doc%o a$gil bge 

1.He ca$ sa! om a $e- %ech$olog! %ask ae e! eas! o -ok

(.I%s hel/ -e ca$ schedle os obo%

).-e $eeds %o deem o obo%ics

4.The las% %age% o obo%ics is a i$sc%able me%hod %ha% /eso$a%e all %he chic. Ca$%, becase

%he! co$%i$e %o acce oe %ime.

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