mitochondrion-related organelles in eukaryotic protists€¦ · driate eukaryotic cells. this would...

Mitochondrion-Related Organelles in Eukaryotic Protists April M. Shiflett and Patricia J. Johnson Department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics, University of California, Los Angeles, California 90095-1489; email: [email protected] Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2010. 64:409–29 First published online as a Review in Advance on June 9, 2010 The Annual Review of Microbiology is online at This article’s doi: 10.1146/annurev.micro.62.081307.162826 Copyright c 2010 by Annual Reviews. All rights reserved 0066-4227/10/1013-0409$20.00 Key Words hydrogenosome, mitosome, evolution, microaerophilic protists, biogenesis Abstract The discovery of mitochondrion-type genes in organisms thought to lack mitochondria led to the demonstration that hydrogenosomes share a common ancestry with mitochondria, as well as the discovery of mi- tosomes in multiple eukaryotic lineages. No examples of examined eu- karyotes lacking a mitochondrion-related organelle exist, implying that the endosymbiont that gave rise to the mitochondrion was present in the first eukaryote. These organelles, known as hydrogenosomes, mi- tosomes, or mitochondrion-like organelles, are typically reduced, both structurally and biochemically, relative to classical mitochondria. How- ever, despite their diversification and adaptation to different niches, all appear to play a role in Fe-S cluster assembly, as observed for mitochon- dria. Although evidence supports the use of common protein targeting mechanisms in the biogenesis of these diverse organelles, divergent fea- tures are also apparent. This review examines the metabolism and bio- genesis of these organelles in divergent unicellular microbes, with a focus on parasitic protists. 409 Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2010.64:409-429. Downloaded from by University of Massachusetts - Amherst on 02/02/12. For personal use only.

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Page 1: Mitochondrion-Related Organelles in Eukaryotic Protists€¦ · driate eukaryotic cells. This would imply that the characteristic features of a eukaryotic cell such as a nucleus and

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Mitochondrion-RelatedOrganelles in EukaryoticProtistsApril M. Shiflett and Patricia J. JohnsonDepartment of Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics, University ofCalifornia, Los Angeles, California 90095-1489; email: [email protected]

Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2010. 64:409–29

First published online as a Review in Advance onJune 9, 2010

The Annual Review of Microbiology is online

This article’s doi:10.1146/annurev.micro.62.081307.162826

Copyright c© 2010 by Annual Reviews.All rights reserved


Key Words

hydrogenosome, mitosome, evolution, microaerophilic protists,biogenesis


The discovery of mitochondrion-type genes in organisms thought tolack mitochondria led to the demonstration that hydrogenosomes sharea common ancestry with mitochondria, as well as the discovery of mi-tosomes in multiple eukaryotic lineages. No examples of examined eu-karyotes lacking a mitochondrion-related organelle exist, implying thatthe endosymbiont that gave rise to the mitochondrion was present inthe first eukaryote. These organelles, known as hydrogenosomes, mi-tosomes, or mitochondrion-like organelles, are typically reduced, bothstructurally and biochemically, relative to classical mitochondria. How-ever, despite their diversification and adaptation to different niches, allappear to play a role in Fe-S cluster assembly, as observed for mitochon-dria. Although evidence supports the use of common protein targetingmechanisms in the biogenesis of these diverse organelles, divergent fea-tures are also apparent. This review examines the metabolism and bio-genesis of these organelles in divergent unicellular microbes, with afocus on parasitic protists.



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Mitochondrion:a membrane-boundorganelle in eukaryoticcells that producesATP via oxidativephosphorylation, inaddition to housingvarious othermetabolic pathways

Endosymbiont: anorganism that livesinside the cells ofanother organism (thehost) and causes noharm and is oftenbeneficial


INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410HYDROGENOSOMES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411PHYLOGENETIC EVIDENCE OF



AN INTERMEDIATEORGANELLE IN BLASTOCYSTISSPECIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417

PROTEIN TARGETING INHYDROGENOSOMES ANDMITOSOMES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417N-Terminal Presequences . . . . . . . . . . 418Mitochondrial Carrier Family

Proteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421Unclassified Membrane Proteins . . . . 422



Deciphering the origins of eukaryotic cellsis one of the more challenging problems inevolutionary biology today. The seminal workof Woese et al. (122) led to the grouping ofall living organisms into three domains of life:eubacteria, archaea (or archaebacteria), andeukaryotes. Over the past 15 years, extensivesequencing of the genomes of organisms fromall three domains has revealed that eukaryoticgenomes contain both eubacterial and archaealcontributions (35, 96). Information genesencoding proteins involved in processes suchas translation, transcription, and replicationappear to be homologous to archaeal genes.Eubacterial contributions to the eukaryoticgenome are seen primarily in the so-calledoperational genes, which encode proteins suchas metabolic enzymes, structural proteins, andmembrane components (124).

Although many core metabolic propertiesof eukaryotes have archaeal and eubacterial

features, eukaryotes are more complex and ex-hibit several distinctive physical characteris-tics absent in archaea and eubacteria. Thesecharacteristics include an extensive endomem-brane system and the compartmentalization ofmetabolic pathways into discrete membrane-bound organelles; one such organelle is themitochondrion. How eukaryotic cells evolvedthese distinctive features and how these featureshave diversified during the radiation of evolu-tionarily distinct lineages remain the focus ofmuch research (8). The acquisition of the mi-tochondrion during eukaryotic evolution mayhave been a central catalyst allowing furtherdevelopment of the many unique features ofeukaryotic cells.

The mitochondrion was originally hypoth-esized by Margulis and colleagues (75) to be theresult of endosymbiosis. The ancient eukary-otic forerunner was proposed to have engulfeda bacterium, which was retained and eventuallydegenerated to the point of being dependenton the host cell. Much evidence now supportsthe basic tenets of this theory, including thepresence of a double membrane containing aunique bacterial lipid called cardiolipin presentonly on the inner membrane of the organelle.The sequencing of several mitochondrialgenomes and subsequent phylogenetic analysesled to the conclusion that the mitochondrialendosymbiont was closely related to modernAlphaproteobacteria (123), with its closestexisting relative being Rickettsia (4). Thisanswered the question of who donated theendosymbiont; but what about the host cell?

Multiple arguments have been presentedand continue to be discussed regarding the bio-logical nature of the cell that engulfed the pro-tomitochondrion (77). One view posits that theprotoeukaryote was a member of the archaeaand that acquisition of the mitochondrial en-dosymbiont led to rapid development of theaccompanying features that now define eukary-otes. Another theory states that many of theseeukaryotic features were already in place, i.e.,that such subcellular structures as the endo-plasmic reticulum (ER) and nucleus were likelyalready present in the protoeukaryote, making

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Microsporidia:spore-formingunicellular fungalparasites that live anobligate intracellularlifestyle and exhibitextreme reductive cellbiology

LBA: long branchattraction

Hydrogenosome: anorganelleevolutionarily relatedto mitochondria thatproduces ATP viasubstrate-levelphosphorylation andmolecular hydrogen

Mitosome:an organelleevolutionarily relatedto mitochondria thatdoes not produce ATPor hydrogen andappears to lack mostother metabolicpathways associatedwith eithermitochondria orhydrogenosomes

alteration of the endosymbiont into a bona fideorganelle a more easily explainable process (33).Key to distinguishing between these compet-ing hypotheses is determining when the mito-chondrion was acquired. Various theories havebeen proposed to explain the circumstances sur-rounding both the acquisition and retention ofthe mitochondrion. Many of these theories ex-pound in particular upon the nature of the hostand invoke one or more endosymbiotic eventsto account for specific traits present in the pro-toeukaryotic cell. Several of these hypotheseshave been described in detail (28, 72, 78, 81) andare reviewed extensively by Martin et al. (77).

Early constructions of the eukaryotic tree oflife led to the formation of the Archezoan hy-pothesis (16, 103). These phylogenies, whichwere based on both rRNA and elongation factor(EF) protein sequences, placed three highly di-vergent branches containing Trichomonas vagi-nalis, Giardia lamblia, and microsporidia at thebase of the tree (103). Each of these organ-isms appeared to have arisen prior to the acqui-sition of mitochondria, and it was speculatedthat they represented primitively amitochon-driate eukaryotic cells. This would imply thatthe characteristic features of a eukaryotic cellsuch as a nucleus and flagella predated the mi-tochondrial endosymbiosis. The study of suchorganisms would consequently aid in resolvingthe conundrum of protoeukaryotic identity.

The first indication that these organismswere not true archezoans came from studies ofthe microsporidia. Analysis of additional genesled to grouping these organisms with fungi (52).Their original position in the tree was likelydue to long branch attraction (LBA), an arti-fact that occurs when highly divergent genesthat have evolved at different rates are com-pared and appear as long branches in the tree.Additional analyses that eliminate LBA con-tinue to support T. vaginalis and G. lambliaas basal eukaryotes, although it remains diffi-cult to define the root of the eukaryotic tree(8, 20, 60, 124). What has been challengedis the claim that these organisms are amito-chondriate. In fact, many genes of mitochon-drial origin have since been identified in the

amitochondriates. Moreover, these organismscontain highly modified, or even relic, or-ganelles that are thought to be derived fromthe protomitochondrion: a hydrogenosome, amitosome, and a mitochondrion-like organelle(MLO) (Figure 1).

T. vaginalis and G. lamblia have servedas model organisms for the study of hy-drogenosomes and mitosomes, respectively (27,107). Hydrogenosomes produce ATP throughsubstrate-level phosphorylation, creating hy-drogen as a by-product (69). Mitosomes do notproduce ATP, and until recently their poten-tial metabolic role in the cell was somewhat of amystery (114). Despite differences in metabolicfunctions, the majority of the data currentlyavailable support a single endosymbiosis thatgave rise to mitochondria and resulted in thepresence of hydrogenosomes or mitosomes ina variety of protists. The vast differences ob-served in these organelles would then be theresult of divergent evolution in highly special-ized ecological niches. Although descent from asingle, common, protomitochondrial endosym-biont has been the prevailing view for sev-eral years, distinguished scientists continue toraise important arguments contrary to this view(22, 76).


Hydrogenosomes were first described in tri-chomonads by Lindmark & Muller followingfutile attempts to detect mitochondrial and per-oxisomal activities in trichomonad cellular ex-tracts (69). These organelles, which are 0.5–1 μm in diameter, were originally thoughtto be bound by a single membrane owing tothe close apposition of two membranes. Thischaracteristic and the apparent lack of peroxi-somes originally fostered a popular theory thatthe T. vaginalis hydrogenosome was a micro-body related to, but distinct from, peroxisomes.Biochemical studies on crude hydrogenosomalfractions provided clues to the contrary. Mullerand colleagues showed that hydrogenosomesare the site of fermentative metabolism of pyru-vate leading to the production of ATP and • Mitochondrion-Related Organelles in Eukaryotic Protists 411


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Land plants













Mitochondria Mitosomes or MLOs Hydrogenosomes

Figure 1Mitochondrion-related organelles are found in all eukaryotes. Eukaryotes can be divided into several major groups, all of which containmitochondria (red ), mitosomes or mitochondrion-like organelles (blue), or hydrogenosomes ( green). Three of these groups havelineages with organisms that contain combinations of these organelles. This tree is adapted from Reference 59 with permission.

Aerotolerant: anorganism that does notrequire oxygen togrow but can surviveand multiply in lowoxygen conditions

molecular hydrogen. Complementary analysesindicated a role in cyanide-insensitive respira-tion, dependency on ADP, and the presence of amitochondrion-like decarboxylating malate de-hydrogenase (85). The demonstration of thesemetabolic properties of the organelle, togetherwith freeze-fracture electron microscopy thatrevealed the presence of two membranes, ar-gued against a peroxisomal nature and insteadsuggested similarities to mitochondria (53).

The T. vaginalis genome sequence(15), partial hydrogenosomal proteomes(49), and various biochemical studies(31, 55, 83–84) have revealed the presenceof other diverse activities compartmental-ized within the T. vaginalis hydrogenosome.These include enzymes involved in aminoacid metabolism in mitochondria (83, 84; R.Schneider, M. Brown, S. Dyall, R. Hayes &P. Johnson, unpublished data) and oxidore-ductases similar to components of respiratory

complex I in mitochondria (31, 55), as well asnovel putative peroxidases likely involved inoxygen stress responses (91). Our unpublishedproteomic analyses of hydrogenosomes revealthe presence of over 500 proteins and indicatethe presence of yet additional metabolicpathways within the organelle.

Organelles capable of producing molecu-lar hydrogen, hence likewise categorized ashydrogenosomes, have also been describedin the ciliate Nyctotherus ovalis, the rumen-dwelling chytrid fungus Neocallimastix frontalis,and the heterolobosean flagellate Psalteri-omonas lanterna (23, 39, 44–45, 47). Theseorganelles contain hydrogenase activity andare found exclusively in aerotolerant protiststhat lack mitochondria. Genetic evidence alsosupports the possible presence of hydrogeno-somes or mitochondrion-related organelles inthe free-living amoeba Mastigamoeba balamuthi(39) and the preaxostyla flagellate Trimastix

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Chaperonin: aprotein that aids infolding or refoldingproteins into theircorrect tertiarystructure

pyriformis (47). The phylogenetic distributionof hydrogenosome-bearing organisms scat-tered in various lineages of the eukaryotic tree,however, makes it evident that they arose inde-pendently of one another (Figure 1) (32), albeitall hydrogenosomes appear to have arisen ei-ther from a protomitochondrion or, in the caseof the ciliate hydrogenosome, from bona fidemitochondria.

Although most hydrogenosomes lack agenome, a hydrogenosomal genome has beenidentified in and sequenced from the ciliateN. ovalis (9). The metabolic activity of thishydrogenosome is unlike that of mitochon-dria; however, it was abundantly clear that thisgenome arose from a bona fide mitochondrion.Unlike the hydrogenosome of T. vaginalis, hy-drogenosomes of N. ovalis contain cardiolipin(a distinctive mitochondrial lipid) in their mem-branes and have cristae. The descent of theN. ovalis hydrogenosome from modern-day mi-tochondria and analyses of both ciliate andchytrid hydrogenosomes have been recentlyreviewed (44–45).

The origin of the T. vaginalis hydrogeno-some could not be determined by organellegenome sequencing, as there is no genomepresent (19). The use of several alternative ap-proaches aimed at determining the evolution-ary history of T. vaginalis hydrogenosomes hasfostered much research and controversy in re-cent years (41, 109). Such intense interest inthis topic has served to broaden the commu-nity of researchers interested in the evolutionof eukaryotic organelles and has accelerated ourunderstanding of this fundamental process.


Mitochondria maintain part of the original en-dosymbiont genome, although massive genetransfer to the host nucleus occurred duringthe transition to organelle (50). The T. vaginalishydrogenosome, as well as mitosomes found inother amitochondriate protists, has entirely dis-

pensed with a genome. Thus, mitochondrion-like genes present in their nuclear genomeswere used in phylogenetic analyses in searchof the origin of these organelles. One class ofmitochondrial genes that are highly conserved,and therefore good candidates for phylogeneticanalyses, is the chaperonin genes (42–43). Pro-teins are imported into organelles in a disor-dered state and, once inside, are folded intotheir correct tertiary structure with the assis-tance of chaperonins. Three of these proteins,Cpn60, Cpn10, and Hsp70, are conserved inmost eukaryotes. Hsp70 aids in the import ofproteins across the double membrane of mi-tochondria as part of the import motor of theinner membrane import complex (119). Cpn10and Cpn60 together function as a complex torefold imported matrix proteins. The mecha-nism by which Cpn10 and Cpn60 fold proteinshas been well studied in the prokaryotic proteinhomologs GroES and GroEL (63, 119).

Genes for Cpn10, Cpn60, and Hsp70 arepresent in the nuclear genome of T. vaginalis,and phylogenetic analyses indicated that all areof mitochondrial origin (12, 36, 54, 98). Themitochondrion-like Hsp70 genes also encodetwo motifs confined to Hsp70 proteins of mi-tochondrial origin (12, 36). These data werethe first to strongly support the finding thatT. vaginalis once harbored the mitochondrialendosymbiont.

Evidence of mitochondrial genes has nowbeen identified in all examined amitochondri-ate organisms, casting serious doubt on theArchezoan hypothesis. Early support for aCpn60-like protein in the parasite G. lambliacame from Western blots and immunofluo-rescence microscopy that indicated a proteinthat cross-reacted with anti-Cpn60 antibodiesfrom other organisms (104). The gene encod-ing Cpn60 was later cloned and subjected tophylogenetic analyses that strongly supportedthe descent of glCpn60 from its mitochon-drial counterpart (99). A single Hsp70 genehas also been analyzed from G. lamblia, andit appears to be monophyletic with mitochon-drial Hsp70 genes (82). Mitochondrion-typeCpn 60, Hsp70, and Cpn10 are also present • Mitochondrion-Related Organelles in Eukaryotic Protists 413


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and expressed in several species of Entamoeba(5–7, 18, 116). The apicomplexan parasite Cryp-tosporidium parvum was thought to be distinctfrom other members of its class, in that it ap-parently contains neither a plastid nor a mito-chondrion. However, a Cpn60 and an Hsp70gene are found in Cryptosporidium; both genesare expressed and share a common ancestry withgenes from alphaproteobacterial homologs(95, 101).

Microsporidial genomes also bear witnessto a relic mitochondrion. Hsp70 sequenceshave been identified and characterized fromseveral species, including Antonospora locustae,Trachipleistophora hominis, Vairimorpha necatrix,Glugea plecoglossi, Encephalitozoon cuniculi, andE. hellem (5, 37, 51, 89). Despite sequencingof the E. cuniculi genome, no trace of eitherCpn10 or Cpn60 could be found, althoughfour Hsp70 genes were present, along with ad-ditional genes that appeared to be related toAlphaproteobacteria (58).

A full complement of mitochondrial chap-eronins is encoded by T. vaginalis and En-tamoeba. Unusually, both G. lamblia and C.parvum encode Cpn60 but appear to lack itspartner Cpn10; Hsp70 is present in both. Themicrosporidia represent a more extreme state,as they have retained only mtHsp70. The ab-sence of Cpn10 alone or of both Cpn10 andCpn60 in certain mitosomes raises the ques-tions of how proteins are refolded upon importand specifically how this differs from proteinfolding in mitochondria and hydrogenosomesthat contain a full complement of chaperonins.In some mitosomes, Hsp70 alone may be able torefold imported proteins without the additionalGroES-/GroEL-like activity of Cpn10/Cpn60.Alternatively, the Cpn60 in these organellesmay function without its usual partner, Cpn10,or imported proteins are capable of fold-ing correctly without chaperonin assistance, asdescribed for some mitochondrial matrix pro-teins (100). These losses likely reflect the con-tinual reductive evolution that has shaped themitosomes (14).

The localization of mitochondrion-likechaperonins to relic organelles found in

previously described amitochondriate protistswas crucial for the discovery of mitosomes.These organelles are double membrane bound,like mitochondria and hydrogenosomes, butconsiderably smaller. In Entamoeba histolytica,immunofluorescence microscopy was used tolocalize Cpn60 to this previously unidenti-fied organelle (73, 111). In G. lamblia, bothHsp70 and Cpn60 localize to the mitosome,though they lack discernible N-terminal pre-sequences (94). In the apicomplexan C. parvumboth Cpn60 and Hsp70 localize to a double-membrane-bound cytosolic organelle (90, 101).Finally, antibodies against Hsp70 from themicrosporidian T. hominis were localized byboth light and electron microscopy to double-membrane-bound organelles (121). Therefore,not only did these previously amitochondriateorganisms once harbor the mitochondrial en-dosymbiont, but they retain more than genesas evidence. They also maintained organelles—but to what purpose?


The analysis of chaperonin genes as well asadditional metabolic genes has demonstratedthat the mitochondrial endosymbiosis occurredextremely early in eukaryotic evolution. Mito-chondria, hydrogenosomes, or mitosomes arefound in every eukaryotic domain, includingthe previously amitochondriate Excavatalineage (Figure 1) (8, 46, 59). It is unlikelythat any extant eukaryotic cells that predatethe mitochondrial endosymbiosis exist; in fact,the acquisition of the mitochondrion may havebeen the defining event in eukaryotic evolution(77). This critical event in eukaryotic historyappears to have happened only once. But sincethat event, the cells carrying the endosymbionthave become highly adapted to diverse envi-ronmental niches, and the endosymbiont theycarried evolved accordingly.

Why have these remnant organellesbeen retained? The original proteobacterialendosymbiont was hypothesized to havebeen retained because the host cell obtained

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necessary metabolites from it (75, 78, 81).Although hydrogenosomes lack many of themetabolic pathways of mitochondria, theydo produce ATP through substrate-levelphosphorylation. No evidence of ATP produc-tion has been obtained for the mitosomes ofG. lamblia, E. histolytica, C. parvum, or the mi-crosporidia. ATP is either produced in the cy-tosol or gleaned from the host cells; therefore,in these organisms the mitochondrial remnantmust serve another purpose. Thus far the onlyunifying biochemical pathway for mitochon-dria, mitosomes, and hydrogenosomes appearsto be Fe-S cluster formation, a process pro-posed to be the only essential function of the mi-tochondrion (67). Fe-S cluster formation in themitochondrion is critical for the formation ofall Fe-S-containing proteins in the cell, whichare involved in various vital processes (66, 68).

Proteins required for Fe-S cluster assemblyin yeast include IscS (NifS), which produces sul-fur from cysteine for incorporation into the Fe-S scaffold, and IscU (NifU), which binds theFe substrate for incorporation (Figure 2) (68).In addition to these proteins, ferredoxin inter-acts, possibly to reduce Fe or S or to serve asan intermediate in Fe-S formation. Hsp70 alsoparticipates, probably by binding the apopro-teins and maintaining their structure prior totransfer of the Fe-S cluster. Frataxin often acts








Figure 2Fe-S cluster formation. The biogenesis of Fe-S clusters within mitochondria issimilar to the bacterial iron sulfur cluster (ISC) process. IscS is a cysteinedesulferase that donates the S, and Fe is often donated by frataxin inmitochondria. Ferredoxin acts in electron transfer, perhaps to reduce thedonated S. IscU is a scaffold protein on which the initial Fe-S cluster is formedbefore transfer to the apoprotein.

as an iron donor. Additional steps must occur,but the proteins involved and their mechanismsremain undefined (66). Several genes involvedin Fe-S cluster assembly have been identifiedin recently published genomes from mitosome-carrying organisms, and a few of these proteinslocalize to the T.vaginalis hydrogenosome andsome mitosomes (Table 1).

IscS was the first Fe-S cluster assembly geneto be identified in T. vaginalis (106). It wasshown to be expressed and localized to thehydrogenosome. Following publication of thegenome in 2007, IscU was identified (15). Al-though it has not been localized to the hy-drogenosome, it does have a predicted prese-quence that would target it to this organelle(15). Frataxin, a likely Fe donor, has also been

Table 1 Core proteins of anaerobic protists and their localization where known

Organism PFOFeFe

hydrogenase Ferredoxin IscU IscS mtHsp70Trichomonas vaginalis + (H) + (H) + (H) + + (H) + (H)Giardia lamblia + (C) + (C) + (M) + (M) + (M) + (M)Entamoeba histolytica + (C) + (C) + (C) NifUc NifSc + (M)Cryptosporidium parvum +a +b + + + + (M)Blastocystis sp. + (M) + (M) + – + +Microsporidia – – + + + + (M)

Minus sign (–) indicates that no homologs have been identified.Plus sign (+) indicates that the gene has been sequenced. Protein localization is given when known.aC. parvum PFO is fused to an NADPH-cytochrome P450 reducatase domain, as also seen in Euglena gracilis.bC. parvum FeFe hydrogenase is more similar to those of eukaryotes than to other protist hydrogenases.cThe NifU and NifS genes of E. histolytica are likely the result of lateral gene transfer with an epsilonproteobacterium and appear to be localized to boththe mitosome and the cytosol.Abbreviations: H, hydrogenosome; M, mitosome; C, cytosol; ISC, iron sulfur cluster. • Mitochondrion-Related Organelles in Eukaryotic Protists 415


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localized to hydrogenosomes and is found in thesame clade as other mitochondrion-like frataxingenes in phylogenetic analyses (24). In additionto its role in ATP production, the hydrogeno-some, like mitochondria, also acts as a centerfor Fe-S cluster formation.

The case for mitosomal Fe-S cluster assem-bly is very strong for G. lamblia. Both IscSand IscU giardial genes are phylogeneticallyrelated to those of mitochondria, lending ad-ditional support to the mitosome’s heritage asan endosymbiotic relic (106, 112). IscU, IscS,ferredoxin, and mtHsp70 all localize to theG. lamblia mitosome (94). In addition, amonothiol glutaredoxin containing an unusu-ally long N-terminal presequence colocalizeswith IscU (92). Phylogenies also support a mi-tochondrial ancestry for this gene, which is in-volved in transferring Fe-S clusters from theIscU scaffold to apoproteins.

A similar story has unfolded for the mi-tosome of C. parvum. Mitochondrion-typeIscS, IscU, a frataxin-like protein, and ferre-doxin have been discovered in the genome ofC. parvum (1, 64). The presence of a NifS-likegene further supports a role for the mitosomein Fe-S cluster assembly (90, 95). Additionalmetabolic processes may occur in the C. parvummitosome. An alternative oxidase gene relatedto those found in Trypanosoma brucei wasrecently identified—this protein can substitutefor complexes II and IV from mitochondria (90,97). A gene encoding a subunit of complex V(ATP synthase subunit β) was also identified, aswas a superoxide dismutase (90). The discoveryof these proteins supports the idea that theC. parvum mitosome may be capable ofmodified aerobic metabolism in addition toFe-S cluster assembly, but further biochemicalanalyses are required before this conclusion isgiven a great deal of weight (90).

Fractionation of E. histolytica indicates thatpyruvate metabolism occurs in the cytosol,or at least that it is not confined to anyidentified compartment (93). Other anaerobicmetabolic processes are also predicted to occurin the cytosol. An Fe-Fe hydrogenase lackingan N-terminal presequence is present in the

E. histolytica genome and in the cytosol (38).Genes encoding E. histolytica proteins involvedin Fe-S cluster assembly, namely NifU andNifS, were identified in the genome; how-ever, unlike other mitosomal genes, phyloge-netic analysis indicates that these genes are notmitochondrial in origin but were likely acquiredvia lateral gene transfer from a member of theEpsilonproteobacteria (2–3, 115). This is alsothe case for the related amoeba Mastigamoebabalamuthi, indicating that acquisition of thesegenes occurred prior to the split of these lin-eages (39). When their distribution was exam-ined, both NifU and NifS were found in thecytosol as well as in mitosomes (74). Ferredoxinis also found in the cytosol (73), whereas Hsp70localizes to the mitosomes (110). This impliesthat at least some Fe-S cluster assembly mayoccur in this mitosome, similar to the require-ment for mitochondrial assembly in cytosolicFe-S protein maturation (68, 74). The E. his-tolytica mitosome may also harbor a sulfate ac-tivation pathway, as three enzymes involved inthis process (ATP sulfurylase, APS kinase, andinorganic pyrophosphatase) also localize to thisorganelle (80).

In microsporidia, where reductive evolutionhas affected every aspect of their biology, thepurpose of the remnant mitosome becomesmuch more difficult to discern. The genomesequence of the microsporidium E. cuniculi re-vealed 22 genes homologous to yeast mito-chondrial genes, 6 of which group with al-phaproteobacterial sequences (58). Of these sixgenes, ISU1/ISU2 (Nif-U like), NFS1 (sim-ilar to IscS and NifS), YAH1 (ferredoxin),and PDB1 (pyruvate dehydrogenase complexE1) are all involved in Fe-S cluster assem-bly. However, when the Fe-S cluster assem-bly pathway was localized, differing results wereobtained in different species (40). In E. cuni-culi, frataxin, Nfs1, and Isu1 colocalized withHsp70 in the mitosome. However, in T. hominisonly Nfs1 and Hsp70 were found in the mito-some, whereas both Isu1 and frataxin appearedto be predominantly cytosolic (40). Furtherwork is needed to decipher conclusively the Fe-S cluster assembly pathway in microsporidia,

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PFO: pyruvate:ferredoxinoxidoreductase

although at least parts of this pathway are lo-calized in their mitosomes.

During the early evolution of the mito-chondrion, the change from endosymbiontto organelle may have been triggered by thehost cell’s reliance on metabolic products.Unlike hydrogenosomes, mitosomes have notretained ATP production but are likely criticalfor Fe-S cluster assembly. The need to retainan organelle for this purpose may reflect areliance on a membrane potential for matu-ration of Fe-S cluster proteins (67). Thus far,membrane potentials have been demonstratedfor mitochondrion-related organelles in T.vaginalis and G. lamblia, as well as for C. parvum(10, 70, 97), but not for E. histolytica or mi-crosporidia (73, 121). In eukaryotic cellsretaining a canonical aerobic mitochondrion,cytosolic Fe-S proteins are reliant on Fe-Scluster formation within the mitochondrion(68). The same constraints might exist inhydrogenosome- and mitosome-bearingorganisms (74).


Another exception to the “no DNA” rule formitochondrion-related organelles is found inthe MLO of Blastocystis hominis, which has agenome of ∼27–28 kb (88, 120). BlastocystisMLOs were first described as “cytochrome-freemitochondria” in 1986, and various enzymesassociated with mitochondria were absent inthese vestigial organelles (125–126). However,staining with the dye rhodamine 123 indicatedthe presence of a weak membrane potential, afinding confirmed following the isolation of theorganelles (86, 126).

Later, fractions enriched for Blasto-cytsis MLOs were examined for enzymesfound in either mitochondria or hydrogeno-somes, and activities for malic enzyme,pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase (PFO),acetyl-CoA hydrolase, succinate thiokinase(STK), alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase,isocitrate dehydrogenase, and aconitase weredetected (65, 86). Many of these enzymes

are considered hallmarks of the T. vaginalishydrogenosome (85). An incomplete Krebscycle was also detected in these studies, likelybecause this work, unlike previous studies, wasperformed anaerobically.

Sequencing of the MLO genome of threeBlastocystis strains (88, 105, 120) unveiled thepresence of 45 genes, 27 of which are openreading frames and the remainder of which arestructural RNA genes. All genes encoding cy-tochrome and ATPase subunits are lacking (88),as expected since no pathways utilizing theseproteins have been detected (65, 126). Genesencoding an Fe-Fe hydrogenase and PFO,both of which group with eukaryotic sequencesfrom anaerobes and green algae, are present(Table 1) (105). Genes for subunits of com-plex I, complex II, NADH dehydrogenase, andseveral carrier proteins have also been retained.Phylogenetic analyses of the complex I andNADH dehydrogenase genes indicate they aremost closely related to Alphaproteobacteria,and as such the MLO of Blastocystis is viewed asa highly divergent mitochondrion with little tono controversy (88, 105). In addition, genes arepresent for frataxin, ferredoxin, IscS, glutare-doxin, and Isca2, all of which are involved inFe-S cluster assembly (105). MLOs will be agood model for examining partial degenerationfrom mitochondrion to mitosome, as processesfound in both hydrogenosomes and mitochon-dria are present.


An early step in conversion from endosymbiontto organelle would have been the developmentof systems that allow exchange with the hostcell cytosol (27, 57). Once gene transfer tothe nucleus occurred, any proteins that werenecessary for processes in the organelle wouldhave to be imported utilizing translocases tocross both membranes. The imported proteinsmust be targeted, recognized by the organelle,imported across membranes, localized withinthe organelle, and properly folded for activity. • Mitochondrion-Related Organelles in Eukaryotic Protists 417


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PNT: pyridinenucleotidetranshydrogenase

Additional molecules must also be importedand exported and their carrier proteins there-fore must be present (27). Bioinformaticand proteomic comparisons of mitochondrion-related organelles have revealed that some ofthese processes were likely conserved; however,much divergence is also evident. Biochemicalanalyses of these processes are sparse and areneeded to clearly define conserved and uniqueproteins involved in the biogenesis of these di-vergent organelles.

N-Terminal Presequences

Most proteins destined for the mitochondriacontain N-terminal presequences that exhibita consistent pattern; these presequences areusually hydrophobic and form an amphi-pathic α-helix (87). Proteins targeted tohydrogenosomes and mitosomes also containpresequences. Hydrogenosomal presequencesare generally shortened but retain characteris-tics similar to those of mitochondria (10, 28).Not all mitosomal proteins contain N-terminalpresequences. Mitosomal proteins that containN-terminal presequences are typically shorterand less defined than those of hydrogenosomesand mitochondria (13), with the exception ofC. parvum mitosomal proteins (64).

The first hydrogenosomal protein shownto contain a targeting presequence was ferre-doxin (Fd) (56). Since then, presequences havebeen identified in several hydrogenosomal pro-teins. Many of these presequences function inheterologous systems, by targeting various re-porter sequences to yeast mitochondria (29, 48).However, recent work has demonstrated thatat least some hydrogenosomal proteins are lo-calized correctly even when their presequenceis deleted (79). This finding may indicate thatthese signals are in the process of being evo-lutionarily lost, or that additional unknown se-quences are also involved in targeting proteinsto the hydrogenosome. This could also implythat the hydrogenosomal protein translocasesmay differ substantially from those of mito-chondria, an observation with some merit, asdiscussed below. Although unexpected, the lack

of targeting sequences at the N termini of asubset of T. vaginalis hydrogenosomal proteinsis congruous with that observed for numerousmitosomal proteins.

In E. histolytica, Cpn60 contains an N-terminal targeting sequence of approximately22 amino acids that is cleaved in vivo (73). Re-moval of the first 15 amino acids results in acytosolic distribution for Cpn60, and replace-ment of the Cpn60 presequence with a mito-chondrial targeting sequence from Trypanosomacruzi Hsp70 restored targeting (73, 111). Theprotein targeting machinery of E. histolytica andT. cruzi appears to be conserved (111). Later ex-periments indicated that in addition to the N-terminal presequence other targeting informa-tion is likely contained in the Cpn60 gene (2).Pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase (PNT)also contains a putative N-terminal targetingsequence, but experimental work indicates it isnot localized to the mitosome (2).

Thus far, all genes thought to target the relicmitochondrion of C. parvum contain predictedN-terminal presequences. Cpn60, the first mi-tochondrial gene described for C. parvum, con-tains an N-terminal extension of 38 aminoacids that, when fused to GFP and expressed inyeast, targets GFP to the mitochondrion (95).CpHsp70 also has a presequence of 34 aminoacids that targets a GFP fusion protein to themitochondrion in yeast as well as in the relatedapicomplexan Toxoplasma gondii (101). The Fe-S cluster assembly genes IscS and IscU con-tain predicted presequences of 37 and 27 aminoacids, respectively, and CpFd has a predictedtargeting presequence of 35 amino acids (64).As noted above, C. parvum mitosomal prese-quences are longer than those typically seen onother mitosomal or T. vaginalis hydrogenoso-mal proteins. Indeed, they are more similar tothat observed for proteins targeted to the matrixof yeast mitochondria. However, it has yet to betested whether the full presequence, as defined,is required for the translocation of protein intothe C. parvum mitosome, and thus shorter pre-sequences may be functional.

It is less clear whether presequences onmitosomal proteins of Giardia are required

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MPP/HPP/GPP:mitochondrial,hydrogensomal, orgiardial processingpeptidase

TOM: Translocase ofthe Outer Membrane

TIM: Translocase ofthe Inner Membrane

for import. N-terminal presequences are notpresent on Cpn60 or on IscS (99, 106), bothof which localize to the mitosome. Hsp70does appear to have a very short hydrophobicN terminus that may function as a targetingpeptide, but this has not been verified bysequencing of the mature protein (94). OnlyIscU and ferredoxin retain presequences thatare necessary for import into the mitosomeand also are cleaved upon import (102, 112).

The role of presequences in mitosomalimport becomes even less clear when mi-crosporidian mitosomal proteins are examined.Microsporidial N-terminal presequences arerarely predicted by bioinformatic software, andthey have no consistent characteristics (14).When full-length mitosomal proteins fromA. locustae or E. cuniculi were fused with GFPand expressed in yeast cells, only 6 of 16 pro-teins were targeted to the mitochondrion. Ofthese six proteins, there was no correlation witha distinguishable leader (14). In fact, only a sin-gle protein with a leader was sent to the mito-chondrion in these experiments.

Presequence-processing peptidases. Onceimported into the matrix of the mitochon-drion, the targeting presequence is cleaved bya mitochondrial processing peptidase (MPP)composed of an α- and β-subunit. In yeastmitochondria, these subunits must form a het-erodimer to be functional (108). Initial studiesin T. vaginalis identified a β-subunit, but no ev-idence of a corresponding α-subunit was forth-coming (11). Because presequences have beendemonstrated to be cleaved in T. vaginalis, it wasinitially proposed that the β-hydrogenosomalprocessing peptidase (HPP) functioned in-dependently, and that the α-subunit was lostwhen the endosymbiont-containing T. vaginalislineage split. Later work demonstrated that aglycine-rich loop protein was in fact a func-tional α-HPP subunit and that the HPP modellooked very much like the MPP model (102).Further evidence supporting a common originfor mitochondria and hydrogenosomes was alsoborne out by these studies, as the mitochondrialMPP and hydrogenosomal HPP were shown

to reside within the same phylogenetic clade(11, 102).

With regard to the presequence-processingenzyme in G. lamblia, it was shown that thereis no α-subunit, and that a single β-GPP iscapable of cleaving short leaders, similar tothat described for a related proteinase fromRickettsia (61, 102). This monomeric giardialmitosomal processing peptidase is incapableof cleaving longer mitochondrial presequences(102). A single gene encoding a β-subunit ofa processing peptidase has been identified inC. parvum, but no biochemical analysis has de-termined whether it functions as a monomeras well (90). BLAST searches of the recentlypublished E. histolytica genome returned hits forsequences similar to a β-subunit, but none sim-ilar to an α-subunit (A.M. Shiflett, unpublisheddata). However, further biochemical analysesand careful in silico searches may allow theidentification of α-subunits in these organisms.Thus far, no processing peptidase has beenfound in the Blastocystis sp., but it was hypoth-esized that a metalloprotease I protein that ispresent in the genome may serve this function(105). Likewise, no processing peptidases haveyet been identified in any of the microsporidiaspecies, and it is thought that these proteins mayno longer be necessary, as targeting sequencesappear to have been disposed of in theseorganisms (13–14, 58).

TOM/TIM-type protein translocases.Similar to mitochondrial matrix proteins,hydrogenosomal, mitosomal, and MLO matrixproteins must traverse the double membranesthat enclose these organelles. With the excep-tion of Blastocystis and Nyctotherus, none of thedegenerate organelles has genomes; therefore,all proteins destined for processes within theorganelles must be translated and importedfrom the cytosol. In mitochondria this taskis achieved by specific protein complexescalled Translocase of the Outer Membrane(TOM) and Translocase of the Inner Mem-brane (TIM). TOM and TIM are multipleheterooligomeric complexes that include poreproteins, receptor proteins, motor proteins, • Mitochondrion-Related Organelles in Eukaryotic Protists 419


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SAM: Sorting andAssembly Machinery

chaperonins, and associated accessory proteins.In addition to the TIM/TOM pathways,the Sorting and Assembly Machinery (SAM)proteins assist in localization of β-barreland integral outer membrane proteins andthe Mia40 pathway moves proteins into theintermembrane space. These complexes havebeen best defined in yeast mitochondria, buthomologs of these proteins have been found inmultiple organisms (34, 87).

In yeast, the Tom40 complex recognizesproteins with N-terminal presequences, acts asthe pore, and assists the protein across the outermembrane, where it is then bound to the TinyTims in the intermembrane space. The TinyTims deliver unfolded matrix proteins to theTim23 translocon, which is assisted by the Pamproteins and Hsp70 acting as a motor com-plex. In the case of integral inner membraneproteins, Tom40 again acts as a pore but it isTom70 that binds and guides the incoming pro-tein. A different set of Tiny Tims delivers innermembrane proteins to the Tim22 translocon,which is required for their insertion into themembrane. Less is known about how proteinsare directed to the Sam pathway; although pre-sequences are not required for proper target-ing of membrane proteins, they are sometimesfound on inner membrane proteins. For mem-brane proteins that do not have presequences,

their overall charge is likely involved both intheir recognition by receptors and orientationinto the membrane (87). The Mia40 pathway,which is involved in targeting intermembranespace proteins, was only recently discovered,and further work remains to fully understand it(34, 87).

Bioinformatic screening has identifiedseveral putative import proteins in organismscontaining hydrogenosomes and mitosomes,usually by searching completed genomes and insome cases proteomes (Table 2). These importproteins share very little sequence similaritywith homologs in yeast or other organismswith canonical aerobic mitochondria. UsingHidden Markov Models (HMMs), researchershave identified genes for Sam50, the Tim17/22/23 family, Tim44, Hsp70, and Pam18 inT. vaginalis (25). Whether any of these proteinsact as translocases in this organelle is unknown,though Hsp70 and Pam18 have been localizedto the hydrogenosome (25–26). G. lambliacontains both Hsp70 and Pam18, which havepresequences and localize to the mitosome (26,94). Recent work has identified and localized aTom40 homolog to the G. lamblia mitosomeouter membrane, and it was also demonstratedto be part of a high-molecular-weight complex(21). Genes for a putative Tom70, Tim9, Tim17, Tim21, and Tim50 have been identified

Table 2 Predicted presence of mitochondrial translocase homologs in anaerobic parasites










parvum MicrosporidiaSam50 + – – – + +Tom40 ? + + – + +Tom70 – – – + – +Tim17/22/23 + – – + + +Tim21 – – – – – –Tim44 + – – – ? –Tim50 – – – + – –Pam16/18 + + – – – +mtHsp70 + + + + + +

Question marks indicate minimal sequence similarity.Minus sign (–) indicates that no homologs have been identified via in silico methods or biochemically.

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MCF: mitochondrialcarrier family

in the B. hominis genome, but there exists nobiochemical confirmation that they function astranslocases (105).

In searches of the E. histolytica genome,only Hsp70 and a putative Tom40 homologhave been identified (2, 71, 80, 116). A limitedanalysis has identified in C. parvum an Hsp70,a Sam50, a potential Tim44, and three genesrelated to the Tim17/22/23 family (25, 90).Genomic searches of the microspordian E.cuniculi revealed the presence of homologs fora shortened Tom70, a Sam50, and a highlydivergent form of Tom40 (25, 58, 118). TheTom70 partially complemented a Tom70 yeastmutant, indicating that it does appear to retainsome function as a receptor; whether it func-tions in mitosomes is unknown (118). As far asinner membrane complexes in microsporidianmitosomes are concerned, a Tim17/22/23family member, Tim50, and Pam16 were dis-covered by using HMM analyses (118). None ofthese proteins has been tested for localization.

A compilation of available bioinformaticstudies indicates that the most highly con-served translocases in these parasitic protistsare Sam50, Tom40, and members of theTim17/22/23 family of inner pore complexes(Table 2). The presence of these proteins isusually predicted by in silico studies. As mostcomponents of the mitochondrial translocasemachinery (with the exception of Sam50 andHsp70) have no homologs in Alphaproteobac-teria, this machinery likely evolved after themitochondrial endosymbiotic event (25).Therefore, much of the machinery need notbe conserved. Furthermore, restricting importstudies primarily to yeast mitochondria makesthe current model even more limiting. It cansafely be predicted that additional biochemicaland functional analyses of import proteins willyield considerably more information aboutdiversity in these organelles. Notably, theonly member of the Tom40 complex that hasbeen identified in these divergent organismsis Tom40 itself. Because Tom20 and Tom22act as receptors that recognize the N-terminalpresequence of yeast matrix proteins, it is pos-sible that the loss or alteration of these proteins

in protists has led to the reduced reliance onN-terminal presequences as discussed above.

Mitochondrial Carrier Family Proteins

The mitochondrial carrier family (MCF) iscomposed of proteins that transport a vari-ety of molecules such as NADH, ADP, ATP,and other metabolically important substrates(62). Several homologs of these family mem-bers have been identified in organisms harbor-ing hydrogenosomes and mitosomes.

The ATP produced in hydrogenosomesneeds to be transported into the cytosolfor use by the cell; hence mitochondrion-like ADP/ATP carriers may be conservedin hydrogensome-containing organisms. AnMCF member, Hmp31, was identified inT. vaginalis hydrogenosomes and is predicted tobe localized to the inner membrane on the basisof trypsin digest assays in intact organisms (29).This protein, which is one of the more abun-dant hydrogenosomal membrane proteins, hasa structure composed of four helices, similarto the structure of other MCF proteins. Bio-chemical studies indicate that Hmp31 forms ahomooligomer (29). An ADP/ATP carrier withsimilar properties has also been identified in thehydrogenosomes of N. frontalis (117).

Although ATP production has not beenreported to occur in any mitosomes, proteinsinvolved in Fe-S cluster assembly, as well ascarriers required to transport Fe-S clustersinto the cytosol, are predicted to be present inthese organelles. These proteins remain poorlydefined. A single MCF protein in E. histolyticafunctions when expressed in bacteria (17), andseveral expressed sequence tags from B. hominisMLOs indicate the presence of MCF proteins(105). C. parvum also has genes coding for car-rier proteins (1). Thus far, these proteins havenot been localized to the organelle, nor has theirrange of substrate affinities been confirmed.

Within the microsporidian E. cuniculi fourMCF proteins have been identified based onsequence analysis of the recently publishedgenome; of these four proteins, only one local-izes to the mitosome (113). It is thought that • Mitochondrion-Related Organelles in Eukaryotic Protists 421


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this carrier protein actually supplies ATP fromthe cytosol to the mitosome, presumably forFe-S cluster formation (113). This MCFprotein is phylogenetically related toNAD/NADP+ MCF members, but bio-chemical characterization demonstrated thatit actually carried ADP/ATP. This findingillustrates the importance of biochemicalstudies on highly divergent organisms—initialbioinformatic analyses can prove misleadingas to the actual function of proteins that havehad many years to diverge from their originalpurpose within the cell.

Unclassified Membrane Proteins

Hydrogenosomes, mitosomes, and MLOs dif-fer markedly from mitochondria despite theirmultiple similarities. Therefore, many translo-cases that may have been shared by the progen-itor organelle may have been lost or become sodivergent as to be unrecognizable by bioinfor-matic analyses alone. In addition, novel proteinsthat play key roles in the biogenesis of these or-ganelles also may have arisen. For example, inthe hydrogenosome of T. vaginalis an integralmembrane protein of 35 kDa, Hmp35, has apredicted secondary structure similar to pore-forming proteins (30). Hmp35 lacks any strongsimilarity to any other proteins, and its originand exact function remain enigmatic. Hmp35can be cross-linked to exogenous ferredoxinduring import into the hydrogenosome (30),suggesting it is a novel transport protein. Ex-periments on other cryptic organelles will likelyidentify additional unique transport proteins orcarriers that do not have ancestors found in mi-tochondria. Such studies will clarify the evolu-tionary paths taken by these organelles as well asprovide further clues to decipher the metabolicroles played by these organelles.


The overwhelming evidence points to a singleendosymbiotic event producing both themitochondrion and the related organelles,

hydrogenosomes, mitosomes, and MLOs.However, the exact timing of this eventremains unknown. It is unlikely that mito-somes and the T. vaginalis hydrogenosomesdeveloped from a full-fledged mitochondrion.It is possible that the lineages containing theseorganelles diverged from other eukaryoteswhile the endosymbiont was still in the processof transitioning to an organelle. On the basis ofseveral phylogenies, it is still generally acceptedthat T. vaginalis and G. lamblia are deeply di-vergent eukaryotes. Thus, their organellesare likely to have acquired or retained uniqueproperties, some of which may be essentialfor their biogenesis and metabolic functions.It may also be appropriate to view these or-ganelles as degenerate mitochondria, as is oftenargued. However, current data indicate theirdifferences relative to mitochondria are likelygreater than their similarities. Future studiesaimed at better defining the proteins presentin these unusual organelles and the metabolicproperties attributed to them are likely tounlock additional novel biological secrets.

One can also speculate why T. vaginalishydrogenosomes either retained or devel-oped novel metabolic pathways, whereasin mitosome-containing organisms mostmetabolic processes appear to have beentransferred to the cytosol or lost altogether.These adaptations occurred subsequent tothe transfer of endosymbiotic genes to thenuclear genome of all of these organisms, withthe consequent development of N-terminaltargeting sequences, at least for some proteinstargeted to these organelles. Whether thesesequences are typically sufficient to directproteins to any of these organelles is nowquestionable. Clearly, more in-depth studiesare needed to sort out mechanisms involved inprotein sorting per se.

The unifying features of mitochondria,mitosomes, MLOs, and hydrogenosomes aresparse. Thus far, Fe-S cluster assembly is thesingle metabolic process that links almost allthese organelles, with the presence of Cpn60also a unifying feature. Limited conserva-tion of the translocase machinery, presequence

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processing peptidase complex, and the chaper-onins required for refolding translocated pro-teins is also evident. The retention of Cpn60in all these organelles is intriguing, particu-larly in light of the general trend for the or-ganelles to undergo reduction and divergence.This would point to an indispensable role forCpn60. However, Cpn10, which is essential forCpn60 function in mitochondria (63, 119), hasbeen found only in the E. histolytica mitosome,and the genes for both cpn60 and cpn10 are ab-sent in microsporidia (58).

Energy production was postulated to be thedriving force behind retention of the endosym-biotic eubacterium, but research conductedover the past 15 years on these mitochondrion-related organelles precludes energy metabolismas the sole factor in selection for organelleretention. ATP appears to be no longer (ifever) produced in all described mitosomes, andin the case of E. cuniculi and potentially others,ATP may actually be supplied to the mitosomes(113). Why then do these remnant organellescontinue to sequester at least part of the path-way involved in Fe-S cluster production? Is itthe requirement for a membrane potential in

maturation of Fe-S proteins that can be main-tained within the double membranes of theseorganelles? It is unknown why Fe-S clusterformation appears to be tied to an organelle, orwhy it remains localized to mitosomes that lackan apparent membrane potential. Are thereadditional, unknown requirements for Fe-Sassembly? Furthermore, for hydrogenosomesand mitosomes that have a membrane potential,virtually nothing is known about how this po-tential is generated. The elaborate innermembrane complexes that generate membranepotential in classical mitochondria are absent;thus other mechanisms must be at play.What are these mechanisms, and are theyconserved across these unusual organelles? Orhave different organelles acquired differentmechanisms?

Recent research on mitochondrion-relatedorganelles in unicellular protists has greatly ex-panded our understanding of the evolution andfunction of eukaryotic organelles. As answersemerge, even more questions arise, laying afoundation for future studies that promisesto reveal further unexpected, biologicalpuzzles.


1. All eukaryotes appear to contain either a mitochondrion, a hydrogenosome, a mitosome,or a mitochondrion-like organelle (MLO), all of which resulted from a single, ancient,endosymbiotic event.

2. Hydrogenosomes arose independently in a number of lineages and are diverse organellesunified by their ability to produce molecular hydrogen.

3. Mitosomes are highly reduced organelles that appear to contribute little metabolicallyto their host cells.

4. Independent loss and gain of metabolic functions in mitochondria, hydrogenosomes,mitosomes, and MLOs that have evolved in different biological niches have resulted insubstantial differentiation and diversification.

5. The only known pathway common to mitochondria, hydrogenosomes, mitosomes, andMLOs is Fe-S cluster assembly, a process that is vital to cell survival.

6. Certain critical aspects of organellar biogenesis are conserved on the genetic level be-tween mitochondria, hydrogenosomes, and mitosomes, including targeting presequencesthat are cleaved by processing peptidases, translocase machinery, and some carrier familyproteins. • Mitochondrion-Related Organelles in Eukaryotic Protists 423


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The authors are not aware of any affiliations, memberships, funding, or financial holdings thatmight be perceived as affecting the objectivity of this review.


We thank members of our laboratory and Dr. Graham Clark for thoughtful comments onthis manuscript. AMS is supported by the NIH Microbial Pathogenesis Training Grant (T32A1007323) and an NIH NRSA Post-Doctoral Fellowship (F32 A1080084). Work in the Johnsonlaboratory is supported by grants from the NIH (R37 A127857 and R01 A1069058). Our apologiesto those whose work was not included due to space limitations.


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Annual Review ofMicrobiology

Volume 64, 2010 Contents

Conversations with a PsychiatristL. Nicholas Ornston � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 1

Vaccines to Prevent Infections by OncovirusesJohn T. Schiller and Douglas R. Lowy � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �23

TonB-Dependent Transporters: Regulation, Structure, and FunctionNicholas Noinaj, Maude Guillier, Travis J. Barnard, and Susan K. Buchanan � � � � � � � � � � �43

Genomes in Conflict: Maintaining Genome Integrity During VirusInfectionMatthew D. Weitzman, Caroline E. Lilley, and Mira S. Chaurushiya � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �61

DNA Viruses: The Really Big Ones (Giruses)James L. Van Etten, Leslie C. Lane, and David D. Dunigan � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �83

Signaling Mechanisms of HAMP Domains in Chemoreceptors andSensor KinasesJohn S. Parkinson � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 101

Viruses, microRNAs, and Host InteractionsRebecca L. Skalsky and Bryan R. Cullen � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 123

Basis of Virulence in Community-Associated Methicillin-ResistantStaphylococcus aureusMichael Otto � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 143

Biological Functions and Biogenesis of Secreted Bacterial OuterMembrane VesiclesAdam Kulp and Meta J. Kuehn � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 163

Structure, Function, and Evolution of Linear Replicons in BorreliaGeorge Chaconas and Kerri Kobryn � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 185

Intracellular Lifestyles and Immune Evasion Strategies ofUropathogenic Escherichia coliDavid A. Hunstad and Sheryl S. Justice � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 203

Bacterial Shape: Two-Dimensional Questions and PossibilitiesKevin D. Young � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 223



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Page 23: Mitochondrion-Related Organelles in Eukaryotic Protists€¦ · driate eukaryotic cells. This would imply that the characteristic features of a eukaryotic cell such as a nucleus and

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Organelle-Like Membrane Compartmentalization of Positive-StrandRNA Virus Replication FactoriesJohan A. den Boon and Paul Ahlquist � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 241

Noise and Robustness in Prokaryotic Regulatory NetworksRafael Silva-Rocha and Vıctor de Lorenzo � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 257

Genetic Diversity among Offspring from Archived Salmonella entericassp. enterica Serovar Typhimurium (Demerec Collection): In Searchof Survival StrategiesAbraham Eisenstark � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 277

Letting Sleeping dos Lie: Does Dormancy Play a Role in Tuberculosis?Michael C. Chao and Eric J. Rubin � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 293

Mechanosensitive Channels in MicrobesChing Kung, Boris Martinac, and Sergei Sukharev � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 313

Mycobacteriophages: Genes and GenomesGraham F. Hatfull � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 331

Persister CellsKim Lewis � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 357

Use of Fluorescence Microscopy to Study Intracellular Signaling inBacteriaDavid Kentner and Victor Sourjik � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 373

Bacterial MicrocompartmentsCheryl A. Kerfeld, Sabine Heinhorst, and Gordon C. Cannon � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 391

Mitochondrion-Related Organelles in Eukaryotic ProtistsApril M. Shiflett and Patricia J. Johnson � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 409

Stealth and Opportunism: Alternative Lifestyles of Species in theFungal Genus PneumocystisMelanie T. Cushion and James R. Stringer � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 431

How to Make a Living by Exhaling MethaneJames G. Ferry � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 453

CRISPR/Cas System and Its Role in Phage-Bacteria InteractionsHelene Deveau, Josiane E. Garneau, and Sylvain Moineau � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 475

Molecular Insights into Burkholderia pseudomallei and Burkholderiamallei PathogenesisEdouard E. Galyov, Paul J. Brett, and David DeShazer � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 495

Unique Centipede Mechanism of Mycoplasma GlidingMakoto Miyata � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 519

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Page 24: Mitochondrion-Related Organelles in Eukaryotic Protists€¦ · driate eukaryotic cells. This would imply that the characteristic features of a eukaryotic cell such as a nucleus and

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Bacterial Sensor Kinases: Diversity in the Recognition ofEnvironmental SignalsTino Krell, Jesus Lacal, Andreas Busch, Hortencia Silva-Jimenez,Marıa-Eugenia Guazzaroni, and Juan Luis Ramos � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 539

Iron-Oxidizing Bacteria: An Environmental and Genomic PerspectiveDavid Emerson, Emily J. Fleming, and Joyce M. McBeth � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 561

Fungi, Hidden in Soil or Up in the Air: Light Makes a DifferenceJulio Rodriguez-Romero, Maren Hedtke, Christian Kastner, Sylvia Muller,and Reinhard Fischer � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 585


Cumulative Index of Contributing Authors, Volumes 60–64 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 611


An online log of corrections to Annual Review of Microbiology articles may be found at

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