mmam^^^xms^ - · pt&e...

I AiiLLSHED MAY, 1895 \2 PAGE: Mmam^^^xmS^ •' \t?m& \<> \X\ . N. MANASSAS, y A , ] ^ £ A T ^ M A I ^1914 11.00 A TEAK IN AD^ANCK AN ATTRACriVi: COUNTRY BftME HON. R. W ALTON MOORE ELECTED TO CONGRESS County Agent BrlngH Att«ntk>a to Btaaties of Prince Wflr Uam Country life. <R. G. Koiner, Corunty Agent) On the theory that it is wiser to commend efficiency and sue c«ss than to knock, incompetence and failure we "will offer some observations again this week on another farm eisso located on the Carolina road in Gainesville dis- trict, about two miles liorth of Haymarket, While the owner of this 150- acre faita, Mr. A. W. Amphlett, is a native of old Englana>4t be- c a m e hia^ ^ o o d fortane in ^e course of hunstoavents to marry a Pennsylvaniat girl; and now that he is so substantially and vitally tied up with Virginia soil and a girl from the Keystone State his Americanism can no longer be said t» be "hyphenat- ed." He is-simply a later ar-^ rival from the same coiigtry^that fie ancestors of nq^feF/^ us jame from in the el^f days of the Republic. * 1 SmaU Vote Recorded in Priac* WtlUam u d Thnraciioat tk« • Eighth Distriet. R. Walton Moore, of Fairfax, democratic nominee for Con- gress to fill the unexpired term of Representative Charles C. - Carliji, resigned, was elected by a large majority at the special election held Tuesday, i rough- out the (iislrict a IIv' was SUPERVISORS I 1 M ¥ . E C A. GIVES R i m A R SESSION County Board Takes Uy Mattora and Piys BiBs—AA McMbMi PraMa4 ^^..^^:P^f^-^:?'ti:!ilJ Bflgfed. many pcroono b d n ^ - ^ has travelled candidate H. ininmg engineer, '^J^^^^ -qulUified by reason, of Hot^av- e.KteDsivdym almost eve^ part ^ ^ their tax^. ot the United States and thus /JTiT •>,« ^ ,.• ty^ - acquired a wiWaequatotanceijr-^**»««9wte8oa^ both men and the natural ad- ^^1^™ comity Mr. Moor| re- vantages of the various sections, ceived 356; 71 were for Dr. F. M. And after spending considerable ^ " ^ ^ •I^'^AAO #„,. r time and money looking over thte ^ro™ Fa"1«« "fd 42 for C wide domain of Uncle Sam de- f hipman mdependent, of Lees- cided to locate-where he now re- barg, whose, name ^ not a]^ sides. The residence had been pear on the ticket f^ie vote ^ destroyed^by fire before he precincta » given eU«where m bought the farm and many of *"^4i^^*;,„ c,Sr+„ „j«+v r«n the fine trees on the beautiful. When the Stxty-mnth Con- lawn seriously damaged thereby, gress convened^^on M o i ^ , tM Before going furthest is worth eighth-congressional district had mg thit the .drawing power no representative,^ ^V^fe Prince WiUiam county wa* sometime ago annotmced that he A meeting Of the Prince Wil- liam county board of superviaon was held Tuesday at the county courthoose with the following members in attendance: J. h- Dawson, chaiiman, of OccoQuan district; J. J. Connor, Manassas district; J. T. Syncox, Du'mfries district ;McDuff Gre^, Brentsville district; O. C. Hutch- ison,. Gainesville district; w d T. M. Russell, Coles district The minutea of the previous meeting were approved, with the excei^on of the special road levy which was reduced to 25 cents on ^00, and the Manassas dis- trict road levy which .was duced t^5rcents on $100. The treasurer was instructed to pay i. L. Daws(m, paymaser, the sum of $213.60 and the sum of $682.30, charging the same to the jQlnl state and county maiir no of wfta lid lint lOialif iuffioj^enils?. _ . ..- .,., hd4'wla observing stra^fee. AA-^jrf^ Ji*»ks so; ^ijjeiwBrits of th^oldcoimty. u r f L E FOLKS AT'^PARTY Having jnade up Ms nund m somejFayta become a^-back to j , j ^ jj^^,^ ^^^^ . HoeUi» t© the lander" he became a close T«-««V T Htu. WiMidR. student of our leading farm pa- Twenty Little FrieadB. pers and agricultural bulletins. -,..., ^^-^ „„„ p«ron/? «» He faecamew well vensed in their ^ Little «»«, M»ry «yIafQ «»- t e a S g s that^me of his neigh- tertained at >. P^^Saturday- ^ h a ^ been faiown to refer to ^^^^fj^^^'^ t t ^ Sm as a "book farmer." But M^^^'J^JSLJf'r^^' hTtakes no offens^ at that be-' tend.-Theymmgpegpfepresent S^us? to experience is teaching ^,^* 7 ^ ^ ° " ? , ? T i ! ™ n f t A ^ ^rraS^J^filJh^"^^^^^^^ SSiS^outin^Vr^^^ ic'/SSiSSSclMS'fS: ^^«^^Sfl *'° ' ^~ ing air tkught through the books **» donkey game. and papers. He keeps well post- When refreshments were serv- ed on the -ques^ns of soil im- ed the guests repaired ^to the provement by"^ertiU?ers, Ume dining room, where the table was and legumes, inchidtng the^rop- beautifuUy decorated and hgf^ MITTinEHERE -f—- Snrp—fal MeiBting Held at East- A«ditarini Bptafcew, Maak and Pietoraa. MEMORIAL DAY TO BE jraSERVED ON TUESDAY Poblk ExnriaflB at Ccaetanr— U. D. C. will Serre toVatcrana A successful two days' insti- tute of the Y. M. C. A. was given on Wednesday and Thursday at Eastern Auditorium, the meet- ing being 9ne of a series of com- munity development activities held in each of the eight districts into which the stete has been di- vided. Rev. Wythe.L. Kinsolv- ing, M. A., University of Vir- ginia, was in charge. ' Rev. Dr. J. J. Lanier, of Fred- ericksburg, poet and preacher -and a cousin of Sydney -Lanier, the American poet, addressed the monung session on Wednes- day. Dr. Lanier spoke of the re-' ligious basis of the work done by the association and-the jhitber- "hood of God as the basal creed of Lieut., Foulke, U. S. A., of New Jersey, who Is temporarily in charipre of health work in Alex- andria, Rev. Mr> KIn8olving^,and Mr. Burr, specialist on runi problema, from the Virginia PoU ytBchuie Institute,—-were—the tenance fund set aside for. the speakers^ Wednesday evening, C<Hifederate Memorial Day will be observed here on Tues- day with public exercise^ at the Confederate cemetery - and a luncheon to the veterans in the Red Csoss hall, M. I. C. building. The luncheon, according to custom, wUl be served by the ladies . of ManassSss Chapter, United Daughter ol the Confed- eracy. All vstexaoB- and th«ir wives and members of the chap- ter are invited to attend. The committee in charge is composed of Mrs. W. G. Covington, chair- man, and Mrs. R. L. Byrd, Miss Louisa Moxley, Mrs. F. E. Rans- deil and Mrs.'Arthur W. Sinclair. The luncheon will begin at 12:30 o'clock and will be oVier in time for memorigd exercises at the cemetery. The public cdebration at the cemetery, begining at two o'clock ia to be iield under the atuii^es of the Ladies' Meijaorial Asso- ciation of Manassas. Dr. Bat- tle, of Charlottesville, will apeak. The program follows: Mafch to the Cemetery, 1:30 P. M.—rVeterans in automobiles, LadiW Memorial AssocHitlm and Daufi^ters of ttae^Gonfedor: maintenance of roads and bridges'buiit-under the^ Super- vision of the Stete Commission. 6. M. Davis, superintei&debt of roads for Occoquah dbtriet, waia directed to advertise for bi(^'to.fiirnish lumber to lay a new floor oa the county bridge on the bridge-road, ovw Hooe's creek', and to view and report oa the clwrn-^-Jainea A. 'SLefr Holds for~ dunageS^ used and damage to land The provisions of chapter 376 'iib. lifooCT I ?^ ^^^ ^^-f pf ^9^6- reSEnf-ta l a - ^ f e i y B y "trsManK. w ® * adopted. ^^ ' Pahner Smith, superintendent, of mads for Gaiaesvffl^ district^ in the matter of 3ie amplication sxf H. W. ReevM forLig outigt. The meeting opened with a song. ^^^ schools, scoute, isitizens. s^viee led by Mr. H. H. Quieter, ^^ ..-• I one of the state Jeadetp in masa '"«'***JT]fi£gihg, and closed ^ three «eds of moving pictonH. - Lieut. Foulke spoke of the san- itary progress of the timw, the need for elimination of mpsqui- toee and otheir peste, the inocu- lation against typhoid, the use of preventive measures, the remov- al of tin cans by puncturing ev- of the .• . I ery can used,the avoi •tar urnvd I gen«ti5oA of,flierl)y the total removid of manure heaps, the At the Cemetery: . Assenably caOed to order by Ewell Camp Conunando:, West- wObd Hutehisoii. "How Firm a Foundation." Assembly standing; U. D. Cv Ritual—Read by Rev. A. Stuart Gibson, asaemldy standing. "Jefferson Davis"—Reading by member of graded school PRIZE AWARDED TOMSSSHAVHt Wiuer hi Health Emmy Certw* ^—Newa of Gbto' Gu CWb ActivttlM. (MiH LOlUii V. (WWrt, Cooatr HMM 'At last the county agent is in a position to announce the wiur ner of the gold medal offered b^ Dr. Gillum for the best composi- tion written by a high scho<d studoit on some phase of heaMi work. Several subjecte were given the studente, they to se- lect fram the group the one pre- ferred. All the high schools ia the county took part in this CMI- test. The successful student is Misa Ruth ShavM-, Manassas, route three. Hohorable mention is given to the papers submitted by Miss Lillian Zjarjdh and Mias. Elizabeth Covingtm. Rutji is a fli-atyear studciit aad-a member DfUte Girls'Canning Club. Dem- .onstration woi^c ia to be congrat- ulated. Christine Ditrwne, of Haynuurket, who ^on in the coonty contest in— the state; healthy catednsfti work, ia « niemt>er of the Poultry Club. «1 ^*. imptovenlent in domestic sanita- xiaa of So&ff bv schools Pt&e Elssay by member oflia-1 Miss Niellie Wydj^^aewreQiry naasas-^g^ School and Confoiy S>embers< , . , , . , r-—- -^ 3«Sannt»ndeait Burr, who is a leadra ui <rf Schools, Chaa. R. MaDoBakL the boys' club for bt/tibeic agricul- ture, spoke'La thie interest of im^ reported having viewed the sit- uation on April 19 and arranged with the land owner; Peter J. Wyand, for obtaining a strip of land along the line of P. D. Lip- scomb dr "Stony Battery," for a distance of 303.5 feet from the Bfieves U« the cente»:of Mfl- fprd road, and 20 feet wide, for which the land owner iajto rcr ceive $20, to be paid by the peti- tioner for an outlet, who is tHao jtlet at his own expense. Complaint having been made to the board that the contractors in erecting the concrete road along the old Telegraph road to- proved lags, better gardens,, ^ ^ , Battle, of Charlottesville ^ —'- iar corn crops . -r and other Indl^fles, the raising of chick«is and made an appeal Manorial Day Addbreas—By Chi4>lain-in-Chief; U.^D. C-> Dr.. "Thankagiving" — -by th6 late poet laureate of Maiu»- saa Chapter, U. D. C„ i0id by for parentid «ux>uragement of jj,, Q ^ , Q. Tyler. such activities. Rev. Mr. ^insolving, spoke of the influence of Christ on the so- lution of jHToblems economi^ciy- '^^, sodid and ia' asked if a man cmtent with bad iwadSj-haa scworago endanger- ing human life,, poor houses. The Last RoU CalL Placing of wreaths and strew- ing id. flowors. Prayo-—By Rev. T. D. D. —CtlTTSIfflEROIEKT ' »<wiBg' Regniar Seariatt pavemente and streete is reaUy j a ^ E«c«tiv* Session. Peat- * chriatian, if- the mnging Q^ »»««» »»«pv*w »; B " " -. hymns- or work for a broker man has more of Christ's siarit, if religion-means anything at all i At an executive session of the if it does npt save from selfish-!Town Council, which met Mon- ness and diwegatd of-better con- day evening at the Town Hall, er inoculation of each Icim^thfe ed with eandles and lad^ witt ^^rd Chappawamsic creek are ditions for everyone in our com^ section twentynaine of the town latter. good thmgs to eat.- warrww ^ot propeirly maintaining the de-jnjynjtjg^. jg ^ good Samaritan ordinances, which relates to the The farm ia well supplied with pink ribbons, issuing trom an ^^y^ jj^^^g the portions underj^gj^^gu^'o^f n^i^ jg thereUg- penalty for carrying concealed livestock, including horses, about immense pie of pink tissue jja^ cbastruction, causing unneces- JQUS pharisee who uses Sunday weapons, was amended, the fine a dozen cows, and an attractive per, ran to each plate, ^ d when g^ry ^jfpejis^ to traffic in having - ^ - - -, .. .,^--.^-_«.A bunch £d iiQ&s that were enjoy- at a signal from the hostess, the tp bcMHed out of the mud, the in«r flfe grazing on tTie tender "pte was opeued^^ a tug Tronr* superintendent of roads was di- grass of a pasturefield in full every end of nbbon, ^ch little ^ected by the boud to present view of the house. This is a guest found a box of chocola^ to the contractors a copy of an good place to say that apparent- The favors were flag_fw tee Q^^,. reqinrinar that the "fip ly too many fanrters forget that boys and Japanese pararols^or the hog is a grazing animal. He the girls. , will not make hia-eatom living Among the little gueste were: by grazing like a steer but will Rose and Jack RatcUffe, Preston make a large part of it and that and Ruth Lyon< Katherine the irtost economicarpart. It Smith. Elizabeth Sinclair, Billy will be wise to seriously consider Camper, Anne Davies, John Hen- what steps are necessary to i?et ry Burke, "Katharine Cannon, all the pigs out ol the little dirty Christina Austin, Ruth and Elia- pens onto tjw ground where they abeth Hutchison, Laura Beach- can ^atherlheirown iood^ and lej, Elvere Conner, Olivia Athey thus makethem pay you for the and Rebecca Lunsfbrd, priv.iej?e of" working for you. The sipht of the pretty White H^^-andotte chickens running at in great profusion on the fine BTeen sod of the orchard for . a back ground was one not soon '• tr-> be forgotti^n. An offer of SVM for eleven-week-old chicks LITTLE FOLKS T© STAR May Festival Witt Be Qknm Wednesday Evening^ tours" be kept in pn^ier condi- tion so as to permit traffic to pass along the road, and that in the event anyone become* stall- ed or mired, the eontractora shfll pun out, or asaiaf in so do- ing, without cost, all persons so ufe after th« war. mired by reasoirtrf the "detours' not being in good traveling con- dition : It was further ordered in thp fwj* t.h*^ contractors fail or refuse to comply freely "with this order, the road super- intendeai shall make eemplaint before nse proper Omee lor -a warrant against -tte—parties guilty of obstructing the high- way bv wftfi oromptlv dgflined.- IMien. - ^ - „,-,i.j iiihrini i the The May festival to be given the primary de^Murtment. of -v-r niens of these birds come to "J*'^ postponed on account ^ '"^. """'"T""'^] :r they will surely attract ^^^^\^^ ^.Jher will be held mVf'!]^\ ^£j'^ the lawn of Hennett School Wed-; ne.sciay e\t'r..ns: at 6:30 o'clock.; \ verv ..-TdCtive ..ry..::. I'li tiy Miss r, ..iai of ;he primary depart- -ai«*at_uw-pLi..i£i'am conaiatms: of - 'njrs. recUft'tfin.s. a rlramati^.a- : ,,in. hiKjp drill. Ma>-p^iie dance .:•-' manv >ther r.-trac; lon,^ .on. he owner of ini.^ > interested in rhe The treasurer was instructed to tran.Hfer the sum of $357.23 fromthe reconstruction fund to maln'tenanceTiind, and to it to the county jnd a check for |300 from Miss illian V (Gilbert, county home demonstration agefit. In return nt of :-..:i\ ( •nde t'; -A' :arm ) . t 5 - IT' ;h. -•a' P''°«^\7^^^tfor the money adv«m*d during 1918 for thje purchase of cans for the canning clubs of the county. k resolution was passed ac- ceptinjr and approving the esti- mat+'ft for the hijrhway .<iy8tera ' mr^'c. ,.t \e Cf .: •; -i.* " ;mi.<hed by lati ,. ^h\*a> I ommission- r, ; :• ;t-.str.(r the ci^mmis- er' ' "em in --eu > '1 .. M- nnr: '•- only for church going and do^ being not less than $20 nor more not aid in the uplift of civic life than $100, with forfeiture of the about Yam a true Christian at weapon, and an increase was ord- i^t ered in the salaries of the men Mr. Kinsolving, who spent sev- employed *at.Jhe town water, eral mentha in France aata Y. M._ygl»t and power ^xA, - C. A. secretary and was imdori The Public UtiHfieiB conmut- fire (MJ the French front, led a i tee was authorized to contract Chlb Aethritks. Clubs organized during the last two months: NokesviUe—Miss Flete WH- kins, president; Miss Peari Gris- 80, secretary-; 22 members; club leader, Mrs. Raym<Hid Free, Jr. Aden-^Masfer Claud Ylory*- president; Misa Frances Wood, secretary; 10 membra; cbtb leader, Mias Pearl Shafl^. Willing Workers," Briatow-* Miss Welbe Lawyer t>residentr nr .^JOng"*^ CcQB* Roads —Ifiaa Gbd^ Herring, secretary; t membera; club leader, Mia^ Glary Herring. Bethel—Miss Audrey Calvert, president;—Maa Aline—Davia,- secretary; 13. aainnbers; etab leader. lOai E w Kidwell. WdodttiBe—Miss Dorothy Meririll, president; Miss Mae HUl, secretary; 7 members; club leader. Miss Dorotfagr Merrill. Th^se clubs are getting busy— idl wtttt to get the club bssmer offered by the Washington Star Io~the eliib in the^coonfy min- ing the best report at the end of the year. This report wHl be t*lfon fmm th^ «eCT»»t*ry'« book. The banner is naado of .fclfe l»- ^^ 'v; •T^- five fe^.k>ag and three feet wide and In our stete agriculturaT colors. Two more clubs are to be or- -ganized in the county, Hkymar-_ ket and Manassas, and thpe we J^fipe to get orgianized this week^ Letter Reemved by AMne Davis. -__ Washington, D. C, forutn at the day s«aipn on cer- tain economic and civic qaestiona connected with the returned sd- dier and las entry into elvihan Mr. Kinsolving, Mr. Schueler and Mr. Toy, another Y. M C. A secretary* visited the schools and had excellent luni sinfiiig,: w^ enlivened Interaat of taadi- ers and schelws. ^ omoAL von er MHMCB WIL- UAM- COmPTT, MAT Z7. U l * M. & S. Hickory Qnw* 9 .— - Catharpia VI J WU«t«aU 4- 4 Haymarkat nriwBwirh , -2B- Nokaavflla BrMitrvtUa 29 n Wellinstait . Indepandaht Tatcan -Hort.nn- Ho*J^ley jm-Miuan Hm IM u n 4 12 22 S 47 3 Bay 10, lyiy. Dear Miss Davis:—^The box came and we tried the string beans tonight. Tixy were deh- cioua. My family thought they were fresh beans, they had so much better flavor than the freah beans that we have had lat^; so, of course, this fall I want and $i>0 per month, reaplWliVd^. I some string beans. What ia tfie with Frank Nickens and Allen WHUams and another to be em- ployed, and to pay them $80, $jS5 The regular .meeting o^ the T^w?T!oui»cir, set for last Moo- diur night, was postpoaad to tiw first Monday in June. ^ LUTHERAN SOCUTT MEETS Yang Girfa Are of Miaa Gioftoiy The Lutheran Young Girls' Society, recently organized at Bethel Lutheran Church, met at the home of Miss Editti Gregory on Thtiyiday Of last weeic Tftcj meeting was called to order by Ifie presideiit;^ Mies "lOqreJe Gregorj, who read the eighth *^-*"'-4chaiJtertrf-Samuel I, after which « the roH was caHed by the secre- 4a{tary, Mias Adah Wearich, and dues were collected by the treas- price of them? Your ^eans are the first can beaaa I have ever tasted that we enjoyed. I have purchased ev- ery good brand but did not find tbem satisfactory. We are looking forward to sampling the tAnatoee. As soon as you eaa, wouM yea irieaae send me a list of wbatycai "can" and also the price of c*ch So that I may decide about my ordo' for fall? '^P? Letter Hatetrei by Mr. Koiner. - ' - — May 1©, 1^1«. Mr. R. G. Koiner. Mariassaa.Va. Dear Sir:—1 leam through Miss Gilbert that you have se- cured the two pigs for F.ciwaj- from Miss Johnson Now > ^t ia the price of them " \s t :• gie wants to finance i n - dea. her brother Edg-a:-. " ^' urer. The secretery reported sixteen j Johnson take a r membera d»4he«»llaxui two new j for thern "^r wui fseaibers were added. The meet-, ? Ge.-r^ie "- injr closed with the Lord's tron-. ner ~ Pra'. . r 'Jie- • -' >.. 1l

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Page 1: Mmam^^^xmS^ - · Pt&e Elssay by member oflia-1 Miss Niellie Wydj^^aewreQiry naasas-^g^ School and Confoiy S>embers


\2 PAGE: Mmam^^^xmS^ •' \t?m&

\<> \X\ . N. MANASSAS, y A , ] ^ £ A T ^ M A I ^ 1 9 1 4 11.00 A TEAK IN AD^ANCK




County Agent BrlngH Att«ntk>a

to Btaat ies of Prince Wflr

Uam Country l i f e .

<R. G. Koiner, Corunty Agent) On the theory that it is wiser

to commend efficiency and s u e c«ss than to knock, incompetence and failure we "will offer some observations again this week on another farm eisso located on the Carolina road in Gainesville dis­trict, about two miles liorth of Haymarket,

While the owner of this 150-acre faita, Mr. A. W. Amphlett, is a native of old Englana>4t be­came hia^ o o d fortane in ^ e course of hunstoavents to marry a Pennsylvaniat g ir l ; and now that he is so substantially and vitally tied up with Virginia soil and a girl f r o m the Keystone State his Americanism can no longer be said t» be "hyphenat­ed." He i s - s imply a later ar- rival from the same coiigtry^that

fie ancestors of nq^feF /^ us jame from in the e l ^ f days of the Republic. * 1

SmaU Vote Recorded in Priac* WtlUam u d Thnraciioat tk« •

Eighth Distriet.

R. Walton Moore, of Fairfax, democratic nominee for Con­gress to fill the unexpired term of Representative Charles C. -Carliji, resigned, was elected by a large majority at the special election held Tuesday, i • rough-out the (iislrict a IIv' was


County Board Takes Uy

Mattora and P i y s BiBs—AA

McMbMi PraMa4

^ ^ . . ^ ^ : P ^ f ^ - ^ : ? ' t i : ! i l J Bflgfed. many pcroono b d n ^ - ^ has travelled

candidate H.

ininmg engineer, '^J^^^^ -qulUified by reason, of Hot^av-e.KteDsivdym almost e v e ^ part ^ ^ their t a x ^ . ot the United States and thus / J T i T •>,« ^ ,.• ty^ -acquired a w i W a e q u a t o t a n c e i j r - ^ * * » « « 9 w t e 8 o a ^ both men and the natural ad- ^ ^ 1 ^ ™ comity Mr. M o o r | re-vantages of the various sections, ceived 356; 71 were for Dr. F. M. And after spending considerable ^ " ^ ^ •I^'^AAO #„,. r time and money looking over thte ^ro™ Fa"1«« "fd 42 for C wide domain of Uncle Sam de- f hipman mdependent, of Lees-cided to locate-where he now re- barg, whose, name ^ not a ] ^ sides. The residence had been pear on the t i cke t f^ ie vote ^ des troyed^by fire before he precincta » given eU«where m bought the farm and many of * " ^ 4 i ^ ^ * ; , „ c,Sr+„ „j«+v r « n the fine trees on the beautiful . When the Stxty-mnth Con-lawn seriously damaged thereby, gress convened^^on M o i ^ , t M Before going f u r t h e s t is worth eighth-congressional district had

mg t h i t t h e .drawing power no r e p r e s e n t a t i v e , ^ ^ V ^ f e Prince WiUiam county w a * sometime ago annotmced that he

A meeting Of the Prince Wil­liam county board of superviaon was held Tuesday at the county courthoose with the following members in attendance:

J. h- Dawson, chaiiman, of OccoQuan district; J. J. Connor, Manassas district; J. T. Syncox, Du'mfries district ;McDuff G r e ^ , Brentsville district; O. C. Hutch-ison,. Gainesville district; w d T. M. Russell, Coles d is tr ic t

The minutea of the previous meeting w e r e approved, with the excei^on of the special road levy which was reduced to 25 cents on ^ 0 0 , and the Manassas dis­trict road levy which .was duced t ^ 5 r c e n t s on $100.

The treasurer was instructed to pay i. L. Daws(m, paymaser, the sum of $213.60 and the sum of $682.30, charging the same to the jQlnl state and county maiir

no of wfta

lid lint lOialif iuffioj^enils?. _ . . . - .,., h d 4 ' w l a observing stra^fee. A A - ^ j r f ^ J i * » k s so;

^ i j j e i w B r i t s of t h ^ o l d c o i m t y . u r f L E FOLKS A T ' ^ P A R T Y Having jnade up Ms nund m

s o m e j F a y t a become a^-back to j , j ^ jj^^,^ ^^^^ . H o e U i » t© the lander" he became a close T « - « « V T Htu. WiMidR. student of our leading farm pa- Twenty Little FrieadB. pers and agricultural bulletins. -,..., ^^-^ „ „ „ p«ron/? «» He faecamew well vensed in their ^ Little « » « , M»ry «yIafQ «»-t e a S g s t h a t ^ m e of his neigh- tertained a t >. P ^ ^ S a t u r d a y -^ h a ^ been faiown t o refer to ^ ^ ^ ^ f j ^ ^ ^ ' ^ t t ^ S m as a "book farmer." But M ^ ^ ^ ' J ^ J S L J f ' r ^ ^ ' h T t a k e s no offens^ a t that be-' tend.-Theymmgpegpfepresent

S^us? to experience is teaching ^ , ^ * 7 ^ ^ ° " ? , ? T i ! ™ n f t A ^

rraS J filJh " ^^^^^^ SSiS^outin^Vr^^^ ic'/SSiSSSclMS'fS: ^ ^ « ^ ^ S f l *'° ' ^ ~

ing air tkught through the books **» donkey game. and papers. He keeps well post- When refreshments were serv­ed on the - q u e s ^ n s of soil im- ed the guests repaired to the provement by"^ertiU?ers, Ume dining room, where the table was and legumes, inchidtng the^rop- beautifuUy decorated and h g f ^


S n r p — f a l MeiBting Held a t East-

A«d i tar in i Bptafcew,

Maak and Pietoraa.



Poblk ExnriaflB at Ccaetanr— U . D . C. will Serre


A successful two days' insti­tute of the Y. M. C. A. was given on Wednesday and Thursday at Eastern Auditorium, the meet­ing being 9ne of a series of com­munity development activities held in each of the eight districts into which the stete has been di­vided. Rev. Wythe .L . Kinsolv-ing, M. A., University of Vir­ginia, was in charge.

' Rev. Dr. J. J. Lanier, of Fred­ericksburg, poet and preacher -and a cousin of Sydney -Lanier, the American poet, addressed the monung session on Wednes­day. Dr. Lanier spoke of the re-' ligious basis of the work done by the association and- the jhitber-

"hood of God as the basal creed of

Lieut., Foulke, U. S. A., of New Jersey, who Is temporarily in charipre of health work in Alex­andria, Rev. Mr> KIn8olving^,and Mr. Burr, specialist on r u n i problema, from the Virginia PoU ytBchuie Institute,—-were—the

tenance fund set aside for. t h e speakers^ Wednesday evening,

C<Hifederate Memorial Day will be observed here on Tues­day with public exercise^ at the Confederate cemetery - and a luncheon to the veterans in the Red Csoss hall, M. I. C. building.

The luncheon, according to custom, wUl be served by the ladies . of ManassSss Chapter, United D a u g h t e r o l the Confed­eracy. All vstexaoB- and th«ir wives and members of the chap­ter are invited to attend. The committee in charge is composed of Mrs. W. G. Covington, chair­man, and Mrs. R. L. Byrd, Miss Louisa Moxley, Mrs. F. E. Rans-deil and Mrs.'Arthur W. Sinclair.

The luncheon will begin at 12:30 o'clock and will be oVier in time for memorigd exercises at the cemetery.

The public cdebration at the cemetery, begining at two o'clock ia to be i ie ld under the atui i^es of the Ladies' Meijaorial Asso­ciation of Manassas. Dr. Bat­tle, of Charlottesville, will apeak.

The program follows: Mafch to the Cemetery, 1:30

P. M.—rVeterans in automobiles, LadiW Memorial AssocHitlm and Daufi^ters of ttae^Gonfedor:

maintenance of r o a d s a n d bridges'bui i t -under the^ Super­vision o f the Ste te Commission.

6 . M. Davis , superintei&debt of roads for Occoquah dbtriet , waia directed to advertise for bi(^'to.f i irnish lumber to lay a new floor oa the county bridge on the bridge-road, o v w Hooe's creek', and to view and report oa the c lwrn-^-Jainea A. 'SLefr Holds f or~ dunageS^ used and damage to land

The provisions of chapter 376 ' i ib . lifooCT I ?^ ^^^ ^^-f pf ^9^6- r e S E n f - t a

l a - ^ f e i y B y "trsManK. w ® * adopted. ^ ^ ' Pahner Smith, superintendent,

of mads for Gaiaesvffl^ district^ in the matter of 3 i e amplication sxf H. W. ReevM forLig outigt.

The meeting opened wi th a song. ^^^ schools, scoute, isitizens. s ^ v i e e led by Mr. H. H. Quieter,

^^ . . - • I one of the state Jeadetp in masa '"«'***JT]fi£gihg, and closed ^ three

« e d s of moving pictonH. - Lieut. Foulke spoke of t h e san­

itary progress of the t i m w , the need for elimination o f mpsqui-toee and otheir peste, t h e inocu­lation against typhoid, the use of preventive measures, the remov­al of tin cans by puncturing ev-

s» of the .• . I ery can used,the avoi •tar urnvd I gen«t i5oA of , f l i er l )y the total

removid of manure heaps, the

At the Cemetery: . Assenably caOed to order by

Ewell Camp Conunando:, West-wObd Hutehisoii.

"How Firm a Foundation." Assembly standing;

U. D . Cv Ritual—Read by Rev. A. Stuart Gibson, asaemldy standing.

"Jefferson Davis"—Reading by member of graded school


W i u e r hi Health Emmy Cer tw*

^ — N e w a of Gbto' G u

CWb ActivttlM.

(MiH LOlUii V. (WWrt, Cooatr H M M

' A t last the county agent is in a position to announce the wiur ner of the gold medal offered b ^ Dr. Gillum for the best composi­tion written by a high scho<d s t u d o i t on some phase of heaMi work. Several subjecte were given the studente, they to se­lect fram the group the one pre­ferred. All the h igh schools i a the county took part in this CMI-test.

The successful student is Misa Ruth ShavM-, Manassas, route three. Hohorable mention is given to the papers submitted by Miss Lillian Zjarjdh and Mias. Elizabeth Covingtm. Rutji is a fli-atyear studciit aad-a member DfUte Girls'Canning Club. Dem-.onstration woi^c ia to be congrat­ulated. Christine Ditrwne, of Haynuurket, who ^ o n in t h e coonty contest in— the state; healthy catednsfti work, ia « niemt>er of the Poultry Club.



imptovenlent in domestic sanita- xiaa of

So&ff b v schools Pt&e Elssay by member o f l i a - 1 Miss Niellie Wydj^^aewreQiry

n a a s a s - ^ g ^ School and Confoiy S>embers<

, . , , . , r-—- - ^ 3«Sannt»ndeait Burr, who is a leadra ui <rf Schools, Chaa. R. MaDoBakL

the boys' club for bt/tibeic agricul­ture, spoke'La thie interest of im^

reported having viewed the sit­uation on April 19 and arranged with the land owner; Peter J. Wyand, for obtaining a strip of land along the line of P. D. Lip­scomb dr "Stony Battery," for a distance of 303.5 feet from the Bfieves U« the cente»:of Mfl-fprd road, and 20 feet wide, for which t h e land owner ia j to rcr ceive $20, to be paid by the peti­tioner for an outlet, who is tHao

jtlet at his own expense.

Complaint having been made to the board that the contractors in erecting the concrete road along the old Telegraph road to-

proved lags, better gardens,, ^ ^ , Battle, of Charlottesville ^ • — ' - iar corn crops — . -r

and other Ind l^f l e s , the raising of ch ick«is and made an appeal

Manorial Day Addbreas—By Chi4>lain-in-Chief; U.^D. C-> Dr..

"Thankagiving" — -by th6 late poet laureate of Maiu»-saa Chapter, U. D . C„ i 0 i d by

for parentid «ux>uragement of j j , , Q ^ , Q . Tyler. such activities.

Rev. Mr. ^insolving, spoke of the influence of Christ on the so­lution of jHToblems economi^ciy-

' ^ ^ , sodid and i a ' asked if a man c m t e n t with bad iwadSj-haa scworago endanger-ing human life,, poor houses.

The Last RoU CalL Placing of wreaths and strew­

ing id. flowors. Prayo-—By Rev . T. D . D.

— C t l T T S I f f l E R O I E K T

' »<wiBg' Regniar Seariatt

pavemente and streete is reaUy j a ^ E « c « t i v * Session. Peat-* chriatian, if- the mnging Q^ »»««» »»«pv*w »; B " " - . hymns- or work for a b r o k e r man has more of Christ's siarit, if religion-means anything at all i At an executive session of the if it does npt save from selfish-!Town Council, which met Mon-ness and diwegatd of-better con- day evening at the Town Hall,

er inoculation of each I c i m ^ t h f e ed with eandles and l a d ^ w i t t ^^rd Chappawamsic creek are ditions for everyone in our com^ section twentynaine of the town latter. good thmgs to eat.- warrww ^ot propeirly maintaining the de-jnjynjtjg^. jg ^ good Samaritan ordinances, which relates to the

The farm ia well supplied with pink ribbons, issuing trom an ^^y^ jj^^^g the portions underj^gj^^gu^'o^f n^i^ jg thereUg- penalty for carrying concealed livestock, including horses, about immense pie of pink t issue jja^ cbastruction, causing unneces- JQUS pharisee who uses Sunday weapons, was amended, the fine a dozen cows, and an attractive per, ran to each plate, ^ d when g^ry ^jfpejis^ to traffic in having - ^ - - • - , . . . , ^ - - . ^ - _ « . A bunch £d iiQ&s that were enjoy- at a signal from the hostess , the tp b c M H e d out of the mud, the in«r flfe grazing on tTie tender "pte w a s o p e u e d ^ ^ a t u g Tronr* superintendent of roads was di-grass of a pasturef ie ld in full every end of nbbon, ^ c h little ^ected by the b o u d to present view of the house. This is a guest found a box of c h o c o l a ^ to the contractors a copy of an good place to say that apparent- The favors were flag_fw tee Q ^ ^ , . reqinrinar that the "fip ly too many fanrters forget that boys and Japanese pararo ls^or the hog is a grazing animal. He the girls. , will not make hia-eatom living Among the little gueste were: by grazing like a steer but will Rose and Jack RatcUffe, Preston make a large part of it and that and Ruth Lyon< Katherine the irtost economicarpart . It Smith. Elizabeth Sinclair, Bil ly will be wise to seriously consider Camper, Anne Davies, John Hen-what steps are necessary to i?et ry Burke, "Katharine Cannon, all the pigs out o l the little dirty Christina Austin, Ruth and Elia-pens onto tjw ground where they abeth Hutchison, Laura Beach-can ^ a t h e r l h e i r o w n iood^ and l e j , Elvere Conner, Olivia Athey thus m a k e t h e m pay you for the and Rebecca Lunsfbrd, priv.iej?e of" working for you. The sipht of the pretty White H^^-andotte chickens running a t in great profusion on the fine BTeen sod of the orchard for . a back ground was one not soon '• tr-> be forgotti^n. An offer of SVM for eleven-week-old chicks


May Festival Witt Be Qknm Wednesday Evening^

tours" be kept in pn^ier condi­tion so as to permit traffic to pass along the road, and that in the event anyone become* stall­ed or mired, the eontractora shfll pun out, or asaiaf in so do-ing, without cost, all persons so ufe a f t e r th« war. mired by reasoirtrf the "detours' not being in good traveling con­dition : It was further ordered

in thp f w j * t.h* contractors fail or refuse to comply freely "with this order, the road super-intendeai shall make eemplaint before nse proper Omee lor -a warrant against - t t e — p a r t i e s guilty of obstructing the high­way

bv wftfi oromptlv dgflined.- IMien. - ^ • - „ , - , i . j iiihrini i the

The May festival to be given the primary de^Murtment. of

-v-r niens of these birds come to "J*' postponed on account ^ '"^. """'"T""'^] :r they will surely attract ^^^^\^^ ^ . J h e r will be held mVf'!]^\ ^£j'^

the lawn of Hennett School Wed-; ne.sciay e\t'r..ns: at 6:30 o'clock.; \ verv ..-TdCtive

. . r y . . : : . I'li tiy M i s s r, ..iai of ;he primary depart-

-ai«*at_uw-pLi..i£i'am conaiatms: of - 'njrs. recUft'tfin.s. a rlramati^.a-: ,,in. hiKjp drill. Ma>-p^iie dance .:•-' manv >ther r.-trac; lon,

.on. he owner of ini.^

> interested in rhe

The treasurer was instructed to tran.Hfer the sum of $357.23 f r o m t h e reconstruction fund to

maln'tenanceTiind, and to it to the county

jnd a check for | 3 0 0 from Miss illian V (Gilbert, county home

demonstration agefit. In return

nt of

: - . . : i \ ( •nde t ' ; -A'

:arm ) • .

t 5 - I T ' ;h. - • a '

P' ' °«^ \7^^^t for the money adv«m*d during 1918 for thje purchase of cans for the canning clubs of the county.

k resolution was passed ac-ceptinjr and approving the esti-mat+'ft for the hijrhway .<iy8tera

' mr 'c. ,.t \e Cf .: •; -i.* " ; m i . < h e d b y lati ,. ^h\*a> I ommission-

r, ; :• ;t-.str.(r the ci^mmis-er' ' "em in --eu > '1

.. M- nnr: '•-

only for church going and d o ^ being not less than $20 nor more not aid in the uplift of civic life than $100, with forfeiture of the about Yam a true Christian at weapon, and an increase was ord-i ^ t ered in the salaries of the men

Mr. Kinsolving, who spent sev- employed *at .Jhe town water, eral mentha in France aata Y. M._ygl»t and power ^xA, -C. A. secretary and was imdori The Public UtiHfieiB conmut-fire (MJ the French front, led a i tee was authorized to contract

Chlb Aethritks .

Clubs organized during the last two months:

NokesviUe—Miss Flete W H -kins, president; Miss Peari Gris-80, secretary-; 22 members; club leader, Mrs. Raym<Hid Free, Jr.

Aden-^Masfer Claud Ylory*-president; Misa Frances Wood, secretary; 10 m e m b r a ; cbtb leader, Mias Pearl S h a f l ^ .

Willing Workers," Briatow-* Miss Welbe L a w y e r t>residentr

nr .^JOng"*^ CcQB* Roads — I f i a a

G b d ^ Herring, secretary; t membera; club leader, Mia^ Glary Herring.

Bethel—Miss Audrey Calvert, president;—Maa Aline—Davia,-secretary; 13. aainnbers; etab leader. l O a i E w Kidwell.

WdodttiBe—Miss D o r o t h y Meririll, president; Miss Mae HUl, secretary; 7 members; club leader. Miss Dorotfagr Merrill.

Th^se clubs are gett ing busy— idl wtttt to get the club bssmer offered by the Washington Star Io~the eliib in the^coonfy m i n ­ing the best report a t the end of the year. This report wHl be t*lfon f m m th^ «eCT»»t*ry'« book. T h e banner is naado of .fclfe l»-

^ 'v;


five fe^.k>ag and three feet wide and In our s t e t e agriculturaT colors.

Two more clubs are to be or--ganized in the county, Hkymar-_ ket and Manassas, and t h p e we J^fipe to g e t orgianized this week^

Letter Reemved by AMne Davis. - _ _ Washington, D. C ,

forutn at the day s « a i p n on cer­tain economic and civic qaestiona connected with the returned s d -dier and las entry into elvihan

Mr. Kinsolving, Mr. Schueler and Mr. Toy, another Y. M C. A secretary* visited the schools and had excellent l u n i sinfiiig,: w^ enlivened Interaat of taadi-ers and schelws. ^

omoAL von er MHMCB WIL-UAM- COmPTT, MAT Z7. U l *

M. & S. Hickory Qnw* 9 .— -Catharpia VI J WU«t«aU 4- 4 Haymarkat nriwBwirh , -2B-



29 n

Wellinstait . Indepandaht Tatcan




IM u n 4

12 22




B a y 10, l y i y . Dear Miss Davis:—^The box

came and we tried the string beans tonight. Tixy were deh-cioua. My family thought they were fresh beans, they had so much better flavor than the freah beans that we have had l a t ^ ; so, of course, this fall I want

and $i>0 per month, reaplWliVd^. I some string beans. What ia tfie

with Frank Nickens and Allen WHUams and another to be em­ployed, and to pay them $80, $jS5

The regular .meeting o^ the T^w?T!oui»cir, set for la s t Moo-diur night, was postpoaad to t iw first Monday in June. ^


Y a n g Girfa Are of Miaa Gioftoiy

The Lutheran Young Girls' Society, recently organized at Bethel Lutheran Church, met at the home of Miss Editti Gregory on Thtiyiday Of last weeic Tftcj meeting was called to order by Ifie presideiit;^ Mies "lOqreJe Gregorj , who read the eighth

*^-*"'-4chaiJtertrf-Samuel I, after which « the roH was caHed by the secre-

4a{tary, Mias Adah Wearich, and dues were collected by the treas-

price of them? Your ^ e a n s are the first can

beaaa I have ever tasted that we enjoyed. I have purchased ev-ery good brand but did not find tbem satisfactory.

We are looking forward to sampling the tAnatoee.

A s soon as you eaa, wouM y e a irieaae send me a list of wbatycai "can" and also the price of c*ch So that I may decide about my ordo' for fall?


Letter Hatetrei by Mr. Koiner. - ' - — May 1©, 1^1«.

Mr. R. G. Koiner. Mariassaa.Va. Dear Sir:—1 leam through

Miss Gilbert that you have se­cured the two pigs for F.ciwaj-from Miss Johnson Now > ^t ia the price of them " \ s t :• gie wants to finance i n - dea. h e r brother Edg-a:-. " '

urer. The secretery reported sixteen j Johnson take a r

membera d»4he«»l laxui two new j for thern "r wui fseaibers were added. The meet-, ? Ge.-r^ie "-injr closed with the Lord's tron-. ner ~ P r a ' . . r ' J i e - • - '

>.. 1l

Page 2: Mmam^^^xmS^ - · Pt&e Elssay by member oflia-1 Miss Niellie Wydj^^aewreQiry naasas-^g^ School and Confoiy S>embers


n3iie of the Big Features of giljt gund»a| gtat" Washington, a a

Cocrrlf l i i fOW. Pr4M NMtaUac OwvHV ()•• T, ««rM|.

*The Cttplain and The Kida/' by R. Dirh • . " - - _ - . . - . - ^ • . . . ' , ' • • - '

Read ths^Continuaticn ZJ This Great Comic Next Sunday7T Order a C^yx^From-Your Newwdealer



Exercises Attended by Many Out-of-Town Visitors—The

Event of Uie Week.

The week at the Industrial School has been a most interest­ing one. . ._ ..-'~ • ^

The exercises in connection with commencement have been well attended and intere^ing, the school agwn.extendinga very cordial invitation to all friends and neighbors to be present at thu extji'cJses. ——~^—;—; ~

Rev. Walter H. Brooks, pastor of the 19th Street Bajmst Church, Washington, D. C , de­livered the commencement ser­mon last Sunday. Since the en­tire commencement*!* dedicated to the memory of Jennie Dean, the founder of the school. Rev. Brooks preached a sermon anal­yzing and emphasizing the char­acter and worth of her work and its value to ail the citizenry of the Commonwealth. Taking his'

bution to American civilization for that year. Mr. Oswald GaP-rison Villard, president of the board of trustees, editor of the Nation^ jvho has spent the last several months abroad' in careful study of conditions, social, indus­trial and potJtiqrtT on the cantj^ nent, will i^so spaak.

Through tife kindness of Mr. W. H. Clark, of the Southern fiatlwa^,' nrraiigeiueulB made to have extra coaches on the Southern trains today. No less than six trains carried from one to two extra coaches, thus ensuruu: comfortable transpor-tationliv the_friends who spend Rrr^i.i. ^-. [school.

text from Proverbs, "Also, that the soul "be without knowledge, it is not good;;*';^BvrBrooks, bim^ self an ex-slave^ paid ? glowing tribute-to-4he-8ervices and saints liness of the ex-slave, Jennie Dean. That Rev. Brooks was the paatnr nf Jpnnjejpgan, the first principal of the school, and


, The roads are in bad condi> tion after the hard rains.

Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Diion vis­ited Mrs. Dunn's parents near Stafford Sunday! ''

Mr. Herbert G. AhdenHHi ha^ a new Ford cah '

Rev. C. L. -^eard and Dr. D. C. Cline, of Dumfries, passed thru here Monday in Rev. Mr. Bwntfe new car,

-A number of Efid_Cro88~mem-bers atfeodfid-the meeting of the Joplin Red Cross Friday even-ing at Forest Hill, when an ad-dress was made by Mrs. Robert


(Continaed tron^ page one.)

derfully unique, cosy and com­fortable, and with its immense epa» .fireplace and either fasci­nating features, including elec­tric lights, hot water heat and bath room, is all that one could

ive in while sojetmung on this terrestrial ball. ::ilt reai-ly has to be seen to be properly understood and appreetictS9>ves-pecially the interior arrange­ments and furnishings. . No doubt one of the things that tr&etdd MI". A. to this p&n!<iulai: place^ watt the variety uiul beauty of the trees and shrubbery on the lawn. Needless' to si^, he is giving them- au<ch attention as will, maintain and add d» their beauty. The house is adapted to its surroundings with> nure taste and skill. On visiting the plape at Hiis season one is almost overwhelmed with the great pro­fusion and sweetness of the in-numeraUe variety of roses and-various other flowering plants and- shrubs. Tfuly no oUier place is so a t t r ^ i v e asA-home like that. :--^--——z

When"we expressed regret| that the phir«t Wm tfto farJ&KHja:


COMPAMY ^ Of Fairfax Courty. Virxnia

JOHN W. MAY. Prcaidest . J. N. GIBBS, Vice-Pr«aideBt. SAMX E. UNDSET, SM>-Tnaa.

DIRECTORS: A . ^ . ROBERTS, Ht. Venmn. JNV. W. MAY,. Aieiandria. TYSON JANNEY, Occoquan. R.- W. BIRCH, PaUs Church.'

at4l-aJW^4I^ONEY,-yieinuu M. D. HALL, Borlce Station. *'. U. WILKINSON, Ht.T«Sonr" O. I. THOMAS; Round HilL HUGH ,S. LUPTON,, Wlneheater,-J. P. HATCHES, fiaimlton. R. R. GILLDimTAM. .Alwaiidria. J. N. GIBBS", Mt. Vernon, r " . J. P. H. MASON, Accotink.

AGENTS: N. C. DAVIS. Lortoa. Virginia. k. J. AUaaiN, MaiMtasas, Va." S. A. C»IFFIN, Culpeper, Va.

the road for its beauties^to be _ .,„ ^, . ., . . „ , shared by the people passing on L. Tophtz^ of tjie American Red the-Wghway he said that some of Pmnn n,hn h « - „.«t r^taimwl tho Tillyhhnrs faieW of i t and rmnn, wtyr hiin' j'n^t r<>tiiraed from Frafiee.

Miss Arzullah Dunn is still ion that he is now the pastor of its present principal, but made hia . .. . presence upOn this occasion the-t"lj**^^ "^t ^ . . . . , ,< more fitting. In addition tol^ PnwAe Reuben_Abel, who has j-Rev. Brooks there were seated-jbeen m France with the .A. in the pulpit Rev. E. T. Lewis, j E-F-, has returned to his ftefiie the pastor of the church, and "®™

shared thie joy of seeing it. I f s a pity to hide sudi a light under a busnel:

pastor Rev. J. Halpenpy. a white miijis-ter of the tijwn. Who "took part in the program".

The High SchooT Dramatic Club on Tuesday gave-almost successful and enthusiastically received presentatiom-ofJSgBsd Waltorf Tully's'college farce, "A Strenuous Life.' - *"

Miss Elsie Lloyd was the guest of Mrs, Viola S a ^ , o t QiMWtico, last week. . —rjjTvsv xii|i scnuui civouu Krx»tr public exercises on Saturday.

— -• XTTKZil^

Private Harvey Comwell has returned from overseas lo<^cing well and in fine condition

• Private Allen Comwell, SOD of Mrsz-Martha Comwril, who r8jr**f«

the ba I S

Among the judges in the mu­sic exhfbition and declamation contest heldTwi Wednesdaynight-vvas the president of Eastern College, who was selected to act as chairman of . the board of judges. The ' winners in this contest will ,

.'awarded them on [•'ridaT^ifli-i Sunday firhflj i flpens at 10 a m noon. Rev. J. M. KUne, Princi-t' Manyjjf'tte-men in this com-pal H. W. Sanders'md E. H.-niunity ha*e. accept^ work at Finn, the latter of Bristow, will Indian He«J^-returning to tliear act as judges of the pupils' homes-on Sunday. school gardens tomorrow. Al- i Mr. «lmer Comwell, who has though the weath«r thus far has'accepted a position at Quantico,

m the base hospitid at Camp Lee is imprpying^^d expects to be home soon*- - ——

„ Selyices will be held atTurceH hyvo- thp prtMut Sunday morning-at' 11 o'clock.

been most unfavorable for gar­dening there is keen competiti<m for the prize, donated this year hy the school's farin manager.

. \t the AIumm-nMeting^ Tues­day morning reports were given of the activities of the vai^ous leaders of groups in the |2,500 drive. Many of the fnends are working hard ariff earnestly to make the drive a success. The .^hool is most aAcious l3iat the (irive "go over the top" and calls' upon air its friends, white and colored, to redouble their efforts in this eleventh hour. If is re­ported that Miss Cooper, head­ing the effort among white friehda ftl thg North. Jiaa ^

spent Saturday at his home here. Mrs. Davis has returned to

her home after a visit to Mrs Payne near BuckhafT

So far we have spoken diiefly of things pleasing to the eye and comfortable -to the outer man. An inspection of the splendid lit­tle garden will soon convince one ttest XtLe inner man is by nfff^' means negrected. Mr. A. gar­dens m^jfenuary by" stndsring closeiy quijte a^ number «f the catalogues sent out by the lead-in f seedsmen. From these' he letOTis of all the good things of­fered and imbibes a large stock •f, enthusiasm which help to car­ry him with flj^Ing colors through the busy day-s of spring and summer when he -actually per forms the Stuntrof having in his own gardep the things seen {»£-tured so nicely in the catalogues. To knowwh^t \\c haa in that gar-den, all yo» will have4»4o is to

Can ea' ai^. of the abore t«t inaaranec. : --

RADFORD SUMMfflHWRMAL KFirst term opens June 16. Seeot^ term opens July 28. ^Review Couraea for First and Secend Oia<te Oertifieates. 11flw»me> Setiool Pro--fessional Courses. lAeademic Coureee. fBegular Normal School Courses. 1[Courses for the Renewal or Extension of Cevtiflcates and many other Special Courses are offered. fCourses for the training ,of District Supervisors. ^For Catalogrue, Booklet of Views and Full In­formation, write JOHN PRESTON McCONNELL/ President, East Rad­ford, Virginia. 60-gt '


"The fiooTappk* I have ev5r 'grown were stm^e^ with Pyrox. Ooe

Et I would save a little in the^pnce, and was tdbed into t i y ^ "•omething just as good;" but iMtwr agaiit, kx the crop that year was far from being as good" ft wkta 1 used Pyrox."—C. H. STOius,'MedfoKl, N.J .

If you want the hii^iest quality fruit, spray with

"The Spray Oitat Addsto Toor Floats'*


I^ro* Is 4 i^dotlir creamy p K e which b aS ready tOuse by simply mixing with coM water. It sticks Uce paint and protectsth«frwt-thioughout thegrawing season. Pytox is ^ut as good4eFpotatoei, tomatoes, catnuttt, stiawbenics. etc.. as h istcMr Spples.

Get this Pyrox Crop Book.' li t«lte-how to protectimir


Birds and Animals Movttted hi a

nnwieT.r.'R 1>n\^^^f^c:r "TheJtexall Store"

— Moat Na'tttHti Manner ~

^iaaa l^umed ahd Made Into / Beaoiifal Bngsu,

First Ctass Woit Guaranteed

1112 Fifteenth Street, WadiingtiNB, D. C.

Phone, 100€1.

jl -fttfe Are. DiscriminatiBg P^pk

-Sff t In every comwmity who want to purchase the

best. These art ear frSmds. T h ^ have BUMIC

look through a modem seed cat­alogue—siMce forbids m e cop3^ ing one h#re. He has at le»st hidf a dozen varieties of garden peas planted the same day, but they jrin ripen in such a succes­sion as to provide peas until late in the summer. I will not men-tion other things he has, nor will' 1 mention wbat he hasn't because


(Ciiwiili Am 98 pv cot)

jcepted a position at Quantico. Mr. Elliner Fair recently •&-

i t ^ at Bristow. •» —Mm Tfna Kfiya rfrffnttr TIB' ited i^ Pnrcdl.

has ac- 4 eant think ^ such U o w , " g i e ^ r ^ =

FAYMAN Measre. J. If. Stewtit , W-. W.

Fritter, Harvey Hojmes, Ennis Jewell and Peter Bridwell mot­ored to Manassas Wednesday.

Many of the farmersJutve been unaMe to plant com on acco«int of llH! wet weather

weeds. Mr. A's British-blood is mani­

festing itself in the well spstain-ed and vigoious fii^t he is -sM t*

HARRISOBPS WHfTf. • $3.06 per bushel

litkW U Eri*. CMMII, Ta. HARlilSON^ YELLOW^

' $3.00 per buehef ralittFira. Nakctnk,ri

m- Tlieur Good Judgment prompts tba name of '^EDMONDS" when there

' fs need <tf Speetadca.a^d Eyegbases.

l ^ l ^ m a r ^ m ^ i r X O Malttn of SPECTACLES

UjMOlMt/b "* EYEGLASSES ; ^ " ^ T . I r* i X m *^ Fiftieth Htrtift _ \J r I I W I M n -WASHINGTON. D. C.

. Opposite Shoreluue Hotel

s .-V-

The Meat Tcrrilte u d ' Dnuaa of all IIBMS


ready collected her qucrta, | C T Mr. Norvell Henjdda has pur- tively new comers to our county son chased a fine gray mare from and are doing so well their part

to make it a gtxxi place to live^ii chased a ftne gray mare Kir. M. C. Fritter.

500. AH during the- day Tuesday,

Farmer Ashton had - his _pedi-.rreed Holsteins on exhibition. Tne final and principal exercises _ will be held in the school's ogt-"tt)a!^>iesstmlrl*mother^stai'm. of-dfior natural amphitheatre, Thggg^WgTTiUU'iP? «UeHdance •^eginiii.f * two o'clock today. iSunday at- NeW Hope Baptist The chief .Idre-' a will be deHv-irirarch..

A CaMpMe 8Md A a t t s t k . Warratit* by FraMte A. Marck, Ph. D., «ritfe

aa la«rsdactiMi by Payt«i C Mm>L. CUef «( 8»ag. HigbsM

tti dM U; 8.' Aiay. ' — •

ing on these evil idlers in this gvden of industry. If Mrs. A. was n o t naturaHy inclined to ftght she hes awaired the art and is practicing it ^n the weeds | tluit persist in trying to grow in THE BOOK THAT WILL SATISFY this garden. If^these people doj THE AMERICAN PUBLIC not get joy out of life, working The largest sad kert Hhistrstcd for i<nd having things* wW not afford it. They are compara-

Mr. Jack Hermk)il»-SllQ_JM»4Jthat.wjejreplea8ed to recofni2e_ recently returned from Detroit, "Mich., has gone intoth* farming

their sfienwi work in this way,~ id then,-too, it will encourage

Mrs. Robert Hunter, of Berk ; ley %ringa, Md., recently killed

,1 h%- >; . „ - - • j^gj -

.T.>el E. Spin g a m . ' ^ A horse bebngingTiiiTrr W a gnamd hog weighmg ten : .rned trom France, and F. Fritter was badly cut in a [pounds. Over the animal's head

riTionallv a.s the donor of barbed wire fence a few days {was a tin can. It was thought > -Hm medal, a rrt dat ^-'&gr). I the jrround hog stuck its head

^ rinrmatly to thf Nejrro. A-smaif vote was pulled at; into the can to eat the fisher-Ti.- most notai'It' con'r]- ]]T- .r. pr--!--.* T u-soav rr.n'-'-* f>«H! 4 coataineJ

heok crer seM far the. Moaey. It 7M pages aai «r«r 2M D-

laatnrtieM. iatlaifan peiUslta. aiapa, etc Bend m faU kraft leather, kT. ant gtaia. with aide Mad latfJUtfrtJa gaU. VMLAACM eatsjMO:

A boek that seeds ae better iatro-dacti— ^kmm the Mgkeat eAeer ia the ratted States Ar»y. ' The price Is SO$. ~ PaWshed VT CafyelWII Seek aad Bible Haaae, Philadelphia, Pa.

Orders recMVcd for aaaie through W. E. HARRIS, represeaUtlre. Yoar orders sWeited and will be haadled with proatptaess aad best of care.

I i JB • • l y i t ' TT APRIfi

tS-M ' Bristow. Vs.

_ Western Meats •; ' — : . • V

Beef, Lsunb, Veal and Pork


tfcasET Paid^Tor Countnr Produce and Live Stock '

Conner's Market VC O N N E R B U I L D I N G M A N A S S A S , VA M

mmmmmmm-mmmmmmmmmmmmmmtm.. S S B M ^ K ^ ^ I J I S #jJjM SfSlSWiffe Tr5«*4gig|*©jl||||j;|«

Page 3: Mmam^^^xmS^ - · Pt&e Elssay by member oflia-1 Miss Niellie Wydj^^aewreQiry naasas-^g^ School and Confoiy S>embers

\ M-tni w \tA\ so, iyi9 THE MANA^AS JOUIWAL, MANA88AS. y i R 6 0 H A - PACi J i i l i i i i i

TRIBUIETOTHE I w i t h faalinga of gyniiinff ple>fc ure that I iearn "l |r . A Mrs.

l A H j I l l K Y i M l S K IfidinliomlaatZ&mdjIy;' or Jthat MAtti MUg

"Bliss Ida Wesgier i s soioanmiK ApprcckttiM of CooatiT Editor^ for * few days witK friwids *f

A-ccpntiOi* xiw pnusvuw ArdnouB Labor and Good

Wiahw for SiKccw. ; of Mrs. Frank Cooley (nee Bax­ter), of feuff^ "formerty a res­ident of our burg," is duly chron­icled wHh thf addiUunal vtnfor-The countiy newspaper* Life , . ^ .

without you wouM b ^ dreary 1 ™ ^ ° that she is accoiapaoied waste. Your w e e k ? % M t is > y i ' * ' U . * T ° ^ ° " ^ ^ a , ^ 5 anxiouriy awaited. .«4-ab<«W bojf/' ^ The._burnxng of 'Tiank"

.the«aU«arri«rfaUtabrin«.yottl«Wm> toM^_^^ of

on the day expected my h « r t U "«*!'!*'l^*"*^! "***•*'^'•".^!! ^ I c(»iflaffhition that has visited

Fifty-two times a year you this section since the Fire ffiiig bring me all the news from home. | "J^^^f f ^rown Brother- cider You f aithf uUy chronicle the " ' " ^*' • deaths, births al»4 marriagea of \ « you are sick the country ed-the neighborhood. You keep me itor writes a nice paragraph posted on parties, church socials about yourlllness, and he trusts and viUage gossip, and you teUJthat you will "soon be able to ap-me wkat the prospects ai^ for pear upon our streets a^ain;" if good or poor crops, as the case'your ^ e dies he tells of her

• umy be. If a family movosttway j many yHMJ tjajta of chwacter

I - < I _ I _ I _ I


L. L. L. L. U. L i;L ..L.;/.L"i LU". L^LV:. L";.^L^ L" !: L" !J.L: "J^'-. L ..L,L ^ r^j^

IMntfiito SAT* TTa Froai Seren-

tMfr^war Wait 6 v l^qpifigcl '

veswi into •x-or a newcomer moves intd the^and that she "bore her last ill-

town I know' it ihe next week.! ness with Christian fortitude;" H Farmer Jones on the Ridge ^ if your son gets naarried the Road, brings a prize pumpkin to country editor tells what a prom-your. office I know all about it,, iuing yoyng man he is and what a l thou^ hundreds of miles,an "estimable and ch^raing away^ as soon as some of his young lady" is the bride, neighbors. You keep me posted If the crops are bad the coun-on the improvetnents that Farm- try editor sympathises ^nth^^e er Brown, of the Lake road, con- \ farmer, and if the harvest is templates making to his bam "in ^ good he rejoices. He gives aw^y the near future." 'And When htindreds of dollars worth of ad­

vertising every year for which he—scarcely—receives—a—petite

Bhtomologiafo aanoimce that this is the year for the re-ap-j^euiince of the "seventeea-yeMT locusts," but having survived the war, the peaca «bhfer^pce and the inctnne tax collector, the | people of tb^ Ignited States will be prepared to meet this addi­tional scourge with equal equan­imity. After passing through the experienees of the past two years, what do a few triHion lo-" custs, more or less, matter?

But the most- disappointing feature of this year's visitation is the brutality with which the a<-ipnti«tn dispel all the popular



r : : ^

Farmer Smith, of the Lexington road, stai ted a cheese factory at Kidder's Corfleis1knew it the day sifter publication. " j

O, country newspaper! Well may I say that "hfe without you would be a dreary wasje." Once a week you are to me an oasis.m the desert of this huriy-bdriy life in a great city.

The city mah who does not take his "home" paper, provid-ing he was reared in the coun-^y^ doe^'Aot kium wlmtjceal-en-joyment hejnisses. Tlhe new» I s e t out of one issue is worth more thau the yeariy sutacrip-tion. I devour everr Knie of the kcal gossip and adis^borhood eorreapondflnefe, and when I toy t ^ paper, aside I praue thecoim-

ftditor for giving m* this


ideas of "the "seventeen-year lo­custs," cherished from childhood to old age through past centur­ies. We iind it isn't a k>cuBt at all, but is^a member of a totally different family known* as the cicada. Also, it is not a "sev-eiiteen-year" insect, but is a per-iodical cicada, making it.s appear^ ance at periods of seventeen years and in. others at thirteen-year intervals. And the two are diffelent branches of the cicada family. Many a itoy has cap-

by some people as an object of charity, and when they pay him their subeeription they say to themselves, "WeU, it will helprto keei^ him out of the peorhouse

tured a locust—<r a ratherr^and shuddered as he spread its wings and gazed up­on the dark bars of their filmy substance m the form of the let­ter W. For thM W was believed




A MAGNIFICIENT lot of Hors shown on what hsis been called the ideal show grounds of the stated A good Grand Stand with plenty of shade. X

TWO RACES each day-both fkt and steeple chase. Get out that

igon and-emoy

for a while;" he worics harderjjao portend war, and the locust and puts in more hours *at labor than any ff^et nuoa^n town—^ he dicbit he would be in the poor house.

O; country editor, dear friend;

was looked upon as ihovharbing er of bloody strife. Now, the scientists chodde as they point out that the. cicada failed to nounce—^le—approaiA—of ••the

I derive much happinws every week froin reading your paper; uid wish it were in my power to malce yaor business ta i fdd bet­ter paying than i t ia. advertising increaea

due to anlve in gfcat numfeafg-afteFthe war is over. -

Swariae of locust are SB]H>OS-

until yon I and stories are told of foreata are compelled'to print « larger paper and may yottr subscribers


coipte to the ^Kce^or send you by mail the money d»e you.' May

ivilege. Letters, froar-honie are-^ery

^ welcome, l ut one djesn t « e t a S | ^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^

much news m a hunted l « « ^ n h e family hearthstone may your he does m oM issue of the ^ ^ _ . . . ^ , , ^ / ^ ^ , M ^ » » .^-„™.^ ™ =.

homg iiaper. And letters are so-uacertaiBX JPU sometimes have to wait six nMHithaior a r^Iy to your last one. But if you are a subsMber to the country paper it comes to you Regularly-every week. Tain or shine; You may he a little in arrears, but the country editor sends the paper

thou~^ts "Be tlRWe <rfTwreet con­tentment as one who is doing

•-j-worthy-^ork wdLr-JKtffcJQver Shoe Prints.


yoursdf. IFURTHER ticulai s, address:

REID, Secretary, Upperville, \^gima>

being killed by them. But the scaaitistB have ev«»" «ift»ttmved this theory. . I h e y admit that jroung fruit trees are endanger­ed by the large broods of cicadas laying their e s ^ in the tender branches, though these young treer cait- be protected agunsCJ -this danger. But they say that htfle or no permanent injury is done to forest trees or more ma­ture treea. of any kind.

g^gi^MJdeBt Saccn^lm i« IH-in Washington'Ho^taL

along with--the hopes that you] ^^ Lucy A.-Holmes, wife of will some daly settle ap n»tters. , j ^ ^ ^ H.'Holmes, of Kopp, died

To the man who cannot visit Thur9day,JIay_22, at Columbia his old home every, yeat or two tli(. wrrltly ppnifiaT'of his home paper is almost as good as a trip ^^„„.^„ „.„^. „ ^ ^^ r~ tcy boyhood scenes. He reads > TT tioii <aboat me inooih-ago and

Hospital in Washington M the age of forty-five years. Mrs.

teen-year".cicadas, and it-is ej^-pected to be the biggest locust year since 1868,-whiclf was the banner year oi alL ~Bnt the old world has worried along for quiKe~a WLM^ agaiBst greater

ilolmies underwent a Heiluus upe-

where the little freckleface girl {«t first was thought to be im-who s|^ behind him at school | pf^yjo^ was married to a city Chap, who holds a "lucrative ^position with a street car company"—probably ^ mrtt/irmap; he ifl informed that .^^ - - — I • I • - . • • • • • • • — > -w— « - ^ . . . . . . . . ^ - —T— - ' • " T

the boy who^ was 4sowa aa the i narft'nrimalpy^ifnndncted titeser bully of the school was arrested for wife desertion and is "incar­cerated in the county bastHe;" he ieamS from his home paper that Hhe-^*<»iitoB f a i l ^ - wiH

idso conveyed that "Aunt Elixa R(^>ertson will Iwe ninety-three years olU U9xl wW. Tuesday^ an event which the city man wishes he was aMe to be at honte

—to-c«l«brate. « If "midnight marauders" steal

aeventeen chickens from Jake Becker's coop it is nicely told in the country paper, and the .edi­tor would b« driven out of town

Funeral services "Saturday af­ternoon at the home of thie de­ceased were largely attended by friends of the family. Bev. Bar

vice, afleF which the body was laid to rSTTnUie tBnfly-bon^ ground. The paUb^cera were Messrs. J. S. Storlce, Thomas

This year, it is predicted, will witness a visitation of both the

seventeen-year^ and^tfie "thir


Cleaned & Blocked

American Hat Co. 735 I2lh SU H. W

toad^attBd^'S&m^iC^ w Lead» to the Road of ''Progress

We have.beat tdling you week hy week aboat onr sanitaiy methods and trymg to imprest vpen y9«a anfaidi thafrihe asinitary way fa the better way and thcipp«Kito-ihre w a y ; i a t BO^^Bruislamsg a lww "


TUs we are merely evolving oar beli^ in these methods. Coonter laeaas.that your aMai—the meat .yon « . . _ always bi a dean, cool phue, where no hands can touch'

J t er the peaky fl^ swarm over it; and yen can see what ' . TOLA. ' ^'" " * . — ^ ^ ^

odds than locusts, so it is safe


dfatinetivc fcatores worn by • the parUenlar dreasqrs.

UuylMf mmwear by *Bsd • Made eaqr u ^ satisfiKtoiy

Lfaten!. FTS^ALL B E F O S I T T O U ! ' "^

Serionriy, don't you feel that you owe it .to yourself to boy clean, whoksonw meats?:: Come te a « l hxA at this Nwatifol d i ^ y of Meats, anyway.

osufflitefs fflcftt ffidrkti THE SANITARY W A r

_ . , Woolfenden. Gew^e Flwence, C hold a reunion," and the new* tttx. Barbee, Ed. CoraweU and

* ~" '"••" G. W. Key* Mrs. Hofanes was bom near in

dftlMtiideat Hill June 18,187S. the

^nefit party at Odd Fellows' Hall for the M. E. Church, whii h was "a grand success socially and financially." The receipts, by the way, "amounted to over seven dollars."

daughter of Samuel and Lucinda ___fc _ j _-* Woodyard Lowe. She taught | " " * * * " ^ • * * * scfaod in Prince Wiffiam cMinty before her marriage to Mr.

in_jL9Cll» '>'*' y ^ _ ? member of the Baptsst Chardi.

Surviving members of the are her husband, one son,

if he f«led to make note of the ju tm P. Hofanea, fourteeB years • ^^^ "-" ' old, and three lm>thers, Mr. S. R

Lowe, of Manassas; Rev. Wtffis Lowe, of Kentucky and Prof. Henry Lowe, of Washington.

hee^ r^ui.a, fo r

ymir eye on this paper mp<>ri.uit ani<c:n:cement


The Hoffman Company. Ii; EXPERT CLEANERS AND ~

Ibk Oftoe. 735 13& St. 1. f. '^

Page 4: Mmam^^^xmS^ - · Pt&e Elssay by member oflia-1 Miss Niellie Wydj^^aewreQiry naasas-^g^ School and Confoiy S>embers

rAs- Ef:rM:?tN-t*«A^ VtRf^fNt; a>e«jw«MM)MitarMBw

FRtn^tT, MAT SOr t^l9


Yf^Uh thin niwif for >• \m

•Bti^revwy mw in Prince Wfl-B a t aaid «n*,ioin||fg mmrftisa: - — ^

. - r


The^^SftJhetke* .we MU. , ';-' _ ._.:...._ _

They're the t ir^ yon should tMe.'

^ e have them to meet every needol price or nad.

United States 11re$ are Good Tires

We KNOW United States-ISres are GOOD tires., That's why we HCU them. F. A. COCKRELX, COMPANYr^fanassas, Virgmia. MABSHALL SUPPLY COMPANY, Blarsh^ Virginia. HULFISH & CLARKSON, Hftymarket, Virginia.

Cow Peas Soja Beans

Kednoe yoor t t l iUser ex­pense Kott save f»ed Ulla by crowlns Cow Feaa and Sol* Beuik.

TbeT-anrlch the Isnd not only when plowed tinder, but when used for forage and crazing. They caji be grown to advantage in your <»m . erop—adding nitrogen ajid nu-mua to yonr aoll. It iwys to «rder


Otff Oov S99Mf 8o5ft Seimfl are superior In cleanllneas and quality to cow peaa ««> beua as ordtnarlTv »"M. • 'Write for *TWood^ Crop Special,- giylng Bnc«a oad seasonable Infonna-& » ateot aU Field and Oar^ dea Seed.




We Kivc 700 » few poiaterB on

wnte Staple Goods and y<m out come

M i ace for youraelf. No'catch peimr


tents Covered;

Every effort ia laifr hy_the. -to apprehend end con­

vict the tiU^. No fora of fai-Miraace gives greater proteetfon for aaMvnt of prealnni paid. Note also ow LIFE, FIRE, AC-C m S f r AND HEALTH POL-KISS.

HAI«Y P. DAViS Va. catch yoo tm aoHethinir eiae,

bet tha best •gartiaadiae at: it amaB

^raSt. We aeQ. for eaah or food pro-

dace aad ahare the proAta with JML

6R0CESIES Granulated Sogar^jMr-poaadr... 10c Soap, per cake 6 to 8c Brooma, %1 Uad, B-«tring 90c mvoms, i«6c kmd. 4-ateiBi( 76c Com and Paaa, whea boa^it' to-

Cether, «ai^ ..^. 7, .. I8c1 ToBiatoaa _. U aod Me EtfeyUiMn elae m ptgpaitiwL -

pRT GOODS 38-inch'Brown Xtomestie...•. 1ft . 36-inch Brown Domeatic.. 18V4 to 20c Oil Cloth .' 46c. Tabte Damask ."riT.. . . . : , 99e Bleached Cain1»ac 20 to 27«_ Dress Giagfaan^.Z 2 ^ ^7, 30 and 3.5e Apron Ginghan . . 16-aad 164e American . Calico v, 15e Stonn Serge^aU wool and a yard • ^

wi<j« r 88c Suiting, black , 46? Dimities, Voiles, Poj^ina, etc.25 to 60e L « « Cloth 22V4 to 27Mic Bleached and UnUeached Sheeting

9 and 10 f|r ialiia, |IP y.1 MIft ji Tiu -DrintBg, the good kind 26e Heavy Donimg , , . . . .-.-.W.... . 40^-

Good'Overalls and Jaeketa, $140 to. 12 WHk Shirts, for taHt....90e to f i l e

Men's, Women's add Children's SOioes at small profit. Nice line Can-TM Qsfords, Tennis, etc Come, let OS 8bow~yoa, and if our prices suit yon, ten your n^hbor. U not, tell us.

Years ior n sqaare deal and moi^ btuineas


Everything G«x>d to Eat

My* line embraces Staple I and Fancy Groceri^

Queensware, Tin and Enamehrare



Itf n T I r r TO ALL DAffiYMoTl I I U 1 1 1 £ MM PRODOjCERS I j O YOU want more milk and cream? If so, * -^ you should feed EUREKA DAIRY FEED,

the highest in quality and safest to use, for best resulto. You m a x ^ J r m n Missouri, but we can SIK>W you. Ask your feed dealer about EUREKA and find what you hare long been looking for.




»OiO< J Is Your Subscript ion Pa id in Avjv


a nee

mmmmmm^m^w^: x*!P»s»*

Page 5: Mmam^^^xmS^ - · Pt&e Elssay by member oflia-1 Miss Niellie Wydj^^aewreQiry naasas-^g^ School and Confoiy S>embers


HKIUA Yj MAY 8 ^ i»4»--r t « May ASLAs joaDiat*i» MaPBgaa VBiojpar

'PutlfiilMdf • vejj' Fridmy by Uie"


- An 8-year-old glri -^ix feet tall—Myrtle Margold, of May-bank^Texaa. She HM that rar.

T) R T.KWTH, BiMinmt H m g w ,

EBt«i«d at the poatofflf^ at MauMim. ^ / a tkM M i f - " - * —>— --•

Sotacci^iM, H U« r«M fa A4*MM

Friday, May 30, 1919


Again we celebrate Memorial day, laying t arlands of flowers on the gravaa of those whose memory we cherish and unloos­ing flowenuiLthaught andapeech in tribute.

Together we share a reverence for those who have gone before us, loved ones whose naniies will never reaeh the page of printed

' history, though written indeli­bly j)n our hearts, and the great who belong to all of us, not for­getting the Blue and the Gray, and thel>oys in khaki who sleep in Flanders Aelds.

fst nf diaaiaM--H«-

OUR OPPORTUNITY .Pi^ce Williain haaJiQluXet-re­

ported the collection of the $800 asked for by the Salvation Army which has come back with the recommendation of splendid war , , , . ^ . , . .

greater service among the poor the suffering, the and the unhappy here at home. Surely e coming weeks will see usover the top. •

The reports from the .battle-field^ve given to many a new -conception of the work of the Salvation Army. Its \*armest supporters are the men from the ranks who found in it an ever reaiSy friend in Frahce.. And

siuwih uuii b(! checked oftly by a delicate operation—re­moving^ :th£-4atuitai7 gland, at­tached to the brain. It fs this tiny gi«nd that determiaas your heii^t and weight. Should it become diseaeed*.the body may grow a r ot it moitth. " . Will future scientists discover

how to manipulate the pituitary-gland at will, so that our descen­dants can be tall or short as they please? Not a wild l b ojqrr«ay the doctors, in» view of recent sensational diacoyeries concern­ing the effect on man's stature of hortnonea, chemical extrac­tions from the.pituitary, glands of animals.

M^Henrios estimated ^at Eve was 118 feet 9 inches tall. If Adam was lijce us, he had to climb ten flights of stairs to kiss her. .

Other scientists disagree— claihi that man has always been his present size. Thank man's pituitary gland for~that. Cen­tury after' century it remams^ normal. I^iseases sf'trsi^e i%^

A *s?art or giant Is 11ie ione exception in millions.

Old European cities have stat-

m -PAGE Fi V K


Cmmtif] I aanounee my -candidaey for th«

nomfaation to t)w oflace of Mefahar Roiu« of Deleaatec of Virginia from "Priace William Coontv. ii^biaet to t*>f Democratic Primary to be held on tiw firat ToMday in Aaguat, 1019.' Be-lievJBff-my record aa yoor representa -tive fbr the ydtat four tanBa'Jutttad this and realixinK the eriaia Uiruugh which we have juat put and are emergring from. Mid cognisant of the fact that many new and neceasary measures wtll doubtleaa be enacted at the coming sesaion iniorder to pbt oar state Mid coanty on a safe basis and that oar brave boya who made the gt«at sacriftcas shall be amply aad carefully provided for, I shall do all in my poiear io-kaap ouz gz»»t stfte in thd'forefroitt.

RespeetfoUy, C. J. MKETZ£.

HAving bfcn solicited in person, and by petition, by many of the citizens of my district, to become, a candidate for Supervisor from Brentsville District, and having a profound interest in the welfare aiid material growth of TRIT: district, and the affairs of thecovmty. I have consented and do hereby an-nounce my candidacy for said offlce. subject to such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the Denfo-cratic Committee, for the selection of candidates at ^fr^primary to be held in Auga^t. In the event you shall honor me with ydor choice I pledge myself to faithfully and impartially duKhaige th^xhitzes *" -^^H\ ^ fflrtf tv ^ e best of my skill and judgment, and I hope, witli the approval of our citi­zens, and it .shall be my aim to see that all portions of-oc^-district shall be fairly and.egually tr>Mtted,_j>artic-ularly in reference to' the vtpkeep pt our mgnways.

nS{}: ztcspeccnixjy, sutunitteo^ -48-te H. W. HERRING.

-rr. ^A FRIEND IN NEED" When fire^ ha8. jlevaatated^ your hoaa or place of business, whm life looks blackest, when the savings of years

Chave gone up in smoke—then you ap-nireciate. the value of an insurance policy, in a good, rdiabte company, which pays its kwacs pronptly and sets you on your feet agahi. That's the only kind we represent,


ManaBBan, Virginia'

ME • • ^ • «

JE •^'fM i •'M

r- M 1 M 1 ' • M u 1 y .-.^% 3 rl ~" •••-\JSi

of Gayant, reputed to stand 22 in his socks. Antwel

Mr^Aatigonu^ 40 feet tall. Lon­don has effigies in the Guildhall, of Gog amLMagog, li'foot giants who once terrorized the south­western coast.

AH these are mythicaL' The tallest -man in. history

about whom we have reliable ur^s was Machnow, a 9-foot-S Russian from Charkow, who ex-hibitgd in Tendon iii l9(W>,,Mjurh-

To the Voters of Brefttsville District: . I respectfully announce myself a

candidate fair of supervisor of Brentsville district, subject to ^ Democratic Primary., If elected, I

. ^ 'will endeavor to discharge the duties "*^ I of said office faitlifglly and iuffiaitial-.

ly, as I have done in the past-4»-te McDUFP GREEN.


1 We realize th^ necessi^ of holding all

now that the call has come to ua

jaesa hefe at home, we have Dnly to give as we can and begrate-

- • ful for tile mivilege. :


-^"'^y^, wiid swe^ vwce in .^£jugfat4itnc. Come over tiie |neon-lit iiills!

Come over {he field b# the. wood's edge. Clear—soft its. the AprS rills.

O, wild sweet voice in the:-night-time, My heart with y o v gladness thrills)

The weight of care is on mCj . ' So weary %em tite dajL -— • The w^^ht of Ufe is on nW—

(Of l^te how cold and gray! . -I-piay for sleep in-the..d!tflH>ea8 :

now had other things wnifcg with "his aiichitecture. His hands meaanred two f o.6t.f roni wrist-to

iJ-ar Siip^i-vin^r, Mi-^^f^ "JBfTTt

as a~csn-

tip of index flnger An operation on his brain in

childhood wohld have kepL-him noimal.'* - --* - " '

The smallest man in authentic history was Phitrtaa, inteQesctual valet of Ptomemy Pluladelphus, Egyptian king. So tiny was Philetas, accodiding to nistorifms of his day, that he.had to wear great leaden shoes to keep the wind from blowing him away, Maybe the historians had a sense of humor,

Oiilj 10 iuthea Ull was Jeffmy

I hereby announce myself

tion of-supervisor for Manassas Dis­trict, subject to the Democratic Pri-miir|,^lieving that my past Record in fnii^ptBii-.pDsition % HK Vieat guar-ante«lof wf faiiSifal discharge (rf the duties of the offic^.ia the future. ^ -

6e-te ' J. J. CONNER,

business and finance matters entrusted to us iit

To steal my ttxwght swayv

I am so tired of striving, .::__ "~~And all too e l t in vain; I am so. tired of loving

When love brii^t^ jwiught but jiain. l—but thA voice is calUnir,' <

It com$s through the/^uak jagaih.

I see .the leaf-bods borsting, — I im6U the spKe-boab sweet, • And the mint fay the ^brook-uSe spenr-

mg. Where violets bathe th«r feet-^

And I bear the wild things crying-With love^ the spring to meet

The maple trees are blushing,-' -The alder tassels awfatg.

And the ^rasa it is gseeniiilr. greening, - For this is th» time of ttpng^ ^ And my h « [ ^ leaps op in'the dnrk-

Hudsbn, ;ton of a huge butcher at Oakham, Rutlandshire, Eng-Jand— At n Hjnnor giye^ t/i Charles I this midget waS served in a pie. A9o|ited by the king, be lived dpwH his aize bceaHae IcA wn. as "Strenuous Jeffrey ,"-was iC captain of Cavalry and fought two duels. Little men, walk proudly.

All thooe wcrtj jmco suffering from disease of ttef p^ritary^ glaud iu the br&Ifi.™' ""^ • Climates appear to affect the

gland. Scotchmen average tall-

And an its pulses sing.

BTlJian Biy i>ther «tee: ABovie: nil thp'!fapan#«»-«rg most Sensi­tive about their short stature.-Medicai scieaceaiay correctXthts in time—tuni them into a mpt ot six-footers. -

•Wonderful is the body—yod realize it when you pon(}er thsjt a gland sma}! aa a cherry deter-minaa your hi ight and w«itghL<i* Washinj^n Heqdd.

What thocgh I pass f<n«verl ' The good old world goes oa. With its live things sporting and OMt-

ing, '-With ito sunset and Ita dmnv

^And ita spring from winta As fi^m her lied the fa<

What though I pass fareve*^— * Bot^oT iTTSnaM be! ^ By the upward urge of April ^_ > I sense new life for vat. O, sweet wild voice id t ^ aii^it-tfase.

Ton h ^ to aet aok free.

—AHee Churehroaa.


Thirty Minutes With Congress. Vital and numerous are the

great measures pending before Congress. A half hour devoted to reading the weekly review and special articles in The Wash-infTton Sunday Star will keep the

To » e Voters of-^Manasaas Distiriiet: Having Been «olieitad by a nimfaer

of citizens of the district, I have con­cluded to wmounM myself sfa a candi­date as democratic nominee tor super­visor of Manaaaaa District, Prince WilliMn County, Va., .ai^ject to the August, 1919, primary and to^he rules and regulations governing same. .

Should I receive the nomination which ie- je'qnivalent -to pledge myself to faithfully and; im partially represent the interests the d&^ct awreotmty to the "best mjr ability.

RMpectfaUy submitted) A. S. ROBERTSON

To the Voters of Dumfries I^strtet:. 4 I haeby aimoanee myself as a jean-

diJate for the office *wf-supervisor of the mads of Dumfries District in the coming primary election, subject to the "Will of the votere'ef said Jistriefe-Should I» be elected, I WiQ didMrge the' dvttiea «f said «Aee to Hm vefy

,bc«t«f my aKHtj. - RespeetfoHy, « WM. CROW.

«t Priaee William


r,. ttie Voters County:

I lespecttuUy ann<tancc myself m eaadidate ftoi le-eleclkm to tlie ^ ShecSr of Priflee ViBiam county,

_ subject te the Democratic Primary.

.Absolutely Strict Confidence-

f h is a positive imn-clad rule of tfiB bank • • ' . . ' • • • . " • . - ^ . •

to give no information whatever that would

be a breach of trust on our part.


G«o.X.iffl«R CiiaB.B. Mknr - Caanty Sonreyerl

ALLEN BROTHERS—— Civfi Engteesrs

GaiacrriBe, Virftfnia Fkna S«»«yiwg aai ether hamdtmM CMi

The printer came to grief last week in getting up the Chfton correspondence,' and, as some­times happens, the proof reader did not catch idm. Our neigfa-kMs at CUften were credited With 8Hbflcripti<m8 to the Victory Lsaa amoantiny to (l.OOd^ only

reaner wpll !nforir.i'ci on the r--.; -;-!-,'- .)! . pr .a.'U i.< the - . , . . . ,...., ,^ ..y ,,3Tive 9e«»-

• r\ V n ^t TV

one-tenth of the amount actual­ly subscribed, the whole trouble being caused by a tingle lost 0. And aa troubles never come sing­ly, Clifton's grievaxKe this time

wufuRl. Al 1 i meeting of the wom«> of the Presbyterian Church an address was made on ancestor worship, and the unfortunate prints , hiijsui mind\on his business~instead of the copy in iBunid, mad^inaees -tor workshop.

In both iofitaaces we make, on-behalf of the printer, our sincere apologies to our Ciifton neigh-bors for the misrepresentation,

: and in the firat instance taJce off K)ur hats ttS old Fairfax, which 1 ^a« h-Hf sT-''p o\f>r thB top in eTeT>-

B j^eeted. I will aadeav«r to dfaehakge tM dotiea a< saU oAee tatthfklly aad tepattiaRy, aa I havrdoae ia the past


To the Democratic Voters of Priaee WilUaa County: -

T fniwuiice my (MiSSi^-for nein-inatien to the oOee of aheiitf e< Priaee William county, « a t k Primary sliitjuu to be held tlM ftrst Toaeday ia Aegwt, 19t*. IIM many offers of support abrea^ received lead me to brieve t ^ t I wiD

^Hcctrical Heeds

nofninatioB— which is eqvivalaat to electian at the November eieetioB—I shall perfons the importaat duties of the od&ce wHh-

AilrHM'tkii _t9jMf 1 Ml pnCI NF I V (MS

Ut • PR yw M oiMlt

Q. L. R O S E N B E R G E R Mawa««a«, VIROIMU

-borage Batteries-

(Haw ym c ^ had o v . prices OB JOB WORK ? la these days it is wcfl to know fai advance botk tka qaality and the cost. Ask THE JOmNAI..




i _ i _ i - F _ i _ i _ i _ i _ i _ i _ r _ i _ i


M. B. Harlem. Viee-Prca.

B. WDteM. CaeMerr

First National Bank ALSXANJttlA. TA


Capiul . . , 'f^^M^„ s e w * * aad PraCta . . nss .MMS

M. B. Bn. r. Meir. Walter

aad PraCta Otrecters: G. L. 1 w.«.-KiWartcU.J.

ft. Ba«r. Jr.. DeegUa Sturt. atnadea give* tm-aH hmi~

Maa. twchidiag collectiaas threeghoet tike Ualted Stataa a ^ lable , Gnuvlc UNL d

& ! k y Ceirttfy [Manassas Transit fr '


Work w. s. Bafrirape,

ni merch«n


-and »..rlh it ^-]^ri-li5iTS5,-32 ;

Page 6: Mmam^^^xmS^ - · Pt&e Elssay by member oflia-1 Miss Niellie Wydj^^aewreQiry naasas-^g^ School and Confoiy S>embers

<^'iX .THE MANA.-.SAS JOUKN H„ M A \ \ S > \ S , \ iH(;iNlA FRIDAY, MAY :?0, 11=]

DlilEF lOeAL MWS^ Mr. W. N. Merchant, Jr.. tuu a'iMMSy broken ^im na & t^

—Mr. Omeio WdU is balldfaig' f^^ " ' J T i i ^ " " ^ * f mrtprao-an addition to lus «fVphi> i«P «»^o"e ^hich threaienad trcsible on

— — — - — ,~- •noBBoa —Miss Lillian M. Kline, of . . . . ,

Fre^epicksburft and Mi. Imuk' Tlit n-gular meeting of Jto-

J tew of the Confederacy, wilt be ; held Wednesday afternoon in the

—A movement has been stait-TReffTJroM heAdqiiafteff, M. L C. ed in BerryviUe- to raiae a fund Building, to purrhaae the home-of the lat^l „ . ^ _ „ , . . MarahaU McCk)rmick and convert , —Mr. Josfiph S. Wood is erect-it inf/. ^ >.A«>i»j.i • :: _Jng a hotiie on his farm_at Wel-

Po8*y, of Du^^rles^ were mar ried in WaahixigCoD Saturday,

—Mr. H. L. Tubl e, of Kopp, has purchased a twenty-one*

sonfwTn, near Ko{9, from. Mr.

—'Hie closing exercisep of Brown School, the Manassas grtBted school ^fof"-colored chiU i dren, took place lastnight at the* B^t is t Chui3fh. -- - t

—^Mis. L. A. Larkin, who has been in a Washington hospital suffering from eye ^troa'ble, re-

^ _ ^ - turned to ManassM last wee^ Sngton, reeentiy; purchased from and Is recovering.

—The June tenia of ttie cir-.Mr: Andrew S. EciiexbuM. Ttie cuit court for Prince William foundation has been laid and the county will convene hwe next iimnher is in place, Monday morning. Judge Samuel i „ » »* i j - ^ G. Brent pr^aiding. A-J-M^: J««»e M. Jones, director '1 of the extensioA division of the

—A meeting of' the Prince Virginia Polytethnii Institute William Red Cross Chapter will | since July 1, 1916, has resigned be held Monday evening at thej»that position to accept an ap-chapter headquarters In the M. i pointment as h'ead of the depart-I. C. Building, when it is hoped •ment of agricultural and indus-that fkial arrangements may be'trial development of fh* Sea-madefor welcoming home ourfbiard Air Line Railway, with returning soldiers.' headquarters at iJorf oik. BKs

- A license was issued this h^««'^*"°" " ^^ ' t ^^ "^ 1-week at the Prince William coun- —Services will be 'BeTd at the ty courthouse for the marriage Dumfries Baptist Church Sun-of Miss Emma Johanna Peters,' day morning at 11 o'clock and dauj^ter of Mrs. Franz Peters,; Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. Rev. of Haymarket, and Mr. Alexan-i Henry Nichoil, of the First Bap-der Frederick Hagedom, of Bal-jtist Church, Alexandria, will timore, Md. The nm^age will preach in the morning. The take place shortly at St. Paul's Church in Haymarket.

—Announcement has . been made that Hon. R. Walton Moore will retire from the law firm of r.x a „„'„i^i,

June 1, and Mr. Christopher C. Gamett will enter the firm. The new firm will be Keith, McCand-lish. Hall ft Gamett, with offices in Fairfax, and in the Colorado Biulding in Washington. Mr.

fuiimii4v tiimrBmr of the Stat$. Corporati<Hi Com­m i s s i o n ; — - ^ - ^ --- —

—The leaves and new growth aa many sycamore trees in War-renton. are d}dng from what is

Xsaid to be the attack of a new in­sect, "according to tire Fauquier Democrat. On on6 f%rm, it is

church has requested that the meetini^ be conitoued through the week and it is hoped t ^ t Rev. Nichol WHI be preKnt, the services being hdd each evening

.—The War Department will issue a 1 ^ ^ button, to be Imown as the 'Victory button," to all who served in the army during the war, aJs a distinguishing maurkto_be worn yith_civilian cTnthes. -Men-jgho have, attegy^ been discharged may obtain t^e -button-by jsending their original discharge cel-tiflcates, or . true copies thereof, ti). the nearest zone supply offlcer-<Hr army jFe-" cruiting pfficer. - •

^-Three "automobiles carrying Leesburg high_school students

^°f*^*ioned, spn^ing has been^faome frontthe lecent track meet tried with little benen^t.—Spcci-' at Manassas met with accidents, mens of the insect and. its effects members of the party reaching have been sent to the forestry home as late as t W) o'clock in

—Special Officer Donaldson, of Fairfax, last week made, six_fli:r rests of automobilists for speed and other violations of the conn^ ty road regulations. The offen­ders were taken before'the near­est magistrate and fines .and costs amounting to $JL2 wereJm-posed in each case. _

—The Y. M. C. A. in aorae parts of Fi-ance gave flowers to the'"boys" to wear on Mothers' Day. 'It's against Army regu­lations to weir anything of the sort on the uniform," writes a Prince William boy to his mothr er, "but we are wearing it today and no one has b e ^ eafled doMm yet." • .

—^Miss Florence Darling, of Dover, Dd., and Mr. Harry Ty­ler, of this county, were married here on Monday by Rev. T. D. D. Clark. Mr. Tyler is a son of the late^oseph Tyler, of Brentsville, and has recently returned ^mtp-Lee, having beerItonora-bly^ischarged from miBtary ser­vice.

—C<rf. Robert E. Lee, of Fair­fax, will speak at the U. D. C. Hall at Hickory Grove on the

Goaraited by us to be Satisfactory—WE MAKE IT



cent. protdB -BEETPUIJ?



the ISrokeh

depai-tment and an expert is ex-j the • afternoon—following peeted in Warrenton to UIVBHII- meet. One ear had a gate the txniibfe. " differential, a n ^ e r a-broken

•Kit- A J /-.-u '—\r 1- 1 I axle and a liaritwas overturned - ^ ^ A ^ Gibson^ncheloe, j^d badly damaged^ Fartunate-

''^^ Sr^'TEs ^ a u Q ^ ^ county ly ^ , ^f the occupants escaped and Mr. Frederick S. Auty, ot^^^^y_ ^^^ i-^ V«H Penn's Grove, K J,, were quietly4-^--- - - . -married in Baltimore on Tues-[ —Eight tl^wwand, six hjindred day, May 20. After a wedding « id ii^ rats w^«4dQed by the trip the young couple wiUmake school children of Albemarle their home at Penn's Grove. The county in a" recent campaign bnde is a dau|*ter of Mr. and waged under the direction of Mrs. JamesM. Kincheloe, ofUp-JMi^ Marian S. Parish, county perviHe, and is a frequent guest] home demonstration agent, and at the^hwne ef h§^ftUI}ty ^rs- B^jher advisory bo«rd of Albemarle

women. Twfelvs-vpar-old Edward SraitJb^ o l A x ^ t , won a $5 prize, bringing; to his school teacher 137 rat tails, the larg^t number

S- Hynsan, of Makassas,

—The secretary of the Cul^ pepcdT Chamber of Commerce at ^ ^ a recent mat ing was instructed! ^umedin byMiy •ooe'shild, to communicate with Southern !• * ^-Railway officials r ^ t i v e to ob- —The F«rfax board of super taining for Culpeper the "advan- visors has appointed a commit-tage of commutCTs tickets, auch+teett) confer with the Warr«-as are enjoyeid by Warrenton and Manassas." "The Cupper business nen at this' time* are chiefly interested in road ira-^ provement- and the matter of providing an anSthfihm fig-Ahe

ton-Fairfax "Turnpike T!omp«iiy as to the cost of taking over the part of the i»ke between'.Centre-VfUe and Tairfax. The supervi-

. .SoajgESSdto jMyJhuB^^ company OBTQw^balance otthelogiabte county subscription to the )>tke, the moneylo Ei u wd <HI tlie Fair-fay county portion of the road

cause of his enlistmaii from a westera state.

Culpeper graded achodl.

to tl\eir homes fircMU the place where they were mustered out oi, yhaat ahniiH thuiMrnntT buyJJdtjBirth of a Nation," the remarkar service, were paid only Z^t cents aectkm for incorpora&a in-flie " "* ' - - - -a mik tor travel expenses, c a n ] , , ^ ^ roadaystirai. obtain the exti^. ecnt and'a hitf|— authorized by congress by send-' —^Members of Miss Ruth P. ing their (fischaige certificates Smith's class at tiie Manassas or a true cOpy Certified to by a Graded S d ^ l , as members of

and to be credited en tli* pat-

evening of June j ^ ConfedCTarite Memorial day, Iteginning at''8 o'>«lock. Tlie ladies of the Eij^th Vir^nia Regiment Chapter will-serve refreshments before and after the speajBng. i ^ are cor­dially invited.'

—Mr. G. Raymond Ratcliffe, cashier of-the Peoples National Bank, attended a meeting of-fee




Feeds ofaU

agricultural committee of the Virginia Bankers' Association at Lyiichburg -Saturday. Mr. Ratcliffe also attended a meet-ing on the same day of Group W of the bankers^ association, whicb Was hdd at the Lyndiburg" Country d a b .

—The iWoman'aT Cbristiani Temperance'^nion Will hold a dues social at; the h i ^ school building next Friday eifeningatf^ 8 o'clock. There will be an in. teresting program with special-music. Anyone who has B<4. brought in the April egg money is asked to bring it that nigbt. Every member is invited to come and bring hi^ friends.

M and Ailing Co SecceesOTa to MANASSAfi FEED. SUIVLY * TMPy.^^HBNTm.


—Mrs. A. E. Carrico, of Bris-tow, has received a telegram from her son. Private Thomas Cicrrico,.34^d Machine Gun Bat­talion, 89th Division, announcr ing his safe arrival in New York. Private Carrico has l>een -a mounted poIiceman~ with the army of occupation "in Germany. His telegram came from Can9 Merritt, N^ J., from which be win he awit to Comp Dodge.fptfrhea^


—TTie presentation of "The

hie film ^bama produced by D . W. Griffith and founded on the stwy of 'The Oansnan," b r lliomas Dixon, Tuesday drew thelargeat picture audienee ever

1 seen in Manassas. Three shows were given at the Dixie Theatre at three'and six and nine o'clock.

r^itrruiting officer, aiccompanied , tlA Junior Red Ooss, recently by an affidavit on governmokt decided to send a crate of fTeeh form, to the Zone Finance Office,'eggs to the Marine hospital at | respectively, \ n d at each per-Travel Allowance Division, Lem-: ij^wntico. Each pupil was ask- formance-etanding room was at on RiHMiwp, \P*ahiTigt«B^ TV—T. ^\ \,if bring ""T "HH »" "'•t gtf «"T n prftmiMm Special piano jnu-The Home Service Section of the', a given day and as a result 206 sic was rendered by Miss Mar. ^f^ O n M , Mr*- R-- R S p r i n k a L . ^fgyi mara ftMi»ri>int<wJ^ fnwaHpr, ciakaL

asaiK secretary, wiH be giad to maief aMy more than one egg from all enlisted niSn in preparing tiie' each m e n ^ r of the class. l lK necessary affidavit and wfil have young Red Cross members at the

garet Taaaple Hoptoa and Miaa Frances ^Hes.

—Rev. DeForeet Wade, .pastor forms on hand for thatjmrpose. graded vdtfxA havfe aHb sent of the Presbyterian Qfaurch, has. !|pt*"f» 1 ?• M._

for funds for the Cfaildi«n'8 Home Society of Virginia, for


, , 'TRISH-EYl^'* A.tendo' rpnancc of Old Irciaiid

and Sea. Also CfHoe^. Adai is^n, . 6e-lle.


„ .•'BATTLING JANE" YS^hmaAa hahy and•exi-week — iEe fiZwoB f^SSM

U c - U e



"ARIZOl^A-Aw>Uia Big S«ecc8B



.m. T H E UGHTNtNG HAIDER" Episode 13, T l w White Raacs." Aim Patbc News, F<wd Edaca-

OW! W H Y ?

B E C A U S E This is a strong, careful, safe and successful institu­

tion. I t is a growing, active, up-to-date bank in every particular , _ - - .

=r:::::r- \ . .._..^ '• ^ i ^ ^ A U S E

Yoor attWBit wlU;% appreciated by thi^ bank and' your intwnRwf will nlwny \^ -r^j^^A^rH : - -

'ICI^ : " B E q AjtjiLE: ,.„ ._ Oar foads atrc guarded ;By a modern J w r ^ - j a w r f -

safe-ind with full inmir«m.»

B E C A U S E . OvtSiSam are experienced bankers. Our directors

are well-kBOwn, wtiyo-do tHimneaa mea.


K yon are awt a customer Tg fliia bank; let this be an invitat)<Hi to you to become one.

-3Ttt^€oplc8 National Bank


IBaaal aad a new ParaaMMnt San •ettCe»ed>, '^ideairfSeekBe-

! candy and aerM>ook8 t» other 1 been made chairman for Pnnce. —At a recent sale of Guem-;n^^rby hospitals and to Newport] William county of a campaign

sey cattle at Madtaon, N. J., a Newsf' Virginia cow, bred and raised hy \ .Judge R. H. Chichester at M S farm Rear Frederi c k s b u r g, brought t4.000. The sale was held under the auspices of the


.\merican Goemaey Cattle Club. each breedCT" and member bav­in c been given the privilege of '•'Tering one animal xyf high :iu^rit. Judge Chichester's con­tribution

> t —The five-year-old son of Rev. H. Q. Burr, ef Hamilton, former | pastor of the Methodist Church and 25, the time set for the state-at Manassas, had a narrow «e-1 w i c ^ campaign. This ^tociety.

ed to raise $460 between June 16

cape from serious injury:^4UMt| which was thai^erod by the Vir-periiape death one day last weeki ginia legislature in 1900, is. sap-when he was knocked down t)y | plementary to the work of o w an aiitninfthilp- The jdriver of. orphanage and other institutions the automobile turned into an* and"is depepdeiit^paK"^rotunVary-

Sonoma's Archer alley near the Hamilton post of-j offerings for the care of its 1,-(iirl 56637. - She had a high milk \ ftce and, meeting a buggy in the 1148 litUe wards and other fath-and butter fat record. .Judge narrow wi % reversed the engine erless and motherless little chil-Chichejiter. say?; the Fairfax and was bacldng out to clear the! dren who need homes as a result HeraW, '''•* ^ t-^'Tter Fairfax pa.ssagp when the little fellow,' of the recent influenza epidemic. boy a - ri of th<= :att' ' . i?. D. unconscious of the dan^rer,'Prince Wiltiam already knows M ' n , -,t' ter le ajro stepped into the alley. He was somethinp of the work of this in-

• • • - -' : ri • •'" 'fir >triir"k- bv the fender and esc-ap-'stitution throujrh Dr. Wm. J. cow .i alf eii t'O.-v rrushed bv the wheels Ma\ t>ei . -vho ha.* been in service

—^Miss Sarah Davis, who makes her home with Mrs. R. B. ^rlnkel. has been quite sick this week, but is much improved.

—Misses Maggie Gregory and Adah Wenrich are delegates from Bethel Lutheran Church to the Lutheran Sunday Sehod convention which meets near

—"When Jack Comes Back" is the title of the play to be given in Conner's Hall tonight for thfi benefit of the Boy and Girlj Scout.S- The play will be jjiven' by local talent under the direc­tion of Mr Frank S. Davidson, whose ri,;i\s have scored numer-


—vicmotAs— The name atcwn ALL. It Is awde by the Victor Talking Machine Co. Doa't be deceived by soa^ other—not all Cabi-• e i Maehacs are Vletrvias. Let aw show you. Give a c vour erdo-fer RcoMds. I have s e » e in stack all th« t t»* A^iiule advaiKe tai price. GIVE ME A CALL.

Wiicr Rcpans aod Fittii n €lasse$




J ; racf Jtm nf ar fc ear^ The ji.umal—%\- ind »11, sh u i I*' : — . , , , f i

Page 7: Mmam^^^xmS^ - · Pt&e Elssay by member oflia-1 Miss Niellie Wydj^^aewreQiry naasas-^g^ School and Confoiy S>embers




/ash=| • Irs. IX R. Lewis w&&.th.Wi mtvoTf V iHilm' jiwUii'ihiy

Mr. C. F. Bailey, of Piunfries,! Vas a.Maasaaaa Yttitnr. W.ediiftn-|

• lay. • _/ _

wdOecoquiak Baak§ and lic|-mets to Manasaaa Solidienu

—Rev. Alf ord Kelley hiis been "''jaajil" ttiii TT-- - rr Mo IUMI i"

-oa Centre street ^ _ , ^ , —Lieut. Everett L. Rice, of

-Fort Hamilton, N. Y-.-ayrtved . r. w, • • . A repi)r{3howi'ng the aubacrip- *^" ^Q™!?g j ? ' ^ ^ ^ ' mother,

biatei-Sehna, <rf 8rw*ij i i , if^JTion or$ll&,300 ta the Victory/**•• W- » . Rase Y., la Mie guest (rf her-sister, Mrs.! Loan from Prince WlUiam coun T. 0 . Taylor. ! ty has been macte by Rev. West-

^ xMrs. Mary Brol(aw, t)f Ithaca, " ^ ^ ^"****''^' !^}^^^ "^^r ¥l. Y., is visiting her brother, Mr. "?"»• The subscription was di-

^ n n e t t .

* ' • - ' : \

.•;*« •

^' ,, •> .' ¥

' \





_ .-

•-" • r--; .

,-—,,,.. >ie->ie-

: i

Mrs. W. P. RudasiU, of Cut ,.. :_joeP€r, waa Jlie guest of Mra. \J\XiA.-

A. Larkin on Sunday. ~ ~'-"

vided among the reporting agen­cies aiB follo^ws;

National Bank of Manassas,

' —Children's day services will bekiield at Jones Cfaqwl, Buck-hali, Sunday afternoon at three o'clock. Rev. WiUiam Stevens, the pastor, will be present.

! —A Ford touring car beloog-ing to RfV Thntnaa M p m n n o ^ rector ChuMb

of ^t . Paul's Ejtiscopal ymarkflt, waa alMl-

I pies National Bank of ^ n a ^ a s , »» «r w i> _ txn u- 161 RUbacribora, $32,2g0; Bank —. .— Mr. W.E Dewey, of Washing-! of Njokesville, dumber of sub- en from the Haymarket

ton, spent Sunday.Kt the hoioe gcribers not reported, 120,050; Sunday night. garage

of his aunt, Mrs. G. W. Leith. Bank of OccoQuan, 15S subscrib­ers, $16,200; Bank of Quantico, 44 subscribers, $7,250, and rail­road subscriptions not reported through county banks, $1,300.

Nokesville and Occoquan banks received banners awarded to all banks who reached their . tt ,J2! quotas in the loan^

The women of Prince William county, working as members of the National Woman's Liberty Loan committee, secuned 152

Major Royal A. Stone, of St.[subscriptions amountin/to $34,- terday. PrivateHcMiUan reach Paul, Minn., spent Friday of lasti 150, and'tiie Boy Scouts turned ed Newport News last week and week at the home of Dr. € . R. C.' in 96 suliscriptions amounting j took part in the parade at Riqh' Johmon

Mh Worthh-H. Storke, of the

—Miss Mabel Latim^, of Washr ington, was the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Larkin.

' Mrs. "J. M. Kincheloe, of Up-perville, last week was the guest of her sister, Mrs. R. S. HjTison.

Clarke Johnson, df V. R. L, is spending a few- days with his parents. Dr. and Mrs. C, R. C. Johnson.

—-The Ladies' Aid Society of the United Brethren Church will give an ice cream social at Buek-haU Saturday evening, May 31, beginning at eight o'clock. Homemade candy will be 09 sale. The public is<cordially invited to

—-Private Albert McMillan, who served overseas with the 116th Infantry, 29th Division, returned to his home here yes-

This sale opens Thursday, May 28, and runs to " • • > . • • , . , - . ' • • > • . , - • .

Mond&y, June 30, except on items speda% J

listed for certain days; ^


to $19,000. Mrs. E. D. Wisaler, i n^ond last Friday of the woman's committee, and I . , , , , ^ „ ^ ^ ^ „+ +»,„ w„ Leofi Waters, of the Boy Scouts, i — ^ '^t owners at the M^

Peoples National Bank, is spend- j received the German helroetr of «*««» ^metery are requested mg the holiday with relative in \ W b y the county chairman to Jy t b e ^ e t a y ^/nnuttee rf Washington,. . ^ ^ - f t h * : « > l ^ i t o » « m i t i i w t h a - i i i g b . i J ^ ^

3. of^e?t number^ o ^ j ^ ^ ^ ^ - ^ ^ t ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Barbee. ^•^ . . «r- i _*_j >„«„*^ Washington, spent the week-end MJ?;-Wi88ler reported twenty-with Mrs. Barbee's father. M r . f K^t a]^cat'«n« ^^ ^ - Wa. R. M. RufFner, (rf Orlando. r ® « ' ^ r ^ "f' i^ - - ^ ^ t«

1 Medals are to be awarded to Rpv- fLr\A Mr«. (>orge W. Crab- other -coraroittpe membera for t r e e , ^ Catlett^ spent Friday of

last week with Mrs. Crabtree's -mbtlwrf MrS; W. J. Asfaby.

- J&. H. F. Tompkins, of Wash­ington, this week was the guest of his son-in-law imd daughter.^ Mfr-wd Mrs H Thornton Da-

-vies. '-

Miss Julia Mabney and Mr. H. W. Sanders spent Sunday in

good service.

special effcnt to clean up their lots and the surrounding walkways before Memorial day op Tuesday of next week.

— M r . r.hayiAB R. MftfiinnaCT



N^pno Eaciq>es F r o i Comity "SainJ^S Iron Hor~f%ni

Cot as Brace and BU.

made an official visit to Potonase Division Headquarters, Amoi-caiv>Red Ci'os^-Ht- WashingtMi yesterday as a rcprcsontative <SE|_ the executive_CQmmittee of t*He PriHce William Red Cross Chap-ter and in tfaa intertiBt of the

The; Very Latest Style Spring Suits in all $25.00 to $30.00

proposed h ^ t h ' campaigfl. —Messrs. Thomas H. LionTof

,. ^ , , Prince William, and Walter Tan-Chariic JonoD, »npgrn rhargpd ^^ QUver, or Fairfax, have been Alexandria^here^ey were the with breaking into Fr« 's store mentioned as possible candidates

guests of,Mr. and, Mrs. Richard ^t Nokesville and held in . the f ^ the state s « « t e ^s the joint C. Haydon. ' ^nnty j ^^^ S'TI*** May 14 for ac representativte of Prince WiUiam

jatprEleanbr Snrith, who has feon by the g w i d juns^ndo his ^ ^ palrf &x counties, Sapator R: l)een teaching at Brent*ville, is a escape^rom his ceU.betwwn t m EwelhThornton having declared

- guest of Misses. Annette and o'clock Sunday night and »«»- thaThe will norl)e aTcandidate , Majggie Smifli, 4 thfiir'JiWfiB on rise andjas not beai heard-from f<«. -re.«l8ction. The time Umit

• West street: " * "^ ' ^ i »"^-^ Thejinaoner effected his ^^ cancfidates desiring to €nter

X, ^^ ^ ^ * - r r ^ ^ * ^ v ^ «J ^ m i^ wt . which he-twist. ^ ' * ^ * " * ^ ^^ - ^ Hooff, ( ^ ^ a r l e s Town, W-J'a., ^^ ^^ therforra of a brace and —Private Piul Clai^nce^Spnn-^M^^*®^ tbevifttestS,oJ Mra./ |^ | .^ bore & hole in the ^^ rf kd,. Company A, l ie th M u

,r^-imm!& parents , .^- , .and Mrs ^ j ^ j ^ Inserting this Mstru- who paraded in Richmond: r., George H. Smith. -Iment in the w(tf>dwork of the Friday with the 29th XSms ->. Mr: Mid S^rs. Frederick H.j window of his cell, he finally just returned from overseas,'jur-

Cox, of Washington, are week-: managed to make an opening rived in ManassM yesterday and ' e n d guests of Mr. Cox's motJier,'through the window frame and is the guest of his parent*, Mr;

Mrs. Loufee Cox, and Mrs. Coxll the tnick wall of the building, a and Mrs. R. B. ^prinkel. . Mr. father, Mr. C. C. Leachman. j suiprisingly imall opening for and Mrs. ^rinkel have issued m-

—— W Ki^trham of t^^ passage -bf his subati^ti^ vitationS tea partj to be given ._ Mre. I^M W. Keteham, ot at their home-tomorrow evening CapitoLHei£te,Md. retume^^o, - managed his in honor of their soldier SOT'S

^ i e r hdme_xecffitly, ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ' J eseape-so-quietiy t s ^ mystery, tightcentli hirthdayr of several weeks to relatives and ^^Y_-„ , - ,^ „* hP iailor in tha » ^ • --

, friends in and around Manassas. ^ ^ e ' S n g h ^ ^ t ^ ' d i U ^ „ , „ ^ ? t £ ^ S ' ^ ° i K : Rev.-A. Stuart Gibson has re- ance and the other prisoners in: t ^ A t l i ^ l ^ ^ f ^ ^ h - turned from Winchester, where the jaO-^laim to have heard: « ^ l ^ « * c a P « ^ ' « ^ ^ } - • he atto.v>ied the one hundredand nothing, . M ^ ^ p i J ^ ^ J ^ l ^ ^ ' ^ ^ ' i r , : ^ ' , ^ ; ^

Special No. l -$25 and $30 Suits for $19.98 No blues or blades in the lot; only light spring effects.

Special f .. 2--One-fourdnoff any Gape in tike 'lhou8ep~fie4n a Jiunyras-there are nct- maaiy..

t^wenty-fourai-annual-connca of were skilfully cancealed, t t e only ^„.„„ . . . „ „,.ii»„ ««H y,^ » . «

vies returned Sunday from Rich­mond, where tiwy-attaaded a meeting of the Virginia Bar . Lasociation, held at the Jeffgi son H(>t«n~^ ^ -

Mrs L. B. jyilliMns this week attended the gradlUflOB

vHn&wlses of her son, Belt<» Cu^.

den ande^^tteWa^cet^ his e o ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

mo CROBS WORKER HERE » « ? , . ' ^ ^ • ^ ° ^ ^ ^ f ^ r

Mm. T-r" 'j - ^ Frwr Fr—«*, Makes OOdah Visit.


to he made soon. Kisep yoor eye on- this pi^ter

-wMc ,,«, „i A.v» — - — r '*'*• Franc€»JBoullien TopUtz, J Q ^ an imp^tant amuunceqijait ^^^''wnHamfr^at^^ Norf^ C«^'an "American Red Cross worker i ..^-_: :—.— - ^ & i ^ S t m d « id i S l u S t in France, returned to Potomac To th* D . m ^ t i e Vat«. rf

"' «J f - o l l ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ - «>ec«uu j ^ ^ ^ ^ Wftsh- ^ wmi«i-Ci»Bty: cat ^.owege. ington Sunday, *Eler IT visit of I Wfpectfnlly •m-twiee that I « • m

A party of Mastms, mcluiung ^ ^ days to the Prince William candidate for nominatioii ts tbe o<fc« ^Messrs. Thomas fi. Lion, C. E. . g ^ .Cross chapter and its Ivai^ »' County TrMmnr, nAJcet to the

. Nash, J. P. Leachmarf, Dr. L. F. gj,gg throughout the cotfntjr. Augnat primary etecthm. If awei-• Hough and others, motored to y^^ Toplits visiterfbranches at nated and limetiA I •hall'Mo my T»a*t

Alexandria today in Mr. lion's Nokesville, Aden, Greeawieh, to »««*• yoa iadently. car tcLattend a Staine ^erftsao- stone House, Dumfries, Joplin j . p. LEACHMAN.

_j ia l . ' "" "\. "" " " an? Quantico and the auxiliary Mr. and Mrs. R. B. "S^Skei al iil. "EdllL 4^uuiei«y. On ac-

werit to Richmond last werft to count o f the short time invcrfved attend the homecoming cidebra- and the extremely rainy weath-

—tjrai in honor of "thfr hnjip » i *l>e %r, it was impessiUe ior the 29th Division and to meet^lheir shifter authorities to arrange a son, Private Paul Sprinkel, who srfiedule covering every V>mt in

"Took parf TiflHe pfErade..- ; the ewmty Mrs. L. H. Jones and her little During her stay Mrs. Toplitt

also visited at Buckhall, where

«»» . ^ . i f *« k^ Church in Mwiassas. ^ ^ n ^ ^ - On e ^ h occasion, beginning

WBil«7 Tff ^ i t h her address before the

d ^ « ^ ^ St"*rt «f Bakersfield. ^^^^te organization exists. Cal.; who have been visiting in ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ j , ^ , t . , „ , ^ ^ Alexandna this-week were the ^ ^ ^^ j ^ ^ ^ ^^^^^^ of gu«te of Mrs Jones sister-UH f^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ at the _?«l*ist law, Mrs. H. Y. Meetze, leaving r^„^^ i„ « « « « , « • ^ ^ on_Wedni sister, Mrs Warrenton. chapter at Manassas. Mrs. Top-

Mr. Cari G. Ste^re, of th» titz g»v« an intenesfang aocoanti ^^^-j Philadelphia navy yard, arrived of her experiences as a refugee. • ^ ^ ' hiere Monday to spend two worker in France and outlined. _ ^ ^ _ ^ l l , i f . {„ ^m^-„ t < , ^ ( ^ w*eks vacation with his parents. th«-£<ature program of tb» Rsd;- -Mr. and Mrs. W. L Steere. Mr.:Cr6a^ p»rticnlarly in ito retail jorg. Sialtsfaction jfuaranteed. Steere made the trip from Phil- tion to public health work. I adelphja on his motor cycle, —— ' bnnjr.nK his father as a sidecar Keep your eye as this paper u;i.s. < ii^er from^Washjngton to for an important amioiinccment • iar.a>>a.'(. to he made sooa. ^ T H E QUALITY SHOP :: MAN s r

Page 8: Mmam^^^xmS^ - · Pt&e Elssay by member oflia-1 Miss Niellie Wydj^^aewreQiry naasas-^g^ School and Confoiy S>embers

I'AGE EIGHT .x. THE MANASS.\S JOURNAL, MANASSAS, VIRGINIA i t! ii! \ \ \ i \ \ :;'f.


Eastern ColBKenceBieiit Larg*-^ Xtteiid«4 by 1V>«iHqM(»|il»>»~

tLAJoib I ^ pleasant social eyeiit of this week for some of the music lov-

Stodwite |tM*lv« 04^1

The twentieth annval com­mencement of Eaatorn Odlege came to a ekwe on Tuesday even-in 8:. Beginning with the expres­sion r^ital on May 19, through" to tha end, the different exhibi­tions were of uniform excellence.

The work in the piano depart-


era of Haymarket was t h e r e -cHal ^v«D at th« Purish l&tnnr Wednesday ev^mnsM»y Prof. Mo-

ment s&owed its hiirfie8t-excei=^ ience in the plasang of Bfiss Senft and Miss Elizabeth Jonn-son Manasjsas. In the expression department special recitals were given with very pleasing effect ery pleasing

nlle and Ethe by Misses-Lodlle and Ethel Hix-son, of Manassas, and Miss George Pope, of Athens, Ga. On Thursday a play of considerable technical difficulty was giyen \'eiy creditably by Mrs., porter's jjupils .

The exhibition of art and home economics, which took place from three to five o'clock on Saturday, was well attended, and the re­freshments served showed the cooking ability of the domestic science pupils...

The president's reception at Voorhees Hall on Friday was at­tended by, the students and a number of townspeople. On Sunday thr-bwaalaureate ser­mon was given by the president, Dr. H. U. Roop, and special mus­ical numbers were given by Misfi Vera Board, Miss Margaret Roop and Prof. OrviHe Walson Mosh-CK, j r .

sher, Mrs. Porter and MiBri>tar^ garet Roop, of .Manassas. Each member of the well selected and artistically rendered program was greatly enjoyed and receiv-ed wftrm applause. Hajrraarket Is most appreciative of the kind­ness oi these, friends in giving the bf»iefit for the school league. A part of the proof odtf will be do­nated to the county fund for the •kiiy fun

^ordah Salvation Army.

J M- ». i T> e Col. R.> H. Jordah motored andMiss Margwet Roop, of j-froni Washington on Sunday and

''°'"" spent the day with his family here.

Mr. <]liMtav Petora, lately of

The pTesideht^" prize debatF was held ort Monday afternoon, the subjept being, "Resolved, That the League ofJ^ations phm, as presented by President Wilson before CongresB, be cuncuriTd in." The arguments were well set forth in, detail, the. affirma­tive winning the deb%te, and the gold medal, as best speaker, go­ing t^^Mr^^ikrlion-DoQlejMilQg: densburg, N. Y. The partici­pants were members of Prof. Mnaher 'a d e b a t i n g c la s s

the A. E. F., has received ^his honorable discharge and return­ed home on • W^nesday from Gamp Lee.

Mrs. W. iC. Payne and Miss Virginia Boxley were Washing­ton visitors this week.

Mr. Robert Tyler, of Balti­more, is visiting his aunts, the Misses Tyler.

Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Delk and chirdren. Miss Willie Tulloss and Mr. Frank 'Tulloss motored from Washington <»i Sunday and spent the day at the old Tulloss home here. ( >

Private Ross Bragg, 32nd Di-vision, A- E. F.. spent Wednes-day in Haymarket^ on his way U}\P-J>- ^^^^i p««tor, visit his mother, Mrs. R. H. " ' Bragg, of Strasbui:g. ' / _

Mra. William Brookes-and in­fant son are with her mother, Mrs f R. L. Dulfuiy, for the. sum-

^n—Tuesday afternoon five members of the Central High School tennis teana, Washington, arrived, and shortly afterwards a Tnatah -was arranged between their two leading "players and Mr. Clarence Meet^^HUid Mr. Mosher. The niatcfi was not completed on account of lack of time, Mr. Meetze showed pmm-ise of becoming a truly good player. His smashing was. ex-ceHent and aS *e|-need8 naflc. is the experience whjM^comes from a number of difllBldt naatches with other teams in order to per­fect his_ game. Mr. -^fo^her. played his usual game —

The final commencement oc curred at eight {tWodi. on Tuea-day evening, the speaket* being

Price? of Philadelphia, Mrs. F. B Price ^md Miss Bell Hancock mo­tored from Waishingtpn on Wed­nesday and are spending this week at the family home here. Ml-. Price . has lately returned from France, where he had a jcear's service with the 28th Di­vision, A. E. F. . .'-—Mrs, J. L. Harrefl, of Manas-, sas, was tl|e guest df Mrs. C. D. S. Clarkson on Sunday .



LtrrHBRAIir Bathri Lothcnn taafiA, R«v. Kd


CF'cloek. at

Preaching at 11 •• n>.


Trinity EpiacopaT Church, A. Stuart Gibaoa, Bactor.

Sonday School at tO 9'clock a. m. Snvie$ flrat, Mcoad and fourth

Sunday at 11 a. m.; every SowUy at 8:00 p. m. •

• St.. Alin'a Mamoiia) fanpal.T-Wakai. vlH*. Service Aral "SoiKbiy at 9~p. la.', ti^rd'Soaday St U a. a .

PRBSBTTBRIAN Manasaaa Preabyterian Cboreh

Rev. D e P o n s t Wade, Paator. ' Sunday School at 9:i6 a. u . '

Pr^l'hiny «t 11 ?T>n * p. Subject "Every Man An Influence."

Preaehinc at 8:00 ^ . n>. Subject, '"nwr^Abo Serve Who Only Stand

Prayer tnMUpg Wednesilay at 8:00 p. m. •' - "

Clifton Presbyterian Church, H«v Alford Kelley, lupply.

Sunday School at 10 a. m. Slubject, "Faith—What tt Is and What It Doea."

Preaching at 11 a. m. Subject, "For Christ's Sake." .

.Sunday, June 8, aV 12 o'clock, oon-gregatfonal meeting.

B A ^ I S T ; jtanasaaa Rii^tlat Cfetgeh, Rev, t .

Sunday—Sunday School, 9.45 a. m-; morning service, 11 o'clock; B. Y. p . U., S:45; eveqing service at 7:30.,

Wednesday—Prayer • meeting at 7:80 p. M. .

Mr, and Mrs. Pembertoh M^ «1T BARNETT GRIMSlErs AT-POINTBIENTS

Bellehaven, fourth Sunday, 11 n. m. Woodbine, second" m d fourth Sun­

days, 3 p. m. fiatcher^ Itemoriat, second -Sunday,

11 a. m. and 7:30 p.m. I Oak Dale, third Sunday,'11 a. m.u

-and ilrst Sunday, 7:30 p. m. ' . '. Auburn, first Sunday, 11 a. ta.,. and thlM Silnday, 9 p. in.

TFfErBTUSYCORNER" PENNA.AVLAT8TH.ST 9rm 9:15 A. 1. # W A S H I N G T O N , P. C. a-^^M F. M.

Correct Materials Jw^Sttmmer Frocks CobreJ Yoilei, WIAc Yoifeg. Poagec Sife and Serg<-dl afford cool sammer

wear when Made ep iato pretty frocb, sldrts, blouses, or other summer

ciothmg. These 4 Special items, with redoccd pric«, will help yoa in yom^

seledioB o< pretty bttt mqqiensive materiak which snmmer requires so much of:


RALDESICy«S.LIGHTANDDARKCOL. C - ^ . I ^ 1 o n . ORINGS, REGULAR 50c QOAUTY. 0|ICtIdI, d ymlly JO t l b


-BtOUSEr^AND DRESSES, REGULAR C-T^ ' y^ " j - t ^ j » - -39.cENt VALUE.. . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . opcc ia i , H yaTci, ZD CIS


Mrs. Carvel Hall had a tete-gram on -Wecfiiesday from her nephew, Lieut. Woodson' H|in cock, 318th telling of his safe arrival atNew-port News. - l ieut. Hancock had thirteen months' service over­seas and was badly gassed, but has recovered. . ' - "—

p - -10:30, followed by beaedfcttefcof

HELP HIM 4 t O N € r -

Dr. Bradford Knapp, of the Unit-ed States Department o f - A ^ culture, who gave a very strong address to the jp:«d)iat^_ .

Dr. Rooj> presented the diplo­mas to the eighteen membec% of

•the graduating class. It is announced .that the next

sp sion will begin Septembw 2 . t h . • - ' '•


i ; s;. ; hnt lo^in.T remembrance of i< r.v "htis and, Edward "W. :WeITs;

V - - e-'_t]2; 'ife oa» year ago t day. May 30, 1 « « .

,;jst ore year ago today, .• " . .\s the evening eun weafc

the west, All an^e) came f r e « heftvea

.^nd said cone ! ; • •« to rest.


l eares t Eddie, sweetly sleeping. In his lonely narrow bed, '

There !th«i> Hemm bt flffwin W w -ing

.\round A e grave where yoa a n laid. - —-

F ome may- tfai«k I bave forgot y««. Bat that t i n e will never be, ^

TViat y o n a r e not taoogM «f by »« .

If you could only e«ia» b«ek aad Me oar d««(ing Httie baby

As sbe crawb areoiid « • the floor, And bear ber trying to say » d d y

I kflVw yon woaU leave m BO More.

But God took yoo from thia W M M ef - -stns and trooWe

To a brighter bene <MI bigfa Fur iher«,wil! be no work and

Written by v.ife and five

hie loving and d e n t e d little chfldren. *

Dont down a fallen brother^ " Don't acorn him has erred; Jkist stop and reflect before yoa reject. And help Mm along with a word.

•Hia sina Auty be many and Uaekest, His conaci«tee may vemn. to be dead, Bttt we wbo^are wjae will help him to

CATHOLIC All Sahita? CatiMllc Church, Man-

aaaaa. Father WaBain Gill, paatotr H a u at.S a. m. , l l i i l aBd

days. Senmdand fonith Soadaya at

the nieiaed Sacrament. METHOtflST^

H. £ . Cb«rdi,<8abtb,-Biiv. W ^ a m ,• Stevens, pastor. —Manaaaaa .Sonday School at.^)^46•^




|>reachiag at .11 ft. m and^ 8 p. ja., ^ Epwurtfa League at 7:30 p. i ^ , ^

PrtiTer meeting Wednesday a t ^Hw:


And return to the t^^ '*">n'«y ^ ^

We Jcnow not how great his tempta­tion, " , .:

The "fi^^ he haa~ waged toi, stand ;.. strong; . . .

It may be that you woold have ^v^n Tq>, too, , " -

Had yoa been in Ms place all alongi

Cannon Branch^-Si --Ifr^r. ur> - X : ~

Preac | iu^ firsthand at l i a. qu -'

?o (five him « word of His course you may turn to'the rigbt. And help him to be, and in teoe viaio«

The glory of "Iteavenly light. " • " - J E N O T B ^ A K T E R LEWIS.


Tto Be S^encd Ahoait the MiddDe

Clump Kent, the State Y. M: C. A. Camp f<»- Virginia Boys, is to open about the middle of June ftecording to an announcement fust made at the headqtikrters of the State Executive Ck)mnuttee m Kicnmond. P6C'MV«)%1 yeAH boys frofn-«U pacts of the atate have been spendintg two weeks or

4nM>re jgi 4h> aumroag vacation; -«n-«tminir: mountain climbing, hikiiig, eating, aleeiring and liv-""' in the vnta air" at n m r KenE~ • The-<

bridge coonty seven miles from the w<»-Jd famous Natural Bridge of Vfa-giniju The boys sleep in wooden hats. They have their meak in an, open pavilion. They swim in a pond made by damn­ing Opossum Creek with a con Crete dam two hundred feet long. Under the diving stage there is

And pleawres Stan oevw«B£r—ftw«lve feet <rf J« t«r and whole pool covers about an acre.

; i . : i . -if Char.eston. •»"i k n i ' w n f o r

11M Camp is owned aad ope­rated by the State Executive Commfttee of the Y. M. C. A. and boys over twelve years of ajTe arp elijrihle.

lnqutnp<< roTwemin j r t he c a m p "^a> ;ip :i . :rfs.sed to 9 0 2 C h a m - ' '•••••' ' • . • i- Huilfiiinjir. Rirh-

p. m. Preact)ing first and tlutd Sandaya|

at Bradley at 3 p. m. Preaching at BnckhaU a«eond and

foutth Sundays at 3 p. m. f-CSURCH OF THE BRETHKEN^^ Rev. £ , E. Kougfa, pastor; Sev . J.

M Kliwft, aMHrfjrtit . ,— 1 _

• # i , . M J ! ! i - « f c l « P * ^ » > i

y School at


: Chriijitian WoAers at 8 p. m. Btadley—Sunday School at 10 a. m. Preaching second and fourtt) Son-

days at 11 a. m.' . r . ' "Die Love Feast of the Church of

llie~ Dielliren w!» be held- at C i S i ^ day, April 18, a t B x pjB,_

P R I M m y f e BAPTIST : j PnmitilnB Baptiat a i u r c h , ' B d v T \

S rtaUnn, i>;stftL Swvicea evety teurth Soiiday a t 11

a. m. and -the jSatarday pawtaiHwg at 8:36 p. aa.

UNITBD B R R B S B N . Rev L .%. Mesridc'e appofaihMnits

follow: \ N . MaaasHa—Ffeat kad tUrd Saadaya.

7:30 p. m. Secoadjari C K a f h a n h daya, 11 a.

Baddialt 3 p. m.

Aden—Seeeod a a l f oarth SoMaya 3 p. m.

Mknaad—FireTaad tMvi Sawlaya • » a. as. •: =

3*1*^ and'tinrd SvadaySi

T*_hazc T o u ST<a fTapriawl thy.-oagUy aad GUMW^tted pr»»nl>. MUiy ef oar patieBU ta Mi mmk viirfcity wUf teU yea to

DR. SVXFFBRMAN Eyesight Sp>sdaliBt

710 Blcv«a<li Street. WASHWGTWf.'D. C

OUR MOnrrO: We da aat • • r work talsbed o M t t e is ahaoMeIr aatisAcd. 43-Sm

I - , II ...IL "I II

Geo. 0 . Baker Undertaker

AND LICENSED EMBALMER U r AT* . . Nrar C. H.. Manassas. Va

Prompt attenU(»i ^dven all orders, i ?T^cf^ .-i? low ^s good »en>ce and ma-j

-;;fv MfUlif (,a«k*U,


TheToId firm.of CM; Larkin & Com­pany U on thWjqb again at the origin nal stand on^entre street, where they are ready to serve their pabrons with anything/in the line of FlcHir, Feed, Hay. Grain, Etc- tf.yon woulj have ^iF^prdeal,

yopr waids^




Page 9: Mmam^^^xmS^ - · Pt&e Elssay by member oflia-1 Miss Niellie Wydj^^aewreQiry naasas-^g^ School and Confoiy S>embers

FRIDAY, aiAY f50, VM9


I ourily Agent Urges Pvft Milk

at Fair Prit« «» Go«i Pi&ty^

bn Producer; '""



BRISTpW Mr. WiHiam Coirnwdl and Pri.

L^ J'X ._ - .

MwwmrhnHiftfa CoKr of Verses P o b i y i e r

,vate WUiairi Riley, of Indiaa_, Md.,, YiaiteA *X tbe. iuime|i

•' TJOPflCUUH CdlRM ©ft BUIIP •" -

Here Fifty Tears Age

- - itUirion veteran, s^dirua a P t t t g T ^ f ^ f a ^ -P°"y' " ^ '^^'^^ poem which he aayvlie found in Mrs. Mattie Bums and her lit-a h'ttle newspaper printed in-Ma-nassas fifty«one years ago and which he committed to memory.

No doubt one oi tba most bi-itresting subjects to the dairy farmers who supply milk to the :ity of Washington and also to

e consumers of that milk is its puce, both^to the farmar w d 1 according to the copy which Mr. also to the consumer.

Milk ia not t^ luxury, but al­most as much a necessity as any other one articl» of diet, l^ie great masd^'of the consumins public has not been fully educat­ed to its great value a s a food. Strictly clean nulk from healthy cows is surely one of the most nutritious as well as econpmical foods on the market today. "When the consuming public has the same confidence in its cleanliness and purity that it has in the va­rious standard breakfast foods that are put up in attractive car­tons, or that it has uor the various proprietary soft driaks si^d uni­versally, it will be a more liberal user of milk.

Now, i t is manifestly to every'

Haggerty furnished last Ubmor-paper with the comment of the Jlerald:

"Tfie. following poem, which has been held in the memory of George A. Haggerty of^Sout^-bridge, appeared in a little news­paper printed at Manassas Junc-or thre^ years after the Civil or three years after the Civel war ended, which shows the di­vision of families in that civil strife—brother against brother, and father against son. It also shows the devotion ef a sister.' The same coMiitkm pxevaHs i a Alsace-Lorraine in this world-war, where the division of fami' lies has been handed both' to.the French and Gerpan cauas- But as a French precauticm in force

body's interest that all milk'crf-fered iox sale should have and merit just such absolute confi­dence. No doubt the mOst of "the milk sold in Washington de. serves implicit confidence i n l t s purity, but when stinies of milk from unlicensed' dairies being on sale in the city reach the con­sumer he is inclined to cut out milk. This does great da^nage to both the producer and the eota-samer of cl^an.milk. The li-eensed dairymen and the city health depwtment. should work hand in hand to keep every bit ^^BDiilk out of the city that <kwB noJ come from licensed dairy fjurms. Nothing less t^aii this .is fair to the consumer or to the 6lean dairymui.

Now.a few wordS'-about_the ^ price. I realize that this is a

very - dangerous prace^ling.. K

The same saq ahiaea ^KHI th«ir gnves; My love tmchanged miut atay.

So now apoa my bosom lies' Thu knot of blae and-gray.'

for u important anno^ceaient

is abnost like Walking in M | ^ hracL' Now, if milk is as •gjod & thing as we know it-to be,

'and if it is noade as dean^is it ought to be, will it not conamand a fair price> I beiiewe it will,

Of course, not every d^rymim, even if he has A JJcense^ jwill \ ta he made soon. make a good profit at the price commanded by the merits of pure milk. ' Neither does every (toctor, lawyer, merchant or oth-ex -business man. make a profit|-° simply because he is' in the bus­iness. The good pn^t should come only to the man who is ca-pabie and edldent

If the effident licensed dairy­men insist on a price that is too high they_not only tend to cut down - the consumption of mOk, but they invite moffe men^toien-

Mr George-A. H, Southbridge, Mass., preUimably

™. _ . Hnv an routft to Ouantioo. Mr. B. M^^Bridweft-visitetf

frli ndu near TMando Sunday.

The poem ii reproduced here, pfoyed at Quantico, spent Sun-

for ne&rly fifty ye*hi. huhdreds of tbiNissada of Ffoich boys, bom in Alsace-LorraiBe, .have been sent away forever from home and mother befcure arriv-ing at the required age," to avoid

Mr. and Mrs. Noah Ennis were guests of their Wughter,'

tie daughter, Grace, of Bealeton, spent the week-end with Mr. and~ Mrs. Isaac Ennis.

Mr. G. S. PearaoOr who is em

day at his home here/ Mr. Daniel Sowwi, of Luray,

visited his father-iU'law, Mr. N. E^ Ennis, Sunday

Mrs. Gr»ce^V>ttef Visited Tit the' home o^ her daughter, Mrs. Mary l)aniel, of Quantico, S|U>> day. •"

Mr. C. R. Earhart was a Quan­tico visitor Sunday.

StaUm«Bt « | the Fiaandd CondttiiNi of Bank of Oeeoqoaa, lacwrporatcd, loeaUd at Oetoqoaii, fai the eeoaty of Primw WOUam, gtat* af Vir-Kiida, at tbo cleaa ti fc—fawa Mt^ 12, 1919, Biadc «• tha SUt* Corparation CoaiMiaata.

Baaottrcas i^ana and diacounta....- $48384.66 Overdrafts, unseenred 83.42 Bonds, saeorltiear etc., own­

ed, indndBiv pramhun' on -same _ 80,011.77

Fiimiture and fljctnroa 1,316.00 Ezekangca and ehaelca for

next day's clearincs......!.. 819.34 T>iMi fr^Hi M«ti«niil fciik. ft«,7«Qft

Paper Curyeney .zz:..^ ' 8,415.00

compulsory service in the Ger­man army.'

THE KM.OT OP BMJB AND GBAT •Upon my bosom lies'

This ko«t of Utte and ffn,j-•Yon ask me «hy? Tean fill my ejres

A6 to yon I say:

. . . , . 110,000 JM

9»JU 29i$

I had two brokers once -Warm-hearted, bold and gay;

Tbey teft my rid*—«» «ir« t)w ti|lM • The odwr wOTe tiie gray. ;•'-^

Both fought for what they deemod V the right.

And died with sword in hand. One sieepa among Viri^nia's hiUsv,' —And wie in CteurKia's aaads^ ——

Capital stock paid in Burplns fund . . ;..~. {Jndhrided pn^lts, leaa

amoont paid f«r mtwast, expenses and taxes

Divid^dtf Tmpaid Individual d^Kwits, kielnd-'

ing savings imfont*. :.. 93,68821 Time certificates of d^poait 1/446.00 Certified .checks . . : . . . 2.76 Cashiei^s checks ontstanding.' 448.06 Reswrved ion aoenied inter-. —ert sa dqwsits-.- ^.—~9ltM

- .Beaenad for aocrned intar>'~ est on cer^fiait«8 of ^e-' posit ..:......: ..........".:...

Reserved for aeerowd taxes.. All othcx items of Malwlity.. 3.220.00

aOhn that the above is a true states mast of the financial condition 'td Bank of Occoqnan. Incorporated, lo-eateO at Occoqnan, Jn the comity of. Ptince WilHam, Stata of Vicgima, at the dose' of bnsindM on the 12th' iais tfl M*r. .1019, to tha beat af jsy kmafe


Fiv4-Yfai-OiA Ndson Speidcn BiBJeA H ^ Mipnilaj^ ^^

Edwin Nelson Speiden, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert ^>ei-d&a, and grandson and namesake of the late Lieut. Edwin Nelsoin, (fied ^turday morning at the home &f hia partita on Battie street, after an illness of less than twenty-four hours. He was five years oldand is surviv. , .

gage in the d«ry business, a n d j ^ far hi» parents and one siste .|P«*-fa<>P^^*' ' *^ that will bring out^ more oaik|Mi8» virgim* Speiden, A few than will be c<»isumed, « id thus the price will be forced down in the «»d anyway.

The WashingtOTi market can­not be raonopoHaed'^by ihe near­by dairsrmen if the jMnce in too high. I know of milk being shipped 'Utere a distance of 150 miles from a licoised dai^~snn^ ly because the price is attractive. Too big a price simply .invites disastezJO-tSS. consumption and over]

The^best way to make a mar^ ket for a thing is to give it real merit and sell it at an attractive price, and if your competitor can not stand-that sort of traatmgnt,

years his saiier. ^ The funeral took pifiee Mon­

day afternoon at the Priimtive Baptist Church and intoment was made in Ifae family lot in the Manassas cemetery, the services hwing extnAnt^tP^ hy Rev. T. D . D. Clark, jwstor of the Manassas Baptist Church. The p^lbear-ers were Messrs. Jt^m H. and James E. Nelson^ of Wa^ing-

C.~ Paul Nelson, of Hunting' too. W. Va. and A. 0 . WeedMi, of Warsent<»i, tm>thers and brothcr-m-ntw of Mrs. Speiden.

of course he can retire from the fx^d.- The daiF3rmen must stand together, however, and insist on nothing going into the city that if» not clean and pura, beca' sf-nously injures their business, diT-ectly and indirectly, and is im irally and legally wronjr.-—R. U Koiner in the Washington >tar. " —

Fnetional papar eitrreney, nickeU and cents...

QM cMn . . . . . - . . . ; . . . Silver coin - , .

> • -Total .....

226.10 806.00 644.46

-UaWHtta ....|lll,806Jf2


concrete Fa td lw Floor* Pmjr for ThcniMlTca in F*«d Bavod^ and Xwp Slock Clcao and Uealitiy. V— BacDUTT CCMSVi (or Baua-tecttoo. _

16.20 100.00

Total I, James M. Barbee.

•$111306.82 cashier, do

«dge iad belief. JAMES H. BARBEE, .Caaibic^ '

S Cwxeet-^Atteat:. CHAS. A. B A R B ^ ,

.» E.P. DAVIS, D . S . BEACH,

Piractors. State of Vir^nia, ' - i.

Condky o<>rince William. "• Sworn to^and.«ibaecibed bafora ma

by X M. B^Aee, < ^ b i « , tUs 2ted day of May, 19J9 . _ _ _ . _ _ • R.H. WOODYASD^

Notary PaMe; My commission expires ° January-

26,1921. ' ' '

"Concrefe-Improvements have paid for them­selves in one year—^and maae money for their owners forever after. T h e y save time, make work easier, let you .Avofk quicker—you can dd more work with less help—keep your stock in letter condition, make your place modem,--more effidcat r.nd more prpfiublc. Concrete Improvement* are not ex-jiensi\-e, and they are not an expense. . They are a paying iiivcstnient and make money for you.

Concrete construction is the farmer's best, cheapest and easiest way to put up any kind of an improvement on the farm. Build with _Concrete and you build but once, because Concrete is as strong as solid stone, and as

"TveflailihgT" JNcver needs repairs. Kot-prooT,-rat-proof, •wind-proof, fire-proof. You don't have to spend much money to build with Concrete because you have on your land, or nearby, practically everjrthing yoa need. No special tools or machinery are required. You can do the , work yourself; with your labor with litUe tjme

[ A CODcrat* llan«c* Ftt'aava* Vain. •>!• U«al4a Warimry to Thor-oosli F«nllIsatloB, Ton can Bnlld Ona at l.o<r'-Coat «ltk 8ECCI Csa"'* -

find no Trouble.—About atl ; uu need is cemynt, and for that be aurc-'and iisfc . : :._ .J _„

iliTLAND (g iUQirr

SECURITY CEMENT comes to you ready for u^e. fQ'J can get any quantity for any size job. You oiiaht t6 have a fe\v bags in the barn-all the time for odd jobs around the pbce. i!^-riTniT-V r-r-\lgVT ;• «f.n,<TH I^rf in largp fonstr-JCtijn.' bridges, roads and for farm work; unifonii in quail

. and ^ecialty adapted uryoiir needs.

bag —f^

We are at ybm- service ana wiH-giVe yon practical and experienced help in planning

BntJd • Canorcw l^ragy Tank and Sara Of 'nma_Now 'Waatod ' - f^"T'"a ^rm««r.

,j . at xmja Coat. 'fc CTMSHT. " "

TBaCan D » » : D M SacCBiTl

doina_lhe work^-no matter how small-it mjy be! Or, we will arrange to have the work done-for-TTOtt Ask for our''1joo1rt8t, "What a Bag ot Cement Will- Do" and g«> in touch -Wifb us now aboil t Concrete .ImprovementA that cost yon nothing be-.-"• cause' they Pay for Them-selvea. Well be glad to tell

jTou how you can nave iheifl.

ComwaH Supply Cdc Va.

W. R. Free, Jr. & C^ ' Nolwsvak^Va:

STATEMENT .Of the nnaneial CflwUtiim of The

BanTaf N^MrSle, bcMryented, - lecated at NakMTille. la4lM Coaaity

of PriKe WilUaM, Stata a< Virgiida, at tfte cIOK af ^iiu»aa May 12, 1919, made to tKe State Csrpara-tie* CoaHBtsaion.

RESOUBOBS — Leans and discounts .497,929.00 Overdrafts, unsacorad ...- . S1.36 Bonds, secnritiea, etc^ OWQ- .- i

ed, inelodiny premivm M f same ....;.»-.-". u ^82.694-

Banking H o ^ and Lot^-..^- IJIOO 00| Fomiture and fixtorca 761.65 Bx^sBM and die^a for

next day^s'claaxia^B —. 562.41 'm S0,S70.42

Paper Cerrsaey .^-^..^ l> te40


rraetioBsl idckela and'easts:

Gold eofa ......r,< Silver eofa^-




Ckpital stock paid ia 912,60040 Snrphn fimd . / . . , tJiStM Umfivided profita, leas ^ j

expenses and tazaa. 241648: Dividends impaid 10.60 IndividnJd dapoaks, iadnd- I

ing savings depoeita 1M49641! Time cartittcataa of dapeatt.. 2,000.00 Certifi^ eh*cks _^._ 4J»t*M DIM loTls*ioiiar'Ba»..Zm 7WJ4J Rta> nrad for aeerosd intsr-

tat on depoaita. - 11».58' Kesamaa ftr aeensad tazcK: -MMO All ether itaasa of Uability.... 240.94

Oiff Store Is Splen4jj(^ H^^y To S ^ e the

USEEDS-SEEDS Jk h w h ahipaiait a | COW PEAS i v w <m Itwrf I t e

v ( ^ best d c u i new sl^dL S i e susfleB aad get .^iets:

DUUNiMAimHOe. ai& F St. sad 1214- 18 G St. .

W A S H I N Q T O N , D. C .

V Hava yoa ever prices on JOB WORK 7 UMM days Jt ta^ wcLta

Total 41S3,«20.»4 I, 3. A. Hooker, Cashier, de aalemn.

ly aiBrm tliat UM above ta a troa statement of the flnandal eondiiioa of The Bank of Nokesvil

gm^^ -at- Nokes> Cosnty of Priaea Winiam,''Sta{i dt

'I Yirrrfai. »* the cloae of biMJasai m had •mF~ jthe 12th day of May, 1915 , ir t teT«r

•f my knowledge and belief.

biadvuM* Iwtk theqaaffi^ and the tiMt. Aak THE JOURNAL

J. A. HOOKSK, CaaUar. Off wcfc—"Attert:


irte Journal—$1—and worth it ir \ i^i l^^

State of Virginia, County of Prince William AiBrmad to and sabacribed before

= me by J. A. Hooker, Cashier, this 22Bd J^i : day of May, 1919.

'S^ I WL-R^JiOOKER, 35^1 " Notary Public

Uy coBunisaioQ expires Nov. 24, lit21.



STORL^ 8tli M d l Streets, N. W.,

WashiDgton, D. C

^M&cr mm Be«M Cmmiij^ belter stfled to e w ^TMMIL

Try tL '. ' • ^: • • '






n m r a 1 9 gRK ITS

J. H. BURKE & CO. r

±L _ TT*e Kaustine ^



L: J. C TULLOS, County Agent



Page 10: Mmam^^^xmS^ - · Pt&e Elssay by member oflia-1 Miss Niellie Wydj^^aewreQiry naasas-^g^ School and Confoiy S>embers


i R H ) \ y :vi w VK f^iti

I N W w l f l W A R It i» estiiiMited th«t therrwere in Oifferent parta of tba country

Prt, o,.K.»^. >>J"-*"'fe:T5!^g^^gn|j Davis, Flnt-y«ur S t o ^ a t oi

B e M B i c l i SelMMii.

The f oUowii« original compo­sition, written-by Miw Aline Davis, a fir»t-y«ar student of Bethel High School, was award-ed first prisa a t i h e j M ^ t , c o m ­mencement:

It was the women cJ tHeSeorld —the mothers, wives," sisters and sweethearts of those at the front, who made ten! war sacri­fices. It was their everlasting love, undying determination and t h e i r God-given patriotism which carried the spirit of suc­cess to every man in the army and navy.

Not so many years ago, a wo­man at the age of* fifty renounc­ed all general activities, ^ - ^ l e thought she was .'old. She thought her work was done. But the woman of today, strong, ed­ucated, enthusiastic, self-reliant! Ah, we take off our hats to her! Today when she 8p&ta^~~the world listens. She can do with it almost as she wills. The war has advanced the status of wo­men in every field..

"The ghls behind the man ba



Aipd How ika Local Merehant

ties, substituting for men in the

The dutiea that were accom-^ h e d by the wbmen were those of wireless operators, signal corps secretaries, munition work­ers, aids in medic^ department, quartermaster department^' irad-Britaitti,. iPfanee-and I t a ^ for. canteen workers, motor corps, operators and Ihe workers, in food administration. .

The women were more willing to co-operate with Herbert Hoov­er than the men. He showed them how to ase wheat and meat substitutes Bo there would-be more to send across the water to feed our army and the allies. Also aiding Mr. Hoover were the cannipg club girls who helped master the problem of feteding the world and* deserve a great deal of credit. The women of America-received thanks from

May Gat the BfaU Order

Trad* at Horn*.


rMJVfi'M, covtaao-

'2M acrf* ia PriMe WilUsM Omatj lB~iaai-ta-r«»wrf rtiu of rwHtTatlna

annual practice of the mail-order houses of flooding the country with their catalogues has prompted tlie ecUtiNr of the Wyanet (111.) Review to writa ti»c f<rik>wing which i s r w r f a i t a d | w ^'J^^ from a recent issue: ,

"The maiL order catalogues are flooding •Vyanet and rural routes. They are the" large ca^ alogues as well as small ones, which are annduncing -special sales. It is said the maiLoEder men watch papers of the smaller communities and when they find the merchant is letting down on advertlsiiig. as is the usual prn-

uti Uw f i t o t t o r in oak woifc with •boot 90M tiM oo it wtdeh wo rary rakwU* aew. TUs fsrm it I t pilco froM n U n o 4 oa poUie TOMI. io foir-\y wril ttmett, kM loo atthui of oil kiads of fniit, aiee nuuuac wotor. B«iMiaga earnitt of fair dwoUat M T rooau. good bora aid pcaetkaOy BOW bBUalcw nf 5 ToaM.b>al4oo otkor o«t-bvUdiaC*. Prico, IMJM

the food administrators of Great in corps, yeomen in the navy, hs l img Mr. Hoov< part of the war. While the men

Groot Barf aia ia Pi(n«uior l^ouatr-S22 aeno wiUiia 2 mdim. of railrood •ad lood rillace wken tboro ia flao adMMl. gebd atMroo, cbardiMkAad oth­er ceareniencoa. TUa (oral ia naoeth aad ia Bae oUto of odtiratioa a ^ thor» ia SM acno of it aador odtiva tjioa and the roaaiadorin ti«bor aad liab. wooda.- It laya skng both aidoa

ceeding after the holidays, they tmmpaiatelv flood that tCTritory


•f a good public read, ia woU feneed. aicoly watered by well, atwinga'aad running ftreas and ia idea) for either dairying, general farming or atoek raifiBg. 'Ifiere la Stl klnda^ of "Wieo fruit and the baildinga, wM^ a n bcanttfully located,, conaiat <rf a aplen-did T-room' frame nooav ^ IKW i

Flak lures Going Onto More ~^^~~~^nDijs Every Day /^H>MI>II!IONS these dara—the larger demands \ ^ <^n|^marrbodr'« pars*—are laadis

Tahia ^ to Io<* more iatomolnle tires.

__. laadisg aaocoriats eloeelr htto tftm

hind the gtmtf' embraced workers drtfie~Red C*08s, Y. M. C. A., Y. W. C. A., ^Ovation Army, Knights of Colunaibus and others.

First of all comes the brave Red Cross nurses whp were wil­ling to sacrifice their lives to save others. They faced the

h a i d s m ^ terrors and naidships oi ww: For examples of the Red Cross

have Madeline Jaf-nurses we fray, a Canadian nurse, Helen LaMotte, and

an Ammcan Edith CaveU, an


martyred nurse.- Miss Cavell, who was killed by the.Germans, said that she had no fear of

were still b^ing sent over seas to partake in the great struggle General Pershing cabled home, "Keep the food coming,"" and the . ^ I ^ e bebind the ones at. ihe , HBTffid teep i t coming and

ffhwli contlWiB^ do so" until there is no more needed. '

The Europe an^ oth^ er countries, even ploughed the land and put in the crops.

Women also did their part in, th« buying of Liberty Bohds « id War Sgving Stamps

with theii* advertising matter "The Review famUy does no^ « » • tenement house, new d ^ and

•, . , ,^„ „_«. fv.'horae bams, large cement jailp and receive.these catalogues, yet thcj ^^^^ b«mta^ ^ we o«er it at us , ; writer never misses an oppor-; ^^ ©n eaay terms, if aoU quick.

' - ' '" tunity of getting hold of a copy I jjlee Uttle Datey Farm Near Nokea-^^ and reading '*• Qver._,It .IjffQtdgl yjUe. »e acrea. al nnder adtfTation """•an inspiration and a dil»ct proS and! rery produeUve. -niia farm iaya

••^0 one can read t h § d e 8 c n p - , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ , , ^ ^ p ^ ^ ^ t i ^ Haa nieo tion of the goods and the pncra yoong orchard, ine running water attached without feeling that and the building^ which are new, «on-'

W i ;fee it ererr d j t . See it liflg^eaaand for Fisk Tires.

in the steadilr i »


NoTonly ^ e weridng class of women were patefetife— Many Iwlies of waatl l Mrf TKxji ^^i-n gnn^ w/ir^flra. The V(iP»X

.. . prominent of these were the la * ^ ^ =5E«rc«^the,White House, who tlid

they are worth more than whit « « »f f«>d •«l "talJ v^f^ * is asked. S<.eieyerly is the ad. — ^ ^ ^ vertising copy w n t ^ j _ w a a 8 0 ^ , , . ^ ^ ^m beat U ^ Jafr7_prop«-completely does it secureTSneT|ti„ we knwr of at «.«••, aa.ea^ confidence that we persist in in-temw. Sisting Ihat if f te books cdntain- Nice Home and ^arai tt Fanqitier 8d only the descriptive matter County. 2 « « « « . 2 - U « <*•»• ^ -7^ J • \ an^^ ^ n t ni « » ^ «»* ««*«' TilUge, 1 « acrea in «t-(and no pnce) 90 per < ^ t of .^^y^ ^ ^ ^ eulliwtiM aad H-the rewiers would mentally S^Mainder inoak woo^ TUalaadUya sure tJ^emsehres that tbey couM jBut right for good farming, not afford to buy the article de- fenced, *aa aerwal running apiings.

But the attaehed-prfee ^f •"< ane orrhard of all ^ -

> P i s k l l r e s gire oertain very definite foafure* diat more and more motoriaU have o o o e to look |RMr —greater snintemipCed tire mi l cM^ longer ut», greater aaletr oader pit dririag <M>nditions.

As aa enlightened motorist yott wank y o n r t lre~«xpeiHveul i lown.^^ ilhera -II reaUy beloogs. Next t i m e - J t a y IHtrft.

NEWMAN-TRUSSLER CO., Manassas, Va. CENTRAL GARAGE, Manassas, Virginia. R. H. DAVK, Brlstow, V i r g u ^


the coovietiop thirt the aatirlf is a t t e g g m i ^

if not an unosiud

death as she was dfe^g ! « her country and a (ifaod causfe. She. had a spirit which showed that she was not i^raid. Miss Cavell was killed by the Germans on the morning of October 12,1916, at 2 o'clock. She gave her testi­mony in a clear voice that show­ed no signs of nervousness and also proved that she was a brave woman. Nurse Jaffray, being wounded when a hospital was bombed, was dep>rated for hero­ism under fire. Nurse LaMotte, from Baltimore, served <Mie year

Bot let anything pass by-that ^weuld- h ^ out in the war. Mrs. Wlkwn knit eontinuouriy -and Misi^Maripaet Wilson was a traveler on concert tours in the interest of th^ Red Cross. Mrs. McAdoo, the President's daugh« ter spent six days out of every week in the twaement of thj treasury building in the Red Cross work room. She kept the recorda like a duef clerk and packed boxes like a - shipping clerk.

Then, what shirfl wfe say of the hrave hearted mothlfs who sac­rificed their sons and daughters

ii>'" "" •—> - to go to the war/ When she told in Belgium and France. No hard-1^^^^ g^j^_j,y^gjjg ^P y never s h r was too hard for thrae] g ^ ^g^j again. . ' . hra\e women-to endure- Tbe^ _ |y},QB^^e RuMaaa jomy nutt-r -as may well be_caUed "T^e [ ^ ^ and.ref ust^ to -fight or L-: ...test mothers iu llie ""^l'l"^vv>yt>iAirn^ffif«r8, the women oK

when on the battle- , „ „ ; „ , ^ „ ™«Tnnn'a i^iriment

good vahie. barga&i. ."

"No mail-order house expects, andjao merchant h " a right to t,hink, that evwy onci who reaflB

fmtt, ntee location on goad.«nhlic rood

Sane ope has w i s i ^ said, -A Dollar Saved Is a

DoBarMad^'' We daim thaH we cto sa

UHI tte . _

of a a^eedid IWreom honae with collar

favge and splendid h u n iHth cattie and .aueUne .ahed .attachod,, . eon dOa; wagon ahed. large heyawgr, «««. Spd ia o lere l for qnick ado at oely

l^^iaraeaay on your SgRlNG^^ie^mf€b-

aSQBS, HATS, E T C and at the


lUJtM, and OB easy If yon are in *li« layfa* Uf a fann,

be anre t« see E A K H A S T * BHOmS baton yon bur, or if you Imvo oee to aefi qufck; a a d tern a deoeripUMi oC

the advertudng is gbtng to come-aiunnin' for any or aB ixfjhe^ ^oods he tells about Not much! j If a tMttr advertised to sell Kohtj ,^ ^ ^ ^ _ _ * « , , . . - - „ . dollars at 89 centsH»ch he would' tie property yon want toa^. flot sell 100 per cent in the com-1 EARHABT ft BBQIMB. 3unity.- Nobody offers to guar-:« MofceavUfa. Vs-antee the mail-order house that : .. " " every heme which receives caie! X O X O X O X O X Q-X O X OX O of the catalogues is go ing^send J ^ better than a- good O an Older. Ho-hopi^^wii news- ^ g , ^ . > „ a Shako ^ I « Cream X paper will guarantee to fill the ^ ^ « warm day? ~ O

is better 1 ^ a good 6

prove it.

ganized a woipan's regiment aa llie "Battalion of

Tr.:' nurses. ru 1 i. -would SLliitillniea lia»'e U> >:, several days with little to eat, : ;t still they did their jdnty and attended to the sick and wound-efl faithfully. They were re­garded as piiothers among the patients at thfe hospitals. , „ . g „ ^ ^ . _ . . „^ .

.\lthough_aH\the women couldJ^^ j ^ «ioouraged the muti-mot be nurses, they responded to . , ^ ., .... the call when President Wilson said, "Everyone jnu8tjBmd._W8 plac e. "„ A great many of them

known Death," ccwnposed of three hun­dred girls, mostly between 18 and 25 years old, commanded by Lieutenanf Buiteh Kargy,.

The "Battalion of Death" dis­tinguished itself on the battle

local stowi withboarers all t l « x time The boss of the store O WHAT, wouW not think of guaranteemg »fQUAM5 MEAL when ,o«. » « ? to anybody thal-J»^ would .8€ffl ^^""^^ • ^ every one who comes in even if o We hav» lt-X*orything Sanitary O he should have the merehftfidise i . t^£ain» j» awLhe. «skyttfi«L_X naked for Neither does he ask O O asKe^ lor. _ > ^ « ^ . i Tmr SANITAiY' LtW€H X 4i .^alaQed_^l^nan to g ^ •^^ __iippo.ite Depot ~ guarantee of a similar Juna ^ j^ p ^ y ^ ^ The bono would not havft the


^ / B Y R D & N E W M A N , fVopHetora-


d i d their bit al liumt seme sew ing. knitting,—gardening—and writing l e t t e r s ^ cheer OK bojrs at the front.^' - -— '~~

The «reat triumidi i o r which ever>' sacrifice was made is comr plete. Presidoit Wilson said in

nous, regiments,' thus setting an exainple of woinan^s coonige and

Now, tliat the boys are ^xwning back, the, women i i r j i g j u ? * ^

e O : Kreaything Ye

CandiM~aia W«rf fa. R«t


thoughtlessness to adt his joh- X * ber or w h o l ^ e r to guarantee X OX O X OXO X O X O X O X O the sale^f the goods he buj-s oi * <

"The whole underUking is a uBVOTSl ty^-Ol ^ - ^ Y f f ^ B i venture pur© and simple, and] n , , ! -^ p«bUc Sdiool Syatcm Jl thesuceess to be'achieved is de-| ^''»*^ -pendent upon many th^nga) ^ -i OBPAKTMKNTS lOPRBSBNTBD

-«H a man can make AnjrW^ ; r i , ^ . rr..i».-«- T..W Mndi-of a success o^ his venture with- ^^^^^^^^^^^^U^S out printed .advertising, then,^^^ u>kH ^UNOS AVAILABLB

iBHe-tonS^TTTSTmc*^,''M»d "I gave m«me»." but to eay, "I worked." ^

Women of America, oar eoua^

his addreas to Congress Dectaa-

try Jrst, last and forever.

Keep your eye on this paper

thinrn hring °qual. he wiU make *o a«<^i«^ « g * « « ^ ^ ^ it a much greater sw&ess with; al^co«a » virtWr i •

advertising. "There a » too many cases

where the truth of this pn^posi-tion is proven to admit of any contradiction.

ni» »uux«5^«^v^"5^«» ^ — — I - - - ^ . - v ^ j'AU advertisaqrth«tlH-back-ber 2, l»18r hefore oailing io|foiLAn iflJpOgtMUmaimewiW [^ ^ ^ g , o ^ wmxVL the mongy

_iftO p«ir cent, store service.

w A S M O O T

WaWMXD WmSTON, Unirarfitr, Va.

EMr^r* ""*^ * ** *^*" * * **^ of the women, of-th«r instant intelUgence. quickening every _ task that they tooched, their ea- j ^ ^ pacity for organization and co­operation, which gave their ac. tion discipline and enhanced the eff«>ctjveneaa of everytiun* tkey attempted: their aptitude m^ tasks tn which they had never j .e\ "•• et their hands; their ut-

-:i iti> g. alike in \ihat

to be madejwoa.


GOT A KODAK? Wiah to aMmnee the tltamition

_of the l«t<»t and b<at apporataa for handling >oor TCoiaElAeTalW-tl«. prlaling and moat aatiefactory manner.

GEO. M. JAMESON rixitoffT-ipheT. .

\ n rhotnirraphir "

I Repr«senUtive Slemp, repub-1 lican, of the ninth district of Vir-; gmia. wais the only Virgiiiia c<»-greaaman to v < ^ tot the woman stiffrage rcaolutioojwtoib passed

^ w» -weXcmnB—=

According to a statement from Victory Loan headquar-t,irs ir ' rt-nond. Virginia haa





TKY IT—AecMTding to diroc-tSou oil pacfkaga. -YuUi honm wtJ» neror Be without it lIioioaftoT.-

Satisfacti ;iarant**d By


c o 1 N

Boilding and improving is being done on a moch larger scale than had been expected ia practically all parts of t%e conntry by ex­perienced laen who have given this worl^ their careful attention for yea<a.

This means that ar^reat many people are convinced that well planned baiWing and im­proving is a wise aad safe wayto invest money today.

We have felt so sore of a good demand for LUMBER, MILLWORK AND BUILDING MAlESglALS thatJKe. have _ large a n d , ^ * ^ assorted stocks on hand and fui the pteaent will not be effected by the shortage dt certain grades at the mills an* by "*« taccease in prices on these grades.

We are glad to "be able to give oor custo­mers, advantage of this condition aad are splendidly equipped to haaOle an orietm profflpir»^-*i^*=**'— —


s M O O T &






Office—Hibba k. Giddings



Pahiters, Pf»er Hangers , p Hardwood Finishers'


\W Kinds of.Ename! Hork.

mfmtmmmsfusmmsfi ft^mmm^^mrm jWttii iBMMiiii

Page 11: Mmam^^^xmS^ - · Pt&e Elssay by member oflia-1 Miss Niellie Wydj^^aewreQiry naasas-^g^ School and Confoiy S>embers

> R I 1 T A V ; V I A T " 1 ? 5 . 1919 T H E M A N A S S A £ t ^C ixsrvmasisr •pAGE ULl^E

( . iJFlON

rrr liiials of Oliftun High School began Friday evening and

I be grades-"held thetr enteb tainment rnday evening. There, were two short plays with sev­eral recitations and songs am ending with a very pi-etty panto­mime. Th6 play fehtitledT. "AJweather. Frog Who Would a-Wooing Go," yfas especially good. Artl^ur Kobey, who reprea^ted. the m ^ , deserves special mention.

The baccalaureate serpion was preached Sunday evening at the Presbyterian Church by Rev. Al-ford Kelley. The school march­ed in while the ornaniat «layed ^

- "OiuKardx__^»ristian Soldiers," J the l;Mgue mBftrny on June 21;, and took their plaiea in tbe£Bn-trik pews with the'graduates in front. Mrs. Poindexter sang a solo, with Mrs. Adams at,the organ. - -

The graduating exercises of . th^ 1919 class were held Monday

fevening. The members of the class are Misses Ruth Quigg> Margaret Detwiler and Annie El^n. The salutatory was given by Miss Elgin, the last will and testament Df the senior clasa by Miss Detwiler, and the valedic-

-jtory by MIM Quigg. Mr. WtJter Tansill Oliver d€S-

MiXNiEv^iBiri=i3ajiia^vBorariN PliMlfTf i

;_ Elder A. J- Oailand win "UuIJ" "

services at Greenwood. Baptirt ^ —-ChmcbJS"•wwjUjjjmJining and^aliL^-^^ day Sunday. Elder AMertbn J« wiQi t te work aceoH&g to law. '• expected to be wjth hirn. " r^ The* following" aceounta Were - Farmera are ^rushing w^th allowed by unanimous vote: • . their work, as the season hair^ Countj; FiM. f been Sp~ jdieiiy«d Hy tt d iy<.» ^t,„ ^ B,rhntj Imnty wmmrt i

',. ^ • :vi; -.w

... . .^k. • ^ ^ ^

:vi; -.w

- - •• . - . r^ '^- 'T --r-Cij^^-A-^t-'-v^-^r;- ^•-'-'•'"TMI H M M S I ^jl l^l i^^^^"''^" •IP* - _ -^-JM^-i^ -=- i=5

- ' • ' ' • " BI^I^^H B^~ ' ' . . . '. . J - - - , . . • - : . '

HHB k • • ' . •

tee and postiaf voting Ijats-I T h e c los ing e x e r c i s e s of t h e J. L. Davyaon, attendaw^inuid


Minnieviile School, Miss Estella mHcw* 6.80 Alexaiyljpr^ieaQh^, *er^heUon j . j . Cotter, «fme. •:...•...,• iM.. Monday e v ^ n g , . having been j , T. Syncox, uima 6.80 postponed from Saturday on ac- McDuff Green, same :. 6.30 count of tlie wet weather. The 0. C. HutchiVn, _»ame............ 8.20iJ program Vas er^yed by-al l T;4f. RtmseH, ^ame..! ........... 4.Td preawit. Jordan <fe Jordan, poor claim.. 36.00

,WJig.Thade.of,The«. S. Moedith, aw»iiring . [


read Yiewera at which ikfM i ^ r e a | i ^ n | ^ will'.w. J. A»hb^ BujapiieB for jail-he sold. ^ H, p. Davis, tjraaaurer, ItgH ,

Wagoner John T. Clarke, who .courthouse and jail 3.00 has been in. the "Service in. franee T. M. Russetl, poor claim 12.00 and Germany for fourt€^_JJjaa. Pdtt*^, aama ...._. 12.00 months, surprised his family Uriah WilkitwoB, janitor and ' last Friday-.moming when hear-j rake _....;..._ .". 20.35 rived home safe and sound and T. E. Fowke, poor claim 16.00 looking jjiSt as he .^d when he j . J, Conaer, counting b«inot*.. 4.00 went away. He received a. warm T. I. Sullivan, registrar 3.30 welcome and is VfiVf having the BrenUville District Road Fuvd | pleasure of meeting his friends F. E. HcMichaei, woric on toad 11.62;

Have you seen the latest model? Take a looE^ at it. You will^be sur-prised. The prices

^ * i

and telling them of his adyen tures of the'past year. "

Mrs. J. A. Selecman and Mr, Silas Reid, of Washington, for

L. L. Payne, same....; 21.00 } Sweety Blackwell, same 7.60 ; O. W. Hedrick, labor aqd cash ' Lucien iUinner, .work op road....

^Itvered the address to the grad^ merly of Occoquaa, spent the K. L. GrJgg. wme uates.* The speaker was mtrot-duced by Mr. John D. Garrett.

Miss Holmes, the prhicipal, presented the diplomas the list of higKand graded school promotions. Certificates were yfvseutsd' to": tlie tstass" entejnng -the first high school year. The alumni present were Misses Vio­let Ford, Sara Crewe, Miriam Buckle tmd Sara Ferguson and Messrs. Irvih Quigg and James Cross, and the farmer t ^ h e r s present- jndtided .;MP9. ^

w«^-end here with Mrs. Selec- 0. D. Landea, same man's brother and »ster, Mr. C j . Ai.AmoU, same E. Clarke and Mrs. E. J. Alexan-, E. D. Brfi, same.....' 44.26 der. ^' .10. R. Dennis, same.— S.SO-^ Mrs . D . H. M c C o n n a u g h e y i s C. H. Robertson, same.'. -._.. 3tf.00 v i s i t i n g in W e s t V i r g i n i a , v, ' Ewly Hansborough,. same. 18JO

Roid^ o f J. <;. Dedd, same..- ilJSi

17.60 19.40 23.39 13.90

Hoadley, who has been overseas, james Housie, same 23.76 passed through Minnieviile Tues- E. W. Reid, same..... 6JW day, en rout» to his honie. . , 1 Coiw Diatriet Road Fond

Mr. C. E. Clarke made a trip standard Oil Co.Vi»iU- «-60

Kihcheloe, Mrs. B. IF. H. Hodge, Mrs. Earl Mathers «ad Miss Det-lie Moncure. -• , v ' t

• The class play waa given T]aea-day evening. _.i ; " - ^

Oneof the graduates,-Miss El­gin, was ill at the time of the commencement and was unable ta tftkp yi"*" V*^ '" tho clasB play, which was assumed by Miss Holmes. _ Another, of the graduates. Miss Detwiler, has just recovered from an illness of

to Washington Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Hereford and

Sames^ the»^«>ni H<*aKtrOf A^xesuvmis, Miss Oeie Greene, Mr. a n d ^ r s . Paul Cliwke, Mr;

^several days. Sev. Alford Kelley was ill

Monday', after a otruiuuim day[mg, Sunday and was obliged to go

_hQnietoManas8as. His part on ^U^progfagr^as tht n nnnigriK

r. W..H. Richards. leris are busy planting

iTfii^tihg weeds, etc., since -Ae ground hafe become dry enough to Work.

John'T. BucMey, fprmerly of Clifton, died in AWandria aud-

Herbert PurceU, work'on road 13.60 ff. L: Tnbbs, same _. :::. aSOO

H. Russem mat-L... ...J —««* "4.06

2.60 112.86


Touring Car. Runabout Sedan ,. -—^

_ Coupe^

.$ 525.00

. 5 0 0 . 0 0

. 850.00

. 725.00

. 475.00

. 550.00

Arthur Tosey, same...:. ......^.v _ Ajrthur Bo>t-^3^g;-A. 'Bari>ee, same .-:.

Wrigh^-Mss Est^A Alexander E. G. W. Keys, same and Measrs. Claude Ennis and D. C' ^exuider w&re fuests of Mr. and Mrs. C. B-Clarke on Sunday, „„ .

Messrs. i>. C. Alexander and Raymond Florance, same.. John T. Clarke were in Eopp on jame^Woodyard, aame...... Monday

R M. BriggB, cash paid fw game.' ...~- ;..-•— -

F. E. Briggs, work on roftd...

IK. <J. l!'16rance, same.:

14.14 9.00

36.00 12.00

TZOff MisS'Maud Norman and Mils c. E. Nash. & €0., -same. >. O-lO

Annabel Woolfenden, of Kopp, Q. E. Soutter, same .....-..- 12.50 W re guests of Miss Ludle . Gainesville District Bead Fund niarke during the week. ^ht . Wataton. work on road:. eff.OO

These prices.are f. Oe.b. the fac-^ tofyy Detroit^ Mich, glace youfLiMrd^

'"t'wait; '" """:": ^ ^ ^ "- ''^:':i:::'z: *

W.E:MCCOY ^——FordlSales and Service.

Mian ArrvRlia Dane-wfao has Pr«nfc^»»kina. use of Palm^ been on the sick list, is improv-. smith, a: 50.00

„ PMmcr Smith, gwiMt. .:•• ^7.6fr Mrs.. Edith Fairfax. and hw: c. F. Caton, same....... - — 12.50

son, Carroll, of Hoadley, were ^^.-j. Caton, same.>..-:- 6»42 recent guests of Wrn. W. A. L. j . Mcintosh, sa'mer.-.....-.. -,r-. 48.80 I5^e^~ • . ' j T.\0'. LathaM. same....:.-......:..:.. - ».06 . j£E.JLrUther^H^dsor,of Quan-I MaiwaMs Distriat RMd Fmd


denly Sunday morning. T^« de­ceased was a brother of Messrs. R. R., Joshua and D. W. Backtey, of Cliftnn. —


- DENTISr_ ^

Office—M. I. C. 3uildinR

Muuussas :: VirgilOfi

BeS^ Better Bread

tico,, "visited his children last gtaraiafa"Dii Co., week. : - "" I E. E. Comwell, work on road.. 16.00

Messrs. P. E. and ?ohlt—TT gtmer-aixaom, some . - 24.00 Clarke made a business trip to R. tee Johnson, same _ 16230 Woii lai ig*^ thift wfiek, j t W . ' i l . GnS^, si^me..-..-.....:..- 67;60^

tOPP Randolph Conway, same.......... 79.50 — Oeco«ian District Road Fund Chas. A. Birbee, work on road 2.50

Farmers are late planti^ com due .Q^^ J|_ Davis, wVirkera on 'r<»d- ,.19.00 to sdHmiM^ lainy weather. . _^ [ Sp«dttl Road Fwid '

23.70 30.00

Hemlquarters for Ford Cars, genuine Ford ice.

The funeral of Blrs. C.'H. Holmei' g , ^ 4 Brown, repairs.. was larg^y att^ded Satard&y After-. p,^aier Smith, piwt salary....^.^

" Pflbt Watson, use Palmw Smith, h«^ng__ sand. Bull Ron

noon. Mrs. James Luck ia spen^g the. ^

week at the home of het father. Mr. j Thomas Woolfenden. . , . | L. J. Mclatoah, gravd.

Miss Mayme Idming, of Joplin, \ia-1. g^jj g^n^ _. ited aVthe home of Bfas. Annie Downs j j ct&n, haiding sand, ftill-


_iWe are glad to annoimee that dace December Ist we hare bees allowed t»

.make hread witkeaf W^^tmyTfUKA^ tate id' wfceat. TWs «f eoerw, win wean better bread. Yow are mam im-Ttted ta-wae —r l»rt»d.~ WelwIieTe wy esa faraiph «» artidc «a gM« aa tfe

two chiWien; Dorothy and Wabar, •«; j B_ Arnold, putting in ifiviaetr ' WMh^ftoff, arrived %t, the home .ofi. ffcepaaaB

BEST. 1 We appreciste tke fiberal patnmMre of the public at w OUUZ LUNCH. DK>AR1VENT. W* wffl idwaya W glad to jerre y«a at BELL'S BAKERY AND QjBKM.


Rector & Co, H A Y M A R K E T , VA.


ounoay. - ~ '• ;;—Run -Mr. W:T:^JbnM,wff6"has been ygry|;^;^g^; .y ,j;^^i^ gj , ,^ IfarTHiF ill, i*4hoBghfc_te_l>« slowly improving Mr. and Mrs. Frnicfa Galli^an and




ery Co , r ^ dfags, Colea.. 91.50 T; 1I. RnteH, f s e i t ^ on S U M 3J&


-!»J» Mr»."GalIahan's mother, Mpt. B. S . | u ^ fi«ar^rmMi;Tfe»<inai_- 9.7»

W. A. Sahoot-A^Co., aand and — gravel .-^,- : - . . - . _ - . 9225 [

Jo. C. HotehiaMi, freii^t on

Carney, Sunday, weher Mrs. Gidla-han and- the children will remain for :tw« weeks. Mr. Gallahan rtftarned to: Washington Sanday aftamoen.'. Ljiiaia_.^_^-

Messrs. Thomaa and Walter Woolf*^ j j _ ^ - ^ , ^ ^ ••»er.t p . » » ^ . endfen and Misses Bertha and Ansa j ^ Baife * Co., joad" plow QiPUX. LUNCH. Woolfenden and MaryvCarter aiotorwl j ^ g g ^ ^^^ im tr-^g-» wffi alwava W f ^ Baltimore SatardCy attd ^UlbM ni-'f. ^ Brigga. lipairs


Be frepared-^Will SaVe You NMey

Prompt and satisfactory sor Yte«. Hears* fumialMd for mnj reaMMHtUe cKstance.




otivea and frienda. Vrs. IM D . DoiKrfMe visited

in Manassas Saturday. Mr. W. GrcMW, «f ^Talaea, apent

the week-end at the hem* of Ut. and Mra. T. W. Lynn.

Mr. Archie Umftig and family, of Joiaiin, vinted fHiwda f t g s borlM>ed Soaday.

- w . ^ ^ Adjourned to TomStiy, Jvest

24, 1919.



new store houfe built at his res­idence near PurceU School

Hiss Mae_Molair is a j ^ i n r itfroe tinie in Alexandria.

Miss Alma BeU visited Miss Edith Grefory in MaiiMMS th» week, goin« to see "The Rrth of a Nation.

r^tfltoir Pair is bnildiiw a t - Mtsa Amiie Brown baa retuna-ed to her home in Stafford coun­ty, after visiting • t the home of

Mrs. Emma ComweD, who has, Mr. Daniel Breeden here. been very ill the past few weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Shipp «»tertain-is improving slowly. ed afdinner last Thursday even-

. . « / « » ^ / v v n Mr. Arthur Omnrefr has add- jng. celebraliTig Umii »il*ei "«*

^OM if the l i l ^ what machinery^QU are going fo n e ^ this

m'twaite v"

meeiraTe guaranteed. How about a De Laval Crea»n Separator^ihe Worid Standards

This community is ready to] Mr. Elmer Landis spent the extend a hearty wdeome to ita week-end with HM famfly here, returning soldiers and is jubi- The ladies of Ae Union !ant to see them rapidly comuig church met at the home of Mrs. borne. ' I Swank last Thursday af tamooo

and organized a Ladies' Aid 9o-


Reports fronj the valley of ciety> The outlook is very prom-Virginia show that cutworm.s isjng for a lot of good work to be are doing much damage to the accomplitdied by this orgailiza-, recently planted com in thst^tion. -si-ction, which is now coming! The Brenti^ville ball team is through the ground in some scheduled to play the team from places and is two or three inches St.- Joseph Institute tomorrow

UE.\LER IN ALL SLNDS MARBLE .high in others. on tha institute diamond.

aad Caakets of all Kiads. Hearse Pnraished Amy Rea-


Look 6 v ^ your otd^machinery and order repairs now.

D<mY buy a Buggy untfl you have examin­ed* our stock. A cark>ad just rec^ved.

you and ^sai^ you^ money.



4i,wsw«-«H's ti'! fli««m}W8Bii

Page 12: Mmam^^^xmS^ - · Pt&e Elssay by member oflia-1 Miss Niellie Wydj^^aewreQiry naasas-^g^ School and Confoiy S>embers

AuE TWELVE THE MAiSAr>rtAft J'KHNAi. n c ! i ) A ^ >f ;() . I H i H i

MAYOR WAGENERCALt^gPgjjgg^ I f l f i ^ Miein^lU Tt EBinri

CttiMM to NoaiMi* Maywr

Stolen—My Ford touring ta stokn from the, Haymu-kei ^

flnse Sumlujr BII(UI , 1819 mo- A' id,Wa '?,<Wft,lf>?riicflMe €»S9Z. Rev, Thonuui M. Broune. 2-1

For Sale—Cboiee 'ftOoSy eow To whrnn it nuy concern:—A ^^ —IHTice. i. H. jpAmsteirt-Tomor which IB beinsri^

2-4 dreulated arouiM} MannHiiiiB and|^^^ •^1 suburb* in reg»rd to R. 6 . Wag

at • reuonaUe Oodge. Mayor Wacener ba» called a

maas meetiiu; of citixens at ttiei— —; 7 ^\ —_. rv— -.-. -~ Town HJOI Toeaday evenin* toi A few buahels .choice aeed po-;^oner kAwg his poeitioo a« man-n ^ n a t e a i S « a n d l Z d l - ta«>ea-Whfte a J * - ^ o r » « » [ « « « • of B « l^Hnond FarmoH

SifiiXi'.hS'on'rt^] Tf.r Wyo ^ ^-Z^^'S^ti^^SSi 9 % iacta aa to N U K of nrt]r v h o

eiraolatad the above Be. K. K Wacooer.

a « « i m ^ t « c e QB S * p t e » b a r - l J » * i i a j t J ^ n c ^ W P a m P ^ The nomiiiationa this year-come too late, for the nAmea to' be printed on the electiMi ballots.

Mayor Wmgima^ announce^ ment, tha&ldng his friends f<»


The examiner of records will meet with the Local Beard of Beview of this eouaty at the

their cordial support and dedar- oourthouee op the Znd day of ing that he is not a candidate June, 1919, for the piupose^^ for r^«lectioD follow: I examining the returns of mer

I reapectfuUy urge ilie ciU- chants' hoenee made bycommuj. zens of Manassas to assemUe at siooOTi of tiie_rwe«aeN S. T-

For Sale or exdungf for light car Baidc roadstar reomtly over-

__ 1 hauled. A w d y « t 1 l i e Sanitary Londi, oi MMite depot. 52

the Town Hall in a mass meet­ing next Tuesday night, June y. 1919, for the purpose of nom­inating a ticket for mayor and c ouncilmen^ to be voted for June 10, 1919.

"1 take this opportunity to thank my friends for their hT)er-al support in. the nast, but I ani not a candidate fir re-deetioa.'


U nemployiMiit in duce<H» SSSSL^i

A growing demand for farm

the United'States emi4«anoB«x <it^rvia' r e p o r t e d !*«•: Tiifffat i n . ^ ^ , _ _ ^ , ^ BU presenting -a summary for the week ended May' 24, riiowiBK 227,425 persons classed as unem­ployed, against 247,365 during the previous wcjek, 40,000 le^s. More than half the uneinployed were reported in N«w York diiy, where the estimate r*n that from 100,000 to 125,000 were seeking worit.

Reductions in number of un­employed were shown at Youngs-town, Ohio; CSncinnaS^ and~Los Angelesi—Out of eleren titieo

Cornwdl and W. S. Bunaldue. OppcHtunity at this time will be g^ven merchants to be heard as to their assessments, if they so desire. Westwood Hutchia<m, CJudrman. - 2 - 1

For Sale—Hand-carved wal­nut sideboard, 5Vi ft. tong; carv­ing heavy and elaborate. Inquire of Miss IsalMil Kelley, E. Main street, adjoining Baptist Church

Notice to "Saw Mill Men.—I .have ggpfeni millioQ feet of pine aia" oaS Hinber TStaJea^'^^ miles fnan NofcesviUe, Va., CMI line of Southern Railway, and „ . - ^ — ---,-"-—-1 ime 01 soutnern luuiway, aai

labor IS decreasmg the amount ^^j^^^ ^ contract with responsi of unemployed oyer the c o u n t r ^ y ^ parties to work this ^timber.

I£:de«red, I will furnish mill, etic.' to tfbod maii eh reasonable t«irms at ^vaion. Any one u t « « s t e d may write me at Bridgewmter, Va., or: see Mr. S. C. Foster at Nokesvflle, Va.,-in person. J. A» Ridd«il, ftidgewater, Va. 2-4*

Nbtaee to Fartnars—^If you will grow Sorghum this year I will

, work it up for you this faU, as I have a large and op-to-daie out­fit for sune. WiXL furnish seed free on app^(»tikin to_ those who

piatraiiBe me.' G. A . Brad-

;r .^ . :^in-NW-Fnd,nd. . seasg:g^^^ showed a hibor surplus, the re-1 p^^ Sale-One regiatered 0- L P*'' ^ * * ' u . * " ^ ^ * ^ . ^ v ? s ' c . boar. 300 lbs.; price,460.W having the largest nusmer. Both - • • . • •" . . . .

For Sale—Qiafaners autmuv-bile, 5-passenger. Priee, fSOtt. A. A. Hooff, Manassas, Va. 41-

For Side—^High grade-airo|»-shire Buck (3 years <dd.) MSases EweU. Efiglt Bm Farm, Haymar-k«t,Va. . 1-2

Seep your eye on this paper fOT an important announcemwt' to be made soon.

jr ! ; e

Order of PrtUeation. M P am

Dairy Ration g g R g SHOULD BE aetMng aorrtectoaB ahoirt a preyy

4*07 rati«L H^ an know JwC what U ahenU eonUhi

in erd« to prodaee the deaired resoUa. 1 W e x p o t e c a t

•talaoas aetUcd thai aiattN-long « D . It's simply a qocs-

fiaa ef gettfasg the best in^^-edi^la, i* wiTmiyii« qnanaUea, at a

l » k c tiwf wf l periift ef a £air ^<»«t f K ^ BMB # 1 M feaia tt.

We hnve s w h in LARRO-FEED. U is a eoavlete ratie*

readly to feed, paJataWe and bidfcy, and the varioae iagredicnta s f

sndi a qaality aad ao v e l ^naportipBed that fat a^te of aO the dif-

feniK cMditieas aider wUdi dahjaiui ate feedhig, we.ace wS-

I n c te gouantee 4»e of t h n e ;

In the Circuit Court of ^Prinee William'County, Virginia. Alexander McLesn, Comidainaitit

•a. . -" yaK«w« Alhatrrvt lfrT.«ynr Dp-.fmdant.


^ n l ^ ^ l f J j ^ ^ S g ^ ^ ^ g ! ^ - . . ! ^ i Registration papers go with hog. tain a.divc

and^^ft f lh^M^^eS^^^J^'*^^?'^^^^^^^ farm laboewda, lAile on tii» Ba-*™""^ ^ ^ ciflc coMt Loe Angaes tM San Francisco reinrted a jnoplaa.

THANK TOU TfaeeetcCTned ManasBsn Journ-

al, with its issue of Maji23, com plet^g tw«ity-four-years of con-tlniMk service and useful serv­ice td'che territiwyit serves and congratulations are in order.

Hatf price 5h Steh lHg^^n^ ^fiil"^ of SLj^iu. Sini^e Comb Bhode IslanoRedfl, jeflrtzm quali­ty. $L00 {«• 16 gga: f U ^ fM-^ WIT J " ^fi**>^if««««-

Eggs f w Hatdung—Staadai^ bred & C. Rhode Jdand Beds,

. „ . . , _ ^ f l M ^ o - s e t t i a g i ^ 1 5 o r 19.00 Wh&n a country new«)aper, fori p ^ JOQ. W. 'D .E l ine , R. 1, Ma-as such our contemporary mvak. \ nassas, Va.___

Va. ins

Af&davit having been~ filed in.-Mat above entitled suit that the defendant, Melissa Albatros Jte^ Leui, is not s ieMd«at of the State of Vir^nia, and upon a|^ plkatirai of the oomidainaiat, Akxandef McLean, in writiav, stating the object of the suit, mm th4' grnntwltt thiyenf, and liie lart •kiwwn editress and {dace of aSoife of tfie defendant, the deft" ^ said ibort <loth o i to ' t&e fSk. lowing intkar of puMieatifm.

Theeibject of thissuit is to tain a.'divotce a vh)cnk> flud;^'

tiflnl It is oidered that the defend-

ctmvenicaee wittieat added east or decreaee in auDi. Jnst what with LAltRO^EED dtpewdn en hew good a ration yea

have; bet U wffl hare t» be a ftctfy goad eae if LARRO-JTOEO

euHMt Mint; :—'• •- •'"" — 'z:—'^ —"^—-—^


DMzibatMS aad DedMs te

QtOmi Bm, Salt aa l

- ^ - MANASSAS, y^l^INIA


be classed, desi»te the fact that its home 18 in the thriving town i For Sale-^One lot of jwak of Manassas, is aUe to lonk hark | jy^p. i KeysUme hay loader; 7

ant do at4>ear h a « wilhiu fifteeq days after due pohHcationaftlHa^ vidaU pnfajieatwn.aiidd»eAat is neeesuuy to inetect her inter * ^ Til t .h l^ «Hitt- _ ,

And i t is firiieT oi3eiea tlOK: a copy of this ordo' <tf pobliea^ ti(Hi be iHiblished onee a wedc f<» four saeceasive weeks in The Mar nassas Jounial. a -newsctapec

' —- puMished in the county of Prince ^4-tf Wifiiam, V^ghiia, and that a " o^jy ha<of be posted at the

front doGt* of the courthouse of

on nearly a guatter of a caitury \ jjjjJJ

It? history and' its genoral jtoaranpp' beSpealCS~ KS PIXM

; 1 KeysUme hay loader; 7 i saijeoonty on or before the next .J - . 4 _ _ — —-—.. , auaa cultivjitors; 1 CHIiio, No. 13, i succeeding Rule Day irfter this

oi life, that facfr_ak»e-wgm^ j^on, gtaK cutter; 1 Waejt saare, Lrter is entered, and that a a ^ y Its usefulaesa-to the cwnmumty r2 bay mares, 1 wit i foal by side,! f g^^ order of publication ^laB, and Its success m the J 0 « ™ ^ , 1 heavy with foal; 1 small mule; t^ forthwitii mailed by the clerk Tic field. The Journal noy^^;2^^^^^aaiiing coBai:2 poifieg. Rul^^^this eourtr<rft« ^ i s order ia^

he largest sahecriptufi hst- m g Wagoner, Bai Lomond Farm, altered, to said defoidant at h « ; history and its genoral «>-_ _« : - - --'- Uat tooyn address and a c e of

abode,'TSl Lexington Avenoe, "white oak iear^jiiie-oeapeaKS iia prosper Wauied—J>0.000 wmte oafc abode 'TSl Lexington An :>. \\ e extend o»«r-be»twial^5. eressties. See-iiaand get prices^; jyjantic a t y . New Jerstgr. - 1 if-lerieksbufg Free LMice. rji. Lynch*Co. ^ 2»-tf Entered by G*^ G. Tyler,

Officers and-rreft on long duty • YOT Sale—Dwdling with large m Frar.ce and. Germany may { t jn Manassas, ^ s o S3-acre now be joined by their families f^jnn about 3 miles fran Manas-• pnn application foi* traasporta-; g^g; "ExA J. Austin :• 49-tf<

tion originating with the meni ~ "—1:1121. a:ri approved-by ihe command-' ing gen

E!ntered _ -CTerk of the Circuit Court, at the O a k ' s Office.of said Ceart in vacatiM, this 19th day of May. 1919. _ . GEO. C. TYLER, Clerk. ^

Te8te;^r- " -GEO. G. TYUat , Clerk. ^


For Sale—The late G. M. In the week ewhng May 20 Goodwin farm, between four and

troop arrivals in the United fivehaadFedaeTea,iaPrnoe WS? SUtes totaled 54.519, bringing liam county; 75 aeres in fine the grand total of soldiers le-ttinibei. A|>ply to R. M. Britt'

52-4< turned to 966,259. On that date 1 v ^ Bristow. Va. the army strength was ertimated — : at 1,510.523, of nHW 8*OjOM [ -J-have puwhmfd wo^^^work-were in Europe, 17Q.S11 at aea ing machinery « i d atn prepared en route home aad 4 M . ' W i n to do all sorta of shop week. J. the United States. ' V.. Evans. 46

tiijuvcu-uj *v^ , , , »—-« . - • pof Sale—Pure White Rock QJJ leral of the expeditionary; e ^ s $1.60 per 15r$9.0iper 100; 1 chas. T. jeav,•>.« .

forces, according to a ralnig an- DuniA kegs, IH|^ aad shoats—^^ • • nounced yesterday by the War pure iMned—^Defender and Dlus-i Department. It i s required thsitti^t^^ strams; Duroc service the period of doty to wkkk^^e:hoar; Prjeei right; coaae and men are assigned be suffident to': gee. CoBnar ft IQiae, Manaaaas, justify membgi_fl<-ihait-faaM-^ya. ~ ~^<8-tf lies joining them.




Fruit growers in the Elaatem Shore district pf Virginia are making a fortune on strawber­ries this season. Tuesday six­teen car* were shipped to norti*-am m f *"' '* netting the _ er» Cl.OOO and Thursd^ . cars were ^ippe^ from bringing in 1161,006.

For Sale—6-room house in East end Maaaaeaa; g«>d gar-Sen, small l a m uid ootboild-mgs; attractive priee. Apply to Mrs. Wra. Bettia. Manweas v . . 62.«t

,' Fire Insurance—If you- ar* 4 afraid c(f Mutual Assessnenta.

_ _ _ ^ , try oar old line companiea. If ^ &-,-ii.i->:n to obtain the re- you don't like the increasing oW

- * •; Savings line rates, try our Mutual. Take i..;*!. Lj.; . which, your choice. We represent both

- - V- kinds. Austin Corporation. 5S





Why Go to the City ? Why go to the city fcwr your drug

and sundry necessities. By coming to XOCICE'S PHARMACYVyou will find j5¥erythinibihat is curmd: in am up-to^! ^e-minute and lidiy equipped Drug Store. Save your car fare and do your buying-jreift us; we can serve yt»| well and save you money.

Our motto: ^jprompt seryice and attenticm to aH" r

Special auuP careful attention in <_^aipounduig_all_^rescriptions. ~ If you do not come to tovrn, mail -your orcKol^^^ttsakd^l^iey-riHiftTeceive pctHiipt attentioti*- -%

For aB night and taaergwcy eaBa, c o m e to tl ia

c o r a e r o f W e e t a a d C h w r d i s t r e e t a . k

HUYLER*S CANDIES, "the ackaowfadged standard

by which a B o A o r s are judged." Eroahrinpaaealawfeek.

A coaqJctc Kae of the beat k a o w bread ef O t a r a

V *.

of aB itoaaitafl


BaiUiag. OppwHe Poet OSce,
