modals of deduction

The Modals of Deduction with the help of Sherlock Holmes Sunday, January 27, 13

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Page 1: Modals of Deduction

The Modals of Deductionwith the help of Sherlock Holmes

Sunday, January 27, 13

Page 2: Modals of Deduction

What do you think about when you read the wordDEDUCTION?

I immediately think of

Sherlock Holmes

Sunday, January 27, 13

Page 3: Modals of Deduction

This is my favorite adaptation

and we’re going to use it to learn about Modals of Deduction

Sunday, January 27, 13

Page 4: Modals of Deduction

In this modern adaptation, Sherlock has a blog called



“This is what I do:

1. I observe everything.

2. From what I observe, I deduce everything.

3. When I've eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how mad it might seem, must be the truth.

If you need assistance, contact me and we'll discuss its potential.”

There Sherlock explains:

Sunday, January 27, 13

Page 5: Modals of Deduction

de·duce /diˈd(y)o ͞os/

VerbArrive at (a fact or a conclusion) by

reasoning; draw as a logical conclusion.

We use modals of deduction to explain something through how sure we are of something.

These are the modals of deduction we use in with the present tense:

must ❧ might ❧ may ❧ could ❧ can’t

Sunday, January 27, 13

Page 6: Modals of Deduction


We use it when we are sure that something is true because of

the evidence we have.


We use them when we think something is possible, but we

are not sure.


We use it when we are sure that something is not true because

of the evidence we have.



Sunday, January 27, 13

Page 7: Modals of Deduction

Look at this image

What can you deduce?

1.“He must be sick” (It’s very clear)

2. “He might/may/could have the flu” (It’s possible, but we’re not sure)

3. “He can’t be feeling good” (It’s very clear that it is not possible that he is feeling good)

Sunday, January 27, 13

Page 8: Modals of Deduction

Let’s do some exercisesWrite sentences with Modals of Deduction in the

comment section below this slideshow:

Image 1

Sunday, January 27, 13

Page 9: Modals of Deduction

Image 2

Sunday, January 27, 13

Page 10: Modals of Deduction

Image 3

Sunday, January 27, 13